Golf Players

June 2024 Athletic Banquet

it so we’re going to we’re going to go with it a couple of things about this morning’s event it is streamed so make sure that you uh behave accordingly uh and that uh that link should be up on the school website for parents and for relatives and such um just a a general welcome uh that to all of you it’s great to see so many people out here uh in the morning uh this Awards used to we used to have a really sort of really nice kind of Stuffy event in the evenings and we’ve uh we went away from it because what we found was it was just really for the award winners and we what we wanted to make sure that it was it was more of a community and uh you’ve you’ve supported each other all year so it’s important that you celebrate each other uh at this point too so it’s great to see so many people out here first of all we’re going to mention some of our supporters very first out in that window right now you see Mr Keller yabori and Miss Davis and their crew they’re putting on they were here crazy early this morning so how about a big hand for our culinary crew thank you and then we’re really lucky here in Lord SRI I have conversations all the time with teachers across the province and I hear a lot of horror stories about how uh difficult they make it for their athletes and for their coaches and Lord suker School Division you’re really lucky we take a lot of things for granted at Lord suker um M right from Mr long uh usually when I call Mr long and I say hey Mr long I’ve got an idea we got a team or whatever and his response more often than not is great idea go Royals and that’s that’s really that makes us feel really good uh all of these people sitting here there are a huge group of alumni and Community people and teachers and it’s not just a fizzed department this building is too big our Athletic program is too big just for fizzed people I mean I think we’ve got the entire math department Rec uh represented here go math yes so uh we really appreciate all of you and what when you come back and help us out uh all of the staff that make it easy the one of the things I’ve heard more often than not is when are these kids ever in class this may in May they’re never in class well they make it work for you they they grit they maybe they’re not maybe they grit their teeth a little bit but they make it work for you uh the record for all the Articles and the coverage that we get Mr Macintosh who I go to every year and I just say help and he makes this thing happen he gets the IT department the Lord srik ID Department involved and he takes our pictures for us so thanks Mr Macintosh um the all the fiz head classes that helped set up even miss Anderson’s isy crew is in here taping up banners yesterday they helped decorate and this is for the streaming piece for all you friends and family you got your kids to early morning practices and pick them up after late night games good job thank you I it’s going to pay off down the road the procedures today is going to be pretty simple we’re going to keep it short and sweet we got 45 Awards to present in about an hour and a half and we can do it we’re going to try and run you through real quick and there’s there’s going to be we’re going to we’re going to get keep it moving so a coach is going to be up at the front they’re going to tell you a little bit about their team and their season but it’s really all about the the MVP today you guys know what you did for your season we’re going to have that person come to the front to receive their MVP pla a nice handshake maybe a wave to the camera and then back there to Mr MacIntosh and he’s going to take a a keeper photo for us then you can return to your seat over on the side you’ll notice a whole bunch of banners that were this morning lying on the floor when we came in so huge thanks to miss meleski and Mr Macintosh uh so they’re back up now all of these banners I don’t want to just stick them in the basement so if you want one of these banners you can leave while you can walk away with one of these banners so over on the side table is little slips of paper little sticky notes if you want to put your name what Banner you want and a cell phone number a cell phone number that I can text you at we’re going to do a draw later in later on this week or early next week so if you want one of these banners with your name on it make that happen all right let’s get started with our Awards and I can’t think of a better place to start then with Mrs gurnie and the junior varsity boys cross country [Music] award okay uh our cross country JV boy MVP truly takes great pleasure in running he was always at practice ready to go and could usually be found out front pushing the pace and himself his hard work and dedication paid off with some solid performances at every race we often talk about somebody bleeding for a cause this athlete took it a little too literal and he bled for his team at every single Wraith his nose his knee you name it it bled it is my pleasure to call up Quinn [Music] [Applause] fight our junior girls crosscamp V MVP started the season just outside of the kpac top 10 and then quickly moved up the ranks in her next two races she displayed dedication in her training and tenacity in her racing this German import was our top placing Royal at an extremely challenging hilly provincial course in aippi this year she brings enthusiasm for each workout and is constantly seeking feedback in order to improve this year’s JV girls cross country MVP is Carolyn Roth [Applause] it okay I’ll do that I’ll be with you in a sec Carolyn I got to present one more award Varsity Boys despite not competing in Cross Country in his grade 10 or 11 year our Varsity Boys cross country MVP was made an immediate impact in his very first cross country race grabbing second place he continued to impress recording two more top three finishes in his next races he led our Royals Varsity Boys to a third place provincial final finish at the provincials with an eye-opening top 10 finish that was out of 186 athletes he trained with intensity and is able to push past the discomfort when when the starter pistol fires to see him run there’s little doubt which sport uh developed that big reserve of cardio cycling’s loss is running’s gain next year he’s been invited to continue his running with the U ofm bison’s cross country team whether on his bike or on his feet the Royals wish happy trails to our cross country MVP Kyle zorak [Applause] and now for the cross country Varsity female MVP our female cross country MVP is truly one of a kind and if you don’t believe me just ask her with her own unique way of being a team leader and encourager and cheerleader and with her own sense of realism or was it her way of self ostracizing we’ve seen this athlete improve vastly over years finishing as one of the uh top Royals finishers in the provincials this year on the tough tough slopes of aippi proving she belongs we’re proud to award the cross country female MVP to Sydney [Applause] austman okay on to Vol I’m in speaking in place for Ryan Penner for the the JV boys team uh so I’ve got a little speech from him this year the juniorversity boys were a talented group of multisport athletes what this group lacked and experience they made up for with hard work although we struggled to close out the important games necessary to advance deep into tournaments and or crack the provincial top 10 list this team was highly competitive in a very strong year of Junior Varity boys teams this team showed much improvement this year and gained a lot of experience I wish all our players the best of luck in their future volleyball Pursuits our MVP this season was our most consistent player both offensively and defensively he is a team first guy that did everything that was asked of him he is a very coachable individual works hard every practice and has a great attitude I’ve enjoyed coaching him and see huge potential in his volleyball future JV boys MVP is kby [Applause] kerbis thank you all right good morning everyone um I had the pleasure of coaching the JB girls this past fall we had a lot of success in kpac where we only lost one game during the regular season we had a very exciting win in the kpac semis but sadly fell short in the finals a huge thank you to the athletes because it was amazing to have a season with absolutely zero drama I need to thank my assistant coaches for sticking by my side for another season Miss buaka for running the show behind the scenes and Mr gurnie for the constant support to outside coaches this year our MVP was an extremely talented athlete who is very well respected by her teammates she leads on the court with her communication passion and tenacity I have never had so many coaches approached me throughout a single season to tell me how strong of a player she was she’s a threat offensively her defense is solid and she can serve a team off the court I adore everything about this athlete but my favorite part is watching her celebrate after a big point this year’s MVP is the one and only Paige whites [Music] [Applause] side all right good morning everyone um we are here on behalf of the varsity boys volleyball team uh Mark unfortunately could not be here um but this year’s uh MVP goes to a player with a love of volleyball his Joy and Boundless Energy in playing the game was welcomed on the court he had a way of bringing the boys together despite the outcome of the game and always had a positive attitude even when things were not going our way this player came to play every game and was the most consistent player on the court his passing and attacking were relied upon on many occasions to keep us in the hunt for a win we are excited to have another year with this player and look forward to his leadership next season this year’s varsity boys volleyball MVP goes to Max y [Music] [Applause] uh good morning everyone uh this year’s varsity girls volleyball team uh proved themselves to be a force to be reckoned with uh we went undefeated in kpac League Play before winning the k pack final uh we won uh we made all but one Tournament final this season winning two uh but without question the highlight of our season was uh this provincial Banner that you see hanging behind us here which we narrowly missed the championship Banner by two points losing 1513 in the fifth really close um things up here that’s right um just a really quick note that uh this year’s team was uh led by just an unrivaled group of grade 12 athletes uh so just special congratulations to our graduating players uh Maddie Carly Paige NAA and Megan uh this year’s uh MVP as usual was a difficult decision uh we fed it a very deep team with some of the best players in the province at each position but in the end our most valuable player uh was an athlete who led us statistically in both passing percentage and kills she was recognized at the end of The Varsity season as a grad all star and was named to the all Manitoba team after spending three years playing varsity volleyball uh with us she’ll continue her volleyball career at Lakehead University it gives us great pleasure to award the varsity girls most valuable player to Megan Carpenter [Applause] good morning uh my name is Riley G Branson I was the coach of the JV boys basketball team this last year uh I was lucky enough to uh coach a really talented group of young men and uh we had many candidates for the award and it was not an easy decision uh with that being said uh our coaching staff came to a unanimous decision that our most deserving candidate was Max ojala um um in addition to his tenacity on defense and on the boards uh Max played a different position this year that he was not necessarily comfortable with and absolutely excelled in it um on top of his very impactful play on the court uh where he really excelled was his leadership and his ability to be a good leader um Max uh really exemplified you know all the values that we’re looking to promote in our program and uh I’m really excited to see where this young man’s career goes going forward unfortunately Max was not able to make it here tonight so uh or this morning so I’ll be hanging on to this so way to go Max good morning everyone my name is Danielle hollon and I coached alongside miss hilderbrand this year for JV girls basketball um the JV girls had a great season and grew as a team on and off the court the MVP for the JV girls not only showed great progress in practice but also excelled in games being a strong defender on the court she showed up and worked hard during every game and practice and was a leader who supported her teammates whenever she could she was someone who was always willing to put in extra work and as our team captain was always ready for whatever was thrown her way the JB girls MVP is Delaney kitle [Music] I just like to thank a couple people quickly uh before I give out my award my Varsity Boys team uh I’m obviously the head coach but I have a fantastic assistance in uh Mr Blake ham and Kurt Fay uh who’s not here this morning who it really cannot be done without the outside help we get is is tremendous thank you very much guys our Varsity season went very well we had a couple of exciting tournaments reached a couple of tournament finals that were uh noteworthy I think uh the biggest thing that I I’ll take away from the season is is a big culture change we have uh nine players moving on from uh from varsity basketball this year so that’ll be a big hole to fill next year uh Riley Coach Riley was up here saying we got a good group of JVS coming in so the continuity will continue but it’s going to leave a b hole in the gym at noon hour and uh just a bunch of guys we spent a lot of time with uh as far as our as far as our uh coach’s award here that I’d like to give out again difficult you have a lot of players a lot of ones graduating I kind of looked at the performer I wanted to recognize was really my most consistent one all year when other coaches plan to play our team or they look at our team at a at a tournament they’re probably the person they’re he’s queuing in on and despite that he was able to have a very consistent performance all year he was an All-Star at the Brandon uh Invitational Tournament at the Winnipeg Invitational Tournament atex V and at our tournament here at home so he had lots of individual accolades was very consistent performer all year and we’re going to miss him miss him dearly uh could I get up Justin cabaneros please [Applause] all right good morning everyone um so I’m Miss hson and I’m the varsity girls basketball head coach uh I wanted to first start by thanking my assistant coaches Zara Lan and Mia larab be for all their help this season um our varsity girls had an exciting season with strong tournament play capped off by a kpac championship um this team really jelled together this season on and off the court um and they grew a lot as basketball players and like the development was fantastic um I really I look forward to working with this group I really wanted to take a second to recognize our graduating players so Lexi Everett Tessa priest and Tiana kubis who have been with the program for three years and we will really miss them but I also look forward to working with the majority of the team again next year um our MVP this season was a dominant presence on both ends of the court she averaged 25 points per game uh was an absolute demon on defense and a leader on the court so congratulations Taylor [Applause] jich there’s an expression goes something about uh someone having a lot of spring in their step I think they were talking about our award winner tonight even though this young man has already had considerable success in the long Sprints 200 400 800 the coaches and I feel that he’s just scratching the surface of what he’s able to achieve uh his consistent work ethic coupled with his readily apparent joy for running promises many more good things to come he continues to put the pieces together with each new race and we’ve seen that progression from race to race to race and he really works hard at integrating the things that we’ve talked about uh from race to race when the whole puzzle comes together he’s going to be a force join me in congratulating our JV boys indoor track uh MVP Quinn f rjv girls indoor track MVP she started the season with a fifth place finish in the shot put and it only got better from there she’s improved with every result after that the rest of their SE her season included Podium performances at KAC and at the high school Series Championships uh despite being a throw specialist she was always up for running a leg on a relay team if the team needed her dedicated positive competitive winning combination her attention to technical aspects of throwing resulted in an improvement of over half a meter during her season we wish her best of luck in this weekend’s upcoming provincial track and field championships our indoor track MVP for JV girls is Fiona Bailey [Applause] okay our indoor track Varsity boy this athlete is such an absolute pleasure to coach he has a permag grin on his face no matter the workout it could be the toughest thing in the world and he will look at you and go okay I got it um he wants to learn all the details of every event he tries he is such a positive and quiet leader he leads by his example and his hard work higy is willing to try new events if you say hey I think you’d be good at this his answer is yes let’s do that um so that led to him picking up some hurdles this year and excelling along with his long jump and his spins it is truly an honor to give this award to Elliot fr [Applause] the varsity girls indoor track and field MVP uh we thought we might have to bubble wrap this girl after her season season ending injury last year and no not because of the toll running and jumping takes on her body but because of fed class but she survived jym mostly and picked up where she left off last spring dominated after another uh dominating another dominant season capping off a really remarkable 3 years in our High School uh School Series championship she competed in the long and high jump and in the Kack Championship she competed in the 60 M Dash long and high jump where she uh let me see won them all breaking a 20s something year old Kack record in the high jump in the process in her 3 years in the indoor Championship meets she remains undefeated in the high jump and long jump our Varsity FEMA MVP is NAA marowski [Applause] all right so this year the MVP award for girls curling goes to Evelyn jonat Tansen taking on the first time position is Skip for the last two years Eevee has shown incredible growth proving herself to be an avid learner and a solid leader she continues to develop and improve her ability to call the game strategizing with the rest of the team she kept things positive on the ice and off the ice never have we had such a positive team for the streak of losses we had a very junior team but they were amazing and they improved every game and they were so happy about it it was awesome um she always had a smile on her face and we look forward to having her on the team again next year congratulations Eevee on being awarded the MVP player this year [Applause] the boys curling MVP is awarded to one of our veteran players who came to us with plenty of curling experience honing his skills at the Petersfield Curling Club alongside many family members his dedication was evident he attended practices and games regularly working around conflicts as best as he could to ensure that he would be their first team undefeated throughout the 2023 24 regular season the boys captured the KAC banner and headed to provincials in the provincials his positive attitude continued through his leadership and his play his maturity was evident in response to adversity and unforeseen circumstances we would like to congratulate Hudson strand on being awarded this year’s boys curling MVP and anticipate another great year to come congratulations I love you good morning my name is Russ pay I’m coach of the female Royals hockey team um this season we battled through division one um ended up losing out in the first round of playoffs but had a great uh another great team building season um this year MVP has shown dedication leadership and has been instrumental in resurrect resurrecting our women’s hockey program over the past two seasons after a few years away uh she showcased not only remarkable skill on the ice but also embodied the true Spirit of teamwork and perseverance off of it she was the teams liaison between the management coaching staff and players organizing sending reminders and making sure everyone was aware of what was going on and on time two events her team commitment has brought together a group of players turned them into a determined uh determined team it’s my great honor to present the most valuable player of the women’s Royals hockey team award to Kayla skor [Applause] all right I have the uh distinct pleasure of handing out uh two awards for the boys hockey team uh we have the Team MVP as well as the Mike Bashan award uh we had a tremendous season this year uh culminating finishing fourth in the league and winning the piper Classic Tournament um and that was in an OT Thriller uh our MVPs going to an individual that would do whatever it took to win he gave us the opportunity to win every game that he played for us and left it all out on the ice and in between the pipes he is an All-Star a the piper classic MVP and the Winnipeg high school hockey league uh goal of the Year finalist his consistent ability to make saves that he had no business making and Spark his team when they needed him the most made clear he is our MVP congratulations Johnny and demm truck [Applause] buddy good the Michael aan award is handed out annually in memory of Mike Wan who tragically passed during the 2008 2007 season uh Mike was that type of player everybody knows that uh everybody hated to play against but loved playing with uh we hand this award out annually to the player on our team that is viewed as like the glue guy for our team somebody all the teammates respect and as a leader on and off the ice this individual was our captain and leader on the ice he not only helped our team with his own play but also worked with our younger players to show them how Royals hockey has played and what expected out of them unfortunately he missed the first half of the Season due to injury but that didn’t stop him from leading our team and ultimately being a league Allstar our Michael Lan Award winner is Ryan cromy [Applause] good morning so uh for girls soccer a short but sweet season um we had a whole crew of new girls so it was really hard to choose um it was kind of tough getting it together at first um but we came together and I saw some really amazing play in the last couple of games that we had which by the fact was by the aside from that it was like half our season was was two games um our um our player um that we chose today was somebody who brought a positive attitude uh onto the pitch led the girls in terms of uh encouragement um in terms of being a strong player regardless of which position we put her in we ended up putting her in as keeper um and uh although she wanted to be out on the field she she kept us in the game every single time and showed strength not just in skill and ability but also in character and Leadership so congratulations Alison Bey [Applause] morning um I’m Jano Ramo the boy soccer coach uh I’d like to thank all the boys for a really good season this year uh the boys were undefeated in regulation time only four goals against and uh obviously our biggest part of the team was our defensive play and a big part of that was our MVP Andrew vaner Bogard [Applause] okay we had was the coach of the babington team this year again uh this year we had uh we locked a bit of experience uh but we made up for that with a lot of passion for the game we had more players come out to be a part of the badmington team than we have in a number of years and that’s a really good sign for our badmington program so looking forward to them coming back in and adding new players in the future our JV uh badmington MVP uh despite him missing several uh Proxes due to his participation in baseball golf hockey and way more than that uh he was still able to make it to the playoffs still was one of our was our top player all year long and pushed his way all the way up to a hardfought fourth place finish in KAC which is the best finish we’ve had uh in a while congratulations Nolan deer our Varsity MVP built on her success in grade 10 to have a strong season again this year she was a leader of practice uh and helpful to the whole team helping with different drills and demonstrating and just being a leader uh on the court at all times uh she had a really tough pool but played really well and so close to making the playoffs uh and our top finisher in Varsity congratulations on another great season Kim [Applause] Haden morning um I don’t see the two Ringette coaches that were supposed to show up today so I’m going off the cuff uh I’m the manager of the Ringette team so um so ringette one we tournament throw a group of girls together we have a very strong ringed presence in this school um we won bronze medal for uh so congratulations the girls team uh I Rely heavily on this girl uh she’s a great 12 student fantastic ring head player I tried to recruit her for the hockey team in grade 10 she told me to get lost never playing hockey um and I’ve known her since she was about this High Sydney and bomb [Applause] I guess okay uh so before I start I just want to thank all the grade 10s for uh coming out to have a good tournament this year and thanks to Mr Buffy and Mrs Mike for letting us be on the other end of the bench uh so for this year’s uh MVP he worked hard every shift had to play big roles and was a great leader on and off the ice I would like to congratulate this year’s rookie MVP Nolan Deere [Music] okay for the JV girls uh indoor or sorry outdoor track MVP uh she’s pretty new to the sport but you wouldn’t know it her work ethic is only overshadowed by her Joy joyful personality and infectious laugh so great to see see all the work she’s put into this year paying off now and she’ll be competing this weekend at provincials as the kpac JV girls long jump champion and we’ll be anchoring our JV girls 4×100 meter relay team she’s just scratching the surface on her potential our JV girls outdoor track MVP is Selena [Applause] kman rul and now for the JV boys okay athletes you’re all here because you’re on a team and have played on at least one sport this year I want you to think back to your first game or competition either this year or grade 10 or maybe even Junior High your first volleyball game the first time you curled a rock probably left some room for improvement not many of us can say we excelled or we’re one of the very best in the province right off the bat that’s Buffy and triple jump is definitely an event that takes some learning except for our JV male outdoor track MVP not only did he win kpac triple jump but set a mark as a junior varsity that Rivals the very best Varsity athletes in the province oh and he won long jump too in basketball high tops he is just getting started literally and we look forward to his second time competing this weekend at provincials our JV boys MVP Tyrell Lee [Applause] Gerard okay our Varsity outdoor tracking field we’re going to start with varsity boys so again another athlete that is brand new to track and field uh he started with us in indoor such a positive uh and such a great influence on everybody around him willing to try anything turned out he was a really quick learner and picked up several events easily we kept trying saying try this one try that one okay oh look he can do that one too so he ended up being our multi which meant he had to do several events in one day plus run on our relay teams um I don’t think he bargained on competing in that many events when he started but the grand on his face at the track says it was all worth it it’s my pleasure to present this award to Aiden [Applause] py all right our Varsity girl this young lady has truly left her Mark in events she excelled in all of her events placing first in hurdles high jump and long jump at KAC as well as anchoring our relay team she is very dedicated and focused on improving her performances to the point where we sometimes have to look at her and go stop thinking just go do it I wish her all the best at provincials where she has top rankings in all of her events this weekend it is my pleasure to call on NAA marowski [Applause] good morning uh the first award that we’re giving out for the boys rugby team is a Paul Mir Memorial award um Paul died tragically in a work accident in the summertime and his best friend Jason vit uh donated a trophy to uh to the boys rugby program which represented not only excellent playing ability but a special chemist chemistry between two players on the field uh right now I’d like to call up Logan Henry and Jacob danard [Applause] uh the rugby team had a a tough year this year as we changed over a lot of players but we found a few guys over the past couple years that showed up and had very wide eyes when I actually showed this one player how he could use his size and his ability and athleticism to uh dominate the field uh was a sponge explaining forward stuff to him uh still is a sponge now and will be for many years to come as he keeps growing as a player uh was a leader on the field was probably the hardest on himself when things didn’t go right um and kept trying to get better every time uh on missed the odd practice because of work schedule where was about to quit he told me one day um but your MVP for the boys program this year Nick bores [Applause] all right hi me again um okay so I’m up here for golf so we’re going to start with girls golf um so this team plays second in kpac and because the first place team couldn’t go we ended up going to provincials out at Pleasant Valley golf course near Karne Manitoba uh beautiful course but um the girls also competed in a number of tournaments throughout the spring and showed a ton of improvement and golf is one of those things where you know there’s good days and bad days but good days outweigh the bad days so it was great um this year’s golf MVP uh is someone that is really striving to improve her game um and I really look forward to working with her she’s such a nice kid I really look forward to working with her for the next two years so our MVP is Skyler [Applause] witford who unfortunately cannot be here okay so um on to boys golf okay so boys golf um I want to take actually overall for the golf team I want to take a second to thank my assistant coach Dave moleski for all of his help this year um this team uh competed at kpac golf’s a really quick turnaround so like the second day of school we went and competed at KAC back in September and I believe we finished second there um and then this spring we got to play in uh like a handful of other tournaments um and the highlight of that was actually uh we won low individual at one of the tournaments uh so that was Rowan Gava who shot a 71 out at steinback flying um and I want to take a second to recognize our graduating players this year Ryan cromy Gavin Barry and Tony Piner um they’ve been really consistent for the past three years and have really anchored the golf team um and so I wish them all the best in the future um and then this year’s MVP has showed a lot of leadership um over the past three years but especially this year and he has been super consistent in his play um in every tournament that he’s been in so our boys golf MVP is Gavin [Applause] Barry hi um I’m Gina kyley I was the head coach for the girls field lacrosse team this year um I just wanted to say a quick than thank you to the 18 girls that made our first ever lacrosse team for the girls at the high school possible um your energy and enthusiasm and your improvement throughout the season was nothing short of remarkable to watch and it was or a complete pleasure to get to coach all of you I’m going to pass it on to Dana hi uh I’m Dana uh I’m also one of the coaches of the fale uh lacrosse team super uh honored and privileged to have uh had this first inaugural year um want to thank uh Gina for all her hard work um and uh the teacher volunteers as well so this athlete that we’re honoring today uh I’ve had the privilege of coaching when she first started her lacrosse career this athlete is dedicated to the game she plays on multiple teams at least three or four throughout the year she’s helped educate students rally players and her leadership also gained her uh the position of captain of her team her overall staff were 21 goals and five assists and her skill and speed and determination makes her an a fierce competitor and if you look at her arm she has the bruises to show for it so please join me in honoring Delany [Applause] kitle thank all right now we have baseball uh the baseball season is a short one but very intense one playing 11 games in a 3-we span our season culminated in a k-pack finals appearance at Blue Cross Field and a provincial wild card appearance where we unfortunately came up just short of provincials our MVP this year has been a staple in the top of our half of our lineup and behind home plate for the past 3 years he’s a leader on the field and his desire to win influences his entire team defensively he is a rock which is huge out of the catcher position and his Approach at the plate was unmatched our baseball MVP is Gilbert o Conor [Applause] the the next award is actually a recognition award and uh every year we are lucky enough uh to have Mr schul and Miss Massie and the uh graphic arts department put together these beautiful banners for us and uh eventually they usually get up in the gym and uh we are really happy to give them away and like I said if you want one of these put your name on a little sticky note at the end of the uh after after we’re done today and give me a text number that I can uh contact you at um but the gentleman who did it uh took care of it all year for us and his name was Dean monkman so if you know Dean give him a pat on the back today he’s not here uh this morning uh but I’ll be giving this to him later on today so how about a hand for [Applause] Dean okay now we’re going to be uh going to some of the more major Awards we’re going to be introducing an award that we haven’t done before um and just before I do that I want to recognize I know I mentioned Mr long and the school board and whatever but we’ve got some administrators here we’ve got Miss Cole in the back Mr scaran is over there uh we got Mr Nas mck Heiden right there he’s got his soccer jersey on right there uh and Miss Smith uh they allow you guys they really Grease the wheels a lot of the time and letting you guys do what you do so I think we need to recognize those folks and those are the ones that you know what one of the things that I find hardest I can often find a coach I can often find a coach for your team but I can’t find a supervisor and I can’t find a manager so when those people like I don’t even know what my life would be like without Miss rco okay uh you know you need to really thank those people because those are the supporting pieces so how about a than a big hand for Dr Mr nazmi Mr nazmi even pitched in when we needed manager for the soccer team did you get what I did there pitch pitched in soccer pitch pretty good Mr Romo yeah yeah sorry I’m a dad what am I supposed to do okay here you go Mrs gurny I live with those jokes every day okay so uh our fette department decided to recognize our athletes who have put some really hard work into their school cuzz we know that that is a big ask a lot of the time and it is not an easy thing to do to keep your marks up while being a competitive Varsity athlete so the scholar athlete we based it on the requirements for the scholar athlete for grade 12s through mhsaa so you need above an 85 average with no Mark lower than 65 and to compete in at least two sports so when you hear your name we would like you to stand up and remain standing until we get through the list and then take a look around and we’ll have a nice round of applause to recognize every’s achievements at the end we have beautiful certificates at the back near where uh Miss Mike is and you guys can go find yours and pick them up okay so please stand when you hear your name Serena ree Selena carmani Jersy Schlosser Bailey mccy John Hayden patuka Owen gbr Ryan marich Lucas poin Lucas strike Easton wowski Jacob dinard Zoe pvis Maddie freder NAA marosi Drake veran Kelsey Ericson Oliver Hamill Taylor majas Ariana caluk Jamie Edmonds Lena austman Garrett gerik Sydney austman Ryan cromy Justin cabaneros Paige berer Wes Hebert jul Julia gwi Ashley gwi Tanner rera Noah Miner Elliot Ferrera Addison NS demchuk Paige Whiteside Allison Bey Vance gwick Nolan deer Hannah neimi Kyle cromy Ethan lanek Parker carols Carly catellier Payton brag Quinn fi Dom dard Nathan RS Lam Kyle ziac Aiden pacy Lorina re Colby kerbis Sarah zorak Delany kitley Alexis kitosi Fiona Bailey Liberty aing Kenny de Coral Ashton rmo Matthew meleski Jameson Serene Max Jayy Emma Carpenter and Christian Kelli large round of applause for all our student athletes [Applause] our next award is the success in the National level so these are going to athletes who have competed on a national level uh or western Canada games level and have finished either uh gold silver or bronze so top three at a uh at a national event our first one goes to Liberty ma who was a who won bronze at the national Aboriginal hockey championship congratulations conratulations and our second winner at this for Success at the national level goes to Owen gesb who won gold at the North American indigenous games [Applause] congratulations thank you okay our next award is the Jim shrier leadership award so this program is obviously for a student who has really good leadership skills and is sort of that person that embodies Royals Athletics and goes kind of out of way to promote and make it work um so to say this recipient is resilient and can overcome obstacles is definitely an understatement her determination to be part of Royals Athletics is undeniable having played most sports during her three years here when one door closed she opened another one battled sidelining injuries and never gave up she is such a team person that will she will shamelessly recruit others to join teams and then she’ll be their biggest cheerleader and supporter she was the first kid to the track even on our coldest and wetest meets and the last one to leave promo videos needed tents built on it if you needed help with anything she was the first to volunteer she could be seen painting faces and leading the cheer section all while competing herself we will truly miss her enthusiasm and determination is my great honor to present this to Hannah neimi [Applause] okay uh we are moving on to our last four Awards of the uh morning and what I’m going to do is I’m going to read out the you’ve seen the names on the screens uh but I’m going to uh ask that all of the nominees stand up for each of the categories and then we’re going to go ahead with the awards so why don’t we just do all the nominees right now the JV girls nominees would you please stand when you hear your name Delany kitley Carolyn Roth Ellie tolpa Selena kman denell Robson Fiona Bailey and Sarah zorak okay stand up and a little round of applause thank you thank you ladies uh our varsity girls nominees Hannah neimi Carly cellier Sydney austerman Kelly kich Navea marowski Taylor jask and Matty [Applause] frer thank you ladies our JV boys Max aala Nolan deer Colby cerbus will Simpson Quinn F Grayson I Irvine and Ashley stepanak Asher stepanak sorry thanks Jens and our Varsity Boys Johnny n demchuk Max Yale Ryan cromy Parker carols Ryan meowt Elliot Ferrara uh Ashton rmo Justin cabaneros Tanner weera Jacob dinard Ree foran and Easton wowski thanks Jance and now let’s go with our JV girls athlete of the Year thank you Scott um I just like to just raise the level of the perspective on this just a little bit right this athlete of the Year thing has been around a long time and it’s a very significant award and the and I just trying to bring some perspective to it uh 40 years ago I actually stood in this very cafeteria and was awarded the Varsity Boys athlete of the year that’s a long time that’s been going on every year since then 30 or six years ago I was able to stand here and and watch my daughter win one it’s the one I get to give out today the junior varsity award it’s a very significant award it’s been there a long time not everybody’s going to win it uh it’s it’s about the process when you look at the process of what we do here as an athletic program just think about it for a minute there’s a thousand people in this school a significant number of them will step up and actually go out for a team and make a team and hopefully they impress their coach and there’s somebody that would be noteworthy to be an athlete of the Year likely to be an athlete of the year you’re going to have to impress more than one coach and that’s not always the same you can be coach’s favorite in one sport but you know do your characteristics carry over to another sport to another sport to another sport even if you make a couple of teams you now have to step up that those coaches want to recognize you and you’re one of these people just stood up a second ago 25 30 40 and then somebody’s going to be recognized right it’s a process everyone along that continuity of that should feel very proud you’re part of a very successful program here with Lord suker and the Royals but someone is going to be recognized and hopefully it’s as memorable to you as it has been for me and and will continue to be so moving on to that one the junior varsity girls uh this person definitely checks all those boxes uh she was a member of the golf team with a coach that recognized her and felt she was a very deserving candidate was a member of the junior varsity girls basketball team also with a coach who would recognize her and feel her to be a deserving candidate she was a member of the field field lacrosse team and also the hockey goalie as well as playing out for the hockey team that takes a lot of stuff that that takes a lot of stuff it’s very commendable and I’d like to present the junior varsity athlete of the year to Delaney kitley building on what Mr Ganson was saying there our JV athlete JV boys athlete of the year is a mult sport athlete uh and he won multiple team MVPs and competed at all of his Sports at a very high level um these accomplishments for his MVPs speak for themselves uh but what excites me most about this individual though is his love of practicing his consistent desire to improve and his non-stop work ethic I’m looking forward to what he does the next two years on the court on the ice and in the field congratulations to our JB boys athlete of the Year Nolan deer [Applause] so I figured that the best way to uh talk about our uh varsity girls female athlete of the year was to paint a picture of this athlete through the words of her coaches so I had conversations with three of her coaches over the last couple of days and these are the kinds of things I heard a quality person talented and skilled genuine and selfless whatever the team needs underrated a deep desire to learn the kindest and most polite leadership and character quietly perseveres humble consistent and dependable and the best of the best now if you’re thinking but how good is she on the field on the court here’s a couple of things you should know no one in her position in the province of Manitoba got more grad All-Star votes in uh than she did in her position next year she’s continuing her volleyball career South of the Border where she’s accepted a scholarship to Dickinson State University CH Mrs gery said don’t cry sorry please join me in congratul Varsity Girls female athlete of the Year again in her coach’s words steady Ed Maddie [Applause] frer it’s okay he always does that all right on to our male athlete of the year for the varsity boys um this year’s male athlete of the Year competed in Cross Country hockey indoor and outdoor track his coaches describe him as hardworking dependable and talented his desire to win and get better helped the hockey team to be successful he came to the rank every day with positive attitude and willingness to work both on the track and in hockey he was willing to do whatever it took to help his team win he would run any leg of a relay that you asked him to he just wanted to see that group win at capek indoor he was nursing an injury so he asked what event do you need me to do today what will get the team the most points it wasn’t about personal Glory that day he was willing to do whatever we needed of him but make no mistake he likes to win it is my pleasure to present Parker carols for okay sorry uh no more crying all right thank you for coming this was I think this might have been a record it was just under an hour that’s pretty good hopefully you got a great meal and you saw some great entertainment uh you’re free to stick around and if you want to grab the you see an article on the wall that’s yours that’s great don’t forget about the banners uh that photo back stop is staying up so if you want some photos uh get some shots uh with your teammates do that and congratulations and we’ll see you next year all of our scholar athletes come on back and grab your certificates don’t forget your certificates at the back okay e

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