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Live Open Match Fishing Footage – Hallcroft Fishery – May 2024

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] y [Music] [Music] good morning good morning good afternoon Fisher people it is afterno noon I’m here at Hall crra fishery decided to come and fish the open last minute decision dropped the granddaughter off at school this morning so I was always going to be late for any morning matches it’s a lovely afternoon it’s about 20° here at Hall coft is it 22° so thought I’d give it a go see if we can get some big fish it’s we’re fishing two while 7 so hopefully there’ll be some big mters in the afternoon well evening um again all on the drawer I suppose they have been spawning it’s been a bit of a nightmare for a week or so looking at the results there’ve been people that know this place inside out have really struggle to catch I’m talking about not waning at all I’m hoping that they’re going to be moving about a little bit more than they were last week but we’ll we’ll find out this afternoon so hopefully a simple match basically going to concentrate on method margins I’ll probably set a mugging stroke shaller rig up um you just never know um but I’m hoping it’s going to be a nice day on method and margins that’s what I’m looking forward to not too stressful let’s have a nice day let’s see we can get caught and let’s see where we get drawn see you guys at the draw like an idiot nipped at L walked in the queuing up blocking to me drawn Peg six well done you and I’ve drawn my usual Peg which I drew last time Peg 48 well um I don’t know there’s got to be some fish it’s end Peg apparently so there’s got to be some fish coming to the margins let’s get down there let’s get some fishies got can’t wait probably looking forward to it come on right I’m here at hallc CRA fishery for the open match on out of M Peg 48 and before I get going I just want to show you a few little products I’ve been using over the last couple of years or so from bag and match baits I think I’ve done a video already on the pellets how you can dye the pellet different colors we all like a little bit of an edge but here we go have a look at these we’ve got something a little bit different so there are the the red pellets died up the yellow pellets oh we’ll swap them around we got them mixed up there we go that’s that’s better so that’s spicy meat dye yellow and red and they’re your normal Fisher it pellets and to compliment ground bits and pellets they’ve got some fantastic flavored sprays 100 Mil in each um in each little container here each little spray jar and all you do you spray them straight onto your pellets I think you’ve seen me do it quite a few times so we’ve got the Finesse flavored spray we’ve got the red aggressor we’ve got the commercial cap flavored spray scalex and krill flavored spray and that can go onto ground Bay or pellet it’s up to you which way you decide you want how you want to put the spray on fantastic products get on to back bag and match baites uh website check the products out there’s some lovely products on there new products and there are more to follow so we’ll I’ll keep you updated as the season progresses and we’ll uh we’ll see how we get on today during this match right there you go I’m all ready well little indication half an hour into match and what I’ve basically done I put three feed fulls the micros out there cuz I W quite ready I can’t get you you only get like an hour from the draw it’s what 1:00 is the draw and then you have to be ready for two so I’ve only been ready s 15 minutes so that is same as well um tactics wise I’m definitely going to fish method in the shallow water across so here we go shallow water across over there I’ve even clipped up to that one if I want to go right onto the corner but I’m going to work across there’s loads of fish Milling about everywhere they’ve even been down here you throw a pellet to them back straight off Harry’s gone shallow just down here I think he’s had his first smallfish it looked like a skimmer actually um but they’re just cruising everywhere they have just finished spawning but my lines I’m going to be pinging pellet down here I’ve got um a mugging mugging rig stroke shallow rig set up and two methods one for short method one for long method and then I’ve got a margin set up for down here but what I’m going to do I’m going to feed not not the next pet two pets down with 8 mil pellets and try and get some down there as well I will also have a got mugging but my ex my experience here on this particular Lake fishing shallot and mugging it can be it can be a nightmare at times but I’ve got to give it a go I want to give it a go but it can just be a nightmare the wise o carp in here and like I said I just flicked to pellet didn’t move my arms it dropped 12 in away oh oh that must have been a big liner 12 in away and uh it it wasn’t interested it just turned straight away so if a free offering can’t tempt a fish I’m sure G pole hanging over it said it’s not going to be interested at all but I’ll give it a go let me get this cast back in it’s it’s just pellets today pellets and wafters I’ve got dead Reds and corn for the margins and 8 Ms for the margin I’m going to try an 8 mil P it start living the margins but we’ll see so we’ll see you guys during the match 2 hours in and I can’t say I’ve not seen anybody cat cuz I can’t really see anybody I think AR’s had odd one or two I don’t think he’s getting him shallow because he came off shallow Wow Come on slow down angry this and uh I’ve been feeding pellets to my left I put some ground bait in to my right on my short margins but I’ve been fine in pellets 8 m pellets constantly three pallets down and the first two chucks in and you little fish there cuz have massive liners that it looked like a bite so I’ve come a little bit shorter and it’s gone round after about 45 seconds so there’s fish have come into them pellets down there I’ve had nothing across apart from skimmers just SP to Andy Kinder and he’s have nothing across neither I don’t know it’s fishing it’s fishing out idea for me the fish that have been swimming past when I flick pellet at them have just not been interested at all why’s my feeder right oh there and this is the first cap I’ve had it feels like a decent one as well I know why cuz the fish is on top and I’ve got my rod low wow he’s not happy at all have to tght up slightly but he’s going absolutely berserk hope he’s not foul loed for it to be this crackers I don’t think it is it feels right when I’ve got it like this it’s like saying what you why have you caught me when I’ve just been getting up to no good for last two week well get yourself in Mr Fish that’s all I can say he a decent fish oh I had a proper one wowers that is a proper unit is a unit and half he’s got to be I don’t know it’s hard to tell he weighs a lot I can feel him on my knee when he’s teing that properly obviously gobbling those pellets down three pallets down that one never coming out so he’s got to be at least he’s got to be 10 plus 12 12 something like that what a beity one some swimming into me landing net there we go gosh well about him been tired after that I certainly am they had it were weird Jing out me Rod was just going straight around before it settled but the were liners so I’m due to feed this margin here shortly well it’s quarter past 4 now so these fish will be coming in let’s get back in so it’s been a poor start but if there’s a few fish down there and I’m going to put some pellets there as well lovely let’s hope we can start catching a fuel I’ve just SP to Andy Kinder and he says he’s been struggling as well I think he’s he’s managed to care though as as Andy give that another go people choke down there a bit of rubbish off don’t like how that’s gone around like that right just stand up cuz there’s a bush behind me so we can get in the same spot so I’ve gone just short of where my pellet were are should I say so I’m on the edge so I don’t get liner to death I’m not kidding it would bent double bot Rod it would just liners you could see the feeder have moved a mile so whether I’ve spooked and when I’ve cast in and they’ve caught the line and dragged it out I don’t know but there we go fishing the bags I we’ll put um I’ll put 12 down it’s got to be 12 it felt really heavy and we’ll see if we can get another one thank goodness for that well the cast you saw me put in went round it was only a small car to and half 3 lb this has been in 4 minutes we’re getting lots of indications but no bite and it’s gone round so there’s definitely fish there refed me right on margin and me left on margin hoping I can have a good two and a half hours in these margins now there’s I can just see there’s fish in that margin as well so I give leave them give them plenty of confidence see if we can pick a few off from this one this line and then we’ll go on the pole in the margins right and left and it’s the same depth left as what it is to the right there’s a big big ghost just coming underneath me crashing the other side but I never had a sign on the other side it’s crazy ain’t it this fishing l that’ll be about four to five lb okay okay okay you li when he got out aren’t he Lely little thing so before I cast that back in put some more pellet down there lovely chle another wafter on there orange wafter today tried white well tried few different ones when I were getting no bites but they’re taking an orange wa at the minute down on that third platform down bit of the red [Music] aggressor get it back down there again got to stand up like I said because there’s a bush behind me and that noises me Feathering it down the line it a bit heavy was the cast so I had to feather that sink that line I’ve got to sink that line quick because there’s a lot of like fur and grass they’ve been streamming and stuff so it’s it’s catching me line here we go just slacking the clutch off slightly because when you get a bite I don’t have shoot off and there’s a big mirror just coming here he’s a looks like a double figure one let’s see if he’ll take a pet when I CH it at him my willly scarper not interested now even think he moved away swimming around me line and you can see him just here I’m keeping pellets going in on that 13 M line as well I’ve been busy feeding at one point I thought I’d just turned up to feed fish that’s how it felt cuz I P so I’m I’m on about 20ish now there we go that didn’t take long did it it’s a great time of day that’s why I like this afternoon one no rush on the morning from this time on which you usually get a few he coming in quite nicely he says he’s decided to go a little bit now [Applause] is zooming about now I re going to be about the same size as the last one I’ve just caught I guess maybe a little bit smaller yeah little B smaller it’ll be three and 1 half 4B [Applause] not in the bottom lip that’s in the side preferred it in the bottom lip tells me that me rig’s working properly so there we go let’s get back in let’s see if we can keep catching these Mighty fish it’s great is it what a what an afternoon just love this afternoon fish in it fantastic nice and warm today thank goodness cuz that wind and rain has lasted far too long for my liking I don’t know about what yall think but it has for me it’s just nice to be out shorts on got have that once you get used to using it you can’t not put it on it’s it’s like addictive so before I cast that I’m going to put some pellet down lovely let’s get it back out oh yes right over the pellets that I’m half expecting while I’m sinking the line like this if they start feeding aggressive for it to go whilst I’m doing this I am expecting that once the start getting the munchies putting it in this gripper as well in case I just take my eye off and it goes around at least this grip will hold the rod and give me a second right timer on it’s nice when it’s like this is it catching it’s not nice when you’re not catching right I keep feeding my lines and there’s some fizzing out there there been some fizzing out there for about half an hour now be lovely to catch some catch some shallow but I’ve not seen Harry get too many shallow I could be wrong cuz there’s a big bush in me way and I’ve not heard a lot of splashing so maybe a little method over that might work but we’ll carry on and we’ll see if we can get a few more it’s gone around again a few big liners I know there’s still fish there I’ve refed I’ve keep feeding 13 I’ve refed both margins all I’m picking one or two fish I’ve just heard har say he can’t get a bite off car I know he’s had a couple and he’s been fishing shallow and all the um little bubbles that are coming up look like skimmer Bubbles as well to me and I’ve ched a little method over at 13 M I just had little telltale signs that the was skimmers there this feels like a much better fish than the last two again the fish all the fish are finished spawning same as they have Lind down I’m sure they have a couple of goes now and again 7 and eight [Applause] pounder ni little fish getting well big [Music] fish I just love it just I just love catching fish well if you’re the fisherman ni bloody marvelous in it evening like this I mean I could be out boozing I suppose but n we’ve done all that rubbish it’s look like a pine like might even I might even call in for one depends how late it is so I get this ready and I’m start just upping the amount of pellets I’m putting in no not a lot but just a bit more than I have been doing and it seems to be getting a reaction but who the heck am I to know for sure yes so put put some more pellet there they just they just K right at the end then that’s better that’s better isn’t it right let’s get over the top of them and there’s definitely C coming in down there I can see them right in the middle of that last lot so hopefully that will go around again I don’t really want to sink this line but got to do it because of all this fluff I want want to drag it out me nice soft tip I can read every little bit of movement beauty of it is with the soft tip as well I find if you do get liners it doesn’t move your feeder as much I think stiffer tip it’s got to move your feed but it just bends nice and easy this and when you get a bite obviously smashes straight around so it’s just a 1 oz tip that I’ve got in there if I were fishing for f1s I’ll probably have light tip on that one so I can read what’s going off in the water but I’ve just had a couple of little what tells me there could be little skimmers knocking about but you cannot miss can just see it’s just shame have another camera zoomed in on that now just had a little definitely skimmer type stuff that I think the skimmers are nibbling around at the feeder and what we want is a cap to come along bully them out and drag it around move out Lads the bruisers here will it go there’s a cap coming in there oh that look further than we wanted little liners the tips that light I could tell when I cast when I catapulted some pellets one of the pellets hit the line cuz got a little tin there’s definitely fish there but I think there’s more skimmers than cap i’ had a lot of little tiny little indications I’m not leaving it in more than 4 minutes sorry 4 and a half minutes I think the longest I’ve had to wait if it goes past that I bring it in recast refeed recast and I’m going to refeed my margins after this cast and then I’m going to go have a look it’s 5:00 we finish at 700 oh how big was that one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 we put eight so I’m up to 30 £31 now little [Applause] indications they group lovely then straight over me feeder not to bad that one I hoping it oh lineer big lineer oh that was from this car here I’m going to one more I’m going to bring this one in if I don’t get anything bring this one in refeed the margins have another look if I don’t get one I’m going to try the margins come on fishies hoping might go around for it [Music] again what a lovely day [Music] been that was itard [Music] something right 30 seconds left on this I’m going to bring it in refeed these margins see how we get up there’s a skimmer and no bites I’ve seen one or two car wave out no take us I’ve went on to pellet line where I’ve been feeding pet up to that pallet and it’s gone around again I might not be able to reach them that pallet now it pets with this wind getting up you can only do your best folks can’t you only do your best [Music] okay okay okay you’ve been steady out way you is that we a fit WRA around him and all sorts I don’t know fish take time and rest [Music] yourself it’s got to be six or 7 so we’re not doing great are we I put seven so 308 8 pish not that great I refed the margins both sides you’d think they’d be in now W you but they ain’t and those brambles to my right there’s brambles left and right and they’re just right on the pole making the fishing a little bit awkward I thought it was when I was coming up but I want to be next to the platform that’s where I had the fish last time maybe I should have just gone a little bit closer in and have ided most of them but not sure what I got them don’t know who knows who knows it’s jumping like crazy everywhere but they’re not hungry they’re not having it are they the look margins and nothing I’ve gone back onto the pallet up there with the pellets and it’s gone around again I’ve had I’ve had another one as well I didn’t record that to 44 plus this and there’s an hour to go I wish their margins are kicking you put 1500b in if you can get them going but I know I keep seeing B wav must be coming in and straight back out or something real positive B that one it lost me Rod I just just having a drink a coffee I heard it took me ey it for a second that’s coming a lot closer than I thought [Music] [Music] oh you bloody thing nobody likes to see that I should have had that damn it nobody likes out lineer lineer line a lineer wall up and I thought oh it’s a skimmer coming in veiling it in like it was an 8 Hour skimmer little Jabs and stuff going off it’s turned into a okay this wasn’t surprised actually in 2 minutes turn him have turned him at first but no it wasn’t ready some skim of that is’t it hell of a skimmer that this oh big heavy things out down some C down there you go yeah 8 lb skimmer what an idiot yeah it’s getting I may 50 over 50 now I have refed in fact I need to refeed the right margin so I’m going to do that and have another look but I am catching these steady away so we’ll see we get margin I keep catching like this there’s no point going in my margins if it keeps going around like after 30 seconds that will do nicely I think car’s catching now I can hear some splashing going on down there darting about that’s him look at him absolutely going crazy they coming in nicely to start with as well I think it’s a decent fishing out this and there’s a fish just come out away so what’s been happening just come out of that margin it’s coming to some bait I’ve just put down and B waved out they’re not settling [Music] har is a junky only they like Woody you actually he snapped on this one [Music] obviously yes that’ll do got to be a good 10 might be a bit more all right and I choke that one slightly closer to the platform this time so they’re definitely coming in l kind of typical is it camera going and it ain’t going straight around damn [Music] it this dink dink [Music] oh well big ler it wasn’t a line it was the rubbish on Me Line This last little bit that’s why I’ve just sunk it all the little seeds and stuff there we go and he feels like a nice one as well that didn’t take long did he get in you sh 2 minutes it’s lovely is it when tip goes around he can’t be see tip go around I don’t care what anybody says but I would say that see as I love me Fe the fishing great little rods these Prest soas as well the carbon active Lely little action on the handle we’ve seen size of fish that handling brilliant I think they’re great value I do and I’ve got the Preston sentries on 420 with s with team is it match team team match silar 8 pound line and then I’ve got the engage o9 on the Caps all turn into cap cabbages aren’t we never mind all them Bleak and Tiny roach off canals G garbages that’s what we’ve turned into what am I laughing at wood is a c cabbage it’s a cabbage anyway be playing that look with me come on son Let’s get you over here there we go another car it about 7B and it’s gone down again after 3 minutes this time feels like a nice one is a nice one C £10 plus again flipping neck one of them I a right right ni when the spawn in oh grief get in let’s get another one E 10 minutes to go I had a quick look in this Marin to my left it’s a bit easier to get my polter but nothing I just thought if there’s some there might be to get and Quicken this but that third pet down has been the best by far I think I’ve got h of pound plus this I don’t think it’ll be any good but we’ll see I know why he’s catching now down there been catching these margins I can’t hear it splashing how many he had I don’t know class is old Aly young Aly BL in it be nice to get the ton won it I’d be happy if I got the ton because it has been I think it’s been a bit of a tricky day they’re not easy to catch here at all Croft is are the wise old things there’s fish been coming in out of these margins left and right but I can’t catch them and for me not to get any on the other side unbelievable they always catch on opposite Bank well if I’m reading this right I think this is another lump what have we got yeah I’ve got about 82 I think I’ve done it I don’t know certainly think I got 80 I think I hope I have anyway plus this and get get this in and get back out get another one like this you me a ton be nice to get a ton one it oh don’t go back out come in come and say hello to these lovely fishy people we off FL at him come on son course say hello to Uncle mighty No don’t be going over there just come in and behave oh damn it he’s a mighty fish put in a mighty battle up oh he’s a beauty he’s a beauty bloody thing Come On Son coax him inside there hope you come oh my God that’s a big that’s a big net I’ve got all that is ridiculous that is ridiculous what’s he doing that is chaos it’s too big for a net oh my God can you believe that too big for a net I don’t believe it he’s not happy had him in once he’ll be pushing nearly 20 him [Music] oh my goodness [Music] me can you believe that folks told you a Beed in it just jumped out a net just as I was trying to shake him in fully that’s never ever ever happened to me God knows how many years fishing well not as bad as wood he um Ching it back in well I suppose it is actually it cuz this is an absolute monster too big for net what a Calamity right this time is on right these just ridiculously massive God that’s the biggest landing net I’ve got as well right as you can see he’s wanting to hang out of the net we’ll get him look at that right then son you’ll get yourself God B it right call yourself semis skimmed or whatever you want but that was just ridiculous don’t like putting them in Nets that big but it’s a match that’s a 20 of that I reckon got to be I’m shaking on that KN trying to get him in what an absolute Beast he was I say it took me 10 minutes to get that in right I’ll cast this off now that is the end of the match we shall see you guys at the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] 2 [Music] [Music] he yeah it’s recording this T keep M it know what’s happening we out all Wai in um it’s actually a couple of days late and I’ve fished another match so I’m trying to remember what we’ve done it was quite late on so I am doing it a few days later all weighed in right Peg 48 I think it was Peg 48 out of moat I wasn’t thrilled but it was the end Peg lots of room to my right you’ve seen the lines I decided on I actually thought putting a few feeder falls out long before we actually got going I thought yeah it be a good idea that set it up because I W quite ready I got already big naal to my left um went out long to start with so I’ve got the long line I’ve clipped up to go to the to the corner if I wanted to um I’ve got the primary a 13 M line for either shallow mugging or wherever I wanted and margins and what I will say is the Sha watching out bignal he is great at fishing shallow he’s a few pegs to my left I think I said catch a skim and that R and then I heard him talking to somebody saying he couldn’t catch car shall so I never even attempted trying to catch him shower I flicking pellets to him when they were cruising past and they just didn’t they just didn’t want to know it wasn’t right so even though I got it set up I I just W going to mess about I’ve spent ages on days like that where they’re not really having it trying to catch them shallow flicking it when for mugging waste of an hour and a half 2 hours or whatever it whatever it is time I’ve wasted so I’ve decided let’s look long let’s Prime that 13 M line which I can took a method over 13 14 M um firing pellets to the third pet to my right and then to fill it in not not fill it in but prime a short line which was also to my right lovely margin and to cut a long story short I never had a bite oh I think I had a skimmer along and then nothing tried all along that bank whilst primer everywhere else absolutely nothing two and a half hours in I think i’ one skimmer I had nothing on the 13 M line on the deck absolutely nothing I w’t going to bother sha I had nothing in the short margin which is unbelievable nothing came in I never even had a liner or anything or any signs that there were fish there normally when you got some bait down there ducks go diving down I don’t mind that because it like I’m sure it gives the fish confidence even Ducks weren’t interested they always come in at that sort of 4 to 5:00 to have a look nothing never had a bite in that Marin couldn’t believe it but where I did get on my fish from was the third pallet down and you know all about putting your bait in tight little parcels and keep it dead accurate when you’re catapulting that far it’s quite a big area you know I’m sure cat love grazing about moving in and out and all that sort of stuff and once I went on that with a couple of hours to go I never looked back I mean I’m not I’m not saying it was absolutely on fire but that was the only place I could catch a fish um I think Harry start catching in his margin but it were great it were lovely you’ve seen some bites that I’ve had I think I left it running on one of them where catapulted and it had not quite gone I’m like ooh it’s not gone around yet and then it went round and it’s been lovely been catching some quality cap out of there um really really enjoyed it it’s just a shame I couldn’t have caught a few more pounds in those first two and a half 2 hours 45 minutes it I beginning to think cracky this time of day we should be absolutely heaving them out but it just didn’t happen but that was that was great kept F I must have put three bags of pellets down there and you know and it makes me think all them pellets there how the heck are they zooming in on your method all I can say is at the big cap and they must Hoover them up they’ve got to do for them to pick your bait out and it was just method orange wafter I think I tried orange and pink wafter it didn’t really matter that Rod would go around there some cracking fish and to end with that monster what a monster that was and from memory all I remember is I’d got it him i’ landed it was in my I’m thinking by this is very very heavy and my landing net was just slightly tilted cuz it would it was 24 in landing net a big landing net and as soon I’m just about to settle and it’s flipped knock the landing net down a little bit more and roll straight back out again so I’ve had to land it twice no fishes were harmed during this video let’s get that one in fish care I know some people worry about that but well not a lot I could have done about that I’m pretty sure if you look back it will pretty much happen like that but uh they did weigh for me it weighed just over 20 so I want fire for me guess what an absolute belter to finish with thoroughly enjoyed that day sunshine warm oh it was just great in my shorts It’s been freezing for God knows how long nice lump to end with and I’ve ended up weighing in £5 and won the section so get in I think Paul R won the match with 185 he was on an end Peg so well done Paul I think Andy Kinder had 50 I think he ended up second or third something like that and then I’ve won my section and I think in the match it’s come about fifth or sixth something like that so not too bad thoroughly enjoyed it dead simple match I would love to catch him shallot and pole there but it’s it’s a funny Place shallow there that’s all I’ll say go down and try and see what you think but it’s funny very very very very very funny so there we go that’s the open Match down at hallcraft fishery thoroughly enjoyed it I am definitely going to make a few of those in because we have got a UK Champs which goes into similar sort of times a little an hour behind but um I need to get used to that fishing there get those margins sorted I’m loving it down there the afternoon match it’s great steady away get your gear ready on the morning end up there beautiful nice big fish and I’d love to draw that Peg six and never a have a bash on there and see what it’s all about in fact I’m going to have to go pleasure fish it I think I think it’s only time I’ll draw it for go pleasure in so I I hope you’ve enjoyed the open match at hulc crra fishery on a Friday uh afternoon draws at 1:00 fish 2 while 7 get yourselves down if you fing it’s great uh what am I next I am at I’m at the fish Mania arra actually yeah in a week’s so time so that should be all right see where we get drawn there so there we go folks that’s the end of that we out bedtime it’s quite late now so we’ll see you at all coft in a week’s house time or the Fisher Mania we’ll see how we get on there need a good draw Peg six will be lovely don’t forget it is absolutely free to subscribe to this channel if you click that notification Bell you will get all our videos as wead them thumbs up would be very very nice so until hulc next time around take care folks and don’t forget to se [Music] ah [Music]


  1. Great video Alan. Thanks for the laugh with that 20lb lump. I thought at 1 point, you was going in 🌊. Nice result, nice section win, could have been in the medal places if it wasn't for that 1st 2hrs or so. On to the next.
    TTFN 🎣

  2. Well done Alan section win heart in mouth moment with that big fish 🐟 but you kept your cool and landed it mighty fisherman you are well done mate 👍 Don.

  3. Well done mate on the section win. What rod were you using on the method? You told me once before but I have forgotten? Sure it was a preston?

  4. Well done, Nosher the mighty. I had the same problem as you had with that last monster. Mine was, I think, about 15lb, mugged in the first five minutes of a club match. Netted it, and it went berserk. Smashed the rig, flipped out of the net, landed on the brand new top kit I had caught it on, smashed it beyond repair, back into the pool, between two keepnets, never to be seen again! Good luck with the Fish'o'mania!!!

  5. Great effort Allen!! It’s always difficult to know how long to stay on a baited swim some time you get it right and sometimes you hold on to long we have all done it with regret. Saying that’s you didn’t get it far wrong it was great to see you section it was well deserved!! Good luck going forward 🎣🎣🎣

  6. the fish at 39.24 seemed to take the wind out of your sails it certainly sounded like it did and well done seemed you had a lot of lumps that day which is great but i think although its a match sometimes you dont necessarily want one next catch just for a rest but its a good problem to have

  7. Hi Alan ive recently returned to fishing after a long hiatus and am way out of touch with modern angling. just out of interest what is your PB carp in a match ? Im really enjoying your channel and that of your mate on Bag uo tv the banter between you is addictive thaks for keeping me entertained.

  8. I bet woody enjoyed watching the calamities unfold with that big carp at the end i have done it before with a edge lump…."YOU CAN ONNNNLLLYYY DO YOUR BEST!"🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  9. That performance with the big one had me in stitches Al. How it didnt fall in to your left keepnet i dont know. You also came close to the fish snapping your keepnets. Anyway you landed the fish on the 2nd attempt. Well fished Nosh and a very deserved Section win. I must admit that I would have been baffled by the lack of fish in your Left and near Right margin. The Mighty strikes again. Cheers

  10. Well done Alan, brilliant video as usual and some cracking carp especially that mighty carp at the end, brilliant. Fish on mate👍⭐️⭐️🙂

  11. some right lumps there nosh, what do they say, a good angler on a good peg! i wont say anymore or your cap wont fit tomorrow, regards mick.

  12. Running off to toilets to pick the last flyer outta the bag, not seen that before 😎 🎣..What you doing with that fish do you get double points for landing it twice 🤣

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