Golf Players

The Open Revisited | ROUND 2 | The 147th Open Championship at Carnoustie


The R&A | The Open | The AIG Women’s Open





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Jason day second shot to seventh couldn’t let you take him doie wonderful second shot there for Jason 200 F round and that to get to within two this is to TI for lead for sack to guess from the sound of the crowd if it was going in or not umbrella in the way but still a nice three for sack Johnson on the eighth Russell Knox has already putted from the kind of back left Fringe and narrowly missed his birdie putt mat will have a similar one coming up but it’s tiger next to putt he stalked this from every direction walked all the way around it just looking for any type of subtle slope overall this is going to be a right to left there’s as it starts to turn it will be going a little bit downhill there’s a fair amount of moisture on the greens from the rain it abated while they were playing their seconds but it started up again but the greens are certainly the the rain is not soaking in cuz the ground is so hard so it’s just sitting on the surface you’re going to have to deal with that normally when there’s water on the green the ball tends to break less so you have to figure that in as always huge galleries following Tiger Woods so good for the game of golf that he’s fit again and back on tour and playing well and it seems ready to win again whether it’s in ajor it’ll be fascinating to see but I think most of us feel that he will win again back to the F of the golf course Mark lechman beautiful iron shot there tricky pin position this just up against that bunker on the right there’s a big slope in this screen up to that back right hand corner you really really want to be in the middle of the Fairway for to attack this flag all the way up I just good commit to it three perfect t-shots for this group here at 10 as Thomas was alluding to before it’s changed a lot with the the rains this morning matsi yarma hit three wood into the burn in front of the green yesterday there’s that much roll be looking straight at the flag here Rory beautiful t-shots beautiful iron shots this group is playing very very well today played well yesterday they’re just continuing doing the half work today they know there’s a long way to go just keep doing the simple thing see if Jason finish this off here at 7 just seemed to pull it a touch but good solid start one bunker down the left two down the right here turn this a little bit sack question is does it reach that bunker down the left that’s fine no problems he’s so popular anywhere he goes tiger look at the amount of people everybody trying to get a photog I think when he played in Florida earlier in the year it was the biggest television ratings outside the majors when he was making his early year comeback the interest is definitely there yeah it’s it’s tough to play with him at times I remember playing a few times when I played with him on Saturday when he won at Pebble beats in 2000 and I had the six foot pot on the first and he finished out and it was like somebody lifted up the green and started moving it around because everybody moved and I stood over this 6ft pot I don’t think hit it within a foot of the hole but you know it’s just really really at times difficult to play with him you got to be very much on your game and but when you’re on it’s the greatest place in the world to be with the best players and you’re inside the ropes and watching them Play and Learn so much from them but it can be a very intimidating place and a difficult place to be as well yeah it’s a bit like playing with Greg down in Australia in the ’90s ‘ 80s and 90s it was like that I mean the crowds were always fantastic all because of GRE and same thing as soon as he finished they just all everyone just moved to the next hole so it was quite difficult but as you said it was always fun to be there Allison for birdie at 10 to get within one hit it he hasn’t looked happy all day for some reason was is that just his demeanor oh I think that’s just the rain I think more than anything I think when you get into this and the weather’s not very good and you’re in a contention and made a championship you just kind of stick your head down and work hard because you know you have to work hard see what’s maroy this is for birdie this is also to get within one shot can see the crow getting bigger and bigger as he heads into this back nine where everybody wants him certainly nice to see him right there had a struggle at the US Open it’s back at one of his big loves the Open Championship and he’s right in contention right now in the second round this is where we all like seeing him a big cat with the big dog oh came off this one tiger go right there a dog of a shot he going to take all tiger skill that one PA above his feet pins down there on the right hand side capka second to three molari doesn’t miss many greens Francesco but he has done here on the eight this is a long po as well he’s got a wonderful Pace at the moment Francesco great well Kevin kizner not off for couple more hours melroy is there behind Zack Johnson also playing well today Tommy Fleet wood it’s a good leaderboard ninth H sack Johnson going well today see there a six iron chasing it up there this is a beautiful shot from sack very well executed there’s a par pad for Serio at two Dr to five over little bit of work to do for Sergio lost here in the playoff last time we at Carusi to Podrick 12 to of carti normally a power five power four this week perfect position from Fleetwood whoa whoa tricky second shot this a lot of slope down to the screen but you want to carry these humps this has turned out okay for Tommy little bit fortunate there gets caught up in that rough it’s almost impossible to chip from there well Russell Knox has found one of the bunkers so it’ll just be a splash out tiger still 213 yards oh look like it just flew into into another divot or into a divot Jay Tiger has he got any shot well he you judge him on a different scale than everyone else he always has a shot often times in the past I thought well he can’t play this shot then he plays it easily but this one’s an interesting one I stood up to the ball it’s above my knees as you address it as you said Wayne he’s got 213 there’s a little bit of that Maring grass around he is looking like he’s going to aim right and kind of pull hook it back on line I think anybody that didn’t have the strength and speed the Tiger has would not play that shot it’s certainly how he’s looking I also want to point out that this is his first probably round in his comeback from the back surgery and he’s fairly well into it now where it’s been cold and damp back tends to tighten up people up the right side have a lot of confidence in one Mr Tiger Woods more than that guys keep going keep going I wouldn’t be standing over there with this keep going guys not a chance back looks like he’s only got something like about eight on you know my longtime coach gr told me that the one way to get people to move is I don’t mind you standing there but I hate getting blood on my ball and they move back quickly you can see it’s well above his knee it’s about mid thigh level for Tiger this is going to be one you don’t get much leg action and this is all upper body strength he’s aiming a good 60 or 70 yards right of the green he’s going to pull hook this back on line I don’t think that was a good gamble really there was a lot of dinner plate eyes there for a while as that ball was traveling towards the gallery well you did tell them to get back dang wow this one looks a bit easier this is maoy on 11 hitting a lot of Fairways Rose when he does that he’s in allout attack mode cup count the third I think the most of world golf was really delighted to see him come back and win that Us open after his long layoff with injury he’s a great athlete he’s great asset to the game was a bit too strong on that one though olison at 11 just follow Rory it’s only 230 to the bunker there on the left that leaves him about 135 to the front edge cam in look on your ticket it will tell you tiger stilling the long stuff here just over 140 yard luckily it’s been trampled down somewhat they push the gallery ropes back he’s got a downhill s Hill line not a great angle starting to rain a little bit harder in his face and from the right there so many uncertainties in controlling the distance on this one there’s going to be a wet Club face ball coming out of the rough should have a fairly low trajectory here cuz you want to try and catch the ball cleanly so you come down a little bit more of a descending blow good shot there into the heart of the green just trying to minimize the damage look like it’s raining a lot out there this is very sorry for Mr Townson out there with his umbrella just got served a warm cup of coffee Zack Johnson after a wonderful six iron in here at nine is to join the lead didn’t break that would half of 34 for Zack certainly knows what it takes to win one of these championships Fleetwood 12 sold for birdie he’s got it rolling well right now Tommy I tell you what if it weather keeps going like this this could be one of the better rounds of the day first to play out of the just the first cut of rough leean flag is center with the green 18 on just on top of the little tier wonderful shot great shot good control just cut the swing off this is a good angle for ton they all straight down the flag at the moment with the irons I always found that it’s when you see your plane Partners hting good shot into a hole I always found that for some reason it feels a little bit easier swing a bit freely expect Roy to go quite close here good job Steel’s had a few problems down the ninth found the bunker off the te this is for bogey so we tap that in for double bogy out in 39 three over power for his round even PA of the championship back Che green here watching Tiger Woods Thomas that quip about the coffee I don’t think was very sincere feeling sorry for me out here oh we’re with you all the way out there Jay yeah from the from the controlled and coffee supplied combox no question as done as Hutchins always says the weather is never bad if you’re properly clad and I’m out here and ready to go so is Tiger this for par this would be a huge par save uphill left to right a pretty slow putt easy to come up a little short and right here this would really get him going he struggled on the back nine yesterday starting at the ninth right before the turn another lot of damage bogy for Tiger there on the second it was a Bo t- shop but he minimized it damage and walked off with bogy which is I guess from the t-shot okay how Tung Le on the E he found a bunker off the tea this is for p the tricky little hold this one Rory this to tie the lead was always outside wasn’t it expecting it to turn 4un looks good though looks in very much control more Fairways you can hit today the heavy the rough will be a lot heavier because of the rains first look at the 13th hole here Tommy Fleetwood beautiful shot didn’t quite get the distance right now to on olison for Birdie on 11 feel there a lot of good iron shots being hit at the moment but not that many putts going in kka second shot to four just a big sandwich spin here we go good opportunity what do you make on this Grace Mark Lehman I always feel like Australians talk about Jason day and Adam Scott and so many others and never really talk about this boy yeah he I think he’s proven himself there this for birdie at 11 and bit of a shove I think he’s proven himself last year when he had a couple of wins and and in big events and uh that he really can play with the the big guys he loves the Masters he’s lost the open in a playoff so yeah I think if he was to win a m then they they’d put him right up there with with Scotty and Jason but he’s certainly a very very good player here’s one that has one of made the championship oh my and he’s one at St Andrews so sure he’s too keen on this one went low left for over there that’s going to be tricky because of the burn more than anything short of the green you might have to lay it up third te just an iron for Tiger It’s All You Need Just a wedge from there second shot wonderful little short path for the Third looked good for a long time didn’t it there we have kizna still sitting dry inside the clubhouse maintaining that One-Shot lead over four players players the rain is just falling lightly hopefully it’ll clear up soon John R at two under part looking forward to his round this afternoon Ricky Fowler Great Links player is back to the golf pinpoint there just outside the left starting outside the left B break off that slope from the bunk K fore birdie at three at four excuse me to get back to even Park look out for him he’s capable of anything kka what a talent difficult to tell if he’s going for the green here I think he is well done stack Johnson great goal shot from there got a good Li and took advantage of it just an iron off the T for RoR 12 is Bunker down the right that’s okay a long second shot coming up the flag today a little more accessible on the left hand side 155 for Russell it’s about 160 161 to the back Edge you have to guard against going over Tiger’s in a nice position here on the UPS slope not that he needs any help to hit it high he’s going right now right yes not much Breeze at the moment but there is is helping him from his left should be a pretty true distance here at 152 right in between a nine iron and a wedge wedge takes going over out of PL I don’t think you can get to the hole with a wedge in this cold conditions modern ball just doesn’t fly that far when things are cold get up a little go a little third shot on the ninth Franchesco seen him with beautiful touch on these long putts so far there’s another good example do make life easy on Link’s golf when you got the pace of the greens you know you’re going to have a lot of 40 50 60 Footers young Sam on the 18s for par might be a big chance that this has to go in to be here on the week dear how did it Miss that’s a great comeback he was four over and birdie 13 14 15 but Bogi 16 and 18 three over you think hasn’t got a chance Thomas oh he certainly got a chance no doubt about that it’s a bit tough out there today hopefully you’ll make it to the weekend power five 14 Fleetwood left for my liking that’s certainly not where he landed on that see you right in front of him I hope 14th the easiest hole on the golf course just a very short par five Fleetwood as we look at him here he’s had a wonderful two years now Tommy winning that race to Dubai title he really has become a world class player that second place finish at the US Open was I think gave him the belief that majes is the things that he needs to go and Chase as we head out to the one that I guess all us golfers really want to be Mr Tiger Woods on the third green here Thomas this is a bit of a tricky putt here the hole is actually cut on kind of a subtle little null or Ridge this putt that tiger has looks very straight but I’m cheating using the green book as you do as it climbs up this slope to where the hole is located it should have just a slight movement from right to left once you get beyond the hole the green goes away from you so you have to guard a little bit against giving it too much and sliding it down that slope away from the whole 3 or 4 feet I can tell you J that we we just watched book’s cup maybe for shorter distance than this and he puted 6 7even 8 ft past the hole he just got a little bit aggressive on it so you’re all right you got to be careful with this PT you don’t want to be over aggressive aggressive with it over the years he’s had such great pace of course you can’t hold the putts he’s hold without having great touch putter change about a month ago drastic change from his old answer style putter just as you said there Thomas obviously up that hill they’re trying to give it a good wrap up the hill but straight after the hole that’s downhill over to the fifth Al cupka this is quite an inviting shot it’s just at the bottom of the slope the flag there Zack Johnson outside transfer birdie but he be quite happy with being on his pting surface after the t- shop was looking in all the way just grabbed a little bit of water I think and then held up short 243 left you see the difference in round one where he was and he made birdie there hasn’t been a birdie here at 12 to today so far and it’s quite a tricky pin to get close to on that left hand side cuz when you comeing from this fa you pretty much got to get over this bunker that’s about 20 25 yards short of the green and then it’s all downhill to that flag but if anybody’s got the height they can send it up in the air and stop it it’s Rory Maro amazing that it doesn’t bound on from there landing on the Downs slope but just take a 4 on 12 and move on tiger is stalking around this one you have all people know that walking off with a five when you only had a wed 9 in your hand it’s a big mistake this is straight up the hill be quite firm with this one it’s a big mistake from Tiger Woods this it’s very rare you see him make mistakes like this because he Maps out the golf course so well jez Rey on the par 38 oh there’s a brave shot goodness me I think he just pushed that a touch but now he’s got a great opportunity up the hill for birdie out to the Mao group olis third shot on the TR he found trle off the te we faced with that one for part just a hybrid for Zack that can make the bunker comfortably on the left but should be under the one on the right which it is to Matsu playing with chz reevy see if he can match that t- shot of reies oh canny have a look at this well they’re the three as three good shots as you’re going to see here at eight a wonderful drive from Tommy Fleetwood I thought it was fractionally down the left I’m not so sure the second shot is as great he’s not liking it yeah that’s okay that’s on the green have that for Eagle was his best swing but two puts from there there and you’ll all have forgotten about it birdies are not that easy to come by today poter birdie put at five needs to spark it and that’s a way to start back to two over back in some better form this year one at Houston the week before Augusta this is long and tricky for Rory it’s a big slope that comes off the front of that green down to the flag this is not a pot you would have practic just in practice I don’t think this look tricky didn’t it lot of breake left to right from off the green difficult to judge sh 30 putt now for capter at five can he follow him in he could have he’ have hit it he’s such an athlete now Brooks he’s worked so hard in the gym certainly is not somebody you would pick for a fight I know that unless he’s on your side leean from the back of 12 this group is finding a little bit of trouble on the 12 they’ve had one bogey between them all day and now they’re all struggling to make pass Mark lean’s even taken a penalty drop on this hole so it’s all going a bit wrong for this three ball on the tough 12 so taking the putter olison here for par there you are Thomas tied for second 129th so 147th it’s a long time ago we don’t talk about the other one no no it’s not not nice to be brought up is it I know exactly what you’re talking about jez reevy sat in that grand State stand in 1989 as a kid and watch it in all onfall way yeah lost to Gary Woodland at the Phoenix open this year in the playoff Ry so it’s been a pretty good year for him Maro for par no just leaked it a little bit well the good thing for this group as they are struggling on the 12 is that they’re heading into 13 and 14 was played the was the played the two easiest holes on the golf course so there’s every opportunity to get it back you just got to keep a straight head right now keep working tiger at four just driver it over the right hand bunker Scotty second shot to 11 even T oh wonderful shot got fenny serson on the bag this week melo’s old caddy this is actually to TI the lead it is an outside chance good Pace not quite the right line for Fleetwood but I’m sure he’ll tap that in to be one shot behind second shot withp only about a 99 for Zack oh get left that’s a unforced error there for Zach unusual for him to make mistakes like that Fleetwood now to get within one oh what a great round he’s got going five under for his round Tommy Fleetwood lot of red it’s not often the tiger takes on the bunkers but he did he’s has the advantage of being middle of the Fairway only a wedge in hand 122 great angle to a pin that’s just begging to be attacked bit of Mo these screens now starting to spin some of these wedges back does offers him a lot of opportunities to go be a bit more aggressive and going at the flags Rory trying to slide a little shot in here at 13 oh come on oh release how un lucky was that still good could have been a lot better he’s looking nicely in control of his game today power saving P for Franchesco he’s been bunkered here at 10 you’ve boomed back into it Doogie yeah revitalized grades amazing what difference a cup of coffee and a little break makes been a fascinating day though I have to say just love the fact that it’s a different challenge being offered to the players today the lovely Par 3 13th another good t-shot Kevin Kisner’s longterm lead in the open is under threat now from both Tommy Fleetwood and Zack Johnson Rory mroy coming into view as well as is torban Allison Jesco molari also on two under not a difficult little shot here for Zach just flopp it onto the down slope he’d like the second shot again though there we go the treasurous last four holes at cani first shot he’s done well with ah trick shots from padri well it could only happen to him couldn’t that he’s probably practiced this actually he on my Clayton you can stand out of bounds as long as your ball is in bounds pretty good shot this is to save power from Zack Johnson a good bunker shot well done beautiful stroke very little break in this one if anything a little bit right to left it’s just gently downhill Wayne you know I’m a huge believer in technology and I’ve had the green book out and looked at it this the green book says this goes left to right it just does not look like it there’s not a tremendous amount if I was looking at the green book I’d say just outside left if I was looking at it just with my eyes old school I’d say inside right so go ahead just hit it straight and firm what do you trust the most your right side or a book I’m getting old I’ll go with the book well you should trust your eyes cuz that was right Edge or inside right 30 for Tiger we’ll warm the gallery’s hands up one over but only six back it’s a very congested leaderboard just a reminder that the weather is meant to improve around lunchtime early afternoon still only late morning here at kusy coming up to 11:25 in the morning we’re ready golf here for getting on for 6 hours five hours sorry this three ball and all sorts of trouble on the previous hole now it’s time to make up again this is for birdie poison first man in Well Done toon that’s how you do it you make a mistake and then you stand up on the next hole and you make good for it well done little bit longer than I thought this from Rory break right to left well done he too gets back the shot he dropped at 12 back to four under one behind really looked solid today just the one loose second shot back at 12 costing five you can usually tell when Rory’s in in good shape there’s a bounce to his his step isn’t there now Zack Johnson at 12 that’s tough 5501 yard par hey good bounce bad on that was a good one yeah nice ly bounce there great to see Tommy turning it on this morning and the group at four under pass six of them now just one off the lead just about see the flag there on the TV tower left of 15 it’s all the way back in the left hand corner here be nice and aggressive landed in the middle of the green unlike yesterday where you had to land it about 20 yard short of the green and roll it down to a flag you can fly almost all the way up there today the first of kusi’s fearsome closing four and the one that’s most often forgot gotten probably everybody talks about 16 and 17 and 18 but 15 is a terrific power four my book is one of the finest holes in Links Golf it really does test everything that you have looks like a three-wood from maroy here on 14 yeah exactly easiest toll in the course today we’ve had an eagle with had seven birdies just the one bogey still early on of course not that many players have gone through 14 straight at the TV tower there left of the leaderboard Eagle incident it was Lee Westwood you won’t be able to see where that is from the tap amidst all the other changes the players are having to address today in these wet conditions different bunker technique regard as well wet sand in the bunkers today oppos to the fluffy Seaside sand we’ve had all week choice of club for L as Roy maroy three wood that’s much better that’s in perfect position and it is actually raining quite heavily now leash also with three wood not turning but okay it’s been pretty constant all day after we saw podrig with that strange second shot straddling the fence this is now for birdie one of quri’s more adventurous birdies first of the round back to four over there’s how it looks Kevin Kisner still leading the open after that 66 yesterday he goes off in about an hour and a half or so from now Tommy fleetw five under today terrific golf Rory Michael Roy and Zack Johnson also in the group at 4 under par Ryan Mo couple over are going in the wrong direction Adam Scott and Hong Lee inside the top 20 cut at the moment still two over par you feel it surely has to go to three over again if that weather does improve in the afternoon if the wind doesn’t get up if the rain goes off softer greens who knows Thomas Brown’s taken a break and has been succeeded just as he was in the tournament committee by David how how are get to have you with us well thanks D yeah lovely to be here in this warm dry commentary Booth it’s quite toasty in here not so good outside is it it’s really coming down now what a different today is for these players that’s the essence of the open isn’t it off the with some help certainly is four days go so many changing conditions perfect t- shot for Tiger laid well back 183 wind behind wind is actually freshening in the last 20 25 minutes there is a fairly decent rain coming down but there’s some brighter skies in the direction the weather’s been coming from so there’s hope for us out here pretty friendly whole location at the base of the slope going up to the back tier what wi there is is behind him and from the right so if he wants to play a stock little cutup shot against the breeze just aim it right at the hole ideally you want to keep it short of the hole so you have an uphill putt push l short maybe yeah get load 60s out of it Z Johnson the 2015 champion well super shot from Zach there really just fed that one nicely down the slope with a little bit of draw spin good birdie opportunity on 12 be so many of those today one of the tougher holes on the course second shot at 14 for lman just HED over the spectacles 25 yd short of the green pin is just on the front seven on six off the right 227 sit down huge green this shares the green with the fourth enormous mowing task such a for midable back nine here at Cari the 14th really is a gimme birdie for these guys too straight hits It’s easily in range with a three-wood and a and a mid iron so really want to make you fall give you have a bit of room for maneuver over the final four holes yeah you’re right David it’s aous spite isn’t it before you take a deep breath and walk to the 15th te to on others played really nicely this morning just that one bogey one all three of them them there was in trouble at 12 well nothing to be too happy with there but it’s on the green into On a par five and you just never know sometimes you pop the long one in to the eagle he’s seeing something we can’t H this looks like a lot of Club doesn’t it so close to the face wow well to advance that that far out of there was quite amazing he’s going to have to hit a big flop shot for his third yeah seemed like a lot of risk for Fairly little reward there he’s got an awful Angle now for his third shot he took it out to the right to take a bit of this steep revetted face out of play but probably a 99 there give him credit it was a pure strike wasn’t he he’s a pretty good player he has his moments that’s for sure makes the game look so easy at times doesn’t he when he’s at his at his best he’s a joy to watch he’s he’s unique in a lot of ways Fleetwood then for another birdie at 15 only one thing on Tommy’s mind nowadays is to get that first major victory perhaps win on American soil as well another thing to to be done but just playing wonderful golf week in week out threatening for Majors the last two US opens he’s been right up there he’s uh he’s only got one thing on his mind nowadays and that’s winning his first major championship this man’s already done it couple of times Zach Johnson the Masters and of course the open Champion Aton Andrews the greatest place to win of all slow uphill putt for Tiger just a little bit of movement from right to left he just started at the most I’d say a coup outside right at the moment the rain is slowed down to just a drizzle back to back 30s a big cat how many times has he done it over the year just when you think he’s beginning to slip out of contention a little bit bang bang and he’s back well he’s not hidden a flop shot he’s going to use the ground pretty good shot from Rory yeah sensible play there RIS that one and a good Bly opportunity in the end so had a position off the te he’s maneuvered himself nicely down this hole in the end the part of the game which Fresco milari really has had in great order for the last couple of months he’s puted beautifully can he make birdie at 11 looking good he sure can he’s so long so straight so accurate with the irons once he gets the putter going he’s a hard man to beat he’s going to have a bad back pulling the ball out of the hole great view for cupka into the sixth hole the tough power five and he’s taken full advantage look at that the delayed spin on The Damp green oh it’s lovely to see isn’t it beautifully crisp strike off the links Turf power 316 Fleetwood 22 on four off the left not a big Target hold kick nice friendly bounce you’ll take it anything on the dance Flor here is good back to 14 oh that’s for an eagle should be taing birdie for the day to join the group at four under just one off the lead great thing about torbu and once he gets into contention he really goes backwards he’s a very aggressive player he proved that in Italy didn’t he 64 final round to hold off Molinari a little bit shy coming back up the hill for lashman really does look quite miserable out there but Fleetwood maroy springing their step the bird is cheering them up along the way best score so far in today is Tom Lewis with a round of 70 and he finished bogey 16 and double bogy 18 to finish three over for the championship so he’ll have a long wait this afternoon oh that’s a disappointing finish after putting so much good work in for Tom trying to for his way back onto the big stage Rory well he did find the birdie it was worth the risk in the bunker tied for the lead for the first time since just about this time yesterday Kevin kizner has company at the top of the leaderboard the word will quickly spread around the course they’ll see it going up on the scoreboards R Michael Roy tied for the lead in the open for the fish final four to come ni hold out there just fluttering around the cut line Mark leean bit of room to spare now make too many more mistakes though 270 over the second trap in the middle of Fairway just under 300 to the first trap through the Fairway on the right going with the big stick here here this was the only hole where he hit it yesterday he’s already hit it a couple times today now in the first six holes that’s your bail out over there it’s no problem at all looks to have a decent light well you can stand up with the driver on this sixth t with all good intentions but it’s just so hard to commit you start to pucker at the top of the Swing don’t you Jason day at 11 good shot that’ll save four for Jason already won twice this year ninth turning from off the front of the green oh beautifully judged 33 for Carl Stanley moves to 200 under now cracking Par 3 the 13th it’s a simple hole it just requires one straight hit with a short iron that’s not bad right bunker is definitely no good today the 16th Fleetwood little tentative but such a dangerous hole a bird is a bonus you’ll take a part all the long at 16 wasn’t it Tom Watson that played this whole seven times in the open and never ever made a par never better than a bogy third shot at 12 bunker off the T spin come on nice way to sa far malar’s been a decent player for a long time but so impr impressed at how he’s managed to really make improvements at this stage of his career you know he’s been out there 15 years or so now and he’s really got better in the last two years E Credit to him as I saying one of the great benefits of having a late tea time in the open as you can watch TV in the morning and just see how everyone else is doing see how the course is playing get an idea of what’s ahead of you so all of those later starters all know it’s a different challenge that they’ll be facing today only problem with that is they got to listen to us D that’s very true apologies Lads knowing the players as we do they’re probably watching it with a sound down Lee Westwood even parno one under for the day have you gone to some sort of hybrid putting grip power or are you still standed no my putting grip hasn’t changed in 20 years yeah if I start changing that then I have got problems yeah I’ll be in here more often that’s for sure you certainly wouldn’t want that now you’ve never really had problems with putting d but it’s always one of your great strengths hasn’t it throughout your career yeah I’ve been very fortunate that uh that side of the game I’ve been pretty decent at but most guys have a a strength of a weakness not many players are given it all only the very very best but most of the guys find a way now lot all sorts of different putting Contraptions and styles just to make a straight back and through stroke find a way to get it in use a line on the ball for alignment there’s lots of little tricks of the trade to at least be competent on the short puts there’s a man that hasn’t struggled either the same putter for so many years now seems strange to see tiger with a different pter doesn’t it yeah yeah I think all 14 of his Majors were the same pter weren’t they the stroke still look the same though wonderful flow to Tigers putting stroke still second to seven kka just this wispy rough is a lot different to play out of today with the rain a lot heavier scary t-shot s yesterday’s conditions you could actually blast it right over the second turn of the bar bur not today make sure you’re on the island oh Jimmy was up early this morning maybe he was up late last night Michael Roy is laid way back here at 15 yeah taking the traps out of play back pin of course so although it takes the makes a longer second shot maneuver the ball up the green but yeah he was a long way back maybe it wasn’t his plan he has found the rough after all was probably challenging this bunker just in front of him came out of it a little wind helping off the right only about a 10 mph wind uhoh oh he’s fine I just think he gave himself too much work to do there I mean up the left hand side and get it past that that bunker comfortably look at the moisture the splash yeah the rough far more penal today huh leement in the the heavy stuff this could be tricky also the bunkers that you have to skirt with as well going to run the ball in here you can get clobbered if you go in one of those bunkers 20 or 30 yards short of the greens is such a tough hole well he flirted with the bunker that’s a wonderful result didn’t let like ball came out at all for him he will be delighted toron found the Fairway though this is where you want to be there’s only been one birdie here today that was Sam Lock the Amer a tremendous finish to his round the young amateur had as well to make the cut superb effort tiger at six of the more layups in bar narrow down there heading to back towards the out of bounds but he’s played very conservatively the right thing just got it back in Play It’s been a very conservative game plan for Tiger so far this open a lot in that low Stinger off the te still doesn’t look wholly comfortable with the driver in his hands does he yesterday’s condition were superb for him didn’t need to get the big stick out today being forced a little bit to get the driver out of the bag Johnson to stay at four under at 13 six players and four under par three of them in the golf course and of course Rory Michael Roy now tied with Kevin Kisner and five under got to be made of star stuff to be a golf fan in these conditions Jason day moving quietly into contention as well those two wins that win was talking Wells Fargo Championship and the Farmers Insurance back in January that was after 20 months without a win he’d had injury problems of so and problems off the course but a 12 time PGA Tour winner Jason d work for to do for our co-leader Michael Roy in a very solid performance all day though well the great thing is he knows he’s he’s in this tournament Now isn’t he coming towards the end of his second round he’s in the lead so a drop shot doesn’t particularly hurt him tiger laid up to 185 took the ditch to the right and the out of bounds to the left out of play Breeze in his face about a one Club Breeze help hurting in from the left there’s a deep bunker just long left of where the hall is located look for him to hit this a little bit right give himself the best opportunity for a birdie and he’s playing that out of a divot so had to kind of punch it out of there a little bit it was a Sandy divot win come on Tiger’s such a smart player he took all the risk out of the second shot just think hey this is a par four from here let’s just make my make my uh my par don’t always have to make a birdie On a par five sometimes par is still a good score anywhere next to the hole would be good two puts not a bad effort very difficult to judge from that distance well yesterday’s early starters will be licking their lips with these conditions weren’t they they had the best of it yesterday morning it’s far from Easy out there now ke just having a bit of a struggle up the seventh this hole couldn’t have been more diff couldn’t be more different than yesterday Dustin Johnson just a mere chip onto this green kka powerful hitter going with a long iron and still needing a pitch wishman after a wonderful shot out of the right rough third into the 12 of Jason day this long Par Four you get through 12 without mishap today you’ve done well and that’s a lovely shot from day played with Jason and trun and uh we just watched Rory can he save his part a bit shy now one goes back to four and and we both hit nice drives off the fifth or sixth hole Jason and I and we got to my ball Jason looked at me and he’s gave me a little wink said nice drive howler and then I watched him Pace 81 yards to his ball oh dear 81 Pace painful Paces took a long time to count them let me tell you tell there’s a happy ending and you made birdie and he made P oh and I missed a six footer beat him on the last but we were in about 30th position so nothing to shout about good solid shot there from Fleetwood good opportunity for birdie oh that’s so frustrating isn’t it from the middle of the Fairway beautiful t-shot Prime position giving shots away Eric Van royan from South Africa went so well in Ireland a couple of weeks ago opened with a 67 yesterday and it looks like he’s continuing where he left off yesterday Zack Johnson with driver at 14 squirts skirts the first one and very nice lucky a damp gray and wet morning at Carusi and Rory maroy did briefly join Kevin Kar at the top of the leaderboard but that bogy at 15 drops him back into the tie for second a good day today for Michael Roy and Johnson olison and mullinar and Jason day but particularly good day for Tommy Fleetwood five under two to go Tiger has this one it’s going to break right to left for the first half and it’s going to kind of straighten out there is every chance it could have a little jig to the right and then at the very end as it loses Pace should start breaking from the right again lot of moisture on the greens had a fair amount of rain in the last 45 minutes abated for the moment just missed what you talking earlier Wayne about would you trust your eyes or uh the green book well if you had Tiger’s eyes I think there’s only one answer to that something he’s done better than just about any player the last 20 years reading the greens it’s all very well being able to hit the putts where you want them you’ve got to you got to get the the read right and he’s done it better than anyone time and again yeah you’re absolutely right reading the greens is the secret and that’s Adam Scott I think he he’s a terrible at reading greens and he’s such a great player in every other aspect of his game and he seems to hit a lot of good putts and then just look at it like how did that happen yeah it’s funny I play with tongchai j a few times lately and he’s um given all responsibility to reading the putts to his caddy Shane who’s doing a wonderful job of it I might toncha is holding them from everywhere now you wonder whether you know that might work for for someone like Adam just tell me what to do boss and I’ll and I’ll do it but it’s getting the pace right when you get the caddy to read the puts David isn’t it well yeah you need to know that you’re going to hit it 18 in past or or dead weight for sure matam with a great opportunity here a little right to left her after a really wild t- shot chance to steal one with a birdie four oh there’s a school of thought I know that Tony Johnston leads it that Rory maoy is not the greatest green reader in the world well he’s good at many other things so good job for the guys that he’s not h t shot at 16 for Rory two Bogies two budies in the last four 237 yds pin 22 on four off the left and really nowhere to miss it R trying to chase it on and up the ridge that’s okay after all these trials up here at 7 is for par forka to remain in the red you don’t win a US Open if you can’t get the ball around a what a comeback from Brooks shocking front 941 yesterday back in 31 he’s under par now he did this exact same thing at the US Open just just a few weeks ago I don’t know why he just leaning so much I always think burnard Lang is the same isn’t he a horrible lean off the ball in it’s four feet right of the Scott H used to do that too he was the same just after midday here in gy wherever you want ing around the world whatever time of the day or night it might be I’m sure you’re enjoying this second day of the open Frankie mullar to save his par oh and he’s missed one second bogy of the round for the Italian slips back to 200 under playing with Justin Thomas and Brandon Grace who have both had the problems oh hit it exactly where he wanted to just didn’t move I think Wayne as great a player as Jason day is never really picturing him winning the open in blustery conditions with a strong win but weather like this a bit calmer um you know I can you can see it so it’s a big week for Jason yes it’s taking the opportunities when you get them and when the conditions are right that suit you same for Rory not the best in the in a strong wind and very mild winds this week forecast to be the same over the weekend who those bunkers do tease you just when you think you might get away with it but you very very rarely do van royan for his birdie at the first slightly more intimidating drive to today the 18th this is another Ripper Tommy Fleetwood right down the center of the Fairway he’s making the game look very easy at the moment and of course we all know it isn’t ke at eight shaping it perfectly back towards the hole but just a half a club so short yeah aggressive play not just going for the middle of the green trying to search the pin out on 16 Lehman oh nicely done pumped it right into the bank the grab on the second bounce B of A halfhearted Cryer four there probably realized it wasn’t going quite all the way into the gallery no it was t- was going towards Wayne Riley so yeah you get extra points for heading radar I think don’t you Rory why us to take a slightly open stands with these puts because he reckons his right eye dominant and it’s easier to see down the line sometimes he does miss them left the upper body can get a little bit round and struggling recently with a putter but he only had 100 putts when he won at Bay Hill well play Z the bunker design is just so clever isn’t it it looks horrendous but you end up on a little up slope and actually they’re often slightly more playable than you think not quite as deep as St Andrews there aren’t too many bunkers here with the normal a that you you’re not going to be able to get out of 22 foot birdie part for Allison put and foress part is stay at two under for the day three under for the Open Championship big Scotty back with a long poter to get within two good effort just took a bit of a bounce and bounce left they’re close to the hole 200 underp now for Scotty saw Adam on the Range on Wednesday lean attempts his part oh he misses on the high side didn’t quite toble in and Adam told me yeah I said how you playing it’s been a bit quiet time for him recently he said I’ve been practicing hard I’m expecting to play well so good uh good Confidence from Adam be nice to see him return to the top of the game one of the good guys for sure better be very careful up the last two Mr Lehman now Ma Roy for his pass four under with two to play only a second par of the back nine having par every hole but one on the front good day work though for Rory two dangerous holes to come though as we go back to Zack Johnson this is a birdie put at 14 for the American and he’s taken it so he now joins Kevin kersner at the top of the leaderboard three under for the day and five under now for the championship Johnson and kizna five under par five players at four under olison and Brandon Stone yet to begin his second round on three under there’s Adam Scott inside the top 10 Ryan Mo couple over today to slip back to just one under all of these players opened up with a a 70 yesterday one underpart heading out to the far end of the course the seventh WS off to the right still over 200 yards to go that’s a long way into this wind well the rain I should say more than the wind well David he’s on a down slope as well which isn’t going to help matters any Ball’s kind of sitting on top of some wispy rough you don’t even really feel comfortable grounding your clubs you typically would rain is picked up a bit dangerous whole location oh my God go right hard go right not that way I just didn’t come off of that lie at all yeah well he’s going to be delighted when he sees that CU it didn’t reach the bunker really horrid conditions right now uncommitted t- shot he paying the penalty but he might well make his P Jason day forward on the 13th great PA three quite of the line there in finish’s great friend and and C protecting him from the rain with the umbrella as late as possible yeah keeping player grip and ball as dry as possible another great iron shot from Tommy Fleetwood what a good performance this has been this morning poy free 50th after that slightly disappointing first round 72 he’s climbed now into the top three he really is now firmly established as one of the best in the world he been great to see n down the right hand side of 17 but he’s like he’s overdone it wow that’s a long way right it was it only just made it over the burn he was worried there for a second Co leader Zack Johnson 15th t- shot top Tracer gives us the ball flight 90 ft apex not particularly high but straight well you couldn’t hit driver here yesterday because to just go down there too far and finish up in the right hand rough because Fairway slopes from left to right with a yeah starting to become a more and more intimidating t-shot 17th two iron for these players that’s a nice one from toron birdie chance now hereit for capit just come off the shoulder I thought it move a little left to start with but it was overall it was pretty straight he read it to go back to the right a wonderful start for Danny will it really piecing his career back together again this year interes an outfit today not sure what he’s come dressed as but you’ll see him from several Fairways away I know that it looks like someone out of Star Wars what were they called the Stormtrooper us exactly we’ve got one of those caps at home in my son’s playroom get it sent up but anyway started with a birdie Danny maybe he’s going to storm to the lead tough little shot here for Tiger got a nice line and UPS slope with the green leading up to the whole maybe the last 18 ft he’s going away from if he flies it up there he’s going to hit a down slope and skid forward beautiful play that was not an easy shot that’s tiger at his best waterproof jacket is gone a lovely technique quiet hands just little bit of wrist break in there the grooves and the Loft do its job super touch these kind of conditions where everything seems to get heavier and heavier the ball won’t travel in the air things just seem to get wetter as the day goes on I thought you were talking about the caddies there David bag getting heavier probably is the case as well thought you were mean that wetter and wetter the poor old caddy does get wet on these days player takes the umbrella off him and leaves him out there now melroy what 246 left out of heavy wet rough Lay It Up Wayne I would say leave yourself a wedge Lots can go wrong from in here really just wants to find a a putt for par find the best way of doing that he’s done well from there but what’s coming up is not very easy even if he takes a drop off the The Gallery Crossing it’s a really tight lie landing on a down slope and it came out but kind of only just wasn’t it this is in better shape here though lashman that’s been bouncing up all week yeah it’s amazing isn’t it just 2 or 3 hours of this light rain and it’s so much softened the the ground but it’s just taking all the speed out of it 20 yards into the wind that’s come up a long way shot yeah that’s in the bunker there that’s a Mis struck long iron you can see he’s had a good t- shot there to on still 220 yards he’s berating himself let’s move on every golfer know is that feeling yeah that’s right Zack Johnson tied for the lead with Kevin Kisner come on Tommy let’s finish in St that’s biry the last and get into a shade of the lead listen to the Applause if he does what a mornings work by Tommy food a 65 L round of the championship so far he only just missed out in the US Open maybe he’s going to compensate by winning the Open Championship terrific work by Tommy Fleetwood Jimmy Walker is going to have an early week 8 over par but Henrik stanson at three over has got a long wait now this afternoon Eagle attempt here for Molinari to get within one nice save four both Tommy and Frankie right at the peak of their careers at the moment which is such a love place to be never been more confident with their games just know if they play their normal game they’ll be there or thereabouts he’s playing with Justin Thomas who started off the day two over but had three doubles in a row on the front nine on 678 but he’s made two birdies to be two over three man tied for the lead at five under par Tommy Fleetwood in the clubhouse Woods full power on seven let’s watch the flow of this stroke wonderful there is the appropriate length back swing and follow through appropriate speed it’s like a pendulum as the club gets going into to motion it just carries on very very good just thinking David Tommy of course the course record holder here at KI that’s 63 in the Dunhill links last October I think today’s 65 is a better around of golf than the 63 in the dun Hill yeah for sure um you know the pins are so much easier with the amateur playing at the Dunhill so that was uh and and of course second round of the Open Championship uh is a completely different story so yeah fantastic round time and again recent months Tommy does something special just when he needs to to get into contention for the biggest championships Mel Roy’s taking relief off the the crowd crossing a splendid shot great shot meloy gave himself a little better light smackbound down the middle of the night 2011 very impressive to come back from oh five over power at one stage yesterday it’s a bit of a wide for him but should have enough room to maneuver with there maybe save his part still a danger in this tournament no doubt about that Eric Van royan that’s for a par at the second made par at the first no drops a shot at the second trouble off the T I shared a house with Eric about three weeks ago at the Irish openland didn’t known too well before then he uh he’s played some super stuff super stuff since it’s been the cup of tea I made him he must have given him some Sage advice throughout the week Stir It anticlockwise what half a sugar no more Charlie Hoffman yes well a rare birdie there at 16 have all the pin positions perhaps this is one way you might see a few twos 183 the players can’t feel the breeze from the left it is a wicked ho location we come here year in and year out with the Dunhill Links of course easier hole locations because of the amateurs and the proam this is no Amer hole location that was an amazing shot by Tiger that pole tucked over the right bunker well for 20 years now he really has been just fabulous at shaping his shots into tucked away P positions another one there as we see toorn for power on the 17th bit a right to left uh poor second shot they just given a couple of shots back to the golf course in the last half an hour unforced ER on 15 M struck long iron on 17 well we all hit some bad shots but he’ll be a bit of frustrated you gave him a power at the last he’ snap your hand off right now now what a say from Rory all sorts of things could have gone wrong from that heavy rough on the right but beautiful pitch save the day Dustin Johnson playing with Charlie Hoffman and Alex norren seen Charlie in for his birdie oh and DJ follows him in and that could be an awfully important birdie he was really struggling but he’s now made three birdies in the last four holes Dustin Johnson and now has a chance of making the cut and that was looking a pretty foror Hope just a few hes ago taking the putter cap really 4 second shot there for ke miss the Green Way right well mentally he’s been very strong this week already shocking moment around the turn yesterday and he’s turned his uh fortunes round nicely great mental strength great belief tell me Fleet would the round of the day might be the round of the the day at halfast 8 tonight that fits Patrick going in the wrong direction unfortunately he’s now six over playing the last so looks as if Matty’s not going to be here for the weekend been a tough morning M South Gate off a bad start a couple of shots early on Justin Thomas who had three consecutive double Bogies when the front ners just birded 13 and 14 and has back in with a Chance of making the cut the final t- shot then for Rory meloy what has been a good morning’s work from the former Champion straight the clock the change your company for me in the commentary box David and Wayne taking a break Thomas bejond returned alongside former Masters champion Trev nice to have you back with us Trev I’m sure you’re nice to be happy to be out of the out of the wet yeah it’s uh great to be with you duy as we watch a booming drive there from leean perfect position now on 18 it’s certainly wet out there now couple of Bogies for olers in the last few holes facing the probably the toughest golf hole not just on this golf course but on many golf courses it’s uh we need to get this drive away good swing perfect oh is it is it just just looked like that might have nestled into an old divot there Thomas that would make things interesting good pu from Brooks it’s funny how some players just bubbling around don’t look like they’re playing particularly great but he’s still one on the pie he’s still there there bouts a long way to go in the championship tiger hit that amazing shot in there when you take on the flag stick coming over the bunker you’re Landing it on a down slope and very few can land it on that down slope with enough height and spin to stop it now he has an uphill right to left for birdie this is a very makeable birdie putt right here it’s going to have to start it well outside the right Edge as it climbs up there you can see the moisture on the green certainly it is playing into the putting at the moment rain starting to fall heavily again it’s a strange three in the E just kind of Falls away from you on the top tier there from the te so that would have been an up when you stand on it you think that that whole green should go from feels like it goes from back to front but it it actually does the opposite on the top to you two guys just joined me in the Box just give you both that chance just to give us a quick line on Tommy Fleetwood 65 how good was that in today’s conditions so impressive but uh not surprising for me Tommy has become a world class player over the last few seasons and I knew he was feeling good when he pulled that driver off the first te this morning and ripped it into the rain and the wind very impressive round yeah I watched most of that round and and I felt like there was a couple of holes there early on where he he was wavering a little bit but kind of got away with it and soon as he made a couple of birdies on four and far if it was like the confidence came into him and then he was just un cruise control that kind of golf we’ve seen him play for the last two years I thought it was amazing and to finish it off the way he did it just showed that confidence is Right Where should be going into the weekend it wouldn’t be a big surprise if he goes close this week lovely shot from Eric Van royan joined us in the commentary box for a while earlier this year I think it might have been K really nice fell and one heck of a player this drive won’t be short I don’t know if it’s straight but it won’t be short to the Long Way Brooks C I think there’s a bunker there down the left hand side 196 yards for Mark lean the start of that first cup pins quite accessible from the left hand side looking straight at it you got this yeah I do just that flag left of the clock heard the instructions from his caddy the flag just left of the clock is the line it’s a smart way to play this hole if you just aim at the clock all the time t- shot and second shot and this sets up well for him he likes to play a fade do lean he’s on two over I think I’d be fairly confident two over will make it but a birdie would have been lovely for Mark but I think that’s unlikely now out just wants to make sure he doesn’t three put from down there no Rory this is all about toly beautiful goal shot well controled we talked about yesterday in the rck how to keep the face open through the grass all the time that’s what he managed to do there it’s just about having the round that he was planning out to have this morning right so this looks like it’s in a divot it’s only a wedge though toon likes to play the draw so this one will be working away from the flag great shot though particularly out of the divot so important to strike the ball first and get good clean contact and royan for birdie that gets him back to even for the day been so impressed with the young South Africans play over the last few weeks we saw him playing well at the Irish open he was disappointed to give away that lead but nonetheless was happy with a good week there sack Johnson there he’s impressed me today sack hasn’t played his best I don’t think he’s hit a few wward shots here and there but he just goes about business and gets it done sitting right at the top of the leaderboard and you would be surprised sack he loves this type of golf his swing is perfectly made for linkx golf and the way he works his way around the golf course he should he should have a good chance for the weekend I agree with you 100% Thomas as well as I’ve played a lot of golf with him he has such a great attitude keeps fighting doesn’t let anything really get to him stays in the game and one of those players who very rarely will waste shots unnecessarily only dropped one shot today and it was at the opening Hall alongside Kevin Kisner will’ll be teeing it up fairly shortly for his second round and Tommy Fleetwood L acknowledges the Applause and the welcome on to the 18th I think everyone here at KI delighted to see Rory in contention for the open a long time since he got his hands on a major trophy that shows a bit of his confidence at the moment he’s having a little bit of a hard time in the round Francesco a few Bogies on this back nine he needed to make that pop and he did shows where he’s coming from two wins this year two seconds man on form and then you hold those important pots even though they are for bogy and do you spoke earlier of Rory being acknowledged by the crowd as a professional golfer whether it be in a practice round or in one of the official rounds of the open that walk up the 18th is so special to be walking down the Fairway feeling the atmosphere seeing the huge stands the legendary leader boards it’s a great thrill this three ball has played really well today they’ve been feeding off each other a little bit of of a wobble there on the 12th hole but other than that it’s been pretty good you’re going to make Bogies in these conditions but they’ve taken everything in their stride feror and toron is now about finishing it off in style that looked a beautiful stroke there just slightly misre at the hole if he keeps stroking it like that he’ll be a tough man to beat come Sunday afternoon Thomas absolutely Ro gets a lot of criticism for for certain parts of his game and and people will try and dissect everything he does but the one thing you got to look at with this guy is he’s always fighting he’s always believing and this season he’s the second he’s one second most world ranking points of any player in the world and that shows a little bit about the pressure and the demands we put on the player he’s a fantastic golfer he’s he goes and does really well in the majors and the big championships we’re just so demanding him to win golf tournaments but he is there thereabouts and I think he putts a lot better than people give him credit for sometimes he misses some but we all do there’s another beautiful pup he is a guy that holds a lot of PCH when he’s in contention he really really can roll in those 15 20 25 foot Cuts whole after hole it’s a good start for toon it’s been two big days for him playing with Rory this will do a lot good for his confidence going into big championships big weekend ahead and the PGA Championship coming up as well 269 for Rory 270s for tbon and Mark lman this to stay at two over and probably to make the cut yeah well done Mark and a few hiccups and ball Thrones double bogy six at 12 today but he’s such a good player Mark and hopefully he will be back tomorrow well they’ll be pretty pleased to get off the course it’s been a bit wet it’s not been that unpleasant it’s just been fairly constant rain but not heavy rain there’s been no wind with it so uh it’s not conditions you choose to playing but it’s been okay really I see on the te from the USA Patrick TL so they walk off 18 and over the bridge towards the the corders area that’s the back of the first T players still going out as they will be until quarter past 4 this afternoon it’s another three and a half hours you know dogie as we watch Rory walking here it’s great to see him have that bounce back in his step there’s one thing that he has in his advantage and that is he knows his best golf is good enough to beat everybody and so if he can find a way to unlock that he knows he’s got a good chance to be lifting that clar jug for a second time come Sunday yeah I was saying earlier on Trev I still when I look down and I see against his name world number eight and you think no that’s a mistake I can’t be right he won’t be there for long I suspect head back out on the golf course want the t- shot of the Tiger Woods group they’re talking about who’s going to first they both got 22 yards to the flag so tiger played a nice conservative play off the ninth with an iron laid up to 212 it looks like a pretty benign hole location there but it’s not if you go a little bit left of the hole you leave yourself a nasty downhiller there’s a bunker over there look for him to take it up the middle of the green give yourself a nice flat putt with a little bit of an uphill towards the end if you get it pin High there’ll be very little break short you’ll have a left to wrer you hit it pin High to the right Beyond you’ll have a right to lter he’s aiming left breezes off his left can’t feel much down in the Fairway CU a line of trees left of the hole don’t go in there don’t well J you’ve been out there for a long time how wet is it out there now bunker cam close up view of Keegan Bradley playing an absolute Beauty at eight oh that’s a quality bunker shot I was about to say doesn’t look like a very good lie that ball seemed to have nestled down there but came out like it was on a tea what a great shot from Keegan he’s going to need a few more if he wants to hang around for the weekend L royan on four he’s hitting a lot of lovely aggressive pots at the moment H he just got the perfect pace of these screens there’s nothing better as a professional when you just know you got the pace looks gka bunkered off the teas so this is third into the 10th he going to be struggling a little bit for his par I just absolutely love his demeanor dug he just doesn’t look like anything is going to get to him unflappable out there perfect yeah I mean what else is it behind it just hangs on that for SEC Johnson it’s a little bit of a runoff area there left of the green but it hangs on nicely that’s a tricky goal shot for him look at Danny will it hoping with a birdie back on form he’s putting lovely this week Danny just come up short I spent the first two rounds with him on the course in Ireland playing with him and it was the first time in a long time I’ve seen him play golf like he did a couple of years ago he really looked in control of everything he did so it’s nice to see him in this position oh thank you very much all done made so many headlines in the 2015 open when he was third round leader as an amater now Kipas look for par at the 10th coming back up the hill can he hit it hard enough looks good and what a great save after making that mistake finding the bunker off the te Rock Solid no Bogies after 10 good t- shot from Francesco this is for Birdie on 16 this is not only the highest power three here it’s probably one of the hardest power 3es in golf anytime you walk off a three you’ve done well and you’re happy so Jay you’re out there it’s been raining on your heart all morning we nice and warm in here how bad is it oh well thanks for the nice and warm in here it’s not bad I’ve dressed for it I mean I think everyone out here is prepared for it very tight lie here for tiger ball back hands forward just have to pinch it off this tight light pretty easy shot it’s all flat up to the hole dropped to short at 17 Dustin Johnson no this might be his last hole of the 2018 open it is now straight into the Barry bur and that’s a huge disappointment for the world number one Tommy Fleet with a superb 65 he’s the course record holder here at KI that was a 63 last October but no real comparison between the two that’s a much better round of golf in much harder conditions so he’s tied for the lead at five underpar and torion Allis also very good second round 70 for 200 under Mar South Gate dropped a couple hour on he’s got one back only one over now after four looking to steady the ship there’s Tiger Woods tied 35th even par for the day remains at even par of the open here’s one of our leaders to say a massively outside chance she said earlier doy when somebody left at that short looks like an outside chance of a par now now this is a surprise going with the driver on the 11th kka 357 yds to the front edge surely he can’t get there Thomas he gave it a goal he’s in big trouble now though that’s two holes in a row he’s found a pot bunker how long will he continue with that aggressive strategy well he used a lot of shinok as well I know it’s a different golf course but he was very aggressive off the te I thought a shinok and he was successful doing it well done Zach Johnson keep him tied for the lead nobody’s really getting away so far Russell Knox for over and that was to stay there interesting he gave a very interesting interview last night about playing with tiger which he’d never done before and tiger had always been his golfing hero and it it actually read like he was quite intimidated and quite uncomfortable and that’s not really the set you want as a pro golfer is it I mean yeah it’s great to play with Tiger but you can’t think too much about it can you he he wouldn’t be the first doie I can see that well here’s the first round leader about a tea off in round two this is game number 34 on the tea from Belgium Thomas Peters hugely talented yeah straight sted his own tournament he and the family a Belgian knockout at ANW couple of months ago new format hybrid of stroke playing matx I thought it worked really well and Thomas and the family did a great job in running that tournament for the second day in a row driver off the first T yesterday drove it right onto the green no chance of that today in these conditions but a great shot on the te from the USA Kevin kissner well everyone dreams of seeing the name at the top of the open leaderboard Kevin’s had that thrill for just about 24 hours actually no one has overtaken him he’s been joined on a couple of occasions he’s joined Now by Zach Johnson and Tommy Fleetwood yeah good t- shot from Aken South Carolina just over the Carolina Georgia border not that far from austa fourth shot for day here at 15 little bump and run up the hill fantastic touch there he’s going to have that left for a bogy world number one’s open Championship is coming to an end this is for bogy on the last it’s just not been the week for Dustin but you can guarantee that he’ll be back with avengeance at some stage if it’s in a couple of weeks an Aron or if it’s a PGA Championship you can’t keep great players down for a long time this is not what he came for and he’ll be so disappointed with that finish having set up the chance to make the cup with three birdies and four holes to finish bogey double bogey is hugely disappointed for disappointing for Dustin as we got a Danny Willard at four another player who thrives in energy and confidence and enthusiasm and it’s been missing for a while but it’s definitely coming back for Danny it’s not going smoothly today for Tiger not quite holding the pots heading into a tough back nine in conditions now was a time when they always Dropped In First Open championship for this man look list just look at that pulling it back on a string what a great shot there coming in with the short iron he’s able to generate a lot of spin now Zach with the three-wood off the 18th T and just look at all the shape on that ball perfectly played up the left hand side beautiful round he’s putting together we saw Brooks K finding the bunker of the team out to here so this is his third great play tiger now one over into the back nine God damn it he lost it right here yesterday again today he’ll find the right hand rough there hopefully draws a good light going with the driver nice wide extension on the back swing you see that left side being pulled behind the ball as he completes this is where he’s been swinging a little better able to keep his height a little more that’s going to give his arms a bit more room on the way down all in all even though he’s grimacing there a goodlooking swing just a little bit late with that face hanging it out to the right probably because he knew he could reach that bunker down the left back to the F with Ben royan coming out of the rough very accessible FL position today there a sha Norris at the third oh he’s judged this pretty well judge this very well this might just be my day Bird’s at 2 and then unexpectedly at 3 back inside at the cut line a great day for Kevin yesterday see how we get off to a start today good t- shot see all of this flag well on the lock side we off to a good start wasn’t the best of goal shots but it’s turned out okay and this is a part of his game he’s been working so hard on as Denny Willet every time I see him at a tournament seems like he’s on the putting green working on his stroke that one seemed to take a little bounce early on in its Journey tapped that in for his Par Four at the fourth solid play so far from him Tommy fleetw in with the best of the week 65 tied for the lead with Zack Johnson playing the last and Kevin kizner Rory mooy in the group at four under pass second success of 69 for Rory very different weather conditions although it does seem to be drying up a little in the afternoon players might find themselves with a drier afternoon but maybe a little more wind Brooks cap cap now one under through 10 holes a wouldn’t this be something got away with driving it into a pot bunker on 10 can he do the same on 11 nope this time that waywood drive costs him not ideal with the tough par 4 12th to come Tiger’s balls on a slight Downs slope with a kind of a thick tuft of grass about eight or nine Ines behind the ball yeah you got it 182 the wind is all but died the rain has gone away from this position you have to guard against going over terrible angle just put it in the middle of the green beginning to look just a little bit frustrated tiger ahead to 18 and Zack Johnson Co leader bu to take the lead on his own another fine iron shot Into the Heart of the green we saw a van ran coming out of the r to here take advantage of it just not a left to right break there just didn’t quite hit it hard enough I’m still going along nicely Kevin Chapel for his birdie at the third right in the heart we haven’t seen too many putts made nice to see one go in seen a lot of putts coming up short today with that extra moisture on the greens tricky here for Adam Ball below his feet it’s easy to leak this one out to the right well he’s only just J his perfect well done Adam it’s really really nice to see him playing well again and such an elegant swing Thomas isn’t it just fun to watch that well it’s never changed really it’s always looked great here’s another go swing that doesn’t change a lot just looks stronger now franccesco I think when he goes through the ball it used to be a little bit softer through the his swing through now it’s quick and firm let’s Jud that a little bit Fleetwood Michel Roy and Allison all excellent second round subpar rounds to get into the top 10 73 for Ryan Mo couple overp Charlie Hoffman round in 70 Alex noren 71 Adam Scott finishing off Brave approach to the last last taking on that right hand bunker picture becoming a little brighter as the rain blows away or moves away there’s not much wind to blow it kisser for an opening body now Zack Johnson coming up the hill here at 18 for birdie he finds a way to slip this in he’ll take the lead outright on his own he’s giving it a good run oh boy right in the heart and what a finish you can see how much that means to him and his caddy doing the chicken dance there for us Damon Green and just look at that 3433 and after that bogy on the first what a magnificent round 67 and he takes the lead and he knows all about winning Majors he’s got two of them one at Augusta one at s Andrews not bad places to win a major really no it really isn’t and sometimes I think he doesn’t get enough credit for it either he really is a world class player people tend to talk about other people and not zck Johnson maybe it’s about time people took note of this guy because I think he’s going to go close this week some players are quite delighted to have a lower profile not you Thomas you always love being talked about and in the headlines and on the TV but we’ll love you for it unfortunately I didn’t have the don’t have the majors to back it up I agree with Thomas 100% I think Zack Johnson is a future Hall of Famer fantastic career such a great grinder good to see him playing well here at the open again his Tiger’s been lining this one up the rain started to fall again wind is picked up this is an uphill right to left or mainly influenced by the slope coming off of that right bunker it’s kind of a shoulder that’s going to influence his breaking from right to left very slow putt at the tail end of this putt it levels out youd think he’s a long way from the hole but was actually an excellent second shot from where he was to put it to this position that’s the attitude you have to go into it with you can’t think wow I’m this far away from the hole at 50 55 ft just a little flash of the tiger smile there he thought that was in I think we all did great attempt he like the look of that one didn’t he this Li doesn’t look too good for Francesco and it’s just out yeah that’s going to be difficult pluged this next one is not going to get much easier either kka staying with the same strategy of driver starts this one down the left stting back good grief that is way down there and the tough part about having a plug line wet sand is you just can’t quite get under the ball enough to get it up and over the lip keep going he’s going that put for bogey here kizna T shot at two drifting a little right apparently that has found the bunker had to 18 and Adam Scott for a closing party going back to the the broom handle after putting pretty well with a short putter that’s around to 70 for the oie one under for 36 hes at the moment five off the lead Z Johnson top of the leaderboard he’s never actually led a major after 36 so was not even the two that he won so new experience for Zach whether he’s still there at the end of the day we wait to see that’s a big disappointment for Francesco mistake on the second shot cost him dearly from being very close to the lead we now six shots behind the lead just going with the iron here slight breathe in his face the first bunker up the left side is certainly in play play 225 first one up the right is 246 as is the case he’s been missing most of his shots for this week and last week off to the right only 40 is our number Tiger has the iron out this is not a hole you really want to mess with holes located just up on the top shelf over the step right in the middle of the green eight from the right bunker eight from the left bunker I think you have to take on that first bunker up the left but you want to lay up short of the two on the right and one on the left ideally just keep it short of 245 and you’ll take all those second group of bunkers out of play oh no it’s just a beautiful wide swing from Tiger makes that transition nicely gets the arm down it’s right on top of the ball with that right shoulder full release I think with his irons probably looks a bit smoother through the ball than it does with the driver to be able to stay in the ball a bit more I think that’s going to be the biggest problem with the back operation he had is that with the longer the club gets it’s puts a little bit more pressure on that lower spine and it’s difficult for him to stay in the shot second shot into the fourth hole for Kevin chapel and this green seems to be the most receptive we’ve seen on the golf course right now most the players spinning the ball back left to right breaking pot here for Danny will it good pop just didn’t quite get it started high enough just looking at some of scores the players will be seeing as the afternoon goes on who are struggling Bubba Watson six over par Ian pter seven over CIO Garcia’s got it back to just three over which might be the cut Mark Bryon Shambo five over Jason dner four over well done Danny that’s kiss’s third shot and it’s a good one as well it’s in the bunker came out to there going to walk away with a four y dantor who led the Scottish open last week at gullan going into the final round just having a horrible time it’s now8 over today and 13 over for the open second shot into 12 for the US Open Champion likes to fade the ball but he’s kept that one out to the left there and that looks a terrible lie Nestle down into that fescue grass few holes in the row now he’s been struggling to make part he’s going to want to clean that up this Chapel for Birdie on the fourth doie and I was talking about earlier we think we’re too old to wear that hat what about you Trevor I think I could pull that off Thomas I knew you were going to say that delighted to have young Trevor emman in the Box others now mikkelson to get his round started off with a birdie this will be breaking from his left looking good stay up and there that hole on the first that cup on the first seems to be cut on a little Ridge there I’ve seen the ball breaking away quite a lot haven’t seen many putts made on the first hole so Phil get started off with the power he’s got the rain gloves on looking for a good solid round so that he can hang around for the weekend must be weird that when you have warmed up and done everything with two gloves on and then if it stops raining you have to change into the way you normally I would find that extremely difficult for my hands to get the feel he’s obviously used to it I only I only wear two gloves when gardening Thomas Oh I thought the rain had or the worst of it had Ted Us by and moved on but as you can hear and probably see we still got some wet weather at car state some of us can feel it Doogie or well I can hear it hitting my bra a poor t- shot for Matt syama just trying to dig it out of the rough over here on the right about 170 or so from over there into the wind wind died for a few minutes when the rain came back the wind came back it was a pretty good dig out of the rough as you said there Jay beautiful shot that was an excellent shot Thomas great distance control tiger has 157 the holes cut only three up on the top tier to have the best putt not often you want to hit it past the hole but he better off to hit it past the hole doesn’t have to deal with a step going up to where the hole is located it’s 157 is going to play close to 170 with the temperature and wind Russell knocks after a beautiful t- shot he’s really been struggling a bit five over par three over today 129 just a wedge in there nice controlled swing needs to get up oh it going to stay up just yeah needs a couple of birdies Russell this could be the first one on a way to come back to make this cup it’s always special to play on the weekend in any major championship but I think when you’re Scottish to play on the weekend in a Open championship in Scotland is something that’s very unique good looking PT from Eric vanroy and that’s unlucky that really is unlucky cut a little bit of the edge but stays above ground Molinari second shot into 18 just love the planes on his golf swing straight up and down lost the grip right hand slid off but this is looking mighty fine right online hopefully he can bounce back knock that put in for a birdie after the tough stretch he’s had I don’t know about you Trevor but when my hand come off the club is’s not normally followed by a four somewhere if you’re just joining us wherever you are around the world this is the second day of the 147th Open Championship very dramatic change in the weather and the conditions of the course from yesterday as you can obviously see not stop Tommy Fleetwood shooting 65 Zack Johnson shooting 67 and Rory michaelroy shooting 69 Z Johnson currently leading the open by one from Kevin Kisner and Tommy Fleetwood all pars for a Matsuyama today except the one birdie at 5 such a good record and major as the the young Japanese is only 26 seven top 10s pretty impressive metsi has had a good look here he’s three over I think three over is going to make it cuz if and when the rain stops it will probably get a little bit windy good chance here this is an uphill left to rer having a look at Justin Thomas here second shot into 18 had a horrible run of holes on the front line where he made three double Bogies in a row going to need this one for sure should be here in the weekend three over p with J Townson on that I think that’s going to be the mark big put coming up from Justin Thomas tiger just using his feet as well as his eyes to get a feel for the slope taking a step back one of my contemporaries in 1985 strad we were playing South Africa the wanders a hilly course and he kind of straddled the line on about a 12-footer I said what are you doing walking off the green he said I was feeling the break with my feet wow that’s good Robert Lee who now works for Sky TV taught me that used it my whole career your feet often times when you can’t see something feel it this is going to break left to right no question about that fairly level yeah you think the crow are with them I think most of the World of Golf is with him in this they want him back playing at his best I want to see Tiger Woods lifting trophies again back to even par for the no 42y old Tiger Woods huge putt here for Justin thas on the 18th oh oh no and I hope that doesn’t cost him you can see there a look on his face he has a feeling that that putt was to make the cut hasn’t got a good open record this is his third open best finish is a tie for 59th that club went through there nicely well done Brooks cup G looked very tricky from the way he was sitting but he read the LIE well and executed it well Frankie Molinari for a birdie at the last oh a disappointing finish to the r for Franchesco so 72 one over even par for two rounds and surprisingly Brandon Grace also a 72 for four over so Brandon looks as if he might not be here the man who shot 62 to set a a record for the lowest round ever in any major last year might be missing out here at kosy kizner at the third just a positional shot from the T trying to steer clear of the bunkers he’s done that well Spectators getting a good soaking today unfortunately at carate Zack Johnson 67 leads the open by one from Tommy Fleetwood who 65 is the best of the week so far Kevin kisna underway the overnight leader Rory maroy moving into the top 10 with a 69 it’s not any easier it’s just different that’s the open saw John Ram’s name going through there I wonder what his tactics are going to be today is he going to continue to attack that’s the way he likes to play there Molinari going along so well earlier but slips down to just outside the top 30 after that one over pass 72 Tiger Woods and Brooks keper also on that Mark but still got some golf to play Justin Ro was very disappointed with his round yesterday so he’s got some work to do this afternoon to get back into contention for the open the major of which he’s never really done well 501 today there’s two bunkers up the right center of the Fairway the first one on the right is just over over 280 the second one is just over 285 from that point on everything gets pinched in Tiger just going with the iron taking those bunkers out of play anything up the right side will be a much better angle into that left whole location but he’s going to have to deal with that front bunker matuyama needs to string some good shots together this is the first of some really hard holes coming in in the last seven his Miss has been to the right there’s a burn to the right but this is a really wide Fairway maybe 50 55 yds wide going with the driving iron as well should take the bunkers out of play wind is stopped for the moment rain is nearly falling straight down how Russell Knox typically a very straight hitter going with a little bit longer Club doesn’t have the length that the other players have he’s got three wood in hand second shot into the seventh hole for Eric V royan little bit of an uphill Li here should be able to launch this way up into the air and consequently landed softly and we are seeing so many quality shots from The Young South African a look here Thomas Peters his second shot to the third hole we got this quite tricky pin position today sitting right on the crest guys come up short here they don’t really want to go past it beautiful shot from Peters just rolls away from the hole there a little bit but a nice uphill pup now Denny will it at the par five six this is for Birdie down the hill and now climbing back up the other side needs to take a seat he’s left himself a little work for his par five a kizner second shot into the third perfect angle staring right down the flag stick and judging the bounce and Skip perfectly Matt Southgate on the seventh a little bit of a rocky start but he’s fighting his way back good shot B cupka for Birdie on 13 wonderful little par three this Brooks I don’t know doesn’t seem like he’s doing much and then he’s still you know hanging around round and you know with this guy that all of a sudden he’s just going to come alive and then he he could very easily be there come Sunday you know it’s just that type of play doesn’t look as much as going his way but not not much wrong is happening either but time will tell Michelson claw grip double gloves finds the bottom of the cup that’s a birdie for him at the difficult second it is the Open Championship they all come out in big numbers no matter what the weather is like they love watching golf in this part of the world and then you got people coming from everywhere to watch this great championship take interest in all the history there a reason it’s called the Open Championship it is simply just the best golf tournament in the world as we watch Matthew sgate HED to here he loves his championship we had a great finish at Birkdale last year good pop this is interesting this is going to be extremely difficult to get anywhere near this flag with a wood Russell has 259 not like yesterday where 259 you could get there with a Hybrid Club for someone that hits at his distance it’s a big 259 with a cold conditions rain coming down Breeze hurting from his right good news is you can run it up the uh middle of the green between the two bunkers just kind of drying things off not in any hurry is it still raining out there Jay what answer would please you best Thomas he did say that with a smile on his face yeah I know Trevor he has shown me absolutely no care he’s been just Jing me about the rain and everything the unfortunately for Thomas I came prepared Broly waterproofs waterproof shoes yardage book cover sorry Thomas back up at the 12th green Bryson Des Shambo who’s been fighting an injury here had to withdraw last week from the John Deere classic said he dislocated his shoulder has this put for birdie which should be some score the way this hole is playing today he’s got that Matt cucha style great part three goes a long way at number 12 today he is a fascinating character isn’t he Trevor scientist you got in trouble didn’t he with rules officials recently for using a compass not Compass as in a directional Compass but the old C type compasses you’d have in your geometry set at school try and make sure the pins were put out marked accurately on the stroke saber books that they get given okay the weight is over the rain is now coming down harder nox is going to try and work this in right to left be a full three-wood for Russell not one of the longer hitters think he was very unfortunate there with the Freewood yesterday that would have careered through the green he got a very soft bounce with all the rain that’s come down this morning unlucky Tiger has an UPS slope here he’s hitting off up 242 he’s going to try and play a high draw here swinging in there good shot with this whole location it’s 20 ft right of the hole pretty flat portion of the green and trying to draw that one back just got underneath it a little and left it out to the right there he’s just about face with one the longest Parts you can face at Cari except for the double green between four and 14 test all of his touch that one and this is what happens when you trying to play the draw you’re trying to lay that shaft down on a flatter plane coming down so that you can get your path from into to out and that right arm just staying a little too bent for too long there hanging that club face open you can see him trying to save it there through impact beautiful lines to That Swing the face was just hung out a little open consequently the ball didn’t draw back Now metsu Yama here second shot into 12 look how far right he’s aiming Thomas trying to sweep this one in from right to left he’s asking it to go it’s over done it it’s a treacherous pit shot you’ll have them up there down slope the Green from there it’s going to be difficult to get that close unless he gets a really good lie and isn’t this young man playing well another Birdie on the seventh for Eric F royan now just one behind the lead held by Zack Johnson here’s one that’s got a putt to tie for the lead Kevin kissner he really hit that one 22 putts yesterday reckoned it was the best putting round they probably had this season I loved his chances his comments excuse me in his post round interview he looked at the reporters and he said if I have 22 putts for the next three days I like my chances thought that was pretty good full whack here from Brooks cupka with the driver this is going to be perfect now just missed that bunker he not going to have a lot of clubbing from there has played well in bad weather in Scotland before one on the challenge tour up in aymore was coming down cats and dogs at time that week here’s Thomas Peters birdie but at the third now Chapel for Birdie on the fifth oh yeah yes we’ve seen him make a couple good putts that gets him to three under off to a beautiful start here on this wet Friday at the open par 38 iic van royan just one off the lead down down down that’s good cing right there Thomas stop do all the right things eventually did what he was told so that was the good outcome of it Jason day to finish off his day this is for p never really got it on Li Jason be safely in for the weekend the moment six shots behind he will know that he’ll need a low round tomorrow to get himself right into the championship Mets is about six or seven feet above the level of the green up on this mound the green is going just gently away from him the grass is all growing in the direction he’s swinging just laying on its side so the club should go through no problem as this shot goes doesn’t get much easier this Li is going to really help him just lob it on the front part of the green it should roll right to the hole we hit that too hard clearly flew it way too far Russell Knox I thought he would chip this and just lofted on the green a very good life he’s going with the putter it’s flat at first and once it starts getting to the green area it’s going to start going downhill and left to right all the way to the hole over to the eighth and de van royan to join Zack Johnson six under well for a man who hasn’t played much linkx golf in his career to dat he certainly seems to be adapting pretty quickly that is a great point I was just thinking the same thing D he’s playing like a veteran out there has zero experience in major championships but missing on the right side of the flags doing all the right things very impressive as Thomas said tiger probably could not get a longer putt the only place you could get a longer putt would be the double green at 4 and 14 this one is not easy the first W just under one/ half it’s climbing uphill and left to right and and then when it once it goes down the step it’s going left to right as well but then it’s just gently going away from him right just before the midpoint is where he goes down that step it is a pretty steady heavy rain at the moment can’t say it’s rained any harder than this all day anything with all the water and moisture on the Green within five or six feet of the hole is an excellent effort he’s easily 90 ft from the hole Jay are you surprised he hasn’t put the rain jacket on yet I am he’s walking around stalking things without an umbrella or anything I’m very surprised I was thinking that when he was up by the hole that grin that Thomas had was that kind of that evil Grinch grin it was yeah he has it on his face right now too yeah he’s good that way pretty good effort there from Tiger it’s all about the pace over to eight playing with Van Ryan this is Matthew Southgate bunkered off the T So a par part for the Englishman will be desperate to make the weekend here of course where he’s a country member quickly to kissner he second out of the rough at the fourth good angle here with the left hole location but coming out of the rough bit of a guessing game but played very well there great judge of distance and bounce to Matt up with a par part at the 12th fairly level putt there’s just a little tilt from left to right I think he needs to start this outside left this would be a really good for at the 12th almost like Ste stealing a half a shot Phil Mickelson for biry it looks weird with those double gloves when your ping I have to say he believes in it do they actually keep your hands absolutely dry I think they do the opposite don’t they when they get wet the gloves they actually make the gloves stick more to the gr oh so it’s like a wet suit or something and it makes it techy ah okay right now this will be some T putt if tiger can make this taking a good look at the line he would have got a good idea watching his first putt Roll by the hole shouldn’t be too much in it might sneak a little to his left you can see the putterhead beautifully sold there and that’s a great two- part that’ll help him keep the momentum going to the par 313th yeah you feel that’s an important putt for him two of the or the two easiest holes on the golf course coming up in 13 and 14 and then you got that really tough finish so like to see him get into red numbers over the next couple of holes oh it’s becoming must make now for Russell Knox and then he needs a pretty big finish as well over some tough holes this is the hardest hole on the course and then the the final four are the next four hardest so he’s got his work cut out but he’s played some excellent golf over the last few weeks starting at the US Open yeah the only thing with Russell you think it might be in one tournament too many he was trying to arrive the CR way plays so well just keep going and keep fighting and when you come to an Open championship and you played so many golf tournaments it it can just wear you down and caught up with him on Sunday in Scotland and it seems like maybe the tiredness has just carried on a little bit into this week it happens through every player that plays well for a period of time they just eventually they’ll just play a bit too much you saw it with Tommy Fleet wood coming back from the US Open struggled a bit in Germany and struggled in France with tiredness and he had to take a couple of weeks off and then you see what happen today when they’re fresh they can go out and do amazing things but tiredness is the one thing that kill you the most in this game now V royan on the N going with the iron trying to stay short of all the bunkers but pulled that to the left going to be hoping for a good lie there kiss at the fourth birdie part he’s not a guy who’s going to overpower a gol of course is he but he is a again I suppose a little bit like Zack Johnson he’s a good Putter and he’s a great strategist he knows how to plot his way around when you saw the great Drive of Brooks cupcat this is where he hit his second shot to this is for Eagle you’re always amazed that that front of that green doesn’t break more like the whole green runs away from you so when you stand over that part it should break right to left never does looking down over the 13th hole is power three 174 yards today that’s a true 174 right now Dom very little breeze earlier today that would have been straight down wind ideally you keep it a little short left of the hole bunkers right and left that are just Wicked but the one you really want to avoid is a one just short and right of the flag tiger no that was terrible contact that was a shocker for Tiger he’s going to have to chip that he will not be able to putt it well maybe it’ll be an interesting one if he does I saw Jordan spe yesterday didn’t we putting around the bunker at eight it will be the same one Don the same just tickle the edge of the bunker it’ll left to right and then it’ll go up the slope I happen to be standing right about on that line so I have a good look at it it’s like I just chip Up 3 fet and make it and he’s moving through the ball all right is he tiger because he’s got this tape hasn’t he on the back of his neck the Kinesiology therapeutic tape or something well he slept badly on Wednesday night before the first round and that caused a stiff neck as NX hits this one a nice low shot should take a nice big bounce I generally sleep badly the night before a major starts too Thomas how about you it’s not the easiest evening of sleeping that’s for sure should be used to it by now he played a lot of them yeah it wasn’t like he had an Al early alarm call either was it yesterday I wonder if tiger brings his own obviously has his own plan I wonder if he brings his own pillow could have been a bad pillow you never know you know there’s so many different things you know mattress it doesn’t really suit him matuyama he’ll try and move this in left to right people forget how many different things can affect a player’s Fitness got a club toil there he likes to look at this one he plays under a lot of pressure doesn’t he in these major championships as Japan’s top man their number one player I mean the media interest in someone like him is fantastic yeah you got only walk around in the golf course in the practice rounds you know you can see where Tiger Woods is you can see where Rory maoy is and you can see where all the Japanese players are it’s just people everywhere when they out playing the practice and it it is a lot for them to play with and live with and I think sometimes it might hold them back a little bit the expectations of this that the Japanese are so desperate to get those major championships now Brooks uncharacteristically going with an iron from the te we’ve seen so many drivers from him but going for position here off of 15 beautiful swing and strike some bunkers down the right hand side that you want to stay clear of here on 15 par five sixth hole Eddie perol played so nicely in Scotland last week W in katar earlier this season hold on Eddie one of my old caddies on the back Michael D mind you the pretty much all of them my old Cades I think mck caded for me too Thomas he’s made made the rounds obviously he has he’s been with a lot of good players Through The Years really got good run with costantino Rocka in the late 90s and then moved to Westwood he’s done a lot of good stuff from Eddie pe’s game as well yeah Eddie credited him a great extent didn’t he after the winning katar he said it was important to have someone like that on his mind coming down the stretch one or two shots that Eddie was thinking about something and Mick just was able to have a little word and make some other suggestions which were taken on board tiger pulled out the Barber Shop Sand Wedge you know what that is no bounce no it’s got the sharp Leading Edge he’s going to have to really nip this one it’s a tight lie he’s going to have to take it right of the hole just over the bunker land it on the flat maybe even a little lower trajectory into the up slope and then get it to trickle down the hill go all the way to the hole this is a wicked tough shot he just flew it about a foot too far that was a difference between next to the hole and 15 ft he was a little clipped in his television interview yesterday I think he felt that he could easily have been two or three shots better off than he was and he was disappointed in that to Van royan just shy of this ninth green going with a bump and run there just a little heavy-handed I’m surprised he didn’t put that this is Michael Kim from the United States we know he’s in good form he won by eight shots last week at the John Deere classic that he’s enjoying himself at his first open well there’s no greater feeling than when you get to this Championship the first time know all the history heard all the stories and when you get to experience it yourself it really is a beautiful thing so a birdie part here at the 13th for Matt suyama well there’s a little adjustment to make today isn’t it is I me we’ve been raining now for what probably five 6 hours at least and then before that overnight as well so a little less break than maybe there was on the greens yesterday as they get a little bit slower a little more rain falls on them yeah as the greens slow down you’re going to have to hit your putts a little bit firmer and there’s a couple ways you can do that first way is to up the tempo of your stroke so stroke a little faster second way is to lengthen your stroke but you have to find a way to get a little bit more energy into the ball play them a little straighter be more positive you saw the pinpoint there this is going to break a little bit left to right tiger would have been schooled by mat yama’s putt a little bit slightly different angle this one is will have less break than what hii had cuz it’s more up the hill but it is left to right have to start this outside the hole but as Trevor was just saying when things are slower especially then you have an uphill putt balls rolling faster so it’s affected by the slope for a shorter period of time so you don’t play as much break oh what a save from Tiger Woods that’s two holes in a row yeah beautiful from Tiger Jose marav once said to me when you get yourself into a really difficult position you’re better off having 10 to 12 ft per par than trying to do something silly and then you walk away with double bogy this was a great example of a master at work just take your medicine and then give yourself a chance what a beautiful stroke throwing that outside the left and you can see how much that means to him he knows he’s got a power five to come if he gets a good drive away he can reach that in two trying to get some momentum going before that tough finish see if Russell Knocks can make birdie start claing his way towards the cut line still plus two as it stands actually admitted he’d been slightly nervous playing and felt rather uncomfortable playing with tiger yesterday first time he’d done so in his career to van royan parut at nine I have to say I find that amaz amazing that he hasn’t played with him he’s still been around for a good few years now Russell I suppose tiger hasn’t played that much has he over the last few years maybe where Russell has been playing more so on the PGA tour a second hole in a row that kizner coming out of the right rough this is his second into five he says it’s got to fly it this is going to be perfect absolutely perfect and he’ll have no idea that should feed back of that slope getting better and better you’re exactly right Thomas he’s going to love the look of that when he walks over the hill to the fourth and Phil mikkelson trying to get it back to level par beautiful wow that went into some Pace didn’t it as well I’m going to have to go and get some of those gloves Thomas I think you’ll have to look a long time to find them Trevor there won’t be anyone on your manufacturer’s truck I don’t think Michael Kim with a bit of luck the final part of the day something bothering him there he’ll know that whether he makes or misses this putt either way he’s still going to make the cut that should free him up mentally allow him to go ahead make a free swing of the putter put a good roll on it needs to start it just outside that left Edge so drop shot at the last still good day work and uh a nice home with nine one under coming back and and K in good position never easy after such a dominant week like last week you know your expectations are so high when you go out and play so he’s done well woods with an iron of 14 those first two bunkers down the left you see they’re 250 to reach well you know when he does that just picks the tea up you know where it is middle of the faway he had eight iron into both of the par FS yesterday he walked off with pars both times I think that was one of the things that upset him most a kka into 15 loves to play the fade and this is working out well for him taking a nice skip forward off to that up from that wet Fringe grass rolled around came down off the bank can kissner convert of course he can so kissner climbs alongside Zack Johnson once again tied for the lead and makes his first birdie of the day it’s a US1 two at the moment Johnson and kissner Johnson and Fleetwood both finishing with birdies at the 18th Rory will be pleased with his day’s work 69 for him and well we’ll get players tearing off for another well just over two hours just after quarter 4 this afternoon is the last tea time so they’re going to be finishing up at what sort of not far short of 9:00 you would think those players may end up getting a pretty good break if it does manage to clear up and stop rain training they’ll have nice receptive conditions yeah and those are out early yesterday probably got the kindest of the conditions yesterday as well because it picked up didn’t it definitely the breeze in the afternoon mind you we’ve seen some open championships haven’t we where if you got on the wrong side of the draw you just stood no chance in the championship that was it you were gone yeah there’ve been some big changes in whether it happens quickly up here and when it does come in the bad weather it really is tough to deal with both playing wise but also mentally we keep looking down that leaderboard there’s a lot of people here that juggling to try and get in for the weekend plus three was about 72nd a while ago and now it’s 76 so it’s going in that direction but as you said everything can change and he wouldn’t like to be the one that says it’s going to be plus two or plus three it could even be plus4 at one at some stage see if kka can convert at the 15th and I just love the way he goes about his business no theatrics hits the the shot walks after it not too much emotion shown or energy wasted just seems to have so much self-belief and confidence in what he’s doing with his game well he’s lucky isn’t he’s like Dustin Johnson and one or two others they are they just have that raw power they are big men some of the shots he had hit out of the rough at Shino I mean I think some players wouldn’t have got it out and he just stood up there and you know seemed to almost hit it like there was no rough at all amazing great short game there’s a lot of work behind it he works very hard especially in the gym remember when he came over to Europe in the beginning he was actually not that big a guy he was more bit more dangly than anything and now he’s a big strong athlete he worked extremely hard in the gym it’s a big part of his whole process that’s probably he put more effort into that than he probably does to hitting golf balls and working on his golf game Tiger has two 36 after laying up off the T the other two players took the bunkers on much shorter shots once you get over the spectacles it’s a straight shot downhill to the green the pins right in the front part of the green spectacles are about 35 short you have to carry land not down SL you can’t flight anywhere on the green otherwise you’re going to be a good 20 yards beyond the pin right a little right beautiful Golf Shop absolutely perfectly J from Tiger Woods you’ll have a big eagle opportunity coming up I’m just a beautiful go swing here extension of the right arm through the ball good release these cameras are magnificent aren’t they off to Brandon Stone who’s underway but in trouble at the second facing this what 10 12 footer for did you see the bounce he got off the grand standard 18 yesterday pulled his drive into the rough and hooked his second shot got tangled up the the club face turned over hit the grand stand came which is out of bounds came back landed on the green hold theart for a three some guys have all the luck D was amazing now kizna going with the driver off the sixth looks like he’s aiming down the right side sure is that’ll be in the rough you need a good bounce and break for the lie here whatever you do you have to find a way to stay out of those Fairway bunkers on six Peter’s with driver if he can carry these bunkers down the middle going to give it it all wh here Thomas he’s struggling with his back and I wonder if that’s what you felt there a Little Grunt he’ll be all right there he’s been playing with that for a couple of weeks hasn’t he struggling a bit see just feeling it as coming down I think more than anything 180 to go for Matt Yama playing with tiger at the 14th par five his swing just looks a little different to me right now Dom that pause at the top doesn’t seem to be as long as what it normally does we have to keep an eye on that on the last few holes here is’s Kevin Chapel interesting line off over the hump round it comes is it a double break up pretty well charged and to the par three 16th 237 yard today and cap cup hul cut 22 yards on and four from the left at 16 today and trying to play the fade and double crossed it this will need to get a good kick seem to disappear into that bank it’s going to be an awkward one especially where that flag is two under through the first four this is Phil mikkelson’s second shot into the PA for fifth hole very nice Phil well whoever said he was going to clear up early afternoon weren’t right were they now then royan at 10 second shot coming from the left hand side he’s looking at it anxiously that’ll be a tough up and down from there but isn’t it interesting guys how quickly things can change on a ly course first three days practice rounds we were saying that this was the hardest and fastest course we’ve ever seen all of a sudden we’ seeing balls spin back when they land today one of the beautiful things about this championship and the weather forast is also a bit you know strong stronger winds on Sunday and that’s going to be a big Challenge on this golf course because Carusi is such a difficult Golf Course when it blows a little bit they’ve had really good conditions wind wise the first two days rain is never the easiest thing to play in and especially on links but the wind is the one thing that’s going to make this golf course extremely difficult Thomas I think everyone is waiting for the wind it was scheduled to come in stronger yesterday it never really did maybe until late in the day right now the rain has stopped you would think it would get windy but there’s still some more dark clouds the rain’s not over it’s just paused I know that gives you a lot of worry 20 yeah that’s that’s about when they tell us the rain’s going to stop I’m dry as a bone I came prepared as did this man this is an uphill right to left or for Eagle this is one it’s uphill enough you never have to worry about getting away from you beyond the hole if you miss it big big move from Matt siama well that puts it into two up which is inside the cut line tiger will have been looking closely from the other side of the hole big side of relief for the Matsuyama Camp which they’re out here in force huge crowds following this group all the way around even with the inclement weather they’ve been out often times five six deep standing up on the Mounds to get view over the people in front of them it’s a great viewing Golf Course are you signing any autographs out there Jay I stay away from the gallery they keep telling me to put my umbrella down or or kneel down I’m too old and I don’t want to get wet this one for Tiger is a very odd putt it looks like it wants to go right to left but when when you look at the green book it says it’s going to go left to right and I’ve Had A View From a couple of different sides I actually think I’ve talked to a couple of different people out here everyone sees the same thing I do feel like it’s almost straight but wants to fall left to right at the very end exactly what it did just a little bit of left to right still a good birdie for Tiger that gets him into red figures only five back first time he’s taken advantage of the par five so far this week at carti here’s mikkelson already two w up he’s in the mood and Phil’s making putts today he’s got the feel for these greens gets him to Red figures as well over to 10 F Ryan It’s Tricky this goes away from him got to stop as well it’s a difficult bunker shot you don’t want to leave it in the bunker but then you also got the green falling away from you behind the flag there another tough bunker shot a long one for Brooks C that pin position is tricky for him as well there always going to be to get it there if I’m the LIE trust me the next one is not easy either it’s a course that sort of prods and pokes at you isn’t it all the time there’s no letup really Brandon Stone here’s second to the Third now what a great shot he’s been on fine form the last two weeks now kka coming up the hill here it’s going to have to hit this one real hard climbing that bank that’s a great judge of speed there but at this point hoping to make a bogey 15 te matama out with an iron hi and that’s all he needs the whole cut in the back portion of the green a long second shot doesn’t hurt you have plenty of green to work with 240 to get it past the first right bunker I think it’s the second one at 270 that’s more of a worry just a little bit of Breeze puffing up behind him as he hits that one tiger is just going to work his way around these final few holes they’re very penalizing if you start hitting errant shots he’s so accurate with this little Stinger shot this Fairway does have some camera up there left to right once you get to the 280 range he will likely fly it much shorter than that left Center is a perfect place to aim it keeping away from those right bunkers and let it work its way to the right side of the Fairway let’s go tiger fantastic swing there from tiger that looked old school planes were perfect right shoulder stayed High very little divot right the Gap perfect well that suggests it’s fairly uh decent idea to find the Fairway doesn’t it look at that 500 600 shots difference almost between hitting and missing Fairways ker here at the sixth a little bit lucky there on his second shot to stay out of that drainage ditch so this is third with a wedge to power five coming up just short but that’ll leave him an uphill for birdie this is Eric Van royan we saw him in the bunker this is unfortunately for a par it was all a bit of a messy hole for Eric and he still got work to do make to make bogy and after the bogy at the ninth he’s got to make sure that he keeps things together here birdie P for Brandon stone at the third hole and after his lucky bounce at 18 yesterday nice bounce back from him he actually went down to San Andrews and played the old course with some hickory clubs that he bought himself after his win last week at the Scottish open yeah life is good at the moment having fun you tend to do stuff like that when you’re winning golf tournaments now two Drop shots around the turn for Eric Van royan he is one overp par today but still very much in there 8th old chapel for par seeing a few greens Miss at the moment few shots lost out there well the interesting thing about the next few days is or a couple of days is that wind’s going to change direction a bit a little bit as well and that’s certainly going to factor into things you only need a slight change don’t you have directional win and this golf course becomes so different you saw yesterday on 10th hem hitting three drivers in three Woods into the burn and today they’re hitting long irons in a long irons in there after hitting drivers of the te they can’t carry that bunker on the left today it’s just such a different golf course with a little bit of change of the wind direction a little bit of change in temperature it’s just um that’s what these championships is all about and it’s the guys that can deal with everything cuz when you play the practice rounds and you play everything the same way it seemed quite oh you quite easy to make a game plan but it changes so quickly the game plan on these golf courses kep capka with an iron off the 17th need to fly at least 220 yards to cover that piece of rough right there which is what he’s done and I loved that graphic earlier that showed just how much better the players who have found the fair way have fared there was so much talk of very little rough taking driver being aggressive I didn’t buy into that from the start and that graphic proved that now I think there’s one thing about playing Lynx golf I think sometimes as a player you got to understand you can’t beat the history of it and that’s kind of you know you got to remember that this is the way it’s always been played you play these golf courses in a certain way and if you can stick to that plan and stick to that model I think you can be successful you look at the scoring this week if you some of these guys would have thought that they could shoot 15 16 18 20 on the par if the weather conditions stayed as they were in practice very rarely happens at this Championship all pass to start the day for web Simpson this year’s players champion I tell you what surprised me Thomas is I was looking back at some past opens here in 1931 when Tommy arble won the course measured 6,900 y can you imagine in 1931 almost 7,000 yards that would have been a tough course I don’t even want to imagine the driving distances back then particularly with the equipment that they had to use fascinating I think he set the course record in the final round 71 this is Tigers group and here they are and it is going to be the former world number one first away 223 a little bit downwind trying to get my head around this he’s got seven iron okay it hit the down slope but he got it there pin High seven IR come on well he’s the man who earlier this week said he he hit a seven AR on one of the par fors to stay short of a bunker at 300 yards we’re assuming it was pretty much downwind and of course the fairways were much more fiery than they are today here’s Thomas Peters outside chance of a birdie at the sixth hole back to 15 and this time it looks like Matsuyama matuyama has a great angle in here it’s one of those extra tall Flags like at the first but players cannot see the putting surface but they can see most of the flag stick here it’s not that bad 197 for matuyama and this is likely an eight iron especially if you take a little air out of of it hit it in there a little low get that one big bounce front of this screen does go away from the players there’s a decent wind behind them as well maybe almost a one Club wind Kevin kissner playing with Thomas Peters likewise a birdie part at number six and the 17 and from the Fairway second shot here for Brooks K cup doesn’t like it lucky break double change in the commentary box we’ve got Mark James Warren humph is alongside myself Dominic Holier Jay towns in still out out there and well quite dry Now isn’t it stop raining guys yes it’s not bad uh none forecast or none on the radar map that I can see I’m just hoping Jay hasn’t got too wet on the holes he’s been out there we all are he assures us he is staying dry as dry as his wit don’t really see too many patches of blue sky at the moment but at least the rain has relented and it’s still America on top Zack Johnson and Kevin kissner from Fleetwood and mroy Ander Lombard’s got a long wait he’s not off until 5 to 4 this afternoon Johnny Vegas who had the all sorts of problems getting here with a a Visa issue and had to fly overnight get helicoptered up here no clubs had to get his Club manufacturer to to make some up for him pick them up yesterday when he arrived Tony finau is out with Vegas at just after half past three local time so just about an hour to go for those guys might be a blessing in disguise I think Dom going out late today as conditions improve Kang rolling in a handsome putt there on the third that’s the other thing I think that’s going to be big advantage to some of the players this rain that’s come down is going to stop the greens getting a little dried out where yesterday late in the day you had one or two few bubbles I think they’ll stay pretty smooth all day yeah big difference isn’t the rough thicker though rough would have taken in moisture into the stalks themselves and also a little bit surrounding them and on the ground underneath so staying out the rough important more important than yesterday that’s for sure you were never in the rough though were you Tiger has stalked this one from all sides Mark I just want to say I really appreciate you being worried about my well-being out here in the inclement weather you’re welcome yeah just like Thomas Bjorn before you no sincerity at all this is going to come from the right and at the end it’s going to straighten up and if it’s going really slowly it actually could fall back the other way left to right right there’s a little Mound about 8 ft left of the hole from Direction he’s putting that could influence the end well South African Van Roy Shir SES so it’s certainly not cold out there he’s pretty hot isn’t he with that putter at the moment Drop shots at 9 and 10 gets one of them back at 11 so he’s back a level par today over to 15 again and this time Matt syama hii’s putts going to be influenced by that same Mound I was alluding to that would influenc the end of Tiger’s putt so this butt’s going to be left to right until the very end it’s going to flatten out I think he wants to start it just a little outside left and we’ll have a pretty good chance it does Fall Away behind the hole here Wicked ho location well that was a complete m strike never got it out of the middle of the putter face at all hit it sort of halfway up PO strike it’s a four but a missed opportunity at seea still got the last three holes to play always in the players Minds when they play Cari stinging the tail nothing wrong with the imagination there for kker on 17 beautifully rolling it down the slope should secure the four seventh t for kizner solid swing not too much to go wrong there he showed us what he can do in the uspga last year tiger on his way to the power three 16th T tiger same as it ever was wherever he goes whenever he does there is huge interest in this man and huge pressure to live up to all the time still looking for those four majors to catch up Jack 18 Majors for Jack 14 for this man willly win another Well Willie every chance I would say I’d say no oh Brave call why I don’t think he’s good enough anymore oh well this man was certainly good enough last week Brandon Stone has all the ability he could win backto back lovely swinger of the golf club not afraid to take his chances when they come along amazing really when you consider the season the start of the Season you had absolutely horrid what he did incredible wasn’t it just blit in the last round just make foter for 60 for 59 for 59 I mean yeah sorry thanks Tom yeah always a bunker to aim at k with the second trying to draw one around the front bunker here at 7 always nice to work the ball around objects you like mini golf then there sort of you know little windmills and oh yeah love that never any good at those sorts of things like it on the proper Dance Floor let’s go to the Players Champion web Simpson all part to this point right right a very early b right wasn’t it oh oh and it was and to 18 and the driver out here for Brooks cap cup a it in between the clock and the bunkers down the right that’s where he’s aiming starts at the clock cutting just about there really good now see all those divots down there amazing that you don’t get more balls finishing in them but how do you ever see a player in a divot playing with kisser this is Thomas Peters second into number seven straight over the bunker one thing in the game is to pull across the line when you play those wed shots everything goes left of the target I can never really understand it because that’s the shot that it brings into the equation all the time yeah pools I was trying that the other day for the first time it uh didn’t go very well how not very well very very not very well well it’s like a cricketer playing across the line why would you do it they always teach cricketers to play up the line that the you’re being bold why would it be different in any other sport why would you suddenly go across the line to try and hit something straight A Lot the guys do it on chips as well don’t they look at Alex noren amazing and SP sometimes hits a cuty chip to hold it on to slopes and I can sort of see the merits but yeah I was trying to do it from 120 yards and it was a quite a big spread of balls on the practice ground at illey I think there are lots of new fads in the game there’s always players looking for an edge and sometimes someone has a cloud they play well one week and everyone copies it and thinks oh that’s the way to do it actually sometimes it’s completely the opposite thing well the wind is freshening the skies have brightened up but off in the distance there’s still some really dark clouds I don’t think we’re Out of Rain yet Wicked whole location it’s only four on top of the Shelf you have to land it on the bottom and hope it bounces up with a softer conditions 237 I think you want to pitch it about 220 maybe 225 with a low trajectory J’s a perfectionist he wants it pitching to 2025 with correct trajectory there we go could C for actually arm J I think be a good team well you have to have a plan Mark I mean doesn’t mean you can execute it but you have to have a plan yeah that’s bad boy okay there you go tiger second shot into 15 with the same a little bit less wind was 15 yards shorter than this one I think this might be a six iron he hit seven at the previous hole take a little out of it as I said trying to land it on the bottom if you’re going to split hairs matuyama flew a little bit too far you got lucky hit it into the bank and kill the momentum if you land it up on top it’s going you’d have to think even after the rain 40 45 ft past the hole grand stand behind Tiger’s blocking the wind but it is getting stronger probably leaking right oh one over par for the par 3es yesterday put him in 74th ranking for the short holes even par today but finds the right hand bunker Sun Kang playing the fourth hole from the fifth Fairway Bo he was asked about two questions after his round yesterday about how his round had gone and then all about the drop that he had at the quick and loans and a bit of controversy there to earn his passage to Cari to mikkelson in trouble at the sixth started off very well in the round didn’t he was wearing two gloves hauling pots now the gloves have been discarded how did that not go in though gives it all back great start horrible on the power five former two-time open champion and the man who won the open the last time it was played here in 2007 but will not be around for the weekend and that’ll hurt two good shots to get onto the Dance Floor on seven for kizner oh look at this look at that well you don’t hold too many of those in the course of a championship it’s not thrilled him too much might be dance jumping up and down through the windmill Danny Willet continues his good play this week and as we’ve seen over the last few in fact Carl Stanley shot in the 60s Woods in trouble at 16 Kevin Nar underway par the first recent winner on the PGA tour he won at the green BR first win on on the PGA tour for seven years this is Danny Willet van Ryan aiming at the two bunkers down the right here on the 12th intering actually looking at the apex of the flight how it’s recorded 87 ft in the air that’s a lot lower today than yesterday I’m sure the heaviness in the air balls not quite flying as high proving they’re not going quite as far tiger and Russell Knox in the green side bunker at 16 Scot his first away oh now they’re still I can’t believe he played first cuz had to splash some sand over Tiger’s ball there or has Tiger played no B was there uh seems very odd on the angle Mark Tiger’s ball was left of here it’s okay yeah but surely there’s sort of a bit of an explosion Factor pretty good lie this sand is really heavy that typical Seaside sand gets heavy when it’s wet ideally you’d want to land this with a low trajectory and run it up the slope not fly it on top can’t do that because of the huge lip in front of them a lot of effort for didn’t seem to go very far went a bit deep look to the way there he’s going through this as he nudged his left arm and hand forward as if he wanted to play this almost with run as well had to face the club open to get it over the lip but wanted to drive it Forward B surprised it didn’t come out with a little bit more release for Brooks kka enormous and straight driver 18 pin on the right today 26 on beautiful Beau beautiful great way to finish boys battled well kept C shocking spell yesterday and he’s battled back from that and he’s going to finish today under par of the championship at that just a little flick reminiscent this of uh Tiger Woods when he won at the Masters when he was out in 40 back in 30 and went on to win kker out in 41 on the day one home in 31 now getting himself under par of the tournament comfortably 16 matama birdie part so he gives himself a little rle room over the last couple of holes as he goes to plus one cut line is still two over little drift towards the plus threes just over the last 15 minutes or so and I think it’s going to be like that throughout the day yeah the last quarter to a fifth of the field will be slightly lesser quality in theory I should add than some of the Marquee groups that are earlier in the day so the scoring likely to go higher a bit more later in the day I would imagine plus three would get in no bother at all plus4 very doubtful tiger hold a great par putt at the previous par three in the back nine the Third similar distance this is a much easier putt this one coming from the right have to start it just outside the right edge up and down it’s a fairly level pot it’s just a side Hill one there’ll be a fist pump here if he makes it 10 point agrees with you Jay it looked it showed right to left it didn’t say how much but showed right to left look gentle both Jay and pinpoint flued by the 16th green and tiger he missed it on the right and tiger yeah it’s not often you get three greats of the game all flued in one Fell Swoop Eric Van royan took iron off the te at 12 toughest hole on the golf course today still quite a long way to go but he’s playing from the Fairway and we saw earlier on how important it is to do that took that nice and shallow didn’t he off the turf just graze the grass so get a good flight didn’t think about attacking the flag I think he was just playing down the throw of the green good shot to the eighth and and kiss so many players have found the right hand bunker today that’s been very busy probably the most R bunker out on the course yeah that has been red but you get uh be perfect for so few runner beans or something now wouldn’t it perhaps a bit Sandy the soil but well Brooks keper after that wonderful approach on at 18 TAPS in for birdie and it is a second round 69 and kep kep heading into the weekend at one under looking for his second major Championship win of the Season Pat Perez for a birdie at the third couple under for the championship couple of passs to start with and 100 on the third for the day heck of a shirt he’s a colorful character isn’t he he is he’s sort of a yeah I don’t know if everything got jumbled up in his suitcase going with the driving iron that’s all you can do here it’s into the wind so you can’t take a chance on going over the burn today 265 straight away in the walkway to run out of fair away there rough over there if it’s too far right it’s a good bad one not what he intended but he’s got away with it such an intimidating t- shot I mean I’ve played this whole when you worried about getting it over the burn to start the Fairway and then other times you head a four iron downwind to have it not run through three wood four knocks here fairly wide Fairway it’s more about distance control I think that might have been in the water yesterday I think just that little bit of rain they’ve had today softening the fairways of fraction helped him out now it’s very good does it seem a lot more predictable today Jay oh certainly you can actually see the yesterday the the brown shiny Fairways are just trying to turn a little greenish I think tomorrow after this water soaked in a bit a lot of these brown spots will be much Greener but still fiery we’re going to see the patented tiger Stinger here the low one into the wind wind is kicking up it very well could be a factor this afternoon it’s over a one Club wind strongest we we’ve seen all day a massive twirl of the club the follow through in true Target fashion after a good one that’s the bunker cam here on the eighth kizna just got a fluffy out a lot of players have struggled trying to get that one close today from the right hand bunker first few players early on I think we’re okay sounded like it hit the pin yeah I didn’t know whether that was some just sound hitting the pin or sound hitting the camera to the SMI is on his way to the first te the man who is the reigning open champion certainly raining today he’s walking in a very purposeful manner as though You’ just overtook him overtaken him or something and he didn’t like it he’s got out of his car friendly how many minutes before your tea time did you used to make your way to the tea oh I never like to be late so wouldn’t leave it later than 5 usually 10: I’d be heading there yeah I’d be about uh 7 I did watch Tom Watson at burkdale the year that he won there go from the putting green to the first te and as he walked onto the first te they announced his name took the club out the bag pegged it up and hit without stopping remarkable van Ryan eyeing another birdie part that would be one against the head at the 12th Kevin kissner with a par put at number eight shotgun for kishna he slept back to six Thunder wondering back to the first te because Jordan SMI having recently arrived is about to get underway in the company of Justin Rose and kedc Abby barnat this is game number 45 on the T from the USA Jordan SP 72 yesterday but he was three under walking to the 15th T and then he said he just did a couple of shocking shots wrong Club off the te wrong second made six boogy the 16th and dropped a shot at 18 as well four gone over the last four holes for a round of 72 driver for spe not a club that’s been necessarily that kind to him over recent months on the tea from England Justin Rose nice birdie at the last yesterday for just didn’t it was interesting he definitely got a little bit rattled at one stage photographers behind the par five sixth green started their shutters going a little early he was in the middle of a back swing missed his little birdie po then had problems at 7 as well where he dropped a shot didn’t Birdie the sixth double bogey the par five 14th quite the round he was hoping for was that two iron or a four iron I think it’s a two iron bit of a difference though spe with driver rose with just a two iron and he’s into win too this pretty much the pretty much the same direction as 17 slightly more angled left on the te from Thailand hir AI banad who took dri quite a bit yesterday certainly the early stages of his round and then had to slightly change his strategy he’s out with the driving iron he wants to get rid of that tagline doesn’t he having never made a cut here far too good a player not to be here at the weekend like his caddy accelerated there to walk in time with him so the need to be in sync ideal position here for Woods going for the big cut pretty sure that was a forine unless my eyes deceive me and he’s got it on the green left Edge ideal no problems there hard to finish over the closing three holes with three straight passs good delivery of the club into the ball yeah it’s pretty good left foot planted firmly on the ground through impact which I think is a good sign jumping around kiss three-wood at the ninth oh that’s a little bit light the whole it’s called the railway that was like get downn tracks that wasn’t it Breeze is just beginning to pick up and thankfully the rain has stopped as well Jordan SMI the defending Champion is underway and pursuing the men at the top his fellow American Zach Johnson in the clubhouse after a round of 67 and Kevin kissner as well John Ram will be getting underway in the company of Ricky Fowler and Chris Wood very shortly minus two fower and wood are at one underpar Lou us tasen will uh begin his second round shortly as well around about 10 minutes time tiger doesn’t seem to have been particularly happy out there today does he maybe he’s just it is a serious business I guess well I bet he’s a little bit disgruntled if he has got a problem and you do all that hard work and you try and build yourself coming into the tournament and then you don’t sleep properly and you tweak your neck and you’re not fully fit and it’s been the thing that’s hampered his career hasn’t it over the last few years he had the back operation and now it just could be a mus twinge that it’s going to affect his comeback and you have to say that it would be a perfect opportunity for him to win around this course with the conditions we had at the start of the week happy bar rat it’s going to be 29 on Monday well Sunday bring him a birthday pres he’s got a bit of work to do for that go on yeah oh good shot just half a club shy well following this match of the eagle eyes Keen mind eloquent voice of Jamie Spence you got the wrong guy Jess not raining though that’s the main thing good afternoon everybody split the Fairway Jr 151 you can see the pin as well which you can’t always on this first h and just a gentle breeze into him just a little punch with an Aon here Justin there’s a bit of b a club of air into him here he was urging it to get down you it was always a little bit long maybe the wind died just see that reaction on his hand yeah it was just between clubs there Warren I think maybe a big nine might have got there for him but he’s okay 30 ft aggressive play from speed off the te took that bu CR of play got 110 can’t see the pin good news is you can see our camera town with a big number one on it and that’s exactly where the flag is that’s is good line 110 and it seems like the wind’s just dropped moment here but we’ve been very lucky with this line perfect really for a sound should release when it hits the green I’ll be no surprise at all if he went and knocked that one in for an opening birdie let’s go over to the ninth and Kevin kissner’s second shot the best of angles left part of the Fairway to a left hand flag very sensible shot matam and Knox have both missed their long range birdie putts tiger now downhill with just a slight bit of right to left here played a wonderful second shot off a side Hill lie to this position huge Gallery around the 17th they will Roar if this one goes in David a really good scare didn’t he let’s hop over the burn to Sergio Garcia second to 18 coming out of the thick Staff Mark this looks dangerous but he thinks he may need a birdie so he’s got to go for it and that surely got burn written all over it yeah no he’s pretty sure plus three will be the cut disappointing open for Garcia he’s not been firing on all cylinders the last month or two but on a links course deeply disappointing it’s a little bit on this isn’t there for Tiger the comeback parat yeah just having a look at his stats too he’s had six top fives in major championships I was comparing that a little while ago with Jack Nicholas who from 66 to 80 had 15 consecutive top fives amazing performance from nickas this man a major winner never looked like missing these puts in the past doesn’t now Justin Rose with a birdie but from some distance at the first hole this is game number 46 on the tea from Spain John Ram showed his liking for Links golf with victory at Port Stewart in last year’s Irish open he enjoys this form of the game and he is sticking with his game plan so he’s got the driver out as we saw yesterday hold it into the left rough here yesterday four on the te from the USA Ricky Fowler made a lovely birdie at the 18 but uh really quite got it going yesterday Ricky know how much he enjoys this form of golf allows him to work the ball on the tea from England Chris Wood round of 70 for Chris yesterday like Ricky Fowler he birded the last actually if you go to his Twitter feed you’ll you’ll see quite a funny post where a British television Company put a picture of one of the Japanese players up instead of him and he’s been having a bit of a giggle about it started played pretty well lately Chris Wood bid for another Rider cup yeah he certainly had a chance didn’t he at L Golf N naal in the French Open couple of late Bogies Prov costly there as Alex noren won in the end here’s Jordan SP chavel really good second to give himself this birdy opportunity on 11 he doesn’t miss those good card three birdies aogi to have a chance of making the cut I think this probably has to go in four four over not getting any nearer a cut Mark now that won’t go in but a good shot he drove it in the burn on the 10th hole in the first round actually played it out of the burn and Into the Bunker the made up five think the ver tried to give him one back there but in the end it didn’t help I’m guessing he’s got a Spanish caddy or he doesn’t care if he was listening or not a bunch of rehearsal swings here for Tiger he’s got the iron that’s all he needs downwind 325 to that bunker up the right that cuts into the Fairway wants to keep it short of that just doesn’t want to do any damage here in the final hole extremely difficult hole measuring 496 today Senter the Fairway never have been a bad move third hardest hole on the course today last time it was played was the toughest conditions really quite different to when Harrington one ker to go clear at the top again oh it’s got another one it’s been a fairly decent putting display so far over the first round and a half from Kevin kissner 34 years young Garcia about to finish it off four birdes today but couple of Bogies and a double bogey that’s a level pass 71 for Sergio to go with his four over yesterday and that will almost certainly miss the cut but it will miss the cut playing with Bryson Des Shambo and shanka sha plus three and plus two respectively so Sharma should be through to the weekend at least and shambo’s got a chance this is Eric Van royan hard to read that lot of late turn in the Pu there as it drives out out the the ball borrowing noticeably more ni long second 476 yards oh Jordan go going straight at the bunkers on the right seems fine about 265 carry on those today he’s sailed it over if it’s downwind at 18 it’s into the breeze isn’t it at the second and at the first hole this is Fowler you couldn’t see much of the flag from where he was there in the hollow but he’s played a tremendous shot excellent chance of a three to get the round underway slow putt as it comes up the ridge there for stone gave it a good roll father a golf professional he’ll be delighted with his finish last week as we go back to the first not too shabby from these two say the least beautiful strikes so they’re just getting underway tiger is coming towards the end of his round with Russell Knox and matama tiger has 219 he’s right at the base of a mound that will make him throw this higher up in the air as far as launch angle than he’d like like wind helping him from the right if he takes it right at the hole lands it where he needs to to hit at the right distance he’s going to get a big bounce off the shoulder of that right bunker easiest way to get it close to hold is cut it up against the breeze land at in the middle of the green and try and get it to bounce left to right very difficult whole location to get close to even from the middle of the Fairway yeah anywhere between the out of bounds and the pin is not too bad oh that was right at it what a shot from Woods Majestic towering long iron oh gave another twirl on the way back to the caddy he twirled the club again a two twirl effort now your comment that you said a little while ago when he was playing 16 would he win a major game and you said no he’s not quite good enough standing by that really after two shots like that I wouldn’t rate someone’s game on Two Shots you’re a tough man James ruthless is the word waren ruthless I’m trying to toughen up it’ll be hard to see a better shot than that from that sort of distance today in the Open Championship that’s the old Tiger Woods there that’s what it is more ways than one it’s the old Tiger was he’s 42 first time we seen a smile for a while he enjoyed that one and why wouldn’t you imperious the old Tiger Woods would hold it for three have a bit of a fist punt to finish the round love to be under power for the tournament after two rounds tied 27th at the moment and Ryan at the par five 14th like so many other players just taking an iron off the tea ooh good break there landed really soft it was absolutely 100% bunker bound just before it landed and to the first and a birdie part for Ricky Fowler this could be a really good group to watch today pull each other along riy fouler quite a contrast to the stature of ram but like little and large really what he got away with his t-shot a bit here Jordan Speed he’s got quite a nice lie but the flag’s way back in the right hand side this very long green 56 yards long but it’s not a bad Li got that wispy rough Mark James will tell us a name off in a minute being a keen botanist that he is maybe he won’t no maybe he won’t yeah Tony Johnson knows what that grass is called maram grass Mar grass that’s it anyway he needs a little cut here and looks of beauty see if it doesn’t Bloom and have flower at the end of it Mark’s not interested I I run the lawn mow over it if it doesn’t do anything sensible ruthless you see I told you toughening up let’s hop back over to 18 and mat Yas second into the closing hole ohoh uhoh uhoh that’s out of bounds and now he’s got a real problem and over to number one and a birdie cut for Ram good cut a bit a B on that right lip to left lip well hold good start for him yeah um matama hit his next ball on the left front Fringe he’s got to get down in two to make the cut Russell Knox needs a three to make the cut this from 177 with the improving weather three and is now moving down the field right now it looks very questionable the scoring has changed completely in the last hour wouldn’t put money on three over making it now kizner at 10 maybe a little bit of Blue Sky in the distance as well it’s a really tricky hole that’s gone down into the big swell at the back had two very good pin locations on this whole back left and now back right that’s a curious one isn’t it middle of the Fairway it didn’t look too bad it didn’t seem to want to stop at all just dragged it closed the face over absolutely releases on even so I thought it would just have a little bit of grab even if it was fourth bounce still got a problem with that neck you could just see him turning it time to stretch it out he’d like that sort of Applause on Sunday but maybe to be a bit louder Birdie the first this is John Ram at the long PA for second he’ll fly over those bunkers is hit it at quite easily spe made it left and that’s not too bad at all there he’ll be delighted with that wobbly there veteran caddy who caddies for Chris Wood we skip over to Pat Perez just going to finish the round before getting a haircut he’s won a couple of times since turning 40 the Maya Coba classic and then finishing ahead of Keegan Bradley at the CIMB classic Play Down in Malaysia van royan trying to Fashion a very long iron into this par five14 blind just a question of getting it just over the spectacles and letting it drift down onto the green 10 at the front today and that’s just offline and going to be bunker Fowler on the second big high teas he triying to draw this one as well has he got the power to get over it yes he has but he may well tangle with that Maron grass just short of the bunker there that’s 323 so that’s about 300 yards for Fowler yeah it did look to go into the thicker stuff let’s go over to 18 Matt has had his problems and they have come at exactly the wrong time for the Japanese star mat on the walks outside the fencing to confirm his ball was out of bounds walked back in up across the burn he knows well actually it’s not like a regular European Tour event they they don’t post the current cut line here at the open so there’s a little bit of guesswork but you have to figure that three over is going to make it I think it’s different sorry jay I think it’s changing uh three overs gone from 73rd about an hour and a half 2 hours ago to 78th oh it’s moving the wrong direction exactly it’s it’s going down the field quite markedly well he better hold this one then more realistically he needs a two putt for three over and hope it makes it is it too late for you to rush onto the green I don’t think that would be a good idea I don’t want to be on YouTube go for it oh heavens back of the 10th kizna Al he’s got a Hybrid Club going to run it up the bank double breaking but very steep up that slope couple of Players yesterday had it rolling up there and then back to their feet for those who haven’t used that shot why would you use that instead of a putter I can’t answer that I have no idea cuz I can’t believe that shot he did Warren any idea the only thing else I think it comes off faster it’s a little bit quicker off the blade but why not putt it especially those fringes they’re as good as the Green Round Here Russell Knox needs this one Jay he certainly does and that’s just to have a chance this is uphill left to right mat Yama didn’t teach him much with that effort and he certainly didn’t learn much but he hold a couple of big 40 Footers didn’t he when he did win the Irish when it mattered on the final green can’t hold it all the time yes he stole that tournament off Ryan Fox didn’t he yeah pickpocketed him in front of 30,000 people incredible display of chicanery tiger is stalking this one this for an underpar round and this will be one heck of a 70 he hasn’t been at his best he’s hit some wonderful shots and then he’s hit some very poor shots hold some nice putts and this is certainly a hble putt has it’s uphill just has a slight bit of movement from the left once again as he has often times today he kind of got in the Midway point of hble put as he is again right now this is the second time stands there kind of feels the break with his feet stands over it Jay it’s no wonder they’ve taken 5 hours 10 minutes well in all fairness the group in front was on the clock the last uh three and a half holes they were held up until but group in front really got a run from the 17th Fair away well there was a time when ball wouldn’t dare not go in the hole for Tiger there three balls hit many greens KNX has only hit 16 out of 36 greens matama 22 and tiger 23 according to official stat some fairly miserable ball St now it’s a missed opportunity that’s a shame of tiger second consecutive round of 71 and seven shots behind Kevin kissner as it stands heading into the weekend odly enough I thought he struck the ball well off the club but just didn’t just didn’t hit enough greens that’s a y for a double bogey six I have the feeling is going to be Sanara seven triple bogy having fought his way back so well with the Eagle at 14 and the birdie at 16 it’s a 71 for MATA almost certainly heading for home this for 73 go with yesterday 73 and uh go tit Russell Knox so he’s played fantastic stuff on his trip over second in the French won the Irish played well for quite a lot of the week last week but this week disappointing you mentioned Ryan Fox the man who Russell Knox beat to the Irish open title Ryan’s playing in the group Behind These he’s just dropped a shot at 17 to go to three over yeah Jason duffner also three over in that group and Keegan Bradley two over so they need to be careful up the last say the least but he’s made the cut he’s through to the weekend tiger May well be off to put a heat patch on the neck and May maybe get some physiotherapy it looked to be troubling him just a little bit out there at times well let’s see what he can do over the weekend kizna no there’s never that much so he lets one go at 10 a little unlucky but not a great chip minus six and back alongside Zack Johnson still in a tie for the lead Kevin Chapel has six to go van Ryan continues his excellent play Sun Kang one under Brandon Stone final round 60 to win last week at the Scottish open and finds himself at the top of the leader board Again by the way we’ve lost David Duval from the to not lost him he’s retired hurt apparently injured body your feelings I believe the body I believe it’s a physical air right out to Justin Rose at the second hole and Jamie’s down there yes D didn’t you manage him to Olympic goal Jamie weren’t you partly responsible for that uh well very kind of you to say so I didn’t hit any shots but I did make sure his coffee was hot done1 he’s got to this back pin the Jus in I think he just try and musle a w here down the breeze good lie one jump and a spin hopefully where you going got to go Justin it’s the bad unforced error a relatively simple wedge doesn’t bode at all well that’s worth getting the notes out well he was asked yesterday if he felt he put too much pressure on himself he said No Nonsense I enjoy pressure I thrive on it I’ve won a US Open I’ve won an Olympic gold I I like the feeling of pressure that’s pretty definitive answer wasn’t it yeah 44 144 for Speed from a good line right hand rough again but a good angle to get up this flag far away from where Rory mroy was was earlier on on this hle puted up the bank made his part but a mistake from speed John Ram out of position at the second his third shot perfect t- shot at 11 for Kevin kizner it’s really hard not to say Kevin Cosner just always there in you in the brain Kevin Cosner used to play in the dill links Championship oh yeah he plays a lot of those prom things especially in the states yeah birdie par start for Ricky Fowler it was Henrik Stenson yesterday after through his round talked about the importance of patience when you find yourself at a course like this especially the way it was playing yesterday perhaps a little more for giving out there today with the uh the rain yeah it doesn’t look any different from an aerial view does it but playing completely differently oh nope I would say yesterday it was 7 7,290 odd yards yesterday playing 63 today it’s 73 52 probably playing 7,000 so they added 700 yards the course overnight with this with some rain amazing over to the third not sure whether it’s spe or Rose first away Jamie I’m sure can tell us I think it’s spe to go first guys he’s got a more difficult shot Justin’s got a good line the bunker but three really poor wed shots into here I’d have to say about the easiest pin you’re going to get on the screen up back there so they’d all be bit disappointed here but spe coming up this Bank going with the Loft I can’t believe it I thought he’ B this good lie going to pitch it up there Jamie listen Jess i’ never saw that you might be trying to bump it into the top of the bank and Skip and spin it but I didn’t see this one yeah it looks like he may be just shoving it into the top of the bank yeah oh good lord oh no I don’t believe it what a shot that’s not in the textbooks and no one can teach you that’s just pure genius what he’s got off his sleeve this boy is unbelievable it’s like a box of Tricks yeah certain players have this gift don’t they and here’s one of them oh my they tell me he actually went to Hogwarts that’s where he learned the magic thanks guys brilliant nice and quiet with the cameras please thank you well there you go you learn something all the time out here don’t you with these boys that was something else heavy sand for Justin pretty straightforward flop sh actually just plenty of sand just flop it out release up to the pin but he’s got to be pretty firm with this yeah played it well stop well this is a great exhibition to us Muggles happy barnrat knows what’s going to happen now he’s seen the film read the book one of them makes 314 and he three puts it so that’s what’s going through his head I’m serious it’s just horrible absolute truth Thomas Peters at 11 with a birdie P canny he get to 200 Thomas well done this boy is so talented difficult to see where he’s going wrong this year I’ve watched him hit balls it’s so close I agree J I just can’t see why he’s not getting better results Eric Van Ryan has reached the 15th hole tell you what he’s hit some beautiful shots out there some beautiful iron shots only in his rookie season on the European tour he’s come close to winning on a couple of occasions first early season in South Africa and then a couple of weeks ago in Ireland here’s Fowler at the third yeah just perfect there was absolutely no green on that Fairway yesterday it’s unbelievable how quickly a little bit of rain has green things up it’s incredible my lawn wasn’t that quick in the last couple of weeks what they put on it here King a birdie two good shots up 11 he’s hold some yardage today too oh that’s not another one it’s more like it so just aart Marcus kinnel the Young swed Who impressed so much at the French Open is also playing in that group he’s currently at plus one back to the third and RAM you’ll be looking for pretty much the same thing just get it the Fairway he’s gone a slightly different angle down the left wing 20 fet now to Birdie the first 67 yesterday this for a rip roaring kickoff today straight arms just let him swing good good opener good Pace settle the nerves play well at the US Open and at the Masters and that was after dislocating his ankle do you remember that in the par three contest oh it looked horrible here’s Luke list from the United States so he moves to 200 as well we’ll head to the fourth T and this is short spe well they definitely had the best of the day so far it’s warming up there’s a bit of Breeze here but you always going to get that here at Cari but nothing really looks like he’s got the driver but that’s a good choice here he’s got to take it up the right there is a hazard down the left hand side and the bunker there’s a bunker down the right but it’ll carry that easy and the right hand R’s not too bad pins on the left so actually you might even be aiming there spe that was a really good swing by Jordan there that just looks so smooth got to be fair whe are very close oh way up that’s a big hit the ball suddenly seems to be going quite a lot further I don’t if it’s the increase in temperature or what will it they are nicely done yeah that’s a long drive from spe up there got a big shoot from that right hand semi scuttled across the Fairway Justin’s not short I’m not sure he get past that though up here was a big one looking anxiously bunker oh hor pretty close to the lip as well but on the UPS slope here’s Fowler into the Third I reckon that they just about do lovely shot plus three suddenly hurtling up the field again now up to 72nd very difficult to predict this one but the moment it looks like plus Four’s got half a chance again and that’s going to give Ricky Fowler the perfect read unless he misses it by a foot yes exactly oh you have little Faith as if let’s go to the tough 12 and here’s Kevin kissner looks like a three-wood two bunkers down the right hand side he’s drawing it off then and rying for birdie at 15 from 35 odd feet look very solid today this is a good performance oh that’s short good putt looks to be finding his feet nicely on the European tour wonder why that Ball’s there stone with a chance at the eighth put a new putter in his bag recently changed his CAD it’s guy called tan who plays on the sunshine tour down in South Africa good friends and Tan’s a good player that’s Southgate oh yes loving it he’s loving it back to back birdies and one under well done Matthew probably have some of the local members out following him as I mentioned he is a country member here he comes up a couple of times a year to play with his dad here’s Pat Perez birdie P at number six you can’t miss him can you that’s for sure and he’s got some game as well Johnson and K are tied at the top six under seven left for kisn nit by Johnson and Fleetwood what a round that was 65 he’s absolutely right in there maroy as well 69 again Allison there’s a lot of good European players doing well which means that there’s every chance they’ll stick there till the end Luke list among the two unders bit of an emotional trip over here for Luke came over as a younger man with his parents and played a bit of golf in the area his dad passed away three years they brought his ashes back this time and they’ve had a couple of Ceremonies they’ve scattered his ashes over different parts of the area is that absolutely loves this part of Scotland and love playing lyx golf here how many different places undisclosed D if my family sprayed my ashes on the golf course I’m going to come back and haunt them there was just too much frustration out there nice place up in the mountains for me but you know what if you love The Game why not you’re assuming that there’s going to be anyone at your funeral CH that’s brutal should we get back to the golf that is brutal well he’s just pitched it out Justin to 112 he’s got to this front left FL bag but a good line in the Fairway so he can spin it up he’s got to start freewheeling Justin and just take the flags on I think maybe he overthinks it when he comes to an open look at the flag and hit it Justin you’re good enough come on they’re right behind you let’s stiff it go go oh my goodness that’s absolute shocker Justin is just not not firing all cylinders this week I mean he’s man who’s had 17 top 10 in his last 20 odd events or something crazy it’s just uh he’s just not there Fowler for birdie well done you do have that sense don’t you that he and Rah could easily just pull each other along out there today spe perfect line flag front left not huge amounts of room to work with it needs to be spot on for distance it is but I think you know just pushed it slightly it’s understandable left is big mistake that’s okay especially the way he puts from 25 ft how about this one it’s a bit like tiger isn’t he he just does special things yes absolutely right P thing like seie as well pulls things out from nowhere that you think well how can you be that good at that time and like he’s finished at the open last year from from the chip to 13 in was just ridiculous five under the last five holes all the shenanigans at the 13th and then stiff is stiffs it at 14 makes the Eagle at 15 and on we go to beat Matt coocha to the title coocha must have thought after don’t not sure how that happened I was cruising along couple ahead making PS and it all went Belly Up got mugged Ricky looking calm and confident as well how long before ryal wins a major it’s got to happen surely this hle could have been built for John Ram slight left to right dog leg pin on the left he will not miss this left or well that’s just not an option with his swing yeah Marshalls have found it I’ve had an easy job this week all the whsy stuff Justin going to land this in The Fringe let it trundle up and good touch tiny F now see his arms look enormously long I wonder if that’s where the power comes from he’s not related to your attorney your arms are abnormally long aren’t they oh if I knew my arms had been with my legs are I’d be about 8 in taller well speed with a another chance to make birdie much on it Jamie not much do no not much at all quite slow little bit uphill here he’s got the bounce back though Jordan oh there was a period wasn’t there for a couple of years where he was just phenomenal with the putter I mean absolutely extraordinary this is Sun Kang at the eth that’s going to hang out ball seem to be trying to turn and then hanging out High I suppose we just get a runs of these things to kissner at the 12th second shot just two birdies on this hole all day nichelson this would make the Homewood stretch a little more comfortable that ugly double bogy at the sixth dropped a shot at the eighth as well so starting to turn things around here’s Matthew Southgate at the par 3 16 looks online trying to pitch it on the bottom Plateau just let it skip up that’s perfect that’s perfect oh what a shot from that South Gate abs absolutely cure as they come Bo he can hit some good shots let’s go back to S Kang’s group and this is Gary Woodland no mistake from him two in a row for Gary so he advances to two under only four off the lead Danny Willet birdie chance at 15 oh oh Danny absolute Beauty I mean there’s one not one of these last four holes would you not take a par on every one of them only been five birdies on 15 all day how about that nice stuff Mr Willet still no one really getting away from the pack Johnson in at 6 under it’s a good leaderboard Dum isn’t it it’s just Lots up there lots of nationalities lots of good players slightly awkward for Chris Wood he hasn’t got any socks on he always wears these little sort of he has got socks on but they’re the ones that you know don’t come above his ankles don’t they slide down your feet and into your shoes I I think they’ve got newer technology than the stuff we wore J even in socks I know exactly what you mean they used to end up under the under the sole of your foot I never wore that sort of thing sounds like ladies Souls don’t to know the stuff you’ve been wearing obies of a Saturday night in Sou Africa for a little pom pom on the back C looking shot from Eric Van Ryan up the tier will it stay hold hold it wouldn’t have done yesterday but I think it will today well yesterday done that t- shop might have bounced through the back might have been up by the TV tower it was it was unbelievable Jordan tough Fairway hit this one lots of humps and bumps down there couple of bunkers as well for Speed to navigate one right one left he likes it so he should not far from that bunker though it’s okay it’s okay fact it’s it’s very good quickly to Ricky Fowler behind at the fourth hole gives himself another chance this is an excellent start Well Ricky 29 years of age now beginning to enter that category of best players who haven’t yet won a major just had a good chat with Kate Rose J’s wife she said don’t worry he always plays better when he has a slow start let’s Hope’s okay to like that one Rosie straight down the middle is she psychologist think she might be she was a good gymnast in her day Jess what she doesn’t every golfing wife need to be a good psychologist psychiatrist need to be a good cook slightly deaf I’d say might be nearest Kevin Chapel 14th hle that’s a little beauty I think he was a little on the Downs slope there too that is well played proper pot bunker strange sound I mean it was that sound where you expected to grip but maybe he got a little little stone with that or something yeah I agree it sounded okay and then it just never looked like stopping just ran out yeah F royan clung onto the top of the slope it’s a good positive try we’ll go back to the fourth now and this is going to be a part I think for chriswood dropped a shot at the second part the first and the third Terell Hatton fancied by many this week but he’s uh struggling plus four at the moment so he needs something to happen but Southgate now magnificent Long Island to 16 this for a two stay left no that was a little feeble concentrating so hard on the line forgot to swing at it and back to four and Ram with a birdie PT wow that was ambitious Kevin kissner at the 12th surely not oh when he misses he doesn’t miss by much this is to get within two of the lead very free flowing putting stroke quite risty looks as though there’s nothing much to go wrong oh beautifully done lovely three great start for three birders in the first four yeah it just looks so uncomplicated with with a putter utterly natural reminds me a bit of Faxon the way the blade appears to open a bit and release 166 with an eight eyee Jon just holding it off she get some spin from this Li there Way’s a beautiful this afternoon bit of giv them got to go bow first F by John RS so he’s got what four and a half 5T or so for a par at the fourth no problem it’s there for the taking this afternoon you know even Cari it’s in perfect condition there’s a bit of give in the Fairway you can get some spin on the ball the flags are nowhere near as difficult as yesterday in my opinion one 55 for Speed looks like he’s just going to take everything on this afternoon 99 trubbing is pretty good right now through across the players out there very little air mailing greens or coming up short this is Eddie peppero Eagle putt at 14 he’s on plus one come on SLAP it in oh that’s how to get to Red numbers great week last week in the Scottish finished second and following it up with hopefully four rounds at the o to Tony finow 30 B him as well it is an excellent basketball player as a a younger man but opted for golf yeah you don’t want to risk it I know yeah want to risk it either that should not that one should not get to that right bumper so giving John Rama club that will not get to the right bunker sounds a good plan as long as you’re right we’ve seen very few chase out into bunkers have we yeah not like yesterday it’s 260 yards to that bunker yeah Patrick still rolling still rolling shut pin at the bottom of the big slope today on the 5ifth so a lot easier than yesterday’s kidna kidna he’s related to kid enough has reached the 13th 174 today friendly pin position aim for the middle of the green leaves you an uphill right to left Puck that will be slightly down slightly Left Right looking at his stats though nothing particularly impressive apart from Strokes gained in putting which he’s 17th at the moment on the PGA tour for the season so it is very definitely the strength of his game with what with plus. 554 oh that’s that is pretty good yep do you know what it means I assume he’s half a putt around better than the field average average yeah or is that a half a put no can’t be per oh H we’ll think about it I think might be the best bet I didn’t I think they had the puts per round stat in America so I don’t know uh it’s confusing their stats now they’re so convoluted you honestly lose a few brain cells few more yeah straight up the hill here for Rosie I don’t see much in this from about 20 ft can he get it there well he can but he’s not happy Tony fin just a little gap wedge into three you be able to get some spin on this nicely played he might not agree by the look of it but to spe at the fifth big swing at the end this one for be about a foot outside the hole and that is just his length I mean it’s amazing last year his statistics for PS between 20 and 25 ft he was holding a quarter of them one in every four from 20 to 25 ft that is utterly absurd that is ridiculous isn’t it yeah incredible that was a big swing in the perfect place it rolled so beautifully too huged the ground is it like it never wanted to let go beautiful M Southgate two to go good t- shot at 17 on the Island the island that the hole is named after between the two Burns that was some a real beating down on the ground action wasn’t it seen an insect he taking a disliking too making sure it didn’t bother him again so all in the Fairway and it’s going to be chriswood first away just under 190 yards for the Englishman yeah just being factious there with a go he he knew immediately was very indifferent okay at least it’s not plugged Belgium’s Thomas Peters looking to get it to two under at the 13th play kissner made the two birdies at 10 and 11 then dropped a shot at 12 quickly to Ricky lost one in at five and I pulled a little bit on the right tier that’s okay that’ll be a swinger I think there almost sort of on the bottom of the slope isn’t it and Ryan he’s reached the 17th in very simple fashion stop stop stop I think probably trying to hit the little slidy fade and double crossed himself but it’s on the green yeah you can’t be too choosy Eric sometimes Ram I’m not sure that club of the tea that wasn’t going to reach the bunker might not have if it had been right who cares beautiful just makes it look so easy Kevin kissner similar sort of put to Thomas Peters so he’ll been having a good look at that another one just poured into the middle of the cup K goodness that was beautiful Tony fin good looking stroke straight back straight through I think he said that exactly where he wanted just under redit as simply as that par three eighth only par three three par threes on this course he’s going to for a two will it make the journey looks good is good there three ball doing well today Perez two under Suri two under CIA one under having a a nice match but at the top it’s Kevin kizner now 200 today to go with his 66 yesterday 7 under Zack Johnson I’d say in close Pursuit but since he’s finished he’s not really pursuing look list probably a name a lot of people haven’t heard of he’s enjoying a good trip played nicely last week and following it up in fine style at the open Danny Willet keeping it going solidly as is Matt Southgate who does play well on the links Kyle Stanley man lost to play off in the memorial this year Pilots have been up there for nearly two days we re refuel them overnight take them some soup to be honest apparently last night they were pretty drunk and didn’t really stop it you are terrible I think they’re only allowed out there for 6 hours at a time or something understandably for safety reasons it’s like a normal plane thing where your crew get out of ours just as you’re about to take off Ricky’s ball has come back a little further than we first anticipated so it’s got away from the base of the slope because that would have been a big swinger this makes life a lot easier plays the game at such a wonderful Pace Ricky farler and hits a lot of those very very good pets could have gone in for the same money good start though isn’t it Tony 3 under through five yeah terrific I mean that’s you know that’s what he would have been thinking about overnight if I can just get out there and get couple under after five or six holes and then grind away ideal what a great feeling as well to sit there all morning to see the rain coming down and the misery and a bit of Breeze out there and then to see the conditions getting better and better and better as you’re about to go to the tea yeah you do you sit there and you think well I shouldn’t be gloating but I am however you still have to go out there and shoot the number don’t you r one under after four this to be 200 after five so this would make it a good start for him as well par five six coming up but to be honest there’s not too many really difficult holes in this lack of wind and the sun trying to come out you can see sort of semi Shadows oh blasted it through the brake par five 14th and here is the championship leader it’s the ideal shape for 410 just down the right side with a little draw yesterday that would have run way through into the rough different golf course today and two Rose that’s the three wood from two 68 ah so close and he’s it just a touch sit down sit sit man that’s an awkward bunker shot look at the shoulder that mound coming off the front of that bunker that’s Turner that’s man to tea off today 22y old qualified at Holland well this is his first open suffers from a rare form of saral py his parents decided to get him into golf to help with it it affected his balance it’s muscle control with his arms and his legs and it’s quite some therapy he got a better swing than most of us so turned out nicely good for him Thomas blasting it over the bunkers just he didn’t even look slightly concerned when he went down to pick up his Peg well maybe he could see it he’s pretty tall I would have been sweating Jess it doesn’t take much obies now Jordan spe’s in some trouble here what’s the story J yeah he was in the bunker Dom did well to get to here 220s got left 183 the front doesn’t want to risk that back bunker that’s a tough shot from there so just wants to keep it touched right at the flag here for oh no that’s way right oh it’s on slightly green stuff so not too terrifying a chip although there is a bunker over the back there or slope so not the easiest in the world probably chip it in Eric Van royan at the 17th outside chance of three for the South African so okay for Eric Sandy L’s last year of exemption D 60 years young now if you in the open as he did in 1985 you can play in the championship till you’re 60 hit the first t- shot was supposed to be Paul Lor this week actually as the man who won here in 1999 but Paul out to withdraw earlier this month and a lovely lovely reception forand who says he hasn’t given up on qualifying for next year’s open at Port rush and he’s playing next week and of course if he wins next week at the senior open down at San Andrews then he would follow I think there’s the lump in the throat there D great reception and well deserved looks like he went into the um what do they call it where they sell all the merchandising tent and bought one of the open hats he’s got a Open Championship hat on everyone’s got Ting or tailor made or something wouldn’t be surprised you’re so down to earth I think I’ll just wear this to celebrate my last I wonder if he went in and said how much is it they said 15 what I’m Scottish Mickelson 13 can he find another one oh he can little bit of everything today on the card for Mickelson five birdies one double drop shot at the eighth one or two pars and he lies at level par for the championship Tony Fe now trying to check how long his arms are now we started cuz if that’s the if that is a reason for hitting the ball a long way we’ll get him to stand back to back when he’s finished with obies yes that’ll that’ll sorted out I did stand back to back once with Robert Carlson and I had him by 2 in and he’s what 6’5 6′ 6 6′ five yeah it’s just it’s outrageous but I mean public transport in my D and we did used to swing through the vines so bit of the old tars and that Ed to stretch the arms a bit don’t can imagine you doing that yeah now we had a at The Rules meeting with the RNA there was they were talking to us about this little Hut here there’s been an extension put on the other side and it’s all a movable obstruction an immovable obstruction I’ll beg your Pard you can get line of sight and relief if it interferes with a swing what’s he going to do he’s obviously had an issue he was by the advertising boards on the 7 T so right underneath him he was so this is his nearest point of relief he wasn’t actually that wasn’t the issue Tony it was the boards on an XT excellent thank you so uh yeah he was unlucky his second shot kir he had a big Bank in front of him going with the three woodn’t he just hit the top of the bank and ended up here he’s got a very difficult pitch coming up Justin Rose’s bunker shot wait to see this one Tony you’ll love it speaks got quite an easy pit shot but that was almost out of the hle for speak back there strange shot lot of green to work with for happy bom right in the back left corner that’ll need to spin should do the way he struck it he just squeezz it into the turf beautifully played plays like a like a European doesn’t he mind you a lot of the lot of the uh Eastern people do they chop the chips around and man be can do it as well can’t he Jamie yeah he can same sort of shot just hit up a gly actually expect this to go close one you go nice no show no boating on that no no playing it so it hurtled to a halt just drift ited up there just played beautifully oh Jamie oh Jamie this is just horrific isn’t it it’s doable Tony but it’s n out of 10 in difficulty yeah he’s got to Splash it just right yeah he didn’t get it right either it was probably a handkerchief sized Target that he had to land it on and just missed it up to the 18th and the closing stages for Sandy Lyall go on Sandy go on just couldn’t be better yeah if that is it what a lovely way to finish up at the open one of the modern game’s great players well in need something to happen Justin Rose just to lift his confidence more than anything you just can’t go in this back buk could really with this pin here so especially with the water this morning it’s just made the sand pretty heavy you can’t get any spin on the shot we just saw there so he’s got this what 8 n footer now for his birdie he’s not asking food to have a look that’s that’s a good thing fots C for me couldn’t read the beino just outside the left here for Jr come on Justin knock it in well Andy Sullivan said what a thrill it was to play with one of the greats of the European game over the first couple of days Andy plus five Martin kimer at four over par and Sandy ly they will be saying farewell to the open Sullivan said you can still see at times the old magic is there the man who was renowned as one of the world’s top ball Strikers and his Heyday well Ked X made his birdie at the Sixth and Jordan spe has what 4 4 and 1/2 ft or so for his par remember he was bunkered off the tea nice smoother silk I think we all know that if there’s been a problem it’s been the sort of two to three Footers where he gets a little tense and gets his man into read puts and gets the green re reading book out looks at the hole when he PS but that was that was perfect kiss now does he take this pin on on the right side he does but he might regret it it’s a debunker to Tony finow chance to get to six under all right you got to hit it well Mark James has stepped out before he gets himself and us into any more trouble and Graham storm a former French Open and South African open Champion is with us afternoon greme good afternoon guys John Ram second shot into six ball way above his feet look at the elevation that he’s got on that ball 130 ft at the Apex maybe run Club see the allall of chriswood short of the green and Ricky found he had to lay up here must be his third I mean you’ve got the two options you know you’re taking a little off it comfortable with it finalizing everything or you’re smashing the seven yeah he was bu I like this one went down to the southeast now it switched from this morning it was out it was southwesterly this warning 90° switch takes a lot of courage to attack this flag because you know anything longer left is a big problem quite a miscue from Ricky being an awkward up and down to serve his part looking to kiss quite a nice bunker shot slightly on the up slope steep face but should be no problems quite interesting there you could see him getting extra Flex in his knees to get the club coming in a little shallower see a lot of FX there gets the club coming in a little shallower than he would normally and gets over that revetted face comfortably quite nicely played thir shot for Eric Van royan at the 18th drop his only shot of the round yesterday here at 18 and he’ll need to hold that one to avoid a similar fate here is Jordan SP at the seventh only 46 yards today but he’s got the driver go go go there’s some thick stuff down there needs to get lucky Thomas Peters for his Eagle wonderful second shot to get it that close to this flag a disappointing part and the third shot at the 18th for Matthew Southgate very good indeed he’s got good imagination around the greens local knowledge Tony sorry local knowledge local knowledge absolutely another birdie putt for kissner oh man I that is just so dead center and just the perfect speed too clear at the top Kevin kissner five birdies on the card today four holes to go mind you they are tough ones Chris Wood put him from long way away here at the six up and over the shoulder of the bunker hasn’t given it enough that’s a long way short he’s still looking for his first birdie today is Chris Drop shots at the second and at the fourth what kind of a lie does he have oh well he’s got enough back swing here you can pick it up sharply there’s enough space to avoid the lip and he’s got quite a bit of green so wide open face has he got enough space yeah I think just about it’s going to come out flattish and running but it’s not the deepest bunker actually played it too well Tony yeah I agree I think he’d be disappointed with that he’s a good bunker player he would have expected that within 6 ft I think just getting his second round underway this is Xander Lombard is second to the third hole is’s a beauty hard the first and second and he’s got a great chance of opening his account there moving to five under he got his dad here this week Xander I think probably a nice stabilizing influence cuz he’s he’s had a really bad time of it for the last 6 months or so started showing a bit of form of late but I think having his dad here will be a big help never hurts to have the old man there to put the arm around you tell you you’re capable Chris Wood what you would say was a quite a poor effort with his first putt still got this for his b should swing down the slope right to left oh that was a great effort thought he’d hit it a little low but it did straighten up when it got to the hole stay patient Chris can still happen Ram is next to go oh he’s going to be furious off that drive going in with a nine that is a power four for him up to the 18th and Eric Van royan oopsy Dy hope it didn’t knock his marker he’s not sure is he whether he dropped it on his marker yeah didn’t look like it had moved his marker I thought it just missed but any we’ll come back there first of all to rcky Fowler there just aren’t any others in the game that there any that put as well as Ricky F from this range but I can’t think of any that putt better than he does he’s just got such a great attitude just put the putter in there get comfortable just the one look and brush it in he is awesome he is awesome from that range he’s the best Potter in the world in my mind um you know what stormy I would not disagree with that I think he is absolutely stunning with a short stick Patrick readed pretty close absolutely will he play one similar on the third with the L wedge got the bread and butter out for this one aiming well right up the slope and down the other side quite a bit of break on this as you can see flings it right we’ll come back hello wow long range ping they’re not too many B than him you’re dead right that was super effort from Jordan SP I like those ones though Tony those little tappins oh I love those up to 18 we’re still not quite sure about Eric vanroy and what the situation is there we’ll find out but this is Matthew Southgate there you go he’s got some support the country member at Cari is safely through to the weekend after a one over part 72 on Friday puff of the cheeks hard work long birdy pet two pets is more realistic just didn’t break the way you expected but that’s okay it’s a good solid start seventh Hall Ricky Fowler looking to just leave a short of those two bunkers up the right hand side ball definitely isn’t bouncing on as far as it was yesterday so the Raina has taken the sting out of the fairways now a totally different tactic for John Ram he’s going with a big stick wow that’s gone way down the left oh oh out of bounds surely now that’s a horror shot out of bounds reload what a mistake dear oh dear right let’s go up to 18 Eric Van Ryan par part and well done that’s a nice save up the last there was an issue there he thought he might have dropped his cut up on his marker we’ve got an in-house referee Susan Simpson is with us from the RNA Susan your thoughts on that and we have an additional Clause that we have um added to the rules this week um a relatively new one that allows a player um to accidentally move the the ball or the ball marker and should they do so then they can replace without penalty and I think uh that’s that’s the case on 18th okay thank you Susan all sounds eminently sensible if it was accidental and it was just the poter slipping through his fingers so out to the 15th and the second shot for Kevin kissner tournament leader championship leader I haven’t seen much of Kevin kisser but I’m really impressed the way that he’s playing the this course this week so far there’s phel another chance doesn’t miss too many of those 183 happy b r now that could be very nasty if that’s right up against the left edge of that bunker huh yeah such a difficult path ref fell as this one especially with this pin on the right you just got to try and get the ball in the middle of the green easier said than done it falls off everywhere front back sides out of bounds left horrible bunker on the right guarding this pin the pin looks like it’s cut on top of the bunker from the te ignore that middle of the green you always going to have a 25-footer and it’s downwind 173 to on top of the ridge 183 the pin so spe big nine little eight Punchy eight jump it up there yeah exactly as Jamie Spence ordered was unbelievable how many people went into those rightand bunkers this morning I reckon well over half the field it was astonishing sander Lombard good t-shot at four and yeah loads of FZ perfect distance good shot this is the seventh hole and but John Ram’s got his problems he’s driven it out of bounds chriswood bunker off the T he’s out toh chip out to this point so he’s playing his third Fowler in pretty good shape down the right hand side Chris Wood is knocked it out of the bunker to this position this is his third shot oh a fantastic shot from Chris Wood maybe that just maybe that’ll just be the turning point for him gra if he knocks that one in makes his four he can start to move forward yeah it could be a momentum changer for Chris Wood Ricky in just ideal position tasty very tasty into fouler range stormy I’m glad you said that about Ricky FIS pting because there’s not a huge amount talked about with Ricky FIS fighting you hear about a lot of the other guys but I’ve always thought Ricky was just Dynamite with a short stick I think he’s absolutely fantastic Tony him and bran sned are the two for me that they get the ball to pop and get some speed in the ball so it stays online for longer fourth shot for Ram having driven it out of bounds damage limitation oh no I think we could see some steam coming out of John Rams ears very shortly probably forced to be a little too aggressive with a shot after going over the fence just trying to push the bubble a little bit try and get out of here with a five Zander Lombard after that lovely second shot into four for his b just hasn’t hit it well it’s about Kevin kissner’s range really isn’t it at the 15th birdie put for our Championship leader and for I big this yes it is at the 15th oh would have been for three in a row Danny Willet gone along nicely in this championship for his bie right in the mix lovely to see Danny back on tend in for majors and a better finish than yesterday remember he bogy’s at 17 and 18 to finish up yesterday but uh pars at the last two out of 71 and will it in good shape at two under but it is Kevin kissner who is setting the pace at the moment he’s actually making it look really quite straightforward out there hasn’t really been carnasty yet has it all the Beast of Angus but the breeze is definitely going to pick up it’s going to switch around a little bit over the next couple of days and Sunday it could get uh quite interesting here’s spe at 8 whoa whoa whoa we saw John Rams ball just fall off the ledge at seven putting back up this slope and that is a huge misjudgment so he’s there in five he’s got that part for a double bogey that’s a nice view isn’t it that’s a a rail C which runs down the side of the eighth hole just by the out of bounds fence giving you that view hope it’s giving you the line D Ro cam we’re relying on you for that J yeah and those eagle eyes well fortunately just in speed P it’s a little bit right to left it’s quite quick as well speed part he’s knocked it about 4T by so just in from about 9 10 ft just outside the hole on the right cannot buy a part at the moment can he Justin Rose another one slides by just a three Justin stays at two over come on Ricky see if we can knock another one in positive put just slip byy into six quick Swift Rhythm just whoops the club through maybe trying to hit a little slidy fade it’s gone pretty straight needs to settle down oh that’s going to be an awkward CH 16 the par three 237 yds Kevin kissner oh this could be very very good terrific shot anytime you hit that green Tony it’s a great shot that’s a bonus isn’t it just it doesn’t matter where as long as it’s on the Green Well double bogey pop for John Ram at the seventh oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear three shots gone and RAM back to even par for the championship well Jordan’s but did say on by not the first today that’s happened too but just yawn I’ll just pop this in from eight fet well done young man delightful young man got to know him a little bit at the last three president’s cups and I’ve got to say just have huge respect for him not just as a golfer but also as a man looks like a mil pond at the moment doesn’t it the North Sea hardly see any of the the white waves the white tops that you get out there when the breeze begins to pick up sure anyone will be in for a swim mind you later oh well there you go I only arrived it around lunchtime at the course and apparently there were people on the beach there were people swimming in the sea Madness must be crazy Lombard second shot looks in full control of what he’s trying to do and again Nice Shot he fell to 581 in the world rankings after the French Open few weeks back then he had the good finish in Ireland so he’s up just inside the top 450 but he is a much much better player than that to eight Fowler oh God this eighth green might fa up a little bit as the day goes on drying out landed it too far Ricky Fowler that’s why he’s gone over the back saw guys this morning pitching it into that green and they were coming up quite a bit short well chriswood did make his part at number seven hold that part bite bite no no oh man just straight down at him straight down yeah I wonder if there’s maybe a bit of helping Breeze that they can’t feel because they’re you know in front of these Grand stands now B couple of holes to the turn for R oh no no no no no bun it’s been a popular spot today that bunker take a bit of magic from John Ram to get that one up and down to nine spe out with a driver I always like looking at Jordan spe’s hands when he GPS the club I can never make up my mind with the the index finger on his glove is too long his index finger is too short or if he’s got an extra finger I mean it just doesn’t look quite right but who’s asking questions cuz he’s a genius now t finow this is an interesting little pitch to this pin look to land it in a perfect position that was really nicely played beautiful yeah that’s the sort of shot that can make you look a bit stupid isn’t it yes especially if he’s just dumping in front of you in the bunker the colorful paperz is B at 11 oh and struck it in nicely he’s a fun character to play golf with and a very tidy round of goal so far three birdies no Drop shots five under three off the lead this is what’s happening to the wind in various different parts of the course and as you can see it’s not completely consistent well I mean one of those arrows is a little bit out because there’s just such a lot of hot a coming out of this comms box I think we’re somewhere around the fourth hole do you fourth green still can’t believe Chris Woods ball didn’t hang on it was pitched a little shorter than Ricky’s and it I mean it’s it’s inches around these lyns courses the difference between a really good shot well a good result they were both good shots a good result and and a tricky shot to come oh oh my goodness not quite as tricky as that one Tomy dear oh dear oh dear that is a be almost looks like the top of the ball is below the level of the sand dug its own crater and sort of settled in there thinking this is nice and comfortable down here you know what John Ram wanted to see after his triple at the previous Hall and remember in the Irish open John Ram made a triple on the second hole of the last round and missed the playoff by one shot almost brilliant if you were wondering how Chris Wood’s ball got to be 15 ft away it was obviously interfering with Ricky fowers and the guys when they Mark either like to hold it between thumb and forefinger or go and put it down on the ground so they can never be accused of cleaning the wall or forgetfully cleaning the ball you know you hold it in your hand and you’re not thinking you could give it a wipe and if you take any mud or sand off it it would be a penalty so safest thing put it down on the ground walk away and leave it there it is back in position now he’s been shown exactly what to do and emulated Ricky’s shot fairly well much happier crowds this afternoon the rain is gone but this this is just oh dear oh dear oh come on then genius this is your department oh this start this with a prayer I mean and it’s landing on the down slope you know what he’s got to be very lucky to actually keep this on the Green caught the edge of the hole which helped a little couldn’t have played that better just could not have played that better well done look how steeply the club comes down he’ll play it despite the fact that there’s a steep bunker face with a squarer Leading Edge than he would us usually and just thud the club down into the sand look how much of it is moved pops up in the air it’s going to come out with Top Spin and nothing else you can do he’s done well there John Ram oh it’s all very neat and tidy isn’t it Jordan SP K KY barnrat Justin Rose down the ninth it’ll be the Englishman first away how’s it lying though okay yeah in a good angle if he gets the right strike on this he could get this close settle down now settle down pop out for Ram well that’s four shots gone in two holes for the Spaniard the world number five how quickly things can change here at CaRu 12 122 yards to go here for spe and looking to throw this right up in the air to get it to land softly landed it in a good spot just shot of the grein L trundle on to flag High nicely fled from Jordan Space K now after that terrific t- shot at 16 on the same plate not too much break in it has he hit it has he hit it oh Kevin just look P there Tony finel it slid by maybe a slight misread was a wonderful little pitch he played MIss so many pots today should be doing much better but he’s five under three behind kissner two to go now for kissner and two ahead of Zack Johnson three clear of Fleetwood Perez finau and South Africa Xander Lombard Rory will be delighted with his position position couple of good rounds from him backto back 69s for the man who won at Royal Liverpool four years ago hold absolutely nothing so far today and all in all just a a bit of a frustrating front line really for Justin back to the ninth Ricky Fowler more sensible player going with an iron that’s a bad mistake when you go with iron for safety you’ve got to hit the fair and it’s so frustrating when you don’t just going to tuck into my chocolate bar and you come to me there so put that to one side save that the next up the hill for Jordan tough little p doesn’t like it playing well though good front knife for SP yeah it really has sorry to have Disturbed you by the way there Jamie you’ve got better things to be doing shoveling things down your face off we go to Xander Lombard that’s okay every time I’ve seen Xander at every tournament this year he’s missed cuts and then Saturday and Sunday he has spent endless endless hours every day on the practice ping r trying to sort it out I think he’s getting there could be some Venom in this one from John Ram there’s the bunker come on Ricky you got this buddy he didn’t get his wish that’s nasty lie in the bunker starting to boil isn’t he yeah up to Kevin Chapel coming towards the end of his day and it’s been a good one as well not the way he would have like to have finished drop shut at the last but one of only two Bogies today on the card four bird he’s around of 69 for chapel and he heads into the weekend at 3 underp hate seagulls tell me every time I three ped I always felt like they were laughing at me you’re paranoid T it’s AAR of the last ready Peril Eagle at 14 the highlights of his day and a man who play so well in Scotland last week is Comfortably through to the weekend at the Open Championship I tell you what that’s a heck of a beard isn’t it Kevin Chapel’s CAD he’s got this is the 10th T I wonder if Jam’s available to us or maybe chocolate bar dispatched D doesn’t take long don’t take long halfway snack only chocolate bar or only chocolate bar there is a fantastic halfway H at the end of the 10th if you ever come here and play Cary I would advise you to spend some time in that you can’t reach that burn today 415 yards to that three wood in there yesterday mat Yama driver for Jordan it’s the bunker down the left that’s a problem oh he’s pulled that miles left don’t get unlucky oh oh oh that gent was lucky nmed him I think they went straight between his legs that could have been painful this is not particularly appetizing for Ricky Fowler back at the ninth he took an iron to uh try and make sure he found the Fairway he’s missed it by a distance now he’s coming in over a bunk up out of the rough oh yeah when you’re a slightly bu guy like Ricky is that is so much harder a Dustin Johnson or John Ram could just smash that out but when you’re a little guy you can’t hold on to it hard enough out of that thick damp grass only is he’s gripping on for dear life trying to release and look at it just just grabs the shaft and the huzzle goes forward for your 196 so yeah just a good flight on that the tower line good advice from wobbly 216 left to go it’s a perfect lie Breeze just slightly down from the left that’s not too bad looked a little bit disgruntled but I’d take it a very high standards yeah he obviously didn’t quite flush it John Ram just just no option in fact you know what out of that corner of that Fairway bunker just to get it back on on the short grass is a success story deep bunker straight face oh just ahead of the 10th T you sort of turn up right angles don’t you for the 10th here’s Rose little lead probably heading right kizna safely aboard the island between the burns at 17 Rhythm hasn’t changed all day H that’s a clever shot do not mess with that pot bunker short right it is a nightmare that’ll do just fine thank you very much that was a lovely shot Tony you could see he was just trying to work it in from left to right and use the Contours of the green second to seven for Tony finow probably just about see the flag the yellow flag straight over the bunker that’s on the just to the right of finel left hand side of your picture yeah quite hard to accept that it’s not going to skip on after the previous couple of days Ram third shot just wants to nudge this in within six feet give himself a chance for far he hasn’t he’s pulled the heck out of it just think he’s flustered y yes that aners your question flustered plus now Tony is that a good club toss no terrible you got to throw it parallel to the ground if you throw it vertical to the ground you get a broken shaft lot of experience lot of experience here I hope that’s helped you at home thanks for that Tony we knew you’d be the authority on that one need a bit more like stormy just calmly sail around the course Thomas Peters third at 17 slightly awkward oh yes oh dug in it’s funny we’ve been saying for a couple of years on the European tier that this man has the ability to win a major and nothing’s changed our minds despite the fact that he’s had a slightly iffy period Ricky oh come on that’s just a gorgeous little shot really he’s left himself a nice P too it was not a good drive from Jordan spe at the 10th I wonder what the story is I think Jamie’s down there yeah he’s all right Dom really uh he got a couple of little trees in his way it out the left edge of the and drawing it back okay pches yeah I’m going to hit a punch yeah and that’s my question how far the hazard way short yeah it’s it’s got to be inside that tree you got that work but my my point 32 it’s just got to cover yeah 20 it doesn’t jump S I don’t think it’s going to out of that just a seven punch you know this keeps it lower too yeah but if it jumps this is over the green is an eight is an eight get there I really think it might okay yep all right yeah it’s just 25 on the cover short all right see that picture I think you you get there as well without that lie going to jump he’s got to draw it around this little tree in front of him Burn’s certainly not in play with this Club Chase it up the green you should get this in the middle of the green no problem really it’s a great angle for him wind off the right as well it’s all in his favor here spe fantastic just fantastic once he makes the decision he commits completely to the shot and the club is chosen I like that nice UT calming the crowd down look at this shot from above he did get a little Lucky had the Gap but made the decision and the strike was just pure oh man The Golden Child probably a reason he’s won three major championships already age 24 here’s Fowler trying to win his first parut at the ninth oh well well well a collector’s item kissner for his bir at 17 a bit of swing from right to left come on it tracking come on oh shaved the hall the last few hasn’t he just hav drop for Kevin kissner Asing to seven and fenal with a birdie part well he could easily have been two or three better couldn’t he oh man oh oh no after a terrific bunker shot you’d have to say to get it there and that is John Ram has just gone triple single drop and a double six shots gone in three s out in 41 ouch ouch indeed well he’s going to have to look to what Brooks kepka did yesterday dropped five shots in five holes going to the turn and then shot the low back nine of the week yesterday he came home in something like four under and got himself back in the championship but that is quite a devastating little run for John Ram all the way back to three overpar which is outside the cut line as it stands big stand to the right of this screen they’ve been enjoying themselves through lunch few songs going on Justin’s going to Chip and run this up the bank down the other side it’s out of five out of 10 in difficulty really you can trust the bounce on the links sces you know they’re going to jump on it’s just the pace here when it gets up over the other side he’s got a bit of green to work with here but his lie back there was just the such a flying line not surprised he went through here so just going to try and pick his spot here and just get it running up the bank hopefully get the right bounces nice nice a wee bump and run of the s from Justin Rose nicely judged back on the 10th T Fowler just about perfect Tony finner a te grass just blowing again there is a little bit of Breeze out there oh I can to stay left keep away from the fun cuz it does well kedc is on board the 10th green he’s got a birdie butt Jamie’s there yeah good chance as well Don putting across the green hereit for Ked kind of a very fluffy lie back there two over what the cut going to look like well it’s still two at the but it’s just kind of drifting towards three again now Lombard over the corner of the shoulder of the ridge the Hound coming off the bunker such a tough one to read the higher you go the more it breaks different view of the 10th Gren they were in good voice the crowd in that stand to the last group big cheer goes up with this goes in it’s pretty straight might turn a touch left to right here for Jordan wonderful well after the drive he was never thinking three but he worked out his numbers he changed clubs put it to about 8 ft and he has hold apart again and spe right back in it to under par this is worth another little look here had to just keep it down a little under that second tree gets it to come out I mean pitches perfect he runs up perfectly dead from high and thank you for the birdie here kind of a major specialist isn’t he these days Jordan spei now kissner coming down the last this is one t-shot you just want to see on dry land right oh he’s found the juicy stuff I wonder if he’s got a good enough Li to knock it over the berry burn swing was fine I mean look at that isn’t that a magnificent position and maybe just a little bit anti bunkers and burn on the way through it only takes a fractional little flip with the right hand tiny fin out of this birdie PT and that can’t miss surely 3 in more pace is all it needed driver for Speed taking the bunkers out of play the last one down the right is 271 he’ll KN get over that easy with this club not driven the ball brilliantly so far doesn’t seem to matter oh well he was left on the 10th he’s right on 11 doesn’t seem to matter to him though does it grah it doesn’t he just keeps going with the driver regardless 11 goes in the opposite direction to number 10 and the t’s very close to the green Chris would may just wait so as he doesn’t distract anyone finish L left Pine Chris Wood favors to hit the ball left or right so we just looking to hold this into that slight right the left Breeze kind of double crossed at a fraction but that’s okay managed to hold the back portion of the grain two over the front line hasn’t made a bird yet today chriswood Fowler after the drop shot at nine and the fast start three under through four today a rookie 147 yards to go just a wedge so should be a green lighter he should be looking to go pretty much straight at this pin 120 oh what a mistake o up to 18 second shot for kissner coming out of the thick ra what sort of attack names it out right trying to draw it back and oh dear oh dear the Barry burn claims another victim yeah that was maybe too much to take on leading the tournament may be better off just wedging it down and then wedging it on take his chance sometimes you just got to take your medicine I think so well worth another look Mark James is back with us what do you make of this one Jesse too aggressive no need to do that just uh wedge it out wedge it on if you drop a shot you’re 7 under in the lead thank you very much shot 68 happy days and now it could rankle a bit and you’ve just irked for a couple of hours if you make double might not make double but I just didn’t see the need for it may not have the best of angles either once he’s taken his drop because it was certainly aimed heading well right and the hole is cut just over the bunker isn’t it on the right hand side that’s a very good point hadn’t thought of that could be very awkward chip yeah was Peters went at it with the body and then the arms had to catch up and they went past the body they just it’s what they call been connected these days my coach says that’s because people can’t spell coordination he was going along nicely Thomas he’s dropped shots at 16 and 7 struggling with a bit of a bad back at the moment as we go to Zander chaui for a rare two at the eighth hole well it’s proving to be a pretty good day for the United States in a pretty good Open Championship last American to lead the Open Championship at Cari at the halfway stage was Billy Casper back in 1968 that’s just a wonderful bunker shot from Ricky Fowler seen quite a few guys in that bunk and not been able to get it within 10 ft over to 18 again and uh Kevin kissner is going to be taking his drop a little bit of help from the RNA rules official we’ll come back there first of all to Jordan SP pushed his drive at the 11th can’t see much of the ball Jamie no neither could I when went over there 97 yards on the up slope sounded like decent contact it’s a good one it’s a good one he is quite remarkable isn’t he he like Harry who getting out of all these different positions well that’s what’s facing kissner and there’s not a lot in his favor here you’re absolutely spot on Dom it didn’t leave him a lot there every chance he’ll make double drop back into a tie with mine’s gone blank Zach Johnson thank you very much actually wasn’t that far away from being a really good effort was it it just slid on a little bit more and then down the bank has to be kicking himself though leading a major championship by two even though it is only Friday just popping back in play over to 11 this time it’s Justin Rose just 86 yds to go also can’t see much of the ball oh he just seems a little out of sorts doesn’t he Justin he does I don’t know why gra you no idea now not really uh I spoke to them last week and they were saying that he was four weeks possibly away from from playing great golf but this week he just yeah he looks out of s doesn’t look the same Justin Rose we used to seeing I think this week he’s five weeks away Ricky Fowler is starting to undo some good work early in his round that’s two Drop shots around the turn face like thunder some big numbers out there I mean ram went 746 789 heralda Magnus the Icelander was doing quite nice he’s made back toback Sevens at five and six incredible this is Lombard he’s tried to do something he doesn’t want to do but at least it’s not destructive it’s a rotten shot but it’s on the course perz with a putt from what 6 feet or so for par at the 30 last time he was inside the top 10 at any major championship at this stage of the tournament it’s 2007 at the PGA Championship so it’s been a while Jamie what have you made of of Justin so far’s he’s got a slightly sort of hang dog look about him at the moment yeah I I totally agree with you just uh hasn’t really happened for him early on I think you upset him I do have a way of upsetting people but no I’ve avoided him no he chat with me earlier on it seemed fine but just not gone his way is it didn’t Birdie the par five six probably should have done and uh the putt has not been behaving himself but he’s not really hit it close enough let’s be honest you had that one chance on that sick he’s been ping from this distance they’re not easy to read this one’s on top of a ridge it’s a it’s a tough part to hold it’s uh if you had 10 goes from here you might hold two so it’s not not easy left to right and then it just comes back the other way when it gets on top of that bridge lots of those you see yes I suppose they don’t help the karma T Fe now giving it a rip up here with a driver or something but too far left trying to chop this and get it to race and he’s done quite a good job there getting better and better it’s interesting Mark isn’t it we saw uh Ricky Fowler a short while ago trying to hit out of the same sort of rough I he just couldn’t do anything with it he didn’t quite have the strength that someone like Fen now does to hold that blade open yeah he’s very very strong yeah absolutely it is a big Advantage mind you those strong guys do tend to be in that stuff a bit more than the popcorn hitters another tricky part this one all the way up the hill and just over the other side over The Ridges where the hole isic one for kedc you won’t like the next one sounds like a football match out on the course yeah that’s the boys on the uh 11th to they’re having a bit of fun back there some refreshments just behind the tea which they’re uh enjoying now speed it’s just an amazing round of golf so far cuz he’s been in the rough most of the way around really doesn’t make any difference even this world right up the slope he’ll swing across the slope found another one it is quite remarkable two in a row for Jordan and the defending open Champion advances to three under just needs to avoid a repeat of yesterday and the slip UPS he made over the closing four holes talking of soccer they’ve been playing a Ricky Fowler one or two others have been sharing a house they’ve been having a penalty shootout uh after their practice round so far this week and apparently SP knocked at a couple of Doors Down had to go and knock on the neighbor’s door and ask for his ball back imagine that if you were in the house and suddenly Jordan Speed turns off at the door says can have my ball back imagine if he said no yeah I’m keeping it so damage limitation for kissner at 18 putt for a bogey five and a costly mistake for double bogey at the last and Kevin kiss round in 70 which could have should have would have been better and instead of leading the Open Championship by a couple of shots he’s tied with Zack Johnson at six under heading into the weekend got all of it we got it could fly hole but just I was just saying comfortable stock I got 62 I have 167 Ys to go over fou a second shot into 11 this is not entirely sure he’s obviously between clubs I think that’s clear to see that looked like a seven it’s a lot of club for 167 isn’t it this is going to just Chase one in a little bit beautiful IR shot just cut it in took quite a bit off that whatever it was looks very good with the iron sometimes isn’t it superb 212 and SP driver three gosh once again it’s a little bit wild isn’t it yeah that’s a long way left and he’s just very ragged off the te he’s down the left he’s down the right he’s the down the left again Xander Lombard his b at seven he was disappointed with his second shot but he won’t be disappointed with this beautiful put and he joins the leaders at 600 two birdies no Drop shots today he gets yeah to minor six I can tell you Patrick Reed the Masters champions made a couple of birdies today so he’s trying to make the weekend having shot 75 yesterday here’s fenel doesn’t hold a lot today not a bad effort at all and a pretty tidy front line assuming he pops that one in he’ll go to the turn in one under and F now well that was recorded he has popped it in so he’s only one off the lead it is pretty tight Kevin Ker’s mistake there at the last has slightly changed the the complexion of the top of that leaderboard although it is the very early stages not even quite halfway through this year’s open well we were wrong weren’t we we thought the Ricky Fowler and John Ram are going to pull each other along out there and then Ram suddenly hit the buffers with those problems at 78 n Fowler joined him with a drop shot at nine then bogy the 10th as well for good measure Molinari Woodson Co all played in the rain this morning out there it really was quite nasty at times it was cold I mean not too Breezy at least that was the thing for those guys but probably would have welcomed a bit of Breeze to push all the rain through Thomas Peters there finishing with three Bogies he will be deeply disappoint pointed Stuart sink the man who won the open at turnbury in 2009 where Tom Watson age 59 played so well and very nearly won plus two guaranteed to make the cut it can’t move down far enough the question is whether or not plus three will make it Paul Casey one person who wants ride cut points close to the bubble and at the moment plus three is 71st so it’s exactly 70 players would go through if any of the plus twos and better were to make a bogey then suddenly all the plus threes would be in it’s definitely fluctuated most of the day hasn’t it and and when you were in last time Mark about an hour ago it had gone up to what 78 players at plus two so it’s kind of trending back downwards now yes and now the last group is sort of well out on the course they’re currently on the sixth we get more and more of idea and it does look like being very close Lombard on8 183 just hited at the middle of the green that’s exactly it well done Phil Mickelson to finish with a B to get in the red oh Philly hav’t hit it so he’ll go into the weekend at level par S as Tiger Woods he’ll be Ru the double drop at the par five sixth hole plenty of birdies in there though for mikkelson M melson was playing with Cabrera beo and he’s finished plus two so his first made cut for a few weeks Fowler classy iron shot trying to finish things off oh yes very very good reverses the Trend yeah normal service resumed for Ricky Fowler hauling a put fourth B today to 17 and the second shot here for web Simpson with the utility Club slightly back into the breeze at 17 then downwind at 18 he’s got a very violent end to his swing web Simpson you could put a disc out quite easily watch this that’s major hip thrust through the ball I hit the flag at some Pace man certainly did I know well this is um a touch left long way to the front for Jordan SP we’ll find out how it’s lying I assume it’s into the wind what’s the scene Jamie we’ve got a great lie here Rose 200 guys good noise on the left looking at please thank you don’t argue with Fu 243 for Justin his longest of ir here his pin on the left hand side 47 yards wide this green very very wide piece of greenery flag was way on the right it’s round on the left to it today over those two bunkers they’re 30 yards short of the pin shouldn’t be a problem touch and lucky maybe must have looked pretty good to him back down the Fairway line of sight from that TV tower okay ladies and gents just ask you step back again please and getting a an even better lie still guys s like a coconut that one when he dropped it yeah one of my cadis says he passed um he was playing around some course near Wentworth or WTH I don’t know where Nick falo lived once and uh he saw Nick in the back Garden practicing dropping over his shoulder thank you maybe like five yard trying to drop into a bucket or something i’ never thought of practicing that andon away please that assume will it you’ll be able to drop it from your kneecap or some they said you were going to drop it from 2 in but if the grass is 3 in long that’s simply placing it I don’t I don’t know I thought we were quite happy with the shoulder height but well let’s see what speed can conjure from here Rock back on his right side didn’t he very good to drop it from kneight you’ve got to bend over a bit haven’t you unless you’re Tony Johnston or Tony F now but for most of us you have to bend over to drop it from kneight seems crazy little bit of a wait for Ricky Fowler and Co back on the 12 T whil that all got sorted out for spe look at the different options here we’ve seen that so many times this week at Cari chriswood has got the driver out but it’s an iron for Fowler P Perez for his b at 14 had an awkward little chip look like he had an awkward stance from near the bunker manag to get it to here and he’s knocked it in and Pat Perez ties the lead at the open three Americans and the South African Johnson kizna in at 6 under Perez and Lombard still out there here is Lombard to take the lead all on his own it really is quite remarkable the the resurrection if you like of Xander Lombard and Brandon Stone and I said he played really well from nowhere at the Irish open Brandon Stone shoots a final round 60 having been in real trouble with his game over the last year 18 months or so maybe xanders looked at that and thought well you know if he can do it I’ve shown a bit of form opening the door to just dozens of unknowns suddenly winning tournaments is a an amazing thought but who knows might happen maybe not he’s doing well Xander Lombard it’s uh tough situation for him a lovely one tied for the lead in the open he’s only 23 so he’s pretty new to lots of feelings in this situation there was a time when this was the length of but that sort of bothered him a little bit that was pretty sound though never looks like a young man who gets too upset by anything which is not bad in the game of golf Perez not going to drive an iron down 15 that’s perfect pitch it down the left hand side L Fade to the middle of the Fairway avoid the two bunkers down the right back at number 10 Tony F to the left rough looks a good lie oh it just jumped a bit and a awkward long runup yeah that’s where down where Justin W W Justin Rose was earlier interesting slip Jonathan was moment there Rose played a delightful little chip and run shot up over the B and hold the p as well and this is Justin who’s now on the 12th with Jordan SPI and kedc appy barrat Jamie who’s first away here sorry spe by a long way Dom he’s been studying that Greens book for about 45 seconds from here so uh he he’s trying to hold everything he’s hardly been on the golf course you know he’s at two Fairways today 12 holes it doesn’t bother him he’s still got the energy he not bothered at all it’s the next one that counts he’s getting his mojo back with this club down the hill there he goes should go right to left from about here get there nicely judged for PA from Jordan’s bee although he’s hitting it all over the place he looks comfortable following that uh strike on the pin he’s got anchored up the thing and a chory well done did a book on putting grips these days it’ have about 150 Pages wouldn’t it just amazing quickly back to 12 and Rose yeah that’s fine should be good enough for a four dangerous hole out the way well Justin used a sort of straight faed iron didn’t he but it’s the pter for phen now similar sort of result yes and was it um kizna we saw use a utility Club yeah so we’ve had every attempt or an attempt with every Club Caddy’s Plum body bobbing with a mid iron this can only end in tears surely well for his part G changing his grip there left below right not to much break in this one unusually timid B perz second into the par for 15th much Kinder pin position here today than it was yesterday and it was so fast and fiery and they stuck the the hole very close to the front of that green I can tell you the cut line has just moved to three over John SP to knock at this put in for par is he going to look at the ball or the hole must be feeling confident kept his eyes on the ball keep hearing he’s not so good on short ones and whenever I see him he just seems to roll him in without a care in the world no he went through that period though didn’t he where he where he started looking at the hole when he had parts of about that distance it was kind of like four five Footers or whatever and it seemed to work for him as well Justin also for his fa nearly wriggled out but Par Four onto the next yeah it’s a feature isn’t it of car see there aren’t that many long walks between the greens and te’s it’s yeah this is about the longest isn’t it yeah Fowler 47 yard wide green two 54 to go it was a good long iron off the tea but still leaves him fair old hit and he’s going to have a fair old part have now Chris Wood is a mile left of the Fairway at the 12 actually on the other Golf Course Mark yeah that Bull’s a long way below his feet too for a tall guy what would your advice be here just got to keep your waight same all the way through try not to lose any height a pretty good shot from where he was managed to get it in the Gap it was a good shot wasn’t it a little unlucky if anything difference between today and yesterday it was yesterday that would have rolled out wouldn’t it all the way onto the ptic Sur yes easily absolutely it’s incredible how benign the course has become when the balls land I don’t think there’s any more rain in the forecast is there and it should should get a little bit sunnier and a little bit of Breeze as well so things will dry out again yeah look by like being a good weekend doesn’t it with a little bit of wind on Sunday 15 mph perfect 174 this 13th this beautiful 13th you cannot be right at this flag you are dead just keep it pin High left perfect 150 the front looks like a 99 for spe get on the ground nothing wrong with that pop up for Tony finow at 10 two remain just one behind the leaders first drop shot of the day for finel lard for his b at nine backing over the shoulder from right to left nicely judged greens actually look a little bit better than they did yesterday afternoon when they were dry and a bit crusty that little bit of rain seems to have helped yeah absolutely they looked unpleasant at times yesterday afternoon didn’t they so Rose is the last to play on this 13th just pitch it 20 ft short and you’ll have an uphill right to left middle of the green oh he’s leaning the wrong way oh Justin Justin that’s bad error four-way tie at the top of the leaderboard it is just past 6 o’l in the evening here at Cary and Xander Lombard still with uh what nine and a bit holes to play he’ll be out there for another what two two and a half hours Brandon Stone who had that really fortunate break at the end of his round yesterday pulled his second into the grand stand which was out of bounds bounced back onto the green hold the biry put Lombard makes his par at the ninth stays six under still TI for the lead we haven’t seen burn Langer at all but fancied by sumers in each way better this week he’s currently plus two inside the cut line level par today playing with ratif gusen and Darren Clark who are not doing that well suffice to say awkward shot for John Ram throwing it up in the air that’s a pretty good effort from where he was Perez charging his birdie attempt at 15 I’m taking the slow walk wondering what was I thinking of it’s definitely a take your power and get out of Dodge hole 15 oh we’re happy B we’re going to have some fun and games here shot as well isn’t it dear oh dear yeah slump of the shoulders from happy not surprised can’t be just can’t be here W they listening stand a bit nearer the te’s because that was school boy erors wasn’t it I was well we we trying to hold it off take the little cut and you just get ahead of it and block it a little bit and this is what you’ve got neither player Justin’s got Justin gets it within 6 feet brilliant same with this one ball sitting up the Cur the problem is a little bit tough to Grass behind it so the strike’s not easy where his caddy is now got to hit it there and just let it trundle down but this his Caddy’s very proactive isn’t he he is yeah he’s getting stuck in there isn’t he that would Anno start to annoy me very quickly well you do get annoyed very easily well God I got very short fuse sometimes no fuse take your medicine here K you got a par five coming up knock it 10 ft by uhoh I don’t think it would have got down anyway even it hadn’t it that sprinkler no it didn’t look like it on the screen well Justin’s got to do this to the top of the bunker and let it fall down the other side but that that’s just can’t happen he gets his six feet by brilliant just can’t stop it no chance that was good that was really good that’s not good jamy that’s brilliant he did well to get it out and so soft yeah he couldn’t land it softer than that could you Jamie was quite right 6 ft was about the best he is on the up slope which is a massive help we open that blade wide open and just sliced the legs off the ball that the club is hurtling past and the ball is just flopping upwards it takes ages for the s for the ball to overtake the sand he will fancy this Jordan this is one of those parts you look at it you think I like this one touch left to right uphill see all the hole you just get some parts you’re just fancy and I think this is one of them the way he’s playing he will fancy this no doubt dead we about 3 Ines on the left here just at the end it will turn he hit it very close to 3 in but didn’t well just about got there just needed a foot more Pace a really long putt for Ricky Fowler back down the SLO left to right need to go left himself one of those quite a tricky putt left somewhat Carefree first Putt and no problem he’s puted beautifully papz isn’t he just brushed it in didn’t he man yeah absolutely he’s making it look quite easy Pat Perez of all of the contenders he just seems to tap it down the middle on and hit a nice P we saw Ricky’s first pot come up way short and he’s just pushed another one in he just hovers the putter a fraction off the ground and then just sweeps it fantastic yeah it does seem to be it looks perfect in his hands that method doesn’t it the players Tred to put like that you think what are you doing just the the barn rat missed so he’s uh now at plus four and Justin’s missed as well he’s at plus4 fact kedc has still got three feet to go a right meal of this hole that was 5 years ago I think if anyone’s not sure which open we’re on at the moment Tony feno after a huge t-shot down the 11th not a bad effort two better ones before him though absolutely there stunn the other two aren’t they who’s he playing with Shin Johnny Vegas sure is doing all right couple under about to go a what a lovely shot from Pap perz perfect line soon as he struck it was straight down the flag he’s on the top tier yeah he’s ripping it isn’t he sort of does it um under the radar coach 7 iron second shot at 14 hit the hole oh good shoty Fowler probably just cutting this one in he’s not cutting though he’s just dragged it up the left half will it hang onto the green no a poor shot from Fowler is some lovely iron shots but that was a bit of a double cross it’s gone long left into the long roof it’s going to be an awfully difficult up and down 10th Lombard it’s a long way up he gives it a fair old hit Xander and that’s oh wow we got some action on that out the rough didn’t he check his grooves absolutely that’s amazing looks like the three-wood four spe up here A wise choice of Club didn’t even carry that bunker at 300 up the right with a bit of draw here for Jordan we’ll only leave him a short IR to the green this par 54 just 493 today started up the right perfect now Tony fin out for his b at 11 come on turn he just can’t buy a PO he literally just can’t buy one he’s playing well too isn’t he one birdie one bogey mind you at 4 under there is no Panic just yet plus he’s got the best of the weather by a long way I mean it’s really lovely out there now now coach back up the slope shouldn’t be a lot of movement for his Eagle he tracking for a long time just missed on the right easy B know real drama that’s how to play the whole Fairway green two puts easy B yeah was pretty simple for Coach one really easy hole on the course difficult to differentiate the holes when you’re looking from the air yeah especially with the c that’s in the middle oh right yeah that I wondered which holes they were Johnson kizner Perez and Lombard still there tied for the top at 6 what’s what’s the other course called I’ve never noticed it no idea I think we need to do our homework yeah well I think we not supposed to walk around the other course Tony Johnston has happens to be in the room annoyingly seems to think it might be called the the Barry links to be fair I should really not have actually played it well the field is not too spread out so all these people here do still have a real chance of of even winning especially uh if the wind just perks up in the afternoon and the start will be very late tomorrow probably 3:00 or somewhere around there another suggestion is Burnside but they started to get more and more random I think these ideas beautiful touch from Ricky Fowler played that really nicely he does Chip well as well as he does putt after that lovely iron shot into 16 Pap Perez back down the slow for his bir should be pretty straight this putt he thought it was left right I thought it was straight it’s easy from in the com commentary box Tony fale to give it a mighty wel down this 12th oh it’s a very efficient swing seemed to be much to go wrong and that is perfect right down the middle I see what you mean now by his arms are SOL long he would love to stand next to Tony Johnson he would look normal then Tony chuckling away in the background yeah cuz there’s another course left of the sixth isn’t there as you play the down Hogan’s alley there’s there’s a course across there I don’t know which one that is it’s very confusing but here’s the graphic of the 14th and happy barrs hit it a long way left but he got a chance flag is a little further right than that graphic would indicate do you want some help Mark I I sort of sense you’re slightly struggling I’m struggling we’re floundering the burn side or the button uh it’s the one in the middle of this one the burn side or the but oh same same course no no no no I don’t I I don’t actually know which is which but I think it’s one of the other oh well thank goodness you came back when you did where did you go I thought it was safe to step out for a couple of minutes I was clearly wrong can’t leave us in here constant supervision oh oh dodged a bullet apparently left of 12 is Burnside and left of six is Budden we have it on good authority now from an expert in our ears a man of immense experience Tony’s still confused actually actually it comes from from our rules Lady Susan Simpson thank you Susan so it’s Burnside the one help us with commentary tomorrow left of 12 Burnside as we watch Jordan spe what a shot stopped it quickly brilliant well a man who came into this Championship not in great form to be honest but uh he’s one of those players it it doesn’t matter because you know he’s going to raise his game and he loves the challenge of linkx golf yes it’s like he was born for lyx golf isn’t it the way he can get out of jail constantly and maneuver it tester for Fowler no problem well done no damage done that’s three puts in a row that Ricky fowers hold two to save par one for his b at 11 yeah they weren’t four Footers either were they that sort of 6 foot range minimum Lombard goes for Birdie on 10 he’s real old Biff isn’t he yeah as almost had some success on the links well they successful reached the final of the Amer Championship only four years ago actually at Royal Port Rush where the open’s being held next year lost out to Bradley Neil the Scott in the final 91 yards for Justin needs some spin on this needs a birdie he needs a birdie Justin papz looking to find the island Fairway here at 17 69 ft at the aex of its flight the ball perfect position down the right half of the Fairway just makes it look so easy yeah that I mean that is so safe that shot he just hit it way up the right half nowhere near any water yeah he doesn’t make it look easy I haven’t seen much of him before he’s a bit like Ricky Fowler in some ways he’s he’s got that sort of that ability to maneuver the ball and control the trajectory as well here is Ricky on the te at 14 that was 132 ft oh lucky it stopped short of those bushes that could quite easily bounded forward into the gor couldn’t it iron for Chris Wood the smart play get it on The Fairway you can reach the green com ably in two at 14 give yourself a good opportunity to be able to get to the green the line is right of the camera Tower you can see in the distance hasn’t made a birdie today yet chriswood so oh get over that’s not going to help him either that’s he won’t be able to shift it far from there have a long third a little bit like Justin Rose in the group of the head CHR word is he just sort of out of sorts today listening to you guys whing on about the golf courses I little wander around the bu the other day but every hole’s named after a famous battle part of the ministry defense over there they got a shooting range over there as well they Scottish battles no all sorts of battles just water some and was there a was there a battle of Buton there was not a battle of Buton as far as I’m aware I walked past one to get to the course uh one of the t’s was called meth I don’t know where that one was it seemed it sounded like Tunisia or something could be could be yeah I stopped and read it oddly cuz I’m not really into that sort of stuff I am Justin’s having a battle of his own out here yeah not working for him is it the poter nothing really just flat yes he knows it and can’t do anything about it finel took driver at 11 but this is the 12th a pretty good shot from Tony finel p i just off the green Eagle P for spe oh no not quite good try easy birdie and SP will move to four runer his fifth birdie of the day a really really solid round of golf in these improving afternoon conditions five bird is no Drop shots and when you consider some of the parts of the course that he’s been to really is quite remarkable he’d have probably been able to tell us the names of all the holes on the other courses he’s probably been near them looking down on Matt coocha The Man Who speed beat to the title last year at burkdale a good great it’s actually okay sounded like he was worried for a moment as if he’d missed the Green Way left so is the maram glass grass The Greener stuff that you can see on the right hand side of the picture then who’s out yes yes Tony the thick bladed stuff okay I’ve got it now that’s okay he’s found the pting surface Evans chriswood was in the bunker Rams also in the sand Ricky Fowler nearly went into the G butes Living Dangerously interesting that uh statistics should entice more Americans and nationalities to try and come over for the Scottish open certainly it was incredibly similar conditions to yesterday maybe not quite the same as now but you would have learned in effort to be be very very useful oh wow that’s the quickest swing I’ve ever seen him make sure back to the Fairway 15th T this is where the problem started yesterday for Jordan spe yeah it’s a tricky one isn’t it three wood needs a draw here you got to hit a draw to hold the fair with this camber the spe bunkers down the right it’s going right to left pitching around the left semi just the wrong side of that hump paperz at the 17th to fade this one in towards the flag pretty good nice to see some blue sky and some sunshine it really was rotten this morning out there rain for hours and hours nice afternoon for those boys who finished sit in their hotel rooms and watch a bit of golf probably doze off after theyve practiced no one really racing away with it the feel quite com packed six under leading one under in the top 20 plenty of scope for people to move through the field smattering of Americans but plenty of British players too Tony Fen now good second shot just off the green but birdy chance finally one of just four birdies today on the 12th hole good timing two easy Hells coming up we have a new leader to 11 and a birdie part for Xander Lombard a lead outright oh fine effort and those are the length puts that have bothered him over the last year or so and he’s worked very hard on it I don’t want to Temp fate but he’s looking like he’s enjoying it certainly is Well Ricky did manage to advance it down this 14th hole From the Rough this is his third shot over the spectacle bunkers P here dead on line good spin control yeah and a blind shot as well bang online wasn’t it pretty good for distance look at that yeah I love the way he got the spin but the flight was great too and just that one bounce and stop seen him knock ones low both ways yeah now Lombard let’s see if you have indeed cursed him Tony you haven’t that was a good stroke a good stroke yes you know he’s tended to have a bit of a wobble in his stroke he takes it back yeah and it does a little bit of a weave at the at the end of the back swing and you know just not quite back and through but you know what even then if if you can repeat it if it’s repetitive it doesn’t actually matter what you do as long as you do exactly the same thing every time yeah but that that argument doesn’t really hold up does it because it’s like saying well 24 handicapp if his swing repeated every time well you have a look at Billy may I mean he used to you know he used to just cut the backside off the ball it was a horrific stroke but he did do the same thing every time and he used to put the eyes out but it I don’t think it really lasted no it’s um I’m with you on that it’s all to my mind it’s margin for eror the square and longer the blade is square to the hole on a full swing the better player you’re going to be if your Rhythm goes off or it’s windy same with putting that’s an easier way there’s an easier way of doing it there’s no doubt straight back and through but uh you know some guys just struggle to do that don’t they just and yeah if you do struggle find a way that it will repeat yes makes sense no birdie but Pat Perez should make his par at 17 one to go for him Jordan speed has missed another Fairway 39 he’s not in many Fairways is he doesn’t seem to matter the spe this is named after one of your shots J down here lucky slap that’s how true left better than unlucky slap but it’s that’s in between all the bunkers right yes that’ be the left that be your max they’ve all missed the Fairway but speed’s by far got the best shot Jim’s in the bunk he’s just laid it up to about 130 y it’s be 190 not a bad lie off this slope hook but with the flag back left he’s got a chance to get it down there on the middle of the green might run up to the Ed to the back Edge yeah down Wind come down what a fabulous shot I mean the ball’s well above his feet long rough and he’s he’s not it’s gone within 3 ft of the pin I mean okay it’s a bit long but what a good shot he was a little lucky unlucky that it hung up on that little slope there could easily have just fed around down to the bottom of the bowl again and then it’s a simple putt but he’s pretty handy around the greens he will find a way I’m pretty sure he’s no mug is he I’ve seen I’ve seen worse chippers interesting Dynamic out here we got Jean vanal working for French TV and Paul Lor working for the radio side by side sort of walking down the Fairway have thought it brings back a lot of memories that one now cedc not a bad Li but he can’t see where he’s going down there only got 168 all right just Ste good we got 130 OD the front so good hit of wedge here happy Barr he going to jump down wind expecting the jumper didn’t quite get it but it’s not a bad shot from where he was not bad at all still please 155 for Justin lot of movement he’s not in a good head space here must be terribly disappointing for him spent 6 hours per nine holes during in practice few weeks ago this is what he’s getting hard to take well let’s hope he can pop that one in somehow he’s got to play the last four holes in one under to have a chance of making it through to the weekend and it definitely is moving towards three over par well it is at three over par looks it’s like it’s pretty solidly at that here’s feno at the 13th thresh off that wonderful birdie at 12 go go that’s not too bad tough pin to get at on this Divine little par three look at that Roseway Bay Willow herb don’t like that stuff in the background that pink weeds anyway takes over a bit doesn’t it just yeah back to Grass oh another one I mean yeah yes it just looks it just looks so easy doesn’t it pace is perfect every time just it’s it’s marvelous to watch really is yeah back on track to those couple of Drop shots around the turn is Matt cooa 3 under playing the 16th 237 yards this fearsome bar three couple of bunkers down the right but this is shaping back and to the 15th T and Ricky Fowler should be just about perfect should yeah ripping low strike absolutely bulleted from Fowler hit a little soft cuz it hit in the semi but that’s absolutely fine he’s hit a lot of solid shots will this be the year for Ricky Fowler well if he’s there after three rounds I think when the wind gets up Sunday it’ll give him a good chance cuz he can shape the ball really well I think of all the guys that might give him the most chance of it of wind what he ask for a drop here Jordan but he wasn’t that bothered didn’t get one it’s not really interfering with his stroke here so he’s putting it it’s quite a steep Bank he putting up here very little green the other side beautiful hard to gauge the pace when you’re hitting it that hard easy for him though yeah even out of sort of scrubby rough and stuff he seemed to get a good roll on it look at this I it leapt a bit but it’s going o end over end very quickly he’s a bit of a wizard isn’t he the green great to watch all sorts of shots be wow gets on with it as well when he get when he makes his mind up he gets on with it just takes a long time to come up the decision doesn’t he he’s looking energized Jordan spe I agree with you Jess it’s butting I’m sly every party hits looks like it’s going into me now happy Barn rat four is three you want to give it a chance of running out of holes but it’s a big ass from 50 ft this one down the green yeah you just don’t want to do anything silly like that three over oh dear nearly knocks it down the hill at the back yeah that that would have beening complete de green Al bir at 12 can fin now found another one at 13 from memory it’s a bit left to ride at the hole he thought the same thing we’ve seen a couple take a bit of a break there today strange that it didn’t head to 15 Justin I must make four rows must make he’s looking agitated cig go on Allelujah may just be for par but it may just give him the spark to go on and find a birdie over the closing three make it through to the weekend I know Justin’s always asking Jamie if you’re still listening there but um if he wants to know what the cut is plus three is 67th at the moment plus 4 81st so it’s going to be three overs that what you’re telling me I would that would be my guess it would be a certainty but that’s the situation it’s 67th would you advise me to pass on that information no but I know he asked whoever was on course at the um in Dubai at the Tour Championship a year or so ago I’d want to know Jess yeah I’d want to know too but I wouldn’t tell him I’d wait for him to ask oh a very welcome P he looks pretty calm I wonder if he’s really that relaxed he does look calm doesn’t he he’s got a pretty good temperament I mean he looks a bit hang dog but but it’s never a head off hang dog is it I think we’re going to read this one without Jamie straightish well you know the funny thing is and I know you’re going to ask me how they make the things up but in Strokes gained in putting this season on the PG T he is 175th in the standing so he has not had a great season with that CL and that’s because of the short ones D I mean he still Pats the long ones very well but the short ones have been well not even indifferent but absolutely lousy we’ve seen so many pats of four feet in Mist but you know he suddenly finds a way to just turn it around and look like Jamie might have been telling the cdy what the cut was there sorry he’s asking for trouble Pat Perez from the Fairway bunker at 18 takes his meds it is interesting that Justin should ask what the cut line would be at the Tour Championship though actually I I think it wasn’t the it wasn’t um it was something like what he had to do to beat Fleetwood there was permutations of different amounts of money and it was that he needed to know exactly what the permutation was and I told um Ken Brown I think what my calculations were which had been originally Tim barter’s calculations and uh well you both it well cuz it was quite a complicated one it was very complicated and it got to him that way no birdie for M coocha but uh makes his par at the 16th Scotland’s East Coast we’re up the road from St Andrews we’re down the road from abedine just north of dunde 237 I want to pitch it about 210 let’s Let It TR trundle up P it in that Dell just short of the green there just take a bit of pace off it beautiful evening that is just just unbelievable how far right that is that’s incredible hit one of those on the six earlier and he hit one yesterday somewhere I mean it just it takes off at a tangent how how you can hit it and it go so far right straight off the club it’s remarkable from such a good player third shot at 18 for Pat Perez having just popped it out of the Fairway bunker to here still quite a long way to go yeah pretty handsome yes and it was a good shot as well someone’s in close it’s either Julian S or George CA who are plus two and plus three respectively Ricky to go oh he’s going up and down straight up and down that’s always a good sign and just sit put the anchors on two in too far and stayed John Ram at four over par six over for the day desperately needs a birdie and he’s just punished this t-shot left himself a flick a very good second that is the chance he needs perhaps 16 again Rose that looks very very nice indeed great shot yet to make a birdie today Justin Rose three Bogies so really in there poor round for him well he won’t be short of Support over the club losing three holes Justin Rose pretty tightly bunched isn’t it at the top of the leader board remember that Kevin kissner got to eight underpar then doubl the last to fall back into the pack really encouraging signs for the 2016 Masters champion Danny Willet who alander Lombard and Brandon Stone have been really struggling with this game but has found a little something over the last five or six weeks far unlucky to go over the bat but it stopped here which isn’t too bad he shouldn’t have any bother getting it within 3 ft as is going to say I’ll make that 6 ft but he’s just knocked in about five consecutive ones of that distance doesn’t seem to phas him either doesn’t matter how many as he just keeps doing it most guys when you’ve hold three or four of those you start thinking well eventually I might just miss one of these 16 here’s spe pulled a good lie boys that shot just when straight over my head I couldn’t believe it heading down towards the first Fairway the second one as I say same Club as well 4 that he hit on six Justin hit four on in there what a beautiful shot that was he can get some spin on this line it’s the only way he can stop it actually by spinning it up here oh no oh no that sat right in as well can’t keep getting away with it can you I thought it looked a bit tight I think that was I’d I’d have done that skinned it dear oh dear he’s done so much good work five birdies no Bogies just a mirror fraction thin but a bit toey as well unless he normally hits them off the toe heavy lie here for Ry Pat sitting right in he’s going to have to dig this one out give it plenty here get it up that slope beautiful well the horrible Lie For Speed been a to get right over there and look at it but just disappeared and he couldn’t find it he’s only about two yards away so wide stance we saw him played the shot like this earlier on the third very wide starts and puts the ball way back with Loft but it’s just how it comes out this Li is going to run he’s got a chunk down it yeah he got back spin on it on the third didn’t he yeah get any back spin out this one absolutely the Mark James schooler chipping here back foot jab yes yeah absolutely done very well he has done well that’s superb isn’t it how to restrict the damage just the one stroke dropped and by the end of the week it won’t even register that bogey on one of the toughest holes that’s an exciting ride isn’t it with Jordan SP John Ron trying to get back inside the cut line at the 15th with a birdie pot happened to him at the Irish open struggled on the second day just made the cut and ended up finishing top six I think there that was a lovely Rhythm on the transition there of the Swing very good shot but at the top of the Swing had so much time and just floated it down as surpr I’m very surprised to see the shot go there just Rose off that terrific T-shirt oh man just a little bit of justice is what we’re asking for yeah now means he’s got a bird either 17 or 18 paart for foul up only right in the middle he doesn’t even look remotely guilty about it either do you think he wakes up in the middle of the night guilt ridden I don’t think so Jess he just he just keeps pouring them in like water out of a jug coocha out of Poss position and a long way back going with a hybrid and asking it to bite it’s a hard thing to get it to do though out of that rough with a a hybrid now just come on back up a little it’s okay looked okay from above go to pz at 18 only blemish of the day for Pat and around a 68 and five underp only one behind and his best performance been a major championship for a long long time Jordan s tapped in for his bogy at 16 so he’s back to three under up H next on the T this long par three is Ricky Fowler Jed yeah he going to Jordan but he’s getting the thumbs up but I think there’s a bunker there there is a bunker wellsh of the green yes guy that gave it the thumbs up can’t be a golfer J no it’s a marshall the the no the golfers nor at all one down under empathetic or sympathetic and they give freely of their time to help people like you that’s um different argument oh Zander oh one of those long bunker shots that gets a bit of Fizz on it over to 16 again this time it’s Chris Wood that was a lovely swing wasn’t it right half of the green and it’s well that’s fine there it’s a make three hole lovely from chriswood it’s the best I’ve ever seen him swing there’s no across at the top or funny moves it looks very simple he’s level PA going along rather swimmingly there’s the Barry burn weaving its way through 17 18 well there’s a bridge up there at 270 which they can see of the T you can’t go as far as that because you’ll be in the water little Lon for Jordan but you want to get there as far up there as you can long hole strange hole 17 tough hole that did look better than the last one yeah well up not as well up as one of his playing Partners but a beauty Tony fin has hit this so far down the PA 514th and I think with a pretty short iron he’ll be quite disappointed with that cuz that one from where he was was there for the taking papa for Lomar at the 12th go on go on Lost in the finals of the British amiter in 2014 sander so he’s shown a lot of promise for a long time so both Lombard and Perez slipped back to the tie from at minus five and we’re left with Johnson and kizna some nearly fucha put a good eightt to save car no surprise to see him in there again though is it Mark Matt coocher he seems to be there or thereabouts just about every time he puts a teabag in the ground lots of us interest up there South Africa Northern Ireland England Denmark Alex noren from Sweden Z Xander Lombard playing with haraldo Magnus the first Icelander to play in any major or indeed a European Tour event and he’s actually played pretty well he was one over yesterday and he made back to- back Sevens at five and six since then he’s been he’s level power of the day he level half of the day before that so plus six total won’t make the cut but pretty good performance yeah they’ve done a lot to develop golf in Iceland funly enough they’ve grown the number of courses the RNA have been involved in trying to grow the game as they are right around the world and there’s a couple of good young players starting to come through from there imagine it’s that nice in the winter time there I think it must be a relatively cool climate how many courses have they got have you any idea I have and I’ll come back to you on that meanwhile coocha for P Touch of drawer on this oh well done coach it could never really be booed cuz it’ll just sound like cooch won’t it so he’s just 65 cores in Iceland 65 65 now good look I thought it was all GL glasses and snow that’s incredible to take the outright lead Tony finow not a bad effort I thought if I was thinking if they’d had a sort of one nine hole or it was a good effort up there makes a birdie so another one gets to six under three Americans Johnson kissner and fenel heralda played in the um Amer Championship here at Cari three years ago apparently 5% of the population are now club members in Iceland and about 10% of the population play golf booming well we’re on the island not Iceland here for spe one 190 yards to the front 210 to the pin requires a little cut if he wants to get close that’s what he’s gone for I think he’s just overdone it nice on the green not too bad I can’t help thinking Dom that uh if 15% of Iceland the golfers it’s the GDP is going to suffer as you would if your brain work like that I think you should go over there Jess on a fact finding Mission I’m going on a sponsor it golf holiday we’re sponsor it for you a holiday over there what a oneway ticket yeah in December December or January what he did Birdie the last yesterday Justin so don’t give up hope or you Justin Rose fans 196 for Jr 178 the front he likes this little fade as well he can get to this pin from here I get the kick can I get the kick softly softly okay it’s a chance it’s all you want to do at this point you got two holes left needing a bird you just give yourself two decent chances back to the 16th green chriswood come up just shy of the little tier I think there’s a little more work left in that than it appears from that camera angle Ry fou up was in that uh bunker I would say it’s green side it was quite well short of the Great has come out to this point so it’s a par putt for Ricky just too much to do for rooky Fowler shot goes back to three under for the championship we move further back to to Xander Lombard he’s just got to keep doing what he’s been doing Xander last two days we stay there he’s played 20 tournaments the year had 15 miscuts one disqualification and then he suddenly finished sixth in Ireland two weeks ago to to gain exemption into the Open Championship so it’s out the blue this two good shots to the 14th fanda chaule and an eagle three for the American winner of the Tour Championship at Atlanta young man with plenty of promise and putting together a really good round of golf he’s four under today four under for the championship playing with Tony fow and Jonathan Vegas all his miles back happy Barrack tried to cut it in finished here in this little D but not too bad chip it up over the hill trle down not a problem he always plays with the L Bridge anyway L and spinny lovely shot just flipped up the perfect strike seen a lot of good chipping so important oh that’s a good view not sure which bits the Sea of Tranquility but tempers are frying down here I’d imagine Justin Rose Looking across at Jordan spe thinking I wish I could pot like you today just not hold anything this his first one was on that 15th or a par he needs another one Justin spe the energy of Jordan Speed look at him he loves being on the greens got that look in his eye and Justin should be watching this one instead of his Greens book because he’s on a similar line here right to left all the way gentle right to left pretty good it’s hop back to 13 and sander Lombard outside chance of a two looks good yeah nice Pace 15 to 18 Ines by they say that’s the ideal place to make buts and over to 17 and this is Justin Rose well this is quite an easy part really from this range to be honest with you it’s just a little bit right to left exactly what you want you got to trust yourself he wasn’t looking at speed’s ball there was surpris me he was looking at the book could have learned a little bit there not always a good thing to watch another person’s pup I think at this point I’d like to get any information I could couple of BS outside the right here Rose got to get it to the hole that’s been his problem today so he’s used the green book and held his fingers up and lined things up with the Putter and he’s so foot out from 20 ft and hard Langer on 18 oh good try that’s going to be Bernard round even pass 71 today two over for the tournament he won the senior open around here a few years ago wasn’t wasn’t that for broadhurst no this was that was broy was last year was he no two years ago Langer was has he won here as well absolutely my apologies you won’t believe anything I say no no well I’ve had experience but my apologies anyway you had me worry there because I was doing commentary on it har part for Justin Rose okay well he needs a birdie at 18 then great performance from Langer though I mean um you know just to make the cut he’s 60 now just is amazing isn’t he he’s a legend he really is a legend especially today CU it’s played longer today so for a senior player that’s a big difference there were quite a few people interested in his chances this week I think he was something like 400 to one 500 I think was it 500 500 each way a good bet that was Jordan pops it in and away he goes off like the Road Runner yeah Langer had 33 PS the first day 32 the second day so it’s a fairly high standard of golf that isn’t it he loves it doesn’t he Berard he just loves Link’s golf oh he loves golf oh he loves golf but that that win a fourth quar in the seniors British Open couple of years ago Jesse won by 13 and really there was no man on this planet that could have beaten in that week it was the most unbelievable performance I think I’ve ever seen that final day the whole week was frightening now fale he looked a bit shocked and stunned I can see why up in the hair bells 17th T Ricky Fowler John Ram by the way just saw a glimpse of him there double bogit the 16th he’s at six overp power and he is not going to make the weekend driver for Justin has to v496 can only think of the middle of the Fairway when you’re in this position those bunkers down the right though 300 yds are easily in range smack it down the middle Jr 3 over 67th at the moment so almost 100% certain the cut will be three over he’s been put off a lot today Jess he just backed off quite a few shots and just a little bit agitated at times just not quite in the zone it un like him isn’t it it’s just he’s normally well in the zone right up for everything and I don’t know what’s happened to him he’s just unsettled isn’t he get left get left and stop just be kind okay good drive but not a great angle to get it anywhere near that pin but he can hit it really high and soft well spe won’t be looking forward to this one is H quite a few drives to the right couple to the left is h a couple of straight ones as well driver for Jordan thought he might have hit the three-wood H that pretty straight today hold on to your hats I think he’ll rip it down the middle Jamie straight at the clock on the hotel that is bisecting the Fairway beautiful drive it’s been absolutely fascinating from Jordan spe today almost right from the start as he chipped in from the back of the third for an outrageous birdie Fowler second to 177 all his cut over the bunker you can see you saw just below the 17 on the television Tower I think Ricky is in the bunker yeah it’s a poor shot isn’t it well right of the pin on the tight side for now not a terrible lie and not a terrible shot either little unlucky actually it landed fairly soft would expect that to come out a little hotter from there to 18 Matt cup with a chance to finish up with a birdy three and does terrific back nine from coocha homing 32 for a round of 68 and the runner up at burkdale last year heads into the weekend just two off the Le F now trying to tickle this one in for par at 15 no no no it’s a misread he goes back to minus five which means that Johnson and kisso once again are on their own at the top and then four players at five under Fleetwood and Perez in finow Lombard still out there course has held up incredibly well today not much wind this afternoon uh you know nice and a nice consistency to the fairways now a bit of run but not fiery it’s there for the taking but players just unable to really get on top of it and someone like Ram who doesn’t really kajel birdies out but tries to take the course by the neck and shake them out of it coming badly unstuck yeah that’s going to be a bit of a shock to the system isn’t he’s eight over par today John Ram after that horrible run to the turn more Drop shots coming home here’s Fowler digs it out just trying to run it down that steep slope and particularly well judged that was from 182 for kic trying to cut it into this back right pin that’s fine when you’re three overp par on the edge of the cup he might not know that he’ll have a good idea though yeah he looks as he might think plus two is the cut from that what you say Jess there’s nothing on the board to indicate the cut no in the Open Championship about winning yeah yeah for about 20% of the field we’d like to Pummel a nine here just in from 168 slightly down the draft I don’t think he can get there you’re going to have to try and sort of cut an eight into this back right pin just going to have to ignore the bunker just to the right the pin it’s not a good angle for Justin but he can hit that cut nicely so so it’s all about distance control this one if you can just get it pin high and another P but I did it yesterday lovely lovely shot Jamie we saw you uh we saw you walking up with foch uh on the other just after one green were you discussing the cut may have may have a little chat plus three currently 66 well spe right down the middle as I predicted 155 9 yeah I think he wanted to take the flag on but it was subconsciously the anti right hand bunet think he maybe actually aimed too bravely maybe and bailed out at the last second yeah it’s very important to pick the right spot a spot you’re mentally comfortable with rookie Fowler out of the Santa here parot really is like a machine from 6 feet in in it’s something to behold gr storm said earlier he thought he might be the best putter in the world I think he might be right sander chaule 16t 4 under total keep swinging keep swinging keep coming oh he’s not in Ricky’s bunker but he is in sand and a nice warm reception for the defending open Champion as he makes his way down the 18th bit of a hicc up at 16 but certainly not a repeat of the mistakes that he made coming home yesterday having got himself in a good position and he is well placed to defend the title just getting a few lines off Paul Lori on this screen he should know eh h need all the help you can get beautiful evening great evening what a good two days we had apart from this morning with that rain sent out J towns in this morning that was lucky it’s not BL playing its fearsome worst has it this hole so far with the wind no as we said though it’s going to switch around a little over the next couple of days is it it’s going to blow a little more tomorrow and then it’s going to blow well quite well on Sunday up to sort of 15 16 mil hour possibly we’ll be quite nice if this is Into The Wind wouldn’t it be on Sunday it’s out of the West they’re sort of saying west southwest on Sunday so that means nothing to me no I think if it’s out of the south then it’s down wind at 18 tou left to right for SP down the green steady steady sand Lombard on board the par five 14th and two this for an eagle oh just a little bit too pacy great try though well off to 18 Justin just trying to get focused must make putt for him happy barnrat first cut two CS for him and he’ll be safely through to Wanted playing the weekend at the Open Championship is a wonderful experience every guy wants to have it again that two puts should do it for happy B rat there 71 for him what if he knocks Us in Jus in a lead of six under nine behind you know going into the week Camp he’s got a knock this one easy to overread it does look left to right Paul L thinks it’s a little bit left to right so do I I’m sure Justin does it’s just a case of how much I think just the edge of the hole here we’ve seen this part been over rad in the past he’s du one he certainly due to hold apart last line up with a shaft here through the line of the ball come on Rosie oh finally gets it and in the nick of time Justin Rose makes a part which will see him through to the weekend he birded 18 yesterday he’s done it again today the only Birdie on the card was worth being at today just to see that wasn’t it just it really was we’re starting to become a LW of averages thing wasn’t it stand over enough Parts eventually one’s got to go in so speed for round of 67 and the champion golfer of 2017 is in the hunt again just outside the top 10 at triand look out over the weekend and who knows for just in tomorrow if the wind blows in the afternoon and he’s out in the early conditions he is only 9 be still shoot a nice little 65 and go back home and just watch the golf on the afternoon and watch the guy struggle that’s what he’ll be hoping for right off they go sign the cards P home better dinner get some rest chriswood L has laid well back here 230 yards to go for the Englishman sort of mid to long again laid this well back would wanted nothing to do with any of those bunkers it’s headed left a little by the look of it but ooh that’s the danger of the leave that far back you start bringing the burn into play but that’s a pretty darn good shot right there rcky Fowler his second shot looking to just hold this one up into the right to left Breeze started on a good line and finished on a good line beautiful shot from Ricky Fowler no Eagle but surely a birdie fors and a Lombard at the 14th to climb back to six under done yeah there is no hint at all I you I’d forgotten until you mentioned that about the loop that he used to have in his in his putting stroke there’s still a little bit of it there Dom but you know he’s he’s now got the positive follow through he’s going down the line whereas before used to Loop and decelerate that looked very good Fino such a good US Open playing nicely here as well John Ram horri eight it’s a lovely shot but I’m afraid needed more of those earlier in the day fenale for par at 16 it is a beautiful evening here on eastn coast of Scotland now most people actually in this part of the world will have been hugely grateful for the rainfall that we had earlier today they could do with a couple of weeks worth of that really it has been so dry in the United Kingdom so far this summer almost drought conditions a lot of golf courses have been struggling really and getting some of them into difficulties with preser iring water in reservoirs trying to keep the greens alive and the te’s green and not sure anyone will be watering Fairways at the moment Marcus kennel the young man who impressed so much at the French Open 69 today decent effort Mark leechman who came closer the open at St Andrews in 2015 where Zack Johnson won leechman beaten in a playoff Chris Wood has played this Hall very conservatively quite a long putt this one back up the slope slightly from right to left come on Chris let’s finish with a birdie as he did yesterday yeah a little bit of work there but there’s no doubt that safe t-shot was a I want to be here on the weekend t-shot whatever you do don’t just don’t go out bounds don’t go in the burn and don’t find a bunker five will do it four would be lovely smart thinking nobody’s really out of this Championship if you’re one over two over three over he’s still right in it only nine shots separate the leaders to the guys at the bottom what do you think Dum in yeah we’re all sitting here sagely nodding our heads we seeing quite a bit of left to right in it and and oh very unusual he didn’t look like he started it really where the line on the ball was aiming or where the line on the P was aiming so power at the last and second round 69 at car for Ricky Fowler and he’s very much in the thick of it he’ll be alongside Jordan SP three under just outside the top 10 he play with spe tomorrow they’ll put their cards in pretty close together well it’ll be scant consolation really for John Ram that he makes his birdie and signs for around a 78 and he’ll just have to put that one down as a learning experience he is only 2 3 years of age with an incredible future ahead of him this is just a little little hiccup along the way for John Ram it’ll feel extremely painful for the next week or or two but in 6 month’s time won’t even remember it oh no no no woody now there will be a couple of palpitations you just missed one of those and you’ve basically got on the same length yeah two drops in the last three holes unfortunately for chriswood a round of 74 he’s probably cost himself a good hour in bed tomorrow morning by virtue of that drop shot but he didn’t quite seem to be with it out there today did he now he didn’t quite play the way he knows he can a little bit up and down for Chris Wood just the one birdie all day for for Chris would not like him he’s a he’s a birdie machine sweet drive from Xander Lumbard at 15 head a bit left by the sound of it too B it’s not bad when you see the way he’s played these last two days yeah it’s the nature of the game but you think how can you have missed 15 out of 20 Cuts Tony F out and hit a high big cut into this pin beautiful shot from finel not many people can get it close to that flag saw web Simpson thump the flag that was the only way you could get it anywhere near as long as I live stormy I will never remember I’ll never forget how he turned over that ankle at the par three contest it was just it was gruesome ah the battle for the silver medal leading amateur at the open Sam Lock at the moment who’s well on course to win it isn’t he he’s going to be the only one to make the halfway cut by the look of it and that will lock things up for him he’s the young man who’s a prodig of Paul lorri plays out of his Academy up in abine yeah be back to work making par of coffee on Monday we got a Xander Lombard this is Xander chauly oh what a shot this is what a shot he just had to prove me wrong didn’t he that’s how you do it Xander with an next to Xander with a zed Lombard sure he take a couple from there but it may just wriggle it in for a three yeah just a misread I think but you know what every one of those parts there that he holds today will be of great value to him on Sunday because it will just keep adding to his confidence the knowledge that you can do it when it’s really counting CU you can hold those all day long on the on the practice pting green and in the proam in the practice rounds and it doesn’t actually mean a heck of a lot now I’ll hold again and sander Lombard still tied for the lead three holes to go for the young South African dad’s over this week lending him a bit of moral support spe the defending champion in that group at three underpar with Chapel Fowler and others good week for lison who’s having a good season nice to see Adam Scott up there as well who so cruy missed out at lthm what is that six years ago now when he looked odds on to win the title and then just stumbled down the final four holes and in the end lost out to ear else who won his second open title and he was almost embarrassed at the time wasn’t he didn’t really know what to do or what to say to Adam as Adam came off the 18th bombard on the te at the 16th just needs it to drift left a fraction stay short oh it’s just falling into the bunker could be an awward stance hhe head Tony fin out left to right he’s come close with just about every Patty’s head today tomorrow they may all drop just keep doing what you’re doing Tony it’s Jonathan Vegas man who nearly didn’t make it this week Visa problems on his way over here had to get them sorted out in the US overnight flight on Wednesday arrived here Thursday morning helicoptered up to the course no clumps had to get his manufacturer to put some together pick them up on his way to the first T so always up against it but ster still able to afford himself a smile Xander after what was a fantastic second shot into this pin at 17 just a little from his right beautiful B from Xander superb he’s got a nice card only one drop shot today four Beres and an eagle minus five just one behind great position going into the weekend needs a birdie at the last to match Tommy Fleetwood for the low round of the week 65 earlier today from the Englishman not a prolific winner over on the PGA tour in fact he’s just got the one Victory so far Tony F now but you kind of sense that there may well be more of them in the future Patrick breed the Masters champion what a strange day he’s had he really got it going out there at one stage but he made a double bogey at 15 dropped a shot at 16 and now he’s right on the cut line and birded 18 well he was four under to on his round uh stepping on to the 15th t a little bit like um Jordan spei was yesterday and then went double and then as I say bed 16 as well and that was having shot 75 yesterday oh Magnus harala the Icelandic player we talking about Icelandic golf earlier on weren we should have got our new Icelandic correspondent out there shouldn’t we Mark James Lou tasing at 18 he’s just going along nicely or he was LE did that where have you gone Louie what have you done Louie just stay there stay there stay there that’s a pull but you know what he’s just going along under the radar one under today even par total and he hasn’t been able to play recently has he he’s had a bit of a problem with his wrist I think it was his wrist he told us where we were following round on the practice days Lombard has got a stance he just got it a little bit chunky maybe a little bit of deceleration in there just not quite positive enough Alan just saying it’s okay don’t panic don’t worry not a problem what a beautiful picture that is in the evening sunshine they’ve already broken the record for Cari for the number of fans who’ve come to watch in pre-sold tickets corporate packages and all that sort of thing there were one or two tickets available if you wanted to turn up over the weekend but you better hurry who stay yeah pretty good Patrick Reed and Paul Casey the other members of that three ball Casey plus two we’ll wander back to the te this is chaule out with a driver really a reaches for the ball doesn’t he oh get lucky a light Kevin kissner country interesting to see if he takes it takes it on Sean Crocker for his birdie nicely done add in the very last group with Gavin Green the Malaysian Asia’s number one player of last year and Ash Turner they set off at 16 minutes past 4 this afternoon Lombard for par had a dash at it Tony he’s giving that a bit of an explosion I think it was more of a Grimace than a smile just a little bit of edginess creeping in there it’s understandable had a pretty bleak year could turn it all around in the next two and a bit days Patrick Reed after what was a lovely second shot into 18 this put should just break from his left not too much very similar to the one Ricky Fowler had isn’t it and did totally the opposite dump that one went pretty straight amazing if you if he’d seen Ricky F’s but he would have gone exactly where he at there back to the 18th T oh look out Temptation far enough back in the bunker with his power to be tempted to go at the screen Cy will be giving him a wedge Tony KY will actually put the wedge down and run away with the rest of the clubs that’s what I would do part the ball Casey Even though three under a three over is pretty much guaranteed to get in now well done two birdies two Bogies today on the card it’s a level pass 71 for England’s Paul Casey whose best chance at the open came when he was playing with Louis usas and in 2010 at St Andrews just fell away in the final round it was the South Africans Victory he’s won man the could just fly through the field tomorrow Paul Casey Come on Louie pop this one in for your par well done good two fo from left of the green six behind two rounds to go boy P for Zander Lombard at 16 well it’s the second hardest hole on the golf course 12 is the hardest yeah it’s played at 3.31 today so he’s lost 2third of a shot not tragic oh man this is a temptation but it’s this bluish maram grass that’s the problem it is thick bladed it is tough and it’s very hard to hit through oh de straight left oh oh get out you are CH out you look what a break well there you go that’s what I mean that’s what Brandon Stone did yesterday yeah came back inbounds off that grand stand actually ended up making a four I thought he made birdie but he made a four yesterday Brandon Stone okay fin now next is he going for it hold on to your hat his foot slipped his right foot slipped didn’t it maybe a good thing that it did slip yeah I think so go wasn’t he stormy oh he was going for the green foot look at the loft there foot slip got it fat stayed dry yeah I think it’s turned out to be okay for him we look from overhead it didn’t look as though this was lying too badly shul well he’s not urging it to carry where is it where is he was asking for it to hook so cly head your eyes are much younger than mine stor me all spotted come on Xander just find the Fairway okay no problem that’s okay not the place to to be but should be no trouble getting it over over the other side of the B yeah you just get the sense things are getting to sort of just tighten up a little bit don’t you for and a Lombard after such a rotten season only 15 golfers left out on the course and remember play started at just after half past 6 this morning you know we’ve had pretty perfect conditions haven’t we for two days here and still only 28 players are under par goes back to what so Michael Ben Alex said the longtime Secretary of the royal and ancient golf club thaty is the hardest course of the United Kingdom when the wind blows and when it’s not blowing it’s probably still the toughest now how greedy is Tony fin going to be here aiming left of the flag left of the bunker I think told you he was aiming left my goodness what a golf shot that is good grief stormy was that in your uh Armory that shot cuz I didn’t have that one 25 ft was in my Armory yes I’m with you dear oh dear from on the airlane it’s just Fearless and to get it to come down that softly out of that rough terrific golf shot man so easy to get that wrong and just flop it into the face of the bunker but I don’t think it entered his mind great to watch oh they not in the bunker no he isn’t quite a difficult bunker shot it’s on a slight down slope doesn’t look to be lying particularly great yeah when he comes out of the bunker it’s landing on a Downs slope it’s going to want to chase away from him it’s very nicely played that was not easy just shows three guys from America play very aggressively we saw Chris Wood play the 18th totally different and more conservative running up they’re possibly going to come out with line with those stairs chriswood madey 27 so we 73 to pass the left trap which is perfect left do is okay you know opens up the flag 73 is 173 get past the left hand bunker up awkward off the down slope here he’s going to just try and Scuttle it in there oh unlucky pitched into that tiny little Ridge I don’t know if it’s a pattern with xando when he gets a bit stressed he hits the shots right I remember at the Rocko for in Sicily last year he was I think he was tied for the lead coming up the last and blocked his t- shot straight right way out of bounds into the ocean it’s The Learning Experience he’s played that well just unfortunate unfortunate BCE as simple as that up to 18 parut for fenale oh cruel 67 yesterday 71 today with that fogy at the last and final four under just two off the lead with two rounds to go johnnyy Vegas W get into here after ricocheting off the out of- bounds ground stand makes his part too many I’m afraid 74 today 8 over total weekend off still smiling now delightful man got to know him at last his President’s Cup just great company finally chauly what a terrific up and down and what a fine back nine from the young American Home in 31 Round of 66 and just one off the lead ranked 25 in the world he’s had a an excellent couple of years over in the United States I mentioned he one the Tour Championship won’t be too many times they finish quite this late in the evening it is just before 10 8 here in Scotland Tommy Fleetwood Claire and the little Neer on their way home Lombard a lot of Loft here looks like he’s going to try and carry this onto the green oh no maybe not I think he was undecided there I think he was between shots I think he was probably trying to carry it onto the down slope and just I think he could have done better with a little with a putter actually or a little chip with a six on just get it along the ground stormy yeah kind of got caught between the two bit of a Miss strike well drop shot at 16 work cut out uh to make his par at 17 but he’s right in the thick of it at the moment the leading South African Eric vanroy who really didn’t have much Lynx experience before couple of weeks ago and his good performance in Ireland Brooks cap cup is there as well at one under two-time US Open Champion don’t rule him out or any of these players tiger mikkelson us haen all even B Alon Lee who shot a final round 63 at burkdale last year so we know he’s capable are going low Lee Westwood through to the weekend well done shanka Sharma as well playing in his first Open Championship young sha Crocker just 21 years of age poat and I tell you what I had a chat with him on Wednesday on the Range I and he thinks that if he finishes in the top 20 this week he will get enough money up to gain full exempt stens on the European tour so he’s got a huge amount at stake this week and making use of the opportunity do some research tonight and try and confirm that won’t you dumb shaking his head saying no I’ll have to do that come on sander just he’s just I think just got a little bit nervous here just a little tentative he’s put a good stroke on it put your best stroke on and see that the difference there the guys that are putting really well the line on the ball goes end over end that was never quite doing that it was always a little bit lopsided look to me as though he just didn’t quite strike it it was almost out the T back to back Bogies but you know what this is a hard finishing stretch James Robinson from the Liverpool area not had the best Championship plus 12 sure you enjoyed his experience playing in the open yeah had the steam knocked out of him a little bit I think on the seventh all had a quadruple drop eight and then he went drop drop took the wind out of his sails but still a great experience for him this looks a awfully difficult bunker shot


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