Retro Golf Tips From Butch Harmon: The Truth About Your Impact Position!

Butch Harmon explains the easy way to find the golf swing impact position and what drills to do in order to feel where impact should be.
This video is an old Golf Academy Live video. What a great show.

one of the things Tiger Woods did in ’98 when we changed the swing a lot when he was going through that changing program was hit a lot of balls in slow motion when I come right to impact where should my hands verse angle of shaft be I’m confused well first of all the golf swing isn’t exactly like a baseball swing because nobody’s throwing the ball at us thank God but there are a lot of similarities in the way the body unwinds to hit a baseball and how the the golf for unwinds to hit a baseball what you want to feel coming into this ball is you’re trying to get to the same position that you set up at only with your weight transferred a little so you’re trying to return to this position the easiest way I can tell you to feel it is Tee some balls up with about a six iron and make some Swings with just your right arm you won’t let the club lay down behind you you won’t come over the top of it do it slowly and as you make that swing you’ll feel that right arm straighten out as you come down into the impact area and you get a good straight line with this left arm and this shaft this will get you in a better hitting area I heard the tiger when you had him do that drill just hit beautiful golf shots after a while one-handed Tiger’s unbelievable he can hit it with his left hand with his right hand uh he just hits the ball good with anything he can do any drill and yet he doesn’t like him and you’ve heard him come on the show and talk about how he doesn’t like to do drills but they help him one of the things Tiger Woods did in ’98 when we changed to swing a lot when he was going through that changing program was hit a lot of balls in slow motion in other words make swings at this pace so you can feel it for all of you listening at home tonight when you practice make a lot of swings in slow motion hit shots in slow motion tee the ball up literally swing about 50% you can feel where your arms are you can feel where the shaft is you’d be amazed how well you’ll hit it

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