You’ll Quit Stalling And Turn Through The Ball With This! (NONSTOP ROTATION)

If you are sick and tired of feeling unable to turn through the ball, and your rotation is stalling, then I bet this video will be an eye-opener!

🔑🌪️ *[FREE] Unlock a Rotational Golf Swing with Milo’s 5KEYS:*

It’s time to get the energy out front and complete the corner! I work with students every day who struggle to turn, rotate, and open up. The lead side fails to get out of the way, with the lead hip and shoulder blocking the exit. There is a fear that rotation can be a bad thing, but I’m here to set the record straight and share with you that unwinding through the ball and past impact can be both natural, and ideal for power and efficiency!

Let’s get the idea of hitting at the ball out of our minds and work on swinging through the ball, having the golf ball merely get in the way of our good movement! After all the target is the target, not the ball. You’ll also get to see one of my favorite drills for rotation and to help practice these concepts. I hope you enjoy this episode and look forward to your feedback.

*Also seen in video:*
The Impact Bag from Golf Training Aids
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Learn to Swing Like an Athlete™ with Milo Lines Golf! My channel and coaching team will provide you with lessons and tips to help you play better at this game. Most of our content is filmed at the beautiful Superstition Mountain Golf & Country Club in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

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So today we’re going to talk about why it’s important that we keep turning through the ball to be a good ball Striker Milo Lion’s out here at Superstition Mountain and today’s lesson is all about getting rid of that stall or that idea of hit at the golf ball the ball is not our Target our targets our Target so we’ve got to make sure the energy goes beyond the ball through the ball and we collect that ball so as I hit this next ball I want you to pay attention to how that golf ball is just an object in the path of the Arc of my swing it’s not an end point it’s not something I’m aiming at and stopping at you’ll clearly be able to see as I hit that golf ball I moved through that golf ball I wasn’t hitting at the golf ball it just happened to get in the way of a nice swing so again I’m I’m more or less just collecting the golfball as I’m passing through that space impact is just a point on my circle it’s not the destination so I’m not necessarily swinging the golf club at the ball I’m swinging the golf club all the way around to a nice finish and collecting the ball as I go through so now I want to demonstrate to you a few of the exercises I use for myself and my students to help ingrain this idea so number one you’ve all seen me with a hockey stick one of the drills I like to use is is where we wind up the system we land we unwind the system All the Way Beyond the ball now many of you might see that and say well that’s not impact and you’re right that’s Way Beyond impact so we’re turning all the way through impact impact is probably happening somewhere in this ballpark not this one but we want to get really proficient at turning all the way through it so I’ve brought Henry in to give me a Target beyond the golf ball so what we’re trying to do is unwind all the way over to here now as you’ll notice the real key is not unwinding my hips the real key is getting the chest to unwind so we’re feeling like we kind of flex into our hips and then we turn our torso through and it almost gets past my hips at this point in time it probably is my chest has gone farther than than my hips so we’re not firing the hips we’re turning the chest so another awesome drill is with a PVC pipe you can use any long stick and we’re putting the energy out front like hitting a baseball you don’t hit a baseball back here we hit it out front and go through it so so I like a little split grip wind it up drop turn that chest and put the energy into that into that bag out front so guys here we have a a nice Circle most of us are very concerned with everything on this side of the circle I want you to be more concerned about what’s going on on the front side of the circle going through the strike so we’re getting our energy and our focus on feeling that everything move through the golf ball and almost watching the golf ball leave impact not the ball so to close this out the LAX exercise I want to show you is the sand the floor drill so we’re going to wind up drop down set the club on the ground back behind our back foot and now we’re going to use our chest to turn all the way through the strike so you can really see I’m using my chest and my turn to get around the Corner okay so here I go I’m going to use that sand the floor feeling to turn all the way through this ball that was pretty good so let’s summarize number one our goal here is not impact we want to go through impact get the energy all the way through it energy speed out front not at the ball and we’ve given you some good exercises to do that hey everyone thanks for watching click the link below to access my free five keys on building a rotational golf swing and learn how to swing like an athlete if you’re new to the Channel please hit the Subscribe button we’d love to welcome you aboard and be sure to comment below and leave feedback so we know how we can better serve you thanks again we appreciate all of you


  1. This seems to work wonders for you. I'm just perplexed at how you don't hit the ball a mile left with that much torso rotation. If my shoulders are anywhere past square to the target line at impact, it's going left.

  2. Hey Milo
    What size/brand grips do you have on that club. They look a little larger than standard and do you think a slightly larger grip helps with face control.

  3. This is great. The more I study your swing and you help me improve mine (I’m a member of your academy), the more I think “Man, I have all the right pieces here. I just need to remove some things.”

    I reset to Foundation 2 and use this “sand the flood” drill and the ball flight is insane. Effortless, long and straight.

    Need to get it more consistent, but we’re moving in the right direction.

  4. Hi Milo,

    When I learned to rotate through the ball better I temporarily lost my down through the ball with my arms. I was so focused on rotating I was not allowing my arms to naturally straighten. So I was hitting a lot of thin shots.

    I had to add back in relaxed extension with the arms. I feel like my goal is to allow my arms to straighten a foot after the ball. It’s really making sure that there’s less tension at impact.

    Have you seen or experienced that before?

    Hope all is well,

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