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The Ant and Kat Show: Wolves Stop the Sweep! | Oddball w/ Amin Elhassan and Charlotte Wilder

Amin’s pumped for the NBA Finals, but the Timberwolves threw a wrench in things by beating the Mavericks and avoiding a sweep. They played so well that even Draymond Green had to give them props on “Inside The NBA,” despite his usual beef with Rudy Gobert. Bronny got invited to 10 team workouts, but he only said yes to the Lakers and the Suns. In the rumor mill, Jimmy Butler might ditch the Heat for his old squad, the Philadelphia 76ers. In our weekly segment, Bet The Show, Charlotte and Amin discuss some wagers for Caitlin Clark and Game 5 of the Western Conference Finals.


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[Music] welcome to Oddball I’m Charlotte Wilder that as always is aan El Hassen we have a great show for you today because a mean Minnesota did not get swept Dallas fell to them 105 to 100 uh the Wolves delivered did you did you see this coming did you think that they were going to get a game off them at home in a closeout situation I’m GNA tell you right now selfishly I wanted the series to end because I just want to move on I want to go on to what’s next I want to get ready for next week I want to have like a week of not having to say at8 o’clock Eastern oh gotta be y TV now so yeah I I didn’t see it coming because I was rooting for it to not happen you were doing some wishful thinking I think they call that manifesting on Instagram if I’m not mistaken um but it was a it was a great performance from the Timberwolves uh cat had 69% uh from field goals uh nice got to St anytime you see a 69% you got to stop to in your tracks a little bit anyway uh he was four five from three he scored 20 in the second half um what did you see from him that made a difference I mean it’s it’s what everyone has been telling him to do when your shots not falling go get some easy Shots by the rim and he did that he drove the ball he posted up he everything was towards the rim he didn’t take his first three until Midway through the second half and then when he did he made it and that kind of fed his confidence and that’s what what a lot of this is is just being able to ride the wave of confidence and One Shot One MA shot leads to the next one you get the easy ones build up the confidence and then after that everything feels like a lid has been taken off and you know we talked a lot about like does he shoot 1500 times a night a day or not and I was like that’s irrelevant all he’s trying to do is tell you I’m putting the work in but you know confidence is a key element as well you know what it reminds me of I mean it remind do you remember when C.J McConnell a few years ago tweeted that some woman on Twitter was like why aren’t you winning anything or you got to win playoff game and he tweeted back I’m trying Jennifer that’s one of my favorite moments in NBA Twitter history and I feel like that’s what cat everybody keeps asking him they’re like why aren’t you good right now and he’s like I’m doing my best like it’s not like he wants to suck um but there is a problem no right because there’s a problem here which is the dumb fowls that Carl Anthony towns insists on committing do you what why how can you what’s going on I mean it’s it comes down to I think as simple as impulse control because we’re talking about we’re not talking about a guy who okay you’ve got like five fouls on some really tough things and then you fouled out on a silly cheap foul right it’s not like one or two of these are silly cheap fouls and you got to know better which we would say it’s the majority of his fouls seem to be silly cheap fouls and and fouls that don’t have any regard for your current foul situation right well aunt had something to say about this reporter uh asked Aunt and Cat at their buddy comedy Premiere sorry at their press conference um about these about these fowls let’s roll that a long time with the five fouls tonight and still found a way to to score I tell you about five what you mean you have five but I didn’t file out filed out I did what I need to do I’mma beat him up on the bus y’all get out of here I’m just glad nobody in the in the press conference started laughing oh that was funny no you hate that I just I hate the fake laugh like that was smile and okay I might have laughed but it would have been real um a did not F out he also had 29 Points 10 rebounds nine assists and he was asked about telling Parsons a Cowboys star uh that he would see him for game six which would be back in Dallas if Minnesota cannot end their season tomorrow night and here’s here’s what he said um what am I supposed to say I’m supposed to say um we going to lose game five no I’m not going to never say that um Michael Parsons you know he was rocking the a1s and I told him he wear a size 14 I’ll bring back some nice shoes for game six that’s what I told him yeah he’s he’s basically admitting to you what I told you guys after he said you know before game seven of of the Denver series or G before game six hey we’ll be back here for game seven everyone ble blew their minds what’s he supposed to say hey man it was a hell of a season I’ll see you next year he’s not gonna say that and nobody ever remembers when they promise to be back and they don’t come back they only remember the ones that hit see you on Sunday Patrick Yuan all right man like they get mopped in game five no one’s going to rush back to Micha hey man you ever get them shoes we just move on we start talking about the finals at that point people might remember that I said wolves in seven against nuggets they don’t remember that I said Mavs in five because that didn’t happen you know you got to it’s a it’s a percentage game I mean you got to just toss stuff out there um but in terms of the the Timberwolves who who else delivered for them well I think for me I think like Rudy Gober deserves a lot of credit specifically after getting his fifth foul for his ability to continue to defend and protect the paint and bother Kyrie Irving and everybody else trying to get layups and floaters and short jumpers to do that with five fouls that’s that’s kind of what we wanted cat to do like hey your team your teammate has five fouls he is conscious of his foul situation while still remaining somewhat aggressive on the defensive end I thought he deserved a lot of credit what about you who who do you think I think the biggest difference like I think the thing that that changed the most besides the Timberwolves and and Cat specifically actually hitting shots was that they put Kyle Anderson on Luca because as we talked about yesterday and you said how ant is exhausted because everybody keeps making him guard the best players and I think that this gave Anthony Edwards a lot more juice on the offensive end because Kyle Anderson was like okay you know what I’ll deal with I’ll deal with this guy um but when it comes to the Mavs you know obviously Luca and Kyrie did not shoot as well as they needed to Daniel Gafford though this guy is balling out he looks amazing what did you who did you compare him to last night on our Tech I said this turn in a Shack in the third quarter man they were just throwing everything everyone he just caught it and dunked everything great hands great finishes finishing through traffic finishing through contest and then on the other end Big Shot blocks I mean there’s one point where I sent a text message to my group chat I was like man they’re bullying these guys at this point man when he tossed back carlan the towns second shot and they got out on the break as a result I mean gafford’s been tremendous I know we talked about Lively not playing I’ll be honest with you I I thought the Mavericks did well with Lively’s absence they had uh they they got some contributions from my man Maxi Cleber uh who’ missed a bunch of playoff games but came in and gave them a boost particularly in the first half when they made that big run right uh to close the the deficit uh but you know it’s just one of those things to me this was about like Dallas’s Stars had off games and you know that’s G to happen it’s not going to be every single night where they can be impressive or amazing right in terms of uh Kyrie what was interesting is this was his first closeout game loss I mean did you his alltime record is now 14 and one I didn’t realize that until the game ended last night I was like oh so I’m sorry he had never lost a game where he has an opportunity to go on to the next series to send someone home yeah like that’s that’s that was a pretty impressive streak 14 14 and one is still terrific too right it’s not like they got blown out like they had they had chances I mean think about that four-point play that or four-point play opportunity that Luca had at the end and he missed the free throw and that changes kind of the math on everything of how they were going to defend the next possession and what they had to do uh this is just one of those things where’re like what you what are you gonna do man like you have to accept that in basketball they’re going to be off nights and that’s not to say that’s not take anything away from Minnesota because I thought they defended they were excellent on the defensive end I thought moving Anthony Edwards off and letting allow him to kind of roam around helped a lot Kyle Anderson is incredibly smart he’s tall he’s long and he’s like he understands the Luca language meaning like he’s a guy whose nickname is slow-mo so you can’t out slow which is what Luca does Luca does a lot of I’m slow I’m slow and then he’ll burst very quickly well Kyle Anderson’s like that’s my game so so there’s a little bit of an understanding of the language there uh but at the end of the day like let’s be honest like Kyrie hit missed a couple of wide open shots that he usually makes uh there were other opportunities that they didn’t convert on and they ended up losing the game and you know what Char that’s what happens when you get into crunch time nobody’s undefeated in crunch time the the Mavericks had been in crunch time four straight games down uh with five minutes to go yeah and this is the one where they they couldn’t pull the chestnuts out the fire that’s a amazing saying I don’t know that I’ve ever heard you say that before yes just out the from like the World War II bets like hey we we pulled France’s chestnuts out the fire twice yeah okay sure um it Jason kid was asked about where aspects he thought that he could have won the game or which was an interesting question I was surprised that he answered it he was just like yeah I thought when Luca could have made that four-point play that felt like a rare blip from the Mavs I think moving forward for game five I mean I had this image that pops into my head and this is going to sound way meaner than I intended to I feel like in this series with the Mavs the wolves have become this like for some reason the image that pops into my head is like a box car that that you would make in elementary school like but like the most beautiful version and like I see the Mavs and and the Wolves next to each other and and the Wolves one is like starting to just shake and like go off the rails and the wheels are starting to and I I’m I feel like at some some point this is as we talked about yesterday the Heartbreak that the Mavs have not had before I feel like the wheels are going to come off I’ve never built a box car in my life I’ve never seen one in front of me in my life it’s only something from Americana in movies right like white picket fences and you know I’ve never seen any of those things in my life so I’ll take your I’ll be honest I haven’t either I’ve never built one never seen one that’s just what popped into my head because that’s what’s going on up there I feel better now good you should um we got to talk about Draymond though on the inside the TNT inside the TNT inside the NBA on TNT this was his last broadcast um and I have to tell you I mean I he because gobear and Cat played well and those are guys that Draymond has famously either choked out or said they are not good um I was impressed that he said he was like you know cat he well actually no first he said cat had a horrible first half but he came through and then he said I have to give credit to Rudy yeah I mean like I think look I don’t think anything Draymond says is incorrect now is it fueled with the fire of a thousand Sons hate that he has for these people that he’s talking about absolutely will he embellish at times to make those points absolutely but I don’t think he’s incorrect when he brings up flaws and stuff like that you just say it’s a little targeted a little targeted especially when he’s giving Daniel Gafford pointers after game three about like hey they got when they got you like this you can you go to the DHL or you could throw it back like what are you doing here but uh like I I I don’t have a problem with it because I think he’s one of the smartest guys out there in terms of analysis he sees the game very clearly explains the game very clearly which sometimes is a difficulty for great players and you know like look man just let him let him get his rocksa you know give give him a chance give him a massive platform to grind his personal axes yeah I mean I think that’s the thing about Draymond is that everything is personal with him um and this is also just who he is which is both his gift and his Achilles heal it’s the reason he’s won four championships with the Warriors because he doesn’t back down he’s not apologetic but it’s also the reason he gets suspended because he doesn’t back down and he’s not apologetic and I think that he says these things on air and it’s things that other people say and things that if someone else said it a lot of listeners would be like yeah for sure but because it’s Draymond and everything is through this personal lens and because he’s such a lightning rod um I think anything can be taken as like he said what so yeah and that voice particular yeah that’s how people say this he said what um Charlotte I got I got a note here it’s our contract says oh it’s time to talk about LeBron again oh time to get that bronny bump uh bronny James is officially forgoing his Collegiate eligibility and taking his chances in NBA draft so we have the early entry deadline to pull your name back say oh you know I tested the waters I’m not ready he’s saying to hell with that Full Speed Ahead uh moreover there is a report out that he’s only expected to work out with teams Lakers and the Phoenix Suns even though he had over 10 invites Charlotte like hey come work out for us and his representation Rich Paul clutch Sports no ain’t doing that we’re only working out for two teams the Lakers and the Suns uhhuh expected to be a late day late day two pick this not this is football talk man yeah I this I mean this to me says more about what LeBron is going to do which is stay with the Lakers than what bronnie is going to do because if they’re taking two workouts and one is with the Suns and one is with the Lakers there’s only one reason that they’re working out with the Suns tell the people what that is lidge shout out to uh John Travolta in Battlefield Earth leverage that’s what he’s trying to do and Rich Paul is doing what any agent does in these situations trying to build leverage to get his client the best deal possible and his client in this case is bronnie James and the leverage he has is Ronnie James’s father and so they’re going to take the team that has demonstrated itself at this current point in time to be the most desperate for any bigname Splash which is the Phoenix Suns and say brono go there you know and and they’ll draft him with the 22nd pick and and let’s just leave out the fact that the suns are hopelessly capped over and LeBron would never ever ever ever take a minimum deal right even if it is for the love of his child uh be real like this is all something just to give the Lakers something to think about like hey do you really want to see that guy wearing a division rival uniform I think you’re right ultimately yeah we’re Ronnie on the on the Lakers people forget the thing we’ve been talking about with the Suns since they were knocked out of the playoffs is that they are stuck with this team because they are in in h cap space hell so if LeBron decided to you know be altruistic to Phoenix all of a sudden interesting don’t think that’s what’s going to happen anyway stick around we’ll be right back with bet the [Music] show welcome back to oddball uh we’re going to get to bet the show in a second but there are a few other things we have to talk about uh tyou got a new deal with the Clippers today congrats to Ty congrats to La uh unfortunately we don’t have time to talk about that because the Philadelphia 76ers insist on staying in the news there’s a rumor that Phil Philadelphia is prepared to offer someone a lot of money wonder who it could be Jimmy Butler did you say your own name no that’s right uh the Sixers are reportedly ready to offer Jimmy a Max contract uh if they pull off a trade with the heat and that was Jimmy Butler and bad boys the ne the new bad four yes not to be confused with bad boys four life which is Bad Boys 3 that’s it’s like Too Fast Too Furious telling me that’s the third one it’s got to you got to keep the four in the title um yeah okay Philadelphia drift uh the Sixers only have three players under contract for 2024 2025 um embid Tyrese Maxi Ricky Council and they have been linked to Paul George and LeBron we do not think that’s happening um and Philly extended Tobias Harris instead of Butler in 2019 which people forget Jimmy said this tobi’s Harris over me so what’s going on what is this is real yeah I mean it’s as real as it’s going to get right because it it’s contingent on the Miami Heat saying okay let’s do a deal which I don’t think one is forthcoming but you never know uh look the Sixers obviously made a mistake when they let Jimmy Butler go a lot of teams thought when he was seeking a a max deal back in 2019 that oh he’s over the hill and his minutes are high and like he’s on the downside of his GD and is even really that good and he went to Miami and you know over the last four or five years he’s proven yes I’m every bit that good now that was much to the Chagrin of Joel embiid Philly’s best player because he liked Jimmy Butler he really resonated with him he liked playing with him he liked where uh their combination was going even though they had only been together for about half a season there and so that I think was something that was always hanging over them particularly as Jimmy was successful and bringing his success and rubbing it in Philadelphia’s faces so uh I think this is possibility in the sense that hey your best player wants it you have the cap flexibility to absorb his contract and give him the max extension on top of whatever years he has remaining because that’s what he’s been seeking from Miami Miami is like wait a second like you’ve been hurt a lot right I don’t know if we want to commit that kind of money without knowing for sure that you’re past it so those elements all line up but the part that still needs to line up is would Miami actually engage in a deal and if were to do that what would they get in return I mean I think it’s fun I I want to say double dog dare you darl Mory but I think it’s more coward yeah well he’s a coward I think it’s more Pat rley do it make make things interesting um all right now it’s time for bet the show bet the show bet show it’s sponsored by DraftKings stay tuned because you will hear more about DraftKings and all it has to offer throughout the show DraftKings the crown is yours oh uh what do we got first let’s I’ll start here we’ve got Caitlyn Clark he’s our very own Victor wanyama LeBron she’s in the contract guys I just it’s the latest thing from dkn she’s in the contract okay we gotta talk about her incessantly over under in her next game is the what we’re talking about she scored a career high last night versus the LA Sparks had 30 points five rebounds six assists three steals three blocks sounds great but also seven turns and she set the record for fastest rookie to record 100 plus points and 50 plus assists but the fever lost again they lost to the Sparks 88 to 82 Cameron Brink the number two overall pick had three points three rebounds two assists and the fever are now one and seven their next game is against the Seattle Storm on Thursday Charlotte Wilder are you betting that CIT Ln Clark will score over or under 20 and a half points in her next game you know I mean I’m going to take the over cuz I actually think she’ll score 21 I think it’ll be around I think it’ll be around there I don’t think it’ll be I don’t think it’ll be 30 again but I I think she’s going to keep going off uh it’s so fascinating like Cameron Brink too she had a bad game because she has been leading the league in blocks like she she’s playing very very well for La she’s the real women Yama well the Rookie of the Year odds I can’t we DraftKings put those out yeah let’s let’s put some money on this DK all right next one Dallas and Minnesota game five the game that is the bane of my ex existence total points over under 209 and a half the first three game Charlotte the overit game four was the under with only 205 points being scored total are you betting the over or the under at 209 and a half points okay so I was going to say the under because they’re all tired but Luca and Kyrie shot very very poorly in game four when it was y so I’m going to say the over because they’re going to bounce back they’re gonna bounce back I mean yeah one more Kyrie three a Luca free throw and give me anything anywhere else and you already hit the over there yeah they were I mean they really did not they they shot very poorly unless Kyle Anderson can just unless Kyle Anderson is the Luca Kryptonite that nobody ster yeah Luca stopper wow he’s got an opportunity here he does oh you got an opportunity to get a new nickname Lucas stopper would you I feel like I’d be sort of pissed if my nickname involved somebody else’s full name no it’s cool when it’s like someone who’s really good the problem is when they come back and they torture you so there was this guy named Ruben Patterson he played on the Lakers a long time ago and in practice he used to like go hard against Kobe Bryant so then he goes to the Portland Trailblazers and like the first game they play he actually did a good job defending him and everyone called him the Kobe stopper and then for the rest of his career Kobe just lit his ass up every single time just to like further emphasize like there ain’t no such thing as Kobe stopper so did did they stop calling him the Kobe stopper no it was after that it became like an ironic nickname like little dumb oh poor guy this this Le is brutal um okay let’s move on to uh game five oh sorry we’re gonna stay with game five I mean we’re gonna keep torturing you um we’re going to just talk about the game spread here because Dallas won game one by three points and game two by one point um Dallas has another chance to close out Minnesota and is getting five points are you taking Dallas plus five or the Timberwolves minus five it’s sort of surprising to me that the wolves are favored here yeah I this is what I would say if the wolves are gonna win if you’re someone who sits there and says you know what I think the wolves are gonna win this game then I would say that they’re probably going to win by a lot they’re not going to win by a little like what happened last game is an aberation you saw they try to give it away so I don’t think the wolves are so I’m taking Dallas plus 5 wow okay really you think that you think that the Wolves to win they’re gonna blow Dallas out even though they have to blow them out there’s no other way they win yeah okay they’re not gonna do what they did in game four again which is make all of those mistakes that they always make but somehow survive them like that that’s the only difference the only difference between games one through three in game four is Dallas couldn’t capitalize on the mistakes enough in those crunch minutes even though you saw they scored 30 points of of turnovers like Minnesota is going to make the dumb mistakes the only question is is Dallas going to capitalize or not and when it matters the most they didn’t last night but they had three straight games before that I think it’s a close game again Dallas will win give me Dallas do we have odds on whether cat’s going to foul out again because those are bets that I would I be interested in taking anyway um thanks for watching on ball everybody it’s been a while since I since I thanked you uh we’re g to be watching we’re gonna be watching game five tomorrow I mean you’ve got a little more basketball to get through before we get to the finals give me a break give me give me a break come on Wolf be cooperative why don’t you roll in a pack pack is about the pack mentality the pack wants you to lose but I we can have some off


  1. Amin's take on Draymond is 100% on point. I'm tired of all of the haters that believe Draymond should not be on Inside the NBA. His takes are correct and he adds something to the show that's fresh. Shaq's constant narcissist comments and takes get tired after the 1,000th time.

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