Golf Babe


rate my golfing on a scale of 1-10 in the comments

[Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to my first time ever going to golf we’re doing a little driving range shoot what’s the name I don’t know so first of all we go for a little hike a little track around the park it’s not a hike at all I’m just I’m just taking a walk getting your warmup in it’s a beautiful day it’s sunny I have my golf outfit on rate the look rate the look I give it a 10 out of 10 everything else in this video will will not score so highly as you will see my shs are pretty poor but I’ll pretend I’m good at things but you know as they say fake it till you make it that’s what I’ve been doing my whole life I’ve been faking this whole social media career I’ve been I don’t know what I’m doing do I ever know what I’m doing not really not really I just look good I feel good and that’s about it the rest I just kind of hope for the best then so first of all okay we start off by doing a little warmup I haven’t worked out this year at all really so I go on these outside machines this is the worst machine I’ve ever encountered in my whole life I don’t know who made this but they should be fired I’m actually distraught by the Machinery it’s awful so then I also did some pull-ups because got to assert my dominance show that I’m an alpha absolute Sigma wolf um but I’m not actually I’m weak as I could barely do two I was wrapping these out last year like five at a time no problem here I’m thinking I’m I’m some big big boy honestly embarrassing quite embarrassing stuff literally but look how cute the scenery is feels like I just love to frolic around it feels like a fairy tale I’m frolicking frolicking in the wood that’s what life is about and I love it I love to frolic it’s my new hobby it’s my new thing frolicking with the Ducks frolicking in the woods looking at the trees going into these trees cuz my brother dared me to take a walk around it and I did out because there was so many spiders and cobwebs and as much as I’m a nature girly and I love nature I truly do it looks beautiful I am scared of most things anyways here’s my brother showing you sang show me show me your show me your your head wow let me let me demonstrate my one now film it film it film it this is this is this is how you head up good form now try to tell me that form wasn’t absolutely perfect and if you told me it wasn’t perfect you’d be right it was actually pretty awful I would call it dark maybe a 2 out of 10 on a good day but this is my first time I’ve never had a golf ball in my life I have also never held a golf club which I think is pretty apparent because my holding of it is entirely incorrect I did later improve but it’s not good I now I know what you must be thinking you must be thinking she’s Sur not this bad she’s doing it for comedy she’s just doing it for an added effect of drama to really just emphasize and exaggerate how bad I am at my first try but honestly um no I actually am just that bad I don’t know how I think it’s actually not my fault I think it’s just a bad club and I had to change the driver so I think I’m actually good as you can see I’m getting better I’m getting better it’s not my fault I think it’s never my fault I think must be something with the the air maybe it’s the wind maybe it’s maybe it’s what I’m standing on maybe it’s a club maybe it’s the ball maybe it’s my shoes I’m not sure I think it may be just the whole place but I don’t think it’s me [Music] [Music] that that yo now maybe my brother is better than me but I did hit 100 a couple times he did almost hit 200 but that’s I’ll get there one day okay this was just the startup this was the beginning of my golf journey I can FM myself becoming a pro if I care to you know that’s that’s what it’s about if you put your mind to it you can do it will I put my mind to it unlikely I do have like 400 balls left to shoot so maybe I’ll go back sometime watch me live stream on Twitch I did live stream one of these on Twitch if you want to watch it you should join in and you should watch it with us because I’m getting good I’m getting better I feel like I’m getting the hang of it I’m I professional not quite yet but one day one day I may be [Music]


  1. Tbh, an 8 out of 10. You have the power, from your time in the gym. But you have to read how wind direction, and timing.

  2. Engaging in this discourse is empowering. It's a reminder of the importance of women's voices in shaping our world.👄

  3. Good shots, you became better as you kept shooting, keep it up and one day you'll be pro🗿


  5. I'm amazed that your brother hit it so well despite having his left hand under his right. Amazing!

  6. Let the club do the work just keep your eye on the golf ball. Golf is probably the hardest sport

  7. And retro music! But greens are looking dry like they need water. Not bad for first time. When driving, use your driver club.

  8. If you want to meet men, join a golf club. Yes, they might be married but hey at least you are meeting men that want to get married lol

  9. Bello Lugar Cariño🌼Me Gusta la Nueva Golf Player!🏌Coordinación y Fuerza es la Clave🤍Corazón!!✨

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