This is the BEST Mini Golf Course in Wildwood!

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Playing Starlux Mini Golf in Wildwood, NJ

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What is going on BHV! I used to travel the world playing drums, now I travel the world playing mini golf on the internet. Subscribe to my channel so you can be notified when I post new videos playing some of the best and crazy mini golf courses from all over the country! From getting a mini golf hole in one, to finding the best and craziest mini golf courses from all over the country, join us as we travel all over the United States and the world!

Must Play ONE OF A KIND Mini Golf Course by the Beach!

Brooks Holt

“Music from Epidemic Sound (”

so to start off the ocean course is where they recommended us go that’s the first one through nine then we’ll do the beach course over there and then finish off at the boardwalk up top going to be a long video hope you guys are excited grab your snacks yeah grab your snacks grab your drinks make some popcorn here you go let’s know in the com funky bounce let us know in the comments what snack you going with for today’s video personally for me I’m going to PopCorners kick the white cheddar or the cinnamon churo flavor fire stop kind of okay also 27 holes no sunscreen I’m going to be looking like a tomato by the end of this thing but thankfully it looks like this course does go into the boardwalk a little bit so I will appreciate that all right pretty good start all right that is a lot of open water over there yes I ain’t going that way they roll really fast too honestly that’s F me I didn’t bounce that way also you can’t really tell but where the Wildwood sign right there is there’s the boardwalk going all the way like a mile and a half long in the beaches around on the other side it’s really pretty here we’ve never been here before yeah it’s going to be close onom nice bounce go ahead that was great I like it oh my gosh I got like mentally mentally adjust to how quick they are here TR saying that five times fast probably easy I’m just tired really pretty under here I you can see the beach course over there with the fountains you got a crab or a lobster over there you got the seal got the whale it’s actually a really pretty Vibe I’m vibing okay I’mma hang with the seal is that your new friend mhm he’s got water coming out of his nose what I felt like when I went down that water slide nice shot oh I had no confidence in that obviously you guys will know cuz you’ll be seeing the final video but this might be one of our longest videos we’ve ever filmed by the time we get done with all 27 holes we’ll see it’ll probably be pretty long mine is like the put putt ones where you combine multiple courses but we’re just this to be a straight 27 hole course yeah I like the crab Lobster he sits it’s Lobster Lobster hey bricks I just want to put it out don’t go this way thank you cut back pretty good go I’ll take that looks like my club tried to go for a swim come on close I didn’t know if it was going to make it cuz I kind of clipped the top of it when I hit oh really yeah it was a great shot though oh that might have tightest cuz I think I got a three earlier where you got a two so they might be just tied now I don’t know I like the shark oh my gosh this is a huge jump for the next hole look at this oh boy that is a monstrous jump and then you can go out of bounds over there I like the shark oh yeah he’s chilling that is the biggest jump I might have seen ever on a course at least you can hit the concrete part and bounce but you can also go out of Bounce all on the left side that barely made it I was trying to find the balance oh you’re safe wow that was lucky have a heart attack there a lot of emotion oh no there I go yeah yours did it at least they float get your net go fishing hey this is a life lesson right here for everybody don’t leave your trash in the ocean make sure you Pi it back up I like you go throw it away in this case right there that is a hard shot yeah protect the turtles and everything else exactly get it oh yeah they roll real quick you’re making me feel better about mine that’s what I was going for I’m trying to get points you’ll take me to that Hawaiian smedy place oh is that what it is yeah okay was anyone expecting us to tie this hole the theming here is really well done it’s super well upkept all the water features through the animals just add so much life to the course like that we got some starfish we got a ray down there add a good vibe I really like as soon as I hit I noticed that the ball’s can roll out of balance right there so if your ball just goes straight too fast it’s going right in the water ohow the only thing blocking is the fact that the Net’s there so we’re going to leave it just in case we didn’t put it there pul well that worked great exactly what I was going for wow I didn’t even think about that good job how was he using your noodle mhm okay so obviously the whole right side’s open Ana can roll out here oh y there I go where’s the oh there’s a net right there can she reach it is the question right about in here yeah it’s fine wow that leveled out a lot you can go okay I saw that the hole was right here but when it hit this I just assumed the hole is way farther down CU it keeps going so far barely touch it that was really [Music] close there is so much open water on this course it makes me nervous hitting it hard and hoping for a balance cuz if I find a corner it can just shoot right off you can go ahead all right there you go no that’s a whole one potential there if you can get in the inner tube but if you’re in a lot of trouble if it goes past it wait that might not be bad oh come on come on oh wait oh that was playing with my feelings I might Boop you in all the way around you rode around all right I Got Confidence we get a first person here I got confidence in this one do it still going to hit it right into all right look at you hey I’m just happy neither one of us went behind the intert I feel like that’s pretty good for us that’s the first n done now let’s head to the beach at least is okay with that [Music] yeah go go go go a I need a little more pretty close move me in somehow maybe we going to see I’m end up farther away if she hits me I can feel it I heard that not bad though [Music] I was just scared I love how they this look at the sand for the wall huh and theoretically you could ride it if you wanted to for whatever reason don’t poop on [Music] me just little things like that instead of just doing a brick wall around it adds so much Vibe mhm cut oh yep a that’s dirty we were both I heard you say yeah we were so confident that one was going to go that was a great twoo good job and then it happens to me on mine my hole in one it was so close oh well great boob to this course though it is great box okay now we got options that’s definitely the harder one up front so I assume that’s the one you want to go for the final hole all the way down here ah oh man ah I might consider backtracking I’ll see my B I was waiting for that hole I think I’m going to risk it I want to know okay from this angle it looks a lot easier I say that now famous glass wordss okay how’s this going to come out back there I mean at least I would have gone in one of them either way I didn’t know you get a bad roll and just go all the way into the water again uh I’ll try this one just for the video okay oh my gosh really ball okay all right yeah kind of like I whatever hole was a five where my ball went out of bounds do anyone expect I supposed get a four on that one and tie the hole oh that’s going nice and that was 13 wa once I said we wasn’t associating anymore and then she changed her mind I just had to walk away how you doing too much hump are you talking to the seagull yes I was I right up the wall it looks fun I might to slow down a lot it was fun might not be the best idea yours might have better speed than mine did I know it’s slowing down it hit something I heard it not terrible not bad though you can go ahead all right I hope you guys been enjoying this video so far we were talking about it earlier with team’s definitely enjoying this video so far um we were talking about it on the last ho whole nine of the ocean cour with the inner tubes how it kind of gives like the look and the vibe of the uh summer course of Winter Summerland at Disney even just the design work overall honestly kind of gives that Vibe like I don’t know if the same people built this that did Summerland but even the architecture and stuff and the like the characters with the animals it gives that vibe to me like when I saw that one it was making me think of like what is it like the second is it the first or second hole on the Su second hole summer yep because you have to hit it through those inner tubes well that’s a lot of rocks okay rock okay good rock you know what I’m going to the beach okay see what’s going to happen here it’s designed to let it work all right you get it he makes his own way it might have not have worked for you but it was entertaining and I’ve really put myself in a bad spot I’m just team Alicia today is what it is a you know what because I have no way to go around without taking an extra stroke I’m going up and going to hope it’s going to ride the hill back down all right this is probably people that don’t take it too serious like us if this works I mean could be worse it was entertaining that’s all that matters my game is not here today where he hey I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again as long as the video is putting a smile on somebody’s face that’s what we’re here for not for skill we ain’t got none but for entertainment smiles and laughs and I’m probably going to do it again just cuz it’s fun and it gives you the option okay I was be trying to have fun but also use my noodle a little bit just a little too light oh that’s cool they told us we couldn’t see this when we came in but they told us about it they have like a little picnic area over here with a coffee stand that’s not open and this massive putting green right here where you can hang out that’s cool yeah I see you using it a little bit too I like it you’re playing really great this game thank you I had to warm up I got two again this one I don’t think I can ride the sand though oh close incoming never mind get it get it get it nice oh my gosh maybe nah I smell ice cream I do too I was going to say that’s what my belly looked like after I had that custard from Rita’s last night that’s what my belly look like yeah I’m me hey no I was thinking yeah that was good I got some too and I got peanuts on mine and what peanuts I had left I set them out on the fence for the corls last night woke up this morning and they were gone sure she was really excited to tell me that also if you see me with a little bit of belly I’m in buling season right now trying to get a little bit bigger with the gym and everything it’s hard when we’re on the road so you might know it’s a little bit of a belly we just ignore that hit the ho oh wow [Music] nice there you go hey looks like I finished the middle nine with a two now we got to head up top to go to the boardwalk course do the last nine upstairs y let’s do it this is a really pretty Co though they did a great job designing this yeah I did and this is the part where my body going to be getting Sunburn and toasty oh this is neat oh we got pizza this’s a Cool vibe in here look at this got the ferris wheel you got the logo you got pizza got a roller coaster the little tram this is neat so if you can go through that it’s aimed right at the hole that is not easy wow good job oh I got stuck on the roller coaster your ball stalled out it’s right here I’ll hit mine really hard and see what happens so we actually just notice this each hole up on this top part has like a question when and where was the first roller coaster built what countries currently build the most steel and wood roller coasters if you I’m the roller coaster person but I don’t even know that answer if you guys know let us know in the comments and say to place our ball right there we’re just going to do it right in front of it so we don’t want to beat it up too much it’s also like plastic yeah so we don’t want to like mess it up by hitting it I’m just going to hit it hard and hope I make it out hey we’re stuck on the roller coaster together is there something in there that stopped us or just me you’re welcome uh how we going to do this well I’m going to have to hit you to hit me we’ll say this is stroke two for both of us how about that okay let’s see however you can do this we’re going to have to do some cool action I got to I can’t see my okay here we go if you go in okay you can just go just go and finish we’re both on stroke three this is BHB rules we’re making it up as we go we’re having fun I tried I never really was good at P still not oh my gosh oh man that was a five or four and a half out a five when was the tram car introduced to Wildwood and where did it come from I got no idea but we’ve seen it cuz it definitely makes sure you don’t get hit by it I’m sorry Mr tram car but I’m going to hit you right now as a bounce I was going for the front but that works too I like it it fits the name with the boardwalk it has like all the different stuff for the boardwalk oh now you guys can see you couldn’t see at the bottom almost fell there there’s the beach and the boardwalk going all the way down with the roller coasters and stuff it’s like said it’s first time here really fun really cool area well I was aiming for this part I was too but go ahead yeah I was aing for the front too I just cannot get it together I’m laughing at your reaction not at you I’m parked right across the street I got a turkey sandwich waiting in the car for me clearly it is calling my name cuz oh my gosh can you hear it but if you put put the microphone close to my stomach you proba hear my stomach what we got now art box was created from recycled shipping containers where and why was the first shipping container created we got all kinds of questions don’t do that I probably will without my game’s gone I found my spot I’m in shade guys I zoom in this might be the first hole since like whole six that I might do better than you want it maybe we’ll see if you go in you going finish nope not the first hole in a while that done better than you one I tied you at least I’m just here for good times right now that’s all I’m here for get it when was pinball first first invented what famous movie was made about the world’s greatest pinball player I got no idea but we got pinball that’s fun oh okay not what I was going for at all I was trying to go around I got my first two in a long time look at Che good first two since 18 it’s the first hole I’ve done better than you want in a long time it’s not saying much with how my game’s gone but the little achievements you got to celebrate them when you get them now what we got who invented ski ball and win wait a second how’s this going to work there’s it must just hop when it hits this cuz there’s a hole on both sides obviously with two rings I have no idea how this is gonna fly it hopped it well I got options oh my God we are so ins syn okay but I call Justin oh it just kind of it doesn’t take much I’m going for that one okay we’ll try that again afterwards just to see if we can get them to hop in cuz it didn’t take hardly anything ah fo I don’t know what it was doing well it oh my gosh that it won’t e paron me almost suppos to try it again it’s up to you I’m just playing for fun I’m doing you have fun it hopped out okay now I’ll just Comm in I’ll go for the other one but it does show it does not take much and we both get a four if you somehow got this top one like that’s ridiculous you had enough speed yes yeah here we’ll try the other one they’re so easy to bounce out if you got the right roll you you should definitely get a two if you don’t get a one WR sorry who created the world’s first sparis wheel wear and win yeah we’re just showing how unn knowledgeable we are cuz I have no idea again I don’t know this stuff at least I get to go first this time so if I get stuck it’s your job to try to get me out if you go for it well you can go for it I’m not in your way I’m not going for it again I’ve had my fun I need to try to get at least one more two oh at least you’re going to like the next hole it’s bunch of curly Fri or crinkle cut fries well I Tred I guess you can go I’m going to slide you wow that was a good bounce that worked that worked really well I think that’s where you were I didn’t expect it to do that I was just trying to get it like over here that was good can You’ tell by my distractions especially on the back half of this game the hungrier I get the more my ADHD comes out cuz yeah I see curly fries are almost fell crinkle cut fries I got excited I almost fell over that and that yeah there’s the fries there’s a lot going on all right on to the fry it’s fitting for you to go first on this one who created Cur fries and when how many pounds of curly fries are sold in the ear sh I don’t know but God bless whoever created french fries she says that every time she eats them I just like potatoes nice Oh no you’re behind curly I again this shows how hungry I am I just want to hang out with the fries me too all day every day me too and you think I’m joking but I’m not no she is not joking you’re welcome also we go out to eat I don’t order french fries but usually does but I eat some of his it’s true that’s called self-control because if I ordered them myself I would eat the whole thing y’all know the memes of like hey babe do you want anything no I’m good and then you get yours and that goes in somehow you get yours and she eats half of it it’s that that’s how I control myself cuz if I get a whole plade of fries I’m going to eat the whole blade of I can’t eat all your fries so that limits me she makes sure when we’re eating that if I don’t eat all the fries I don’t put my napkin on my plate it’s like I’m done sometimes I want to so I don’t it’s true she told me like put your napkin on your plate so I stop eating them and on that note when was the famous Wildwood sign installed what is the W inspired by I’m going to go with surfing it gives me like the vibe of a wave and you can see the other one girl yeah I’m going to go for it I can’t even see the hole I’ll hear the clunk of it goes in oh my God I actually made it through pretty good spot can I actually get a two again I believe you can if you miss it from there I’m leaving it there cuz then if you hit me away I’ll be sad and we’ll see if I can still get it too I really hope you guys if you’re still watching the video after all the chaos it’s been thank you one we really appreciate it helps the video out you guys watching but thanks for tuning in I hope you all enjoyed it dang flab it okay never mind that’s not that bad go ahead okay I think if I mess this up I just need to go home I’d agree I just wouldn’t going to say it oh my gosh hey we know who won this game it’ll just be interesting to see what the scores are in the end anyway time for the last hole and this is amazing this see go eating pizza and what is the question where and when did the delicious food known as Pizza come from I don’t know but God bless that man too or woman whoever invented pizza God bless you seagull agrees it reminds me of that video where like the guy had his pizza sitting outside and the bird he comes back he’s going and when he comes back he’s like where about pizza go and there goes the seagull flying entire Pizza that seagull’s like we eating good tonight boys I mean that works I did want to hit the pizza but I thought it would like bounce over not that kind of straight back I cannot believe that worked go in yep great I will take that for a finish come on y’all come on that was me trying to use my noodle I still got to try Pizza up here oh we will that’s a great finish for us both that was a lot of fun yeah I enjoyed it a big thank you also to starlux for let to come out and play and film their courses we had a great time here right for the scores yeah so I got to do math you had 66 if the scores are right we there was a lot going on there’ll be right on screen you had 66 okay I had 75 so you won by nine we know you were going to win good job guys I hope you all did enjoy this video thank you all for watching have a great day we’ll see soon in the next one bye later


  1. Last time I was in Wildwood was for a visit during Miss America in 1992……the Convention Hall on the Boardwalk used to be the home of the Miss New Jersey Scholarship Pageant, which I went to in 1991 before I got out of the Air Force……used to enjoy eating @ Ernie's Diner that was lined on the wall with classic 45s and I think classic license plates from all 50 states……

  2. Pizza definitely came from Naples, Italy but I have no idea when. And I believe pinball was invented in the early 1900s but don’t quote me on that one

  3. Brooks! You're a musician! You have to have heard The Who's Pinball Wizard! The movie was Tommy, based on The Who album.

  4. 1st Coaster; Gravity Switchback Railroad, Mauch Chunk PA. Country building the most coasters; Germany!

  5. Ok so I learned from this video that I need to get me a boyfriend and then maybe I'll have that self control? 🤔 (Also, curly fries rock!)

  6. That roller coaster hole was pretty neat and to answer the question to that hole is that they say the first roller coaster built was by the Russians with the Russian Ice Slides, but in a sense ice slides aren't roller coasters, so first actual roller coaster was built in 1817 in Paris, France. The World's oldest roller coaster still in operation is Leap the Dips at Lakemont Park in Altoona, Pennsylvania. I've been on Leap the Dips many times. I am a roller coaster enthusiast so this was fun answering that question. The ferris wheel hole is really cool!!! This was a really neat course. I liked the beach one the best with the landscape of it all and the boardwalk course was really fun with the different color turf and the questions to it and obsticles.

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