How a +6 HANDICAP shoots under par EVERYTIME! **STRESS FREE GOLF**

Are you fascinated by how top amateur golfers consistently shoot under par? In this video, we delve into the incredible skills and strategies of a +6 handicap golfer who never fails to impress on the course. Discover the secrets behind their remarkable consistency and learn how you can apply these techniques to improve your own game.

What You’ll Learn:
Mindset and Preparation: Understand the mental approach and pre-round routines that set the foundation for success.
Course Management: Learn how strategic planning and smart decision-making lead to lower scores.
Shot Execution: Witness the precision and technique involved in driving, iron play, and putting.
Practice Regimen: Explore the intensive practice routines that hone their skills to perfection.

Key Highlights:
Detailed Analysis: Step-by-step breakdown of key shots and decisions made during a round.
Pro Tips: Expert advice on how to handle pressure and maintain focus.
Slow-Motion Replays: In-depth look at the swing mechanics and form.
Whether you’re an aspiring amateur or a seasoned golfer looking to refine your game, this video offers invaluable insights into the habits and techniques of a top-tier golfer. Subscribe for more tips and tricks to elevate your performance on the course!

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shooting under par every time you go out on the course takes skill and a lot of [Music] patience today I am going to show you how to shoot these low scores every single time okay I’m not going to lie it’s probably two of the worst golf shots I’ve hit this [Music] year hello guys and welcome back to Josh Odie YouTube today I thought we’d do a little video on breaking par every time you come out so if you’re really struggling to get out there and get in the red numbers I want to put you through a couple of processes when I’m out there to help your score taking a words from me it’s like I forget to speak stuck in a circle of thoughts just give me your therapy and I couldn’t stand to believe it and I do no wrong I just leave it she likes to change with the seasons she likes to change with the seasons be myself and I bring we don’t see the same no more always switching on the home team I swim and I’ve been here before i’ rather it on me you slept on me way too long get your blankets off me get your [Applause] blankets so first off I really think the Nets is a fantastic place to start and just get the body moving um as shooting under par starts from ho one if we blow up on hole one we damage our chances of shooting under par so with that being said even if it’s only a couple of balls is so important just to get the body moving and make sure we are in full flow before we hit that first t- shot so I think a lot of good golfers actually underestimate how important this bit is um everything in golf is related to momentum for me personally I feel like if you hit one good shot early on in the round it just Spurs you on to get the Good Vibes going get out there and get a low score going if you start off slow you hit a poor t shot off one you know you hit a sloppy shot in it just damages that confidence moving on so couple of big dogs and we are ready to rock and roll the only thing to do now is go out there and shoot under par we’re going to have a couple of puts um and then kind of talk through it when I’m out there cuz I want to talk you through that process I’ve done a couple of videos on um you know just talking about the practice session the other night let you into a few but it’s good to just do it when you’re in the flow and just talk out loud sometimes these are all the things I’m thinking in my mind every time I go out but it’s nice to just say out loud and just actually show you guys what goes on inside the head of a good golfer now it’s just time to go out there and try and play like a good golfer oo little new one little fresh bow Don’t Mind If I Do you know what I’m going to do today as well is I’m actually going to try the specks because I haven’t played golf in these for a long time but I’m actually meant to wear them really like I can actually see now which is quite handy sometimes when you’re looking for a golf ball so right hole one 428 yds Par Four kind of a tough t- shot for someone that fades it as these trees are creeping in on the left even more and more and more especially when this t- box works its way over here so not an ideal hole for a fader um but if we can slot driver kind of just left them trees you can see in the distance we should have around about 150 into the green so just trying and hit a nice smooth one down here start the round nice and smoothly that is so far right okay so no word of an exaggeration I’ve missed this Fairway by 30 yards right but safe it’s not in any trouble last time I hit out here I made birdie so see if we can do the same one place you don’t want to go okay I’m not going to lie it’s probably two of the worst golf shots I’ve hit this year um just Dreadful start but keep the faith boys you got to hope that we can get up and down now make par and just run um get off this hole and we move on so just try and flop one up with 60 and just stay in this round okay 8 foot the Mez OG is uh made a return so see if it’s got some good luck in it okay hole two uh 159 yards to flag stick um pin is just smack bang in the middle of the green looks like so we can be super aggressive with this one um and I’m going to go with a full nine iron now my Nine’s probably about a 150 Club but there’s a touch Breeze down wind um so I’m hoping this just flies to the number it should stop pretty quick Josh catch it might have just caught the right Edge there okay we’re now on to Step One of damage limitation um and staying in this round made a scrappy pile on the first there and now we’re about 45 50 ft away for um but we’re just off The Fringe and Potter is out just because we’re keeping the damage down um we just want to limit any risk to making a big mistake and with the flat stick it’s still going to give us a chance at birdie but as we always say a bad part is better than a bad chip so I think we’re at about 5% slope here which is a big right to left all all about speed though so if we can get the speed right will’ll be just okay pretty good and these little tiddlers don’t take them for granted put your ball marker down put your line down tap these in in she goes that is a good two part and we stay in the round a level par I feel like part of shooting on par every time and uh keeping the scores low is about knowing when to attack and I know that kind of like the first and the third difficult par fours um normally if you walk off a four you’re pretty happy so we just got two R out we know that four is a good score Let’s Get It On The Green two part and then we’re on to a easy chance at the fourth so see what we can do A1 okay I thought this was in A1 it’s just run out of the Fairway which isn’t too much of a problem this is just light rough here so maybe just going to be a little bit aware we might get get a bit of a jumpy one um flag’s 155 just over this G Bush you can see here front flag so no damage in really getting it 5 yards past it um so with that being said I’m just going to commit to a full N9 here almost be pretty aggressive with this one we can go full swing I am not joking you when I say this I’ve just hit 9 iron about 180 yards well if you’ve ever wondered how to hit Chip Shot off of a downhill right to left slope I’m about to show you um I literally just flew 99 like 175 yards to almost this back edge here I’ve just hit 99 probably 185 yards it just nuts um but bit of a flyer so let’s talk about this Chip Shot I’m actually going to go down the shaft just as the balls above my feet so to get to a normal radius I’m just going to go down the grip a little bit and then I’m going to kind of get with the slopes I’m almost going to like lean with it um and that being said because it’s kind of going down and to the left I know this Bowl’s probably going to come out left and quite hot as well so with that being said 60° here and but it’s not going to come out like one it’s going to almost come out like a probably a pitching wedge so land this one few Paces on release it out absolutely played one what a golf shot sir so the one thing I’m actually already learning um about shooting under par every time is the short game side I mean I’ve missed the first three greens and we’re now hopefully about to walk off with three passs so that just shows how important scrambling is you know keeping that round together and like I say it’s momentum right so we start off a little bit ropey we hit a good shot down four you know we stick a wedge in there tight that momentum goes the other way we make a couple of silly Bogies early on you know who knows what could happen that that momentum carries on throughout the round so let’s see if we can just tap this one in and like I say these are no gimme so put your mark down you know take your time really go through that routine um this one’s just right Edge should be no dramas level part through free the Quest for shooting under par this round is still on and that was kind of the main thing I was saying in the Nets right is keeping yourself in these rounds not letting these bad shots get on top of you and just trying to recover as sharp as you can and you can see there the short game is just kept me in this one let’s see what we can do on hole four okay hole number four 314 yards down the hill um and to the crest of that top of the hill there is probably about 200 y so I know that if I hit a Punchy 4 iron out there it’s probably going to land right on the top and just release down and kind of Freewood or driver gets to a similar place that the 4and does if you get a right bounce off that down slope it can almost get onto the front edge of the green so let’s see if we can just trap one out there just right of that pole that you can hopefully see oh wow just a little trappy one should be good that one okay so we got 68 Ys like I say if you catch that down slope it can really start running I think we’ve just fed into the rough here and it slowed it down but still we’ve got 68 yards time to just dial in little lob wedge try and land it on that front edge hopefully this green softened up from the other day it was so firm firing now man what wow it’s literally like Landing it in the carp Park okay so 18 ft for the birdie left to right um thought I hit a pretty good wed shot in there but as you heard by my reaction the greens are slightly firm um this one’s probably a 2% but up the hill so arms almost fully extended here she’s made a return she’s made a return wow there’s one you got me thinking about you okay so hole number five 136 yards to this front flag um there’s two tiers up there and the pin is on the front one so with that being said we got a little bit of room behind it that we can get a bit aggressive try and almost spin one back into that pin um the wind is down though so our chances of spinning it back into the flag are getting less and less um but pitching wedge should be pretty solid here I’m hoping we don’t get a flyer from this t- box like we did on the third hole with our 9on but let trying to it a nice smooth wedge just start it 5 yards right and have a little sniff at that pin come on baby oh we’ll have a little sniff won’t we oh wow just looked like it came in a little bit low um but we are one underpar um and as you can see we’ve just we’ve kept that momentum going um you know we’ve made three good pars pass saves in the first threee holes um you know we have an 18 footer for birdie and we drain it so that’s just where that momentum can kind of keep going um you know we’re now in the red numbers and like I say to shoot these underpar rounds every single time you come out here you’ve just got to really stay so positive and keep them big mistakes off the card even if you hit a couple of poor shots just try and keep the faith and you know hit a wed shot in their tight roll the put in keep them pass saves and that momentum moving forward and if you do make a mistake it’s not an issue um just know that you’ve got some holes to bounce back on like that fourth hole there I said on the third T box that that was a chance and we took that chance so you know pick out and plan your round and just know there’s some holes that are going to be good pars and some holes that are going to be an easier birdie okay so we have got ourselves a tough but just stayed up on this top tier if it spun back 3 4T we would have probably been 10 ft away for birdie but we moved move um so this one how I would read this I’d break it into two sections now first section being this top half um how is this going to react up here and then I kind of read it to a point where I’m like right where do I want my ball falling so I’m looking at around about this point here and then I’m going to read this part of the partt as well so as it gets down this hill it looks fairly straight um it’s just judging the speed from here and then almost getting it falling so like I say break into two halves um and I’m going to go no line and just almost like feel this one when I’m over the ball let the uh let the brain take over so that kind of rough patch here looking very good from where I’m stood at falling just there I think if we almost get it going dead we down the hill it should just r roll down okay all about speed here all about speed whoa whoa whoa and as I say just take your time on these ones you know put your mark down get your line right treat it like it’s a 6ft pot not a 3ft pot really concentrate pick your line and I find with these line is so important so I mean from kind of like 20 ft I think you’re almost worrying about more like Pace whereas these parts inside 6t the line is so important for me um and getting it starting online so make sure that line on the ball is set up perfect which it is just at that right Edge and it should just fall in from the right and she goes we stay in the red one under through five okay hole number six uh 377 Ys Par Four now this one is a chance there’s a bunker there around about 240 that we’ve got to fly so free is the choice of Club um as there’s some trees on the right that just bring into play when I hit driver so Freewood just makes that Fairway a lot wider um and there’s a lot more room for error with Freewood so let’s just try and hit a nice Freewood the line’s like the edge of these steps and it should be perfect if we can get a nice one over that come on then good swing touch left but should be absolutely fine so a little left a little left it was um we’ve actually find ourselves a bit of tree trouble here uh I’d like to play a nice little floaty 60° but that is no longer an option um so we’re now at Plan B Okay so we’ve got 83 yards I’m just debating whether I think I can fly a gap wedge to about 55 60 yards kind of front edge and release it or or whether I want to play like a 7 ir and land it just in the Fairway here um feel like gap wedge is probably the better option for me we just Chuck it back of the stance and just punch a little low one in soft soft soft not bad that done pretty well I’ve taken off the specs um and for some reason when it gets hot like my eyes sweat in this bit here and the glasses start to like fall down so although vision is important um we got to see where the balls going I just feel like it’s more of a hindrance and I’ve been playing without them um and it’s been fine and I always play with them in the Sim so I don’t know why when I get out here I put on glasses it’s um something that’s kind of in and out sometimes for me but I think I’m going to try a period where I have been you know recently just not wearing them so definitely feels comfortable without them on and hopefully if it’s down the middle we haven’t got a search too hard for it eight Paces so 24 ft from the hole um I always like to Pace it out because you start to gauge a feel for how far you hit the other part so I know that on the um fourth hole for instance it was an 18 footer so I can kind of like reference it off of that stroke you know um how hard did I hit that part how hard am I going to have to hit this part um and you’ll always find you might get a couple of holes in a row where you start to get like 20 ft and you you know you start to familiarize yourself with that distance rather than just second guessing every Green that you get on um but this one here 24 ft uh touch left to right early on and then as it kind of gets to this end section I think it’ll straighten out been saying it the whole way around all about speed come on good speed that’s what we want just kind of moved a lot early on maybe a slight push but par no dramas on to the next hole hole seven and we are still one under par so hole number seven 341 yards up the hill um t- shot’s kind of a nice one there’s a lot of room up there and you haven’t really got to do a great deal with it apart from hit it 220 230 to the end of the Fairway leave yourself a nice wedge in same again kind of another hole that’s a good chance if you hit a good second shot but gets a little bit tricky and I’ll tell you why when we get up there stinging H hey wanzo welcome to the UK summer where you can’t decide whether you’re hot or cold jump us back on okay and welcome to the most awkward shot ever so it’s uphill um and there’s some trees behind you guys there that kind of shelter us from the wind that’s coming in um and what happens here is when you hit the ball up to the green it just stalls like crazy so it’s so hard to get the number here um and that’s why I’ve got 100 yards playing 110 but I’m almost going to knock a pitch and wedge down play like a 115 shot um and almost avoid these trees and try and keep it below them so the wind doesn’t stall it a lot so kind of a a tricky second shot you know 115 you wouldn’t think it’ be a hard shot but you know getting the number right up here is a pain in the ass so let’s see if we can dial it in come on 115 shot little PE wedge be a number if that’s a good number we going to under so we’ve only gone here long into No Man’s Land 9 10 11 33 ft this is a horrible one get to here and then gravity is going to do its thing got good memories to this flag roll the clip black belly oh yourself a broomstick I’ll say it again all about speed just going inside that leaf that you can see [Music] oh get going that’s a horrible part okay honestly flag is staying in for this one um this is scary on everyone pray in the [Music] comments we stay in the red one under through seven par five coming up and then a nice short par three can we shoot under par always like to make sure the planes are fully out the way just in case just in case we get an absolute rocket of a drive come off right let’s go before this other plane comes it’s literally like Gatwick out here come on then good swing down the middle [Music] just up the left but should be fine little bit like Scotty Sheffer on that one wouldn’t there a little foot slip okay so that one just got super lucky I mean it was going into the trees and I think it’s just kicked out um but we have got 200 yards to a back flag water left um it’s game over on the right so we really need to just clutch up and hit a good shot but the beauty of a part five right it’s risk and reward so of course we are going to go for it I mean if I had Freewood in my hands I’d maybe be second out in it but six iron yeah go back fo trap one in there see what we can do oh this one’s come out left good job that wind is into today that should be fine just on the left edge of the green but not a great shot um little bit pulley and the rough there as well feel like when the the club just snags it can turn the club over to the left so really got to be strong in the hands through the grass um especially when it gets a little bit thick but still got a chance for birdie if we make up and down okay so not a bad 6 iron in there just came up short left and that wind hurting a lot more than what I thought it was I’ve got sandwich here um just as like a little flat spot as it gets on the green and it should just release down I feel like 60 we might have to fly it almost into the down slope so just a little lower lofted option here just to get a bit more release from this Chip Shot see what we can do whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa just so firm when it gets on there okay so not a bad Chip Shot into about 10 ft and this one not really doing much maybe a hint of left or right but you’re about to see the rollman you’re about to see how the lab is rolling and how I’m stroking it pretty good – 2 through 8 okay so we have made it whole number nine two under par it’s been quite a eventful round hasn’t it there been some really good some nice Parts few nice t- shots but a few hortic moments in there as well so ninth hole just an absolute Beauty um in front of the clubhouse pins middle tier so if we can hit this pitch and wedge similar to always plays really similar to the fifth so pretty similar shot and just got to dial this one in come on come on fly a little bit and that one could be pretty good I don’t know why them people on the balcony are more interested in their pint and not interested in that one that I’ve stuck in there tisman not a bad t- shot at all in there to about 6 feet little right to Le to finish the round off so our little Tu Center just outside that right Edge damn two under par knee dramas hope you guys enjoyed that one


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