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for welcome to the Buccaneers Observer this is Ralph Phillips how’s everybody doing man R pagee what’s up brother chicken pasta with spinach ravioli that sounds good I had a leftover um lift over sub sandwich about three bites that’s what I had so sounds like you’re doing much better than me we don’t have a whole lot to talk about you know buck years in football in general not a whole lot going on uh we got some news with Tristan mors and we’ve got what’s up Zach no it was not a Public Sub it was a Firehouse Sub uh we lost the Delaney he has gone to the Buffalo Bills yeah wors is holding out well you know kind of hard to say it’s a hold out when it’s voluntary voluntary OTAs but you know it’s a smart thing you know if he goes there and gets hurt I mean he’s still on his fifth year contract and uh it’s it’s quite a hefty contract if I recall but that’s all he’d be able to get you know so he’s going to hold out and get that big money which he’s going to get it’s going to be interesting to see if he becomes you know we’ve got Winfield Junior as the highest paid secondary in NFL history I wonder if wor will become the highest paid tackle in NFL history that’ll be interesting if they can pull that off that will be impressive lard is gone too man what’s up MH did not see that uh y’all are probably going to be more giving me news about the Buccaneers that I’m going to be giving you guys news because like I said I’ve been on with the Virginia uh we left Thursday and came back Sunday we were dead tired too and uh wasn’t able to follow any Buck stuff up there and then uh we went and got a puppy yesterday let let me tell you this story about the puppy we had our neighbors they had a puppy and they were fostering it and they said do you want this puppy because we can’t keep it we’re we both work you know we got this dog to Foster it try it out out uh but we don’t we don’t think we can handle it and then uh you we were like oh yeah I me cute puppy had the cutest little ears and everything and their parents live right next door to me they live like four houses down and so they were like okay we’ve got to get her spade and then you can come pick her up Wednesday so this was Wednesday before we went to Virginia well we go to pick her up and they said oh we changed our mind our parents decided to keep it my daughter cried for a whole day I mean it was that was rough that was rough and uh Molly was pretty upset too so I promised him we’d get him a puppy and we got one and I’m babysitting or puppy sitting now she was asleep on the couch she’s stirring if she stirs too much I’m going to have to go get her and bring her and put her on live stream so this will be the puppy observers live stream bucaneer puppy observers live stream I did not know lared was gone where didd he go to they got the red Brady Jersey on sale for $36 at Fanatics I’m going to get that yeah I’ve got the the compter one we picked up a defensive we picked up a def defensive player from the Rams yeah I lost my stream oh I don’t see the puppy my my live my camera went down my blink camera I brought it back up the puppy’s gone I think I see her foot she’s a cute puppy man you go to see her but I I’ve got the pter Brady Jersey I’d like to get the red one though especially 36 bucks that’s cheap once those are gone they’re gone who is the defensive player we picked up from the Rams anybody know I’m looking looking at the news yeah de Delaney went to the bills that kind of surprised me you know he he’s jumped around quite a bit since he’s been in the league I think he’s been like three teams he’s only been in the league for what five years three teams now this will be his fourth Team new pictures on the ground erish Brown oh okay I was like what are y’all y’all trying rhyme there new pictures on the ground Ernest Brown Ernest Brown what do we know about him let’s look it up pro football reference how’s everybody doing man how was yall was weekend and stuff I set I set up the live stream because I was stuck with the puppy I set up the light okay he’s a defensive end 6’5 270 lb pretty big dude uh okay he’s only started three games in two years was he drafted a fifth round yeah in the 2021 NFL Draft by the Rams 174th overall and uh he’s only started three games and that was in 2022 now he played in five games in 2022 and seven games in 2023 uh staps in about what you would expect for that the snap counts he’s only got 192 snaps he only got 56 snaps last year man I have to look into him so we’re stacking up on these Edge guys huh I sure hope that’s the puppy I’m looking at there Bakers on the cover of the Lindsay season preview magazine in the throwback jersey oh that’s awesome I I thought what’s up Al I thought that Lindy’s was mainly uh the draft oh pictures on the ground yeah yeah those are uh I had those up on the wall and I took them down to move some of this stuff and I’ve never put them back up but they’re not new no those are always there’s actually a puzzle there a thousand piece puzzle that Molly did of the Grand Canyon and then we glued it together you know because we’re going to frame it and then she put it on my daughter’s bed and my daughter got it all messed up so I got those laying on top of it to flatten it out Al you’re GNA have to help me out with that Discord I’m going to get get up with you on that I’ve never never I’ve never had a Discord server but that’s a good idea we’re going to do the Forum Craig’s going to help out with the Forum uh Alf you can help me out with the Discord that would be cool so we can get this stuff going because I you know I get scared that you know I’m G to mess up and say something here on YouTube and get banned or something and I don’t have a way to get in touch with any of you guys but I got some of you on email but you know we I want a place where we could do you keep constant communication going he be file bankruptcy you knew that was coming that that man does not know how to manage his money or his emotions oh they Regional covers huh that that’s probably true Al that guy does not like to play pay any bills he’s a horrible human being what’s up Craig yeah Craig as soon as I get some time which will probably be in the next couple days not only did we get a new puppy but we’re dog sitting for uh Molly’s dad and he’s going to be gone for a week so we’re going to have another dog for a week that’s a big old dog too but uh probably within the next couple of days I’m going to be able to jump online and look at my server and see what kind of forum we can uh put together uh they’ve got a couple of options there that they make real easy to do basically oneclick installs so I’ll probably go that way but I’ll get in touch with you before I do it so we make sure we are on the same page I’m always talking about you Craig oh ow man good job yeah I remember you saying you had some Nvidia stock a while back and it was not doing so well yeah they’re gonna they’re going to take over the world if they don’t mess up oh we got one Al we got a puppy it’s a mix it’s a mut just cute though man brown little white spot I you weren’t here for the story I’m going to retell the story so everybody who has heard the story just deal with it uh we we had a neighbor lived about four or five houses down the street they got a dog that they were fostering and their parents live right next door to me so they were down here talking with their parents and they were like hey do you do y’all want to puppet because we can’t keep this dog we we going to Foster it for 10 days and de side but we don’t want to take it back to the the shelter uh we’d like we’d rather find somebody that would like it that we know and uh as soon as we get it fixed then you can get the dog we were like yeah yeah you know uh we’ll take it and my daughter fell in love with the dog and Molly fell in love with the dog and so Wednesday we go to get the dog and they said oh we we changed our mind our parents are going to keep it so right next door we get to see the dog every day and my daughter she just broke down cry she cried for a full day Molly was pretty upset for like three days so anyhow I promised him I’d get him a dog so yesterday we went and got a dog cute little puppy she is sweet too I’m puppy sitting right now I’ve got her on the blink cam trying to keep keep track of her if she gets up starts barking or whatever I’m G to have to go get her so y’all will get to see her live so good job with that Nvidia stock Al I’m glad you hung in there with it I sure will Craig yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna see what the MK what’s up I’m going to see what type of forums they offer as a matter of fact I’m gonna do it right now we are so not talking any football there’s really not a whole lot to talk we are pounding together or get together or meet up for the football this year right now we’re settling on the Oakland Raiders game Rampage I was thinking you know in order for us to get seats together you know we might have to get the nose beds I’m I’m going to look and see which is fine with me I’m fine I told you I’m going to bring my daughter she’s she would absolutely love going to a football game but the other daughter my youngest one we going to have to we still trying to figure out something to do with that you know they might have taken that away and not offered uh Forums on This Server anymore I have to talk to them about that I don’t see them me I mean we could still install one but also going to try and do a Discord server too Al talked to me into that yeah Al I joined that that um link you sent me and I I got in there and it was like like I didn’t really know how to do anything was like was like asking for permission for my microphone and video and stuff like that I was like so okay I wonder if I’ll be able to stream on Discord too that’d be cool now I can I can watch the Discord chat on here so we’ll be able to figure all that out I only use Discord really really just to stay in touch with my son he uh he’s on Discord all the time so we can stream on Discord too okay Heather hey how’s it going find hting St you know they it used to be easy You’ come on here and click on one thing and you can figure it out I’ll I’ll have to do it later Craig I don’t want to sit here and take up everybody’s time y’all watching me do tech [Music] support oh you want to see the puppy now because I don’t want to wake her up I tell you what as soon as Molly gets home I’ll bring the puppy up here for a few [Music] minutes they should be home in in a few minutes what game are you going to go to MH do y’all know so I could stream to Discord that’d be interesting H hit the light Craig that’s how I feel too about Discord my like I said my son’s on it and uh you know he does all kinds of stuff on Discord I’m used to just you know typing that’s it but he’s been he’s been doing Discord for a long time yeah it’s got all kinds of bells and whistles and stuff I did not know you could stream on it do I have to become a Nitro [Music] supporter dang you said that was at Fanatics Rampage all right to look at that Brady jerseys wait till you buy a car to start looking at tickets no football comes first man oh yeah look at this 36.99 man I got to order that wow that’s a good deal guys there’s a Tom Brady Buccaneers Nike game jersey red for 39 $37 on uh oh they okay they’re running out of sizes they got large extra large 2XL and 3XL left okay Tom what’s up let’s roast Brady did anybody watch that I haven’t watched it yet uh Rampage I would the earliest would be next week yeah are are we going to try to get seats together I mean that’s what I was thinking yeah I’m gonna have to check out that Brady roast man it’s on my list but I just uh I’ve heard some good things about it too I heard they cut out a part though apparently Kim Kardashian was on there and she got booed and they cut it out on the the replay on Netflix weird oh they were killing him oh my gosh yeah that’s what I was think it too Heather get seats seats together what’s up double you know it’d be hard to roast Tom Brady I would think man I mean you’re talking about yeah you have to really reach to find stuff to roast him with I guess but some of those guys are professionals oh did you see I saw that Donovan Smith Levante David and uh Ryan Jenning was there for the rose they were sitting in there as as like guests of Tom Brady which is really interesting to me those three of Jensen I can understand because you know Brady had his hand on his butt a lot but Donovan Smith and Levante David I thought it was really cool Levante David was there yeah I boo Kim Kardashian as well yeah we don’t need any more bucks jokes it was mainly just Tom Brady then that’s good that’s you know it’s kind of one of the reasons why I didn’t want to watch it man because I didn’t want to get off pissy because they they roast the Bucks trying to get the Brady I I had to check and make sure this dog’s still alive down there would that be something tell me the system is busy do we ever figure out where layered went I’ll look it up real quick yeah go get your go get your jerseys guys that’s $37 you can’t beat that for a Nike game day Jersey man so we lost D Delaney he went to the bills not seeing anything about [Music] layer okay oh we just waved it man we waved Patrick lar and signed Ernest Brown which I’m excited I want to watch some game film on him he sounds interesting 6’5 200 1 70b defensive end [Music] H so they released running back Patrick l and who else or some else okay that’s it aleto was out there roasting Tom Brady good grief that’s funny yeah you can’t you can’t roast him on the field not his on the field performance although you could about his remember that when he thought it was third down and it was fourth down that was really embarrassing he was like justel yeah I heard justel got like all upset about it she seems to be the type of person doesn’t have a sense of humor get a seats if you drink and don’t want to be moving around like yeah this is true I’m gonna be drinking I don’t know if Molly will though the running back room is full Al so L with the Chicago huh ah there you go Rampage yeah oh Al doesn’t know that’s like a first I gotta write that down a threeh hour long roast holy moly I don’t know if I can watch it for three hours is it worth watching for three hours Tom or could I just watch the highlights oh man I could use a cold beer I should had Molly grab on grab me so much you don’t I I haven’t been feeling good the past week my daughter got sick my oldest one and then see she was sick for like two days didn’t really get up off the couch and then I got sick right when we left to go to Virginia I was feeling down the whole time I was up there but then we come back yesterday man I felt really bad today’s been pretty bad too I haven’t showered or nothing y’all are getting a real me don’t just sit down for the watch okay for the roast yeah that’s a that’s a long time three hours yeah Rampage as long as it you know as long as they don’t flex it to another day like can they this is scheduled for Sunday I mean could they Flex it to a Monday night it might not be that bad I know y’all guys are going to be there for a while it probably wouldn’t be no big deal for us to stay in tonight either but or stay for another day yeah I don’t I don’t think we need to worry about the flex I don’t think that’s too big of an issue today’s national nugget day man Tom Brady jerseys for $37 National nugget day we are just killing it mixed drinks will cure that call man I went to see a good friend of mine Saturday night and he’s a whiskey connoisseur so we ended up drinking I tell you what he does them UPR right too it takes me about 20 minutes to make one so by the time you get yours and you drink it he’s he’s made another one but it’s taken him that whole time to make one but he’s got the the ice cubes he’s got a whole bunch of different ice cubes like flowers and he’s got these special glasses that that that Twist from the bottom up and then you put the ice cubes in and then he takes orange peels and lights them rubs it on the glass before he pours stuff in puts all kinds of stuff he he hooks it up and I did not know he showed this to me last time I was up there that orange peels burn they catch on fire I did not know that yeah I’ll I’ll do some double checking on rampage I haven’t had a chance to talk to Molly about the uh because like I said normally we get club club level but uh I mean we it’s not that big of a deal and honestly since there’s going to be three of us like I said I’m gonna bring my my oldest daughter we probably want to save the money anyhow but uh I haven’t talked to her about the the price cap we’re trying to shoot for I think I think we might you know let’s go for some nose bleeds or something get up there with the die hards the trunks the Deon white jerseys are really cheap be good for good for a bonfire you got his autograph that’s awesome man Rampage knows all the deals yeah I got pictures in front of the ship that ship is so cool man I want to get on the ship they let special people do it every now and then triy to see if I could find a picture of me on the ship or not on the ship in front of the ship I’m horrible about organizing my computer and stuff it’s always one of my big projects working on his computer so much uh I hear the family just came home dog’s still sleeping good I baby sat well or puppy sat puppy sat well sideline passes that’d be awesome go in there cause a disturbance oh my gosh I got so many pictures thousands and thousands of pictures I probably got a folder somewhere just for the buckers [Music] Trout the dog’s moving now the dog must have heard heard them come home they’re still outside doing something let see when I get Molly to come on she went out to eat dinner with her dad so uh she’s got her makeup and stuff on I think that’s normally why she doesn’t get on when or uh you know just pop on when I ask her to I’ll have her bring the puppy up ah here we go here we go this was one of our trips down there yeah it’s me without a beard without a long one anyhow relatively yeah Devon White’s my favorite Buccaneers player can’t wait for him to go on the Hall of Fame salty watermelon whiskey a little L to Splash and PR man that sounds delicious get a suit for the game that would be funny Tom you were telling me that stank wore a suit for the podcast with Jason L that was funny stadium tour an off season yeah uh we were lucky enough to Brian Ford I was there for my 50 birthday so six years ago something something like that long time ago and uh he took us on a personal tour around one Buck place that was cool I’m I’m feeling a little rough MK to be honest with you got a little cold oh there you go Craig yeah good deal 20% cash back on a 30 that’s a great deal for that Jersey man we be doing these well okay hopefully soon probably once training camp starts we’re going to get back to doing it almost every night hey Molly’s home Molly you got to bring the puppy up you got to bring the puppy up Al says show us the puppy show me the puppy that’s funny she’s the cutest little puppy too and a precious sweetheart too I think she’s 10 weeks old so doesn’t have her full personality yet but she has a sweetheart let let’s see I’m going to where that picture go she’s bringing the puppy up probably going to take it outside first it just woke up probably peeing all over the place oh a horrible picture that’s me and Molly that’s what I look like with little B baby beard uh this was that was that was a long time ago let me see that was in 2012 my goodness so many pictures does anybody else have this problem got so many pictures that’s the bad thing about digital cameras is you don’t even think twice about taking pictures take 15 20 pictures of one thing with film man you were very picky about what you took a picture with you know I threw a I moved one time and threw away a bag of film it’s one of not biggest regrets in life but one of those things when you look back on you go man that was dumb I don’t know what was on there but I me was a big bag of film that I had taken pictures I just threw it away never know those captured memories lost forever unless of course somebody at the Landfield picked it up is she coming with that dog or what who’s that nerd with Molly I look different yeah oh that’s cool I did I didn’t know stanking them were I was wondering how they got access to so much stuff so fast it was like as soon as they started their podcast they were doing these golf events with the players and stuff I was like they must have an end somewhere I’m the same way with my jerseys now too used to I’d wear my jerseys everywhere all the time but uh now I cherish them screen those pictures before come on in you should be online oh here’s the puppy here’s the puppy out oh yeah I know look at this puppy where’s the camera she cute he was in here too she was like I want to see that puppy puppy i g to see the one the one pose the one floppy ear and the other one yeah she’s always got the one ear sticking up one was floppy thank you Craig yeah she’s a sweetheart sleeping with me on the couch the whole time and finally I like creeped up here I was like oh she was like why a weake when out I was watching okay Adam what’s up hi everyone are you done taking the puppy she’s taking the puppy and leaving all the fun is gone oh cats jumped in here yeah cats cats are not liking the dogs a lot and this is turned into a the life of Ralph sh we need to talk therapy or something I’m still trying to find them pictures m is funny screen those pictures before you show them [Music] uh her name is Lexi short for Alexa no short for Alexandria this my daughter named her which is funny you saw me look like that because I was looking at at the Amazon Echo and we were like do we really want to name the dog Lexi because every time we say its name Amazon’s GNA be like what can I help you with yeah she’s a pretty dog and sweet very sweet too not real nippy or a aggressive or high energy yeah I’ll show you our wedding picture we got this over our mantel like a big old thing it’s a really pretty picture I just St across that while I was looking at some across our wedding pictures let me see still now Molly I could ask her and she she would know exactly where she’s got her to should be like yep the they right here search so Buccaneers news Tristan wor is holding out he is not at voluntary voluntary OTAs it’s just for the contracts no big deal he doesn’t want to get hurt before he gets his contract which you know he’s going to get one I’m just I’m anxious to find out if he’s going to be the highest paid tackle in the history of the NFL you know they did that with Winfield if those guys could pull that off I’ll be very impressed I can’t find these pictures I’m giving up man clear we lost D Delaney he has gone to the Buffalo Bills uh we waved Patrick l and ended up picking up Ernest Brown the fourth from the Los Angeles Rams are they Los Ang yeah Los Angeles Rams uh 6’5 270 PB 200 70b defensive end so that’s cool and other than that really hasn’t been any news offseason politics dog training videos uh you’re funny funny Tom thank you double dogs are cuter than cats right I like dogs more than cats don’t let my cats hear that but I do like cats I used to not like cats I never had a cat growing up uh but I got one when I was about 22 or 23 in my first house and they have this amazing calming effect you know you got a cat you just can’t beat frantic and uh I noticed it like almost right away because you know you sit you sit down with a cap they come over and they lay in your lap you can’t do anything you know you sit down with a dog they come over and grab a toy and leg and you know they want to wrestle with you and all that good stuff big difference I got a cat right here at my feet right now not happy with the dogs in the house thank you Rampage yeah like I said we got that we got that picture in a it’s a big metal picture over the you know you know most people put a TV over their mantle nowadays we got this big old picture we got these lights shining on it and really matches our den everybody comments on it when they come in oh thank you heather do I look different I look younger right I’ll probably never shave this beard again I shaved it a couple years ago and I just did not like it did not like it so I might I might trim it down some they getting a little scraggly cat scratching on the walls yeah it’s no biggie that wors is not signed you know I’d rather him not show up to OTAs you know if he gets hurt oh I was looking for the pictures of us in front of the pirate ship at the stadium yeah D Delaney’s gone I haven’t watched any of them either Rampage I’m way behind on my press conferences and stuff like I said we’ve just been like really busy yeah I I hope they Mak him the highest paid offensive tackle in the in the league who is the highest paid offensive tackle let me see if I can pull that up before Al says it off the top of his head no Rampage I haven’t I haven’t bought man probably in five years either I bought it for like three years in a row there and then you know it’s just I don’t really get into the franchise mode and stuff I like doing online play you’re just playing guys so okay here we go contracts opposition tackle oh they don’t have them broken up as all left tackle let’s go with left tackle Trent Williams 138 million six-year contract only 40 guaranteed though that’s not bad at all but 32 years old Andrew Thomas the New York Giants he runs he comes in second place 117.5 million for 5year contract 67 guaranteed who what’s the largest guarantee 67 million is the largest guarantee 11 that’s almost 11% of their whole cap is that left tackle Houston’s a laramy tonso he is 11% and Trent Williams is 133% of the San Francisco 49ers cap how in the world are they staying under the cap guess because a quarterback is still on rookie salary yeah so 25 million a year is Worf’s going to beat that man that’s tough what Winfield was getting 20 21 22 million year approximately Mike Evans is getting 20 million a year do y’all think I should dye my my beard I did for a while I’ve actually got the stuff to do it but one one of the things of it is is once you do it you can’t stop doing it or it you know like The Roots come in great it looks really weird I don’t know double but I tell you what I Greenberg and those guys they know what they’re doing over there I very rarely uh doubt their abilities you like the cat Su 28 million oh they right NFL Blitz man that was awesome yeah something more fun you know that’s what I say about Madden probably the past gosh decade easy it just seems like it’s just been the same stuff you know they they keep adding to franchise mode and like I said I don’t play franchise mode so it’s really not appealing to me I just like to get on and play a game you know online with people it’s like how I am with Call of Duty I like to just be able to jump on shoot some people and then leave I don’t know double 1820 a year fully guaranteed uh I don’t know I I’m happy with what they did with aw but I see where you’re coming from but it you know we even with getting Antonio Brown Tom Brady gronowski all those guys you know we weren’t really in that bad a cap situation after they left I mean you know we’ve had had two years that’s been tight but it’s not like we had to really like cut players because of cap Stu those guys are very good so I I have faith in them well why would they why would this not be current these guys are normally on top of everything all are you looking at it too now they got yeah well they got su’s contract here it just wasn’t on that list there yeah if you search for him it’s on there 4ye 112 million average Sally 28 million good G he only got a $15 million signing on himself 85 million guaranteed wow so they got him wrapped up till 2028 you know Al that’s one 100% yeah too much video gaming yeah yeah yep like I said I was a big Call of Duty player I spent hundreds of hours on each Call of Duty spreadsheets and all that good stuff I was I was serious about my Call of Duty man customized controllers self-modified controllers uh it does it’ll it’ll suck get everything in moderation and some things if you can’t if you can’t moderate it then just step away from it oh the original Xbox I got rid of my original Xbox I think about six years ago at least I think I did at a garage sale just cleaning space I’ve always regretted that that that original Xbox meant a lot to me that playing Halo man good memories there oh there you go yeah going from Wow to learning the stock market yeah yeah to treat it as a game because it really kind of is and it would be just as fun just don’t stress out looking at your money all day that will stress you out oh I I didn’t know the batteries inside the Xbox leak and destroy the over you still played Madden 19 on franchise mode that’s cool dou yeah that’s what I thought when I went there to the website it looked weird but if you do a search it shows up okay you should be drinking with me NHL hits yeah that was me you like you got the good stuff I I’ve still got the second Xbox Xbox 360 and then I switched over to Sony one of the reasons why I switched over to Sony is because the network was free then a couple years after I switched over they started charging for it I was mad I was like what I was tired of playing for Xbox network yeah the the original Xbox has a special place in my heart yeah yep yep yep original Xbox and Halo was best game experience in my life yep same here Craig it was just so wild Halo just blew my mind and just being able to walk around take your time the music and the twist with the with the uh what they called the not The Horde yeah I can’t remember anyhow yeah great game great experience and then when it got to be playing online man that was fun yeah that’s a that’s a good day Al that is a good day the flood yeah the flood yeah yeah I remember I remember walking through the first time you see them you’re walking through and you know you’re seeing all the uh soldiers are all shot up and then you start seeing them being like all weird and stuff and you you knew something was coming you just kind of knew but you didn’t expect that mess I was expecting you know like a boss or some aliens but not an attacking bacteria swarm of they look like uh onions I never played the remastered Master Chief collection [Laughter] yeah good point Craig I used to have a neighbor that she would go gambling all the time and my mom would do this too they’d go gambling and they come back and they talk about how much they won all the time I won $7,000 not telling you that they spent $50,000 we’d find that out later but they always came back and they always won I want I want they they like to play the the quarter slots and stuff like that my mom would just play that stuff and this is this is no joke probably the last 20 years for her life she probably spent 60 hours a week playing slots for 20 years 60 hours a week probably more than that that’s a that’s a that’s a lowball gate she actually had slot machines in her house real slot machines so she could practice I don’t know she you go her to the house she’d be sitting there just playing slots smoking cigarettes drinking coffee you know that’s what I heard about the Halo TV show too out and I really wanted to like it I remember when was it Bloom camp or uh who was it that did the short for Halo oh my gosh I want to say it was a relatively famous director anyhow it was great it was awesome everybody was so excited they were like oh he’s GNA make a movie of Halo and he never did but then you know you had all these cartoons came out and all and they never seem to live up you know I’m just like oh man so you when I heard the Halo TV series series wasn’t all that great I was just like I don’t want to ruin my halo memories had too with Peter Jackson yes yes oh I love Texas hold them I love me some poker man M of fact I I keep poker chips on hand got my got my pokker chips on hand man anytime you want to play let me know $57 per share H $100 that’s awesome yeah yeah Al he did a it’s probably still on YouTube but Peter Jackson did a like a little short was a couple of it was like five minutes man it was so good especially for back in the day I mean this was like 2002 2003 when he put that out before he did lure of the Rings If I recall correctly you having a hard time typing to that Rampage you junk so what’s the deal with the Kirk Cousins tampering investigation have have the Vikings been penalized for that yet you’re case rock on that’s funny I I wish I would have had them give me some beer man I could use one Buccaneers uh offensive assistant Tom Moore has just released a [Music] book apparently this was written with Rick stra so Rick Stout probably ghost wrote this it’s called The Players coach from Bradshaw to Manning Brady and Beyond he going to be available September 3rd 2024 I have to get that he’s been around a long time see some good quarterbacks Buccaneers just signed their third round pick ta Smith I’m excited about him oh my face is being covered up by the chat yeah I’m excited about ta Smith he’s probably one of the most ex exciting draft picks we got I think it’s it’s Tom’s Tom’s trador and there might be three new starters in the secondary how crazy is that oh I you know Craig I oh Rick stad man you know one of the one of the things about journalism Sports journalism any is these guys you know they like to claim impartiality which I don’t like in particular I want my sports guys to be excited for the team and want to help the team and everything Rick strad is a I can’t remember Bears fan or something like that but anyhow when he broke that story about Antonio Brown and the whole not not getting the shot and faking his card and all that which he in turn got from a guy that Antonio Brown owed money to and the guy told Antonio Brown that he was going to go to the newspapers if Antonio Brown didn’t give him his money so it was kind of like a I wouldn’t say blackmail but it was a you know a threat and then Rick shroud wrote that piece of course Rick strad was really Pro you know get the shot and everything so I think he had a little bit of bias there against Antonio Brown for not getting a shot but then uh I I think it really really hurt our Super Bowl chances that year I mean we were this close with the Rams beating them you know and I think we would have had Antonio Brown and I think a lot of the Fallout with Bruce arens and Antonio Brown was due to that story but uh I think he Rick stad really hurt us but anyhow Rick strad is not a fan of the team he’s going to write and do anything he can to get clicks views so even if it means hurting the team I’m not a fan of that so I’m not a fan of Rick Shrout either me know me know that not real money gron I love dinosaurs crunch time for been love to the jet that’s hilarious gay stat section from Ralph you know I’m I’m glad I’m glad some people appreciated the humor behind Lamar Jackson is apparently lost about 10 pounds what’s up with Lamar Jackson why can’t he win in the playoffs is he gonna be another Tony [Music] run just collapses during the big game did y’all see that uh Chucky John Gruden you know the year before last he was a consultant with the Falcons right and then we come to find out last year he was a consultant with the Saints is that right or was it the Saints and the found but no yeah because you know him and Derek Carr for so you know Chucky Chucky’s mad at the glazers up there they’re mad at him too so he’s just going to make the rounds in the in NFC South trying to help all the other teams beat us hey what’s up Dylan how’s it going we we we just sitting here talking about the lack of Buccaneer news if you like puppies though this is a great place to be if you like puppies and Halo Madden the game oh man Tom I I I couldn’t listen to that I would try but I just couldn’t do it just couldn’t do she reminds me so much of that girl from Sex in the City that horseface girl uh just everything about her I think she’s really tried to model her uh her whole Persona around that Sarah Jessica Parker Carrie Bradshaw you you you think that Lamar Jackson’s an inconsistent passer oh I know ramp that’s if you did you read the ruling I read the ruling and it didn’t make any sense man I mean no sense it was it was two judges for one judge against and the the uh it just it was weird but it I wonder if it was that appell or was that Supreme Court in Nevada I wonder if it can keep going up hey just seems that way now with judges you just you know some of them are going to be leaning this way some are going to be leaning that way you’re going to get what you get and hopefully by the time you get to the top you get one leaning the way you want them to lean well tell I I’m right though right Tom Mr Ed oh you know I had to unfollow her Rampage because I just couldn’t deal with it anymore and the way she talks about the fans that’s what really gets me you know she’s always like finger wagging at the fans Lamar’s strength is Yolo I I don’t know I would have to disagree with you there I think that Lamar is a very good pocket passer I was I was very impressed watching game film of him two years ago when they they changed him from being a Pure Runner I thought it was going to be a disaster as it normally is but he was really good and he’s got he’s got very good field General presence kind of like pton Manning had and he and he does a lot of the stuff pton Manning does where he’ll try to confuse the defense and everything I I was I was impressed with it but we’ll see we’ll see it’s been two years of him not sitting in the pocket or him sitting in the pocket that is one hair s what former NFL quarterback did I used to call Mr ad oh man jorski what’s the pull it live what’s that lway that’s a good one yes 100% good good call Craig yeah jorski face is a little too round yeah L definitely got that oh Troy Eggman man Troy Eggman got oh face all day long he’s got huge hands too oh it was laway okay I you you could have said Troy Eggman Troy Eggman got all kinds of fa man he’s got face for days he’s very strange looking dude he’s got his proportions are not right in different places let’s see yeah John Elway Got Some Teeth man he could eat corn on the cop to a picking fence with them look at that yeah he does have some teeth good grief he looks like Gary Bucy talk about a crazy guy Gary buy man he is insane I think Elway might be a little insane too what are they doing over there what have they been doing over there they got lucky with Manning it seems like and then ever since then it’s just been a a horrible decision making I I could see it I could see Mr Ed yeah he’s got some Choppers man you don’t like Aman Rampage oh uh talk about Jenna Lane she’s a the reporter for what is she Sports Illustrated now Paxon Lynch yeah remember that one they’ve had some doozies [Music] man really I always thought Troy Amman was just kind of chill Tim TBO yeah oh yeah yeah that’s right ESPN you’re right out who was it that went to sports illustrator that was it’s that Greg Alman was Kaepernick now see I I didn’t think I thought he was like kind of a pro the Jets going over the stadium Rampage or maybe not but I I I didn’t feel like he was being kind of like derogatory towards America you know if that’s what you’re saying because I think a lot of people got upset about that I was just like me dud new yeah Greg almond went Fox yeah yeah you’re right you’re right who went the sports illustrator JC Allen right not really at the same level of Jenna Lane and Greg Alman but I knew there was somebody the winner yeah he’s got Troy Troy eggman’s really disproportionate dis proportionately large in the number of areas like his ears and his jaw and his hands so he might be disproportionately large in other areas too that I don’t want to speculate on that would make him a ladies man oh I can’t stand Chris Collins he’s the one that just Gres on me Ain and Joe bug don’t bother me you know they’re blah who I really like is Greg Olen and again that was totally surprising I remember watching him on Hard Knocks and he was such a jerk I he was out there yelling at his kids they were playing neighborhood football and he was like yelling at all the kids in the neighborhood and then uh uh they announced he was going to be an announcer I was like oh he’s going to bomb horribly and he was really good he’s like my favorite announcer I I always wanted Rond de Barber to get better at it I thought he’d be good but he just didn’t have the chops for it oh is that what they said Rampage okay I’m G have to go back and listen to it well then yeah I don’t like him either yeah he is kind of a deie downer though you’re right Jim MK lives off 7-Eleven pieces and beer I haven’t eat 7-Eleven food in a long time man yeah yeah I can’t stand that Rampage well I got really mad at John guden when he did that with the the refs where the scab refs that came in oh my gosh did he couch faint about that stuff talking about players are going to get hurt and all that stuff I was like man this is the one time for us to really stick it to the refs you know and instead John guden helped the NFL give them a free reign over everything you like Collinsworth Tom Troy Aman Jay-Z photos no what I can’t stand Chris Collin thank you MK yeah I used to eat 7-Eleven all the time too I was doing construction and stuff man you just pop in real quick grab a bite to eat move on to the next side yeah we get to hear Tom this year yeah yeah he bumped Greg Olson uh down to second second string broadcaster so that’ll be fun yeah the refs suck and we had the opportunity you know when they held out their collective bargaining agreement Fiasco and then we brought the scab refs in I was like just let the SC just let the scab reps take over but no everybody got all pissy about it and then they ended up giving the refs everything they wanted now they’re [ __ ] of the Walk world famous actors called horse face I wouldn’t say it’s good Craig but like MK said it’s uh it’s reliable and affordable yeah I think Tom will be good I think it’s G to be very interesting very interesting I I want to see some I want to hear some insights and leaking some information about the Buccaneers or Patriots and coaches and stuff like that owners I I think he’s gonna do pretty good Jim we should we should take bets on that oh my gosh okay I’m I’m gonna google that time right now Detroit aan JZ oh look popped right up holy that’s the same person is that [Music] doctor Jay-Z’s got a little bit water now and he’s got more more of a a thing right here under his eye other than that man they could be brothers wow huh that’s wow there you go guys that’s Choy Amman on the left and Jay-Z on the right in case you didn’t know yeah very very similar facial features ears are different though of course they skin but yeah Jay-Z’s nose is a tad bit wider and he’s got that that like skin thing over his eyes their eyes are offset a little bit different too but still they could definitely be brothers what were the other photos [Laughter] oh this one’s [Laughter] funny that’s hilarious they both wear the same plastic surger Al Bundy that is the worst typo you could ever make [Laughter] right I was at first I was like man Al really likes Jay-Z yeah Tom Brady might do the same thing he might get on there and just be totally boring just like Roger stack last time gosh I loved Roger staback man he’s he was so cool Eyes by eyes in the back of his head he was the original yeah okay we we’re going to be coming down there for the Raiders game is I think what we we are settling on and uh we’re definitely gonna have to meet up man Bundy how I gotta put that on [Laughter] screen oh that’s [Music] great uh that’s hilarious Al got a man crush on [Music] Jay-Z JayZ with [Laughter] hair uh yeah we’ll definitely get lunch dinner before the game maybe after the game don’t I see when the game what time the game is going to be if it gets flexed I might be a little Tipsy to go out to eat afterwards I don’t know we’ll see Al that was the best man that made my day right there oh that yeah okay that would make sense why you liked Collinsworth then because he he talked about how great Brady was for 20 years now it’s Patrick Ms he’s moved on to another boy you going to get some 7eleven pizza Craig all right brother I’ll hit you up about that Forum too whenever I get it figured out it’ll be the next couple days yeah we might do that Rampage just get all drunk go to 7-Eleven it is crazy how much they look like later Craig yeah I think I’m about to get off of here to what is it 7:58 get off in a couple minutes give me some dinner wish I had a beer okay Tom are you going you GNA meet up with us I gotta I gotta get a list of everybody that’s going to be there oh that your appearance fee that’s right we’ll give we’ll give you the the Uber Fair how about that I took I took a uber this weekend told you Saturday night went to a friend of mine drinking the whiskey and stuff so always take a uber from his house but I went for the they they they have tears now there’s like uh economy and then there’s like the medium and then there’s like stretch your legs and then there’s like the the hot class I don’t know if it’s a limousine whatever so I went with the like comfortable one because the last time I wrote in one it was a oh it was a it was an El car and it was about the size of a shoe box and I was riding in the back seat and I could literally feel the tire and the tire was about this big on that thing I can’t remember what type of car it was but I did not like that ride so I said okay this time I’m going to get a more comfortable ride and it was okay but it was what I used to get with Uber you know used to it Uber you just get whatever came your way now they got tears but it was one of those cars that the engine cuts off at the stop light and when you stop the engine cuts off man it just annoys me I’m sitting there in the back seat andine keeps cutting off starting back up cutting off starting back up man ow you should hook up with us man come down we’re gonna go to the Raiders game just drive down there that’s what we’re going to do I don’t think we’re going to fly I think we’re going to drive it’s like 10 hours let me see how many hours is it yep 10 hours 10 hours and 20 minutes to get to Raymond James Stadium it’s not bad yeah that’s probably what we’re going to do just make a uh make a little vacation road trip oh you got a long way to go Rampage but you you’re going to be there for a while man you you you got me thinking about doing all that stuff too I know my daughter would love it go to Universal Studios and SeaWorld and stuff cool Tom is the designated driver you know what’s going to happen we’re gonna get to drink and you’re going to be cracking me up so much I’m probably gonna throw up yeah last game me and Molly went to was I think five years ago might have been four too long too long ago Al you just you just made all that money today better you better you better spring you should be buying us tickets that’s a long drive Rampage you’ll break it up in like two or three days Tom I keep thinking you’re in West Virginia still yeah you definitely be there what’s up Joe you’re just in time for me to get off here I said I was getting off at 8 ran over a few minutes how you doing man oh you’re gonna get up early and just drive through huh that’s probably what I’ll do too he said hi bye I know you tell me that every time and I’m like man I thought I I forget you ain’t in West Virginia more West B goly Virginia why can’t you drive more than three hours at a time you just get bored yeah look here’s Tom fan but Joe I do appreciate it man I do appreciate it yeah man we’re going to be getting a forum going on the website and setting up a Discord server too so we can all just whenever whenever you can drop in Joe you you can drop in and say hi in the Forum or Discord or whatever I’m I’m anxious for football to start making some news so we can get on here every night again although although I think this year oh gosh the the all 22 comes out on Tuesdays and that’s when we start doing our breakdowns [Music] yes because we got we got bible study on Tuesday nights I’m just think I just might have to miss it again this year oh well Romeo hey except Romero I was calling you Tom Romero I know okay we’re gonna we’re definitely GNA have some by when we when we come down to the game I’m going to be wearing a Buccaneers Observer shirt try to get some for everybody who wants some and then uh uh we’re GNA we’re going to have some here on the uh YouTube you know down at the bottom is they it used to be I couldn’t do it because you had to have 5,000 subscribers or something like that but now I just look today and I’m eligible for it so yes get that stuff designed up and everything things are starting to calm down here in the house a little bit so trying to trying to get more stuff done I got my my new computer parts ordered I’m excited about that so I’ll be able to get more stuff done Madden trailer breakdown on June 11th yeah that was great last year Joe okay you want a shirt with my face on it yeah yeah Tom I thought that too because ever since that he just kind of disappeared it might it might be he just hasn’t hasn’t uh been able to catch us live and normally he does Tom Tom’s black marketing bucaneer Observer shirts for 20 bucks see Joe’s such a good guy man he supports everybody if y’all got ideas for uh church and stuff that you’d like send me an email I’ve got a few ideas you know definitely the logo and stuff like that I like things on the sleeve so you do the booking obser thing on the sleeve but uh I know somebody else wanted I think it was Rampage you said you wanted the the Cannons with the skull from that intro video I don’t know if I can license it license it now I think computer report has got it don’t know but I’m still trying to figure that one out but yeah whatever you’re interested in let me know shoot me an email let me know the telescope ideal that’s right no Rampage no luck finding any college film I gave up after the draft but I did write it down to do uh for the next year to try and figure out how to get it I gotta get with the real Buck talks guys I mean they seem to have a pretty good stash of College [Music] film we could do that Joe spy glass yeah Tom you cracked me up man see I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to drink around you you you gonna have me laughing too hard Ryder mcconville write that down all right is that his YouTube or his Twitter there a name like mcconville gotta be careful when I reach out to him you called man big loveing S it a Raiders fan that name sounds familiar yeah I am Joe thanks for noticing it it’s just like a like a head cold deal chest head throat throat’s really been sore okay I will I am a binge Drinker you you can ask Molly that I don’t I don’t play around this ain’t a game but yeah if any of y’all if you ever think of any ideas or anything don’t feel free to send me an email I’ll get I’ll get one MK is an enabler I’m an enabler for Mk we both enable each other we’re codependent but yeah if y’all if y’all have any ideas for the the show or some merchandise idea t-shirt design stuff like that man feel free to hit me up hopefully hopefully here soon I’m going to have time to uh really start working on this stuff pretty heavy I’ve got I’ve got like two maybe three more projects I got to get knocked out before I can really focus on the Buccaneers of Observer but it’s getting it’s coming soon I still I still love this picture what do we call this Troy Z or Jay [Music] aan that’s hilarious uh I could do all of it Rampage I think definitely want to get hoodies posters that’s a good idea never thought about that yeah that happened to me a couple times two time uh my dad I had stashed a bunch of bottles of alcohol in my hands and my my dad’s dad was an alcoholic and I somehow come into a bunch of a bunch of bottles of alcohol and I hit them in my room and you know used to have the big stereo cabinet speakers where you could take the face off of them had a whole bunch of room in there put them in there somehow my dad found them and he made me pour them all out of course I got to beaten on my life but yeah he had he sat there and made me pour them all down the sink I don’t I don’t even remember I didn’t drink a whole lot in high cool I don’t know how I got those bottles of alcohol action figures that’s funny Jake man that would be hilarious we could do we could do all you guys’ characters man that’d be great I I I’ll ask everybody who they want to be as like a character model you after but I will have final say Rampage every time I think of your you I think of a that big gorilla from that movie Rampage with Dwayne dck Johnson The Jake man Jay aan the official announcer Buck CH oh God that just cracks me up man I just don’t get it Jake man I like that Jake man come to steal your women uh Molly in a war I I’ll have to ask her about that I heard I heard the going rates of cheeseburger though so you might be overpaying there Tom yeah we got to get it MK Al the professor Bundy when you press this button it’s got to be like I was I was a star in high school football whatever it was Al Bundy said had seven touchdowns in one game Heart Of The Bay action figure these are great ideas oh Molly still isn’t it everybody I have the best wife ever she’s so [Laughter] awesome Thomas scared scared of Molly all right guys I gotta get off here my voice is about shot anyhow okay so the news we covered let’s go over it again uh Tristan Worth’s holding out voluntary otaa just contract situations no big deal uh is he going to get a very large contract I do think so Patrick lar has gone to the Bears we waved him D Delan has gone to the Buffalo Bills and we signed Ernest Brown I fourth defensive end from the Los Angeles Rams 6’5 270 pound defensive end he’s only had 192 snaps in two years so he’s kind of fresh it’d be interesting we’re we’re stacking up players man stacking up M Watcher that’s that is true me like uh Jay and Silent Bob man that was me I just love sitting in Mall Rats yeah benching the cigarettes me and my grandma you think he’s a camp body now you don’t think he’s going to make it I’m going to have to look at some tape on him see see what I can see all right I got to get off here guys y’all always keep me on here too H I gotta get something to eat we will if there’s no breaking news this week which there probably won’t be uh we’ll see you next week Wednesday all right so yall have a good one and uh till next time go Bucks [Music]

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