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I Shot 67 In A Professional Tournament! | Where are the haters now??

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guys welcome to day 13 many of you thought after Myrtle Beach said I was uh not going to play any more professional tournament that I just thrown in the towel not even close I am back I’m out here at aboa my League tour one day event you got to go load to win and one thing about today my mindset and everything has shifted over the last 3 months I win or lose shoot 80 shoot 70 whatever the score I have a process that I’ve built in and I’m going to follow that process religiously today so this to me is about learning how to play golf so let’s get right into it um thanks for being here thanks for subscribing to the channel if you haven’t yet we are on our way to 550,000 um let’s get to the first T I love you guys [Music] thanks have a good afternoon well well well a lot of you guys thought that I was done after Myrtle Beach that I had hung up the clubs from the comp competition now ask real you got another thing coming if you think I’m going to quit I am excited to be here today there is one thing that I feel slightly disappointed about and that is the fact that when I showed up on the range today I hit great warm up with the irons everything felt fantastic um go to hit a few drivers and uh my driver cracked so I’m playing a 7200 yd golf course today with a two iron off the tea primarily I got a fivewood but my two iron goes farther than my fivewood so you know what today is a day of just locking in focusing up and uh hitting greens and just kind of seeing what happens it’s going to be a test of patience and endurance and I am excited for it I’ve never done this I’ve never played a tournament with a two iron so here we go perfect seven iron into the first 184 yards thanks yeah that was a nice strike think it’s perfectly pin High birdie put on first thanks man you too all right we are off and running with a four on the first to earn off fa te listen in order to celebrate this week’s PGH Championship I am giving away this beautiful tailor made staff bag all you have to do subscribe to my channel subscribe to tailor Ma’s Channel and drop a comment and you will be entered to win this beautiful bag let’s get back to today’s [Music] video 450 part 4 and I got te in in hand that’s just special I’m going to try to draw it off these bunkers all right come on darling probably in that ground under repair nice drop there t great drop I’ve been practicing my drops and that was a really good one I was inside the ground under repair so I get to take a drop 200 yards I’m going to a slow downwind I’m going to play a little less less I’m going to go like 195 I’m just going to aim 10 ft 20 ft right of the pin kind of send it up in the here be good go in thanks dance for me darling as I said in the intro I touched on it briefly but working with Scott faett I’m I’m trying to not see pin so right there I had a my aim point was about 20 it was about 15 ft left of the pin I was was playing very aggressively to that spot but the thing is is like best players in the world have a dispersion and they move that dispersion around on the greens and their targets based off of like they know they can hit it inside of that pattern and for me that was the right side of my pattern it was a it was actually not the exact shot that I was trying to hit it worked out great but it was in my pattern which feels really good and I think that’s one thing that I’m really working on today is understanding shot pattern cuz I’ve been working on it on the simulator and just moving that around not seeing pins and just hitting targets and that one worked out really nicely that’s a bad birdie there’s no such thing as a bad birdie 18% off click Link in the description use the code Mike 18 get the best looking app in the game [Music] thanks God I’m glad I got that t-shot out of the way that thing I hate this t-shot 114 I’m going to play about 120 cuz I think it’s going to spin quite a bit but it’s also into the wind so I think it’s playing four four yards of wind I’m going to play for 6 ft of spin well there’s the spin I was looking for but I could not get myself to aim at that pin which is probably fine I probably shouldn’t statistically speaking but it’s not like this is a t Tour event or something it’s not the mytle beach Q gave that one a around thanks committed baby process process process Focus process [Music] it it can’t aim at that PIN for me it’s a little bit longer of my spot but it’s exactly where I was aiming sorry about that brother probably about 40 I think it’s about 40 ft but I’m going to try to play it more around 35 go take that from 40 ft great line great speed very committed fix a divot make a birdie all right another power in the books one under two [Music] three get under that tree come on need a big old bounce on that one could be fine all right 98 I’m going to play it actually I’m going to play it about the number sit standing I mean I was fully committed to that shot but I was worried about it being long for some reason wonder if it was more downwind than I thought hit a great I hit a committed shot but I wasn’t expecting it to go that long I’m actually gonna putt this just got to get it to the kind of Bounce It to the front of the green and then should roll out from there it’s going to go a little left bouncy bouncy bouncy feels good to get out there with that one kind of hit a clunky little shot through the the grass there and got [Music] lucky if you’re not going to hit it left you better hit it right hit it wind that carry that bunker short of it oh perfect I surpris that wind’s moving right here how did that not draw a little bit 112 I’m going to Plate about the number and I think it’s going to spin [Laughter] that’s perfectly pin high youall like that thanks that’s another bad birdie 18% off gets you best looking pair on the game [Music] all right two iron here right between them bunkers I’m going to admire that one for a second thanks love to see that all right recalibrating here cuz I switch clubs I uh have 135 but I’m I’m playing this closer to 145 cuz it’s just straight into the fan I’m hitting nine iron right at the left edge of this bunker on the right thanks or 6 ft left it was right inside my shot pattern though and that’s the I was just doing the calculations in my head and if I hit a perfect pitching wedge the average is 141 so plus or minus three or four or five probably a safer bet for me if I hit it 135 in the air it’s in the water so then my calculation is okay I got to up that bike I got to up that low number by 140 so that’s why I switch to nine choke down full swing thanks hey that’s another bad birdie 18% off little three piece checking in two holes left on the front let’s finish dra [Music] come on give me a feel like it was long see it bounce you’re kidding well I hit a I hit a very committed shot and uh it ended up it ended up long so I’m going to try to just get give myself a putt here get this about 15 yards just on land it right on top of the hill and let it skip through [Music] it stay on the green wow that was fast go all right good confidence stroke here that was certainly an unfortunate break off the tea once again I I I don’t feel upset I hit a great t- shot and just kind of had to take my medicine after that but one under one hole left on the front line I’m staying locked in right where I want to be [Music] thanks I made sure just do a little mental reshet there playing golf that’s going to happen you can’t let it derail you in the past that has derailed me when that happened like I was three under obviously I’m rolling and then you make something like that need to stay focused I really I put a great swing on that I think I’m just right of the Fairway and uh no I think I’m in the Fairway but great place to be here 152 I’m going 2in choked down 8 iron playing at one closer to like 168 one no 158 yeah this is good wow I was committed it’s a little short but I was very committed all right nice committed shot just wrong yardage it’s just ever so slightly short not a big deal all right let’s get out of here with the par and move on thanks one under on the front n really solid for me # can’t break 80 that’s for the haters I mean I did it on nine holes so got to give him something to trip about just a little something to free up feed on all the crumb I I throw the crumbs down and they just like nibble on them wow that was absolutely launched that’s big boy two iron right there all right here we go 243 finally uh get a par five here going playing downwind I’m hitting just a just a firm 4 choke down about a/2 in try to get it up in the air I’m going to hit it just right at the pin and hit a little draw and it should just be volumptuous that’s the word of the day kind of bail on it soft give me a putt yeah I’d move basically like I moved my my target like the center of my target was 15 ft right of the pin so so that means with a 4arm dispersion basically I think it’s like 45 ft so that was to the right side of my target which or Target shot pattern which means that’s a really really good golf shot you got to stop quantifying golf shots based off of how close they are to the hole and when time when tiger was playing the US Open he hit he played a brown he shot like 64 or something or whatever and the the reporters were asking him what was the best shot he hit all day he knew immediately and it was the shot that he hit on a par three and he hit it 45 to 50 ft right of the pin and he was like that’s the best shot I hit all day because he hit it exactly where he was looking there’s a lot of shots he hit closer but they were not he wasn’t trying to hit them close settle settle nice good good good good good good [Music] thanks all right another Birdie on the card a bad birdie here right at that red that red steak commit good thought process here get past that tree get past it hit it it’ss right behind it that’s going to be hilarious all right here we go lock in 106 106 I want to hit this a little long cuz it’s going to spin back so one okay I like this I like this a lot holy crap T that was just a bad thought all right had a little rules problem there with a a ball so we took a little time extra time there but man to get out there with my car oh home great up and down there for me got to be proud of myself got to be proud of you guys for sticking around if you Haven subscribed to the channel yet go ahead and do that two under through 11 holes on the hole number [Music] 12 this is a long one make do you got to stick to the process here Bel on it but it should be okay got a little bit of a little bit of a art piece that has to happen here um 19 194 I’m gonna play it up to about 205 I got five iron I’m just trying to hit a little fade kind of anything coming down left side of the green would be kind of Ideal oh my God you are absolutely kidding that’s poetry in motion right there folks that is your best shot of the year [Music] thanks that is unreal glad the hole found [Music] it all right 175 playing to 189 I’m going to hit this ball like one I’m going to try to hit it 195 thanks I got to admit that was disgusting thanks how’s the time T this is where this is like where the rubber meets the road can you can you do it finish stay in the present Hole by hole shot by shot let’s [Music] go stay Just Right of it it’s a long hole without a driver just left left of the Fairway 158 I’m going to play this into the wind I feel like it’s been adding about seven so I’m going to play this 165 166 I got eight iron I’m choking down one inch just want to put a good swing on it oh this is a nice shot though ra y it might look average but that’s a great shot like that is right where I was looking I did you can’t flirt left cuz if anything comes down too if anything comes down left of that pin you can’t like you can’t putt it even if it’s on the green so it may look average but that was a very successful golf shot nice [Music] one in choke down seven iron here thanks yeah that almost hit that bird good job there huh beautiful strike yeah that was I think the grain totally held that cuz I thought for sure that it would move a little bit to the left but I hit a great [Music] pot right at that right bunker with a drill carry it that in it short short oh sweet didn’t hit that very good all right 141 I’m going to play this down about like I said it’s into and and down has been playing Seven about 7even so I’m going 130 thinking 136 probably you like that oh that’s a great shot perfectly pin High you see my the footwork I’ve got going on these last couple swings I mean I’m I’m committing to every shot but staying in the present and it’s learning how to do that is difficult but I’m I’m doing it right now and I love it I’m going to keep doing it right now [Music] just a pace issue on that first putt I hit I hit it through the window of speed for a 7 foot putt maybe a little adrenaline so I just need to like just mental check there totally fine onto the second to last hole four and a par we got a par five here [Music] it’s a hyp safe play with a two AR see do I try to hit a cut for AR or should I just hit a draw like a low hook hit a yeah yeah I’m glad that I did that that was amazing that was way more than trying to move it to the right way better than trying to move it to the righte we got get I know get in get in get in mosquitoes bro we literally just ran into a mosquito Nest I think that was ridiculous I didn’t even know that was a thing I know me neither this is 108 straight into probably a little adrenaline so I probably want to go maybe 115 yep I’ll take that I think it’s a little short but I wanted to be a little short cuz long of that gets really disgusting I shouldn’t have moved it dang it [Music] [Applause] yeah I know thanks where’d it go good all right one I’m trying to hit this 170 um perfect a iron let finish strong here let’s go [Laughter] H thanks hey yeah job let’s play against you ready just post round yeah guys that’s it 467 T4 # K can’t break 80 let him talk baby see you guys tomorrow [Music]


  1. I don’t follow the channel super closely, but it makes sense you scored better with 2iron and longer approaches based on your track man episode! Your mid irons SG is way better than your wedges! Nice job

  2. Legit doesn’t matter what u shoot now. The fact u made the title and video ab the “haters” proves they already won. They live rent free in your head 24/7. Tough look lil man

  3. Awesome video. Just one note. Not sure if your cameraman is regarded as your caddy or not? On the 17th you were deliberating your shot whether you should it a fade or try and hook it. Your cameraman suggested you hit a 5 iron to take water out of play. Is this not regarded as outside assistance? Just looking out for you in the future, would not want you to be disqualified. Again awesome video and you played really well. Keep up the good work.

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