Golf Players

This is my Pickleball Grip Set Up (Hesacore + UDrippin Overgrip)

This is my absolute favorite pickleball grip combo: Hesacore + UDrippin. Trust me, it is LETHAL. The amount of control, manueverability, and touch you are able to get with this is beyond any other set up I’ve tried. Seriously, try this set up on YOUR paddle, and let me know what you think.

This is my favorite set up:
Hesacore Grip:
UDrippin Overgrip:
Use Code: EDJU to save 10%

Honorable Overgrip Mentions:
Wilson Perforated Overgrip:
PB Effect Overgrip:
Gamma Overgrip:
Bodhi Overgrip:

Other Pickleball Gear I’m using right now:

0:00 Intro
0:34 Blue (gel) – Best for Tennis Elbow
1:01 Black (carbon) – Best for Responsiveness
1:43 White (balance) – Best for Overall
2:38 Pink (extra thin) – My Favorite
4:55 When you should Rotate Your Grip
6:53 Wiggle Down the Grip
8:05 Which Overgrip is my FAVORITE
9:58 Why I love the uDrippin Overgrips



all right so I get asked this question on a daily basis so I figured I just make a video to answer all your questions about which has a core grip to use should you use the black one do you use the white one what about the blue one do you use elongated what size what overgrips do you use over it I’m going to answer everything right here in this 5minute video so first off the color of the hore grip refers to the thickness of the grip so I’m going to explain what different thicknesses have to do with with the Comfort level and the feel of the hore on the very far end of the spectrum this is the blue one this is the gel this is their thickest one thicker grips provide more shock absorption so this is going to be the most comfortable if you have tennis elbow or you have wrist issues you typically want a grip or a paddle that absorbs the shock of the ball for you so it doesn’t go into your elbows or your wrist this is the one for you if you have those issues all right so for the next one we have their black one known as the carbon this is their firmest one their stiffest one this one provides you the biggest Ridges of the grip so these ridges are a bit more pronounced with the black one and these are good if you really want to feel each bevel each raised groove of your grip this one I recommend for players who maybe want a bit more uh feedback and a bit more solidity of their paddle This one is the hardest one to install I don’t recommend this for most players because one it’s really hard to install and two it’s just a bit stiff and hard and not as comfortable as the other ones all right so the next one we have is the white one this is kind of like the allaround balanced one this is their second thinnest model and this was the only one that comes in either elongated or standard shape this one I have in my hand is their elong ated one so if you have a paddle that has a really long handle like the Luxe this one right here will fill your entire paddle from the the bottom of the hilt all the way to top part right here so that there’s not going to be a gap right here now this typically doesn’t matter for most players but if you have a two-handed backand the elongated one might feel the best for you because you have all this hexagon from bottom to top here this one is their second thinnest one and I would say if you want something that’s just kind of more allaround Comfort the white one is going to be the best one for you this is quite easy to install all right and the last one is the pink one this one is their thinnest one meaning this rubber right here is thinner than the white one this is the one that I personally use and Pros like Jia and Thomas Wilson also use this pink one the reason why the pink one is nice is because of how thin it is and because it’s thinner if you look at my hand here my hand doesn’t can come over it a little bit more which provides a little bit more wrist action and a little bit more maneuverability to my paddle it just provides a slight Contour to your grip so this is the least aggressive model out of all of them blue one for comfort and shock absorption pink one for thinness and wrist action which brings me to the next point is how do you put this dang thing on your paddle I’ve seen a lot of people do it different ways and I actually found out the easiest way when you get your box you open it up you will see these little tabs right here okay toss these away I found out an easier way to put it on it’s going to tell you the instructions but trust me on this this is going to be way easier to set up your paddle so what you’re going to do is you’re going to get a glass of warm water here it doesn’t need to be boiling hot or anything but stick that thing in warm water okay don’t make the mistake of using boiling water I did that one time and it’s straight up melted my hore grip and I was sad so you’re just going to let that soak for like 5 Seconds just so that it gets all warm and then you’re just going to dry the outside here the inside of the grip has nice warm water in it and now you could slip this really easily I’m going to put this top part in so this was that easy so you can slip your uh grip over your paddle really easily using this method it does make it a little bit wet don’t worry though that’s why I have this little paper towel is I’m just going to Pat it down dry no this does not ruin your paddle don’t worry there’s still a little bit of water inside and now here’s a really interesting interesting thing that you can do because it’s a little bit lubricated inside now what you can do is you could actually tailor your grip so what I mean by that is if you have a very aggressive Continental grip say you hold your paddle like this here okay if you hold your paddle like this here the hore grip isn’t going to feel that great to you because look at my fingers they’re not lined up to the cond Ts that well but this is where you can adjust it you could rotate this grip now while it’s still lubricated and you could rotate it maybe 90° if you want to so now I have it rotated so it’s slightly off and here use a closeup look here so now if I’m using a very Continental grip boom my thumb fits this big hole here that’s a weird word that it fits that hexagon really really well now so now in my Continental grip it’s just so easy to do I’m not saying like Okay y everybody should be rotating their hore grip I’m just saying if you didn’t like hore in the past it might be because you have a unique grip that actually might need adjustments of this grip here so that’s why I recommend using the edju warm water method and lubricate your grip first and then put it on so you could put it on and then find that grip that you like for me mine is is kind of uh basically the standard but slightly shifted I slightly it’s a baby baby baby slightly shift and this is the one this is the one that I like for 99% of you out there the standard straight method is going to feel just fine for you okay another thing to note is I like to have my hore bottom here because since I’ve adopted the jme low grip method I hold my paddle like here now with my pinky hanging down one of my Instagram followers said uh oh I like your Spider-Man grip I love that I’m going to call this the Spider-Man grip now but anyways because I like holding my paddle really low this top part doesn’t really matter to me too much so I don’t really care about this top part I just care about this bottom part so I’m actually going to shift that grip down so I’m going to wiggle it down adjust it and I’m going to make this rubber part line up to the very bottom of the hilt after you have this you need an overgrip please do not play pickle ball with your hore like this you’re going to chafe your hands because this is not meant to be played with you need an overgrip and this is the next part of the video guys I have tried so many many overgrips if you think of an overgrip I have probably tried it and if I haven’t send me one and I will try it but I finally found my favorite one and it is the you drippin overgrip okay so before I talk about that one I will give some honorable mentions to my other favorite grips this is the Wilson perforated one what I really like about these ones is how thin they are and I love that perforated texture because it adds just a level of touch for me a bit pricey but I like them the pickle ball Effect one um shout out to Brandon for uh sending me these um they’re quite nice I like them a lot they have really fun colors um and they are high quality they’re thick not my personal favorite of being thick overgrips I like thin but these are decent very very decent fun colors gamma gamma provide I think I got like a pack of like 50 of these on Amazon they aren’t very tacky which was my kind of thing I didn’t like about them they felt a little bit I want to say chalky but that’s not the right word it’s just not as tacky but I did get like 40 of them for like 30 bucks so they were Dirt Cheap running up is the Bodi pickle ball grips these are my second favorite overgrips I’ll show you what it looks like that side is wrapped with plastic this side is wrapped with plastic these ones are a little bit thicker than the U drippin which I’m going to talk about next it’s not as tacky as the U drippin and it doesn’t have texture to it so it’s very very smooth I’ll give you a closeup here it’s also not super stretchy and elasticity of the overgrip is very important to me because if an overgrip is elastic allows me to pull Tighter and when I’m playing it feels it feels like I have a bit more sensation on my paddle I’ll explain that in a little bit here and in first place is the U drippin overgrip I actually ran out of the white ones I have a box coming in soon I recommend their white one which is going to look like this one here I’m not allowed to show this paddle yet so I’m going to try to cover it all right no one can see that paddle right okay you can see the grip there this grip is very tacky it is very stretchy and number three it is the longest Las overgrip that I’ve used so I don’t have to change this out very often I love love love love the texture of this overgrip it’s so subtle but it reminds me of that Wilson overgrip that I really like but let me give you a closeup here it has these little tiny I don’t know what to call it but there’s some slight texture as opposed to the B overgrips which is just completely smooth but this slight texture just makes me feel way more connected to my paddle I don’t know why or how I’m explaining that but I really really like these U drip and overgrips these are my favorite ones so these are the ones I’m going to be using for all my paddles from now on I’ll do one real quick uh tutorial on how to overgrip it hope you enjoyed that hope that answered some questions if you have more questions comment below I won’t get mad at you I’ll answer them see you guys next [Music] time


  1. I would dry out the inside so the grip stays in place. Spray hairspray onto handle to lubricate and it will dry sticky

  2. Does the pink XS grip come in the “Padel” box instead of a “pickleball” box? Just ordered two pickleball and they came in padel boxes.

  3. Hi Ed, been using TornaGrip (blue) overgrip forever for its tackyness and sweat absorption. How do you think it would be with the Hexacore?

  4. Did you put it over the original grip the paddle came with ? The instructions seem to indicate that u need to remove the stock grip to the wood and clean the glue. Did you do that? Thanks

  5. Ed, you mention the continental grip you use on the hesacore grip, can you move to an eastern forehand grip and still be in grooves, or are you always using the continental grip.

  6. so, do you have to use a hesacore or grip and overgrip or can you just change the grip, sorry for the newbie question..

  7. commenting to see if i can get some help on this, i bought the udrippin grip in red to match my ruby. great grip btw, very tacky and long lasting as advertised. one big problems though it leaves stains all over the original grip and onto the throat of the paddle. Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this/or has a resolution.

  8. My paddles handle seems so much shorter than the M white hessacore grip I have. Makes me nervous to attempt to put it on. Will I have a ton of overhang??

  9. The UDrippin grip on the hidden paddle – there's no Hesacore under that, is there? If there is, I can't see it, and if I can't see it, I don't think I could feel it. I wouldn't want an overgrip that keeps me from seeing/feeling the Hesacore…

  10. A friend with elbow pain recommended the hesacore grip. I’m trying it on 2 paddles, Volair Mach 2 Forza & Bread & Butter Filth. I’m enjoying the experience & discovering new things. The gel grip, reduces vibration, holding the paddle with a lighter grip & changing the balance point (making top heavy paddles more middle balanced). If you suffer from elbow strain, you must try & feel the difference.

  11. Ed, love your videos – Have you tried the razor thin ADV MaxTac overgrip? I like it because of its thinness and excellent tackiness given how much I sweat here in Florida. The durability is on par with the Tourna Mega Tac and equally tacky. ~Cheers

  12. @Ed Ju – Sorry if this has already been answered but I was wanting to know if I have a 5.5 inch handle that I generally like to overgrip a little higher than stock to give space for the 2-handed backhand, would you recommend the the normal hesacore grip or the elongated version??

  13. Are you saying the overgrip goes over the hex grip? Can’t just go with the hex grip or they work well together ? Thanks for the great videos !!!

  14. Hey Ed, you told us you use the Udrippin and I started to as well and love them, but the ones I got (with your discount code, thanks!) don't have the "little texture thingys" you mention in the video. I got the pro tours. I can see you're not using the Udrippin Dry Grips just from the appearance and stretchiness, but are you using the Udrippin Pro Tour Grips or the Comfort Tour grips? Knowing that would be a big help and you might want to mention it in any future video. Thanksagain!

  15. Yoo so why would you get a hesacore grip if you are going to cover it up? I'm new to pickleball so I don't really understand this haha

  16. Wow so glad I saw this ! I couldn’t figure out how to put this tour grip on my paddle and thought i would ne here all night 😭 thank you ! For the warm water trick ! Genius !!

  17. Thank you that was super helpful. I just installed the white Hesacore and am using a Wilson overgrip until my uDrippin ones arrive next week. Thanks for the discount code! I only wish shipping was faster. I'm so excited to play!

  18. Thank you so much for recommending Hesacore grips. We bought them and used your water method. It's easy…kinda. We used your hot water method. My son is a paraplegic wheelchair athlete and he has really strong hands. Your content is amazing. Thanks again.

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