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Lakers reportedly see JJ Redick with Pat Riley-level potential amid HC buzz | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Skip Bayless, Rachel Nichols and Keyshawn Johnson react to a report of the Los Angeles Lakers believing JJ Redick has Pat Riley-level potential amidst the team’s head coach and LeBron James buzz.

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Lakers reportedly see JJ Redick with Pat Riley-level potential amid HC buzz | NBA | UNDISPUTED


your reaction to this report I mean things can change right they don’t have to people change their mind all the time now what I heard is that he wasn’t the front runner so to speak but that could change you know people drop out people say all sorts of things that was a couple weeks ago now as far as the Pat Riley comparisons okay they both played in the NBA it’s good it is they both wear nice suits they got nice hair that’s a comparison okay all right they both have been in the broadcasting space that’s a comparison here’s the difference when he decided Pat R is I’m a coach he coached from the sideline on the bench as an assistant in 79 okay in 80 and then in 81 he eventually got the head coaching job as the Lakers head coach and went on obviously showtime and won JJ reck has not coached on the sideline at at this level at any level well College he hasn’t but he may have helped with high school or something alone I don’t know but that’s why I said at this level yeah it’s going to be very difficult to get me to buy in that the type of success that you’re looking for from a Lakers standpoint as Byron Scott I had on my podcast yesterday said Lakers are about Championship winning it’s not about five years from now it’s about right now and then the next year and then we’ll see where we go from there and so on and so on if you just think about the history of the Lakers going all the way back to when they inserted Pat Riley in the lineup Paul West Paul just had won a a uh NBA title did and then they said okay the next year let’s take a look and they said okay it doesn’t work coaches that have zero experience on the bench that have gone to become NBA head coaches fail on their first try round they do okay you can look at Jason kid in Brooklyn that wasn’t great Milwaukee wasn’t great then eventually he got on the bench and then just now look at him in Dallas so I don’t know Rachel if this is I I mean I don’t I don’t know what the Lakers are doing I would think maybe they waiting on Sam Cel to get this over with in Boston before they go ahead and could be and say okay he’s our guy I it you know they can be playing that game as well I just don’t I don’t know if it’s the right thing I just don’t well real quick the only coach who didn’t fail in his first go round was Pat Riley I mean but he he got experience but he had he had two years of but he was on the bench but I’m saying I if I’m on the bench and I’m and I if I’m on the bench I know what’s going on I can feel the I I got a good Rhythm and a good feel okay but he inherited Matthew Johnson and Kareem Abdul Jabar and James Worthy and Byron Scott and blah blah blah you know like like but he wasn’t but but but he as as Byron Scott would say as he said yesterday on my podcast to me uh Rachel and skip the whipping boys was magic uh uh uh uh himself and Michael Cooper those were the whipping boys for him what do you mean like like he would get on their tails to send the message to everybody else he wouldn’t bother the cap got it he explained this to me yesterday yeah is JJ reck understanding those sort of things that you gonna have to no you know challenge certain guys on the bench got it I mean it’s just the reality of it all right I me the comparison to Pat Riley makes just no sense makes no sense they’re not the same kind of personality and then you nailed it key the fact that Pat Riley had two years in change of experience as an assistant the main thing about JJ reck that is potentially holding him back is that he has no experience he’s smart enough to be a head coach we know that and he has great relationships with players and I think he’d have a be a players coach in that way we know that but he just hasn’t been there and I would say it’s not as much about him being on the bench it’s about him being in the locker room it’s about him being in the coach’s room at 2 o’clock in the afternoon the coaches have to work so much harder than the players I’ve talked to so many players over the year who became coaches and that that’s the first thing they said they I didn’t know it was quite this much work and that’s why I’m up here with skip right well I mean seriously and it’s not just the volume it’s the the kind of work and sort of what decisions you make before you even ever get out onto the floor those conversations you have with your assistant so he hasn’t done any of that so as good as he is eventually going to be as a head coach and I believe he will be a head coach and I believe he will be very good he’s not at that point where he has the experience to do it yet and it just sort of floes me that anyone would make a Pat Riley comparison okay are you shocked that JJ could be the front runner by many accounts am I shocked no I mean I said this the other day that on paper without JJ’s name attached if you took out the names involved and you just said hey here’s a firsttime head coach who’s never coached in the NBA before entrusted with two superstars one of whom is spectacular at the end of his career and they needs to win so you wouldn’t do that on paper however this is not the decisions don’t play out on paper JJ’s reic name is in there and to me one of the most sort of startling things about this story was why does it include the fact that LeBron James wants no part of picking this head coach why is that happening because in the back of that story they talk about he’s informed the franchise that he doesn’t want to be involved if I’m the franchise that’s the opposite of what I want LeBron doesn’t want to have to have ownership of this because he’s of course been just so crazy criticized has he ever picked a coach for I I think he has I don’t know well I’m serious oh tyo I think he picked him in Cleveland well he got David blat fired I’m pretty sure yes but all of those are fired is different than picking the coach right I don’t think I’m not sure he’s ever walked into a front office and said I got to have this guy however I can understand why he might not want ownership over this decision there’s no clear-cut favorite he doesn’t want to get blamed or the way he got blamed for the Russell Westbrook trade but if I’m the Lakers the exact reason is that he has to have ship of this decision that’s why I need to have him involved because that way if he and Anthony Davis are involved yeah then those guys can’t just let go of the rope and say well I never even picked this guy anyway usually but but it usually does not work as you know Skip and Rachel when someone picks a head coach magic picked Pat Riley when he didn’t want to deal it was me or you and they said okay we gonna go with rals and Jerry Wesson said okay it worked out but it usually doesn’t work out when players do that pick pick the co but he should be involved in those conversations he’s involved according to the story he’s not you don’t think for one minute that he said hey man do whatever you want to do with it I like JJ y’all do whatever and walked away from it so that’s picking it I actually do think and and by the way Rich Paul has come out and said just because they do a podcast together doesn’t mean that LeBron wants him to be coach and that’s true but I will not go to sleep for one minute thinking that LeBron didn’t say to them at some point in time I think JJ would be a good coach that’s picking a coach because it’s one of those deals where I say I think he’ll be a good coach and I leave it alone you do whatever you want to with it you do I’mma give you the information you do what you want to with it because if you don’t think fat meat is greasy try me that’s essentially what he’s saying Rachel did LeBron and Anthony Davis deserve any blame for the addition of Russell Westbrook yeah I mean obviously it’s pretty welled Le all right now look back quickly because I can see where Genie bus as we speak can at least see some faint Echoes of Pat Riley in JJ just just on the surf just faint Echoes just faint because she was there she was 20 years of age but her father was empowering her to help run the franchise and remember her father who I was around a whole lot was the ultimate ring Master he he was all about selling because when he bought the franchise they weren’t selling tickets it was all from him so he loved telegenic mediagenic faces of franchise as the coach so Pat Riley remember remember his background as a player so he’s at Kentucky and he was the SEC player of the year so he was a really good player as JJ was the national Player of the Year as well as the ACC player of the year so Pat Riley goes on they they play UTP and that classic all all white versus all black final EP won but Pat Riley was was a star on that team and then he bounced around the NBA and he just had an okay career probably not as good as JJ’s career for sure but but he was a credible NBA player and played a fairly key role coming off the bench for the 72 Lakers championship team so he was a Pat Riley played for the Lakers for five years JJ obviously did not have that connection right okay so Pat retires and goes right into the broadcast Booth was with the great chick Hearn who you I’m sure grew up with on all the Laker broadcast television radio it’s Pat Riley as the sidekick to Chick Hearn and that goes on for two years and I heard some of that and Pat was really good at it because he was gifted at it because he’s good on radio and television as we all know right okay so then Jack mckin is the head coach and he has a bicycle accident and it’s so bad it’s it’s nearly f F and so he’s gone for a long while but Paul westad takes over and it’s Magic’s rookie year and guess what they go win the championship and and weste head was the one who said hey Pat Riley broadcaster why don’t you come down here and sit with me on the bench and be my assistant coach okay so now you’ve you’ve he’s starting to get the crucial experience he’s going to need for what’s about to ensue because they win the championship but the next year they make it to the playoff but in the first round it’s back in the days of the three game you know best of three first round series they lose to Moses Malone and the Houston Rockets in a game three the the closeout game was at home at at the fabulous Forum in Englewood and Magic went two of 14 from the floor in that game and Moses and Company took over and won and Magic was not happy with his head coach so six games into the following year magic goes to the media and says I I want to be traded I can’t I can’t take it and then six games into that I’m sorry 11 games into that season Jerry bus decides I can’t I I got to opt for my Superstar right and he fires West head and he tries to to elevate Jerry West to be the head coach and they have a press conference and Jerry West at the press conference shocks Jerry bus he says the truth is I don’t really want this I want Pat Riley to be the coach and and you what you want Pat Riley so Jerry bus tries to sell it as okay we’ll have co-head coaches and Jerry West says no I don’t I don’t want to be the co-head coach right and so Pat is then named the interim head coach and the rest is Laker history because he finally got out from under the but I I get where jeie would say well I see some because JJ’s very good on television he’s very good on the podcast sometimes I think that they’re putting the name out like rich wants the the name out there just to promote the podcast look skip as I said before everything we checked all his boxes the hair the suit the tie the the broadcast I don’t know he dresses like no he’s got no he’s got nice suits on got nice suits JJ dress style but different style but it’s still it’s different is not the Godfather in those no but he’s he’s nice it’s just this if JJ had been on if JJ had been on the bench for somebody for a couple years I’d jump up and down be like oh yeah that’s the right thing to do yeah but when you don’t have have the experience and not just in the locker room because in the locker room he played but like Rachel said first of all your coaching staff okay what are we G how are we going to assemble that on top of the coaching staff crucial if it’s how going into those meetings understanding that your work day starts at 8:00 in the morning or whatever it’s a just a a totally different lifestyle okay is that something that he’s ready willing and able to take on now let’s get to the bench when you got veteran players that is like Danny a found that out in Phoenix with Robert Ory when you got veteran players that don’t want to hear that noise things can go bad and then trickle down from one thing to the next are you willing to get in LeBron James rear end if something goes wrong are you willing to challenge Anthony Davis I think he would be willing to do that doesn’t concern me I think he would be willing to do that I really do I think that JJ has made made it clear in the media career that he’s had that he is not afraid of going at Big players and honestly but that’s media is sitting up here talking talking about it in the media opposed to me looking at you side by side right now when I call a timeout it’s a big difference I don’t I I think it’s it’s a little easier when you’re right across from someone because you have more of a relationship and you have more right to criticize them than if you’re just talking on a TV show however I thought the point you made about where Pat Riley did his broadcast career is also really important he was the local broadcaster so every single game they played for those two years he watched he was analed sitting analyzed and had had a much better sense of how those players could work together JJ watches a ton of games I want to be very clear he’s not a slacker in that department but you can’t watch all 82 of every team and so again that’s an area where Pat Riley had an advantage and then again the two years in change of being on that bench with those players it it just it’s not the same I there’s no comparison here to me it doesn’t mean that JJ shouldn’t coach them but that there’s just no comparison to Pat yeah and he had deep relationships with every player because he’ been close to a championship situation and a flameout situation so he’d been through the gamut with all those players and had relationships with all the players when Pat took over as the head coach he was 36 so JJ turns 40 in another month or so so they’re they’re in the ballpark the only the only other similarity is they’re both 6 feet4 in tall which which sometimes helps in the locker room at least you have some stature you know like what you’re about that high know JJ is a nice size nice size player I’m just I I just know how players react to coaches yes sir you know I don’t care what it could be the ninth guy on the bench you know you got to gain that respect respect from that particular player yeah I would think LeBron would respect him I know he respects his LeBron I’m not worried about see everybody keeps talking about LeBron I’m talking about everybody else that you gotta you got to coach everybody you can’t just coach LeBron James you got to start there but you know helps and Ty Lou well we’ll get to that we will by the way Anthony Davis made first team all defense interesting I voted for him why would that be interesting I don’t know he’s he’s really good really good might have voted him on second seemed like didn’t Paul make a point yesterday he was when we were talking about top five or top 10 players I think he’s a top five player that’s just me but thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed


  1. All yo diaper rash boys who hate on lebron why yo paying so much attention on lakers ? Lebron already got us one . We still ahead of the game 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆👑=🏆

  2. This is crazy only in today's world are we doing this kind of thing JJ Reddick is LeBron James podcast partner so that equals major franchise head coach this is insane

  3. First time key is not yelling and speaking with points.
    Lescum is reporting to not pick the coach, because that will be his scapegoat.

  4. Here we go. Lakers eliminated but we still have to find reasons to talk about them. Never ends. So much time devoted to a barely mediocre team that finished 7th in the West and quickly dismissed from the playoffs.

  5. These guys work really hard to make a living 😅 must be really tough time trying to keep selling these Lakers stories.

  6. Someone would punch JJ he’s confrontational and players are sensitive. Not an imposing figure either so that would be interesting to see lol

  7. JJ Redick is a 15-year NBA Vet who has been around basketball his entire life. That combined with the fact that there have been success stories of NBA Coaches who never were assistants or never had the “prerequisite experience” shows that JJ sitting on someone’s bench for 3 years won’t make him any more prepared for this job than he is now. This isn’t some broadcaster we’re throwing into this role for the first time, JJ has got what it takes!

  8. I don't know,
    Democrats speak pretty,
    But are anti freedom,anti nature ,anti God,
    Anti work ,anti free speech , delusional.
    Economy in the brink of failure.
    But yet Democrats & media communications are totally joint as one ,WW3 in the next cure ,but yet everything is peaches & cream,control words & words definition & you will rule the upside down world .
    One thing is to buy the groceries, another is to Carry them to the crid .

  9. The headline says he has pat riley level POTENTIAL. At no point did anyone say he’s comparable to pat Riley NOW. They said he HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BE. Which is 100% factually accurate. He does HAVE THE POTENTIAL. Literally any human being they hire has THE POTENTIAL to reach pat riley heights. The word potential isn’t some hard, obscure, word….

  10. If JJ become a coach… Bronny become a LAKERS ..and Lebron manage to get this team into the play-offs…then he is the GOAT. NO DEBATE

  11. If Steve Nash wasn't successful as a coach. What makes anyone think JJ Redick will work out

  12. Why are they talking about this , a couple days ago Keyshawn said “his sources tell him there’s a zero % chance they’re going to hire JJ redick”

  13. Redick/ Sam Cassell are the coaches of the Lakers, they are more knowledgeable of the game than any of the current candidates that have been considered. They are your coach that will take the team far into the future as well as a minimal contract initially. They will manage the locker room along with input from veterans LeBron and AD; they are players coachs and understands the needs of there coaching staff. We need two real bigs, Valanciunas/Drumond/Dwight ( ie 2020 chip) along side AD, we need a six man, Dramond/Bobby Portes etc. We need a two way guard to manage Jamall Murry and Anthony Edwards…. Demar/Donavan/Caruso/Keli Ubrea/Marcus Smart/JaMonte Murray/Brogden/Bones Hyland . We have the assets, the picks and the money to make this happen. Doc Rivers, Ty Lou, , Chauncey Billups had no direct coaching experience other than one of many assistants.

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