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One player EVERY Premier League club MUST SIGN this summer! 👀 | Saturday Social


Smithy & Joe are joined by Nieve Petruzziello & Laurence McKenna on Saturday Social. With the end of the season on the horizon, we challenge our guests to pick 1 player every Premier League club must sign.

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Saturday social brought to you by EA Sports FC with PlayStation 5 welcome back to Saturday social world we are joined by NE and Loz and the transfer window i’ say it’s around the corner is it the summer transfer got us thinking about um tapping into ne’s knowledge yeah AB absolutely that’s why the Whiteboard is back out as you can see we’ve got every Premier League club represented as well as the new boys Leicester and it which obviously coming up to the Premier League so we’ve included them and we’ve removed Sheffield United who have been confirmed as relegation um we’ve got a player for every single club that you think would be a good option for them to sign this coming summon and then L is going to critique and maybe Chuck some alternates can’t critique me let’s start let’s start with Arsenal shall we yes who do you think they should sign so I thought the obvious approach would be to go with a striker and to maybe look at moving hisus on and replacing him with a different sof Striker to havs but actually I don’t know how much of this is speculation but there’s reports that these two Frankie D young and Barcelona could part ways with the right offer and I just think when you’ve got an opportunity to sign a world class player you take it that that’s how you go from being a fighting for a title team to a title winning team you know this is a player who can control games and also there’s you know party could be leaving this summer as well so it’s a replacement player Midfield yeah you’re right he’s in the top 2% of midfielders in Europe we all know what he can do but NE alluded to that are you surprised that that isn’t a number nine because that’s what Arsenal seem to be crying out for is from a lot of people in on social media say they need a striker you can would you go for a striker for Arsenal or do you think Frankie would be a good fit well you can force goals in other ways as well right if you can supply a striker that maybe needs a few more chances from someone who can create a few more then maybe upgrade that Striker just by proxy being close to those kind of guys my only thing with him would be whether he crosses over too much on a heat map with a few other players in their team and if you’ve got a rice or odard or even Kai havit in that side is he just is he just a little bit too butting up against them in what he does and would he maybe see a bigger role at another team where a United or Chelsea or whoever would come heav link with man united wasn’t it I just think that if if Arsenal on the table or man united on the table right now it’s just such a no contest for a player like Frank D young the direction they’re going like you said part the only reason why he would think Barcelona would be because of the the desire for more competition as well in terms of winning things so I don’t think he’d make that swap to someone like maner un season it with Barcelona obviously players like Frankie and Rafia finally might need to sell yes there could be some big players yeah who have you gone for Villa who do they need to sign this Su I’ve gone with LEL hruda which is really rolls off the tongue that one which actually if Annie schlot does end up going to Liverpool think he will he might end up bringing him with him to Liverpool U but actually maybe that’s not a position where Liverpool don’t necessarily need a player whereas for Aston Villa I think the main thing of Aston Villa is they’ve done so well but uni emry now can’t of sentiment he’s got to constantly evolve this side to keep up and I think if you were to look at any position on that pitch where they could take to the next level I think it’s Matty cash I think they could do better uh this guy is great he’s great all round he’s great at tackling defending but he’s an attack-minded right back and when we’ve seen Matty Cash go forward this season I think he struggled looked a little bit out of his depth this guy won’t so it’s an improvement basically eight eight goals five assists this season from fullback very good return go to Bournemouth yeah so for Bournemouth I’ve gone with Cedric Kee so good sh it’s looking like l Kelly will be going in the summer so they’ll be losing a center back as a free agent he’s a free agent this summer as well so I’m just thinking you know how can you you know cut you know make sure you’re not losing loads of money he’s not anything like ly Kelly he’s not as fast as ly Kelly and I think because he’s made a few mistakes here and there he been quite erratic he’s not made that jump to the Premier League but there’s a lot of raw talent in him and he’s a real hard work Curry’s a a bit of a bullying defense so I think Iola could get a lot out very reliable as well he’s 46 starts the season didn’t he win play of the Season or one of the players of the season for the the for West Brom as well in a decent West Brom side this year I think that’s a good point you make about they’re not going to have 50 60 million to spend on a center back so actually the recruitment is key in terms of looking at areas they can bring players in for next to nothing he’s out of contract so yeah decent shout absolutely bford yeah so I’ve gone with madin demirovich as for for brenford which you know if they lose even Tony they want to bring they’ll get money for him will they losey this summer do you think I imagine so and I imagine it’s not a bad thing I think actually we if they can get a good deal for him get money in this guy will be cheaper he won’t be cheap but he’ll be cheaper so it’ll be a profit margin in terms of that Striker position U but there’s many of the things he does that can replicate the sort of things that Tony does in terms of goal scoring in the box but also dropping deep to link up with the other players as well I think he’ll work really well with M buo and but he’s had a great season with Augsburg and other clubs will be interested so brenford will have to work hard to get him 15 goals nine assist this season got a lot of assist radar talk about his goal scoring but he’s nearly on double figers for both goals and assists that’s why I thought I thought his link up play with the players around him would suit the way that brenford play I agree and the sort of mid table alburg side as well so it’s not like he’s doing that in amongst Dortmund and lus strong League Brighton yeah so for Brighton I’ve gone with Ral bellanova from Torino and you know Torino Defenders featuring is it’s no should be no surprise under even yurich who work with gasparini the the manager at Torino he’s great at creating that defensive unit and improving Defenders and actually bellan NOA so he was at Inter Milan where he played Wing back since then he’s played as a right but right back but an attacking right back and his development at Torino have been so impressed with and I think it’s an area where Brighton could do with an injection of pace an injection of speed and power bursting up and down that right and side stretching the play and he’s he’s great at Crossing as well yeah cuz they’ve had T lampy in there haven’t they he’s got minutes vman’s got minutes in that right back slot they’ve obviously signed Barco in the left back slot but it’s almost a wing back style player isn’t it in that need that in the Premier League zby system and you can upgrade that versatility is important it’s also minor tweaks to that side it’s not like you can just go in and just wholesale make huge changes you just need to slowly upgrade that team and it now seems like deser be stating so great next up build around him middle fans are not going to like you for this selection apologies they’re not going to want to let him go season Hep yeah latte laugh yeah yeah no he’s rubbish what season no so what basically I looked at David fana I don’t think it’s quite worked for him I don’t think he’ll stay uh Beyond uh this summer at Burnley so it’s a replacement I think will work really well with ly Foster and if they do go into that Championship Burnley you know you’re guaranteed all sorts of goals with him he can score any type of goal they won’t want to get let get rid of him though will they midd they won’t but if Burnley looked like they’ll get promot straight away they squad’s still really good I mean if you had like l l you had L Foster you had ZM Doney is you’re scoring goals aren you and they scored goals in the championship Burley didn’t they so fun project as well to play this next one’s a controversial pick I good season is it I think is a controversial think so I think perhaps it could be it will raise eyebrows Jordan pford I think it will raise it’s it’s raised your see a raised what are your thoughts on it initially before we get I agree with the pick in that sense in that you you they need to upgrade in that area for me the opposite side of that is I think there’s probably a better goalkeeper available or a a more suited goalkeeper should I say it is a difficult Market goalkeepers it’s a real difficult Market once you’ve got one you need to keep one I’m now looking at this and thinking right you look at petravic and you look at Sanchez and you look at the ability of pitford at shot stopping those reflexes and he’s better than those two I agree then you look at things like uh the versatility of things like passing the ball around doing it for Everton doing it for England with those you know different expectancies from him he’s shown he can do it but actually it’s the leadership that I’m thinking here I think Chelsea are desperate for some players on the pitch who take control keep everyone in check who but you look at him he’s always screaming Everton keeps that defense in line it’s no wonder that defense is great for Everton with him behind best defensive in the league ever this year well that’s just it I think he’s one of the most over hated over disrespected goalkeepers of this generation he’s brilliant Jordan pford I’m not disagreeing with that but I do wonder if there’s a there’s another option if Chelsea have a little bit of I don’t know if they actually have cash to be able to spend so I don’t even know if they could afford him in the first place I see what you’re saying the only thing with Chelsea is I think they’ve probably got to prioritize another position who’s the other key prior possibly you you’d go for ramale if you were Chelsea well I think is better than ramale I I I agree with that more attainable than P immediately so and I think Everton they’re probably going to be like well do you want to stay or go it’s just an easier transfer he’s got contract to 2027 as well yeah I can’t see that happening with Chelsea personally I I I think NE makes excellent points around what Chelsea need leadership is vital he’s also an excellent Everton player as well he gets Everton okay next up doesn’t he Crystal Palace and you’ve gone the return former Palace player love it for 50 mil well they bought him Munos recently well this is the thing I don’t think he would come in to replace Munos I think he’ play behind him cuz you see on glass the play for back three looks like gay is on on the way the other way and it’s it’ be good to get some money out of gayi then you look at Chris Richards Anderson Aon W as a as a right win back I think it could really work and also if you look at the gap between Manchester United you may have said in previous Seasons he’s got that move to Manchester United he want to move back but the gap between the two is at an alltime low in terms of you know in terms of Oliver glna since he’s coming I think they’ve been sit in form Crystal Palace you look at man united’ been like 184 they’ve been really low down so yeah if there is a Time apologies Joe no Joe genu question here what’s the more exciting project I mean don’t pause me come on it’s tough because right now glazner has got them cooking isn’t it especially in forward areas the B fre play out from the back really nicely I don’t know whether Waka on the ball would fit into the glasson system would be my only question mark but I think it’d be a great option for him given that game time appears like it’s going to be pretty limited with d being the number one chice about glad as well is is how he’s improved certain individuals like look at Jean Philip mata’s form under glad I think it was like last 10 and 12 was like it was half or third or a quar of that under Hudson and VI Will Hughes are certain players that one get back into a Environ aged he’s a great player Everton let’s move on one player that Everton needs to sign this summer who you going with and this is working on the idea that Onana is sold and they get a good amount of money for him and they replace that with a free agent his contract so it’s a really good financially wise decision for a club like Everton we know what he’s all about in the Premier League he’s still only like 27 and he’s played a little bit more advanced at times this season at Leicester hasn’t he like his goal invol numbers six go six assist completely agree in terms of quality I if I was him and I knew my contract was ending that’s probably a deli thing first of all I would probably not be looking at Everton just cuz I’m unsure about where the club’s going I think he’s got his pick of clubs and I just think he looks at and goes is it what do you think his level is I think I think if I’m honest I think he’s probably slightly above that I think he was I don’t think obviously could go to a Liverpool or something like that or I’d be very welcome him I just think I’d look on the continent and go will a big European side sign me as kind of and you look at Lester and Everton comparably next season probably quite a similar move exactly anyway if not less a slightly better trajectory I’m not being mean to let’s have a look at fulham’s yeah it looks looks like a hate L yeah you’re B they just got promoted they’re back in the Premier League this is the last one I promise Lester yeah Kenan jub Hall player he worked so well in that Fulham team in my opinion because what he would offer is that different creativity sort of centrally uh they they’re great sort of in the whiff areas Fulham but he’d offer I think he could play sort of as a second Striker or he could play a Midfield um I think what his benefit fed from it Leicester is being in the championship and having a little bit more space being part of a team that builds up and controls and his confidence and ab he’s been one of the best players in championship this season 12 goals 15 assists I’ve seen a lot of Leicester play and he’s been bril going to be happy with his suggestion of course yeah I don’t hate that as a suggestion yeah yeah Alexandro buan jono which I’m yeah I think say that to him it’s just whe yeah it’s whether or not you think that he’d be ready for that move I think he cost maybe somewhere around 40 million so you think he would come in and so what I think with him is I look at vany and I look at this season the next season coming ahead and I think what would he be 33 years old and I just think you need to start thinking about his going to leave isn’t he this there some you would think on a threee play he can play both Center back positions I’m thinking he would play next to van djk with the intention to take over over cuz he’s left footed but he can play both Sid but left center backs he best but yeah he’s brilliant what I’ll say about him is’s a very imposing Center back and he’s got lots of ability but it’s his mental attitude I’m most impressed by he’s really touted to be the future of Italian defensive football can I ask lo as a Liverpool fan one player that you’d like to sign this summer for Liverpool or position should I say what is the most important position you’d say I think we’re going to have to replace some leaders in the team if Salah was to go I’d prioritize the right wing um and I think Center back wi is obviously Gomez canate and Van djk I I agree on this shout I just think Liverpool are going to prioritize other positions I totally agree we need to preempt the van djk leave okay okay like it onto Lon they are still in the Premier League as we thought today so yeah so Charlie Hughes I’ve gone for from Wigan H yeah so the reason I’ve gone for him is because he’s only 20 years old so he’s someone for the future but he’s played the second most amount of minutes only behind the goalkeeper Sam tickle at Wigan and Shawn Maloney at Wigan he plays a very sort of buildup possession based style so it’s tested Charlie Hughes but it’s made us realize that his ball playing ability is brilliant and he’s a really solid Center back all right let’s get him up asset for go to Man City who is going to Man City yes well this is a interesting one oh Joshua K oh I don’t mind that okay tell us the reason big signing wouldn’t it so his contract ends next year and there’s hints that Bayern Munich could be willing to let him go I think the price would be pretty good it would be a level that you would not expect for a player who’s world class and don’t forget it was Guardiola that was part of his move from Midfield to right back and actually that’s where I think City could really do a player because they could be looking at sort of a gundan style replacement in Midfield but whilst also when Kyle Walker needs a bit of a rest need a bit of a break he’s someone who can sort cover so it’s a bit of a versatile option and also like I say it’s a world class best-in-class player who’s 29 the only issue that seen in the last couple of years is his legs sort of similar to Thiago against V have nightmares but if you pick and choose when and where to play him you’ve got a world class controller and conductor of Play Everybody’s looked a bit off with Bayern this season the functionality of that team hasn’t quite worked and as such I think individual’s performances have suffered still one of the best individual right back on it a lot was made of that in Europe I think it’s a great shot let’s get him up on the board I like that I think a bit of transformation in that m feeli is what they need and and real leadership absolutely great great sh okay on to Joe’s team man united yes so I’ve come with yeah I think Defenders is where it’s needed for Manchester United you think the most important thing for Manchester United is appointments is getting those off the field appointments right and creating a good culture you know s Jim Radcliffe has said that he’s not impressed and that there needs to be a culture shift um so they can’t they shouldn’t even think about signing someone like Bradley loo until they change that and create a good environment for a young player play like this left backs are hard to come by Manchester United need a left back I think League one League eared Defenders translate brilliantly to the Premier League is a he’s he’s an inverted fullback he’s very a athletic in that he’s fast but he’s very confident 1 V one he’s confident higher up the pitch I think a lot of his qualities would really suit Manchester United as a United fan what position do you think is the most important to strengthen in the summer uh C defensive Midfield DM or Center back I think though I can totally understand the left back suggestion because of Luke Shaw’s consistent injury problems you know Tass has been out for the entire campaign but I think with the exits of impending you’d think Varan maybe Johnny Evans potentially Victor Lindelof how many players in total do you think Manchester United need to sign at least five do summer between five and 23 yes CL get to Newcastle yeah so my original instincts of Newcastle were to suggest a center back uh just because Paul dummit out of contract lels has had the ACL injury botman the so just you know a bit of an injection of pace but it looks like they might be getting Lloyd Kelly yeah toen adobo um but yeah they’re great and they’re both free transfers so what that unlocks is the opportunity to go all out in that right wing position that’s how I think Newcastle go to the next level I think if they’re a bit ruthless on that right side and replace alaron with someone even better and that’s where I’ve gone with takusa Kubo from real sadad he is brilliant Gordon and isaach will Thrive off someone like him because even though he’s a right winger he can float around and he’s such a good playmaker he’s intricate with the ball you just can’t get it off him uh he’d be unreal just go sorry he’s also got that history isn’t he big Club history you know Madrid Barcelona Academy boys so it’s kind of like he wouldn’t be melting in the pressure environment that the Premier League often puts young players in I thought with Newcastle just quickly we we have to talk about isack because obviously he such a top player A lot’s been made him do you think they keep isack this summer Newcastle law I mean you got to look at the financial situation I wonder if they get rid of one or when I say get rid of have to let one go and then you have to bring someone in with more experience or is able to make the most of other people I just think the esack thing if you let him go other players are going to question what the project is then you’re probably shooting at someone at this level who seems like a bit of a role of the dice right rather than oh he’ll build up and that and also I think in terms of overall system you need someone who’s been trained in very topend systems like you said where he’s come from back that’s going only work well EDD in terms of bring the best out of players I can see them keeping no trouble might be a different story but Bruno’s got the release Clause isn’t he like 100 million but isack no release Clause I mean it be a big massive feed I get me wrong there’s a lot of clubs that were well over 100 million want that signature wouldn’t there Forest next up Forest yeah Liam dap uh who’s been really good the reason why I went for Liam deap was because I look at how vital Chris Wood has been to Forest in terms of in the Box not just offensively scoring goals in that presence but defensively as well really help them out defending set pieces I think Liam deap would have that but then you can build on that as well he offers a lot more in terms of he’s got higher ceiling I reckon honestly I think if you gave Manchester City around 10 million and you offered a buyback Clause you could strike a good deal to have him cuz they’ve they’ve driven some hard bargin on exiting Academy players though City haven’t they you think even James Trafford G for 20 million pounds Cole Palmer went for £40 million so for that think about the position and how much City need to do drive a hard bargain I think you could come to a good agreement on Liam deap okay let’s put Liam deap on the board are hard to come back yeah they are hard to talking Toten yeah talking of Strikers being had to come by yeah I have gone a first Striker for Tottenham Joshua xer at bologna and the reason why is because I don’t think it would hurt Tottenham to look at their options going forward they’ve got verer kesi Rison Brennan Johnson I don’t think it would hurt to look at one of those and replace some of a player who is naturally and comfortably a central Striker just to give son the option to have some look better when when son plays on the left I think when he came on against arsenal when he came on against Liverpool I think both occasions when son played wide and he had a focal point of Rich charison that was doing the off bable work they look better I think there’s been issues where they haven’t had whenever Charleston’s been injured or something like you said they haven’t had a replac so they’ve had to put sun in there play other players out of position slightly so so I I think Spurs fans would agree Striker is a position only issue is B have to buy back yeah yeah that is an issue the with xer where I think he’d be perfect for Tottenham I he’d be great for Arsenal as well is the fact that he’s so big but his like control of the ball his comfortability it’s almost like he’s got a low center of gravity that he’s smaller but then his strength to hold the ball as well as of someone of his stature he’s a confidence player as well I think so he’d thrive in a positive environment which I think he would get under an at Tottenham and also Arsenal as well yeah to see what how many of those players staying obviously got LEL so Hill you’ve got a lot of players there situation see what movement happens with Tottenham in the summer if do trigger that Clause then I think it’s probably Spurs struggle to compete in the oh drag in with Spurs and B wasn’t it actually one phone West Ham yeah so I’ve gone with marioo West Ham are a team now that urgently to look at that defensive rebuild when you look at the options they’ve got in defense and the ages of some of the players as well I look at Mari hoso and I think he’s a free agent this summer he’s not renewing at Atletico Madrid the only question of concern is whether or not he would want to go there if he thinks that he could maybe go a little bit higher play for a team in Europe I think Aston Villa are also a little bit interested in him and Aston Villa will have bigger poll than West Ham but if they could get him they’ve got an experience tenacious brilliant Center back who can play on that left hand side and cover that ground which is an area that I think West Ham could really do with going to be dependent on the new manager isn’t I was going to say they a lot of L poi’s got history in that League he’s probably got connections You’ imagine with Atletico Madrid I think I think he a really interesting shout yeah wolves wolves yeah so yeah which you could maybe predict means that I’m suggesting that Pedro Neto would be going the that was liter our next Fallout question yeah yeah because I just think I think wolves I I love Pedro Netto I think he’s unbelievable on his day he’s literally one of the best players in the league in that position inj such a shame of the injuries is it but the injuries a team like wolves you need your best players to be available all the time so right now while she can get a good amount of money for him I really don’t think it would be a bad idea to and we did see Gary O’Neil in the press conference yesterday talking about W are going to have to sell a player this summer in order to buy a player and you think of Pedro Netto you think maybe Gomez don’t you in there there are cable assets lot of players they have got rid of testment of the job going done with who they’ve let go the last few years do you think pedron Netto what what sort of level do you think he could be at do you think he’s a player that might leave I definitely think he’s a player that might leave and I think we’re going to see this a lot more in the coming years as teams try to balance the books a lot more and that’s going to it’s almost going to make it more interesting because they’re forced to sell or they’re forced to move on from certain players I think he can definitely go somewhere higher than wolves I just don’t I don’t know if there’s anyone who who’s going to be able to buy him and get the like get the balance of how much they have to spend in order to go the other way yeah it’s an interesting one because you know he’s obviously play for fren on all season but he’s a Juventus player but Juventus they’re about 20 points behind top of the league in Italy they want to make imminent signings they need to see Improvement imminently they’re looking at Thiago motto as potential manager so they could be in a position where they could strike a deal with a team like walls where he goes to walls and again it’s on that sort of low of option to buy or buy back clause see it a lot in Italy Lo obligations Lo yeah that’s how they do it I think we could learn from Italy a lot in terms of that um but yeah he’s brilliant and I think he replaced Neto in many ways because he can play on both feet as well he’s excellent at creating and he takes matters into his own hands to get goals which is what I think Pedro Netto does up we are briefly going to do the two promoting clubs congratulations of course to Leicester anip which you’ll be in the Premier League what are the two names you’ve gone for two promoted clubs new yeah so for Lester gone for Aruna Sante and actually I watched laav who he plays for last night because they played against nice I thought it’d be great to see how he was against Jeremy Boger and ke and teram on that side and actually it was a little bit his fault for the goalkeeper and you’re thinking oh no we’ve already printed the magnet no but you hate Lester so this is great yeah it’s actually it’s that that I think could play in leicester’s favor because they could get a good deal for a player who has made the occasional mistake this season but there’s a lot of raw potential and he’s an absolute Warrior and looking at Leicester City transfer history with League earn I think he’d actually really suit Leicester city and I think moresa could get a lot out of him and he could end up being worth a lot more once he’s been polished up a little bit and you think some of the players that have classically come out of laava back in the day the like Paul Pogba I think you know high level ceiling players so coaching wise and football wise as well I think a lot of players would be excited to go Wester still only 22 as well same God and of course it’s K back Tob back promotions unbelievable what he’s done but obviously they will be looking in the market and needing to strengthen things so the main player for you Ben Chief yeah Ben Chief uh my first thought was can I come up with a name who’s got Premier League experience I think all promoted teams need that looked at Nathaniel kle out of contract this summer um then I thought no let’s go with a more exciting one and I’ve gone for Ben Chief at centry City U because I just think he’s been great I mean you you’d have seen him against Manchester United in the cup that game yeah fantastic that really good win from you guys um what I love about Ben Chief is that he takes control in games so if you need someone to pass to those Defenders if they’re ever cautious when building the play He’ll Be There He makes himself available he calls for the ball he turns quickly he’s got great awareness of what’s around him and I think he’d be integral and what it would do is it would help Sam Mory who’s been unbelievable for IP switch se but he’s 32 and it would help take the weight off his legs basically yeah I wonder if they’ll be able to get Amari back as well Amari Hinson we saw kind of K him can didn’t we say what do you want for your birthday Amari to come back so think that could see if they do what L did where they they they get players that have that Premier League experience just to help the the the squad they’ve got you know they brought in the lights of Ross Barky didn’t they and andos towns in similar I can see doing something similar I think yeah there is confirmation anyway one player that every Premier League club needs to sign in the summer from NE with assistance great great shouts yeah totally agree let us know what you think of that at home


  1. For me de jong doesn’t seem like someone Arteta would sign, Arteta signs players that could play full seasons, and De jong is injury prone. Plus he is on insanely high wages.

  2. It’s funny, because our problem with Frenkie is he has to play the pivot role, which he hasn’t excelled at. So we want to sign Kimmich in the summer which would allow FDJ to play in the same role he played at Ajax, but the board wants to sell FDJ to make room for Kimmich, so it looks like FDJ time with us is over next season😢

  3. who is this chick😂😂😂😂😂. one of the worst ball knowledge ive ever seen, on top of that she thinks AWB can play wing back😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Chelsea
    2024: Pickford
    2025: Kobel
    2026: Donnaruma
    2027: Lunin
    2028: Maignan
    2029: Slonina (buying him back for 4x as much as what they sold him for 3 years earlier)
    Somehow Chelsea just loves to buy a good goalkeeper every year even though every time he stops being good 😂

  5. we just need a show for nieve because none of the other guests are going into this much detail, she’s way above the others


















  7. Better keeper than Pickford? Are you serious? These boys have zero ball knowledge and it’s a joke that they are even on sky.
    Absolute bellwhiffs

  8. Geertruida to Aston Villa🤣🤣 Clearly never watched one match of Feyenoord. If he goes to England than there's only one club he will play for and that's Liverpool. He's to good for Aston Villa.

  9. OH MY she's good. Good work Nieve, you mad me stay here hooked for 27 minutes. You killed that home work girl.

  10. Delap to Forest is a shout. We need variation in attack, options. And also players who don't spend half the season injured. For me though I think we need to sign a real leader at cb, even tho Boly has been great….we are still naive defending set pieces, that's how we lost most of our points this season and it'll continue unless we fix it. Then there's the risk of losing Murillo, makes cb the priority for me.

  11. I swear down 50% of the people she picked she found on fm24 why would Chelsea go for Pickford let’s not forget they still have kept who they should sell and of course Pickford is going to have better shot stop record since plays for a team that has everyone back to defend please understand when you use stats you should take context into it as well

  12. Nieve put on a masterclass with her research and insights. I think the boys only offered counterpoints for the sake of it (though they were respectful). I would watch any program w/ her leading it, specifically in the transfer rumors/news world.

  13. As a Villa fan, I have to say Nieve is bang on about one of the big deficiencies of Villa's squad this season. It's been frustrating to watch Cash all year, because as an outsider, it's impossible to glean exactly what has made Cash into such a shadow of himself. Is it just injuries, or does Emery simply not have any confidence in Matty's ability to progress beyond the halfway line, and so he's been told never to take anyone on? The amount of times we've seen Cash just turn around and pass the ball when faced with the opportunity for a one-on-one, it's been so disheartening.

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