Golf Driver Lesson For Longer & Straighter Shots (simple guide)

Watch PGA Professional Golf Coach Georgia Ball give you a full step-by-step lesson on how to hit your golf driver for longer, straighter and better drives.

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Hey I’m Georgia Ball, welcome to my channel! I’ve created my YouTube channel to help you get better at golf, but most of all enjoy the journey and have fun on the course with videos uploaded weekly.

I am a PGA professional who has played golf for almost two decades and on this channel you will see me play on some of the best courses in the world, equipment reviews, going head to head with other golfers and plenty of tips to improve your game.

One of my main goals on this channel is to make you play better golf by uploading plenty of videos on a range of coaching topics such as golf lessons, how to drive the golf ball longer, golf tips, golf drills, how to hit your irons better, how to fix your slice, how to fix your hook and how to hit your irons closer to the hole. Not to mention all the help you need to hole more putts.

hey everyone welcome back to the channel today’s video is all about this club here the driver how you can hit it further straighter and what you might be doing wrong to stop you from getting that maximum distance before we get started do me a favor and hit that subscribe button it really helps me out and it takes two seconds to do so thank you so much what I’m going to do with this video I don’t want to blab a load of technical words to you I want to make it nice and easy simple and practical so that you can take it out onto the golf course and feel so confident in doing so okay the driver the biggest Club in the bag a lot of people struggle with this because they don’t make any adjustments and assume it’s similar or pretty much the same to the iron setup but it’s different in a few ways and we’re going to go through those setup changes which are going to make you hit the ball easy every time easy to understand and you’ll see a massive Improvement okay so the first thing we need to check when setting up to our driver is our ball position this is where a lot of people feel uncomfortable and confused because it is so different to the iron setup and this is the reason why they get it wrong but we’re going to go through some simple steps which make sure you get it right every time so how do we want the ball position to look is we want it to be forward in our stance which means just inside on line with our lead heel like this a lot of people I see too far forward which is super bad because this is going to make you hit the ground first you’re going to hit the top of the ball it could be thin it could be fat it’s not going to be nice and then I see a lot of people go too far into the center which again you’re going to hit down on the ball it’s going to go super low and that’s when you’re going to feel nervous off the first te so the best way to gaug it is just pop your toes together like this so the ball is on line with the center of your stance place the club down in front take half step forward and three steps back just so this Trail foot is wider than our shoulder width and then look how my club is pointing just left of my belly button we don’t want to move it here we don’t want to move it here so just online with our left our belly button feet is nice and wide so we’ve got that good stability and just look how my sternum is behind the ball I’ve got that lovely balance and structure in doing that with our ball position just look again as I’ve just mentioned my eyes are behind the ball I’ve got this shoulder tilt now and why that is is because we want to swoosh up on the ball not like we do with our irons with our irons we like to heat down on the ball we want to compress and have that forward chling however now with our driver we want to be hting up so we get that maximum distance speed and height so again once we’ve got our ball position check we’ve got that shoulder tilt now the best way to do that is take your Trail hand pop it on your thigh run it down to your knee and then join those two hands together so naturally can you see how I’ve got that shoulder tilt like this when you take that step back here we should naturally do that but I see people working the opposite way so just go through that drill really making sure our Feet’s nice and wide ball position forward we’ve got a lovely shoulder tilt which now you can see I’m ready to go and hit it on the up again once you’ve got that ball position keep in mind that we want our weight distribution different again to how we want the island so we want 60% on our Trail foot and 40% on our back foot again just look how my stms behind the ball I’m ready powerful to go and finally all about body alignment so there’s no point in going through ball position and shoulder tilt if the body’s going to be aiming in the wrong direction and this might look dramatic but I see a lot of people do this on the golf course sometimes the shoulders are aim in one way the feet are away aim in the other maybe trying to man manipulate how the ball flight goes but we need to neutralize that down to get that nice straight ball flight okay so the best way to gauge this now is picking an immediate Target and what I be mean by that is take a few steps back pick your Target in the distance yet I could be looking at the flag which is way in the distance but before that I’ve got water I’ve got bunkers so my first Target thought is looking for danger dangers left okay do not want to go left so I’m going to myself just to the left edge of that bunker on the right hand side so I know if I hit it towards that bunker I’ve got quite a lot of way in I’m not going to go in the trees and I’m not going to go all the way over here I’m pretty safe okay so drawing that back drawing that line back to somewhere about here I’m going to pick something on the ground which also aims with that Target in the distance so let’s go for maybe this little bit of grass here okay so I’m keeping that in mind I’m aiming making sure that’s online with the end Target and then I’m going to step into the ball so stepping in okay look how I set my right hand first my traal hand first okay I’m Alig in the club head so this little stay here with that little grain of grass on the ground and then I’m taking my settle okay so let me show you that again I’m going to walk in immediate Target on the ground which essentially is just going to aim me to that end Target walking in what I call open like this and then set up from where that club is if you need to go through your routine you can do as long as that body is now align perfect we’re ready to go but we don’t finish there because a lot of people I see set up perfect and then all of a sudden they do this this may be because the grip is incorrect or they feel comfortable with the shoulders Al lining this way but again if I set my club along my shoulders it’s aiming in the wrong direction so just bring that shoulder back the best way to gauge this is as we’ve just set up step ball drop your Trail hand and just swing it under the grip which is going to make sure our shoulders are online and finally the club head how you lay that club head down on the ground affects the way the ball is going to travel if you just set that nice and flat to the ground it’s Square which is going to help you hit that ball nice and straight okay a recap of the fundamentals we’ve just been through is number one ball position making sure our balls just on line with our lead here number two is shoulder tilt making sure our shoulders on an angle to get us that height number three is body alignment making sure we’re picking that Target we’re picking the immediate Target we’re setting up to that mediate Target aligning our feet our body and our shoulders in order and then swinging our hands underneath aligning that club nice and square to the ground toes not up heels not down we’re nice and square again that’s going to get you hitting the ball straight and a lot further a lot of the messages that I get are golfers having 70 different swing THS heading onto the first te with their driver but golf is hard enough let’s just simplify it having these three setup keys in mind is sometimes all you need to have that good round go out there enjoy it and shoot your best scores whilst hitting a good driver because it can be hard just a couple of little bonus tips that i’ would keep in mind is one tea height so if you’re someone like hits the ball super high lowerer your tea however if you’re someone that struggles to get the ball in the air make your tea higher but what I look for I look for the ball just being about level or half of the Equator above the head so if I put my line like this you can see how half the ball is below this line and half the ball is above this line this is about medium height and this is what we call the castle T it does the job for you so just pop put in and it’s the same height every time so the last and final tip which I do on every single te whether it’s with driver iron hybrid every time okay so as we mentioned before our a media Target get the line on your ball you can either use the title you can scribble a line on there but any kind of line on the ball align this with your immediate Target okay so pop it down again we mentioned our immediate Target about here line that line with the immediate Target which is also on line with your end Target and then as you set up to the ball this makes it so much easier to align your Club head your body everything perfectly online with Target because all you need to do is follow that line it also helps with the swing to take the swing back on the correct plane and hit through the ball I use it as a gauge to get me hitting all L power and commit through the shot because you look at it like this there’s nothing there there’s there’s no there’s no benefit whereas if you just pop that line online it’s almost like a cheat I don’t know why not everyone uses it so the one thing I have in my mind is just align my club to that line set my body up parallel to that line and I’m ready to go it’s all already done for me okay so that was a nice basic simple driver lesson stripping It Back to Basics taking any technical terms out talking about the main three setup key tips that you need to consider again as I’ve said golf is hard enough what’s the point in over complicating so this is a video you can watch time and time again which is going to get you hitting that ball straighter further and just simplify the game it’s hard enough if you want to get better at golf there’s going to be plenty more value on the way so don’t forget to hit that subscribe button press like and maybe share this link to some of your golf friends we all need a little help every now and then if you want to see more lessons and tips then hit that link in the description and don’t forget to press subscribe it’s a great day for golf


  1. Great simple delivery. Thanks. Been watching you on Instagram now subscribed and looking forward to viewing your you tube videos. 🏌️

  2. I live in a community with a pitch and wedge course and I tried to get interested in playing but lost interest. Your vids have rekindled my interest and now I want to return to the driving range in addition to playing the course in my community. You’re an excellent instructor. Thank you!

  3. If you are just learning or trying to improve your golf game you should watch your tips and drills. I have and my game has improved. Take care .xx Rich

  4. Great video Georgia. Would love to see a video on putting too. Like they say, drive for show and putt for dough! 😀

  5. What if I do all these set up tips and the ball is still slicing into the next fairway?😅
    my irons/hybrids go straight but my driver slices so bad I can’t even use the club during a round

  6. Great video, coming at the right time for me as this is my major focus for this year is improving consistency and gaining distance, managed to hit 267 yards with a 157mph ball speed today at the range so heading in right direction for sure, got a aerojet driver in sales at start of year and that has boosted confidence with using driver as well 🙂

  7. Great tips! 😀 I will try picking a target and aligning the club. Just hoping I stay on the fairway, like today, is obviously not the best way to use the driver….

  8. Fab video… one for irons and chipping please. This old fella needs simple straightforward help … think you may be the answer! … subscribed and shared! Thanks 😊

  9. It’s a very good video. Could you please explain how the driver head sits and lines up with the ball on the ground before the shot?

  10. Thank you Georgia! I started to learn golf last year with my boyfriend, the only tip he ever told me was “keep your head down”. Which after a while isn’t very helpful 😅 your videos make thing so much better!

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