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Eddie Hearn Talks Fury vs. Usyk, ‘Childish’ Ryan Garcia, Joshua’s Next Step | The MMA Hour

Eddie Hearn discusses his Fury vs. Usyk attire, how he scored the fight, the 9th round, the world’s top pound-for-pound boxer, Fury vs. Usyk 2, how he’s treated at Oscar De La Hoya events, Ben Shalom, Haney vs. Garcia, Chantelle Cameron, Canelo vs. Crawford, and more.

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he is always kind enough with his time let us say hello now to the face of matchroom boxing when Eddie Hearn hello Eddie how are you thank you for doing this good to see you I’m very glad I’m very glad you mentioned that Ariel yeah I mean it seems that everything I wear gets debated and I you know in Saudi 42 degrees linen hoodie I was I really you know it’s one of those where in the mirror in in the hotel it was a it was a stone cold hit and then as soon as I got to The Venue it was like I’ve made a mistake here haven’t I because it was like it was nonstop Frank Smith you know Works me yeah he humbles me on every occasion what are you wearing you’re 44 years old oh people sending me links to new websites to try like I I don’t know I mean maybe I’m just lost at this this sort of middle age in my life areal but I like you know I felt good I felt comfortable so that’s the thing what night it was and what a night but also it’s also like 1:00 a.m. as you’re watching these EV fight like you need to be comfortable who wants to be wearing a suit at that time right and you know you could go straight to bed after like in your pajamas nice no I thought you looked fantastic uh I I wasn’t sure if that was the outfit that you were wearing like pre-made card like the casual outfit I was waiting for the the double breasted Addy I turned up and I I saw Addie and he went I know you’ve got a banging suit back stage I like I swear to God and I was like I went no this is it and he went yeah right and I was like oh no it just went from bad to worse so yeah oh well it is what it is I’m glad to be a topic of conversation in my soral Elegance yes uh you know you’ve made it when when people are debating your attire um so as you said one a night um by the way I love Russ Amber fellow montrealer couldn’t disagree with him more on his assessment I agreed with you whole I couldn’t even believe it was a debate I know he’s it it was two nothing usyk then it was 4-2 and then usyk turned it around I agreed with your scorecard 1,000% yeah I actually I actually gave usyk the first and one more I didn’t actually give him the second I to be honest there was I can’t there was a huge amount of disparity in terms of people watching ringside and at home in terms of I mean no one quite honestly thought Fury won but they either felt it was close to usk or quite wide to usk and I’ve actually spoken to a lot of people who felt that it was wide to usk I’m not one of them I do think he won the fight um but you know us like I was just given an interview and I said I thought it was 42 after six and he walked past he went what he said we didn’t lose a round in the first five rounds and I was like really I mean I I did a piece with Tony Bell today and he said watch it back and like on TV and see what you think I mean I was front row so and I felt that Fury was actually on his way after six rounds to a comprehensive Victory and could even stop Alexander usk and the turnaround you know the Kiss of the crucifix just changed everything you know and it was just a remarkable remarkable fight I mean I have to be honest with you I didn’t think the fight would be stylistically that good because you know both guys have got great feet both have got great movement both have got great Ring IQ and when you lend those qualities into into a big fight of that magnitude sometimes it’s a bit Cy but as usk said in the buildup I will not leave you alone Tyson and he was absolutely abely true to his word he just harassed him all night until he broke him in in the famous ninth round and and so i’ I’ve heard you talk about the ninth round and I’ve heard you say that it’s amazing to me that people who are in boxing don’t understand boxers yes boxers but I also heard Tony bellu himself say that he felt that usyk was robbed of a potential stoppage in that moment and so where do you fall on it now well I argued that with him today actually because it was his podcast and I said look Tony if that was you in an Undisputed fight and you hadn’t touched down like you would have wanted to continue in the fight I think there’s a lot of British referees on British soil that would have stop that fight I mean he literally covered every millimeter of that ring staggering went that way went over to the other side came back again went down there I mean by the way remarkable courage and heart and and determination I actually I don’t mind Mark Nelson’s play right there but I do feel like um he gave a lot of time to Tyson Fury not just in count but particularly afterwards but I will say this as well at that point it’s up to Mark Nelson to carefully consider if Tyson Fury should continue the fight so he’s not thinking Martin Nelson’s not thinking oh quick let me have a look let me have a look yeah quick right off you go again quick he’s going let me take my time I want to make sure this guy’s okay right so I think he was right in what he did you know it’s not there’s no standing count with the British boxing board control it wasn’t a standing eight count it was a knockdown because the ropes were holding him up and they clearly were as well there was a lot of time between him getting up and by the time well they didn’t actually meet again because the bell ring um but I I don’t I don’t mind you know the I don’t mind what Mark Nelson did I I don’t think it was overly controversial and you know some people say well it was an Undisputed fight and then others say No it should be the same for a four or six round fight I actually disagree of a fight of that magnitude something you’ve worked your whole life for you have to be given the benefit of the doubt I think even though we have to really Ure a fighter safety I do think you know when you’re not not I mean but at the same time was one clean shot away from being knocked cold out I mean he was absolutely gone by the way the recovery of the 10th round although he lost was quite was quite unbelievable because every person pretty much on our row when when he went back to the corner said fight’s over right so you know he he he did remarkable and you know both men incredible so good for our sport so good for our sport amazing that there was no controversy that we’re not talking about judging you can nitpick things but the right guy W I’m curious as a promoter and someone who produces shows as well how do you feel about this how do you feel about Tyson being interviewed in that moment if only because I mean obviously like add was the one in there I love add it’s not his call it’s it’s a hectic scene the stuff that he said about you know they they gave it to him because he’s from a country at War and all that stuff Joe Rogan has talked about not wanting to interview fighters who get knocked out or get banged up in a fight because they may say crazy things do you feel like fighters in that moment should not be interviewed because they might say crazy things that could hurt their image yeah it’s difficult because Tyson would want to speak okay you know I feel like he would and I thought he’s you know other than that comment I thought and a happy New Year which was a bit wild but other than that I think I think he spoke quite well you know he said look I think I won I mean spoke better at the press conference because by then you’ve got a little time to digest it but you saw AJ against usk I mean these guys have worked their whole life in the last you know 12 14 weeks dreaming a victory and when it’s taken away from you you can’t expect them just to act normally and diplomatically and you know come across spiffing well I mean they’ve just had a fight 12 rounds where theyve punched each other all over the ring so um sometimes I will say to a fight no come on listen let’s get you back to the change room particularly if I feel like it’s it’s a dangerous situation you know if I want to get a fighter checked over or you know they they’re you know they’re struggling you know they’re you know they’re exhausted they’re struggling to stand up I mean to be honest you usk was exhausted in that fight I mean you saw him even in like the eighth ninth particularly 10 11 12 he was exhausted and he didn’t stop working so yeah difficult because you want to provide that moment for the broadcaster and fans and a lot of the time you know a fighter what I mean you know in that AJ usk he took the microphone to speak you know and people said oh you should have stopped him and it’s very difficult to do when a fighter wants to have his word you know and I don’t think I don’t think other than that comment which was a bit silly like but in the moment I’m sure he regrets it now but I don’t think he said anything outlandish and you know was quite humble in the in the press conference from what I’ve seen you know which was I thought it was a close fight respect to him not going to cry over it go and work again and you know we lend ourselves to a huge rematch pending I guess both Fighters decisions and more importantly their physical condition going into a potential October about do you think we see it in October you know sometimes in boxing it sounds like a long way away right and then you think to yourself well it’s June next week so you got to be having a 10we camp minimum for these kind of fights if it’s middle of October you know you’re talking about starting camp at the beginning of August you know probably a little bit before so you’ve probably got seven weeks off now that sounds a lot to to the normal individual but actually if you think about both guys because of the um the cancellation of the first fight they’ve actually been in Camp probably for seven months six seven months coming off the back of the inaru fight as well for for Fury and it was a tough fight you know Tyson talked about Alexander’s jaw being potentially broken I don’t think that was the case but if there’s damage you know you’re not going to be able to spar for 10 12 weeks you know the hands might be knocked up so now people are talking about is it the time for usyk to retire I mean it’s a hell of a Cinderella story I don’t think he will bearing in mind the money for the rematch and Etc but you know I think October is is a quick turnaround but if both guys are not injured then I think it’s definitely achievable but you it’s not going to be one of those things I think every fighter straight after the fight yep I’ll be ready for October you know most Fighters will train all this week you know cuz they’re on such a high and then probably the week after they just flop and say right I’m going on holiday and that’s when the the junk food comes in and you know Etc so I think um you know I think October time will be good but you know the benefit of rad season is it does run from October through to March but I would imagine his Excellency would love to kick off the season with that rematch it would be quite incredible at this point it’s rad season every week you know season Riad season is no longer in RI and RI season is no longer October to March that’s I think his Excellency has just decided to turn rad season Global and you know Los Angeles coming up and hopefully Wembley and maybe Australia and Germany’s talked about and you know all kinds of stuff so um it’s just incredible what we’re seeing and and know one of the most pleasing things about Saturday in all honesty was people criticized the atmosphere like the atmosphere was fantastic it really was and you know what Ariel it was so pleasant right it was a it was a it was a fantastic experience as a fan as a per you know it was you know and that we we talk about the lack of alcohol at Live Events you know there there’s pluses and minuses in all honesty with you and for a fight of that magnitude the excitement was enough over liquid and substance you know it was just it was the moment in time and it you know the way in Fight Night it really started to feel like you know this place is really building itself as a big fight destination and it’s very exciting for our sport I was not there obviously I was at AJ and ganu it felt on TV a 100 times bigger than a and would you agree uh not a hundred times bigger but you know definitely bigger you know it was it was the moment in time um the AJ knockout that moment was one of the most electric moments I’ve ever felt at a show you know but the anticipation of that fight the history of the fight you know it takes time it takes time to build people on the ground’s knowledge of the sport and also it takes time for people to realize the destination as a fight destination and as a trip to make you know I think the difference between AJ and ganu and and particularly Fury against usk was probably four or 5,000 Brits made the trip know either from the Middle East or of course from the UK and and that makes a big difference and they were spectacular at the weigh in and but I promise you everyone that went would leave their game what a fantastic time what a fantastic place and you know that that’s that’s important when people are spending their hard ear money to enjoy a live event I feel very confident in stating that Alexander usyk is the number one pound-for-pound fighter in the world now do you agree I do actually agree yes the people people ask me before that fight if he beats Tyson Fury is he pound-for-pound number one and I you know I thought I said he’s definitely got a case for it but yes absolutely I mean Undisputed Cruiserweight world champion Undisputed heavyweight world champion and not just that you know moving up beating AJ twice beating Tyson Fury you know you’ve got Anu you’ve got Crawford you’ve even got Canelo Alvarez but I think the feet at those weights and especially because of the size disadvantage you know early in that fight the first six rounds I was actually watching the fight thinking I don’t think he can get to T he’s just too small you know he’s like almost like reaching up to like like a kid trying to you know beat up an older person in in the in the playground it’s like how are you going to get to him how you g to get hurt him and just chipping away chipping away chipping away and you know that’s that’s I think even more impressive is the disadvantage he has in size against these bigger men so yes in answer to your question I truly believe that Alexander usk is pound-for-pound number one do you agree with this sentiment if if Tyson would have won exact scorecards the interest in the rematch would have been minimal a lot of people would have said move aside usyk no rematch give us AJ because it’s usyk beating Tyson the rematch could be bigger than the first fight there’s gonna be way more people yeah yeah possibly yeah I mean honestly after six rounds I was thinking oh you know usyk looks a little bit you know beat up to the body and every time he gets hit and Furies you know he’s on the ropes he’s flowing now I was thinking this could be a runaway and then we might not want to see a rematch as it happens the rematch is a massive fight now so look but AJ who is ready to fight anyone you know if one of those guys don’t fight this year someone’s got to do something you know if if Alexander usk is not ready in October and says no look the jaw is not good I won’t be actually ready till February or March why not make Fury against AJ oh you know if if Fury’s not ready to fight AJ would have another crack at usk no problem so you know anything could happen at this stage but of course the rematch is huge so I would guess that is the next move you know for for both men okay so you have opened up an interesting door here um there has been talk about the September 21st Wembley card featuring a AJ clearly that’s not a done deal yeah I mean I would say that’s the plan I mean look the card is not you know we’ve been talking myself and um George Warren and Spencer Brown you know it’s kind of like this this Trio of building fights that we’ve developed this great relationship led by his Excellency who you know himself will put forward his ideas of thoughts and obviously that rules all of us and we we help you know when asked and AJ is you know penel in to fight on that Wembley date and you know it’s going to be interesting to see what happens with the ibf belt now because obviously when you become Undisputed you have all these mandatories it’s very difficult to get the chronological order right to you know defend them all um and next up is Philip hergovich and Philip hergovich was supposed to actually get the title fight before Saturday and the ruling was that the ibf um said the winner of Fury usk must fight Philip hergovich with no more exceptions so there is a very strong chance that that belt will free up potentially hergovich could even fight duir in the 5v5 coming up for the ibf world title and maybe the winner fights AJ at Wembley on SE September the 21st and then when AJ wins that becomes a three-time world heavyweight champion and fights the winner of fuy USI it’s for Undisputed all over again so honestly Anything could happen at this stage and let’s be honest like the heavyweight division’s on fire and and so he boxing box I was just gonna say boxing is I kind of feel like you almost over you almost jumped the fence you no I’m I’m I’m the ven diag double dipping aren’t you dble dipping I love them both it’s a ven do you know what a v diagram is I hope so that middle part that’s me and I’m trying to bring both sides together I am the guy bringing both sides together I am telling the MMA fans this is great come over here I’m telling the boxing F and I feel like some of the boxing people are getting nervous do you get this they’re like oh what’s the MMA guy doing please Combat Sports guy I tell them all the time because I can imagine like when you I saw your tweets on Saturday when you like scoring the fight and I can imagine there oh here he goes the MMA guy that scoring boxing events so you can’t you can’t win either way I was watching boxing I was going on our tour orotti fights in Montreal when they were all in their father’s nutsack okay what do they know about boxing they don’t know you’ve already got you’ve already got credibility with me you don’t have to convince me I’m just saying I I I mentioned inaway Davis and they all went crazy I had all these like kudin writing for a God knows what website telling me get this [ __ ] guy out of here what are you talking about inway Davis has been talked about by everyone including his Excellency who wanted it right that’s not such a crazy idea they have to meet in the middle same kind of disparen as Crawford Canelo yes you know which also get where that’s all right and you know I think um weight division you know the famous saying weight divisions are there for a reason sure sure sure but you know some some work some D um anyway uh could I ask so here we are in this situation where you know you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re sitting there you’re with Frank this has been bandied about ad nauseum you’ve got the five versus five is there any time when you’re sitting there ringside and I don’t know if you sat next to him the entire time was it the entire night or was it just for I was with GE I mean I had a couple of Fighters on the card yeah commiserations about Jo Cordina Joe cord yeah Jo taian but you know tough night for Joe Cena and then I slid down a couple and and sat next to George Warren for the main event I felt like you know I was very well- looked after considering I’ve got nothing to do with Fury and usk right you know you know what I’ll be honest with you sometimes I go to I’m not particularly the hospitality when I go to shows that aren’t mine Ariel is not the best I mean I saw you in Brooklyn I don’t know if you want to talk about that but I felt bad I didn’t really I mean Golden Boy didn’t really want to even give me a seat yes you know I mean there’s a certain thing called respect but you know the difference with me is when Oscar comes to one of my events I’ll put him right in the middle do you know what I’m saying because you know what you do you kill him with kindness and you bury him with a smile yes and that’s the most beautiful thing you can possibly do but the hospitality that I’m receiving you know and you know as I said that sort of Trio there of you know gold star Queensbury matum like that we are doing some fantastic work together we really are like there’s no oh you’ve got one and I oh you know it’s your main event no it’s my main event yeah and that is the [ __ ] in boxing that is one of the most painful things but I have no problem just bring everybody together treat everybody listen treat them how you want to treat But ultimately when you’re getting along life is so much better like the enjoyment I’m getting out of boxing now you know we flew home yesterday it’s like queens breur and mat you know we’re all like we’re all chatting away what a great night right yeah I’ll Taylor Catal this week good luck Eddie we’ll see you back in Riad next week you know like that’s the teams not just me and Frank and George and it’s really I have to say it’s really enjoyable it’s tiring the [ __ ] the back and forths you know like he said this and the clickbait on interviews and and and now it’s just like you’re actually going out for dinner and talking about you know and Frank Warren sent me can’t remember the fight Ron L against was it Larry Holmes or something you know talking to me at dinner next thing sends me a WhatsApp in the morning watch this one what a fight this was you know and it’s just it’s a good feeling we love boxing we love boxing so yeah feel great at the moment very motivated and it’s a great run you know coming off we talk about Undisputed obviously you’ve had anou um fight not wasn’t our fight but then Canelo mongar on the zone you know Haney Rook Garcia was massive the sound waves of that good and bad around the sport and then usyk against Fury Taylor Catal this week’s a massive all British fight one of biggest fights of the year over here and then the 5v5 you know and then we’re coming into June we’ve got Matias our first event in Puerto Rico got a show in Birmingham after that you got bam against Estrada in Phoenix huge fight got the homecoming of Geron Enis after that you know July 13 we’re going to have probably 15,000 there at the worlds Fargo so I think this is an incredible boom time of boxing and know people talk about oh big fights leaving the UK leaving the US don’t worry about that the big fights are happening and that is unbelievable for the whole ecosystem of boxing for everybody for you for me the fans for Fighters for broadcasters we’re in a great place with this have happened without turkey Al Shake no never you never would be sitting at an event with you nothing could have happened no I I in my mind there was the the chance of me and Frank Warren ever working together was over 14 years 14 years ER like you don’t you don’t just start after 14 years right it’s just like there’s too much gone on you have to understand when he came in the game he was the young gun trying to overturn the authority of power he like a replica of what I did and when I came into the game he made my life hell you know criticized me you know the legal letters you you know when we’re sign like and that that’s what he’s brilliant at he grinds you down till you have to go but I never went and I kind of got his respect I think now thinking about it but it was just a case of I’d never met him or spoken to him in 14 years we promot in the same Market you know Britain’s not the biggest country in the world and it was like it’s them and it’s us and it ain’t ever happening and it was a mistake looking back you know the Rivalry was was so competitive and it was good in a way because we were both trying so hard but now having come together we should have done it earlier and it was just his Excellency who basically said I can’t I don’t care about this [ __ ] shut up you two are you on you know he won’t mind me saying his Excellency because he’s one of the funniest people I’ve actually ever met I mean sense of humor is hilarious and I will say as well I think a lot of people who don’t know him probably when people say thank you his Excellency or his Excellency oh here they go again yeah his Excellency honest like he is actually one of the most invigorating people you can be around his energy is unbelievable for the sport and his passion for the sport is something we all share but the first time I met him you know we didn’t get off to a great start because I was criticizing Fury against in and I went to to see him in his hotel and he said Eddie said we are a fast train he said do you want to come on the train or do you want to stand on the platform as we go past and I said choo choo ch ch and I say that to him all the time and that was it that from there it’s honestly like it’s I’m really enjoying my job at the moment I got to say and that’s that’s something I can’t always say I fa in boxing could I ask as you as you speak about how difficult Frank made your life and and all the challenges I’m asking I don’t know the answer to this question but is there any Theory out there that could be made that the same is now being done to Ben Shalom that you are now doing to Ben what Frank did to you yeah I mean I’m not really but I passage so to speak yeah I do think there is the element I mean it’s not a tactic that’s the difference I think it’s not necessarily part of my makeup but obviously when someone says something that might bend the truth a little bit you react and so forth and Ben’s got a pass that test as well he’s very different to me and Frank like you know people are just made of different stuff I mean good qualities bad qualities you know and um you got it’s a it’s a horrible time sometimes I got to be honest with you like it’s made me the operator I am today and like you know and I thank Frank Warren for that because he built me in a way you know I’m built by my father really who taught me everything but there is an element of Frank Warren that g gave me that resilience and resistance and I’m so cold with it you can’t hurt me and that’s why now if it’s javant if it’s Ryan if it’s Oscar it just pings off me it’s like you know it’s like a just it literally just touches the suit and it just dribbles down aside you can’t you can’t hurt me I’ve been there I’ve done it you know I’ve been around this sport since I was eight I’ve been in the business for 14 15 years and I’ve heard it all you know and you know but it was good it was good I feel I feel great place and and I like the fact that I’m a little bit more mature now a little bit older sometimes I don’t say as many stupid things and I actually know a lot about the sport you know not just the business but you know 35 years really watching up close in the changing rooms in the gyms and I live and breathe it a couple quick hitters I know it’s getting late there so um just want to hit you with a couple things where do we stand on Haney Garcia how do you think this Saga plays out well I mean Ryan’s just you know I I bumped into him in Saudi Arabia and you know he was off again last night on Twitter like just the most stupid childish behavior like you know but again similar to some people face to face and it’s like you come up give me a cuddle let’s have a photo you know and I I don’t like I don’t you know I I really I’m I’m someone that will really do my best to avoid confrontation yeah peaceful life always better but sometimes this guy acts like an idiot you know and I like Ryan Garcia and and I’ve said to him I actually said to him in Saudi Arabia you do realize if you actually listen to every interview that I give I say I really hope that Ryan is innocent I actually even give him the benefit of the doubt but I even said to him face to face you you can’t just say it’s a conspiracy theory I said you’re blaming me for you testing positive twice well someone set me up he said well firstly no they didn’t and secondly it definitely wasn’t me so just be careful what you say and let’s just try and deal with his situation you have to answer to and you know the B sample will come out soon I believe is it this week 99.9% of the time it’s always the same and I keep saying you know there is a chance that Ryan Garcia is innocent there is a chance that it is contamination but as I keep saying one thing that we do know at the moment is that when Ryan Garcia entered the ring to fight dein Haney he had performance enhancing drugs in his system and I feel like Devin Haney I mean it’s it’s amazing really that Devin Haney is actually getting criticized like he’s fought a guy that was three and a half pound over oh wow that’s interesting What’s happen I’ve just I don’t know I think I’ve just had a power cut of some kind it’s Ryan Garcia yeah no yeah do you do you think it was I think it was I mean he’s Mr conspiracy that was crazy this is UN unbelievable scenes hold on it’s curtains for Eddie every I can’t believe it it’s alyon who was it it’s leard you think your power went out I can’t up because he we try again here okay I’m back there you go yeah so I think that um you know Ryan’s just got to answer the problems you know he’s got to make sure that um he can deal with the situation which he’s obviously coming thick and fast uh Deontay Wilder is this a one-fight deal yes one fight deal team match room captain of the team and you know we hope that he can take us to Victory double the points we could be behind going into that fight you know and we need him to come through I can’t wait to get out to Saudi Arabia and get get through this this week first of all and then go from there you know leads to to Saudi Arabia what happened with Shantel Cameron um nothing really and I feel like we’ve always done a great job for her um we never really had the greatest of relationships you know I don’t know why I think sometimes when you have a fighter like Katy Taylor and they’re in a similar weight class you know I think that it’s like you always lean in to support them over over her and that wasn’t really the case but obviously we are very fond of Katie I think we’ve done a great job for Shantel but then sometimes you just need to shake hands and you know so we haven’t quite got on we feel like we’ve done a good job and we wish you all the best for the future and that’s what we did and she’s a fantastic fighter and you know she still got a lot to give this ball I don’t know if you saw her but I was the uh the MC of the Jake Paul Mike Tyson press conference in New York and it was great to see uh Brian Peters there Sean Palmer there conspicuous by his absence was you uh will you be at the fight on July you have been youve been linked with her okay you know I’m not involved in the promotion of the show um but at the same time I will be 100% supporting Katy Taylor I believe she will win the fight I think it’ll be a great fight but yes I will be there to support is it hard for you to not you know you you’ve been by her side at the day for all her big fight is it is it hard for you to take a back seat no not at all because it’s the opportunity for the fighter you know I said to Katie once we receive this offer this is an offer you have to take you you know spoke to Brian Peters the money was right you know and I thank theone as well for saying absolutely you know but you know I was also on my way to rad at the time for that press conference but you know I’ll be supporting the fights like not like I won’t be talking about it but you won’t see me actively pushing it the show because of my obligations to done and it’s not a done fight but you know it was an opportunity that we had to let our fighter take and you know it’s definitely the right thing to do two last quick ones uh this time next year will Terence Crawford and canel Alvarez have already fought I think no I’m not sure that’s the right fight for for S it’s a fight that when I’ve spoken to him in the past he hasn’t been mad about partly because of the weight class you know I don’t think he feels like he’ll get the credit beating Terence Crawford I think he’s right as well and obviously if he gets beat but Alo Crawford moves a lot you know and I think at this stage in Sal’s career he likes those guys that come forward and and want to fight him and I think that’s why I enjoyed them on gear fight and lastly as you put it it’s an old-fashioned domestic dust up this weekend in leads it’s Jack Taylor against excuse me Jack catall against Josh Taylor uh I screwed that up golly um the first fight was supremely controversial it’s the one that sort of kicked off my crusade of open scoring I wish there was open scoring for some of these big fights we thought we were getting it a few weeks ago we’re getting it this Saturday for those that may not be familiar G give us the oldfashioned cell here why should they watch The Zone on Saturday as these two well because it’s the most fierce rivalry I’ve ever seen in British boxing I mean we’ve had some great rivalries in British boxing but none to the point where when two guys approach each other they want to attack each other on site I mean one of the most controversial first Fighters you’ve ever seen in my opinion and in most people’s opinion Jack catell should have been Undisputed Champion two years these two have gone backwards and forwards and now everything’s on the line You’ got you know 11,000 packed in the elite Arena 4 or 5,000 Scottish 4 5,000 English and a few others bundled in as well it’s going to be an electric atmosphere great fight this time around and it’s what we need you know there is a lot of big fights going to Saudi and so forth so we must maintain the great fights in the UK and this is the fight of the year so far over here and you’re going to see a great fight a great buildup the first head-to-heads tomorrow let’s just get him in the ring but I’ve never seen a hatred like it honestly you know the slogan for this one is hatred runs deep and it really is you know a nasty one so let’s get him in the ring and settle it in there can’t wait for it I hope Sam Jones is up on the Das as well because he does a great job absolutely one million moving perfect thank you Eddie appreciate it very much good luck with the power failure thanks so much yeah take thanks for watching we appreciate it very much hey if you like this video give us the old thumbs up subscribe as well you can get many more of these videos on the channel so please do that we would love you forever if you did so


  1. Great fight, that left hand of Usyk is dangerous. i do think Fury has the talent and ability to win in the rematch but he has to quit playing around and focus on the jab and holding the phone to his right ear. Usyk is a great champion!!

  2. If its a World cup final or conference league play off the rules are the same. It should be the same for boxing – resulting in the fight being stopped at the end of round 9 IMO

  3. I don’t get where all this hate on Eddie comes from. Personal opinion – my fav boxing promoter who reasons with the fans and is relatable. Talks sense & sounds passionate about what he does

  4. The comments here are in sharp contrast to the boxing channel comments when Hearn is on the screen. MMA fans see the positives while use boxing are mad suspicious of him

  5. The fans criticised aj so much for losing to usyk. Fury was lucky the ref changed his mind and didn’t stop the fight. Yet everyone is respectful of fury.

  6. Can they kowtow any harder? “His excellency is actually one of the funniest people I’ve ever met”

  7. Eddie is childish himself, remember when you're client aj lost twice in a row to usyk? He was childish in defeat. You brits talk about Americans yet your probably worse, maybe not but thats my opinion. Usyk beat both fury and aj

  8. The ropes held him up several times and if the ref would of let Usyk havone more offensive, he would of knocked him out cold.

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