3 Keys to Lean The Shaft and Compress the Golf Ball

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In this video, Adam provides three tips for leaning the shaft and compressing the ball at impact. Additionally, he reviews the Precision Impact tool and demonstrates its various uses to help improve your golf game.

✅ 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
✅ 27-year Class A PGA Member
✅ Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
✅ Hosted corporate outings worldwide
✅ Regular Golf Channel appearances
✅ Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






hello there Adam Basel jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy today my three keys three tips if you like for leaning the shaft and compressing the ball at impact everyone wants a crisp iron shot nice divot in front of the ball I also review the Precision Impact Tool a tool designed specifically to help you do that and show you some different uses you might get out of that but I think you’ll find these three keys reasonably helpful so my first two keys would be that’s Charles H on the left by the way Fred Couples on the right number one shifting some weight watch the left side of his body the target side look at that weight shift as he starts down let’s do the same with Fred you can see that table behind him there there’s that weight shift and the other thing you would notice as you look at this key number two is and it’s really due to the weight shift as long as the wrists and arms are passive there is an increase in angle do you see how that angle’s gotten sharper and more acute you’ll see the same for Fred he’s maybe by that one guy’s head there and now it looks sharper so bumping the weight what most golfers do they thrust the arms and Club down too much losing wrist angle preventing the weight shift if you like so that’s numbers one and two let’s work on it so I show you a tremendous awareness drill if you like with a single alignment rod in just a moment but let’s have a look at that Precision Impact Tool show you what it does and how I would use it if I got one so there’s the Precision impact that loops around these two fingers these straps tighten around my forearm and the joint here clicks when I bend my trail wrist but it won’t straighten back out you just release that catch there and you can click it again and as you will see there are a number of uses for this and you will definitely get some quality feedback if you choose to get one we’d love to get one in your hands there’s a discount link below let’s get out and try it hitting some shots well there’s the clicks let me unlatch it now how they’re prescribing a Precision impact to use this is you feel some clicks or you hear some Clicks in your back swing and then of course nothing coming down helping you hold the angle could certainly have some value maybe hitting a fairly short shot let’s try one this is a pitching wedge just chip one out there this kind of holds the angle for you which is good but how I would prefer to use it would be to and let’s rehearse it without the ball first to hear a few clicks going back but to increase the clicks or continue to hear the clicks as I start down that means the club’s loading or the right wrist is loading in my case that sort of a feeling let me try a little shot like that that’s the idea now I can really feel some action some increase in Risk listen feedback is always a good thing I if you’re learning a motor program feedback is great it’s an old CS Lewis quote I I like it’s not about golf for sure but it says never accept subjective feedback when concrete is available so anything that gives you feedback is useful and certainly I mean in the takeaway some golfers need to set it more this would be great for them to feel a lot of that plenty of people I work with need to set their wrist less at the beginning of the back swing so they would delay the clicking so in my years of working for David lead better a very creative guy he was around teaching AIDS a lot some of them he was representing he had all sorts of fun and creative uses for them that could really really make a difference so let’s set up our alignment Rod drill coming right up that’s Grant weight on the left I love his swings so I use him a lot look at that movement and here’s the thing I the point I want to make before we look at the alignment Rod drill how far left these golfers that’s Jessica cord on the right how far left they get with their hips and their hands I rarely see regular golfers in that sort of mode that club isn’t going to miss the ball unless you have some huge over the top you can see his club’s almost level with the ground but hands and hips really get forward if you can start to free up and get that sort of a look you are well on your way to great ball striking so simple drill using the one alignment Rod I’ve poked it in the ground it’s leaning diagonally towards probably my chest at this point but from my standpoint I can see very much where that is in relationship to the golf ball easy feedback all I have to do is feel like most of my lower body is beyond that and certainly that my hands are well beyond that when I hit the ball so if that’s what I’m trying to feel that’s not that difficult to do doing it on a small scale now my number three key and I’ve again I’ve been around golf for decades teaching it and playing it the mental key and that is people don’t give themselves the the freedom if you like to make big changes when they’re working on stuff like that I am telling you and I have many top teachers I’ve talked to agree with me on this or I agree with them or whatever the great majority of people make a 100% of their mistakes in their life on that side of the ball do you know how rarely I see an average golfer on a reasonable swing play let’s assume not faking it this way get so far past the ball with their hands and hips that they don’t hit a good shot I don’t know that I’ve ever seen that so loosen up don’t be afraid to make mistakes hit some shots that was so far forward I topped the ball I don’t care I felt something new just even if you have to move your feet around break this thing up and feel what it’s like to get in front of the golf ball a bit then dial it back this thing would help you so work on these PR they’re not that difficult you can make progress it may take a little while before you can take it out to a tournament the uh the Precision impact tool is certainly very helpful feedbacks great again check the link you can pick one up at a discount I hope this video helps you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause]


  1. Hi Adam, I always judge swing theories and training aids on this – can i use/apply it and hit long irons far. I don't think this contraption allows it. I'd say that things good for punching shots up to 150 yards for your average player. Anything more your gunna need a hell of alot of core strength to turn through with speed with that clubface held off trying to generate clubjead speed. Regards, Richard

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