Golf Players

Heng Time: Louis Oosthuizen on Farming, Family, and More | LIV Golf Hong Kong

Su-Ann Heng is back with Stinger GC captain, Louis Oosthuizen, at the beautiful Hong Kong Golf Club.

Follow along as Su-Ann gets in-depth on Stinger GC, the all South African team from LIV Golf, some of Louis’ most unique nicknames, how he times one of the smoothest swings in the league, managing pressure on the course, his kids, the farm, and what he hopes to leave behind.

0:00 Intro
1:09 Why is Your Nickname, “Shrek?”
2:19 Do You Ever Get Tired of People Commenting on Your Swing?
3:11 Have You Always Been a Fluid Player or Did You Grow Into It?
4:18 Why Louis Plays More Than He Practices
4:44 Nothing Seems to Phase You on the Course, Is It More Internal?
6:21 What Playing With the Stinger GC Boys Has Done to Louis’s Game
8:47 Prank Wars
9:29 The Farm in Miami and Its Newest Additions
14:00 What It’s Like Being a Father of 3
15:43 A Legacy to Leave Behind
17:20 Outro

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welcome to hang time this week we’re here at the historic Hong Kong golf club and I’ve got the captain of stinger GC Louie us tasen we’re here on the 6th we’re going to watch him play it and we’re going to have a chat let’s go what’s up Lou hello are you ready for hang out no yeah you are you ready for my burning questions yeah I’m ready all right let’s watch you play this okay you Mak me nervous though don’t the fa I don’t like playing in front of people so I find that hard to believe okay thought you rather going to give me advice here yeah that doesn’t suck let’s see where it finishes first oh oh bunker members bounce no is it bunker it’s in the bunker want to hit Mulligan no blame blame the Cy for them oh Dy poor Dy that’s okay Lou why is your nickname Shrek where did that come from so we’re going to start this whole intervie that’s how we’re going to start that’s how we going to start it listen it’s my show I do what I like um I don’t know it was Trevor Fisher Jr back home in South Africa was like amateur well yeah just after being junior golf in Amateur Golf came up with a nickname Shrek had to be probably a this the Gap in my teeth and my big ears ogre ears so I was called Shrek and it I don’t mean to laugh no I mean he was he was probably spot on though so but yeah they Shrek but it’s not really a name a nickname that that sort of stuck with me but now and then someone says it like those guys that I grew up playing golf with amateur golf and Junior Golf they still call me Shrek so I’ve brought it back up on hang time it might stick now thank you yeah now that I’ve brought it up on hang time it’ll stick right trick thank you trick doesn’t he look like looking forward to it especially with the sting of green you know it’s right and it’s a a yeah okay um do you ever get tired of people telling you how smooth your golf swing is how fluid your golf swing is did you get tired of it uh yeah I mean I think there’s a lot more technical better swings um I I don’t know yeah there’s always technically there’s always things I can improve on I know that but yeah Rhythm has always been sort of a thing that that my swing was always based around I never it’s never someone that’s swinging at Big Club speed or or get big ball speed so it was always just um you know the the the timing but and the Striking of the golf ball that was the main thing for me well you don’t strike me as a very technical player at all you know have you have you always been that way or did you grow into that type of a player I think in the beginning stages like it was always naturally like timing wise but but then at a young age my coach Von tuo really got me into doing the basic things right and um always just work on on those basic things um I was I don’t like being technical but I do like feeling a certain thing in my swing um a lot of guys will probably tell you that it’s a movement so a lot of guys like to know where the club should be lot of guys like to feel the club I I’m more as a body movement and you know my coach always know tell me where you want the golf club what you want me the feeling and then I’ll figure it out out to get it there sort of more and feel than anything so there’s more than meet the with Louis in um yeah there’s there’s a lot of things going on here when you espe it doesn’t seem that way when you’re walk in the golf course you know I I don’t I don’t believe standing at a golf tournament eitting balls golf balls over golf balls I feel you have to be ready going to the event um I play play more golf than I practice I play a lot back home and and play rounds of golf and and I feel that we have different shots the whole time I get bored when I stand in the driving range how many gos did you hit today I hit 15 but it was just a warm up to get started on this so it warm up it was it was a early start though so I just wanted to get going it was a bit of an early start so nothing nothing seems to phase you when I watch you play nothing seems to phase you is there more that happens on the inside are you pretty hard on yourself yeah I think every all golf is are harder than himself you you can always improve I’m still still get upset I still get um you know especially when I’m not playing great and make and normally making stupid mistakes I’d hate making a thinking error that drives me insane so what’s a thinking error well like uh taking on a certain pin or an getting a club where I’m bringing in something bringing in a bad spot and play you know like a unforced er unforced error that that that between me and my caddy we could have have a better thought process um of where to eat this golf shot so lately we’ve been good with that like really talking a number we want to pitch it where we want to hit it taking out the bad side like this week um the golf course you want to be short of most of the pins cuz everything slopes towards you so there’s a few things like that thinking errors is always um I think at the top level thinking errors is a thing that separates the the the the really top guys whose course management is really good to others well I I’ve watched you play for 20 over years now not to reveal your age or mine I’m 41 that’s fine no worry um but you know I think I’ve never seen this side of you that I’ve seen in the last just about over two years now uh has that been brought out from being with The Stingers with the boys or have you always been that way just that we haven’t seen that side of you I think um playing PGA to European tour sort of it’s a it’s so individual so it’s just you it can get lonely sometimes I me brand and sha always travel together and play together and um we will always try to to sort of create that friendship Bubble but um this really made golf fun again for me um being part of the team when you have a bad day you can still help the team with a score um you know it’s it’s more than just you and having fun I mean look you’re playing under a lot less stressful environment you’re playing with no cut you’re just having fun you you go out and you’re bit more aggressive when you play you can see it in scoring on every week we play so you know I do think everyone is everyone here is having a little bit more fun and um at the same time it’s as competitive as I’ve ever played any tournament how do you play a fair bunker shot precisely you’re have no help are you no no look it’s it I think yeah smooth swing is the most important thing to not fall under it and I always I used to struggle with it quite a bit but lately I’ve been pretty decent with it where you put the ball position tend to be more I do very similar I over the club a little bit above it to make sure I eat the ball and then just strike through it and probably a little shorter than than what I would normally but I don’t like taking too much Club met it too soft feel then I then I don’t make a good swing but you also don’t want to eat yourself off your feet so it’s like that right in between yeah okay well let’s see that’s what that gave me the no pressure now i e it fat ah come on Lou is it the cameras no I’m nervous I told you I get nervous it it a little heavy I got nervous at was standing here well I love watching you guys you have such great content on your socials and it’s really quite entertaining to see that side of you and I know you’re quite the prankster I was just talking to Dean and he said you pull a few pranks on your teammates I don’t know about it yeah you know come on what’s your best prank ever not not just on remember of any pranks I just it just I think sometimes it just comes natural and I don’t really plan it I don’t know you got to ask them probably I honestly don’t know I I I honestly can’t wait for them to prank you no but they yeah they’re going to prank me I know that yeah I already heard of a few that failed and you didn’t know that they happened so I’m sure it’s coming pretty soon that’s probably coming yeah uh you have a huge Farm in oala which is where you live I was in Miami and I think I spoke to your wife and she said you guys recently added some new animals to your farm the fainting goats yeah the range goats the range goats call them the range goats and you name them after all the range goats now you have to rename them by the way no they Bubba Taylor Thomas and and Harold yeah and I heard Bubba passes out the whole time I was going to say who passes out the most B you like you just go past him and sometimes um when you go with a buggy past him and and you accelerate and it goes like the big and he just goes and it just Falls over so yeah Baba’s a fainter I still a video for him no I still want to do a cuz I’ve got a range coat flag so I want to put it up there yeah and then I want to do a video for them but then they all swapped I’m like oh man but I can’t change the names now but yeah that’s uh so it’s a good it’s fun it’s like very a lot of fun the goats I read somewhere that when you won in 2010 the Open Championship sh right after that you bought yourself a sweet tractor hell yeah yeah where did this far love for farming I grew up on a farm grew up on a farm my wife grew up on a farm so been a farm boy my whole life so love a farm what’s your working on it oh my tractor my big tractor when it when it comes around to making um some high Bales cutting and you know all that things it’s that’s uh that’s the best time on the on the farm for me when you get get your first win on live and I say when because I know it’s coming you’re playing some of your best goal but when you get your first win what are you going to get for yourself I don’t know um I spoiled myself um a lot well over the years with with farming stuff I don’t think I can get any more farming things but uh nice tractor will be nice again another tractor how many tractors do you need you always need a tractor for something but uh no I don’t know it’ll be something it’ll be something it’ll be something what are the top five things you need on a farm so animal so we got we got horses so you need a good groom that can and and help on the farm and we we were very lucky with with Mario that’s that’s on our farm um he’s brilliant and if he if he goes I’m selling I told him I said you’re not going anymore I’m selling the farm if you live um but yeah and then um for what I do I I need a a good decent tractor um or a few apparently no yeah I got three and I I use them the whole time so I do need them and then um for again for what I do I need a good mower um Florida Grass Grows really quickly so you’re on the mower most of the summer few more things you need good food for your animals and and a lot of a lot of patience I think that’s number five um you recently during the offseason I know you guys went to the Krueger National farm for the the horning of the Rhino so they don’t get poached yeah uh you’ve also had the experience of your your arm up a rhino’s behind uh who put you up to that and what was that experience you can say up his ass I had my own ride up there this for TV I know but it is what it is no so no one wanted to do it and I’m like come on guys I mean um you got a nice club so they just get in there so they all looked at me cuz I was the I’m like Char Char’s just as he’s probably more farmer than me I said come on he’s like you can go ahead so I knew Brandon was never going to do it so de you would have def I think de he done it before so so yeah I was just um thought what the hell I’ll take it up there and get the sample what did it what was it like lost the RH shot oh dear did you get that no oh K got cameras on me I’m miked up by dead sh and you don’t get it no I mean a okay Lou we’re going to get to the serious stuff right now you’re a father of three and I know how much your kids mean to you what’s the one thing the one life lesson that you want to pass on to all of your kids wow I told you we’re going to serious stuff um yeah I mean um be grateful um always be kind to other people treat them with lots of respect and um man enjoy life smile they got I always tell them you got the most beautiful smiles and always keep smiling so and we love watching we love watching his smile um what’s the proudest moment for you what what are you the proudest of um it’s got becoming a dead I mean that uh I think that first moment with Yana was pretty special and then each each of them did you cry no I didn’t I was I was nervous I was I mean I was a wreck yeah for that um for the whole the whole ordal um but uh but yeah it was it was special I mean all of a sudden you have this little baby and you’re like what the hell am I going to do now and then um I remember when Sophia came um we got from the hospital we I put them in the car seat and I looked back and I said to my wife I said now now there’s two so you know then we had a third eventually so um yeah it’s it’s um it’s lifechanging it’s there were special yeah and uh I guess finally to wrap up hangtime what do you want your legacy to be um I don’t afford you know to I don’t know kids that’s growing up still playing golf um have fun I always say like the most fun I had growing up was standing with other kidss around the chipping green and playing shots and thinking you’re winning the Masters and thinking all things and don’t take it too serious um especially a game like golf I think you can you can shine when you’re 30 years old and you don’t have to shine as a 16 17 year old I was lucky enough that you know it was at a young age but I think with with this game is so special can take you so many places and um it’s probably the only sport that you know you can you can one day do with with your grandparents if you’re all into golf hopefully we’ll watch you do that with your kids I just need to get my kids out of horses and into golf a I love horses too much I know I heard I heard you you run around a lot try to no thank goodness Nary is great with that she um she’s the she loves being the the horse lady um taking care of all that I told them I’ll make sure the horses got manure um sometimes um I said to them I’ll make sure the horses got feed and they got some some food and stuff but um you know the the horse shows is um it’s it’s not for me really but uh I do go I do go now and then but um yeah it’s a it’s a different bow G there well Lou thank you so much for your time thanks for hanging out with me on Hang Time and uh we look forward to watching you play this week good play well thanks for play yeah [Laughter] [Music]


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