My NEW Approach To Leading With Your Hips In The Golf Swing (you’ll quickly use)

So many of clients have benefitted from making this change to their golf swing. This is why many golfers slice and struggle to hit farther, straighter drives.If you start down too early and have that idea of your hips starting down, it will seriously kill your golf swing! This is an easy driver lesson that will allow your arms to drop, combine power, rotate your hips correctly to allow you to gain maximum distance with driver but you must make one change and otherwise you will never hit drill well or make the improvements that you want to see in your game.

My NEW Approach To Leading With Your Hips In The Golf Swing (you’ll quickly use)

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Starting your downswing with hip turn brings in many problems that cause higher scores.It can mean you have a greater chance of swinging over the top when you, miss out on using the hips as a power source to hit the ball much farther. Slowing your hips down during the golf swing helps massively, but it goes against everything you hear in the golf swing, but it’s changes everything. This golf tip shows you how to use your hips in the correct sequence to drive farther and straighter.
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now our common piece of advice we see on YouTube or maybe even been told by our golf coach is to start the dcing with our hips now actually in my experience as a top 50 World coach that is ruining more swings than it’s helping now really just simply hear me out here if you think about it most of us have a desk job we sit at a desk all day and we stay in one line we don’t actually find it easy to move these hips independently of our upper half now what that translates to in your golf swing is when we have that Focus point of opening those hips to start down we move as a unit and we’re more likely to swing over the top now that is exactly why it’s harming your swing now when we look at this on video from now on yes of course your hips will be moving first and actually probably be moving more than you ever have but the focus is not going to be that the focus is going to be now arms drop back stays the target before we even think about moving these hips let’s go through five simple steps to get your down swing working the way it should let’s have a look at this golf swing of mine here and I know I don’t really like usually talking about my swing but I think it’s going to help you understand what happens so if you look at my right arm to begin with at a dress it starts straight in the back swing it starts to bend so think about this logically if it’s bent at the top of the back swing and it started straight it’s got to get back to straight As we get back to the golf ball okay that’s hopefully some logic you can get now you’ll also notice on this video my hips are moving first to start the down swing now that is not my focus my focus and really look at this position as I start down is that my back is the Target and my right arm is lowering and extending down so the first stage of five is there and we’re going to Rattle through these stages hook your left hand under your right arm like this this and have your hand sort of pointing out like this almost like a bit of an indicator now if you’re left-handed you’ll just complete this it’ll be the opposite way around but that is how I want us to start stage one done and dusted so just have a look at where we are there my hand pointing out like a bit of an indicator stage number two I want you to do your best just to make what you feel is a really good back swing and what I just count as a good back swing hands are around shoulder height and my shoulders if I had a line through here I’ll simply just pointing somewhere towards the golf ball we’re already on to stage number three so stage number one was get your right hand hooked in by your left stage number two was make as good a back swing as you can stage number three all I’m ask need to do think about this arm here as your indicator is keep your back to Target and let your right arm lower so look what I’m doing here okay you can really see how my right arm is lowering and extending now it’s amazing how this gets your Golf Club on playing all the time okay my back is staying the target I’m lowering those arms now I know that’s going to feel strange but let me take you back to that video if you think your right arm at a dress starts like this it moves up like this so if I don’t have the idea of lowering and extending early enough that’s why we hit down on driver and swing significantly over the top so I’m really trying to rroo your programming here and I really need you to do this for me I I I say this a lot and if you’re a regular viewer you’ll know this and you’ll start to see improvements following this you’ve got to integrate every single stage of this video now at stage number three here what I would really like you to do for 8 to 12 reps is turn it lower it extend it whilst keeping your back to Target no rotation right now keep your back the target okay let’s now move swiftly onto stage number four so station number four is where we just now are going to add some turn still no shots I can’t reiterate this enough if you start hitting shots you start thinking about consequence before quality of move so now we just start to lower add in turn up lower add in turn and when I’m adding in turn I’m simply just trying to feel as though as if I was sort of moving through to Target and as if you were hitting a shot away nothing too complex not trying to get too much of this do much of that whatever all I’m trying to do lower my arm use this indicator and just get that feeling lower turn through lower turn through so let me break that down for you let me show you that right arm starts here it lowers and extends lowers and extends that’s as simple as you need to make that start of the down swing that’s four stages in there’s only one more to go now if you haven’t already don’t forget to subscribe and comment down below exactly what you need help with because I’m powered by you the viewers so all this content is all about these questions here today let it some away and this is something you got to promise me you’re going to do before every shot on the golf course it takes no more than 5 seconds so I would do this exactly what I do here we’re up drop and extend we turn it through okay we then do it all as one piece now I said to you before I’m not even thinking about my hips but I’m now because I’ve got the idea of keeping my back to Target as I lower these arms naturally my hips are ahead of my shoulder line so I’ve got more separation than I ever could imagine so my simple swing thought is keep my back the target for longer arms lower boom hit it away naturally how can I say this if I was going to throw a ball to you my hips would always move through I wouldn’t throw and keep my hips here so for a lot of people taking away the focus of spinning the hips actually gets us to move them more because we give it a chance to move in the right order and sequence is everything in the golf swing right I’m just going to hit this one away softly and slowly for you and as simple as that you’ll start to move this gol swing more on plane in increase your power increase your enjoyment of actually getting driver out the bag way more often so a simple swing thought to think about back to Target lower the right arm but awesome way to get your back swing and down swing Blended as one for more power


  1. Alex love your videos!! I’ve gone to the range and practiced many of the things I’ve learned from you. I still have issues of striking the ground before the ball with my irons and sometimes with my driver. Could you address in a video if you’re having these problems what are you doing wrong and how to fix them. many thanks.

  2. Great video. The best single tip I ever got was a coach telling me to keep my back pointed towards the target as long as possible in the downswing. It's nothing short of magical if you have issues coming over the top….which is most amateur golfer. When your swing is on plane everything else is easy.

  3. Bit too much at midnight and on t at 7😮 prefer those punchy short tips can't handle long stuff 🍷 entering this game at 61 two years ago all about straight oh and straight did I say straight ohh and putting straight too

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