One of the BEST Golf Courses I’ve EVER Seen!

True Blue is one of the coolest golf courses I’ve ever seen and this is my full in-depth review



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my friends today we are in Myrtle Beach we are going to give you the full experience here at True Blue Golf Club this is the golf capital of the world it’s going to be exciting we’re going to show you everything you ever wanted to know about this and we’ll give it a full lookover rating and review coming at you let’s go check in in the Pro Shop here at True Blue this I love I feel like I’m in a beach resort SL golf pro shop open bright light gives me a sense and feeling of uh I’m on vacation and the name true blue I like that I’ll leave a link in the video description below for this and play golf Myrtle Beach they cover everything you want to know about this area of the country but check out the men’s uh facilities not only is it uh first class for public horse but you can also shower in there if you wish after the round come on nice shower room here look at this we might have to experience this later this is nice in here we got a food and beverage area we will experience this later after the round and give you kind of a top off review of the food situation here at True Blue I’m a little bummed they have those little motorcycle cars that you can uh use out here so what you do is you download an app and then you uh you reserve those little single Rider bike things only got a few minutes to warm up come on rain change here true blue already impressive it’s a spectacular backdrop Clubhouse Pond over there probably the 18 hole back there massive expansive range tree in the range which I’m a huge fan of bonus points for True Blue having waist bunkers at the range I love that it gives you definition perspective a true feeling of What It’s Like on the real Golf Course true blue is a Mike trans design course already I’m loving what he did with the range it’s going to be a link style golf course I’m a huge fan of that so generous off the tea second shot is going to be critical link style will really develop and integrate a lot of the natural terrain and elements into the golf course so I’m a huge fan of that we have multiple sets of tea boxes here a true blue as we do pretty much every course we got gold black blue white white green yellow I mean you got every color in the rainbow virtually anywhere from 7200 yards forward we’re going to do a combination of t- moxes that will uh give you the best view of this golf course so number one par five go right here let’s see if we can get off to a good start and get a positive note on whole one for your review purposes beautiful raised green here on the front I like this look this looks spectacular green raised bunker surrounding looks like a large green when it comes to First whole Impressions I want something Grand and spectacular to start off the day already we got this moat that’s what it is Giant waste bunkers even though they have brakes and we have I don’t know 15t for birdie so let’s see if we can truly kick off the day in style oh I had it just didn’t hit it a little nervous cuz I didn’t hit in practice putt so I didn’t want to gun it by but it’s a good start good par look at this par three spectacular already three holes in and I’m I’m impressed we have a waist bunker going into the water love that look and an interestingly shaped green obviously trouble’s lurking everywhere but beauty is also everywhere to be found on this incredible hole all right tip of the day for you we have 160 to the flag so for me that’s normally an eight iron so we can either go eight but if we Mish hit it at all we’re in a diabolical bunker so I’m going to take extra Club go s I’ll be fine if I’m let’s say 5 Ys long 15 ft no big deal in other words I’m taking the big disaster opportunity out of play and it seems like we made a good choice by taking a little bit extra Club just being smooth with it don’t get frustrated see this happens when you don’t play on Bermuda greens a lot you just are going to uh be confused now it’s time for what we call unfiltered where I read your comments on some of my recent videos and I’ll answer the questions or respond to the hate all right this is from one of the private club videos uh suggest that you should try Thailand’s Course once then you would realize about world is not just USA well I know the world’s not just USA I’d love to do Thailand private clubs or whatever they got Count Me In send me my um flight info I’ll see you there oh here’s a comment you get my thumbs up but but but there’s always a but I learned long time ago that if you teach someone try to avoid showing what not to do always focus on what to do and how to do it I appreciate the comment however um if I say what not to do it gets a lot more clicks than if I just no um you got to know what not to do in my opinion you got to know what not to do because those are the common things and if you see that and you it connects with that’s what I do oh I shouldn’t do that that’s why I do it oh this is is a good one my 3-wood is easily the worst Club in my bag I’m convinced it only works with witchcraft and blood sacrifice I’ll take these tips to Heart next time I’m on the Range thanks for the inside yeah you know what if the 3-woods not working get a fivewood those are the best clubs in the bag fivewood seven wood if you can’t hit a three-wood go the other route so far these green complexes remind me of and you let me know what you think in the comments below of that Scottdale the bad little nine those were just diabolical these are larger but they’ve got a similar feel and style to them look at this thing like it’s incredible oh that was tracking the whole way this is a tricky hole but incredible here’s something cool I I love seeing this kind of stuff six-hole true blue there’s the green but wait there’s a green there too there’s two greens on this hole so alternating different looks for the same hole play a little dog leg left or pretty straight second shot dog leg right creative well use of space I like stuff like that today we’re on the dog leg left green oh oh that was so good I can’t complain I did everything right I even hit a little bit of the hole there’s three par fives on the front side here and one on the back par 72 ninth hole is a par five I do like that it doesn’t always have to be so perfectly spaced three two and two and two and everything no mix it up I like that all right we are taking a pit stop to experience True Blues dining experience and we’re going to give you a a full-on review of the um culinary Cuisine here inside the um well the restaurant area true blue okay we got the sweet potato fry appetizer and I got the the the popular recommended um true blue wrap to test out so we’ll see how um how it Stacks up in the wrap category and the sweet potato fry with powdered sugar sweet potato fries with powdered sugar it tastes like a churo from the street fair all right I was trying to go healthy but this kind of defeats the whole purpose um 8.2 on a 1 to 1 to 10 for appetizer meals coming we have got the true blue highly recommended true blue signature wrap grilled to Perfection look at that it looks delicious it looks good looks can be deceiving okay true blue food is delicious I’m going to say 8.7 for the the food for the RP I love it there you go finish this up hit the back nine rock and roll okay I hit it I hit what I wanted be good be long and laughting it’s long here it comes come on come on oh we got a chance we got a chance baby come [Music] on what do you know what do you know we finally figured out a p now this is our cart review portion of the video and I know we keep doing these you guys like them there’s not much to say here really we got an easygo RXV electric cart true blue logo on the front hood pretty standard everything I do like the uh sand bottles they just latch onto the sides of the cart here rain gear flip up flip down tire tread on this thing’s pretty weak to be honest with you it needs a needs a kind of a pit stop to be honest think they lease these things every two years I’m going to guess we’re kind of up on the two or threeyear lease option nothing bad to say about it it’s fine RXV Easy Go True Blue Rock and Roll here’s what I love about here we’re on 15 then the first hole is right behind us over here so we’re looking at one we’re looking at 15 we got nine right here we got 10 over there like it’s a cool spot just to observe and uh enjoy the beautifulness of True [Music] Blue carry that [Music] yeah the cool thing about driving in these waste bunkers is you can drift a little bit see that totally drift we’re drift woo that’s what I like oh hey hey whoa see you can totally have fun here see how we’re drifting woohoo that’s what’s awesome something I love from the carts is the GPS with the green and the slope particular on the the greens so I want to know is there a false front here on the 15th hole and yes there is I could see it here in rad don’t be short I have 141 to the pin and we don’t want to hit at 135 we want to be at least like 138 minimum cuz otherwise it looks like it would just roll off the front of the green so thumbs up for um that Intel [Music] stay oh my gosh what a beautiful finishing hole 18 true blue try not to Ricochet it off the clubhouse we got a long way in that was really good going right out it Jack that was good a little long give it to me oh oh oh that was a good one we’re three under on the uh back side here we were two over on the front so we’re we’re one under this is to be one under on the day oh it broke humy ah well first bogey of the back nine great track all right true blue First time seen it I wouldn’t say it’s diabolical but there’s definitely it looks diabolical in your mind but the greens are much larger than they appear from the fairways so great course design great track True Blue on the Mr short game rating scale I’m going to give this an 8.6 true blue thanks for watching hope you enjoyed links below for everything love you guys see you next time


  1. Good approach on 18 even though it went long. That porch is great place to have breakfast (great breakfast there btw) and watch 9 out of 10 players bail to the right

  2. You're always stylish but are you comfortable? I wouldn't mind seeing content on "on course comfort" for different seasons and different chunkiness. Great stuff as always Matt

  3. Golf in Thailand is one of the best golf experiences. As low as $50-60 for green fees, cart and caddy with tip.

  4. Great course!!! Got to play it a few years back. Came back to play Caledonia. Enjoyed True Blue more as I got to play with some rangers and course knowledge was an advantage

  5. You should invite a follower for a round of golf that would be nice. And if it’s me you just have to cover my travel expenses from Aruba to wherever 😂. Keep it up

  6. Excellent video as always, MSG! Love how you show all aspects of a course. Well done & informative. 👍🏻⛳️❤️

  7. Desert Hawk Golf Course in Pueblo West, Colorado. The course is nice and well maintained. The views are AMAZING.

  8. Great video love that course. It’s my favorite in Myrtle Beach. I play it every time I go down there.

  9. I live 3 hrs away & 16 of the guys go down every year for the last 17 years & have played a total of 37 different courses down in Myrtle Beach. Try the 3 Legends courses the next time your down there!!

  10. My man! That course looks BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for the cart review. I truly enjoy these. That cart looked like the ones in my muni (except for the awesome GPS) and looked tired lol. Those slicked out tires helped with the drifting I'm sure. Never had sweet potatoe fries with powdered sugar… looked yummy. I got to try those! Keep up the hard work MSG!

  11. Stepping on a club, on the green, in front of the club house? C'mon man.

    Golf carts are only as good as the respect they are shown.
    Watch the videos, or as I like to call it, " Evidence. "
    (star boys)?

    I might want to come back some day, not that I go anywhere, BUT, leave it in better shape than you found it. Divots, bunkers, fairways.

    Everyone knows the guy that borrows something, breaks it and returns it, still broken.

    Now lets all get out there and trash somebody else's property.

    And have a good time?

  12. Love your videos. Have you ever been to The Bear in Traverse City Michigan? Designed by Jack himself.

  13. As a golf influencer like yourself, NEVER NEVER NEVER do THIS!: Shoot a clip with your hat off without having first fixed up your hair!! LOL LOL

  14. I'm guessing you're missing those putts because the top front of the putter doesn't have an alignment mark on it. 😀
    Great video, love your channel and content.

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