Golf Players

Time For A Grip Check

#driverswing #golfadvice #golftips


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so let’s take a look at my glove hands that’s going to be my lead hand the golf club itself the grip needs to be very much in the base of the finger so sort of down in this area here we want to avoid it going too much through the lifeline of the hand which is really common for new golfers they often pick up their club and instinctively they want to sort of put the club more through the kind of Lifeline of the hand like this you can see where that Golf Club runs very much through the bait of the fingers if I then close my fingers around the pad on my hand it will sit on top of the handle and that’s why mine has kind of worn away a little bit you’ll see that as I look down my thumm very refraction sits slightly on the trail side of the grip not a huge amount but it’s slightly on the trail side that’s a great checkpoint also and I appreciate you can’t see this but I can see one and two of these Knuckles on my hand without moving my lead forearm I should be able to get the club shaft up towards horizontal

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