Golf Players

We Remade Our 1st Video 15 Years Later

15 YEARS OF DUDE PERFECT!!! We remake our 1st video, relive the Top 15 DP moments, and pick our favorite Cool Not Cool items ever! Thanks for spending the last 15 years with us! Here’s to 15 more! ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ Come see us on Tour in Europe! –

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Music by Manic Bloom: “Running from the Scene – JR McRemix”
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“Running from the Scene – JR McRemix”
Performed by Manic Bloom
Written by Jeffrey Wayne Brinkley Jr, David Joel Stevenson, Andrew William Neale, Matthew Bernard Lawrence and Jeffrey Warren Hildebrand
ยฉ JeffTheBrink Publishing / Funky Bug Entertainment / Matthew B Lawrence Music / Von Hildebrand Publishing / Perfectionisht Labs
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5 Best Friends and a Panda.
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Best known for trick shots, stereotypes, battles, bottle flips, ping pong shots and all-around competitive fun, Dude Perfect prides ourselves in making the absolute best family-friendly entertainment possible! Welcome to the crew!

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– Dude Perfect

today we celebrate 15 years of [Music] [Applause] dude y That’s so much that’s good on the confetti can we go to the intro can’t to the intro go to the inro go to the intro tall guy beard twins purple hoser turn it off turn it off dude perfect in over time got it off the betti that’s enough no more tall guy beard twins purple H are now we’re heading on to over I’m going to try and tell you guys what’s going on first segment we’re going back to the backyard where it all started recreating the first video 15 years later went confetti sorry I got confetti in my mouth then we’re counting down the top 15 greatest moments in dude perfect then we got cool not cool greatest items of all time and then we unfortunate I got to I got to get some air I got to get out of here what’s up guys back in the original backyard 15 years later time to recreate the first video but we’re missing a couple things the original six member the voice of Dude Perfect Shan to oh and we’re also missing one other thing well we got to look the part yeah we’re back short how about the Hat with the ears tucked in let’s go baby dud perfect hello folks welcome to Backyard stuntman backyard stunt man so let’s start off [Music] let’s let Destiny [Music] decide right now my hands are covered with the blood of all the thoughts yes Dino and this is the result the super shot and this is the result the super [Music] shot super shot this shot does not even have a name this shot does not even have a name my mind I’m battle I thought that I had already one which is part of my life could be [Applause] W how about the Thirsty alter boy letting it take control and in the would be the slightest regret that I just push away and red 18 blue 42 don’t he’s about to nail the roofer he’s about to nail the roofer crime last yes that’s what I’m talking about this right here it’s called the chimney ball good let’s call it good let’s call it a kn [Music] this is the laser [Music] shot yep [Music] yep it’s in the hole [Music] yes uh guys the tree grew quite a bit these 15 years all right let just skip Allan okay hard to believe it’s been 15 boys it was good to go back though that was fun to know that all I did was just lift my shirt up yeah interesting contribution in that first video guys okay well hey continuing with the 15-year anniversary theme we’re going to go to a special edition of top 10 which we have renamed for this episode top 15 W welcome to top 10 this is going to be a little bit different in the fact that I am not actually selecting the top five the fans have selected the first ever fan generated this will prove that maybe you’re either really bad or really good maybe but I only gave him the top five so the first 10 I am still doing you’re still doing 10 without further Ado let’s get to top 15 yeah baby oh that’s nice I like what we did there number 15 on the list you guys just saw it but of course we wouldn’t be here without it the backyard video there it is just a quick acknowledgement number 14 the airplane shot oh I can still feel [Music] it they never say never neither do we they never say never and neither do we what a tagline number 13 in honor of all the rub Goldbergs that have led to many countless late nights pingpong 3 the rube Oreo third most viewed video of all time in the library I also ate four bags of Oreos at night I remember it welcome to ping pong trick shots three yeah number 12 this is a day that truthfully I would say we thought may never come we wondered would we ever see the day that Kobe cotton wins a battle it’s only number 12 who list is this look at that look at the people the this is Iconic number 11 dedicated to one of our most unique trickshot videos of all time cat baby come on it’s so so satisfying plunger trick shots put it on the I mean look at that intro it’s gorgeous you can’t not stop watching not better than the parade but it good hey we need a sequel we need to redo plunger I’m in plunger trick shots too number 10 probably the most iconic unfortunate situation we’ve ever had Cory Cotton’s eyebrows number 10 rip eyebrows I don’t look that great with them but without them I mean it is really bad I mean what a life lesson it makes my forehead look massive all right number nine have to give a shout out to the Kyle Field shot the original world’s longest basketball shot Yahoo homepage thanks for putting us on the map yes what that was a fun day number eight my personal favorite the rage monster oh yes my personal favorite rage the swimming pool yeah so good the party’s over boys and it’s like we’re at hurricane Kane Harbor that’s a good rage good R good R comment below your favorite rage if it’s not swimming pool number seven I have to give a shout out to the man who continually puts his life on the line for the company ladies and gentlemen he’s the Daredevil when it comes to doing crazy things like a vehicle bucket list shout out to myself in the monster truck oh my God here it is my God what a oh my must have been 100 yard I was teed up wow the way walking thing play the clip yeah 7B 7B with an aster Cody’s Wing walking go ahead throw it up oh yeah oh he’s so dangerous you’re an absolute psycho to do that you can have 7 a I’ll take 7B I’ll take 7B that’s fine uh number six this is a shot that we thought may never happen this is a shot we dedicated time to this should be one I mean if this is a blimp shot this is not this is not worthy I’m talking about the shot when we were literally getting counted out of the stadium boys Boomstick the boom stick D this shot is [Music] great shout out to myself for throwing the bat equally as far as I hit the ball number five this is what the fans have said representing an entire series for Dude Perfect the very first overtime Time episode we had break a diamond with a hammer a level 10 Cody spray tan and essentially our live tour show I agree hey fans yes good job fans I was actually very proud of the fans for number four I thought this one really represented well All Sports golf battle at Augusta National I mean a dream come true something that nobody including us ever would have thought would happen and here here we are walking the grounds of Augusta with hockey sticks baseball bats tennis rackets for me I think it’s Jim n’s voice at the beginning number three it’s time to honor a man who deserves some praise finally Cory gets it this is a trick shot that is almost unfathomable oh I know what it is I would say that if you were to give the world the chance to do this maybe one other person makes it ladies and gentl it’s another trick has to be trick the shot that I made for I’m kidding I’m kidding Cody’s blindfolding shot it’s all I’ve got would never happen again oh you literally made it you switched it I swear that was the first take dude give me that first try that was Insanity dude I got to say we spun this man around we did Point him towards the goal you can’t make it up it never happen again I agree with the fans top three moment in DP is F number one moment in Dude Perfect history is rocket going to space no question well Gary you’d be wrong because that’s the number two moment okay welld deserved Kobe cotton that is welld deserved the only astronaut in our group all right now take it in guys look look look wow it’s a crazy clip if somehow you have not watched that video you have to go watch it and if somehow you a flat earther you need to watch this video thank you guys for I’ll give that to the F I’ll give that to the fans they got it right number one let me press it and just see if it is I know this okay come on go go bummer no it’s not inflatable Nerf battle the number one most iconic moment over the last 15 years as voted by the people as voted by the fans and me cuz I agree with it the Vegas shot well done come on come on we did it we did it yeah let’s go bab not just the shot itself but everything that led to it the full team effort I was really thinking paper airplane battle there but it was a close one the top two moments in dude perect history this good news for us they happened in the last two years sure no sure we’re only up up from here boys one last round of applause for the fans good job F great job you guys should H top 10 more often and truthfully we would not be here without you guys over the last 15 years we’re going to continue to try and make another uh 15 most iconic moments I guess in the next 15 years so thank you guys back to the desk cool KN cool 15th anniversary edition this is a choose your favorite cool not cool item but with it being a special edition episode there’s actually a bonus item the main guy gets one additional item and that item is maybe the first ever Dude Perfect International tour coming later this year w W we’ve been to the us we’ve been to Canada barely but we’ve been there and now we’re coming to Europe the show starts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay it with us pound it baby it International saying if you live in Europe you’re up you’re up you’re up yeah when are we doing it later this year in the fall it would be awesome this fall this fall this fall it’s like in a few months so if you would like to come see us on the first ever Dude Perfect International tour click over here get your tickets now B green for me can’t wait to see you guys that’s going to be awesome it is I think I’m going to go first some say this is more valuable than Bitcoin oh my well bitcoin’s popping oh you still have the deed you didn’t keep yours I did not we’re in the southern him misphere guys of the Moon did I ever tell you that I checked on it yeah how was it honestly like the parcel I’m so tired of space theel I wish you had G to space so bad it looked fantastic can I see the deed we have one acre acre can fit a lot of people you can divide that up and do a little subdivision yeah almost a quarter acre a piece almost except it’s not anyways to this day I’m continually being a green I have aspirations that one day I will visit our moonland I’m transportation to the moon has increased significantly since the last time you said it I’m in how what where is all these where are these Moon facts coming from I was on the moon last night watching Disney Plus on my vision Pros yeah and boy let me tell you you know what and for I don’t it was amazing we’ve lost him I like moonland I always did I voted it back then four out of five it again hey you’re not welcome on my moonland iy don’t know I still own my land I just didn’t it the paperwork the paperwork you’re not allowed you can’t take it from me I didn’t sell it all right keep the order Co we just go down the line go down the line I would love to guys this is actually a pretty easy decision for me if you guys could please reach under your desk I love when I get to say that you should have some sunglasses uh nearby ladies and gentlemen boys and girls my favorite cool not cool item the world’s strongest laser do you feel like a Jedi when you hold this I want each of you guys to hold a balloon and I’m going down the line balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon I remind you the power of the world’s strongest laser scared it’s h it took your criticism and it popped in the moment yeah baby we’re back like we never left green you can do all the demos we’ve done yep okay cool no way I forgot how much I like really powerful lasers I’m in okay well you guys know historically cool not cool has been good to me have you ever been wandering through the woods and out a wild leprechaun Chad and you needed to capture it cameraman cameram I see one there’s a CH there’s a chat wild chat oh I got him yeah baby what a great item though stay up to date I mean that is just a Perpetual winner I can’t encourage you guys enough take your net gun out on the weekends and just get some use get some practice G let’s give him a good example of how a seasoned vet with a net gun can just accurately capture a creature out of the air what Scar’s roll I’m going to toss it up you tell me when to pull pull oh SR light you’re horrible at this hey first time around it was a green this time I cannot I cannot a green Folks at home we are interviewing for a new main guy we got to get this guy out of here item green accuracy yeah that was uh that was sick that’s a tough act to follow I don’t think I’m going to let you what I’m going to steal it okay and everyone’s going to be really happy okay that’s we were going down the line is currently Tha out does that bring back any memories probably one of your bad food invention your banana none of my items cuz I have never presented an item worthy of the top five that’s all green for that honesty is it someone else’s ladies and gentlemen it it’s the F chicken ice cream I couldn’t let it go any longer cuz it’s frozen and I don’t want it to knock that looks like take a chicken leg it’s not chicken it is ice cream no way I still don’t believe it I don’t believe it either let f it on the count of three cheers one two three dud it’s a perfect texture it’s the best it’s so great oh I forgot about the chocolate inside I always feel like when I you and you watch cooking shows and then people are eating they’re trying to explain how good it is they always say the same things I get the position that they’re in standing go I think a group standing out well done wow chicken was delicious that’s really good thank you all right guys it was a while back to follow when I went it was my Peak I’m going to run it back it was the day we all got cars for a year this time yes it hasn’t changed at all everyone but Kobe will be participating here you go a Ferrari I’m a guy I’m a guy really don’t have one for me no I don’t I didn’t think you could Top chicken ice cream but you’ve done it he’s done it [Applause] I’ll pick you up in the morning I just ride with you it’s a V12 a V12 I can raise and lower my truck this guy congratulations Cody’s the best man love that guy always have always will just gives great gifts you know I kind of wish I was part of his family I’m sure Christmas is special over there 15 years and this is how Cody repays me right all right hey I got a little something for you guys if you guys would go to the front of my truck I Just Whipped up a little something for you guys oh it’s working no way thank you oh this is my item well I shake my hand that is a sweet party trick thank you yeah well hey appreciate it man super cool By Me Wait super cool by me too put a green button under here for me Chad thank you same canot use his button where we head to now hey coach thanks you’re welcome appreciate that the sweatshirt are you good no I had the real thing I don’t need a sweatshirt coobs I’m sorry uh we have another segment to get to so you can hang you can probably actually come with us cuz we got to do wheel unfortunate welcome to wheel unfortunate A Relic from the past Kobe Cotton’s first win all hail really not that special is this a foreshadow for about who who’s coming out five names on the desk five names go into the Hat who will it be I feel it’s only fair that Cory C does the selection on the 15E anniversary only right I want you to select the person spinning the wheel but don’t reveal it yet look he has the person spinning the wheel one can I eliminate one feels like me I’m just going to be honest G will be eliminating this person is safe from spinning the wheel come on baby looks long looks like a long name Tyler I can’t stand this man give him to me let me just rip him open there is g to say another person who is safe y this is going to be watch this tune CH watch the T CH watch that CH I called you I called you we need another one I love doing this now this person safe my heart is pounding yes yes it’s you it’s so you the have turn all and Cory Cory you got to say the next it pound it reveal the person who is spinning the wheel okay knew it no way so dramatic hey Wheels over there what a goober H Ned dear unfortunate person Ned is currently hosting auditions stage 32b you’re welcome Ned the world is this a prank oh wow y’all here for the thing huh good to meet you guys all right let’s get this thing going baby hey guys buddy hey coobs take a seat brother is this the punishment for me no no this is a privilege get to sit at this table okay welcome everyone to the auditions to replace the great one of course I’m talking about myself then all right and first contestant oh hey how’s it going what’s your name my name’s Scary Gary I’m Rex T-Rex world’s greatest hype man howy everyone it’s me Scotty strikes my name is Namaste and I’m here to be the intellectual new Harbinger for the will unfortunate I have a whole due respect for Katie Perry Oh man next Here Comes cha give me one give me one give me one give me three Here Comes CH Here Comes CH Here Comes CH Here Comes CH greetings I am your host Doyle imagin yes sir I know that’s a girl’s name Prescott I’m your host lucky Larry lucky Larry all right the other day I had a chainsaw accident I got to keep six of my toes that’s pretty good huh not going to cut the mustard hey can I get a chili cheese corn out come on now SC he’s got one thing to say for you sir I was thinking the same thing I tell you right now that stage is more intimidating than it looks I know from experience I’m starting to feel like Ned may be Irreplaceable that’s unfortunate n my name is Ted Forester doppelganger to the great dad Forester how can we possibly replace our Golden Boy A lot of people have said the same thing D yeah and I’m far too tall and you’re way too handsome thank you all hope ising because my real name is Alex they call me the runner from Down Under great grasshoppers what’s that that’s just Reggie he wants to be a sneaky snip get out of here Reggie see you you thought he was rolling with the dead and I’m sitting here thinking to myself I’ve never seen that guy in my life and he’s going to get up there and try and pretend that I’m a relative of this this isn’t going to go and then he just hit you with the the down that was good stuff hold up hold up no I like inter hey everybody my name’s coach Pat what I teach my students all about is Bam that’s right be the man and anticipate success and M move like you mean it bam that’s Bam Bam give me a pushup give me a pullup give me a what up you know what I’m saying go ahead spin that wheel spin that wheel sometimes life ain’t great on will un fortunate we’ll see you next time I like B I like it howy I’m Tex Fortune dealer text you uh sing any songs oh absolutely I’d love to hear a little something the stars at night are big and bright deep in the Heart of Texas even in y make we know that song yes let’s bring up our first contestant wowow Bam Bam that’s unfortunate I like how he made it his own I like that big than all right thank you thoughts on chili cheese corn oh man I ate them every day that’s my guor yeah I am seor fre holol that means beans why is your hand on your face so much because my mustache is about to fall off my face I like him it go that’s [Applause] unfortunate I like that free ho a sky me still love free HOA when that mastache came off he lost his Funny Bone the same could be said for you Jerry oh no oh careful nice and easy I’m going to take a little break and just kind of regroup a permanent break back to the desk that is it for the 15th anniversary episode one last big thank you to the fans we would not be here without you guys thank you for sticking with us as we age get old and deteriorate kind of like the net gun as we saw earlier okay it happens to the best of us coach before you sign it off get your tour tickets right here pound it nog it see you guys that one went all the way down to my esophagus oh you hate to see that


  1. There is no Dude Perfect without you guys. Whether youโ€™ve watched once or a million times, weโ€™re forever grateful! Love yโ€™all! – ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ Cobes, Cor, Ty, Gar & Codes

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