Golf Players

Taking a deep dive on the LIV Golf career money list

Smylie Kaufman and Charlie Hulme compare and contrast the two marquee events on the pro golf calendar this past weekend: the PGA Tour’s CJ Cup Byron Nelson, and LIV Golf’s event in Singapore. Both featured low scores, but LIV’s leaderboard was full of recognizable names. SK and CH discuss numerous LIV Golf strategies – with varying effectiveness – and wonder what the PIF’s long-term goals are, and how we could see that play out on the stage of American golf. Smylie and Charlie also take look at LIV’s career money list since its inception in 2022, and come away mind-boggled at the magnitude of the earnings for several players.

[Music] H Smiley caufman for 61 wow I’m Smiley caufman and this is the Smiley Show welcome back to another episode of the Smiley Show uh coming off a a CJ cup Byron Nelson week still trying to wrap my head around that that uh that combined uh tournament title that Frankenstein of a tournament title uh and and also a live golf Singapore week that is going to be worth discussing because how that that leaderboard shook out and the man who walked away with the trophy who’s looking to defend another one of those trophies in a couple weeks um but let’s let’s just start off with you know you’re you’re at the beach I’m fresh off of getting absolutely doused by a monsoon at Tobacco Road got about six solid holes in before they called us in uh how we feeling a good relaxing weekend with the fan yeah no I had one of my good buddies uh from college uh Franco castra he came down uh with his girlfriend and we uh luckily I’m not a lobster he he kind of turned out to be a lobster he uh he kind of felt like he could defeat the Sun but the sun is undefeated sun is the sun is notoriously uh tough uh you know imagine thinking you’re Tougher Than The Sun uh that’s that’s a that’s a that’s a tough go I I didn’t used to always be a sunscreen guy and then uh he quickly realized I don’t think I’m going to outrun the Sun so yeah tough scene for Franco hope hope we got some aloe I’m in a good place yeah in a great place I mean the weather’s been so good just been really nice to kind of regroup regroup a little bit had a couple people say enjoyed the Pod uh while we been down here so shout out to uh the listeners down here at the beach as well that I mean it’s you’ll like this because we were coming off the beach at about oh let’s say 1:00 and we’re walking past the pool and underneath the Shaded area it’s like 17 kids all in different chairs all with sound machines all taking their afternoon naps and all their parents just like just like taking it in on their cell phones are just like trying to get a breather but I was thinking about this vacationing is like you you look so for so much forward to it uh with your with your spouse and then with your family and and and then I realized it’s like wow if it’s just you you’re just you’re just moving home to a different place and it’s still just as hard but you are in Paradise so you’re like okay at least I’m getting Sun at least I’m like watching my kid have a lot of fun but it’s still very hard it it’s this weekend was uh we were at a wedding in the Outer Banks and we had the briad idea of saying hey you know what we should do we should Amanda’s mom was in town like she’ll come to the beach with us and we’ll bring our son as if like that was going to provide some sort of great relief from the day-to-day rigers of parenting spoiler alert it did not also our son was sick so it was it was the most brutal scenario like we got maybe an hour of respit we took him to the beach and he and we made sand castles and he splashed around the water and he was like really happy for for that one hour of the day and then the rest was just like this is more exhausting and also now I’m run down because because when I’m not watching him I’m like drinking and staying up late and dancing and so yeah and then and then and then and then driving four and a half hours to get caught in the rain in Sanford North Carolina now here I am sitting in front of you just Ving rambling on but I tell you what let me let me just I’ll segue off that I’ll make a little natural transition here because uh I I did my favorite part of the CJ cup Byron Nelson was after Taylor pendri won holding his son watching his son try to grab the the wind sock on the microphone while doing the interview with Amanda balonis uh that was uh ton really happy for Taylor um really really you know kind of wild ending to that tournament so let’s just kind of start there with I mean it looked like Ben Kohl’s had this thing done and dusted after going birdie birdie 16117 and then I just I don’t even know how what to make of the mess he made around the green still had a putt sent it to a playoff and missed that uncharacteristic for Ben yeah he could he had a good putt on 18 but you’re right uh Ian Baker kind of said it exactly how how you should have it’s just a lot of pressure um I think the big mistake was just not giving yourself a putt didn’t matter about getting you close just give give yourself a look uh worst worst case scenario Tay were two putts which is what happened you go in a playoff uh live to fight another day but walking off that green you could see Man how he was just like what just happened and it looks like he had a good putt to me I because I always watch you know like a good three-point when they I don’t ever watch the ball in the air when a when a guy’s shooting a jump shot I just watch are they sticking their follow through and did it come off right like did they did they like is is it off balance jump shot and with his six-footer I was like okay is his head gonna stay still and is he gonna hold his finish is he get started on his line and all those things happen I just think he misread it um which you you can’t be upset about that you know like we miss rep puts all the time it was just the mistakes obviously that uh kind of compounded before that led him to the position of I have to make a six and a half footer for par now um to uh to put some pressure on tayor and you know in the interest of full disclosure here because you know we were doing other things this weekend and we were of course checking in on the tournament and trying to you know keep a breast of what was happening on tour but at the same time kind of looking at the way it was shaping up and saying uh not the most entertaining tournament in the world and I think you know we had a an extended discussion last week comparing the team event on the PGA tour the Zur classic with the the thrilling finish and Adelaide and and and watching the Aussie Ripper Team come out ahead and just comparing contrasting the nature of those events and what they’re meant to be and again this week you know I know it probably feels like we’re beating a dead horse here but I think you have to kind of look across over to live and compare it to you know what we saw on the PGA tour a a and just just kind of try to make some sort of takeaway from it and so I think where we kind of started was with this was it just feels like further confirmation of the thing that we’ve talked about on on numerous pods which is we don’t need this many golf tournaments right like this was such a good indication of you know if if we had all these guys back together you know this event the CJ cup the byr Nelson event could be this you know whatever the regular tour is the B Tour beneath the sort of Platinum Tour beneath the sort of Marquee series of 18 or or 20 events or whatever it becomes that we all have to tune into because we know the best players are going to show up for those It’s just tough to get excited about this when this is being sold as the a event you’re exactly right and I you know I didn’t get to watch any of the live golf events I haven’t watched many of it throughout the year I always check the leaderboards after every day to see mainly how my ceks are doing by the way we we got a Podium we got a Podium finish we for the we got a Podium finish for the ceks but then I sent you a screenshot of the top 10 guys on the leaderboard and man that’s like the best looking leaderboard they’ve had since I can remember like checking leaderboards for livb I mean just Brooks keper cam Smith one two and then you got uh you know bunch of other guys like DJ down the down the list John ROM finishing the top 10 and so it’s just hard to compare you know like when you see that leaderboard then you go and look at the PJ Tour leaderboard which for the most part I I haven’t been a big leaderboard comparison guy in all of this I just kind of like try to find like follow the good story lines of the PJ tour and like what the meaning is behind every single uh week and finish that the players have but this one like suck like it stuck out like suck out like a sore thumb yeah just because this is kind of what I felt like Liv’s strategy was last year which is let’s let’s let’s have our golf tournaments the weeks in the B Tour events for the PJ tour to where we can really get some momentum to get more people to be like okay don’t want to watch this week because it’s not an important week for the PJ tour come watch us over here and just like hang out and like try to get more fans in doing so and this year they’ve kind of taken a little different strategy going head to head for instance against the Waste Management Phoenix Open and they did that trying to do the same weekend in the Super Bowl in Las Vegas so there’s there’s been instances this year which they try to compete but to me if if they’re going to be continue to be a disruptor it’s like if this week would have been let’s say in the states in in New York against the Byron Nelson it would have made huge headlines because I’m sure people would have watched it the crowds would have been amazing but you know being in Singapore I mean I i’ I’ve watched a couple highlights but I mean nothing more than that I it doesn’t there I have so many questions about the way the LI business is being run and I don’t I’m not saying that in like a I could do a better way I just legitimate Curiosities around their strategy behind some of the decisions they make because I I think the way what you said makes 100% sense it’s like if we are if the goal is to pull audience away on on softer spots in the PJ tour schedule those should probably be the domestic tournaments those should be the American tournaments because then they fit into American television time slots rather than right right like watching in the middle of the night in Singapore or I guess that rears on the CW at some point or you can replay the the feed that was on YouTube I don’t know like and I get too that part of the appeal of live or at least what they’re selling us on right now is a sort of global tour you know they’re going to different places and Singapore is one of those places where they want to have a presence you know they’re aligned with the Asian tour so that part of it makes sense but it’s the strategy is confusing to me of like don’t put you know live Vegas up against the WM on Super Bowl weekend like do live Vegas this week you know put put Singapore that weekend if you want to try to go ahead to-head and pull audience in in different times where you’re not where you’re you know you’re not going head-to-head with the Super Bowl or the WM but you’re playing on the same weekend so I mean I that that one will forever confuse me and I think you know to to to kind of further that point a little bit and talking about the decisions they make and and and the way they’ve structured some things we were talking a little bit about just Golf Course selection venue selection you know as a piece of the whole puzzle of how to get people interested or excited in these events and I think this weekend you know we uh we we famously uh kid about TPC Craig Ranch uh on on the show a number of times but I mean look where we ended up with both events we had I think it’s Sentosa and Singapore we had two courses that were just getting absolutely lit up both courses taken on a lot of water so was Bowl in hand so the scoring conditions were even better and there was just no real Intrigue on that front so then you you kind of go back to where we started the leaderboard where it’s like okay there a bunch of of of you know no offense to the PGH or leaderboard but a bunch of names that most people are not familiar with and then you go down you know the live leader board and and it is is uh Brooks kka cam Smith you know Mark leean Taylor gu TL Hatton Thomas Peters Dustin Johnson walking Neeman um I mean and so on and so forth and I think you know that’s kind of I I think I both have a question that comes off that which is like is it compelling given the names alone it sounds like your answer to some degree is yes I also have questions with with relation to like you know looking at some of the live venues and wondering why they haven’t made more of a concerted effort to to to lock down more interesting venues I know they have some that are former tour stops but that feels like one that if they could could strike some Partnerships with some really notable exciting golf courses that have name brand value that’s one way to get people in the door and say yeah I’d rather watch that than like TBC Craig Ranch for example yeah know and I think like for instance santosa I’ve played in Singapore I’ve played that Golf Course really good golf course I know there’s 36 here so I don’t know uh which one of the two that they did play but amazing greens good course crowds there were always like kind of okay the year that I played but obviously the field that they have now is totally different than the Singapore open that I played in but to your point kind of referencing some of what maybe their strategy might be so their next events in Houston and if you ever watched the Houston open the golf course comes to mind is where they always played it over the last 20 30 years it seemed like that course that was called Redstone that is not the golf club of Houston that’s where they’re playing so there’s another event that’s like okay the audience and just a general golf fans when they turn the TV on they’re like oh yeah i’ I’ve seen this golf course so there’s a little bit of familiarity there and they’ve done that with a couple places myoba Greenbrier and I’m sure there’s a couple more that I’m missing um balama and Spain balama and Spain but that’s like a that’s not a PGA tour course but to your you know just generally speaking here I think there are there is a lot of golf courses in which the golf fans familiar but I will say that polling Brook the golf club that I’m not familiar with in Chicago um seems to be a very odd choice that they kind of needed a like a bang going out it’s like hey we’re going to a big city we’re getting a big time venue that seemed to be like this had to be probably the last option I would imagine for them to settle in on this place that I’m not familiar with it could be great I I could be speaking at a turn here I’m sure Chicago people are like wait this is sick but I think of Chicago Golf Club I think of Medina like these are legit venues that people know about I know nothing about this place I’m sure it’d be a great hot dog and a great beer and and great 18 holes but I don’t know anything about it um so I I think that just like just kind of tiabo on the strategy that live golf Executives and and their team trying to figure out a schedule and this has kind of gone back in the last couple years of it’s it’s kind of been a bit all over the place like Brooks kka Even’s like when’s our schedule coming out yes it seems like they’ve been a little off the ball on trying to figure out exactly where we’re going to play you know what the whole thing has been about let’s play Global let’s grow the game but it’s just not hitting you know like these events that are out of out of the country are just not getting besides besides Australia and Adelaide which was a huge hit right Troy like that to me was like a a massive win but even the events in like the United Kingdom where they played at uh what’s the golf course that they played it seemed like Centurion the one in London yeah yes I’ve I’ve I watched that first one the crowds were whatever so I don’t know I I get like you need to grow the game you need to keep playing it other places but it seems like it needs to fall fall in that same formula of Adelaide in which you need to go to places that you know that are going to be big hits and right now like it seems like they’re just kind of going to where either maybe where the dollar bills are because I’ve heard that Singapore was like funded by like like visit Singapore or something like that so maybe they’re doing things to try to increase their Roi on all this I I don’t know I don’t know the business model that they have but it seems like the schedule in which they picked your U original uh just kind of point that you were making yes it’s just been a bit all over the place yeah a little disjointed and there were comments that Greg Norman made I believe to Bloomberg that you and I discussed you know leading up to this episode where he was talking about you know in you know maybe providing a little bit of insight into the the the booking of these venues the structure of the schedule and just talking about how the GOL would be long term to create something equivalent to the tours uh TPC Network you know creating a series of of live owned golf courses that feel like to kind of go back to what we discussed last week that feel like home games for each team you know whether that’s you know the you know in an Adelaide it’s the Grange or an equivalent to the Grange or however you want to go about that just like this is Ripper’s home course and then we go that every single place for these other teams and and and I I definitely I like that I wonder if there’s a more aggressive strategy you know to be had or in the cards for them like I know at one point part of what was being discussed in terms of this whole negotiation between the PGA Tour and the DP World Tour and the PF was them wanting to come in and buy and own existing Us Golf structures you know like like buying Pebble Beach resorts now that would be a very big one and a very expensive one and one that I highly doubt they’d be able to get a real return on investment you know in in in you thinking about all the complications they’d encounter as part of that process and people who don’t want to go there anymore things like that but if you’re willing to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in acquiring players because those represent shots across the PGA Tours bow I mean can you imagine in a I don’t ever think in a million years Pebble Beach resorts would sell you know to the p and to the Saudis but just imagine a splash like that where it’s like hey guess what uh we’re not doing us opens or the AT&T proam anymore at Pebble Beach because this is now a live exclusive course and and the amount of you know just curiosity Factor viewers that would attract if that was in their hands like again I don’t think it would ever happen with Pebble but like certainly there have to be things that fit that profile right like you know other Resorts or other places where historic things have been played where lift go in and say let’s just make a big offer and own this and take it off the table for the PJ tour and for the other major uh major governing bodies and now it’s ours like I think that I think it’d be an interesting strategy I mean the PJ T kind of made the bet that like the players were not going to go to the live golf tour and stand on Legacy and stand on all of these great venues in which they can you know win a bunch of money but also be remembered as the next Sam sne or the next Byron Nelson and I think what they figured out quickly is like okay everybody’s got a price now we’re getting to I think the part of the golf industry in which you’re just talking about in which where where is their number like where is Pebble Beach’s number where is K’s number where is the PJ of America’s number because right now the biggest I mean the PJ tour is so susceptible in so many ways and we figured this out uh over the last couple years but the fact that they do not have any major championship underneath their umbrella makes them so susceptible because what happens if Liv go decides hey pffs we’re gonna we’re gonna go buy the PGA of America now with the PGA of America ever do that I don’t know um I’m sure there’s a board in U I can’t imagine that Seth W would be like pro pro that at all being a a a much more of a grow the game guy versus a like let’s make live golf um be successful and grow my my pockets as he’s a very wealthy man as it is but ke imagine if if the Liv golf somehow owned the PGA Championship and they owned the Ryder Cup and they owned all these PGA network events of the PJ of America now these are these are all hypotheticals now because I’m sure I’m sure there’s PJ of America instructors now listening like we would never do that it’s like well I mean what’s the number cuz like right now like these rich uh wealthy PGA Tour player said H we’re wealthy but there’s a number well and and I think I think part of it too is like we’re trying to do guesswork to to figure out what the pif wants to do and what the Saudis want to do on a larger scale and I think that intentionally all all of the things that they’ve done or all the you know the the what they’ve tipped has been very little right like they’re intentionally very very vague um and so I think that you know as a result we’re just kind of you know going off of rumors and random reports and guesswork of like what is it that they actually want to do like I don’t know we know they want to be in the professional golf business or so it seems at face value now whether that’s meant to be a you know any number of plays you know Sports washing is out there as a potential you know reason why to kind of you know make their image cleaner to the world so they can also invest in other things where they really want to you know be and really return a profit now there are you know the ability to kind of interface with high-powered Sports owners and other leagues has been floated as one sort of you know entry point that live offers but like you know would it would they want to buy Bandon Dunes you know would they want to buy Sand Valley like you know would they want to just like you know buy a place like that and operate as a resort when they’re not playing their events there and then go play a couple tournaments a year at these places that people have this huge affinity for as these golf destinations I don’t know I have no clue but you know it would just seem to be more interesting for them to make an investment in a place like that than saying here we go live Championship Bowling Brook Golf Club like I I just that do absolutely nothing for me and and it also kind of in a way makes them a little bit of a laughing stock in all the places where these things are talked about and that’s why to me it’s like I would love to be in those meetings like what how did we get to Bowling Brook that’s what I really want to know well I I think what comes to mind to me it’s like okay you made a great uh Point talking about like if you created these home venues like that was like your big draw from Adelaide was like okay that was really cool having the Rippers being a playoff with the South African team it’s like how do you create that type of atmosphere across the world whether you have you know a couple teams in the states and they have these home venues like all that makes sense it’s like man like you just kind of do you kind of just run in your head a little bit you’re thinking man you put Rory mck and Shane Lowry on the same team and that’s why like the zerk was so cool is that those two guys were you know they looks like they’re having a lot of fun they they played well and they won and and you could see the the the Joy on their faces winning together so like put those two guys on the same team with the two other dudes from near Ireland it’s like now you’ve you got maybe JT Jordan Max and another guy on a team over in the states and you’re like okay create these home venues and like you’re starting to see maybe how this could potentially come together down the road but I see potentially the issue being the live golf players keep talking so much about how they’re so invested in live golf and I think one of the main reasons why is they don’t want to lose a spot they don’t want to lose a spot being a captain they don’t want to lose a spot uh and getting all of the equity I think the more they talk this thing up because they’re playing that side of the coin of like okay you know I’m listening to both sides like where’s the best place to play for me but if it were you right like isn’t it smart if you’ve already made the jump it’s like why would I ever not be hyping this up because I don’t want any of the PGA Tour player guys coming in and and sharing that equity in some way shape or form it’s like they’re going to be on Brooks’s team right like that’s like I I’m starting to like see it from that eye it’s like if this starts to come together and these guys are playing in in some type of Team format down the road which I don’t know if it’ll ever happen but that to me is like something think of like where are these tour guys going to settle in on all that too so that’s just another hypothetical to throw at you well it’s that one’s really interesting because I thought about that a lot is like how many of these guys just immediately get ditched and then you spent it’s it’s just there’s so many parts of this that are fascinating you know if and when this does come together because you know I I just can’t I can’t see it being the case where if you’re I mean click’s a bad example because I think that the first thing Greg Norman would do would be like Martin thanks for the years of service like this is no longer your franchise we’re giving this to Rory like it’s now Rory Shane Lowry and whoever they want to be Cs and we’re going to play at some course in Ireland and that’s going to be their home venue and like you made it you made it you know you made a a nice chunk of several million dollars doing what you did and now you’re gone like I I just I mean I don’t see how it is anything but that but it is definitely I think there’s something to what you’re saying too of just the you know they made the bet on Liv and there was like this weird sort of dance that happened last year around the the merger that wasn’t really a merger where everyone’s like oh let’s kind of play nice for a little bit and and talk about the possibility that you know how this could come back together and now it’s like we’ve almost kind of pushed back in another Direction Where everyone’s tired of it being a part but they’re not willing to say as many nice things about the other side because they’re just like this is just you know I’m getting fed up that they’re not making concessions to bring this back together and vice versa you know what I mean yeah I I don’t know where we’re going to be in a couple years now it’s it’s hard to really predict I know you and I just want the best product for the game of golf and whatever that looks like we’re all in for but it’s just oh god there just I feel like there’s a long way to go there’s a long way to go and and on a similar related away topic to the best players in the world and you know the the knock on effects of world ranking points points and what tournaments they’re getting into uh did you see the the latest Taylor gu comments uh the the the the shortest Taylor gu comments but the latest Taylor gu comments this week and what did you make of those it just doesn’t make any sense man um I should I I should probably explain here and say that there was a a smash press conference where was all four players of the podium of course Captain Brooks kka Taylor guch uh gr mcdal Jason KRA and there was a question that was directed at KRA McDow and uh gu that was just basically like hey are you guys going to try to qualify for US Open the Open Championship uh Jason and Graham went into detail about their plans to qualify on how they’re going to try to get it done and Taylor’s was I’m not I’m just not gonna do it it just doesn’t like if it just doesn’t make sense right like I mean if you know I to me yes of course it does not make sense I I I think there’s part of it that just is you could say any number of things about and this is we’ve talked about this on the podcast as well where it’s like there are certain things that if Taylor G Taylor gu has a family and kids and and you know if part of this whole thing as DJ said on full swing is it’s more money and less work um and so I’m not going to sign up for more work because the whole point of going was to do less work if for Taylor gu that was the idea was I don’t want to travel to the far-flung places of the world and play all these different tournaments to try to increase my world ranking kind of like what wae Neeman did in in a successful bid to get into the Masters you know I don’t want to do that so I’m not going to do that that’s fine but at a certain point in time to me it’s like this is kind of your job dude like and if you want to do the best version of your job that is playing in the majors and so the decision you made was a gamble in some respect like just like any part of playing golf is a gamble you know because if you stop playing good you lose your job like that that happens more on the tour on the PJ tour than it does on live so if if part of the gamble that you made in going to live was that you weren’t going to be in these majors and now you have to qualify in these Majors you just you got to go do it man like and it just comes off really Petty to sit up there and be like I’m not you know when when asked about it I just don’t think that that gets you it definitely doesn’t get you any closer to being in the events through qualifications you’re not doing it but it also doesn’t get you any closer to getting an invitation from these governing bodies because you just come off as as a little you know Petty and whiny at least to me I I’ve never worked in the corporate world but I imagine the situation of like a young hot shot like coming into like his boss’s office and like showing off like hey here’s my sales like this is the promotion I I I I deserve here’s the what I’ve learned in life is you don’t deserve anything you have to go prove prove everything and guess who the players are that have proved things on the live golf tour and have gone outside of the live golf tour to prove that I deserve to be in major championships now guys like John Rah all these guys that were exempt like they’ve proved that they deserve to be in major championships look at his record there’s record is not good in Majors if he was a guy that was consistently in the top 10 in the majors and always contending never missing Cuts but the the reality is he was batting 50% uh making Cuts in the major championships in his career I know he’s a different player over the last couple years and he’s played fantastic and we’re not I’m not discrediting how well he’s played over there because I know how good he is of of a player he is and he’s a friend of mine as well so I feel um even even more so talking about just how wae Neeman is the prime example of a guy who yes he wants to be in the majors more than anything and so does Taylor but what he’s done is he’s gone and said you know what what I need to go do I if I go up to the Aussie PGA or the Aussie open and I show up and I win it’s gonna have to continue to turn heads and say you know what this guy is winning not only on the live golf tour but he’s making an effort to play in more sanctioned official World Golf Ranking events to try to earn his way in if he gets close you know what we’ll bump him over the edge and that’s what a good boss does and that’s what these major would have done but if you’re not going to show any effort you’re going to say you know what this is good enough for me like you should give me in it’s like that’s you know what you signed up for so I don’t like the pettiness and um I I I 100% think Tav G should be in the major championships so in the same note I’m saying this but also it’s like hey this is the world in which we live in right now and and you don’t deserve anything 100% And like to to completely be fair to Taylor it’s like one we don’t know what what his life looks like outside of golf and it may just be a decision he’s making like hey I I’m he could just be completely a piece with the fact that he’s not playing majors and he’s saying this is a decision I’m making either way and that’s fine you know and and and he may not even be trying to be Petty by saying I’m not you know in sort of the Kurt fashion that he delivered that line who who knows I don’t want to project too much on what he’s what you know what is actually going on in his brain and and outside of his professional golf world it’s just it’s just strange like I I I just think that it’s you know it you never know how a little bit of effort would come across to some of these governing bodies you know and if he was willing to kind of just say hey like this is a decision they made and just may you know maybe try to just find a line that sounds a little more humble than some of the things he said you just never know how that would come across because to your point he’s absolutely good enough to play in all these major championships he’s good enough to be a oneandone pick for one of us as well that’s I mean I would I would a th% consider him to be a oneand done pick of mine so I think that goes to say it’s like yeah I think he should be playing in these Majors but you just go play 36 holes like how hard is that to do like it’s just it’s not difficult gr mcdow’s doing it and like I mean come on yeah like doesn’t like Jason cowra has a young family like that’s the thing is like I’m trying I’m really trying to give Taylor the benefit of the doubt in a lot of these situations but unless there’s something going on here that I’m totally missing like it it the play does not come off great and he’s made so much money over there it’s a joke well let’s let’s actually let’s kind of go down that road because this is another thing that we talked about where you were like I’m just curious lifetime what some of these guys have made and so this is I I found sort of this is like before their contracts of just like selling their company before going over too so so this is this is through Liv golf Miami so what you have to factor into these numbers is adding in the Adelaide event and the Singapore event that just finished so we can even do some like a back napin T tayor made a million dollars uh in Singapore so add a million to that so so DJ is is first all time because he won the 2022 individual so he’s earned 53 million plus whatever he earned the last two tournaments so you know he he finished top 10 in Singapore earned a little bit more so he’s got 53 million plus you forget there’s not as many of events as well you know like I think that I keep thinking like when I see them make as much money as they do that they’re playing a full PJ tour schedule but they’re really playing about you know three fours of it right yeah yeah exactly if that if that yeah and and and so it gets watered down like a little bit but still but you get like that that bonus team kicker as well where and and and who knows who knows the financials behind that because you know we’ve seen report that it that the players don’t actually get there a full like quarter cut of that like it could be structured differently for captains or if there is some sort of sponsor that has an ownership interest in the team or it could be reinvested into like team infrastructure stuff I I don’t know the specifics but it may not all go to them but still that’s like a little kind of nice little hey I could play terrible this weekend my team can make a bunch of money finish on the podium and I and I get a pocket that so um so yeah so Taylor is second all time in earnings 52.4 million so now it’s like 53.4 or or 53.5 really so much F it’s it’s so much Muny cam cam Smith third all time uh 33.6 and then 33.6 of those two guys are 20 mil I I imagine that’s where the Cockiness comes from it’s just like dude I’ve made $20 million more than the the next best guy on our tour and and cam just picked up another 1.8 this last weekend um and I I’m pretty sure Ripper won these each of these last two events so you got to factor in that money too so he’s probably like north of 35 million uh with 25 events played that speaks to but does that not just speak to how much how well the tayor play over there yeah absolutely I mean we’re we’re here talking about I think I think this was Brooks fourth win on the live tour I believe is what they said I think so and he’s fifth on well he’ll he’ll move into fourth all time on the money list he’ll he’ll nudge above Brandon Grace who was fourth but uh you know so he won four million here so he’ll he’ll actually be just how much Brandon Grace won over there Brandon Grace has made 28.6 million not including the last two weeks I mean t now that that guy is that’s poster boy for like the guy who who went on a whim not a household name great player but just not like inred player dude he’s a major player man let’s d was always like making Cuts in the majors and then like contending on yours you know right but like but never in your wildest streams right because you have said he’s gonna through his first 28 events on live he’s gonna he’s going to make effectively a million per event if you average it out I mean that’s that’s unreal that’s unbelievable I mean every time every time he’s he’s averaged a million dollars every time he’s teed up on live it’s it’s unbelievable but yeah Brooks will jump ahead of him Brooks should have right around the same amount as can maybe slightly less maybe in like the 33 million range um when when when all said and done from the last two events so he’s played 28 events and and earned uh and earned yeah like 30 33 34 so I I mean I the point you’re making which is like yeah you probably can feel like I can say whatever because you know in Taylor Gucci’s case like I made $53 million like yeah at this point if the maters don’t want to let me in cool I’ll just go make another 53 million and then I’ll have like 100 million so I mean I I I guess it’s it all just depends on what’s important to you in life and I money is very important I’m not over here like I think Legacy is like it’s a it’s a cool thing it’s a great thing but money is really really important and they’re making a lot of it over there can you uh give me the rest of the top 10 and then also give me the bottom of the board yes yes so you’re NE and then again this is just all we’re two events behind but this just gives you a rough picture Peter Uline sixth on that list my God what a move for Pete come on 25 mil 25.3 he he was going back and forth between the caral and Puerto Rico like uh when I when he had when he had got the uh the move over he was never on the Platinum Tour at the PJ tour uh he was always like just playing the just the regular schedule so that that’s 25.3 through 27 events and I he’s played 29 let’s go Pete I love Pete BR Bry in a sth uh 25.1 mil through 26 so you know add a few more he’s played 28 now but you know right around that 25 mil Mark then Patrick Reed is eighth uh with just shy 25 mil uh Walken Neeman is ninth with uh 22.3 mil uh and Sergio Garcia is 10th with 20.2 million that’s can you pick out one name as well to that sticks out like towards the bottom like maybe not like towards the the back um of the last guys that have uh that have done the worst but maybe a name that’s like man they have not played well over there I mean I I think the one that it’s it’s it’s almost the most obvious One Like Pat Perez is 15th on that money list with $16.4 million wow and like and like has not played it’s not like he’s played terrible golf but every I feel like every time Turing it on it’s like oh there’s Pat Perez you know putting up a big number and and and he you know he’s played well in situations that’s that’s playing well though okay so you’re saying you was like really really bad like a top like a a more of a player that was a big signing that got that hasn’t performed sorry I didn’t but that’s the opposite end of the spectrum got it yeah so okay so I mean at the very wow I mean they so they have everybody on this list so I need to kind of I need to just to you need to filter just a little bit like who’s played who’s like event threshold yeah exactly I mean I’d say um I mean my favorite is always sewan Kim who played who played who was 50th all time on the money list who played 21 events and made $4.3 million and and that guy was like firing 80s left and right like nobody’s business dude it was just and walked away with the nice little chunk of change so good for you sewan u i mean Martin ker is right above him at 4.5 mil but I would say a a guy who I mean you could you could you could I mean I know it’s later in his career but Phil has only made 5.8 million wow 27 events played that’s pretty bad he I mean he’s just on the back end of his career he even said that this week I mean it’s like he’s I did see that yeah you know what wouldn’t surprised me with Phil because he’s always been rumored to want to do TV I think they’re going to sign him to just a b buttload of money and he’ll just be the main analyst over there he and he’d be great at it he’d be fantastic at it I mean Phil is such an entertaining human being would surprise you it it wouldn’t surprise me at all I mean I I I think I think Phil moves into some sort of business advisory like some he will have some non-playing role live whether he’s like a non-playing captain of a team whether he’s whether he’s a part of the broadcast he will be involves in some way shape or form there without a doubt but TV’s a great call you know I mean that Booth right now is Arlo white um David farity I think Don Boule like there’s sort of a mixed bag in there suan H but I mean you know you stick Phil in there with Arlo you know and David farity I mean that that’s a really really good Booth it’s a really good Booth yeah that’s a good shot yeah uh we’re going to bookmark that let’s bookmark that and and we’ve now we we we we just I don’t know how many minutes we did we just got lost in the career earnings of live but it’s interesting I mean it really is interesting to like you know you you hear like the the funny money you know kind of thrown out there but then it looking at a hard and fast list of of you know toing it all up you’re like wow that is a lot of money for not a lot of golf uh one one other player I just want you to check out I’m just generally kind of curious on on how he’s played Bubba Watson Bubba Watson was also down there for me in that you know Phil category is now he missed a lot of time he had that injury that was coming back it was a KN yeah lest the latest start he was like a non-playing captain for right so he’s only he you know as of live Miami he’d only played in 19 events and he’d earned 7.1 million so a little bit more than than Phil but again like kind of feels like like he’s you know he’s not playing his bestas golf anymore and that’s okay A lot of people are Bubba fans and that’s why they go watch him over there but the big uh the big thing Charlie I think is going to be after this year so which I mean they the the big quotes today was that that uh Greg Norman was told by yers is that that this live golf it will continue on past when he when he dies and and through the rest of his family I’m like okay that’s a little open-ended but I’m just kind of wondering you know like with these a lot of these contracts are up at the end of this year so there could be I think a ton of movement um with what we’ve kind of known with Liv golf of like all who all the players are and maybe a good amount of them will get resigned but I tell you what there’s I think they’re going to be aggressive this offseason if especially if they don’t try to come together to get the PJ tour players involved you’re saying you’re saying that the that the that Liv’s going to try to be aggressive with paying those guys to resign I think I think they’ll be more aggressive towards the PGA tour players because they know because they know a lot of these live golf players are just like their last please I’ll take I’ll sign for nothing just let me play like these Contra like I I think there’s a lot of players that are sitting ducks that are hoping that PJ tour players won’t come over yeah that’s that’s a really interesting one cuz I can see that in a lot of different ways like I I think it’d be the smartest thing ever for the PGA Tour to when these contracts expire just let all these Marky names walk back no penalties like I know that’s such a tough pill to swallow for the guys that remain loyal to tour and and I I just hope that they’re they’re creatively finding ways to compensate for that where they’re like all right we’re giving you know like the list that came out of all those sort of solidarity payments made to the guys that have been on tour forever you know the the payments of Tiger and Rory and JT and Jordan and all those guys like I know I know that you know whatever it was like I think we said JT was like $30 million so like that was like you know we’re we’re talking about OnCourse earnings here which are different from the contracts these guys all reportedly made but that 30 million effectively would put him at fourth or or fifth on the live career earnings list without having hit a single shot so that’s where something right now and now you know we’re talking about you know cam Smith I think the offer support in the 100 million range so Cam’s actually made 135 million dollar there instead of just you know the 35 that he’s earned on the course but my my point being that I think that the PJ tour players would be smart to say as tough of a pill as it might be to swallow if we let these guys come back and we create some structure for them to come back we could gut the live tour because all those guys have made all their money money and so they can go fill up their bank accounts and feel like I don’t need to do the security thing anymore now I want to play real competitive golf again at the best venues in the world with against the best players in the world and I come back on this tour and you know and and now I have no penalties so there’s it’s not like there’s any barriers coming back I have to go play the corn fairy tour or whatever I I think that would be the the most the smartest strategic business move from the PJ tour instead of saying if you guys want to come back there are penalties involved you know cuz then then you’re just you’re you’re hurting yourself you’re hurting your ability to to hurt your competitor you know I want to be a part of the list making of like who gets like who’s the last guy that doesn’t get like the full exemptions into let’s say the players or whatever the the Mark or just say the Signature Events um like does does the tour make tayor go qualify and go that would be that would be amazing they’re like T you you can come back with exemptions but you have to do a year of Us open qualifying like you H you have to do it like it’s like it’s like a it’s like a a not a hazing ritual but just like something like that where it’s like hey buddy like you got you have to go do this thing it’d be hilarious it’d be it’ be a really hilarious vit I mean even if the like you name the 10 guys on the on the top of their uh points and excuse me career money it’s like dude like pretty much all that top 10 maybe give or take another couple guys it’s like those are your dudes bring them back let them play let’s let’s get those guys back on the uh Signature Events and then like funnel in kind of whoever you want throughout the uh the the lower tour which is what I hope would happen yeah and honestly as you say that like that’s exactly if you took the money list right now so DJ gu cam Brandon Grace like you you knew there were going to be certain names in there that are like oh that’s that’s a weird one or like not the most marketable one but they’ played well and they deserve it so like Brandon Grace probably is one of those Brooks kepa Peter Uline probably one of those Bryson Patrick Reed walking Neeman Sergio Garcia there’s your top 10 right and then you probably go through and you cherry pick a few names who just showed up so they haven’t had time to earn but obviously obviously you’re letting John ROM come back yeah you know um I’m sure I mean Phil would actually be a really interesting case you know giving all these done to burn Bridges but you know Tel Hatton probably gets to come back in some form or fashion um you know maybe there are Pathways created for young stars that you want to kind of do right by like Caleb Sarat or guys like that but I think that you know that’s that’s I mean I just gave you I mean let’s exclude Caleb serat I just gave you 12 names and you’re really not missing too many from that list you’re definitely making some Cuts but like you’re not missing too many man it’s just like so crazy like so let’s say the PGA Tour says we’re going to go another year without you guys coming back back and what’s going to happen there’s going to be so much pressure and I I think the live strategy from that standpoint is okay they’ve they’ve stopped working hand inand with the official World Golf Ranking to try to get their tour sanctioned to be able to get points we read about it this week as well so like what are the only things they can do it’s like okay well we can just buy more players that’s the one thing that they can do is they can buy more players and then the other part of it too is that I think unless the PJ tour changes to a structure in which there’s less events and their their weer boards make sense they can wait on just the just wait out the ratings because the ratings have been the one thing that the Liv golf tour can look at and be like all right you need us but let’s say they re the PJ tour says all right we’re going to remodel our whole structure to where when you turn on the PJ tour you’re going to recognize these guys on the leaderboard and then that would be the Strategic Advantage for the PJ tour side and which now it’s like all right if we can keep our players happy with the equity we have strong leader boards less events now these players are in a tough position over live that like John Rah who’s hoping that the PGA to or caves and have and brings him back so that he can double dip but he’s in contract with the Liv golf tour he’s still got to play a full schedule so he’s going to play what he thought would be like Patrick Reed mentioned or whoever it was that they’re going to be playing L over there now these guys if they’re going to want to play all these Signature Events and the live Golf Tour event which they have to play in they’re going to be playing double yeah yeah it it’s you know it’s really interesting all the cards that you know it’s almost like there there there are several things happening like that there there’s obviously the negotiation the discussion that you hope is happening in good faith between you know Liv and really the PF and the PGA Tour and and SSG and and and you think it’s happening I don’t know if it’s happening well I’m just saying for the sake of discussion like you like to think that that’s happening but then you know underneath that is both those sides individually creating their own contingency plans for like like here’s the discussion we’re having joint that’s like what does this look like when it comes together and then you know separately it’s like how can we go and undercut that other guy as much as we possibly can to make them fail to make them to kind of bring him to their knees a little bit so like we can make him do whatever we want in this negotiation I mean the whole the whole thing I even feel bad you know we’ve gone this deep in the episode and I’m sure there’s so many people that are so tired of of hearing about this and they’re just fatigued and they want golf to be back together and and that’s where we are too but I think that you know you kind of you got to have the discussion especially after weeks like this because it because it’s just if if anything this isn’t like us you know having some sort of deep dive of of of how to solve live or this or that it’s just looking at this past weekend and saying there’s got to be a better world of professional golf than that where you have a a a meh course with an even more meh leaderboard and then you have a star studed leaderboard playing in the middle of the night on a course nobody cares about in a weird team format with three rounds it’s just like it’s the least efficient and and the least fan friendly model that could possibly exist and and quite frankly it’s like it’s tough to even do a show on it because it’s so disjointed you know you’re like what how do we even talk about this and so like if you’re out there and you’ve listened to this whole thing and you’re like I’m just so sick of hearing about this like we’re just as sick of like this being the reality and I hope that we get to a better place so it’s like we’re coming off a week where it’s like yeah we we’re heading into the big signature event before the major and we’re and we’re coming off a really cool team event that combin PJ tour and Live players in a really unique way in a in a home game setting whether it’s you know Australia or South Africa or whatever that would be great uh but that’s obviously not where we are right now so I if uh if Arnold Palmer was still here and I sat at a table with him and had to explain to him what the what professional golf looks like right now he would be like what the hell happened yeah yeah right what do you mean what do what do you mean John ROM wasn’t at Bay Hill this year wait wait where was he he was in he was in uh he was in Dural wait what I mean it it would I I and and you know it’s so interesting because I think I think part of that discussion traces into efforts that you know there there were numerous Breakaway tour efforts made by the star players in the game because they felt like they were were worth more than the opportunities that the that the current you know the existing tour is creating for them so it’s actually like not a unique thing that’s being done it’s just the way that it’s torn the game apart and in all those previous iterations of the Breakaway tours like those tours never really came to fruition in a significant way it was leverage and bargaining chips and then it was like okay let’s fix this tour but like this is the one this is the time where it broke and it didn’t and it didn’t work that way and now here we are doing this so the tour was never never going to change as fast as as uh as Phil Mickelson wanted it to change and I think it’s all changing for the better for the BJ tour I know it sounds absolutely hysterical for me to say that but they were never going to change um so the purses are really good right now these guys are making a ton of money and is it absolutely miserable miserable right now yes but I mean shoot some of these events like I don’t even know what they made to the barn this week but these guys are overpaid right now for the fields so I mean take a while last yeah uh Taylor pendrith earned 1.7 million as a winter share uh this week the Byron Nelson so overpaid based off the probably what the ratings are going to be yeah I can’t imagine it’s going to be a good rating this week um so to to kind of to that that brings us back actually the PJ tour and and where I think it makes the most sense to kind of wrap up this week’s episode and then as we play it ahead of the Wells Fargo is just first of all reviewing our one andone picks so smiley have to congratulate you on you picked a Canadian I picked a Canadian you picked a Canadian that was celebrating on the 18th green after the last hole was played just so happened that he was celebrating watching his buddy win McKenzie Hughes I believe had a t41 for 12.21 for FedEx Cup points so I mean to to to be fair to you and I’m curious if you have uh you know other thoughts or comments you’d like to make but like I think the weather just made this a really wonky week because it was we’re already coming in and we’re like it it’s this it’s wide open off the tea it’s you know even though you’re hitting a lot it’s a long course you’re hitting a lot of long irons in you’re doing it off of the most perfect zoy you could perfectly hit you know possibly hit off of and you’re getting in the greens and like okay they’re taking out a bunch of rain they’re soft so like you can you know hold greens much easier so it’s like it should just theoretically be easier for anybody to to you know strike the ball well enough to just make it into a putting contest and I guess you know that’s why I like the strategy behind your McKenzie Hugh pick Hughes pick but I just it almost it feels like in a way it almost made it too easy to bring everyone else into it test the best players man and you don’t have the best players there either so and that’s nothing against all the guys there there’s tons of amazing players but it’s just where we’re at right now that you know the Byron Nelson that’s probably the weakest that field has ever been it was the second worst rated field of the Year behind um or just full field full field before Mexico open I or not full Field’s not even the correct term like like a non opposite field like if you remove the two opposite field events second weakest field of the Year behind the max open yes yeah which Jake nap almost won both so credit to our boy uh it’s nap time I was cheering for Jake uh just didn’t get it going today but uh wasn’t shock to see him play well there that’s a perfect course for him right like just a bomber that you know can create a bunch of birdie eagle opportunities for himself and uh I think this year has been really great for him obviously one in Mexico but I think the events just throughout the year it’s been a good learning curve for him to figure out what’s the next steps for him to be able to compete on golf courses in which he’s got to still like drive it far but like reain it in hit Fairway uh to be able to kind of like open up the rest you know keep keep his strength his strength which is his ability to hit the long ball yeah I mean and I Jacob probably the first person to tell you that like the way he played on Sunday and both the event he won and the final group this week like was probably not his best stuff like he scraped it around on Sunday at the Mexico open you know with some big misses and and was able to win that golf tournament and so I’m I’m sure he’d tell you that he liked to play better on Sundays in general um but I mean the fact that he’s putting himself there you know Mexico open you give yourself a four shot lead going into Sunday you have a little bit of of of you know room to play with so um so yeah so so my one andone pick was of course SIU Kim he had a t-13 good pick good pick just a solid you know pick just like you know knowing you’re at home you haven’t got any food yet and you’re like I got BB go dumplings in the freezer so like let me just go let me go hit some BB go uh that was that was uh sewu got me 53.1 143 uh FedEx Cup points so I I that the season total now is I have 2,138 points and some change you have 1,669 points really impressive for both I mean you’re just behind Scotty shuer uh and I’m like top 10 in the FedEx Cup so I can’t complain you might be top five I have to go back and cross reference it but uh but that that leads us to a signature event where there more FedEx Cup points on the line and one in which Scotty will not be playing which is interesting so this goes back to your something you discussed on the show which was that you would not be shocked to just see Scotty play The Heritage and just wait until the next major to Tee It Up I we’ve not seen anything public from Scotty or Meredith as to the arrival of the baby I believe this was supposed to be the due date this weekend so I don’t know when we’re going to find out maybe part of the reason why he didn’t enter the enter the Wells Fargo was because uh you know the the the due dat got pushed a little bit but um but yeah so we have a Scotty list Signature event which really opens it up to some other other Challengers uh to to you know to bolster Us in the one ofone of course but also just kind of pick up some form heading into the second major of the season so I mean do you do you want to chat a little bit about this field and and who you like here or do you want to delve into you it is your pick to make for one and done this week well I mean the field is kind of what we’ve been seeing at all the Signature Events is nothing really to get into it’s it’s we’re we’re kind of down the road now we’ve had I don’t know what let’s see it was Pebble Beach we’ve had um what else have we had Signature Events try is this number four it feels about like number four P Beach Heritage and I mean I mean it depends on how you you know like centry was technically one but it was it was not like a standalone signature event you know in terms of Signature Events I I think it was um I think it’s just uh no no uh API API as well um what else am I missing I think I think I’m missing players players player but again player is one of those weird ones it’s like not a it’s like it’s a standalone thing anys doesn’t matter doesn’t matter we’re I don’t know I’m sorry get you off topic there but I I feel like there’s so many players now that I’ve been kind of like saving for this time of the year it’s like I got some I got some guys that I’m like ready to to burn the card on and I feel like for me this week it just makes way too much sense to pick a player that’s had a ton of success here and I’m I’m taking Rory yeah it’s a great pick it just it just feels it feels right like I’m I’m willing to bet more that he’s going to win it well as Fargo versus winning of bajwa it’s like the pressure is like less on here so it’s like let’s see he’s going to be so dialed in so ready to go like get his game ready before holla so like I’m going to bet on that right no I I I I think it’s a really good pick and I think it’s um it it it’s it’s one that if you’re looking at strategy like if you’re really trying to get deep in the weeds of this one andone strategy like if you’re playing for FedEx Cup points you know the signature event like this is a great way to make up some it of course it’s not a major but it’s not far off in terms of the point distribution so I I like this pick a lot um I am God this is this is an interesting spot to be in I’m trying I’m trying to kind of figure out which way I want to go here because I on the one hand I think it’s one of two players you got to pick okay uh and I will name those one of two players after you don’t pick them I I I’ll say I’m kind of in between wendam and Max hom those are the two players so how about that how about that yeah I mean you know I I I I don’t want to like I I just I just feel like here’s here’s my line of thinking is that um Windham has been the second best player on tour this season I think it’s fair to say other than Scotty sheffler right and so to me it’s like he’s the defending Champ here you know it’s finally a Scotty lless field in a in a top tier event he almost won the at or he won the AT&T what am I saying but it was like a three round you know 54 hole short in event because of weather but like you know it feels like you know pick back up right where you left off and you win one without scotting the field it should just be a slam dunk but Max is you know also is one the Wells Fargo in the past although I think he did he win it here or did he win it when they moved to Eagle Point no no he wanted he wanted uh he wanted Wells uh or Quail Hollow because he would Quil cuz Brian Harmon won at a Eagle Point was was Brian Harman Eagle Point I get my years mixed up there um and a guy that like is is I feel like is is about to have a really solid turn of form here soon but but the the thing I’m weighing against is like do I want to use both one of those guys and another major but we just we had this whole discussion where we just talked about how this is equivalent so oh man um I think golly yeah I think I’m going to go I think I’m going to go Windom here I’m it’s the right it’s the right pick um there’s I was considering Max plenty of plenty of other guys that we we could have obviously taken I think uh if you’re looking down the board um I think a player what I was really considering and if if he was probably in maybe uh earlier season Foreman which he was in I would have taken Sam Burns uh he he played better than anybody at that President’s Cup made more than anybody and I I just really feel like he’s it’s a perfect course fit for him I think Sam Burns is a great pick to win the Wells Fargo this week yeah I I I love that one as well I that was the the first place my head went was like let’s go back to that President’s Cup and see if there are guys there that that you know could could be nice to kind of plug in there I mean obviously the entire American team had success but like who else on that team kind of Pops you know that that could be a good pick here and Sam was obviously you know Scotty not play great that week it was say it was kind of carrying him for a large stretches of that you know I I have a question too and and I I I assume that quail and I should know this because I played but I think it’s all Bermuda greens for the tournament but for the President’s Cup I know it was Bermuda and and during May everything’s overseed wall to wall so there is a difference in a bit in how that course plays it plays longer in the springtime than Wich played um during during the President’s Cup which is Bermuda jumpy wise and probably much firmer and faster so I think it’s a totally different golf course and maybe can kind of throw a little bit of those results out the window but cam young to me this seems like his week as well for a player that has had a great year a lot of top 10 and been right there it’s like cam Young when are you g to break through is this your week that’s a great call actually of just a guy that you know perfect fit perfect fit played here in the President’s Cup due for a big win um you know almost in some ways you know there parallels there to like we said this for so long about Will zures and like then he wins a a playoff event unfortunately he also then has a back injury that same week that makes him pull out of those playoffs and then you know he has to go through that whole process in in the months and years you know following but you know just we’re waiting for him to win an event it’s like it’s elevated stage with against the best players you know cam Young’s played well in those events almost won the Genesis a few years ago the one the wae Neeman won in a a really stocked field so this feels like yeah I I I love this week as a breakthrough for for cam I I wouldn’t be surprised to see cam young contend at both these next two events I think these two courses fit his game like really well I wouldn’t be surprised if Cam young wins this like if he wins this week I wouldn’t be surprised if he went like back toback like it once like you rip the Band-Aid off in the SE is open and the floodgates open for a player like him I see like wins and bunches and these are like this is the time of the year the schedule just makes sense like the golf course fits are perfect for for uh Quail Hall and balla two courses I wouldn’t like I mean it’s just perfect for him and then I think about lud bobber Berg and I’m like crap he’s probably gonna do the same I’m like why am I not picking ludig GE this is there’s so many great options this week well then two others I’d love just to kind of get your pick your brain on a little bit is I mean s hit the g is due for a Smiley Show bump so I know he like I know he likes to hit the PGA but again like you know guys really long um and then and then Min wo I know menu was not part of that President’s Cup squad for the international team but t-15 this last week of the CJ cup um and I feel like he’s do in the same way that we’re talking about cam young you know he’s a guy that’s going to break through and have a big win win and you know looking for places like that do you like siahi or minwoo uh at Quail Hall this week I’m just thinking a little bit about uh yeah I I think both places are like you have to be able to middle and long iron your way around both places because both golf courses are long uh they’re both going to play along you have to stripe it like you have to be a really good midiron player um got to drive it far which I think both players do I would probably say that um both have got to get their iron game like it’s uh they get both had to have like really good iron weeks but if they do they they totally could I I’m a little like I would say minwoo’s iron game has been the thing that’s probably held him back the most and it’s just his ability to kind of drive it in the Fairway enough um talent’s obviously there but I think just having that like consistency like we see from like Max H you know like dude his iron game is just like or I mean Scotty’s obviously the the guy we judge everything off of but we just I think I’m I’m wondering with like Min W game like is there that one thing that can just like take him over over the edge for that one week it just seems like every week it’s like just something’s like a little off and nothing’s like great right right yeah and just putting four good rounds together like we saw that in the players two years ago right where he was in that final group with Scotty and just you know had had a rough day um you know but just stringing four solid rounds together where he goes low and and then gets the thing done um so yeah wants to keep an eye for sure uh and and I I think at this point I mean we we’ve covered a variety of different well we really covered one Topic at length and then now delving a little bit in this year but just any thoughts on on what you think we’re going to see from Scotty we’re going to do an in-depth preview of the PJ championship and we’re going to do it from Louisville uh from uh we’re excited that we’re we’re still kind of finalizing our plans for our our uh PJ championship week but we got some some cool places lined up some cool content lined up we’re really excited about and we’re going to kind of delve into PGA Championship preview while we’re live and on site there but just you know if you know not in the field this week I mean I don’t think we have any concerns about Scotty Sheffer but do you think we see any no no rust whatsoever on Scotty yeah I’m good I I I think it’s a good you and I know the dad life and we know how hard it is to like kind of um to turn away one week after you know having your first child so I I think there’s so many great opportunities to look elsewhere other than Scotty at the PGA so I’m I’m already like just on looking at the live golf leader board which was just um crazy good it’s like Brooks kepco winning it’s like him him winning in Singapore heading into a major it’s like well all right so we know Brooks is gonna have a chance on Sunday it’s like who else is going to be there yeah without a doubt and I’m excited to kind of go in depth on that especially after seeing you know what I want to do is I want to look at the Wells Fargo leaderboard against what we just saw in Singapore and start mixing all his names together and saying who who are we going to kind of dial in I mean I I’m hot on ludig right now I think you know there a couple other names were kicking around so we will we will be certain to do that on the back end of the Wells Fargo leading into PGA Championship week but I think that about covers it for us tonight smiley uh you know bit of a bit of a change of pace this week but excited to kind of get back in the signature event swing of things and and then of course second major of the year so that’s what we have for you we appreciate you spending the time watching and listening and we’ll be back here another interview we’re excited about we think midweek is it fair to tease that or I don’t know you never know you never know with us yeah so just stay tuned stay tuned there there will be some conversation in your feed this week Smiley uh and and someone who we’re excited about if we can make that happen so uh we will talk to you you know I listen to this podcast it’s really cool all of our fans and subscribers but make sure you like And subscribe it’s cool to see what you guys are doing I know golf fans appreciate it but we we do too so please keep it up for all the good people of YouTube like And subscribe you guys have some good takes so I’m happy to come on and and shoot the


  1. For 17 years, the Houston Open was held at The Golf Club of Houston (formerly Redstone). For many years prior to '03, the Shell Houston Open was held at the TPC of The Woodlands. This was a licensed TPC, not part of the Tour. The Insperity, on the Champions Tour, was held this weekend. I'm with you on the Byron Nelson. However, I can see where networks, who need content, are going to put the tournament on because they paid so much for TV rights. One more thing, there are probably clubs where the members don't want anything to do with LIV.

  2. Owning major golf courses is not unrealistic. Noboru Watanabe a Japanese Billionaire owns Riviera Golf and Country club

  3. It's not that difficult to find out several LIV teams are building courses that even I know off.

  4. I tuned into Liv this week just because PGA wasn't exciting and I'm a Brooks fan. First time really. I enjoyed their website stream with no commercials.

  5. USGA screwed Gooch over last year… Gooch earned it and it was taken away…. you conveniently forgot to mention that

  6. I would be okay with you all not discussing LIV at all. I view them as traitors to the overall good of the game.

  7. Bolingbrook is a decent course but not near a tour course 😂 they are gonna need to add some tee boxes and have those greens running at a 14 to not have the leader -30

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