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Make the game shorter and attacking footy is best: IN OR OUT? – The Eddie and Jimmy Podcast

Eddie McGuire and Jimmy Bartel answer listener questions and take sides of some of the biggest issues in the game right now including – Eddie’s push to the AFL for quarters to go for 18 and a half minutes.

00:00 – Welcome
00:30 – Give the players a car!
01:00 – We want more personality
03:20 – Resting Harley
04:15 – Eddie Pies ban
05:50 – More gloves in footy
07:50 – Shorter quarters
09:30 – Sydney’s midfield issue
11:10 – The Pineapple Grapple!

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See Nine’s turbo charged coverage of Australian Rules football with the signing of some big new names, the launch of exciting new programs and the return of familiar favourites.

Our beefed-up footy slate will see previews, reviews and analysis of the AFL with fan favourites like Footy Classified, Sunday Footy Show and more.


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[Music] can I ask you Jim yes because of our friends at lexes of Blackburn um jamy Elliot down there took the mark of the year yeah one of the great marks one of the great marks of all the time and he’ll get what apparently they gave 4 120 pies and and literally a pie warmer I heard that during the week for for somebody W Mark of the year in the last couple years um but you get a car with us Lexa Blackburn you get one for the Lou Richards medal on Channel 9 and ours for the game of the r how come we can pull two cars out of Lexus I said this last year we need a prize pull for gold the year Market well it’s not hard it’s the major sponsor is Toyota how can it be surely they can flick a car they’re going ride aren’t they Toyota World Ward well they’re fantastic cars that’s why I think they’re in got four of the top 10 selling cars yeah and then they own Lexus there you go there you go so anyway we’re looking after the car manufacturers and the best of those who are good enough to win a car un Lea Black is the place to go to so Andrew Moore and all the team out there so in there out Nick ly’s impersonation of Damen Barrett and Isaac Rankin’s musical performance show that we are screaming for a platform for young players to show us their personalities in or out say this please say yes in in in in and the Footy Show over in Adelaide showed it again I love seeing players personalities they were fantastic Nick ly does some great impersonation he got a very good ruffa Nadal as well if you haven’t seen it so that was magnificent Isaac ranking is a football Talent he’s a musical Talent he’s just greedy he’s swimming in the deep end of the talent I think Daman Barett really wanted to say though afterwards can he do an impersonation of us in our for oh he still had a pretty good impersonation to that okay he’s all austral Beauty he’s doing some heavy lifting there at’s a beauty and I hope he stays he’s saying all the great things about you know he wants to be there when they come good he deserves to be there and and so I hope Zar and a few of these others hang in there as well but that’s the other thing with North just going back you’ve got to actually show that you’re doing something because the momentum within a club Were You There When you probably come bit late at one stage when jalong were completely shot before Frank Costa got in there they were talking about leaving jalong yeah moving him to Melbourne moving to Melbourne of debt yeah so you seen the weekend so cats come here play in front of the biggest crowd Home and Away crowd um they would have rolled out of here with more money than God and they go back down and put it in their vault down there that’s made out of gold and Frank and M frankincense and M made out of cottonon exactly yeah exactly um you know and that’s but you see that you see Carlton uh this week I’ve got Collingwood here it’s not their home ground ESS and had Collingwood here last week not their home ground it’s called using the facilities properly um and I just hope that uh you know that that uh North can actually come up with a few things to get excited about because you can’t just leave it on claro getting belted every week and uh and how everyone’s looking at Shel who’s you know hasn’t finished puberty yet to be the captain and uh you know just I just worry about him and I think I think they’ve got a really good club down there North for what it’s worth and I just but they just need to get a few things all right do you want to follow the next couple at man I’ll do resting Harley was smart by Adam Simpson in y no you can’t cook the young kid it would have been planned at the start of the year he gets a rest now you play another four or five the Gold Coast don’t get beaten up by one of the toughest midfields in the Caper have the weekend off come back well managed serviceable performance by Adam Simson you know what I like now we’d broke this story last year on footy classified but they’ve actually stuck to the uh to the plan so far we should have a good look at that on Wednesday night I and Adam Simpson is going pretty well at the moment so in attacking footy is more fun to watch the defensive Foo as shown by the cats 11 18 to the blues 105 yeah close games are great to watch I don’t care about the score but I might be in the minority I don’t need to see 50 goals to be entertained I’d just like a close encounter yeah so good a good game nice skills seven delivered using tactical Hodge at halftime on F fo0 so this is another example of love we say it here and three weeks later they do it I love it no but good on seven for listening to us okay Luke they had the screen it was organized they putting Hoops around players or highlighting players walked us through the game what you need to do I’m sitting there learning off Luke H that’s what I want to see my mate Luke Dary copped a bit of a pounding on the social media for commenting on his son or commentating on a Bulldogs game well I think I think what they should do with with d just because I know D pretty well is give him another game I me there plenty of games on he’s a director he’s the footy director as well and his son’s playing and he he’s there just make it a bit easier people always have a point at me on these things I never when I became president of Collingwood I stopped calling Collingwood games on Triple M never called a Collingwood game and I wasn’t going to call Callingwood games on Channel 9 until the black called carrye Packer said Son we’re ping a fortune for this we want you doing it on Friday nights and I got told on the way up to the stage for the announcement and the launch of nine football I never wanted to call the Collingwood games but I was told to and you know what you get paid nothing to be the president of coling and I had to actually you know put some food on the table for the family just give me another game but it was kind of funny when when he was commentating his son he’s too close to the Mark it’s a problem for him but you know what the other thing is is maybe people at home just calm the farm relax you know what he’s doing he’s he’s probably going to go harder on his son than anyone else just relax on it well it’s footy for cons uh your boy Mason glove Mason glove Mason glove Mason Cox wearing the the nibbi or the foot Joy glove uh should the AF approve more gloves golf gloves well if they’re going to have the balls made out of soap yeah so another knock on effect the AFL want the balls to be pristine looking and we got all these extra balls in there for Co remember we used to catch it co off a ball remember that and the go you remember when they wiped down all the GOL post that in in the Hazmat suit yeah what a time to be alive my goodness at some stage we got to say okay we don’t need as many balls we’re now seeing Jeremy Cameron you know do isometrics with the ball every time he gets it because they’re all doing it now they’re because they all have got on the only you know the only people who won’t believe this is the AFL now I understand they have gone to Sharon and said how can you guys you know kick the balls in knock the balls in etc etc so we know it Carri Packa said to me long on Carri Packer today Carri Packa said to me 25 years ago what is wrong with the idiots playing your game he was pretty straight to the point G yeah he said why don’t they wear a golf glove and I said why would that be he said a golf glove is designed for wet on leather so it doesn’t slip he said your BLS dropped the ball and now it’s become fumble ball because of the uh the balls that’s why um U jamy Elliott’s Mark was so good because he actually held it the amount of marks that are dropped because the players can’t hold them because the ball’s slippery and it goes to ground and people dive on top and that’s where concussions come from there are some certain things if you actually go to the root cause that you could sort out so if you’re gonna have slippery balls let them wear gloves yep right just don’t you laugh at that I’m such a child we already touched on the jamy Elliott One want slippery balls yeah stop it no no love no let’s get to the questions off ask Eddie and Jimmy footy on N Facebook or the artist formerly known as Twitter which called X Brett hi guys the new TV ratings with reach show how much the AFL smashes every competitor in Australian sport however the average viewer drops off significantly this is because games now go for too long over 2 and a half hours this is not good for getting kids and the Tik Tok generation into the game with their short attention spans did the AFL miss an opportunity to try this in 21 off the back of a full Co 16 minute quarters year right so before Co I put this to the AFL and I worked out if you and this is a bit lumpy but 18 and 1/2 minute quarters okay rather than going 20 and time on 18 and 1 half minute quarters meant that a player would actually uh get the equivalent of six weeks off okay um it also quickens the game up a little bit and as we saw in the co it didn’t make that much of a difference um and then you can you can do your things like restrict The Interchange if you want to go down that road um I think yes the games go too long yep and uh if you want to extend it and we want to have you know all these split rounds and everything else I reckon uh 16’s too short but from my um another el8 and a half 18 was right another element to um a young Steven quarter man a shorter quarters is the fact that where poor sides get blown away by good sides is in the time on period often when you have a look at they can hold on from after quarter time half time three quarter time the last 5 minutes of quarters the real mature good sides pull away you might have some closed matches just yeah okay uh next one murza says uh where to Kell Mills Luke par and K’s another one out of the academy isn’t he yeah yeah I take it off him did it too well no no no just give everyone a chance Kell Mills Luke Parker and Taylor Adam Adams fit into the swans M I tell you what the pies are missing Taylor Adams are you yeah getting killed out of the center you Tom Mitch was a good clearance player yeah I know but uh but I I’ll tell you what I reckon the pies have got their selection wrong all year I’ve said that here um I don’t think he can play Tom Mitchell five days break six day break I think they got to you know they had few those old blacks you know I would have Finn M Finn mcginness did very well in the reserves again I think he needs a bit of a run at it anyway I’ll tell you Taylor Adams I’m missing Taylor Adams at Collingwood Kellum Mills will probably start back on the halfback flank rotate through the Midfield Parker and Adams y half forward probably coming into the Midfield they probably all three of them probably don’t start back straight away in the center BS Adams played on the weekend so the last couple of games but uh he’s a good foil for James robottom as well yeah you know what rowy getting killed rowy played Junior Foot with my kids so there a mad mad Collingwood boy you know he came as our family guest to the dinner after the 2018 Grand Final used to come there and get his photo taken so I’m going to give it to uh to uh big broy Grundy I’ve got the team photos of game and as a gun player he’s a beauty yeah I think they can fit him in with rotation you always have things like injuries come up and form throughout the season so they’ll just keep playing the hot hand John says do you believe the Q Clash next weekend is the biggest one ever yes I think it is both sides it’s not often you’d see go Coast above brisbon coming into the Q Clash it should be renamed the pineapple grapple it’s a much better name Q Clash that doesn’t work sounds like a sponsorship what sounds like a sneaker tournament or like an insurance sponsorship yeah Q Clash Q boring no good um no but I think it will be the the biggest one I think this is a chance what are they what why wouldn’t you just I’m I’m going to you know you’ve got me this probably indication how my mind works um why wouldn’t you get a big trophy like the biggest one you can find well like Stanley Cup size yeah like the big pineapple yeah and have the big pineapple the pineapple grapple have the pine well you Pineapple grapple is yours not sold completely but why would you have it what what made your 10 what I gave away a bit there what major sporting trophy actually does have a pineapple on it oh oh not sure the Wimbledon Championship has got a pineapple on the top does it yeah it does look it up yeah you I just thought it was the the big um Shakur plate no that’s women’s oh is it the men’s got a trophy yeah yeah I think this the women’s got the plate but uh you know cuz I knows those women brought a plate don’t throw oh no cancel that one out beer footy what’s this one a lot of easy beat teams this year why I didn’t say it I’m just that’s the social Ms of the day there’s always teams that get beaten we always have bottom teams and top teams is there any different from any other you well North and now getting into world record territory that’s five years under five WIS it’s pretty much like the Saints of the 80s who won four wood they’re behind the Saints now yeah on win loss so anyway they’re they’re probably heading to another another draft pick at number one aren’t they


  1. Why are the AFL so incompetent? What issue do they get right? Balls are stuffed, umpire review all over the shop, tackling interpretation buggered, suspension policy a dud…., And these are just the small issues.

  2. If the 2020 season taught us anything it’s that the shorter quarters don’t work. All the games were too defensive, too low scoring and quite boring to watch

    And Finn Maginness????? I presume he means Fin Macrae. Clown doesn’t even know his own players

  3. Length of the game must not be touched. IMO the shorter 16 minute quarters in 2020 with COVID made the games significantly worse.

  4. I’d be fine if the game was shorter, if you wipe 5 dollars off the ticket prices for every minute you’ve taken away. Otherwise you’re robbing the fans.

  5. Gloves?! Don’t be daft. Leave the game alone, it’s brilliant as it is. Money isn’t everything! AFL’s uniqueness lies in its differences to everything else. Don’t shorten the time a game takes: don’t make it like everything else; and what makes you think you’re so right, when l for one often think you’re so so wrong! Sounds to me like you’re trying to Americanise footy. Again, generic sucks, stop trying to destroy Aussie originality and culture for the sake of change, and money isn’t everything!

  6. On the issue of gloves… I thought the AFL banned the use of them several years back because it gave an unfair advantage to those who wore them, hence why a lot of players now have the Grippo paste on their guernsy or shorts.
    In regards to Mason Cox specifically, is he wearing one for an advantage in handling the ball, or because he's carrying a minor injury?
    I was told he had an injury. So if that's the case, he should no longer require it after a few rounds. If he's still wearing it by midway through the season, then he's taking the p!ss out of the competition and the AFL.

  7. what a load of hogwash, eddie was so bias towards the pies and still is, calling, commenting, news reports, the whole bit, even on who wants to be a millionaire, he would chuck in pro collingwood stuff, put food on the table, give me a break.Eddie is so about the game, like last year when Maynard cleaned up a player, it's fair, what can he do? now, rub out anyone. Change the prize for MOTY mid season, why? because it's a collingwood player. if it was anyone else, pies and pie cooker only. The reason why Collingwood generates money, is because they have 10 blockbusters a year, play 17 home games, even their away games are at home, they get prime time every week. maybe that has something to do with it, change the rules for them whenever they ask, I could turn North into a massive club too, just give them what Collingwood get, year after year after year.

  8. Ok enough is enough, fire Eddie from the media, don’t care what he owns, I’m sick of him and he’s ideas.
    He has one good idea, get’s a Big Head (Big Head Ed) and just won’t stop – nothing is safe with him talking.
    Go back to hosting – who wants to be a millionaire?

  9. I don't often agree with Eddie… But I agree with him on shortening the game. If you look at world sport it's by far the longest in terms of minutes played. It's far less consumable for newcomers as there's 120 minutes + 25 minutes of breaks, than say a soccer or rugby league game.

    If you asked the players and coaches, they would shorten the game too – I know Chris Scott is big on this. Reduce injuries, more close games etc.

  10. Make Eddie shorter. So that he’s behind the desk and we can’t see him interrupting Jimmy every 4 seconds.

  11. To early to call Mark of the year.!!…Not enough epic hang-time, but great mark all the same

  12. The Pineapple grapple? That is ridiculous! I agree that the Qclash could be better, but Jimmy… as player you were amazing… perhaps not as a slogan creator! 😅

  13. Leave the length of the game alone. We've already had it reduced from 25 to 20 minutes. What next. A 10 minute quarter…

  14. The issue isn't the length of the game but rather the length of the quarter and halftime breaks (this is an issue in ice hockey as well where you have two 18 minute intermissions to re-surface the ice that push the length of the game to two hours and 45 minutes). AFL games are usually two hours and 40 minutes (with two six minute quarter breaks and a 20 minute halftime). If you can reduce those breaks in half (three minutes and ten or two minutes and 15) then I think that's where you cut lol MLB broke a 150-plus year tradition by introducing a pitch clock and both attendance and ratings are up (by cutting the down time in the game). That's where you make the cuts when people are not playing (such as quarter and halftime breaks and perhaps even breaks after goals).

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