Golf Players

2024 Bengalla Group 21 First Grade Aberdeen v Denman Rd 1

2024 Bengalla Group 21 First Grade Aberdeen v Denman Rd 1

the Denton cup Arena okay and here they here they come here come the boys how disappointing it is I mean they either way they’re going to put on a great performance but the whole Jersey Saga for the beginning of the season for all clubs at the moment I just heard down at the Canon no jerseys have arrived as abedine players take the field well they got their um they got their orange and uh black stripe or black v I should say double black F on so well done to the uh to the avenon Tigers I’ve seen Daniel Huger worth LED them out this will be interesting so lesson as you’ll have to bear with us cuz we’re still coming to grips with some of these new boys and uh looking forward to it mainly the demon side but I’ll be fine with the abine side but the demon side the physique and the running style something that shakes will be able to tell you which way they’re running at the moment but currently demon facing towards the highway uh there is the wind favoring that way from the back corner there like I said of the tring fields at abine towards the highway whether they opt to use that as a tactical Point either side that El Whit of the Dem and front row on number 10 he’s a big lad thir I’ve heard a few wraps about this number 1 the lock forward to uh Jordan bull Reggie that’ll be interesting number three Toby mson I’m looking out there demon the demon Lads are running they’re going to be running towards us big number 10 for abadon UT Baker yeah he was the international player that big lad if he fell over being scone so abedine have they’ll be kicking off and they’ll be running towards the dressing sheds for the first half of the bengala group 21 competition first grade match of the season to get underway but it’s only because the muscle Brook vers Greer brankston was canceled due to water at Greer brankston of water at Greer Bron someone left the sprays on now apparently it did flog down there um lateer in the week so early in the week I should say you got young Elliot wher on this side and oh sorry Jaden Kennedy yep number three is T I’m just getting familiar with these here’s a kickoff Cameron French kicked that ball down deep it’s collected 10 met out by James Al he’s given it to the big bloke himself number 10 is Elliot Whitaker good tackle there by Fraser Evans right on the uh the 20 mle line of of Denon they’re rocking it out of their own of their own half at the moment they’re on the 32 meter Point Ned Chapman at dummy half short pass there onto Daniel Smith and Daniel Smith gets tackled about 30 uh 38 M out center field Ned Chapman from Dy half gets it onto Jordan uh Jordan bull there the lock forward he’s just shy of halfway good defense so far as well his ball from Netty Chapman onto Josh miles he puts a high kick down it’s floating in this Bo went backwards go he’s saying it yes he did he’s P pulled it up who’s our referee Reggie uh yep I just getting to that at the moment and that’s that’s an early error from L McKinnon your high maintenance today what is going on he’s cough it’s this cold weather he’s coughed that ball up and it’s it has bounced off his hands back towards the uh Denon uh Tri line so that’s a turnover and a uh a scrum feed to the demon devils and what are they they’re about 12 M out 15 M out from the abedine line 20 MERS in from touch scrum food shock and scrum food was he blowing a penalty or scrum penalty what is that screwing a pump scrum penalty since 1982 re Mr vanderberg is the referee in the center scrum penalty for for nevertheless let’s get on NY Chapman takes a quick tap he’s given it on to you and batam and batam scores he’s over he’s [Music] over if you blinked you missed it re Dy Chapman just give a quick tap batam was a short runoff and he give it the ball and he went through some real lazy defense that from the abine Tigers and the demon Devils first try of the year to Evan uh Yan my uh my apologies to Yan batam the front row number eight and we only had 2 minutes of football I’m predicting that the referee has not as the players he hasn’t got a microphone on that’s what the issue is he’s left the microphone in the dressing sheds probably for a reason well I haven’t seen a scrum penalty and that scrum penalty mind you was because the abedine guy had one of the front rows or the hookers had lifted his leg in the scrum I mean we haven’t seen a scrum penalty for what three decades oh 30 years I think we always at least speak about it once a year complaining from the Dem and Devils but nevertheless James SS what is he 15 out about 10 m to the uh right of the upright and he’s going to move in and try and convert this try to make it 60 and we got 37 minutes to go in this first half the opening game of the 2024 group 21 season he has converted it there you go 60 to the Dem and Devils the microphone must not be working here at uh mckinn AAL no no no he just sorry yeah do you hear it no the young Fell’s been up here uh fiddling around trying to get things working from the Tigers I’ll give himos but it’s an electrical issue that they don’t have it going there’s a kickoff from French gives it on to Elliot Whit he runs straight into number 18 and that was Jimmy he stopped when he got to the line that’s Jim that’s not Jimmy drton number eight that’s hugor number 18 ear so Huger Worth’s got number 18 ear on Ridge right out C that it’s not you want to write that down oh you shouldn’t have remember that it’s HS at number 18 Denon on their own 20 ball goes out to the right hand side onto Josh miles and Josh miles Dum is one way and he goes himself and he’s pulled down right on the 30 mle line in his own half 20 in from touch Ed Chapman gets the ball out there to Jordan ball ball gets it on to I think that’s that front rower that scored and that was Yan uh batam and he’s pulled down center field one sh of of the 40 m line here’s the kick from Ethan fouls and the fou it goes downtown and uh he’s found touch about 30 m out 40 m out my apologies the Winger there let it go so 20 me oh it is too it’s a red line my apologies that’s what they’ll aiming for a 4020 the referee just pulling up short of that line he did to the L the linesman which is Daniel Chapman on this side I don’t um Worthy on the the other end here’s the abdon boys with the ball now getting it out moving towards center field tackled 30 out he’s the big fell here Baker big UTI Baker tackled he’s a big lad good tackle by fouls the 5’8 for demon ball goes out to Frenchie Frenchie turns it under to Fraser Evans and Evans go straight over fouls charging big Fraser sticking that back into his old Club good work yes good run here’s HS from dummy half and hugs gives it on to Joshy halwell one of the halwell brothers in the centers Jones at dummy half goes out to uh Richard graah and Richard graah is T they’re over halfway there tigers HS at dummy half gets the ball onto French he goes to kick it they were up in his face very quickly he had to go sideways to get a good clean kick he gets one in and it goes down to the Dem and 20 M line and uh James OLS picked it up but the referee is said that the abine boys are inside the 10 so it’s a penalty piggyback penalty to the Demond Devils 29 M out from their own line and number three jeez that’s a big kick who’s that guy number three that was Toby mson 35 M out for the tap what a kick that is that’s a huge kick and Daniel Smith goes over to reather it gives it to Netty Chapman he’s a quick ball on number 11 Elliot uh sorry Jaden Kennedy and JK goes over halfway good young play when he’s fit JK can’t wait to see how he sees and progresses gets it on to batam the TriCore and he charges up just shy of the 20 middle line I think he might be on at center field options left and right Chapman out of dummy half onto Whitaker the big number 10 Elliot Whitaker he’s tackled about 15 M out from the den the abdine line Chapman goes left he gets it onto Jordan bull short pass he held it up to batam and batam gets tackled and he has he lost it in that tackle he lost it Forward yeah only a few m is out from the abedine line and that was a good tackle by the uh the abedon boys to stop that that was a good set of play there by the Denon Devils just looking down here on the bench I can see John Whitby there um can’t see who else they’ve kept on the bench I can’t see young dor for the time being H huie Collins is down there he nevertheless he’s a scrum food it goes out the back to uh the uh from the scrum wind to abine tackled about 15 M out center field Frenchie at dummy half and he gets the ball out to that right hand side there I think that is lon anosa or mdy hay from a distance right in that corner oh that is a great run who that solid that was high that second attempt was high players appealed for it but no nothing I think that’s Fraser Fraser Evans took that ball there’s Matty hay I believe and he takes the ball up after that hit up great run by Fraser after uh he took a couple of players out there when he charged onto the ball his Baker the big front rower for the abon Tigers he’s pulled down about five and he’s unloaded and that’s a knock on no and theyve fallen on by NY Chapman but there’s no Advantage if the referee was uh marked up we’d be able to explain that to you but the aine player you baker has Baker he tried to unload he unloaded it with that three guys hanging off here hit an abine player in the chest but it was in a short distance the Blake was in front of him and couldn’t pick it up so demon raced through to clean it up and Spilled it as well so it’s going to be a 40 out Deon scrumpy he’s Miss he’s calling that initial knock on well deels off your chest and there’s no arm involved well that’s discretion they love using that discretion called aren’t they the referees whose days in the NRL some of them wouldn’t be able to spell it but nevertheless here’s AB Denman with the ball on the first Edy Chapman GES himself from dummy half he gets through one he pull down 30 m out center field from the abedine line James alss at dummy half short pass on to Whiter need’s get a little bit deeper there good tackle there too by Drew Gilbert the halfback for abdine short pass and it goes out to ball on to uh number six I believe that is and that’s fouls from Denman plenty of options they’re inside the 20 the Devils Chapman at dummy half scoots out goes himself and he’s well held there by Richard graah 9 m center of the field yep last tackle James Al a dummy half what are they going to do it’s going to go back out to Josh miles Josh miles puts a Midfield bomb up it’s going over there into the corner he’s T touched and knocked forward by the uh uh Denman boys and I think that was Jacob Suk aulu who came through and knocked it forward and uh it was a double knock on so it’s an abedine ball play the ball 20 in 10 met out from their own line 6 nil 30 minutes to go here in the first half he’s one of the Jones boys that’s Matthew Jones taking a good hit up as all wood Wingers do hugor at dummy Halford gets it on to the one of the HW Lads now he’s got to see his number right now it’s either Ben or Joshua two good kids ball goes on to Baker he’s proving a handf isn’t he it’s a penalty there’s a piggyback penalty the Tigers needed off side he’s ruling 60 if you just joined us Demond currently in the lead abine with a penalty 40 m out from their own one they’re taking the tap yeah they’re Against the Wind the abedon boys in this first half rge that’s why I said it proved pivotable that wind in the second half so they opted to go into it absolutely they’re over halfway now Huger from dummy half it gets it on to Frenchie Frenchie goes across field and he gives it inside to Matty hay and Matty hay good taken all day to get him down he’s up to the Dem and 30 comes down the right hand side turns back into number 11 which is uh Lawson and noer and he’s tackled right on the 20 midle line 20 in from touch HS at dummy half looking for a quick play the ball gets a ball out there to uh the number 13 and that Richard graah he’s hitting a really good tackle there H with a dummy half it goes on to Frenchie little chip over the top as Su to it he’s caught it and he’s just he’s regained it about half a meter out from his own line little sneaky little chip from Frenchie there how he reeled that back in and kept controlling these conditions that’s skillful and the rain has started to come down sideways he’s dropped it suo has dropped now is that sug nulo no can’t see that is on the ground but anyway um it’s going to be a drop ball yeah turnover you can’t play that as a Dropout you got to go back to the first infringement well he’s going to he’s going to play it as a Dropout the first infringement was a knock on on the field of play from the Dem player and that play had to be a scrum 10 out this has to be a scrum 10 scum absolutely absolutely center of the field nevertheless he’s gone for the Dropout and it’s hell of a good Dropout it’s gone over halfway it’s gone down to the 30 and uh good Chase from the Demond boys as well and they’ve hit him there really well so ra a scrum feet at the 10 m line AB now have the ball 45 M out 15 m in from the grand stand side yep absolutely here’s the HW boy I think that’s Joshua Jones will go to dummy half mdy Jones there’s a penalty all over him number three good play the ball by Josh hell he got up and fought for that Ruck we’d be able to defend mate if you had your microphone on but unfortunately this young fell here is Drew Gilbert this is the halfback Reggie for abdine Tigers coming straight at your mate no good for me here’s hugor abine ball they’re on the uh they’re on the attack 11 that’s NOA and they’re 25 M out from the Denon line 15 in from touch on to Baker the front rower over to Fraser Evans Fraser Evans charging some all teammates there Netty Chapman around the legs good tackle over the top was batam here’s a short pass on to Baker again he dead set proven handful he’s carrying Bloods towards the line 5 m out the Tigers can they score and level it all up hugor down that left hand side onto Frenchie Frenchie Jinx goes back in L he scored Frenchie good the left of the uprights 64 26 minutes to go here in this round one clash between the Tigers and the Devils up here at McKinnon noal he had that on the uh the defense just did not move up off the line there Frenchie went left and he jined back in to he off to the right hand side towards the upright very similar to Lui from penth and no one moved to even get in his face and Tackle him don’t talk in a little Tim I don’t watch it know but what he’s done was that as youve said no one’s come up on the inside he had the ball 10 m out from their Tri line 10 m in from the sideline left foot step left foot step lazy defense speed off the mark and and he just caught them absolutely fantas try and convert his own here Frenchie so uh some players thrive in these conditions when it’s not stinking hot and they have their natural talent to be able to hold the ball Baker is thriving in this weather loves it and to see at the moment he’s wanting two and three hit-ups again you know well the interesting 0 me he’s Ki all so the interesting thing is he’s he’s attracting three or four Defenders from Denon every time he gets the ball Reggie and he is proving a massive handful and someone’s got to hit him early before he gets that Advantage line otherwise he’s going to run over the top yet yeah he ni I’d be uh well especially the big fell he just seems plenty fit enough for me that I’d be keeping him out there for 80 minutes if he can for sure made a spell sorry to say that John whby but yeah i’ be us utilizing that 25 minutes to go six all here at abedine James Al with the kick off that’s deep going straight down to Matthew Jones he’s dropped it on his own line if you are poor old Jonesy for those at home that can’t that was a Ben Hunt exact positioning Squat and just dropped it right on the troll on in the field of play I couldn’t have explained it any better was in the field of play and he’s gone for drop out no he might have been over his own line r i I’d say he was right on his uh his uh TR line chick’s giving the shake of the head chick’s got the better view than us here’s the line drop out restart it’s going straight down to fouls gives it on to Whit of the front row and he gets it on his own 35 out from sorry the abedine side of field charges towards the 20 he’s what is he 15 in from touch the grand stand side his uh Jordan Ball he goes forward and he’s hit by Baker 15 M out didn’t make too much ground but a good tackle there by the Tigers he got the heads up here he goes to FS on to Josh miles Josh miles turns it back into James SS and well R World red all right by number 11 Lawson and NOA chappie goes from dummy half chappie gives it to batam and batam’s charging towards the line he’s got it down he’s second try pointed to the spot the referee the defense again was very lazy cuz he came back in switch under from James ALS there and Josh miles was involved in that onto the right hand side of the field and they came back in to bat him and he went through a g very very lazy defense on the opposite side of the rck got to move up both sides Lads yeah 5 m to the Eastern side of these uprights facing the highway on the score side yeah easy pickings for James 10 points to six here in favor of the Devils it’s not a lack of um I mean that that purely comes off the drop ball from the kickoff the Ben Hunt so if ift their heads it’s not been bad defensively so just for all those people listening uh there is no live video stream it’s only audio correct Reid correct that’s just to let people know yeah that’s the deal with group 21 as we know that it’s a small Regional competition we can live stream it but it does not bring the people to the group grounds and has the that’s right income generating perform um income generating facilities for the clubs and as we just spoke about the pregame Dem their biggest Financial um match takings is that Friday night and I think it’s going to be the way to go I think we’ll see more Friday night games 12 point Sorry mate you finished 12 points to six he did kick that goal James old so uh you know in the Newcastle competition and the likes uh they’ve got other larger sponsors that can contribute here it’s about the passion it’s about the family and it’s a family facility so we provide the audio all well you got that across and hopefully that explains everything here’s the kickoff the restart from French he gives it on to fouls and as has been the case it goes to Big whiter the front rower no changes been made by either side and what are we 18 minutes into this first half they’re on the 20 they’re on 20 at the moment Chapman goes to Dy half and he gives it on to Daniel Smith good run but he’s coughed it up that was a hell of a good tackle from Baker and Fraser and Fraser r they didn’t miss him and absolutely nailed Young Daniel uh on the 30 mle line so abdon will have possession via a scrum feed 30 m out from the demon line center field every club though throughout this season has the option of one live stream throughout the competition uh and marry War as well have got theirs on the good uh June Long Weekend here’s a scrum win to the Tigers Frenchie gets the ball from Drew Gilbert at the space of the scrum he’s tackled about 25 M out still center field the oh that’s a bone Ratt H that’s a huge hit I missed that cuz I was looking out somewhere else but nevertheless ball goes out the back to nobody Gilbert picks it up he dances around but he’s hitting a good tackle there by Jaden Kennedy over the top still center field no one’s there here’s hugor from dummy half cast no options but to go himself little bit uh rattled here the abon Tigers where’s their process and their moves here we go and out the left Frenchie Frenchie puts a little chip forward all he got a dive on it he does Theon who was that out why was that one of the hells was that Ben halwell who followed that kick through from FR Frenchie and yeah but TS have hit back immediately I think that was Ben hell that scored out wide R he’s shot out of the cannon the one thing there with Frenchie is he’s put the kick in originally it looked like it was going to go too deep um and it’s deflected off a den play to slow it down so yeah one of the HW boys out that side we don’t have the screen in front of us giving on the number four might have him been L McKinnon I don’t for all money I didn’t see it on and the communication was there but the one thing I’m liking from sitting back and watching this structure is Baker not only a ball playing front rower he’s screaming about where players have got to be in their possession so that’s full credit to the coaching staff that was a big hit as a Winger as a small Winger the last thing you want to run into is two front rowers um yeah and even though it was the first poor old Daniel Smith couldn’t chip over the top from 25 M out from his own line I bet bet you wish he could here’s Frenchie trying to convert that try and it’s waved away it’s 12 points to 10 we’ve got 19 and a half minutes to go here in the group 21 round one Clash well if you I’d say this will put the wind in the the sales for the abedine home crowd so far in to be putting it to a demon side that everyone has been speaking about throughout the communities uh which is a they both recruited really well when you look at last year dine Tigers they just needed those fear followers up front they had the talent out wide and with Baker and amasa and as I said there’s Nosa sorry and a few more to come still straight down into that same spot yep oh good take from Young Josh hell onto Baker and he goes straight through pushes one out of the road it might have been Ned Chapman gets to his own 30 or own 20 I should say oh another Joshy hell’s uh sorry yeah Josh hell has coughed it up taken that hit up first up and he’s coughed it up so this will be Deon on the attack from 25 M out scrum feed 20 m in and this is where you’ve spoken about that man earlier James old he will he’s dangerous around in the back here as we see F’s going in to feed this scrum and first receiver is the captain coach miles here we go off the base of the scrum that goes off to fils you want to call it no sure go no I thought you read your phone no no I was checking to see if everything’s coming across loud and clear which it is but uh Netty Chapman got that ball here’s number 12 which is Nathan Darby and Darby takes a settler towards the post he’s about 20 M out center field Chapman at dummy half referee wasn’t happy with that play the ball go back reset here we go ball goes out to the right hand side of the field on to uh number 13 which is Jordan bull that was number 12 I should say that was Jaden Kennedy number 11 ball goes to Bull now he goes himself Jinx off his left goes towards the post about 3 and A2 met out from the line Chapman at dummy half Alexa goes himself I don’t know what the hell that move was by NY Chapman that was diabolical Ridge yeah what was that I don’t know that was just a real easy cheap turnover there and abena charging the ball out from Their Own Line Fraser rans has taken three or four plays with him and he’s nearly already at the 25 meter Mark after they cough it up the Demond Devils two mut is out from the middle of the post don’t know what option that was they’ll have to learn from that anyway here’s the ball they they’re getting it out Centerfield again that’s one of the H boys that was uh Josh that was Benjamin hell that took that ball up they’re meter sh halfway the abon boys that was hugor ball goes to Gilbert onto the man who’s having a monster game at the moment the big front row from abdine Baker ball goes here’s the last Midfield bomb Gilbert puts it up the wind’s blowing it backwards it’s not going to be it goes to Fraser he collects it he gets it back on to uh hugor EV Fraser Evans Den are going to get the ball inside gam got to pick it up he got get over his own TR line he does so very well done by James and he’s tackled three M out from his own line directly under the post that’s pure experience that is any other kid would have looked straight up and tried to get back in the field of play absolutely there’s uh Toby mson I think that was J apologies the center who took that next hit up and uh they’ve created a uh penalty a piggyback penalty for the uh D devil that was Daniel Smith Danel Smith took that ball up and with the trying to have a quick play the ball he forced a penalty which is great here’s the Toby mson number three he’s a big lad that Center but he’s got a good left foot on him and he’s kicked downtown made about 30 m now uh demon will have the restart right on the halfway line 10 m in Chapman with the ball who’s number 16 Reggie and that is N tamasi I think NE has he’s grown his hair in the off season teased it out to be an afro number number 15 Nick Harvey that’s Nick Harvey Reggie who’s on there you heard a bit about him here’s Josh miles they’re up to the 30 mle line sorry they’re up to the 25 mle line center field Dem and Devils someone from uh abine’s hurt there nevertheless they’re going to play onto bull onto Nick Harvey and Nick Harvey moves forward he’s inside the 20 Centerfield again Chapman at dummy half what are they going to do out the back to fouls fouls Jinx off his left he tries to go in but the outside defense was up so he had no option but to go infield here’s the last tackle Chapman at dummy half at the back to James Zs long pass on to Josh miles the captain coach he dribbles it through that was a nothing kick and uh equally equal to the task was the aboon boy I think that was one of the HW boys and now they’ve compounded that error with a penalty to the abon Tigers I think it was um that was Josh hwood who fell on that ball out there so uh was it on Matty hay it seems to be when he collected the ball he had a bit of a a limp and stayed still I think it might be Matty hay out there on that left hand side for aine okay well with the restart now uh from that penalty touch finder he ran flat out off the tap into the defensive line for the demon devils and being told to go back and do it again and that was Fraser Fraser Evans from the RO start here it is here now and he’s going back again and that’s Fraser again he dump into the Winger who come in for a run and went out the back to Fraser off a short short hit up and well tackled there by Jaden Brown the center for Demond gets up and plays it out the back again is that shape from dummy half is that Josh Emory on the field now I think it is rid I’ve been trying to pick up his number the lighting here is not great here’s Baker hasn’t he had a monstrous game he’s still unloads it in traffic out the back not great but they fall on it nevertheless the aan boys it went backwards they lost a couple of meters there Center about 35 M out from Their Own Line Frenchy out there onto the left hand side he’s dangerous every time he gets it again he’s forced another penalty against the de boys the fourth tackle and what was that Reggie was that aing it’s creep Creed up a little bit there’s nothing can’t see he’s pointing that there I think it might have been the captain coach himself yeah it was there was nothing in that the uh that was Nathan Derby who uh made that tackle out there and uh well John Whit’s on for his first go get for the Tigers yeah here we go the Big Fellas on from merryall they’re 30 uh 40 m out from the den line big Sho Baker off Baker’s off well he needs to go forward at every opportunity big wit the mwall mountain I’m going to call him R okay mer M it Matty hay he doesn’t know anywhere else but to go forward Matty hay he always bumps off a few though always he’s what are they 20 me out center field H over dummy half they come down this short blind onto Drew Gilbert and Gilbert gives the ball on to number eight I don’t know who number eight in Reggie because it’s not Jimmy Drayton that’s number n and it’s not Mitchie Galvin so we need to find those numbers at the halfway for abidon boys I don’t know who number n is nevertheless he’s a dummy half he gets a ball out to Gilbert onto Cameron French Cameron French everyone’s on site it going to Jacob Su nul’s Wing he jumps up well and collects it beautifully but he’s carried over his own uh into the own in goal area but what’s he calling he’s calling a penalty he did not attack the ball I was going to bring that up well he’s been he’s calling the tackled in midair I don’t think that was the case I don’t think it was a necessarily Collision yeah it was a collision he was not going for the ball though the abine player he just was a shoulder charge um call it a catch or whatever you want but he eyes his eyes weren’t for the ball he’s let bit that’s going to Le in the field play oh my goodness what a kick he’s kicked it from he own five line to the halfway line and that was Toby Malon that’s at number three left foot kick right on that have they no here’s the Denon boys again they’re going to go forward and that is I think that’s Nathan Derby yes it is Gee he’s a big lad too there b number four is Jaden Brown goes forward 40 MERS out from the abdine line out the back to Josh miles G on to f f is looking for runers he goes himself bumps off one gives it on to Josh M who comes around and he gets tackled about 32 M out 20 in from touch still 1210 4 yeah James OLS from dummy half stands in the tackle gives it on to Josh miles Josh miles gives it to fouls he’s found a gap he clicks away he’s only got the fullback to boot but he’s well tackled there 10 m out from the abine line directly in front of the post Ned Chapman goes from dummy half beats one scoots around another he’s looking to dive over NY Chapman has he scored yes he has regie he’s going over that takes it to 16 points to 10 10 m 10 minutes from dummy half 10 minutes from dummy 10 minutes from half time I should say no that was you know that was a really good set of six quick both n Chapman coming out of that play the ball tripped himself up the marker uh stumbled and uh it was just easy to find that Gap that was just a bad read there by the defensive line he was too close to the tril but conditions yeah uh but that you come back to that massive kick from 5 m out a telling point to land it down there in the halfway line I mean they got the wind the wind is blowing across to the opposite side of the field so that was on the uh they on the Bowling Club side of the field Bowling Green yeah Bowling Club I should say the wind is blowing to the opposite corner down towards the golf course so to be able to make that still go out on the Bowling Club side that was incredible 16 points to 10 this will take him to 18 points to 10 we’ve got by the time he kicks it we’ll have under 9 minutes just under 9 Minutes in this first half in group 21 round one clash between the abon Tigers and the demon Devils Reggie the the next set of six for demon is so important because uh on both occasions uh abon have hit back uh not too long after uh Denon have scored so he’s Al trying to convert that try well it’s the last chance they’ve got we saw Reserve 18 points to 10 that it worked uh in the second half he probably trying to put it up a bit higher probably about the 30 m line let the wind get a hold of it to give you time team time to get there cuz you got some decent catches in amongst that team and I mean Netty Chapman with his back turned he’s not the tallest kid he’s Frenchie with the kick restart goes straight down the center of the field onto fs and Fs give it to tamasi tamasi goes forward and he’s already up to the 22 M line T of ball he did [Applause] demon rocking it out they looked like they got A Rush of Blood and that was SS who made it nearly to the 40 here’s JK Kennedy and he gets up five sh halfway it’s great to see him back on the field here’s NY Chapman goes down to the right hand side onto uh Bull and bull gets up over halfway easy ground at the moment re yeah they know at the 40 m line directly in the center of the park goes out to Mary first receiver out the back to um miles who gives it under to the center which is Jaden Brown they’re in the line he gives it on to Ned chap is backing up gives it over to the center and that’s the big lad I think it’s number three Toby mson and he scored right under the post great try quick play the balls but how easy was the ground from the kick restart that’s what it was it was just momentum after momentum not sling down the play of the ball um something that we’ve seen in the first 15 minutes um stint that abedine was really good at that from that try that they let Deon score they just didn’t control the play the ball quick play the ball and we’re talking 15 M every run so well it started with tamasi off the RO start and then it started with Kennedy uh it was it was why bounce off them you’re not doing any Dynamic football really get get in that wrestle and that the telling point there was certainly abidon weren’t giving uh weren’t uh given room to breathe in defense the the Denon boys they play the ball just Sensational slow it down you got to control the rck you got to win had two Tri to demon got to win the and that one wasn’t warranted absolutely but it was a great effort great effort well they skipped away to a 22 to 10 lead we kickoff though he’s been bumped by one player and tunnel ball through another Block’s legslean six and a half minutes to go and ALS has made no mistake with that that’s 24-10 uh in this round one Clash I keep saying it this is a start of group 21 today’s game between gruda and muscle Brook uh was called off uh due to wet Fields down there at gr brankston oval I can’t hear you mate okay the Bala group 21 my apologies there we go this is the kickoff I was talking about last time kick JK Kennedy is under it he’s let it bounce he’s let it bounce and they were watching it abine nevertheless malson’s picked the ball up great tackle there by uh that was Daniel hugor but he’s forced a penalty what’s he saying so he’s saying it was a high tackle Daniel’s gone over his shoulder to try and knock the ball down um yeah that’s a hard hard dball on that one well there’s a piggyback penalty to the Demond devils and what are they 25 M out uh center field and malson’s going to find touch here he kicks it low and long low and long like he shanked that he Ked it and gone over halfway they’re going to get the ball 48 M out 10 in from touch demon with this tap restart going to go to Chapman who’s going to get it he’s number 11 and that is Jaden Kennedy he hasn’t been shy he’s looking for work the whole time Kennedy he’s up to the 40 already 10 m 15 m in from touch here’s Netty Chapman he GS himself and His short pass onto tamari tamari gets the ball he’s tackled about 32 M out from the abine line here’s Jordan bull short pass skips across field he gives a short pass there to I can’t see that gentleman nevertheless middle of the field Chapman goes back to the right hand side onto miles onto Darby and Derby gets the ball onto I think that was Jaden Brown the center for uh Denman long ball out there goes now there attacking the post and that was Derby again he gets tackled 10 met out it’s the last tackle Chapman at dummy half options left and right ball goes to Josh to Josh miles goes AC Crossfield long pass over to Jaden Kennedy short pass on to Dan Smith but he’s tackled right in the corner 8 m out from the abine line 2 m in from touch so that’s a good place to finish that set so Abid going to have to be really on their game here because this demon defense will be right in their face trying to force an error 10 m out from need to be past to Smith no not really he was going nowhere I think it was it was one of those things where he was going nowhere but into the corner I see Josh emer’s on the field now Reggie number 14 I think that’s Josh he’s the first receiver there that’s him that’ll let it he does he add some great speed at of dummy half and great Direction when he gets in the B uh they got to be three three dummy halfs to choose from the aidone Tigers so they’re rcking the ball out now they’re about uh let’s say uh 28 20 M out from their own line from center field he’s on Matthew Jones he gets up over the 30 good run from Jones H with at dummy half ball goes on to halwell number three and that’s Josh hiwell tackled there emry at dummy half gets the ball kicks it down town and uh that’s not James Al anymore Reggie he did he didn’t get that ball that’s Su nulu is it yes it is Suk nulo got the ball there of James alen he’s tackled on his own 40 that was a kick down to they took all day to get over it but anyway the referee is making himself well aware here in this game James Al tried to like that quick T tap wasn’t allowed bring it back son referee said here’s tby mson this is interesting Reggie number 17 we haven’t got deou is that duoi yep very good write that down I’ve got it down good not a my shoot and he’s going on for Daniel Smith I think Daniel Smith’s got a shoulder injury he’s just rubbing his shoulder he’s trying to work it get some heat into it earlier here’s Chapman with the dummy H with the tap restart and he gives it on to uh Jaden Kennedy and he’s tackle 30 m out 20 in from touch he’s played well JK he’s tamasi full of running he’s tackled just shy of the 20 M 20 in from touch Chapman at dummy half they go to that right hand side of the field out the back to FS onto miles passing onto Derby the second row from Den stands unloads in traffic gets it ball back there going to uh that’s Nick Harvey that’s Harvey the guy you’ve spoke about prior to at the start of the game he’s tackled they’re trying to get him that’s a penalty yeah 1 minute 40 to go till halim you just take the two yeah Whitby was all over him like a rash and uh forced the ball CL but the referee saw it as a strip refere being questioned Now by Daniel herworth well that’s good tactics by H slow the play the ball down but here’s demon they’re going to get the tap restart it goes on to ball 20 M out center field from the between line a try here will not be good for the Tigers here 24 points to 10 there’ll be 1 minute and 20 seconds to go Chapman from Dam half at the back on to f f goes himself he’s about 2 m out he’s got players hanging all over him and uh they got numbers out here to the left they’ve only got to swing it wide seriously and Devo will score quick play the ball needed no what’s he saying go back up in yeah held up 10 out Chapman dummy half gets a ball on the ball skips around he sort of gets little first movement from like Taylor pyora from last year Reggie if you noticed that Chapman at dummy half short pass out there to Derby and Darby I think is that Derby rid not sure myself but what’s he done last tackle held up held up it’s 24 points to 10 there’s 40 seconds to go in this first half and that’s to the demon Devils who are leading bit of a uh stop start here aair inside their own 10 meters here Chapman’s going to be a dummy half he’s got options left and right I reckon he’s going to come down this left hand side cuz James Al is setting himself out the back long pass out there to fouls onto onto James alss alss dancing around tries to beat one he’s good he’s tackled really well there by Josh hell 10 m out now’s the last tackle malison goes to dummy half he’s going to give it on to uh deui goes to the line he’s pulled down a meter out from the line 10 in from touch it’s a turnover that should take us to about the halftime break 15 seconds to go can they force a really quick turnover here with a possession onto Whitby and Whitby picks the ball up and he’s tackle well by DUI and uh tamasi two seconds sa’s going to go any second now that’s it halim rge 24 points to 10 in this round one bengala group 21 competition between the demam and devils and the abedine Tigers up here at abdine at the McKinnon field it’s been a Prett good half re it has um very impressed with the way Dem are are uh making yard making easy meters in this abdine defense yeah look through them those two tries that happened really quickly this the second one abdine just need to regroup and and assess those situations getting the momentum and slowing that play the ball down uh realistically it should be you know 18 points to 10 potentially that last draw was just momentum did you you notice reg that everything happened once Baker went off the field for the abon Tigers the big front rower uh he was off the field and they lost all the momentum and that’s uh that’s a huge thing for the Tigers to lose that so uh they’ll have to look at that regroup at halftime reset and certainly uh he’s been a he’s been a standout there for the abedon Tigers the big fell there regie I’m very impressed with the big big boy UT Baker uh UT Baker number 10 we’ll stick with UT that sounds good I think that’s how you spell it too so well done to him that’s a good pick up from the but the the Dem and pack they’ve been full of running very very impressive R yeah and it’s just come off the back I I just can’t believe the Collision that we’re seeing in the the impact from both sides at the moment with the uh defensive it’s just been fantastic for a round one competition game they’ve just skipped out to that lead demmond I don’t think that you know there’s still 40 minutes of football to go abedine will now have the breeze yeah in their back and that’s why I said it’s that was very pivotal decision off the beginning of the kickoff whoever took that breeze uh but it has died down it’s not raining now it’s more of a it’s a drizzle it’s not it’s slight Mist it’s a mist of some description but um sound like probably call off theame guy sound like the weather guy you said that not me Brad Young and the rest of the guda boys will be will have your throat um H from singon yeah in the in the in one of your best big F Brad young my apologies um this the second half a lot will depend on how involved Frenchie gets because he’s kicking game is is probably extremely important to the way de abdine can uh get back into this get back into this match again it’s controlling the rck it’s a it’s a simple game of G like we’ve got a great product here in GG 21 rug League r r out region the quality of football and the recruitment that it’s just Second To None uh and to see the crowds that we’re bu like at the moment is raining but we’ve got kids out in the middle of the footy field kicking the ball around having the time their life like we used to when we were bu the kids they lunatics got a text message through earlier saying that you and Beno a married couple no and I’ve been asked that Beno we see each other probably what in the off season I think I’ve seen as little as possible I think you’ve seen me I think we’ve seen each other once since the Grand Final pulled I pulled in and said get a and caught up but uh we have text we have t welcome back rid yeah it’s thunder struck the 10 minutes went quick 24 points to 10 here the second half is just about to kick off you got some names for me in the uh Dem in the abidon side Reggie Josh tickle that is is it I told you it was Josh tickle okay better eyesight it is too he’s just walking past down here with Fraser and uh that number 11 he goes well that lson anosa very impressive definitely Jes Z with the kick Ro start straight down Frenchie’s throat onto Whitby Whitby goes forward he goes straight over the top the referee’s back number four Jaden brown but he hung on legs tackle what a great tackle and a great run from Whitby welcome to first grade the mountain merryall mountain here’s uh abedine trying to get it out clean quick play the balls and that’s uh Benjamin hell takes it up towards his own 40 15 in from touch gets it on Matty hay pushes don’t argue straight over the top of NY Jackman but he comes again they’re at the halfway line hugor scoots out of dummy half gets it oh what a great tackle number 18 Reggie who was that from the number 18 at the moment it’s not James D 18 um HS No No 19 my apologies for abine yeah that’s young tickle no that’s not that’s not tickle you he’s on the sideline e boy tickle I can’t see where n is then mate it’s a turnover Denon with a scrum feed 45 out five sh halfway ball goes on to uh duoi duoi just shy of halfway coming for a run don’t like to tell you this but there’s no 9 out there for abedine yeah it’s 18 no there he is going back look that’s nine ear your Pelican eight ear is Daniel Huger worth that’s tickle you want to bet yep okay we got that’s on record anyway nevertheless Denon with v deu 30 m out center field onto tamasi tamasi hard Runner tamasi is full of go is he look at him trying to get up there’s going to be a penalty taken all day to get off him Chapman at dummy half down that short side onto FS FS gives a short pass over there to uh number too much traffic there yeah I don’t know that was Kennedy who got the ball played B they’re out the back line onto Josh miles Josh miles put somewhat of a random kick up midfi it’s going to go over the sideline onto uh jaob Suk nulu picks the ball up gets it on to number four Jaden Brown he puts a somewhat ordinary kick over uh the top and it gets on to abine and there’s a bit of a high tackle and players are coming in from everywhere Matt ha was there I’ve got 12 flying yeah and we’ve heard that Matt Matt may find himself in the bin Ridge he in no need to come in there’s no need for that the referee has just said it so yeah he’s gone he that I guarantee it I’ve got him flying in to escalate it at the very worst he’s going to he might reverse this penalty I reckon he’s um he’s going to reverse the penalty yeah referee they come in from everywhere but Matt ha was certainly instigated that he come in from about 10 15 me away but 12 come flying in which makes them M even wor he’s going in the bin yeah there we go yeah Matt Matt ha is gone in the bin just there 12 you come flying in which made the melee and INR way worse than what I already got the high shot the penalty’s already going to use okay but you’re going in the B of the melee oh no it don’t matter matter he can’t fly gra the shirt and like that though that’s I’ve explained it oh that’s aning well held eh well explained y it’s still a penalty to the abedine Tigers 30 m out from Their Own Line 7 m in from touch French is going to try and find the touch it’s 24 points to 10 we’ve had 2 and A2 minutes of play here in the second half Aban on the boil here’s hugar with a quick play restart onto Frenchie Frenchie goes on to Baker who’s back on the field he goes forward hard in traffic there and he still unloads 92 is that tickle yep saying it’s tickle okay they’re tackled 20 M out 30 m out Dave de a six-pack right he’s number 13 Richard grahe and Richard grahe center field and he’s called the ball forward off the play the ball from hugar Worth to Richard Graham he’s called that forward and you know who’s called that I reckon Worthy on the sideline he’s called that rid yep Anthony worth has stood his ground there and called it forward so that is a a real relief for the Dem and Devils there and a bit very disappointing for the abidine Tigers cuz they were on the boil they were on the March I mean where I’m where itting it’s on the 30 m line for the down at the uh Highway in I will say that nothing in it for what I saw didn’t look forward let’s call it how we say it here’s Josh M going to feed the scrum it’s a Dem and scrum feed as you said 30 m out and it’s dead center of the field Chapman picks the ball up from the base of the scrum G on to James Al and Al is manhandled there right at the 40 m line 10 m in from touch hell was amongst that ball goes to Jacob Suk nulu and he’s tackled just shy of the halfway 20 in from touch Chapman at dummy half good tackle there by number 7 which is the m Mar War Mountain inside onto miles again and Miles gets up over halfway nearly to the 407 m in from touch the rain is tumbling down James Al at dummy half short pass out the back to uh Jordon ball and ball charges through the line he’s tackled about 35 out 20 in from touch Chapman at dummy half out the back onto FS FS looking for runners gets the ball onto malson and mson looks to unload he stands in the tackle he does so to FS is at the last tackle he still unloads it to Mari toari ran into Baker and he shoulder charged him but he still bounced off him penalty there’s a penalty against Baker for that you had no intention to wrap your arms I missed it but yeah it was was a dead set it was a dead set Childer and and I don’t think Baker argued with that nevertheless quick tap play the ball gets it onto devu and he gets up over the 20 did he lose that ball in the tackle he’s uh dead center of the field option options left and right ball goes on to number 15 and that is Nick Harvey and Harvey gets inside the 10 just to the right of the uprights Chapman a dummy half he goes himself he dummies One Way gets it on to 11 oh he’s pulled up short no as he got the ball down he’s short literally a ctim short of the TR line under the post he’s hit the post that’s the problem that was Kennedy ball goes out the back oh there’s no one there all he had to do was go for and he’s dived on the ball as he go all over the top of it he knocked it on he’s knocked it on he could have went himself no there was no need for there was no opportunity for him to go himself FS kick that but that was on there was no one from the two abedine outside Defenders have rushed up and left it open F could have went himself but I think he had a pre-ordained uh he he just said I’m kicking it regardless I he just maybe a second impatient I don’t think he could have made it but that was a spill cookie that one out there yeah he dived over the top of it the Winger and that was devoi I believe nevertheless abedon got the ball from their own 20 and they’ve had two tackles and he’s dropped the ball and it’s a penalty for a strip Jaden Kennedy on this occasion is it I’m going to ask is this the same Jaden Kennedy from Mook yes absolutely coached him in 2017 in the mbrook Rams under 18s title Winning Side he played with Fletcher Baker there you go he’s part of that very very good team here’s abdon with the restart tap restart 45 out from the Denon line 10 in from touch they take it Forward not a good set here though really not a good set the Mell Mountain Whitby takes the ball forward in a good run taking all day to get him down one of them around his legs is Netty Chapman 30 m out 35 M out ball comes out the back to Baker he’s attracted four plays he’s trying to unloaded is sted out is he going to get a penalty no he’s playing on I thought there was a hand in there and Baker was looking to the sideline for uh support there but nevertheless the referee has played on demon have got the ball and they took it out to the left side of the field and they’re tackled about 22 M out from Their Own Line 15 in from touch down his short side oh who was that he should have given it the Winger was free deou nevertheless they’ve still maintained possession they’re just shy of halfway onto miles miles gets a ball on to 15 Nick Harvey and Nick Harvey is tackled right on the halfway line Chapman at dummy half options left and right center field ball comes out to this side onto miles out the back onto fouls no that’s miles my apologies he unloads to James ALS and Al skips around he makes up to the 40 m line center field slow play the ball Chapman from Dam he goes himself he goes towards Josh Emy and I think he’s dropped it good good uh good tackle from Josh Emy and he forced the he forced the mistake told you told you whenever he comes on the field he the size of him he plays outside of his weight category yeah the thing is them two boys have played with each other in 2020 in the demon under 18 team so and Josh Josh as I said earlier Josh played last year he’s right on the money Josh he’s he’s no mug he’s he’s had a couple of seasons in first grade and uh he knows what’s going on full credit to him so it’s an abine scrum feed 30 m out center field they withheld his pressure with 12 men so good at the moment abine and I’m just I’m thrilled to see this competition mate it’s going to be thoroughly aot just no one to here we go oh look at this he is they’re away abdon from the scrum base on to number two and that’s Jackie faith and faith gets up to the Dem and 30 demon 40 I should say and as a penalty they slow the play of the ball down and that was Nick Darby sorry that was uh first Contact was hard he stayed down Nathan Derby who held him down Jack Faith he put the handbrake on to come back in but I think he’s C the bicep yeah he just CED the CED a knock to the head and he’s held but it’s an AB penalty so they’ll find ground further down the field Cameron French is just waiting the and the last time that I saw Matt ha get S and come back on the field he came alive he made well he had a great first half regard anyway so this is like I said this is great product at the moment if you’re trying to sell anything this this current 16 that’s that’s TI tickle here’s Josh Emy with the ball 20 M out from the uh Denon line hugor at dummy half taking all day to get up and play the ball himself he shrugs off one B it was and he came again 5 m out from the Denon line that’s the spirit they need from HS gets it on to number eight there and that’s Fraser evans’s back on the field he took the run before I should have mentioned that Huga with at dummy half frases down taking a little bit of time to get up and play the ball right under the upright goes around gives it on the over and he’s over under the post that was on the line pworth went to the right he ducked out and he turned it under to Baker that’s a set move and it worked very impressive in this weather it’s just it’s the matter of catching the ball isn’t it if if that if that didn’t stick and some players can’t catch it under that pressure but that’s the experience of HS the experience of hugs has done exceptionally well there he jumped out he jumped out and he turned it on only 3 m out from the line and turned it back inside UT Baker who uh mate who’s stopping him from about 2 met out r no look it’s going to be interesting with the Collision of you know I’ve said this impact has been fantastic and watched all those first grade teams now cuz we know what sc’s got especially the signing of um and Blake Andrews from down at Singleton then we go down to GRE to branks and it’s going to this competition is a lot black Andrews has gone to scone yeah yeah I did hear that so right across it’s going to be fantastic to see these Big Boppers um Prime competition at the moment for the bangala grid 21 comp right there number n we have to get him from abadon we don’t know who that is I went down there da de said put held me little finger out and said the kid that’s playing number nine and he’s built like that so and number Nine’s uh taking a shot at gold and I have a feeling that’s Josh Emory yeah that’s Josh Emery who’s converted that is 24 points to 16 we’ve had uh we’ll put it this way we got 28 and a half minutes to go in this match Matt hay is walking on the sideline down here with the ground manager Peter Collins I think he coached preserve grade Pete I’m pretty sure he did yeah well I think the normal coaches were away well I’m not too sure but he was um walking the sideline and given instructions some guidance okay here’s the kick Ro start from James o 24 points to 16 certainly not out of it whatsoever and that that try will get them a light Matt ha that that TR has been scored with 12 men here’s the big Whitby oh the marel mountain came forward and Josh miles lined him up Big Time both boys are up in Dede miles went straight back to the wing that was a car crash we be got up that’s the biggest hit SE for years now wow he’s Baker from the dummy half off uh of HS and he’s still they still can’t get him down and he’s out to the 30 how big a hit was that miles L him up from him up from glenor damn the Kick’s gone down Frenchie’s got the ball put it downtown over the halfway line and James alss from Dem and the fullback has caught it 41 M out from his own line the ball goes from dummy half out to deui and he stands in the tackle he goes sideways he still hasn’t G got to the halfway good tackle there by number 12 Matty hay who is now back onto the field and he wants to uh he’s going to really cause some damage gets it onto ODS who unloads in traffic across the oh who was that was that the merry wall Mountain whiy it was he pulled that in from slip so I can tell you that right now that was a beautiful take M I just got to go back to that hit off the kickoff that was like you know they see those things blast out at your screen when you’re not expecting it you go jump back in your seat that was ridiculous Whitby was absolutely at full speed and Miles fear inam Josh miles the demon Captain Coach Josh miles the demon Captain coach lined him he come run from he came running from glenor damn it was off his foot then he knocked done okay so he’s calling an aine scrum feed here at the moment the ball was passed back it was on the ground to the aine guy just let it hit his foot and go back into nearly one of his players who stood there Demon’s going to dive on it and spill the beans on the halfway line basically where kick off so it’s going to be abine with the scrum feed yep right on the halfway line so 246 to Demond a reset to uh abedine and I see J holy [ __ ] that the biggest hit ever quickly Jaden Kennedy it looks he doesn’t he looks a bit doughy with his leg there he’s packing down to the back of the scrum but he’s going to go off and the big fill is going to come back on and that’s Elliot Whitaker here’s the abon boys it gets the ball out to number three Joshua Hell and Hell goes across for from the scrum he’s over halfway ball goes on to Matthew Jones and Jones uh goes straight into tamasi he builts him and tackles him on the 40 m line just BL a baker Fe in he’s a man mountain and he takes three or four to get him down and he’s still looking to unload R Traffic and that’s him there he’s hit the 30 m line right in center field ball goes on to Frenchie Frenchie goes across field he shows it two ways and he stands and he but he is put down too much Harvey tackled him there his third in Richard graah and Richard graes going uh straight towards the post he’s about 5 m out and what’s he done there he’s he’s crowed the it’s an abine penalty uh they’re 10 m out directly in front of the post here’s another reset ball goes on to Baker he charges towards the line another try here will be very very interesting about a meter out the abine Tigers hugor at dummy half what he got planned there hugs long pass now he GS himself he tries to put it down he does he gets over the top of the demon defense there at marker went from dummy half very hard he’s too smart from dummy half H I told you this game was well and truly I not all chapters hadn’t been written yet but if someone comp please at home or listening get me the name of number 19 we have been given the wrong number the wrong name for the number back to that hit to talking about it all about it I mean Josh miles is a halfback and it looked really good John Whitby got back up but he’s pretty much gave himself the nickname of The Undertaker Josh Ms that was that put him in a grave ridiculous hit that was oh I tell you what rid I tell you what this combination this year this combination this year now I know they’re still behind and this this kick will go over Josh Emy won’t miss this there’s 23 minutes to go this will take it to 24 to 22 they just brought off that man but the combination here between Matt hay Huger worth Whitby and big UT Baker this is going to be really something to see throughout the season really impressive these these four guys yeah look the last time they took Baker off in the first half that’s when they got those two Tri and I’m not and I’m not count I’m not having even mentioned l in a no oh he missed it how did he that is that the biggest mock I’ve just mocked Josh he’s absolutely sprayed it that was 5 m to the left of the ight only 10 m out that’s a ridiculous miss I hope it doesn’t cost him 24 24 points to 10 23 minutes to go that that just uh confirms once and for all that I am the absolute mock I I don’t know how he’s missed that Hayden Fox what I’m saying is there is someone that has communic with the club that can find out who that number n is I don’t know I haven’t got a clue it’ll be pretty obvious once heans goes towards the line hit there well by Nathan Derby and about three others there he gets out to the 20 one of them was uh Jaden brown but he’s forced the penalty Fraser and again this this this was uh denon’s biggest curse last year Reggie given those piggyback penalties out of the out of the opposition’s half and him to get onto a roll and right now 24 points to 20 with 22 minutes at the halfway line gets it goes into Josh miles and he rakes the ball out there’s another penalty there was two guys three guys in the tackle so Josh miles is deliberately what did Josh miles think did he think the referee’s eyes painted on he deliberately uh raed the ball but then he laid down like he’d been knocked out well it was ridiculous ridiculous why did he I mean seriously that’s just piggy backed him 80 M essentially ridiculous he’ll kick out for touch this is their biggest curse last year I said it before the biggest option last year was their discipline now French is’s going to get 15 M out ball goes to hugor hugor onto Matt hay and he’s full of running cuz he’s got something to prove here he has been uh Sensational in the first half from dammy half gets it on to Whitby Whitby goes over down the try time they’re going to hit the lead here they Deon boys are remonstrating with the referee I’ve got to check touches boys just calm down Daniel Chapman’s on that Far Side the de the demon boys are saying he he lost that ball in the tackle I don’t know how Daniel he couldn’t have seen it from he couldn’t have seen it from that far away let’s listen in no turn his back he’s going to call a knock on here oh no he’s lost it just short of the line oh no no so we got to go out here for a scrum demon Fe very very I don’t know Chapman could see that from over there but full credit to him he’s made the he’s made a call I know but there’s someone down in the back play there regie this game won’t go ahead at the moment someone is down 5 m to the right hand side of an upright in the darkest conditions that’s the darkest part of the field and a touch judge no I’m this is no discredit but he could have said sir I didn’t see it you don’t have to make the call he didn’t say that he obvious if he’s he’s obviously seen it told I’m gather that but what I’m saying is sometimes that pressure is on the young ones and on the touch judges they got to say something it’s it’s just as easy to to be honest and say well he you know he was he’s probably well he was he’s called it he was being honest he’s called it traffic go back and watch it from here it looked like a fair try from here but but I’m just saying the decision is always they have to say something instead of just saying look I haven’t seen it seen I’m not saying it’s not that clearcut all the time to the referee’s credit he said I’m checking with my touchy yeah before I wed cuz demon were right up look immediately immediately demon were up straight away into the referee’s face who but who was the closest person when that went down well the referee obviously but I’m just saying there was about four or five Demond BLS that were into it into him straight away so that means he call time out just because someone because he may not have seen it the referee may not have seen and that’s why the Denon boys got up straight away uh remonstrating with him and and that’s when he said I’m going to check with mitachi yeah look and I’m not saying I’m just going to the point that we’ve always got to have interference at every occasion mate I’d be honest and say mate you were closer but but you you’re forgetting one very important thing Daniel Chapman saw it because he’s told the referee he lost the ball PR of the tri line so that’s what I’m saying to you BOS I’m not take you’re you’re tell you’re telling me that Daniel Chapman should have said you’re closer than me well you’re closer than me but there was 50 people there yeah but Daniel Chapman obviously seen him drop the ball before the tri line okay otherwise he probably would have SE got no idea we’ll zoom in no chance you won’t see that chck he’s a demon like ball that’s been good that’s a been a good debate I’m not saying if he’s seen it he’s seeing it fair call but there’s too much pressure on him the bottom line is they didn’t score he ruled that he dropped it before the line now I didn’t see a drop ball I didn’t I thought it was a fair try but I my eyes I can’t see from 5 me away I can’t see M I agree with you on that in that point he’s demon with the ball they’re uh getting out of their own Red Zone and they’re up to the 35 M line or from from their own line I should say about 20 m in from touch and Nick Harvey Harvey’s dropped the ball just shy of halfway and that is a real bad turnover there someone from abon is down if ifel Chapman I owe apology I’ll owe him apology but all I’m saying is this these young kids get so much pressure by people yelling at him on the sidelines you don’t see it don’t see it he’s obviously seen it I don’t know how in all that traffic well that’s obvious he’s obviously has seen it 24 to 20 there’s exactly 20 minutes to go in this round one clutch between the Tigers and the Dem and Devils very very close game the Tigers in possession now they’re inside the Dem and half ball comes out the base of the scrum on to Frenchie out the back no he doesn’t he jins away the defense was up in the face especially Jaden Brown from Denon that Center was up very tight his HS from dummy half goes himself he gets to about 25 M out ball goes out to that number ball goes to Matty Haye he’s standing in the tackle he gets it back out of to that number n he’s away James holds to boot he gets the James old he tries to get now he gets through him four three M out from the uh Denon line Josh Emy at dummy half gets the ball he goes himself should he give it perhaps Fraser evans’s first receiver there a m out less than a m out re one of favorite referees and a favorite commentator two different people just said Beno without a clue that’s nothing new shut up Matty Edwards no it wasn’t him nevertheless ABA got the ball 10 m out 15 in from touch from the demon line it’s the last tackle Emery long ball out there to Drew Gilbert on to Frenchie Frenchie with the ball goes out to the sideline over there into the corner uh to DUI gets the ball he gets it up and he plays it again the abon boys boys change over it’s a last tackle it’s a change over we’ve heard that who’s having a crack at me RA seriously Harrison Ty right why do I see you Harry you Pelican and might be a fox seriously here’s demon they’re about 15 20 met out I should say from Their Own Line James OLS go from dummy half they cannot fall asleep here there’s 18 minutes to go they’re only four points in front and ab they’re just sniffing around trying to force this error Elliot Whitaker is back on the field and he’s coughed it up they forced the error as I just said seriously they they looked a little bit casual there to me the Dem and Devils just going through the motions there was no real intent or purpose in their running and now they’re going to be straight back under the pump the abine tigers are going to get the ball a scrum food 40 m out 20 m in from touch from the den line why he ask worthy if he saw it is Worthy was further from Daniel Chapman you got to let it go mate he was 10 m back this way though towards it Let It Go scrum F out the base the scrum to Emery onto Kon French French it’s a it’s a plan move Jack fa is going to be the first one there he just need a bounce oh it’s going into to touch a meter out jeez that was the first tackle on the 40 meters out and the ball wining to touch it’s a turnover now 70 minutes is that a plan move that was a plan move Mo from Frenchie to Jack faith and faithy was flying down there he’s still outside the field to play now with a cramp faithy and uh he didn’t have the speed to get there he certainly did it but uh he’s down the play will continue cuz he’s outside the field of play here’s uh Denon rocking it out center field now they need to force another error the uh tigers and tigers gets the ball onto Nathan Derby the big second rower number 12 and he’s tackled there by uh uh who’s that Cameron that’s Richard graah Elliot Whitaker gets the ball he dropped it in a similar position last time in the last set of six he gets up to play the ball 25 35 M out from his own line ball goes on to uh Jordan bu and Jordan bull gets tackled just a meter sh halfway quick play the ball who’s off the field n Netty Chapman onto Dan James Dan James gets a ball ball goes over to deou they’re on the money gets a ball away on to uh I think that’s Jaden Brown the center but he’s calling it Forward has he yes he has didn’t look forward from here and we’re right in line ra Dei put that left hand out like a basketball pass to get around the play to hook it backwards and that’s he called it Forward Dan James is on number 14 Reggie and Netty Chapman is off the field yeah Dan James can open up a game as well 20 minut 15 minutes 40 24 points to 20 demon currently leading abine Tigers yeah would have been locked up not so long ago well they need they need to finish see see what Frenchie is doing is that James Al is packing into the scrum at lock so there’s no fullback say just kick it no you I’m just saying that’s why Frenchie saw that last last set of six when they when they had that ball here’s the HW boys down there tackled about his his brother that’s that’s young Benjamin who’s taken that ball is just shy of his own 40 20 in from touch and there’s number n he gets uh coating it’s straight to the ground by Elliot Whitaker ball comes out to the left Fraser Evans I think was Fraser looking to kick that ball he stands in the tackle he’s tackled five sh halfway someone’s down from demon that’s Josh miles his leg is under phraser trying to get up and play the ball quickly hugs from the short side onto Frenchie Frenchie jigs off one jigs off the other but he’s tackled there and tries to unload it but the ball goes forward and they’re inside the uh the 40 m 30 about 32 M out abon before Frenchie unloaded it to HS who was trying to support but a ball just yeah no discipline there want hang on why don’t they just hang on to the ball well why did they do that kick with 7 minutes to go I can’t why do we have to push that on the third tackle then just get handing the ball over it’s it’s it’s 14 minutes that’s a long time especially this is like a game of chess absolutely the man mountains off the mall Mountain Whitby and Baker are off as is number two Jack Faith so faith is off and uh Josh Tickler is on the field this time number 16 so demon with the ball oh pushing chin marker and play the ball there James old and young Josh hell in little melee there but he comes again they shy of just shy five of halfway there and that was Jacob Su nulo real sloppy play the ball there DUI goes himself from damy half and he gets up over halfway 45 out from the abedine line 10 in from touch dummy half goes on to Josh miles gets the ball onto and yeah he’s tackled 40 out ball goes out the back to uh big batam and batam gets up over the 30 28 M away center field Dan James at dummy half they come down to this right hand side Josh miles puts it in in fi it’s a bomb he was dead set offside but it goes down that’s a good ruling he was offside with the ball yeah that was fouls fouls came from the opposite side of the rck it was a set move but fouls I reckon it was about two m in front of Josh Miles when he kicked it yeah I thought it would a well time play if they done it but he was already in front of him and then took off yeah he’s Frenchy with the uh kick for touch uh on his own 10 that’s just bad discipline really ordinary they just can’t finish the set of six at the moment the Dem and Devils gets it on to Huger worth they know they tap start get it on toer Fraser gets the ball charges towards number four Jaden Brown he tackles him right on Halfway Around the legs over the top was Miles here’s hugor from dummy half he goes himself and miles one one strip pulled It Forward was good but then but he dropped it himself Josh miles so it’s a abedine ball 45 MERS out double knock on I shouldn’t say double knock on Miles stripped it off Huger worth and then as he went to run he dropped the ball himself so pulled off that massive hit on the kickoff that we keep going back to but a few few moments a few moments of play here he’s done some really silly things yeah it’s it it yeah nevertheless abadon in possession now from a SC goes out the back to Emory onto number 16 which is tickle and tickle goes infield and you got the option to repack the SC he said every all the Dem defense was offside at the scrum base pulling some rules out here I haven’t seen for about 30 years re but nevertheless that’s the way the game goes so it’s another penalty to the abidon boys and just discipline of gain is getting the abidon boys downtown I hav never seen that real banko for the life I haven’t seen a scrum penalty for a food across the scrum for no the ‘ 80s so breaking from the scrum early but the one in the first half yeah so this one was they broke from the SC you got an option to choose to repack the scrum AB abon scrum win goes on to Benjamin Hell and Hell first receiver from the scrum base he gets tackled 40 m out directly in front center field Huga from Dy half goes out the back to Gilbert and Gilbert gets a ball on to uh can’t see that number out there number three which was Josh HW comes out wide to number 11 and that’s Lawson UHA on to Josh Emory and Josh Emory great hands they’re about 20 M out center field options both left and right hugu long pass out the back to Frenchie Frenchie gets it back inside to Matty ha good tackle around the legs there by batam it Ned to be made 15 M out center field hugu if they go down that right hand side onto Drew Gilbert Drew Gilbert throws it in really ordinary pass and it goes over to No One Matthew Jones he didn’t rule a knock on it’s the last tackle nevertheless abdine with the ball who’s that from dummy oh that was a nothing play was that Josh hell from uh the from dummy half that went himself to Center I think it was Ridge there we go they go down that blind and side is that uh James olds not sure blind hand side the BL the blind hand new one very good reg picking up on every little thing I say wrong well done mate in pain mate no so much PID at the that’s it that’s James that’s James Al demon appealing for uh Deming for something in the tackle but he gets yeah he did over the top play goes on there’s Josh miles takes it first receiver he gets to his own 40 center field they’re trying to one-on-one strip and that’s uh who’s that hugs trying to uh oh and he gives a penalty away didn’t they need that sorry that was Jordan Ball not Josh miles he sort of dances around very similar to Josh miles but there’s a penalty that’s a well reliev penalty and here we go with Toby mson is going to try and kick for touch he’s going to kick against the bruis here you want to be very careful here re now he FS about 10 met in that kick for touch the tap restart now will come from uh devou it’ll go in field to fouls and he’s going to take the tap restart just over halfway and he gives the ball on to 15 which is Nick Harvey got to hang on to that he’s up over the 40 doesn’t abdine need a really good set of Defense here James at dummy half gets a ball he’s not quick enough to get away and he gets tackled virtually in the same spot there from dummy half ball goes now onto fouls and I think that that’s fouls and he gets stands boots one gets rag ragd doll around 25 M out center field Drew Gilbert took him down Dam James gets the ball onto whiter the big front rower makes great ground but he coughs it up in the tackle again 11 M out from the abedon line and that they really needed a set of six or repeat set of six and nevertheless abedine have got the ball now on to 14 and 14 is uh uh oh here we go that’s number nine so he’s dropped it he’s saying he’s dropped that looked like a two-man strip Bridge uh that and he looks in a fair bit of pain himself like he’s been Twisted in that tackle so that’s a turnover to den so this is going to be a great opportunity for Den to put a seal on this with 7 minutes 52 remaining 24 points to 20 in their favor someone’s got to be patient here R did they call he said called time off did he just say I think he did well the clock’s still chcken down yeah someone hasn’t heard him or seen him but I haven’t seen him signal it no Reggie I think the key to this game in the last 5 minutes they’ve got to get they’ve got to get um is Baker back on I think Baker’s just gone back on re the front rower for abedon he’s just gone back on and don’t they need him there’s the center there that’s Jaden Brown tackled 15 M out 20 in from touch ball goes on to Nathan Derby and Nathan Derby runs into the abine defense and he’s tackled five meters out five in from touch Dan James at dummy half long pass out to Number Four J oh great tack from Matty hay wow didn’t fall for that little dummy and he skipped inside straight into the waiting arms and he got builded here’s Josh M cut out past to the wing and Jac seing ofu but it’s ruled forward it was forward all day forward all day the ri said was it yeah unbelievable well that was a let off two let offs there to one each to both sides well 24 to 20 that that call call came from the referee himself six 6 and a half M minutes to go because what’s his name the captain Coach Josh miles just looked at worthy and gave him a spray and then he did the whole hand up as if to say oh sorry it wasn’t you scrum scrum food and win and Matthew Jones has lost the ball 10 m out from his own line center field another little half melee players are running in from all over the shop but nothing come W amount to [Music] anything James Zs went in there did you see that R James went in there and grabbed Fraser Evans and they had a little mock push and shove good mates they are so that was a really crucial turn froming in at home 24 points to 20 demon in front and uh they’re going to have the scrum food 10 m out directly in front of the post so this they’ve got to be patient that left hand side defensive the right hand side a try here will seal this for the Dem and Devils they’ve just got to be patient fouls Ethan fouls with the ball he’s tackled 11 M out they’ve lost ground Dan James at dummy half ball goes out to ball short pass on to batam but he’s belted in a really good tackle there by Matty hay he’s had a Blinder yeah besides batam mate he’s bam yeah he’s equal to the task he’s D Jes from D he scoots over he has got it down just wait just wait just wait wait there yeah I’ve got double movement he’s double movement wow he’s got double movement well if he saw that one how did he see the other one down the other end of the field can’t believe that Reggie he must he’s saying he lied his elbow and he’s back chattered and now he’s gone out 10 me so yeah we’re going to have the argument now mate same spot as down the other end of the field abine could be 26 well I’m not saying anything re cuz I didn’t see I wasn’t close enough to see the double movement there either but the referee was close enough to see a double movement nevertheless tap restart goes to French onto Baker that man has been an absolute terrorizing the uh demon defense ball goes to hugor from dumy half and he’s picked up and belted there he’s lost the ball back it’s play on ball goes on to number n where we still don’t know the H who the hell that is abdine just shy 5 m shy Centerfield from halfway ball goes on to Frenchie Frenchie skips across field yes six to go and it was knocked down by Josh M they’ve lost 15 M nevertheless but there’s no Advantage so he’s going to no Advantage he’s going to have the knock on first so they’re five minut 46 on the clock if you’re listening in at home it’s going to be an abine food scrum food 5 m shy of halfway 20 m in from this grandstand side at abine mckin we go we’re going to call it we’re going to call this they’ll get away with this here’s Josh emry at the Bas of scrum gets it out to Drew Gilbert onto halwell hell gets it goes across field shy just I reckon Abal score here on the bill here’s the ball goes out to Baker Baker while Baker’s on the field mate they’re dangerous he gets up over halfway leaves three men in his wake ball goes to hugu from Dam onto Frenchie he’s dangerous he’s looking everywhere onto Matty ha and Matty ha gets to the 40 10 in from touch think that’s the third hugor at dummy half onto Fraser rans and Fraser Evans goes charging infield and he’s made ftic ground just shy 30 m out center field hugor at dummy half the ball’s going to go out wide to Josh Emy Josh emry comes off his right foot charges forward again Centerfield about 20 M out from the demon line it’s the last tackle what are they going to do here’s the ball goes through Drew Gilbert little chip over the top DUI gets the ball is that Su nulu that’s DUI I think Reggie either R it is it’s de he picks the ball up cleans it up well done James SS gets the ball goes out from dummy half possession here they canot turn it over here with some stuff he’s taken all day to get off him Matthew Jones I think that straight back into the markers that was a silly nothing play there from Den still rucking there from their own line just they realary this look this has got mistake all over at this Dem and set right now go a little chip over the top oh he’s tripped in play he’s going to goiz him be sent off who was that was that Ethan FS it was he chipped over the top and he was tripped he’s saying he’s saying he moved he moved Direction and stopped Ethan FS from going committing the ball is that a professional foul well he stuck his leg out that’s what um he did he’s peeling for there but now it’s 1 minute 38 de Whit is going off for the front row and toas he’s on for demon and that is a huge kick from uh uh Toby m get on the clock 20 M out from theine TR line his fouls with the tap restart ball goes on to number 15 and that is Nick Harvey and Nick Harvey goes back into the Blind Side no ground made taken all day to get up and play it seriously just play it Dan James at dummy half on to uh Jordan bull the lock forward he goes for and he’s tackled 10 m out 10 m to the left of the upright Dan James with the ball get short pass onto batam and batam runs into Baker and Baker manh HS him and skull drags him to the Ground Three met out directly under the post Dan James at dummy half 50 seconds to go miles with the ball out the back onto James o little chip into the end go he’s going to score I think he got it down that’s a try he’s got it down Anthony worth has ruled a try try that is a fantastic try he’s got it in cm from the sideline in the in goal area regge he has scored a try that that was a fantastic try what a try heartbreaking for the abine tiger supporters 20 seconds remaining on the clock it was a try it was a fair try yes definitely grounded it it was only a centimeter or two but worthy was right there and uh what a ENT what a what a gambled on the last tackle what an entertaining game of football there was a few moments there but I think abine discipline just need to go back I mean that chip over the top with 70 minutes remaining straight off the the siren’s going to go that’s full time that’s fulltime here and he’ll have a kick for goal to make it 30 but at the moment it’s 28 points to 20 Dem have secured the two points in the opening round of uh group 21 Ben Galla Lane McKinnon’s number 19 thanks for that fit Simmons well he’s number one on your shoot here that’s what took us all well I don’t write the um my league apps back well I’ll I’ll go forward to say we apologize to Lan big game we apologize he has had a damn big game well done Lane McKinnon he’s been number n in it’s only taken 79 minutes to find that out James alss 20 in the sideline right in front of us and the crowds moved down close to give him some stick right on the fence and try and convert it what do you reckon yes or no I reckon he will 28 points to 20 they’re going to win this game regardless this will only take it to 30 to 20 it’s been a very good game LED it up just pulled it slightly there’s full time the ball boys R even giving him stick that’s why he was looking at it the ball boys are within 5 m of him and yelling at him as he ran to kick it yeah that was look that was an entertaining game of football bank I will say that I thought it was a great first game of the season regie can’t complain about that the the impacts though from both sides thomasy um you know you got to look at the the likes of um the big fer up front Baker aine I thought the I thought the front rows from both sides had really good games B Darby yeah Darby HS HS was outstanding and and Matty hay Matty hay had a great game there and look I thought I thought all the players they they went really well so congratulations round one had a great game round one well done to all the boys um 28 points to 20 big thank you to Chick Taylor Reggie trying conditions up here today and uh for the time being we’ll be at scone tomorrow for the thorough Brads V Singleton it’s a live audio cross well done so big b thanks to that b well who do you give it to who do you give your points to there looking a two and one in a losing s I’m looking I’m looking at I’m looking at who perhaps made an impact every time they had the ball and and the big fell UT D uty um Baker Baker he was outstanding the abidine front rower but you know the likes of uh the likes of uh Nathan Derby I thought he went exceptionally well goodness me James Alder G Matty hay outstanding and hugs was outstanding as well let’s can we can I say baker I’m I’m going to give me three points to Baker at the front row for rabadon I thought every time he had the ball he had an impact on the game rge oh yeah look I’m just I bet you people at home cannot wait to see this Collision off the kickoff and that put that sets down that Inc the kickoff challenge you can pull off the biggest I saw it coming and I even tensed up R I didn’t didn’t see I see Josh miles and he’s lined him up he’s come from glenor Dam to hit the mer M Whitby Josh Whit people send you that wh social media where you’re watching it you’re thinking and the sport it jumps out at you that was the yeah I saw it coming and I thought oh no this is going to be dangerous but anyway great stuff great stuff and uh until tomorrow that’s it for the bengala group 21 game between the abedine Tigers and the demon Devils demon devil running out 28 points to 20

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