Golf Babe

Round 1, FPO | 2024 Dynamic Discs Open

Catch Round 1 from the FPO broadcast at the 2024 Dynamic Discs Open!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the discov network presents Tournament Central live from Emporia Kansas it’s the 2024 Dynamic Discs open Grant zelner alongside Brian aart and Brian they used to call this venue the country club but if it’s a club for countries that would be the United Nations and that’s no good we have changed the name changed the ownership and by we I meet Jeremy rusco and friends we are now at Champions l in an incredible facility that we’re all familiar with but where it’s going that’s the real story yeah I got to talk to Jeremy throughout this week and he kind of talked to me about the the future plans for this place it used to be a country club golf reign supreme there disc golf was still on the back burners despite Emporia Kansas fully embracing the sport of disc golf but now Jeremy rusco former owner of dynamic disc is in charge of this property he owns this place and he’s turning it into a really cool facility where disc golf now is on par with the rest of the sports in the facility if you look at this future rendering down on the left side you’re going to see a pop stroke style facility which is a Tiger Woods brainchild kind of like adult mini golf with actual manicured greens there’s going to be hotels in the property with different styles of lodging for different types of players or people coming to town clearly a place where weddings can be had on the right side you see that there’s going to be a big indoor pickle ball facility pickle ball in Emporia Kansas and across the nation is getting super popular but because of this the disc golf course is going to have more rain over the golf course that it’s currently set up on so not only are they going to be able to change the course to make it fit the current needs of a professional player they’re going to be able to change the design with a lot more freedom than they do now so it’s very very exciting and uh hoping that this can fully be uh taken care of in the future but still a work in progress but the beginning are now and it’s super exciting I hope it raises the bar for a lot of other people dreaming this big it’s now possible and if you’re lucky enough to visit this property as I walked on to it for the first time in just over a year this morning you can already see the inklings of the vision in play even things as simple as Tiny changes to the clubhouse where we’re coming to our audience from today little tweaks like that show that they’re serious about these changes and they’re serious about this Vision they’re going to dream big and it it reminds the old adage you know aim for the aim for the moon and even if you miss you’re going to hit the Stars even if it takes some time for some of these big Visionary things to come to pass there are going to be incredibly attractive improvements and it’s going to be a tourist destination no doubt about it whether you’re a dis golfer or whether you’re into one of several other sports it’s a true Community Center really it’s going to be a a big boom for the city of Emporia there’s no doubt about it 100% and I talked to the tournament director Jackie Morris and she I asked her about the relationship ship with Emporia and she said it’s easy now we’ve proven to them that dis golf brings people to town we’ve proven to people that of course like the Emporia country club now Champions Landing is enough to bring Spectators and amateur players and professional players all into one place and really grow the economy here in Emporia and now it’s even bigger than that they’re looking to get some big grant money uh to make this place the dream come true so uh Grant I I’m super excited about this and I’m super excited about beginnings of this change but let’s talk about the players playing here in Emporia yeah we got to focus on the disc golf at some point so there no better time to do that then right now even some tweaks to the course itself players already on the course working the way around a loop that it should be familiar to most that are watching this year’s edition of the dynamic disc open the loop is still very similar there are tweaks here and there the most substantial of which at the closing 18th where some some moving and shaking could happen to wrap up these these rounds well they’ve changed this hole this is going to be the most notable change out here everything else is very minimal OB changing here and there but now from the no pad we’re throwing over the water like standard but now the opportunity for an eagle three is in play this is now playing a par five Landing Zone’s going to get you about here the Drone is likely going to fly a more conservative route over the water on the right side is a 450 ft shot with a tree Gap over water to an island that they’re trying to attack now hopefully opening up some late heroics if you push this left side Fairway if you try to go deep try to go for the standard up and down that you’d see on the par 4 position in years past you’re going to have a pretty simple chip to The Landing Zone 250 to 300 and then approximately 250 to 280 across the water to this green and Grant we were just talking about this the closer you get to the basket the more slop the Green’s going to be we’re going to see some players trying to hunt bullseyes hitting this base of the basket and rolling down out of bounds the fat part of the green is on that right side so players just looking for a putt should probably aim their sights a little bit more right but I want to ask you something Grant okay 450 approximately unless you get aggressive on the t-shot to get that eagle it’s a very aggressive line especially with the winds out here in Emporia we heard some players say that it’s possible I heard Parker wel tell me that there a lot of guys that are likely going to try it Ricky Waki told me there’s going to be a lot of guys trying it how many Eagles do you think we’re going to see I’ll give you eight on the weekend over under I’ll go with the over I think that there are enough lefties and right-handed forand Specialists you give them three cracks at this shot I think that if you hold the green you will have the putt so it’ll just be a matter of making that putt so I I think that there will be anywhere from a dozen to two dozen at least putts for the eag and I’m going to say that at least nine of those get made so I’ll take the over I’ll take the under we haven’t seen it yet the winds despite being 10 to 15 miles an hour are still going to affect southsouth East it’s going to be a different win than a lot of players are used to yep I’m excited I want them to prove me wrong and I’m excited about this change but let’s talk Foo we’ll get to 18s change on Foo but Haley King’s going for her third Championship win here at at Emporia and and I think this is a year that she could do it this is a year where Haley has kind of been up and down I talked to her in the press conference she seemed pretty even Keel she doesn’t seem bothered by her past performances she just recently missed the cut at the Champions Cup for some reason she just really shines out here and actually we talked to her about this tournament and kind of how she’s feeling this week let’s take a listen on open courses you’ve had some of your best finishes you’ve gone fourth at Waco you went 10th at Jonesboro and then fourth the Music City open haven’t taken the wind down yet this year you’ve won I believe eight Elite Series and major championships what’s keeping you from The Winner Circle this year I think just getting back in the flow that’s it nothing specific no it’s just like again like we mentioned earlier like the weather’s been super crazy this year so it’s kind of like hard to get back in the flow when like that’s happening too do you put any any weight into it whatsoever do you feel like there’s things that you have to practice other than you know more than other things or is it just like you said going with the flow I think it’s just going the flow like I’m 22 years old technically still growing in my body like I don’t know stuff’s still changing so I don’t know no worries yeah well Grant that’s what I’m telling you I I she’s 22 years old and she’s like I I’m not worried about it whatsoever let’s see how she does this week if you’re looking for live scores or curious who’s leading in C2 putting this season you can see live scores and stats from all Pro Tour events and season long dgpt stats all at dgpt tocom just scan the QR code right there on your screen to see more and on that note we’ll take a look at Haley King’s season long stats well let’s take a look at the most important stats on the on the year C1 in regulation C2 in regulation currently that’s where she’s kind of bleeding Strokes not giving herself enough opportunities to take those birdies so the putter has to be extremely hot unfortunately the putter hasn’t been extremely hot 75% from Circle 1X which is pretty low for Haley’s standard this is Haley King who again has won I believe eight majors and Elite series events and she’s 22 years old putting was the strong suit for her so I think she has to capitalize a bit more in all these areas for Haley and a handful of other players I think this weekend presents a real opportunity you know there are a number of FP elite players that are based out of Europe that went home after last week’s Champions Cup we’re talking about uh to to to do the aggregate six victories from this season are not here meaning Kristen tatars three victories uh you also have a couple of victories in there from evina Solon and one for Manakin Sten you’ve got a lot of wins that are not in the field now I don’t I want to be clear I don’t think that cheapens a victory this weekend in any way or in any of the other weeks where some of these European women aren’t in the field but what I do think it’s fair to say is it presents an opportunity for some other players that have been right on the cusp or some players that are trying to jump start their season a little bit like a Haley King it gives them a chance to maybe get that little bit of extra momentum that they’ve been looking for and it’s going to be a lot of fun for us to watch and maybe see some different players in the mix well what’s interesting is again we talk about Circle one in regulation and how important it’s been for the foo division let’s look at the top performers in that category evina henna Kristen just down the list behind Holland Ella and uh Missy is hati Lina and Anin Sten so the best some of the best throwers in the division are not here and at of course like Champions Landing throwing is the most important thing the wind is going to make it tough to putt no matter what you just have to get yourself in bounds put yourself in play stay away from the double triple bogeys and you can find yourself in the winner circle not easily but you don’t have to shoot 12 under par out here to win because of how unpredictable this place is another player that maybe has that opportunity to jump start her season just a little bit more than she already has she’s been in conention Holland Handley and this seems to be a course just to the the simple eye test that ought to set up very very well for Holland with the wind down just a little bit compared to what we often expect here at the uh at Champions Landing Holland should have opportunity to attack in certain places where even she might be forced to play conservative in higher wins I I think it’ll be very telling to see what kind of a start Holland gets off to in say the front nine maybe front first 10 12 holes of her round I think that would Bode very very well for her heading into a weekend where weather and other things could be a factor so how how sharp can she be right out the gate this week she has blown me away this year I mean look at how many Podium finishes she has she is so close to pushing through to that next level she is almost leading in circle one regulations she’s almost leading in birdies per round the problem is she takes a lot of big numbers she’s averaging 3.19 bogeys or Worse per round so this is not even telling the story of double and triple Bogies and we know that she’s had some so she’s able to score on these courses Kristen tar leads with seven birdies per round and Holland Hanley is 5.78 she’s averaging almost six birdies around you have to get those to hold you have to play a little bit more in your bounds the best thing about Holland is that when the wind does pick up out here at Emporia she’s able to throw flat and hard with something very overstable she doesn’t have to get uh cute with something per se and over shape the disc and the wind to keep the distance she has some of the highest release speed in the entire division she’s going to have to keep the little things buttoned up this week if she wants to win I think she totally could I agree and she was very candid last week about some of her shortcomings at different points in her rounds in a very uh weather affected event at a major last week so I think she is in a great head space the right amount of personal criticism coupled with the right amount of confidence in knowing what she’s capable of I think that this week sets up very very well for Holland and as we already said for Haley King uh an underdog one here last year in the mo division do does history suggest that could happen again or not we’ll discuss that on the other side side here on Tournament Central [Music] [Music] [Music] in the backyard kingom not so different from your own of Southern royalty was born a plastic [Music] Stone I’m David Wiggins and in 2016 I set the disc golf world distance record with a throw of 118 ft with our m in the field measuring a max distance throw or on the course checking the elevation change for an upshot I rely on the eagle Seeker 360 to give me accurate distances it’s the only Rangefinder on the market that measures in feet yards and meters it’s USBC rechargeable and features a lithium ion battery visit Eagle secer to get yours today the pdj reminds you that coming very very soon the 2024 women’s Global event taking place the weekend of May 18th and 19th 2024 this is your chance to compete with literally thousands of other women from around the world across 27 divisions I promise there’s a division appropriate for you even if you are a complete beginner to the game of disc golf and if you are a showrunner one of the tournament directors uh doing your work as part of this incredible event there is still time believe it or not to get your players packs they’re worth an $88 value per pack they cost only $28 and if you get those ordered by this coming Monday if you’re on the west coast of the US that that gives you enough shipping time to get those players packs if you’re Central or east you might have another day or two but I wouldn’t flirt with it get those orders in for those players packs and if you’re a player considering playing don’t wait till the last minute to register register right now make sure your tournament director knows you’re coming so they can plan according we’re within just a few hundred of breaking the record for the most players ever at a women’s Global event but we need you to register C wge for all event info about this incredible worldwide Community event Grant owner and Brian aart back with you here at Champions Landing previewing the mo field who will take the course later on this afternoon and we’ve already said it talking about the women but we’ve checked the weather and for the men conditions will be calmer than usual we will say here obviously that sets up well for scoring plus the familiarity with a layout that hasn’t changed all that much whole 18 uh withstanding we talked about whether or not this course sets up will for another breakthrough winter it feels like it does but if you look at his at history it’s been a lot of chalk over the last decade plus Paul Beth won five times in SE in a seven-year span Ricky Waki has won here Simon lazat has won here Parker Welk a year ago and maybe cam Todd several years I mean they’re kind of the only breakthroughs in a decade plus so does that have any bearing on this year at all to you I I don’t think it does but what does in my mind open up this tournament to the rest of the field is the fact that we’re not going to get the 30 40 min our wins at least right now we’ve seen this in the past where it says 10 to 15 miles an hour and Emporia just laughs at you and gives you these comically strong wins that make the game really difficult no matter what you’re doing and I got to throw Hannah Leatherman in there too as a right a sneak in Victory I mean you look at the foo side paig cat paig cat and then it gets to Kristen and Haley pretty much and um it’s not easy to win this tournament I think it’s because experience in the wind here and the wind directions and the strategy around things and what you need to do to score certain scores in certain win conditions is a big deal there are some days when a experienced player is going to come out here and say if I shoot two down I’m going to decimate the rest of the field and then there’s going to be days where you know you have to go really low I think experience out here means a lot Parker wel on the mo side was the lowest rated player at 1010 to win a disc golf pro Tour event and you know what it’s a special thing in sports to watch somebody who’s considered an underdog have that weekend where it seems like nothing can go wrong this man on the right side here had that last week it was spectacular to watch Andrew prell take down Champions Cup he was playing like a major Champion he carried himself like a major champion and he’s coming into this week knowing how to play in these win conditions the man is from the Midwest he likes to throw overstable hard and flat he’s mentioned that he doesn’t feel like he has the speed and distance of some of the top players in the game right now but he’s told me he shot nine under par out here no problem so talk about what you’ve noticed no players doing at this course over the years well I think that we’ve seen a course where you go into it and you think okay Power throwers there the top 10’s going to be all power throwers and then that often proves not to be the case sure there are some but it’s not uncommon to see a player who’s known more for uh you know having to force the disc over to get a full flight or being known maybe more for precision uh maybe some of the players of a little bit smaller stature it’s not uncommon to see one of them break out here and it’s so interesting to me so many of the the smaller in stature players that first come to mind Emerson Keith Mason Ford where are they from they’re from the Southern Plains they grew up with this as a norm for them this kind of open uh humongous airspace type disc golf where you’ve got lots of room to do whatever you want with the disc you’re controlling the angle coming into the ground almost more importantly than you would control say hitting a gap in the woods that’s what these guys grew up playing that’s how they learned the game so it’s a it’s a really interesting Dynamic here to me how you you step to that first team and you see an Anthony barell or a power throw you go yeah they they’ve got this and then all of a sudden somebody a foot shorter than them is able to outplay them situationally throughout this Loop so I I it doesn’t surprise me that a Parker wel broke through a year ago it doesn’t surprise me that an Andrew prell comes in and has a real shot with momentum on his side but more importantly let’s hear what they have to say about their own feelings coming into this event the dust is settling for the most part The First 48 hours were just insane amount of messages coming my way um I went to my local League Tuesday night and man everybody was so just so excited and it was awesome to get a lot of congrats from those guys too but yeah it’s it’s been a crazy week this is a course that requires a lot of speed and distance do you still think you can have a weekend just like last week and and take this Tournament down I think so um I’m not going to say no because I’m here to win of course and I was looking at scores what I did last year I shot a nine under the first round and so if I put together three nine unders I don’t know if that’ll be good enough to win we’ll see but it might put me in contention and I can get hot at the end or something we’ll we’ll just have to see how do you feel coming back here after the victory last year it feels absolutely amazing I mean just going out there for practice rounds and seeing all the spots that I was in last year and like kind of re remembering like just absolutely defying the odds and and uh bringing my game out there is was crazy it’s such a cool feeling Brian I want to go back to something Andrew just now mentioned he said he’s got nine underpar in the bag here if he puts a round together and he wonders if three of those in a row will be enough we know weather could be a factor not today but tomorrow and Sunday and one thing Andrew proved last week more than anybody else in the field is handl bad weather conditions he’s a very steady personality he’s a very calm presence uh on the course he may have to tap into that again this week and if that is the case and weather does Rock things in your opinion will 27 down be enough to to take home the victory on Sunday will we even make it to to uh to enough holes to get to 27 down well let’s let’s see I mean this is a course where again I I’ve seen and again ratings are not perfect but but they can sometimes be a great Storyteller I’ve seen one under pars out here be 1030 rated mhm and if you’re shooting a 9 under power on those days you are going to crush the field and Andrew most notably handled the wind that was seeping through the woods at Northwoods you get back to whole 14 you have this ripping 20 mph crosswind going right to left down the corridor which is one of the hardest approaches up to a basket we have in disc golf and he throws an absolute Perfect full power driver shot down the corridor handling the crosswind like a master and I I think because he’s from the Midwest because he’s grinded so long at some of these Midwestern tournaments while he’s still been on the disc golf pro tour he has great experience in this weather and you know he doesn’t throw as far as the rest of the players he’s mentioned it openly but he’s also a gamer and he knows how to play these wins he just has to stay steady on the putting green I think that’s been the streaky thing for him this year is some tournaments it feels like he can’t miss some it feels like he can’t make um but I I don’t know I think he can do it but then on the other side of the coin Parker wel last year came into the tournament ranked 78th on tour right wins the tournament and then this year he’s moving up he’s 60th on tour in an arguably tougher field to play in and I love his attitude I love how just nonchalant he is reminds me of kind of what Haley King was saying like you know what like I’m playing the long game I’m here I’m on tour I’m going to learn from my mistakes I’m going to keep moving forward and I Love the Way Parker plays for this place he loves throwing the power sidearm out here with a ton of stability this is an aggressive play here big Flex over the out of bounds on the left side if it’s working it’s working and again I don’t I don’t think we’re going to get those 30 40 mod wins this week I think it’s going to be a different ball game I think scoring is going to be more important and to answer your question again if the wind is down nine under each round will be good I don’t know if it’s going to be enough to win I agree I agree I think it might take something a little bit more than that if it remains combat as we’ve said storms potentially in the forecast and it all depends on when and how they move through what they do to the weather both temporarily and in terms of an entire day causing delays and and that sort of thing we’re going to have to wait and see tomorrow will be very telling I think especially in the morning hours and then Sunday Sunday seems to be a bit of a coin flip in in many regards I’ve been watching the weather very very closely another thing that I’ve been watching closely this year are the veterans you know if you look at the list of winners so far during the course of this year you see a lot of Young Guns a lot of guys breaking through Anthony Bella the most noteworthy of them Ganon burs got a victory Kyle Klein Nicholas anela all of these young guys you look at some of the shall we say Old Guard you look at Ricky Waki you look at Paul MC Beth coming uh getting over an injury you never you and I of course would never say they’re washed or anything like that but we are waiting to see them sort of ramp into their best we we’ve been seeing signs of that that coupled with the fact that this course has been so kind to experience and to Veterans over the course of the last decade plus is this the week that say a Ricky Yaki or perhaps a MC Beth or somebody else of their sort of uh uh Division if you will in history is this the week one of them finally pops off well first off isn’t it wild to say that Ricky Waki and Paul MCB Beth are the Old Guard now oh yeah it’s crazy it’s crazy I remember the article that came out about Paul MC Beth when he was maybe 16 17 years old saying that he’s this new young hot thing with a huge arm and a lot of power on the Putt and now almost you know over a decade later here he is and now we’re calling him the Old Guard after all the accolades and the bar that he set with Ricky Yaki interesting thing about Rick he has remained fiery for so long Paul has always you know gone off and done the stuff with the foundation and whatnot it seems like Ricky is so dead set on competing still and I will never forget how gutted he was at the losing to Anthony Bella he was deeply hurt by that performance getting second place after all these years it still hurts to get second at a tournament that he’s played before so I I don’t know I think Ricky is really impressive I talked to him on 18 and here’s where the experience comes and I asked him if he’s going to go for the eagle on 18 and he laughs at me and says you know Brian maybe coming down the stretch maybe I’ll throw that shot over the water but I’m GNA let everybody else do that I’m going to go birdies all three rounds so I I think that’s Ricky coming out here and saying I’ve won this tournament before I know how to win here it’s not as difficult as some people are going to make it interesting stuff of course Calvin heimberg another player we can lump into that category the category of a player we would call a veteran a player that might be called by some sort of an Old Guard player uh he is also in that mix of guys that is right on the cus you feel like of of breaking back into the form that we’re used to and this again an opportunity perhaps for him to make that little bit of an extra gear shift into that mode where maybe he was at the start of last year well let I got one more thing I want to talk about we’re doing an aggregate playoff system this this tournament so it’s a it’s a newer rule that’s been opened up to tournament directors and 16 17 18 instead of being sudden death is going to be an aggregate three-hole playoff so the best score of these three holes takes the takes the crown so what do you think about that and what do you think about that stretch of holes for an aggregate playoff well it it it goes back to a theme we already talked about the theme of experience I think that a three- hole playoff allows a wise player to be surprisingly a little bit patient perhaps to recognize that depending on the situation of that particular day’s weather those three holes maybe not all three of them are go four holes maybe at least one of them is a hole where you ought to play safe and the guy who doesn’t play safe bogey and now you’re really fighting an uph battle with so few holes but it’s more than one it’s going to take a lot more than one lucky throw we’ve got disl to go to we’ve got a leaderboard right here in front of you showing you players already nearing the end of their front nine Lisa fakas out in front Holly Finley Emily Beach already some names working their way to the top of the leaderboard that we haven’t seen as much this year it’s going to be an exciting day starting with the FP coverage we’ll be back in the middle of the day to sum up that round and preview more of the N round right here on Tournament Central for Brian aart I’m Grant zeler we’ll see you later intertwines with the flight path but beware brave souls for the course Harbors challenges that even the boldest must confront yet fear not for victory and camaraderie are your companions on this Voyage visit Eagles Crossing dis [Music] [Applause] welcome into beautiful Emporia Kansas and champions Landing for the opening round of the dynamic this open the weather is near perfect at a normally very windy event who takes advantage of the conditions it jumps out to the day one lead you’ll find out live on the disc golf Network Sarah let’s watch the disc golf let’s do it here is your defending Champion Haley King looking Spidey today absolutely matching caddy out wow dress to win on day [Music] one and welcome into the booth at Champions Landing I’m Ian Anderson that is 2012 World Champion Sarah hookum over there what’s up everybody I’m happy to be here happy to have you in the booth yeah this is a great switch up and I’m stoked to watch this and bring this to the viewers here how how long on the ankle before we get you back on in the field about three months three months okay so Sarah’s Wheeling around this weekend we’re thankful to have you in the booth glad to be here you’re not in the field uh the euro is not in the field it’s kind of wide open Sarah it certainly is we all the Euros went home and all top five of the top 10 players in point standings are not here all right so it’s wide open it’s kind of exciting right you know opportunities for a lot of players haven’t grabbed a win in a while to make it happen yeah it’s absolutely a great opportunity I mean obviously we have some of the Front Runners haul and own Missy um but then we also have people like C merch sandas back from the Washington state for a little tour here Katrina Allen this is her last event before she has her baby Jen Allen also just waiting she had that BSF win last year Natalie Ryan also also looking to get a win into 2024 so a lot of options I’m it’s going to be close I really hope we have a exciting finish I’m sure we will it’s so easy to see any of these women take taking the title this weekend isn’t it oh yeah just who’s going to show up you know it’s going to take good cutting you know it’s going to take keeping the disc in bounds it’s it could be it’s really anybody’s game it’s also the 11th week of the season so some players haven’t taken very much rest Haley King however has taken four weeks of rest he should be rested up and ready for this um own dogin has only taken one week out of 11 that’s owned for you right right so the Grinders Holland has taken only a couple weeks off so she also should be teed up and ready and rested this was the dramatic finish last year Holland missing the island haly parking it for the win in the playoff what a finish that is the most demanding team t- shot with all the pressure on isn’t it here are your notable names taking a week off as Sarah was just mentioning evina Tatar henna all our man Europe has been showing up this year Sarah they have literally dominated every event I mean own is the only um American citizen who has won an event and she’s not even born in America uh yeah also not born here so it’s an international game these days huh yeah we also Ella is also not in the the field um so you know she also has played great this season and we won’t see her so it’s ready and willing for who anybody who’s here to snag it yeah there is blood in the water who is going to be that shark love to see it we’re going to fly over to Hole one got our Chase card off in just a couple moments flying over 16 currently almost Lisa fak is leading the field right now but she is in trouble on whole eight and whole eight will get just area it is the first hardest hole on the Course once I mean most of the hard holes are at the end um and then hole one is also a doozy but two through seven very very scorable hole eight though is when you really got to get that technical shot at and keep it in bounds what do you think about this hole one to start your day it’s kind of unique on the tour you know big par five it’s huge I really like it honestly I think it spec Ates really well and players can just open up and throw as far as they can speaking of throwing far holl and Hanley yes she does that very well and she’s got so much power though often times she doesn’t even have to flex the disc to get the distance it flexes um right out of her hand um and just gets tons of distance even on a pure Hiser you can see their back to back podiums the dynamic just open yeah she’s also Taken 2 seconds and 2/3 this season but yet to get the win um and honestly she hasn’t actually had an Elite Series win her notable win is throw pink which was last year and so I mean she’s just teed up ready to go and if she can put this together this tournament is hers to win it’s right there for her absolutely we are going to swing over to your current leader now Holly Finley her third shot on whole seven Fus did take the double bogey on eight H not letting share of yeah Holly looking to put it really close this for her par she’s uh actually a master’s age player been playing really well on the Masters Tour got several runner up and third placees lots of podiums on that Master side has had a really had a really great season last year made the pro tour championships and then this year she has not finished inside the top 15 so this could be her opportunity to really get those points and possibly a win she’s got a great putt for these kind of conditions so she’s dialed in on the center um she’ll make all those puts even from Circle two onnam by Dynam discs this is our first Foo feature card teing off first from Great Vine Texas Holland hle nothing wrong with that Sarah that’s great thr 350 360 ft at the bottom of that Hill perfect placement in the middle looks strong off the tea this woman always strong off the te Jennifer Allen players have a headwind off this T so they’re trying to play that turn and hopefully it doesn’t finish left and out of bounds Jen is perfectly good on that left sidei W that left OB sneaks up in a hurry though doesn’t it yes but it’s also a great spot to be because it opens up your next shot very true it’s a live look down from our flight Factory drone at the Ali Smith Drive rounding out the card from Rancho coming a little shorter than the other two but also inbounds on that left [Applause] side good to see Kona out in the field she’s also got that boom let’s see what she does here she does Kona threw this t-shot 500 feet one time not not this time though [Applause] Sarah good luck ladies have a great round jumping ahead whole seven Elie Ezra for birdie W the wind is just ripping beautiful putt she is back under on the day we’re going to throw it over my man Terry Miller how is the weather feeling down there on the ground my man good morning everyone yeah it is windy as we’re seeing the headwind here on hole number one every player I talked to however said yeah it’s windy here in Emporia exactly what they were expecting they’re worried about what’s coming up the next couple of days but today let’s take advantage of it thank you Terry and there are your can of current conditions 12 miles an hour that’s doable you know it’s not not it gets a little crazier out here that is low yeah for Emporia that was Holly Finley putting in par on seven scoring conditions yeah back to one panis or sorry Montgomery throwing two easy mistake it’s it’s been a minute that’s in good position still have to Crest that hill this second shot really sets up to be really technical they’re cresting the hill but then trying to keep it inbounds on the left side and not turn it over onto that right side into those trees check it out Sarah synopsis brought to you by our friends at blacking the premium disc golf store yeah use this win don’t let it use you execute your putts if you have you have misses or your tenative it’s the wind is going to exaggerate that and then avoid the OB there’s OB everywhere sometimes you’re going to have to diss down to keep it in bounds and not throw that distance driver even though you need it maybe to get the birdie yeah wise [Music] words our look list of our field this year Alli Smith throwing two on one nice flip up working it over to that right side and she stays safe she’ll have another look to try to get to the PIN for birdie I think she could do it from there yeah with you also the uh 2021 fa1 champ of the dynamic dis open Alex Smith yeah right he’s got a win here I don’t know if they played Champions Landing exactly but she’s certainly local and got the hometown love shadow out to all her fans Jennifer Allen in her second coming up Flex Shot does it hold on man it’s close the side or the sidewalk marks the OB on that right side that cross headwind really just kind of kept it out and left it straight instead of letting it Heiser she needed to put a little bit more Hiser that’s a really difficult shot I’m throwing uphill with that righty backhand a lot to manage isn’t there so many things a lot to calculate Hanley throwing two also looking to crush this hill it’s a little bit High there is OB left and it sneaks up plenty safe yeah and that opens up her next shot which is kind of left to right and she’ll probably able to use utilize her sidearm to get close to the pin oh I do like that yeah and that is not dead grass it is dormant Bermuda grass just if you guys were wondering it’s coming back it’s taking the winter off nice and green during the the spring and the summer but also gives us landing zones that we can see from uh the aerial view very nice Montgomery throwing in three there’s a nice swing from [Music] cona there is Raven just got a snack from our Super Fan back there I see her in red that’s like going to uh at Halloween and getting a full candy bar like that’s not just a snack she is that fan she’s the rich the rich people house you know Halloween that’s the good neighborhood right there oh yeah check out the snacks she is always there uh Ava Meyer there you go good PLL Sarah yeah she actually she was nominated for the Bob sportsmanship award this last year so I don’t know who if you voted for her she there she is doing all the things she’s been doing for all the years pleas we’re looking down at Ali Smith and her third looks like just inside Circle 2 yeah there’s a little bit of trouble on the green here the basket kind of sits on a spine rollway options on either side of it this may be a layup we’ll see how she’s feeling though yeah an early look here’s your 2023 Casey wide open Champion Ellie Smith a lot of awesome courses in KC Sarah you know yeah it has been a hub especially in the early years I mean they hosted worlds in 2009 um and they just the community there has been big I think they kind of got burnt out after 2009 we haven’t seen them in in like in the mid 2000s but I think they’re coming back as we saw the Kansas city wide open last year as a silver series Holland looking to set herself up for the birdie two great throws so far doesn’t have much left huh yeah it’s it’s there waiting for her this is one of the hardest holes speaking of hard holes hole eight Your Leader Holly Finley good looking t-shot yeah looks like we got a crosswind on this one which will push things into that left side she managed that really really well into the middle i s on down to ter to call this one yeah Jen Allen’s over on the right side of the Fairway and I think she’s contemplating how wide she’s going to possibly hang this out over the road and she’s going to have a headwind or a little bit of a right to left to assist so we’ll see just how far she wants to hang it that sign looks like it’s right in her way she’s going to have to go way High real quick right out of her hand as she gets the nose up and the wind continues to push it lift it all right short but safe just outside that’s like 100t just outside Circle two there definitely worse results than that that is such a gen Allen play yeah it is and now we have the Hanley third the wind is doing things early Sarah as that finds the out of bounds after two great shots and it gets run over and it got ran over dang man she set herself up so well and then just that one slip that wind is just pushing everything out like we saw it hold out Jen’s shot does it get tired oh yeah that’s tires that’s injury to insult right there maybe it will make it a little flipper um maybe not great for this shot but not so much I like it when my stuff gets beaten yeah yeah second shot for Finley on eight Obi right and left water left should get down in time no it didn’t we got a mean skip yeah that wind is just pushing it yeah with the headwind on one that means it’s a crosswind on eight back to Montgomery throwing four this was always a really nice part of kona’s game her approach game is great especially a lot of people don’t utilize a sidearm as well as she does or as often puts herself inside the circle slightly uphill putt one of our major Champions this year Missy Ganon our phone num in it questions Jen and her fourth coming up putting into a straight headwind I expect her to lay this up ah she went for it okay Jen’s feeling good about her game I love to see the putts from Circle two especially with the wind down speaking of circle two putts there’s gogin right there 28% Circle 2 percentage this year yeah this year that’s ridiculous it’s yeah most people are under 10 wow hauling from out of bounds to save the par after the OB third Dodges the basket was online good release though in general I like the height looks confident it’s a disappointing bogey start though for Hanley after two great throws to open the the hole Smith pitching under more or less with her fourth we’ll have that for par top right is the hole where Eagle McMahon had a forehand roller Ace oh my gosh that park across H yeah oh my gosh that’s a fun little course to play I like to warm up out there yeah it’s really fun Montgomery for par yes beautiful wow after that start she had to you know the Miss off the tea and she scrambled her way and then made a big putt that’s a great start for K grabbing a stroke on Handley if nobody else Smith coming back Tailwind oh man that looks outside that’s that outside the no it’s that’s about 15 ft yeah there we go must be the bullseye marker yeah Al kind of continuing with her putting woes hopefully she can find that Center throughout the rest of this round she been working real hard on it bogy cleaned up nicely for Hanley Allen for par Follow by Smith Bogey and they are off to two and your defending Champion arriving up at the course you’ll be seeing her teing off on the other side of this break we’ll be back in just a few [Music] yeah baby yeah that’s love talking about you Dynamic this open Champion Parker [Music] [Applause] well in a backyard Kingdom not so different from your own [Music] [Music] a prince of Southern royalty was born the plastic [Music] Stone pound’s the best of the best it’s the quality the craftsmanship the vision for what a bag could be I don’t think anyone’s disputing that it’s the made [Music] bag Ricky distance driver in hand what what just happened uh what just happened Yaki blows up the basket on the 16th I don’t know what that is but it definitely boms the newest this to my collection is the drive passion Fierce these are things that I feel when I play disc golf and drive for me is something that I feel so strongly I was looking for something in between like a Serge SS and a Zeus I wanted something that could get me like the full s flight without having to try as hard as I would with the Zeus finding myself feeling a lot more confident with this disc in my hand in the woods than I’ve ever been before this just felt like such a natural step to create my dream driver my zuka car is most helpful because it allows me to carry a massive amount of discs my backups have backups and I could fit all of that in my carart the putter pouch that’s definitely my favorite feature slick holds everything that I need in there the room and the things that I can carry on the course in the zuka fits me perfectly I’m not the tall person right here I like the handle it can be up and down that’s my point right there all I have to do is just thinking about what I’m going to birdie Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan jonath wow amazing hi yeah yeah check this pad out I think you should use your wrist a little bit more why is he okay yeah he’s fine the Dynamic Discs open is brought to you by Dynamic Discs be [Music] [Music] dynamic and we are having a May the 4th be with you event head over to the Pro Shop get 25% off all weekend long no discount code needed love that you Star Wars fan s who isn’t yeah right yeah I think it’s Mando for an MVP player to be a Star Wars fan that tracks y that definitely tracks it’s a beautiful fountain on that’s whole eight there top of your screen oh we got a five way tie at the top right now yeah lucky the slan Euro here Hannah win um weatherman she has come on the scene and then Emily Beach who was injured last week um has a great option out here as a huge Lefty yeah I could see her doing really well as of course is kind of sarm friendly it is the airspace is certainly there from left to right on a lot of holes even these opening like these opening to all have airspace on that left side of course that’s what I’m going to [Music] [Applause] see crowd favorite own Scoggin takes a tm1 off to that right side it doesn’t look like the wind turned it as much as she was hoping for Destroyer a little too stable [Applause] a really nice turn on the tea from Charlotte North Carolina Haley King [Applause] [Applause] kyy with a full turn and the fade on the UPS slope of that Hill Burnsville Minnesota Raven [Music] Klein 2023 Canadian Nationals Champion maybe a cut roll out or a tree hit oh in Bounds at least Sarah good luck ladies great Juniper got in her way thankfully some natural OB we have our very own Brian herar is with Raven cin let’s set it on down Raven Dynamic dis player here in impor what is that experience like coming out to DD world it’s so great to be out here because you don’t get to see your teammates a lot and usually at this event you’ve got people traveling from several different states to come out here and you really get to feel that family feeling that DD you know talks about all the time Raven good luck today I’m not going to keep you any longer enjoy enjoy the wind there today thank you so much back to you thank you Brian and Raven for that they’re having a good good spirits Brian’s always a good spirits nice to see Raven is as well yes she’s got a great mental mental fortitude and even with the Miss off this tea I imagine she’ll recover just fine yeah is it oh wow wedged in the top of it is oh my goodness wow the Juniper bushes are thick she’s going to have trouble even getting out of here it’s got a little airspace through the bush she probably wish is you went OB at this point oh my goodness well thr on three from there who found that good job hey guys that was the wrong disc oh it was another orange disc so it appears she may have just thrown from the wrong disc oh no that is very unfortunate jumping ahead to two for a moment and Hanley second into the circle for a birdie look and to get back to even on the day oh no what are the chances no that’s okay I mean I thought it wow that’s super unfortunate Brian can you can you talk to us about what just happened kind of the ramifications of that oh that’s so brutal I mean like Sarah was saying these junipers are like the most magnetic bushes or trees on the disc golf pro tour and we always see players get caught up in them but it just so happens that there was another orange disc like a foot away from hers and she marked her lie underneath that and it was just outside of the realm so she had to take the penalty good Integrity though you have to give her that oh my gosh absolutely no one’s going to call her on that you know nobody would know yeah absolutely and so that’ll just cost her the one essentially practice throw and it’s not going to be like necessarily A misplay of the hole it’s just an extra throw that’ll count on her score at the end of this hole okay and we’ll send that one back to the lost and found for somebody else second shot for Allen on two looking to get around this big bush tree getting a full turn out of that mid putting it right inside the bullseye or just outside the bullseye great that’s totally blind shot yeah uphill good stuff there so Klein so be four then Sarah for counting purposes yes okay oh and gets the threr the threr is it going to stay in it’s tracking really well just keep going fall over fall over fall over that was awesome to assume that was intentional absolutely absolutely Finley for par on hole eight you saw her her second shot leaked OB yeah playing the control shot just a single bogey after going out of bounce on that hole is not going to hurt her too bad that’s probably level with the field honestly on hole eight jump it back to one for Scoggin in her second we just got a little update from production whole 8 playing 1.8 overpar today so she actually grabbed an point eight Strokes with a bogey wow yeah that crosswind pushing everything out of bounds yeah Hanley to get back to level on the day that’s the center that was perfect perfect stroke yes beautiful she’s looking confident and focused back to one for Ganon in her second Missy looking to get some distance but also kind of keep it out of those kind of ornamental trees on the right need the distance to get the birdie on this one but also in those trees it’s asking for bogie gets the turn this is nice this is her bread and butter just crushed the hill Jennifer Allen did tap in that Birdie on two now on the T of three taking the e legal route going wide it needs to come back in and those guys need to pay attention oh oh it dries up just short of getting back in the risk she’ll be out of bounds pretty early but could still save the par because it is a par for Haley King in her second hold one pushing it up that right side coming back with nice fade doesn’t have to flex it too far still has the distance and he’s even in front of M’s lie she has such a nice swing Sarah it’s yeah it’s what we all want right isn’t it in our back her Putt and her backhand I mean her game in general has really solid skills Hanley going to the safe side for the forand kind of the birdie Place area in your mind yeah it takes eagle out of play she could go up the Middle with a backhand and get the eagle but she’s taking the safe route I I like this play you know I mean there’s a lot of risk we just saw Jen go out of bounds uh maybe with a different wind may take a different route got a scogan shot coming up looks like it she’s thrown she threw the sidearm on the second looking to probably throw that sidearm again oh it looks like we’re over with Raven Klein instead yep oh Raven off the roller yep I think this is five actually so should look to get up and down for seven from there now the own Scoggin third can this get Edge in time no oh no CAU a roll saved by the Juniper maybe I think I saw it settle inbounds there she she really wanted to get there on that one yeah she did it’s a little higher and I think this works it must be inbounds we’ll see if she has a line from inside of there it’s pretty blocked but own has um some magic putting skills so we’ll see if she can punch it through and get enough speed on that to get it into the basket Miss again after two perfect shots has this for three it’s quite a bit s there Sarah yeah she played it to the uphill side I’m assuming she’s trying not to overturn it into that right side tree in the Juniper and left it a little short but she’s big money Missy we’ll see if she can can this it’ll be interesting to see if she runs it I assume she will oh interesting huh yeah Haley King and her third I really like the sidearm approach here because of the air space and not having to miss those trees but if you get it close enough I think like Haley was right really close to that right tree and now she’s got about 15 ft left for the birdie second shot for Lorenson on six quite a bit short of the target but has a really nice approach to just outside Bullseye a look at lucky scorecard keeping it clean representing her Euro country country folk very well yeah she’s had a lot of really good finishes this year just have not have not quite grabbed those podiums she’s been right there a couple times she really has yeah back to Klein on one believe throwing six maybe at seven oh boy okay back to the juniper trees she’s going to definitely make sure she finds the right one in there Hanley throwing two on three standard approach nice easy tap in scogin this her fourth oh that one gets away into Circle two for the comebacker sah it’s own Scoggin we’re not worried about that 28% one four let’s go and that’s so close to Circle one it’s basically Circle one yeah genon from the edge of the Fairway SL Circle 2 with the layup the downhill the stuff behind that’s that’s smart golf right there and King pitching over for the tap in par nothing to do with that putt I don’t blame her if she has any junipers in her yard back home they’re getting ripped out after this one mhm mhm they do smell really nice though they do this is true oh the search this is bizarre this happening two times on one hole got it it’s been found but while she gets set up Lorenson for par on six your solo leader best finish so far is fifth at the Jonesboro open and you know so that’s her she’s just primed and ready for this tournament to be hers and she’s been playing so good this year MH and Jonesboro very similar to the style of golf here so I think that she would and also MCO similar to the style of golf I think players that are successful at those two events have a great chance for Success here a live look down our flight Factory drone now under the Juniper with Klein that ceiling yeah and just a fill you in Scoggin did lay up from out in circle too surprising Sarah that blows me away maybe she just missed low oh she gave out a great bit all right now for the reveal is it the pink one it is all right googin cleans up the bogy got a genon par coming up par for king lorensen T of seven needs to get left with the skip I think she’s done it in position we’ll show you that second shot on the other side of the break we’ll be back in just a few n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we’re continuing the 40th anniversary celebration of both the AVR and the XD we’re bringing back the hands stamp for the AVR in a KC Galactic plastic if there is any disc that is Iconic to disc golf it’s the AVR and in the X D the original AVR XD artwork coming back and this is available in a metal flake Black Star welcome back Holland Hanley tf4 it’s a lot of turn I do like that right side it opens up the green you can don’t have to to approach it blind and now on two with Ganon she okay over there a little short of optimal yeah little too much turn right side is going to make that difficult for the approach but this is really technical if you don’t have the sidearm it likes to see Haley going outside with the sidearm the airspace is all on that left side if you can get around this tree which is sitting about 280 but it’s a big tree that’s a really good Landing Zone he you’d rather hit that tree than boob I guess right definitely but if you’re going to throw the backand outside of that tree that’s really risky so a lot of back hands are trying to smooth that middle Gap Scoggin little bit short of the tree but still safe in good position probably a little too short to get the birdie yeah look she got about 300 left then yep going uphill quite a bit with that second shot Klein we’re jumping ahead and we’re live with Hanley throwing two on four Hollands on the bottom right right hand side of the Fairway have a straight shot to it most importantly she could see the basket just at Circle Edge clean slightly up pill pot thank you Terry she got that green light on the putt at least you know yeah this is the scoring part of the course Holland has all the power she should be able to throw simple shots to get these birdies just kind of keeping it simple there’s like five in a row she can get her power she really doesn’t have to get too crazy I thought she overturned that t-shot a little bit but her positioning was great so I can only assume that that was intentional flying above hole two as your feature card reades their second scogin first flexing this uphill yeah this is playing like 350 from her position and she got the circle Edge she got pretty much all all the way there and certainly enough for her that’s an impressive pull from Scoggin up the hill it’s about 15 ft uphill yeah a own is always coming in with some amazing plays with that sidearm Flex she is and you know she she talks about how she doesn’t have much distance and maybe compared to some players but she’s got enough that she can score especially on this course I think it’s optimized pretty well for the foo gon needs to get around that big bush with her second orientalis plat clus what also known as known as a broccoli tree nice wow Sarah keep turning oh cut roll cut roll it’s all right no harm just not a birdie yep lot to ask for there from yeah 350 uphill turnover yeah probably some right to left wind too yeah demanding staying in that Mastery mindset always discussing with her caddy the mistake or the change Klein in her second this is good shape on it out in circle two for kin yeah good turn but needed to stay in the turn she may have been playing the shot out to the left it’s a it’s the good Miss Right absolutely Haley primed up for another sidearm having both throws is very helpful on this course again airspace on the left side Haley King looking good just outside the bullseye lorensen throwing two on seven you saw the drive before the break there is that change on seven Sarah talk about that there yeah he just so you just saw lucky throw over this new OB ditch that separates the t-shot from the basket she was throwing from about 300 feet and she’s got a putt for birdie nice back to four for Smith in her second so the blind approach coach really difficult she executed so well though look at that that was a huge Drive alli’s got the D she does Ganon from distance for birie green light though with the uphill looked a little better than it was just good control approach for her right online and that Missy again and smile you’ll love to see it Hanley that bogey woke her up I guess huh sometimes that’s what it takes it really does getting that bogey to start that will focus you up get that chip on your shoulder early lenon for birdie whole seven to extend the lead not to be it will stay at one over Hanley as Klein gives it a bid for biry back on two and lenon will head to a where she would have loved to have that extra stroke Scoggin to get back to level on the day oh upper right catch she knew she got one there he knew it was own Scoggin you know oh it’s own she doesn’t I got I got you W that was a good catch little body English at the end absolutely Canon cing up par this is a birdie for Haley King [Music] Klein cleaning up par they are heading over to a very attackable Par Four in know in whole three Sarah talk us through this one this one’s an eable par for players most players are going to take the safe shot on the left side especially if they have a sidearm or Lefty but that middle Gap is what you’re going to see a majority of the righty back hands take that should take them as close as they can to the basket hopefully it’s pitching up for birdie some players are going to take that right side on a power shot which we saw Jen Allen do earlier trying to get that eagle this hole does get eagled quite regularly I’m excited to kind of see what they what players choose as you get closer to the green there it pinches some parts of this green are out of bounds that sidewalk on the right and then it rolls away down into this kind of rough area on the left so it does get a little tricky as we get closer to the green getting off the tea is going to be real important but this should be a gimme hole on the birdie it does play as the easiest hole on the course from last year from last year right now I playing as fourth easiest there you go it might get there by the end of the day though you know we shall see yep that’s a live look down at the Fairway from our flight Factory drone see the basket there just left of top Center use code DDO 24 believe you get 10% off your order all weekend long over at flightfactor home of a lot of your favorite players gear I know they got some Halland Handley stuff over there King off the te goes to the safe forehand play if you’ve got the forehand especially with this wind I think it is the play it’s a cross tail right to left so it’s the backand can flip and um stay out Scoggin yeah we saw that from Allen earlier I have an update on the flight Factory it’s a 15% off not 10% excuse me there on all Dynamic disc products Missy genon put a nice move on that Center Gap she shapes a backhand shot just so beautifully every time you know it is her bread and butter Circle two for Eagle all right we’ll take that yeah it really only plays like 400t um because of that huge downhill it’s 20t downhill so if you shape it right even if you aren’t the biggest thrower you can get a look at this one let’s see how close Klein can put this one o can this stay clean not quite just missing or just hitting the top of that ceiling that Pine Branch smacking her down man that had a great shape on it honestly but gets under that one I think she’s yeah I think she missed a little bit right mhm jumping ahead to eight and lorensen Your Leader by one over Hanley this is quite a bit downhill 25 ft downhill she’s got to keep this low and out of the air that crosswind is going to push it left OB reminder the field an average of 6.8 Strokes on this hole currently that’s pretty high is it stable enough I don’t know s that’s close oh it could have settled it could have just didn’t quite happen in time Hanley in on the T of five going with the sidearm again this is where the airspace is but there is OB if she pushes it too straight it does take quite a bit of distance to get there she’ll be just fine though in that divot the looking at 100t to the pin from there nice that’s a great t- shot then Klein and her second going down the hill that needs to okay skim The Edge needs to do that exactly that was awesome wow and a putt for birdie yeah great shot Raven she was due for one she’s a gem she’s filmed for the disc golf Network before right she’s taking on lots of roles always a great attitude and she’s hilarious if you’ve not seen her socials check them out if you saw Evan Smith’s Ace last week she filmed that skogen’s going down the hill with her second on hole three that is beautiful parked that’ll get Scoggin under par on the day after the bogey birdie start second shot for haly on five leaves it a little short yeah that’s that’s not great her putt has looked good though and that’s not that far outside the circle uphill she should be able to run that without any worry back to three for King in her second Haley looking solid yeah and she’s playing you know very smart golf she has the ability to get this Eagle so the fact that she’s going sidearm safe shot pitching it up just getting a birdie we saw that safe on one as well you know yeah and often times defending a title is very difficult to you know you have pressure right off the bat whereas everybody else is like H let’s see what I can do this weekend ha’s like oh I got to do this so the fact that she’s playing so so focused and well right off the bat is very telling this is an eagle bid for Missy Ganon she wants nothing to do with it she’ll take the birdie in the hand over the eagle in the bush yeah there is a drop off on that left side so she got it up in the air and it hits and rolls it could technically roll into Opie Klein edge of circle looking at birdie oh a little inside even isn’t she yeah the circle does go into the OB on that side centers up the band but still a par yeah I mean she hit early yeah very early it’s a lot to get a birdie from there you like the strong bid too always love to see the miss high rather than low King in for [Applause] birdie rest of the gang cleaning up the car for Klein it’s a little muddy in that on that green it is isn’t it we get the green grass but we also get the mud when there’s this much moisture those are birdies for Scoggin and genon and jumping ahead to Holland Hanley with a birdie Putt and Terry what do you make a Holland’s game uh through the first five so far yeah it’s been really impressive to impressive to see what she’s doing out here I love the that she just had just taking something off of it she didn’t have a great approach but still watching still watching her just kind of control everything keep it all even today she said her mental game is the thing she needs to control the most and minimize the looks like she’s off to a good start so far today yes she is thank you Terry great make from Hanley on five after leaving the approach short banging from Circle two that’s a good sign totally redeeming [Music] yourself there is hanley’s score through five and uh the whole one woke her up for sure she’s on a heater yeah and she’s got two really bird B holes ahead of her six and seven again the stump hole and then seven which isn’t that much different than last year so she she can rack up a few of these I mean I’m thinking a handful underpar is a great score for the whole round she might be there by the front half accurate Lorenson throwing three after the OB drive on ho eight just barely leaked OB again OBM left and right for this third shot I like the forehand here Sarah yeah this is the airspace but it needs to be stable enough up to the top of the hill I like that she didn’t try to bite off too much distance I mean trying to crush the hill and then have it land inbounds on the other side we get into trouble got cat merch ts16 the merginator ooh cat mer this is her 11th event in a row is it really yeah she’s she’s young she she should be grinding right grinder Hanley tf6 the stumphole another birdie opportunity for this woman very straightforward and she executed well just inside the circle okay another opportunity five in a row and back to four is T for [Applause] King should put a move on this one is it going to stay keep turning doesn’t look like it they brought that OB in quite significantly from past years it was usually way out by the sidewalk so I’m kind of surprised she doesn’t throw the sidearm here all the airspaces from left to right and also being on that right side is going to help with that approach we saw Holland’s strategy there speaking of the forehand Scoggin will go to it oh no did that really just do that oh backside bad roll ew that’s gross that was a pretty good shot for the backside roll to put her in that OB that’s real unfortunate you threw it too far there’s a plateau where if you you land on that Plateau it’s not going to roll into there but I think that was just really bad ground play genon look at this one that’s [Applause] [Applause] Perfection Klein this is shaping up nicely as well great on the other side of that that ditch Raven in business which that ditch is about 350 okay so I mean missy just threw that like 380 I mean it is downhill quite significantly but that’s a great control Chum and head to eight and Lorenson throwing four looking for the up and down par it’s going to need a big shot here though Sarah yeah this is really far from the basket still she’s over she’s probably 350 still that was going to be my guess too smart golf from Lorenson not trying to do too much there yep she’ll if she gets up and down from there it’ll be a single bogey no harm no foul flying above whole four in your feature card yeah I do like the change this is one of several changes we’ve seen on the course yeah um here on whole four Hanley for birdie in the solo lead first elevated pin if the basket was not elevated that was it accurate here back to four for Scoggins look like she rolled left OB too uh that one you can Flex it just Flex a little the right side flat just give me yeah that ground play was really bizarre the fact that it hit the ground on the flare and then rolled the opposite direction that it should what a great shot from scogins that’ll that’ll be good for par wow great recovery talk that one over not happy to see her body language however that’s just one of those unfortunate breaks she did all the right things and it just didn’t work out by time we get to the next T she’ll be yeah back absolutely throwing five on eight Lorenson that’s that’s a six better than the field yeah and this really the first blemish on her scorecard so far back to four for Klein in her second okay be putting downhill just outside the circle that blind approach is really difficult to judge although the trees do kind of come in right in that area so if you kind of look for the tree line in the background you can get pretty close to the basket now for par hanon whole six she will maintain her share of the lead although it should be the solo lead as Lorenson is about to drop in a bogey on whole eight back to for for King in her third after the OB Drive kind of s here Sarah yep inside at least it’s inside the circle yeah Haley’s got a great stroke sh tf6 Jennifer Allen goes to the flex looks like 20 feet yeah that’s her mid that she threw past the basket it’s also 10 feet uphill on that hole doesn’t look it looks it doesn’t look like it’s uh uphill but it is quite quite a bit yeah that elevation always gets lost on the video I swear Ganon throwing two after the booming drive that that worked yeah I like her pushing that tree line it’s a good it’s a good marker and you’re still going to be inside the circle Missy having a terrible time as usual laughing as she walks down the Fairway yeah you can really never tell how she’s doing no you can’t Jen with a solid birdie she told me she her putt is starting to feel better and better looking for her to capitalize there and this is a perfect place to do it with the field wide open Lorena does card that bogey dropping back into second place tie with King giving solo to Hanley for the moment flying above hole four is green got a couple right round circles Edge looks should be clein first I believe so you can see her head over there in the white and this is for birdie for Klein look like those branches are in her way a little bit yeah you were right sir I really had to stab it hits the box at least and be a drop in par King Haley a little closer to those branches hopefully it doesn’t come into play to clean this up job done after the OBT shot Salvage is the par showing some resilience yep Missy Ganon for birdie oh that’s that’s not what I’m used to seeing from her from that distance looked like her she was a little fast on her routine hopefully she settles in we’re going to play through the rest of these Edge is a nationally recognized 501c3 charitable organization what we do is we empower the teachers with complete programming a Ong with the equipment and a standardized curriculum so you have a One-Stop shot for teachers and youth Educators that’s really what Edge is it makes everything simple for the teacher to get involved with this golf if we want disc golf to be recognized we need to introduce this golf to the youth and if nothing else they’ve got a healthy game that they can enjoy with their families throughout the rest of their lives [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] get [Music] yeah sure tf5 Haley King W pushing the distance on that right side I’m surprised again she doesn’t go with the sidearm um but looks like she’s just trying to get a little bit more distance to ensure that she gets up and down for this for this birdie Scoggin this was the second easiest hole last year also goes to the backand that’s workable for a second Missy Ganon just barely again catching that right side OB and then scooting into that left side to stay in bounds jumping ahead to seven and Hanley her throwing two this is not a good t-shot there what yeah she threw it low off the tea unfortunately um kind of into the ground the t- shot itself has a huge ceiling it’s a very tight Gap but thankfully she’s not out of Bounce cuz that is actually a really a huge possibility G looking to carry that OB ditch it does it easily oh my goodness Hanley what a monster throw so far Sarah yeah and and it doesn’t it doesn’t even have to flex yeah it’s just you know sometimes it’s just a straight Heiser oh would would be like to have that kind of power must be nice must be nice neither of us would know someday when I grow up all right you know looking at the board you know who do you think was your your betting favorite coming in was it Hanley I think it was it was and it’s you know I think so um but again it’s why wide open there’s options for so many players I mean Hanley hasn’t put it together yet true you know so there’s there’s window there that’s a nice from Klein like get around Circle Edge for her birdie look hopefully that wasn’t our third was it yeah she was that was her third excuse me there she’ll have that for par Hanley for bird on seven oo a birdie there after that drive would have been incredible lenson had a great drive on nine throwing two what’s the game plan here she’s getting aggressive you can see her trying to turn that corner which she must do with perfect accuracy cuz there is Obi left and right this is so technical does she it looks pretty good the shap looked good gets the flag w wow wow so that she should be pitching up and have a birdie on another very difficult hole those are two great shots on a really tough hole Scoggin her second on five okay that’s nice inside the circle she doesn’t like it I guess it was a little too close to that sidewalk for her Comfort Hanley a little bit of the Wind on this comeback parla Co Seven oh she that oh my cross got under the little bit of Heiser the barely bit of Hiser she has on her push Putt and now has this for bogey from Circle 2 man she’s looking like she’s on tilt right now yeah we hadn’t seen any crazy windy putts like that yet mm it it’s about it’s probably picking up 10 10:45 yeah we’ll get you there in a second just to Pardon that genon throwing two on Five we’ll show you that Hanley p in a moment Missy with a great approach putting it real close that’ll be for birdie King just about the same as Genet doesn’t like it she left a little bit on the bone there yeah and little meat on this par putut bone for Klein again off the rim King for [Music] birdie does not erase the fluffy approach does not get it above the cage no not even I’m wondering if some nerves are starting to come in here starting to maybe feel like she doesn’t have control over certain parts of her game hopefully she can just kind of take some deep breaths and get right back on it this is Scoggin for birdies on three of the last four after the bogey start count it sounds like you should start with a bogey right seems like seems like the play play bogey on one and then you’ll be good over to King still work on this parut she’s good for those yeah she got it up almost too high this time putting too low on the last genon this is for a share of the lead Missy slowly working her way up there she is playing real clean as she usually does is it going to be the rabbit or the turtle that’s going to win this I don’t know we’ll find out speaking of the rabbit Hanley long look at bogy trying to to avoid the four putt oh so close and a bur double that is not what you want to do coming into the three hardest you know three harder holes this was the last chance to grab another birdie and now it is raced the work she’s already done and look at this a six-way tie at the top oh my goodness Scoggin King genon Cox Lorenson and wi oh I love seeing Rebecca and um and Hannah wi right up there they have really I mean Rebecca has had a great year so far she has been trending upwards this could be the one yeah it’s right there for he has all the skills needed to score in this course man it looks like everybody in the top 10 is one stroke apart yesh love that that’s awesome hly Finley still holding on keeping it one under through 12 she kind of threw that really tough stretch yeah now she’s got opportunity to birdie out and then manage the final part of the game that 16 and 18 can jump out at you a flying hole six there it flies through all right this is a stump hole this is probably one of the most straightforward holes on the course you just got to miss that tree right off right off the te and then you come into an elevated basket there’s OB on the right Beyond it and on the left but it’s pretty pretty wide you have tons of space it’s really about just executing the shot and making that Putt in the elevated basket don’t have a ton of elevated baskets on this course this is just one of them um it’s playing as one of the easiest holes on the course the fifth easiest to day traditionally it’s the second easiest looking back at the T from the the green Scoggin on the box that is turned that could be out of bounds oh does it find Edge climb back I don’t think so it we’ll see I’m surprised doesn’t go with the sidearm here she has it’s only it’s playing like 320 with the slide uphill look the air space is on that left side says on The Fairway after one is the update right now hopefully that’s inbounds genon with the flip up to the circle nice she will have that for the solo lead as will scogin if she’s inbounds King a huge Miss from King but hits the one tree I mean I think if she doesn’t hit that tree she’s probably OB right she’s kind of grimacing in uh looks like maybe in a pain Grimace a little bit I wonder if she has an injury that she’s dealing with right now Klein Brian are you you happen to be aware of anything going on with uh Haley King Raven just short no not not specifically I know there’s just been lingering things you know throughout the year and I uh I wonder if she might have tweaked something but it’s too early to tell who knows also on scogin is safe She is safe at that right side by a few inches awesome thank you Brian King second after the early tree just trying to get up and down for par that’s a little fluffed a lot fluffed yeah to an elevated basket there’s definitely some tentative throwing out here on Haley’s part yeah that’s two approaches in a row kind of circles Edge Short left she has mentioned she’s having trouble getting into the flow of her game right now so it could you know it’s not it’s t- shots it’s approach shots it’s Miss puts it’s so it’s a it’s a combination of factors so hopefully she can kind of dial that in mentally and kind of feel her body a little more we’re going to jump ahead to Whole Nine Loren in throwing three you saw the first two oh my goodness Sarah this is for Eagle if she tries to put this in wow two perfect shots on I kind of hope she just lays it up and TAPS in a birdie and just moves on giv me anxiety over here that should be good it should be good yeah Hanley back on eight t after The Misfortune on seven can she combat this cross wind no I don’t think so doesn’t let same mistake that lucky made well into the out of- bounds Area players really got to keep this low and put it outside of that sidewalk Scoggin inbounds and putting for birdie wow the fact that she laid up the putt on hole one and then ran this one on an elevated basket from Deep Sea 2 yeah surprising is me King also in C2 this for par to maintain her share oh never mind yeah on Center just couldn’t get it up in the air and genon will have a chance to grab two strokes on King with this birdie and a share of the lead left to right cross on this one Sarah she’s going to push the disc down she’s going to have to get it higher than the basket that was a Miss on that wasn’t even yeah that was I don’t think that was the wind oh you can go yeah okay Klein that’s a couple that’s two out of three Missy has kind of her routine has been a little bit off yeah so she needs to kind of settle in there she’s playing good see if Raven can get on the board today there it is nicely done Raven Scoggin a little work on this parut he’s got to put this nice and high for that Tailwind [Applause] Center over to nine lorensen for the solo lead and a birdie fantastic really nice bounce back after the Boogie on [Applause] eight and G it from the other side now for par oh no gon high now after a low Miss get a three putt for her first bogey of the day yeah at the very least though the fact that it was Center is really important you know she got it was still a confident stroke even though she just had like you know really weird hand action on that first putt you know she came back back confident at the band in the middle hopefully that this won’t affect the rest of her putting throughout this day lenson now on the T of 10 demanding shot shape here Sarah yeah I mean it’s a flip up still needs to track left but also push forward little bit high and kind of gets caught up there but she made the initial part of the Gap this one is a really difficult bird so if she can get through par on this then she’ll be doing well Hanley throwing three on eight after the OB drive this should work yeah great play ho 16 Natalie Ryan has a birdie look oh man what are you doing here s I’m not running this well I guess it depends on the day yeah that’s true let’s see how Natalie’s putts feeling today this is a Sunday putt oh she’s addressing this this is I think she’s definitely trying to make this yeah Center nerves of Steel it was a two or a four she got the two oh whole eight got Natalie didn’t it picked up the Snowman oh yeah I mean it it’ll happen Eight’s on eight will happen Klein on seven the t-shot looks great yes with oh what the that was not supposed to happen oh my gosh that was the worst Ground Play I want a replay get that stick off of the ground there show you that one more time that look brutal scogin going outside the Gap yeah there’s not a lot of space here to be honest I’m I was wondering if anybody would take this route and I’m did it kick out she hit a tree production is the best got to replay this clim shot oh it just hit like a weird UPS slope H she did not deserve that not at all Ganon back on the te that’s uh kind of what Holland did but Missy got the skip yeah huh it’s not too bad over there I mean she may have to play it out and around over the sidewalk but she may still be able to even get there for the birdie yeah from that positioning Haley King oh look the bounce back on such a tough tough shot it is oh this looks ooh aggressive they might even get to the ditch which is not good oh yeah no that’s perfect she’s looking at 200t to the pin from there nicely done from Haley King hopefully an auto birdie I don’t know who that woman is but she seems like the perfect caddy for Haley King yeah know that’s Kamari she’s a yeah she’s she’s lovely I got to meet her at uh in Florida this last winner CAD for her there oh nice that was very high from Handley with her fourth looks like she will pick up a bogey on all eight that’s about the result you get though after an OBT shot it’s yeah it’s so hard to save the par from that I mean it’s possible but yeah we live with Lorenson on 10 throwing two safe play Yeah from where she’s at it’s over 400 feet to the pin so this is really tough birdie if you don’t get all the way down to that uh wall of hackberry trees we are back with Scoggin in her second so she didn’t go out of bounds but definitely hit that tree she’s got to be careful to not turn this Obie left cuz the all the all the airspace is that direction and she looks a little pinched we got a little right to left wind it looks like so she should hold it out there oh she’s stable enough yeah oh yeah oh my goodness okay Circle two look all right I almost got a bad flare again I guess I guess that is kind of the difficulty of a highspeed overstable driver is you do get some crazy ground play that you really can’t predict sometimes a fairway or a mid would not do that Christine Jennings spotting back there she was winning this tournament a couple years ago at one point nice yeah there she is right there on her frame behind own Raven Klein throwing three after the OB drive this looks great mhm nice recovery Raven it was that left for par over to Missy Ganon in her second oh she looks like she will have uh the right side to play with so even though she kind of missed it it worked out just fine does she have the distance to get there is the question have the wind assist on the right to left part of the flight there’s the push oh yeah plenty of distance excellent inside the circle short putt they had those two discussing how they both missed their shots but now they have f there’s more than one way to skin a cat out here absolutely Brian we’re starting to see the wind pick up out here you feeling it on the ground as well I’m definitely feeling it but it’s not at the comical levels of wind that we’re used to seeing out here I mean this is maybe 10 15 miles an hour a nice Tailwind Eight’s going to play interest in with that crosswind that they’re going to have to deal with but right now this is prime scoring conditions on seven and also Ian I’m getting swarmed by butterflies right now where I’m standing in the Fairway uh definitely a blessed day out here in Emporia I don’t know what this means but it’s something good it means butterflies have have good taste Brian that’s what that means I kind of want a shot of that Brian swarm right now I do too I mean that sounds amazing oh we’re effting we’re efforting can we pick it up ah an erant t- shot from hole one ah there we go on the adjacent Fairway what a beautiful day in Emporia yeah at the beginning of the week it looked like we were going to have thunderstorms every single day and it was I’m stoked that this is not not the case I still remember 2020 came out here and filmed it was like 90ยฐ 90% humidity and zero wind oh that’s odd it was weird Scoggin you gave it a bit for birdie but not to be boring that makes me think that she wasn’t really giving it a bid no oh okay she’s she’s chastising herself for being boring Scoggin the long birdie look on 10 but like sir mentioned you don’t mind a par on 10 and she’ll have a drop in one of those so lucky has navigated the difficult one of the difficult parts of the course without much uh without much trouble Klein for birdie yes that’s back to back for Klein after the rough start you love to see that for Raven over to King for birdie and that putting stroke not there for King right now you see anything or is it just all a little upright little upright yeah um so I mean to me that tells me that she’s just not feeling it like in her core in her you know in her full body right now Ganon from the other side for birdie no Miss there Ganon one off the lead now this will be a Scoggin par followed by a king [Applause] par and as they make their way to the toughest hole in the course we’re going to sneak in up break on the network we’ll be back in just a [Music] few Prince of Southern royalty was born a plastic Stone behold the eagle cross ing disc golf course a sanctuary where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary as each dis takes flight Destiny intertwines with the flight path but beware brave souls for the course Harbors challenges that even the boldest must confront yet fear not for victory and camaraderie are your companions on this Voyage visit Eagles Crossing dis with this collaboration with Discraft and grip the goal is to make the best bag in dis golf on and off the course this bag is designed beyond the course this is made for the travel this is made for the tour it’s really made for the athlete that’s support so many new changes that I can’t wait to to show off and and others see and use and utilize I believe disc gol will love this new [Music] bag your rating is one of the most valuable things you get with the membership this gives you accurate numbers to track how well you’ve been doing and your overall Improvement in the game you also get a member number when you register with the pdj your pdj J number is a stamp for when you got involved in the sport it’s a badge of Pride for players and a part of your disc golf identity get your number today visit jooin Jennifer Allen throwing four on hole eight pars are good on this one and looks like she’ll grab one of those Sarah no fours yet yeah you know that they’ll happen eventually somebody will get one yeah t of 11 with lorensen left it a little inside yeah that’ll take birdie out of play but it’s still easy up and down back to eight for Hanley throwing five and she will have that for aogi going drop Hanley back to even on the day was three down but double bogy F away bogey on seven and eight speaking of eight back on the te for Missy ganet one how many of these are going to be inbound do you think I’m going to guess two what do you think yeah I’m going to go I like that guess I’ll go one you take the over or the under I’m going to take the under okay all right okay I was counting on Missy for one of my two I know right I I should have T I should have gone for the over on it’s a lead card right definitely go for the over it is it is on the green of the same Hanley for bogy there is that Square card for Hanley just one par on the day roller coaster as it were Allen for par getting nearly two strokes on the field average looks like it has come down a little bit it’s down to 1.3 nice putt by Jen we’ll drop a little further as Allen grabs a five back on the T scin that looks a little high but she put it pretty wide and also it’s a it’s a destroyer so it’s stable good dig good dig Goin says so scared I don’t blame her Haley King next to T oh another unfortunate push out on that left side jumping ahead to nine and Jennifer Allen Allen just two off the lead testing that right side oh tries to filter but ends up OB the Brenson second shot on 11 far is good there yeah that should work for there’s like these two in a row are kind of ones you can snag if you you know they’re like they’re a little break of the madness before you get into the next few holes here’s your feature card making their way to the corner on hole eight genon or second that is out of bounds no yeah oh man I thought that wind would assist that on the way in but you would think I think that just is just a little flippy yeah she’ll be throwing three from and you’re moving uphill from her positioning so it’s not going to get the left fade yeah that’s true huh oh Scoggin ling up her second using that airspace on the left side to get to the top of the hill that wind should push it down and so it’ll stay in on that right side I like that play a lot yeah great shot selection from Scoggin nine Hanley wow that’s a beautiful shape she’s a little pinched but I mean she’s got a sidearm she can get up and down or get out from there Loren it in for the par for the tree on the t-shot the two was the mark Sarah yeah well done yeah Klein Throne three playing some Army golf does it stay in yes it does Oh yay the Fairway is pretty wide you know it’s like 100 feet wide maybe 150 feet but it is playing real tiny right now it does it plays so much smaller than it is I think it’s that crosswind yeah there’s a little bit of slope leading into the water too for the skips yes there’s the Allen third she’s back on The Fairway for fourth a chance for par King off the Fairway after her t-shot on eight will throw three you happy to see her throwing a forehand here yeah it definitely it’s the play if you’ve got it something stable you can push it up that line and then the wind is going to keep it from from pushing out the right side that was fantastic that was a ton of distance as well people are just trying to get to the top of the hill and she crested it Hanley had a fantastic t-shot on nine throwing two a little pinch though setting up for her heer sidearm though oh that’s really close to the ob I want to oh it is op genon her second elak op we’ll throw four really technical trying to crush this hill and then have it fall back back on the other side of the Hill inbounds that left side OB is going to come into play on the landing and as you said it does slope down into the water at that point although this is her best shot yeah this is her bread and butter well she’s not going to leak OB be left nope will they get stable in time no tree oh man multi mistake hole for Missy oh this is going to this going to add up it is live with Hanley throwing four I believe Holland actually may have called a provisional just to double check cuz she didn’t go up and actually see him she was out of bounds she releasing it low and I’m not sure if this is going to get all the way up to the pin it’s going to be bounds but a little short yeah looks like Hanley out in circle two for her par putt thank you Terry back to eight and looks like on scogin third the only one to not be OB yet on this hole Sarah if she can get this all the way there she’s got a birdie opportunity that might do it this is a great line from Scoggin oh safe okay Ed of the circle that’s a look that is I was ready for that flare skip into the green though and SL today I’d expect a reverse skip yeah seriously huh seen how things have been going for her lorensen T of 12 pushing it down that right side trying to get past that one blocker tree just outside the circle on the elevated pin all right and back to eight for Klein so be here fourth options though though none of them great Sarah unless you got a sidearm true there oh that’s so mean that’s so mean man well at least she’ll get the distance true and should get up and down for a seven number eight showing its teeth sure enough that number is going back up it is we thought it would go down become the lead C but the pressure is on Allen throwing three it is fourth that was fourth pushed it all the way into the green with for a putt to save par yeah absolutely and we are back to eight for looks like Missy Ganon is he throwing six I believe it’s six still a lot of work to do our Graphics operator agrees with me you know excellent shot she focused up she gets right back to it you know yeah not she’s not going to fall off her mental game too quickly especially in the first round the green of nine with Hanley for par oh no there is over there there’s OB and there’s even a little area that has some water retrievable but it is the water is encroaching on the green I thought this was in Sarah it had all the right things until the cage and that is going to be OB I mean I think the it’s right there roll away [Applause] potential Hanley coming up the hill for at least a bogey yeah for the double is it double oh it is wow right side catch Wow way to get that one in after so much tumultuous happenings still just one par on her day King approaches man her approaches are not on on today no putting a lot of pressure on that putting game for par on nine Jenifer Allen will be a fantastic par after the OB drive you don’t see that much little tentative on that putt yeah back to eight for Scoggins this is a birdie putt let’s grab a stroke on the field yes that’s practically three Strokes on the field if I’m being 1.8 or something last time I was played wow and maybe the first birdie we’ve seen it is that’s that’s that’s I meant on wow yeah that is the first Birdie on whole eight Oh Stacy ronley snuck one in on me as well a excellent just a little bit ago oh Klein chain out left over to King for par too much pressure on the putter Sarah once again having trouble dialing in the height she just missed high on the last hole now miss low we saw a cage earlier she’s not happy about that I mean when you’re not on when your putt is not on everything else suffers Ganon to get off the hole with a double headman put this is not a gimme slams it in but the damage is done yeah ho eight did its thing to our feature card whole eight is whole ating it is in a major way there is an eight for for client huh and just the second birdie of the day on ho a that from own Scoggin one more look at this and we’re going to send it off to break back in just a few so an in for the bird he’s just been making these like it’s nothing it’s just no problem that putt has looked so good this week another nice bird for Simon oh my come on yeah I mean that’s a perfect play 2024b Champion [Applause] [Music] Sim having the mo riser for those longer rounds put a lot less stress in my back trying to lift it up off the ground it’s going to elevate your game giving you more energy for every throw this has easily been the best disc golf purchase I have made get yours at Mojo thank you Mojo gear this is the game changer step onto the course with the pure premium disc golf bag adding a touch of glamorous flare to your play use the code dgpt at for the best price upgrade your game upgrade your look [Music] [Music] three current favorites from Innova Champion disc at power grip USA the champion Rolo Halo Sidewinder and the iy firebird shop Inova right now at powergrip lorensen T of 13 a share of the lead with Scoggin going to the sidearm here a new Hazard on that right side instead of out of bounds I like that you know yeah a little less penalizing mhm jumping back to the T nine Scoggins your other leader oh no Scoggin will head to drop zone okay just a little bit of a yank there from Scoggin on that t-shot it is a demanding t-shot you know it is 200 200 feet downhill on a pipe Haley does the same thing that’s actually how Jennifer Allen missed the shot as well yeah it is it’s tough you’re in the white open for so many holes and then hey here’s some Woods for you I like that a great test no yeah gon Ganon makes sure not to push it over to that right side but almost leaks left but safe safe ground Laurence at throwing two on 13 like she was pretty close to that Hazard line there Sarah yeah with the sidearm that’s really the play is to kind of play it you don’t want to be in the broccoli Bush on the left big turnover over these trees will it pop down by the pin I saw it come down not especially close though that’s a look at Nine’s Fairway the te tucked in the trees little up and left of center it’s a pretty good Hole uh I really like the the t-shot combined with the up and down hill and then they’ve also added more OB on this right side this year it’s a really unique hole on tour even you know I can’t think of any any like it out there doin in her third after the OBT shot oh boy will it kick out no that is a penalizing Miss oh the whole time okay oh thought it was the left side of the sidewalk and it’s the right hand side of the sidewalk was like confusing so she will throw five attempt again and finds the tiny little pinch Zone that gives her access to the green so that was five she’ll have a chance for seven it’s a tough stretch eight and N Sarah I’m 8 n and 10 yeah true huh is the three of 10 is maybe a little less penalizing but also really tough to birdie speaking of 10 Hanley how about that drive we saw from Jennifer Allen though in whole time that was amazing and is this hanley’s drive that was at her second yeah wow that that’s some of the best drives I’ve ever seen on that hole uh that might have been a third actually looks like Haley opting to play from her out of bounds lie or actually didn’t it popped out she just missed the shot so she was inbounds yeah wow fortunate Canon throwing two with a nice straight controlled shot she can get to the turn doesn’t need to make the turn and that’ll still leave birdie in play that’s well played Missy going big brain out here she is she does that a lot second shot for Allen on 10 you saw the drive in the picture in picture she’s got less than 300t to the pin oh my that’s going to be a birdie and that is a rare birdie just one on the day Sarah from Emma ARP oh look at that yeah Nebraska’s finest Emma ARP currently tied for fourth yeah she is excellent that’s awesome second shot for Klein oh turning the corner look at this shot from our flight Factory drone and bounce nice shot it’s a great look at that OB you know it’s tough to visualize it without that overhead lock look there a lot of space once you hit get past the pinch point on the corner [Music] Raven Shoots for the crew so she’s friends with the crew talking a blae down there lorensen has a long look for Birdie on 13 oo not off by much as lucky we’ got Ganon throwing three back on nine turns it into the Gap oh what Missy Canon wow blind into the Gap that was that was crazy impressive you want to know how to birdy this hole just do that do that one more look at this genon approach powered by NAA she kind of played conservative conservative and then she just throws a beautiful 10 of 10 difficulty shot to finish give her chance s chance for the birdie and a huge thanks to our friends at KN are sponsoring the powered by NOA moment of the [Applause] day Haley King also throw in three yeah this sneaky way to get into the green there Sarah I the pushing it left and deep is definitely the play right is OB there’s a slope on the bask from the basket on the right this is scogin throwing I think this is six yeah it this could roll away into oh it didn’t thank goodness there we go yeah you can see that water you’re talking about though it is not far off it is inside the circle yeah and I think it would H anybody would be in it just kind of accidentally cuz it’s so close to the basket at the end of a roll away jumping ahead to Jennifer Allen on the T of 11 yes this needs to get left big skip oh my perfect this is that’s a great shot she has an 8 foot putt for birdie now after that drive this is Klein back on nine the approach not great Sarah little short yeah she’ll be have it’s a little deathy from that position do you carry one of those sticky balls in your bag I don’t but I need one really badly well they should send you one I know you’re sah Hokum I mean what the heck let’s get you one I don’t think they know I need one okay well now they do yeah all right this is for par great putt didn’t take any seconds that was fantastic up and in yeah that was definitely it was birdie was that birdie yeah she I mean she was inbounds off the teeth through that great shot up to the corner and then yeah she left the third shot a little short but she made up for it with that great putt I love that Haley King oh my gosh man she’s chunking it in there getting it in there grabs the birdie are we going to see three bir 30 is on whole nine impressive stuff in this feature card after the struggles on eight and very different ways true and this will be a seven for Scoggin it’s quite a blemish on her scorecard right now yeah it is in fact yeah the only one other than her Bogi on hole one there’s that water Sarah was wow it is remarkably close I didn’t even know that there was water water could be there until I looked at the course yesterday seems like we’ve had a wet spring I think so Lorenson on 14 she did C it bogey back on 13 oh first available did it stick up there no way oh and the wind is pushing it even ah it’s moving wow no 2 meter thankfully that’s going to be a tough lie accurate yeah a really weird one huh you ever done that one Sirah I yeah yeah but not very often back to 10’s te for King [Applause] that must have hit a tree yeah that was a little bit it looked like it was coming in fine and then now it’s so far right yeah Miss genon next t on 10 this t-shot was made for Missy’s shot her preferred throw and there it goes all the way to the line of uh hackberries that might be a future birdie yeah on track for one absolutely Klein maybe matching oh yeah yeah excellent two great t- shots there and Scoggin will look to bounce back from the double on knif another great t- shot and sneaks out there maybe a little high on the hill for birdie Sarah we’ll see maybe I mean the right side is where the big opening is on that hole we are back to 14 and lorensen throwing two you can see where the drive ended up man this is unfortunate cuz these two drives in a row you really need distance in order to get pry or even to ensure you have a par with this difficult green at the end now she’s kind of losing two shots with distance that right side will be all right it’s all it’s all open over there Allen tapping in for birdie he saw the drive it’s back on 11 and Jennifer Allen just won off the lead tied with Rebecca Cox for a second woo the scores are flying all over the place but we’re staying tight Sarah you know nobody’s separating really not yet look at all those tie for fourth yeah I mean look at that Rebecca Cox Jennifer Allen sitting there at second chopping at the bit to catch that lead Rebecca’s card’s been pretty clean two Bogies and she got I guess what is it four four birdies to balance nobody bogey free today yeah you’re right huh it’s tough to do out here Haley having to kind of shape one through the landing Zone mhm well done that’s exactly what she needed to do not getting aggressive she doesn’t need to try to get to the PIN playing smart [Applause] golf Emily weatherman on the tf16 currently even oh my goodness and we’ll have that to get to under on the day and back to 10 for Scoggin in her second looking for a big fade give her a look okay that Circle two inbounds that big um oage tree is going to be in her way um but good recovery off of you know this is a really difficult place to be and still had even a she still got a look at birdie see Totally T of 13 Jennifer Allen 12 excuse me there pushing it down that right side good height it’s tough to get height there oh wow so much height that she went past the basket you don’t see that too often Jennifer Allen problems Brotherman putting for Birdie on 16 this is Raging headwind scary strong yeah well done she’s been she’s had a great showing at Texas this year kind of newer on the tour so hope we see some more of her there is her card back to under just a couple a couple singles and then of course eight eight yeah but now she’s going into to 17 pretty tough to get but there and then we’re going to get to see a look at 18 the new 18 that’s [Music] right back to 10 Klein thrown two that’s inside the circle yeah and now back to gon for her second on the prime [Applause] position that Obie comes up quickly it does the that side of the circle is actually out of bounds um the edge of it so she is inside the circle about 20 ft to go kind of see why Scoggin and Klein missed right yeah King throwing three there’s that approach game she’s dialing it in here we go Allen for Birdie on 12 yeah smart call from Allen lays that one up for par Madison Walker T of 16 that was was that metal yeah it was metal it’s off the cage wow oh wow what a shot Madison nearly carting the one that’s 10’s green and un Scoggin from Circle two for birdie good run center cut kle also looking at birdie but much closer unfortunate cage Missy Ganon will grab her meter in and puffer birdie another Miss on this hole king of parut we’ll have four of those on whole 10 from your feature card some great drives Sarah but nobody really capitalized there yeah unfortunate it’s it’s hard to even get a look at this hole and then they actually really had looks at it and we’re our 0 for three on the lead card here one more look at this Madison Walker Drive on 16 off the top of the tray I want to say look they’ll slow it down for us I I bet yeah there we go production’s the best yep left side cage wow a good stick too you know yeah I mean aces are cool but also birdies on the hardest hole in the course also cool there’s Cynthia riotti after Madison Walker drops in the birdie third shot for lenson on 14 he saw the first two I mean get up and down she really could to save this par it’s going to be real technical she’s not going toble to see the pin look it down at ho 11 in your feature card as they take the te coming off a little Barbecue on ho 10 King with the box that’s how you do it pretty straightforward hole I expect a lot of birdies on this hole especially for those uh right-handed backhand players it’s pretty standard not one of your favorites sir I don’t know whatever I throw a backhand there maybe just might not get there fine Missy Canon next up your back head’s been looking better every time we see it you know every time it pops on we you know we’re like oh it’s looking better yeah it’s a low ceiling yeah clein little cabbage hit on the right side slows her down but should get up and down for par from there Scoggins need that big fade she’s not going to get on that uphill yeah a you have to get the disc pretty high to get that fade and there is a ceiling but I want to see on make a C2 putt so we’re due for one yeah I know she she’s has at least four so just the math checks out right in time for second does Jen Allen take the right side where is she looking now she’s kicking off no all right fine yeah she cleaned the wrong the wrong part of a tead for that shot oh my is this going to be okay Sarah I don’t know how stable of a disc that was yeah if it was stable it’ll be fine on The Fairway after one is the update from our scorekeeper lorensen in her fourth okay okay Circle two we’ll see how how she’s feeling on this putt cuz this is really a putt you should probably lay up but if she’s feeling good give it give it a go yeah she will need that putt to maintain the solo lead see Jessica whis jumping into that top 10 oh speaking of it lorensen for par the elevation is a little bit more drastic than we’re seeing here yeah yeah she does lay it up taking the single it’s smart play you just you can’t falter for that yeah unless she’s just super dialed from C2 Missy genon back on 11 for birdie there she is solid stroke King also putting for birdie oh my goodness I was really hoping I could say she made this to increase her confidence on the course after missing high and low now she has missed right that is not looking good for this round I think you’re on to something though with like the standing up too straight kind of not in it that’s when I’m missing putts like that that’s what I’m doing wrong okay yeah so it’s just it’s usually because I’m a little tight you know you’re just tight you’re not you’re not settling all the way into your into your body those are pars for kleene King and scogin as Ganon grabs a stroke on the card and a Sher of second I’m going to fly this whole 12 Sarah talk us through this one uh this is 353 ft playing about that same distance it’s a little bit downhill but players are going to go up this right side for the most part trying to miss um this tree this linden tree but also not turn it over into that right side OB there is also left side OB if you’ve got a sidearm there’s a nice Gap to open up the airspace going to an elevated pin with most of the circle is safe but there are three trees that are going to make your putt more interesting and just two birdies on the day on whole 12 last year it didn’t get as many birdies as I thought it would as well so I’m not sure what’s causing the issues on this particular hole maybe the elevated pin maybe the trees in your way but uh shouts to Holland and and Holly Finley the two birdies so far today as Ganon steps up and we’ll try to make it three that is the Miss is turning it over because you’re slightly downhill and you’re really trying to hit this Gap I’m seeing Flags over there Sarah it looks like she’s OB to me yeah talking about the headwind flip there something King yep the sidearm is the space yeah it really is but it’s you know not oh my gosh gosh but a lot of people don’t have the 350 sidearm no it’s a short list honestly that haly King sidearm is exceptional getting NS from my fellow sidearm lady in own scogins King cin t- shot is a little low it’s a good miss did a lot of things right it did Scoggins takes the king route but it’s thrown too high takes all the juice out of it in for par from there and Missy Ganon is confirmed out of bounds off the T on 12 with a little bit of a quick walk off that te to go assess her lie jumping ahead to one of your co-leaders Allen on it looks like he’s in the hazard doesn’t it does right but I’m not totally sure they’re giving her on The Fairway after two so that would be Hazard because she it counts as an extra stroke yeah I that so that disy thre off the T wasn’t stable enough to come back probably hit this tree drop down left her here she’ll be walking away with bogey likely they do have her putting for par now interesting I guess we’ll see we will the renson T of 15 that’s up a little high it is will it get down in time no there’s a bit of a crosswind pushing that a chance for par though you know it’s that’s true where she missed uh there is a drop zone there is a drop zone you’re right so she probably has to throw from about 200 ft away you Scoggin in her second almost put that one in look like she was aiming for the chains I wonder Tom and Missy walking to her out of bounds Drive she have a meter stick that is definitely what I just witnessed right did she just carry that on her cart I mean missy would right maybe not I like it yeah figure [Music] Brian you gotta you got a take on what we’re watching here this uh Mark discussion yeah they’re trying to figure out where she crossed out of bounds and I’m trying to look at the shape of the line too was kind of hard from my perspective on this right side of the Fairway but I don’t know I I feel like it turned pretty quickly and they’re they’re thinking she might be halfway up the Fairway she’s thinking that she’s probably closer to Circle two but still don’t know what the exact Mark is going to be it looks like they’re going to take hers actually okay and that is a meter stick and a retractable one at that I would expect nothing less from Miss genon Pro play there just grab the antenna off your car that I wonder if that’s what it was uh so this is a long par look for Missy Ganon to maintain her share of the lead but it’s just a smart layup for Bogey and Missy will drop into a tyer fourth or third excuse me Allen for par oh excuse us that was for birdie and has this for par now oh that’s not what the score card says lenon with a nice approach now this is for par nope that was for bogey was it yeah she was in the hazard she was in the hazard throwing three from that area on the tree she push pushed it up there airball that putt made it yeah I I think the hazard is the issue it’s a new a new feature of this hole so I’m sure that we’re all kind of scrambling to figure out how to play it and I’m scrambling to figure out how to call it we’re over to scogin how this for par [Music] [Music] okay good demonstration of bance demonstra of balance with her foot behind her lie you should need own miked up you know yes agreed Haley king with a very nice birdie that gives her the share of the lead I believe as CLE Pops in the park and we’ll drop in the Boogey all said done a share of fourth for Ganon the renon from the Drop Zone on 15 as correctly called by Sarah and we’ll have that drop in for bogey I can see she’s dis disappointed by that flying 13 here this is our our options hole Yeah 450 ft players mostly are going to go to this left side and are trying to land either on the other side of the broccoli tree or just in that little section to the right of it to allow for a left to right turning shot to approach the green there is this Hazard on the right side so players from the te can push it all the way up uh that right side it does take about 300 80 ft of effective distance slightly uphill in order to clear the hazard so it’s in the Wheelhouse for some players otherwise just approaching outside of these trees and giving yourself a look is going to get you the birdie it didn’t get birdied much last year and we also got a par stroke back it was actually listed as a par three last year even though it’s a par 4 um so it’s right in the middle of the difficulty I don’t think we’ve seen a birdie on it yet though okay and you are correct we got a two-way tie at the top right now with King and Rebecca Cox both the two down and then uh a whole got eight people tied it one down right now let’s go yeah anybody’s game definitely can’t win it on the first day but you can lose it on the first day and there’s a lot of people who can still win it yes there are I mean yeah four strokes back you have almost your to whole top 20 20o yeah that’s cool that’s the kind of coar design I like yeah Haley last year did try to go up this right side she did I think twice and I don’t think was successful either time but with the less penalizing hazard situation where she’s not going to have to R she could go up this right side even not get there pitch up and still get a yeah exactly so I don’t know what she’s going to do I’m excited to see [Music] this know too Bri you oh never mind we’re we’re gonna sneak ahead to Jennifer Allen on 14 while they figure it out and found that same one as lorensen that’s trying to get a lot of distance yeah off the te when you know they could throw the gut shot kind of a low power shot and just get out there Brian do you have an idea what they’re waiting on here on on 13 you know I don’t the green is clear I’m actually up by the basket on 13 uh yeah not not sure not sure Ian all right I think they’re working through a scoring issue right now sorry I really love the new scoring app by the way yes it is so nice like if someone has enters the wrong score it like makes everyone clear it up before you move on to the next hole it avoids this like after the round Shenanigans it’s it’s really fantastic design King does not go up the middle but going for big distance over that broccoli tree hoping for it to fade back into the Fairway she looks like she’s happy with it Brian talk to us about that King Drive how’s she looking I actually think it might be on that right side um definitely heard some cabbage but uh not not entirely sure where it landed all right we’ll find out shortly Klein going the same route slow turn outside of the broccoli tree wow that is perfect it’s such a tight Gap there to penetrate in front of the broccoli tree through that tiny Gap that you cannot see really impressive stuff Scoggin goes at the forehand play so she’s short of that broccoli tree then yes but right enough that she may have a play is he genon that had a great shape on it wow yeah that’s it being in the front of that is perfect now she’s got a really open shot for for her second maybe we’ll see a birdie on this leag card oh yeah chances look good for at least one of them to get up and down ooh jumping ahead to 16 and lorensen she is one off the lead after three straight Bogies and looks like we might see another one oh maybe not a almost caught that right Edge but we got a new Drop Zone on 16 Sarah yes we do talk about that I think it might change people people’s people’s play it’s a lot closer than it used to be back to 14 for Allen in her second oh this is smoked Sarah slow turn and everything that’s that’s great Jen Allen doing Jen Allen things sure enough it’s a live look down at 13 for our flight Factory drone see the broccoli tree just about Center screen and all that Dead Space right there where you see the gallery that’s all out of bounds so on the left side of the broccoli tree is just that’s not good at all so that little tiny bit on the right side is all you have to work with should be on Scoggin Landing up her second down there there she is I wonder what happened to Justin oh it’s a Friday he’s probably working ah oh really mhm oh yeah he works from the road while she plays so on a if it’s a weekday he’s not out there with her oh wow that looks good yeah she have a long look but uh you know no elevation on this scen is primed for a a big run Allan her third on 14 you can just see the basket over the hill she should get par huh she definitely could it’s probably a layup she’s looking close to Circle two you know but par after hitting the first tree is really good with you there lenen can’t say the same she did pick up a bogey after that early tree hit we looking for Haley King’s disc over here Brian what are we doing yeah I was on that right side OB um yeah unfortunate was it OB or Hazard Ryan this is past the hazard so there’s white flags now past that little OB Hazard bunker uh she just takes traditional OB rules and plays it where it went out thank you Brian one more look at this King shot in this from the catch cam I liked how she turned it out of her hand but yeah not stable enough I mean you need that turn to come around those trees but all right second shot for Ganon coming up I missed right but it’s scoots in the circle two at least Klein in her second oh great shot excellent technical approaches for both these ladies everything has to be a low shot you’re kind of picking the line that you like the best from that distance Raven looking for the first birdie of the day on 13 hey she and getting our first look at that new Drop Zone on 16 as you can see Lorenson heading there after the OB Drive so look at about 50 ft this angle though Sarah oh my for a right-handed putter it’s tough but you could throw an Annie up there yeah yeah you could and but lenon smartly throws up a layup and we’ll grab her fourth bogey in a row oh wow look at how far Haley is she almost looks like she’s past the hazard area I think that’s what Brian was saying if you can see that right side is yeah she crossed over so I mean man yeah I want her to go up the right side yeah I’m going to tell her that later today texting her right now there we go no we don’t do that Sarah that’s true we don’t do that I won’t do that like got us in trouble one time she wouldn’t listen to me anyway she’s a she’s an independent woman she is over to Scoggin for biry from Circle 2 she’s due Sarah a all over it she is so Scoggin will stay one off the lead Missy Ganon putting for birdie and this for a share of the lead another oh man that seemed like it rolled too yeah that’s going to be another tester man I thought she had gotten her putt she kind of had some trouble trouble early and then it felt like she had really got it dialed back in in the last few holes there it is he had the feeling she was going to make that one you know yeah it’s Miss Canon for whatever reason it’s easier to make a par putt than a birdie putt for you you guys maybe and Raven here we go let’s get this birdie yeah for the first of the day on whole 13 there it is hey yo love that this is King for par and Scoggin should also PR one of those there is the Scoggin par and they are off to Hole 14 and while they make that walk we’re going to let our sponsors talk we’ll be back in just a few I think this golfing can improve our community in many ways it brings people together that may be some of these kids who feel a little bit lost could find something like this golf find friends find people to come together and play the sport encouraging people to work together kids to know one another love one another a way for these kids to have a really fun thing to do together I think that’s what we need in the world love one another and do life together I’m beyond excited to introduce my first disc with MVP the prism proton Envy also known as rebirth I absolutely love the fact that my name’s on it and I’m going to be able to throw it it’s an incredible disc the 2024 Prodigy Signature Series are here the signature series explores the evolution of flight get yours March 22nd on prodigy and at your local retailer my name is Garrett girthy and I’m the founder of double G craft jerky I love the fact that it’s resealable I can just get a little bit keep my energy levels up but not eat like a half of a meal in the middle of my round my favorite bag is the smash Cracked Pepper that’s my perfect salty snack this is my go-to the sex and sweet and spicy if this bag gets open there’s no need for the seal cuz I’m going to eat it all [Music] green of 14 with Hanley coming back up the hill for birdie cans it saw a little bit of putting struggles early but that looked very confident back on 14’s T Haley King yep using that airspace looks like he’s going to end up on that right side which is also totally fine just kind of pick your poison left side is where most people are going to try to land but the right side is open scin also kind of over on that right side they’ll probably take that right side uh off the backand on their next shot I like that they use this airspace that left side has all the airspace the sidearm makes sense to me we’ve seen a couple really skilled backhand throwers hit these early trees trying to flex something Canon taking the right Gap this is her play she’s done this a few years in a row now okay does the job off the te Lorenson throwing two on 17 doesn’t look like she’s far enough up the Fairway to really go for this pin I see her coming out to the left and then pitching over that’ll be over 200 feet for par to get up and down yeahhuh and back with Klein 14’s Fairway fading back into that left side I do need to correct a boo boo on 13 apparently we have it’s marked as a three on our live scoring playing as a four right Sarah yeah it’s definitely a par four okay so everyone is one stroke better than they appear on your live scoring right yeah yeah that would make sense yeah it was a part it was accidentally listed as a par three last year we just kind of went with it gotcha um uh Your Leader is right there Stacy ronley and she’s on the tf16 coming off two straight birdies on 14 and 15 and back to 14 oh speaking of 14 in scorecard all right these are all prime for the pick in these last three they’re they’re very penalizing when you miss but also they’re there if you can execute the shots so 1 two three Stacy had the distance to get all of these and she’s coming off a decently recent injury yeah she’s only been back I think just the one event or two events couple just a couple of events since her back injury strong showing gandon with a strong showing down the hill with her second on 14 in position to attack for birdie from there goggin in her second so she is going to go to this left side is this too far this may be the OB is not the sidewalk like it usually is it is off of the sidewalk like 20 ft so that looks OB too much anheiser on that release for Scoggin Loren’s third on 17 you saw the second she needs to to Nestle this one close oh well she must have heard me that’s real close that’ll save her par yeah your tournament leader Stacy ronley sparkling up 16’s teapad oh that looks oh oh no that’s not is it going to re fisura all the way there it is not oh what a bummer this hole is so demanding that had the power on it it was just too low and the water just sucks it down anyway King on 14 with her second wants to miss right yeah that’s a great shot yep good position it’s blind from there but you have to get it really far down there to have a look an open look on your approach for birdie yeah so you can see from this overhead view the Fairway used to be at the sidewalk and now brought it into that line the golf Fairway yeah gotcha Klein’s third that’s really close to the line the OB line is about a meter off of that green Brian thoughts on that shot from Klein is she in is she out and and how is Scoggin looking can’t she get up and down from where her her Mark will be yeah Scoggin can get up and down from where her Mark is uh she’s pretty far back but I think a good Skip and roll is is enough to get her in position to make a putt in regards to Raven I believe she’s going to be right on the line from what we’re seeing but I think it might uh might not be in bounds unfortunately I had you back rough break if that’s the case thanks Brian for the update while they figure out this lie Rebecca Cox tied for second T of 16 uhoh kind of airs it out oh splash back to 14 for Scoggin and her fourth you got a distance guess on this one Sarah I sure don’t I know it’s farther than I can throw do that like 3 300 320 maybe more than that yeah probably huh yeah okay also further the known can throw apparently it was a good line though she put on it I think she did everything right there it’s just you know she could still make that putt though that is circle two mhm yep death putt but you know it’s it’s all scogins she’s different yeah I mean it’s okay love the variety and everybody’s games out here you know it just really makes the game so interesting does Missy Ganon her third oh birdie here and she will likely have a share of the lead ronley has a long power putt on 16th Island this is in her wheelhouse yeah that’s great even the roll towards the basket uphill putt couldn’t ask for a better look at birdie love everything about that from Missy ronley to maintain her solo lead once nothing to do with that there’s a Katrina Allen and Rebecca Cox looks like they both headed to the drop zone as well Lorenson in for par you saw that approach that was beautiful Sarah yes you asked for it to get close and she put it in the bullseye for you back to 14 King her third blind approach little fluffy a lot fluffy mhm edge of circle see if she can find the center like Miss along there so you have an uphill comebacker you know something you can run I would agree yeah and looks like Raven is out of bounds so that yeah it looks like that one little corner on the other side of this block wall is not in dang that’s unfortunate it is o basket hunting yeah 15f footer yeah maybe that basket needs an extendo flag it probably could use one huh yeah is that is that like too easy though yeah right yeah exactly is that like a tournament director like no we’re not doing that got a reward how dare you you want to how dare you see where the basket is all but if you put yourself on the right side you actually can see the basket so exactly right a placement problem Hanley 16 last time she threw this one it was out of bounds losing the playoff to King that wind is keeping it over there and that one’s wet too on the other side this time this is a scogin bid for par and we’ll have that left for bogy she’s banged so many of those C2 puts like I watch them all I just assume they’re go yeah King for birdie and the approach game and the putt game c Miss she’s had so many opportunities I mean really her t-shot game has been Stellar yeah seriously she’s just been kind of fluffing those up shots and leaving herself long puts the combination of her short game is just not helping her out today yeah but even with all of that she’s still tied for the lead so that’s you know a lot of times these short game issues do not go from day to day they’re you know you’re gonna she’s going to come back with some good putting in the future like putting is kind of a day-to-day thing isn’t it you know you wake up and some days you got it and some days it’s not there I think for most people that’s how it works now for some people like Missy and own it doesn’t work like that but for the US mere mortals Canon this I believe a stroke on the card and a share of the lead yes it is have a three-way tie at the top now King ronley and Ganon as Scoggin cleans up bogy let work out to a Seventh Place tie for Scoggin with all Handley and ARP lorensen and Ryan it is tight at the top still Sarah no one separating from this pelaton Allen T of 16 can someone land in a bounds it’s been a minute since we’ve seen one oh that’s pushing too far again that’s not stable enough also 100 fet pass you flew the back wall come on Jennifer oh you throw a mid honey no seriously she absolutely rips man oh Jad Allen problems yep there you go and we are still just two strokes separating your entire top 10 and then goes all the way to your top 12 actually all within two strokes of the lead anybody’s game through day one t of 17 with ronley oo I like the sidearm play here I think it shapes up really well yes what a swing that puts in her her in position for a possible Birdie being on that right side really makes that second shot easier through that canopy too 100% back to 15 and looks like Missy Ganon with the Box going with the wide higher so good bullseye Missy really dialing it in here on these last couple holes yeah Haley King will need a birdie now to maintain her share of the lead again and parked this looks pretty good too although maybe it needs to get down Sarah those trees may help it ask and you shall receive apparently keeping her out of bounds that’s a very penalizing Miss cuz you actually don’t get to just take it where you were that’s right Klein yeah letting that wind bring it back over well done looks like in inside the circle Scoggin says turn this will it fight back in time it will not to the drop zone go gogins jumping over to Rebecca Cox on the TF 17 wow her distance has oh my improved by so much in the last year that drive was awesome yeah let’s check out Sarah’s keys for closing brought to you by our friends at blacking a premium disc golf store so we want to St calm and focused don’t get caught up in the scores manage those islands we’ve got an island on 16 obviously and then the new island green on 18 you got to know whether you should be going for these shots or not I mean play them safe if you if you don’t need The Strokes early in this rounds I don’t think people need strokes but they they might be wanting to go for it with that new Drop Zone on 16 yeah and then execute 18’s t- shot put pressure on everybody else if you missed that te it could it could uh kind of spiral into a multi-stroke swing so that t- shot is going to be really important looking down at the Drop Zone on 15 for Scoggin in her third oh my gosh I was worried about it go no be and then it almost went in the foliage being the uh the extra man out here it’s open Scoggin will walk to her OB drive before she drops in bogey but we got biry chances otherwise ronley on 17 with a decision to make for her second what are you doing Sarah if you’re Cad and Stacy right now I’m probably letting I’m probably telling her to go for this as long as she has a run up and is not obstructed I think this is you know big Heiser on this right side she can also throw the sidearm I think it’s open for her yeah looks like it looks like she might just be waiting for the green to clear while she waits jumping back to 15 a birdie Look for King there’s a putt that was great Pace on her stroke as well and she will maintain her share of the lead it would be great for her to make a few more putts down the stretch to bring some confidence going into tomorrow yeah Klein for birdie SS that one just right she is still out unfortunately now putting for par there is gon maintaining her share of the lead the iconic hole 16 coming up on the other side of the break we will catch you there I can’t wait Ricky distance driver in hand what what just happened uh what just happened Yaki blows up the basket on the 16th I don’t know what that is but it definitely bombs [Music] Ricky distance driver in hand what what just happened uh what just happened Yaki blows up the basket on the 16 I don’t know what that is but it definitely bombs [Music] so you want to throw further okay here’s the plan step one join the power dis Golf Academy step two watch Holland hanley’s lessons on how to properly select discs that are appropriate for your skill level step three watch Paul Yul Barry’s x-step lessons to help you build a solid foundation for generating power step four watch Simon laz’s lessons on upper body mechanics to make make sure you’re giving the disc the best opportunity for distance step five watch Ezra ader hold’s max distance lessons to build your most powerful swing step six use our fieldwork drills to dial it all in and last step go out and crush your personal best distance record ready go [Music] welcome back to the iconic whole 16 although if you’re a player this might be Infamous rather than iconic yeah notorious uh round ruining whole 16 yeah it’s fun to watch though I’ll tell you that from this side it sure is fantastic but when you’re just throwing directly just over water and you know that the end of the flight is the only place you can touch land but with this new drop zone I’m really stoked on the way it’s playing out I think more people are going to be trying to make the island genon does it have enough skip oh yeah the pure Heiser if it doesn’t flip up quite enough that’s not really going to get there for a player with Miss’s power need that Flex I mean maybe Holland or some of the other big Haley probably doesn’t need to flex it but 320 with water playing like 3:30 last time she threw this shot she won the tournament that might come back no not so much well better round one than the than the playoffs you know no doubt good time to miss we got a few more days to figure that one out yeah oh this is one t-shot you don’t want to trip on line does it have the Integrity Sarah a that wind is just keeping everything out that outright oh shouts to that guy appreciate you my man sure our players do too yeah doing the Lord’s work yeah and Scoggin wants no part of that drop zone okay this is the first layup I’ve seen after watching the entire card throw a b i don’t we got to get on some backups apparently that’s it’s no easy shot though from that right side easily I mean if you can take a double from that side the ronley second looks High Sarah she grabbed some foliage right off the tea or right off her shot so I don’t know if it’s going to get there maybe no oh she’s right on the on the line Rebecca Cox throwing two on the same little more crowded look can we get some trim on those branches a little bit manang two two players in good position maybe we don’t want to be in position on that hole it just tips you huh yeah yeah we are walking over here to the own scogin t-shot she’ll look for the up and down to grab a stroke on the card well likely anyway yeah so this I like this play but also you got to execute it because if you miss from where own is now you’re you’re probably going to take a double whereas from the Drop Zone you’re maximum four if you lay it up and play smart and not the easiest shot here Sarah no nothing easy about this that didn’t cross in it didn’t look like it did but that’s going to be a call for the cart it hit the bank but it’s the string is like six Ines off that bank let’s see if we can tell from the replay thanks to Drew Gibson a couple years ago you remember that yeah that’s I don’t think it touched I don’t think so but the card may give it to her cuz it’s so incredibly close that you can’t tell from the naked eye that it is so close to the line and we were seeing it in slow-mo if the card gives this to her I would not uh I would not argue throwing four ronley 17 so a little more open look to redo this shot that’s a good one yep and we’ll have that for five Cox also throwing four that’s okay yep puts it close so own they did not give her that which is probably the right call yeah it seemed like it this is for boy this is what I was worried about the Miss now she’s you know now she’s getting a double yeah it definitely does bring five into the equation that Dr whereas you could just like drop it off the te and go to the Drop Zone and take a four you literally could huh you literally could yeah but I mean if you think you can get the three I get it hey it’s the the double eights loving the fit the pink to support heck yeah love it oh look at the Hat even oh my goodness multiple hat I’m going have to go get my pink clothes on and go hang out with these guys later seriously so that’s the new Drop Zone Sarah was mentioning uh genon for par link up for bogey that’s good enough one thing about the Miss if you do actually try to make this you’re not going to miss the next one it’s most likely going to be out of bounds or just right there I don’t think it’s the worst idea to go for this putt they’re not feeling it right now though no I mean maybe not on Friday yeah it’s a Sunday put CLE also lays up while we’ll have three bogeys and a double from your feature card on 17 or 16 excuse me I’d like to see own go for this in the future yeah I think yeah I think she’s got the distance with her sidearm with that big you know that Flex that she’s got I I think I think she should go for it right and if anybody’s going to save par from 50 ft you know it is that lady I would pick her yeah maybe not today she hasn’t really been dialed on the c2s today but that’s just one day water nice good that’s oo a chess bronley for bogey 17 this is from circle’s Edge oh yeah she St she stared it down a little she like you stay in there the 5050 ball slides into the bucket this thing was teetering let’s roll back that zuka replay thanks auk for rolling this back and thanks to Stacy for rolling it in wow thanks to the cage we got two zuka homers in the in the booth this weekend heck yeah Rebecca Cox for bogy and that will turn into a double I think she knew she wasn’t going to make that as soon as she let it go yeah think or even before she let it go that Pine was in her way little frustrating uh situation there taking a look at your scores there just a couple left to go we’ll see how it shakes out on the other side of the break we’ll be back in just a few is your passport to teaching and learning the game our mission to teach disc golf and make it accessible to everyone worldwide from Alaska to Africa Guatemala to Canada and and Beyond you play Disc Golf has spread its wings teaching the Love of the Game across the globe get involved in our movement to make disc golf a universal Joy explore youlis and join us in helping people find flight I’m David Wiggins and in 2016 I set the disc golf world distance record with a throw of 118 ft with I’m m in the field measuring a max distance throw or on the course checking the elevation change for an up shot I rely on the eagle Seeker 360 to give me accurate distances it’s the only Rangefinder on the market that measures in feet yards and meters it’s USBC rechargeable and features a lithium ion battery visit Eagle Seeker to get yours today brought back by popular demand zlight plastic from disc craft disc that you already know and love now available in lighter weights Zite more distance with less effort Ricky what what just happened Yaki blows up the basket on the 16th I don’t know what that is but it definitely bombs Lorenson for a share of the clubhouse lead on 18 Valiant effort there for the birdie on that elevated pin after she landed safe on this brand new island green little bit of comebacker here at one point was your leader but ran into some trouble on 13 14 15 16 oh 13 is a par I guess taking a look at your hot rounds presented by frza Ina that’s the fun fact about the hot round on day one Sarah is it is also your leaderboard yeah that makes it pretty easy so a couple in the clubhouse at minus one ronley coming off a really nice bogey putt on 17 takes 18’s te oh doesn’t like it I was curious about the sidearm play here the water is on the right with a slope towards it fortunate tree perhaps yes that means she’ll be able to lay up to the bottom and go over on her third back on 17 Missy genon oh boy this needs help kind of airs it out there that wind is just going to push it into the OB not what she was looking for at least she got most of the distance on that t- shop before it faded OB she was counting on some headwind flip there perhaps Sarah yeah I think so it’s kind of crossy it is isn’t it not going to turn it as much as you wish and it sure didn’t there Haley playing with the sidearm trying to get over to that right side catches some foliage but she is there another crucial decision kind of that ronley Cox position we saw a little while back Klein same issue as M Missy had just could not get that nose angle over and the win is pushing it OB that cross one is tough for that backhand shot right now really and you’re going uphill as well so the natural tendency is put that wing and the nose up really favoring the forehand and you can really see why Scoggin goes to that oh Obie right in play friendly tree Tombstone it’s a low speed Tombstone yeah I think it’s a little muddy right there I guess so Le you know where it is ronley throwing two on 18 after the tree hit off the te lay up here Sarah what are we doing yeah to try to go across on this one would be crazy yeah Hanley for par on 17 just two off the lead after the eventful day she’s had actually some nice birdies on 14 and 15 this looks really obstructed she’s going to have to go anheiser low with a push putt this is almost imposs we’ll see if she can get this in there oh takes her time patience let’s roll back that zuka replay wow that is great back to the Fairway for Scoggin in her second nice placement shot she will be approaching from about a 150 ft from there to try to get her up and down for the par this hole’s really tough to birdie we really haven’t seen very many I mean so far Stitch’s the only one that’s gotten this one wow really which she is not the one I would expect to get it takes so much distance yeah Erica came in with a plus two today not bad yeah tied for 13th this is gon third after her OB drive so likely looking at bogey do you press it and try to save par you oh no play for bogey from here Miss’s way too smart for that that would be yeah know she stays inside her game yeah you know she has a lot of skills but a very specific set of skills that she does almost with 100% accuracy and this is one of them a placement [Music] bronley her third on 18 pretty nice layup there Sarah absolutely I mean as close as you can get without going OB and there she puts it you know 15 ft to tap out the par to finish off a great round nice back to 17 for Klein and her third after the OB Drive y That’s what’s there so you take it huh yep least are a little further left but it just makes a longer approach it’s uh most players I think are going to play this layup on the second shot it’s it’s really difficult to imagine the shots that get out of the Gap far enough to really go for it yeah so hard decision here for Haley looks like she’s going for it catches a bit of foliage but very little is it enough oh look short isn’t it yeah it looks short to me Brian Haley coming up short there on her second yeah quite a bit she lost a lot of speed even though the amount of tree she caught was minimal it was pretty powerful unfortunately a man tough break there for Haley and we’ll throw four and try to salvage a bogey as we watch Hanley on the T of 18 they’re telling me a birdie for Hanley will get her on the league card this looks great good control yeah that should Prime her up to go across on the next shot and get that birdie back to 17 King her fourth forehand this time and we’ll have that for a Boi so King and Ganon both likely taken Bogies yeah both of our leaders yeah Rebeca Cox putting for Birdie on 18 looking to bounce back from the six on oh right there an important putt coming up for ronley as well this is in effect for a share of the lead once 17 concludes for your pature card no those elevated pins so easy just surfs out sometimes yeah and then this wind I mean it’s a crosswind you know it’s the wind that’s going to push you out from that angle you almost wish you were left-handed right now scogin third is onto the green maybe the bucket oh my [Applause] [Laughter] gosh love own smile and attitude Klein and her fourth contagious get up there oh okay tree left that was helpful and genon also throwing four yep well done nice recovery after that out of bounds still unfortunate though she will walk away with bogey yeah dropping back down to one which is where our leaders are at and it is so tight it is have a four-way tie at the top Emily weatherman Hannah wi Ganon and king after 17 ends that’s assuming King can even get in for bogey true I don’t think she was super close well yeah they both both Haley and Missy are not parked and have missed some putts today that we don’t normally see yeah look at all the Strokes that are flying all over the place recently though like this is going to be fun on Sunday Sarah yes it will will I wonder if some of the pressure of players having access to the win with all the Euros gone I wonder if this is affecting their mental game a little bit if it’s changed their mindset at any in any way king with a bogey look ah she just wants to get off the course right now without having to putt anymore and go work that Putt in the on the green today after her round that’s going to drop King back into about fourth place Ty Klein misses right again with the look at the hand like who are you attached to I know how that feels I’m sure we all do yep now she’s got to let that go and um and literally Let It Go yeah but not too early the Miss here is usually chain left let’s see let’s find the center using her whale sack to dry off the grips there we go snucker in Ganon for Bogey and a share of the lead that does the job for Missy you got a three-way tie now King will be in fourth this is a Scoggin [Applause] par and a double for King and that’s a football all and hany on 18 you saw the drive the up and down and she will have a share of the lead this is probably just under 300 ft so a mid in her case the line is nice look great oh my gosh nestled oo hauling oh that’s a great feeling throwing that shot knowing that you have zero pressure left yeah right couple minutes off of No Stress after the day she had she’s going to end it with a share of the lead who would have th it and The Strokes are flying all over the place and champions Landing today and we’re going to fly this new hole 18 you like the change there I do I thought it was too soft last year so players are going to throw probably a backand that flexes and comes right into about here and then they’re probably going to go across from about 280 is from here if they do lay up the layup skillfully layup this downhill um for just a couple hundred feet the green is most all of circle one is pretty much in bounds it’s wide but a little bit um short in depth so so it’s got a slight uphill to make the putting a little bit interesting especially from that backside you could definitely roll away OB there Allan wanting no part of this lays it up I must have looked away for that was a birdie putt for Jennifer she had a kind of a rough back six as it were for three Bogies and a double between 13 and 17 Ali Smith for Brady nice that was right at that range that she said she’s been struggling with so great to see her hit the center awesome I don’t even think it’s Holland yet nope Montgomery instead that’s a birdie for Kona and get back the four over on the day that’s not bad first round coverage still in the hunt it is in the hunt isn’t it your leader at one right yeah yeah and speaking of leaders that’s one of them right there Holland Hanley tied with Ganon Emily weatherman and Hannah wi as you can see there looks like the Gang has reached 18s T oh gogin nice shot there stable enough that is not going to like get to the right side and kind of go out of bounds she pushed that left broccoli tree pretty well Missy genon excellent shot from Missy Haley King off the lead by one needs to birdie for League car tomorrow that’s not going to help a ton Sarah catches that right side tree she could still go across from that lie it pushed out a little bit but it’s going to be a dicey shot we’ll see if she goes for it Klein a little low but it is safe for Raven H and we’re going to sneak in a very quick break as they make their way down the Fairway we’ll be back in in just a few the 2024 Prodigy Signature Series are here the signature series explores the evolution of flight and captures our players personalities along the journey from prehistoric to Flying machines the theme for the 2024 Signature Series has some incredible artwork on some amazing pieces of [Music] plastic get yours March 22nd on Prodigy and at your local retailer hello we’re Kenna we’re a Dutch growing company we love plants and we want to tell you some cool things about them just like humans plants can communicate they can sense when another plant is close plants look out for each other too they warn Neighbors about nearby threats by secreting substances and Studies have shown that plants love a good tune we love and understand plants let our passion excite you too King throwing two yeah she is going for it I mean she’s a great thrower of the Frisbee oh wow did she fall that’s a huge relief wow and she will have that to kick off one of your six-digit pdj numbers that are on the lead card right now we got two or three on there right now I think look at this calling for the Skip and she gets it that’s the more emotion I’ve seen out of her for a while yeah it is yes praying to the Frisbee gods they worked that time Scoggin across the water with her second oh lovely M close to the [Applause] bullseye Miss see Ganon lining up from the middle of the Fairway she’s got about 220 to the pin left to right wind it’s coming up short is it going to get all the way there she she’s safe she’ll have an uphill putt with the wind at her back thank you Terry not safe by much Sarah sticks The Landing though that’s all that matters and she’s in the good wind yeah Raven sits about 250 a little bit downhill here nice gentle Tailwind pulls it to the fat side of the green up against the Rocks 40-footer not too shabby opportunities all right she will take it thank you Brian she’ll have the fun wind from there yeah Brian well we’re going to get some 18 thoughts we go Brian first and then terry fire away guys well yeah I actually I think I like this hole I like that the t-shot requires you to get way up the Fairway if you want something comfortable I also like that the slope in front of the basket uh is as close to the basket as possible so we could see some players hit the base of the basket and roll OB so playing to that fat side of the right is a little bit safer so we’ll see I’m interested to see what the scoring averages are over the course of the weekend how about you Terry unfortunately I didn’t get to hear the genius insights that Brian was offering up but I’m going to probably Echo what he says actually I want to Echo really what Sarah was talking about earlier I just love that they changed it up so that you have to go you have to make this decision and we saw Haley King at 3:30 or so just knowing to play within your game and is that a shot you want to take and when a high pressure situation comes along Haley obviously going after it today and then you you’re going to see when players are thinking about laying up there’s still a waterers Edge that they could creep into even on a layup so that’s going to come into play I think throughout the entire weekend yeah with you there ter we saw that ear earlier from Stacy she really pushed that OB line comes up quickly that is Raven walking over to her 40-footer see what she does with it I would not blame a layup Raven’s known for being pretty aggressive on the putting green so I see her trying to make an attempt at this nope wrong again I think she was going for it I I I do yeah you you don’t throw a layup that hard right you know you give a little L you know it I’m trying to give you this one Sarah just just take just take it just take it and now Missy with a you know Tailwind putt uphill to take the solo lead thank Brian asked for it and it almost just happened put it out there so Missy’s putting Rose R continue today but tomorrow is a new day and she’s still right there with that tie at one under par yeah horse playing hard today it sure is and here’s to make it a five-way tie at the top and this will kick Hanley off of your league card there she goes confident putt by Haley bringing that into tomorrow’s round hopefully she can increase those putting stats a little bit gon for her share of the lead and Lead card tomorrow five way Tai can we just get a five some that’d be fun right we’ll get to watch all the Holland shots anyway though should we honor our Chase Card coverage Scoggin with a nice birdie to finish you know only three off the lead you know [Applause] and cent in and we’re going to take a quick look at your scores after day one still tight Two Strokes the entire top 10 incredible and Holland Hanley lost this one in a playoff last year she is with Grant zelner on the ground let’s set it on down sharing some smiles here in the booth with Holland Hanley Holland you were talking about needing a moment of relief after the round today the wind not as up as it has been but still pretty impactful talk about your round yeah I mean we start started off really really good um I know I had the bogey on whole one but really that was just trying out a new disc and it wasn’t quite as beefy as I as I thought um but then getting four in a row thought we were cruising and then uh yeah the wind just like grabbed a putt from me on on seven gave me a double Bogey and then the wind on eight was pretty treacherous today you get that like right to left crosswind on eight and it just gets it’s really hard to compensate for it and then uh same thing on nine another just missed putt that wasn’t that bad but got away with me got away from me and and cost me another OB stroke but um you know for for the most part was able to kind of let go of the frustration and and still like kind of wrangle the the round and kind of get hold of things again a lot of rounds uh I saw today go off the rails there at that 89 stretch yours could have you brought it back together closed with three birdies in the final five holes especially that last one did you have a sense that that last putt would put you onto the lead card uh I thought maybe if I got close to even that might give me lead or or Chase card I know Midway through the round the lead at one point was at like three or four down or something like that um so really my goal uh after nine holes was just to get back to get back to even In fairness there’s actually a five-way tie right now in first so we’ll see how the tiebreaker goes probably be on Chase guard either way either way you’re in great position a lot of talk even the the Marshall there at the end of the round reminding everybody prepare for the rain tomorrow morning so clearly it’s in everybody’s mind as much as we don’t want to talk about it how’s that going to impact things given how difficult the course played today um mostly when I’m going to probably do like my run-ups and stuff I’m not going to be throwing it as hard as I can I’m going to probably treat it more like a Woods course where you have to be a little bit more careful about your feet so you don’t slip um which honestly that’s how I was on some of the occasions I did have a little bit tighter line today and it was really working for me so probably treat it a little bit more like like Woods lines where you need to be cautious about where your feet are and then you know just just realize that it’s it’s going to be a day um there’s going to be frustrating things that happen but that’s going to be happening to everybody so it doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad for your positioning players struggled a great deal today trying to hold the island green at 16 maybe some waffling trying to decide what else to do is it ever a thought in your mind that you would lay up on 16 or are you going for the island every time what’s your strategy there um I did practice the layup just to to have it kind of in the back pocket but uh in my mind you know if you do the layup Play You’re a three or a five you go for it you’re a two or a four um and I I would kind of I’d just rather not bring the five into play that’s kind of what I decided today and I threw a pretty good shot that that you know got it it got a little drifty on me which of course it’s going to in this wind and I was lucky enough to land just barely in bounds um so I felt like I kind of got a free stroke today um on that one inside the mind of Holland Hanley she’s tied for first with four others heading into moving day at the dynamic dis open and welcome to the booth at Champions land Ian Anderson Sarah hook right there any reaction to to Holland’s words there yeah I think it’s uh she’s she’s primed and ready she she understands and respects the issues she had um but I think she’s still coming in full confidence tomorrow yeah day one at this this tournament at this course got a couple changes how’ you feel about it I like the changes I think they’re really good and I’m surprised that we didn’t see any lower scores with wind down the weather Great you know I think the nerves are coming in and I’d like to see a lot of resilience in these players CU it seems to me if you stick with it a lot of people have a chance to win this one yeah I’m with you everybody had great shots but also we everyone ran into some trouble out there it’s kind of easy to happen at this course y absolutely we’re going to send it off to the o one more quick break we have the OTV after show on the other side we will catch you there back in just a bit pound’s the best of the best it’s quality the craftsmanship the vision for what a bag could be let’s start from the beginning I didn’t choose pound I chose Levi I trusted Levi to make the best bag possible he’s always trying to innovate he wants it to be perfect and I think he’s the kind of guy that nothing’s ever perfect I trust the product I trust the people behind the product at this point I don’t think anyone’s disputing that it’s the best made bag in a backyard Kingdom not so different from your [Music] [Music] own the prince of Southern royalty was born the plastic Stone [Music] Su card am made to fit you and we have the accessories to prove it rainy umbrella holder or a rainfly got a good grip so do we drink and snacks pouches and drink holders boom turn your seat into a sofa put your Putters in a pouch and extra room for anything else you need make your cars yours with zuka accessories yeah baby yeah that’s love talking about you dyamic this open Champion Parker [Music] [Applause] and welcome into the OTB after show we should probably give some shouts to the other league Card members tomorrow yeah so joining Haley and Missy on that lead card we have Hannah win and Emily weatherman who have uh had some couple good showings this year Hannah just got 13th at the Champions Cup okay and also at the US major for the women she got 15th those have been her best finishes okay but of course leading up to now 13th last week you know she’s got a great chance today and played really really clean and then um Emily weatherman she really made her breakout appearance earlier this year at Texas with a top 10 finish oh nice it’s the first time we’ve really seen her finishing up at that high so I’m looking forward to seeing her game I don’t know much about it yet honestly I really love when we get new players you know this is gonna be really fun yeah I’m with you there like look at Hannah win scorecard zero double Bogies today which most of the women cannot say yeah everybody on the league card played relatively clean but no no no players with no Bogies yeah pretty pretty incredible we got Tournament Central coming up after the conclusion of the show if you guys are pro subscribers that is coming up for you um do we have oh excuse me it is before the mo show there’s your Tournament Central Banner we hear from Haley King Missy Ganon will be your Tournament Central will be 30 minutes before the no show um also joining us obviously on that lead on the share with the share the lead H and Handley she’ll be sniping from that Chase Card be fun to watch me a little less pressure on the Chase card you know well she’s kind of on the second feature today and I’m not sure that I mean obviously she played good so it’s uh it’s helping I I prefer that second card though for real yeah there it is OTB shot of the daytime yeah let’s far oh do you know what it is oh I have I have a contender I’m gonna say oh well do you go first I was to say the mass andare yeah that was a good one yeah I mean just be on the island hole but I also you know Missy’s shot was pretty memorable to pop into for that Birdie on nine was very technical it was yeah no no bad picks what what do you got for us Marky fired off buddy yeah it it was the choice it was right there you knew it too off the top of the tray I still got the birdie though which you love to see you know you can see that going the wrong way getting some love from the other hot Goose yeah did they play on the same card must wow who they pay to do that just got to make friends with Jeremy right there are your show times for lat today as well as tomorrow and ter Central kicking off there at that 2:30 time well for everybody on the ground everybody in booth for Sarah and myself thank you guys so much for watching day one and we’ll catch you in just a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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