Golf Players

Episode 24 – Casey Hanemayer

This week Darryl & Jeremy talk with Casey Hanemayer, 2023 Canadian Disc Golf Tour MPO winner and 2023 Canadian Nationals MPO winner. We start the episode with an update on who has the EDGA #1 tag, spoiler it is with Riley Douglas. Darryl recounts the amazing story of his first Ace! Casey was the first professional player that Darryl met at the 2023 Edmonton Open. We talk about Casey’s Rocket Bear fundraiser tournament at Wycliffe DGC in Cranbrook, BC. We have another great origin story for you, can you guess the movie? Casey shares how he got into disc golf. We talk with Casey about his 2023 tournament success and being the first CDGT winner. Casey tells us about his 2024 tournament plans and the going to Australia this year for the WFDF Team Disc Golf Championship. We ask Casey to share how as a professional he practices and prepares for tournaments. We find out what 3 discs Casey would take to a desert island. We ask Casey if he plans on playing more DGPT events. After the interview we talk about the AlBERGa tournament at Niska Paskwahk. We talk about some local tournaments and give an update about our Canadian Pros playing on the DGPT. After that there is only one thing left to do… CHAIN OUT!

Episode 24 YouTube Links to people and companies mentioned in the episode
@noahhiggins1684 @parkedpro @timplamondon2981 @WorldFlyingDiscFederation @jaredisthename @ProdigyDisc @limberdiscgolf7524 @thomasgilbert54 @missfrisbees @max13r

Follow Casey on Instagram @chunkdisc

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0:00 Intro/Banter
2:39 EDGA #1 Tag Update
5:39 Darry’s 1st Ace
9:57 Listener Shout Outs
11:15 Casey Hanemayer Interview, Edmonton Open
14:26 Rocket Bear Tournament
18:55 Rocket Bear Nickname Origin
20:51 Rocket Bear Winners, Tiebreakers and Trophies?
28:20 Origin Story, How did Casey get into disc golf?
33:35 Casey’s 2023 Tournament Success
44:00 Casey’s thoughts on Canadian Disc Golf Courses for DGPT players
49:04 Casey’s 2024 tournament plans & WFDF World Team Disc Golf Championship in Australia
57:23 The professional mindset: practicing for a tournament
1:04:44 Casey’s sponsors, Prodigy, Limber Disc Golf, Cold Garden
1:11:38 Desert Island Discs
1:14:54 Casey’s experience playing DGPT events
1:19:05 Casey’s minute, Team Canada Discs, FlexZone Disc Golf, Listener Questions
1:25:42 AlBERGa tournament at Niska Paskwahk
1:36:40 Tournament talk, USDGC Doubles Qualifier, She’s Up First, Falcon’s Flight
1:42:12 Canadian Pros on the DGPT Update: Thomas Gilbert, Chantel Budinsky, Max Regitnig
1:49:50 CHAIN OUT!

Jeremy from chain out podcast with your favorite co-host Daryl how’s it going buddy I’m doing fantastic Jeremy how are you doing are you all excited for episode 24 you bet two dozen cousin coming to you fresh from the oven that’s awesome what what are you gonna do for 25 I don’t even know yet um still trying to think about what I would do for 25 I think I got a week to figure it out though right it’s okay we can Workshop that yeah did you notice I dressed a little bit for the occasion I did yeah you’re looking very smart yes well you know we’ve got a special guest on tonight and I wanted to make sure to dress appropriately so yeah feels like I might have overdressed a little well if you told me that then I would have got dressed up as well but well you’ve got the button up and the collar and everything I guess so yeah I would like to warn a tie though PR F yeah this is too much this is too much I got okay yeah it’s a little bit too much before before we kind of get to that though you know what we should do we should probably let the listeners what to expect in the show tonight yeah we have a a great episode coming up tonight I think so uh we’re gonna give you an update on the edga bag tag who has number one how many times has it changed hands who’s defended it yeah we’ve also got a kind of special story that you’d like to tell from last week’s um Rundle League maybe yeah maybe um the the main point why everybody is here we’re going to talk to an awesome guest we got Casey hanim coming up on the show later on so excited for that darl and in the meantime if you’re out there listening to us throughout the episode drop some questions in and after the interview we’ll make sure to answer some listener questions yeah we will uh uh give you an update on a tournament that we just did this weekend uh the alberga Championships how how are you feeling Jeremy well a bit of a spoiler on this one is my arm might be a little sore still Daryl do do you need some oh yes it’s the ma40 division this is our sponsor not quite not only does it smell good it uh does wonders for those sore muscles it does the work not a sponsor not a sponsor the other thing we want to tell you guys about is there’s a you know we’re right into the middle of registration season for tournaments and there’s a few registrations that are coming up that we’d like to talk to uh let you know about yeah and then as always we’re going to give a uh a recap on all the Canadians and what they’re H what they’re up to on the the pro tour South of the Border yeah exactly well now that they know what’s coming let’s get right into it so let’s go to that number one tag update yeah so last we left Tim plamen president of the Edmonton Disc Golf Association the fourth edga member to have the tag this year had the number one tag yeah but last Thursday he went up against Riley Douglas and who’s a nice uh emont no player for those of you who don’t know but I’m sure you do and Travis buard and the three of them went out there and when Tim was challenging for the number one tag he seemed to play amazing it was like everything went in nothing would chain out it was perfect but I think when you you know I don’t know if you’ve seen that number one tag but I think it might made out of something heavy cuz it felt like maybe he got weighed down in the round there things didn’t really go his way no we were watching his scores because we got there a little bit later but you me and Mark were watching how it was going and yeah it just wasn’t Tim’s day but he did fight back towards the end he got a birdie and almost uh got Travis but he didn’t manage to beat Travis so that meant he was bottom of the card yeah and Riley had quite the surprise for him didn’t he yeah exactly we like we’ve mentioned before on the uh the update episode where Tim had mentioned that they uh he was being a bit over not overconfident I guess but being confident so they ordered 500 tags uh from Inova and I think Riley might might have been keeping a hold of it just for this for this exact purpose because he was so graciously handing over tag number 499 to Mr Pond so I think that’s probably the biggest swing in tag history I think yeah that’s hilar ious right like from tag number one to tag 499 so I guess uh Mr plont in there is going to have some work to do uh either to challenge again or to work his way back up it would be great if you had you could go down as far as you wanted but you could only go up like a hundred at a time or something like that yeah but I did message with Riley before the show here just to get an idea if anything had happened did the tag change hands but no the tag is still in Riley’s hands right and he’s actually got because we can have up to five people on a card at Rundle league so that’s where he’s putting it up for competition to see if someone can take it out of his hands so he’s already got Greg gaty as one Challenger yeah he’s got sha hre on there too still looking for two more but I’m thinking you know you put like Gabe Pisa on there I don’t know maybe Terry Hong on there you’ve got quite the card yeah that’s a frame of the crop who’s who of disc golfers on that card but you know what I don’t care who they get to to fill in those to two spots just as long as it’s not an Edgar member I think we can all agree on that it needs to stay away from um the Ed Eda board at this point yeah that’s it well I think you know if you’re gonna go up against Riley or at least if it was me the only way I’m gonna have a shot to beat him is I would have had to have an ace in in the round for sure and that might you know maybe do that but yeah it’s funny you say that Jeremy because uh I don’t know if you I don’t know if you for if you forgotten but uh something memorable happened for me uh at rondle League last weekend or last week um so as everybody knows if if you go to rund Lee if you don’t know we start on ho 13 um with the parking lot being out of commission so we start on ho 13 um my round was going okay 13 through to 18 back to one um it was going okay nothing special with standing out so it came to Hole five which is a just a short little pitch shot down the hill um and I believe I was third or maybe I might have even been last on the card I think I was third on the C was I last on the card of that one no you were third I was last oh you was last that’s right because you rolled down the hill um so yeah you know everybody was uh throwing their up shots I stepped up there’s only one disc it had to be it had to be a Berg so uh I pulled my new glow Berg out of my bag we had a if I remember it qu if I remember it correctly I believe there was it was a crisp Summer’s evening the wind was blowing in a easterly direction it was blowing from right to left I kind of stood there I picked out my point I looked at the sky I I I kind of picked out my angles I I checked the wind I I leaned into it I pulled the uh the I pulled the disc back I I sailed it up into the air and you know what because it was me it went into the air it was coming down on a 45° angle it was coming down crashing into those chains and it of course did not chain out and I got my first Ace yeah that was so exciting yeah it was one of those things where I you know I mean it wasn’t an ace run I I’ll admit that it wasn’t like I was throwing it to try and get the ace I was throwing it obviously crash near the basket and and skid and hopefully get away with the birdie but took me by surprise you know I think I probably the first thing I knew that it went in was when you Devin and Mark kind of kind of shouted that it went in I turned around I high-fived everybody and it’s none if anybody’s ever had an ace I mean I’ve had one now but yes you have you don’t know there’s that in between of what do I do do I run and get it do I stay do I grab my bag do I high five do I what do I do so yeah as I was running down the Fairway with my bag um Tim pondon obviously because Rundle whole 13 is quite close to whole five they heard it Go in they heard the cheers Tim came running up and uh yeah go check out Edmonton disc golf association’s Instagram or check mine because it’s on mine or it might even be on chain out I think yeah just look for the guy wearing the beautiful shirt right yeah look for the guy wearing the Ace shirt yes that was awesome deal that was pretty special yeah no and congratulations man but it was also would you say should people start thinking now of what they should do once they get an ace so that they’re prepared for it because is there that there’s that moment of shock right you put it in and then you’re like do I leave my bag do I run do what do what I do yeah no exactly I mean I think it’s just one of those things that you just have to uh you know I don’t think you can be prepared for an ace I think the fact that I didn’t know what to do and I was like in State of Shock running backwards and forwards and not knowing I mean I think that’s part of the enjoyment of getting an ace at least getting your first Ace I know Tim had mentioned before about he’s on number 26 and he threw it in he looked at Travis and kind of yeah okay thanks Travis and then they carried on their conversation but yes the a story came back again Brendan there you go that was it now it’s done you got to live off that man I think I don’t know there you got to have a good run off it what is it a month worth of retailing a month of retails okay I think because the story gets larger and larger each time like I didn’t even remember you doing all those things on the teapad before you threw like I didn’t realize in that three seconds you did so many things exactly yeah I’m my master well Daryl what’s it looking like there are we ready for a guest no I don’t think so not just yet Jeremy I think we can keep on talking all right well let’s do that well we do have Casey Haner joining us tonight and we’re just kind of can we just address some of the people in the chat we just want to give them a shout out can yeah we don’t have many listeners at the moment but uh Brendan’s in the chat Sonia and Kevin is in the chat as well be everyone actually dropped a comment in there hey give us a shout out in the comments MH um yeah reminder for everyone to check check out the Lakeland open lak Land open happening this fall at kit Scotti Alberta August 24th and 25th camping reservations are open now as well so if you’re looking for a tournament later on in the year definitely go and check that one out is it scene I’m assuming uh Brendan yeah that one’s on dis Golf Scene I’m following it and I do know as well with that one darl is that um it’s actually I believe on a golf course and I don’t know I don’t think it’s there all the time I think it’s like a popup on a golf course so oh okay yeah perfect yeah that’s all the shout outs Gavin just joined as well so shout out to Gavin but I think we should get on get on with the show get on to what everybody’s uh been waiting for Jeremy all right well let’s do it so let’s give you an intro for our guest here before we bring him on this week’s guest is an Mo from Cranbrook BC he’s been a PDGA member since 2014 in one of his first tournaments of the this year he scored a 1086 rated round he also has his own tournament called Rocket Bear he’s sponsored by Prodigy discs and Not only was he your Canadian disc golf tour winner last year he was also your Canadian Nationals Champion so we we are so happy to have Casey Hanam on the show so let’s bring him come in Daryl Casey hey Casey how are you doing hello good how are you guys we’re great man so excited to have you thanks for being on the show yeah well darl why don’t you get it out of the out of the way right away here okay so as you probably remember a few months ago there was a um a trend on Instagram about posting photos of the uh the first Pros that you met and although I didn’t get a photo with you you were you were the first pro that I met last year at the Edmonton open and I know when uh ego McMahon uh went to dmania or sorry went to Pei for the dmania open I bet he wasn’t hanging around after the round had finished to help take down all the the tents and stuff like that so got to give you a shout out for that as well yeah no I I always like to help Gander when when I went up there so yeah Calvin always let me stay at his stay at his house so it was just something I thought I would do and help him out and take everything down there’s lots of stuff to lots of stuff to move so I I helped him out yeah exactly yeah we were really impressed by Casey like just how involved you were in the whole event and just for our first experience really getting a chance to see you and to see to us a pro right like a top Pro our first time seeing one and we’re going not only is this guy helping clean up with that stuff he’s winning tournaments he’s participating in what was probably and we talked about this with Ben a couple weeks ago probably something that ended up being a lot longer than you thought it was in the gander slander throwing discs down whole 18 trying to knock down some what seemed like large geese but uh didn’t feel like it when you guys were up there I bet no that’s that’s something that Calvin just does right like he runs a great event and just like little things like that um TDS really don’t think about so yeah I I hope I from what Calvin’s told me this year the the tournament’s even going to be bigger so I’m excited to to come up there again and play yeah nice yeah yeah it’s a big loss not having uh Gander disc gol in Edmonton anymore but we know he’s still around and we’ll we’ll hope to get him on the podcast soon to uh give him a a chat yeah definitely yeah yeah and also to there Casey we know you’ve been busy like even just recently it’s just the tournament season’s already started you’ve been on a podcast you’re coming on a second podcast now and are you finally kind of relaxed from this past weekend because you just had your Rocket Bear tournament happen hey yeah yeah so it’s it’s been a busy couple weeks yeah I uh actually yeah so three weeks in a row now we just do kind of our Coy little Cy um tournament swing here to kind of give get everything get the blood pumping I guess you can say for discol season um yeah on Andre Lauder from Park Pro he kind of runs the the four events and and does a really good job of that and I I just run one of the events in the series and I kind of use it as a as a um thing to um sorry for uh thing for my tournament season a funer I guess you can say yeah and this year it’s not as much of a fundraiser for touring it’s more of a fundraiser for when I’m going to Australia for team uh for Team Canada this year so yeah yeah absolutely do you enjoy kind of like running is that something that you look to do more of tving and getting more involved in behind the scenes oh yeah yeah I I always have said is I never complain about a tournament or you should never complain about a tournament unless you’ve tded an event yeah that’s fair I wouldn’t I would never run an event if I didn’t like it so so it’s it’s just something that I do enjoy and I like seeing people actually play and and obviously like I want to be out there playing with them but it it’s fun to watch everybody play as well so so as a TD this is a question for you as a TD what are you doing while they’re playing are you trying to sneak out on the course and kind of follow them and watch as many groups as you can or is there always something to be doing while they’re out actually on the course playing well this last weekend when I was doing Rocket Bear I have I had to kind of set up the temp course that I had going on at a ball Golf Course here in cranber right so the first round I kind of had to leave pretty much right after I sent everybody out and then I had to go over to that temp course and get everything kind of teed up and ready for the second round and then yeah the first day kind of TDS know it’s like it’s the most stressful day right because you have to input all the scores and or you don’t have to do that anymore but you have to like make sure all the the tea times are ready and or the whole assignments and everything like that and then the the third the second day on the Sunday was pretty relaxing so I went out and watched everybody a little bit and took a couple pictures and know stuff like that it was good yeah awesome yeah that’s really good so is it’s the third year that you’ve done the Rocket Bear tournament is it or correct yeah and are you seeing that it’s growing every year or being out in Cranbrook is it kind of the same group that can is in that area that Z or um yeah we there’s been a coupley people who have asked me that question and I’ve kind of seen probably like 10 or 12 people new people kind of every year it’s it is the regular crowd but I they kind of the reason why I’m running uh Rocket Bear is because I wanted people to come and play W Cliffe like people don’t understand how good of a course we have in cranber like it’s it’s out of the way I understand that but I want people to experience um W cliff and there is a reason why it is number three in Canada so yeah it’s it’s a very very good course and I want people to play it more and more yeah and as uh being ma 40s like um Daryl and I we understood from talking about or hearing about W Cliff that we’re going to need to make sure we’ve got our cardio up before we go out there is that pretty much the case yeah yeah it’s it’s like there there’s a reason why like the first tournament we had out there was called the Cy up and down and it’s still called that right so it is there’s a lot of elevation change and a lot of shot shaping so it’s yeah it’s a very unique course and you won’t get um a lot of you’ll you’ll shoot throw a different shot pretty much every hole on the course so yeah yeah it’s not a boring course um so the name Rocket Bear where did that come from what’s the origin behind that name oh so that’s that’s another Gander thing actually so when I first got that stamp done Calvin from Gander wanted me wanted to get me a stamp and he um got a guy artist out of Edmonton I can’t remember his name right now his name is something Robinson okay so he and he has like a very unique Style like cartoony style of art like very very cool and he I he he approached me and he’s like well Calvin got me in touch and and he came to me and he’s I he asked me what I wanted up for the design and all I told him was like I want a bear going fast so I like he came with up with that stamp the Rocket Bear stamp I I’m sure a lot of people are familiar with and then yeah yeah yeah it just kind of went from there and I was like oh I might as well name my tournament after the after the stamp and it yeah it’s just such a cool stamp so I that’s why I’ve kept it for so long and I want to I want to keep it going yeah that’s awesome someone in our chat Brenda mckinstry who’s the owner of BR disc golf uh is it Jared Robinson Jared yeah Jared yeah yeah I believe so yeah okay so has that rocket Fair now kind of Taken is it almost like a nickname now do you ever hear anybody shouting out go Rocket Bear or anything while you’re on the course or yeah yeah every once in a while mostly it’s it it mostly that I hear is is Chunks yes like that that used to be my like kind of like old old n nickname and and that’s what I actually my first custom discs were were were like the chunks logo that I had on the on the disc but no every every once in a while I do hear Rocket Bear so yeah no it’s good that’s awesome so we did look at the kind of the results of the tournament there and it looks like on the mo side Noah and uh was was it um Bogden that kind of tied for first at the end so it made for an exciting finish to the tournament yeah no it was it was fun like it yeah it it shouldn’t been that close and I’ll say it for Noah like he he had four strokes and everybody in Alberta prettyy much knows what he’s kind of going through right now so he he kind of had uh yeah like a little bit of something happening on the final hole which is bad luck right and they were all tied up at the end of it and then he won it on the third on the third playoff hole so yeah everybody knows that Noah is a gamer and a battler so I I commend him for for playing the playoff and and winning it as well yeah that just goes to show the um the uh the respect that everybody on that card had as well because I know I think I seen it on his Instagram he mentioned that uh everybody was understanding and kind of gave him that extra time they could see that he was kind of dwindling there towards the end and I believe he took some time between final hole in the playoffs as well and so yeah good to see some good good spirit there towards the end as well yeah and we also got to see that little video which gave us another feel for the course because we haven’t seen a ton on it but we saw his playoff shot that won him the round and all it looked like was there’s a shot going over the hill and going down and we don’t you know obviously it got close but we weren’t able to tell so yeah so that’s so that’s one of our holes that because why Cliff’s about eight or six eight to six years old now and and last uh last fall right before the cotney up and down we put in that new hole hole three so it’s it’s actually a double Island hole so I I don’t know actually what happened but I I’m I’m assuming that Bogden went out of bounds and then Noah put it in bounds twice and and tapped in the birdie for the wind so it’s a it’s it’s a hole that usually there’s a mass of amount of stroke Separation on it so it’s I think it’s a good good addition to the course yeah so to maybe help us out um because I’m not as familiar with the Double Island does that mean that your drive has to land on an island and then your upshot also has to land on an island yeah yeah exactly so if if you miss so what how we kind of have done it is if you miss the first island you go directly do a drop zone uh with the stroke penalty and then and then either you lay up or go for the next Island where the it’s just yeah a green that’s on the island or on an island right and it’s very very tight so it’s like most the people don’t go for it from the Drop Zone but also that drop zone shot just to lay up is really tough too is it’s it’s really really tight hole Yeah it’s nothing it’s nothing like you really see in Canada especially on a wooded course whereas like you don’t really need artificial OB but because it’s a car for and it’s only like 400 and something feet we were like well we kind of have to do something so we just decided to make it a double Island hole wow yeah awesome well and then when you were saying you guys went into playoff I know that the new playoff structure allows for TDS to either have the sudden death or to maybe pick a select amount of holes I think up to six where they can play through and then who has the best score after that did you set it up with three holes or was it just a sudden death um one hole at a time so that’s kind of funny that was my oversight I actually didn’t know that was a rule and I looked it up and asked everybody after like yeah you can actually do whatever you want but I just told them I was like you guys play until you’re done because I I didn’t think I didn’t think that was a rule any or still because that’s what it used to be right it’s like you just play Until somebody wins a hole right so right that’s what I told him and it actually happened in ma1 as well in my tournament so there was a play as well there so yeah and how far did that one get did that get to the third hole as well only hole one yeah only hole one well and then when we look too is the fpo side looks like it’s still kind of growing but Christy Shields was able to take that down which is good she’s a name that we’re quite familiar with as we keep learning more and more about Canadian disc Gulf you know 24 episodes in we we’re we’re starting to learn a lot of people there um but you know you talking about the difficulty with the Double Island it kind kind of make sense as I went through all the scores there I saw that nobody aced so I’m guessing that Jesse from parked Pro his Eagle as well as kish’s Eagle that’s probably as close to an ace you’re getting in in a round at w Cliff yeah there’re I don’t actually know if there has ever been an ace at w cliff in a tournament I’m just trying to think I don’t think there has been I’ve aced a hole out there once and I know a couple other people have aced a couple other holes but it’s it you feel really good if you’re getting an ace out at White Cliff so yeah yeah I bet now another thing too there Casey is that we watch a little bit to her life and um we listen to Brody talk about trophies and that kind of thing did you put any do you have what did you end up doing with trophies do you have a Rocket Bear trophy or what did you come up with so so I was I was thinking actually during the tournament so it’s funny if you’ll talk to a couple AMS in the tournament I told them beforehand in my emails I was like sorry guys like I didn’t actually get trophies for the tournament so what I did is I took everybody out for pizza um on the Saturday night instead because I I legit just it cross my or like yeah went way past me and I didn’t actually think about getting trophies so that’s what I did for everybody I bought $400 worth of pizza and took everybody out on the Cale night but um saying that I do want to get like a handcarved bear or something I think I think that would be really cool yeah maybe like I don’t know like a foot tall or something and then I think what I probably will do is kind of design something and put and have two rockets so that it’ll be for Foo no and Foo is like you get to take Rockets home and then impose with the bear and then take your then take the Rockets home so I I that’s kind of what I’m thinking for next year yeah yeah see putting yeah putting some thought into this trophy because like you say a lot of trophies you see as Brody always likes to say that it’s something that they just pulled out of the the garage right so the fact that you’re thinking about it putting some thought into it and and give it some meaning to it that’s awesome yeah well two things too with that Casey is being out there in BC I know it’s quite a ways up from where you are but chetwin has that really big annual chainsaw carving contest so maybe uh there’s a way you can kind of connect in with them and they could get that bear carved for you is the one thought and the other thought that I would say is come on okay darl we could have a trophy or we could go have pizza with Casey what do you think what would you prefer yeah I know one I’m picking yeah exactly there’s more chance that I’m gonna eat pizza than lift a trophy anyway yeah there you go Cas so we’ve kind of got you warmed up there one of the things for any new guests on our show is we like to get them to tell us a little bit about how they got into disc golf because a lot of our listeners know who you are but some of them may not be as familiar and we don’t want to just ask you hey how’d you get into disc golf so I come up with a little bit of a origin story for you a possible one kind of tied to maybe a movie I like or I know so here’s the one for you so sit back start thinking of it and relax maybe you were visiting a friend for a work Christmas party and that party was on the 30th floor of their office building the disomy plaza some Nar Wells took over the party to try and break into a vault and as everyone was being captured you slipped away luckily with your three favorite discs methodically you took out the bad guys one by one with this new found expert disc throwing ability must have come through the the stress of the situation some might have said you were a prodigy in the end you watched the leader fall from the tower and looked at him and said yippy kayay mother discer ever since you’ve been a top golfer in Canada and Everyone likes to say that you discard but maybe that’s not how you got into disc golf so why don’t you tell us how you did uh I like that that was good um so yeah actually been a lot of people have been asking me this too for some reason I don’t know I guess I it’s obviously probably not well known but my dad uh helped build the course first course here in cranber so him and his him and his probably like 10 to 15 buddies just went out and started putting baskets in the ground um when they actually they was up first it was tones at the college course here and then they got um the oldest baskets in Canada from Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver so those got shipped to Cranbrook and they were and they were here for many years probably 15 years and then now we have disc catchers at the college but yeah so that’s how I got into disc golf I played probably I started probably when I was like 12ish 10 or 12 when CU yeah the course at the college now is like 23 24 years old so and yeah I was really only playing like I don’t know twice summer it was just something to do right go like walk around ride your bikes down to the course and throw some discs so it wasn’t never anything competitive for me it was just something to do during the summer and then um competitively Ben Loggins actually yeah got me into it he uh he’s like you’re you’re good I I only threw forehand at the time forehand pots everything and yeah he’s just like you need to come play a tournament because we we have an annual tournament here for our uh is called Sam steel days and it was an annual tournament and that’s the only tournament I ever played in I was always I think I came second every year in the in like the amateur Division and then I uh played ma1 in I can’t remember I think Fernie was my first tournament yeah like actual tournament and then and then probably Big Bear I think I’m pretty sure Big Bear was and then I think I played like two or three ma1 tournaments and then I went straight to Pro so wow nice I wanted to go back to when you were H helping your dad build the course there excuse me was was that when you were first getting out there was that kind you know kind of sneaking some of his discs out getting on your bike and riding down there did he did you have your own discs at that time so so like all the guys that built the course they all played in Vancouver they played when they went to school in Vancouver so they knew all what it was and there there was a bunch of guys that probably had they had a bunch of discs so I think I got given like five discs or two discs I had a Putter and a driver I think and that’s it and yeah and they yeah I just had those two discs and I chucked them in my backpack and went to the course and yeah just just played so it yeah but like I said I never really cared like it was just like something to do right it’s just a casual thing and and I never thought it would ever amount to what it is now what disc golf has become right right so it’s like and then I remember like the first couple tournaments I was playing in I was like this is awesome like I my competitive juices were flowing right away I was like I want to do this now and I remember watching Paul MCB Beth For the First Time online and it was just like okay this this is actual thing and people are making money off of this so this is what it can become yeah yeah that’s fantastic and since then you know from the start there I still even when you’re saying there throwing forehand Putters I’m like that’s amazing just on its own you know my forehand Putters because I’m trapped around a tree trying to reach around it right but but since then you have been playing tons of tournaments you’re winning tournaments you had so many big wins even last year right like you were spring runoff Edmonton open BC open finishing off with the Canadian Nationals championship like what was was last year one of your best years is that how you would feel about it or what did you think about it I I would say it was my most consistent um I never I never really felt disappointed in my play until um until the last two tournaments of the Year actually last year so yeah la last year definitely was my most consistent and I felt like I played the yeah the best just overall for the whole summer but like I said having those two tournaments right at the end of the summer that I just left such a sour taste in my mouth so I took off I legit like didn’t throw a disc for probably like three months after those two tournaments just because I was so like disappointed in how I played and I was just yeah I kind of I I needed to step back as well though because it was just like I played so much last summer so I needed those two months just to kind of recoup and and then yeah coming into this summer it’s like I I I feel like I’m ready to go and and I want to play again it’s was like it’s it’s not like it’s a chore to go out and play so it which feels good because that’s what it felt like after those two losses at the end of last at last summer what what do you think what do you put it down to why do you think those two tournaments were not your greatest like is it something that you can identify and and you’ve worked on to get better at or is it just that like you said like fatigue just the amount of uh disc golf that you’d played at that point I think I I think definitely the biggest thing was fatigue just like disc golf just too much overload yeah just overload exactly and and I’ve I’ve played Sports growing up Hockey baseball and I felt like that before when you just play too much and it’s just you feel like that bit of burn right yeah and then yeah that’s legit what it felt like I was just like I I went to the tournaments but my head wasn’t in it and I and I knew that and I shouldn’t have went but just because they were both kind of the big bigger ones like my home tournament that’s was the one of them and then the one at uh and then the one at Clearwater which is going to be Canadian Nationals this year this year yeah so hope this year my my schedule is a little lighter um so I I should be ready to go when it comes to when it comes to the end of the season this year nice well and I could see too Casey like you went out to Ontario to play Foxwood you went down for usdgc if I’m right on that and then you also went out and played in Sweden as well yeah yeah like how how are you not burned out with all that going on yeah yeah and what was uh when you had gone out to Sweden was that your first time going to European you’ve done well I think you’ve done a couple other events but was that your first time to Sweden yeah that was my first time to Sweden that and that is the first like Swedish tournament I played in as well I uh or first European tournament I played in as well I played in the two um world championships in Croatia and Estonia team World Championships but yeah I never played in a just a singles tournament in in Europe but it was it was it it’s funny because everybody was asked is like what is Sweden like I was like well it’s pretty much like going to Vancouver Island like like humid warm and rainy right like it has that kind of same feel a lot of lot of green foliage everywhere so it was it wasn’t really huge difference like it wasn’t like super hot or anything like that right it was just very similar yeah you go out there who did you go out there with uh me and my fiance actually yeah okay you did you travel or did you kind of Buddy up with any other people out there that you might have known on the tour um not really me and me me and my fiance just kind of went all over just traveled around checked out Sweden right yeah I never I saw Thomas there we play got a couple rounds in together but um yeah I didn’t really buddy up we me and my fiance kind of just did made a little trip out of it and and and went around Sweden so yeah so would you recommend it as a place to go to if you were going for a dis golf trip like obviously you and your fiance went so if I was trying to convince my wife to travel and disc golf with me is that a good spot to go I I would say so I would say so yeah they’re they’re kind of in the same boat as us and like they have a lot of room and not as much population right so it’s like they they have a lot of room for disc golf courses and they’re trying to catch up to Finland to to put in more courses all the time um I’ve never been to Finland but obviously everybody knows that they have the most courses out of anybody per capita so I would say probably go to Finland if you want to play a course every single day or go to Sweden if you just kind of want to travel around and and play a couple really really good courses but that’s up to you I I I don’t I’m not going to put anything I’m not goingon to say anything but yeah Sweden was very beautiful it was very very similar to Canada well that’s the good thing about Europe Jeremy I’m from England so I know I don’t know about Europe but I know kind of you know I know the the destination and the distances and things like that so you know you can be in Sweden one day you can go to Finland the next day you can go to Germany Spain you can go all around Europe it’s not it’s not the big travel like it is over here in Canada yeah yeah that’s neat now also with you winning like I know you’re connected pretty good being in Cranbrook there with Jesse and Andre and with Park Pro and that and they put on the Canadian disc golf tour for the first year last year you made it out to five of the eight events which is amazing that’s the most I think when darl and I looked any player got out out to um was that important to you last year was to support um that event and help make it a tour in Canada definitely yeah yeah I want them to succeed like so badly right like Jesse yeah Andre and Matt just have done like nobody else would try to do this right and it’s very similar it was very similar to kind of when JZ was just like we’re going to try this crazy thing and try to film all the pro some prot tour events right or all the national events when when the disc golf protour was kind of just starting out right like they they had a kind of a foothold but they really never had a following right and the only reason that dis golf has gotten so big is because of media and JZ right so I I want Andre and park Pro and Matt to to succeed and it’s going to be tough right like I and it’s because it’s Canada and like you guys said everything is so spread out right they’re trying to do they’re trying to do h a tournament in each province right Quebec Ontario and then so on and so forth the West Coast so we’ll we’ll see I want them I want them to Su succeed I want them to succeed and this year they’ve got more um more help from the TDS that that the tournaments that they’re going to so hopefully it just gets bigger and better from now how important do you think it is to Disc Golf in Canada to have um the park Pro coverage and the Canadian disc golf tour in general just bringing everybody like you said hopefully getting a tournament and coverage from every Province it’s just going to spread the sport and uh grow the sport immensely for sure yeah I I like you yeah I don’t I know what else to say about it it’s it’s just so like it is it is so big and it shows what kind of talent we do have in in the country right like obviously some of the guys in Ontario won’t be able to make it to to uh Canadian Nationals this year which is disappointing if if anybody’s watched the park bro podcast me and Colleen talked about that and we were kind of disappointed in all the guys from Ontario that haven’t signed up but there’s and then that’s another thing is there’s just so many tournaments now right like people can just pick and choose right what to go to so we’ll see we’ll see I I obviously they’re not going to be hurting for players up at up in Clearwater for Canadian Nationals this year like I’m pretty sure it’s there’s like a hundred people on the weight list almost already so yeah there’s yeah it but like I said the the talent right is I I wish every top in Canada was there but you can’t you can’t always get what you want I guess so well and I think too uh Casey you know put a feather in your hat and Colleen is coming is she is she planning on yeah she’s not doing the diameter so she’s coming so you two are there you guys are kind of ruling the roost when it comes to Canadian disc golf right now so maybe maybe there’s just a little bit of fear there too and then when you start saying well Sophia’s probably gonna come up and Christie’s gonna come up and you’ve just got there’s so much talent out here in western Canada that yeah it’s a big Trek but you know the easterners are going to come out here it’s going to be experience that they’ve never had and we all know that but in I think you know I used I grew up in Ontario so let me put it quick this way as I grew up in Ontario and back then growing up western Canada was just this thing beyond the mountains that’s all it was you didn’t have a view of it at all as you were growing up but then when you come out here you realize there’s nowhere else you want to be in Canada it’s out west or nowhere in my mind yeah so now the other thing we’ve been talking about Daryl and I was that you know now that this Canadian disc golf pro tour that the boys have put together is here we also notice was last year um we started to see some players coming up from the disc golf pro tour so Carter erens came up to the BC open um Raven Klein came up for Nationals so we were starting to see some names Greg Greg barsby has actually signed up for Foxwood I don’t know if he’s going to make it up this year um that’s great to see and we saw the Pei um the dis mania one up there and of course the dis Mania players came up because that was probably part of their sponsorship but what do you think about the Canadian tournaments that we have now what would be the one that you would pick if you said this is the tournament put on the pro tour Pros would come up they’d realize what’s in Canada and then they’d really know that it is a place and a destination to come to yeah um it’s kind of funny I’m biased but just because I think like w cliff in cranber is probably yeah it’s one of the top courses I obviously want Pro players to come and play it right because I know guys who can throw far they’ll they’ll just shred that course and I I just want to see it once right I want them to come up and just like absolutely annihilate like shoot 14 15 down right I do want to see that so um but yeah like a tournament that like obviously it’s going to be tough to get them up here if there’s not a bunch of money right like that is the kind of the biggest thing now that attracts players so there’s a tournament actually that is in San Point Idaho a guy um built caliber disc golf right it’s uh it’s called High Country open and there’s there’s a bunch added cash and his two that he’s built on his property are absolutely unbelievable they’re it’s only an hour and a half from my house in cranber here so yeah it’s I think that is the biggest thing is people need to know that the courses are really really good and there’s lots of money right that is really the only way that you’ll get Pros to come up and play my that’s obviously my opinion um you might be able to pull a guy here here and there yeah maybe but yeah I really don’t know what tournament the pros should come up and play like obviously diameter he’s trying to make it so on that East Coast Swing they can kind of come up and hit that one and then go back down right away right so again it probably has to be a course that’s right on the border that’s you don’t have they don’t have to drive very far that was a big thing for all the guys that came up to the uh dmania tournament last year is like it was too far of a drive for them like to get past the Border across the bridge all the way to Pei and then all the way back down right so and that’s the other uh kind of Roadblock as well is you they have to schedule the C the tournament in Canada in between tournaments in it’s happening on the pro tour right there’s no point having a you can have a great tournament but if it’s on the same weekend as MVP open or you know name any tournament you’re just not going to get the uh the people coming up for it so scheduling added cash and uh distance to the the border so yeah makes it tough well the other thing too Casey maybe is that I know you’re going down to High Country to play this year um maybe when you’re down there you know just on that last day you say hey it’s only an hour and a half up the road I really want to show you this course and whoever is down there maybe bring a few up and they can be there and back within a day and then they get to see okay yeah this caliber course is amazing and then this W Cliff course is amazing yeah I’m coming up next year I’m going to go check those some more courses out up there because I like I’ve played Nipa as well and like there’s so many good courses all in the region there right yeah like yeah we’re super lucky for what we have here like obviously like w cliff and Nipa are like the most difficult right and that’s kind of the thing now is like I love that a lot of dis golfers like well we want to get away from the park course right we don’t want to play on a ball golf course we want that like super technical tough course that we want to play every single weekend right so it’s it’s good to see that um but yeah I do I would hope that people come up all the time to play W Cliff um just because it’d be so much fun to have have Pros here and play it so darl I think our list just got a little longer didn’t it yeah definitely yeah add it to the list Jeremy yeah well with your tournament plans for 2024 Casey we noticed that you know you go back to some of the tournaments that you have won at before you’ve also got the ferie tney as you said was your first PDGA tournament that you participated in but yet it still got a place in the schedule for you how do you pick your tournaments for the year is there some sentimental value or do you want to defend your win from last year or what’s your thought process behind it um this year it’s really kind of travel for me I’m I’m I’m probably going to be buying a house here pretty soon so the funds the the disc golf funds for traveling are going to be a little lighter this year so and obviously like going to Australia that’s not cheap right so I’m GNA be going there as well so I I yeah this year it’s really just kind of thinking about where I I’m actually just pick and choosing because last year I was just like I’m going pretty much everywhere right actually the last two years before this year was just like I’m going everywhere I’m going to I’m gonna try to get to every Canadian tournament that I want to go to and then yeah this year is just yeah it really comes down to the funds the travel funds this year are way lighter so I had to pick and choose what I’m going to makes sense there you kind of touched on it there um you spoke about it earlier on kind of want to look forward to the end of the year when you’re uh when we’re all going to be getting ready for the uh the colder months of the year you’re going to be heading down to Australia in November part of the um Team uh world team disc golf championships um you mentioned before that you played in Croatia and Estonia what are you expecting to get out of the the Australia trip is that the first time you’ve been to Australia yeah that is the first time I’ve been to Australia um yeah I’ve never been to New Zealand any any of the the countries on that side I have I’ve been to the Philippines no Thailand I’ve been to Thailand right but yeah nowhere nowhere down uh on that side maybe your your third third Team Canada representing y yeah I don’t I really don’t know what to expect the because Craig she he’s an a he’s Australian right he’s the team captain he knows and he’s just telling us he’s like be prepared for w hot weather that’s it he’s just like be ready right every I don’t know if a lot of people have heard that story when Australia was running kind of their Pro Tour stuff yeah like back I don’t know how long it ago it was but I always will remember this story is Paul MC Beth climatized himself to go play in Australia for however long he was there the month he wore like four sweatshirts when he was training in California wow he just like he pre-trained he climatized himself and and then he went there and I think he won like four three of the out of the four events when they had the the Australian tour there yeah so you’re taking some tips from that you starting to lay her up maybe yeah I might do that that’s that’s a big commitment but I I like I said it’s probably not the worst idea right yeah like to climatize because it’s supposed to be I think Craig said it’s supposed to be like like 3 8 degrees with like 98% humidity so wow it’s going to be hot and how long are you going there obviously when Paul went he went for a little bit longer how long do you expect to be in Australia uh I right now I my flight is two and a half weeks so right I’ll be there for two and a half weeks yeah by the time you get there like you say climatize get used to the uh the time change and things like that yeah y we want you all fresh for the uh the tournament there um yeah you mentioned that you’re on the team I don’t know if we need to go through the whole team here but we got a lot of people that you recognize who’s who of Canada isn’t it I mean Casey you’re on the team obviously Colleen McKinnis who we’ve had on the show before uh Dave Ross Hector diow diow yeah da daal uh Karen Martell Christy Lee Max and Noah Sophia Sophia deneki doni I I actually don’t know so heard pronounce doni yeah uh I think Don yeah Don yeah Stuart mckisic Thomas Gilbert’s also going and like you said CRA sheer he’s the the captain in there as well and then couple of alternates as well uh Khloe winter Miguel Alvarado who’s also been on the show uh Thomas whes and uh Edmonton’s own Jeremy goer is a stand in as well yeah yeah like would you think out of the teams that have gone so far is this probably our most stacked team that’s going uh I would say so we we are very topheavy this year and I would give a lot of props to Craig kind of pumping everybody is like he wants everybody to go to this one right he want I think it’s more of a thing for him too right he wants to win in Australia so yes yeah no it’ll be it’ll be fun if we can if we can do something special down there yeah well hopefully you can repeat the uh the success that uh Team Canada had at the Pan American games last year exactly yeah yeah Team Canada taking home the win there yeah with all that prep work too casy from Craig um he’s made sure everybody’s really clear because I think I had to look at a map there and you’ve got Sydney and the opera house and you go koalas and kangaroos but then there’s desert and Perth is that kind of what we’re looking at and does everybody knows they’re getting into that yeah yeah yeah no he that’s what he said because like the Perth is like the pretty high up too right so it’s it is the Desert High ey of of Australia so yeah he he’s told everybody how it’s going to be and and everybody should be know what to expect when we head over there nice I I’ve I’ve done my research on the tournament but one question I have for you I’m not sure if you know the answer um but doing my research I noticed that every year we’re just increasing the amount of teams that are participating and you mentioned back in Estonia there were 17 teams last year in in Croatia 25 teams there where Team Canada um took down 30 do you know how many teams are going to be there this year in Australia has it been confirmed I I’m pretty sure it’s already over 25 yeah right I’m pretty sure it is but yeah don’t quote me on that but I think it’s I’m pretty sure it’s already over 25 yeah nice and you mentioned also sorry Jeremy no I was just saying that’s just amazing to see that growth out of the out of the event yeah yeah and you mentioned earlier about uh the the Rocket Bear tournament there and the other tournaments were all kind of fundraising um not so much for your tour but for your uh travel abroad there to represent Team Canada if anybody wants to support there you can go to disc Republic because you have the the disc sets available there for purchase which supports Team Canada right for sure yeah they’re going to be yeah they I don’t know how long they’re going to be on there for but the pre-sale was on there yeah to to get all the disc and then we’re going to be having a bunch of a bunch of apparel coming out as well for Team Canada so yeah but watch out for that I do like a jersey we do we’re gonna be at that point darl where we’re gonna have more jerseys than days in a week before before we know it there’s plenty of when the Rocket Bear one comes out what are we gonna do then well we always say we like to support Canadian we like to support local so yeah yeah well I did look for I did look for a Casey uh is it pa3 that you had your your Nationals disc yeah so I had a P Model S and a A3 okay yeah I did look but they were sold out I I I I don’t actually yeah I think they might actually be sold out of all of them now so yeah because they were on this Republic and then they were on The Prodigy site as well The Prodigy Canada site but I don’t I haven’t looked in a while so I they might be sold out fully yeah well that’s awesome that’s good to hear yeah well Casey we’d be remiss um if we didn’t tap into your professional mindset because one of the things for us as amateurs and a lot of our listeners and even the ones who are just entering FBO and mo we have the way we do things but we want to know kind of how do you do things so we’re going to keep it easy with just one question but what we wanted to talk about was kind of when it comes to tournament season now and you’re going through a regular week and it’s practicing like Daryl and I we go to league on Thursday we play maybe a practice round on Saturday if we can squeeze in a putting practice something like that but do do you actually plan and divide up your weeks on how you’re practicing like I’m doing putting I’m doing field work I’m working out in the gym like how do you set up a a practice week during the season so yeah the pretty much the offseason is when I I do like resistance training and stuff I I went to the gym for hockey for the whole time I was growing up so I despise going to the gym so um what I usually do is I do resistance training in the offseason and then yeah and then just kind of body weight stuff and then uh when it comes to to the season uh I’m not doing much working out I mostly stretching actually is like keeping super loose and and then yeah just lots of field workor right lots of field workor and I think really the best thing right he’s like I try to keep fieldwork to like a minimum I I like probably do it twice a week Max and then I want to play if I’m playing a tournament I try to get out to the course every day before that tournament and then I usually take like Thursday off so I play Monday through Wednesday yeah take off take off Thursday and then go to the course wherever I’m traveling to go to that course play Friday get a practice run in or two courses get two practice rounds in play both courses and then and then uh Saturday Sunday or Monday play yeah play all the courses for the tournament so yeah it’s also though when you’re playing a tournament right it’s more people don’t realize how much mental it is right so it’s like I never really am thinking I don’t want to think when I’m at that’s why you play a practice round right you get your game plan beforehand right and then you’re worrying about what you’re doing on the course from what you did the day before obviously the elements wind and whatever can change but yeah that’s experience right so that you’re experiencing all that if you have that experience then it’s like then it’s 100% mental after that and it’s just you’re worried about you’re not worried about what you’re throwing or how you’re throwing it’s just everything is just mental and you just remembering and and muscle memory pretty much right it’s like you just want to throw those shots that you know and that your you your body pretty much knows when you go out for a practice round we had this discussion before um and it was been a bit of a not controversy but kind of 5050 split do you actually throw every shot that you’re going to throw in the tournament on on the hole so like you start at the Hole uh sorry the T you throw your up uh your drive your upshot and then you putt out or do you not because somebody said that they don’t bother with the drive because you know where you’re going to land anyway so you walk up to the middle of the Fairway and play from there my argument was if you don’t practice from I mean maybe this is the difference between an ma40 opinion because we often end up in the trees or off the Fairway or we play those shots because that’s when we might end up in a tournament you’re more than likely going to be in the Fairway or you’re you know when you’re playing the D your tournament it’s going to be where you want to land right so do you how do you approach the practice round um I try to play every hole right I I obviously if usually if I do shank one off the tea I kind of I’m not going to try to play it out of the stuff like out of the out of the bushes or whatever I’m GNA kind of pull it out into the Fairway and then throw and then sometimes if I’m really um worried about a hole I throw even a couple shots on a hole right right so and then obviously when it comes to when it comes to putting I’m trying to putt as much as I can the day before the tournament just to get your Rhythm down and everything so do do you move around the tea do you kind of go to where you know you’re you think that your drive your upshot is always going to land you kind of practice puts from there because that’s more than likely you know on the Downs slope sort of thing yeah yeah exactly yeah I try to I try to practice kind of where I’m thinking I’m gonna land every time so I usually try to carry four Putters in my practice rounds and then only two in my tournament rounds but yeah I I try like you said I try to practice where I want to land pretty much every shot or the more more likely spot it’s going to land right yeah yeah well and I like what you’re saying there casey2 is by playing that course two three days in a row and then taking that day off it’s almost like it feels like you’re programming the computer for three days then you take a day off to relax and recover and then now just go out and do it don’t and don’t even think about it is that kind of I’m catching that right yeah yeah yeah so it most of the tournaments that I play now like pretty much every tournament that I’ve played this year or will be playing this year I don’t I really don’t even have to go play practice rounds on those courses right because I’ve played them a bunch of times right so I can show up on the Friday night go out for a practice round and be super comfortable usually right on those courses because I know them so well like Lethbridge spring runoff I’ve I went to school there for seven years so I know Nicholas Sharon very very well right and then pretty much every course like I’m trying to think I get yeah High Country is probably the only course this year where I’ll have to go down probably two days early and be like I I’ll have to practice it so all right nice we did just have a a question in the chat there which is kind of leads on from what you were asking there or you were talking about the practice um Brendan wanted to know how has your practice changed over the time in dis golf like you mentioned about uh stretching in the offseason and doing that sort of stuff has it always been that way or you know couple years ago were you’re doing any offseason practice no when I when I first started playing competitively I wasn’t doing anything in the off season like it it but but soon as I hit 30 years old I was like whoa like I need to stretch right I need to work out I need to kind of keep everything going right because like you you tighten up really quick yeah your three day three round tournament on a weekend that Monday you’re sore right so it’s like I’m I’m usually that day after the Monday if I’m not working I’m I’m usually I’m usually stretching and and getting everything worked out so yeah yeah good well Casey thanks for giving us some uh information on that but we do want to talk a little bit you’ve got a couple sponsors and we just you know whenever we have somebody on we want to make sure the sponsors get some time too so you’re with Prodigy and we know you’ve been with them for a while but I don’t even know how long have you been with Prodigy uh this will be my four fifth year actually to this year will be my fifth year I’m pretty sure it’s funny it’s funny because like I I did a contra Well I obviously have a contract with them but this year I thought my contract was up with them and I messaged them and they’re like no you still have one more year and I was like I felt I was like oh man like I felt so stupid for like messaging them be like is my I didn’t even know if my contracts up or not so right no but Prodigy has been unbelievable I I have nothing but good things to say about them they’ve supported me through my best disc golf right so so and and I hope I hope next year I get to sign with them again and yeah it I’m I’m excited actually so we’ll we’ll see what happens next year well with you with Prodigy and then you’ve also got Shantel binsky now with Prodigy and she got elevated up to the the top team as well and I know you’ve done a lot even just out here was when we did the Edmonton open the Bailey’s disc that’s behind me here I don’t know if it shows up but is my A3 that we had that was stamped and I wasn’t throwing one before but now Daryl and I both have learned to throw it because every single time we watch you on Park Pro coverage I think it’s like we can all just say it’s like yeah I’m pretty sure Casey threw his A3 there yeah yeah so you’ve done a lot for them for sure and and definitely promoted their discs as well MH MH yeah that their lineup their approach disc lineup are definitely their best right like the A2 A3 and A4 and the A5 now are yeah they’re I think out of every disc lineup all the dis lineups like dis Mania everybody in OFA that approach dis lineup from Prodigy is probably the best lineup or bre approach disc in the game yep you heard it here first well and darl I think you and I have also noticed as well like when it started out with just the A3 stamped on there and the F7 and that type of thing that was really easy to understand but we were at a tournament last year where we got one of um the feedback discs with the cool uh who disc was it again there Kevin Jones Kevin Jones’s disc yeah and so now we’re getting those awesome stamps and then there’s the most off-design stamps as well and that so they’ve just taken what was already a good disc and now they’re leveling it up for those people who want some beauty and aesthetic on them yeah yeah and and then like as well like it was long or what they did with the NHL disc this year right they’re they’re stepping up with their with their with what what they’re doing their licensing and everything now so it’s it’s it’s I’m I’m that’s why I’m so happy to be with them right they’re always kind of trying to do something new and new and exciting yeah and then also you were last year with Gander um but Gander dis golf you know Calvin unfortunately had to close the doors there and then um we kind of were waiting to see what happened with all of the sponsored players and Noah joined disc Republic but then you recently joined limber so that was uh pretty pumped uh I I was excited for that because this year I was nominated and very very thankful to everybody who did um you know to be part of the limber pine cone team nice so I’m a limber pine cone up in Emington and I was already excited was already pumped and then they put the announcement like Casey Hanam now with limber I’m like how could it get even better yeah is that stat now J yeah at some level like this level though no no limur like kind of Calvin kind of got me in contact with him and I was just gonna go without a retail sponsor this year because I was I was just like yeah Gander like Calvin’s such a good guy right and I didn’t wantan to I didn’t want to really go with anybody body else right I I I was with Ace Runners when I first started like first first started they were my actual first sponsor even before anything when it came to disc golf but and then yeah went with went with Gander and yeah it was awesome right like kelvin’s such a good buddy of mine now just from just from what he’s done for for me and disc golf in emont and and Alberta but yeah like I said I wasn’t going to get a sponsor this year and then vvin kind of put me in touch with with limber and and uh yeah it’s he’s a very similar style of person he’s no [ __ ] we’ll get stuff done and what he’s done with his store there like in Calgary is super super cool if anybody’s wants wondering what disc golf store you should go to is go to limber in Calgary it is pretty unbelievable yeah yeah we’re gonna stop down there on the way because we’re we’re hoping well we are going down to Spring runoff this year so we’re going to make a make a trip over to limber for sure yeah I was thinking anytime you can have a beer and look at discs at the same time how do you go wrong right yeah no speaking of that so that it was kind of a co-sponsorship with limber and cold Garden actually so they’re both sponsoring me this year because yeah the they yeah well obviously they all kind of know because that’s what they sell in the stores of all their cold Garden beer so so you have a beer sponsor is what you’re telling me beer sponsor as well you know how to do it right Casey that’s for sure well and it like I can’t say again I can’t say enough about cold Garden as well they gave me everybody got a beer in their players packs this year so that’s awesome that’s the thing right like nobody will say no to a free beer in a players pack so yeah what’s in the play I don’t care about the disc oh I don’t care about the sticker oh there’s a beer in there I’m coming Jeremy next year has got to be on our list to go to Rocket Bear cuz beer and pizza and disc golf I’m sold yeah you’re hitting us right here right here oh I don’t know maybe next year you’ll actually get trophies so there won’t be a pizza party but who knows we’ll see we’ll see yeah yeah the that actually another funny thing so Encore Brewing here in Cranbrook he wants to sponsor the while he sponsors the cutney up and down already so he want and that’s where I took everybody for pizza beer pizza was at Encore so and he’s an avid disc offer here in cranber so he wants to be more involved in it and I I was like I won’t say no right everybody everybody loves beer and pizza that’s awesome well I’m gonna flash back Daryl was just when we were talking about Australia and Perth well Perth is kind of like a desert and Australia is kind of like an island yeah well I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to catch up on any of our episodes uh k but it’s a bit of a staple of our show now it’s time for desert island discs picture this you’ve taken a relaxing Cruise however the ship goes down you manag to swim to an island and fortunately for you there’s an 18-hole disc golf course which three discs are you taking with you on the island like we said it’s kind of a staple on our show um the the whole fictitious island has changed over time but maybe you’re taking a creu maybe you’re scared of flying and you’re taking a cruise to Australia you have to set off somewhat early but you’re on this Cruise you go to you’re going to this island it goes down you’ve only take three discs with you to this disc golf course which three discs are you taking with you well we talked about it the A3 obviously right it’s got it be um and then for a distance driver I probably would take a D3 okay and then obviously it’s been my putter since I started with Prodigy uh the p p Model S so those three nice there you go I love it when someone knows exactly what they’re taking hey Daryl oh yeah yeah I mean it it’s kind of slanted a little bit the fact that we have a a prodigy sponsored uh Tour player here so we were never going to get anything else other than that but yeah he knows his bag well yeah no that’s awesome and also with that too is like we’ve had it before where people pick the same disc so I was ready for you to say well first I’ll take an A3 in 400 then I’ll take an A3 in 750 and by the time we were done you had three a3s I could putt with an A3 I can drive with an A3 well and I probably could right because I would just take I’d should probably just take an A3 in base plastic right a beat up one that flies straight yeah then like you said like I’d take a 5001 that’s kind that 5001 right now that I have is very beat up so that’s like neutral is stable and then yeah and then I would take a 750 A3 that’s very stable so I’ve asked people this before when they they talk about this that they have in their bag and how beat up they get how often with you being sponsored by Prodigy how often are you replacing your discs um so the discs usually the like throwers that I have I don’t replace them that often at all actually I just they kind of get hopefully they get to a certain beat in state that they just stay there right um I do have a pa1 that is like just starting to get over the top of two beat up starting to flip over too much so I might be switching that out pretty soon but the only discs I actually switch out a bunch are my my Putters my P Model S’s so they okay they probably last about a month month and a half two months and then it’s kind of like on to the new onto a new pair okay that’s interesting nice well you mentioned you’re going to be at Spring runoff so we’re excited to see you down there for sure now the one thing um we know that you’ve gone down to a few Pro Tour events in the past is that something that you want to do more as it could fit like if Prodigy said hey we’ll help you get down to this Pro Tour event would that be something you’d be wanting to do I don’t know I kind of it it’s funny to say but like I I tried to do it and I can say that I did it it’s just like if I was 20 still yes I would definitely go down and play right I I would actually go down and tour for sure but it’s just like I got a fiance right I might be buying a house this summer it’s not really on my radar anymore right so it’s yeah I I’m just happy that I did it the one summer I played I think I played six tour events and then a and then a few other big tournaments down in the states and it was a lot right like driving people don’t understand like the US is a big place right like people don’t understand that’s a lot of driving right you playing three rounds of disc golf Friday Saturday Sunday or four rounds depending what tournament it is yeah and then you’re getting in your car driving like however long 13 14 hours and then you’re go and then you’re doing the exact same thing again again right it’s like people don’t realize it’s It’s a Grind right it’s people thinks it’s all sunshine and rainbows is like they get there they get to stay in their hotel room it’s like no those guys are out they drive they get out of their car work out maybe stretch and then they go play again like it it’s instant that’s all you’re doing right so it it was a lot and but like I said if I was 20 again I definitely definitely would do that but yeah it’s just I’m too old now I keep saying that to everybody who asked me the question is like I am I I actually am like I everybody kind of sees how like a couple the old guys are playing good still like Simon Eagle like he’s I think he might be done right like with his injuries and everything yeah Calvin he’s up there but those guys are the Old Guard now right everybody like they’ve been playing on that tour for 15 years right it’s like everybody thinks those guys are so young it’s like no it that there’s the reason why Ganon bur Anthony Mel all those young guys are coming up now it’s like those guys are the young guys right they’re coming up they have the energy to just do it every single weekend so yeah yeah unless you’re lucky enough to put yourself in a position maybe like Uli or or big germ or something like that where they can fly in and fly out but even then like you think okay yeah they’re not driving but they’re grinding with all their JZ work and they’re commentating and practice rounds and you know and then here go out and play a round and hopefully it’s a good round but it’s probably not the one that you’re happy about and then why don’t you go sit and sign discs for an hour and a half and uh visit with people when you’re in probably not the best mood and then get up in the morning and do it all over again right yep Yeah you mentioned about the travel there I know uh Thomas put a post out on Instagram the beginning of the year it was kind of a reflection on the previous year and it was kind of a a map and it was how much driving and airplane to this um Airport Drive I’m assuming he’s picking up rental cars drive to the course drive back fly to here drive to this one drive across and it was just amazing at how much traveling you know we just watch the the coverage and we see oh he’s at DDO this weekend oh he’s at you know um whatever tournament is next and and through the season we just see them show up we don’t realize the driving and the flying and the you know the late nights and everything else that goes into it so yeah I can definitely imagine it’s a bit of a grind yeah perfect well Casey we are so happy that you were able to join us and we want to thank you for that but before we get ready to let you go here we just wanted to give you a minute if there was anything that we didn’t talk about or something that you wanted to shout out or make sure that our listeners knew about then this is your time and go right ahead yeah if you want to support me this year obviously L uh get some team candidat for for the travel to Australia like we we talked about before but yeah if you see me in at any of the tournaments actually just I’ll have I’ll have my uh I’ll have my Rocket Bear disc for sale and yeah i’ like to shout out my actual one more sponsor that I have um Flex Zone Disc Golf out of Quebec they’re uh they make that kind of the foam minis so they’re Minis and Kneads so I’ll have those for sale as well um yeah so if yeah if you want to support me this summer just uh come uh get in contact with me because I can ship stuff to you or come uh come talk to me if you see me at a tournament perfect well Casey we’ve got a lot of uh Edmonton listeners and a lot of them are heading down to Spring runoff so I’m sure you’ll be seeing a number of us and probably with sharpies in hand as well if we can do that to you too so yeah nice we got a few questions in the chat here if you if you don’t mind uh bearing with us for a few more minutes yeah for sure um so mark in the chat wants to know if there was is there any one tournament you haven’t gotten to play yet which one is it and why that is a good question so I I think I probably want to play MVP like I think somebody mentioned it when we were talking about it just I think it and it’s just because of the course right mapa Hill yeah I I just want want to play I don’t and that’s the thing like I don’t even really need to play the MVP open I just want to play a tournament there right like I just want to play competitive like super competitive round that that means something at that course so yeah no MVP or the beast in Finland yeah is that just because the course or just because it’s in Finland um no just because of the course yeah just the course because it I don’t think actually it’s up um when they don’t play the European open I’m pretty sure they just put it up for the the open so yeah gotcha well the one thing I think when I think about um Maple Hill is that you’ve got Nick and Matt with their podcast they’re out in that range you got Casey white out there you’ve got Simon out there I’m sure if you let them know you were coming out you could put together a couple forom in a nice competitive um you know maybe for beers and pizza something like that and and have just as much competition as you would in any other tournament oh yeah probably yeah it wouldn’t I don’t think yeah I don’t think it would take much you just yeah message message I I actually I know Casey fairly well since we white because since we have the same name and we have played a couple rounds together on the pro tour when I did go down so oh sweet cool well darl yeah we have one more question here and I’m just just going to I’m going to read it as it says it because it doesn’t quite make sense the wording uh it’s from Philip does a Canadian discol tour possible with travel in Canada and I think we kind of touched on that a bit just is it actually possible to do like we’ve been you know it’s happening right now is it truly feasible right for somebody in the west coast to travel to East and east to west and and things like that yeah and we kind of touched on that a bit earlier yeah yeah yeah I I did it I I pretty much did it last year right like I it is feasible but for a normal everyday disc golfer probably not right yeah but if you if you want to do it like if you want to spend the money and do it you can there it is there like if you go I don’t know if they I would assume par pro has it on their website what what tournaments they’re going to so don’t think theyve actually yet hear me I don’t know well and I think what you’re what you’re saying too with it Casey is that like when you look at what we’ve got we’re talking about maybe nine events throughout the year which can really be if they’re spaced out properly one a month so if a person is saving money or maybe has a sponsor who can help support them in that it’s not like they’re having to drive all the way across so it might be it would have to be likely done with flights for anybody West going east or east coming West but then Within your side of the country you should be able to drive the rest of them so there is a more feasible if it was every week in a row I I don’t think it could happen but the fact that it’s spread out it should be more attainable yep for sure yeah I agree with that y yeah one last question I have for you and Jeremy feel free to take off your headphones at this point so on the chain out podcast we are going to be doing some sort of uh fantasy league for the for the Canadian tour what what that looks like this year year um we might be just be doing the a tiers um so we were going to be picking by the tournament so not just the whole tour not picking a team for the whole season but just tournament by tournament uh do you have any sleeper picks of of Pros on the tour that maybe we’re not more familiar with any I think what Daryl’s asking is after I pick you Casey who’s he gonna pick after that well obviously yeah yeah don’t say then yeah yeah obviously Thomas because I think he is trying to play I’m pretty sure he’s playing every Western tournament this year on the tour so okay I’m pretty sure Tom and I he actually because I’m not going to TCO so he’s actually playing more of the more of the West Coast tournaments than I am so um yeah obviously Thomas and then I I think Noah is trying to get to a lot of the ones too so right yeah I wouldn’t don’t count either of those guys out right so yeah yeah absolutely you got a good chance to see kin too is he kind of he’s an up incomer as well isn’t he yeah yeah he’s he’s awesome he’s and I hope he he has such a good head on his shoulders he’s he’s a great player and I hope he like obviously that for him he’s an Ontario boy and he’s not going to make it to Canadian Nationals or any of the any of the West Coast tournaments here but yeah I I hope he gives all the top Pros in on the east coast to run for their money this year for sure nice awesome well Casey we are so thankful for all the time that you’ve given us we appreciate having on your show the looking in here and The Listener questions and comments it’s just been buzzing the whole time so we know that everybody’s happy to have you as well we can’t wait to meet you down at Spring runoff maybe when we’re passing through Cal if we cross pass we’ll have that beer at limber but uh yeah thank you so much for coming on the show yeah thanks for having me boys thanks casy thanks we appreciate it catch you later bye okay bye bye Daryl 24 episodes in we’ve talked to the Canadian disc golf tour winner and Canadian Nationals winner yeah on the mo side and then of course we talked to Colleen there and she would be the highest Canadian Nationals female plane what is going on man this is amazing we’re only 24 episodes in yeah I it’s it’s funny when we start no don’t do it again two dozen cousin coming fresh from the oven anybody that joined late that’s what you missed um yeah no when we first started you know we we had The Envision well I I had that vision of by the end of the year by Maybe by after the first year maybe we will um you know maybe look at getting Casey you know Thomas and Chantel they were a long way away because we figured that they were the out of our reach sort of thing but 24 um episodes in we’ve already like you said interviewed the arguably number one female in in Foo in Canada arguably the number one no in Canada it’s amazing is that it we have we peaked now that’s it that’s it signing off last episode see you later we we did everything we set out to do we maybe not we’ve got a lot more like we said before we’re not just about getting the big names or anything like that you know next week you know we we’ll be quite happy to go back and interview you know any local uh mfo player just to get an Insight doesn’t even have to be the players you know we’re always interested in and we we’re talking about it we’re going to get a a TD episode sometime in the future um we’ve already had Bron on from BR the disc golf owner disc golf designer course designer yeah we’ve talked about we want to get some Juniors on the show because we haven’t talked to any of them yet and we know there’s a lot of good ones out there Gavin if you’re listening buddy we’ve got you on the list yeah y absolutely so no definitely that’s it now we should take a moment here and just put this out quick or go ahead no because I think you’re GNA say what I’m GNA say so you yeah I was gonna say one of the things is if you do like the content that we’re putting out and you enjoy it please subscribe to the Channel please follow us you know rate review all of those good things anytime you can do that for us or ask your friends or anyone it helps us out and we appreciate it so thank you so much now what were you gonna say well Brendan did mention that we’re avering six new Subs per episode not that anyone counting but yeah that’s awesome what I was going to say was we mentioned about all the guests that we’ve had and and our future guests that we’re hoping to go uh go and get and we mentioned it kind of in the end of last episode but one who do you want us to interview put out some names and and you know anybody that you want us to to anybody you want to hear from and want us to interview let them know or tag them in Instagram tag Us in Instagram and we’ll see what we can do and then also that we mentioned about how does everybody feel if we reached outside of Canada to maybe try and and get some South of the Border Pros or even European Pros yes to try Andes everybody feel about that we don’t want to forget our Roots like I said in the last episode but yeah we would always tie it back to Canada somehow but is everybody would everybody like to hear from other people let us know yeah because we would definitely it’s always going to have a chain out spin on it right yeah absolutely definitely yeah Ron Reynolds doesn’t play disc golf as far as I know Mark so well we could ask him he’s canadi yeah yeah maybe you could even do it in Deadpool setup or something like that too are we asking too much I think so yeah well darl I was telling you earlier that my arm was sore how is yours feeling yes volaran not a sponsor not a sponsor but it could have been a sponsor of the event over the weekend be a sponsor cuz I don’t know if you used it but I definitely used it after round one yeah bit of a recap of what we did on the weekend on the Sunday um we played in the alberga tournament it’s supposed to be at the wman disc golf course some plans got changed so it ended up being moved to Nisa pask Pasqua Pasqua it was close enough I should I st I should have just stopped at Nisa but I thought I’ll add the pee on there um yeah yeah no we had a great time out there we I don’t know how many people we had in the end do you know the final total of how many people were registered out there well I’m pretty sure we had nine holes um with cards some of them had four some of them had three so it would be probably about or so yeah um yeah and we were luckily enough to be paired on the same card me you and friend of the show Mark we were also joined by Uh Kevin patson who plays in the Rundle league as well and a local Edmonton golfer so we we started out with that round and we started on whole four if if anybody knows Nisa and things didn’t go I mean we it certainly came to fruition of how hard the competition was going to be when you know you have to throw a Burg on every shot on every hole yes yeah no it really did come around on that and it was uh some people had more Bergs than others a person like myself it was very easy I had two Bergs I had a globber and a K3 hard and I called one my driving BG and one my putting BG and that’s all I had to worry about other people maybe even co-hosts of this podcast had a couple yeah which probably made it worse because I carried all those discs and I think I only I ended up only using four but I yeah you’re right I had my driving Berg I had my upshot Berg and I had uh my putting Berg and then I had a overstable Berg X for when I needed it well and did you what would did you learn out of it like well obviously we learned that Gab is the champion of Alberta yeah well just to put it in perspective I know you know by the time we finished me you and Mark were sitting at plus three plus4 plus five I think right and before the tournament Tim plamondon was uh speaking uh asking what we think the uh the winning score is going to be and you know there was range of numbers from minus four minus5 somebody said minus 6 I think Tim said it’ll be lucky if we see like a minus three minus four and then Gabe said NOP I don’t believe any of that and went ahead and shot a minus 11 yes minus 11 with a Berg only over two rounds of Disc Go the only player to take less than a 100 Strokes he he did it in 99 strokes and and unlike me I think he did it without a roller as far as I’m I’m sure he was probably throwing the disc the whole time my arm started getting tired and I’m like forehand roller forehand roller forand roller but it was working for you it was yeah yeah as you like to say the Berg is like a tire it when you get it rolling it’s it it goes yeah but I think that was a great event I really enjoyed it I’m glad that Matt leeser wild man put it together there with Tim and edga and I think I could see doing that again or even doing it with a different disc like still a one only disc like you know you know how much I like my hexes I could do it with that people were talking about that I heard that different names and different discs being floated around I think I think oh actually sorry I value your opinion but you’re wrong I think it’s been a while since you put that it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to use it I think the thing that makes the Berg and that tournament so great is because it’s not the disc that you can get to every shot if if you play if you played with a hex there wouldn’t be any challenge because you could probably reach most of the majority of the baskets I mean that like you said what what did I learn from playing those two rounds was I may as well throw all of my distance drivers out and just go with my Burg because a lot of the upshots I was getting pretty close with just my Burke right so if you had a hex you could easily reach most of the baskets I would say because we were almost reaching we were only you know half sometimes three quarters of the way down the Fairway with just a Berg only so if you had a hex I think it takes out the novelty of the event that’s myal opinion yeah well and I think with the Bergs as well was that what I learned was that I can score a pretty good round with just a Berg because scoring a plus one at Nisa I was pretty impressed with myself on that even the plus three I shot the first round still happy with that so yeah I’ve done worse than that with my full bag yeah and I don’t know about you but did you have one shot that shanked way left or way right I don’t think I had one I think everything was straight down the middle I was yeah that is what really surprised me is that I was able to control the Berg it was a it was straight down the Fairway straight flyer if you put put it on Heiser it held that line yeah there was no real you know the only thing that I think that did surprise me a little bit is that some upshots where we went past the basket because we were thinking that the burg with the one Glide we’re going to have to throw it as hard as we could but in some instances we were actually going past the basket yes yeah yeah no but it was a great event and thanks again for everybody putting it on and congratulations to Gabe and if you do it again next year I’m sure we’ll be part of it won’t we oh we’ll be part of it definitely well you being getting your first Ace with a Berg competing in a Berg tournament Having Eight Bergs in your bag I think that that was a probably a rhetorical question asking if you’d be there next year even though I said I was uh no I shouldn’t say that what else are we gonna talk about well you know the other thing we wanted to talk about was um about some of the tournaments and the registrations coming up so one of the things of a tournament that’s actually happened so let’s start there is the doubles tournament happened the day before alberga and we ended up having enough players us us doubles dgc qualifier usdgc doubles qualifier that’s what I said yeah yeah and there was actually enough teams for three teams to go down there so you know our good buddy Mark and Tyler Edwards was in it they yeah they didn’t play as well as they wanted to it was quite windy but they were still I was giving them the props that they were over the halfway mark out of all the teams so that was awesome justify it for them yeah Mark’s already been in the in the chat calling us wimps so he didn’t qualify so I shouldn’t pump him up at all no okay and then what we also know too though is a couple guys from Red Deer came up I think they got third if I remember and was it the Grand Prairie guys that got first no Red Deer got second I think Calgary got third no they no they one of them got first one of them got second because it was um Matt DWI and Scott Bome got third got yeah they were in there too so anyways we had Scott bmom and and Matt DWI and they’ve already said that they are going to go down to usdgc they’re both uh planning to do it so that’s exciting so we’ll actually have Edmonton players down at usdgc competing in the doubles Championship yeah on the usdg C course like set up for the tournament absolutely yeah I mean that was one of the things that we were all asking is if anybody actually did win were they actually going to go down um to participate in the tournament because it’s almost like a wasted opportunity if you were going to go for it and you don’t if you win and you don’t go down um Brock and Calgary was first yes right must second thanks Brock and then H mattin Scott were third but yeah so that’s what happened the day before and then yeah so that was a tournament that’s just happened so thanks a lot to Brock for putting that together and making that opportunity possible and then we’ve got this weekend which we’ve been pumping as much and as often as we can so we’ll pump it one more time is she’s up first is on Saturday yeah now happing go ahead happening at at Hermitage Christen swirls TD and with that show up on Friday 6:30 at Hermitage at the gazebos the picnic gazebos by the course because there’s going to be Bingo there’s going to be beer uh kind of a social event there that first night and then show back up even if you’re not playing in the tournament show up either to support the people playing in the tournament or show up to buy discs because while will be there JK discs will be there Terry will be there um Kevin’s going to be there with his minis as well so that’s another opportunity too so that’s the wooden Minis that we’ve shown you on the show before yeah lots of reasons to show up yeah so that’s right and then the other thing we have to shout out is that probably what guaranteed got to be one of the most popular tournaments in Alberta right now or one of the most well attended or the busiest you can put a lot of different gomers on it but that’s Falcon’s flight and Falcon’s flight is down um in the Calgary area and registration has just opened Y and it’s the registration for FBO and juniors for women yeah the women divisions and then the junior divisions as well is opened up so those are the ones so if you’re a woman looking to play Falcons flight or if you’re a junior uh it’s open right now get your registration in and then keep an eye out because the other registrations will be rolling we’re going to have a sponsors one so if you want to do $50 for a sponsor Falcon Spight will have that open and then after that it’s going to be open registration and Daryl and I have been practicing on our phones on dis Golf Scene putting everything in linking it to PayPal doing it as quick as we can you got your you have a shirt that has your PDGA number on it so you’ll never forget it do yeah y I’ll never forget have that all set up and ready to go so hopefully we’ll be able to get down to Falcon’s flight but definitely try to get in there if you can it’s going to be an awesome tournament yeah that’s what we hear right it’s just more it’s more it’s more than just a round of disc golf it’s an event it’s a weekend it’s a whole whole a whole host of things yep you’ll laugh you’ll cry you’ll fall in love I don’t know what will happen but that’s all the things that everybody who goes kind of makes it out to be so I hope it delivers for us as well the other thing to mention as well about um Falcon’s flight is um it’s Al a stop on the Master’s tour this year as well yeah that’s right one of two Canadian stops so that’s a tour that’s all in the US for for Masters so some of the players who have left the disc golf pro tour are now starting to find their way onto that Masters Tour yeah so you could have some names at Falcon’s flight that you may not have been uh familiar with before or you’re familiar with yeah but have not seen come up to Canada and then the other thing I saw too darl is that they put they said there’s $10,000 added cash to the tournament so any anybody who’s yeah on the pro side there’s going to be a lot of extra money to to try and attract some of those names yeah well that’s what comes back to what Casey was saying right about getting people to come to these events is getting that added cash getting the uh getting it well sponsored for sure and then you know how we like to finish off the show not the way that you think we like to finish off the show but before that we always got to talk about the Canadian Pros who are down on the disc golf pro tour yeah so this past week was Champions Cup right y first major we had Champions Cup it was the first major of the year one of the four day events where you got three days of playing and then you got a cut and then you got the the last day yeah and unfortunately we had some representation down there but it didn’t uh you know I mean it was it’s a hard course to play anyway um and yeah we had some representation down there on the no side we had uh Gilbert and Max obviously Max rnck was down there as well things didn’t go according to how they would have liked it probably not the way their game plan have been lined up but Thomas um missed the cut he finished in 89th and uh Max also missed the cut he was at 90th but at least he can say that he was tied with ego McMahon on a in a major yeah that’s a pretty pretty good thing to be able to say exactly yeah and then as doesn’t matter what what year I was talking with e McMahon and then I guess for that matter if at 89th one place above Thomas can say yeah I beat Eagle McMahon exactly yeah and then Chantel was there as well was there as well yeah yeah and then she tied for 32nd Place which was again missing the cut on the fpo side but 32nd was tied with Haley King yeah and Jessica whis so again like she’s right up there yeah yeah and just goes to show you what a hard course and what a hard weekend it was mhm I watched the coverage the conditions were not good they had delays um yeah I think some of the players actually ended up having to play either part of a round or play two rounds in the day yeah it was like 30 30 holes because they played two holes on on the Friday on the Saturday and then they no on the Friday they they finished two Halles on the Friday and then they had to come back for 16 on the Saturday morning at 6:45 and then they finished off had an hour or to sleep or whatever it might have been get some rest and relaxation and then back out for another 18 on a hard course in the afternoon as well wow yeah it’s impressive for sure so good for them well the next tournament down there on the dgpt is the DDO in so that’s the Dynamic Discs open yeah in Emporia in Kansas Y and on that Thomas is going to be the only Canadian representing on that event yeah so that’s what you can stay tuned for this week if you are watching any of the dgpt coverage then that’s who you’re looking for is watching for Thomas he’s the one guy who will be out there yeah so I think that covers everything I got to talk about what about you yeah let’s quickly check the chat to make sure no one has any questions for us um Ryan Reynolds Nolan and Gavin people want us to talk to we’ve got Gavin um already lined up sometime in the future stay tuned for that one we’ll be getting him on with some other of his friends some other Juniors to do that kind of episode um Kevin wants us to interview Bill Nye oh he’s a big disc golf he is yeah that would be a good name um and darl Bill n Bill NY just put out a video I think or YouTube where he’s discussing the science of the flight of a disc awesome so for my little I can’t wait to watch that yeah if you know out of all these celebrities I know people have his name has come up before but when you when you start talking about who likes disc golf and who is a celebrity and people say Bert kryer you know yeah okay he likes disc golf he would be an awesome guest on a podcast what’s the likelihood that we’re going to interview Bert ker probably slim to none working on it we’re working on it but Bill NY I could see definitely see him being like sure I’ll come on your podcast I’ll talk about that that’d be awesome Yep there you go um somebody saying um also a glitch glitch Nisa round would be interesting as well so totally up for that there you go thanks everybody but before we leave we need a secret I was I was just getting there Jeremy we we can’t leave okay I just don’t want us to skip it we’ve skipped it before we’re not going to skip it we’re not going to forget anybody got any uh recommendations for the secret word people already what I think oh you do oh are you gonna say Rocket Bear yeah but I want to see it in like Rocket Bear if any oh I was going to say if anybody can put that in the chat but then people can just Google it does anybody actually know what the those lyrics are burning up here all alone or something the phone phone home that’s ET phone home but yes so rocket we’re going Rocket Bear then we made the decision what’s that have we made it well I thought you made it no otherwise it’s like cousin with the the remaining people in the chat are you happy with Rocket Bear let us know this is the this is the uh the the downside of uh the uh doing going live on Instagram is we ask a question and then then there’s 10 15 seconds of us eagerly waiting for the reply to come back that’s right but the one thing that I love is anybody who’s still listening they’ve got it they can put it in the comments we can have some fun with it do you think anyone’s still listening at this point Jeremy not everyone just not turned off by now is it just me just talking to you not with our beautiful voices right talking about singing Rocket Bear like come on Elton John proud of us I’m not going to say exactly but just because we’re teasing things sometime in the future maybe next week maybe the week after you never know don’t forget to uh tune in to YouTube maybe a little bit before 7:15 because there may be a little surprise for you it’s all I’m going to say for the last people that are watching and I will tell you I’m a Rocket Bear burning out his fuse up here alone I like y i well you know darl you kind of teased it there I want to tell the listeners a little more to that teaser I personally have had a bit of experience with what Daryl’s talking about this potential early before the show surprise and you are not gonna want to miss it it’s gonna be amazing so I’m hyping it up because it is that great I I’m telling you I’ll be interested to see what you’re going to do Jeremy okay Rocket Bear we’ve been going for almost two hours Casey was a brilliant guest we I I don’t know about you but I enjoyed talking to him just getting you know every every listen to everybody’s different origin story where they come from how they got into disc golf you know there’s some similarities between people but everybody seems to have their own little uh Twist on it it was a great epode jemy I think to finish it off darl you should tell us what’s gonna happen on whole five this week at Ronda League which is tomorrow night you’re going to step up performance I’m not going to be wearing the same shirt because I’m wearing it tonight so I’ve got a new shirt for tomorrow so anybody that comes out to Rundle will see me in a another new shirt but I’m you know and when I got back from the round I got back up to Ho 13 which was the end of the round I spoke to Tim and I showed him the disc and I got you and Mark to sign it and if Devon if we if we bump into Devon again you’ll have to point him out me because I totally forget what he looks like but I need to get him to sign the disc but he asked me whether I was going to retire it or whether I was going to keep it in my bag and so maybe I might just bring it out on whole five again maybe the wind will be in the in the same direction maybe the clouds will just be parting over the the full moon and and a wolf will howl in the background I’ll take my disc I’ll pick the same heer line I’ll throw it out to the right hand side I’ll show Mark how to do it I’ll throw it out to the right hand side it’ll go up into the wind it’ll flip over or it’ll turn over just a little bit it’ll catch some fade the wind will hit the bottom plate it will come straight down towards that basket it’s going to hit those chains it knows where its home is but you know what’s G to happen what’s gonna happen that disc is going to stop it okay thanks everybody we’ll catch you next week see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] tomorrow e for

1 Comment

  1. I sadly missed the Berg event as I was already in the Edmonton Tag Team Doubles event on Saturday. Do you think the Berg event will become an annual event?

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