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UFC Fight Night Nicolau vs Perez MAIN EVENT #UFC #ufcvegas91

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and we should be good let’s make
speaker all
right let’s do
this nope no
no there we
go there we go there we
go currently watching in on mute because
it is in Spanish for some reason I don’t
really know
why but what’s
here it’s spinning back F there
Jesus uh here
B what’s up MPD what up
buddy have that up
there let’s get that out of
here big body kick there goodness
all right let’s get rid of this I don’t
need to see myself score this fight uh
no can’t score it I got Maha up two
points two rounds you mean okay picked
Maha okay I pick
Bonitas it’s a freaking Spanish
broadcast which I don’t really know why
is not available in English which cool
no Mason no
yes yeah I I picked Bonitas in this one
even though the cardio does look pretty
good from mahasa in this one which was
concern but Bas being that dog oh nice
uppercut there for Bonitas that was nice
oh nice straight there from Bonitas nice
left 210 left round three oh nice
straight there from
aot sure this is that
that was nice another another nice
uppercut from
Bonitas Bas 98 strikes significance oh
nice straight there almost capitalize of
shot he’s making a dirty as
Bonitas thumbs up
okay about 120 left in round number
three now
oh nice combination there from mahash
shot he looks big in this
one maybe it’s how B Ducks but still
looks big oh nice left or right
there nice leg kick there oh nice body
kick for my
shot 50 seconds
Miss with the
right oh nice short left there for Maha
shot oh nice
straight oh that was nice that was a
nice pull counter there for bonitz
the N is out striking him every round
except for the
second 10
seconds yo what’s up Mason oh nice
flying knee for Bonitas that was
nice full counter there for Bonitas nice
job good
fight good fight yep flying
knee yep yep yep
and with guys that typically get their
opponents out of there in the first if
they win I don’t necessarily know who
won Hill Round Tree who wins probably
Round Tree just for the fact that Hill’s
going un
unfortunately not that I don’t like
round Tre but still damn hill too soon
yeah 100% too
soon it’s still in
Spanish just beat the goat Smith
yuck I can’t believe this freaking
thing’s in Spanish Pantoja EG who wins
panta EG can do some something good late
in the fight but I think that’s that’s
if he wins it’s
late what do I think of Janita denz
versus Lane I think Den denz knocks him
out that’s what I
think Lane’s chins very
weird here we go three
rounds cologne
bitas yeah come
mahash got it by Split
Decision I don’t know I say is good
well-rounded by Pia is the king of the
this division yeah
yeah I think the biggest thing for
pantos is just pacing himself a little
bit trying not to get him out of there
right away also got chinned by tafa yes
MPD he did Mason I know you sent it but
know you are damn
right what up Pat what up buddy what up
what up what up
Pia Ur gonna be fun oh
yeah oh yeah lost and land is a big guy
yep with a glass chin this is a good
Apex card in my opinion it is very good
Aldo Martinez who wins come on Josie
Aldo it’s a better card than people are
you know I seen something on Twitter uh
where people were like this is a trash
card don’t watch it we don’t need your
Insight that it’s a trash card don’t
watch it Martinez is good though yeah he
is I was tired of Tor vers Tai and Allen
vers Curtis fight nights that’s fair I’m
not talking about you by the way
Martinez L kicks are sick yeah Jose
Aldos are
sick it’s not the best card but it’s
still fun yeah it doesn’t always have to
be the best arold Allen versus Josh EMT
who would I pick oh Josh EMT Allen has a
very weird chin very weird chin I think
the big thing with this fight recap is
being tired of those fight nights
no okay
what Allen chin is strange yeah very
strange very
strange picking Alex Perez okay that’s
fair I think it’s a very tough grueling
fight that’s for sure
I think it’s a tough gruly one who do I
pick for main event I tend to to want to
go more with Nikolai just because he’s a
little bit more well-rounded with his
striking and Perez does move in on
straight lines and I think that can help
Nikolai a lot but if perz can get his
wrestling started early then I think he
can do a lot of good stuff what’s up
fight realm dougas silver andr vers
miles John who do I got yes I got to do
short I know this is prob old but sorry
I wasn’t very active this week I tried
to do what I could I still got one more
day of work after this fight night is
over I just I worked so much this week
so uh
yeah Alex perz used to have some good
calf kicks yeah it seems like every time
he steps he fights that step up
competition tends to fold a little bit
Alex Perez winning Maybe
my content keep is good keep going thank
you very much man Austin Lane
Championship run Starts Now not with
that chin it’s not piggy submitted Perez
so easy yep and
Pantoja and Pantoja for
sure who would I pick Arnold Allen
versus Yer Yer your post the new
announcements fights so fast oh thank
you man I definitely try I missed a lot
like Buckley and uh uh the guy ner
Sultan missed that one I’ve missed a
couple of them just because I was at
work when it happened unfortunately
you’re acting like getting fluke knocked
out by bam bam is a Bad
Thing imagine panta Mighty Mouse Mighty
Mouse does nasty things to
panta I’m leaning miles Johns because
Douglas is 38 well if you’ve watched
Douglas Silva 38 means nothing nothing
he’s more well-rounded Than Miles
John’s did you see Luke Ro knockout
Shilling brutal KO it was nasty I was
glad to see Luke win Alex Perez by
decision I think he’s GNA out strike uh
Nikolai and make him hit air for the
whole fight well I definitely don’t
think he out strikes him uh out wrestle
him sure out striking nikolai’s a better
Striker for sure Demetrius is so good
yeah matal is hella overrated if
anybody’s overrated it’s Al Perez that
guy’s awful miles John sucks bro he’s
not great respect
Shilling did break Luke’s nose though
who doesn’t break Luke’s nose come on
Luke Costa was such a fun fight yes it
was yes it was yeah I just watched the
staman fight but he was at 140 yeah yeah
and and there’s other fights where he
looks he gets beat up he gets hurt gets
dropped then he comes back and looks
pretty dang good don’t let his age fool
you miles John is generally not good
fighter Gibson fumbled that night yeah
he did fumble but miles Johns did what
he needed to do which sucks because I
like Cody
Gibson might M was bruty koed by andrino
in the knee on the ground thing I want
to say brutally koed he was just knocked
out with the knee Douglas literally just
beat ston he’s got it man okay I think
stam’s all that but yeah Douglas body
kicks and spinning kicks yeah he’s uh
his his uh Style’s little crazy kind of
tends to get hit a little bit you know
uh before he wakes up so Luke rockold
versus bising in karate combat I’ll take
bising all day every day baby Kevin
gastam Son bis me into into the
retirement well GSP kind of did that he
came back too soon and got ko’ed that’s
that’s yeah that’s a tough one because I
I think that’s a tough fight other than
that I like Gaston a lot but
yes he was yes he was very well-rounded
good watching this in freaking Spanish
it’s so crazy that there’s no other
people forget about Kelvin gastam is he
a war yes it was like miles John hate is
crazy 14-2 and six- two in the UFC I I I
think it’s just that style he’s kind of
a slow measure either he’s slow during
the fight or he get you know a big
performance it’s it’s one of those weird
things I’m not high on him but
shees yeah gasline boxing is sick yes it
is izy Kelvin one of the best fights
ever and what was the main event of that
card tell me this girl from uh Orman
yeah trying to figure out if I can watch
this thing with freaking uh
not on um Spanish commentary because
only Spanish is available Tim Means y
medic is is over what it’s not overrated
how dare you that sumburger fight means
has the style to TKO
medic oh yeah I don’t think the fight
itself is overrated Yo’s medic
sure but uh I I like timin but I think
medic being a little bit younger than
him is a bit of an issue for Tim Means
and it sucks I don’t want to see Tim get
finished how brutal broke Justin
Justin’s nose yes he did nice takedown
leang oh nice job come
um she’s in on a leg I’m saying his
performance gets overrated oh yes I’m
sorry yes you just put Tim Means y medic
overrated Prime Means versus Prime
conduit oh God it’d be one of the best
fights I’m sorry I’m sorry it’d be one
of the best fights it’s like Matt Brown
and Tim Means doesn’t get talked about
enough that’s a fun fight who’s the most
overrated fighter in in the UFC Anthony
Smith Corey sandhagen right up there
with him I’m saying his performance yeah
I’m sorry
yeah how broke yeah
yeah yeah and that’s a fight another
fight where selberg had the fight he had
him hurt Anthony Smith Cory San Haagen
yeah come on come on come on you know my
answers to this to these
also in leang staying super tight
against the Gage on petravic again we
have to remember even though pet uh
leang has lost her last couple fights
it’s been against good
competition you know I think that’s
something we need to remember petravic
only has seven fights this is her eighth
professional fight
are we are we not going to be in Spanish
anymore straight there for Petra that
was nice oh big overhand right for the
nice course sanen Rob f 25 minutes of
dog [ __ ] yeah Anthony Smith is going to
lose the patrino intire let’s hope so
stay an analyst stay stay an analyst I
don’t think you’re great but stay an
analyst for
sure nice L from theang she looks good
so far but again she
should nice te there for leang oh
overhand right swinging a miss she’s
closing that distance with it kind of
blitzing oh nice duck under body lock
almost to the ground and she has her
down oh she reversed it nice
job looking for that single
leg oh she’s on the bottom on the bottom
on the bottom she’s gonna she’s gonna
escape from the back
beautiful goodness
yes some beautiful work from leang let’s
let’s be real that is some beautiful
work and she has her back that is some
beautiful work 140 left around number
one she’s looking to take her back fully
get the hooks in but this is her
position oh nice nice takeown for
petravic very nice just never accepting
that position
okay let’s see if we can find a
freaking Spanish just just
unbelievable how is this a
how how is it a
thing armar armar
goodness she seems to be safe she’s yep
yep yep yep her hand is not connected
petrovic’s hand is not
connected boy are you correct on that
Mason 25 minutes of dog
poo two minutes of control time top
control time Le for Lee
Yang oh she’s turn to
get out of this damn
yuck 10
seconds she’s almost belly
down 4
seconds okay all right
also uh my fight stuff will be out
tomorrow my uh
predictions I’m very curious to see what
happens with Buckley and N
suan 100%
here we go mod number
two oh nice inside leg kick for
tep she’s doing that same thing where
she’s kind of Leaping in with her
strikes oh nice right straight there
that was
nice what’s good Anakin what up buddy
what up what up
oh nice body kick for leang that was
nice oh nice left for
leang glad Maha got the win crazy fight
he had yeah I missed the first two
rounds a freaking Spanish broadcast
right now so I don’t know but third
round numbers wise Bonita has won but I
know that’s why you can’t look at
numbers my house cardio looked better
time which is what I was worried about
because he tends to gas
out oh she lean gets
reversed oh oh oh oh yeah reverses
her nice get out of
there oh nice right oh right a again for
leang goodness leang actually doing
decent in this fight yeah
well what’s I wonder why that is she’s
not fighting a girl that’s really good
she’s fighting a girl that’s this is her
eighth fight whether she’s lost her last
three or not she’s got some really good
opponents with a lot of a lot of
fights so and petravic almost has her
back now nope has her back see what
leang is able to do oh she just got
dropped on her head brutal
brutal she’s not allowing petravic to
Mount oh the’s gonna push herself off
off this cage with her
feet oh nice elbows for petravic this is
where petravic has had her most success
she’s just seems a little bit stronger
down here in these
positions what is this referee so close
for back
up all right she gonna give up back nope
Le oh oh nice job for
leang great top pressure from petravic
she trying to push off ref’s chill out
oh trying to lock reverse triangle
goodness oh triangle triangle triangle
oh that triangle was almost in
unbelievable unbelievable she has her
arm she has her arm the has her arm oh
boy oh nope loses it what’s up
Northwest how Ain gas out so fast I
don’t think she gased out necessarily
but she’s definitely slowed she’s still
working she’s still
working she might just be measuring
herself a little bit more instead of
going wild to scramble out because
everyone in the first round she was
scrambling hope you hopefully you’re
doing well
Northwest she’s doing leang is doing a
very good job out of danger because she
started to get a little bit in danger in
that first round from the arm
bar she’s not getting wiped out on the
ground I don’t like that she’s kind
of not scrambling as much as she could
but oh has her back petrii has her back
BS out of that she’s using her legs very
oh now4 seconds left Round number
two pretty well buddy one more day of
work nice strikes from the ground or on
on on top from petrac Yang not accepting
it referee should not stopped this fight
there’s no reason to she’s defending
she’s moving she’s all right 10 seconds
10 seconds seven
six 4 3 two one there let’s go get
goodness boy oh
boy yeah it’s been a long freaking week
bad IQ from the Ang was doing well then
let’s this happen well again the issue
is is because she was scrambling so much
in the first and she was doing well
doing that petravic is stronger down
there so again that’s the issue is leang
was doing well because she was
scrambling you can’t scramble a whole 15
minutes fights unless you’re a crazy
cardio person you know and Petrovic on
top is very strong and that’s what we’re
seeing we’re just seeing Petri be strong
down there and on her strength like
that’s her strength that’s what she’s
at it also sucks too because leang was
having success on the feed she’s having
success you know Grambling but it could
one could be
one1 I don’t know if it is but it could
Here We
Go Round number
three on the feet she’s doing well well
really well oh nice leg kick again from
leang oh single leg just go for it on
for Petra looking for a guillotine she’s
though high high guard
now this is where leang wasn’t having
success so let’s see if she can get up
or create a
scramble oh she she almost had a
triangle and she almost had an arm bar
it was locked in oh oh oh almost had a
triangle again Petra vict defended well
putting her hand in the in
there she’s doing good with her her
guard with her legs
which Petra is just staying super heavy
super heavy and she has Mount again this
is probably gonna be it oh arm triangle
she’s doing the right
thing you have the belly out so good job
that oh she tapped that’s a disgusting
tap that is a terrible
wow Petra just did her thing she just
did her thing very strong on
top brutal that’s a bad tap that’s a
very bad
tap yuck and she had moments leang had
moments she just couldn’t keep up with
that that uh that pressure how strong
petravic was
she almost had a guillotine there
triangle almost armar just petravic was
just so so strong on
top figured that’s exactly how I thought
that fight was G that was going to go
there her nose is all messed
up it might be broken
whis come
on NE a getting cut now yeah oh for sure
for sure that’s that that’s tough though
feel bad for her yeah because she was
moments this one there’s no
excuse the other ones she fought good
good Fighters good
experience this no
none zero
she needs to fight and risen and get
back on track back yeah she needs to do
something that’s for
sure that is for sure
win can’t believe UFC 301 is next week
so hyp for Aldo me too
100% 100% I can’t wait for Jose to come
she was getting tagged on the feet
too me was doing good with
that you went grappling because she was
punching you in your face
she must have a squeeze because Leanne
did everything she was supposed to
do that’s a that’s a bad tab yikes yikes
Oh short noce for padila 13 and
six finished 11 of 12 victories
what the deal look
good he hasn’t fought a lot of people
tell you that
much I like I like Lion top
Lop I like him in this
fight I’m going to go grab some coffee
I’ll be right back
e e
sorry about
that to get some
coffee CH deal is a plus
350 yo what’s up Tuesday what’s going on
buddy feel like it’s been a little while
how you been L top for the win
agreed I
agree is there any now for uh English
okay I think we’re good now
okay I’m just watching this card for
span and
gusov how you been you been all right
yeah that that fight’s Gonna Be Wild it
is really is
you been all already lately all right
lately I hope you do better than all
man I got off at 10: this morning
so then I gotta go back after
this make sure you guys smack that like
button share the stream I with spun but
bogdon isn’t a a bad Underdog I actually
have uh Bogden winning uh because I
think his awkward striking is gonna give
Ryan span some issues and span span has
a weird chin let’s let’s be
honest let’s be
honest um
see oh God these commercials are so
bad span is chinny to be to be honest
yes he is his chins very weird either he
looks great or he looks
bad especially with the guy that has as
many finishes that he as he has it it
doesn’t make sense
it doesn’t make
sense it’s it’s the same reason why it
doesn’t make sense why the fight with
Koff which I think Koff is good and
better than people say he is um why that
fight wasn’t more competitive that
doesn’t make sense to
me who am I picking you’re picking SP
span I’m picking
Bogden I think B’s uh Gus’s awkward
striking the way he
throws obviously he may be susceptible
to be hit himself but I think the way he
throws is awkward and I think that catch
span I mainly went with Ryan because of
levels of competition that I mean can’t
that I can’t argue with you on that one
for sure for sure I pick span to beat
kof because krylo always gets rocked
early and he did against span yep that’s
krylov’s Mo it’s what he does it’s what
does 24 and what 28
okay even volov almost finished him yeah
which he does have some power in his
hands volov does volan did did you pick
kry love to beat Spen
um I can’t
remember I think SP I picked span
um no I think I picked py because he’s a
little bit more well-rounded and the way
he throws later in fights I thought he
does a little bit better I
think real ones
only real ones picked kry
off I hope I picked kry off I don’t know
why but I’m picking kuskov I want span
to Wi
see span almost submitted kry love well
it seems to be the where either he is
focused and very good or it seems like
he’s questioning himself and he does
well and then he does bad it doesn’t
make any sense this fight is gonna be
awesome I’ll tell you this a lot of
footage to hard to find for padila hard
SP uh span sub for me not gonna lie
that’s fair I can see him hurting him
and getting a guillotine a lot of
finishes for Ryan span K law biggest
problem is he’ll get chucked himself
into submission sometimes yeah that’s
for sure that’s for sure
yeah so round number number one
440 again this fight is going to be
wild a much different fight than Gabe
too nice leg kick there for
padila oh inside L kick there for lion
toop Al Aliva Ricky Simone International
fight week uh that’s a great fight and I
think alivea absolutely just Chucks
Ricky Simone out of the way that’s not a
great fight for Ricky Simone especially
with that weird chin he has I’ll take an
aloa win every day
please we’re we’re talking about Charles
right I hope
so oh nice inside leg kick
again San super measured oh nice Tak
down that was beautiful take down CA and
lion topped right back up that was
almost a knee o that was
close V vincius aloa versus Simon oh if
it’s that I’m sorry I’m sorry still
vincas Aliva what that guy is so
fun again I might be overreacting
against with this guy but boy is he
fun boy is he fun it looked like the
knee was illegal that knees
down that’s
illegal oh nice ride over the top for
top oh coffee so goddamn good ala is
live to Chin Simone but his wrestling is
kind of weak true true but I think that
also causes scrambles and I think any
time alera is scrambling with Simone he
can crack him bad is actually decent
yeah yeah if you watched him his
movement’s pretty good oh nice right
straight there for Pila that was nice
yeah when you watch him he he does well
it’s all about if he can calm himself
down and Pace himself because he does
tend to overdo it sometimes and that’s
where he gets put in some put into some
bad positions but looks great here looks
great here backing up against that cage
a little bit too much I’ll tell
that oh he’s line toop line toop look oh
nice knee and padila has him down
again Lop trying to get up he’s using
his legs very
well nice job he needs to defend those
take Downs better though let’s be real
for someone taking in on short short uh
days notice he looks prepared oh yeah as
a fighter you have to know you need that
c com at any time oh nice jab by line
top and someone can check and see who
doing the last time padil fought I think
recently or he was preparing to get a
fight before this fight came
up some someone would mind actually you
know what I’m
it’s let’s see Chris Gonzalez he was
supposed to fight
525 that’s why he’s doing well right now
because he was all already in a
camp nice body kick for
lantop nice faints that’s something I
really like from uh from
lantop is his uh his yeah those lay
kicks are nice how measured he is too is
very nice for line toop I don’t like how
he reacts when he gets taken down
but oh that was a nice left oh my
goodness and padila nice with the
takedown and the mouth cards out I like
the 301 prelims a lot I’ll have to look
at them here in a second oh pad looking
for a re naked choke oh and it’s in
that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it
that’s it that’s
it beautiful
beautiful Ron one sub
beautiful he jumped right on there and
got that great
beautiful that’s great and as Lon toop
was doing
well he was doing
well and he forced it again it’s
beautiful great performance man great
job great
job that’s that that’s a big win man
good for him good for him you always
like seeing
that short notice
cool is it that I’m leaning up to pick
EG upset no I don’t think ERS does w
wins early I think it’s when P Penta is
tired because he gets tired later in
fights the way he fights um I think ERS
could could do something when he gets
tired make the rounds closer he’s gonna
be special maybe
maybe reminds me of this a fight that’s
fair that’s
fair Dan the re ni choke yeah that was
nice that was
nice very nice again I’m happy to see
it now we have a fight that I don’t
think any of us care about let’s be real
let’s be real
right what
the I think line tab’s gonna be good too
though like he literally just got caught
rushing it I mean that’s that’s what it
is Trey Ogden’s fighting soon I think
it’s a good fight it’s a good fight
crazy that people counted Z out versus
Billy Q I didn’t I did not man that was
yeah who do I love who do I have for the
lane denz fight denz 100% Lane Chin’s
bad 10 first round finishes for
badila Billy Q disrespect no I just
thought so la was gonna be better in
certain positions
Ogden might get koed by R off no no
Ogden’s too safe I understand what
you’re saying but he’s too
safe too safe F Ogden
talking [ __ ] about Lane when I
entered he sucks
sorry Billy Q sucks how dare you Lane
could win but he’s still a bum I don’t
know if he could
man I don’t know man Ogden is loved here
Ogden just keeps impressing me that’s
reality oh is love Billy Q was supposed
to win versus Sol and did so
bad well I think that’s more on zal than
Billy Q you know I don’t know if that
thing same thing happens to Billy Q if
he fights somebody else but zal’s zal’s
good man aren style never fails to put
me to
sleep well the good thing that he’s
doing now it seems is that he’s getting
a little bit more um patient but he’s
also finding and looking for more
finishes if that makes sense he’s not
rushing anything like he never has
before but yeah I’m really hoping Tim
Means wins I’m really
hoping I hope Aon doesn’t lay him prey
well the last couple fights he hasn’t
been laying and praying he’s F he’s you
know got the submission over MTO even if
it was stopped short he still was in a
submission you know he’s looked good
lately so
OG Ogden would beat Jil Turner Am I
Wrong um no you’re not wrong and I think
the reason why you’re not wrong is
because Jaylen would have moments on the
feet and then Ogden as he does would
find those takedowns or stay completely
on the
outside I love Tim Means A Lot how how
can you
not how can you not JSP or onama I got
onama I got onama JSP gets it too
much I have let’s go let’s
go also what are we doing here hold
on hold on you guys are always
here let me see oh what up colostrum
what’s going on buddy
um let’s
see Tuesday you are a
monitor colossum you are mpb MP PD you
are Anakin you are all right yeah you’re
you’re you’re typically here so uh
what’s my favorite fight on the on
favorite fight on the card titim means
anytime Tim Means fight unless it’s a
big big card I like tip means it’s
always good JSP sub doubtful David onama
is defensively pretty good R vers oh boy
that that fight is
beautiful yo what’s up juice of Zeus
what’s up what’s up what’s
up yeah Dirty Bird I really hope Dirty
Bird wins really hope he does but I
don’t know M has some good striking Tim
me fights oh fight him has a yeah
right is the goat man he’s so crisp with
his knees and elbows again an underrated
fight is him versus Matt Brown
favorite fight is spotten vers Smith
3 I see what you do there you’re doing
there I was telling people mean smokes
fio so yeah
absolutely yeah means was whooping
Mareno yes he was
yep yep I can’t wait to see Karen fight
I hope she gets the
sub she definitely can she definitely
can it’s going to be tough lipskis
looked good th on the biggest upset left
in the the card biggest
upset what’s the biggest
um Tim Means is a crazy Underdog which
doesn’t make any
sense lipsky is an
underdog um who’s the who’s the crazy
Underdog um time for means for shop cot
how dare you how dare you Moreno was
beating Nico ass remember and then got
caught coming in yep he got caught
Against the Cage that’s what happened
the biggest upset is Ron Yaya the goat
how dare you no he’s gonna get
smushed it’ll go to decision probably
because Henry doesn’t have power why are
you showing this fight for man you got
head kit koed
oh c Vasquez was in bonas’s corner
that’s cool Yaya will not be winning
agreed agreed we she he will not be
no I don’t think Victor has the KO power
yya might maybe he gets a decision no no
because Henry is very good at scrambling
and he has a lot of good output
nope it’ll be closer because Henry
doesn’t have the power but
yeah again thank you guys so much for
being here it’s awesome you guys
continuously show up so thank
you and if I’m looking this way I got my
chat and stuff over here
he got smashed by
Jackson trivia but chat can’t answer who
has the nickname the African
o I think
two yeah I think the chat spoiled
it is that in to
I know onama has a nickname like that
is Silent Assassin
okay you spoiled it I never would have
came up with that never would
have never would
have but very good
uh very good trivia there keep that keep
that going I won’t spoil the next one
yes do another
one and then I’ll star it once you come
back I rewatched the hill vers Alex
reaction and the guy and the guy spoiled
it for you yes he
did yes he
did yes and
also ah never mind who has the nickname
the Duelist
Duelist did you see The Hil recent
interviews and complaining and blaming
her Dean well I watched the Jamal Hill
thing hold on one second uh the
Duelist oh I’m never coming up with that
one that’s gonna be some obscure
one were you were I mad was I mad I I
was so taken back by The Knockout and
yeah you can answer Tuesday
you knew it off the top Tuesday
what the
Duelist I know the dentist is Josh
NE oh my goodness eor Portia’s nickname
is the
dualist that’s awful what a terrible
nickname and of course I’m not gonna
know that it’s Eeyore he’s so
bad my brain says not today buddy uhuh
so I watched eor beating Michelle
remember not a chance not a chance EO
best win is old man Shogun
yeah g
um okay so with the Jamal Hill stuff I
watched his interviews and I don’t
necessarily see the blame he’s just
asking questions which is fair
Max Max Holloway and Joe Rogan talked
about it yesterday that there’s a moment
when there’s a pause and then they
reset that Alex Pereira advances in the
middle of her moving
away and there is something to be said
it because if Jamal’s trying to keep a
distance and there’s a pause and they
don’t separate them and it gives that
second to Pereira to move forward
and then herb says go that distance is
is changed you’re supposed to separate
them especially if you see Pereira move
forward because now you’re giving it an
advantage to Pereira not seeing that
knockout maybe doesn’t happen for sure
just saying the distance that hill was
trying to keep is now gone because of a
pause in the mo pause in the action in a
in a reset or a resume by Herb Dean now
from what I had watched Hill really
wasn’t putting blame he was asking
questions like I’d never really seen
this which I said the same thing live
that’s weird I didn’t know you could
just tell the referee I’m good after he
pauses it it doesn’t happen often
typically even if they say they’re good
the referee still separates him so moves
him back and then says
go that’s the issue is that when her
paused it and then resumed it Pereira as
herb was moving away when Jamal Hill is
looking at him Pereira moves forward
cuts that angle 10 seconds later he
knocks him out I don’t
know I don’t
know I don’t
know um
oh who’s whose nickname is the hybrid
chat can answer is MMA gives up um the
hybrid isn’t that Nico price
no the hybrid oh that’s Brandon Sha
this BR sha what F Rec cap it cost a lot
bro oh Nico price okay okay the price of
strawberries have increased a
lot M yeah
yeah and remember man was knocked out by
uh the girl that beat Sam Hughes I can’t
remember her name now my brain is
[ __ ] fried I I’m going to do a hard a
hard one next a hard
one what
what I don’t know that’s that’s my piece
of uh what I think of everything going
on I watched all the interviews with
with Jamal and I don’t necessarily think
he was putting blame on he was
asking you know I think he was
questioning it which is fair it is a
thing that happened so I don’t know
I’ll get the hard question right Easy
Money apparently holy
crap I know nicknames but that’s not the
thing that I
know boy does man look relax oh big
right left and right from
sza oh spinning back kick goodness oh
closes the
distance whose nickname is the
Spartan why oh wait is that um um um he
just knocked out uh Burns’s brother
Gilbert Burns no not Gilbert
Burns oh the
Spartan oh that’s Cody
steaman Cody
don’t oh
Yos that might be right that might be
right I thought it was not Bill alio not
Bill alio uh what’s what’s the guy that
got knocked out by Sona dong is the only
TKO lost on his
record oh my goodness this combination
so is landing or nasty yeah it was
okay Yos that is not the nickname he
should have let’s be
honest I got to mix up with Ricky Glenn
for a second because they have kind of
similar nicknames yes they do yes they
do yes they
do and and yagos isn’t a guy that I
associate with that nickname there’s a
lot of guys I associate with their
nicknames like Tim
Means caros cond obviously cowboy
you know certain guys Nico
price Robbie Lawler obviously BJ pen you
know beautiful taked down by sza her
tattoos are
awesome yagos and Elias have the same
nickname what the [ __ ] that’s weird rip
to Y uh
alas her ground and pound is nasty
what a beautiful pass what a beautiful
pass this is not a woman you went on top
goodness whose nickname is the
butcher oh
Jason the butcher oh she’s looking for a
triangle not even close there it is
okay the butcher oh
boy uh ever thought about
that who nickname is the
butcher yeah she’s getting beat up
already 30 seconds left of the first oh
inside L
kick fck um the
prince oh you’re
kill the
butcher 10 seconds
what is
it oh nice take down from man
beautiful is a current Fighter by the
way the
butcher the
butcher a newer
fighter he fought recently the
[ __ ] the prince who’s the niame The
Prince and the butcher oh this is
me the
butcher I’m trying to think of like a
guy that deserves to have the nickname
The Butcher which tends to be not
correct [ __ ] the
butcher yep I
do oh I’m gonna be frustrated with that
one so
but oh Brian battle oh he changed his
name that’s not fa he changed his name
from boar to the Butcher and he’s had
one fight since then trivia whose n name
is dream catcher oh my goodness you’re
killing me dream
catcher I don’t think coming up with
dream catcher I don’t think so nope I
don’t think so yeah Brian battle that
one’s not fair because he’s only had one
fight since he changed it yeah that that
that’s the uh an Losa
fight see that that [ __ ]
yikes dream dream butcher dream dream
catcher I mean Jesus dream
catcher I had to look that one up can’t
lie well that’s because he’s only had
one fight with
it G oh that’s a good one that’s a good
one gigar gigar is good man gar good oh
big right hand from sza holy moly I
didn’t even know GGA had a
nickname that fits him dream catcher
fits him that guy’s
good he’s good he’s always been good
though I feel like Silent Assassin would
be a better nickname for him and I think
he’s had a different nickname before I
don’t think that’s the only nickname
gager Mass’s had let’s see
I’m pretty sure that’s not the only
nickname he’s had before let’s see the
T I guess that is the only nickname he
said I thought it was that different one
that he
had 49 and N that is
ridiculous I want a hard one these all
been hard
sure yes I
do 240 left in round number two whose
nickname is
CCD CCO my bad oh big combination here
brutal CC zero yeah that stupid hard on
YouTube’s chat is messing me up
cc0 oh big right hand
again CC
zero yeah I’m current fighter what
division what division because cc0 is
ridiculous oh God featherweight
bc0 that is a ridiculous
nickname for
cc0 yo what’s up andreus you know it oh
crap CC zero featherweight he actually
doesn’t go by the nickname the
announcers just announce him by his real
name oh then then I’m not getting that
zero uhuh that’s that’s a that’s a
one that’s
ridiculous that is a failed question if
I’ve ever heard one not that you did
what Josh
EMT cc0 that is not Josh ‘s name tattoos
and bald and is bald
yeah yeah that’s ridiculous oh there’s
the there’s the headlock and she’s
reversed sza is
ridiculous let’s see
this it’s
ridiculous no
chance there’s not even a
nickname but and how is he number seven
oh that’s of J January okay
okay nope nope never never would have
gotten that tattoos in his bald that is
a hilarious
hilarious look at his typology page oh
is it
there is that what that is
cc0 what the what is that nickname it’s
only on
typology 10 and four in the UFC holy
crap man nickname should be
whoa isn’t it the the manic isn’t no
that’s the last name
yikes what
someone Oh My godness Den someone just
said Janita denz hardest hitter in the
heavyweight division what w man yeah W
correct she has opportunities it’s not
like sza is shutting her out but she’s
not capitalizing on things she needs
to nice leg kick there for
man has the power what are we talking
nice leg or body kick there for man Whoa
man not 10 get get get get
nope defending the taked down nice job
oh nice knee to the body
beautiful oh here comes a big right hand
oh right there oh just missed oh
goodness what
combinations goodness
gracious oh a left
hand oh good oh oh oh that’s going to be
it oh my
goodness what what there for man
Jesus oh right straight hey Herzog you
could stop this oh my
goodness oh holy
crap the Executioner oh my goodness I
know this one
too the texecutioner
I don’t think I’m get GNA get it but I’m
going to be upset when I find out man St
has improved a bit she looked like a
soccer mom in the contender series
that’s for sure that’s just getting
experience but the texecutioner that
sounds so familiar that sounds so
familiar and she has a kamur right
now she’s
rolling and she getes on top see what
SOA can do on the bottom texecutioner
that’s going to be frustrating because I
know that one
it’s I’m thinking of M executioner
crap hint he has no
executioner o he has no Chin
he no
crap the
Executioner lightweight
oh the
Executioner I give up damn it I know it
too I just can’t think of the name oh
it’s gonna be frustrating when I see it
it’s G to be
[ __ ] bald tall and
skinny oh oh oh is that the guy he got
knocked out um by uh uh Jo Anderson
burrito oh he scheduled for another
fight I don’t know wow um Wonder booy
training training guy oh I don’t know
his name but I know who you’re talking
about I don’t think he’s bald though oh
Vic James
Vic James
Vic got it I said it before Anakin
posted that up
there oh James Vic yep
30 30
seconds oh nice grappling there for
man oh and she has her crucifix you
gotta be kidding
me well Weston Wilson
has has hair that’s too yeah yeah
yeah yikes
wow so a beat her up beat her
up but won Wilson has hair yeah James
yeah the execution is is a ridiculous
nickname for James
Vic ridiculous
and he used to be known for his ability
to eat a shot that’s how crazy that is
nuts so isn’t that good either she’s
just meaner yeah her combination looked
great but she also had an opponent that
was sitting in front of her or standing
in front of her so
yeah the fact that she couldn’t finish
her it’s a little little
worrisome for
sure for sure
save $10 on 301’s a ridiculous offer
that’s a ridiculous
offer the fact that man survived that is
is kind of
crazy kind of
crazy I bet on mot KO then M money line
thought that Bonas won though I seen the
round stream wasn’t working
so it it’s numbers Wise It’s seem like
won that doesn’t mean a lot
so can’t wait for sherro bis next fight
same which is gonna be awesome I think
she get that takedown defense up she’ll
uh she’ll be a problem I
think isn’t bullet fighting
Eeyore or who the heck is he fighting
now because it was supposed to be who’s
my favorite fighter
oh on this
card oh
my favorite fighter
goodness my favorite fighter of all time
Cowboy Carlos Condon Aldo’s awesome yo
what’s up cross what up buddy what up
what up what
up DC losing his voice
already good win for Soo yeah good win
for sure for
sure God my freaking AR top blue is top
yeah yeah he was having moments
too chrisan
D or viea um definitely not Thea but
Leroy Duncan be
fun that’d be fun
K Machado versus dant ma could be a lot
of fun that could be a lot of
fun this one could be
fun don’t tell me good things about D
it’s 45y old Andre olowski let’s let’s
out let’s chill out a little bit about
that Bigfoot don’t you guys ever ask me
what Bigfoot I’m always gonna say
Antonio Bigfoot Silva
always it’ll never be any of any of the
ones hold on one second I remember when
Maz fought gain gone yuck yuck
M gang maze gang
yuck yeah dant ma is
persistent I’ll give him that he’s
persistent for
sure May Mafia stand
up uh no
no let’s go Kai
Machado let’s go
sh um
what the
Jesus what’s
up uh
Lita I like to watch Sher yeah he’s fun
fun he’s a fun fighter to watch for sure
100% we got some fights left we got some
fights left we have one
wait eight left one two three four five
six seven eight nine nine left
maze figlock hubard
Sher versus
Edmond okay I think Sher eats Edmond
Alive eats
100% Edmund got hurt badly against [ __ ]
whatever his name is
which is an issue which is an
issue oh nice purple suit for Joe
Martinez imagine they did share a widman
Wiman eye pokes him dude oh my
goodness and also post fight for
widman you’re gonna be a bad guy now
now you’re gonna be a bad guy yuck yuck
kind of I like Kai I kind of want to see
Kai uh win this fight if he get if he’s
able to pressure Dantel a lot which he
see let’s see if Maz has the power to
put him get him away from
him sure would kill him yeah
that R would be crazy though let me tell
you let me tell
you king kong I don’t know if I’d get
that nickname either King Kong for
downtown maze probably would say Romanov
that’s probably who I would
say he some Big Boys
yes yes it
is 100%
touch gloves fun style for Kai oh big
uppercut for
Dantel big
boys well no maze doesn’t have that
power he doesn’t have one punch knockout
power it’s chill out a little bit about
nice uppercut to start the fight though
that was nice he looked for it again
mayze looked forward
again what DC chill
out woo
he’s looking for that uppercut as maze
oh okay he didn’t hurt him he didn’t
hurt him he just
slipped ma is already using all his
power yeah
already Machado already being a little
bit better
defensively well miss that one he’s
leaping he’s like overextending a little
bit as Machado
but it’s because he doesn’t want to get
caught by maiz on the return that’s
why that’s what that
is jab there for
Maze oh almost returned there for
mazee nice
jab oh nice SL kick there Jesus
oh Machado has to be careful leaving his
head up when they exchange his Chin’s
kind of up in the
air that’s why you see Mae throwing even
if his head’s down oh nice right
straight there for Maz that was nice
missed with the head kick that was
nasty I mean
bad ni body kick from
Machado he leaped in with a body kick of
his own for Maz
ma trained with Jones did you know that
did you know that
good good let’s see if it uh does
no I think there that was a conversation
of his last fight against naso he’s lost
twice to that he was training with John
he missing a lot there oh nice straight
there for
Mae he’s not doing a good job because
he’s just overextending he’s trying to
force it with his maze that’s a big
that’s a big
issue he trained with Jones did you know
that he injured Jones as he is the
reason Jon Jon is out oh he’s the one he
was Jon was grappling with when he tore
[ __ ] I didn’t know that that was a
nice Poll for Machado bait maze with the
uh action
we know those hurt
okay okay thank
you 120 left of round number
one Jones probably with that damage to
with probably I mean it tore all
completely off of the bone it was a bad
one maze is just too good just too good
what oh oh big
right nope
nope whoa May got them heavy H sprawled
on Jones ripped ripped him immediately
yeah that was a big right for Maze again
that’s that’s Mach that’s what machado’s
doing maze Mafia he dropped him chill
out oh my
goodness uh oh now this third this
second second round is going to be it’s
going to be wild probably going to see
maze go right after
him maze is a top five heavyweight how
you top five heavyweight there’s nobody
in the top five he would beat
nobody zero
people why didn’t maze finish
him because Dantel ma that’s why
Maus Gaz is the fight to make after this
that’s fair win or lose that’s that’s
the fight to make after
this I see it
there’s the big right
hand right on the tip of the
chin he probably didn’t even see it well
obviously he didn’t see
it uh definitely disagree with him being
already he’s look he’s gonna be looking
for that overhand right his
maze nice jab that was beautiful by
mayz but did he feel
it I think
so by him going down like he
did oh don’t lead in with your head
goodness Machado needs to get in more oh
big right hand for Machado that was
nice he needs to going to the body a
little bit if he can get him to back up
which he has been May he’s just got that
Elite boxing you know
what Elite boxing that is not what I
would say with Dantel
ma Machado is doing a good job of
getting maze to go oh nice right hand
Machado oo
oh big right hand
again beautiful for Maze mazwood finish
DPE there’s levels to oh Jesus now
you’re just trolling now you’re
trolling nice
jab oh nice right straight
again by
mazee and when Machado moves he doesn’t
necessarily get hit a lot it’s when he
stands still
when he plants his feet he gets touched
up a little bit
te or I mean oblique my bad
oblique oh nice straight than right for
Maze woo
going to the body for Machado would do
so well maze ver would be a firefight
that’s that’s
ridiculous that’s
ridiculous nice right for Mado
nice leg kick and a jab to return from
mazee he’s looking for that same
combination as Machado leaping straight
with a left or with a right
hook oh nice body shot that hurt him
that hurt
him definitely looked like it hurt him
nice uppercut Again by
Maze oh body kick for Machado and he
stances 125 around number two o nice
left straight again by
Maze that was a bad
yeah one minute round number
two let’s chill
out oh nice knee for Machado to the body
nice left overhand for
Maz how is DC is voice gone May says the
John Jones ask dring not at all not even
a little bit
what oh nice combination from Machado
that was nice there go go go oh left the
again that was
nice child on them
nice DC getting P
PTSD that is a ridiculous take
Fredrick ridiculous
first one’s three goodness
no we have the
okay Maze beats Jones
yuck yuck
and Machado might be down two
rounds very well might
be Maz with finish DC
DC I’m not the biggest DC fan but that’s
a ridiculous
takech May’s got that hard of a champion
what are you talking
about I am not a DC fan I get it
I get it I think his commentary is weird
sometimes say the
least boy Machado would do well much
better if he could get some combinations
going goodness can see Mae clearing the
top of a heavyweight on a
streak okay now you’re just
trolling he needs to go to the body a
little bit more does Machado because it
feels like maze is ahead feels like ma
is women
DC is a comedy man talks dooo sometimes
yeah that’s for sure that’s for
sure chado has to go man three
minutes nice jab to the body that was
Mae barely missed that overhand
right Mae moves like a prime oh
Jesus oh nice jab by Machado that was
nice oh he’s
Machado is so worried about that
freaking uh counter from
mazee so worried about
it Machado gota go go for it now he’s
not picking it up yep he needs to go for
it about 210 round
three there’s a body shot that was nice
oh nice uppercut and a right straight
that was beautiful or left
oh nice head kick for Machado that was
nice a nice head kick by Machado man oh
nice knee missed but it was it was a
one machado’s having
fun there he is
body body
Machado maze is just that guy what are
you talking
about who else is getting Jones gusen oh
goodness oh
goodness oh
woo nice left there for Maze
May squinting a little bit out of that
eye oh nice KNE there from
Machado oh nice right there for uh
Machado there’s one two one combination
but he’s so worried about that damn
counter kind of just backs up which is
obviously an issue oh nice straight
there for Machado was
nice I thought he would do a little bit
better Against the Cage when Maz is
standing against that cage because he
does do that a lot 10
seconds oh machado’s waving him
on great finish
finish probably 21
maze I I would say good ending
yeah I expected a little bit more from
that from Machado I’m getting Reyes
Jones Vibes Frederick how how is this on
a fight night this should be on a
headliner yuck
Frederick Maz is taking this one yeah 21
2-1 for
all three judg he’s a problem okay
yep D tell me
is yeah he won the F the first two
pace of Maze and skill is not what I
say what
good win good
win good
win Mr go Joey I don’t know what you and
Fredrick are doing
but thanes
let’s see what the freaking
um crap what was I going to do oh yeah
yeah yeah yeah
Underdog Underdog fantasy let’s see
what’s going
on you think coob ever fights Gary not a
chance not a chance why would
he it’s not a winable fight for
him this was fight of the night
Contender fight of the Year Contender
Frederick go
away go
away let’s
see four fight time four minutes fight
time what the 5 10 15 oh 25 so four
rounds okay
Jonathan Pierce I I like Jonathan Pierce
on three
takedowns I think he could get them
unbelievable unbelievable
he looked really bad in his last one
bad did you see video of Ryan Garcia
giving Colby some boxing tips I did not
see that but if we anybody knows uh
Colby he’s not gonna listen to that
that’s for
sure Kobe’s whack whack
thank you for all 15 my subscribers
was all into
it if that guy comes back and he’s a
striker all of a
sudden okay sure sure that would be
crazy that would be
crazy um
vincius Aloo yep Ricky
announced I do like
that I do like
um oh yeah Nathaniel wood Daniel pan
matchup I really really
like what the maze versus Jones sparring
footage is next level that’s not true
sir simply
true come on
no oh my goodness Cubs are getting
smacked by the Red Sox nine
smacked Jerry Rice’s son just got taken
right Kobe was listening we’ll see if
he’s listening I doubt it
this kid is a
whatever oh
God Brendan rice went to the Chargers oh
okay okay
who ended up taking
Hartman Xavier Thomas is a good
pick Austin
see who
took oh Joe Milton Tennessee went to the
Patriots okay
right oh boy Sam Sam Hartman not been
yet F let’s
see audri Esty yep went to the
Broncos I don’t think he’s been drafted
which probably means he’s not getting
drafted I’d
assume I would
assume there’s a lot of picks left but
I’m gonna assume Sam Hartman’s not gonna
what here we
go Michael figl Austin harburg
oh I was talking about the NFL
draft l l
Lita nice DB there for big
loock check that one again I said the
pressure of hubard is going to be an
issue for hubard
nice leg kick there for
hubard big right hand there for for fig
lock fig
lock it’s been a
while got him down no right back up for
Hub 335 left Round number one
leg kick for
hubard again hubber gets himself in
trouble because he tends to pressure
which leads to him being taken
down oh there’s a single leg single
leg beautiful defense
little over overthrown there for
figlock oh nice jab there for Austin
Huard yeah heard a lot in that debut
oh oh oh defending oh great take down
there for hubard great
job right back
down oh camera come on
man inside they kick there
oh nice jab there for
figlock oh big right hand good Miss by
oh big right-and counter for
figlock nice combinations for fig loock
oh beautiful right hand through
hubard beautiful I don’t like how Pig
Lock’s kind of overextending himself
when he’s throwing
instead of saying a little bit more
techical oh again that right
hand oh nice left for uh Pig
loock surprised we’re not seeing a
little bit more wrestling oh nice L
again for hubard
good first round good first
round let’s
see don’t think Hartman’s gonna get
don’t think he’s GNA be
drafted don’t think so
what the why do they have someone else
talking about Irish risky when it’s not
Conor that’s
odd Here We Go Round number
two oh nice Jab
W oh nice jab again for
hubard trading head kakes now nice L
there oh big right hand there for
I thought hubard won the first
round honestly
oh boy they are throwing
down my
goodness woo
oh nice body kick there for
figlock oh nice jab there for fig loock
yes he’s get he’s getting caught moving
now oh nice combination there for hubard
that was
niceo bit on that one
oh oh oh single leg defended
beautiful beautiful
he’s letting them up there it
is boy they are
throwing oh nice right hand for
figlock oh nice jab or straight for uh
hubber that was nice boy does he look
different fighting when he’s moving
forward goodness
oh nice straight for hover that was
beautiful nice body shot for Hub
nice nice l
for fig
lock no no no
oh nice knee for hubber that was
beautiful beautiful
Mee 10 seconds four
seconds third round okay
still quite a few
quarterbacks there John rice pum Plum
plumbley Michael press Sam
H okay
right back at it there we go could be oh
big left to right for fig lock that was
nice goodness nice body shot there for
Austin hubard could be 1-1 could be 2
hover nice inside leg kick for fig loock
lot of pressure from both guys gig loock
hasn’t used his wrestling as much as I
thought he should have because of the
pressure of hubber oh
nice oh
kick head kick for goodness
oh has his back has his
back oh almost had him down
almost doesn’t look like he’s attempting
yeah it doesn’t look like he’s trying to
get him down
so jab there for figlock nice Ts that
he’s been doing keeping that
distance leg
kick oh nice
jab oh another
goodness oh nice BL dancing
left goodness hub’s Jabs are gonna make
the difference yep it seems like it it
seems like it blooding up the nose and
everything good catch there
oh has his back again can he get
down it’d be huge if he could get him
down separated a little
bit nope oh nice elbow that was nice
with fig
loock oh that was that was a nice jab by
fig loock
oh nice jab there
too oh nice shovel hook there for
hubard oh nice jab to the body there for
big lock W over the top right hand there
that was nice oh another
one oh another right
hand now the jab by
hubber another
one oh one 120 oh great Tak down for
hubard and figlock right to the cage can
he get up he needs to hurry up and he’s
up and he’s
up oh can you can you spin it out can
you turn into him
great wrestling for
Hub oh nice knees
Beautiful by hover those take down might
have just sealed the victory yeah very
well could have H Glock has to go for
and around he was looking good in too oh
he’s looking for another taked down it’s
Hub a great matchmaking here
oh big loock pointing in there pointing
in the
middle oh nice uppercut for figlock oh
nice right straight oh look for a taked
down look for a Tak
down 10
seconds oh that
I don’t know should be 2-1
hubard but who knows how they scored the
first two rounds the last round I think
won so it just depends what they scored
the other two I have it 2-1
hubard just the
accuracy personally
boom who do you have it for Meo
yep two one
hu goodness
naso versus Derrick Lewis is a
disgusting main event I like Derrick
but goodness no reason Derrick Lewis
should lose that fight zero
zero here it is Austin hubard Michael
figlock see all three judges
2928 Austin
hover yep 2-1
yep Austin
hubard good
finish or good end to the
round Rona
good call
thereo Victor Henry
Hana any coffee l i don’t
what strong what are we talking about
here I thought hubard lost I didn’t I
thought hubard won rounds one and two
pretty clearly he lost the
third got anything you like betting
wise uh for this fight for significant
strikes I don’t think there’s a finish
in this one here let me look at this
real quick and I’ll tell you what I
think try get it out
live betting would be great for this one
but let’s
see let’s
see let’s see
okay oops I don’t want that but let’s
Kar Jonathan Pierce D onama where is it
where is it okay so Victor
Henry um 14 minutes of fight time
basically for the fight to go decision I
do think it goes to a
decision but um 59 so 60 significant
strikes I think higher I think it’s
absolutely going to get
that even hear the story of Yaya through
a snake at Cruise no ever hear the story
I sure didn’t no not at all um but I
definitely like Victor Henry 59 and a
half Sting the strikes higher for sure
and I can’t bet y
yeah can’t bet
that I just don’t see him getting a
submission on Victor Henry he’s he’s
just he’s too good too good
too good but yeah I like higher 59
strikes I like that I don’t think I can
do this either no I can’t so yeah that
one and then Tim Means y Euros
medic uh 33 and a half significant
strikes I absolutely think that unless
you think Euros medic can um let’s see
on him medish is 46 45 and a half cific
strikes higher lower it just depends if
you think he get a finish finish for Tim
Means is a knockout is five time
multiplier a finish is 3.75 player
significant strike I think is a little
bit more a safer one but I mean you
throw Tim Means out there for a finish
let’s say he just gets a finish 3.75 and
that multiplies it to 22 and a
half uh you could do David onama let’s
see David onama to get
get a
knockout it’s 1.75 or two for just a
knockout or finish is 1.75 cican strikes
is 46 and a half I don’t know if I like
those odds
um Jonathan Pierce 11 and a half minutes
of fight time
sure three takedowns I like and that’s
what I have for him
Austin Austin Lane for a finish
lower I don’t think he gets a finish but
I H don’t think he
wins uh lipsky 33 and a half significant
strikes I like I do think Karine Silva
wins with her 33 and a half that’s fair
submission I do like highest one’s knock
out which I don’t think she knocks her
out so that’s a low I don’t think she
knocks her out which is A6
do really add
anything obviously to it because
so doden nine and a half snipping
higher uh know yeah still the story of
him against Yaya in the jiu-jitsu
tournament when Yaya came out and threw
a snake at him as I was writing this is
it seems like a troll but it’s not
that’s crazy that’s
crazy one no contest
nice how’s Washington dolphin okay
okay still no no more
quarterbacks still no quarterbacks
that’s crazy that Yaya did that to Cruz
crazy let’s go
Victor here we
go hone oh didn’t want to touch gloves
cool Victor Henry’s good has good
movement too
don’t you think Yaya should just start
to shave his head like why are you
keeping the hair on the back on the
front of your ha
head oh nice leg kick for
Yaya I was thinking the same
thing oh nice straight for
awkward ooo nice straight for Henry
goodness Miss he’s he’s also leaping in
so oh there’s a takedown attempt there’s
a taked down attempt don’t grab the cage
don’t grab the cage don’t grab the
cage gaya’s really good here
nice Tak down there for haha
y nice defense by Henry
beautiful he’s out
so o nice right hand for
Yaya oo nice jab to the
woo nice leg kick but he gets the single
leg and he finish
it oh he’s almost out he’s real low as
and Henry is super
calm just elbow him in the
damn oh beautiful taked down and Henry
right back up
because beautiful oh and Victor has has
a hold of him
that’s now what he
wants let go Henry back it up back it up
back it
up what fight you most excited excites
you on the next pay-per-views Aldo
Martinez for sure for
sure oh great combination there for
Henry I do like Nathaniel Wood versus
Daniel can I like that a lot but
although Michael Martinez or Jonathan
Martinez my bad oh nice nice angle there
for Henry that was
nice and as this fight goes Henry’s
gonna start to pick it up a little bit
he’s just defending a little bit right
now as he should obviously
oh great job
Henry 27 seconds
oh nice oblique for
Yaya oh nice head kick that was
beautiful oh nice right hand for Yaya
goodness oh nice
knee Yaya kind of exchanging a little
bit not something you tend to see from
Ken Ken Bay drafted a quarterback
Michael Pratt to
Lane okay I guess
sure back up
QB just seventh round but
still A’s getting talking d by Jason
oh nice right hand for
Yaya oh nice uppercut there for
Henry new QB for
yikes how many uh significant strikes is
is uh Victor Henry at I’m very curious
on that
okay oh oh desperate take down there for
goodness nice double jab there for
Victor Henry oh nice right there for
woo right hand over the top oh nice
left yep he’s start he’s starting to
pick him apart a little
bit looking for deck away head kick oh
take down for Yaya
oh goodness nice body kick
there oh nice right hand for Yaya I mean
for Henry
goodness oh nice right for Yaya
oh nice jab for
Yaya oh right hand again for
Yaya oh nice shot to the body for
Victor Victor
oh nice head kick for Victor
Henry Against the
145 oh right straight oh that hurt him
that hurt him lock the head
kick oh nice right hand for Yaya
straight to the
body Superman punch for
Henry oh nice right for
Victor woo just threw him down
goodness oh there it is as they were
talking about it that body shot nice
44 boy was I correct on that one
you oh body shot right hand right hand
well this
is 25
seconds oh oh we nak submission but nope
nope nope nope he’s
moving it is keeping him in the fight
job good job yes eight seconds
and Josh Barnett’s gonna yell at
him boys he all sorts of
hurt right straight good
mess I hope you put some on the
significant strikes because he he
definitely got that
hold on 44 58 oh so he needs two more
significant strikes probably got some
more of that on the freaking ground so
he probably hit 59 and a half
strikes so hopefully you bet that pretty
sure it’s 59 and a
half uh yep 59 and a half
so yeah
I sure hope you you uh you did
that round
three round number
three Yaya is gonna go right at him
inside leg
kick oh that jab is
money oh oh oh oh he’s on the leg
he is beating him up again
Stocker come on
nice jab for
Henry oh nice teep there
beautiful oh that right hand oh that
right hand hurt
him he moving he’s moving give him
credit give him credit he’s moving crazy
is only three years older than Henry he
looks like he’s pushing 50 oh yeah I
don’t have over unders or significant
strikes on Pinnacle but good call sir ah
man oh
elbow oh there it is there it is
boy he was close ha was close to
him oh body shot
there oh head kick is nasty okay left
you got to stop
it yep there
great oh the head kick was
nasty kicked him right in the
yuck h
okay give me a main card here
soon give me main card
here we
go here we
go for
that two and three he’s good
Korean barbecue let’s go never had it
yeah I don’t think fig lock won that
fight I I I did not think that at all
11 seconds oh
boy oh
yikes that shock
what in the
triangle what are we talking about
here oh my goodness you got to be
kidding me
oh big right hand
goodness he fights he finishes goodness
gracious Karen yeah I like
Karine I like Karine a lot for
sure yes
I like
what St Clark chill out chill
out people saying she’s fought no
bodies uh uh let’s
nobodies Kaitlin sza who just
earlier no she’s fought good Fighters
lipsky is probably fought more just
because she’s been in the UFC a little
bit longer but she’s fought like JJ
Aldrich Melissa gado Casey
O’Neal I I disagree honestly I think Kar
Silva’s fought better competition
so no that’s not
true Karine just needs it down she’s
she’s a anaconda on the ground agreed
agreed on the feet I do like lipsky
obviously I think lipsky is very very
but doesn’t look like Sam Hartman’s
going to get
drafted Oh goodness
Yik hope you guys are good if you are
new here please slap that like button it
helps out so so
much hiccups
now oh my goodness Cubs are losing seven
oh finals 17
wow what oh yeah Tim Means Z medic
yeah oh
yeah let’s see anybody do good
today P Ron got a hit Jan gumes got two
hits Bush got a hit Morrow got a
hit Ben Brown 3.2 Innings seven hits 3
runs four
terrible Red Sox
Tyler O’Neil got a home
run rafhaela got a home run four hits
three runs what the seven RBI holy
crap Red Sox
goodness the pitching didn’t even do
that great I mean like three Innings
three hits one strikeout why in the
world did why did he
leave he get hurt what in the world is
that that’s confusing do I follow hockey
no I
don’t nope never been a sport I’ve been
crazy into who wins a Silverback or a
leopard silverback gorillas are
incredible incredible
boy alex pres looks awful when he’s
awful miny buts okay
cross ar ar o lipsky is beating Karine
okay if Karine can’t get it to the
yes but I
disagree but I
disagree I think she will
oh boy Perez looked almost as bad as
Conor at
145 yeah kind of looked like he energy
though Perez looked like he’s a dead man
oh beautiful me goodness
oh this could be a bad one oh this could
bad apparently leopards eat silver backs
crazy right yeah that’s they might eat
them when they’re dead
two picks
left guess they don’t update the needs
you got Bamboozled
no uh
okay if Perez can Russell Nikolai early
slow him down a little bit he’ll have
success how we like and Karine sub plus
255 ah hold on hold on hold on hold on
on let me look um Karen
Silva wait yeah Karen Sila so let’s
dama lipsky Karen okay let’s
do um 33 and a half significant strikes
okay let’s look at her what oh
it doesn’t show anything from our last
fight which it typically does okay so 10
minutes fight
time that’s two
okay I do like 33 and a half significant
strikes on Underdog fantasy I do like
um what’s lipsky Ariana lipsky 33 same
okay um I I actually like
Karine SVA 33 and a half significant
strikes even though submission is a 1.75
multiplyer I I
lipsky’s been very very good lately I
think it’s GNA be harder doing that um
but I like 33 and a
half yeah I like that again I wish it
would show the
previous fight
because what’s lip
should show her it’s not going to show
her either okay that sucks
yeah yo what’s up
W also
chimps she got Sub in her last fight yes
but different different Fighters who’s
fighting next um Karine or Tim Means Yos
medich I know she got a fin a submission
her last one but it’s it’s it’s
different it’s different because
lipsky’s taked down defense has been
pretty good as of late and Karine Silva
got a finish in her last one against the
girl who beat her last time or
previously in her
career uh lipsky’s been
submitted never she’s never been
submitted has been finished TKO four
times out of her seven or eight losses
but still
oh boy
Tim this can be an
issue all right
minus 300 favorite on y medic is is kind
of crazy kind of crazy saying three to
one I don’t
know more of a 5050 fight than that
most Pro fights among among active UFC
Walter fights 50 that’s
crazy I do think he has to be careful at
at range with
mic or trading with mic you like onama I
do like onama yes I picked uh JSP to get
three takedowns because I think that’s
very doable early Timothy means business
yes yes for
sure here we go here we go word feeling
like people are sleeping word feeling
like people are sleep
what oh feel like people are sleeping I
got you I understand what you’re saying
yeah I agree I think I think uh Pierce
gets hit a lot and onama hits really
hard oh nice takedown for Tim
Means looking to Grapple with medic
which isn’t surprising I thought he’d
strike a little bit before that but
yeah oh that’s
410 round number one shoot that’s not
safety now medic turned it around nice
elbow for
medic te for medic this this uh this
medage worries me with means
nice straight oh nice knee again for
means and
oh great defense for medic he’s been
working on it too so which is why I
thought means would strike with him a
little bit
more first
left nice knee to the
body oh nice jab for medic that was
nice oh uppercut oh oh
yep which is what worried me
yep exactly
exactly exactly what I was worried about
with all with all the wars and and means
has benan the uppercut yep beautiful
yep yep I was worried I was worried
about the power and just the it’s not
that I didn’t think Tim could win it’s
it’s the fact that he’s been so many
more Wars and battles with 50 fights
with a guy like
early I I I didn’t like it which is
exactly what I
yep I I thought Tim would pressure him a
little bit more throw a little bit more
combinations that’s still my dirty bird
yeah yeah for sure it’s only the second
time in this career he’s been
so yeah for sure
yep not not
surprised not
surprised it was crisp it was as Tim was
walking in which is what I was worried
about I didn’t know it would be an
uppercut but I I knew it would be that
right hand which is what it was
wait I think it was the left but yeah
son did
good remember colostrum he wasn’t
supposed to fight him Tim should have
retired after
fio yeah yeah it’s easy to say that now
all that easy to say that now
just knew that Tim would be there to hit
him I mean Yos deserves the bonus for
that finish
yeah well he trained My Thai because
he’s fighting Johnny Parsons that’s
why yeah that’s why why are you picking
who who am I picking onama or Pierce
uppercut yep why onama power Jonathan
Pierce gets hit a lot and I don’t like
the fact that he gets hit a lot and I
think onama is very very good and uh
yeah yeah it’s exactly what I was
worried about with medage fighting s
means yeah the P the fact that onama has
big Power good combinations Jonathan
Pierce gets hit a lot do you think
Pierce will use his wrestling 1,00% will
use his wrestling that’s why I think
he’ll get three takedowns on Underdog
fantasy sports uh yeah I think he get
three three takedowns early and I think
he uh he gets caught I think he he gets
caught cards post to 299 and 300 are
rough I don’t think so I disagree
they’re not as good but I I don’t think
they’re necessarily rough like I like
ERS Pantoja I like Jonathan Martinez
Jose Aldo
I like
them they’re going to be fun to watch
like this card it’s been fun it’s been
good so anama is burnt like
charcoal oh it’s coming up next too
okay okay
I mean we’ve been spoiled so by
comparison oh for sure by comparison not
great yes getting the rope from
our I mean I tried to tell you tried to
um Prime means wins did Tim lose Yeah
Tim lost
TKO I don’t know if Prime means wins
that I think he still gets dropped maybe
he doesn’t get finished as early but the
issue with it is just the experience you
can only take so much punishment and
he’s not necessarily the same Tim as he
once was he tries to wrestle a lot more
now and that’s an issue when you fight a
guy like medic I thought he would strike
and then wrestle
three 10 bucks onama let’s go let’s go
let’s go again I think Jonathan Pierce
gets three takedowns so I’m betting on
that so we we’ll see for sure on that
um Austin Lane oh
boy Underdog money yeah Underdog
money nasty uppercut book him versus max
Griffin oh I like that that’s a a good
match up that’s a good match up or him
versus son Canan I like think I like
that one
better son Canan could be a good one how
about Ryan Garcia acting crazy to gain
an edge will forever be as being Garcia
like being moss in
football Garcia looked great for sure
like with the with the rounds he won he
looked great um his post fight was
terrible I was also thinking US medage
versus Muslim SA
if you think it should be sikov it
should be Randy Brown should be Euro’s
Euro Med versus Randy
Brown because Randy Brown just beat sov
so just just do Randy Brown versus
medic you know
Lon vers uh
Barbosa oh Randy Brown fighting Z zesi I
know he is I know but he’s going to lose
let’s be honest
honest is there not a freaking thing
for um oh onama I don’t think he lands
47 strikes
on on uh
JSP I don’t think JSP can take 47
significant strikes from David
onama that’s a
problem Austin Lane
Bogden Ryan span I can’t do that one
Perez oh Diaz okay four minutes fight
time well 18 and a half significant
strikes by submission
7.5 that is crazy finish they expect to
finish 6
60 and a half fantasy
points uh okay I’m going to do 18 and a
half C St but I don’t think it’s lower I
think it’s lower than that because I
don’t think he needs a lot to finish
Lane 20 minute fight time for Nikolai
that’s saying he finishes them within
four 67 and a half sing strikes I
like I like
that I like that let’s take some chances
actually let’s do
um let’s
do by knockout which is two and a half
let’s do Denise by
finish not great but let’s do the0
75 to uh bugden by knockout which is
1.75 let’s do Karen Silva I gotta stick
I’m gonna
say I think I’m gonna stay with this I’m
gonna keep going with that one
um onama to get a finish which is two
definitely get a knockout yes I think
that’s it it’s four so one
more Karen
Sila any word on jeling nope no word on
him yet unfortunately and then let’s
do I don’t think she gets a submission
so I’m going to do
lower one two three four five boom 100
multiplier $1 for 100
bucks do 10 which is a, 126 for correct
500 for five correct if you do Flex I
like that bogged in by Knockout onama by
knockout JZ by Knockout by finish
Nikolai by knockout denz it could be a
bit um actually yeah let’s let’s do by
there let’s
do oh my
goodness now that those are some chances
right there
sure yeah no word on Jalene
unfortunately uh MMA Joey is live if you
guys want to go watch
him I completely understand good
dude good dude oh Max is 400 which is
40,000 holy crap
don’t think I can uh
that how you been Wyatt how’s everybody
been you are new slap the like button
share the stream it helps super much
so Hartman was not
drafted Oh
Boy first one’s for you okay sure
uh manage
KO exactly what I picked and Henry
won SOA
yep yep
yeah the draft was crazy this year Wyatt
I don’t know if you watched it or how
big you are into it oh didn’t JSP lose
his last one who was it against that was
um burito Joe Anderson breedo sorry I
just seen the message
bald juice of
Zeus and David onama being a dog at plus
okay Ohama missed weight oh I don’t like
that I don’t like that 3inch reach
advantage two years
younger msar evov about to become goat
toor is old
news torya smashes mobs are
them is a you Z in this corner let’s go
let’s go baby
oh guess is okay
yo you think Dantel won yes yes I
thought he won the first two
rounds yeah definitely the first one but
yeah I thought he won the first two
rounds how dare you
oh nice combination there for JSP JSP
looks locked in he always looks locked
in nice jab there for onama beautiful
he uh onam actually looks like he’s
thinned out a little bit which that he’s
missed weight but he looks a lot leaner
than he typically has
before Oh jab again for
Nama and JSP always looks locked
in dude DC’s voice is gone goodness
W those punches Are Not Great by
Pierce oh nice te for
Pierce oh
oh low kick there for onama nice one two
onama oh nice body kick for JSP that was
nice not not a takedown attempt yet from
oh he has to yep yep yep yep oh nice jab
there for onama oh single
JSP oh yep he’s looking to sweep him no
I mean uh yeah that’s a Tak down that’s
a taked
down oh nice left there again on face
crazy yeah they’re
crazy but again you can see the speed
advantage and and Pierce has to get
takedowns that should be one taked down
kick oh nice head kick oh nice returner
left for onama nice leg
kick he’s always showing damage as
always he’s like the modern day Darren
Elkins just not much of a
finisher oh nice jab again from onama
ass ooh straight again oh oh oh there’s
a takedown attempt and there’s a taked
down beautiful for Jonathan
Pierce Oh beautiful for a body triangle
that was
gorgeous Jonathan
years oh beautiful reversal for onama
that explosive ability is
ridiculous but that was also kind of
Pierce rushing it a little
bit because it was such a good
position feet on the hips already for
Pierce oh giving up his back giving up
his back he’s up he’s up
though nice pressure nice pressure
looking for a taked down nope
okay oh overhand right looking for
another takedown looking for another
one oh that I don’t know if that’ll
count as a takedown but that was great
Jesus ohom is so explosive it’s
ridiculous that’s three takedowns right
there should be about three one
more and he helps him up good for him
good for him
boy what a drop in a quality of
opponents for freaking uh uh Mike Mallet
fighting Gilbert
era wow this is why judging criteria
says impact not damage some people swell
and Bruise more easily true he
definitely lost that first round though
maybe not because the the the work rate
also white skin tones show damage a lot
more well he’s busted open that’s damage
it’ be different if he was red but he’s
his cheek is busted open that’s the
issue you know
nice job again for
onama oh nice knee for a pierce that was
beautiful oh he’s in a guillotine he’s
in a
guillotine oh and he popped it right out
beautiful beautiful and now he’s in a
really good position as Jonathan
Pierce oh and he has it locked in
again yeah if if if on can get out of
this he’s going to circle right into him
exactly what I
said oh goodness Pierce he stretched
completely out for that oh single leg
single leg single leg that’s another
takedown that’s another takedown I can’t
see the freaking thing now
I guess that’s two
takedowns I
I goodness
gracious did it say two
Jesus my point is everyone says it’s
damage including announcers damage is
never mentioned in scoring Carter its
impact true
true I think the issue is is damage and
and uh impact goes together you know for
some people so I think that’s where the
is is if there’s impact it’s most likely
damaging if it’s damaging there’s
probably impact so 235 round number two
oh oh you’re naked choke you’re naked
choke for
JSP nope defend in there and he’s gonna
reverse it once again as he
does oh oh he’s Onna fall my
goodness he fell off the top of him
minutes he’s making it ugly as he needed
do did they say there’s only been two
takedowns and he’s gonna fall off the
top you’ve got to be kidding me Jonathan
Pierce because that’s his Instinct
that’s what he does and another Tak down
that’s a taked down too that’s another
taked down
oh he’s getting up he’s getting up the
Pierce fall off the top again because he
keeps doing it
reversals and oh nama’s looking to
reverse it again great job there for
Pierce great job
there oh my goodness great job onama
job that was
beautiful uppercuts would be useful for
got him off
though oh nice check there for onama
nice jab
too nice left and a right there for
what he’s thinking about the freaking
takedown now got I’m thinking
thir ground
oh nice right
straight or left
Jesus is Krauss in the corner absolutely
not now chance oh beautiful
jab oh single leg for Pierce nope David
onama says get out of here
boy nice combinations from onama oh nice
straight there for
Pierce woo stuck him there stuck him
oh straight again for
onama look for that uppercut barely
missed it
goodness oh big elbow there for onama
that was
nice 320
Pierce is gonna end up getting the
takedown at some point in this round oh
nice right hand oh my
goodness wo nice right again oh big
right hand
again right hand again single leg nope
defending the takedowns better nice left
don’t rush it onama don’t rush it oh
nice jab again for onama
oh single leg single leg he’s GNA pull
him down again like he’s been
doing oh he’s gonna fall off he’s gonna
off love the cross on onama
boy oh nice body shot oh that was
nice yep yep yep yep yep there’s a
single leg single leg single leg single
leg there’s a Tak down
that’s a Tak
140 then’s gonna spin oh my
goodness May separate get up get
up that’s because he rushes everything
that’s why
he needs a back up he needs to get out
here well he didn’t get fatigue in his
last fight he fatigued the two fights
ago but not this one
nice te for
Pierce oh nice body kick for Pierce that
nice oh big light hand for
Nama oh looking for that taked
down Pierce has to go go go oh nice
right there for Pierce a right a
right o nice nice combination there for
p oh in for a taked down nope defended
well oh my
goodness let’s
go let’s
go beautiful
yeah you utilize good straight punches
MMA you’re already ahead of everyone
spamming hooks like it’s 223 oh yeah
it’s exactly why I thought H was gonna
beat gaii because Gate’s a hook hook
guy he swings
beautiful like my guy San
Haagen yuck ball juice
yuck it’s GNA be a close one might even
be a split on standing bang in yep that
was that was a fun way to end that
fight that last 5 Seconds was crazy yes
it was yes it
was trying stop trying to sell me on a
good guy bad guy I I’m not gonna watch
it I promise
you here’s the decision
here we
go I think onama won but depends how
they score those
takedowns oh all three 29
28 David
yep anama gonna win it yep he won anama
won good win and it it’s those reversals
it took the the it took that top control
time and the way that pierce could won
that it took it
away yep great job
onama well you kept the pace you just
did a little bit better what’s next for
Yan the better variety
as I knew it would
be what’s next for
um trying to think Umar
probably probably
Umar we we knew we could
strike I’m not for sure how many
takedowns Pierce got but it sure felt
four good job let’s
Lego and then uh ael’s next
yes for once I’m doing better on the
main card than the
prelims typically doesn’t work out like
that J Aldo
baby eight title fight wins six
performance rewards 91 takedown defense
most in UFC featherway
history yeah
oh zhen wants Umar
though and Umar I
down turned it
down KY Nelson David onama okay okay
fair that’s fair I think onama would do
work with Kyle Nelson
work I can’t wait to see Alo walk out oh
I can’t freaking
wait I don’t know kind is the hottest
Canadian prospect on a title run
definitely not on a title
run a big Prospect no on a run sure but
title run
what J
Denise oh boy and know the to beat Diego
Lopez not a
chance Diego Lopez smushes Kyle Nelson
it makes it look easy Umar is down oh
okay Umar smashes Co Corey
sorry [ __ ]
wh time that’s what that
f b juice share some of your riches bro
what’s up
jro what up
we have no decent fighters in
Canada well it’s sure as hell not Kyle
Nelson he’s not that guy
it’s going to get you a title in
Canada let’s see how uh Malik comes back
but he’s also fighting Gilbert orbina so
it’s like kind of a toss up or kind of
a layup
right why make why my boy Cory making
his career harder should take om Al’s
advice uh yeah hopefully he never fights
om Ali he’s gonna get absolutely mangled
by Ali remember when Neil Magny fraud
checked Mallet oh yeah oh yeah who do I
have next uh denz Lane’s chin is really
bad really bad
here I hope Lane loses I have a feeling
he gets knocked out his chin is
terrible so
yes that’s why the uh uh significant
strikes for denz is nine and a
half isn’t Magny vers Morales next I
don’t think so but
maybe I don’t remember it offand
give me one second I’ll be right back
for for
right about that oh B juice of Zeus
thank you so much for the
$10 thank you
buddy thank you thank you thank you
appreciated thank
appreciated I’m not sure if it was
booked but I saw the media about it oh
okay um M matches everybody brother
decision always okay guys like the lives
to boost the
what thank you
man thank you thank you mobs are smashes
no no
J even though have accepted the Sterling
call out he’s going to regret it if it
gets booked not a chance evil of no
against Sterling no the the the uh um
wrestling transitions are going to be
fun though that that I’ll say that I
will say
absolutely he’s getting subbed at
doubtful win a decision sure submitted
no Funk Master coming for him
okay remember good kickboxer and den
fighting the glass chin Austin Lane
chin but but he doesn’t eat
sugar doesn’t beat sugar for surely
doesn’t smashed undefeated
again there may be a speed Advantage
with Austin Lane he does typically is is
pretty fast that chin is bad still can’t
believe bonitz didn’t win yeah I missed
the first two rounds at least enough to
judge it but stat-wise it seemed like
Bonito won that’s what it seemed
like probably big knockout again did you
post a vincius alera versus Ricky Simone
on USC 300 fight yet nope haven’t seen
no oh
boy oh boy here we go touch of the
gloves here we go
well Lane’s
fast Denise is just going to be very
technical nice body kick for Lane stands
super tall with the chin straight up in
the air some tight finger looking good
Lane oh boy
oh oh take down for Austin
Lane all right
yeah oh he’s he’s he’s get nope NOP
great job by Lane great
job keeping his guard keeping him in his
oh nice right hand by a
lane until he touches them yes these NFL
transition athletes can take a
shots Well Lane hasn’t been punched in
the face yet so
Lane just staying in the guard being as
active as he can be just just enough
activity activity to uh not for the ref
not to stand them
up he’s gonna end up giving up his back
he’s gonna end up giving up his back
okay Lan’s staying super heavy on him
right now
oh punch right to the temple for Lane
146 not great ground impound by Austin L
gotta be
honest but nice top
pressure oh back to guard back to guard
go with the cage is his foot in the cage
what are you talking about here Austin
literally just stood up what in the
world about one minute Lan has some ugly
hair a full head of hair full head of
lettuce he’s he’s trying to do it
Vander advice spam hooks like it’s 1993
yeah 40
seconds oh he’s in half guard now he’s
trying to get mount with 20 seconds left
trying to get Mount he’s almost
there he’s in Mountain now 10
seconds 10 seconds Che clap clap
clap there we
go had to have expected that I mean come
on going to be tired in round two yeah
and you got to think possibly might be
as tired or a little bit more he did a
lot of work maybe not more but because
uh Denise is
uh having him on top of them you
know let’s see let’s see if uh Lane
shoots an an ugly shot to open up that
that round open up the second round
what um remember those fireworks you
would buy like small black Marsh marow
light them on fire and then he erupt I
think they call him snakes that is
Lane’s hair good call yes that is
exactly what you’re talking about snakes
yep yep good call for
sure oh there’s the first Tak down and
beautiful he’s Against the Cage
now oh there’s the takedown attempt
again that bull rush is no long longer
working and he’s
defending evov is him okay Lane quits if
he gets
touched oh boy that looked was not
great not great nice jab there for Lan
oh big right hand there for
Denise I didn’t like that body language
Lane oh that left hurt
him obviously he’s getting getting tired
woo that that same takedown is not
working get
yuck got to decide Denise come
on there it is M with the big
right oh
boy yeah there’s a lot of time left and
boom uppercut goodness gracious
oh nice right by Lane oh that’s gonna be
it buddy and boom that’s it that’s
it shocker shocker
lipsky or Karine shame I didn’t do tape
study for this event I like Karen but it
worries me in the Striking of
lipsky that left hook was
nasty again
shocker beautiful uppercut boom which
hurt him real bad and then here’s this
left yeah just like I said yep here’s
the left
boom that’s all she wrote come
boom boom
goodness yeah Chin’s not good oh
here’s a
left shocker NFL these transition athlet
aren Fighters no dog they just his
Chin’s not
good who do y’all got next for the women
I think Karine Silva wins as long as she
doesn’t strike she
wins I check my
pizza oh
for for
beautiful no Lane would kill
me Karine will take lip ski Jesus Take
lip ski down
I’m kidding I know you aren’t a fighter
what uh you’d put it on Lane right that
hook disconnected him from Consciousness
yes it did
F the floor is lava for
lipy just pointing out the only NFL guy
that was good was Matt matrion good call
out there that’s he doesn’t get a lot of
credit he doesn’t get a lot of credit he
was good
who do I have for the gusov fight
gusoff all others can’t take a punch
slash don’t want to they would all kill
me though obviously not trying to talk
[ __ ] I don’t have the balls to stop in
the cage
I mean it’s like a movie critic you’re
there to critic criticize the stuff so
it’s okay to
criticize goodness that left
hook I didn’t like his body movement
anyways up until that point
skydiving no thank you
skydiving big drama
show that L beard doesn’t deserve the he
has yeah that’s for sure that’s for sure
love benil
Dar oh there’s Z SM right
there can we shocked
nope I think Justin Tapo would be the
harder fight so do Junior and then
Justin it it it’s
worries me a little bit
but again thank you guys so much for
being here absolutely
incredible make sure you guys share the
it’s been uh it’s been some good fights
man it’s been
good Denise knockout
correct yep one two three four correct
in a row three fights
left lay needs to needs a thicker beard
to protect his chin for sure or wet it
and freeze it through tapa Brothers oh
yeah full
Camp I think you would eat Junior alive
who do I have winning this fight I like
uh Karine Silva I like her she’s good it
worries me a little bit on the feet but
she’s better on the ground
via submission lipsky’s never been
so lock I disagree with black I disagree
with VY submission round two that would
crazy if she submitted her Guillotine if
does aren do Sila why is it the Silva
lipsky I’m confused
again this card’s been
fun fun fun
fun it has
been see
I can see a decision but need that
Karine finish that’s fair she got
married I think is now Silva Silva yeah
Silva vers
Silva I I
wonder lipsky let’s see who she married
um rato
Silva rato Silva the [ __ ] is
that okay I guess that’s who she married
okay it’s her mom’s name Karine has has
been submitted early in her career yes
wow Casey please what
Silva Karina is a scary chick yeah she
is again lipsky looked really good with
her standup her last couple fights kind
of turned the corner a little
bit what Frank what
but in a women’s MMA is never a
guarantee for sure for
sure this would be a good one to live
okay I’m very curious if I can
what do they
weigh gosh I don’t know Frederick subbed
to your channel a month bad good
[ __ ] what’s my thoughts on the Aldo
fight I love it love it
Jonathan Martinez isn’t necessarily
known as his boxing he’s good with
setting up his leg kicks which Jose has
the best leg kicks in the game until I
see otherwise I’m gonna say that
um I I like Jose he’s a better boxer
Kicker yeah unless MMA Gods because of
Jose’s age said see you Jose wins
she opened up as an underdog wow
what’s your guys’ favorite sauce with
pizza yep I like Jose 2 would hate to
see him lose 100%
yeah plus 14 140 no no no no no no
no m
because they already they weigh in at
135 right or
1225 here we
go I don’t like her on the feet
100% of this
fight lipskis look good on the feet as
late jumping roundhouse kick
oh and Sil gets it
down Kine solo
lipsky is doing a really good job of
using her feet like they’re saying
keeping her at distance and she’s still
couldn’t get up that’s
crazy oh oh North Side North Side choke
North Side choke for Karine Silva North
Side she needs to get flatter she needs
to get
flatter very we
go good defense by
lipsky looking for a guillotine right
and her top control is
ridiculous oh hey that’s down that’s a
down opponent what the [ __ ] Jesus for
yikes well yeah she kicked her while she
was on the ground so I guess
super high guard right here holy [ __ ]
for Karine
Silva like they said armar or triangle
she can
get that that Orchard oh
nope nope
I’m confused on what you’re
saying I’m
confused you won’t quit but it takes too
much time
what nice like KCK for k
they trading leg kicks
now oh nice JB to the body that was
not really
what and she literally forced it in
karini yikes
oh arm triangle arm triangle
wow what a sh buddy what a sh
you are correct B
juice grey has her on again and her her
top control and pressure is so good
she didn’t sweep her she kicked kicked
her off of
her uhuh
girl no it’s not it’s it’s good good
what are we talking about here it’s good
no danger
here knee bar
wise no
danger no danger
close oh arm triangle arm triangle
I did not see that actually
I did not see that yikes
Lipski is down two rounds pretty clearly
here we go lipsky down two
rounds down two rounds
oh big left
disagree nice body shot there for the
that’s the same division that grao is in
correct or am I
wrong catches that kick once again can
she get her
down and she gives up her back once
what should Beast Gro
sorry um she beats Gro
yeah beautiful mean
beats the after the chian fight yeah
yeah not being active enough his to
get to
body yeah she beats Gro and
uh yeah she beats crosso crosso is not
that good let’s be real not that that
good not that good at
all puts her out she doesn’t put anybody
out what are we talking
about what are we talking about man him
doesn’t finish anybody what are we
about oh and she gets her down
beautifully time takedown for Karine
G of fish Barber she was a punching bag
for 2km didn’t she beat
Caitlyn yeah also Caitlyn’s she’s not an
easy fight
hope she trup her back down beautiful
work by Karen Silva
Beautiful by
wrestling wrestling ain’t gonna work on
fat well she’s also a good Striker so
and she’s faster than
Manon no
yep Korean s on that two to one maybe
three 0 if Jon were a woman
she even uses the same kicks
yeah yeah I mean I think I think it’s a
good because like it’s hard to judge Gro
because I think sh shenko won easily
clearly won the that last fight they had
with Gro I don’t think Gro is all that I
think she surprised shevchenko in the
first fight and beat her submitted her
and I thought she clearly won the second
one she doesn’t whenever she gets hurt
though like
gon it’s also heavyweight for a gon so
it’s big difference big difference in
power and uh issues big
difference Z2 is so much better than 303
so far got a lot of time got a lot of
time for
sure right back in here
no five of six takedowns six minutes and
36 minutes of control time
yeah Charlie Arnold what gusov versus
span is next
Sala have got SC win next me too me too
no the [ __ ]
dude thank you five bucks buddy thank
you thank you grass is the female boxing
goat of mmao only has fundamentals time
to think outside the box
okay I respectfully
disagree um female boxing
goat no because Mana farad is a better
Striker than graso she might have more
power but the better Striker is Mana so
no but thank you very much buddy
the I am sweating bullets right now
swea and Bas thank you so much ball
juice for both of them thank you thank
you thank
you she’s gonna do big things man is
like Wonder Boy of women’s MMA yeah D
she looks like Jon too uh much better
looking than
her than him I mean um
yeah Wonder Boy has a little bit more
pep to his step but I I see what you’re
saying minus the acting
Jesus oh come on we don’t need to see a
freaking promo come
on come on
see skeleton versus Romanov coming up
gonna be a banger yeah I think it’s
gonna be a great fight I’m I’m actually
excited for
that actually excited
uh wrong match up for him but good
comeback fight I think it’s it’s the
perfect match up for him a guy that’s
gonna play the game with gton I like it
I like it a
lot I like it a lot gosh freaking
you’re it
itch um
again we don’t need another promo we we
get it we get it who I got in this fight
what’s up big time um I like gusov he
throws weird he has sneaky power and I
think span gets uh
personally not even going to show the
Finish sequence
what there it is the left hook
beautiful not surprised though match
now hope you’re doing well big
time like he literally gets defeated by
the first guy who’s supposed to play
anti-game against him um and now they
give him a heavy guy so he can have a
good turn well if you don’t know Romanov
is good he has good pressure he has good
takedowns he has good takedown defense
the only issue with him is his cardio
sometimes so it’s actually a good
fight again if his cardio fails him then
it’s not great but Paul Craig Kyo
Michelle Pereira eor portiera Smith vers
Petrino is a
disgusting um on the main card that’s
awful Martinez Aldo Pantoja
or he’s an underdog and it’s like it’s
plus 600 for the
distance it’s definitely not going the
distance it’s absolutely not going the
distance right wise Roman off so fat he
put on the weight I don’t know is is the
over one and a half
cool I don’t think this goes over one
and a
half the way they throw the way they get
hit I don’t think it goes over one and a
half you uh bogon gusov
yeah yeah
yeah I don’t uh I don’t like it I don’t
like the over one and a half under be
fine I would just say the fight gets
finished by KO or it doesn’t go the
distance or parlay it with the next with
with the
event yeah and almea is a freak athlete
a three round fight is a fight made for
him to shine okay okay I think if
Romanov comes out even in a in a second
or third round that first round he’s
gonna be very very good very good
romanov’s good man R’s good people
forget that he was beating Tabor until
he gassed
out when was Kyle Bal ranked he’s been
ranked just a comeback fight not a
problem with that isn’t potier booked
against sharah no he was go he was and
then no
Dominic GES
SS he was booked against him he was
Frederick that’s disgusting combination
gusov disgusting
who Sher
uh I don’t remember who his replacement
was I don’t remember who it is
now let’s let’s take a look
okay he doesn’t have a replacement
fight so there you
go does not have a replacement
fight two fights left
I guess while this is UN commercial let
me go get some more
coffee e
e e
right bald juice with another two thank
you thank you thank you let’s go buddy
let’s go Michelle Pereira seven and
seven how long people GNA doubt him
right here we go
boy spawn looks
big goodness gracious again ball juice
thank you very much buddy thank
you oh be yeah Ral vers Dolby that was
scary yes it was yes it
was oh okay it looked like it dropped
him nice take down a t for
spawn oh oh Guillotine Guillotine nope
nope no defend the taked down defend the
take down beautiful
gusov okay low blow him low blow need
him right in the nuts great job
span great
job boom
G same
position why are we putting him in the
same position it’s not his fault
that makes no
span span did the illegal strike why are
they putting him back in the same
position again
again you you got put him back in the
corner you GNA give him the spot right
again goddamn herb
look at this right there it’s on the
cup Jesus looks like Walmart Anthony
Smith yeah you don’t get the same
position you shouldn’t have got it the
first time
even though he shouldn’t have gotten it
back the first time it’s his fault
what makes no
sense that the first
time my goodness Ryan span span looks
huge tonight what the
[ __ ] oh big right hand for spam
oh nice
trip goodness gracious
I like safe that’s for
sure he keeps low blowing sure
does they’re trying to hit balls of
Zeus oh oh
oh wow
oh oh we’s about to reverse it
I’m pretty surprised and impressed of
honestly oh oh
yeah 50 55 seconds round number
one nope okay great defense by gusov
surprisingly good
defense I’m gonna be honest
nope okay 25 seconds great defense by
job also
sucks he’s impressed me man with the
defense good
defense e
okay 250 left 250
left 250
left here we go
I took the
over wow I be sweating bullets I me I am
sweating bullets but leg kick by span
Jesus Jabs ran
span oh nice
woo out of position there for spam
Jesus dude that right straight is is
right there for span it’s right
there oh nice right by
gusov big right by
jab the awkward striking of gusov is
getting through he’s making span Miss
which is really really
nice if he’s going to want to win this
oh big right hand again by gusov oh nice
jab again oh oh
oh oh nice uppercut for Gus
go like all that hand there it
is oh nice right by spam nice right
spam it’s that how his hands are are low
so he throw he’s able to throw these
weird ass angles
which probably not Zach paanga yuck
yuck oh big right
Jesus yeah I think you hit it big
time great call on that
one right hand oh oh just SC goodness
oh Gus against the Gage is gonna be
nasty oh oh big uppercut that hurt him
oh okay
okay that’s it that’s it he’s out he’s
out told
you told you good call there big time
took a little longer than I thought but
the weird striking of gusov
I got it let’s go baby
oh let’s
go nasty ground and pound boom boom boom
boom boom boom boom boom
boom beautiful gusov
beautiful great call Big Time that
that’s that’s a big one plus 190 on the
over heck yeah reason for gusov to be
happy on that
one boy oh
boy he weathered the storm and then
him hell yeah think that’s a sneaky pick
right there
I think I’ve hit on every single one of
my main card picks so
far which never happens it’s typically
the other way
around one yep one two three four five
five in a row that I’ve hit
now wow one two three four five six in a
row seven and six total but I was
one and five up until the Henry
fight hell
yeah typically like I said it’s the
other way
wow Herbert needs to get in get needs to
get in
sooner does the next F go to the
distance very how do you feel about the
last fight I like it I think if you can
it’s uh significant strikes pick
somebody you want significant strikes
with I don’t think it’ll be an early
finish where’s Joe Martinez I’m very
confused what happened
Jethro no let’s not do
that he does not out the 11th ranked guy
so so top 10 comes
gusov okay okay gusov
okay oh God that uppercut was nasty
man which fighter wins I think Nikolai
but any one of those guys you pick
significant strikes on you will you will
hit I just too pissed when SP lost after
you called bogon gusov
yep English is pretty damn good
too oh beautiful call out here man
beautiful that deserves another clap
deserves another one beautiful post
fight it’s a big
win Smith is three and0 against spam yes
sir he
is I I I knew that gusov because how he
throws it would give span issues because
either he’s all the way in or he’s all
the way out so there’s this Middle
Ground to where guskov can can be like
ah and then faint and then that
uppercut oh beautiful absolutely
beautiful somebody clip that call and
uh send it to me
beautiful let’s
go main event
very impressed with Gus’s defense on the
ground yep that’s almost the most
impressive thing about it is how
impressive he looked on the ground
defensively he was in some bad bad
positions dude ball juice you are the
unbelievable thank you so much you are
you are incredible put something in the
membership in the community as a
membership post so me you and Chase can
see it and uh uh put something down and
I’ll talk about it even if I just do a
live we’ll do something let me know pick
a fight we’ll break it down
something hey
Jacob I am sweating bullets
very curious to see how what Perez’s
game plan is is he gonna try wrestling a
lot early or is he just going to try to
go at him and bring the fight out of
them very
curious this is kind of Perez’s last
chance he’s already lost to the
champion he lost to makave which I
thought he clearly lost
in Myra Bruno Silva versus Macy chasson
that’s a disgusting fight yuck
yuck you’re lucky you’re not fighting
man now
what uh
no no no sir not
true you better hurry up
buddy oh Sam Hartman went to the
commanders okay
Tong OFA did not get signed
yet Steelers John W Plum Plumley Plumley
Frank G Jr didn’t get drafted a little
weird Xavier Weaver didn’t get
drafted here we go
baby it was all a
dream great song
maybe let’s
go so cool been a good card it’s been a
good card I know people aren’t going to
like that but oh well also I do have a
membership link you guys want to become
member click join what’s your pick for
the main event I like
Nikolai but yeah I like nikai three
rounds to two
is that Ricky Simone right there yes it
is yes
is second shortest average fight time
minutes highest takedown defense 80% I
thought Perez but you got me thinking
now I just think uh Nikolai is a better
overall Striker I think he’s more
well-rounded I think Perez maybe would
have a little bit more power but he’s
not a big
finisher I mean we haven’t really seen
that there’s been a few times but it’s
not a big thing that he does
um I feel like if you bring the fight to
him typically you can get him out of
there that’s how I think of
it now if he wrestles early then I think
that can give my shot to go all five
but I do s capable with a flatline
Nikolai I got to be honest about
that look at me
that Nicola
is that Melissa
go or is that uh the girl that no that’s
Panero that’s who
that has third and knockdowns six
fourth High strike defense
66.6 10 finishes
Nicolai by Knockouts plus
450 sh
are they gonna have
uh rraw whatever her name is announced
fight oh Joe Martinez okay where the
hell was Joe Martinez before
boom boom
boom mike
Bell expect a split decision then
are they are the judges
ready no
somebody was upset to the pier
SOI oh
yes here we go
oh yeah
o front kick up the middle what the hell
again the power is going to be on pza
side I would assume
inside they kick for
perz okay Perez always an excuse for
Perez shows how good Joseph benas is KO
him one two times in one fight
combination he’s looking a counter we
can see that already from those legate
who right in the left for
Nikolai straight there for Nikolai
oh get out of
here how dare
you I straight there for
Nikolai oh that was a nice as prz came
in countered him with that right short
short right hand
oh nice uppercut for perezz that was
nice no light kick there from
Perez not a single shot yet which I’m a
little bit surprised
on oh big left for
Nikolai boy oh boy
that that combination was
ridiculous flyweight
speed oh nice entry enter and then exit
that was
nice oh L Kake there for us 16 seconds
one oh nice uppercut for
Nikolai oh a leg kick of his
own great first
round e
well only the body shots connected so oh
big left there
there we
go L Ki for
niia good combination for Perez
nice nice defensive movement there for
Nikolai oh nice leg kick for
Nikolai ooo
straight n that was
nice oh big right hand for
Perez how tall is seon I don’t
know 56 I don’t know
330 left round one round two I mean my
bad head kick for nikoline
misses yeah no definitely not 125
no woo oh oh oh right hand Perez stung
him Perez stung him as he came
in as he came
in don’t get into a firefight Perez what
are we doing
here oh oh right hand he slept him oh
beautiful yep there
was there it was
yep yep Alex PR big knockout right hand
hurt him and then finished him against
the cage SL slumped
him big
finish big finish
beautiful p e a u t
full boom
them beautiful
well fantastic end up going seven and
six total six in one on the main card or
five- one on the main card my bad or
four in one I don’t know four in one um
fantastic breakdowns and all that stuff
will be out tomorrow stay tuned for
that I gota go to work thank you guys so
much for being here I’ll see you at the
next one peace

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