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Stewart Cink views hosting Mitsubishi Electric Classic as a ‘mulligan’ | Golf Today | Golf Channel

Stewart Cink joins Golf Today to discuss how his views on tournament hosting have changed and why hosting the Mistubishi Electric Classic is a ‘second chance; a mulligan’. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #MitsubishiElectric #StewartCink
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Stewart Cink views hosting Mitsubishi Electric Classic as a ‘mulligan’ | Golf Today | Golf Channel

great to have Stuart with us you went to
Georgia Tech you live in the area you’re
playing you’re hosting what are you most
looking forward to this
week well like every week it’s it really
is just about the comp competing and the
competition that’s uh the part of not
being a host is still what I look
forward to the most I just love playing
and competing and having a chance to get
in the mix and uh aside from that this
week um I think to be honest when we had
the PGA Tour event here back in uh
between 97 and ’08 I played in it every
year I lived in the neighborhood every
year and um I didn’t have the best
attitude about the tournament back in
those days I just uh I saw it as a
little bit of like a all the
extracurricular activities I was doing
were was a little bit of a burden I felt
like at the time and I was totally wrong
about that and I regret it so I’m using
this hopefully this new U hosting
situation as a way to sort of U have a
second chance a mulligan on that and so
I’ve had a lot better attitude and um
I’m in a different place in my life in
my career so um it’s just a lot of fun
and an honor to be able to do it you’re
still competing quite a lot though
Stuart you’ve made a half dozen starts
on the PGA tour this year this will be
your third on the PGA tour Champions is
that a kind of time split that you see
yourself continuing for the foreseeable
future I haven’t really thought too much
about that specifically but the way it’s
worked out so far this year I would see
it continuing yes I’m as of now not in
the Signature Events and I’m only in the
Open Championship as far as being exempt
so um there’s a lot of tournaments that
I would love to play in that I’m just
not getting access to and for me and I’m
in a good spot that there’s a lot of PJ
tour Champions events that are opposite
those and so I’ll have an opportunity to
play a little bit of both tours and
hopefully I would love to claw my way
back into those Signature Events like
any golfer would but in the case that
doesn’t happen I’ll have a lot of starts
on PJ T Champions as well very few
golfers are happy with their game maybe
Scotty and Nelly you know you played
well Sony saw it valpar Valero what’s
the state of Stewart sinks game age
50 age almost 51 I’ll be 51 in a few
weeks um but no I appreciate you
noticing I’ve had some good flashes this
year and I’ve I’ve made some pretty
significant changes so um the constant
uh sort of tug-of-war between feeling
comfortable and being like in allout go
mode and Mak changes is ever present and
it shows up most when you get into a
situation where you have some
nervousness or some stress and as you
know golf puts you in those positions
all the time so um it’s a great
opportunity for me to be learning and
trying um testing myself out trying new
things and making some changes that I
feel like are necessary but um at times
I’ve played well and gotten myself into
sort of the upper Stratosphere of
leaderboards on both tours and I haven’t
really put it all together yet but I’m
hoping that as I kind of keep going and
keep settling into the changes I’m
making and the work I’m doing the
progress that I’ll be able to uh
continue like hit the Finish Line strong
and uh and pick up some really good
finishes here the rest of this year you
mentioned you’re almost 51 Stuart we
just saw a 15-year-old make a cut on the
corn fairy tour last weekend miles
Russell wasn’t even a year old when you
won the open at turnbury does it make
you feel old when you hear these kids
creeping up on you or do you still feel
healthy enough that you can hold your
own for a while yet I I still feel
plenty healthy that I can hold my own um
I am also at the same time very
impressed by a young kid coming out
there and not just making the cut but he
had a great week I me he played some
clutch Golf and he turned everyone’s
heads and he definitely made his name a
name that will be around on the golf
landscape for a long time I hope so
anyway so um but golf is one of those
games too a sport where it takes a
little bit more than just the ability to
um hit the shots that you need to learn
a lot about yourself over the years and
I learn a lot about the way the golf
ball reacts under certain conditions and
how you react under certain conditions
and the only way to do that is just test
yourself time and time and time again
and Miles I I don’t know miles but I
know that he is an exceptional talent
and he’s got the foundation to be able
to move on and do amazing things in this
game but time will help him uh refine
those abilities speaking of time I want
to talk about time commitment reports
are Rory going to go back to the PJ tour
boardroom life you’ve been on the PJ
tour board our late great colleague Tim
Rosa for once wrote in golf diges it
takes a certain type of player to want
to sit in a boardroom for six to eight
hours and listen to disgruntled players
what kind of time commitment was it like
for you and will it be like for Rory in
these unsettled times I think the time
commitment now is a lot greater than it
was then going back to my board time our
biggest issue was we were moving from a
list based uh performance ranking to the
FedEx Cup and we were beginning the
playoffs and the point structures and
all that stuff so it while it was a big
item on our plate it really didn’t
compare much to what the guys on the
board have been going through for the
last couple years with Liv Golf and all
the different you know I don’t know how
to describe it it’s a a conversation on
its own but I think that’s a a bigger
time commitment now and everybody to
have a thought and yes there are
disgruntled players too but for a good
reason I mean that all the players want
the best for the tour for themselves
they want their play to be the best it
can be and they want the environment out
on the PJ tour to be the best and they
want the best relationship with the
sponsors so it’s very complex and um it
takes a lot of time and I personally for
one am uh in huge Deb of gratitude for
the guys that have served on the board
these last couple years Stuart there’s
so much uncertainty around the tour
these days and regardless of whether or
not there is a deal with the public
investment fund of Saudi Arabia there is
now a private Equity ownership stake in
the tour is there any trepidation among
your colleagues on the champions tour
about what changes might be coming down
the road and if it would have any impact
positive or negative on the champions
tour I haven’t really been privy to much
conversation about that um I really
don’t know that there’s a lot of concern
about the the safety or the future going
forward with the PJ tour Champions um I
think it’s a really good product out
here um and I know it we operate
completely within the PJ tours uh
portfolio so to speak so
um I love the way I’ve seen it now
firsthand I’ve played in I don’t know
six or so starts out here on PJ tour
Champions and I’ve seen that the
interaction between the players and the
proam groups and the sponsors and the
fans has just like really opened my eyes
to to the way it ought to be and the way
it used to be in a way out on the PJ
tour and so I think that’s a really
valuable asset that PJ tour Champions
has that it’s a much more personal
interaction and it’s a I’m not going to
paint it in a light that it’s not it’s a
smaller situation out here than the PJ
tour has become there’s no question
about that but for a player my age and
older 50 and and older it’s a really
great way to sort of extend your career
at the end of um your competitive days
on the PJ tour it feels the same when
you get in contention out here as it
does anywhere else and that that’s what
we all love and we all hope for at the
beginning of every week but along the
way we’re going to the prom draw parties
we’re um having dinner with each other
and getting to know sponsors and and
tournament officials by first name and
that’s just something that is kind of a
missing piece on the PJ tour over the
years that um that I’ve noticed tomorrow
is a big day in terms of the new makeup
of the PGA Tour Jay Monahan’s going to
inform all of the players what the
dollar value is right now of the equity
grants that are been given in in PGA
Tour Enterprises the new for-profit face
of the tour you’re probably going to be
one of those guys since you’ve had quite
a stout record over the last five years
including a couple of wins is that of
interest to you or is it a talking point
among tour players right now in terms of
what this is and what might be expected
of players as they begin to sell the
product over the following few years
interesting question and um because
it’s not been a talking point among
players and um I am very surprised about
that because I also to address the first
part of your question yes it’s of very
high interest to me and I’m sure I speak
for every player when I say it they’re
all interested and I’m sure they’ve
probably all gone done their own little
calculations just like uh I have and
tried to figure out where the heck am I
going to fall on this thing it’s uh but
it’s something that players haven’t
really talked to each other about at
least not in in my groups now it could
be that players like with their closest
are talking to each other but um it’s
kind of been a private thing I think um
it it’s out here the culture of players
is that you don’t really talk much about
finances I mean there’s you know you
don’t talk that much about oh I finished
third last week and made x amount of
dollars you know it’s just not really a
topic especially since we are more
geared towards points now in the way
we’re compared to our peers than back in
my early days when it was all money list
um so it’s not been that big of a topic
I know it’s an important topic but
players just aren’t discussing it out
here that much among themselves I think
that’s more of a conversation they’re
having with their financial teams and
their their their families at home maybe
than their than their uh than their
peers out here well sitting out there on
that Veranda must feel like life full
circle for you you’re hosting you’re a
major champ Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket
wife Lisa with you this week as host
what are you most looking forward
to I think it’s reconnecting with the uh
fan base that I have and I mean it’s a
great area between who’s a fan and who’s
a friend I’ve got a lot of a lot of
friends in this neighborhood IED we
lived here for over 20 years in the
neighborhood right here at TPC sugob so
this is still even though we don’t live
here in this neighborhood anymore it’s
still like my um sort of de facto home
base in Atlanta that I still have the
most ties in this Gwinnet County it’s
like a million person um Suburban County
in Atlanta this is where my de facto
home is so um I see a lot of familiar
faces I know got tremendous support out
there and I haven’t played an event here
since 2008 so it’s been quite a long
time and I get to rekindle some of the
relationship I have with the people out
here and some of I’m friends some are
fans some are both but it’s going to be
a good time looks like a bluebird day
steuart enjoy it always appreciate your
time we’ll speak to you soon

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