Golf Players

Playing golf in a STORM #golf

The was a storm a brewing, so we thought we would play golf for you. Enjoy this no fuss, no thrills video of 2 idiots playing golf in a storm


Triple T Golf are a collective of amateur golfers based in West Yorkshire, England. Mainly based out of Whitwood Golf Club, Castleford, our aim is to entertain you al with our friendly videos focusing on mainly our rubbish golf 🙂

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hi guys um you might not feel it right
now but it’s probably windiest day ever
in existence so we decided that it’ be
funny if we make a video for you so
we’re going to play this part three at
whitwood I’m going to play the par five
and we’re going to play the dreaded hall
five three old match straight up me
versus Stan no shots no messing about
just me versus you probably all against
wind as well all against wind yeah that’
be a fun video to make so that’s it hope
you enjoy it we even first uh
is first oh thanks I get a read off you
right we cuz I got clue yeah I’m
thinking I just honestly guys can’t
stress enough it doesn’t sound very
windy but it really is it is very
windy that’s a strike when it’s just
stuck up in head it with wind so it
should be to get there but yeah lovely
it’s got over at top no on the’s coming
down Green what did you hit an eight an
eight yeah an eight would be perfect but
I’ve gone a bit left AR I right well
I’ve got a seven but it’s on green so
I’ll take
that it’s a long put
mind got them drift you
lately yeah uh yeah you’re probably
about in it you’re probably right on the
edge it’s good that yeah it’ll do that
obviously we just coming to the back end
of January now so I’m still trying to
get rid of what you can call the
weight um I think I put just less than a
stone on over Christmas and I’ve noticed
that the more weight I put on it does
have a massive effect to me
swing and I get the
uh should we call it a baby
fade I’ve got some Christmas weight to
get rid of it’s just that it’s from
2014 so yeah while we’ve got the bit of
a bit of a lull in the Wind
we’re currently in the middle of what is
it storm Aisha somewhat like that I they
give them all new names don’t they every
time and living on 12 months as bad as
this for weather yeah we just thought
it’ be fun to bring a video for really
strong wind makes it a different game
doesn’t it yeah those interesting
developments are happening down here
these two bunkers that you can see here
in front of you there’s the wind look so
I’m hoping you can still hear me these
two bunkers are turning into one
one big
bunker with uh what do they call it
they’ got there’s a name for it what
they’re doing with front of them
basically they’re making them fac
they’re facing them they’re making them
like bastards yeah just like a sheer
sheer yeah you can see the drop in that
she face yeah it’s going to be all the
way across and yeah it’s going to be
exciting it’s going to change the change
the look of the
hole nice effort just don’t come in at
all just hasn’t come in at
all path that well this is uphill and
quite strongly right to left I
think it’s not
no got the line just not enough Pace I
hate these PS make sure I’ve got you on
I for p
oh that that perfect as well look take
it away my friend oh don’t
bother yeah
nice ball that’s going
off trition distance another that’s
in sweet beautiful I’ve got a big bag of
balls to pick up from my
big up Danny big up Danny Danny’s balls
is that what it’s called Danny’s Danny’s
balls yeah big him up on Facebook people
Danny’s balls Dan’s balls oh Dam Ton’s
ball suck yeah Tony’s ball sack’s on me
bag right that’s what we could call our
Pro Shop what’s that the ball the ball
sack the ball sack I like it oh dear me
got no Pro Shot we’ve called it the ball
sack okay so all two of the challenge
you should know by
now power
five over the trees 500 yards I’m not
Soo sure which where wind’s going I
think it’s that way I think it’s no cuz
when we com on that hole it was over
there want it that way so I think it’s
right to left well we’ll find out he
will okay that’s goinging around now is
it I mean that’s going to it’s gone far
just it’s not your usual uh no I’d
usually cut the trees on but it’ll be
safe it’ll be middle of Fairway
absolutely manate
yeah it’s definitely got a better line
mine still not as aggressive as what we
usually would be no all right so me and
Stan have just been saying we I mean
when when it’s summer my drive is down
there at that Bell so I’m down there
today we’re a lot further away than
that no it wasn’t but it could be
worse let’s be honest that shaft’s
lovely what’s that
shaft that’s quite a nice B club I’m
going to Bor stand’s mat again because
out of all the mats that we’ve tral what
are they called spark spark SP spurk
these spurk winter mat SP strike mat
these spurk winter mats are just
incredible I think all of us have bought
now so yeah definitely the best one that
I’ve I mean I’ve tested far this
year and I can’t stand it in a ball of a
mat but this for some
reason I seem to like it right I’m going
to go with the Ford iron CU I do like
the Ford iron on this set I’m try and
get it somewhere near that ditch up
there avoid these
trees stay in stay
in yeah safe that M it stayed in God
safe that wind must be so strong it’s
hardly gone anywhere that all right
stands number third number third number
third stands
third I’m going to press
are I guess I this way get on in green
so come
on oh Mark put pressure on
yourself need to put his Club back your
bag that’s two you need to go to Range
with it and get used to it first no
you’ve only had it what’s this about
four time you played with in it
yeah that’s terrible I mean that’s put
me in a wish
work it’s
disgusting it’s
vile but it’ll
work whoa there that big
bloater it’s not one it went like that
it went like a curve ball from Ronaldo
it’s not it’s not trying figure out
which way wind went because we don’t
know we got a clue you look at that flag
it’s going that way now second it will
go into trees yeah so that flag saying
it’s going in his face to right that
shot of mine went like a Ronaldo knuckle
ball all of it plac throughout me there
but didn’t move trajectory at all so
it’s that
this worked out well where’s wind gone
another dog walker on Golf Course people
of Castleford there’s more places to
take your dogs it’s same person is it
yeah it’s same person that walking
across the green can you not
please oh
look like it were on target but it’s
just carried on rolling so I would have
all on toate party I need this in
really oh mate unlucky I had to go for
it uny
kid that what a shot
challenge I’m not get me
I right yeah you want that give me that
cuz I’m not going to get my put out
either flop it
in are you off your head I mean come on
all right do that little
oh all right all
five 400 yards straight down
we’ve got the river to the right of us
clowns to the left of
us jok is to the
right here I am Stuck In The Middle With
it felt beautiful I didn’t see it it
felt absolutely stunning so you got no
idea where it went no felt like
buty so we can see if he’s ready to Jack
no idea where it
went I mean it felt like it was straight
yeah should be just over at Bunker in
line with white marker I think yeah it
all nice drive actually a bit High F
but I
so might not really felt the wind as
much up until this point oh Ys is up
there oh is that I don’t know where
yours is but been trying to guess Stan
just said when he eat his Drive wow
that’s going High I mean look at the
state of being ground mate it’s half
at the size of
all a
stinger that’s
ridiculous right so basically stand’s
drive’s gone way up in air and he’d
usually be again 50 60 yards fored yeah
his n markers
usually that’s nice and low that’ll cut
all you can do in this is it yeah it’s
good recovery good recovery shot is that
mate right so we’re on a mission now to
try and fine
mine it felt lovely I think you are well
the not wi from it up it’ll be lower
than stand see it oh yeah is that
it it’s like a b it could
be you see look at the flag
now yeah the wind all over the place
yeah so we’ve got mine
here like I say me and Stan usually the
markers there you can see oh easy oh
there were there abouts yeah so my
drives go a lot lower than STS and
that’s why I’ve got a little bit more
yardage out of it I’ll pass you that my
friend all right I’m going to go six
a it might not be enough Club but I
should just get to Edge I
think I think you block him
out yeah with wind I go five want to say
I think I think any club in your bag you
be lucky to get there if I’m being
honest so strong it
wind but effort
see it come down I didn’t see it land
mate now I I didn’t think it would tree
bound if I mean no it definitely coming
around it yeah I don’t think a tree
bound but we’ll see yeah you we got do
another one we’ll see when we get down
there I guess I don’t think you were
never going into
green we’ll see you sure I get
there still can’t see my ball no me
all right all right stand’s
third we’ll be taking this shot from a
pit we should be safe to go right side
shouldn’t really I should think so given
that that flag’s about to snap so
ideally over a
bunker definitely up there my friend to
I to
I jesus yes just held it just hel it
again Christ that’s can’t get it green
get your m i get it yeah
wow I mean that’s usually 100 yard Club
is that what was it 52 oh yeah easily
for you and that’s
gone 50 Jesus w it’s all right at least
you can see your ball
yeah don’t know where mine is I mean
really again though it felt like such a
was your brain you’d probably just run
that in with an iron water yeah
obviously my brain is not working today
I don’t know if
you might white
up don’t to get me thrusted again well
if that’s me I’m well happy with that
shot yeah yeah yeah it’s going than yeah
that’s you
that yeah I’m well happy with
that so this is for Ping
it Jesus
weet again look at divit oil
floor right stanle going for the
chip chip in the man’s just I would
normally use this what was it 60 you use
it 60 yeah I thought you’d been a roller
well I’ll just use it for practice and
all this why not I’m not winning am I
it’s not like we’re filming a YouTube
video out
noone’s it it I know i’ pulled
it oh yeah good distance messed up with
again need to really stop messing about
with stuff yeah distan is good just
pulled it
again God damn
it some good shots in there somewhere I
just don’t know where they
are yeah they’re just in a few months
went ground a little bit
tougher sometimes I just get thrown off
me game right easy wind does it every
[ __ ] time to me kills me wind yeah
that’s what killed you at week can on it
yeah [ __ ] wind right here you go my
friend have the camera we need to go at
range and practice that be
me oh
[ __ ] Club L
relief yeah about
there m looks better
here right I know it’s going to go that
way I need to really roll this get it
onto green
oh my
God that was a shot I could SL your back
cuz you look out camera then no it’s
fine oh I’ve done it again you doing oh
no could go wrong it’s going
wrong send down help
quick it have been none of this if it’
have been homosexual just played
fortnite I’ll tell you what there’s
about as much chance of me eating this
puping you they chasing us up [ __ ] we
not we slow not really right okay far
far yeah back that way
yeah this is what it is to you
no no got
bogey that’s it both of them mate that
for you as well
yeah yeah double might be double for
me a well there you go put me on camera
I think we’ll call it a date that one
then I think
please so look we just saw the wind we
thought it’d be a laugh to come out and
have a IIT
yeah we thought hey let’s film a YouTube
video in the one of the windiest days of
the year uh
um but yeah hopefully you just
appreciate the fact that we’re still
trying to put content out for you real
golfers playing Sometimes some
questionable golf in tricky
circumstances I think it’s questionable
golf yeah we have to miss out the next
all some good shots some good shots in
there doing a lot of lot of repairs down
there I can’t wait to see what it all
looks like it’s so yeah if you’re not
already subscribe to the channel if you
want more really golf content like this
and if you’re bored and you want to
invite us for a game somewhere please do
so yeah and again if you’re a member
down here at whw we’re going to do a
versus Series in the summer so you can
pick two players that you want to play
off the channel and they’ll come down
here and uh play you and a friend so
either leave your details with Kev on
one at Lads be bar um or drop us a
message on the on the channel um that’s
it see you later I guess like subcribe
say bye bye


  1. Revetting a bunker face Tony…although you may be correct with your description of it 😉
    You did a really good job of controlling the wind noise, you could see how bad it was with how the trees were blowing and clothes wafting abouts 👌
    We have dog walkers at Halifax too, but we have signage up warning them to be aware of the dangers involved, and to be aware of golfers at all times. To be fair to all our walkers, they are very considerate to us and I believe we are to them also. A fairly harmonious existence I think 👍
    Great vlog in VERY difficult conditions

  2. Considering that wind I thought you both did well controlling the shots. No lost balls in them conditions? Nothing questionable about that T

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