Golf Grip Wrapping Tape | DR Reviews

In our latest video, we review Amazon’s top-rated golf grip wrapping tape! Made from high-quality materials, this tape has gathered an impressive 4.5-star rating from over 3500 satisfied customers.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you step-by-step how to wrap your worn or damaged golf grips in a matter of seconds, ensuring optimal performance and control on the course. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting out, this tape is a must-have addition to your golf bag in case of unfortunate events before or during a round of golf!

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hello guys we are back with a brand new
video today we’ve got zachie with us and
he wants to show us a little trick that
he’s come across on Amazon you talking
through it zachie yeah so what we’ve got
here is the alien Pro wrap grip so what
these are
is effectively they’re a grip but
instead of having to fitting with tape
and solvent and cutting them and doing
all the alignment and having the vice
and all the tools these are a self
adesive that you literally wrap all your
existing grip so if you’ve got a grip
like mine here which is my mini driver
of all things and it’s got a bit slick
at the bottom and there’s no grit left
to it what you can do I’ll just pass you
this Clos of course yeah so it comes
like this and then what you do is you
start it off at the top and then you
wrap it and wrap it and wrap it and get
yourself a new grip so these could be
you know if you short time say you’ve
got a comp tomorrow and you’ve no grips
and all of a you realize one of them
split or it’s slippy or you know it’s
this particularly wet day and you’re
like it’s going to struggle this you get
some of these the three for a 10er
aren’t they yeah they’re very cheap so
they three for a tener I think they’re
about 40 47 Ines if I remember right the
length of them you can really WRA you
WRA around and you can wrap them around
twice I think so even if you want them a
bit thicker at the bottom bit thicker at
the top or if your current grips are a
bit too thin there’s loads of uses for
these so what I’m going to do now is I’m
going to wrap one on here we’re going to
stick it on and we’re going to hit a few
shots on the Sim and we’re going to see
how it holds up we’ll be back in a
second really nice
yeah distance as well really
good B on
carry that’s really good goodness me
that’s gotone miles miles oh my
days big dogs come to eat off theck as
well one more wow 27 are you taking
me oh it’s really good again oh we going
both ways oh yeah baby baby draw baby F
that’s really nice get on the green it’s
a joke this man
strike really
nice really nice 205 26y carry look at
allting about getting new drivers
thinking iin What’s Happening Here we
just need manyi drivers why you
searching Mini Drivers
e why you searching golden crusted mini
driver that it yeah so we’ve just got
the mini driver all uh all gripped up
now so you can see that’s that’s what
we’re dealing with so it’s just a simple
case literally you want to do a little
tab where it’s got a bit of adive stick
it at top wrap it around spiral all the
way to the bottom and it’s got these
tapes just to cover the ends so it’s
super simple process it’s taking me what
2 minutes minutes in there got no
equipment whatsoever no tools no nothing
no glues no just literally straight on
does the job the feel of that it feels
really really like if you didn’t tell me
that was tape I genuinely think it was
one of them rap like an actual rap grip
you get what I mean not tape it feels
really good now I don’t know how long
we’ve obviously not H many shots so I
don’t know how long it had last but I
think it’s more of a just a here and now
fix for I wouldn’t you know you wouldn’t
recommend having a full set of these on
your clubs by any stretch of the
imagination but for the odd one just to
tide you over you know I I reckon you
could play five six rounds a goal for
that though looking at it nice and tacky
quite comfortable really soft it almost
feels a bit spongy so it’s quite nice ni
yeah really good we’ve hit a few shots
with it few shots each I think we were
the problem not the grip 247 man no yeah
there was no sliping you know written a
difficult Club as well a mini driver but
no feels Bob on and like I said for
three quit a great I think just being
able to chuck them on like that ideal so
I think what caught that caught our eyes
was was it you who sent it to me and
said you need to try these out it was on
Amazon and I think there’s about 3 and a
half thousand reviews on there and
they’re like four and half star yeah so
people are raving about it people I see
a lot of people putting them on kids
clubs as well so you can wrap them
around twice or three times I think it
makes them a bit bigger a bit easier for
kids as well so I’ve seen that but check
them out I think we’re going to put the
link in the description um yeah we’d
recommend them I don’t think they’re the
best goup in the world but tell you what
I definitely definitely have some of
them in the bag just when it’s coming to
Winter especially I definitely have some
of them in the bag lovely well thanks
for watching cheers for your help again
Zach and we’ll see you again soon make
sure drop us a like comment subscribe
please we’re trying to get our subs up
this year that’s a big goal of ours I
think we’re at 322 now re if we in the
year on 400 500 but yeah thanks for
watching and we’ll see you again

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