Golf Players

2024 Jonesboro Open | MPO FINALF9 | Robinson, Barela, Heimburg, Lizotte | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the MPO lead cards final round at the 2024 Jonesboro Open.

Card: Isaac Robinson, Anthony Barela, Calvin Heimburg, Simon Lizotte
Course: Disc Side of Heaven | Jonesboro, AR
BigBarri Commentary: Jeremy “Big Jerm” Koling & Paul “Uli” Ulibarri

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
03:29 HOLE 1
09:40 HOLE 2
13:05 HOLE 3
17:12 HOLE 4
21:57 HOLE 5
26:16 HOLE 6
33:03 HOLE 7
37:46 HOLE 8
42:30 HOLE 9

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when I woke up this morning I was like
90% certain I was going to drop out cuz
I could barely move my back was so tight
yesterday’s round and this morning on
top of the back pain I woke up with a
bit of a cold so I I sound a bit raspy
so I was like H maybe I just drop out
and pulled it together so I did
everything possible from acupun to
massage gun to stretching to painkillers
um just so I can be able to walk this
pretty challenging
track got tired of playing bad so it
really took the time to prepare um this
off week uh especially with Champions
Cup coming up and uh really just wanted
to get back in form and so it’s glad to
see good to see the results kind of
off you just kind of had to run with it
and grind it out in the moment out there
and I feel like the most important part
of the day was like those 25t putts and
I think I made all of them all the
important ones like to save par and
stuff like that so it’s pretty solid
round I’m happy with
it really if I just pulled myself
together yesterday after whole 15 I
should be in a pretty comfortable lead
now frustrating to think about but
that’s stuff you just can’t think about
everything in the past is in the past
got to look forward I’m just stoked to
be back on leag card it looks like
tomorrow I think I got that locked down
down the stretch there I kind of found
it a little bit birdied four out of the
last five I think or three of the last
five some of that hopefully going into
those finishing holes I can have a
couple stroke lead maybe and then close
it out with some birdies ready to hunt
down the title tomorrow and defend yeah
that’s the goal you know I’m definitely
still there in contention so hoping uh
you know I can put together a really hot
round tomorrow
hello and welcome to the 2024 Jonesboro
Open final round front9 coverage here on
JZ big berry commentary bringing you the
conclusion of this event and we have a
very tight leaderboard here with some of
the best Superstars in the sport yeah I
couldn’t draw it up any different if I
had the dream card like Isaac Robinson
who at this point last year was just
playing phenomenal guard absolutely
phenomenal we got AB who’s just on a
tear Calvin somehow doing it without a
sidearm out here just being as
consistent as you possibly can and I
mean who doesn’t like watching Simon
yeah I mean it’s it’s a lot of the fan
favorites I mean Mato we had a fome
right there you go that’s like as good
as it gets but yeah we’ve have a very
challenging wind direction very
Gusty very similar Direction in some
holes from round two so the practice
that these guys got in the second round
should pay off in some ways for
Preparation going to the final round but
sometimes the guess are up in the 40 mph
range and you just don’t know what a
disc is going to do sometimes when it’s
blown that hard so it’s going to be
certainly aor as these guys are hunting
the title yeah and especially on a very
like undulated course as soon as the
wind picks up it’s coming down shooting
up it’s lifting discs dropping them it’s
very swirly changing directions going
around corners and through tunnels hole
one is a a great case for that I mean
it’s just a huge downhill shot 520 ft
into this tight Gap here elevated basket
even if you throw it close to the basket
you still have a tough putt as that wind
is going to be coming through that
tunnel going to start off the coverage
with a Chase Car checking with Ezra ader
hold that must be an insanely overstable
disc going into the headwind down the
hill and flexing a beautiful drive wow
just outside the
circle what a bonus birdie this would be
to start the round and it is in what a
putt even with that putt you see how it
kind of just lifted out of nowhere and
then held that line that’s something
you’re going to see all day’s Isaac
Robinson obviously these guys
are getting there 5 minutes before so
they’re pretty close to seeing those
shots curious if they saw you know maybe
Ezra’s line to make sure that you’re
checking to see what the wind’s doing to
different disc that’s a smart thing
that’s something that I did I think
getting to the tead 20 minutes early was
a really good idea for these
guys look at this shot this is getting
hammered down and that’s going to come
up just short that’s going to be out of
bounds and that you can see that right
there that was in a decent height I
loved it out of
saying yeah and he’s sitting there just
like man that’s just what happens
sometimes I did like Ezra’s play though
out wide with something very overstable
with anheiser
maybe’s going to take a different
approach here go
forehand oh man this is good again just
gets there so fast that is incredible to
get pin high in a 500t hole
with a forehand maybe he’s just a little
short but from Safety Harbor Florida
Calvin heberg I think Isaac if he
doesn’t catch those L he probably sa I
think so too yeah absolutely he is that
definitely slowed him down considerable
margin this so good go in I guess so
good unbelievably good un
believably closest anybody ever got
today guarantee he’s like a strength
trainer and an artist at the same time
mhm watch this follow
fight Heiser
flip that takes some power oh come on a
ride with
me follow fight Mike you’re drunk dude
that is crazy
Bullseye please welcome to the te from
Simon the roar is
just almost a little bit louder than it
was for everyone else I feel like it’s
the Simon
effect is it stay oh this great to just
miss the
limbs he
does wow two inside the circle on ho one
in these conditions very
impressive yeah didn’t know that about
Simon in the first round struggling with
injury I mean if you’re
uh as Isaac throws his approach this is
a little overturned oh that’s going to
be a tricky putt for the par I mean for
the bogey excuse me but if if allergies
you this is not the place to be you stay
stay inside the wind it was really
making a lot of people out there sneeze
cough oh and we’re used to seeing him
make those the last few tournaments
first hole big steppers yeah he’s got a
long way coming back for the
par what a putt very
good big putt you can’t be double in the
first hole when you got Calvin two feet
I like what he said though starting the
uh the beginning of the round just tired
of not playing well so change his
preparation get back to what we used to
see what we’re used to seeing of
him wow that’s well I guess that is a
good way to start sure airball a
50-footer to make a 35-footer
well what I like about it is that he was
aggressive and it didn’t affect his
confidence on his second putt so I
really like it ah
that’s what you’re going to see that’s a
good putt he misjudged the win but how
do you know easy to
do it was right online mhm yeah he knows
up he kept it low it was he predicted
the lift it just lifted more than he
wanted so Calvin’s going to get up here
and just dunk in one of the seven
birdies on the day
wow I give a little shout out real quick
to Andrew fish who birdied hole one all
rounds oh that’s that’s pretty
impressive Ezra on hole three
here okay dropping a little D that’s a
good start that’s to go three for
three that’s a great start actually it’s
incredible oh right I didn’t see h two
we didn’t show two so yeah he just got
them all to start in this wind this is
crazy that drive by
Calvin and with the bogey from Isaac and
the par from Anthony and birdie from
Calvin we got a little Switcheroo at the
top we see what’s possible uh right
there on the leaderboard you see Matt
Oram coming in with an 11 under par just
which is unbelievable it is fantastic
round exactly hold two Par 3 360 up the
hill screaming headwin uh
anheiser off the left side bend it in
slide it up the hill or try to crash the
limbs or just go right in front of it
how many times have we seen Mato finish
with his round before the lead card even
starts theirs and just top he’s a top 10
machine yeah that’s he just finds a way
you just can’t hold him down Calvin in a
similar spot to where we saw him make a
putt yesterday on Chase
Card this is going to be heading way
left oh yeah that’s that’s the worst
we’ve seen so far yep on the whole I am
I’m shocked to not see Anthony go
forehand it’s just the the play if you
have the power he has on this
hill do you not agree no I think I think
it’s a optimal play if you if you have
the distance this is a good shot and
that’s that’s not as I mean you can
throw a backhand better than that but
that’s so hard to keep the disc on that
Hills with the right to left slope into
this headwind the forehand just fights
Against the Wind and the hillside the
whole way this looks fantastic but I
doubt that it’s going to be in the
circle you’re right it looked great
close yeah but that’s what I’m saying
it’s just so hard to get the disc to sit
there yeah you got to bend
it Anthony from
80 that’s far if he’s not getting it
there yeah and he’s not laying that up
no I tell you
that similar range to his bogey put on
one but this one comes up short and it
will be a par for Isaac looked like a
good bid just didn’t stay up in that
headwind little left right cross
maybe seen Calvin make a few of these
already on this hole oh
no that’s not a good sign Calvin starts
getting the not goes down and and the
little wobble did that hit a branch on
the way through it might have it’s hard
to say if it was perfectly
clean and Simon that’s going to you’re
going to pay the price for that one not
bad not yeah certainly looked like it
had the initial energy to roll down the
hill and that’s a little bit more like
it on stings yeah well in the circle
best Drive of the group everybody’s
missed momentum two putts in the circle
to start the round for Simon but he has
missed and yeah nothing’s easy I mean
you got to be you got to keep your disc
20 ft and in if you want to have any
guaranteed results in the green and
still sometimes even that’s not close
enough it’s hard to count whole one is
like a big time in the circle Miss
because he’s circle’s Edge on the knee
and it’s 100 ft in the sky like about
the the circles I mean like not all
Circle pets are made the same but they
all count the same on
statistics what’s the uh wind going to
do for these guys today Paul I mean it’s
definitely raging from left to
right and switching then back to right
to left and then it’s a headwind so it
depends on what time they’re going off
yeah for sure there’s going to be wind
you’re hoping for a little drift of left
to right cuz then you can can get it out
left wide and swing it in it looks like
it’s a right to left cross one which is
going to be so hard for the back end
this would be a Primo birdie if Cal
looks like he done it honestly that
looks like that is primo that is so
tough to do fighting against the wind
yeah and and getting around that corner
that that’s awesome so they want to it
looks like
tail for Anthony now and this I like
oh too tight I don’t like that
wow so Simon got a good read
from Calvin oh man I mean that is so
good but look at this yeah still outside
the circle 40t away it’s hard to get
that disc continuously turning this hole
as WI open and as simple as it feels
compared to some of the holes we play on
tour it’s just it’s
a it’s
deceiving it’s a tricky little hole you
want to keep it tight to these trees but
if you hit the trees then you’re going
to get pulled into the rough and you
don’t want to do that but if you go a
little bit too wide then you’re you find
yourself 40 ft away in an elevated
basket so it’s it’s hard to get it right
even though it feels like it shouldn’t
sure with that being said what is it the
third easiest hole on the property
M fourth
fourth Simon that was a good bid right
there it looks so good could have
caught all right
Isaac oh
no tough basket to put on I would just
say go ahead and don’t like expect to
see the best putting round of your life
if you’re watching this right now it’s
just it’s not fair to to expect that
good putt from Calvin though very good
Putt and great birdie great birdie shout
out to Raven Nome who I watched throw
this one in in one shot oh no kidding
yep I was on the T on whole five I saw
shot go right in big forehand I’m
guessing yeah just looked tight yep I
even said get in and then I went I
was like wow good for you Raven Nome
yeah I would have not seen that
let’s get back to Ezra who got his first
par on whole four and look at this late
Turner it’s going to go too
straight but no it’s going to get caught
up in the tree and he’s left with I mean
ft that’s playing the back stop
effectively yeah that’s not a bad play
it really isn’t I mean it’s not like
it’s easy to just intentionally hit a
small bush P from 390 ft away but mhm he
did and he made the putt he is four down
through five what a start for Ezra I
like that line because you can kind of
drive it into the ground might Annie
skip or might go in the
bushes I’m the best I’m the best I’m the
best I’m the best
moving on to Hole four 750 ft through
the tight window here the object is to
somehow get past this tree in the
Fairway on the right giving yourself a
wide enough angle on that right side to
get around this tree here at the corner
over this hill to the blind basket that
slopes down and to the right got to be
careful coming into the green because it
can be pretty quick and there’s actually
OB Pond to the
right very specific hole though you have
to get two shots perfectly
right and that’s one of the two shots
yeah see
you it’s hard to say see you after what
we saw AB do yesterday that being said
he turned that monstrous drive into a
five so if he can get a get a good
t-shot off
here he will
not now we did say nobody could get up
to the bucket from down there and I I
I’m being greedy because I wanted him to
do that to see if he could do it if
there’s anybody his disc is actually
underneath the tree he does have a runup
so we’ll see what he’s able to do from
down there yeah I like what you’re going
yeah Simon with a good drive out
left Isaac goes a little bit straighter
gets kind of hammered by the wind up and
down good Skip and the results really
nice okay oh not the best R yeah he’s
got the low
scent he got it turned
scent oh man scent where is
that oh brother that is so good I knew
it man needs to be tested for peeds man
that is some crazy stuff no yeah that
was so close but that’s what you you
know Isaac knows that that’s the the the
hand your delt when you play that right
side you just aren’t going to get all
through every time I like this angle
better if it’s right enough because of
the skip fact that’s okay he’s got
another one of his little Simon butts
had on every old hopefully he can make
one of these and get on the board but
that Spike Kaiser I feel like has a
better chance to Plinko and not hit and
fly forward you know what I mean well
we’ll see here with
Calvin’s and it also kind of gets
smacked down you know I mean if it’s
flying and it hits those it has a chance
to penetrate forward but Spiker it just
kind of
Falls a putt for birdie is what AB just
missed he went deep bizarre really
really crazy that you could somehow
manage a birdie putt after that t-shot
well there’s like two guys that could
yeah maybe
three that looked so good wow getting
the ceiling right underneath that Lo
that hanging Branch
incredible when Calvin starts making
putts and then rocking back and forth in
strut yeah that is scary you usually see
that at this property he does well here
Arkansas yeah he’s like
okay nothing easy today
so close oh you dirty dirty
devil that’s just not not not a cool
thing have another
one yeah that’s that’s not on him nope
it’s just not on him that he great bid
from a tricky great yeah hit on the away
from the Downs slope side of the basket
as well you know yeah that’s a tough
break Copperhead there you go they did
tell us that some of the snakes were out
yesterday I didn’t see any this week
fortunately I saw one today
doesn’t bother me to see a snake but I’m
definitely not trying to deal with a
copperhead while I’m trying to play dis
golf that’s for sure scaly whole five
Par 3
360 uh kind of a low ceiling for the
shot that the players are going to be
trying here throwing into the ground
right here to try to counter skip with
their back hands turning around the
corner it’s a left to right headwind so
the forehand play which you’re not going
to see from any of these guys anyways
would get the big skip down the hill so
the back can is a great play for this
wind right
now C been playing the wind perfectly
this looks really fast go
in yeah it’s it was so good it just
barely out the circle that even stopped
a little it tried to grab didn’t it
yeah I like I like this yeah lot to like
slow down oh yeah oh yeah yeah very good
that is so so well controlled through
angle continuously turning around the
corner oh boy these guys know what
they’re doing with this shot oh no I
mean yeah those are long but just to
even get that
shape I like the whole thing we say a
lot on here to save the world who do you
got on this hole h i I I
think Calvin’s backhand with that eagle
I think you you got to like
it I agree I think he just all of these
guys just threw great shots by the way
because the play is to bury it into the
ground and that’s what Calvin’s play is
on most most shots whether it’s the
optimal play for the hole or not
look how windy it
is can Calvin find
another oh good effort very good putt I
don’t like that comebacker though
no great drive for ab picks up the
and it’s his first of the round good one
to get when the rest of the lead card
doesn’t great one
mhm looks yeah it looks unbothered right
now it’s a scary thing for the field to
okay we’ve got Albert Tam sighting going
forehand skip low this could get some
chains oh it gets basket almost goes in
the backside and of course it rolls
unbelievable and it’s getting the speed
wobbles now
that’s what you see in the desert and he
doesn’t even know he hit the top
Ezra having to go Spike Heiser over the
top and oh yeah sits down backside of
bullseye and albertt just laying up
after that horrible roll
away and Ezra is trying to make it five
of the first six he is on
fire right in that momentum
his incredible performance a couple
weeks ago in
Houston once again he is putting
together a solid front
nine couple weeks ago he went eight down
on the front nine to give Anthony
Barella a run for the
title we just saw what you got to do
well the if you want to get in position
to try to make it and roll away
but in order to do that just throw a
Hiser to here don’t get tricky throw a
Hiser to here throw your most stable
disc heer to there and then you’ll be
able to figure it out I think Calvin’s
going to try to go a little early inside
same with Isaac but you can’t control
that right now hit the Gap get in the
Gap turn
over little sidearms in but just hit the
Gap like this is maybe going too far
no love it yeah it’s perfect you never
know with him right this whole card you
never know if like slow into it is this
going to be zipped or what I I I kind of
want to play a practice round with AB
here on this whole next stream just
see no you know the World Championships
on the line this is the last hole how
close can you get to the basket oh hit
the Gap Calvin I
said now that’s not going to be a place
where his backhand is going to be able
to save him I think that’s a product of
what we’re talking about of trying to go
early so he has the easier shot right
right see Isaac in the same predicament
but he can throw the sidearm when if he
needs yeah if he absolutely needs to and
it’s not even a bad forehand when he
it much Hiser Simon has to put on
that hwiin was making this shot not as
easy as it usually is right
so this is just going to be a play to
Circle two with the best the yeah the
best possible
shot I I don’t even think there’s any
need to try to get aggressive enough to
get to Circle two but hey he is keeping
it tight but yeah that’s pretty good
pretty good yeah I mean
do I don’t see him running that though
look at
this okay over the top
you just go run and catch it
incredible aw it’s like
12 everybody’s just everybody’s just
clapping I he he legitimately could have
caught that oh yeah that’s so funny
oh that might be the funniest shot I’ve
ever seen on
coverage and ab doing the low Skipper
but that’s what happens skip steep got
to hug it tight with this headwind I
don’t think the backhand really plays
you just got to throw the forehand into
hill trust the skip I even think the
skip shot’s not good right there I think
you have to go high in that
win well Simon
trust his for don’t
roll oh it thought about it it tried so
hard see he was close he was close to
having a little putt Sky there
yeah now
Isaac off the band
had a lot of zip on it may another
opportunity to grab a stroke on the
entire lead
card he steps into it just off the C oh
no and it’s the exact opposite he’s
going to be losing a stroke unless he
can hit this one from back edge of C2
into the headwind I mean he’s outside C
to wow
whole six showing it has some teeth
today what a brutal change of
event or turn of events did this one
to Mid pack or was it still the easiest
it’s still the easiest hole in the
course look at
this but I am surprised to see that 51%
of the field grabbed the birdie oh my
goodness that took every bit of the
basket to hold on almost blew back too
yeah I I think this is this was a day I
think where the wind was a lot calmer in
the morning rounds and got progressively
gustier throughout the day yeah it’s
very possible I I just I can’t see the
entire field birding this hole in these
conditions as windy as it is right
now we’ got our first check in here with
Ben Callaway was at 18 under currently a
very good drive and a good approach as
overstable got to watch out for the
overstable into this Hillside but I like
I like the angle yeah the angle is good
sketch just he needed like 6 in more of
height is he running this
putt yeah that’s the scariest putt to
have and now he’s outside the circle
coming back up the hill
and yeah that might be one that you
might want to lay up yeah we see
especially with the great start that he
had yep but you know Chase Card you just
have to continuously bring the pressure
you know and he is he’s he’s trying his
best he’s trying to birdie every single
hole I mean he knows ab and Calvin and
Simon and I mean even Isaac has the
great angles to battle the the wind oh
boy the why why show me this again and
bring that was amazing you you got to
admit though you got to lay that but
yeah yeah I yes I
agree a prince of Southern royalty was
born for plastic Stone
there’s nothing more that you can
do well this is the hole that we just
saw the t-shot with it’s kind of like a
left to right tail but it’s so swirly in
this between these two Hills 655 ft but
really it comes down to get across get
bounds throw safe t- shot on the
Tailwind side but hopefully you’re
within 20 ft because you do not want the
putt that we just saw Ezra left
with left to right cross one not the
hardest one to get over actually one of
the easier conditions as long as you
don’t take on that
tree and Calvin hits it and just like
every other shot that’s ever hit that
tree he falls op yeah it’s bizarre to me
I think you can throw Heiser at the
right side and for sure get over you
know like you don’t have to outthink the
room here yeah I I will I will say it
wasn’t the same wind that we had in
round two it was a lot trickier at this
time of day and uh we were seeing some
drives turning
over Playing Tricks on the guys off the
te that’s fine but you aim that shot
through the at that stuff on the right
what happens Jer that’s a lot closer to
the basket than he is now this guy just
goes over that tree
typically is it going to Heiser out
no oh my yeah I was going to say this is
a play for the green like AB gets down
the hill and he’ll have a putt up the
hill this is so hard right here he has
to take it so far back he’s throwing a
turnover this is an 11 out of 10
yeah a four here would
be alltime or
save uh oh Calvin you filthy man what a
shot watch this disc
dance that is just absurd to even have
any look at all that’s not
possible oh yeah golf class unreal shot
not making it easy on himself I I don’t
I didn’t hate the angle coming out of
his hand but just didn’t quite react the
way he’d like like see that was very
similar with Isaac now he’s left with
that scary putt a little bit closer than
oh God then what we saw with Ezra
maybe’s got to look for eagle
yeah there you go don’t be a greedy
guy I I can’t help but think he hit
limbs yeah sure I
mean oh
boy oh
boy so these are the best Putters in the
world and the wind out here is making
them look not like that but I promise
they are still that yeah it just sick of
it doesn’t even want to spend a second
thinking about it I don’t blame
you like this putt right here eight out
of 10 difficult yeah maybe more Yep what
a delivery that’s just
like Simon so that’s bonus putt yeah it
is from 31 ft I like his putt for that
wind though with that nose up slight
Hiser release it just kind of it’s like
a gentle helping wind into the
basket that is an insane par
save absolutely
stellar and this is this is not a gimme
because you hit those chains in these
winds and it’s not a guarantee middle is
not a good spot to hit here just over
the rim is what you want just over the
rim slightly right off the pole that’s
great yeah which is what these guys are
aiming these guys are good enough in
that head when they are not aiming
middle they’re aiming an inch over the
rim yep
well birdie for Simon birdie for Anthony
I mean effectively a birdie for Calvin I
mean that’s he just saved a huge stroke
there with that
incredible third shot yeah that was a
great reaction from Simon you don’t see
people yeah fist pump inside 30 ft
exactly and Ezra I mean not Ezra sorry
excuse me Isaac two over without a
birdie thus far the wind is just
cracking him right now yeah and thre
seven holes Anthony one under yeah
that’s wow that’s not the recipe for
Success out here we see Ezra getting it
done mtio came in got it done mhm
Calvin’s doing Calvin things well I hope
he doesn’t do Calvin things on this hole
CU we’ have seen enough of the bucket
rollways I don’t think there’s a harder
wind for this hole than what we have
today and the outside Gap is so tricky
the inside Gap gets pushed to the right
side of the
Fairway doesn’t seem like anything
really wants to work for you
everything’s just going to lift yep cuz
the wind’s you have to throw the disc
with slight nose up going up the hill
and as soon as that nose angle is
introduced to the wind it just is going
to pick it up yeah you got to throw a
disc that is has a mid stability as soon
as it gets that nose up it turns look at
Calvin that was crazy it just
immediately helicoptered straight up
yeah he hit a branch little Branch yeah
well and see this is just pushing it
straight into the woods a a good result
honestly just to be able to have an easy
three but there’s almost no way to even
run the putt from underneath those
limbs this isn’t where Calvin’s used to
trying to save his three he’s used to
trying to save it from down in the woods
after hitting the bucket and then
rolling away so this is a new place for
Calvin and not an easy feet don’t hit
the bucket now oh stay away from that
thing stay
away that was a great shot I think it
was completely blind as
well not because he couldn’t see the
basket but because he’s not wearing a
hat and the sun was just right in his
eyes sit
stressful good
layup well you might be able to generate
some nose up run
don’t don’t do that yeah don’t do that
looks like we’ll see four
pars 22 birdies on the day and I again I
got to reemphasize not many of them were
birdied in that wind yeah that wind was
difficult got Ben Callaway on the T
going tight forehand going to get a
counter skip off this Hillside sure does
and gets the near Bullseye great
drive very
good genon bird trying to match that
shot looks similar a little shorter
going to get the big
skip down the
hill very good
it oh that was close wow you see the
difference between Ben shot and what
Ganon and Ezra threw there Ganon and
Ezra hit the down slope and so it got
the big skip right Ben played it
perfectly where he hit the UPS slope in
the air took all the speed off the disc
it counter skipped it slowed it down and
everything so even though the birdies
are coming for both Ezra and
Ganon Ben’s also going to get his birdie
with a tap in
putt well played for the three of
them threeway tie at the top here with
Ezra Ben and Calvin Anthony right there
one shot back going into the ninth
hole do you see what forehand coming
backhands I think I think Simons and
Isaac and Calvin could definitely throw
the backand turn I know Calvin is I know
you know Calvin you know Isaac is does
Simon go forehand I don’t know I think
probably yeah
but no he’s got the backand lined up he
hasn’t thrown I I I thought it was uh
strange that yesterday he was throwing
all back hands on a lot of holes as well
so he’s going with an
overstable sharp anheiser
overturns it just a bit and ends up
hitting some of the rough there at the
corner preventing him from getting a
little bit
closer this is going very
straight but it skips out of the hazard
and does it sit down tries to it’s good
lot of action on the green yeah we saw
Simon go deep with the back end we
should have known and make that crazy
putt on yeah that’s
right I like the height here for
Calvin I like it a lot wow great
shot that dude does not need a forehand
don’t roll and it usually does and oh
man Isaac’s round just cannot get
started are you serious okay
unbelievable this is a this is a putt
you don’t run unless you are too overpar
and you’re sick of
it you’re just absolutely abely sick of
it that was 100 feet that was
sick you’re just fed
up no Simon’s like can this putter stop
just what do I have to do to not have a
25 to 30 foot comebacker on every
putting green he’s definitely speaking
German to himself after that one too
many people that can hear
me yeah good putt lot of good putts for
yeah shaking of the head is an
international language for stop this and
ab uncomfortable there yeah there’s a
lot of things he wasn’t able to get his
traditional stance and
clearly affected him yeah maybe he needs
to go to the straddle
there it’s a big Miss that’s going to
drop him two shots behind Calvin with
nine holes to go at only one under I
think you would you’ve got to feel like
you’re getting away with something I
mean Isaac is still in the top 10 two
over in the front nine if that tells you
anything about the conditions here
that’s just it’s unbelievable yeah I I I
wasn’t prepared for it to be the worst
day as far as the wind and it is just
pummeling so many people but it’s not
pummeling Ezra it looks like Ben
Callaway right there in the mix James
Proctor shooting seven under right now
he’s through
177 and we saw yeah Ganon obviously out
there doing great things but we saw a
hot round from Adam hamus shooting 10
under jumping up like 40 something spots
to get into the cash and Matt orm with
his 11 under matching of course record
and I just can’t imagine anyone’s going
to beat that score today so 11 under is
going to be the course record for the
for this new layout here Jonesboro no I
think you’re 100%
right I think it’s going to be tight
it’s going to be tight it already is we
got a lot of players on lead and Chase
card that are in the mix it’s going to
be an exciting nine holes thank you
Founders club for being our Lifeline
here at Jes Pro we appreciate you we’ll
see you for the final 99 in just a


  1. Eventually Ezra is gonna break out and get on a final round lead card, probably even finally win one. He keeps teasing it, and it’s only a matter of time 🤘

  2. I am so sick of Jeremy making a solid bit of commentary and then Paul making a joke, quip, counter to that comment and instantly ruining the whole moment.
    And you can tell it bugs Jeremy just like it bugs me and my wife. Paul’s a bit of an annoyance. Good guy I’m sure not knocking his character or anything. His commentary grates though.
    I miss Nate.

  3. Isaac’s putt on 9 was unbelievable. Even when he’s having a bad day he’s good for a highlight putt or two

  4. Talk about a tourney where exactly the people you expect on lead card end up there. Just wow.

  5. What a simply astonishing lack of forehands thrown on the front 9. Especially from AB. Who clearly knows what he is doing 😆

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