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LIV Golf

and that’s a wrap day one has come to an
end and the entire range goats team was
showing out today we’re here in Miami
for the first time in regular season
after playing the team championships our
first two years and Taylor G Peter Uline
Sergio Garcia all at the top of the
leaderboard we’re here to talk about it
live from the beautiful Trump National
Dural welcome it’s time to talk about it
welcome to Club 54 post round show I’m
your host Christian Crosby and joining
me is the one and only D Boule who just
came in in the nick of time after eating
some tasteful was it cookies or crackers
what was that you just stuffed down
chocolate chip cookie I’ve in about 5
hours Christian you know my only problem
with that Dom is you didn’t bring me one
that’s the only problem I got that’s
that’s the only problem I’ll do it
tomorrow and you make me feel bad I just
rushed over from the the first screen I
took me 10 minutes to get dude you’re
the best in the business man happy to
have you uh usually I would say well how
was your day and you would say to me oh
it was good and then we would keep
talking I’m not doing that today we’re
going to have fun I’m putting you on a
spot give me three words that describe
day one in Miami go day one here I I’m
put you on a spot I knew you I knew I
knew this would happen but I had to do
this it was fun f is one you got two I
need two more Dom two it was fun that’s
all right I’ll take fun I’ll take fun
how many words you you’re right you’re F
you’re right okay fine uh John ROM you
had the pleasure of following today
abely I figured it’d be a good place to
start there just an incredible player I
think the only player to place in the
top 10 every single tournament how was
it following him today so far yeah you
know it was so impressive he was driving
the ball beautifully I just did an
interview with him and he was really
happy with the way he drove the ball he
said he one poor drive and he was a
little unlucky he was on the 10th hole
which is perhaps today the hardest t-
shot on the golf course but some
highlights from today and talk us
through it I hope we get to see you
somewhere in there oh you might do I get
on camera quite a lot was almost an
eagle I always look for you down at
least get that yeah he was really good
with his wedges today John Ramen he kept
him under the hold here is on five big
t-shot cleared the
bunker there he goes and there you go
another four five footer underneath the
hole it was just perfect spot every
single time oh how about this one it was
a little bit lucky here but he’s aiming
for it right
look at that
absolutely look at his swag I love the
swag I think we got two more highlights
here Dom yeah from your day yeah here’s
the 12th obviously no one could get
there today 670 yards into the win but
he laid up nicely and another wonderful
little wed shot there to basically a
distance and this was one of the best
shots he had all day that wasn’t easy
because there’s a little slope that runs
down they had to land it in the perfect
top of the Rich and he took advantage of
it with another birdie that’s right and
we have a special guest joining us
individual champion of 2023 uh PBR team
owner new newest member of that Taylor G
man welcome to the welcome to the show
man yeah good to be here finally
congratulations we were going to talk
about your day but I I think the fans
are happier to to hear it from your
mouth man great day hell of a day take
us through it how was it yeah I mean it
was uh it was a stripe show out there
you know I I missed a couple drives that
led to a couple Bogies but other than
that I mean I I I hit it about as good
as I could out there so um you know I
actually missed you know a handful of
really good opportunities to to really
get it going kind of middle of the round
but again on this golf course uh with a
little bit of wind not as much as what
it can be but still 500 on this place is
no joke so when when a player like
yourself says it was a stripe show you
must have hit it unbelievably good yeah
no the the irons were were on point
today I uh I had like I said I had a lot
of lot of close looks and um and
fortunately we got a to drop this one
highlights yeah this this was this
finally got me going I made uh you know
a few parts start my round and Eagle on
on the part five helps Birdie the nexo
par three number nine um and after that
I I didn’t make another putt until 18
and so um you know out outside the chip
in the chip in was helpful but um you
know hit this one tight like I said I
was just I was hting it close a lot
today and uh was able to get you know a
couple of them to drop and shoot 500
that’s not an easy P to get close to up
in that front pin right yeah that was a
one there’s another yeah this is the one
that I said we we sold one right here
you uh when you’re halfway in the bunker
you’re thinking all right hopefully we
can make par and uh that that helps that
always helps might stolen two that might
have stolen two I’ll take it I’ll take
it this was a great one right here 18
obviously it’s a monster of a hole and
hit a great second shot in there and and
you know first foot I’d made since uh
you know outside of you know 3 4 ft
since uh you know that eighth uh the
eighth hole of of an eagle so it was it
was a great day you know your coach Boyd
Su hay is here you always seem to play
well when he’s on site with you does he
give you that bit of confidence the
extra pair of eyes yeah you know when I
have both him and and my trainer Colby
you know both on site this week it’s
just you know we usually know how to get
things clicking you know uh the first
few tournaments I was just a little bit
off just coming off of uh you know
having our second baby and you know kind
of you know just knocking off the off
season rust and you know I had a couple
little like tight areas in my body with
my neck and my back that uh just the
offseason and holding babies and stuff
and so um you know having my trainer
here this week Colby and and Boyd
obviously it’s it just helps get you
know get everything in line and get
going now we’re going to ask you some
more questions but first uh actually
your caddy got miked up today we got
some behind the scenes audio from day
one in Miami let’s check that out right
now and and feel free to chime in Taylor
yeah well I’m just curious if you can
understand the the Aussie accent back
here you know pretty flat I still a
little M and I are are very
communicative on the
greens okay okay yeah you see this whole
ball Mark right there yeah right about
there birdie
mate the longer I looked at the more it
yeah man I’ll tell you what cam got
absolutely uh BM muted
there I 37 so we’re
352 like to this head right what what is
it to that
240 I just like H all right 60 Hall yeah
iive that’s the club I like anyway but
you got
it I got it down out of the left more
down than out of the left
I think it’s a little hard right now on
guys that are like Louis age early 40s
call it cuz they all played through
Tiger’s era right I mean how many Majors
did he take that yeah cuz like early
part of tiger this early part of his
career all right that was uh that was
great you got anything on that tell I
would love to hear your take on your
relationship with him and how you guys
work things out yeah you know we see
golf very very similarly he understands
my game so well and he understands when
he needs to get in and and you know
provide me with more information or when
to step back and just let me do my thing
we we collaborate more on the greens
than really anywhere else and especially
this week you know I I didn’t grow up on
vermuda green so for me uh they’re just
a little bit foreign and and he’s a
little bit more comfortable with them
and so you know I’m going to lean on him
a little bit more in weeks like this
week uh to kind of help me get the reads
right and hopefully make putts that’s
strange that being an austral he puts on
pure pure green that he’s comfortable on
Bermuda and you trust his read on these
greens do you yeah yeah he we talk about
a lot he spends time at home where he
lives he he’s a member at a at a club
that’s uh Bermuda greens and so he when
he’s home he’s he’s getting working he’s
going out there a few days a week and
and putting playing and just reading
greens as well trying to stay sharp so
it’s uh you know we were we were joking
about it on one of the holes on number
one uh I was asking him where the green
was and he was like mate that that I
already read the grain into my read
that’s becom in second nature form now
so yeah all right now Taylor I I don’t
want you to take any offense to this
next question but I got to ask you cuz
fans are they they want to know the
stash man what’s up with the stash bro
talk to us what’s the inspiration uh we
love it by the way it’s a good thing but
is there any story behind that or is it
just whatever uh you know I kind of uh I
kind of wanted to make my wife uh
chuckle a little bit and I walked out of
uh shaving U 80% of my face and leaving
this and she said go shave the rest so
of course I was like well now I’m not
going to shave it we got to see if this
is a winning formula now and so um I I
think she really hopes I come in second
this week cuz if I somehow go and win
this thing with this we got to see if it
works again he might need to stick with
it man yeah she if if if I’m leading
going to last might be the only time
she’s probably thinking I hope he
finishes second it looks good on you it
also resembles a few people we we
thought of here Ron bergundy but we we
want you to chime in this isn’t a roast
you’re with us we’re we’re together on
this I would rather hear you rape these
stashes I’m looking at you as the guru
of the stash I mean his looks a little
fake there it’s not quite as good as
mine you know but uh it’s Ron bergundy
you can’t go wrong with it I say you got
Ron bergundy beat uh there’s honor that
is topnotch see his his is dark mine’s
still like that blonde kid Ginger
wannabe like his is way better than mine
being too hard on yourself man Dr Phil
that’s a crazy one yeah that’s I mean
that that might be me in another you
know 30 years or 40 or so like I’m going
get that or another kid it might just
Bad final destination at all uh last one
Papa gos there’s the twin got to love
that man y that spot on so all all
approved all stashes are are approved
yes absolutely I’m a stash fan I I I’d
say so far the the whole thing you plant
there you should stick with it that’s
just my person my wife is if my wife is
watching this she is going to be
pissed that’s great if you keep shooting
five under she’ll be happy but she also
that’s right that’s exactly right all
right so every episode we like to do
this thing called form check where we
have the fans submit their swing and
then we have our guests check their form
uh please be brutally honest it makes
for a better segment uh good luck fans
and thanks to everyone who submitted
them shall we get into this Taylor let’s
do it all right Dom feel free to throw
in some jokes too you got some good ones
always here’s a good one first one is up
all right that’s that’s not a bad you
know average to you know mediocre swing
you know what do you think he shoots D
I’d say mid 80s uh I think even better
than that maybe maybe low low 80s what
you shoot out
here five yeah yeah not bad not a bad
move any suggestions for this young
gentleman uh stick to your 9 to
five all right here’s the next one oh
that’s a good move yeah yeah that’s a
really good
move that’s my cousin I’m kidding I was
about to say no that looks good I like
it I’m trying to see it again here you
got anything
good good turn coming back I mean just
keep doing what you’re doing I mean I
got no suggestions there that’s nice
she’s got a good move impressive all
right here’s another one I can already
tell you this is going to be bad’s
Goa tell you oh no what what was it is
it the the fit the sneakers gosh he’s
wearing pants and a full button down
inside so that’s immediately that’s
that’s a that’s a bad deal what did you
think of a sway was it what you imagin
it to be or what it wasn’t as terrible
as I was expecting it to be it wasn’t as
terrible as I was expecting all right
need a the second one to see we got some
really straight arms those those uh
shoulders are really right but not not
too bad of emotion I would say to take
your uh button down and put a shirt on
and have some fun maybe a cocktail maybe
loosen up you might be able to swing a
little bit better this is incredible we
can you come back and do form check
every episode I’m in I’m in you nailed
it man you’re the best all right so uh
we know we have a couple more days here
but the next stop Adelaide you’re the
defending champ ion there the energy is
so unique so special there how is it
feeling for you as you’re approaching
after a great day today just knowing
that’s your next stop where’s your mind
at yeah I mean obviously playing with
Cam today we were even talking about
today I asked him when he was going to
get in and um yeah everyone’s you know
the the it feels like everything’s
building up for it right it’s uh it’s
going to be so cool to be back and you
know I I keep saying it’s so cool uh
taking live to all these new places and
seeing the fans reactions and then you
know the few places that we’ve been back
a second time it’s it’s cool to see okay
they know what it is they they know what
to expect and in Adelaide they know what
to expect and I think they’re going to
try to top it off this year so it’s
going to be it’s going to be a blast and
hopefully I can uh kind of Channel some
of that good energy I had from last year
damn yeah I was there with you can you
believe there going to be 25 30,000 more
people than last year there I don’t know
where they’re going to fit them in I
going to say I don’t know where they’re
going to fit them but I’m I’m I’m here
for it I’m ready for it because some of
those t- shots when the because the te’s
were quite narrow right I you were
nervous on some of those t- shots
somebody oh yeah there’s there there
would be uh if if if you had some of
those swings we saw earlier hidden t-
shots there they there would be some
fans we’d be sending to the to the
hospital so no it’s going to be great
and obviously the fans are fantastic the
energy is great Golf Course is amazing
so it’s going to be it’s going to be
awesome well we had a great time with
you teller thank you so much for joining
us we hope to see you back here tomorrow
how about that sounds good sounds good
stash and everything yeah we got you
camera saying yes that’s
right more to come here on Club 54 post
show play man keep it
up Brooks kco remade his Smash roster
with some aggressive offseason moves
adding 2023 individual champ ter luch
and former US Open Champion gr McDow
there’s now a different feeling with
this squad take a
look for me I think it’s what we
we were looking to make this team as
good as it possibly can Brooks keer has
recruited last year’s individual winner
Taylor gu as part of Team smash for
2024 the comaraderie is great I mean we
all are likeminded and you know we want
to win obviously Adam Taylor was a huge
thing and GMAC bringing in the
experience and what a master stroke
signing grey mdal could prove to be for
Brooks kin you know coming to A Team
like smash with a G Brooks cop G it T gu
off the back of three wins and you know
Jason cra’s a well decorated players
expectation levels are there for GM to
play as well as he did in Sunday Vegas
huge confidence boost right now you get
the rest of the year smash won the team
title the celebrations in full flow kind
of fun to see all those guys climb the
leaderboard it was a good time to quote
unquote hit the jackpot you put guys in
the right team surround them with the
right people they can play some good
golf and then all right and we’re back
as you can see the sun is just starting
to set here on a beautiful day in Miami
but the energy for sure has not settled
at all a lot of fans around here uh the
spirits are high I’m ready for day two
and uh joining us we have a suan hang to
talk to in just a few moments and here’s
the moment I was speaking about with
suan h the moment here here we are H uh
you you had yourself a day uh you always
end up following two to three groups
around I don’t know how you do it well
you know I I love uh keeping a variety
of players uh during my day so yes I I
was moved around a couple of times but
uh some great golf that was played today
uh I was watching Brooks in his uh uh
conference press conference and he said
this is one of the first big boy courses
that we’ve had um from your perspective
just overall from everyone you saw did
that hold to be true today oh absolutely
I mean this is definitely one of the
most demanding golf courses that we play
out here on live golf and you know not
just requires accuracy off the tea but
you also need to be long you need to be
accurate uh it also requires a lot of
variety of shots uh off the te and into
the greens uh quite often the players
are coming in with much longer clubs
than we’re used to seeing so it
certainly is a Big Boy golf course and
uh we have seen some players even like
Patrick Reed who got off to a great
start and then just kind of fizzled out
at the end and just came back with a few
bogeys which can happen especially on a
golf course like the blue monster and I
you know it’s good I didn’t even get I
realized as we were talking that I
didn’t even ask you about your day yet
Dom because as great as soon as we
really started Taylor G jumped in we
talked a little John Ron but how was
your day what did you see I follow Phil
Mickelson John Ramen Dustin Johnson if
you don’t have a good day following
those three guys they’ve got 10 major
championships between them it was great
but like suan says this this is a beast
this golf course you have to be a long
hitter I mean it’s such an advantage if
you are a long hitter
for you suan uh Bubba Watson was someone
you got to follow the range goats just
it seemed every every single person in
that team had a hell of a day today talk
us through that we have some highlights
here too if you want to talk through but
talk us through that yeah I think it’s
about that time that the range goats
need to get their stuff together it’s
been a rough start for them this season
this is one of their players Thomas
Peters uh he’s uh is a quiet guy but
he’s secretly quite funny if you get to
hang out with Peters he’s a really
really funny guy very dry Peter Uline
also had quite the day TI for the lead
at the top with five under this is a
good golf course for Peter actually
absolutely he’s a long hitter one of the
longest on tour and now Bubba we talked
to him he put his uh old school putter
back in play this week uh got some
success with that back in 2012 13 and 14
when he was playing some great Golf and
Matthew wolf yeah you want to talk a guy
with a big game I know that guy has got
the biggest game
yeah it’s good to see him playing well
again not surprising though to see the
range goes up there this is a great Golf
Course for them they’re all pretty long
off the tea and they’re all quite
creative yeah and B’s had a lot of
success here he’s had three run up
finishes in tournaments here so he
really feels very comfortable around
here and Thomas Peters he’s he’s you
know he’s such a talent his coach Pete C
or his previous coach so still works
with him a little bit said he should be
a number one player in the world
oh bubba this is his second
shot perfect control with his wedges
today as well you know I I talked to him
after the round and I said there’s a
little bit of old school Bubba back in
there isn’t it in his game and his walk
and his demeanor and he said absolutely
uh and and it’s really good to see that
confidence oozing out of him again I
think I heard your interview I think
he’s finally fully 100% that left knee
of his or right knee I believe he is now
and he said he could get to his get to
his front side his front leg which means
he can hit the ball lower and around a
course like this where it’s windy you
need to hit the ball lower in certain
areas yeah he’s lost some 30 lbs in the
off season he’s really trying to clean
up his diet trying to get lean get more
energy throughout his play it’s
certainly paying off now Matthew wolf
just trying to punch one in here a
question for both of you how hard is it
just mentally coming back you know um oh
it’s tough after after sitting out for
some time I mean it’s very tough tell
you injuries really take out a lot out
of a player uh not just confidence but
confidence in your own body and your
ability and whether you can do the same
things as your body did previously
before the injury it is really tough and
and and then on top of that golf is not
really a game that you can kind of come
back into and and get back in the rhythm
of it it takes you a little bit of time
and you got to be so patient through
that process and be very confident in
what you’re doing and trust your team
and the support that you have got to
love that and uh suan just last takeaway
from your day following Bubba
specifically just is if there’s one
thing that stood out to you as a crazy
fan watching that just wants some inside
scoop what’s that one thing you would
say you took away from day one well I
have to say I think it is his confidence
his confidence and the way he’s walking
the way he’s carrying himself you can
tell he’s really feeling really
confident which is perfect timing
considering the fact that next week is
the MS but you know I think just
watching him play he’s really confident
um and watching the way he putts having
that old school putter back in play you
can tell that he is definitely more
confident over his got a Swagger back
he’s got SW he’s got his Swagger back
like you he got your Swagger I’ve never
had Swagger down but I appreciate it
I’ll take it I’ll take it all right
we’re going to talk more about day one
uh but before we do that let’s talk
about one of my favorite podcasts ever
Fairway to Heaven it’s Li’s first
podcast in a great place to get indepth
conversations from all of the League’s
players this week cam Smith joined
suanne and Jerry and revealed his
challenge I don’t care who you are I
think every golfer has that inner demon
that hurdle right what’s yours
MRA his words yeah yeah not that we say
that occasionally on the broadcast I
guess that would be it um it’s it’s
definitely not a club that I feel really
uncomfortable with or or anything like
that it’s just a club that I’ve kind of
always struggled to to get right it’s
lost me more to ornaments than it’s won
me uh for sure and I I feel like there’s
a lot of time where I have to kind of
rely on that um on the irons and the
wedges um and the putting to kind of
even you know get a top 10 or a top 15
um yeah so it can be tough at times and
it at times I want to pull my hair out
and um kind of start again with that
club but I know uh the work that we’ve
that we’ve been doing uh particularly
this offseason is the right stuff and um
I think I I think we we saw a glimpse of
that in Hong Kong um I think this week
is is a much harder test than um
particularly with the driver so um it’s
good having a hard test heading into a
big week like next week
make sure you guys check out Fairway to
Heaven my favorite podcast and uh
standing beside me Jerry folz we’re
going to chat with him in a little bit
but earlier this week Rachel Drummond
she met up with DJ and talked to him a
little bit about his warm-up routine
let’s take a look at that right we’re
going to keep it quick cuz you’re a busy
man I’m here with Dustin Johnson from
the Four Aces and you’re going to talk
to us about your pre- tournament process
you ready okay absolutely now I want to
talk about pre-tournament prep like what
does your warmup look like on the Range
before you get into the tournament you
once I get loose I’ll I’ll so I’ll hit
like three or four half 60s three or
four half uh three quarter and three or
four full and I know exact numbers on
how they’re how far they’re supposed to
go are you looking at any data points in
particular no so I always look at just
carry number and spin rate okay so carry
spin rate and then
and yeah that’s pretty much it just cuz
you can I can you can tell everything
just from that um if I’m working too
hard to get to those numbers yeah you
know something’s not right so then I’ll
consult with Claude now there’s a lot of
win this week right you know how does
that affect your wedge plate so always
on normalized so I don’t like you know
track the how far it’s actually going
with the wind it’s always just you know
what it would go if it was just flat
calm and then obviously With the Wind
when it’s blowing this
hard you know there’s a lot of things
that go in to judging you know how far
it’s actually going to go and you fade
the golf ball you can obviously hit a
draw as well yeah I do I do both yeah
with irons and up into the three-wood I
I’ll still turn the three-wood over
every once in a while but driver always
goes to the right but I’ll draw it or
fade it depending on what I want the
ball to do when it hits the ground so
how long will you warm up be in
um um I’ll spend the first 20 25 minutes
on the P Green then I’ll come over to
the range and start with the wedges and
this is your always your priority you
get these right wedges wedges and then
obviously all the way down to you know
through the driver and then depending on
if the first hole might be
a A 3-wood or a four iron or something
off the tea I might hit that a couple
times right at the end because I know
that’s what I’m going to tea off with
and speaking of you know D specifically
what kind of shot shapes you need do you
need both fade and
draw a lot of these cross
winds you know it’s it’s hard to judge
you know exactly how far it’s going to
move it versus where you know so I kind
of always like to turn it into the
Crosswinds don’t you okay especially if
it’s hurting and you know I like to hold
it against it so it flies a little
straighter so this ninew talk to me
about it so Keith to works for Taylor
Maid uh one of my really good friends he
brought me a seven wood on the Range and
I’m like what’s this I’m like I’m going
to hit this thing so hot and I hid it
and it came out like I’m like o I like
this so immediately put the seven wood
in the bag and then he’s like we got a
9wood I’m like all right we’ll just make
me one I’ll try it and I hit it and I’m
like it’s really nice and it’s good out
of the rough and so and again the flight
the trajectory it wasn’t too high no I
mean I mean for me I can keep I keep it
down pretty
good I I did not expect it to go that
low so tell us how you do hit this down
for people at home what are your tips
for keeping it
lower to be honest I just hit it heyj I
was thinking you were going to say that
um any adj full position or if you get a
hair closer to it yeah obviously I mean
you got to hit down on it so and finally
give us a draw before I let you get on
with your day a draw what’s different in
the technique here I’m going to set up a
little more square and then make take
the club back maybe a little more to the
inside yeah that normal and then just
let her
go I that was a little thin it’s still
true but so good DJ thank you so much
I’m going to let you you’ve been you’ve
had such a busy day I’m going to let you
get on now well thank you but thank you
so much play well this week Che
I got there with DJ try telling me how
to it under the wind and especially
round this course the blue monster has
shown its teeth the wind has been so
tricky today and even with a great
warmup like we saw from DJ they’re still
having challenges out there now we’ve
got some b-roll of some of the world’s
best golfers unfortunately struggling in
the winds let’s take a look at that
we’ve got Brooks capka on the first
hole and I’ll go into this in a minute
with the tip he lost that to the right
and I’m going to explain how I can help
you at home navigate this wind very
stoic though no reaction
DJ again losing it to the right I heard
him speak to soan earlier he said he had
the wrong
Club you don’t see this very often from
these players just rolling in there and
finally John Ram who is playing as a
professional in this tournament last
time he’s played it as a pro doesn’t
like it looks like it
slipped straight in the
AGA there it is in case you didn’t
believe it I couldn’t believe it from
Ram so I’m going to give you a tip this
is honestly one of my favorite tips and
I was joined by Pete Cowen earlier and
he completely agreed with what I said
and I got a couple of nuggets from him
as well so we’re going to begin so the
most important thing is in the wind is
having Club face control okay if the
club face is open then your body will
react and you can’t navigate that low
shot so I’m going to give you a drill to
get that club face Square to a little
bit closed and then you can move your
body properly through the shot so we’re
going to set up like so ball very
neutral in The
Stance now if I take the club back to
waist height I want you to see as the
club starts coming down I’m going to
turn my lead Knuckles down now what
happens when I do that is I start
closing the club face and then my body
can turn onto the golf shot so lead
Knuckles down this is the feel at home
and then the body can respond I’m going
to have a
go now I worked with Dana dalquist a bit
at the beginning of the year and he gave
me this exact same drill and Pete Howen
said the same so lead Knuckles
down and it will help you hit that lower
trajectory shot and you can really use
your body to turn through let’s see a
few more of
those and you can still hit right to
left and left to right shots with this
feel so again we’re going to set up very
neutral ball in the middle of the stance
take it back halfway lead Knuckles down
and turn the body onto the shot let’s
see if I can do another
one little bit skinny but again the
flight is controlled and my body is
being used properly going to give you
one other little tip you can try it home
you’re going to need a mirror what
you’re going to do is you’re going to
take the club to waist height do you see
how the toe matches my spine if I then
go into my posture I’m going to bring
the club head and the Leading Edge to
match my spine again now that is a
square Club face so that matches up with
everything I’ve just told you about lead
Knuckles down let’s see one
more then we’re going to throw it back
to Christian so neutral stance lead
Knuckles down and then turn the
body and there you have it
team keep the club face Square then your
body can move correctly and you can
navigate wind and you never know you
might play the boom monster like these
Pros out
here amazing job Rachel Drummond always
doing a phenomenal I feel like I learned
something new every single time she does
a segment big thanks to Rachel
Drummond all right and the live Golf
Plus app is filled with great content
including a new masterclass tutorial
series that will make every golfer
better in addition to that live lessons
you can enjoy live golf league
tournament action live film series as
well as the exclusive new show The
Journey Back Anthony Kim with David
parody you can download the app now make
sure you guys do that this is Club 54
post round
show hey guys this is Cam Smith hi I’m
Bryson the Shambo I’m bubble Watson and
welcome welcome welcome to my live
lesson so if you’re like me and you miss
Fairway this is when the creativity
comes out focus on that Target that’s
what I’m focused
on pay man for me I just want to make it
simple as
possible tempo for sure is one thing you
need to keep an eye
on cam Smith he has taken complete
control here I like to aim the putter
make sure that’s
perfect then I take my stance give it
one good look at the hole and hit a good
PT Houdini with the flat stick need a
golf ball here we go Bry the Shambo
electrifies the ground so guys there’s a
lot of mysteries around hitting it
really far that’s what psycho mode comes
in try to get a little psycho with it
yeah there it is that was pepper let
your body free up let things just move
more don’t feel like you’re
restricted you do that you’re on your
way to better golf
as you can see that’s exclusively on the
Liv Golf Plus app all you got to do is
download your click away from a master
class tutorial from your favorite live
golf league
players and joining us Club 54 post
round show couldn’t a post round show
without my BFF Jerry fultz as the sun
sets so nice to Taylor in That Hideous
mustache by the way so nice to it no way
I love the must I’m really a big fan of
it it’s birth control oh my God I love
it all right Jerry um what a day day one
was great um I would love to hear your
take we didn’t we didn’t even talk about
Sergio Garcia guys 12 guys broke 70 on
this this blue monster 7700 yards of
sheer Terror with blustery conditions 12
guys broke 7 that’s my biggest takeway
that’s some seriously top quality golf
right there Sergio Garcia putted good
today not great but puted good and
that’s just how solid of a long-term
player he has always been if he makes a
few putts he’s always going to be in
contention that applies next week in
Augusta as well and we have this social
post I want you to check out Jerry fans
check this out too I think it’s from uh
torque uh Team Torque let’s see what
they said on social I think it’s about
the 18th hole at Blue Monster which I
asked you about earlier Jerry I said
said Is it true is this one of the
hardest holes in all of golf uh either
you carry the ball 311 yard or you have
to place it on 15 yard wide Fairway yeah
a walking path I mean that’s just
actually just the mowing the path for
the mowers to get from the te- box to
the Fairway that is your Fairway if you
don’t essentially that wide if you don’t
you’re not able to carry it over the
little uh Inlet to the Fairway on the
left side everyone did their thing today
but I always love to ask you was there
anyone that surprised you today anything
that stood out to you today where you
said whoa well you know the one thing
that did stand out and I think it’s just
a product of live golf league and the
quality of players that make up the the
54 player field um only two guys on the
first page of that leaderboard in the
top I think 12 have won live golf league
events but every one of them on that
first page can win so uh if you want to
look at one huge surprise but it’s not
really a surprise as Kevin KN he’s one
of the shortest players but he always
figures out a way to get it done on the
hardest and longest courses and he’s
right there with a chance as well now
Jerry your predictions are usually on
point so I got to ask you about day two
any predictions for day two who do you
think’s going to be on fire tomorrow
who’s going to step up tomorrow and who
do you think might it’s impossible to
really tell but I would say one or two
of the guys who are headed to Augusta
are going to come from within the pack
tomorrow and be in the hunt for Sunday
whether that’s Brooks whether that’s Rah
uh whether it’s Sergio stays up there
one one or two of those guys are really
going to be a force to be reckoned with
but they’re also o some of the brightest
stars in golf not only within Liv golf
so that’s to be expected I know you said
you don’t like the mustache on Taylor G
but he said ever since he’s grown that
out he’s a you know at 4 million bucks a
week to the individual winner it I’d
grow that thing yeah all right let’s see
what some of the fans are hoping for
here’s some social posts we promis we
put you guys on the show if you tweet it
out here’s one hoping that Brooks Kea
can get a green jacket like me now
that’s brilliant right there I Brooks
sign holding up there in front of the
screen oh you got to love this yeah
that’s tremendous that would be awesome
if Brooks got it done cuz he was so
close last year ah and there goes their
dog uh Berwick checking uh Che on Bubba
Watson who if they’re from Scotland it’d
be Beric but yes uh yeah that’s fair
Jerry that’s fair well there’s a famous
course there where uh where beanie’s
from Katrina Matthew and here’s another
one uh Trump Durado looks so good had to
specify all those o and the word so good
there uh looking forward to watching
Sunshine golf on live golf league fans
are excited I did notice the energy was
a little different here in Miami Jerry
you want to speak to the fans a little
bit the energy was much higher here in
Miami the golf fans are a little
different here man well there there’re
they’re true sports fans and of course
we’ve had you know we got groupies for
Club 54 already that have been hanging
about almost got into the shot there as
well we had quite a few people lingering
around the desk which is always fun
Jerry handled it well off camera pretty
fun to watch uh in conclusion Jerry I
always got to ask final thoughts as we
end day one and go into day two from
Jerry FZ final thoughts are we’re we’re
guaranteed good attend great attendance
tomorrow great weather for the weekend
uh and we have a course that’s as much
of a star as any player in the field and
it’s going to be from a from a from a
golf purist standpoint it’s going to be
fantastic action for the excitement that
it’s going to bring to the new golf
crowd it’s going to be really cool here
in Miami it’s a great Vibe and here is
the leader board from day one our
individual leader boards here as we look
at this
Jerry I mean I’m I was really excited to
see Scott Benson to the very last moment
great guy yeah wolf he’s playing some
great golf he bombs it you line is a
very long player he lives down in this
area much like wolf uh G you can’t ever
underestimate him based on what he did
last year still looking for his first
win in the United States all three have
been abroad DJ there Terrell haton world
class players Louis usas and it’s a big
ballpark for him 7700 yard but he knows
how to get it done on on and on and on
Bryson the Shambo tomorrow he could
shoot seven or eight under and TEF
Sunday with the lead and here’s our our
team leaderboard here range goats could
do no wrong today it seemed Legion 13
right there yeah uh for Aces we haven’t
talked much about them lately Jerry yeah
they they they are the league Dynasty
for two straight years until The
Crushers took them down last year here
uh and now it’s been all Crushers this
year and of course to 4 G last year was
almost unbeatable with four wins and
they haven’t made a whole ton of noise
yet this year a couple of a couple of
podiums but that’s that’s it I’m still
looking at those Fireballs as well you
mentioned them in the pre-show I’m still
watching them we’ll see how it goes in
day two ladies and gentlemen thanks for
watching Club 54 post round show I’m
your host Christian Crosby and I will
see you tomorrow at the pre-round show
until then thanks for watching and enjoy
yourself peace out y’all you want to say
peace for me Jerry peace come on Jerry
peace uh peace peace out see you

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