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NC State ratings gold | Positive spin on Carolina Panthers offseason | Aho elevating Canes | OG169

5 Stars Only. Positive Vibes Only.

OG Merch:

00:00 – NC State = Ratings!
05:30 – Older college teams have advantage
09:00 – Spreading credit for Wolfpack success
16:30 – What’s up with that Coach K TV ad?
25:00 – Housekeeping
27:30 – WFNZ’s Kyle Bailey
44:00 – OG Gambling Syndicate
49:30 – Mike Maniscalco
1:16:00 – Hey Joe

I lived let’s podcast alongside Joe jilo I’m Joe oia inside ORD studios in downtown Raleigh thanks to Empire properties and thanks to copers plus check them out online at copiers no waivers that I need to sign today didn’t need to do any of that stuff instead I’ve been using that Kera

To print off a bunch of like School waiver things travel plans and all that stuff I’ve I’ve already had a morning it’s it’s 9:23 in the morning as we record this I know it years on YouTube at 2 o’ but I’ve been up since 4:30 this

Morning Joe it’s been a morning say the least dad life is real feels like a lot it is a lot rain nothing nothing good ever happens when it rains but I survived the for Loco my headache finally went away after another round of ibuprofen this morning so I’m good to go

Good to go although I might get a headache when we get around to talking about Mike shf I might get a headache I might get a headache we’ll get to that in a second let’s talk about more NC State because when you talk about NC State everything goes up numbers go up

Okay when NC State is good I’ve been making this point to a lot of people when NC State is good it’s good for business don’t believe me look at the ratings so the ratings for the Elite 8 showdown between Duke and NY State brought in record viewership 15.41% that Drew 15.6 million that’s

According to Austin karp who I believe is now at the sports Business Journal uh my guy sports TV ratings uh did a uh did a little bit more context here because ratings continued to look a lot better you keep seeing these new record numbers oh it’s a record amount of people the

First time it’s happened in a decade reason for that is because of out of home viewing for the longest time neelon who tracks television ratings did not count the amount of people that were watching something at a bar or like how we watched it on Sunday night at the

Rialto you would guess what there was like 400 people that were watching that 300 people watching that at the Rialto so all that was never really factored in in the past but now that they do at a home viewing people out at a family event you know gathered you know Easter

Sunday dinner you’ve got 20 people over you’re going to watch the game they now try to account for those types of things which explains why you’re seeing these ratings but that’s very technical stuff I think the bottom line here is that the ACC and ACC fandom and ACC basketball

Does well it’s almost like it’s hear me out here Joe it’s almost like all of our obsession with football football football we forget that a lot of oldtimers really do get worked up about basketball which is a thing that ACC has been associated with for a very very

Long time when you tie that in with NC State doing something they haven’t done in 40 plus years you end up getting this kind of you get this kind of number yeah I mean obviously NC State is the story of this tournament they are yeah but you

Got to give Duke credit there because the the two comparison points were Duke games also this time slot is the NFL late Sunday window time slot so let’s not get too carried away it might have you might have been able to put whatever teams in there and gotten that type of

Number on in that time slot on that day on a Sunday the late time slot maybe in quite frankly the second most popular gambling SL sporting event that we have on our calendar I mean the the same time slot last year got like 11 million so the viewership was up was up sure

Viewership was up so I do think 11’s still a good number though it’s not like oh no I’m not saying I’m not saying look the point that I’m making here is that there is still a draw to NC State okay when they’re good this is a point that

I’ve been making for a long time it actually in a weird sort of way makes you right when it comes to how we’ve talked about apathy and stuff like that around the program a lot of people been trying to feel good about this basketball program for a really long

Time and when you got a good story baked into it with DJ Burns For Heaven’s Sake it’s only goingon to elevate this sort of thing and I think it also ties into the point that I’ve been making about NC State when it comes to March Madness in

General it it’s a thing that uh will forever be baked into their basketball story when you talk about NC State basketball you get stuff like this I think you you had pointed out to me this Wall Street Journal story about the insan Cy that is uh you know NC State

Making this run I think you yeah you sent it to me basically the possibility of being stuck by lightning right the National Weather Service says you’re more likely to get struck by lightning during your lifetime chances of reaching the final four Yukon was a one- two

Chance Purdue was a one in three chance Alabama was a one in seven chance what was NC States one in 23512 which works out to 4,000 0.004 th000 so when you put all that together there you go so I think people are trying you know sometimes I think we

Overthink what’s going on with college basketball NC State’s not something to overthink it’s just a great story and people love a great story and we’ll see what happens on Saturday night between them and Purdue it’s a nice combo it’s the story it’s the tournament it’s the

It’s Duke the brand of Duke so those are all things that help now speaking of college basketball and overthinking is it overthinking to look at tournament results the types of teams that go far in the NCAA tournament and try to extract deeper meaning in what you have

To be as a team I don’t in order to succeed I think Jay Wright has this one correct so Jay Wright was on CBS after Kentucky got knocked out by Oakland and now that we’ve seen more of this stuff kind of settled out you look at the

Makeup of like NC State Squad you look at what Purdue is as well Yukon and how they were built um you start to wonder well wait a minute are freshman no longer the thing are we now almost 10 years removed from the real era of one and done you know Kentucky got that

Thing started Duke finished the job in 2015 with their one andone team don’t overlook Carmelo and and Syracuse three you’re right but here’s here’s Jay Wright on that topic oh hold on a second why is this not playing hold on let me unmute this let’s try it again and trying to play

Against older players is over like it he did I think he did a phenomenal job with these guys all year getting them to be as successful as they were you can see they’re playing against grown men the guys on Kentucky will be far better Pros

In any of these guys on Oakland or any of these guys in the tournament but they’re not as good college basketball players it’s a at this point in their career they’re not as disciplined yet as the guys from Oakland and it’s not Cal’s fault it’s their 18 years old and

They’re in this era where everyone’s telling them how great they are just show up in college and you’re going to win it doesn’t happen that way the more the guys stay in college because of nil it’s going to be tougher for young teams like this to be successful so again that

Was Jay wght on CBS talking about Oakland beating Kentucky and you might say well Kentucky I don’t care but my thought to you my thought for for us here is about Duke next year yeah because I do think Cooper flag is going to be that guy but the question is can

He be that guy while we still have the extra year of Co eligibility okay I I just don’t know if they’re as JC zimble has tried to explain to me like Duke just doesn’t have the roster flexibility right now to say go and get older helper helping parts and S Parts

In the portal like if they’re going to win next year it’s likely going to be with the whatever core returns plus these new parts and I just find that to be like really hard to believe that someone as smart as John Shire would look at the results from this year and

From what they were missing from this year’s team and be like well it’ll be different next year because well because it’s not a real reason you brought up the co year it’s running out yeah we have two more years we have two more years of this though

But it’s in the meantime do you take advantage of it right which I thought about something in our conversation with Brendan marks of the athletic yesterday what kind of conversations are taking place at Duke right now okay are there conversations about look the makeup of the team is going to

Change because we are bringing in Cooper flag who I watched a little bit of the McDonald’s All-American game last night he was fine uh he wasn’t exactly setting the world on fire he was not one of the co- MVPs I think he had like eight points couple rebounds Etc but you can

See it I mean that’s not what the McDonald’s All-American game is really about it’s just your chance to watch these guys are the conversations such that you go look guys we had two crack cracks at this didn’t necessarily work out you know we salvaged somewhat of the

Season by getting to the elite a came up short lost the state whatever but the the true makeup of this team is changing so maybe you go somewhere else does like does Tyrese Proctor come back to Duke I think he’ll still go pro or does he go

Pro those types of things I think Pro M and filipowski go pro McCain probably go what about Caleb Foster coming off the injury I don’t know that’s the thing you don’t know that freshman class other than McCain was really underwhelming so you have to decide do you risk bringing

Them back and watching them take a bigger leap or do you try to go out and get an older player you know the other part of that is Jeremy roach I I would rather see Jeremy roach come back if I’m Duke and that could be your your veteran

But the thing about Jeremy is while he was better this year he’s still you know Jeremy’s at his best when he’s like their fourth banana not the guy driving the bus Which two years ago he pretty much had to be so I’ll say this about uh

State too to go back a half a step for you Luke deck news observer our friend wrote about you know Debbie Yao had hired Kevin Keats and West Moore and like what else you know like let’s let’s tip our hat to Debbie for Success we had texted Debbie about seeing if she wants

To come on here soon take a little Victory lap for the success that you know hey you you hire two people now who have not only ACC titles on their resume but uh the final four and then you know you factor in all the other coaches that

She had hired and I think that’s important it’s not a zero some game though like some people are like man we gota we got to give Debbie credit but we can’t give boo credit or we got to give boo credit but we can’t give debie credit no you can give boot credit give

Everybody credit and here’s where you this is where you give boot credit because he did the same thing with Dave dorton now in 19 State struggled in football I mean they were they were a mess and it was the second time he had an awful year where he won one ACC game

Or less so you sit here and go I hey man we’re GNA move on that would have been the easy play for bu the new ad instead he went to Dave and said how do I help you you know what can I do how do I help

You with your assistant how do I help you with your staff how do I make how do I make you successful and you saw an overturn in their staff you saw a difference in how they I believe in how they recruit and retain and develop players and a lot of that as a

Commitment to Dan Antonio berett and the strength program that’s paid off for them and you now see where NC State football while Dave Doran hasn’t won the ACC or division title he Has NC State football in a position has never been in since Lou htz when you know you’re

Running the wishbone and you got to beat six other teams in the league for goodness sake okay it’s just not the same thing right so that’s a credit to what he did now he does the same thing in 20 Bo does the same thing in 22 with

Kevin Kevin had a bad year they lost more games in 22 than any other NC State team in the history of the program he easily could have gone to Kevin and said hey it’s over but instead he went to him and said how do I help you same

Conversation and you see the the staff that comes in Joel Justice Levi Watkins uh Kareem Richardson this year comes in you know like these are big changes for them they’re they’re also changing like hey in terms of like nil are we going to participate in this someone had asked me

About Stanford the other day like how did Stanford’s whole roster end up in the triangle and I’m like quite frankly they don’t participate in nil n that’s like a school level while it’s not from their funds it’s still a school level decision yeah look at the rest of the

ACC like Wake Forest had to be dragged Kicking and Screaming into the nil era so you have to give Buu credit for going to those coaches being patient with those coaches and saying how do I help you but you also give Debbie credit for hiring those coaches and identifying

Them at a time by the way where you and I have a disagreements about what NC State does and what NC State doesn’t NC State probably could have avoided some of their Misery by overpaying that was a big part of their problem particularly in basketball searches NC State doesn’t have as much

Money as some of their fans think they do no they don’t and I think that’s kind of been laid bare here the last few years yeah when we talked about to to for context here when we talked about Kevin keats’s job status yeah if if NC State had unlimited money I don’t think

The decision was a very difficult one to make especially going into the ACC tournament I’m not so one thing I don’t want to do here and it’s actually kind of been bothering me with how some of this framing has gone there’s this kind of like um like let’s not act like there

Weren’t real conversations taking place before every body left for DC and how people were talking about this team in the first half against Louisville and a lot of them were financially related a lot of them are financially related and yes if you want to overcome the tough

Neighborhood thing well you can pay me more right right I mean that’s one thing that’ll help me out here okay but again that also comes back to my questions about NC State well what do you want to be you know oh well we’re in this tough neighborhood well there’s a way to get

Out of the tough neighborhood you up pay okay there was a reluctance to do that or or an inability to do that one of the two right no sometimes you get you get what you pay for yeah you get but I think the hire it’s not just okay you

Hired good coaches it’s under the circumstances that you hired those coaches as well I think you burying the lead with Debbie and this is what I want to talk to Debbie about when we eventually do talk because we are gonna talk to Debbie yeah there’s a consistency when we talk about Debbie ya

And the what could have beens and whatnot Debbie’s usually right with the coaches she say even the one she didn’t get she’s identified good coaches right okay right like she knew James Franklin was going to be something all right I mean say what you want about Jank to

Penn State whatever but the dude got to Penn State this was before this this is before he had his success at Vanderbilt yes she identified Shaka smart as somebody like hey this is I want this guy Debbie’s Dave Doran too okay she identified Dave Dorne coming out of Northern Illinois understood here’s a

Young coach that I think is gonna be this right and Debbie’s track record with identifying Talent yes is very very good now whether you can get the talent is another matter which of course gets to a larger conversation about economics and everything else NC NC State’s problem has always been money always

Been money hard stop is a that is that always been their issue which goes forward we can have this conversation with the final four wraps up because there is a what next sure for NY State what next but I think after seeing what lucer I had no problem obviously with

What he wrote sure I just saw some push back to oh like what about Boo or or what and it’s kind of like there different people obviously have different but I think the school themselves like they they struggle with recognizing their past right and even someone like Debbie becomes like oh well

She was involved in the in the you know the NCAA case so we can’t like you know and she comes back she goes to Reynolds and and she’s not trying to be in the spotlight I think some people could get confused about that too like I I talked

To Kevin yesterday I was like hey you know have you heard from Debbie and he was like yeah you know she’s she tries supportive yeah he’s like she’ll send me a text you know here and there he’s like you know she’s trying to stay out of the way because she doesn’t

Want it to make it seem like it’s about her he’s like it’s never really been about her yeah props to Debbie props the Boo and props the boo that was kind of my whole point it doesn’t have to be an either or you know what I mean and props

To and props to Mike shashki for agreeing to a commercial that’s been played all throughout March Madness I have so many questions we’ we’ve referenced this so this morning while we were waiting to get some things going here this morning um I kind of fell down a weird rabbit hole if if

You’re kind if you’ve been watching the NCA tournament you’ve seen this commercial that’s it’s an Army commercial yeah it’s it’s recruiting for for the Army and the whole premise of the commercial is essentially you know put on a uniform for your basketball team is almost the equivalent of you

Know going and signing up and representing your country I can’t find the video for whatever reason like the commercial is not on YouTube which put a pin in that uh but I found a clip on somebody had done the phone to the TV thing on Tik Tok so here’s the audio of

The commercial if you need to refresh it put on that uniform there’s a sense of Pride you’re not just wearing your last name you’re representing everything that got you here your family where you’re from wearing that uniform makes a statement that you belong to something Bigger the Army okay cool Coach K Army background XYZ so he’s narrating but who’s featured in this commercial CJ McCullum from Lehi what did Lehi do they beat Duke in 2012 down in Greensboro in the first round and CJ McCullum was a large part of that yes he was there best

Player I looked up C Jim mccollum’s background I cannot find any tie to the Army I I thought there might have been if I missed it I missed it I looked at Wikipedia I did a news search I looked for like my usual admittedly surface level I’ve got 15 minutes to try to

Figure something out I usually know where to go I cannot find any sort of connection to Army is Lehi no it’s just a research institution up in Pennsylvania okay cool so why are these two connected I don’t know is the person who put the commercial together not a Duke

Fan and this was their way are they really a Carolina fan and they thought I know what I can do to get over on Duke yeah they sold those Lehi Mercer VCU shirts for a while it’s like okay got it I can’t put Caleb love in this

Commercial got it but I know what I can do I bet I can get C J McCullum pretty cheap get him in the commercial I don’t get it man it’s so strange CU if you’re one of the people out there who doesn’t know Mike Shashi was a captain of the army graduate from

West Point played basketball there coached there played for Bobby Knight you know hence the nickname the general right right like I I don’t I was I was so confused but but but but but but oh no there’s more but here’s the thing about this here’s the thing about

This you know you’ve been on this kick lately about like Hall of Fame coaches apparently never lose in the NCAA tournament right there’s prime example number oh Coach K well Coach K would never oh no Coach K did several times it was a thing there for a bit where they

Had to figure things out but they have they evolved and they learned and that kind of stuff so you know I’m watching this game and I’m thinking about Coach K the Coach K against Mercer The Coach K against Lehi the Coach K when they got their ass handed to them by

Arizona in the sweet 16 was it oh yeah with uh with no no no was yeah was DeAndre Aton who I think was it no am I am am I confusing my ears yeah yeah yeah okay I’m confusing my ears what my point is there’s a lot of these I mean I it

Was 11 because uh that’s when Shawn Miller was that’s right Debb’s number one choice and I saw there’s another Debbie choice right and then of oh we talked about VCU and Shaka smart I mean I was up in Buffalo watching VCU take seven I think take I think it was 06

Take it to take it to Duke okay no six was their JJ oh that’s right it was 07 as I was looking up commercials you brought up the general oh no Coach K with guitar there’s Rick this is a cursed commercial Rick patino there’s Roy in pajamas and

Then there’s Bobby Knight just take those old what are you doing we’re playing a guitar hero now those Guitar Hero Metallica so that means you’re going to have to put on some pants pops who are you calling pops Matt pinfield narrating the commercial For Heaven’s Sake you need to play the

CJ McCullum clip that I sent you I gotta find it I gotta find it uh and then oh here’s here’s you know from 20 some odd years ago hi uh any of you guys going to March Madness he is then I’m Mr kuski coach shashki yes I am yeah I drive a doctor

Who looks just like him so Cool this is great keep going hey Billy Packer hi do you do you have Prince Albert in a can hi uh gr Hill please tell him this is his coach is this Jason kid Jason baby hey forget about the pros why don’t you transfer over to Duke hi

Yeah uh I’m calling for Big Dog uh I’d like to leave a 5 am no 4 AM wakeup call yeah no it’s okay first time in a limo coach first time without my good pal Bobby Knight think you’re going to the final four this year coach hey AR aren’t you coach krua

Wooki you mean shvi yes I am so that was what was that an ad for so it was a Budweiser commercial okay where it was Mr gy weets yeah yes I am and of course he gets in the lon things like that so was such a classic this

Doesn’t happen anymore but like the Bud Light commercial was so popular became a meme before we knew what memes were so CBS did a a little intro to their coverage like remember kind of like the Chuck Amato Sopranos exactly exactly they did an intro for that and that included Mike

Sh’s been in a lot of commercials man yeah he’s been in a lot stuff now he do he does he does so you had mentioned uh you had mentioned the CJ McCullum thing and um you know what he had to say about Mike shashy or Duke and stuff like that so you had

Found this old clip I was say I don’t know what order this is in but yeah this is from two this is from two weeks ago on the CBS Sports website or the CBS Sports Instagram so here’s CJ McCullum uh talking about the time they stuck at

The D in The Selection Sunday show I was geeked I was I was super hyped because one I hate Duke I hate everything about him Always Been a North Carolina fan but I hate everything about him and I felt like that was my chance to kind of

Solidify who I thought I was like I always thought I was the man but the rest of the world hadn’t seen me yet in warm-ups they was talking crazy like just saying ridiculous Reckless stuff trying to like Punk Us in warm-ups and I’m like y’all ain’t even built like

That but then like once the game started like I let him know I was here I’m talking to the bench I’m talking to Coach K after shots like I let him know I’m here I don’t know who y’all what y’all been doing in the ACC but ain’t

None of these ain’t none of these like me when we drew Duke and the all that ties back together how did he end up in that commercial I don’t get it I don’t get it if you’re a listener to this podcast and you’re in this industry and you know how that

Commercial came about please contact us the ogos digital please contact we need answers to this housekeeping big thanks to Eno for sponsoring housekeeping check them out e n o or as our friend Bud made for us the jingle if you have Mion trashana it greenle With perfection Perfection finally Joe after all these years I’ve delivered you a you sir been asking for a jingle for 10 15 years it’s not a barber shop quartet delivered you a jingle they came out to the house uh yesterday I don’t even know what day is it anymore but

They came out to the house yesterday did a great job as always I always know that enovana has been to the house because they actually clean up my own bathroom mess like ah my deodorant was put away where it’s supposed to be ah look at that toothpaste the cap on the

Toothpaste everything is back where it needs to be that is attention to detail folks and if you don’t believe me go to their website set the line cuz the last time we were at 250 set the line I mean real time gambling here fine I I I’ll set it at

649 649 and a half I’ll do the half 649 and a half go over we are getting this is from Jared from T roosters T we’re getting carpel tunnel over here cutting this cookie dough we’re up to 750 gallons of toughy tracks 750 gallons so yeah wolfpack’s good for

CBS wolfpack’s good for our YouTube numbers the wol I told you is kicking all kinds of butt for two roosters check him out at the arena check him out at the OG home base Lake Boon check him out right here off a person I mean this this

Is what this is what governor Roy Cooper needed to understand you want to save the local economy NC State basketball has to be go straight up big thanks to Hometown realy maybe maybe NC State’s going to affect the housing market I have no idea we’ll see what happens uh again that’s Buy sell calculate let the experts handle the stuff you don’t want to be selling a house in this kind of Market you want to maximize what you’re going to get for your home you also want to get the inside track on buying a home and is the place to go

Joining us on the heaster Automotive Group hotline from Charlotte he is contemplating life contemplating the Carolina Panthers he is Kyle Bailey WFNZ as julo joked when you just popped on you look like Captain America you sit down you go so you want to talk about the Carolina

Panthers that’s where we’re at no I’m sorry it rained overnight here in Lake Norman and uh I just walked out to talk to you guys without any thought of the fact that I have nowhere dry to sit so I’m awkward standing here like a statue

But uh no it’s good to be back gentlemen I appreciate you having me yeah it’s uh it’s it’s awkward to talk about the Carolina Panthers right now because I think Panthers fans and Panthers media we’ve been burned by two coaching searches uh burned by the talking points

From the organization only for them to fail and I think we’re trying to be cautious about how we talk about this offseason cautious how we talk about Dave Canales cautious about Dan Morgan and the offseason moves is that the sense that you get when you’re talking

To the people in Charlotte when it when it comes to the Panthers offseason yeah I think they’re they’re pretty careful about messaging I think the only guy who probably doesn’t care as much about that well I don’t know if that’s true I was gonna say Dave Canales I don’t think he

Worries about what people think of him in his football team but you know he’s out there on social media I do think a certain kind of messaging is important to him but I think your Point’s a good one that um you know they’re being very careful not to get too carried away with

The big announcements and the excitement and everything else because last year was so bad but um you know you notied that in the National media too A lot of the same people who were touting them as a dark horse a year ago are now absolutely um crapping all over the

Organization on TV every day and you know again not not unexpected it’s just you know a funny contrast from last year to this year so I I think that way the phrase I keep repeating on the air is that I am stoic and skeptical until I

See some wins um and I don’t I think everybody should be that way but I I will say and I’m sure we’ll get into this that I I like some of what they’ve done and I I don’t think it’s wrong to say that so I mean Javon Clowney that’s

The number one overall pick that continues their trend of getting number one picks right like yeah but on what Arc of his career least he’s not a quarterback okay at least they didn’t get a top the guy who was taken in the top three as a quarterback so progress prog

Yeah that’s one way to approach it I mean you know I I I like that he’s back I thought that I thought they really needed him but once they got to a certain point and that that second wave of free agency where it’s like okay you

Got DJ wam if that’s your plan for your number two Edge rusher not bad at all you know but you you better find somebody else and Chase young ends up in New Orleans and you know he’s he’s got a neck issue which I mean they might have

Dodged the bullet there but you know at that point it kind of felt like jaon Clowny or Bust or hope that somebody cuts a good player in Camp um but you know javon’s coming off a career year in sacks I think PFF had him as the 19th

Graded 19th best graded Edge in the n in the NFL I mean you’re getting a guy who’s motivated to come home and so I think it’s a good deal all around I don’t know if they’ll get spectacular jvon Clowny or if they’ll get Cleveland jvon Clowny I have no idea you know if

They get Baltimore jday Theon clown they’ll be pretty happy with the deal they made it’s not good for Sports Talk Radio and it’s really not good you know if you’re actually trying to put the team back together in a splash but my goodness the Carolina Panthers have Bill

Bellich che’s wet dream here they have the 33rd pick and the 39th pick oh yeah and the 65th pick like Bill bich wakes him up in the in the morning to those three picks are you kidding me my question is will it be Dan Morgan fantasy to have those three

Assets God I wish I could say wet dream on the radio every day somebody I mean the number of phone calls I’d get if I said wet dream on the radio every day I mean you two know that like so I know you appreciate it even more than ever oh

Yeah what was the question I lost you I know it would be Bill bellich fantasy to have those three how do looking for football dudes that’s where you find the dud that’s where you find the real value but how do you suspect Dan Morgan treats these three things

Because it does feel like I I mean you know belich would trade out a 33 I you you know that for sure oh yeah but just how do you think they use those three assets because they have so many different needs yeah I mean I know Joe

Person talked about it earlier this week that he thinks Dan would be more inclined to trade down I I the thing is if you want to weaponize this offense and you’re in love with somebody there at 33 man you better know you could get him you know those several picks later

Because you can get an impact player game changer right away at 33 so I personally kind of like the idea of picking where they they are I won’t be upset if they trade back and it feels like they pulled off some magic but the one thing I know they’re not doing is

Going up and and I know Eric edol wrote about that earlier this week and you know the possibility of going up to 29 to go get a wide receiver I think it was Xavier worthy out of Texas but um I don’t I think that’s entirely unnecessary and I think you’re right

Belich would do it I’m not sure Dan Morgan will but I know he’s thinking about it because you know they’ve they’ve brought in some talent but they still need to lay they they need a better Foundation that has to be done through the draft yeah and that’s the

Thing that I would look at and why I would look back yes you can get somebody of value with that 33rd pick I’m not disputing that however the Panthers and I think and same with 65 Joe like don’t undersell 65 that third pick is important which gets to the larger point

And I think this is one thing the Panthers might without explicitly saying it are in action doing we’re not trying to make this thing we’re not trying to go havies on this like oh we’re trying to rebuild but we’re trying to win now we’re trying to do this but we’re also

Trying to do this I get the sense that this is a true makeover while trying to build around what they have to be invested in and make work while his rookie contract is still you know workable for the salary cap that has build around bryone the

Best they can so if I’m the Panthers I try to get as many picks as I can and hope that one of these things sticks around that that’s where I’m at with the Panthers at least it’s an admission through their action that yeah we got to

Clean the Slate a little bit we got to move on from stuff that just wasn’t working out even though we tried really really badly to make it work yeah the the thing is I think you have to you have to be prepared to do that deal it’s

Probably going to be a night two on Friday night type of thing that you’re doing there because you have to watch out the board Falls I mean we all know that on the draft every single year that matters but you know you have yeah it’s

A wide receiver deep class but all of a sudden Kansas City went from needing one to possibly needing two yeah and and they’re picking a couple of spots ahead of you so you know if you think you can get a dude at 33 and you’re afraid that

Kansas City might go you know just as an example might go you might not be as inclined to trade back so I I don’t know I mean it just depends on who you’re in love with and I I don’t even know that that’s the right thing but um you know

If a team gets convicted on a player and a GM gets convicted on a player good luck moving him off of that Kyle I love it when people tell me I’m right you’re right Kansas City God where would they be right now if they just had TQ Hill

You’re right they had just held on you know think of the imaginary super they won two Super Bowls but think yes true but think they could have won those Super Bowl by like 40 points yeah maybe right right right like what a mistake why would they get rid of that

Guy crazy dealing with the repercussions of moving on from Tyreek I mean the butterfly a a fact Ian mcneel missing a free throws and Tariq Hill ended up in Miami it’s just the same thing I I wanted to go back to something you said Kyle about how the national media is

Talking about the Carolina Panthers and I think everybody needs every sport needs a punching bag and Dan Snider is no longer around to be that easy punching bag and I feel like David has assumed that role for just his own actions like tossing the drink and whatnot uh you know their their

Inability to get the coach right uh their inability to potentially get the quarterback right uh it’s got to the point where Pat McAfee is even making a bit while they were at the owner’s meeting like oh you know I don’t think David teer likes me of course that has

Something to do with Frank Reich his connections to Indianapolis and everything else the question that I have is is teer did teer learn any lessons from last year will he keep a low profile will he not take the bait of having his team and himself dunked on throughout the season I don’t think

We’ll know that until or unless they start winning because his temptation will be to once they start winning assuming that happens you know to to jump out and be a part of it again um as you you’ve noticed the pattern the trend over the past couple of years that you

Know when they’ve seemingly done good things he jumps in front of the camera right at any any opportunity to talk about it um you know after the Bryce young thing the whole we’ve got a point guard we can we can save money on wide receivers so I’m sure Joe loved that um

You know but that was you know it was it was funny but it also kind of punctuated what had we thought had become a trend of him okay when they’ve seemingly done something good he wants the camera yeah when they when they don’t he doesn’t so

I don’t know um I think if they start to flash they win some games early maybe we hear from him maybe we don’t I think he’s learning I I mean we’ve talked about the number of owners in the NFL that you know it didn’t start to click

For them until years five six or seven and you know learning the league learning who they could trust you know and and all those sorts of things so um I don’t know Joe I we we’ve talked about this quite a bit on my show like just watching the last couple of weeks unfold

Is this te letting football guys do football things and getting out of the way um is he still behind the scenes and and calling some shots and you know he’ll reemerge sometime in the not too distant future don’t know but uh I I hope it’s the fact that he’s learning

Because that might mean some brighter days ahead maybe maybe and this is the part that it it pains me not to be in that market from time to time because I feel like I could get a better sense of what’s going on in that building which

Is why I text you why I listen to your show when I’m when I’m going on my dumb mental health walks and whatnot the I love your text your text brighten my day in the afterno I’ll give you a live I was gonna say all of my radio friends

Love it when I text them in the middle of the show with like no but anyway the you waited all those years for that sir I did I get to air check other shows now very maybe I should I get a thrill out of it too I feel bad though I’ll text

Wes Durham in a game and I’m like you know he probably I don’t know if he hates this or he loves this right now but he’s getting it anyway wesle text in the middle of a commercial break he’s a professional he’s a total professional no what I’m getting at is

Is that I feel like somebody has to be in that building in a meeting or or or around the phone to make sure that they go no no that messaging no longer works right like when the when the gambling roll out happened and there was I think

The NFL Network or who was it it was up in Adams K Adams was there at Bank of America Stadium and they were talking to Nicole terer I understand why they were talking to Nicole teer because it was from the business perspective of what’s going on with the Carolina Panthers but

They keep going to the look at all the concerts we’ve brought here and Emma like no nobody gives a [ __ ] about that they want a winning football team even Luke Holmes even Luke Colmes who you brought to that building and you sold out hates the fact that you’re not doing

What you’re supposed to be doing as an owner and that is putting a winning football product out on the football field and I feel like sometimes either he doesn’t have anybody around him to do that or they’ve gotten rid of all the people who could have done that it’s one

Or the other yeah you know the the the up and Adams appearance I thought was funny um because as soon as she said that in that interview about the 40 ticketed events people started crushing her online and of course you know I I understood it I mean we all understood

It but I was just laughing on my going on to the air chuckling about it and I was like what did you expect them to do they don’t have any football accomplishments to tell you know so unless she’s going to brag about giving away backpacks to kids in the city which

Is a great thing but I I don’t know what else she’s pivoting to to answer the question so you know as far as that stuff listen he’s not well-liked she’s not well-liked right now and it’s because of what you just said the perception that they care more about

Opening up new revenue streams than they do about winning football games even though that’s their their biggest and most important asset to the city I would challenge that I think it matters to him greatly to win football games now everybody’s got their own motivations for things die hard Panthers fans who’ve

Been here since the beginning they just love the team they want a title they want Panther wins on Sunday um you know winning is obviously gonna Pat his bottom line he’s gonna make a lot more money if they win than if they lose and he’s still making a lot of money as is

So he’s fine but um you know it’s not trending well for him and it hasn’t been for some time the best thing he can do is to step back and hope that the guys that he’s empowered here can get them back to respectability so that people

Will at the very least leave him alone and possibly in the not too distant future you know start to change the perception of himself around here but you know you got a stadium conversation coming up I’m sure you just saw what happened in Kansas City yesterday so that that’ll make things interesting and

Um you know there’s the lingering bitterness from Rock Hill and you know all sorts of things I mean I will say Charlotte FC has been a Smash Hit success here in Charlotte uh but in every conceivable way and I do think they built some Goodwill there but back

To your original Point man people just care far more about the Carolina Panthers and until that’s fixed he’s not going to get full credit for anything they have a classic success story in the soccer because of the failures of the Panthers yes we’ve seen this here in this market

For forever our former employer tried to make college baseball a thing and it became a thing when the Carolina Hurricanes weren’t in the playoffs and weren’t relevant and now that the hurricanes are relevant it’s like who talks about college baseball I still talk about it from time time oh I’m not

Saying there’s not fans I’m not saying there’s not fans but you know what’s occupying everybody’s mind yeah right now the well no right now it’s it’s freaking the basketball right and that’s why I’m a little bit worried about the CES but I think the CES are going to be

Fine the will be fine theyve done but I laugh like don’t ever forget we have Carolina cobras paraphernalia in here that first year when the canes were not good and not in the playoffs they sold out that building yeah so that’s what the the the soccer team is getting the

Bounce from oh the Panthers stink but I still want to go to the stadium and do things to to to to your point and and we’ll wrap the conversation on this with Cal Bailey that ufz like let’s not give this guy credit we like oh what a soccer

To your point about the soccer thing how people are just desperate for something to be positive about hey remember when the Hornets had a moment Kyle listen man I do 82 Hornets pregame shows a year I remember all of the moment do you really yeah he does

All you it’s it’s brutal it’s brutal C but but but after the trade deadline they had like that dead cat bounce and people like look at the hor it’s go people were hype about it went 500 in a now they’re whatever o opening night they beat the Hawks lamelo and Mark

Williams Brandon I mean everybody looks fantastic we’re going back to the playoffs we look up in a couple of months and they’ve won 18 games it’s just been it’s been it’s been a ride boys I’ll tell you what but no I I will push back a little bit uh Julio because

There is they they did their market research and I and I wasn’t skeptical per se but some the projections for numbers that I saw years ago I thought were a little bit lofty um and they’ve surpassed every metric and every single match for the last couple of years

That’s not going away it’s it’s almost its own Standalone entity at this point and and I you know both teer sports and entertainment but um there’s of course a massive Hispanic Community here in Charlotte that has has really attached itself to that product right away uh they love it and the atmosphere is

Incredible so I will say look again the Panthers are the most important asset they’re the most important thing they do but man Charlotte FC has been incredible in every conceivable way so I got to give them a lot of credit Cal Bailey WFNZ out in Charlotte we appreciate the

Time enjoy the rest of your soggy morning your moment of Sanity before you go back to being a dad hey look B I’ve already had a moment today where I had to you know drop ship a trombone in record time breaking several traffic laws so I I totally understand it it’s

Just one of those mornings man I look forward to those days I mean I know I I don’t wish away time in any by any stretch of the imagination but uh I look forward to being able to have conversations as opposed to explaining to a 19-month-old why he shouldn’t

Scream in his instant sister’s face all right Kyle talk to you later manab all right fellas be Good big thanks to DraftKings for sponsoring ovus and jilo use that promo code OG 24 to get some bonus bets I will give you the legue of Lees in just a little bit it’s my favorite time of the year where the you still have these basketball games I don’t know squat

About squat but but it is a hell of a lot of fun to put $ five dollar down on like a six leg parlay and just see where things go that’s how I utilize DraftKings um I have made some serious bets some Futures bets right for like the Carolina Hurricanes as we’re getting

Ready we’re going to talk to to Mike Maniscalco here in a little bit um I think they’re going to win their I think they’re going to get to the Stanley Cup so I put Futures bets on the various rounds of the Carolina Hurricanes playoff runs I don’t know what the odds

Are right now I got them a while back when everything went live and the odds were actually still pretty good so you can do the same thing as well just use that promo code OG 24 what do you have on Deck Joe uh I have a play of the day

In baseball today since my nit like 7 and0 now in the NIT look at you I mean like are we being ser like what on Earth is happening can we have more nit games somehow pleas yes abely no but let’s go baseball the Pirates are five and0 this

Year all of those games have been on the road but before you get too excited about how good the Pirates are the the games have been against the Marlins and now the Nationals the Nationals conversely are one and three on this season but if you look Joe of those four

Losses two of them have been by one run so you can actually get decent value on the Nationals plus one and a half Tonight meaning if they lose you could still win as long as they lose by one run so minus 125 for the Nets plus one

And a half at home just I mean let’s let’s let’s roll the dice a little bit here I love it I absolutely love it again use that promo code o24 with DraftKings Sportsbook an official sports betting partner of NASCAR live in North Carolina download that draft DraftKings app use the promo

Code og4 bet $5 and you get $2 $ instantly in bonus bets only on the DraftKings Sportsbook with code og2 24 the crown is yours gambling problem call 87778 5543 or visit more than aame 21 Plus North Carolina only bonus bets expire 168 hours after issuance deposit and eligibility restrictions

Apply terms at Drive Sportsbook slnc NASCAR is not a sponsor of this promotion and used under license again use that promo code Og4 big thanks to Whitaker and HR for sponsoring obia and jilo check them out wh. lawyer Whitaker and Hammer is also going to help us out with our OG Birthday Bash which will be May 3r at shes in downtown Garner uh we’re going to have our guy OG scoreboard Jason’s

Going to do some trivia for us we’re going to have some Raffles some bourbon we got a d DJ jarvey mixtape that we’re going to give away I’m sure we’ll have some other stuff but just kind of keep that in mind May 3d shadies that Friday

Night we’re going to make it like a low-key hang celebrate one year of this podcast and again all your support for this podcast and big thanks to Whitaker and hyr from being there for being there from the jump also big thanks to Matt Davis at statefarm check them out online

At insur theog or call him directly at 99779 8277 save you money on home and auto that is key we love saving you money on this program and that is one thing that Matt Davis can do so again check them out insur AA tournament uh we had a fun

Live show out there everybody had a great time I feel like I got to keep these things kind of going so I’ll do my pickle shot I’ll do my Evan Williams whiskey with the pickle juice get the burger settle in for the first half of that basketball game should be a lot of

Fun not the chicken popey no I’m gonna stick with my burger the brisket met was good too but if you’re looking if you’re going to be watching the game at home you want to get some takeout you’re having a bunch of people over long leav you can go order online and

Bring that stuff home and get ready to watch some basketball you will not be at long leaf Swan with me you’re going to be in Phoenix we’ll talk about that more a little bit later yeah depending on the day yeah Saturday yes Thursday no I’ll be in Vegas you’ll

Be in travel mod I’ll be in in route I’m gonna see if you can join us via Southwest Wi-Fi that would be kind of wild on the OG live yeah I might need to get actual headphones I know I know I know I know anyway go to longlea Look who’s in studio hi it’s Mike Maniscalco this is spacious not gonna lie it’s bigger than I I thought the studio would be look for you too look you ready to go it’s you ready for some radiotherapy oh yeah let’s talk about the time that you and

Mark Thomas were squeezed into a glass case of emotion at the old Tobacco Road oh yeah now the amas am amra still has the glass cuz that thing’s like indestructible it’s the heaviest thing in the world but they built you a little Studio space Oh yeah that was yeah and

Part of it and they shoved the two largest men in radio into that space to do to do stuff oh yeah it was it was great we were literally trapped in the glass case of emotion it was so hot in there man of the bo oh yeah that was the

Other thing they didn’t figure out that they needed to put air conditioning into it get back in the box so so I go I go to the box two minutes feel game then get free it had like one little vent and you have all this radio equipment

Running hot it was it was so we finally got to the point where we just kept the radio equipment in there and we you would yeah yeah I remember we do shim our way outside that’s why I’m saying this is spacious I was kind of Invision

That Alex gave you the glass n n we make it we make it work here you also were fascinated by Julio’s Draft Day mug oh I know well it’s not the mug the mug is great I just I have gotten into uh first off here’s one for you obious is I I do

Vow for us to do one Sports Talk segment uh while I’m on with you for our just throwing throwing the electroshock therapy for us on this what’s the best sports movie of all time God wait Jun not in the conversation hang if if there was a top 100 and there were only 98

Sports movies ever made that’s not getting on the list I’ve never seen that movie like Kevin cost and I like Dennis ly yeah but that oh that’s right Jonah oh my God no it’s such a huge Jonah from beist to the assistant that’s funny right oh it’s oh so bad all right well

Maybe when the canes are done winning the Stanley Cup and we get done with the parades and the after after parties and stuff like that um when you invite me to your day with the cup sure um we can do a worst Sports movies draft worst worst Sports

Now it’s funny we’re talking about hot streaks and everything’s all about NC State right now because of the final forp but hurricane is still cooking yeah still doing their thing yep Don wadell kind of liked his group before the draft before the trade deadline now he really

Likes this group and they added a guy before we talk about what the ks have been doing as of late my Twitter timeline was blowing up people freaking out over Scott Morrow who is Scott Morrow why are people hyped about this uh you should be hyped about this this

Young man because he is one of the elite defensive prospects in college hockey and a few years ago he steps into the same place where kale Marc plays and breaks K Mar’s records as a as a freshman so uh the team however for Scott wasn’t that good uh the last

Few seasons okay but they did make it into the uh their version of the NCAA tournament for hockey they’re not going to get to the Frozen four but uh they get eliminated and so now he’s available come and play and look his offensive upside is great uh this is a guy who I

Think if this was a decade ago you probably see him in a Kane’s uniform for sure next year um I I think that this could be a guy who maybe could benefit from a year in the AHL but it’s there as far as the mindset the physical ability

And the offensive upside on the blue line that he can provide so you should be excited about this guy because he’s again one of these players who he’s not that far away from being able to step in and play I don’t care if he plays or not

You know why the symbolism sir Jack Johnson didn’t want to come oh didn’t want to play complete completely different of fox didn’t want to come didn’t want to play this could be and now the canes have convinced one of these college guy oh you you want to be

A part of the you want to put your name on the freaking cup yeah come on down oh I mean that’s let’s go Joe jilo is not wrong with that that assessment and the other thing too is players look at depth charts now it’s not just that they look

At all right where’s my playing time coming from like are there nil deals too they gotta be considering anyway no actually does it right no I know they do but if I do sign you know what’s in front of me and you know look that if we

Want to live in the now and we should with how good this Cane’s team is um you look at that blue line and you’re like how is anybody going to crack it they’re looking but they’re looking two three years down the line they’re looking at this they’re looking at next where

There’s a bunch of Ufa but are they going to be like somebody like Morrow is is it nikan is that is that the pairing that is gonna be ready for next year though the nikan one I I don’t want to comment on because there is so many

Things going on besides just a simple contract he playing in the KHL and they have put out their Edict of you know you’re going to be 25 years old you’re going to you’re going to fulfill your deal to the last possible second over there and I do not want to get into any

Of that and say oh yeah because who knows that could turn on a dime I mean somehow I want to now hear the story how the Philadelphia Flyers got their 6 foot eight net minder across where it looked like that was not going to happen I mean there was

A big story with him last year that they yanked him out of you know Sweden right because he had to play but on on these on these fronts what we’ve seen with the Cane’s organization is they are not a afraid to go into unrestricted free agency with players that they have under

Contract and they’ll sort it out come July 1 okay so but what Scott Morrow is looking at is okay well if things go this way I am much closer to the NHL than if I go someplace else and I think for certain players you can only do so

Much in college when you are an elite player now like you can you want to win a National Championship it’s why all the Michigan guys went back yeah for college hockey and there’s so many loopholes that need to be tied off in in hockey with how you can bring players over but

You should be excited about this guy because and I think part of it too is where Joe is right I think a few years ago you’d have somebody going now I’m gonna play this out and and see where I can then go anywhere and now it’s like

All right you want me let’s get a contract done I can’t wait this is my best Birdman meme that’s his name right the Birdman the Birdman right how many months ago how many weeks ago did we talk to rod bremore and I told him AO is

On a different plane right now yeah he’s got he’s showing us a different gear right now it was the end it was the end of February this is the best version of AO we’ve seen and and Rod with his best poker face he gave me the got man he

Gave me the I don’t know about all that AO has been ridiculous come on this is the best we’ve seen him play It’s funny because um I was on the way over he was doing an interview that I was listening to uh so shout out to Gord stellic

Electricity for those of you who grew up near Toronto and uh Scotty Lin on NHL radio and Sebastian said I don’t know I still think I have more to give that’s like true it’s true and that’s every hockey player they always think that but he is also I think gotten to the point

Of not that the game is easy for him but he is to a point now where he knows what he needs to do to produce the way that he produces and I think you also have to take a look at who does he play alongside uh and right now this this

Line of Jake gensel with Seth Jarvis being centered by Sebastian AO yes yes point to that calendar puppy time as well you should but I think that’s part of it but what sebas shaho is doing now and this is the thing where I where you’re right I think this is the best

Version of him that we’re seeing he’s making his linemates better instead of you say oh it’s got to have turbo over there well he you know if you you got to get him going needs T terine now it’s like need to get somebody going maybe we with Sebastian AO that’s I almost sound

Like a broken record here when we talk about the lines and whatnot I’m glad he brought up the turbo thing I always felt that was more him needing to step up not not AO not getting other people going that kind of stuff if you put AO ao’s best attribute is setting things up

Making plays if you put him with the proper Playmakers guys who can finish I was always been curious okay what ultimately is it going to be set up I never really viewed somebody like Terra vinan as I’m not saying that Tera is not a bad player it’s just that’s not what

He is gensel is that well the the thing is Terra vinan is the setup man yeah you know he’s not looking to shoot and and that kind of becomes for lack of any better term here a security blanket well I know he’s going to do this and we

Played together so you go from there the thing for me with Jake Ensel that is just popped off the The Ice how good of a passer he is my God I mean it’s right where it needs to be him and if Genny KET off if Genny KET off throws no look

Passes that are flat and they’re right where they need to be I’m like all right you get away with that once twice he’ll do it two three times in a game he’ll be looking at you Joe and there’s no way he can see what’s going on over here yet he

Just dishes and it’s right where it needs to be um but I think for Sebastian AO again I I can give you all the stories he’s the most competitive guy on the team it doesn’t matter what they’re playing uh what they’re doing when it comes to oh we

Know next week next week we’re dropping the latest in the Joe jilo gets beat by Sebastian AO and something that is not hockey mini golf it’s a uh it’s a it’s a Swedish table game no not uh Dutch s it’s a Dutch shuffle board you were there for the Dutch shuffle board

Weren’t you I was I you were playing it I was not there for the end result yeah yeah it actually provided one of the great lines from AO I don’t think people understand how sneaky funny he is un unbelievable sense of humor like dry quick wit very dry quick and it’s funny

Joe’s like well it’s this it’s this Dutch shuffle board game and he’s like I’m finished and it’s just like just dead pan and I’m I’m just like oh okay he got you on that one that was pretty good yeah but we drop we’ll be dropping that video next week all right get to

Get to the to get to the other thing that the canes have been very very good at and this is where I was I’ll I’ll just straight up say I was wrong about the obsession over gending Freddy Anderson being back and being as locked in as he is really does bring home all

Those discussion points from earlier in the season as it relates the goal tending yeah it unlocks something man yeah I mean I I think it it does but also at the same time for Freddy and I can’t speak for him but you go through what he went through and then all of a

Sudden you come back and you’re like well this is just a game you know this is I I I just I’m lucky to do what I do I’m just going to go play and we saw it two years ago when Fred Anderson got to Carolina you know his first 10-11 starts

With the canes were we’re talking vzna trophy with him and you know this is going to be a guy who’s going to Anchor the net for years to come his thing has always been health related and being able to stay on the ice I don’t think that the questions with Frederick

Anderson other than and it’s only in Toronto when you go playoffs but then you have to question everybody who has gone through Toronto the last decade for you know are you a playoff producer or not uh but that was the the outstanding question then I think think Freddy

Answered those questions last year in the playoffs you know he was good and he went toe-to-toe with Sergey bosski in that Eastern Conference Final what got unlocked for me was P kochetov when it really okay here’s the saddle we’re gonna give it to you yeah he took it and

And the questions that I had for do you really need do you have to have somebody else um and they they found Spencer Martin who maybe the five most important starts uh that a goenda hurricanes in in one season because of they could just okay we can

Get through this we don’t have to make a deal we don’t have to go out and overpay for someone can wait for Fred exact we can wait to see how all of it shakes out and then Anderson comes back in what 70 and0 I think it’s 1.88 goals against a

951 save percentage two shutouts and it’s not just against the bottom of the league you know it was a Montreal team that was playing better that he shut out uh you take a look at at how he just is able to put things together I mean uh

For it was a Detroit team that was playing for their playoff lives that he shut out Co COV then doubles down and gets the shut out against Montreal the next night so again the goal tending here for this team is it’s just always for me comes down to health not how do

They play just how healthy they are Health can go away quickly though as we know and I guess that gets to my My overall big picture question as we look back on the regular season as it’s wrapping up did we have we underrated the quirkiness of the can’s

Regular season and how they’ve been successful and whether or not this is something that actually is going to help them psychologically as they get in the playoffs that look man we’ve dealt with this we’ve dealt with that we’ve had players gone we’ve had players have to

Step up next men up mentality are we underrating the kind of quirkiness of the year yeah I think so and I mean I hate to do this because everybody plays a schedule that at some point you’re just like what yeah people and people get hurt you know injuries are part of

It um you know it’s a computer generated schedule you know and then there are a couple of versions like I don’t know if everybody understands that it’s not there’s just one version of the schedule that get spit out at you know before the year starts and that’s what you go with

They hand them out and then you know teams will look at it and say well we really don’t want to play on this day we would rather play more here or you’ve got dates that are booked or you’re trying to book things for the venues that you’re you play in all of those

Things so sometimes the schedules you’ll look at one and you’d be like wow why did you reject that one you oh well because this was going to be in your Arena or how do you get four days off here but you’re going to play Eight

Games in 14 days there um one I do believe the computer is Hell from 2001 sorry Joe can’t do that SP take out of you huh I can’t do that Rod you’re going to be out in the west coast for two months you want to be healthy I’m sorry

Players so uh there’s there’s that but I think that what the taxing part of the schedule did the quirkiness uh you you get to that and maybe this is the Turning what was the turning point of the season oh there we go um maybe it’s the players only meeting after they lose

To Vancouver yeah in December maybe it’s the win that they follow that up with in in Ottawa with the Poke check on Brady kachuck and P coov you know jabbing back at kachuck as he’s going by him I just think that this team the core team who

When Don W says we really like our group he was always talking about that Core group I think they got through that and they’re like all right okay no nothing if we get through this this shouldn’t derail us but you know you have some guys who’ve been fighting through some

Things we’ll see It’ll be now I gotta go to Zen philosopher we’ll see we’ll see what happens when you get to the playoffs because the one thing I I don’t know if you guys know this now Sports gambling is now legal in the state of North Carolina I have not really noticed

A lot of advertisement for this I wish someone would have told me I I I I was caught totally off guard we we it was weird I feel what we just talking about that before Mike came in the studio you were introducing people to your nerfy

Bets nerfy I was telling them about my completely garbage NBA uh parlay $5 parlays to see if I can cash out on that which I have I want to thank I want to thank DraftKings for the new watch I just bought but anyway hey but you you

I’m being serious by the way I know you take wow I I swear I think I’m the only person a CIO shock I think I’m the only person in North Carolina who does not have a a gambling app on their phone okay good for you I don’t I am you go to

Vegas enough I do exactly I do uh I really do like here that’s good we wanted to renovate you better not be the only one all the other people who are employed by the Carolina Hurricanes better have the right rules as well cuz that’s the last

Thing anybody needs no no trust me cuz we’ve gone down that road but yes you know you take a look and I think we just got sidetracked from uh the the original thought I was having it happens about you know putting things together yes uh

For this team but I I would not when it comes to the playoffs here’s the gambling tie-in I would not bet in the NHL playoffs one penny because anything can happen every every year they because I put all of my bonus bucks on the canes

But all of my bonus bucks are on the can every year by the way $5 right now can get you $200 uh use the OG wow we’re all TI it together og4 um no but the last president’s trophy to win the cup was in 13 yeah so so please remain hot don’t

Get too hot don’t get too hot but it it comes down to every year there is an upset in the first round of playoffs and when I say an upset it’s not the 34 it’s like no Florida beating Boston Columbus beating Tampa Tampa yeah I mean that

Happens you can go all the way back to even when there was no salary cap San Jose knocking out Detroit like that’s it’s just the way at the first round of the playoffs who did the king who did the canes beat to win the Stanley Cup in

2006 the Edmonton Oilers an eight seed yeah so it happens man yeah these are things that happen in the NHL all right dude you got to get out of here before your street level parking goes and depending on where you parked in downtown Raleigh they’ll get you oh no

Trust me I have the we’ve discovered where the hot spots are so I make sure that I don’t park in those blocks anymore 2930 don’t park in 29:30 I have I have an unbelievable um Cal Ripken like streak of going and getting parking tickets TI I got one because I was

Parked legally but I was not 6 ft away from the edge of the driveway I had never heard of this r one of those yes take a picture that’s not real yeah downtown on not haret but that’s not mared to me yeah that’s not happened to

Me can Wier and hamr argue my way out of that one no damn it because they literally get a little ruler out there oh yeah oh yeah but sorry we don’t validate parking we’re not quite there yet sorry I mean get a ticket valid you literally just should have

Like some stamp with your faces on it oh that would be great and that that would I mean it doesn’t do anything validate in my mind look I already argued a parking ticket I did the classic walking up to my car while they were putting on the wiper and

I was like dude he’s like he just gave me a should he basically Jordan me like shoulder shrug I already wrote the ticket buddy so I disputed it and they’re like yeah being you know late you were caught up in court you’re XYZ I was like fine whatever it’s still

Cheaper to pay a parking thing but whatever I got a warning yesterday I have no idea why I’ve gotten two warning I got a warning I mean gotten plenty of tickets yeah so I don’t know why they gave me a warning yesterday all days was

It did he use the promo code OG G24 and he got a Bonus ticket I got a warning what we five $5 on your first parking ticket gets you an additional $200 you want to hear something related every time I get a parking ticket I will lose my gambling bets that night so

Yesterday when I so yesterday because it’s luck it’s karma it’s right so yesterday I go out and I see this ticket and I’m like I’m going to lose all my bets again today my my seat in Hall Lock Stock stock steamer then I go I fin like

Two I just put it in my pocket I didn’t even look at it I come up to pay it yesterday and it says warning and I was like I’m GNA double down the pirate yes they Andrew Gay somewhere is smiling for you this is the [ __ ] I

Believe in man I love it as well you no as well you should as well you should well Mike congratulations we’re in the home stretch you’re going to start seeing me a lot more at PNC Arena now it’s that time you know it’s that time

Of the year when I start showing up to the fifth floor PNC Arena let’s go now I know that where you guys are I mean I’ll just start swinging my you can come through anytime you know how it is we’ll do our worst movie we’ll do our worst

Sports movie Draft I’m out of mugs though I will show no that’s that’s okay your coffee immediately goes to like 30% flavor in that mug Mike this is something you know Joe had a little real pack therapy yesterday talking about his how he’s kind of missing it and and only

He does not appreciate these things only you can appreciate how it’s still deep inside you how you want to Benchmark some topics oh you know hey I got an idea here’s what we’re gonna do we could create this out of this the can’s Mount Rushmore of draft picks who reviews to

Sign nobody’s ever done that before ever we’re going to put together the complete list if you had to fill out a roster but most who’s your starting five so you have $20 here’s the $5 group here’s the $4 group here’s the three here’s the two here’s the one but

Most importantly Mike it’s not whether or not the content is good can you sell it that’s the key part can you fit it into the eight minute window as well that’s true we’re gonna do we’re gonna draft the best coaches in sports movie history how can we put our how can

We that’s a good one oh you’re going to give us like no that’s good you need summer but we have to do it the right way we’re going to have to put our arms around this topic oh yeah that’s what we’re gonna have to do hang on convince

Me why we need to do this meanwhile you’re I can’t even remember the hotline number but 555 call us meanwhile 555 call us right now I’m having somebody tell me that I got to talk about some it wasn’t dual Lipa it was whoever I’m like you guys should be talking

About that I’m like would you want us to talk about a sugar Bo yeah a pop singer no no no but this is this is before du I can’t think of a huge ciac yeah well of course she is of course um and trip actually knows her parents wait what was

I listening to No he does I swear I know I know you were setting him up it wasn’t it wasn’t President’s Day but you said it was uh Kong and Godzilla setting you where are you you’re like you’re sleeping over here but well Kong’s been a huge KDC for years

It was beautiful because the third period I go down AP and I listen to you guys while I’m watching because I have the file right at the buzzer so all right B get out of here it’s yeah you have five minutes don’t get a ticket later parking people parking people not use KDX always always a fun time with Mana scalco and you want to have a fun time outside and once the weather we starts to clear out we’re not dealing with the rain and the pollen goes away and it’s warming up and you want to enjoy the outside of the backyard you’re going to

Want mosquito authority to keep those mosquitos in check check them out online at and you can bundle and Save Right Now by going to combining mosquito Authority and pest Authority taking care of the outside of your house and the inside of your house I actually need to contact P Authority

Because my kids have not been listening to me and Kelly about eating food where they’re not supposed to be eating food so guess what we have and you had an ant problem not that long ago anytime it gets warm here come the ants man so check them out it’s hay

Lancaster believes in Saving you money but he doesn’t believe in contracts so you can bundle and protect your number one investment which is your home just go to big thanks to Breeze through they had a cool event yesterday at the PNC Arena location they had Michael Connell out there was Jaden

Taylor was also in the house um I don’t have the tweet in front of me but one of our listeners was actually listening to the podcast while driving around and heard that that was going on at the breeze through and they dropped by got some gas cards took a picture we love to

See that and we love Breeze through for sponsoring us check them out Breeze that was Tim and he was like he I sent him a message like hey man appreciate you like that that actually means more to us than it does just about anything else when when our our

Listeners support our sponsors it’s it’s huge for us and I said uh yeah I said Thank you and he’s like absolutely because it was quite hilarious how it all worked out I sent a message to my state friends saying Breeze through has a signup that says why not us and then

10 seconds later y all said on the Pod that they were doing an nil event so I I pulled a U-turn and I pulled in I love that so thank you Tim appreciate we really do appreciate you I also love all the selections of wonderful Meats at the

Butcher Market check them out the butchers locations across the triangle uh two in Wilmington and you if I’m just saying if you want to have a c celebratory steak go to go to the butcher Market are you just tired from all the basketball you don’t have

Time to cook you’re not feeling it no big deal because butcher Market has a bunch of prepared meals as well they definitely come in clutch this time of the year so again The Butchers The Butchers You know how I keep saying that NC State being good at basketball is just good for business in general yeah how many interviews have you done this week or the last couple of weeks related to NC State yeah sure yeah I got a text from vison yesterday you know out in Vegas

Like hey want to talk some some NY state did you get to talk to Brenton himself no no no I I I was not I was on uh vent prime time time and uh one of our listeners Matt was like wait a damn minute watching Von live what the heck

Joe o is on now yeah why not State’s good so people are reaching out I’ll be on with ACC PM with Mark Packer and Taylor tanon bomb later today on the ACC Network although I am curious about the close captioning on this where instead of Joe ovs it has like Joe OV Isis

Interesting whoa and then you can follow me on Twitter obvious yeah my Twitter can be obvious from time to time that that is I’m not going to I’m not going to fight you on that one definitely not going to fight you on that one go to the YouTube

Comments how funny would it be if we got a championship game between NC State and Yukon in both NCA tournaments oh I don’t think that’s gonna happen stranger things though I can see NC State UK on the men’s side of things I just don’t see it on the

Women’s side of things especially with South Carolina South Carolina is just I mean South car’s good I think St can beat them but I worry that Caitlyn Clark is too much for Yukon yukon’s had a whole bunch of injuries other issues this year and obviously having the best

Coach always helps but I feel like maybe Iowa’s uh written the Stars uh from Tim now that I think about it was the Virginia play that lucky Bank yes but Marcel instantly rebounds head up and pass to the best option everyone runs get to gets to a great spot and gets it

Off that’s a great team play the technical on burns was BS and we we were kicking yeah listen listen the the bank was open there dude come on yeah the shot it’s up Tony Bennett like free brain freezing and not fouling is actually up there on the list but like

Not fouling it was a clean look to your point yes but the way that the ball banked in and swirled around that that’s like almost a th% luck dude from uh this is a great username meat tooth I was 13 when state made their last final for I’m

54 today that is a long effing time yes when you put it in that kind of context look man I was four I was four years old nobody remembers any of that stuff yeah nobody remembers any of that stuff and let’s see from Michael can you highlight

Where to watch the game in Raleigh best bars watch parties Etc what will be the best venue in Raleigh on Saturday that is a good question I think you kind of make it you make the place that you want it to be right like I had a great time

At Rialto this past Sunday uh i’ love to do it again but there’s a scheduling conflict so that doesn’t look like it’s going to be happening um but I will say this I I feel like I’m going to go into work mode on Saturday and actually like sit

And watch it was fun hanging out at the Rialto but it was more of a party atmosphere I feel like this is like all right let me sit down make some notes watch the game like I typically watch the game okay uh that’s how I’m going to

Be handling Saturday I’ll be doing the show from here Saturday at the risk of giving it away yeah I will have just as I live to troll Roy Cooper mhm I will have a cardboard a rip cardboard torn piece of cardboard that not only on one side says where’s Duke

But on the other we’ll say where’s Carolina because the wolf pack is in the final four and Carolina nowhere to be found Duke as M tari once asked nowhere to be found so we will be reenacting that from whatever it is State Farm Arena I

Don’t even know what it is so you need to prepare and find the picture so that we can reenact I just won’t have any famous teammates around me that’s all you’ve this has unlocked something in you yeah that I did not know you got you got to keep some old scores there my

Friend you gotta it’s just you got to keep some old scores now to be clear this is for fans oh yeah okay because like when you went on your drunk rant about Duke I I the next day I was like yeah you went a little hard in the paint

Because you like you like to get on me sometimes you’re like man Joe you really uh you really gave it to him you really uh oh wow a little hot there I surprised you actually went after that guy the way that you did I’m think myself no this

Was specifically the Duke band from 1996 I see and the crazy from 96 see you okay you are settling scores yeah you are settling scores the story was the first time I ever went to Cameron trauma dump Joe yeah first time I went to Cameron yeah they did the big high

School chant and they did if you can’t go to college go to state CH yeah yeah and which I would have found to be acceptable except literally like two seconds later they had certain members of the band go out and spell du ke on the floor and they had the E before the

K so they spelled it du K so Joe jilo NC State student is watching them after they were mocking my education like how smart are you that you can’t even spell Duke like I can spell State maybe I do go to a big high school but I can spell

State so that was very specific to those to that crew I apologize to anyone else who may have caught astray on that so gotcha gotcha like I said some men would rather podcast and go to therapy yeah that’s what we’re here for yeah and then

No there will be a uh I’ll try to find the right font I’ll try to get the right marker for it but yeah there will be a where’s Duke where’s Carolina all right that’s going to wrap it up for for today’s edition we’re going to do an OG

Live tomorrow Lauren Brown is going to hang out with us um casual basketball fan Demitri Ranos he’s going to be repping his Alabama Crimson Tide don’t forget oh yeah Bama’s a basketball school now speak of schools that don’t deserve it try and we’ll do what where in the world is Joe

Jilio tomorrow we’ll see you then N


  1. Speaking of economy – went to campus with the kids on monday. Alums and families all over, bookstore sales were looking strong. Drove past the Red and White earlier in the day — absolutely packed!

  2. Going through the list, Debbie apparently has a penchant for identifying a-holes as well. KK certainly works against the trend. Others, not so much….

  3. Ovies, where did you get that scrolling sports ticker on the shelf behind you and how can I get one?

  4. Whatever made me think, "Joe is a pansy. I've been up since 4," is the same thing that makes us love sports. It's also the same thing that drives my distaste for all these national bandwagon State fans.

    They didn't suffer these last decades. They don't get to reap the rewards.

    But then my rational brain, speaks up…
    Joe isn't a pansy. He drank an expired banned substance , and more attention can only be a good thing.

    Go State! Where's Carolina? Where's Duke?

  5. Sorry but I'm not buying any of this. Doeren sucks. Amato was annoying but football was more exciting under him. There I said it. Doeren gives me nothing to get excited about. And I think we're jumping the gun on all the Keatts stuff. He was one UVA FT and one miraculous O'Connell shot away from being unemployed. So let's not pretend that he's not the same guy that went 17-14 this season and back to back seasons of 14-11 & 11-21. With talent on the roster btw. He was 0-4 in the tourney before this run and never made it past the round of 64. Is he the reason for this run? Did he completely change his system right before the ACC tourney? No. The players saw the end of the season and end of their college careers for many of them coming and somehow flipped a switch. You have to credit these players because no other team that was that terrible in their regular season was able to make that happen. If they put statues up of these guys on campus I would support that because they've done something that hasn't been done in way too many years.

    I know this take is going to upset a lot of people but the mere fact that it's been over 40 years since we had something to feel so good about is a testament to the failures of the Administration over those years. So no, I'm not patting Corrigan or Yow on the back. Yow hired Gottfried who got the school into trouble with the NCAA. Did you forget that? Let's see what Keatts does next season when these key contributors are gone. Let's see what Keatts does when the no wait transfers comes to an end. Does he carry this momentum forward or does he revert back to previous seasons? This no one knows for certain. But if I were a betting man, I'd bet that he was going to revert back. I hope I'm wrong because he's here for a long time. Just so there's no confusion, I don't wish Keatts to fail. He was not my 1st choice as coach during the search but I always hoped he did well. It's just that after 7 seasons you get a feel for what the coach is. Until this surprise run, he was not a winner and I think we need to see more to determine if that's changed.

    Regardless, if the ACC falls apart over the next several seasons (due to FSU/Clemson/UNC leaving) none of this will matter because either State will be part of the SEC, BIG12, or still a member of the failed ACC. But this season will remain in my memory for years to come.

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