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Shida In ROH; X-Division #1 Contenders Match | ROH & TNA 3/21/2024 Full Show Review & Results

Kate (@MissKatefabe) and Reg (@RighteousReg) discuss tonight’s episode of ROH, while Joel Pearl (@JoelPearl) and Cresta Starr (@CrestaTheeStarr) review tonight’s episode of TNA:

– ROH Women’s World TV Championship Tournament Semifinal: Queen Aminata vs. Red Velvet
– ROH Women’s World TV Championship Tournament Semifinal: Mercedes Martinez vs. Billie Starkz
– Hikaru Shida vs. Rachael Ellering
– Mark Sterling vs. Serpentico
– Anna Jay vs. Mina Shirakawa
– Lee Johnson in action
– Athena will appear

– KNOCKOUTS TITLE: Jordynne Grace vs. Tasha Steelz
– Grizzled Young Vets vs. Time Machine
– Ash By Elegance in action
– X-Division 6-Way Rebellion Referendum #1 Contenders Match
– Nic Nemeth promo

This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at FIGHTFUL and get on your way to being your best self.

Hello and thank you so much for joining us for your Ro post show for Thursday March 21st oh my goodness the app was working today re isn’t celebrating his birthday month like some white girl he’s actually here today all right we’re hanging out we’re talking some Ro and we

Appreciate you tuning in for our Ro and of course our TNA post show on the back half of this as well looking forward to digging in and we would love some support from you guys we always ask for this laundry list of things up front but they’re appreciated if you could leave a

Thumbs up on this video it helps people find us in the algorithm and we are kind of the little post show that could over here uh so very much appreciated if you wouldn’t mind leaving a thumbs up also we’ll remind you to subscribe to fightful so much going on I’m sure

There’ll be SuperCard news as we continue down the mountain contract news all year all the time news about Matt Hardy that was broken earlier last week um what else we have there’s a lot going on Lots going on on fightful including as grac City every other week

With this fella and the wonderful ding Phil Lindsay as well reg and oh yeah super chats you guys know that right if you want if there’s any if you want a question or sa my r on a super chats I was like there’s a third thing that I’m missing and the reason

That I was steamrolling through it is because I’m so excited we’re coming down the mountain to Super card of honor and re I get to see you in person for this yes super card of honor the Ring of Honor post show is going to be live not live

Because I don’t even know we have to figure out actually what’s going to go on on the Ring of Honor post show because both of your host here will be live in attendance and I am very excited Kate we are getting a very emotional long-term main event with Eddie Kingston

And Mark Brisco and the finals we’ll talk about here of the Ring of Honor women’s television tournament amazing sheta and Athena like this card is already going to be amazing and my friends are all going to be around it’s great I can’t wait I am very much

Looking forward to that we never really have problems with the pay-per-views right the things that we usually have problems with are in between pay-per-views and the builds into them some good and some bad with some of the longer term stories that we’re getting I’m very excited for Mark going and

Eddie and I’m very excited for Athena and sheeta but it’s kind of like hey remember eight months ago when we teased this thing now we’re going to deliver on it with hardly any build but great matches ahead of us a great time to be had at SuperCard so let’s dig in to the

Episode that we got today there are more of you watching than what we started at the beginning of the show so we’ll remind you to please leave a thumbs up and send in super chats if you would be so kind uh but overall the past couple weeks we’ve just

Had like these hour mini episodes I like the one-h hour format I get enough wrestling uh I am delighted when these are smaller rather than hey here’s some relevant matches and a bunch of Superfluous ones love wrestlers getting a Payday don’t get me wrong that makes me very happy but for product cohesion

These pair down episodes are pretty all right when your co-host doesn’t bail and you have to talk about them alone it’s kind of nice to have these shorter episodes and pretty much everything we’ve got tonight had some sort of game which I very much appreciated little

Confused about what’s going on in the TV title picture uh but we’ll get to all of that and more but re what did you think of what we got overall tonight yeah for kind of the same things that you’re describing here these shorter episodes are great when you talk about as much

Wrestling as we do on podcast and you have to do Post shows and things and you’re like let’s kind of just get to it Ring of Honor for some weeks we would come on this show and there’d be some filler there’d be a serpento match and a John Cruz match

Pjo match and it’s like all right you guys like we get it we got it we understand you want to get everybody a shot you want to have more matches but really just like get to exactly what it is and I love that this episode is just like Ring of Honor women’s television

Championship Focus that’s what we’re here to see there’s a couple of dudes here possibly if you want to but it’s really about that and the focused episodes just feel better they just feel more they feel like something when Stakes are involved it it just makes all

The TV better you know and really they feel truer to the brand rch that’s how I feel is like this feels more like the Ring of Honor that we’ve grown to know and love um we’ll get in a little bit because this is a shorter episode we’ve

Got some breathing room and I did just want to pick your brain on some things because we still have a a quenched thirst situation that we need to get to regarding these titles the six-man no idea where they are TAG titles no program for them pure title at

Commission TV title didn’t see it tonight both World titles have some clarity around them but for so long it felt like we were back on track and then the weeks you were out I guess this is why they were like we don’t have red reviewing we have no idea we have lost

Our Compass entirely that’s true there’s no without his feedback we are lost um but it did feel like we’re getting closer to SuperCard and we were losing the build there’s not a lot of titles around here obviously we have this Tournament final which is going to be

Great but are you still feeling like man the product has gotten better but the absence of Champions is is still hurting over here you know Kate when you started going through the list of the Championships I had to like go through my Rolodex a brain of figuring out who

All the guys were that are attached to these championships and that’s not a good thing it’s like it seems like every time they make someone a champion they are immediate it’s like that’s their golden ticket to the main roster and I’m like I don’t really like it’s that’s cool that feels

Like a good thing for those people but like why don’t you just make someone Champion that’s here like if Lee Johnson’s going to be here give him a belt if this person’s going to be here give them a belt it just makes more sense that the people that you’re

Focusing the brand on you give them the Championships like soon as they give Lee Johnson a belt then he’s gonna be on collision the next week and it’s like Rampage all the yeah like what what’s going on here it doesn’t really make sense going into this pay-per-view there’s like I described there’s going

To be some great matches like the three or four we have announced super fire but like the rest of it is like next week they’re going to say it like we’re going to get all like eight matches announced in in one week and I know they’re going

To be fire because they always are but if there was a little bit more to it it probably would be a little bit more satisfying I think it does feel like the only people being built in Ro on the men’s single side are Ethan Paige and

Lee Johnson to your point like it does not feel like we’re building up credible contenders and I think that’s why we got almost this and I’m excited for it and it was teased but this Mark Brisco kind of feels like an empathy pity match uh

Coming back around to it so it it does feel like we have this tug-of-war I think the pay-per-view is going to be great I really liked what we got tonight but we are just parched for some present Champions so like where is Ethan Paige at wasn’t he supposed to he’s like the

Face of Ring of Honor for a bit and I don’t know what happened yeah I don’t know well I can tell you this much he’s the exite wrestling world champion because I got to do commentary for one of his matches and what a a wonderfully kind and genuine human being Ethan

Paiges like I have only the most wonderful things to say about him in our interactions and the way he was acting backstage and our conversation he had a lot of Pride for what was going on in Ring of Honor you saw it in his post interview on the last pay-per-view that

He’s trying to step up and be that guy and and take pride in this brand it would be nice if that was reciprocated with some Champions on the show and also read before we dive in when I was talking to myself when you weren’t around I I also don’t love necessarily

What it does on the aw products when I was watching Revolution which one of the strongest pay-per-views in aw history y if you’re a casual or someone who is just kind of diving in it creates a little bit of chaos from the perspective of everybody that walks out there seems

To have a title because you have all these Ro titles on there and all these aew titles if the title is supposed to be indicative of like oh this person’s extremely important and everybody’s running around with one unless you are in on those stories it’s like well hell

Everybody’s got a belt around here I what are we actually settling so do you feel like it’s also become a bit of a crutch in aew because it that occurred to me over the past couple weeks a little bit more yeah that uh the little word that you said that forbidden word

Of casuals there are actually if you it sounds crazy enough aw fans who are casual to Ring of Honor they don’t know about that there’s some people that see the Bang Bang gang or these people walk out uh the kingdom and they’re like well what are those belts where did they get

Those what why do they have those and why aren’t they defending them they don’t watch Ring of Honor they don’t know the stories behind them they’re just carrying these random belts and it’s like well why are those here yeah it does feel a little bit like I don’t

Really know what the Championships are supposed to represent you know what I mean it’s like if it gets to the main brand brand like you’re saying everyone has a championship so like what are the Ring of Honor one supposed to represent when we’re not even defending them I

Think is the worst part like if they’re up there and we’re defending them and they have a little bit of something then yeah I understand but if they’re just there for looks why agreed and I I think it occurred to me most on Revolution because when I was watching it with

People some of who were a little bit more casual to the product and two I was like there’s some people that are tuning in for the first time for Sting’s last match like they bought the pay-per-view just for that experience and if they tune in to the rest of the show they’re

Probably like first of all everybody’s reaction seemed to be holy crap will Offspring this will Offspring guy is incredible from the people that I knew that weren’t watching as regularly and two just like everyone has a dang belt around here so just kind of some overall thoughts as we’re going into it I’m

Still excited for this pay-per-view I’m still encouraged by a lot of the product but tot um we talk about it all here we talk about it all and we get to start with this really wonderful match between Billy Starks and Mercedes Martinez this was my favorite match of the tournament

Maybe until what immediately followed it fire matches in Bull semifinals tonight my goodness totally different matches something that you and I had talked about and I’ve continued kind of to talk about throughout the past couple weeks of all of these matches have their own distinct personalities and that’s a

Really difficult thing to accomplish sometimes but I felt like this very vibrant story in our Opening match between this badass veteran in Mercedes Martinez a former Champion herself and Young Billy kind of sneaking this win on the rollup here um but just some really hard-hitting action the contrast between

Billy and Mercedes was so much fun because you had like this 30 second stalling superplex in this match and then you also had Billy just diving to the outside and nobody being home because Damonte pulled Mercedes out of the way but that kind of like backyard style she has combined with the the

Smarts and the strength of Mercedes made for such a fun combination honestly I was expecting a really great match because they’re both really wonderful but the fact that they built so much story into this made me really really really happy really happy to see I love

That this opened the show it felt great I adored this match uh I thought it was such a blast that superlex for for 30 seconds Capri goes 19 201 and I just lost it I love commentary here but red what did you think of this match yeah k

I love the dynamic in this match of Mercedes being the hard-nosed veteran that’s in here to rip Billy Stark’s head off Billy Starks being the charismatic heart just fighting from behind trying to get everything behind her usually I don’t like interference spots of like Damon was kind of playing a distraction

Role but I thought it helped Billy Starks in here because they’re trying to get as much sympathy as they can all the way up in this tournament and having that hurt overcome Damonte and Mercedes in the same match I thought was a great move uh Mercedes was just in here trying

To kill Billy Starks the whole time destroying her with all kind of suplexes and slams just being rude and disrespectful the way we expect Mercedes to be but Billy Starks from the beginning has had so much confidence like she as soon as they announced this tournament she was like that’s my belt

Like there’s nothing anybody can do in this tournament on this brand in aew that could stop me from getting this championship and I thought that heart showed in this match really really good semi-final match to kind of show like where both of these wrestlers have came

Not only in the brand but in this tournament this is really cool and Billy Starks like I said like she this is her tournament to lose crazily enough her being the youngest person in the tournament and kind of the freshest one this match this tournament this Championship all hers I’m excited exed

For her I was like genuinely excited for her winning this I really liked this too and a couple points that you brought up with Damon playing the distraction one thing that I loved is she just pulled Mercedes out of the way right on that dive spot right like so she was a

Distraction but it was a very natural thing you would do of like let me just yank you out of the way of something that is going to absolutely annihilate it was something I would do for a friend then on top of that Billy is a minion

But she’s out there alone and we know Athena is there tonight and we know she doesn’t have a match so begs the question where are my friends during my match to help equalize Damonte on the side so just additional layers to what was a really simple and well- told story

Here I absolutely adored it I think we’re headed toward the finals that we we all assumed to and we’ll talk about our next match uh which was of course red velvet and queen amanada when you were looking at the brackets man they it was it kind of felt like it could be T

You could see legit Leila sneak in there but it did kind of feel like as we went on with all of the um with with Billy’s investment in the RO brand and quinada is just very typic of the hand promo time in a lot of this

Kind of felt like we were headed that way but it’s been a a really well done tournament so far really well done tournament so far definitely so we do move on to Queen amanada and red velvet with Queen amanada getting the win and what has

Been uh it was a hell of a match and a hell of a showing from both of these women uh Queen amanada notably from Capri on commentary in gear that was like uh in line with Ramadan traditions and I just thought she looked amazing I didn’t even consider that it was um

Because of Ramadan I was just like man every time this woman walks out from behind the curtain she looks incredible so much presence so much control uh and red velvet obviously just also completely hideous on the other side absolutely gorgeous hair and makeup on point tonight too but um this ends

With Queen amanada getting a rolling suplex on velvet and the two of them trading blows until a super quick from amanada puts velvet out lot of fun to be had in this it felt like this was kind of the most evenly matched amanat was which I feel like is a good sign for

Your semi final her snap suplex is fantastic like I love the way she delivers it and I love the way she finishes it in particular um there’s some people that when they’re doing a snap suplex or any type of suplex once they get through the your own weight

Took you over part they kind of give up on the move and I feel like she really on a snap really snaps it down which looks great especially with someone of red velvet’s stature and I also like red velvet in here um taking out the taller

Woman with that that big big Bulldog in this and I said it on Twitter I’ll say it right here too like it says a lot about someone’s work ethic to me that if you come back from injury a more complete wrestler than when you went out she didn’t shake off ring rust this

Wasn’t like oh I’ve been around for a couple months now and I refound my footing she came back better and that tells me a lot about how someone went through their recovery how hard they worked and it’s not just that she looks better in the ring doing moves it’s the

Psychology that I mentioned it’s her um movement within who she is as a character that is really really popping off screen for me uh also again loving commentary as we’re getting halfway three quarters of the way through this match Ian saying you know I think Queen

Amada’s right hands are like some of the her most fierce weapons and we haven’t even seen them yet just little things like that making these tournament matches look so important both of these women’s tournament matches man all praise for me loved it what did you think of this

Match oh I needed a cigarette after this one this uh and I don’t even smoke cigarettes this match was everything that I could imagine these two women having they got into a little bit of a feud on Twitter to to you know get people invested in this match that I

Liked bring that stuff out of the ring too just to get us excited about this so I was excited coming into this match Kate but what these two women did in this match was so great this was like if you like Japanese Joi wrestling you like hard-hitting two women just trying to

Destroy each other while adding quickness and insane counters the counters in this were so good like Aminata just trying to stop red velvet red velvet in that like Leo Rush style evasive you got to catch me if you can and then when amona catches there she

Tries to put her down real hard with some kind of strike a forearm or a headbutt or something red velvet looked phenomenal in this that apron spot amanada tries to hit red velvet with the German suplex and red velvet hits my least favorite move in all of wrestling

But she makes it look awesome one of the best Spears that I’ve seen in a long time I’m like yeah red velvet in this match just like you said ever since she’s came back it wasn’t it wasn’t trying to get better wasn’t coming back rubbing ring rust off wasn’t coming back

Finding her footing in this division no she came back a better wrestler she came back one of the best women in the entire division in this match the counters she was doing some of the rollups she was doing red velvet’s training some Lucha [ __ ] somewhere I don’t know where but

That [ __ ] looks great I don’t know who she’s training with but it’s awesome she has some really great incredible counters in this but alanada just kind of like uh Billy Starks coming into this tournament it was like yeah I think we kind of expect amanada to be in the

Finals at minimum just because of the run that she’s been on she’s always featured on all the wrestling programs that aw has to offer but specifically since she’s been on Ring of Honor she’s been on an even crazyer tear her matches are crisp they’re intense that running

Uh knee counter knee thing she did to red velvet where she almost knocked her out of the ring um almost knocked me over that was yeah she knocked over the camera everybody everybody was just knocked down by this just incredible work her confidence in this whole tournament her confidence in this match

Her strikes um her look when she came out same thing for that you were thinking that I was thinking it’s like she just looks great and they start explaining why I’m like wow she’s like trying to observe and trying to be you know trying to think of those things and

She looks amazing regardless like it doesn’t matter like how she is like both of these women I don’t want to take away from these match but both of these women are incredible at all aspects of life and this match was probably the best one of the tournament honestly like these

Two matches back back to back to kind of finish off what this tournament is what it represented a brand new championship this is how you do it I’m very excited that alanada got the win she’s gonna challenge Billy Starks another great match on this super card of Honor card

And I think the future of this division the future of this company are both of these wrestlers so for them to be represented as the finalist for this new Championship is perfect I agree I agree and I love the Leo Rush comparison you made that was a really good call because

There were so many moments of her trying to escape and seeing her have these game plans that get executed in matches is something very different to me than when she used to she’s kind of moved towards Leo Rush away from Darby Allen I used to

Feel like we got like a lot of extremely highrisk stuff that may me extremely nervous just like Darby’s does and now we’ve kind of tamed it a little bit and put like that that kind of Leo Rush feel behind that I I really like that comp I

Really like that a lot yeah there used to be some after red velvet matches where we’re like that was scary lady like yeah like careful out there and she does she’s honed it in and just like got more ground based gotten her strikes together her whole presentation has just

Improved and you mentioned her spear it almost has that Ricky Starks thing to me where it’s her whole body going into it which when you’re smaller looks so effective because you’re so committed to it it’ll never look like a Brun breaker spear or a Goldberg spear or whatever

But there’s something really cool when someone’s like my whole body is going I know you you hate Spears in general but um but there when it’s when it is someone who’s smaller and they put their every cell of their body into it they look really good and that’s that is

Kind of what we got tonight so both tournament matches absolutely killing it and we move backstage to Lexi who is talking to Kira Hogan who said she’s feeling kind of good about her win last week she lost in the tournament but she won that four quarters match and she

Felt good um she calls out diamon who is challenging her for a rematch for the RO Women’s World TV championship tournament match next week uh I am looking very forward to that because I liked their first go around quite a bit I think that’ll be a really fun uh rematch to

Have and I like that when you look at a tournament and you look at its potential and what gets fulfilled sometimes there’s a really big gap in the stories that get left on the table that’s my biggest pet peeve it’s probably why I like New Japan so much

They’re like we’re gonna do the G1 and everything’s gonna pay off because it’s our programming for the year great I’m in um so I like that they are continuing a story out of this tournament that doesn’t necessarily have to do with this person won it that’s the story you get

Give me that extra juice I love that I like that there are follow-ups for these women coming out of it because while I don’t love that Athena and sheeta is like hey we teased this thing months ago and now here it is the entire women’s division was pretty much

Involved in this tournament so if you’re not setting up a story for Athena and someone else coming out of the tournament she’s got no Challenger and she’s she’s the final boss of this [ __ ] right so you got to call somebody who has a reputation like sheeta uh but I

Really like this I’m glad that Kira Hogan and diamon are going to have this rematch their first one was super intense and fun Kira Hogan just jumps off the screen every time she’s on it like so much Charisma so much presence something that is very unrepeatable

About her all in her own I really love it what did you think of this quick little little vignette that or backstage that we got and are you excited for the rematch yeah I thought it was a really good promo Kira’s getting more and more confident with her promos as she’s

Getting more TV time because that’s all it is it’s like these ladies sometimes don’t feel like enough like oh their promos aren’t as well cuz they don’t get enough reps they don’t get to talk on camera they don’t get to talk in the ring so like you just give them more

Opportunities they will and Kira I think is a product of that yeah anytime they tell more stories that aren’t specifically to do with the title this is kind of springing off of the championship but any side stories I think are great and the last match that they had was really fun if they’re

Giving more time I think it’ll be even better because that’s what that the last match if it had like five more minutes I think it would have kicked in the high gear and I think they’ll get that kick in the high gear time on the next match

They both uh have been looking better as wrestlers with each each match I’m excited about Damon every time I see her but Kira’s been on like some extra like motivated like I know what’s about to happen in the whole company and I’m ready to be one of those ones I’m

Excited for her I am too I’m really excited for her and I agree like the Reps that people are getting in Ro is something that’s extremely valuable because they don’t have a time limit right right so they can scale up and down as they need to obviously women

Screen time was a huge problem in aw just in general so they weren’t even getting it when there was just a main roster and now with ro we’re getting that and expanded screen time on the main roster which is like the best of both world so absolutely love to see

That and I agree with you Kira just really stepping into herself of late speaking of people stepping into themselves Lee Johnson really transformed as a wrestler eight wins in a row for big shotty Lee he’s against London lightning who was a HomeTown favorite in this I’m not familiar with

His work but he looked pretty good in this uh crowd was very into it and we get a big shot drop and Johnson getting the PIN for the win not a surprise here and of all the things on this card this didn’t have the most Stakes but I think

What we’re doing is picking up some momentum for Lee Johnson and that’s important I like to see dudes looking dominant and winning on television so even though this felt more throwaway match is it’s good we’re just building people up for this Division I was saying at the beginning of the show it feels

Kind of like just him and Ethan Paige so if those are the only two guys hopefully we keep it moving in that regard so good stuff here I liked how London lightning and uh big shotty Lee kind of interacted with Lee being a little bit more grounded and Technical in this this was

Short but effective no problems with this any thoughts from you yeah a couple things that I liked about this is that it was London’s um Hometown or home area so Lee Johnson kind of went into a a heal role like a veteran role of like

I’ll let you guys cheer this guy but I’m going to heal it up do some extra things that I maybe not would have done in other the circumstances I think that of course I’ve said on this podcast so many times every time Lee Johnson is on the screen he improves tin full tremendously

And kind of seeing this and hearing what you have said I’m like the Saving Grace of this could possibly be if they do a number one contenders match leading into Super card of Honor with Ethan paig and Lee Johnson maybe for Kyle Fletcher Championship I’m like that could

Potentially work with how they’ve been showcasing Lee specifically like having him on this very women’s heavy tournament heavy episode still being featured like they’re making an emphasis to be like he’s won seven matches in a row we’re featuring him he’s getting better all these things if they do him

And Ethan Paige with Ethan Paige winning for a shot at Kyle I think this could work out pretty well I agree excite heavyweight world champion uh e over okay might have sent somebody here on this podcast a very nice DM for their birthday what a guy just a a what

A gem like I’m like just give this guy the championship Tony KH I’m TI just rooting for him for he’s he’s bias you guys I don’t care I love eat the page he’s awesome forever baby face and hour books but legitimately also this story that they’ve been telling with Ethan

Pagee of him like going back to his daughters not having gold right and it being as much about the family as it is about uh the championship itself like they got to pay that off you cannot do weeks of building that and just having it go nowhere and also Kyle Fletcher is

Back he no longer has Visa issues why isn’t he in random tag team matches on rampage but him and D show it’s layers there are layers there are layers and speaking of layers we appreciate the layers of support that you guys give us if you could leave a thumbs up on this

Video feel free to get in your super chats if there’s anything specific you want to talk about regarding SuperCard of Honor or this episode uh we will keep you posted on what the heck is going to go on with the SuperCard post show but we got a couple weeks to get there and

We’ve got a little bit more episode left here in Ro world including this backstage it’s so funny because we go through like oh this tournament match we had this veteran versus this young upstar and then these evenly matched competitors blah blah blah blah blah and then we

Just get Johnny TV and Ty valky who have kidnapped Dalton Castle’s boys and lost them and they’re nervous because bears were involved like what a world professional wrestling is uh dton Castle interrupts from the other side of the makeshift wall which popped me tremendous me tremendously uh tyia Valkyrie listen

T the fact that you look so good tonight and the fact that you like have made all of these incredible Health strides she posts pictures she looks wonderful and she’s very charismatic and I know Johnny loves her but that is never never going to make up for the fact that they

Kidnapped and lost the boys okay they did I love her I respect her as a performer but they kidnapped the boys and they lost the boys okay and now there’s Bears involved and dton Castle is rightfully epiplectic because and Ty can’t even tell you what type of bear it

Is she’s like I don’t know where in Canada is it a black bear is it a polar bear I don’t know she doesn’t even know what kind of bears might have gotten at Dalton and his boys they have all these supplementary boys all these WN to be

Boys out the side there’s like four of them but they’re not the boys uh Dalton just incredible in this as always so much fun there’s no really elaborating on what happened there it’s so funny though Dalton just just missive of these replacement boys saying that single use

Boys that you throw out when you’re done single use boys that you throw out when you’re done is unintentionally the most hilarious and coldest line ever and Lexi just tells D like could you could you please stop interrupting all my interviews you’re throwing cheese out here you’re falling into road cases like

What is happening tons of chaos but Lexi continuing to do an incredible job in everything that she’s given absolutely hysterical I can only pray re can only hope that the boys come out at SuperCard of Honor healthy alive there to help do Castle uh everybody knows I’m a big Josh

Fan because I found out about him this year and nobody told me that there was ever a lumberjack in a WCW Battle Royale that was escorted into the ring by two bears who were so stoned they pissed the whole time down the ramp no one ever told me that which is ridiculous and

They didn’t tell me that he was uh WCW trios champ with zman and Dustin roads nobody informed me they just want to tell me about doink yeah so I’m hoping that those Bears can get resurrected and take the boys down to the ring there’s some big Josh knowledge for you I will

Shoehorn it into as many podcasts as I can I love this story I’m a sucker for it there’s some things in wrestling that are corny and not for me there are some things that are corny and wrestling and very much for me this falls into that

Category so hard I love it it is a blast are you having as much fun with this as I am re yes first of all I’m a big big Josh fan of course love the flannels what a guy like we have kind of similar style someone say me and big gosh and uh

Uh yeah no I thought this was tremendous I think that dton Castle was already spiraling he has been for a long time Johnny TV and T have been destroying his life for the last couple months but taking his boys and then losing them is like over the line I think like Tai Ty

And Johnny are gonna like they gotta pay for this they gotta face like wrestler court or like yeah something has to happen off the backs of this because that’s pretty rude but if this does end with the bear that they’re talking about being bear Bronson from the iron Savages

Then maybe we could talk about this that’s not a bad call if it’s the bear bro the iron Savages I don’t hate that at all uh I think it’s one thing to be vindictive into steel boys I think it’s entirely another thing to be neglectful and lose boys and quite frankly I was

Expecting better yeah I was expecting better I thought they were GNA be you’re gonna babysit two boys and you’re not g to take responsibility and you’re just going to go and lose them like you got to something has to happen it feels like they’re very distracted filming Johnny

Loves Tai which you can catch every Wednesday um somebody clip that everybody will call me a Shell I don’t give [ __ ] I’m out here saying I would like more wrestling on a wrestling show and that’s controversial so I don’t give a why are you Shilling shows yeah because

I do a post show like I gotta be like hey this is the show I watch do you know why because Johnny loves T so that’s why but uh I’m delighted by this angle but uh I think they need to reflect and I think that they need to do better I think they

Need to do better they do uh Christopher Marino saying I need Dalton hunting in the woods for the boys here’s an idea we need leading into SuperCard we don’t have a ton of time but we do need some vignettes of like um missing person’s reports and all sorts of stuff like that

Don’t trying to Strongarm Lexi into some stuff like I need to see that for sure for sure we get uh our next women’s match not only is this a majority of women’s heavy wrestling show as we have four women’s matches on this but damn if they didn’t all deliver a heera versus Rachel

Ellering was a sight to see in my opinion I loved this match you’ve got Athena watching on at ringside uh really fun finish where we get a Brain Buster and she lands a katana kick and pins Rachel ellering for the win and we get Athena moving back up the ramp looking a

Little bit intimidated we’re starting to some cracks in the armor of our forever champ we saw her get a little bit intimidated by Nyla she’d a completely different challenge but with all this credibility behind her um I also loved in this when we had Rachel aling taking advantage of the distraction that Athena

Was there and just kneeing sheta in the spine so hard she’s really really found her groove here in Ro I felt like it took her a little bit to settle in but she assimilated really really nicely this match was great it Advanced the World title picture which makes me happy

Uh I I genuinely wonder if sheeta is going to be the one to defeat Athena because I feel like an RO Reign for Shea would be incredible my only concern with that is Athena also might need like a month off or so she’s been working constantly but things are really heated

Up on the aw women’s roster right now I want Athena in that mix but she cannot go up there with no plan so if she wins I need them to have something lined up for Athena she won women’s wrestler of the Year from the RO spot that is how

Damn good she is so uh I’m very excited for this match I think she probably retains I don’t think this is the payoff we get I think it’s gonna be a hell of a match commentary once again pointing out that in Athena’s kind of rookie season

In aew that sheeta did have a win over her so all Aces from me man I I really liked this what did you think yeah this is another one of those like if you didn’t know that sheeta is the MVP of this whole company um here she is on

Display there’s been a lot of fanf fair they had the star down a few weeks ago with her and Athena um they the two of these wrestlers Athena and sheeta have talked about wanting this match for a while now like pretty much every time they ask either one of them like hey

What’s a match you that’s kind of like in your grasp that you would want to do and they both say each other so for us to be able to get this I think it’s pretty important especially on Ring of Honor like I know a lot of people had

Reservations like they they kind of put this match together quickly could have been other people in the division but like historically super card of Honor has been kind of one of those shows where it’s like WrestleMania weekend so it’s like you get some other kind of flavors not the usual Ring of Honor

Thing you get some kind of super card of Honor like the name is real and so I think she definitely represents that if sheah I’ve said this so many times on this podcast is crazy if sheeta is the one to defeat Athena I’d be Allin I’d be

Very excited about it it would make a lot of sense what she represents of the division uh one of the best aw women’s champions of all time the MVP like I said most of her matches if not all are like great matches great displays she knows how to work she knows everything

About this company and shout out to Rachel ellering too playing a good you know second to to Shea and you know making her look great out here but this super card of Honor match I’m very excited about it shetha is showing some cracks like you said there was a a

Segment backstage segment later with Billy Starks and Lexi and Athena doesn’t she isn’t the Athena that we’ve been seeing for the last couple months she looks a little bit I don’t want to say worried because she’ll come after me but she looks like um I I don’t know something’s up

There but uh this match is going to be incredible they’re going to get time the crowd’s going to be insane because we’re going to be in there it’s some exciting stuff developing I like that they’re making sheeta a fixture even if just for a few weeks or whatever this is like

She’s the right move yeah I’m excited that they’re paying this off my only kind of thing about it is they’re doing the exact same thing in the men’s picture of like we teased This months ago we’re heating it up for right now but what things to heat up right I want

To see both of those matches so can’t really have my cake and eat it too but guys get in those super chats as we’re coming down the home stretch a little bit here and please leave a thumbs up on this video we’ve got the TNA post show

Coming up on the other side of this with a very tired but very happy Joel BR and Cresta star Joel went to the aw shows this week and got to see two title changes obviously with the main roster we’ll also remind you to subscribe to fightful the best $5 in the

Business you get so much not only do you get bi-weekly episodes of as gra City with re and Phil you also get all the Scoops in the game like Motor City Machine Guns contract being up could they be coming into aw to challenge whoever wins I hope so especially if

It’s a Young Bucks that could be really fun that would be a blast get me and Alex palowski as well doing alternative post shows to what is on the main channel for pretty much any aw or WWE pay-per-view except for NXT because we do that on the main so you get tons of

Added value behind there I always put over over Sean’s Q&A because he gets a lot of answers for you guys and he works really hard to get them and if he can’t he’ll tell you he at least asked and couldn’t get an answer very informative

A lot of kind of like hidden notes in a lot of those broadcasts so please check those out um tons and tons and tons of value behind the pay wall at fightful so we move along to this quick backstage with Diamante who grabs a mic from blackid there and just

Accepts The Challenge from earlier some good stuff here she said we’re going to be first in line for that title no matter who wins and I like that because they are focused on the title what they’re upset about is that Mercedes didn’t win the title not that she just

Lost to Billy Starks which is an easy direction to go because Billy’s so much younger right uh but I I kind of dug that that it’s like I don’t care who wins we’re going after that thing is pretty great and both of them can go

After it and both of them kind of have a a right to do that which do you think of our quick little backstage that we got there yeah I love that kind of the focus of Damonte and Kira’s backstage were like they it felt like they both needed

To get through each other to get to the championship the F Focus was still like I was in this uh television championship tournament and I want to get back to that Championship right after that whoever wins I want to beat them up but first I have to beat up this person it

Just felt like they’re like we’re doing with this with the purpose like yeah I want to beat up diamon yeah I want to beat up here but I’m trying to get to that championship at the end agreed agreed we got a really big question for Mark ler saying here’s a really huge

Question though when is regge doing a run in on sour grabs now I’m not gonna put reg on the spot but Alex flowski is out next week and I don’t know if I know anybody more sour than than Alex but I think the the runner up would probably

Be R so maybe we’ll work on something there maybe we’ll do a really weird positive Bizarro episode I don’t know I don’t know but uh we will definitely have sour grab City at some point for sure we move along to the most confusing match on the card I guess but not a bad

One not a bad one at all Matt sell versus TJ Crawford who is excellent he’s someone I’m a little bit more familiar with uh definitely worth checking out if you’re not as familiar with TJ Crawford’s work really nice combination here of Matt sidell’s agility and TJ Crawford’s strength this wasn’t a long

Match but I think you got to see a lot out of it in the time that we got but we got a big jumping knee from sidel who hits the Meteora from the top rope to go home on this a couple spots that I liked in this was that Sidell went to the

Surfboard submission very early I like when people are just like I’m here to put you away I’m not here to to to make the moment last I’m here to get the W just appreciate that uh and then I also liked when Sidell went for that Brain Buster but you got Crawford kicking out

At too he had a really nice suplex in this um good stuff from the limited time that we got here cidell getting win makes me wonder if next week we’re getting a four corner survival match and the winner of that goes on for the TV title or whatever formulaic things that

Have a little less excited about but this match was perfectly suitable Sidell is always a a great hand and nice to see TJ Crawford getting a a solid rep in any thoughts on this yeah not the you know nothing really wrong with this kind of in this like I said uh women’s title

Television title heavy show um Mass sidel has been on Ring of Honor program before he’s a face that people know he’s always good for a good little match like this and I thought TJ Crawford had a really strong showing mat Sidell is one of those Ring of Honor veterans that I

Think of always have a role like this but they need to get him into something kind of specific not just like this this was good nothing wrong with this but this was just like what’s the match we could just have on the show well mid El

Here let’s kind of put him over I’m not again not mad at it I thought it was fun but like let’s get something specific for Mida let’s get him in one of these T these Championship divisions that aren’t happening or are non-existent but yeah that’s what it kind of feels like

They’ve been building up wins for other people so they can have a championship number one contenders match or something we’ve seen a bunch of four corner survivals coming into this so I could see that happen but I really rather just see uh Ethan Paige and Lee Johnson go one-on-one for the number one

Contendership for kind Fletcher but we’ll see agreed agreed with you wholeheartedly on everything you said it’s also a little annoying when it’s like okay we got tial and Daniels on rampage and then we get San singles action here it’s like we know we know what’s going on you you always got to

Have pin eaters and people that are serviceable enough but uh I just prefer they work in one division that’s just a be thing but we move along to this really great Eddie Kingston promo it is not a secret that I love this man so much but this is why this is why we’re

In the locker room an emotional Eddie Kingston who just lost his Continental Title says that he got a call from former Ro champion and uh unapologetically his friend homicide and he basically says that homicide told him he hasn’t been himself the old Eddie would have gone to all of these maybe

Less honorable resorts to beat okata he would have been gouging people’s eyes out things like that and old Eddie uh needs to kind of resurface against Mark Brisco if he’s going to beat him and like he always just sneaks in these little lines of like uh like I don’t

Really care about my life but I care about yours even less pretty much what he says here and I’m just like God it’s like always casually life or death with Eddie Kingston um so accessible so real I figured once Eddie lost this title he’s probably going to keep losing and

I’m I’m assuming the down fall is going to lead to a a nice tweener into a heel turn for him but we are getting Mark Brisco versus Eddie Kingston and he says that Brisco better bring it because he won’t be held responsible for what he

Does to him uh I’m a huge fan of the guy he’s one of if not my complete favorite Talkers in the game he made me care about Jeff Jarrett which has literally never happened before like that’s how good this guy is right so uh I I loved

This promo I’m looking forward to him and Mark I think this promo did a good job of adding an extra layer of investment into that because conversely I feel like Mark Brisco is one of the easiest people in the world to root for this singles run has really shown me how

Much he can combine his style with somehow constantly being like this Underdog baby face and those things are usually uh a dissonance with each other so I’m very much looking forward to that match uh what did this Eddie Kingston promo do for you are you on the same as

Me where Eddie’s just the go yeah I’m uh nice Ed is cool I’ve been happy him like high-fiving fans doing interviews and his Tim boots at news stations and stuff but the reason that I’m a big huge Eddie Kingston fan the reason that I’m here is that Eddie

Kingston that didn’t give a [ __ ] Kate that Eddie Kingston that was angry that Eddie Kingston that’s spinning back fish you and then probably spit on you uh then leave to a DMX song like I’m ready for that guy to come back I think in character he’s been being too nice like

The character of Eddie Kingston historically has shown us that he don’t care about anything he don’t care about friends he don’t care about nothing he cares about being the best and I think recently he’s like his character has started to care and started to show these different emotions and started to

Establish these things which is great that he has a lot of fans behind him but like homicide said why you acting like a little [ __ ] Eddie Kingston you better get back to it you’re Eddie Kingston dude your Mentor will rip somebody’s eye out you’re talking a homicide he do he’s

Not here for you to be nice he didn’t teach you to get respect and have nice and Shake Hands he taught you to rip people’s heads off and I’m glad that Eddie Kingston is back to that there’s people that are not going to root against Eddie Kingston at this point

Kate they feel like you do they feel like I do they were like we love this guy but if you can try to if you want to attempt to I think Mark Brisco is probably like the best opponent to have any he could Garner sympathy from

Anybody and the story and the history of Mark Brisco you start telling that you get Ed Kingston acting like an [ __ ] it’s a pretty good combination of things so I’m excited about this match Eddie Kingston this uh it’s kind of a tale as old as time this guy he’s on a streak he

Has all these Championship he has all these wins that he starts to slowly lose them starts to slowly lose grip of who he was who he is and he has to go back to his old ways that’s the story we’re telling here I’m all in you’re right I don’t think that

Homicide gives a [ __ ] about Brian danielson’s respect right like I love that the downfall of Eddie Kingston will be a return to where he was at stylistically and just this mental shift like those are always such natural heel turns and nobody is more natural than Eddie Kingston I am one of those people

That will root Freddie Kingston till the end of the Earth and the reason I know that is because he tried to light a man on fire and I fell in love with him so uh if I cheered him harder when he tried to set somebody on fire like my heart

Went a flutter like I fell in love with him so if you’re setting a man on fire and threatening to set Brian Daniel sit on fire who is some that I love and respect more the most people in this industry and I’m still in love with you

It’s hopeless it’s hopeless for me I admit it I hear I’m accept what I am and I’m an Kingston s that’s just who I am it feels good to own it in this moment so we are headed into our main event guys any last call for super chats like

Shame monster who chimes in and says honor Club Venus in full effect Mina since coming back from that gnarly mouth injury last year has been amazing she’s stardom’s big crossover star now let’s talk about this because there were plenty of people myself included who said when we had forbidden door where is

The stardom crossover Talent like and the excuse at that point was well we’re running pay-per-views the same day certainly seems based on some gifts that Tony Khan sent out and some rumors out there that there was not a good working relationship between rossie and Tony KH

I don’t know if that was an attempts that were not meant to book talent but Rossi is now creating his own promotion and the second that that happens all of a sudden we’re getting a stardom cross over here right so um it seems like there was some very specific contentious uh relationship that

Prevented that from happening that’s become extremely transparent now uh to whatever side you choose we’re tribalists God bless you I’m just excited that the Forbidden door has now expanded into stardom worlds because we do get this incredible match between Mina and Anna and I feel like this is

The best that Anna has looked in a while too I I really liked the rep that she got here anna Jay is someone I’ve noticed in particular when she gets consistent rep she’s a lot better than when she’s just kind of booked every six weeks or whatever like reps are

Something that’s important to her she’s still pretty young at this like she’s she’s been there since the start of aw but like she’s she’s young in her career still and I it’s nice to see a match like this pop off screen both of them with so much Charisma we get the tribute

Dance from Mina here on the entrance crowd is hyped for this how can’t you be when you see these two in action um but we got a drop kick from the top rope uh which stuns Anna J and sets up the finisher here anna J taking advantage of

The show but from Mina which was really fun and she locks in a sleeper that looked great but playing posum we get Mina dragging an A J to the ground and quickly flipping her for a pin I love how much we got that made Anna Jay look

So strong in this where Mina already looked great like we already knew what she was capable of I don’t even follow startup that much and I know that she’s like one of the bigger talents that is there um this was a really really fun Main Event I’m glad that they made made

It feel like a m event I’m glad that women’s wrestling is thriving in Ro uh and I’m glad for Anna J because she looked really really strong in this and I figured uh this was going to be a lot more one-sided than it was but the way

That it this match was agented really gave both of them a lot to dig into loved this loved this being in the main event Lov this feeling important love another interpromotional door being opened we see you Rocky Romero you’re doing the Lord’s work you are out there creating relationships all over the

Place and then having bangers with teesa on rampage that dude one of the most valuable people in wrestling but really fun main event here R your thoughts on what we got yeah I think that couple of things that you described about Anna Jay here like you said she’s been here from

The beginning there’s a couple of women in Anna J’s type uh position like Penelope Anna J some wrestlers back there that would benefit greatly from doing an Excursion and going going overseas to Japan to a place like stardom and just having a couple months where they just lock into that schedule

Lock into that type of run where those Japanese women will run you to the ground but when you come out on the other side you’re an incredible women’s wrestler I think Anna J has improved tremendously every time that we see her she’s getting better I know that she’s

Like constantly working at this and I thought the match today kind of showed that this is a perfect kind of display of like we’re about to Showcase Mina but we need somebody on our Rock that could keep up and I thought that Anna really kept up Mina looked awesome though she

Came out her entrance she danced she had the full gear she looked like a a superstar there’s a certain time where people come and you’re like okay like a video package or something tell us who this person is but would you see him and you’re like oh that looks like a

Superstar I want to know more oh no I’m bringing it to the show K don’t you like to better when you weren’t here how dare you that’s but there some people when you just see them and they’re like it doesn’t matter they look awesome and I thought that her entrance and display of

That was great but then she got in the ring and like oh this is why she’s considered one of stardom’s best this is why she considered one of the best Japanese women’s wrestler just because everything she does looks awesome her strikes look awesome her uh distance and

Spacing the way that her facials the way that she works her finish everything about it was just like oh this is a big time Japanese women’s wrestler um but more than that we hope that this means more for the partnership we hope that forbidden door three features some of

These Japanese stardom wrestler cuz that’s the only thing that’s really been missing from forbidden door is that Japanese women’s representation and it feels like we’ve been getting this I didn’t get to talk about red velvet and queen amanada red velvet showed me that I want her to be one of the first

Opponents of we haven’t talked about on this podcast because I’ve been out for a few weeks Mercedes Monae the way that red velvet was working today I was like oh my go the match with Mercedes is going to be insane they both have this kind of like like we talked about a

Little bit red bell she’s kind of toned it down but this like balls to the wall but still like the way that she like her body movements and the way that she’s in the ring and are spacing and timing very similar to Mercedes and I think that if

These two women are given a time and a big match and some things that’s going to be insane but Mercedes bringing all this fanf fair and this representation cuz essentially stardom and New Japan were like we’ll be friends with you aw because we want to be in the Mercedes

Business like anything we have to do to be friends with somebody that’s friends with Mercedes will do it and I think that’s really exciting for the women’s division you know you raised a good point with forbidden door and Mercedes pushing this Global Revolution so much right that’s been uh from the two things

That we’ve seen from Mercedes a huge emphasis on that and I think that’s awesome I would love to see some of the cmll talent in there as well huge Stephanie vure fan huge uh Johnny Robbie fan big time I can’t wait till she’s back from injury it’s going to make my

Heart saying what an what an ass kicker uh so I would love to see all of that get mixed in Mercedes versus Stephanie vur is how I found out about Steph and that was my favorite match of that tournament up until the Willow and Mercedes match which of course ended in

The injury so uh very much looking forward to the possibilities the idea of the red velvet match something I would have been excited about before this episode of R but seeing the counter wrestling that we got with velvet today counters even more so because I think Mercedes

Um She’s So cerebral in her approach and a lot of times one of her biggest strengths in my opinion is how she approaches opponents that are bigger than her with like the the sneaky knees to the back and all of those things uh Mercedes picking on someone her own size

And kind of in her own world stylistically I think would be a blast and not an opportunity that she gets a lot so exactly that could be really really cool that could be really really cool well we’ve got a couple minutes before the TNA crew comes on and I don’t

Have my Mad Libs out but there’s still plenty to talk about if you guys want to get in any chats to round us out feel free to otherwise re and I are just GNA be us on air for a little bit but there’s a ton to talk about um we can

Flip it over to the aw side a little bit since that is the parent brand of Ro we see this Tag Tournament going on we’re seeing that the work Horsemen were supposed to be in it unfortun Anthony Henry with the broken jaw from the great match with Brian Keith just an

Unfortunate accident that happened there but our friends in the Infantry who we love so much getting some main roster Shine the huge upset on collision Trisha Dora kind of playing this um cohesive I was gonna say counter story but they they really work in the same world in

Her match against Julia where she said if I win goofballs are banned from ringside on on the house of black side of things uh I’m very excited for the Infantry I was not a fan at all of the way that that match was booked I think yeah and

It it I felt like um not to be too negative but I felt like everybody came out the weaker for it felt very much not like who Mark Brisco is I think it made the Infantry look bad and it made buddy Matthews look kind of dumb quite frankly

I don’t like that uh that spot the mark Brisco spot in general at anytime where the guy runs it he’s feuding with some body that he runs in and especially in a tournament especially in a tournament however I love tournament upsets nobody deserves it more than the Infantry the

Promo that they gave after of like we come from the military to W’s W and it might be ugly but we’re gonna take it I thought was really good stuff now they have FTR next week I have no idea why uh the Blackpool combat Club is not in this

Tournament after getting this huge win over FDR it is very very very odd to me I know because of fightful what John Moxley is up to but uh it kind of leaves the door open for an upset with FTR like if the Infantry wins and

FTR is like man we’ve had two monster losses in a row that could send them on a a fun trajectory I love them I prefer them working heel I think just because Dax is so old school that I love his mentality around being a heel bullet

Club is kind of not bullet Club this the second time I did that Blackpool combat Club is kind of leaning toward face right now they’re so versatile they flip back and forth all the time but if MOX is gon to be out working cmll and New

Japan and all these things I I feel like a heel FTR might be kind of fun maybe they don’t want that with the bucks but they’re such different types of heels that I think that could could be a fun way to go but do you think that the

Infantry is going to go further in this tournament than maybe everybody was expecting he the the FTR going Hill against the Young Bucks thing sent my brain into a spiral I’m like yeah that’s probably not going to work yeah I’m super interested to see what they kind of do with this match

Because like you said it does set up a an upset scenario I think coming into this especially after that match people are like oh these are underdogs it’s the Infantry I hope they don’t go with that same kind of format in the FTR match I hope they figure out a better way to

Execute if they do do it but it is exciting to see the Infantry in this position I love the everything that they’ve been given kind of since being moved up to Collision kind of like an extra effort of like these guys are on Ring of Honor now they’re up here now

They’re in the tournament they could they’re they’re going to be you know a good addition for this I think it’s really cool for them what did you think we’re on the Ring of Honor show The Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions are in this in this ring aew tag team championship

Tournament I’m still like what anywhere but on the program anywhere on the freaking program and the whole reason we wanted the kingdom to win was because they were working Ro to put in the effort on this brand finally and it is it’s a it’s a ribon r

It really is so I’m with you on that like it it’s very frustrating to me to see moves like that and it also feels like we’ve made so much progress and then we have things like that you know it it it becomes frustrating after a

While to to have that oh man I thought I had your funny guy Tony KH clip in here but I guess it got deleted been out been a while that’s upsetting I’m going to need to bring that back I’m going to need to bring that back but one person

That we’re going to bring back right now is Joel Pearl hi Joel Joel is muted can’t hear you Joel is muted he’s looking fresh with his hair hey you’re there but you’re very faint and choppy you’re there oh I’m here how about now yeah there he is I

Didn’t even see re’s righteous re media man sign behind there that’s me there it’s always there I’m always there I love it Joel how are you well you know I just watched TNA so there’s that that did happen that is a thing that is a thing that happened like there was some

Good stuff on there my homeboy I need more for him Jake Something’s Gonna challenge Mustafa Ali for the ex division championship very excited about that that was probably the match of the night and then the rest of the show happened Joel we got a lot to talk

About we got to have a full podcast honestly on what’s going on over there we do we’re going to we we’re going to talk a lot about it brother we’ve got Motor City Machine Guns leaving but you have GV around which is great I love those guys losing

Motor City Machine Guns both of those super important to this brand wrestlers is like yo by the way for those who are wondering were they’re booked the night after TNA Rebellion London Ontario for smash wrestling so they’re going to be in my my backyard you should go shake them

Down what’s going on yeah tot Shelly Works uh one of the Lucha shows nearby every month it seems in Toronto so I should go ask him what’s going on also good to know because that’s another person that we could have just punch you in the face but uh Joel since

We are the RO show and you uh watched all of the RO that you you watched all of the RO that we’re talking about you also went to a hell of a a dynamite and a collision taping so uh I know you popped on the main channel to talk about

Your experience yesterday was that just yesterday yesterday that was just yesterday five minutes we didn’t you must be exhausted but uh that is how how was aw and the only thing when you get a really hot aw episode where there’s an RO taping is everybody’s exhausted by

The time you get to the RO taping like two title changes and then here’s more matches doesn’t really click in but how did you have a good time I know you had quite quite the exhausting journey to it but was it worth it so they didn’t tape

Ring of Honor afterwards this time since they did three hours right so because they did this is the best part so I’m sitting with some people who are with aw and I said do you guys usually know for sure if you’re doing Ro afterwards and they

Were like yeah most of the time but like we’ve had it sprung on us before so I’m sitting there and they’re like ladies and gentlemen Tony Khan is back and he comes out I’m like oh my God he’s about to say more Ring of Honor and everyone

Around me’s like no no they didn’t do that they did they did about an hour of Ring of Honor tapings beforehand and that was fine they did the bulk of the tapings at Collision in Ottawa where I also went Mak so yeah they did two matches before that was the the two

Semi-final matches for the women’s TV title they taped those before Collision went live and then they did a full hour of taping afterwards so I I don’t know all the matches you got to see so I don’t want to spoil anything but uh yeah there was there was a lot out there yeah

You definitely had more matches than we watched tonight because we only had an hour uh an hour nine I think an hour 19 maybe but yeah I think it was an hour nine did Uno have a match tonight no okay so you’ll see that next couple of

Weeks then but you saw him at mystery wrestling so keep an eye out for that interview but we’re going to bring on the wonderful Cresta as who is mid bite that was dirty I I don’t I did not mean to bring you on Mid bite I’m not like a waiter at a

Restaurant who tries to be like how is your food when you’re in mid bite I’m sorry unbelievable Crest are you going to be at WrestleMania weekend I am I do not have tickets I will be fighting people in the parking lot for their tickets so if you see me as a proverbial

Kid say run to set so got you got let what’s up uh give me your ticket I don’t want to fight you I just want to like a hug I realize look though what I love about Cresta she booked a match with Stak she said I’m taking your WrestleMania ticket you’re on the

Line parking lot for the tickets I like that I respect that about you I mean honestly if you don’t got a match at WrestleMania why you going out I got a match cr’s got a match we’re g to get on the pre-show it’s gonna happen but reg and I will sneak

Out of here we’ll let you get to your TNA show as much as I would love to prolong Joel being awake for as long as possible oh it’s a two-way street me and Joel are so tired we’re highing sleep we are the old we are the old crew

Is what we are listen part of what I love about Ring of Honor is I’m done by 10 o’clock we’re usually starting post shows then so we’re out of here we G to baby face this [ __ ] we’re gonna let you guys get to work and get out of here

Early peace y’all see you guys night crust the star how are you what’s up I am I am here I may be tired the spirits may be low but the energy is high so here I am we said the exact same [ __ ] last week listen I mean to be fair I love

Wrestling but I have a muggle job where I work a lot of the week so by the time it is Thursday yesterday is my Friday at my job so today I’m like yeah I want to sleep but also I got to do my makeup and

Also I do other Crest the star stuff and also I’m tired and also I gotta get up early tomorrow also I’m tired it just gets more depressing if you say it out loud serious you’re doing it you’re doing all the things but you’re also running all around I know the feels it’s

All good you do what you got to do until you don’t have to do it anymore yes and then when you do it some more you get through it again shall we I am ready I will say before we switch over I have taken the John Cena quote to

Heart when John Cena was talking to Triple H and Shawn Michaels and he’s like man you guys get to have all the fun it’s like yeah you’re doing the important stuff now and in a couple of years you’ll get to have fun and that’s where I’m at I got to do the importance

I’m John Cena that’s that’s in my mind I’m John Cena make it a Hello friends we’re back again it’s I am atel Pearl and it’s March 21st 2024 and it’s time for your TNA Impact post show of course with me forever though you can’t see her she’s

Here cresa star how are you I’m John Cena who is this CA star CA star Cena the Cresta Mark and Cena star joh star Crest Cena it’s the invisible tag team no one will ever see it coming quite literally thank you that’s my time how

Are you Joel I’m here I’m present I am getting through it I’ve had a very busy few weeks but here we are we’re talking TNA Wrestling as we do every single week Thursday nights here on and of course you can leave us a thumbs up on the video if you haven’t already

What’s wrong with you why aren’t you doing it go go do it now and of course subscribe to us here on the channel fiful and while you’re at it donate a Super Chat any man get your question or statement read on the air and on top of that you can donate a

Humper chat Humper is where you do it cresa star is gonna explain to you how you do it and why so you take your fingers or your thumbs if you’re on your smartphone or your tablet or if you got big hands and your Shaquille O’Neal

You’re going to go to Humper we get to keep a little bit more of that donation piece and you get to put your comment like hey Joel what did you think of the PCO match Joel and I will have a yuck yuck or a very thoughtful insightful moment we’re happy the lights

Get kept on Sean Rossa is Happy Humper Bing we’re back and of course FAL we’ll talk about that a little bit later there’s plenty to talk about TNA Impact this episode Cresta it wasn’t my favorite it was fine it it’s one of those middle of the roads

Because we are middle of the road on routes to Rebellion Rebellion is a month away from yesterday rebellion’s on 420 we know a few matches we’ve added one more but this show just existed what did you think of overall tonight’s TNA Impact I mean it makes

Sense sorry um gas in my stomach tried to betray me it tried to betray me it tried to betray me I didn’t want you to get it on audio um no I was thinking like it does make sense because we just had two pay-per-views or Live Events

Back to back so this being so far out okay last week we had a promo heavy show tonight was kind of like a promo heavy getting back into the swing of things I also realized I will be out in Dynasty during this show that’s fine Stephen Jensen and I

Will do it I mean I’ll bring my laptop I’ll do a running B God it’s CR the started oh is the 21st I’m gonna be out there already well you’re gonna go to Collision in Peoria Illinois no but like I’m not flying out to St Louis for one day

Like that’s a little that’s that’s Madness well maybe you should be doing your job better cresa Star you know what Sean rosat doesn’t complain Sean Rosa does his job so he’s not complaining about mine next qu no no further questions when you’re the biggest heel in the business okay I’m

Not taking this crap well there you go t Rebellion it’ll be myself and Stephen Jensen that night cesa star will be on location at an aw pay-per-view because she’s the collider so she has to do that I didn’t I didn’t show up on your Collision post show because Ring of

Honor decided that they wanted to tape 20 hours of of of footage that night so I couldn’t say hi I’m sorry it’s okay we love you and we respect you and you tried you may be the biggest heal in the business but also the biggest heart

That’s true you know who else has a big heart Jake something the new number one Contender for the ex division championship he won the Rebellion referendum it was a six-pack challenge Jake sumpton defeats Leon Slater making his North American TNA debut Chris Bay Allen Angels Jason hotch and Kevin

Knight this match was a lot of fun I love Alon commentary I love that he gets to come out here and says whoa whoa whoa Jake something’s too big there has to be some sort of limit here and that gives the commentary team an excuse to say no

Ali don’t you know the X division isn’t about weight limits it’s about No Limits and Ali replies you can’t have a World Without Limits and I’m just dying I thought that was a really funny and silly exchange this match was fine this match was a really good six-pack

Challenge it was a Sprint to the finish something gets the win Mustafa Ali is not happy but that’s the match for Rebellion something in Ali what do you think of the the Rebellion referendum honestly I do thoroughly enjoy this character that Ali has right now and to

Think they wouldn’t let him do this elsewhere H clowns if you ask me anyway this is so funny how no matter what happened in the ring he was all like yes that’s cool at all but who put this together Ali right yeah yeah me love me

Look at me for I hear what you’re saying but take a second to admire me I’m like bro this is the best word okay this is the worst best like I live for it and him being thoroughly upset at Jake something who by the way needed three

Men to finally get him down and one guy was on his shoulder back for like the majority of the tag team disgusting I want Jake something to win I think he’s gonna get cheated out his boots but that’s okay I think it’s fine because Ali is given I’m a big old

Cheater and what what presidential candidate isn’t a slimy cheater I mean sorry I know man all politicians suck that’s really the the gist of Musta Al’s character I live I I honestly live at this point all he’s missing is the and I need $50 million for a real

Road give that man a mustache immediately please please please no wait wait I don’t know I I’d have to see it I’d have to see it I’d have to see it we’ll see how it looks uh Leon Slater like I said making his TNA North American debut look great I look forward

To seeing more Leon Slater I know a few weeks ago someone was asking on this show Hey where’s Leon Slater and I was like no keep an eye open he’ll be there soon and he was in Windsor he did this the show uh I don’t know for sure if

He’s working the Philly tapings that are this weekend maybe next weekend my brain is frazzled so you’re all going to have to be just deal with that either way launches himself over the top rope ring post does Leon Slater right onto Chris Bay and Allen Angels but really it’s

Jake something with a Sprint to the Finish hitting Jason hotch with into the void gets that win and it’s looking forward to Jake something at this point it’s his time this is a standout opportunity for something who at Hard to Kill the last time TNA was in Vegas was

Just you know in a random six-man where he got to team with Rhino and and Tommy Dreamer was it oh no girl you know I watch that match right along with you and I couldn’t tell you it wasn’t dreamer it wasn’t dreamer it was PCO it’s PCO because Tommy Dreamer was having the

Digital media championship match against crazy Steve okay I have two questions for you one I remember you I think you have a beef with Windsor Ontario and tonight they said that this is Detroit’s Dumber cousin and I wanted to know if you agreed with that yeah no no it’s it’s

Factual all right two How likely do you think it is because of the way Ali was complaining tonight and maybe this is me just booking myself into an oblivion with how much Ali was complaining tonight do you see him saying now I’m going to option see it I’m not fighting

Nobody’s Jake something you got you got me clipped come again sorry Ali saying hey I’m not going I’m gonna go find my smile I’m not gonna go fight Jake something so I’m gonna option C and y’all can have a tournament for this no I think he’ll do

The match and he’ll either win slide out beat something and then cash it in later that night as option C or lose and then go after whoever wins the TNA World Championship that night I just think it’s too soon for him to lose I I really

Do like this character and to me him sliding or being a grease ball out of it is kind of like oh you piece of crap I respect it that’s kind of what I want is for him to win the ex division champ like to to retain the title and then

Later on in the night Nick nemith wins the big one beats the system comes out Cashes in option C that slimy Victory and then the exhivision championship is you know to be decided at H maybe at slam aniversary but you’ve got three months at that point to tell that story

If I’m take something and that happens after I lose to Ali and then you cash it in I’m going to be mad and I’m going to make it my mission to make your life a living hell that’s fair speaking of life that’s a living hell dirty dang goes in

There it’s got a aazebo that he wants people to sit in but there’s cat poop everywhere I thought I say cat food but I thought it was cat food too and then it sounded like cat poop I think you are probably a lot more right than I we’re gonna have a little experiment

Dango said that the largest check he ever received in wrestling is when he is he used it to buy a Range Rover okay what check do you think that was do you have a do I think I know which which match and which check that would have

Been I’m going to be real with you while I am not sure because I started watching in 2018 specifically money in the bank for real I feel like this was a fashion police situation and a WrestleMania situation I have to sneeze so I’m GNA mute WrestleMania 33 his debut against Chris

Jericho and I will ask him if I ever come across dirty Dango which check is the Range Rover check and I think it’s 33 because he was built for a big one I think it’s the Jericho match so if I see him at Mania I’m stealing your question

I’m just going to hit him with the George I’m stilling George Ice’s gimmick I’m every like hey a CR St here for fightful just want to know um what check exactly it was that you uh was able to bu this Range Rover we’re going to take this question right now thank you very

Much Dango is not going to be a WrestleMania weekend for that you know I had to try and besides hold on we’re dirt sheets and he says that dirt sheets won’t talk to him so he doesn’t know what his Match ratings are so clearly living up to the hype and I listen I’m

Trying to go to his wrestling school so after the I am a dirt sheet in fact I’m so dirty I’m I want to make a peanuts joke but I don’t know if y’all know who pigpen is and I feel like it’s gonna make me sound really old oh no that’s

That’s great I love it when you use peanuts reference did you know that Snoopy will become part of the public domain in like 2052 I did not today I learned I’ve been learning a lot today yeah the Hundred Year Rule and then that set me down a

Weird Rabbit Hole anyway I love that they were doing the typewriter stick right so they do the typewriter where they ask the question and then the one that pops up is you seem exceptionally upset about your recent failures I’m like wow that is the most that’s Point yeah that’s wild anyway

Dango’s like no no no you don’t understand my shoelaces were on tied that’s why Josh Alexander beat me and then like he said he called Windsor Detroit’s stupid cousin factual and then he says Dango I I get up and I excel and I do all these things every single day

But nobody cares because I’m not having five star matches and then he calls out o like prudius and O like prudius walks out on dirty Dango so that’s a thing that we’re about to see when weeks ago cresa star we were talking about Ole frutus and dirty Dango tag teaming to

The point where they could be Champions what happened oh how booking is fleeting I tell you who did sit down who did sit down alpha bravo of course man knows where his toast is buttered exactly floor with the cat poop I mean I’m gonna try to make a Canadian and relate he

Knows where his poutine is graved so where I was last weekend that’s where Putin was hey I don’t know what that means hey I was in Backwoods Quebec it was very strange shout out to evaluna mystery wrestling was a lot of fun it looks fun I’m sorry I saw your

Picture on Twitter it looked so much fun I’m jealous it’s great it’s legitimately a bingo hul that they run in Bingo yeah Bingo yeah you never know who’s gonna walk through mystery wrestling doors but it’s good uh and then all of a sudden you never know

Who’s gonna walk out when Cody deer is like hey uh I’m a big old failure ien been myself because I’m just a big old failure and then he’s like I’m gonna blame myself for that and this Cresta is the beginning of motivational speaker yesman Cody dener every choice deer makes is now the

People’s Choice people if you are listening I need a favor do the most asine thing you can think of anytime Cody deer leads the crowd just do it do it and and up one up it if he tells you I’m GNA go left say go left and then take another left just

Because really make deer work for it I feel like now again call me a Jabron if you will but I feel like didn’t some wrestling promotion try to do this on like Sundays or Tuesdays where people would vote on the internet for what they like these wrestlers type of matches

They should have and they did and it was cool for a hot second until it got real weird real fast I mean everything gets real weird real fast in wrestling that’s fair that is a fair answer I don’t know why I was not expecting that answer but that is a fair

One um yeah I mean we we’ve had a people’s champ it’s cool and all but what you going to do I mean like I as a wrestling fan myself I often call myself on either this show or the postcollision show with Ry and Rick got to give myself

A cheap plug they good a dirty flipflop like the flip-flop you wear in the street to the beach one moment I hate you next moment you’re the greatest restaurant on the planet if you’ve been watching us since the beginning my opinion on Eddie Edwards especially in this iteration has changed completely

Sometimes it takes as while for you to get it that being said don’t let these wrestling fans tell you what to do I I I I seen Keith Lee slap a man’s nipple off you know don’t die I wouldn’t do it I I respect it but these wrestling fans

Is weird I would not only do it I’d encourage it nothing bad can happen if wrestling fans get to decide what you do next hell they made the great choice when GV comes out and they’re like no you don’t get to do this and then of course Dina’s like should I leave the

Ring and everyone’s like no you just stay to get your ass beat fans don’t care about Diner and then this is gonna just cause Dina go crazy again I’m all for it but I do enjoy for those who don’t know deer is legitimately a motivational speaker in his off time he

Speaks to school yes he speaks to school age kids he does legitimately do that and if he’s gonna use some of that to put it into his act I’m not against it it could be a little over the top and maybe even a little hokey but at least

It’s something familiar and on top of that he’s got a great podcast so it’s win-win right I agree no I think him the whole motiv motivational speaker it does lean into the character that is Cody dinner so let’s take it for like the past couple of months no past three

Years one moment you were out drinking beer with cousin Jake cousin Jake disappears you get kidnapped by Eric Young you’re brainwashed eating a pin you kill Eric Young you’re now the leader of the design the design fails and now you’re like well I’m finally free of whatever Stockholm Syndrome that

Was bothering me I can talk about it and it was because I was too much in control of my own way to really it it’s a compelling story in theory I think it’s one of those High concept gimmicks that you really have to think about and I

Think if he executes it which I absolutely believe he can maybe I’m thinking too much into it but I think it’s something that’s doable it’s believable cuz who better than to tell you about motivation and seeing your through then somebody who literally got kidnapped and then killed their

Kidnapper and then that kidnapper came back back to life and beat him up that’s that’s a mouthful this all turns into grizzled Young Veterans versus time Splitters I like Tom hannahan mentioning that GV versus time Splitters was a match in NXT four years ago so nice little call back

There match is good the problem is the there’s no no reason for this to exist right now because we know what the tag title match is for rebellion and GV versus timeit what do you T GV versus Motor City Machine Guns sure GV would get the win because Motor City Machine

Guns are not going to be at the next tapings it’s very strange I don’t know what they’re going to do with it regardless I like that they’re cutting off the ring are the time Splitters they’re doing that really well with James Drake kushida gets the hoverboard

Later on gets the win and then shell and kushida hug it out and everything we talked about for the last few weeks once again Cresta star null and void you know I don’t think that cuz they did mention in the beginning how Shel was disinterested in tagging in

Kashida he was kind of beginning like and commentary was like well they’re on the same page oh maybe I spoke too soon I think Shell’s playing a long game we don’t like gyv right now they hugged it out they hugged it up and looked at each other longingly they’re P Pals

Again every time time someone says something about that in wrestling all I could think of is I love you I’m sorry super kick no what you know what are you talking about that has absolutely nothing to do with this I they could hug I’m saying they could hug but that means

Nothing this professional wrestling bro I’m hugging you because we got to get this over with and done with and the moment you piss me off one more G khaita especially you who threw in the towel oh I’m kicked right to the Nugget right to the Nugget I think they’re friends again and

I think they realize their contracts are up I mean I would like let me live in my dulu dulu is the culu I would like to believe that there’s a heel Shelly there’s a heel machine guns and maybe you get kashida and Kevin Knight versus Motor City Machine Guns because that match would

Slap and it wouldn’t have to be for the titles and you give the tag team something to do Fair we got super chats of course you can donate one any amount get your question or statement r on the air Jonna says they need to do something about the Reflection from the tunnel

Lights because the streaks were distracting me their production needs Improvement well they had their production improvements it was mostly software the new set is very simple and I think there’s a reason for that it’s cost effective it’s giant video board and the the the same you know octagonal

Or hexagonal entrance that it’s a play on what they used to do in the Impact Zone I think it’s fine I do agree that they can tighten up certain shots it’s not as distracting to me I don’t know how about how about you I’m very Sports entertained I don’t

Unfortunately notice stuff like that unless it’s like really really bad but at this point I’ve been watching TNA long enough to feel like that is a feature not a bug not a defect like TNA will give you 99% but there’s always that 1% whether it’s their fault or not

And tonight they had 98% maybe it was that production that I missed it but there’s always that one fan who’s like I’m part of this show shout out to that kid because I wish I was you cuz you was in it you was in it tonight I wish I was

You we’re backstage Tom hanavan with Alexander Hammerstone Hammerstone said he had to his TNA try out his debut on explosion in 2018 and then he decided to go make a name for himself all across the world became a big fish in a small pond he’s talking about mlw and then

Says I came in a hard to kill as a free agent wanted to take on the guy in TNA and he was confident about it and then hanin’s like yeah but LOL you lost and you suck and Hammerstone was like no no I I actually won because Josh Alexander

Was down and he rolled out of the ring so technically I won I’m thinking to myself that that’s that’s one heck of a way to explain it and then he says a sacrifice I went low I was the smarter man that night and I took something with

Me that’s the headgear to remind Josh that this is his loss and if he wants to do it again he’ll beat the hell out of Josh Alexander looks like we’re going for a third match cestal what do you think of this segment I don’t know something about the way that that

Hammeron was delivering this was very Steiner esque like screw you Josh Alexander I hate you so much I took your stupid little headgear and now I’m the best but you tapped well no cuz technically he rolled out the ring the first time cuz he he already knows he

Lost so he wasn’t even gonna try so the second I was like yo I kind of live I kind of live I really do I think hamon is an amazing addition I’m holding out as good as this match is going to be Hammer sto versus Jake something is the

Dream cause that I don’t want no 30 minute classic oh you didn’t get one out of this match digital media Championship crazy Steve retains against PCO I in my notes it just says just two freaks getting freaky this is TNA’s version of Spooky dad and his son and since sting retired

PCO is a supreme spooky dad and then spooky middle son KH comes out gets involved with his weapons toss him into the ring PCO goes after middle- AG son con instead of finishing crazy Steve KH sides slams PCO spine first onto the chair set up on the outside and PCO gets

Rolled up by Crazy Steve the crazy son beats crazy old dad and middle-aged son watches on I mean what I don’t understand the most about this is Khan you lost you could you couldn’t wait you couldn’t wait I mean I guess but at the same time it’s kind of

Like P would have gotten stabbed with a fork anyway so I respect crazy Steve for saying every time he steps in the ring he’s going to defend his title check off’s chairs get you again baby you can’t set them up and think nothing’s gonna happen

Also I don’t know I feel like you should have thrown the match out what’s KH started throwing stuff in the ring I maybe I’d be a terrible ref I’d be a terrible ref I got one HP and I think I’m sorry you’re thinking too much although

It’s more like listen you can toss the stuff into the ring but the second you start to use it that’s when you do the disqualification yeah yeah like I said that’d be a terrible rough I I’m the person distracted the rough I’m Alicia Edwards I’m like Oh my ankle you’re not

In this match oh but ref please oh oh okay I can find Walk look at some miracle I can walk to so you’re the distraction I wouldn’t wouldn’t call it a distraction I would say a um a timely injury yeah all right I’ll let that go

I’m not even gonna push back at this point dekay and MK Ultra end up backstage dekay’s like hey look we got contractually obligated rematches and I’m like okay and then MK Ultra show up and they’re like oh LOL so do we and I’m like it’s also true we just saw them

Last night or sorry last week I should say when MK Ultra and dekay came out to watch Spitfire defeat some enhancement talent and now we’re gonna do Masha versus Rosemary I guess I thought it was a tag team is it the singles yes because this is this is

The problem Rosemary refers to herself as us in the she she’s always the plural she’s always the third person plural and that’s why a promo like this I’m sitting there I’m like so many people are going to misunderstand what she’s saying but it’s Masha versus Rosemary it’s me I’m

People I misunderstood I’m like all right I thought these girls were fighting for a number one contendership for Spitfire because I think it was last week we had the same we had the same conversation like okay MK Ultra Decay Spitfire who else are your tag teams for The Knockouts division

Tasha Steels needs a new partner I mean not for nothing after tonight Tasha Steels has passed away she she’s she’s moved on to the next SI we’ll talk about the main event afterwards I’m sorry folks I’m really trying Tonight Eric Young comes out and he says mus is the biggest bullseye on

His back and they’ll revisit their business soon they’re not completed because Kazarian got involved in the match at sacrifice so Eric Young challenges Frankie Kazarian to a Full Metal Mayhem match at Rebellion it’s not loser leaves TNA but it’s the next best thing two crazy two middle-aged men

Beating the [ __ ] out of each other with chairs and their names aren’t Conor PCM I mean honestly imagine if that’s how we solved all of our problems you got a problem Uncle Frank Full Metal Mayhem right outside right now I’ve had it with you Frank not Uncle Frank every year you do this

Crap this is like the Airing of Grievances I mean that’s is is Frankie kazera not being Uncle Frank right now like Let It Go you’re not hip you’re not cool no one wears the scarf any Uncle Frank outside right now too and Uncle Eric ain’t even better Uncle Eric pack

It up let let these two crazy uncles fight and we’re sit up in the rafters with my chips like and if you want to be frank come and join us over on fightful select the best five bucks in the business you want a fightful select Discord we got one you want to know

About killer Kelly’s big horror movie news baby we broke that story looking forward to that by the way uh Motor City Machine Guns you want a contract update we got it over on like I said they’re booked in London Ontario the night after Rebellion maybe I’ll see

Them and ask myself but really there’s more info coming to fightful select all the time Maro Ronaldo coming to mlw yeah we we had that we had that on fightful where’s John Moxley has the information you’ve been waiting for Sean does a Q&A every week sour

Graps twice a week sometimes three sometimes four times in a week they do a lot of talking over on fifal the weekend are podcast with Stephen Jensen who will be here with me for the post-rebellion show he’s on fifal too so what are you waiting for best five bucks

In the business get on the Discord that that that that’s enough for you C Sean does q&a’s there all the time you want to ask him about obnoxious Wrestlemania matches you might see that’s the place I’m on the Discord I pop in sometimes I

Pop in and say gorilla and I leave no I don’t I don’t even do that I’m there I’m there I’m there you can ask me stuff I’m there best five bucks of the business f s do it let’s go you know who else is on our Discord well probably not actually anyway

A bi Elegance has her third match ever in TNA she beats celesia Sparks someone I’m very familiar with here in the Ontario region she’s good anyway they didn’t K the handspot I thought that was cute this I don’t you know what forget the rest of the match this is all I want

To talk about Ash by Elegance hits the rarified air to finish the match but not only does she hit it she has to jump across the ring to celesia Sparks who was laying in the center and I thought that was very impressive the match itself wasn’t much

To it it was okay but that ending that finish that showed something to me that I haven’t seen out of Ash by Elegance I’m done with the bit for now what do you think of the match and then we’ll talk about the postmatch I think you hit the nail on

The head this was a regular standard I’m still in my squashing face SLE your Sparks the makeup looked good the gear was real cute I give you I’ll give this young lady her flossers I don’t even think they announced her name they said her name during um the match and that’s

How I got her name I I could have swore they didn’t announce her name they did it’s just Jade was very uh monotone with it okay that’s fair I don’t really have any notes U most of my notes come from postmatch and honestly I’m happy she’s now finally getting an actual competitor

So I can give her an actual like okay let me see what’s going what’s what’s goingon to have happen postmatch Ash decides to beat up Ley Sparks now comes Z Brook side she confronts Ash by Elegance has her eyes on Zia Brooks I don’t Z Brooks side I

Should say I don’t know if this is going to be a rebellion match or if this is going to be a tapings match in Philadelphia because we still don’t know the Knockouts championship match it feels like it’s G to be Ash versus Jordan Grace but we haven’t gotten there

Yet yeah we still got a month out you’re not wrong um my concern with Ash by Elegance right now challenging Grace girl I could think of like at least four of the people who in my opinion are ahead of you but I’m willing to take it so I’m like okay let’s see

How this match with Zia Brooky goes someone who just challenged Jordan Grace and was just in a match with her and um Tasha steals so I think that’ll be a good competitor I I would not want to put her in a position where we’re trying to build her up just for her because

Again Jordan Grace is a phenomenal competitor I don’t want to put Ash by Elegance in a position to challenge Jordan Grace and Jordan Grace is like girl get the hell out of here girl are they really running an 841 another 841 match please don’t tell I’m seeing it in

The chat I got to look this up if they’re running an 841 match at the TV tapings I’m gonna I’m gonna speak into a microphone very angrily again he’s just gonna scream I’m just going to scream I can’t find it I I’m listen the person who’s saying it is is consistent with TNA

Stuff they’re on oh here we go this’s peace show meet and greets I see Bailey a and kushida all right whatever I’m gonna leave it for now they’re actually doing it Jo doesn’t want to be this upset this late at night I don’t want to

Be upset this late at night I watch your blood pressure anyway Dobby the brain heting s Super Chat saying thought it was a solid show tonight enjoyed the scramble match tag match was good main event was good too I’ll be at the tapings tomorrow night Dobby send me

Information send me spoilers send me all the things okay please and thank you I would appreciate that DM Dobby the scoop man I listen man the person the person that was supposed to do it for me in Windsor wasn’t able to do it and I have

Feelings about that I don’t know why I just feel like it was Jeremy Lamberts I’m blaming Jeremy was not in Windsor the person who was was like I can’t keep poing I was like you got to be kidding me anyway Nick neth comes out cuts a

Promo says he went face to chess with moose on his first night I loved that line I thought it was so stupid but it was perfect uh and then he says when I came into TNA I said I would earn my world title shot and then he mcklin

Stood out to him first puts over Steve Macklin says he pinned him said I was here to stay and now he gets his opportunity for the world title at rebellion and I’m thinking to myself we’re a out why couldn’t we have at least let this drag on a little bit

Longer because you and I talked about how much they could really make Nick nemith feel important going into Rebellion they just kind of did the mlin feud and and The Rascals and now he’s getting the title shot it just felt like we rushed it I know they’re doing the

Shelly match in Philly that’s fine but the match is already made for Rebellion yeah it kind of I I do a little dislike when you book matches for a title shot when there’s a title shot coming up in between it it kind of feels like that

Title shot before that big title shot is a foregone conclusion sometimes it is I would like to have a little mystery let me have let me enjoy it let me have my little thingy I mean I don’t know what’s gonna happen with that I do agree with

You in the sense that we could have dragged out the Nick nemith thing I think there’s a lot more to go into it but the problem if you drag it out in my opinion is that means Nick nouth has to get a faction because the system it just

Works and unfortunately in his case in order for it not to work you’re going to need help and you cannot ask the machine guns or time jacket or time Splitters or machine gun powpow gang or whatever it is like you can’t ask them because they’re dysfunctional right now and

Um ABC got beat for Grizzle young I there’s too many variables and I’m like for all of that might as well just get it out the way say what you need to say because anything else I you need a posy to deal with the system that you do and the system comes

Out moose puts over nem’s accomplishments and says you beat a lot of things but you haven’t defeated the system and that’s it I do like that this didn’t devolve into a fight yeah I like that they they at least played it straight and they let it happen great

Other than that I’m still like why are we doing this like why did we announce the match this early when we could have built a little more out of Nick neth going for that title I think maybe the thought process is you’ve already won in New Japan

People know who you are so maybe we can just FastTrack it to keep building on that momentum that could only be the thought that I have I’m not a Booker I just show up and I talk about stuff that is fair and then we’re into our main event for The Knockouts World

Championship geia Grace takes on Tasha Steels straightforward match fairly short for an inback Main Event Tasha Steels does not win The Knockouts World Championship Jordan Grace defends successfully with the Juggernaut driver what do you think of the match let’s talk about it cres star I enjoy Tasha Steel’s presentation there something

Gritty about her but that girl got the power bomb every bit of her soul was powerbombed out of her tonight whether it was a one armed triangle power bomb the grace driver jug she let that girl have it and Tasha Steels was literally like that’s all you got out of here no

Dag on Bell uh I I respect it I gotta say also too Jordan G’s walking around the ring with Tasha Steels up on her shoulder like this I do this every week I don’t want to fight her ever ever in life period whatever you said you got

It bro cuz that’s disrespectful and only the only the only thing that stopped Grace this match was ha’s giv out just carrying around Steels so much Steels is a hell of a competitor but Jordan Grace she’s literally a juggernaut that’s why I’m like for someone like act like

Elegance what are you gonna do unless literally Iceman maces her and even then even then even then I don’t think love I don’t I don’t and I want I want a little I want a modom of you can actually beat this girl you know what I mean I don’t

Think she did yet there’s something larger to play and that’s for the people who have been watching TNA for a long time the idea that you do Ash by Elegance in The Knockouts title match mustaf Ali is defending the X division championship in at rebellion and Nick

Nemith is going to be an up for the world championship these are all former long-term WWE stars and if you put the title on all of them in their first few months it’s not the best look and it’s something CNA has done before and it’s it’s always gotten

Flack in the past and sometimes rightfully so sometimes listen when the right fit is there it’s great but if you time it that they all do it feels a little it feels a little strange to me I can understand that I can understand that sentiment and I think that’s that’s

Not just a TNA thing I think that’s across the board and it’s not necessarily their fault for a long time WWE was the only show in town so if that’s where you wanted to make money that’s where where you went so I get that sentiment but also too I think if

The iron is hot strike while the Iron’s hot don’t wait and then nobody cares anymore yeah that’s fair the match itself with Grayson steals again there’s there’s some good stuff in there they go shot for shot they know how to do this the counters towards the Finish those

Are really good a lot of back and forth Grace misses the Vader bomb steals hit slic bread number two that stuff is great but of course in the end she retains does Jordan Grace and now we’re all wondering who’s next and I guess we’re going to find out in the next few

Weeks because TNA has more tapings coming and Philadelphia this weekend Dobby the brain heum will be there I will not unless somebody wants to pay for me to go to Philly I don’t think so I mean come on don’t you all love Joe Pearl look at his

Face isn’t he neat you want to pay for his WrestleMania seat I don’t want it I my ass doesn’t have to pay for those things anyway point being sorry no you’re fine it’s late anyway let’s let’s get out of here before I say something wildly inappropriate CA star what’s going on

Ladies and gentlemen we really appreciate you being here every late night Thursday and Saturdays where you can find me here talking about impact wrestling with Joel Pearl AKA TNA and on Saturday’s aew collision with the ridian ricino and sometimes Shan Ross Sapp I will not be here for m weekend I think

Joe Pearl is going to be the only person at F full headquarters during Mania weekend I’ve been asked hey what’s your availability I’m like I’m around especially in the evenings so I don’t know maybe I’ll be on every freaking show at this point Joe Pro who whoop I

Was asked by Sean are you doing a TNA post show I’m like well we’ll be two weeks out from a pay-per-view at that point so I should probably do it I’m starting to realize why he asked because you won’t be here I mean I’m probably going to bring my laptop but that’s

Neither here nor there guys follow me on X it’s Cresta the star there is a playlist to all of these TNA post shows from the very beginning and the same thing with the Collision keep your eyes on my YouTube I’m going to be updating it soon Joe Pearl where can the folks at

Home find you not hards find I am atel Pearl J LP a RL interview with EV aluno drops eventually just keep it on FAL we’ll tell you when it is i’ I’ve already I’ve done the cut I’ve done the notes they’re going to be there it’s

Going to be great have fun with it in the weeds every Monday Wednesday and Friday Jeremy Lambert and I do it on fful overbooked go subscribe to that channel now that’s our ESPN 2 and of course I’m here every Thursday with Cresta the star we’ll break it down next

Week we’ll be even more chipper how about that okay yeah we’ll get sleep I wouldn’t go that far anyway until true Jo LP ladies and gentlemen friends beyond the binary we will see you in the next one


  1. The main event for Supercard should be the women's world title match since it has been there weekly. The men's has not.

  2. You thought Mina was great, wait till you see AZM when Stardom visit the U.S. during mania week, i actually think both ladies are on the SuperCard of Honour show, dont quote me on that though, i might be wrong.

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