Golf Players

ISB 04/01/24 Joined by Greg Rakestraw, Don Fischer, Todd Leary, Dustin Dopirak, and Travis Miller

ISB 04/01/24 Joined by Greg Rakestraw, Don Fischer, Todd Leary, Dustin Dopirak, and Travis Miller
#iubb, #ncaa, #boilerup #ncaabasketball

Yes I uh I’m pretty decent with geography but uh my African geography is not exactly up to speed right now all right gentlemen we’re going live in five four three two one Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington know your roll and shut your mouth you de Bry fires upfield into the

End zone and is caught Jelani Wards touchdown i d y a 43 night for Tyrese halber How do you like that but yoway drives all the way to the hole throws it up got it Indiana’s got their first lead of this contest it’s pretty simple I win Google

Me now here’s your host Jim Coyle hey hey everybody Welcome in to another edition of Indiana Sports Beat radio on this Monday it is April 1st no fooling we’re here for real and we’ve got uh the the busiest man in h High School coverage Greg rraw from the ISC Sports

Network right off the bat Greg how are you sir good morning my friend it was good to see you even if it was brief on Saturday absolutely uh you look like you were ready to go to work and uh heavy day of work I’m sure it was with four

State finals games uh happening at the game Bridge Fieldhouse and I didn’t get to see the first two uh this but these games were the two I saw were awesome games Scottsburg winning their first state championship the entire town of scotsburg had to be in gainbridge Fieldhouse because they filled they

Filled their section up with uh abundance but congratulations to Scottsburg and of course to um not Ben well congratulations to Ben Davis but to fisers for for pulling off another State title as well without Jaylen harelson who transferred to La Lair so that was pretty incredible to

See it was you know and and and fiser state championship to me was very reminisent of Ben Davis’s state championship from a season ago you know where there was not a dominant player on the team even though both Garner and John Anthony Hall were tremendous in

That game on Saturday night but it was eight nine players that all knew their roles and all knew them to the hilt and again this wasn’t something that fisers had an entire offseason prepared for for Jaylen harelson not playing he played in June with the team he played in the

Summer circuit and everybody then said I’m not sure anybody’s beating fisers this year well then he announces his departure to port to the port lumir and the team never missed a beat they lost one game at a good Carmel team on January 27th that’s it uh and so what

Fisers did against the third toughest schedule in the state and they ended up beating four maybe five ranked teams in their seven postseason games uh is is pretty remarkable so hats off to Garrett weeger and as far as Scottsburg is concerned so impressed with them I mean obviously the community sport you you

Touched on it but Jimmy they played six guys they had four players that never left the floor the entire game and obviously I have the luxury of sitting next to to Mike BR who knows the area well and clearly knows the game well but but but it’s a Scottsburg team that

Really doesn’t have a true point guard and so Eric Richardson’s son who’s 65 plays that role for them and against a team that pressed them most of the game Scottsburg had four turnovers four and you had four guys that played all 32 minutes so just a t two great games

Frankly both games were you nine or 10o wins it was they were both onepoint games going to the fourth quarter and the team that led go to the fourth quarter lost both of those games so two tremendous evening session games at gamebridge on Saturday night yeah

Scottsburg uh they had some size man I was impress I was like dang on they’re some Big Boys uh so they had some height out there uh and then what I noticed and it’s not a slight me against any of the other teams but that 4A game as soon as

That thing got underway I was like whoa you could tell there was a step up in athletic ability and speed uh the game was a little faster I was like it was a little difference here it’s a different different style game right you know Brownstown you know

Was the one team outside of 4A that I thought could truly hang with the top end of 4A and un forun because of some injuries we didn’t see that you know when when Brownstown I think played 10 different 4A teams obviously a lot of those are the teams in the you know hoer

Hills conference but they also extended themselves they played Lawrence North at Brownsburg Well Jack Benner got hurt the night before they played in the Hall of Fame classic Jack Benner got hurt the week before they beat Brownsburg without him and then didn’t have much for christas addix in the second game Jack

Did play when they played at carel and won that game on January the 13th um I I don’t know since they didn’t have the Brownstown game I don’t know where they finished in the sackin ratings but they were in the top 10 all season long Scottsburg was 21 going into that game I

Think Scottsburg size would have given them a chance to compete with the upper end teams and say a one game scenario but again what what really impressed me about Scottsburg win on Saturday was knowing how few guys they wanted to play how they were were able to play so well

In the second game against Garen Catholic two weeks earlier at Seymour knowing that they’re not going to the bench very much is Eric Richardson with that team yeah uh just fun to watch that and fun to watch uh all the different schools how they uh supported their

Teams in there and again what I said to uh uh Tyler Smith who was with me the writer from the that I me man I didn’t want to post this but I’m like this would be a good time to go down in Scottsburg and make off with all kinds

Of jewelry and whatever uh there there could not have been anybody left in scotsburg I mean that place was packed with gold shirts it was and and that has been typical of at least one of the 3A teams if not both for the most part during those state championships and obviously

A little bit different for South Ben St Joe the longer drive and being a parochial but you know whether it’s Greensburg Washington whomever has been in the 3A game they have brought this remarkable crowd seemingly year in year out we had that on both sides in the girls Championship five weeks earlier between

Norwell and Gibson Southern and so while the 3A schools often can’t match the athleticism and overall play of the 4A champ crowd wise they tend to match it if not exceed it so the folks in Scott County have a lot to be proud about for how their team played but also how their

Fans showed out all season long but especially Saturday night at game Bridgefield has so what does uh Greg rraw do now that this this col high school basketball season has finally come to a close he reminds his kids that they look like him for the first thing uh secondly

I I I I turn I turned more into a sales guy this time of year so you know i’ I’ve I’ve got road trips uh so I’m going to be in champagne on Wednesday Decal Illinois on Thursday making an up and back to Louisville on Friday to see some

Buddies of mine that are in town for the big indie1 and lose City uh USL championship match it is on CBS oh wow obviously turn into a turn into a Purdue fan uh that uh with with with what you know they were able to accomplish yesterday uh but for the most part my

Focus tends you know goes to the business side things for ISC Sports Network and uh I I do keep busy with Indie 11 matches uh and then there’s this little thing in Indianapolis called the month of May that keeps me hopping at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway uh so

Going on right the world’s largest one of them about 350,000 people show up for it the day before Memorial Day so I’ll be spending three consecutive weekends at at IMs starting on Mother’s Day weekend uh leaving their last last year uh once after you cover an event you’re

You’re usually there for well at least in my case another hour and a half to two hours doing things and there is never any traffic of any place when you leave last year after a couple of hours I’m like all right be good I get out I

Didn’t move from the parking spot that I was in for 30 minutes it was mindboggling I’m like oh God it is the one time that I am fortunate be doing a three-hour postgame show um and so normally when I leave a Colts game at 7 o’clock after a 1 o’clock kickoff you

Know Bill Brooks and I have the last two cars in the parking lot and we are walking through an empty Stadium uh when I leave uh the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in my parking spot that’s just behind the pagota um you know basically the race ends usually about

33345 and then I’m on and from about 4:00 when the network wraps up until 7 and I can get to my car pretty easily getting out of the infield usually I can do pretty quickly and then usually I get to Georgetown Road and it’s Hit or Miss as to whether I’m I’m

Able to drive home quickly or not I will say this the year after the 100th which has been the largest crowd of the modern era so 2016 I think I made it back to my house about 8:00 normally my drive even at 5:00 a.m. knowing I have a guaranteed

Parking spot my drive is about 20 minutes to get from Broad Ripple to Speedway um even that’s not the case when you have to move what turns into the 59th largest city in the country on that day that’s how many people attend the Indianapolis 500 each and every year

It’s a wild one hey but don’t forget come I know you may not have any involvement with this but coming up starting uh well the NIT is is in semis are in hanle starting tomorrow but the Chipotle National High School National Finals start Wednesday that’s over at

Brownsburg High School uh and some of the biggest stars in the in the country will be there for that uh well you have a chance to go over to watch any I will not go over to any of that some of our crew will kind of help

Produce that uh but uh but I I get to skip that one so I’ll I’ll leave that to those that follow the the national Circle I know it’s some great tent that will be there absolutely looking forward to it when man you uh enjoy your week

And we’ll look forward to talking to you again soon thanks buddy take care Jim absolutely Greg rraw joining us from the ISC Sports Network as uh the high school season comes to a close fisers wins the 4A title with a tough match over Ben Davis Scottsburg

Wins uh 3A I believe uh Jack Benner picked up the 3A title I was not there for that but uh it was it was fun fun time at least I saw uh Brian Walsh was there for the 4A game from Indiana checking out some guys I

Meant to bring this up to Greg fisers on their roster had 11 guards 11 it was there was 11 guards listed I think two forwards and one Center it was crazy to look down that roster and and and and they start four guards by the way so I can imagine

Um Brian didn’t specify who he was watching but we can kind of narrow it down to the guard position that’s a definite uh Scottsburg had some Big Boys also so Michael Lewis uh former hoser uh now head coach at Ball State talk to him for a minute uh

Down there scouting some guys he needs a guard uh he got pton sparks back so we’ll see what he can do this season uh I saw Clayton Anderson our good friend who will be performing in the concert at Indiana’s Memorial Stadium coming up later this month we’ll have him on to

Talk about that soon hey we’ve got to take a break and get things going up next Don fiser and Todd ler are going to join us and we look forward to uh talking to those two we’ve got lots more coming up back with all that and more brought to

You by our good friends from who your Hanks East over off of college ball Road great place to catch the games watch the and there are tons of them you’ve got the NIT semifinals from hankle tonight uh and the CAA women’s Elite 8 how about that you you’ve got LSU Iowa we’ll talk

About that man uh and plenty more right after this and I I don’t have the uh Commercial Sound Bites I’ll just have to add them in after the fact I just texted John about that I used to have him on here it’s weird um I told Tod the wrong

Time no I didn’t I got it right good you know what I want to I better I’m gonna resend it to him as well just in case forward to T that is it ceron coffee refill something all right gentlemen go we go live five four three two you guys hear me okay one

Yes hey welcome back to Indiana Sports speed radio on this Monday Todd Larry with us from my jumpshot dcom we’re waiting for uh don fiser actually to join us and uh look forward to having him on unless he’s getting a a a link problem but there he is popping on out but look

At that guy look who look who’s here surprise surprise little passing of the torch Don uh and and and Don John was so broken up that uh and people this is this is your last chance to look at that lovely mug of Don Fishers until next what are you talking

Fall what are you just filling time here what are you doing that lovely mug you gotta be kidding me it’s pretty cute it’s pretty cute there you go hey you know what well Todd once told you he loved you on air so there’s

I know uh and he does he loves me and I 100% do and but you know what that’s a as and you I know you end up getting a little had to write a letter over that one but that was still that’s some that’s great that is really great though it’s iconic

Uh it is truly an iconic moment you want to know the best part of everything I saw yesterday was I saw Robbie hmel doing a radio uh on the sidelines of the Purdue game and he was crying like a baby and so now now finally I can Robbie

Hmel I think is one of the best announcers on TV you’re right and to see him lose his emotions a little bit like that honestly I felt a little I felt a little relief on on my end no I’ll tell you what I mean humel you’re right uh I’ve seen him he he’s

Doing more games than just about anybody in the country I think uh because he is in demand uh that’s how good he is people want him on their broadcasts oh I was thinking I I think I I’m not gonna I’d have to I don’t have the ability to

Go back and count all these but I’m I’m guessing he might have done more TV games this year than anybody he was doing four or five games a week well yeah at one point I I think I watched it he was he did a fox game an ESPN game a

Big 10 Network game all in the same week and I’m sitting there going I mean they want literally he he is he does you don’t have to worry about whether it’s an IU game or Purdue game or Joe Mo because he one does his research he knows everything about both teams and

Coaches and everyone involved and then he’s very impartial like he just calls the game the way it is like he’s he’s my favorite announcer to listen to I agree that’s nothing Todd I turned on one day I was watching a game and then I flipped it over and he was doing both of

Them yeah it it it doesn’t surprise me oh Don Fisher joining us now and uh I haven’t broke the news to the fans but uh it’s Don takes off uh uh for a uh a retreat from now until the fall uh and goes and sits into a a a TP out

Somewhere out west and reather everything after an exhausting season of broadcasting games three sometimes three days in a row doing stuff but uh looking forward to uh I know what you’re looking forward to and yesterday was a sure nice day to start that man yesterday was beautiful out happy Easter to everybody

By the way how was your weekend Don well it was good uh it was good in the sense that I went to football practice on Saturday because I I’ve been to all five football practices I think five at this point that they’ve had um so I had a

Chance to do that on Saturday I did not play golf I wanted to play golf I did try to hit balls and what I did hit balls I played I was hitting him so badly I decided to quit um and maybe I’m going to take up tennis I I don’t know

Because my stinks right now at your age pickle ball is the thing you gotta go for no I’m not going to that my brother to my brother Tores Achilles played pickle ball and he won’t tell anybody that because he he did he was playing pickle ball he T his aill anyway I’m not

Telling anybody I play pickle so I’m out I can’t play pickle ball I got to figure out something maybe I’ll play pro or some crap so who knows there is nothing that scares me more than every now and then feeling a twins down in that ail’s area every time I do

I just stop what I’m doing I’m like nope nope whatever that is I don’t want that to happen every every golfer knows the more you say you’re going to quit means the more rounds you’re going to play this year I know I know I know but it’s so

Frustrating you know you get I I literally Len I don’t know when this was maybe 15 15 20 years ago I got down to a three handicap and I thought man I’m really a good player and ever since I was at that three it’s just gone and it’s just been terrible I’m in

Up to like an eight or nine handicap now and it’s it’s so frustrating it really is well we’re all playing that myy violin for you now or just kiss hey you know who’s become a really good golfer is our friend Mitchell Paige oh I know I know Mitchell but he here’s

The thing you got to know about Mitchell we played together on two different on two different occasions we have had a competition I beat him both times oh baby I will remind him of that I cannot wait he he won’t admit he won’t admit

That I beat him the last time but I did um at any rate we played at Saw Grass TPC Saw Grass you know oh wow when we were down there for the Gator Bowl and I shot 89 and he shot 90 what’ you do on 17 what’ you do on 17

I I hit I hit my ball in that little bunker in the front of the green there and uh chipped it out and got it up there close enough to two putt for a four so I I made four so you made birdie you made birdie no I yeah well here’s the thing

On 16 he knocked it in the water twice oh so that’s how you got him yeah I got he pulled out the 10 cup I’m I can get it there yeah he he is a fun guy to play with though I’m telling you he’s a lot of fun to play

With he’s he’s become a really good player I think he’s probably a two one or two handicap probably he’s good how about you tddy where are you at now bud you know I don’t keep score anymore just I just I just count how many birdies I can make in around because there’s

Always two or three or four or five doubles and out of bounds balls now I just try to see how many birdies I can make in a round well I understand that just play for skins right yes 100% absolutely only Don the offseason has started for IU basketball which means

Recruiting and they have filled that spot that was opened up by Liam mcney with the the signing of Bryson Tucker a five-star wing and several guys in the portal you can tell that this year after taking a a lot of heat because last year their recruiting was very it seemed to

Have too much tunnel vision all their eggs were in one basket they would go after a guy which going after someone like Dalton connect I you can see why if you watched the game yesterday he’s a monster uh just an absolute Game Changer but they are casting a much much wider

Net this time around and a lot of guards in that play but uh guys like Lela Walker who played from U Warren Central and it was at EKU he’s in the portal and he’s supposed to visit today as a matter of fact but I think he changed that

Visit but uh and several other guys Tony Perkins but there’s just there the net is much wider this year for Indiana’s recruiting well here’s the thing uh the good news is that Malik renew is goingon to be back uh ambak is coming back amaka’s got to learn how to play defense

But other than that I think he can really I think he could upgrade himself uh pretty dramatically with a good summer of work if he learns to play defense because I think he’s a talented kid I don’t you think he’s a I mean he’s got the shot he’s got a really

Goodlooking shot does he not Todd oh my it’s one of the most beautiful I tell the story all the time but last year the very first shot I ever saw him take I walked in the summer practice and I walked in the gym and he took a shot

From the corner right there when you come out of that Tunnel right there and he took a shot and I just stopped and walked over to calber and I was like oh my gosh like that’s one of the most effortless beautiful shots like it it it’s it’s a greatl looking shot like he

He there isn’t anything on him that you need to try to change other than what’s what’s between here right exactly I I mean he’s a talented kid there’s no question so at least you got a nucleus of guys to work with with Galloway uh and Anthony Le is a really I think he

He’s he can help them but he’s still not a starter type guy uh Anthony’s got to come off the bench um and he’s got to be more consistent with his shooting and got to look for a shot a little bit more too because he can shoot the basketball

When he gets it going um but they’ve got to find other guys in this portal they’re gonna have to not get another big man without question uh somebody else that can help inside they’ve got to find that they’ve got to get another point guard um somebody that is is

Really quick athletic understands how to play the game uh if the Walker kid’s that kid that’s fine uh somebody but if you’ve watched this tournament every single one of these teams has a guard a point guard that flat out runs the show every single one of them and and they’ve got that’s

That’s something they’ve got to have um and I think Gabe CBS is a good good kid and he’s a really good player in many respects but he’s not that guy right now um they’ve got to find somebody right now that is that good if they’re going

To be any good next year I think and then they’ve got to fill in the other uh you know guys in those other roles and they because they got six scholarships available so they can get some people if they get it if they can get it done but

To me right now uh it’s all about who they get out of the transfer portal and if they can find the right guys and put the pieces together I think they could be a respectable team next year Todd I think that the portal is where they’re probably going to look mainly for these

Uh the 2024 class I don’t know they didn’t have a lot of Treadway there and this and as a matter of fact the 2025 class in the state of Indiana is massive uh with Talent so I’m assuming that they’re going to try to fill more with the poor guys a because you get

Experience and uh guys like uh Jack Steph gouki uh are are out there there there are so many guys that are playing this game that are at schools that you’ve never heard of and then but it’s it’s it’s the development their body’s development it’s amazing it’s why people

Think that well he should stay another year and there’s a lot of times there’s a lot of Truth to that because of what you’re able to learn whether it’s defensive or just physical growth whatever the case may be but there’s a reason why these guys were unheralded

And then they move up and they play for a low a mid-level mid- major and then boom next thing you know Dalton connect or Lance Jones or those guys are on the big stage yeah well you you can just watch the games this weekend and um

You know you take the final four teams but you could take the the sweet 16 and look at almost all of those teams had at least one guy that was a very important part of what they’re doing and where they’re getting to that is from the

Portal and that is uh it doesn’t even necessarily have to be from from a lesser team or or whatever I think Dalton connect is probably the example I would use for mbako more than anyone because if you if you followed him throughout the entire year and I did I

Followed him from day one at Tennessee and and the big knock on him was he he didn’t play defense he didn’t understand how to play defense and Rick Barnes is a defensive guy and that was part of the reason why he chose Tennessee and there were some early Parts in the in

Especially I know they lost to Ohio State early in the year um and and they were Rick Barnes was extremely frustrated with dton connect and his lack of ability to to pick up the defensive philosophies and what they were trying to do and then you can also

See like what that transformed into in just one season and and how he became not just a great probably the best offensive all-around player in the country but but a really good piece of their defense he was in I watched him yesterday defensively he was he was really uh he he improved more

Defensively than he did offensively throughout the season and that’s saying a lot and so I think the ability to do that is there I think ibako has that capability of doing that Dalton connect’s grown up a scorer his whole life um defense has been on the back

Burner and I think imbak can do that but from the overall portal perspective I mean it’s it we’re we’re all learning it as it happen every year but I mean you’re I I I am excited or interested to see like what happens in the next few days with even teams that

Played this weekend in the sweet 16 I think there’s going to be a lot of underclassman on teams just trying to see what they’re worth out there and we’ll we’ll see guys leaving teams that are in pretty good situations um but but the money’s better somewhere else and they and they might

They might see the opportunity to to come to an Indiana or go to a prod or go somewhere where the nil money is just different and lucky for us as Indiana fans and people that you know we’re one of the schools that uh that has you know

We’ve got football type nil money when it comes to basketball and and that’s that’s a good place to be in this portal situation Don to get to back to your point Houston loses Jamal shied in that game against Duke and that just pretty much and they they still fought and

Fought well but were not able to overcome that loss and their leader their floor leader and we could be looking at at Houston in the final four instead they lose to Duke who lost to North Carolina State but Houston uh they they their offense was predicated on on

Those guards and boy that was just a gigantic gigantic loss well here’s here’s what I will tell you I think it’s going to be King Kong against Godzilla in the championship game game because Connecticut is better than anybody uh that’s played at this point uh during the tournament I mean they’re just

They’re blowing people away it’s not even close in most of those ball games and and I think Purdue is a foot is a basketball team that at this juncture um is playing they’re probably playing as good as they can play at this point and so I just think it’s going to be those

Two teams now you can’t you can’t say that North Carolina State couldn’t finally get a way to get it because they are amazing they have won nine straight games now and what they did in the ACC tournament was just incredible in in my opinion you win five games in five days

Uh against that competition with guys having buys for you know only they only played three games at that point I mean what they’ve done at this point is just incredible so you cannot discount that team I mean North Carolina States playing their best basketball and they’ve got pieces they’ve got pretty good pieces

Um I saw about that DJ Daniels dude who you mean DJ Burns DJ Burns DJ Burns rather he is he is the he’s the Jack gouki of big men right now well you know he’s got the same kind of touch that Malik renu’s got yeah I

Mean it’s that same kind of ability to to find a way to get the ball in the basket um and if Malik puts out a few pounds he could be that guy but I mean honestly I don’t think I don’t think anybody I don’t think anyone on the

Coaching staff’s rooting for that I know they’re not I know they’re not and I’m not rooting for it either but but he’s unique in that way and to be on great footwork right and to be on a run like they’re on and they’ve got nice pieces

There too so but I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be Purdue Yukon um and I think it’s going to be an incredible ball game I really do I agree with you Don I’m Todd I’m sure you do too I mean those are the they’re the two

Best teams that we’ve seen all year Houston was up there but like said they lost Jamal Sheed boom and they go out of of dominance these are the two teams that dominated people all year and Yukon is when I I was at the state finals so I

Was we were watching the Illinois game on TV but I was kind of busy and I leaned over and all of a sudden it was a 20-point balls and I’m like what the hell just happened yeah well Illinois couldn’t have picked a worse day to play like they played yesterday and and I

Mean they shot the ball I didn’t look at the stats but probably as bad as they shot it in any game throughout the season which was unfortunate um to be in that you know get themselves to that position and then you know they just if if they had shot halfway decent in the

First half they would have had a decent sized lead I mean they had Yukon they got Yukon on the day someone was gonna beat Yukon they just they just played worse unfortunately and when you look at this is what like I agree with you Don

Like I think I think us old school kind of basketball people want to see that Purdue Yukon game in the end because they’re both kind of built pretty similarly they both got a big guy inside they’re built the way we remember teams being built years ago now the scary part

Is honestly I I’m not sure yukon’s gonna get there and and the only reason I say that is because Alabama could beat anyone on any given night if they shoot the ball well I mean when you look at their shot sh it’s it’s the antithesis of Indiana like

Every single shot is a three-pointer if it’s not a dunk and and so you know I looked up the stats Indiana shot 513 three-pointers on the year and Alabama shot 1,085 more than twice as many it’s just it the number is staggering I look looking at their shot chart just blows

Your mind because it’s hilarious it’s actually kind of funny and if they get hot if they get hot yeah I don’t care what Yukon does not gonna beat him you’re right you’re right well I know that if they’ve score if they score 89 points I think they’re they’ve lost one

Game uh because people talk about that Kentucky game where they they lost like 114 or whatever but if they score 89 points they’ve lost one game this season so uh that’s their that’s their goal to uh to run you out Don man it’s uh it’s

Been a great one look forward to uh the fall I hope you enjoy your summer um any parting words for the masses well I’ve been like I I’ve been to all the football practices thus far under Kurt cetti and I have not been more excited

In my entire Indiana Career I I mean I I go to a few spring practices occasionally I’ve gone to all of them so far and I’m gonna probably go to almost every one of them I am going to Florida for three or four days here in April 6th

Uh through the 10th or something like that so I’m going to miss a couple I I’ve not been more excited about Indiana football since Bill Mau just saying wow well that says a lot and I I I think from you it says a lot yeah there’s I

Think that there’s probably more a a of a you can see the direction you you can see the much more organized much more just it’s all geared towards success and cetti seems like a guy that he doesn’t take uh failure well uh no he does not and watching him on the sidelines during

Practices is an interesting process in itself because he he he stands on the sideline uh and he watches everything he’s watching every segment of what’s going on in practices as soon as he sees something he doesn’t like he’s over there and he’s s saying something to him

But he basically watches he gets in at 4 or 5 o’l in the morning and makes out out an organizational practice schedule for each of his coaches and then he lets them execute it um he he doesn’t he doesn’t dominate practice in any way he other than the

Sense of If something he doesn’t like he’s going to let them know but he lets his coaches coach their their position groups and it’s really organized um all the practices have been in the stadium which I thought why is he doing that well I think he wants these new players

He’s got what 40 new players on this football team uh he wants these guys to get used to the that the surroundings and the facility and all those kinds of things but he also because he watches everything it’s right there you know what I’m saying and I like the way he

Runs his show there’s no question about that and the guys that he’s brought in skill-wise we’ve never seen anything like this in Indiana I mean he’s got quarterbacks he’s got running backs he’s got wide receivers he’s got a tight end that I love watching this kid his name

Is Horton um and he is like a 64 kid and I’ve watched him with the court with the tight end group and he look made all of them look like they couldn’t run I mean I mean he’s got guys and he knows what he wants he he’s he’s got that system he

Talked about his system you know and we’ve never lost he’s never had a losing season he talks about his system and he’s got a system and it’s as organized as anything you’ll watch in college football I’m just telling you I’m excited I don’t doubt you at all well

Don it’s going to be uh hard hard to get through the summer without you but uh we look forward to you’ll survive you’ll survive Jimbo we we’ll make it we’ll make it but I get to see more in the summer so I’m looking I got it I got it

Have you been out playing golf to cuz you got a CH don’t you I have yeah you’re making Mead it’s been it’s been nice out and I have been to Spring football practice yeah I’ve been to a lot of spring football and I I honest to

God as bad as I hit the ball when I came back and hit balls the other day as bad as I hit the ball I’m going to all the spring practices well let me know when you’re down here we we’ll go out and play when you’re done all right sounds good man

Thanks Don Fisher appreciate you B see Joe thank you sir the golden voice of the Indiana hoers Don fiser joining us here on Indiana Sports beat Todd you’re welcome to stick around unless you got some place to go uh I’m good for a little bit we’ve got to take a break up

Next Dustin deir from the indie star joins us back with that and more brought to you by Chop Shop market and table where Indiana men’s and women’s coaches shows along with football shows are held in addition to it’s a great place to eat yeah it is great bakery great deli man

They got it all Todd knows we’re back with more right after this you can’t hear the commercials today oh okay cool Dustin deck Todd lirry hey Dustin how you doing buddy good how are you doing all right good have y’all ever met probably not don’t think so

So sound a little bit like me what’s that you’re you got a little thing going on I do I do yeah I’ve had it for two week got the B you guys got the B no Don said that to me said that last week go I when you stay out drinking all night

Long and I’m like man this has been it’s been here for two weeks but I I feel fine but I can’t get I’ve just got a bunch of crap in my chest and I cannot get up I can’t get it to break up or whatever but it’s my voice it’s crazy

I’ve never had a a deal like that go this long yeah I’ve I mean I’ve had stuff like this before like I just yeah I mean like two days ago I had like this this this horrendous taste in my mouth that wouldn’t go away no matter how much

Like gum I chewed and then like yesterday so you know Co no I took a self covid test did you I mean I I I had it not too long ago so I feel pretty good that it’s not I mean I had it in November I think I might be the only

Person on here didn’t get it I got it yeah I’ve had it I’ve had it twice hey I’ve been out in sunny California I a been sick this whole time all right so we go [ __ ] [ __ ] five four three two welcome back Indiana sports radio here on this Monday with Maxine and

Max’s got thoughts sorry the has always got thoughts and I we love it she’s usually right L with us as well uh man what a what an incredible I know you’ve been busy covering the Pacers and what a win over the Lakers by the way yeah for the

Pacers that’s that was huge sure no absolutely was gave him 90 points uh five days after they gave him 150 um so yeah I mean they they they’ve actually learned to play defense they really have like no kidding they should practice against Alabama I guess yeah if you can make

That work uh but yeah no I mean um definitely come a long way I mean just it’s not fixed that’s not I they can do that every night holding somebody to 90 but the simple fact that they can hold anybody to 90 ever uh much less hold

LeBron James and Anthony Davis to 90 five days after they G him 150 just tells you a lot about how far they’ come so Tod you I know you’ll watch a lot of ball but I don’t do you get a chance to watch much NBA you know I really don’t I

Really don’t during this during the college season there’s so many different games on and you know I’m a nerd like I like watching those the Western Athletic Conference and all those goofy games across the country so like I uh I don’t watch I watch as soon as the Playoff starts like

The playin games I really enjoy these guys play so hard obviously they’re best athletes in basketball in the world so I love once the playoffs start watching watching the NBA yeah and uh it will be fun it would be fun to see the Pacers as they’re

Holding on to that six number six spot uh again staying staying away from having to play the Celtics uh in the playoffs and play the playin game yeah uh yeah so far but it seems like they’re getting it back they were rolling before the All-Star break and then they came

Out of that it was kind of a little discombobulated for for a minute but they seem like they’re getting back into that Rhythm yeah know I mean it starts with Tyrese halberton back to starting to make shots again uh I mean that’s obviously a big piece is when you’re

Best play player is having a hard time getting the three ball to go down and that’s so much of it’s not so much of what he does obviously he has so many parts to his game um but it was still critical once they traded buddy healed I

Mean they didn’t they they lost their you know number one volume three-point shooter and so they kind of needed halberton to be the guy that that you know kind of kept that up they went and got Doug MC Derman as part of that deal but Doug was out with a cast strain so

Basically you hadn’t replac any of the Buddy healed uh you know three-point numbers and so then halberton all of a sudden goes on a slump and I think he was 20 of n is first 93 after the break uh so it’s like right around 21% and that’s not certainly what you need for

Your Premier Allstar shooting wise he was doing a lot of other things well but just couldn’t get a three ball to go down so that started you know he he started hitting some threes on this this past road trip when they went out that Cal California Pascal seak has been

Dominant uh you know I think he’s been he’s been really good ever since they got him but really kind of kicked it up an Notch uh you know over this past break I think he had I think he had five games in a row or it was at least four

In a row we had 25 or more uh and he’s getting you eight n rebounds and four five assists you know he’s a guy can create as well as he can score uh and they got some other pieces to come together as well so that was helpful uh

And like I said I mean they have been playing better defense they’re not a great defensive team but they’re a better defensive team than they were um you know when the season started I think they’re I I think since the break they’re like 15th in defensive rating uh

And so that’s it’s dramatically better than they were I there was time that they were you know bottom of the barrel uh in just about any important defensive metri defensive metric you wanted to look look at uh you know it helps some of the moves they’ve made some of the

Guys they’ve lost you know Budd best defensive player what’s up Maxine did not like those moves she did not she oh I mean I mean I P she did not approve of of that message she might have been the court uh well you know yeah that’s sometimes if

You make her mad enough she’ll do that um is I think we might have lost Dustin but I was next thing I was going to ask him though is I know he doesn’t get to see a lot of college games right now but Zach Ed and will his game translate to the NBA

Uh I know his he’s such a do in college he is one of the most dominant big men of all time right now right yeah uh and that’s freaking saying something we’re talking elen Baylor and uh wil Chamberlain uh Kareem uh Walton uh Ralph Samson you’re going back but he

Is he’s like nothing he’s like Yao Ming in college I mean I can’t Yao Ming was wasn’t he was he wasn’t as thick as he didn’t play in college did he no but he wasn’t as thick either but um let’s see yeah get Dustin back there you go

Brother back I was uh gonna ask you next is I know you don’t get to see a ton of college games right now but but Zach Edy and his game will it be able to transfer to the NBA because on defense mainly they play a lot of Zone where he’s

Camping out in the in the paint but he doesn’t go very far and that’s not gonna be he’s not gonna be able to do that in the NBA second rule he’s gonna have some problems but there there are there are a nonzero number of guys of his not of his

Size but that are that are big you know bulky dudes and have a hard time uh moving laterally um that can hang in there uh you know so because it’s not a very deep draft he’s gonna get a crack at it I mean I think he’s gonna be a

First round pick um maybe late first round or whatever I you know it’s it’s worth somebody taking a flyer there’s a handful of guys that you look at and say okay you know well if those guys can do it he at least is worth a flyer uh so

Yousef nkik uh you know with Phoenix uh Yos Fen chunis for uh you know for New Orleans they’re built different like they’re more like really big Yugoslavian dudes like very very wide uh guys who could just set big screens and rebound and stuff like that and play Drop

Coverage in a pick and roll you know and they they’ve got a they still have a chance to be okay Defenders he he did pretty good I mean he did the combine last year and it was notable that that he did a little bit better in some of

The movement scores uh than people were expecting um from him so he it still wasn’t good enough to get him picked and last year was a was a deeper draft I mean Trace went 57th you know I mean that tells you something like obviously there’s a whole bunch of other pieces

That play there in terms of you know he didn’t want to be a two-way and so there were teams that weren’t going to pick him if if he wasn’t willing to be a two-way and obviously Golden State didn’t need him to be a two-way um so

That went a long way for him and changed the dynamic there so I mean he he probably wasn’t the 57th guy um but still I mean in Ed’s case uh it’s he’s not going to be as just far back there’s G to be other you know um he’s got a

Chance to go higher where like if Trace went in this draft you know he’d be a top 25 pick probably because there’s just you know um not not as many people who who fit but I I mean he’s gonna get a crack out it but like there there is

An issue though obviously the reason why he hasn’t already been you know grabbed at is because you know the game has changed it’s spaced out you know like 10 15 years ago he’s might be the number one pick you know uh you know now basically like guys there’s just so much

Pick and roll like your your fiveman is put in that you one five pick and roll position so many times it’s just so you know it’s everything um basically in the league not everything but you know what I mean like the bottom line is you’re you’re frequently being dragged out on

The perimeter and asked to try to keep a guard in front of you um and you know obviously presumably he’s going to struggle with that because it’s going to be the fastest guys with a basketball in the in their head in the world and you know again like you can hide them and

Drop and and you know send them back a little bit you know certainly the risk of course that you run is you know somebody’s going to hit shots over you and going to get clean looks uh but you know it works for some guys uh and and

You know again he can be effective drop coverage guy I think he’s going to be able to rebound uh certainly has just you know magnificent touch um and you know he’s going to have to move a little bit more in the offensive game because I

Mean on the flip side you not a lot of teams just put you on the Block uh basically in the NBA anymore I mean like you’re you’re in movement and you’re you’re doing screen and roll stuff and getting lobs and everything like that um so he’s going to play have to play a

Different kind of game he’s G but you know I mean I guess kind of what he does is adjust I I think that like it’s it’s funny to talk about him because like he Even’s like well everybody doubted me well yeah everybody doubted you because you really didn’t play high school

Basketball you barely right you know I mean like he is such a project I mean it was really it’s been fascinating to watch how has been done and you got to credit everybody all the way down the line I mean um you know he got recruited

He he committed you know my second year cover Purdue with the athletic and I I just told the story on Twitter yesterday like he walked in the building it was it was for like produce preseason inter squads scrimage they don’t have a hooer hysteria you know like it’s basically

Like they have a Purdue football game and if you want to come a couple hours in over early to backy and watch like three scrimmages area for them um but I remember like Edie walks in the building with his mom and like they had just missed out on Hunter Dickinson and Ryan

C grer you know those were two Targets they had in that class for big men and they needed a five you know desperately and uh I remember looking at Brian Newbert who’s like the rivals guy for Purdue who’s been there for a long time great dude and and you know knows all

This stuff and obviously connected with that staff I’m like know who that is he’s like no uh he’s a big dude he’s got to be somebody and so then I guess he just asked around he like his name is Zach Edy and so we looked him up and he

He barely have a picture yet because he he you know like he’d been a hockey player yeah been a hockey player a baseball player when I talked to him like he had not you know he he said like I didn’t just not play basketball it’s

Not like I just found it he’s like I actively avoided it like I’m like I was I was really big I thought I’d get pigeon hold get playing basketball I didn’t want any part of it you know basically I didn’t want to be you know stuck in that position and but somebody

Said hey man you want to come play recck league and I was like you know that’ll be fun and then I thought it was awesome just like man you know that’s that’s like wow like you avoided that like until you were 16 and then you’re like

Well this is the best thing in the world it’s like you know yeah so dtin let me let me ask you this so you’ll be able to tell I don’t watch a ton of NBA but so the last NBA game I did watch was the Pacers versus versus Milwaukee and and

So I intentionally watched that game from the standpoint of I wanted to see the movement that Lopez is it Brook Lopez on that Brook Lopez did going up and down the floor yeah in relation to how Zack Edy would translate right and there wasn’t a single movement that

Brook Lopez did throughout that game that Zack Edy couldn’t do that’s understand he makes a lot of Threes And but when he came into the league he didn’t he wasn’t that kind of three-point shooter right so so that’s why I just when people say something to

Me about that now I think I think there’s a I think A team’s going to find a spot for him because I think he can do some things some guys in the league already do like he has the same weakness Luke Brook Lopez has yeah no exactly I

Mean like Brook Brooks just happens to be one probably the best drop coverage defender in the NBA you know I agree uh while we wait to get Dustin back uh I I was he brought up Trace Jackson Davis and he’s another one that there was a lot of doubts uh

Whether he could make it in the NBA because of the lack of shooting and I I didn’t think he was going to really be able to make it because of that but he’s proved all of us wrong all of his doubters wrong and he’s thriving uh at Golden State especially because you got

Draymond you got Draymond Green getting kicked out about every other game right and I also think along the lines of that nothing I think the highlights I think Trace will play in the league for a long time but I think the highlights we’re going to see of trace a years from now

Will be a lot different from the highlights we see now because someone’s going to teach him how to shoot every single highlight you see of him right now is either a lob dunk or a cut to the basket or some athletic play that he’s making and as much as I love trace and

As much as I think Trace is a uniquely athletic talented player I don’t think that’s going to be sustainable for eight years there’s going to be once he gets to be third there’s going to be a 23y old that’s bigger and stronger and more physical and athletic than him but I do

Think he has good enough touch I think he’ll translate into a decent mid-range jump shooter that that’s why he’ll end up staying in the league the one thing about Edy is you talked about his touch he’s a great free throw shooter yeah he’s he’s a good free throw shooter for

For I mean for a big man for a big man they usually don’t have that kind of in the NBA they do but uh usually usually in college they just don’t have that kind of touch from their hell look at Indiana and the troubles they had shooting free throws none of the guys

Were were shooting very well for a long time mcken ibako did uh Cups did but man they struggled at the free throw line and Zach Edy just bloop yeah Edie once he gets to the NBA also he’ll become an even better shooter because he’s he’s got a little flaw with his shot that

Will get fixed immediately as soon as he gets to the NBA and when when that happens he’s going to become an 80% free throw shooter we need to get him uh hooked up with my jump he he’s gonna get hooked up with somebody trust me he

He’ll he’ll do just fine and speaking of the devil uh my jump of course if you have any kids know of any kids know of anybody that is working on their jump shot that needs to work on their jump shot and I’m not talking about anybody on Indiana team uh talk about

People that you know personally uh make sure you reach out to my jump and uh it’ll get fixed uh Dodd’s working with several uh people of note uh around right now uh no names but uh a lot of PE I’ve had people reach out to me and uh

To get hooked up they and there are some people that would surprise you but it’s because they want to get better they want to do everything they can to get better and things like this is What It Takes yeah the difference between the top players in the country when you walk

Into a you know a big time AA event and you see the players that are in there there’s a small difference between you know the top outside of athletically when you talk about their physical Talent there’s such a minute difference in Talent level between the top 100 players in the

Country I think that uh Dustin are you back well it’s a good time to take a break because that’s what we have to do uh we’ve got going to take a quick break we’ve got lots more coming up on the show today looking forward to uh

Travis well Travis M’s going to join us and he’s a really very happy man because uh he’s a writer from uh the Rival site for Purdue and they are celebrating uh and hopefully we’ll get tied back for one more segment because I didn’t get to talk to you unless you

Have to go like you said uh talk some hoops college hoops final four Purdue breaks the streak at North Carolina State both teams have not been to the final four in over 40 years all that and more brought to you by Cheryl seore and Remax realy we’re back with more right after

This I went a little long there hey I just saw on Twitter that Leland Walker is not visiting today that’s what I said he’s can okay you said good yep did he cancel it or is he rescheduling it it’s supposed to be rescheduled there’s Dustin sorry about

This I don’t know why the Wi-Fi keeps uh shorting out today that’s all right man appar what it is when uh what’s the schedule they they’re home for a while uh they’re home tonight they play uh at Brooklyn on Wednesday uh home over the weekend for Oklahoma City Miami uh then Toronto next

Tuesday so I’m not going on these road trips because they’re one-offs um you know usually I don’t but I’m going to Cleveland next Friday and then the season then doesn’t want to go to who doesn’t want to go to Cleveland exactly nothing wrong with Cleveland Cleveland downtown’s all

Right uh you know I’m not I’m not talking about the the Greater Cleveland but downtown Cleveland’s not bad got no yeah I’m kidding I’m kidding all all cities are pretty much good Big C yeah more or less more or less unless you’re out unless you’re out west they used to

Be they have gone to Hell depends on how you look at it I mean there are issues I think I know which which issue you’re talking about serious issues it is but you know it’s still they’re not bad places to be we were just in LA and San

Francisco this weekend so or last weekend so s Francisco San Francisco is still going I feel like we didn’t have I never have a chance to really do San Francisco because it’s just so expensive to stay downtown um so I stayed in Brisbane and it’s like you know there’s this little

You know kind of uh industrial park in Brisbane I’ve stayed in the last two years and it’s like I mean I don’t know just these palaces of Silicon Valley offices and the bay it’s amazing um Maxine’s got thoughts no uh you were talking about trace and we might be able

To talk about this but like so I got to talk to him and uh and she over the weekend so I’m oh wow last weekend so I’m going to talk I’m going to have a story about sheii this week but she says Trace can rip it you know I mean I I do

Think like there is it’s just the question of them everybody trusting it and putting in positions to do it you know where is uh well fortunately for him he plays with Draymond Green so he’s going to get all the opportunities he wants he’s GNA get well not only that I

Mean he’s won the backup shot so like that’s the thing like for a while it was still like Looney and cak um but like Looney’s taking a back step and they’ve been like okay like we got to play Trace you know where is shei now it’s time it’s time we go live

Anyway so we can just wait so we can go live in five four three two welcome back Indiana of sports speed radio here on this Monday and lots of basketball of course don’t forget are brought to you by Reynolds Family Dentistry down in Sellersburg for you

Down for you down in Southern Indiana uh go see our good friend Dr Jay keep that Championship smile and a ton of college basketball of course as the final four was set over this weekend and some some great games except for the Illinois game with with Yukon which was a great game

Until somebody flipped a switch you on man never seen a 30 to nothing run man that was insane I’ve seen it just not I mean just not often in tournaments I think I I want to say the one time I can remember like a 30 nothing run or

Something along those lines uh I want to say it was O8 when like Kansas got dusted by Carolina or Carolina got dusted by Kansas and then Carolina came back and like routed everybody the next year like I I I feel like there was like a ridiculous run where Kansas just

Blasted yeah and uh Todd I don’t know if you got to see that game but I was at the state finals like I said and I looked over and saw the score I’m like what the hell just happened uh because this was a one-point game and like with

Just a few minutes before the half you’re talking about Yukon in Illinois yeah and then Yukon started that run and then they come out of the half on a 25 to one run which it it’s like have you were you ever in a game on either side of one of those that

Long yeah but not in a tournament game remember we lost to Minnesota by 50 one year right but was was it just a one gig a gigantic run like that well when you lose by 50 there’s several gigantic runs that that take place they might not be

To zero I mean what was that yesterday 30 to zero or 28 to zero or something 30 30 to zero that I I don’t remember anything like that ever happening but I mean there had to be some gigantic runs in order to get up by 50 so I mean I

Don’t know I don’t know the numbers but yeah that one yesterday that was man when you talk about momentum is the hardest thing remember in in our postgame shows I would talk about when one team would steal the momentum from you how hard it is to get

That back and to and to get the momentum back and you know that’s just what happened yesterday it just magnified unfortunately for Illinois it happened in their biggest game of the year um and and I I I don’t have a reason to root for Illinois they’re they were a fun

Team to watch I thought yesterday’s game was going to be a fun game to watch but it was the opposite it was pretty miserable yeah and uh but a lot of most of yukon’s games have been that way yeah uh they have thundered through people but they were there to beat yesterday

They were they were there that first half that they played they should have been down 10 plus at the Tennessee Purdue game there was a point in that game at the uh towards the end of the first half Tennessee had an 11-point lead everything was going well and then all

Of a sudden it wasn’t and Purdue goes on a big run I think think that it was like a 15-2 uh run that they they went on and that’s when that game flipped yeah I mean it that game yesterday was every team that goes through it throughout the

Year last year we kind of have to forget about what Yukon did last year because teams winning by 20 plus all the way throughout the tournament is just not a thing that just doesn’t happen and they were they were fortunate they caught they were very fortunate to catch

Illinois the way they caught them yesterday because that ill that if Illinois plays well at all uh that game probably turns out differently because because youon did not play very good in the first half and you know when you look at what Purdue was able to do in

Coming back from be a down 11 to taking the lead I think they went on uh they were down 11 I think they went on a 120 run to come back and take the lead you know that’s uh that’s the sign of a team that’s matured a lot I’m not sure last

Year’s freshman guards would have been able to do what they did I think Lance Jones helps out a bunch in that but all of them just being a year older uh I’m not sure if they didn’t have the experience they had last year in the NCA tournament they would have flipped it

Around yesterday as quickly as they did yeah uh Dustin that it was just uh some fun games to watch like I said I know your your your job keeps you away from that but I was clean this weekend so and I got to uh just we were up in my

Uh my mother-in-law’s Place watching so we all I did was watch college basketball weekend because they were off uh Saturday and Sunday so I got to watch both Elite all the elite a games uh but yeah I mean I think I saw a quote from Danny Hurley saying that like his team systematically

Just dismantles you um and I I mean like I get it I mean they like they made Illinois Illinois look like they they they forgot how to make a layup you know but she said they just challenge everything you do you know they they just make everything hard for you to do

On defense they’ve got you know like obviously with the big guy in the Middle with clinging but they’ve just got length and athleticism everywhere else uh and they get downhill and they make shots from mid-range from outside from inside I mean like there’s just and again that that starting five is just

Really really good you know like Newton and castle and Spencer and klling and like and caraban I mean that’s a really you know good five at college basketball at this level they’re really well coached I mean they are they’re fantastic man and I think like obviously again they were they were getable in

That first half but like like they they really turned it on like did little stuff like remarkably well like you know transition passing like their backs I mean it was just you know just everything Illinois did wrong they capitalized on so drastically and you you saw Illinois just stumble like they

Just did not know how to answer this and they just could not get off off the mat so I think there’s there’s something to Yukon like I get there’s probably some luck to it um that’s a really good basketball team man I mean those guys are really really good and like so like

It’s GNA be tough for somebody to beat him you know I mean like that like if they pull off a second one in a row it’s going to be with a dramatically different team obviously they’re still going to have clinging but there’s a bunch of new guys on that team that have

Still you know just jumped into that system and been phenomenal uh so I they look really really good again like Ed is Edy and so like he’s gonna give pretty a shot um you know I like uh I’m trying like Alabama just their ability to score

Is Just Gonna Keep the around DJ Burns is Gonna Keep North Carolina state in it but like that’s the matchup I want to talk about DJ Burns and Zack e um watching DJ Burns yesterday he was amazing just the way he mo moved for that that size he was B but I guarantee

You Ed’s watching that tape because he kind of had those moves but I’m wondering if if he’s gonna be able to get over Edie uh that’s and that’s what I was thinking I’m like going you know what Ed is gonna block those shots uh or half of those

Shots he’s putting up right now a lot of them like you have a like when you’re deal with a guy like you you you just have a smaller uh you know like margin for error basically and just like there’s a lot of stuff I mean like you know obviously you watched how many

Years of Trace you know going up against Edy and there was just so many moves so many slick things that he could trace could do to get to the rim that are not there you know when he plays Ed because just the the UT the wind span the size

The bulk everything like he just changes the D the geometry of the game so drastically uh in terms of like what you can get away with and burns is gonna find the same thing but I mean he does obviously have the body that he be able

To keep you know edting away from the ball uh and get some separation should have a chance you know like guys like you know Ed and cling kinging are going to have a chance the way a lot of guys don’t uh against you know or not Ed and

Kinging clinging and burns are gonna have a chance in a way a lot of guys don’t against Ed um but still like it it is no DJ Burns is not GNA have nearly the same amount you know the same kind of opportunity but he does have really

Good feet I mean like man like he just like like his moves around the rim are tremendous and so like that’s going to give him a shot at it you know that doesn’t mean he’s going to be able to dominate him but he’s at least have a

Chance where you know most guys you certainly any anybody that you know uh Tennessee has some you know anybody Tennessee to around could couldn’t do the same thing but you know uh Burns is gonna have a chance against Ed in a way that not a lot of other people can and

If it turns out the way way we think it is then it’s going to be a Zach versus Donovan kingan and Yukon has an advantage because of their front court is they’re just better they’ve got NBA guys on there and I’m not knocking uh Purdue I’m not Fletcher lawyer and uh

Braden Smith but they’re not what Yukon has Yukon has NBA level guys Todd yeah I mean I I’m supposed to agree with you because you’re the host but I don’t agree with I don’t think cam I don’t think cam Spencer is um I think he fits their

System pretty well I don’t think he’s that great of a player he’s not a great athlete he’s not gonna overpower Lance Johnson or anybody like that he moves well without the ball that’s probably his superpower on that team um Tristan Newton is the guy he runs their entire

Show if you can disrupt Tristan Newton um you’ve got a chance at disrupting Yukon and that doesn’t happen very often I think he’s probably I think he’s probably the most valuable player on any team throughout the country and I’m including Zack Ed on Purdue in that in

That I think Purdue could still probably win without Zack EDI playing incredible I’m not sure Yukon can win without Tristan Newton being the guy who controls the entire game and so I that that to me is where um when you look at the matchups that happen in this turn in this final

Four I I think Yukon is gonna face two teams well let’s assume Purdue wins I’m shouldn’t assume that but let’s assume Purdue wins they’re going to face two teams potentially in Alabama and Purdue that are different than anyone they’ve played all year long and the Big East

Did not have teams that they didn’t have anyone was like Purdue not even close he’s going to face someone that’s as big as him clinging for the first time all season long and then they didn’t have anybody that ran around and shot three-pointers like Alabama does and so

I I want to see that matchup I’m that guy that wants to look ahead and see Edy versus klling and I want to see the two what fish call it Godzilla versus King Kong like I want to see that matchup but but I think they I don’t think they will

I think Danny Hurley’s awesome I love the system he’s built I don’t think they’ll Overlook Alabama but I don’t think you have to overlook Alabama for Alabama to beat you because if they get hot they’ll beat anyone they’ll be Purdue if they get hot that’s true yeah that’s their three-point shooting is uh

It’s pretty lethal they just they take so many of them like you pointed out it’s like twice 1,85 three-point shots they took this year in relation to Indiana shot 513 jeez like that’s that’s crazy and then what did they shoot as a team I wonder because that’s a lot that’s just 3% 38%

Holy cow that’ll do it yeah but but this was this was a stat I saw yesterday in that out of I think it was I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna missp missp speak this number but it was like I’m not gonna say it right they only took between the three-point line

And 16 feet throughout the year they only took like I want to say 60 shots throughout the entire season like it was a crazy I I I’m sorry I didn’t write this thatat down when I saw it but it was a crazy stat in that they don’t take

Mid-range shots Alabama that is they take three-pointers or dunks or layups and that’s a system that I think we’re going to see a lot I mean uh Indiana State’s kind of similar to that um you want to hear a craziest stat I think ever in college

Basketball um did I send you that thing on gouki that the guy that was ripping caliper oh it’s funny you I’ll send it to you to watch but uh Jack gouki the kid that transferred from Hillsdale College to Oakland and singlehandedly took Kentucky out of the tournament this

Year uh he has for on the entire season Todd had he took eight two-point shots I saw that that’s not as unusual as think you’d be surprised there are a lot more guys that are like that than you think that it just blows my mind uh Dustin we appreciate you my friend I

Hope you get feeling better and uh we look forward to talking to you again next week sounds good see you guys see you to Bud yep Todd again you’re always welcome to stay as long as you want man I gotta roll and uh but we love having

You stat stat yesterday you want to hear the craziest stat you can talk about this when I’m going yeah the last time the leading scorer in the which is Zack Edy made the final four did you hear that like 1960 Oscar Robertson Oscar Robertson the last time the leading

Score in the country made it to the final four that baffled me I just couldn’t get that out of my head all night that’s crazy yeah because you would think the team that makes especially before even before the the transfer portal when you had teams that were really good yeah it’s like how’s

That not the Duke those great Duke teams uh those great Florida teams uh there’s just been great teams high-scoring teams Alabama for God’s sakes uh you shoot all that but it’s amazing not only that he well yeah he’s he’s doing things Edy and I I’m one of the idiots tomorrow

When Robbie’s on I heard him on the radio say anybody that thinks Edie is just is just about size as an idiot and I’m like well that puts me in that category uh and I’m going to acknowledge to him my that I was you know one of his

Idiots but uh man yes but but here’s here’s where that statement doesn’t make any sense if Zack Ed was 68 he wouldn’t be doing all this so is a lot about his size right now he’s there’s not very many seven foot4 guys so we don’t have a

Ton to compare him to but he does things other seven foot four guys can’t do he’s just I said this to you a million times you’ve heard it there’s a ton of seven I’ve seen in person and played with a ton of seven Footers there’s not a lot of people the same

Size as Shaq Shaq’s a seven-footer that’s just different and Edie is a seven foot4 guy that’s just different yep he is like a he’s like a mountain you can’t move it yeah uh he’s crazy Todd Larry will be joining us each Monday man can’t wait brother appreciate

You look forward to seeing you soon yep you’re the best thanks we’ve got to take a break up next Travis Miller from boiler upload will join us and we’ll talk about Purdue’s first final four in uh 44 years as they break that uh break that seal also uh North Carolina State

Uh the same kind of story haven’t been to the final four since 1983 with Jim valano great matchup back with boore Indiana Sports Beat radio right after this oh mercy hey Travis I’m surprised you don’t have a well look at you I had to I had to look at you you’re

Supposed to be uh nonbiased yeah right last year when cooko made the state finals against Ben Davis I uh I I actually busted out my uh KHS letter jacket from 19 smedium was it a smedium no it fit man it still fits oh well Robbie’s coming on tomorrow I was

Trying to get him on either today or Friday but uh tomorrow worked out better for him but I was listening to I was driving so I listened to the last half on the road and got to listen to him and which was cool uh and you know he got

Really emotional and and it you you have and I’ll wait to say this but yeah Matt payer boy you want to talk about getting a monkey off your back uh that it was just it was a gorilla on his back was a monkey it was go we can go ahead and go

Live because I can just put the commercials in um later so here while you’re on the subject so here we go five four three two hey hey welcome back Indiana Sports Beat radio here on this Monday thank you so much for being with us brought to you

By our good friends down in Clarksville for the southern our Southern Indiana peeps right off of I65 at Veterans Park they’ve got over 5050 TVs in there for you to watch the NCAA tournament and much more food made fresh every day and it’s incredible uh joining us now Travis

Miller from boiler upload and uh things have to be pretty pretty exciting up in uh West Lafayette brother ah it is um wow I I I honestly did not know what to do yesterday when that clock wow look at the bean look at the glow on your face

It’s uh you know I I kept wondering if there was going to be some sort of review if miman deade was gonna come out and like oh he actually hit a six-pointer we’re going to overtime um but uh I I just kind of collapsed on the floor my son tackled me it was

Just th this is a moment and I and I saw this all evening yesterday you know I just spent hours scrolling through Twitter and seeing all all the reactions and this is just it’s such a moment that was such a long time coming for this perue nation and all the fans and

Everything it wasn’t just the 44-year drought it was all of the near misses in the 44 years I counted it up there were 12 teams that had a very legitimate shot to make a final four in that and probably should have made a final four somewhere in there um that just for

Whatever reason didn’t make it you know Isaac H’s elbow Robbie Hummel’s knee uh the the game against Virginia Glenn Robinson in 94 the 1988 team that got beat by a Kansas State team they had blown out by 30 I who was Robbie Robbie hmel hurt his knee one year who was on

That Squad that was the Jan Johnson Ean Moore uh team and even the next year where HL missed the mo the whole season Purdue was still a preed and had a very good chance to make a final four and got run off the court by VCU during vcu’s amazing run

So I mean it was just I mean it was an incredible game you got to give a ton of credit to Tennessee Dalton connect man he did everything he could but Zack Edy for everything that he has done for this program to drop 40 points in the game

That finally breaks there the streak and breaks everything that went wrong over the last 44 years it was incredible and then that moment yesterday where he cuts the net and the first thing he does is he takes his piece of the net he cuts it in half wait a minute first of all

You’re not say he cut the net standing from the floor he did not use the ladder he just reached up to cut the net yes yes uh but he takes that he takes that piece of net and he C it in half and he immediately goes to Jean Katie and hands

Him a piece of the net and shakes his hand and gives him a hug that is you know honestly you know it it was a little Dusty everywhere for Purdue fans when that happened that is the only moment I have ever wanted to see as a Purdue fan Jean Katy finally

Gets to see this program reach a final four I mean he was hired roughly two weeks at after the last time that they made a final four and they never got there again until yesterday and that he was still with us and he was able to see

That and be in the building and experience it that is just it it’s something that Purdue fans have wanted for such a long time and to me that that’s the best moment of yesterday was him getting that piece of net and it’s uh yeah it’s I’m

I’m right now I’m sure it was an amazing conversation between Matt payer and uh uh Jean Katy because of course he is uh it was a a passing of the torch from those two it was not like he was brought in and and so that’s that’s something

You don’t get to see very often it it doesn’t usually happen that way but a 17-year drought for for for Matt payer uh getting his teams in so finally he gets his team into a final four and you know Houston you talk about the the misses you know Indiana had that happen there’s

Several times Scott May broke his arm when uh uh Allan Allen Henderson’s knee like Robbie hmel uh and then Houston they lose their point guard during the game and that you know probably changed the outcome of that game but happens every year it’s just the survival of the

Fittest Purdue gets by yesterday zachi scores 40 mainly because he couldn’t get anybody else to score they could not hit a three-pointer to save their life yeah and honestly that was one of the if Purdue had hit their threes they win that game going away and it was that’s

What I had dreaded all year is that they would have the game where they just did not shoot well from three and even then Lance Jones with 243 left he rattles one home and in a three-point game doubles the lead and uh I don’t I don’t think they Tennessee got within a possession

After that and so um I I’m equating that Lance Jones 3 right up there with the uh the Bree to Morales play from 2000 in football where you know Purdue didn’t clinch the Rose Bowl with that play but it is the play that everybody remembers

And a year ago right now no Purdue fans had any idea who Lance Jones was and when he signed and was the big incoming transfer there was kind of a collective like okay yeah he’s a decent player but is he really going to fit with this team

And what not and the reason produ in the final four is Lance jokes um he changed everything with the backourt and to be able to hit arguably the biggest three-pointer in the history of the program uh I mean he’s going down as a Purdue Immortal right now he’ll only

Spend one year in westoff yet but he has embraced this culture and this team uh they have embraced him and it was it was great to see him knock that shot down and I think that is uh that’s one of those shots that will not be forgotten

For a very long time well the guy that’s gonna go down as Immortal is is Zach Edy uh the whole team is gonna go down as a mortal after this I mean well in West Lafayette maybe I don’t know about everywhere else but Zach e will go down

As a mortal in college basketball as one of the the greatest big men to to play to to play the game uh dominant the most dominant you know I I’ve said before and it pisses Purdue fans off that I don’t think he’s the greatest basketball player and what I

Mean by that is a certain you know skill levels that uh Lebron James he he man he’s playing guard he’s played forward he can play center but anyway he’s still the most dominant player in college basketball regardless and and I’ll say that all day long because he dominates

Games he changes games you you have to your game plan is Zack Edy but what really it’s it’s doing what Tennessee tried to do take away Purdue front court and they did a pretty good job with that and that’s what you have to do because Ed’s gonna get his but you

Saw yesterday that even when that happens you’ve got to find a way to slow Edy down and that was the thing they could not slow him down enough he got 40 points if he gets 30 which is a lot that still changes that game entirely uh he

Lived at the free throw line because they just kept he he was able to draw I think 16 fouls uh something and he hits his free throws so again that’s another important thing he’s a good free throw shooter for a big man it’s that it that takes touch

Because when you’re 74 that’s a completely different trajectory in the a completely different angle of shooting that free throw uh he did airball one uh I heard on the as I was driving back but that didn’t matter much but that probably just showed a little bit of uh

The fatigue wearing on him he played virtually the entire game yeah and yesterday he actually moved into third place all time in the Big 10 in scoring he passed Steve Alford Mike McGee and Glenn rice all uh because they were all within six points of each

Other probably not going to get in the top two um maybe get past Shawn wer if he plays both games in the final four and just has you know an unbelievable performance not gonna catch Calbert Cheney but you’re right I mean few guys are as dominant as he is I mean basically you

Can put 25 points on the board for puru to start the game you know he’s going to like you said he’s gonna get hits I’m looking at his stats he has not scored less than 20 points since uh the February 4th game at Wisconsin he had 18

In that he has been at 22 or more in every single game since then and I mean that’s that’s a great starting point for any team right there is knowing that you have 20 22 23 24 points on the board before the game uh before the game starts

And just this is his reward too I mean he he knew he heard all the Vibes he heard everything that was said about this team after the Fairley Dickinson loss and you could just tell all season long he was laser focused and I think yesterday was really the first day after

The game where he just kind of let it all out and um you know he’s you don’t become a two-time national player of the year without having talent without being dominant and everything and like you said he is going to go down as one of the most dominant players in the history

Of college basketball and you know I can’t even dream I don’t even want to think about winning a national title yet but the fact that Purdue is still playing basketball in April that is a testament to what he has done and what he is able to do another thing I was thinking about

Yesterday is they have something that nobody else has they have a team that has played together for two years uh they they don’t they don’t have an AB they have one transfer so they don’t have this abundance different faces every virtually every guy that’s that’s a part of what they’re doing and doing

Well right now has been there uh Fletcher lawyer and Braden Smith had to grow up and Braden had a little bit of trouble yesterday but the he still managed to to be good to to to do the things he needed to do and find other

Ways to help the team I I think that Braden Smith is he’s what makes that team go uh it I know Zach is the the scores the most points and all that but there’s so much mo more to that you’ve got to be able to get the ball to him to

Facilitate and Braden Smith has really you could tell he’s worked very very hard and he’s played very well yesterday was probably his first uh less than spectacular game I guess you’d call it because they really Tennessee had to that’s what they had to do they had to try to shut those guys

Down and I don’t know if it was that’s why they you know didn’t hit the the threes at the the normal rate they hit they’re the number one team in the country at that and when you have a team that’s number one in the country shooting threes and mount

Edy man uh that’s pretty damn good but then we look on the other side Yukon and they’re doing you know the same things there that’s that Illinois game blew my mind that it was you know they’re one one two-point game one second I was at

The state finals and I look over and I’m like they’re down 20 and I’m like what the hell just happened uh and so it it’s it’s nuts but it’s going to be a hell of a final four and the first thing I can’t wait to see is uh Zack Edy and DJ Burns

But let’s uh take a quick break and come back and talk about that because North Carolina State should not be be here but man they are and unabashedly they are so Travis Miller from boiler upload with us right now we’ve got lots more coming up here on Indiana sportsbeat radio powered

By anymore Honda just go to anymor and Bubba 33 of Clarksville back with boy right after this it doesn’t matter how much I uh look at you boy like Superman yeah me Clark Kent but yeah I’m ready for work nice it doesn’t Travis it doesn’t matter how much I

Uh I uh give props to Purdue I get this all the time I nothing’s bringing me down today man shouldn’t bring you it shouldn’t bring you down they’re cracking on me he’s cracking on me saying I’m dissing Purdue how the hell am I dissing Purdue I I think it’s interesting you

Even you even have some you have some IU people congratulating Purdue right now and being like wow they they actually did it hey I’m I I’m happy for Matt payter same I’m telling you uh he’s he is a super super great guy he does it the right way um and I’m talking about

He never cheated he never got into that mess and like Duke let me tell you they were cheating under Mike Shashi they were flipping cheating I don’t know how long that went back so I don’t want to you know I’m not GNA say that’s what Jeep’s career was

Based on it wasn’t but he got into that too just like Bill self they all all the shoe companies get funneling players to them and they just got away with it Zion Williams that that would have been that would have blown up Duke’s face and I’m shocked nobody really got to the was

Able to get to the bottom of that and it kind of pisses me off because I hate that they they got away with just like oh no we’re clean North Carolina the same damn thing um but anyway Matt does has done it right he’s done it with

Indiana kids no less um he’s the new Indiana he’s the new bob Knight you want to take this slide you’re making you’re making Salient points want to get you live here so here we go in five 4 3 2 hey welcome back in the of sports B

Radio here on this Monday post uh the Elite 8 and the final four is set in men’s college basketball the women’s continue today Travis you got that LSU Iowa game you can’t see me baby you can’t see me that’s going to be a good one I I may

Have to tune into that one tonight because that’s gonna be fun to watch that’s a no doubter uh you have to you got Kim Maly in there who was she was first she was threatening to sue the Washington Post then I saw that she was

Ripping the LA Times I’m like oh and of course you never know what kind of clown suit she’s gonna wear on the sideline but there’s your Bobby Knight of women’s basketball exactly what I was getting ready to say she is exactly that and that Washington Post article that came out

It wasn’t really bad it it just kind of painted her as a bob Knight type without the Tantrums and uh uh other things that went along with bob Knight that were less than um civil I should say I had Kyle Macy on last week yeah she’s a terrible person that lacks empathy but

She’s a very good basketball coach yes she is a great she’s actually a great was a great player and I mean she’s done so much she won I don’t I can’t remember did she won a national title as a player I think she did I think so I think so

And she won a Pan-American gold and then she won three titles at Baylor as a coach one at LSU in her second year I mean hey you gotta hand it to her she’s she’s doing it but she’s not my cup of tea uh and I I’m really not into the

Clown suit she she wears I’m like you know stop trying to take the it’s like she’s trying to take the attention away but uh other than that let’s get back to the um the dis what was I what was I talking about in the you wanted to talk about DJ Burns and oh

Yeah okay so I’m watching the uh the North Carolina State game where they’re handling Duke and handling Kyle Philip Kowski uh who it was it was shocking that he was still able to play with that incident that happened earlier earlier in the court storming where he did not

Get hurt and uh they pretended like it was this I will those two court storming incidents with him and with Kiton and Clark I will never I will forever not get either of those sites out of my mind because none of them got hurt they both acted like they got killed uh Philip

Kowsky is carried off the floor but he’s able to he manages to play in the very next game and then Caitlyn Clark when that her deal happened all you see was her hands go up in the air in this little valerina turn that she did to fall but um both of

Those it just cracked me up um but DJ Burns is a unique individual and but I was watching thinking man he’s got some good moves he’s getting some shots off I said but he’s not getting that shot off versus Zack Edy Zack Ed is gonna block that

Shot uh unless he’s you know doing some step backs or some Fai and he’s got touch to do that but I think he’s going to have to do that or he’s going to have to draw Zack EDI away from the basket a little bit to clear it out because he’s

Not I just don’t see him being able to get over Zack Edy he’s got that Zack Randol old man’s game it’s fun to watch but yeah it’s gonna be an interesting match up between the two um and North Carolina state is its own story as I said I saw on Twitter if Virg

Virginia’s best free throw shooter doesn’t miss a free throw with like six seconds left in the ACC Tournament game North Carolina State’s not even in the tournament and to win five games in five days steal on automatic bid and then keep that going to the final four I mean

You got goodness they they are on one heck of a heater right now and I don’t I don’t think you can look past them at all um I think it’s going to be a really really good game there is at least a little bit of familiarity these teams

Played two seasons ago in Brooklyn and or no three seasons ago in Brooklyn I’m not sure how many players are still on the roster I know Edie is still there and everything but um it was a it was quite the matchup that they had against

Each other and no it was two years ago yeah and um it went to overtime and that was a game where North Carolina state was in control the whole time trayon Williams had one heck of a second half and dragged it back got it to overtime

And Purdue won the game in overtime but you know I that it’ll be interesting to see how these two match up uh you’ve just got you’ve kind of got a really great team in Purdue like you said best free throw shooting team in the country they’ve got Ed but never doubt a hot

Team and NC State is about as hot as they come right now that’s gonna well the irony is crazy with the team that Jim Valvano took to the uh to win the championship back in 1983 uh with and the the fact that they won that game on a fluke

Airball uh and and caught and and put it in but it was the same kind of thing just they were just a a an average team that got hot but let me tell you there’s two teams that are just the two best in the country and that’s Purdue and Yukon and

If they’re not in the championship game I’m just going to be shocked um but crazy things happen uh just crazy things can happen you just never know but uh I I just cannot imagine Purdue they have they’ve been on a mission uh zachi has more than anybody

Has treated this like a a narrow Focus he is looking down a tunnel his he not he’s not distracted he’s not you know he’s not on social media doing all this bull uh like a lot of players do he’s focused on doing doing one thing and let

Me tell you you’re going to need a a dump truck to stop him yeah and I I wouldn’t put anything past Alabama I mean Alabama’s one of those crazy teams that they could they can have a night where they can hit 18 19 23p pointers and uh that’s that’s kind of what

Happened when they played Purdue in the regular season I believe they hit 18 in that game Purdue won by six but it took one heck of an effort to come back and win that game they were they were beating Purdue comfortably for a good portion of that game until Purdue came

Back in the second half so that 11-point swing when they were leading by 11 uh and Purdue went on that 15-2 run part of that was closing the half and then the other part was coming out of the half and that that decided the game because from there on Tennessee was

Going uphill the whole rest of the game and had they been able to maintain a good portion of that lead this might up been a different turnout because Dalton connect was on fire he was he was goiing it up yesterday uh what a what a crazy performance by both

Zach e and uh oh D on it I got gouki on the brain but uh connect D connect and how much money did he make himself yesterday yeah I mean just and gonna climb transfer out of Northern Colorado who who who transfers from Northern Colorado to be a national Player of the Year

Candidate and you know what I was thinking as much as the transfer portal has got a lot of faults I think it’s made the game better for the fans yeah I I think it if you play it right it can be a huge Boon just look

Look at what Purdue was able to do with Lance Jones uh they he was the one edition and puru has started the same five guys in all 37 games this year and he was able to come in and fill that one spot and he has filled it tremendously I

Mean it it shifted Fletcher lawyer over to the three and kind of on the wing and everything and that’s opened things up he’s able to score he’s able to play defense he’s able to drive and just I don’t think you could add a better player to what Purdue tries to do than

What Lance Jones has done this season he’s been and and and like you said that’s just the one addition but it was more than enough I mean this is a completely different team and you took an already really good basketball team and you made them Elite with just one

Guy yeah it’s uh crazy I’m looking forward to this final four um because it’s going to take a Monumental upset for someone for North Carolina state to beat Purdue first of all and that would be that that Cinderella Story may be bigger than than with valanos uh just because of today’s age

The how good Purdue is you know that team way back then that did beat uh the Houston team of of uh the dream of elijahwan and uhh who was the guard dad G it for Houston oh that’s a little bit before my time I oh d g it Clyde the

Glide baby Clyde the Glide Drexler Drexler yes Clyde Drexler uh so mon upsets happen uh but I I I don’t see it here I I just don’t know that North Carolina State can put enough pressure on Purdue guards to to do that and that’s what it’s going to take you have

To not only shut down produce guards from knocking that three but you got to shut them down from getting the ball to Ed so regularly and easily because if he gets it within four feet it’s he he his shot is working right now uh from four

Feet four five feet that little dink his touch is just going in and you’re not going to stop him and I guess they’re not they don’t have the Hops to block him so um you’re you’re gonna have to shut their guards down in a lot of

Different ways if you have any chance of beating Purdue so does the narrative still count of losing to a double digit seed every year if it happens in the final four boy well no no but the it would be the Fourth Street year it would not

Be Purdue would take a lot of crap for that I’m G yeah I’m sure uh though even though it’s in the final four yeah they would get a lot of a lot of grief but um I I just I don’t think that’s going to happen yeah and then but it’s very

Reminiscent not to cut you off very reminiscent of when Virginia lost as a 16 seed uh the fir or or lost as a one seed to the 16 the first ever to do it the next year they won the National Championship so yeah I don’t know if

Purdue’s got that kind of magic going but there’s that I I think I think uh everybody wants to see a Purdue Yukon final and I think I honestly kind of think that’s what we’re going to get but uh Alabama man they they are a team that

Can just get red hot and shoot the three and they can uh Mark Sears man he he took it to Purdue when they played back in December in Toronto he just was a phenomenal guard I would not be shocked to see Alabama beat Yukon but I think

It’s going to take one of those games where they hit 18 1923s and then if you get a rematch of Purdue and Arizona or Arizona Alabama in the final that would be another tremendous game I mean you got two teams that already played each other and it

Seems to be that Purdue is just they’re getting rematches the whole way through this tournament so I wouldn’t you know I wouldn’t mind seeing it I can’t imagine Purdue winning a national title just making a final four is is a dream come true at this point but heck you’re there

You might as well try to win the whole damn thing and I think if you get a Purdue Yukon final that is it it’s one of those rare Seasons where you get the two best teams in college basketball in the championship game and you’ll have whoever wins that game will definitely

Be the champion the the team that did the best and is the best team in the country this year H that that’s as that’s a trueth that’s a statement a fact right there uh and I don’t think anybody anybody can doubt that um I didn’t have Houston in my final four I I

Thought something was going to happen along the way it was not an injury like that and you hate to see that be the case but uh I have we see these are the two best teams without question and fortunately if it turns out to be the case we’ll we’ll get

To talk about it next Monday uh before the game uh with the championship game coming up uh on this Saturday but there is so much basketball this week in what is today today’s Monday uh in Indie the niit semis are semis are at hanle Fieldhouse tomorrow that’s beautiful the

Championship game is there Thursday the Chipotle National High School National Finals Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday at Brownsburg high school it’s like damn I have logged more miles in the last few weeks and Indiana’s not even been playing for three weeks or however long it’s been it’s it’s just

Been a crazy busy is is fisers going to be in that thing on uh at Brownsburg or are they going to be no no that’s for schools like La lumir uh Mont ver Academy IMG those okay so it’s not a real Championship then well oh it’s it’s

Real these these teams are it’s not a real Championship because they do not play with their state associations they are glorified it’s not a high school it’s not a state High School deal yeah well they’re not high schools those are profession those are semi-professional high schoolers that I agree with well that I

Agree with I’ll tell you what I would like to see fisers go play in that that fisers team is a really really good program and I can’t imagine how good they would be Jaylen harelson stayed this year that’s a good point but without Jaylen harelson um I I went down

To them the Mont Varity Invitational Tournament got to see a lot of teams play and my opinion not not not not close uh it would not be close Cooper flag Cooper flag is is everything that he has been build to be Liam McNeely on that team ASA new they’re starting five

Are all going to high major programs they’ve got guys on the bench that are going to programs uh BigTime programs that’s just my uh and so you’ve got all these other teams La lumir uh and how but it is shocking how good fisers was without Jaylen harelson but something I

Mentioned earlier Travis they had 11 guards on their roster 11 with two forwards and a center and uh just unbelievable that they were able to do that and not I don’t know that there’s not a high ranked player on that team there’s not some there’s not somebody that all these big-time schools are

Looking at that’s amazing uh with I saw I saw their Regional game against cooko I went over to Newcastle for that and it was impressive what they did to Kook uh you know obviously cook had Flo bonga but kook’s guards had been playing really well late in the season and I

Thought that they had a legitimate chance of beating him and fisers took it to him man they got up they got up early and they just did not let cook back into the game and so that to me it’s very impressive what fisers was able to do

This year and to go through to go through his season in Indiana with just one loss is really really impressive absolutely uh looking forward to what what fears uh should Purdue have against the game with with North Carolina State um just a lot like fears but what

Do they have to really really focus on I think it’s just a lot like the game with Tennessee uh they just have to make sure that they don’t hit don’t miss their threes if they’re hitting their threes like you said Ed’s to get his I think it’s going to be incredibly tough to

Beat him uh but if they if they have a PO night shooting from three and they start turning the ball over a little bit it’ll it’ll be close but um you know honestly at this point house money whatever happens is going to happen out there they they have finally broken

Through and it almost just feels like now that they have gotten to a final four even if they don’t win it it feels like they you know now that we’ve seen that they can do it there will be other chances down the road you know Matt

Painter has built a program that has now proven it can get to final fours it can win in March and that that’s only G to pay off phenomenally in the long run and I’m I’m looking forward to it I I I think it’s going to be a lot of fun out

There I it’s going to be great to see them to see how they do and my only concern with the three-point shooting is um the weird atmosphere that you get on the courts in these gigantic football stadiums I I think that diminishes the basketball a little bit because it’s

Hard to shoot it’s hard to uh you know you got the weird shooting backgrounds and everything else so it’ll be interesting to see how that part plays out yeah it it that’s been a something that that has been talked about for a long time but I I think they get

Adjusted to it um with the people in there especially it it it dulls The Sound uh uh but it is uh it’s not the same as being in in the gym but maybe that’s better because it can’t be quite as loud uh when you’re in a a place like

Assembly Hall or or a a damn I can’t what am I I can’t think of Purdue Mackie ma you’re in one of those places man that’s just like a sound test when you’re in those places like you can’t hear Jack uh yeah so ma Mackey is a force multiplier for

Purdue is what I call it it is a dungeon of noise and when that place really gets going you just see teams wit against that what’s the uh you don’t have to talk about Yukon yet but all right so what’s your prediction on North Carolina State again if if Purdue’s hitting their

Threes uh hopefully it was just an aberration against Tennessee but in the Purdue’s been solid this whole tournament especially in the second half they have just throttled teams coming out of halftime I I think they can get past North Carolina State I look for

Them to do so and then in the title game I think they’re going to get Yukon and I think that is going to be a tremendous matchup I think I would give Yukon an edge just because they’ve been there before and they are they are playing just some really good basketball they’ve

Won what 10 consecutive NCAA tournament games all by double digits that that that’s hard to overcome so uh it it would be a phenomenal basketball game it you would have a true true National Champion there but uh I I think I’m G to pick Yukon over Purdue in

The title game not by a lot but I I’ll give I’ll give you kind of an edge well we’ll talk about that game next week so I don’t have to you don’t have to you can save that one uh Donovan kingan he’s a he’s a he’s a unique animal as well so

Something that Purdue is gonna have to deal with but it’s going to be a party uh for the Purdue fans in West Lafayette and those that are going was it’s in Phoenix right yes are you heading out to Phoenix this time uh man I really want

To I Gotta See how the logistics can work out and everything uh are you kidding me I I got to be a dad first I got to be a dad first and uh yeah man yeah I think this is this is the time that getting a babysitter would

Not be uh looked on looked upon as a bad thing um it it’s my son’s final pinewood derby on Sunday and we’ve been working on the car so oh man I gotta more important life is more important gonna be there Casey’s got it covered it would it would be more of a

Uh go because I can type of thing and so right on and we’ll talk to Casey on Friday uh and I’m sure that he’s well Casey doesn’t get very excited about much uh so but I’m sure he’s he’s excited on the inside yes see he obviously is he’s done a phenomenal job

This year and uh he he’s been at every game and we couldn’t do what we do without uh what he has done this year so he he’s been a tremendous asset for us uh and I I’m just happy that he decided to come aboard when we started this

Whole thing absolutely man well thank you very much brother we appreciate you and for all the Purdue fans make sure that you are uh getting hooked up at boiler upload and uh use the autograph app to uh for both Indiana and Purdue uh for for the but the autograph

App you can uh find both all the content for everything and appreciate you brother and I’ll talk to you next week all right thanks a lot for having me Jim I appreciate you bet you Travis Miller from boiler upload joining us here and that’s going to be wrap it up for us

What a great day that started with Greg rraw from the ISC Sports Network of course Don fiser and Todd lry on today and Todd will be with us each and every Monday going forward uh Dustin airic from the indie star and of course Travis there from boiler upload man big thanks

To RC for jumping in for uh jtp he’s on a little bit of a Hiatus this week and we’re back tomorrow to do this again an incredible lineup Mike D Cory of course gry CER Robbie hmel will be with us and uh we’ll uh see what we can get going

But uh looking forward to that and uh you guys go out and have yourselves a great great day cannot thank you enough as always greatly appreciate each and every one of you until tomorrow tomorrow I’m Jim Coyle I’ll see you on the radio thanks for listening to Indiana

Sportsbeat radio be sure to subscribe to our YouTube page for more clips and team coverage of Indiana basketball football and more you can also find full episodes and tons of other content on the we’ll see you next time for another edition of Indiana sportsbeat radio


  1. Zach said he didn't want to play basketball because everyone else was wanting and telling him he should play basketball. He didn't want to play because of that

  2. Painter when to a coaching clinic and learned of a shooting technique for shooting 3s. He has the guys shooting 3s only for 5 mins at every practice

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