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Cam Smith and Denan Kemp’s Round 3 Preview – SEN THE CAPTAIN’S RUN

Cam Smith and Denan Kemp are back for their weekly NRL Round Preview!

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0:00 – PEN vs BRI, NZW vs CBR, SYD vs SSR
14:23 – Bulldogs vs Titans
21:22 – Dragons vs Cowboys, Tigers vs Sharks
30:25 – Eels vs Sea Eagles, Storm vs Knights

Penth host the Broncos Thursday 8:00 p.m. 7 p.m. queensday time blue Stadium live on SC with Joel Kane Brett kamoy and Spud Carol we all know the Panthers team news we all know the Broncos team news only a slight uh I guess big news out of the Panthers is Dane Lor has been

Named at 14 uh Smithy we’re spoken about how the Broncos can win this one how do the Panthers win this one and also how would you rate the Panthers first two rounds of the Season uh uh well look I don’t think they’re up where they have been uh

Previous Seasons I think they’ve been a little bit scratchy with their performances but but their players are starting to look like they’re getting back on track I thought Isaiah yo particularly had the best game of his season so far um again you know I’m talking about some players that are

Under pressure like it’s only two rounds so you know we don’t want to sort of go off too early on on performances and whatnot but I thought he had a strong performance um against parata and that try that he set up that kick oh wow oh

My God has he has he been given the license do you reckon from Ivan mate give him his license Ian please come on he’s pass colors very rarely do the rock players uh get the kicking license but mate he nailed it I don’t I don’t know

If I’ve ever seen a better drop punt in my life it was pinpoint and he’s too humble but surely you’re layering up a training as a back rower as a lock when you do something like that surely you lay up surely just move over Nathan I’ll

I’ll take I’ll take the the last play options um particularly M I’ve seen a couple of ordinary attempts in my time none none more so than and I hope this man is listening Brian noring and I think we actually SE I think we actually seen some replays of him uh or of this

Particular attempted kick um through the week mate it is the worst I think C I think Cooper cops got the ball on the last tackle he sort of got pressured he had kick pressure so he decided to run ran into a dead end offloaded the ball and went back to

Brian or Brian’s tried to do the big Up and Under put a dirty old bomb up with the left Boot and mate it was a clean Miss air swing oh my oh the I tell what oh he CED it he copped it he copped it the next week or maybe the next month

But um no look back to this game I think um a mouthwatering um matchup between these two footy sides it’s a shame that they’re missing um a couple of big names Broncos of course without Reynolds and and pay house do we do we know the extent of those injuries so Reynolds I

Think is a two to three week more serious yeah um pain house is precautionary which I like from the Broncos gotcha okay so hopefully pay house is maybe just a week given its early rounds a little bit more serious situation for Adam Reynolds but um big

Game for both missing as I said missing a couple penth look like they they’re starting to you find their groove a little bit but so did the Broncos mate last week like their second half was was um great I thought SN Cobo stood up as did reys Walsh um I thought Cobo was

Very good and Patrick carrian M like Patrick carrian he sort of went under the radar last week it was very it was like a Tradesman likee performance he finished the game with I think 36 tackles and 204 running meters it didn’t sort of seem as much as you usually did

With you know he usually bends the line a bit more than what he did last week but he he just got through a m to work so those three guys really stood up for penrith um you know we spoke earlier about Isaac tongo and and how good a

Game he had paramet took it to him they tested them yeah but they were able to stand up and and really get a good win um I think I think playing at home and they’re going to they’re going to improve slightly again this week penrith um and Reynolds I’m I’m I’m going penth

In this one mate yeah really tough challenge for the Broncos I think key for them you know the their back five are just they are Relentless the back five to penth so if I’m I’m the Broncos I am doing similarish to what the Warriors did to the storm last week

Where they kept kicking to coats um so that he couldn’t have that play two tackle I’m doing everything I can to make sure to doesn’t have that play two run uh making sure kicking the ball and tackling him as he catches it would be a big game plan for me with the brisban

Broncos because the only way you going to beat penrith if you can somehow negate that back FES running meters now you’re not going to negate all of it but if you can quell like one of those players um that’s a huge win but look me heart says Broncos me head says Panthers

Are going to be a very tough challenge just back to your Patty carrian com com um comment and I hate to continue to be negative with the Rabbid o but that was really the difference you know you had a guy like Patty carrian yes okay was he

Setting the world to light no he wasn’t but he was tucking the ball under he was running hard and straight and just getting a roll on and that’s where the Rabbid o really fell short last week of just keeping it simple through the middle and just tucking the ball hard

And straight and just getting through your sets um now let’s get to the Warriors V the Raiders uh hooker Wade Eagan Nam despite missing last week still no sign on injured Joo near C and Charles Nichol Kad uh a sign as to when they’ll return Raiders widad returns

From a layoff with the gr injury which bumps Zach hosking who has arguably been at least top three players in the NL over the first two rounds good loss of Seb Chris to concussion means cotri will turn uh Albert HOA shifts to the wing how have you raid the Raiders season

Smithy uh impressive yep impressive start to the year for the Raiders uh I know they took on West Tigers last week which was a game that I think everyone expected them to win but um two from two from two mate in this competition is it’s a good result and you know to be

Fair I I didn’t have them at that stage I I didn’t I didn’t really think that they were going to win against Newcastle in round one but this is their biggest test yeah um a warrior side I think that would be I reckon they’ll be they’ll be

A little bit um down on well not down I shouldn’t say down but they’ll be very dis appointed with the way that game finished on the weekend they’ve had two results now where they were in strong positions to win their games they’ve opening two games they could very well

Be 2 and0 rather than 0 and2 yeah um and sitting on top of the competition so um look this one they they really need to stand up I think Wade Eagan being back is a huge boost for them I think they’re they’re completely different side um

When he’s playing um he just he just gets them nice and straight down the field yeah that that that’s that’s his biggest strength is that when he gets out of DMI half he gets his forwards running straight into the line they run direct they don’t they don’t have a lot

Of sideways movement so he keeps the markers and the a Defenders really honest it doesn’t matter what team they play against he he he seems to be able to you know create some space for his men on the outside particularly Shawn Johnson because he holds up those middle

Defenders um so they’re a much stronger outfit but the Raiders um they get some names back too like Elliot W widad and he he’s one of the one of the stronger back RS in the competition um and they will be full of confidence full of confidence you know if the Warriors

Before the season started and you looked to round three and it’s no disrespect to the Raiders at all but before the season started you would have said okay sharies hopefully Jag the win storm away okay if we if we drop that one we can kind of

Cop that now the Raiders having being on top of the comp it’s it’s gone from a game where they would expect to win to a degree to a game where it’s like wow we’re playing the form team arguably the form team of the comp B and mainly

Mainly and the problem the Warriors face now is that we can all sit here and say still looking great you know yes they lost the first two but they’re still a Premiership threat but it’s it can only go for so long without a win to continue to tell yourself that eventually you got

To get that win well that’s right mate yeah like it’s it’s and this is the time that needs to happen right if they go 0 and3 all of a sudden the blow torch it gets a little bit hotter um yeah they start to a few little grumblings here

And there so playing at home um I think the form they’ve shown enough form right over the first two to suggest that they they’re in the hunt again this year they just need to find like finish off the games that that where they get away to

Good starts um they need to be able to ice those games now roosters ve the rabitos what a clash I mean it’s just mouthwatering this clash and the rabitos with all the drama and everything going on you know you’d expect them to get up for this but the

Roosters relatively good start to the year you know manly red hot and they got to win over the Broncos Luke Kiri is out though so sandon Smith comes in alongside Sam Walker Su Wong has dropped down to reserves Nat butcher joining the starting side kangaroos forward kryon

Set to play his first NL game of the year off the bench killed it in New South Wales cup and Conor Watson makes his longwa to return lining up in 14 jersey for his first n Roll game since the 2022 qualifying final rabitos Hawkins in for ilas white returns for a

Suspension to partner Tass in the centers with Kenna dropping out Davy Davy maali and host added to their forwards with key going to the bench uh just quickly one positive for the the rabitos is M’s been outstanding for a young forward in their first two games in my opinion especially their second

Game he has been very strong uh very strong for a side that is struggling and and not playing anywhere near their best like when you look at their lineup 1 to7 on paper like they’re they’re one of the best teams in the comp and and you look

At them each week and go well they should they’re winning more games than they lose but they just haven’t looked anywhere near where they should be at the moment for the roosters um um they’ve had a couple well they’ve had a couple of tough ones they they took on

Manley last week who you just mentioned KMI uh one of the formed teams of the competition many saying that they are the best team out of the first two weeks and looking very strong um the one I’m looking at at the moment I’ve CED a couple of names Jack widen I think this

Is one of the most anticipated returns of any player in the competition and and the move that he’s made too to the Rabbid o um particularly where he’s going to fit in he’s been slotted in in the centers uh he’ll play on that left Edge and he’s going to bring what

He will bring to this footy side is I think a bit of mongr um a bit of intent and a bit of urgency that’s the that’s that’s the type of player that Jack whiteon is and that’s the way he plays you see him play at that you that style

Of foot at all different levels and um it’s why you know when he was playing at the Raiders he was a major focus of their team he was he was the focal point of their footy side and he really drove those those standards that I just spoke

About in in those areas so I think him coming in it may just give a little bit of a kickart to a lot of those players around him because those things I spoke about there the the intent and the urgency I just haven’t seen that from

The rabbits I haven’t seen it yeah and you know like I I called their game last week against the Broncos and at times where you know they needed someone to step up and and and do something and grab the game by the Scruff and say hey

Boys come with me like there was no one there was no one so maybe Jack whon is the man to do that the other guy quickly mate is Conor Watson been out for a long time um can’t wait to see his return um clearly Off the Bench as a utility spend

A bit of time at 9: maybe in the rock as well um he is a live wire so this is a great matchup great matchup for me what a game what an incredible game we’re going to watch uh roosters rabid just a point on on Jackie white and a really

Good example of that is is and I’ve spoken about it quite a bit last year Warriors V Broncos the game’s in the balance and they didn’t necessarily have that star kind of outside back explosive player to really you know do something to change momentum then you fast forward

Melbourne storm versus the Warriors The Game’s in the balance the Warriors need someone to stand up and just ring momentum back Roger tasek has multiple big plays to get him back back in the match and it’s a roundabout way of saying you know they genuinely are there so there’s there’s good players there’s

Great players then there’s game changers and there’s very few of them in the NRL and Jacky widen is a game changer type of player so he really there is is not only does he have pressure because he’s coming to a new club and you know he’s he’s a big signing Mark signing but

There’s also pressure of not just changing the game but changing their season trajectory like I know it’s early in the year but they need someone to stand up and say boys this is not the standard this this is now the standard and Jackie can be that player for the

Rabbitors I think absolutely mate I think um as I said he it’s the most anticipated move in in a couple of years and I think the bunnies fans they’ll all be Keen to see Jackie whon get out there uh Friday night and and see what he’s

Got and also what I hope Jackie whiton does is that it sends a message to trell and Cody as well you know of okay you I understand you know trell and and Cody Walker they are big Superstars but Jackie watton’s a superstar of the game too he’s a CLI Church winner you know

He’s played some good Origin Games he’s played for his country and so if he comes out and says this is a standard the competitor in in trell and Cody they’ll almost naturally react to that um and so I’m hoping that we see not only the best game from Jackie whiton

But also from Cody Walker also from Latrell Mitchell going to head to a break after the break the round two round three preview continues Fox team news Liam Knight coming into prop for PSA FAS faril faril iies who suffered a concussion against the shies uh which I

Just want to say quickly I understand you look at the scoreboard last week but when you look at them losing their front rower first run of the game and the fact that they were in that game for most of it I actually think there’s a lot to like from that performance by the

Doggies uh I know it’s hard to hear because you’ve lost both games but anyway adocar remains on the sideline as he continues to recover from a shoulder injury forign returns to the harves make his first appearance of the Season alongside Tanner Boyd jolof has been named to start at lock with Isaac Leu

Shifting to the bench Campbell and Faida remained Seline Smithy what do you reckon mate well um this might be shock news to everyone but I’m going Titans here going Titans yeah I just think round one extremely disappointing I think and I think Desi would have he wouldn’t have

Held back at all in that review in that review meeting he would have given him a little famous Desi spray I reckon and then last week they had the week off to fix a few the issues Kieran for and you know being back I think just steadies

Their ship a little bit um a lot of experience there coming into the halves um just to just to help out Tanner Boyd steer this this Titanite around the one thing with the doggies is just like they they scored they scored one try what they scored one try last week um which

You know they’re aide that on the up there’s some new faces some young guys and they’re still learning but they only scored the eight points as well against param meta um so it’s two tries round one one try round two so it’s just an issue for them at the moment where

They’re trying to find that TR line so looking at the looking at the two teams just on paper um you know I’m tipping Titans to be slightly too strong for the doggies and just quickly before we continue uh no not one mention of high Graves 300th are you serious you are

Correct Paul we forgot what an incredible achievement in the front row I mean well yeah like PL mate playing 300 no matter where no matter what position you’re playing it’s it’s a huge milestone huge milestone but for this guy you know the playing in the front row it’s it’s the most physical

Position in the competition you’re running into brick walls you’re standing into bles charging back off kickoffs off dropouts and all that sort of stuff and for him to reach 300 is massive so Jared well done mate from the captains run from KMI and I and everyone at scen

Congratulations have a big match I know you will stay on the field buddy I know you get fired up for these ones against the bunnies I know you love this one but mate stay on the field in your 300th um hope it’s a memorable night for you and

Your family and uh go well yeah I mean and also we’re we’re not talking about a stat padle front rower we’re talking about a down and dirty front row doing the tough stuff oh he loves it oh wow so yeah incredible achievement now back to the bulldog either the Titans now I was

Very let down by Titans round one only because well two reasons obviously they didn’t play as well as they did but also I had such high hopes for them I I just like I just felt with this young forward pack Desi has all that kind of stuff but

Yep so I was going I was heading into the next game going I don’t think they’re anywhere close to where they should be but seeing the shift of the the dragons of going from where they were to the second game and where they were it’s like you know what a week’s

Long well 2 weeks is a long time in footy I’m willing to take a step back and go you know what I’ve still got faith in the Titans they still can you know definitely turn it around obviously but I just think two weeks is a long

Time in footy if if they come out this week and they play similar to the way they did round one that’ll be really concerning for me because I’ll be like this is a young forward pack that should be responding to Desi like it should be responding to Desi surely that we’re

Going to see a very amped Titans this game oh I’d like to think so you’d be concerned if you don’t yeah particularly with their first up uh showing against the dragons um they they are Outsiders kmy wow so the yeah the punters have got uh got the doggies as

Favorites slight favorites I should say $180 to 205 the Titans so it’s a close match but um yeah I just see value in in forign coming back I just think that he’s he’s the he’s the Steady Hand That the Titans need um they got a lot of

Youth you know you just mentioned that they got a young forward pack they got some younger guys out in the outside PS to which you know have enthusiasm um which they need to the younger guys but Kieran with all of his experience just has he just knows when to pull the

Strings knows when to pull the trigger on certain plays no when to settle everyone down and just say hey boys let’s make our tackles get through our sets um I think he may be the difference in this one and with the Bulldogs what yeah you you you mentioned it in regards

To the fact they’re struggling to score points and I you know on my podcast on Monday I said that you know the concern for them was is that when you can’t score points you can’t put scoreboard pressure on teams and so you look at the Shy’s game plan they were so patient

They just they just believed that if they just kept doing certain things eventually the cracks would open whereas if you’re a team that can put points on you put pressure on that patience and you say are you sure you want to be that patience you’re now you’re six behind

You’re 12 behind and and so how do you think that the Bulldogs address that well they just oh man they got to back them themselves really don’t they like you you can’t think well I put it this way if you if you think scoring one

Try or two tries is going to get you a win then you better have the best defense in the comp yeah yeah you know what I mean yeah like a different story if different story if if you’re talking penth right and they’re because they have one games off scoring two tries

Three tries Max and still defending their TR line and keeping the opposition you know under those two or three tries that they’ve scored so but the the doggies they’re not there yet okay they’re not the best defensive team in the competition hence why they’re not sitting at the top of the ladder so

That’s my point if you either got to defend you either got to be the best defensive side in the comp when you’re only scoring one or two tries a game or you you need to address your attack and say hey boys where are we going to find

Our points yeah cuz you have to score them to win yeah no secret there mate you know what I mean so and and particularly in the modern game like if if you can’t score more than a try then you’re probably not going to be in the match

Yeah with six again the speed of the game the way things open up momentum uh we’re going to head to a break after the break we’re going to preview dragons V Cowboys welcome back to the captain’s run let’s get straight into it dragons via the Cowboys Saturday 5:30 New South

Wales time 4:30 Queensland time Jubilee Stadium debella moves to prop for the suspended Francis moo L Le promoted to the starting side marshi makes his anal Deb hooker in place of little concussion back row up luki said to miss six weeks poor fella cannot catch a

Break and uh finny fuak finny fuak joins the starting side Jack jel jeski is the new face on the bench Smithy I mean let’s talk about dragons initially wow if you ever wanted to know if rugby league’s a roller coaster oh man what are your thoughts mate um yeah oh

Incredible they just they they looked like a completely different footy side didn’t they yeah from when they played Titans to uh dolphins and I tipped I tipped the dragons round two but he he suckers he suckered Us in Wayne he got us a beauty I know we’re getting off the

Game that we’re talking about here so we’ll get the Dolphins later but great turn around for the Dolphins against the dragons they just they never looked in the match though dragons never looked like likely to score a point and they didn’t look like they were ever going to win the match it

Just it went from bad to worst for them on the weekend and I’ll tell you what they’re going to have to aim up real quick um because they’ve got one of the hottest teams in the comp right now I think the Cowboys have scored the most points just talking about scoring points

Um regarding with the Bulldogs the Cowboys have scored more points than any other team in the comp they’ve scored 64 points in the first two rounds wow so they are a lethal footy side as in you invite them down to your end more more than likely they’re

Going to walk away with points yeah unless you’re prepared to aim up on your TR line unless you’re prepared to aim up on your TR line now now the dragons did that in round one but they didn’t in round two they didn’t they it was like

They just I don’t know I don’t know what it was they just they they were as I said before they were completely different footy side to what they show noce against the Titans whether they were prepared to roll the sleeves up aim up against um dolphins with the dolphins

Just too good for them with their structures and their attack and I know you know the hammer had a massive game but you know like how did that change so quickly in a week’s time um Cowboys you know very good I know they snuck away with a victory but they are

Showing signs of going back to that form that they showed us what a couple years ago can be 2022 where they got all the way to a prelim final um nearly got to the big one so I’m I’m going Cowboys this one yeah I’m going Cowboys as well uh they look

They were a little bit Scrappy first half uh but the fact that they were you know can just pile points on you to be honest it’s a little bit like Broncos last year where You’ you you’d get half a game going oh what’s going on here and

Then they just just absolutely smash you with points uh in regards to the dragons I mean I’m at a loss of words I really am I I cannot believe the turnaround of essentially playing top 8 footy round one where you go this Dragon side genuinely could contest for round

One to one of their worst performances in in years like it genuinely I’m shocked at the turn around I just can’t for the life of me understand what it could be because it can’t be complacency I mean you have one two no there’s no way is it is it

Training is it you know where they’re fatigued is that keep mate for the life of me I can’t explain it uh if you’re the dragons I guess I the most I feel sorry for is dragons fans because you saw the celebration of their round one performance and they haven’t had much to

Cheer for for a while now and they were so happy and and then look if they go up to the Dolphins and they lose 2412 that’s all good they go up there it’s it’s an away game the Dolphins they want to bounce back themselves but it’s just

The way they lost it I think that has shocked a lot of dragons fans back in into okay because the problem now for the dragons is is that performance the SEC round two has completely erased round one yeah so you can’t even look to that and go M look how good we were

Round one we’ve got it’s it’s gone yeah I’ll tell you where they went wrong mate 13 errors oh 13 errors is where they went wrong compared to the Dolphins 5 so that that’s just like you cannot compete you just cannot compete with anyone in the comp if you want to double well they

Almost tripled the opposition’s error rate you know what I mean when you’re turning over that much football and you’re making more tackles in the opposition at some stage you’re going to get caught out and you know so what was it 38 blot 38 blot wow so bit of work to

Do for the drags I think maybe Cowboys too strong though yeah agreed now Tigers take on the Sharkies Saturday 7:35 635 Queens time at lart oval team use olm is good to go after in from an injury he joins last week’s debutant fat fat in the centers with Stafford TOA set to

Miss eight weeks uh after undergoing anchor injury Caesar promoted to the starting side in seven with Sullivan shifted to 14 Bay is named at center with safearth moving to The Interchange shark team news nikoda Nika suspension sees Jack Williams moving to the starting side hunt returns after missing

Last week’s game du varus joins the bench Billy Burns comes in the interchange for uh how tapua and is set to make his Club de boo how do you see this one Smithy I think shakies yeah Sharkies they’re playing a pretty good style of footy at the moment

Very direct and they look really certain of what they’re doing particularly with the footy um this was after what was it was this our first show I said they might I said they slide out of the eight yeah they must have been listening oh absolutely fit’s given them the and said

Here Boys fire up absolutely SM smiy ripped this um no like I think um well done to the the Sharkies they’ve uh they’ve played really well first couple of rounds and they got to take some positive um feelings into this match as well against the Tigers Justin olm big

Jazzy um back into the the the centers Aiden Caesar as well being moved up to number seven does that change the way they play um experienced player of course um that we’ve seen the Tigers against the Raiders they made some fundamental errors right on the weekend they were in some pretty good attacking

Positions on the weekend and just they almost they just turned the ball over unforced errors they just turned it over without really troubling the Raiders too much but um maybe those more experienced players they add a bit of um depth and bring a bit of experience to those

Younger guys around them I just think on a whole though um taking on the sharks at the moment with the form they’re in even though um nicar is suspended one of the best B rils in the comp at the moment Britain nicar but uh yeah shaky

Too strong for mine the the really uh exciting thing for shaky fans is their game plan is relatively simple and so when you you’re getting victories with a relative simple game plan the good thing is later on in the year if you if you go through a bit of a form slump you’re

Always going to have that blueprint there to fall back on and go okay boys let’s let’s just let’s simplify things go back to it work for us whereas you know some of some other teams where they might get Scrappy wins where a game plan isn’t really executed sometimes when

You’re looking for answers is very hard to find that obvious answer um I will say as well the Sharkies that they looked to a degree in the first year under fitzg they look like a crave fitzg side last year a lot of the time I was like this doesn’t look

Like a crave fitzg side this year is the most I believe they look like a genuine if there is a an expression of Fitz Gibbon as a player it’s the way the Sharkies are playing at the moment oh I’m yeah I’m big fan man I like them I like the way that they’ve

Approached this year I think they would have been disappointed with the way they exited the comp the last two and they’re putting into practice what they’ve what they’ve trained for all preseason like you said simple straightforward footy particularly in these early rounds banking wins perfect way to approach it and just

Quickly before we head to the break the Tigers uh it’s just that first 20 they got to sort out you know that first 20 minutes they got blown off the park and I’m willing to give them a pass by the fact that that was their round one game

Whereas the Raiders had already played and so I I think that I’m going to be able to judge them a bit more by the fact that okay they got shocked then they fought their way back into the match let’s see how they go first 20 against the shakies who have been

Outstanding uh were outstanding last week in the first 20 we’re going to head to a break after the break we got eels vers seagull you know when you look at the book it’s tight as anything e although unlucky not unlucky but they lost last week really good round one SE eagles

They have been absolutely flying Morgan Harper moves to the wing to cover for Bailey Simonson with blae Tangi Tangi hope you I’m saying that right coming to the center through NL debut uh kelma Tangi has been named on the bench despite suffering a shoulder injury against the Panthers rean Campbell

Gillard set for his 200th game Tommy T was list among the reserves after suffering an ankle injury against a with Vega name to start how do you see this one playing out Smithy uh great game great game to kick off uh sanabo football a couple of good matches actually sanabo which is uh

Great to see eels as you mentioned mate they’ve uh they’ve had a pretty good start to the season um took it to penrith um last week but fell short uh I think they’re they’re well and truly in this mate well and truly in this Well Done Quick congratulations to

Big Reggie uh RI and Cel Gillard for reaching 200 much like Jared waria har gaves uh played played up front all of his career played test foot he played Origins 200 games in the middle big effort by the big man so I hope it all goes well for you but

Manley well they’ve they’ve they’ve they are looking good many saying many saying that they are the formed team of the comp kmy yeah had a big win um over in in Vegas of course had the week off come back and then got it done in round two

As well they’ll I’ll tell you what they they’ll be feeling extremely confident to take on param matter I just feel param at home uh be too a little bit too strong for Manley yeah little too too too strong for me yeah I’ve tipped ills at home but

I tell you what it was not an e easy decision I just I this is flipp a coin type of stuff what I love the most about seagull win last week you know we know dce incredible we know Tom trich incredible but what I loved about it was their forward pack dominated The

Roosters forward pack because the only questions I well the sorry I had three questions heading into uh the season for the manly I basically had can Tommy say fit he looks good MH can Luke Brooks bounced back he looks good but the main question was can that forward pack go

With the top tier forward packs because outside of allatu and Jake choric You could argue they’re a little they’re a tier below now after their performance against The Roosters they look like they can match it with the best of them yeah just quietly is uatu the best back row

In the comp at the moment 100% like I think so he I mean him and hosking you could you could argue hosking but I at the moment U is is what I’d go just with past uh form yeah so I’m not like I don’t see the writeups and the papers

Down in Sydney because they they talk origin teams every week don’t they New South Wales they pick a team every week is that right like a running I’m guilty I’m guilty oh you you name one do you you know what I I do it SMY I do it to

Perpetuate the the struggle of picking the right team so I’m actually a sleeper inside New South Wales trying to just you know muddy the waters a little bit gotcha yeah but but this man is surely surely he’s got a blue jersey on his back at the moment mate I mean if

You’re going to pick the Blues jersey this week you’d be picking him starting on the edge with probably Martin on the other Edge and then maybe Murray in the the at 13 with yo even though Yo’s been incredible but Murray 13 in origin also been outstanding um like his numbers

Though like last week like he’s number like 17 runs one for 162 M six tackle breaks and on top of that he’s made 22 tackles in a Winning Side man you know I mean seriously unbelievable and I we always say you know you select players other teams don’t want to play against U

Is the guy you don’t want to play against okay kns V storm kog new halfback we’ve been through that Bry obviously back toala from quad quad injury on the wing to fill the void left by maer who is also out set to undergo surgery four to

Six weeks out Hugh suspended what a joke that is Tyron Wishard to the bench to halfback Bradley joins The Interchange moner still sideline Welsh is selin also after suffering hiia uh mayor joins the bench how do you see this one playing at Smithy um this is going to be a really tough

Tough game for storm considering Jerome Hughes is out as you said what a g up I can’t believe he was suspended given some of the things we’ seen across the weekend which made it across the match review committee’s desk and they only end up being a fine and Jerome Hughes

Gets a week for just really defending his Tri line and the referee getting in the way anyway that’s done and dusted he’s not playing so we need to worry about who is playing and that is T Wishard is coming into the halfes he’s going to partner Jonah peasant big game

For those two boys huge game now you’d imagine Harry Grant um in that spine and Ryan penous also the one and N stepping up and taking a bit more um having a bit more influence on how this teams run um really important it just doesn’t detract from the great things that they’re doing

Currently in the first couple of weeks as in it’s they don’t want to try and overplay their hand but if they can get in there and be a little bit more vocal and help out peasant and Toren Wishard who you know they’re great players in their own right two young men you know

Tan Wishard he’s a he’s a great utility to have feels a feels a lot of voids in multiple positions and Jonah P peard has started the season extremely well in place of Cam monster but they are inexperience and it can be a little bit daunting at time thinking well us two

Young fellas running this team so I’d expect papen and rant to step up a little bit there it’s traditionally been a hard place to win games for the storm KY yeah Newcastle Newcastle just seemed to lift and if there’s any time that they’re going to lift it’s going to be

This week yeah it’s going to be this week mate off off off the um result last week just fell short to the cows lost round one against CRA at home it’s a proud footy town and their team uh sorry their fans they’re going to turn out and

Drives for this one they’ll expect a good showing against Melbourne


  1. You can kick to to'o so he doesn't take the 2nd run, but I don't think taylan may taking the 2nd run is much better 😂

  2. If you get under walkers' skin (doesn't take much), they've lost already. He sabotages his own team

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