Golf Players

Episode 4 – North Shore Beef

In this episode of The Bench Seat, Kev and Georges answer questions from their fan club, discuss the Cavs, make quick bracket picks, talk NFL trades & the draft, and answer the age-old question “North Shore Beef or Cheesesteak?”

What’s up everybody here we are on the Ben sheet podcast at the black valve Coliseum we’re here if you want media done by anybody come to Black valve media they do the best job and if you’re also happen to be looking for you know a marketing company who do we go to Kev

Edel maid out of Cincinnati uh the beautiful logos you see here all of our uh photos done by the wonderful Ed made also our name too weit in fact they did come up with the name so credit to them two claps for them golf clap I’m George yangang this

Is my co-host the grill guy Kevin spies Kevin spies Kevin Spees still get my name it’s okay I once in a while I call you georgees how many people still call you georgees H too many too many um we have a lot of topics to cover today we a

Lot to get into one being you know obviously we always start off with Cavaliers Hoops you know we had a game tonight unfortunately you know we did you know drop drop one to the Miami Heat you know we did I’ll tell you what though being in that building for the

First time the rocket mortgage Fieldhouse it felt like a rocket in there it was a playoff atmosphere game it was a it felt like a playoff game did it feel like a playoff game to you or it definitely dude moon dog our our mascot you know he was he was

Peeing on the other team sneakers and stuff you know he gets in that little doggy you know position that he does moon dog um he also did a great wrestling thing he he uh at halftime they had like um Austin 316 and another guy Steve Austin yeah they did like a

Stone cold thing when one of the timeouts and then he even did uh he even did Shawn Michaels at the end you know I was never really a big wrestling guy really well you know my mom always told me she was like George I do not want you

Watching wrestling because the day you try and use one of those wrestling moves on me I’m really going to whoop you so that was kind of the end I came up in an era where every single person I know got suspended for doing the suck it yeah oh

Dude and I but I even liked wrestling even before then it was XO right XO and um Triple H and Shawn Michaels yeah those guys great to watch on TV probably not the best Role Models but they were everybody’s Role Models if you were born

In the 90s and late 80s yes or no I agree uh Hulk Hogan was my was my role model speaking of Role Models um at the game today you had a a very nice young fan who had number 20 painted on his face sitting next to me wonderful cute

Little boy I forget his name he was like 5 years old I think it was his first first Cavs game I I like forget you know I forget that that happens to you guys that you have little kids that look up to you like you’re Gods you’re their

Role models yeah it’s it’s actually crazy to think that you know someone would ever want to look up to someone like me who wears a green cardigan on uh what’s today on wedn on Wednesday nights did stylus put this together or is this

No this is this is all G hey um no it was uh it was a cool atmosphere tonight you know obviously I try to give you know friends and and family uh shout out my buddy Sully you know who is uh originally from methan Massachusetts uh

Aka the marac valley yeah um he had known somebody so they came in dropped in it was uh his mom and uh her son and and they uh it’s unfortunate we couldn’t bring on win but you know great game we are down bodies but we’re playing uh we’re playing some some good basketball

And I think we’re trending in the right direction and there’s one thing that I want to make clear and I made it clear on my Instagram okay um and on you know Cav’s post game Carris Levert first six man of the year I’m starting the campaign now I don’t want to hear

Anything from anybody else Caris LeVert has been balling and he deserves to be in the conversation you guys aren’t even talking about him he deserves to be in the conversation I didn’t even check to see how many he had tonight but he impacts the game game in so many

Different ways you know it’s kind of like the old coach’s adage and it’s like the player that does everything he seems to be that guy he just does it all he rebounds he defends he had some like timely uh steals at in the second in second half knocking down Trey balls

Getting to the rim dishing I think he found you on that three yeah that you hit uh in the at the end of the fourth quarter the guy is just an impressive basketball player so not getting enough credit cuz you know people always you know like to label Caris as a scorer and

Someone that you know is just specifically in there to score and sometimes that’s what people think the role of a six-man is but Caris AKA Speed Demon cuz when you see him running down the court he takes off like a gazelle um he’s been up around 8 n 10 12 he had 12

Assists tonight he’s really been doing a great job you know facilitating for us yeah and uh like I said before I don’t think it goes without saying he deserves to be in the Sixth Man of the Year conversation I haven’t heard it enough so I’m putting it out there Caris LeVert

Sixth Man of the Year you heard it here first but does that make you seventh man because can we give you the can let’s start a petition to make you seventh Man of the Year no see that’s when you when you shout someone out you can’t like

Double back to then you I I only shout people out so that I can benefit myself that’s really that’s really Unbecoming of you Kevin but anyway I thought that’s how it worked moving on we have a a big road trip coming up we travel to the luxurious Sunny state of Minnesota oh

Minota now roll the boat we did beat the Timberwolves you did the last time that we played them and remember when I told you about Anthony Edwards driving to the rim and hitting me in the knee and that I had to step up and foul him because

Things happen when you don’t foul him before he takes off which we’ll get to that because we have something I want to show you do we have it we do we have we don’t have we we we have the tape but we should let’s wait to get to it let’s

Wait all right all right um yes that man is a bad bad man how do you like okay like even tonight you you got switched on to not even switched on you just picked up Jimmy Butler so like in backtack back-to-back games you you’re going to be guarding Jimmy Butler and at

Times Anthony Edwards is there ever times where you’re one being honest a little bit like apprehensive or two is there ever a time where like maybe with an older player maybe it wouldn’t be Anthony Edwards but like an older player maybe Butler where you’re like you have an introspective moment where you’re

Like holy [ __ ] I’m guarding LeBron James see this is why this is why we call this podcast the bench sheet okay because Kevin you know being a normal Samaritan guy that scored 34 points in his uh men’s league game with correct these are the thoughts that go

Through his head yes while I’m out there you know fighting for my life to keep these in front these guys in front of me so that you know people on Twitter don’t you know crucify me about telling me that I have bad defense and or I get

Subbed out of the game so no I don’t have those thoughts you never once have had maybe early on in my career but as of now no there’s no chance all I am thinking about is how can I get this guy to get to a spot where I know he will

Shoot um a low percentage shot like that’s the mental game that I’m playing but I like how you think like that like that’s the mental game that you’re playing so when you go out there you’ll be like oh my God no oh my God it’s Jimmy it’s Jimmy Butler it’s Jimmy

Butler and like dude I Marquette Marquette did and now that I know that you’re thinking like that I don’t think it’s like fanboying I think it’s like it’s kind of like you get to a moment where you’re like holy okay this is going to sound ridiculous and I I’m

Prefacing with how ridiculous it’s going to sound all I ever wanted to do growing up was to be a varsity basketball coach that’s all I ever wanted to do that was the dream time out here we go again with you know Kevin and making it about me no sports

Involving oh Youth Sports yes I’m a big Sports big Youth Sports guy so sue me I like you Sports guy um you will find him on Saturdays at 6 a.m. at the local ice hockey rank watching uh bantom twos not true I only go to high school games

Which makes it sound worse okay there I’m digging myself into the hole the point is there were times where I’d be in the middle of coaching a game and just for a split second have an introspective thought like man you’re here you’re coaching a varsity basketball game people are here watching

This team I thought that’s pretty cool but I I guess you’re too cool for that I guess you’re way too cool to have an introspective moment where you’re just like I’m in the NBA I’m playing don’t okay don’t do that cuzz I respect everybody at every single level but what

I’m saying is when you’re paid and asked to do a job as a professional you can’t be over here walking in Star eyed because guess what you’re thinking about everything that you’re not supposed to be thinking about so to answer your question here on the bench sheet I am

Not star eyed about any player that I go up against honestly once I Pac-Man Jones said it best he’s like I don’t like people helping other people up I’m going out there and I’m trying to destroy you friend or not friend hero or not hero I

Mean that that’s just I [ __ ] it how the cookie crumbles and you do get out there and uh you compete and speaking of you mentioned Twitter speaking of Twitter um I I I didn’t ask you about this after the game and I want to ask you about it

Live a lot of people are going to jump in about you taking a layup at the end of that game can you please explain why that was the right play to make with like 5 seconds left on the clock yeah I mean at that point you know we were kind

Of stalled out and I probably could have taken a contested three and if I missed that means the game is over right um but what I was thinking is if I could race to the rim yes I George Nang aka the G wagon race to the rim I said it and and

Get a quick two while the other team is thinking let’s not give up any threes that gives us a chance you know with 3.7 seconds on the clock sometimes you have a timeout but we use that for a challenge and was unsuccessful and you know you get the points right rather

Than take the risk of making a three and trying to tie it up and you take the points and then we get a chance to maybe get a steal or foul and we foul and it gives us a chance to maybe they miss the first free throw but I think every NBA

Team or any team at any level like when you coach the high school should have an end of game full court play for a three-pointer and we did we’ve gone over it and almost had a chance Darius Garland had a contested double pump three that hit off the front of the rim

And by the way wouldn’t have been contested if he didn’t B I don’t there was a bobble on the exchange not saying he bobbled it but that was really impressive how quick you guys got into that so shouts to your coaching staff for getting that guys getting you guys

Prepared and then you guys being prepared to run it and thinking on your feet but yes what it does is it extends the game the game doesn’t end cuz really it like you said if you shoot it and miss it game’s over but if you get two a

Lot of things can happen and you guys got your shot to tie it it bounce off the front of the rim the thing that I’ve realized is that you just want to give yourself a fighting chance and we gave oursel a Fighting Chance the shot didn’t

Go in but you know you live to fight another day you got to have amnesia in the NBA and we lost but we got to get get it together and focus on what we have next um speaking of the Cavaliers uh Mitchell with the nasal fracture which sounds horrible uh how on the

Inside how are things going with him is he in good spirits and is he going to come back as a spider mask I don’t know but that would be pretty creative if he did yeah the spider yeah um yeah that’s tough when you’re uh Donovan Mitchell

And you know Tristan on his first game back from and then you catch an elbow from him so what’s back from well you know oh no I don’t can you no you know what you guys know what I’m saying and he came back still strong and with his elbow and

The nose and I just remember Donovan being down he’s like no no no I’m straight and his nose was like crooked I was like nah you are not good straight yeah that nose is jacked up yeah but it’s all good you know he wouldn’t he’s

Not going to be the first player to play with the mask and he’s not going to be the last um the all black Teflon mask with your all black jerseys is going to be a tough look um speaking of tough looks and the letter T my um my

Transitions are on point tonight my transitions are really good speaking of the letter T um you got another $10,000 or however much money you get 2500 uh another technical foul on Mr bang bang George and yang explain to us what happened why’d you lose your cool honestly I’m going try and you know

Simplify this in the easiest way possible you know I play with a lot of emotion and I wear my emotions on my sleeve yes but at the same time um you know I feel like there should be some leeway you know I wasn’t clapping at the

But I felt like you know someone had smacked my hand after my follow through which you know is legal I think but what if someone slaps another person’s finger after and they break their finger yeah you know but anyways that goes without saying you know I was kind of barking

And I don’t think it was anything crazy but I was clapping like my hand like this as if like he smacked my hand yeah and that warranted a technical foul I will not comment any further because I do not want to lose any more money and

Kevin baited me into this can we get a we need to get like a um a bar graph and you know those bar graphs for fundraisers that like color up the way wherever that wherever that money goes they’re getting me for uh every penny but that being said said

Technicals happen um you know we’re going to keep it talion and I’m going to try and refrain from getting technicals um so moving forward yeah moving on that was that really brought down my mood but I’m sorry let’s let’s bring it up um you did get a new teammate well I guess a

New teammate kind of um joined the squad joined playing recently Marcus moris senior Philadelphia’s very own tough I mean just seems like one of the leag tough guys really what’s it like been playing with him you’ve played against him for years and so what’s it like what’s the difference there what’s it

Like playing with him whenever you’re playing against Marcus Morris or the Morris twins for sure because you know I was lucky enough to be in Utah when uh you know his brother yeah Mark keath was in LA and then he was in LA also with the Clippers yeah and uh those dudes are

Are tough dudes those are dudes that you want on your side and Marcus has been great come in seamless um make shots um knows how to play Savvy veteran yeah in a a great leader I think the crazy part is you know when people on the internet try and

Say things about these people like oh they they can’t do this they can’t play Da and it’s like this dude has so much game yeah and I think he showed that in the first game that we had back in Indiana like from couch to court came out balling yeah and

Not ski the beat and and was in there like doing his routine headphones in yeah uh yeah sat out there like it was like I ain’t breaking a sweat and that’s why I was really impressed by and he’s just been he’s been tremendous and uh we’re really we’re really lucky to have

Him but you know me and him do have our differences because he is a Kansas Jayhawk he is so you guys have bad blood going way back no yeah I didn’t I never played against him but you know that’s something that you like to Stir It Up what he’s yeah he’s one of

The uh I’m sure you guys will be talking to smack this uh this March Madness we’re going to get to some some Madness picks but um yeah just being being close to Philly and and seeing you know him in Philly too for a while wasn’t he he was

Doing a great job yeah it’s cool to see speaking of Philly embiid uh coming back just I want to ask you like knowing being a friend of emids first off and knowing how important he is to the Sixers team like what’s what do you think can happen with this Sixers team

If they get embiid back you think they can make a little run or you don’t really want to yeah I mean they’re a dangerous team and I know Joel is telling them just get me out of the playing game and I’ll get you to the finals no Joel’s

Great um you know I hope I hope that he’s healing up the rest of the interview I hope that he’s I hope that he’s healing up well because you know it’s unfortunate that he’s had to he had to deal with that injury which brings me into you know another another topic

Where you know we talked about it earlier is having these guys that want to make all NBA having to play 65 games I think you know Adam Silver you might have to do something about that moving forward I am not in the run for all NBA

So that doesn’t matter to me but I will be going for the award yes 82 games knock on how many times have you done that in your career I’ve played the co year 72 games I played every game but you know these last two years cuz I

Caught covid and then I had a little uh foot injury uh last year I didn’t get all 82 but I’m going for it this year we just finished our 69th game tonight and uh we got 13 more to go dude you’re the home stretch but with that being said um

You know Joel and the Sixers uh they’re hanging on and they become real dangerous you know if he’s you know especially if he’s going to come back but speaking of injuries I do want to give a shout out I know we’re a little comedic yeah in you know on this

Podcast but I do want to give a shout out to assar Thompson um I know he was diagnosed you know with blood clots assar me and Kevin we wish you nothing but the best um speedy recovery speed recovery and uh you know the the game will miss you but you know we’re

Thinking and then uh praying for you yeah absolutely uh get well soon Tim for sure that’s a that’s a tough one and a scary one um all right let’s shift gears a little bit let’s stick with basketball okay or do you do you want to stick with

Basketball or I know you’re a big football guy you you came in here you were talking about my Patriots there’s a couple things I want to cover all right if that’s the if that’s the way you want to go okay let’s go football for a little bit then we’ll get

Back to our brackets are we going to talk about our guy well he might be doing the Dirty Bird he had a chain on before in Minnesota he took that icy chain off and now he’s going to be doing dude the Jamal Williams Dirty Bird [ __ ] Kirk Williams in Atlanta Kirk Cousins I

Mean Kirk Cousins I said Kirk Williams yeah also I think I said Kurt Williams I didn’t Kirk Kirk Cousins Captain Kirk Captain Kirk Captain Kirk I’m going to send you my venmo can I get some some what money good God that guy has I think he’s almost touched half a half a

Billion yeah he has made whoever his agent is he’s made half a billion and guess what his wife picks out his clothes that is true that’s amazing they have that that that QB flipping amazing did you watch the QB documentary I watched every second of it that was tremendous um speaking sidebar they’re

Having one coming out uh in production now that’s receiver so it’s the same concept but few receivers is there any NBA players you would love to see on that if they did an NBA side of that uh think across the league who do you think would just be interesting or

Maybe controversial I mean I I think I’d love to see Kyrie yeah K Kyrie he he would be he would definitely be up there I would definitely like to see nicolea yic oh yeah that that would be a tremendous one just because you just see someone that’s

All about their team and just shows up to work and does his job it’s like the um you know the Chinese farmer like oh you broke you you know my son broke his leg oh thank God because the military is going to take him we’ll see we’ll see oh

You got all those fortunes that must be awesome oh I don’t know we’ll see the fortun he seems It’s like Oh Nicole is like oh you lost last night but you know the other team lost so you’re still in first oh we’ll see we’ll see and then he

Wins the championship and he’s like I’m excited to go home I I don’t want to play basket he was like this was the shortest off season it wasn’t the greatest he’s awesome um yeah but he does everything right so back to Kirk Cousins okay Kirk so how much did he get

I don’t know what he got I think 100 plus yeah I think it was like 117 or something like that 115 great job um Kirk Landing another big deal all of a sudden Atlanta looks like they are I mean the odds on them totally shifted another quarterback landed another place

By the name of Russell Wilson and the odds did not shift at all in Pittsburgh any thoughts on why I mean okay I get maybe he’s not the most likable guy for whatever reason he played pretty well last year like I I think that that Pittsburgh has a shot of being pretty

Solid with him as a QB yeah well I’m going to put it to you like this uh Denver has a pretty historic franchise right Terrell Davis John Elway you know pton Manning yeah they they’ve had some dudes squads real dudes um Pittsburgh has had Ben rothberger you know Drome

Bettis Cordell Stewart oh yeah stud 90s name nice exactly so there’s some some dudes out there that you know they expect to perform and recently the Pittsburgh Steelers have not been able to find a quarterback that fits them so no pressure Russell Wilson but that’s a lot of pressure that you’re walking

Into and by the way another thing we must talk about the trade wire was hot I don’t know if you can even call it a [ __ ] excuse my language trade when you we we we gave him Justin we gave the Pittsburgh Steelers Justin fields for sixth rounder what was the sixth rounder

Sixth rounder is nothing so Tom Brady seventh rounder you never know yeah hopefully you guys get tough for me because I was someone that was a proponent of Justin Fields I thought again I’m obviously not a football GM but I thought we could really really stack our roster with

Trading that number one pick and keeping Justin Fields who I thought was a solid okay quarterback I guess uh the experts think different we still did a lot with our roster we got Keenan Allen from San Diego who’s a 12200 yard receiver last year along with DJ Moore along with KT

And DeAndre Swift We have offensive weapons now so it’s like now Caleb Williams is looking a little I might start painting my fingernails cuz uh Caleb Williams that’s what he does um anyway I’m I’m sad to see Fields go I’m glad he’s Landing in Pittsburgh uh my

Wife there’s going to be a little controversy in Pittsburgh right that puts a lot more pressure on Russell Wilson because Russell guess what you are going to have to come in and start you know tossing some TDS in there it’s going to be a competition and then guess

What if he doesn’t that’s a perfect segment for Justin fields to slide in and do what he does and hopefully they both get warm welcome I don’t see it coming out that way but one of them will have to stay and it’s survival of the fittest over there in

Pittsburgh but can we talk about Chicago maybe taking Caleb Williams do you like the idea like where I mean you have to take Caleb Williams it doesn’t matter like he’s one of those prospects where if you’re a GM and you don’t take the consensus number one whether you don’t

Think he’s the right pick or not if you don’t take him you will never live it down well my friend let’s take a look at history here you guys do not have a great track record of what we like to call drafting good quarterbacks absolutely for years

In fact there’s this one I I remember it like it was yesterday my dad pulling me aside I might have been 10 years old and him going Kev the Bears are finally going to get the quarterback they’ve needed for the last 20 years his name is

Cade mcnown he’s out of UCLA he’s such a badass in the middle of a Rose Bowl game he puked got done puking and threw a touchdown and I was convinced Kade MCN was going to be our quarterback yeah he was horrible since then we’ve had Rex

Gman uh J um Jay Cutler Jay Cutler who I thought was pretty good for a while but he wasn’t drafted he signed we it’s just been a plethora of qbi after QB after qbi we’ve passed on Mahomes we passed on deshun Watson you took Mitchell trabis Mitchell trabis so great work and

Well let’s moving on to my team the yeah what do you think they’re going to do cuz right now mocks are saying they’re taking your boy Jaden Daniels out of LSU what do you think about that who you know is a scrambling and passing quarterback right yes I don’t know if

You have stats for me but I do have stats would like to hear some stats give us some stats last year LSU quarterback who was a Heisman Trophy winner threw for 3,800 yards 40 touchdowns and four interceptions this is only 12 games remember folks 4,800 3800 3800 40 touchdowns four interceptions

On top of that again in only 12 games on top of that 1,00 rushing yards and 10 rushing touchdowns that is if those were numbers in an 17 game NFL season that’d be like the greatest season of all time this 12 games and there were some rumors

There were some Whispers I heard there were some Whispers that his Camp didn’t want to be drafted didn’t want him to be drafted by New England but guess what tough luck too bad we’re taking you pal and that’s all that’s going to be said and we signed jacobe brasset jacobe

Brassette I’ve heard from close friends great dude good dude great dude her’ll be a great mentor it’s got it’s got to be weird to not see your boy bill on the sideline this year Bill Bill we thank you for everything that you’ve done because you know what

If it wasn’t for you cleeve gronowski Julian Edelman Robert Craft you wouldn’t have brought a young chubby teenager from methan Massachusetts so much joy in watching those Super Bowl parades so thank you again yeah clap it up um that’s pretty awesome okay we just covered football that’s what we did uh

Because that’s what we do in the show we cover Sports yep we’re here for the sports we’re here for the sports let’s get into a little bit of NCAA basketball my favorite time of the year March Madness this is your favorite time of the year and might I say I get a little

Excit well you should get excited because your team the Iowa State Cyclones everybody have a real Fighter’s chance of making it out of their bracket um I’m going to I want to do a round one rapid fire did you fill out of bracket yet yeah I did you did

Okay well let’s see if you can go by memory then I’m GNA I’m going to give you a game and you got to give me um the answer right away okay okay and we’ll go back and mark all these down and we’ll see who has more games I’ll do you’ll do

The um east and west and I’ll do the South and Midwest okay so you’re East West First ready yeah Yukon Stetson you know what faster go Huskies FAU Northwestern Dusty May is taking FAU to the next round San Diego UAB I will never ever ever let UAB Advance after

What they did to me my junior year of upsetting us when we were a two seed so looks like San Diego State you are moving on okay Auburn Yale you guys you guys know why I wore this cardigan I was wondering why you you guys know why I wore this cardigan

Because Yale is going to the top you believe Yale round go Bulldog you’re out of your mind BYU to Ken you know I was in Utah for a little bit of time by go cougs Illinois Morehead State this one it’s you know that Shannon kid he’s spectacular lucky Lefty um Illinois Illinois Washington

State Drake shake that ass Drake now shake that ass with you know what I you know why not let let let the team from the Missouri Valley move on you know Washington State you guys haven’t really had a heck of a you know I don’t how do

I say this well you guys haven’t been to the NCA tournament in a while and I think that Drake is probably going to get the best hot yeah they’re hot right now A Team win their conference tournament is always hot okay um I lost my I think

ISU I I Stu in South Dakota State the battle of the Midwest coach TJ alberger of the Iowa State Cyclone used to coach at s South Dakota State oh wow okay yeah and those jack rabbits are going to be Jack rabbiting on home home okay that’s the East bracket North Carolina and

Wagner Wagner won I love what Wagner did they actually beat Howard no in their conference tournament they beat my beloved marrat College Warriors shout out coach Joey Gallow yeah um but I’m gonna have to go with the tar Hills Michigan State Mississippi State 89 o that’s a tough one you know what

Tom ISO does have a great track record in the NCA tournament but Stark Vegas Mississippi state is moving on you’re out of your mind St Mary’s Grand Canyon this is one people are looking at you know what um so I had a general manager in Utah his name was Dennis Lindsay he

Had a son named Jake Lindsay that I played against in college he coaches at Grand Canyon and they’ve been saying some good stuff about what’s been going on so uh you know what picking it the people in Arizona are going to be partying Grand Canyon spoken Grand

Canyon I would have said Utah I have no idea where that school is okay here’s my upset Alabama Charleston give it to me I don’t give a piss about nothing but the tide Bama rolls them Roll Tide okay Clemson New Mexico um you know what after what I saw

I was a huge Eddie House Fan growing up after what I saw his son do and I thought it was special he kind of has that DNA Eddie house was doing it for Arizona State forom I love it one of my New Mexico it’s moving on one of my best

Friends coached uh him all through High School it was on bibby’s staff yeah at uh Shadow Mountain said kid’s great kid uh I’ve been following him from afar I’m I’m with you on that yeah that’s awesome great story um thanks so much Baylor and Colgate Baylor and Colgate come on say

It you know I wore my cardigan for a reason and Colgate is not beating bayor you’re out of your mind Dayton Nevada this one you say Nevada or Nevada know this could be uh a toss up here um I wasn’t really feeling you know what the the Flyers were doing so you know

What this is going to be another upset and I am taking the wolf pack okay Arizona and Long Beach State yeah this one isn’t even going to be close Long Beach State you guys had a great season but it comes to an end but hey you can

Get to the beach faster um okay should I read or do you want to read these pass that over here okay if you get any texts from my wife just ignore okay okay who do we got we got okay the first I’m going quick first round we have Houston versus Longwood Houston

Without question okay be close the 89 game we have the aies of Texas A&M or we have the fighting Fred hoyberg shout out Fred hyberg coached me three years in college Fred I love you I would pick Nebraska I don’t know what this idiot I’m going to pick Nebraska definitely they’re hot you

Got the Japanese Steph Curry you got Fred hyberger yeah yeah and incredible college coach so without question Nebraska and then this one probably will be um a game I’m not so sure a lot of people will tune in for maybe a little slow paced Wisconsin James Madison I

Have James Madison JM du Wisconsin yeah you know Wisconsin’s been tough in the Big 10 but big 10 teams are suspect in the tournament and I think James Benn has a lot of seniors and they’re really good this year so I’m gonna go with James bennison okay moving on we have

The fighting Kyle filipowski Hopefully they don’t hopefully they don’t storm the court in the NCA tournament but they are playing Vermont who do you have although I like Vermont I’m going Duke without question okay now this one you know Texas Tech NC State don’t answer this Texas Tech is a big 12

School you know they compete at a high level Big 12 Conference best conference in uh in the country right now but NC State you saw who they head baby Zack Randolph baby Zack Rand I think his name is DJ WIlliams I was trying to come up I

Was trying to think of his last name I think it’s DJ WIlliams I don’t you know anyway he’s a lefty he’s a big boy and he’s a killer and that team just plays tough defense so I’m going to go with them I’m going to go NC State okay NC State moving on and

Then you have hit me the Kentucky Wild Cats vers Oakland The Freshman are going to The Freshman are going to go far I’m going to go in Kentucky I’m definitely really yeah Oakland yeah Kentucky or Oakland yes fair enough then we have Florida versus the winner of Boise State Colorado

Florida I mean there the it’s Florida it’s an ACC school I think they’re going to I understand that and then we have the hill Toppers down at Western Kentucky they’ve been fighting they’ve been scrapping all year but they are going to run into a well-oiled machine in Marquette marquette’s getting Tyler

KCK back who I think is going to be a killer uh in this tournament and I think also has a chance of being an NBA player he’s a really runs a pick and roll really well can score tough kid I got Marquette I got Marquette going far okay fair

Enough Midwest bracket hit me we have Purdue vers Grambling Purdue Purdue Zak is just going to take you know it’s honestly crazy and I don’t mean any disrespect to him but you roll out someone that is the size of you know some would be compared to SAS Sasquatch

And can shoot a jump hook and I.E dunk block shots uh you know Montana or gramling state is going to have a tough time so I completely agree with you that this one here uh the TCU go horn frogs against the Utah State Aggies shout out

To Sam Marell I got Utah State winning this who do you have I’ll go with Utah state only because of Sam Marell and only because I like watching him play basketball that guy has never seen a shot he didn’t like and I don’t mean

That in a bad way people say that in a bad way that kid fires him up confidently and it’s fun to watch the kid has balls the size of Utah I would say do you like that yeah I don’t know if he’ he’d call him those but I’ve

Never seen him but I’m one 100% you know we have the agies moving on and then the next one is Gonzaga zag vers MCN zag got to make yeah zag got to make a lot of people are pick MCN here as their as their uh Cinderella I don’t think it’s

Going to happen I think the zags experience are going to take over you got Mark f a great coach and then four verse 13 yeah Kansas has had a bunch of injuries Hunter Dickinson yeah uh not sure if he’s playing but they got a guy

Who is built like a brick [ __ ] house in KJ Adams okay killer yes he is so and they’re playing Samford Samford this could be an upset what are your thoughts maybe yes no the Big 12 moves on KU Rock Chalk um South Carolina versus Oregon let me chime in here Dana Alman I

Don’t know what he does during the year but in March he turns up um yeah this is a tough one I’m gonna go South Carolina Go Cox Go Cox okay okay then we’re gonna have kraton kraton’s moving on Full Stop not kraton’s moving on but we’re not even

Going to mention that they play akan we’re in Ohio I know we’re in Ohio AC’s a great story Buton Big E basketball is a different Beast okay and then we have listen I’m going to have to go on a tangent here because Texas is playing Colorado State Colorado State last night fun fact

Yes held Virginia scoreless for 10 dude for 10 game minutes yeah I think it was like 52 real time minutes minutes that’s insane honestly I’m just going to tell you this I will not ever be attending a Virginia basketball watch party because my eyes will bleed it’s

Almost as bad as watching Iowa football play and score like honestly I’m not even going to lie to you Caitlyn Clark and her team should suit up for the Iowa football team because and May You’ scored more than enough points and the Iowa football team they need your help to score Virginia’s always

Been a Tempo team they always play Slow they play tough they make you grind it out it’s ugly it’s boring but they’ve won a national championship so Colorado State or Texas are you hook them are you rolling I’m going to go Texas I think on this one over Colorado State I think

Texas yeah Texas will handle them and then we have St Peters my my favorite player in the tournament who’s that Dalton yeah what’s his last name I think it’s net there’s a lot of uh there’s I don’t know but he is big he is strong he can shoot he can

Dribble and guess what if you don’t step up in the lane he might just dunk on you unfortunately he’s going up against uh a player by the name of Roy Clark at St Peter’s peacocks University who is my former player at John Dewey High School is this your upset this is I’m picking

It out of um love I have the St Peters peacocks and Roy Clark moving on he’s the first player I’ve ever coached that’s playing in the NCAA tournament moving on and you know you know what they say don’t Tennesse don’t I’m not betting with the motion don’t bet with

The motion that was good I like that that was fun uh we’ll do round two NE well next week we’ll probably do round eight or whatever it is the round of eight um moving forward we do have a couple things here uh in a segment I

Like to call the past week on the Internet or this past week on the internet which one you’d like to uh call maybe we get a Lo logo we should have a logo that says like this past week and like maybe we can do it like that um

Anyway we’ll talk to edel M about that um first up what video do we have first year on uh this week internet our guy I just wanted to get your take on this dude I mean he plays for your boy Fred hyberg I mean look at this shot talk

About a quick release what God I mean like you said they call him the Japanese Steph Curry d this guy he shakes he bakes he and he just has rain look at that he doesn’t even follow through he just flicks it in the air and it’s like

It goes in it’s a thing of beauty and I can’t wait to see it in the NCA tournament Fred I don’t know where you found this guy but he is Sensational he’s Sensational and Fred must have gone to Japan no I mean he must have gone there look at that crafty little

Left-hand Scoopy scoop layup and then he cut through the lane you know I think it’s awesome cuz he’s probably throwing people off because you know the eye test I’m sure people aren’t really thinking that this is the type of energy that he’s going to bring and he just brings

It it’s it’s crazy if we’re talking about players to watching the NCA tournament the Japanese Steph Curry kisi tominaga at Nebraska yeah killer and you know what it’s partly because we’re missing out on our boy Robbie ailla K Abdul Jabar got absolutely snubbed Bobby shout out to our boy Bobby

We gotta have him on the Pod I think Bobby if you’re listening we need to get you on the Pod uh if you’re not if you don’t go in the NIT and you have some time we’d love to get you out here in Cleveland uh to get on the Pod uh you

Don’t have to bring the re specs you do to bring re just bring yourself bring your game because we’re going to have you play Kevin oneon-one okay down down okay who’s next Oh my he like punched him in the face and this is what I’m talking about when you

Were talking me you do you have to get to these guys before their Launchpad and it’s unfortunate because John Collins you are a great guy you really are an awesome guy wrong place wrong time you got hit with a he’s sad is that is he hurt at the bottom I think he was

Concussed so hopefully speedy recovery uh John but that was this is just that was ferocious sick look where he takes off from takes off from the elbow oh and just bangs it home look at my ex college teammate over there Monte Morris going crazy that honestly jeez that’s crazy I

Mean and he’s at a plethora of these this kid is special when it comes to transition basketball and he can fly yes he can fly if you’re on if you’re on the team that got dunked on and you see that are you making a face are you going oh when he dunks it

Or are you trying to hold it back uh I don’t know what I’m going to do it’s kind of natural reaction but you know one time I was playing Anthony uh Edwards when we were in Philly and you know he’s full of life has a has a ton of person

And uh he hit me with the move I was like oh man I thought you only did that going left he’s like [ __ ] I’ve been working on my game dude I just want I just think that kid is like the coolest oh he’s awesome

You know he did a great he did a great job in that movie um we talked about last week he killed it yeah he did a great job great personality even better dunk yeah that was that was impressive I want to see your take on this let’s say

You’re taking a shot and the other coach does something like this go ahead had a shot and he had it one and I didn’t want him to feel good about himself going to the bench Gary asked me about that a month ago and that’s the bench rule guys

Don’t shoot shots in front of our bench to go back to their bench to feel good about themselves I’m going to ask the guys that contest the staff’s got to do the same oh this is awesome you know Joe Missoula I think he either played for

Bob Huggins and he played for John beine so uh he’s an intense dude funny story you know this right here is a freshman George NE at the far right and there is Joe moula in the Middle with Mickey Mouse hands on so would you expect anything less from someone that is

Wearing Mickey Mouse gloves at a Thanksgiving Holiday Tournament down in Disney to go and contest someone shots I wouldn’t couldn’t believe it so you know what I I’d expect that out of Joe Missoula I just thought we should throw it back to this picture I think

It’s pretty funny but if that was me I may have like kicked my leg out and like and let him hit me and see if I could get get him called for like a flagrant foul or something yeah I mean I can’t believe a coach sitting there cold would

Jump up and like I get the idea of it like hey we contest we do it but a coach doing that seems so crazy to me yeah it’s a little out there um you know funny story we were playing uh we were playing Boston in the second round of the

Playoffs and uh I got in the game and you know I felt insulted when he put their Center on me and sent it to go double Joel it was almost like a slap in the face right so when I made the three I don’t know if he’ll be able to show

The clip but I make the three and then I’m looking over at the bench and I’m like yelling at him and I’m like you better not ever put your fing Center on me ever again like from afar though yeah and then I walk by you know me thinking that I’m getting

Away with doing like a drive by with like words I walk by their bench after 10 I’m like are you nuts putting your Center on me he’s like shut the hell up Missoula yeah he’s just an he’s just an intense dude yeah yeah I wish he could

Wear micke shut the hell up or shut the [ __ ] up H probably I wish he could wear Mickey Mouse gloves on the sideline that would be incredible if we could watch him contest Royce O’Neal’s shot with Mickey Mouse gloves but he’s an intense dude he’s a great guy um I think it’s

All in the game and you know I think he just wears his emotions on his sleeve and he’s intense and he’s not apologizing to anybody yeah I mean he he he buys into it um we have one more video here I’d like to get your take on

This is this week in the internet uh not so much Sports I just want to get your take on this video spend my dollar parked in a holler KN the mountain Moonlight we stand for the flag if you don’t like it hell we don’t care there you go damn right America America damn

Right respect us damn right you going you going to respect us respect us respect Don’t Mess don’t mess with us I uh America I don’t give a I don’t give a piss about nothing but the T if tide If This Were our Duo I I want to be the guy

Who doesn’t give a piss about the tide and you’re going to be dusi in the in the Hat are you body shaming me right now no no that has nothing you went there I didn’t okay I wanted to be okay you wanted to be the cross-eyed guy no

Hey honestly I’ve heard a lot of crazy things Dave poroy has him selling those t-shirts dude I don’t give a piss about nothing but the tide and that guy is profiting from them I think that’s the coolest thing ever I don’t know where you find guys like this is that

Really where you can find people that act like that wow we got to take a trip down we hey we’re announcing our tour live podcast we’ll let you know if there’s any locations down in Alabama summer coming this summer to you all right before we end here I do want to

Get a couple of Callin um message in I should say this one’s for you he’s from uh this guy’s from from ma which is Massachusetts vuci 99 uh you’ve been in Philly are you a Northshore be beef or a Philly cheese steak guy oo what’s a Northshore beef a

Northshore is like roast beef shout out to Harrison’s okay that recently closed in north and I’ve been going there my whole life but I’m a Northshore roast beef is it like wet what’s it like no it’s like it’s a roast beef sandwich you have certain kind of sauces on it you

Know soft bun you can either have it uh poppy seed bun or you know plain get some sauce on there add some cheese usually have like the the fries that have like the zigzags in them oh oh waffle sauce no like they’re like sticks but they’re like oh I just CR crinkle

Yeah and uh I was lucky enough to be in Philly for two years there’s amazing um there’s amazing Philly cheese steaks there shout out delisandros shout out Angelos but I could never turn my back on my people your home yeah and that’s Northshore beef all day that’s respect I

Love that I never had one I’d like to have one this summer maybe I’ll come up to Boston we’ll get you a Northshore beef pal yeah I would love that actually can we do that um okay Cam BOS wants to know uh your thoughts on Kyrie left-handed game winner oh okay so I’ll

Say this right now and I will not turn my back on it Kyrie Irving is in fact the most skilled NBA player ever ever yeah um I don’t disagree and a lot of people like I had a friends one of my friends take was like oh that’s kind of a lucky shot I

Threw up his left hand I was like actually if there’s one person in the NBA that I think it’s not really luck it’d be him my God when he put that up your friend disgust me seriously why be a hater yeah he’s a hater what’s his

Name state is Governor Ryan you met him he’s the guy that came out yeah he’s H do some research please um okay a couple more we have one more um this is from Don Don Berto Don Roberto 305 how does George like living in Cleveland I love

And will Kevin ever come out to Cleveland I’m in Cleveland right now yeah Kevin makes many trips to Cleveland I do um I love Cleveland it’s awesome you know it’s a sports Town that’s hungry you know see there sports teams winning so no pressure but we need to

Win um and it’s it’s been awesome let me tell you this when it is 70 60 70 and it is sunny there’s no place like it I mean obviously winter with the lake effect and it being and dark it gets tough sometimes windy and cold right but at

The same time the people have been awesome here um and it’s it’s been awesome I I love Cleveland again the game tonight was so fun watching that game in that environment it was like a play environment they Cleveland rock it does okay last question then we’re going

To end here this is from Anthony he just got diagnosed with MDS and wants to know if you have any if you have any recommendations for M for MDS he knows you’ve been diagnosed wants to know oh MDS is um miniature dinky syndrome it’s miniature dinky syndrome

He just got diagnosed and he knows you’ve been diagnosed he wants to know if you honestly my good friend Anthony from South he um you know he’s just he’s full of it and the fact that he would even ever try to get on our podcast he’s banned um he’s banned yeah but that’s

All right we covered a lot of things here we covered the so you’re denying your MDS I’m not even gonna entertain this nonsense I’m gonna I’m gonna wrap this up you know we had a great segment here thank you guys for joining us we got to talk about NBA basketball we got

To talk about the NFL yes we got to talk about how Caitlyn Clark might need a suit up for you know forgo the WNBA draft and and suit up for the Iowa football team because they need points yes and we also got to touch on March

Madness we also need to touch on liking subscribing sharing and subscribing yeah no do us a favor go on there subscribe help us out we’d greatly appreciate it subscribe to the Pod the bench sheet um I’m George Nang this is Kevin spe and we’re Out


  1. Question for Georges: Miles Garrett will often visit the Cleveland museum of natural history bc he loves dinosaurs and paleontology. What is the most unexpected non-sport activity you would be found doing in your free time?

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