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World Series of Poker Main Event 2014 – Final Table with Martin Jacobson & Jorryt van Hoof

The final nine players in the 2014 WSOP Main Event fight for the $10,000,000 first prize and poker’s most coveted bracelet on this episode! Watch how Mark Newhouse, Bruno Politano, Dan Sindelar, Billy Pappas, Andoni Larrabe, William Tonking, Jorryt van Hoof, Felix Stephsen, and Martin Jacobson battle it out. Just three players will remain at the end of this episode.

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The final table of the World Series of Poker main event is a once in a-lifetime Opportunity this year nine poker players emerged from a field of 6,683 but for one member of this Elite group the opportunity is now twice in a lifetime going back to back gives me a

Chance to finish what I started last year after a career full of ups and downs Mark new house finds himself in rarified air backto back final tables with a legitimate shot at $10 million it’s a big number can buy a lot of freedom I don’t know what I’ll do with

It yet but I’ll figure out when I have that problem new house is not alone on this Joy Ride the Netherlands jet vonhof is the chip leader this is a potentially once in a lifetime experience of course but I really try to focus on playing poker and not on the end result nine

Players one bracelet 10 million for first it’s the 2014 World Series of Poker main event final destination top of the poker World welcome to the 2014 World Series of Poker main event final table telecast presented by Gentleman Jack it’s a marathon a Minefield a massive sea of

Poker players now the final nine are in poker’s promised land tonight the business of awarding 10 million no surprise to see huge crowds of supporters turn out for this Final Table they’ve traveled from Brazil Sweden Norway from all corners of the world hi everyone Lon McCarron with Norman Chad Caris Scott will provide

Updates from the floor Mr November 9 Mark new house is back for round two finishing nth last year he says was the worst thing that could happen but now he’s back with a terrific chance to forge the best thing that could happen from the Netherlands you’re at Bon h is

A towering presence with a towering stack he had only 13 big blinds left when we were down to 291 players now he’s in position to become the first Dutch Main Event Champion ever our leaderboard is closely packed about an average stack separates first from ninth new house and third fo ball King Billy

Papis is in sixth first through eighth place represents over $27.5 million in prize money so we have our hands full tonight a lot of business left to be decided nine single guys left no marriages no divorces no couples counseling just poker baby there is our chip later the 31-year-old yuret Von Hof

From the Netherlands King four and he will give it up and there is New House Ninth Place last year third biggest stack to start the night over to will tonking cash game Grinder from Jersey he folds Dan sindelar a golf addict gives it up nobody here over the age of 32 the

Youngest main event final table ever the old oldest player here right there Brazilian Bruno Pano 32 years old to the Foosball King Billy papis with pocket eights in his first Main Event the only true amateur here a raise to 900,000 to the Norwegian Felix Stevenson in the big blind 24y old well neither

One of these guys was even going to play in the main event this year Pap is planned to go to a foosball tournament in Austria Stevenson planned to go to the World Cup in Brazil Stevenson makes the call for a half million more you see billion seed one he says he’s a dealer

Geek a former dealer himself he loves that seat here is the Flop 548 the pocket eight still good for the Yoshi clad side of things papis reaching for chips a million 250 Stevenson with the wheel draw and queen high will come along Stevenson hanging around with Squad douche that’s

Either a very bad idea or a very good idea turn card King of Diamonds papis is still good with those eights and he checks Stevenson now not a big no limit Holden player not a big tournament player but here he is he loves PLO and he’s going to fire away a

Million 750 Stevenson in position tries to use his position to push his out of position neighbor out of the pot in other words Lon he’s bluffing the pro attacking the amateur Billy’s going to stick around to his credit that good call by Billy but I would have prefer a check Ray there but

That’s easy for me to say sitting here Heck if I were sitting over there I probably would have folded River Card seven of Hearts so the pocket eights are best another check from Billy Stevenson looks like he’s gambling that papis does not have an ace well looks like he’s got a second

Bullet in the chamber that is a cool 4 million after Billy papis you know it’s one thing to call the turn then sometimes you have callers remorse come the river This World Series first timer button heads with some of the best in the game nice and he does fold Stevenson’s

Bluff will work the Pot Limit Omaha specialist outplays the former poker dealer and the Norwegian side of the pen and tellar theater begin there chance all right well let’s officially meet this year’s Final Table seat one Billy papis Low Mass seat two Felix Stevenson Oslo Norway seat three yor fonov aov the

Netherlands seat four Mark new house Las Vegas Nevada SE five and lar Aras Spain seat six will tonking Flemington New Jersey seat seven Dan sindelar from Las Vegas Nevada seat 8 Martin Jacobson Stockholm Sweden seat n Bruno politano Sierra Brazil four chips in play the big one

Right now the half million chip that’s red on the table Six Nations represented at this Final Table plus New Jersey the blinds at two and 400,000 with a 50k Annie Bon Hof with King 10 on the button raises to a million in the big blind the youngest here 22-year-old andon larab

With 98 calls 600,000 more and I believe you were looking at Lor’s entire wardrobe all right we’re heads up the Flop 10 Jack nine Lor robbe with bottom pair and an open Ender the upper half of that draw no good because Von holf has a gut shot to a higher straight

And middle pair larab checks both these guys live in London as do Martin Jacobson and Felix Stevenson so the four of them could carpool to their online poker games a million four from Von h and a call from Lor robbe during the seven days of the main event I believe

This is the only thing I saw L robbe wear he was one of the chip leaders the whole time you got to go with your good luck clothing turn card King of Hearts Kings up now for Von Hoff L Rae does have outs to win and

Chop and he’s he’s reaching for chips I like this he’s representing the queen on the turn here for a straight straight draw is on the board the Spaniard bets 3 million 350 Von H turned two pair but if larab has the straight Von H is dead to a four

Outter so the younger larab testing the older strapping 6’6 Dutch Pro who does make the call here use Flash Von H is smarter than I am he doesn’t believe larab all right so with over 12 million in the middle we will see a river card seven of clubs larab gets there with the

Jack High straight and he checks it boy he hits his hand and checks it maybe larab fears Von H has the queen how does he check it wow now Von H with Kings up but a dangerous board oh and he puts larab all in boy I didn’t expect

That larab gets rid of it are you kidding me we would need a team of analysts working 24/7 for 20 years to explain how L robbe played this hand a surprising fold Von over 40 million the best poker content on the internet your super high roller Bol

Seven Champion oh yeah wheels are coming off that’s the craziest hand I’ve ever SE what was that fight go to get. y24 for $20 off a new annual subscription welcome back to Las Vegas the second biggest first place prize in Main Event history on the line tonight

Mark new house who made the final nine last year and probably made it again this year much to the surprise of broadcast partner if he makes back-to-back man event final tables I will dive into the LA River in the buff I will climb the Sears Tower in flipflops I will zip line

Across the Grand Canyon with Mike Mato on my back if this guy makes back-to-back man at final tables I will parachute out of a helicopter over Hoover Jam while playing bag pipes I will cook two Cornish hens and slice an avocado while standing on my head I will

Remarry and red divorce my first wife I think I’ll need a court order if this guy makes back toback November 9th I will I will why even bother at this point and I will accept any two of those proclamations by the end of the year

From you lot it was a one and 524,000 chance I believe I was on Solid Ground larab and new house will see a flop L raised under the gun new house called in the big blind 67 Jack pocket eights are still good for Mark no immediate Improvement for larab new house checked

The bizarre thing about new house he says he played zero poker no prep whatsoever after making the November 99 4 months ago a million one from larab with the smaller pocket pair new house calls with the better pocket pair see he didn’t have to practice playing poker to

Make that call he’s done it a million times turn card is a five and larab turns trips new house with an open Ender checks again now larab how much can he get from Mark new house the youngest November Niner this year bets 2 and a half million oh new house

Isn’t going anywhere his eights might still be good and he has that straight draw Mark will commit the chips for a call almost 10 million in the pot River Card King of Clubs so lar Rob’s 35es are the best hand Mark checks again if larab doesn’t bet this River I will

Move to the Lucian islands and sell refrigerator magnets door to door I’m right with you oh no get out the moving van he does check the Southwest fly to the Illusions that’s one of the most bizarre River checks I’ve ever seen L I started playing poker in the late 1930s

He fold at a straight then checks back trips on the river caution will not win World Championships young man what was larab doing so a couple of questionable plays early on from larab but there’s no question he is a great young player just 22 years old he was a force throughout

This Main Event the first from Spain to make the main event final table since Carlos bensson won it all in 2001 and larab would be the second youngest champ ever he’s a few months younger than OA champ Peter Eastgate of course Joe C won the 2009 Main Event making him the

Youngest ever World Champ pocket 10s for new house after Von H raised it to 1.1 with 87 pocket Queens for will tonking 27-year-old University of South Carolina grad all business on the felt after poker he wants to get into Sports Talk Radio but uh of course he he’d have to talk that is

True with the pocket Queens those are more than just calling chips a good opportunity for him here a re ra to 3,750 from tonking that gets rid of Von now back to new house with the pocket tense remember big game James worthy of the Lakers this guy is Main Event Mark new

House new house who plays a lot in La near the fabulous form where worthy made his name does come along how much did you start with Mark uh 22 okay 22 million that’s 44 big blinds here at the Flop Deuce for Jack the Queens are still

Best toning was below 20 big blinds at some point of all seven days of the main event but he’s resilient and he kept picking up big hands at the right time out of position with a continuation bet of three and a half million well we’ve seen this before in

The main event Mark new house behind and he just calls turn card now another four pairing the board so queen’s up for toning 10’s up for new house and talking checks this time new house ended day one with just below the starting stack and he didn’t think he’d

Last too long on day two and I’ll be honest with you I didn’t think he’d make it to the November 9 again he’s taking the Reigns here betting 45 million well new house certainly might think he has the best of it here you mentioned day one he was below

His starting stack new house finished day five as the main event chip leader and here’s a call from will talking 252 million chips in the middle the River card p here’s the board again a murmur through the crowd here the large crowd at the penell theater talking checks once more new house

Now all in all in Mark new house moves all in on a bluff wow this is for almost all of will tonings chips but if he calls here new house is out in Ninth Place again call talking makes the call and he sees he’s got new house beat and pushes

New house out the door it’s not possible is it oh my he’s not Mr November 9 he’s Mr November 9th a very stunned crowd here watches as Mark new house makes his exit again from this main event final table in Ninth Place second straight year he waits 4

Months and gets no additional money it was devastating last year what is it this year I was going to snap it wasn’t the main event I was going to snap wow I was going to snap it it wasn’t to main EV back and NS snap will talking is the chip

Leader time now for the Gentleman Jack right move of the night it goes to will toning for the impressive call to lost Mark new house in ninth place again new house represented a full boat tonking wasn’t buying it I [Applause] call during the break kis Scott caught up with Mark new house and out in ninth place it’s Mark new house Mark we saw a lot of your play on the coverage you’re always so interesting to watch you you have a tendency to be able to play in lots of

Different styles what do you think of Will’s Paul there um I mean it’s a good call uh it’s it’s about where I thought he was um and I’m either bluffing or I’m not I either got the Jack or I’m turning a less of a hand into a bluff or or I

Just have nothing um you made the right call we spoke earlier about how you spent pretty much 8 months of the last two years waiting for a final table so what happens now for you back to normal life back to the Grind that’s it thank you so much Mark

Out in N that hand reminiscent of Steve G’s Allin in 2012 versus Russell Thomas to also go out in ninth figure the table’s playing tight take advantage and it backfires onen larab took a flop larab got the best of it with middle pair yit though bets a million four and

Larab will come along Von H and larab again and larab in position turn cart Trey of Hearts Von H now picks up an open end Dutch poker Pro the chip leader starting this Final Table checks this time larab reaches for some of those oversized red chips that’s a total of

1.7 million what a monster day seven Von H had to become chip leader he knocked out Dan Smith in 20th Place Andre zenko in 17th and Eddie sabat in 16 he said he wasn’t going to come to this final table with any specific chip leader rooll he was just going to watch

6.7 see how it plays out and now with a check raise to 6.7 million a check raise semi Bluff the Von H Hammer it’s a big hammer you got to love this play Von H puts Lor robbe on a weak hand a one pair hand maybe and if he calls Von H can

Bluff again or get there with an ace or his straight larab once again with the best hand here but a very tough decision and he is going to lay it down the weakness of position by andon laab coming soon to a bookstore near you and the Von H Hammer

Coming soon to a movie theater near you y Von H has used his big stack well born in the Netherlands he’s one of four players at this Final Table who now lives in London he was a pre-teen Magic the Gathering Savant and now he has a

Poker training website I have a group on fortline but it’s all in Dutch it’s his birthday and a few days he would love to bring a new piece of jewelry to that party Bruno pado from Brazil with Queen 10 on the button started as the short

Stack I’m all in and he says all in for 8.1 million 13 big blinds Bruno’s been pretty quiet and his rail has actually been relatively quiet Billy P folds a small blind Felix Stevenson calls with pocket s well at least he’s got a flip flipp Brazil’s first main event final taable

Is ever in a race for his main event life Bruno Pano ignited a very excitable country with his performance during the main event trying to hang on here Stevenson says he doesn’t like to flip he tries to look for better spots but this was a pretty good spot here bro

Mr zzy is more stressed than he isano flipping for his main event Queen tan against the seven do six trade no love there for Bruno Stevenson poised for The Knockout the boisterous Brazilian rail hoping to burst with joy for Bruno turn C is paint but it’s a king no

Help to ponana one more chance to pull it out of the fire [Applause] for her sake I hope Bruno hits the river the Brazilians from this Rio to Rio De Janeiro calling for a queen or a 10 the river is the nine of Hearts Bruno politano the second victim to fall at

This Final Table man well played enjoy enjoy awesome and she’s got a middle seat on her flight home Pano out an eighth winning over $947,000 his second Main Event produces a Brazilian celebration about 150 Brazilians traveled 6,000 Mi to see the first Brazilian ever to make the main

Event final table poano out in eighth Place before play began the final nine took a spin at the Rio’s latest attraction the voodoo zipline Norman what would it take for you to go on that what suddenly I’m Nick Wenda I don’t even like riding an escalator and Don laab had a very good time all right so

Billy papis Dan sindelar the two players under 10 million chips at this moment Felix Stevenson under the gun with Ace 10 and a raised to 1.3 million Von H now a treay of Hearts Von H has lorded over for this Final Table he’s the tallest

Guy in the middle of the table with the biggest stack and the iciest stare on H 3 million announces a r to 3 million and now larab with pocket tens and now Von H looks at Lor robbe like I know you will fold your pocket tense or you will fold your pocket

T and La does fold a pocket t hands don’t know about that oh good fold as sindelar wakes up with Jack and he says all end for over 9.2 million the Las Vegas Pro by way of a Nebraska Farm pushes with 15 big blinds left Billy papis wants to wake up with something

Better but he does not Stevenson now the original Razer folds back to Von Hof with the suited Ace and Von H knows he isn’t best here but it’s just for 10% of his big stack and he’s getting better than two to one on his [Applause]

Money y makes the call and will try to score The Knockout of Dan sindelar well sindelar hasn’t had much traction at this final table but this double up would give him 35 big blinds sindelar a golf and poker addict looking to double through the chip [Applause]

Leader here is the Flop and there is an a and a couple of Hearts fwn h with a monster flop about as ugly a flop as a farm boy from Nebraska could see so the Jack of Hearts no good for Dan anymore it’s been all yort Von ho at this final

Table and now the turn card tray of diamonds aces up now for Von H but sindelar still only looking for a single card and indeed only one card in the deck saves Dan sindelar the jack of Spades the River card is the Queen of Spades and that will end this made of it

For Dan sindelar Von Hof increases his leading stack to more than 74 million sindelar’s 18th World Series cash and his first main event cash it’s worth over 1.2 million Dan’s family feels his pain and the Von hulf supporters continue to live a Charmed Life y Von

Hope well on his way to continuing some of the recent success the Netherlands has had in the world of sport mckel brimo House made last year’s final table ah he was just a lucky tall guy like Von ho the country speed skating squads won 24 medals at the recent Winter Games

Speed skating that’s a sport please the men’s soccer team finished third at the World Cup third place who remembers third place and now Von H is the chip leader at the main event with six players remaining frankly I was always hoping Marcel L would be the first Dutch

Main Event Champion so six players remain everyone here guaranteed a payout of over 1.6 million will tonking second in chips now 96 not card you’re going to play very often he prepped for the final table getting Council from his three smartest poker friends including Matt deal who he says

Is the best player you’ve never heard of folded to Jacobson and the small blind queen Trey of Diamonds oh and Martin says all in he’s got a bigger stack than the big blind Billy papis who has King Jack of Spades papis was just 10 big blinds

Left I don’t think I’m full though like five time I call he does make the call so the two short stacks squaring off papis with about 62 million Jacobson with 155 million o this is my first uh like real hard Pap is the only amateur at the table Jacobson trying to become the

First Swedish Main Event Champion Billy supporters on their feet looking for a double here is the Flop and there’s a queen for Jacobson to take the lead papis did flop a spade flush draw and a Broadway draw what a flop yeah Norman papis is actually favored right now all right turn

Card eight of diamonds brings a flush draw now to Jacobson taking a couple of outs from Billy yeah so now papis would need a spade or a non Diamond 10 or King to stick round the River card is a non-diamond king and that will keep Billy papis alive in this Main Event who

Doesn’t want Billy papis to stick around and Martin Jacobson now the short stock here Billy’s crowd is full of foosballers who are used to seeing him win as you mentioned Martin Jacobson knocked out again playing with 9.1 million now in the short stack for Billy papis the fame is not that that’s

Surprising it’s the reason for the fame that has caught him off guard I went back to my work they gave me like a stand Ovation and stuff that was awesome but uh being here in Vegas actually you know I was on the street walking down the strip and someone

Stopped me and shook my hand that was cool and someone asked me to autograph a couple things so it’s super exciting you know I never thought it would happen for poker for foood ball it happens but for poker it’s awesome Walter Ray Williams Jr is a bowling and horseshoes Champion why

Can’t Billy papis be a foosball and poker Champion what’s better than giving an autograph in Vegas pocket kings at the main event final table for Billy papis from one off the button a raise to 1.4 million Stevens unfolds his button Von H his small blind Lor Rob and the big

Blind with king queen of hearts little under 13 picking a Peak at the in- house scoreboard start laab has twice as many chips as papis Billy the low mass amateur larab the Spanish Pro and he re raises papis all in and a snap call with the Kings from papis well

We haven’t seen too much go right for larab and papis just a short stock a moment ago in great position to double up again to the third biggest stack wow that is amazing you can see how quickly things turn around both for the good and the bad

B papis going for another double up Ace Ace Ace that’s fun larab now needs Runner Runner Royal Flush to scoop this PO knose I know I can’t lose third car for Spades papis Will Survive larab can still chop it but he will not that’s a full double up for Billy papis here

Comes the Foosball wizard on the felt Billy Pap is giving himself a chance to win this Main Event title while larabi sees his slipping [Applause] away oh well we can’t show you every hand at this final table so while other players make huge moves with double ups and Bluffs swed Martin Jacobson is

Making use of the Allin and with great success hand after hand sometimes with stron holding sometimes with weak he has moved all in without a call chipping up and putting himself in position to make an even deeper run I’d be curious to see what he would do with a big stack but so

Far he’s had just one move all in and it has not failed him yeah he said he was never Allin for all his tournament chips leading up to the final table but he has used that weapon well well here is the big stack Von H stylish hair perfectly groom beard winning personality he

Reminds me of a young Norman Chad on the button a raise to 1.8 million with King five of hearts larab and the small blind Jack 10 of clubs and I think larabe is tired of the young Norman Chad he’s tired of losing he’s even tired of his own

Outfit L has had tough sledding so far he say all in 10 big blinds into the middle talkking folds his big blind now back to vonhof Von probably figures he’s behind here though he’s not and it’s again for less than 10% of his big stack there is the affordable call and now Von

H trying to eliminate The Talented Anton larab suited connectors may lead larab down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams you can’t blame him for going all in there against Von H one guy smiling one guy frowning it’s been that way all night between these two Lor robbe at risk here

Is the Flop and there is a king for Von hope leaving larab with a tall order to fill he needs Runner Runner help I think this might be ours sorry I think today is really working out for you and Don Lor Rob’s day is growing short turn cart another eight not what

The 22-year-old needed and Don larab in the books as the sixth place finisher well play laab wins over 1.6 million not bad for the 22-year-old and Von H keeps hammering away I miss that with Rab’s chips Von hope over 85 million before play began we spoke to Y

About coming in as the biggest stack I think most people I speak to understand that being the chip leader alone isn’t enough so what I hear from a lot of people is you’re the chip leader and you’re a good player so you’ve got this so that feels uh a lot better than just

Being the chip leader and in the November 9 era just one chip leader Jonathan daml in 2010 has gone on to win the main event everyone got a pay bump over half a million dollars more now for fifth place papis in second place now with King 10 of diamonds he’s got over

28 million chips Billy says there’s not enough money in foosball where the best player in the world gets 30,000 a year Billy now staring at a minimum $2 million payout here at the main event he raised to two and a qu million Stevenson with Ace eight of diamonds in the small

Blind the first Norwegian to make the main event final table since T roran in 1997 Stevenson All In for almost 21 million and Jacks for Von H Bo Stevenson pushed with 20 big blinds left and to his left Von H has a bigger hand Von ho checking the in-house scoreboard

Milon Stevenson waiting for the verdict I’m in your shvs papis FS that’s not good news Stevenson on the hook and behind the two PLO Specialists Collide and this Collision could send Felix Stevenson home Von H trying to work his magic with pacet Jackson knock out Stevenson Von H can seemingly do nothing wrong

Tonight lucky having to have the Stevenson’s coach Scott saver thinks it’s lucky to have the A8 and Scott’s hardly ever wrong there’s the Flop and he’s right Stevenson gets an ace on the Flop and a check massage and he’s about to double up to 44 million chips so now

It’s Bon H looking to improve to keep his role going here is the turn card no help to the Dutchman hitting his first speed bump at this Final Table three three three so good we want three three of diamonds three of diamonds will do diamond well anything but a jack will do for

Felix the River card the seven of Spades will work a double up for the Norwegian Pro oh mama good time to get [Applause] lucky Felix Stevenson with the double up through the chip leader back into second place with almost 45 million all in and behind no problem for the 24-year-old Felix Stevenson he’s originally from ell Norway now lives in London and he’s made quite a splash with

His first ever World Series of Poker cash this is how cooky poker is Felix is an online Pot Limit Omaha cash game specialist who plays virtually no no limit hold him online or live the only World Series tournament he played this year is the main event the biggest live

No limit hold him tournament in the world and he might win it with fives Jacobson raises all in for over 24 million papis with Ace Jack jacson should start a training site on All In technique and papis with virtually an identical stack has a big

Hand here in the small blind he has been playing his Rush In And he says all in Stevenson has them both covered he fold so here we go both effectively all in but papis does have a stack worth am easly 50k more than Jacobson there a winner of this

Hand will have 25% of the chips in play the loser is done for Jacobson at risk Pap is trying to become the first amateur to win the main event since Jerry Yang in 2007 would have only 50k left as you said that’s less than an anti Pap is trying to come from behind

With Ace Jack Jacobson with a maid hand those pocket fives here is the Flop and a five a set for Jacobson leaves papis in dire straights well papis now would need running straight cards or his main event dream is all but over the turn card the enough clubs ends

It Pap is drawing dead Jacobson with a double up he’ll work now with almost 51 million and as you mentioned Billy papis can’t even afford a full ante less than a chip in a chair Billy papis does have a long climb ahead of him but he does have the Yoshi

Hat Jacobson now with a very workable stack just before the break Billy papis lost a crushing hand leaving his stack of just 50,000 oneth of the small blind and just barely more than the day one starting stack I wish I had like a faker hand than that now papis all in trying

To get up to 250 his sevens trailing Von hov’s Jacks Von HOV still ahead well if billy gets lucky here he actually would quintuple up to half of a small blind turn card another queen it’s not over it’s not but he needs it now papis has to have a seven the River

Card is a six and that brings an official end to poker’s World Championship Run for the spall World Champ real awesome playing with you do awesome thank you for everything a well spoken and likable competitor Billy papis made the 2014 Main Event more fun and he wins over 2.1

Million good luck guys he’s the epitome of the main event anyone can enter anyone can win and Billy papis was an utter Delight around these parts Von ho for the third straight knockout let’s go down to Cara with our fifth place finisher out in fifth place it’s William Papa Constantino otherwise

Known as Billy papis thought we’d get your full name in there for once now this was the first tournament you played over a $500 Buy in so talk to us about what this achievement means to you uh it means a lot you know like like I said

Before I’ve been dreaming about this for since 20 five so yeah it’s pretty awesome accomplishment you already have world championships as well you have hundreds of titles under your belt in foosball so how does this kind of rank this sort of Final Table um well this is you know like lifechanging money so

Foosball is just like for prri and this is for prri as well but um yeah couple more spots would have been nice anyone can do it you’ve had a great crowd here behind you thank you for talking to us thanks for having me now we are forehanded Von H with more chips than

The other three put together Ace King of Clubs for Martin Jacobson under the gun in his best position in a long time with 35 big blinds he was actually down to seven big blinds earlier at this Final Table the blinds at half million and 1 million

Still a raiseed to two and A4 million Stevenson king queen on the button he played on Norway’s best youth soccer team as a teen but lost his motivation switched to Poker my goodness if every soccer player switched to Poker the main event would have like two billion

Entrance he is a very good athlete he makes the call Pon Hof with 87 he hasn’t three bet in a while he needs his fix but not on this hand Talking Now who has been hit with a run of cold cards in the big blind he folds so it’s an all Scandinavian heads

Up Ace king king queen our flop 610 Trey pretty much a Miss for both ace high still best for Jacobson the swed 2 million says 2 million I am reminded of Antonio asari’s Sage teachings it’s hard to make a pair in hold him Ace King is good here the

Norwegian with four red chips that’s a call well we saw Felix float a flop against Billy papis earlier and Bluff the turn I guess that’s his plan again Stevenson pairs up and takes the lead Jacobson picks up a Broadway draw reaching for chips again Martin announces five million yeah and Ace King

Often might still be good here but now Stevenson doesn’t even have to Bluff the turn he’s got the best hand with Queens two players with nearly even Stacks Jacobson has moved up from the basement to Second Place Stevenson started in second place and with top pair strong kicker

Just to call well Stevenson in position playing cautiously against Jacobson it’s pot control lawn one of my specialties River Card another queen Norway has trips Jacobson now checks his Ace King remember originally I believe Stevenson was hoping to Bluff at this pot after the Flop maybe it’s not as much fun to

Bet a monster well he’ll make his fun where he can he’s got a lot of those red chips 11.5 million Stevenson bets more than half the pot and Jacobson is left with ace high and maybe thinks Felix is bluffing here it could be a busted flush

Draw he’s hoping hoping his a king is good but it’s going to cost him to find out Stevenson with trips call Jacobson makes the call but Stevenson has it and will now put some distance between himself and Martin Jacobson Jacobson broke my rule better to fold and be wrong than call and be

Wrong and Stevenson now very strong the Stevenson contingent all smiles after that rare misstep by Martin Jacobson gave Felix Stevenson a huge boost Ace King looked great before the Flop and unfortunately for Martin it looked good on the river too the best poker content on the internet your super high roller bow

Seven Champion oh yeah wheels are coming off that’s the craziest hand I’ve ever seen what was that fight go to get. y24 for $20 off a new annual subscription Felix steavenson enjoying the rush of the zipline a few days ago and enjoying a rush at this final table

But look the zipline exhausted him he can barely sit up and you want me to ride that thing Jacobson in third place hasn’t made a lot of Headway at this final table but he’s still kicking that’s the important thing Bon H Queen Seven of diamonds with the big stack a

Raise to 2.2 million on the button will tonking with pocket Deuces since he briefly took the chip lead when he knocked out Mark new house talking has slowly bled chips pocket pair probably looks pretty good all it looks real good to will as he shoves for 20 million pocket Ts for

Jacobson tonking push with 20 big blinds left and he’s going to have company all in and he’s all in for just 21 big blinds vono fold so here we go with two nearly identical Stacks again talking with the worst of it Jacobson likes it toning doesn’t and toning is

Crushed and here is the Flop 4 five jack all Club so the flame Burns a little brighter for will picking up the flush drop Jacobson seems to be enjoying the sweat but if he loses this one he’s just about [Applause] team toning calling for something helpful

Turn card not a club but tonking adds a straight draw to his arsenal of outs tonking now with 14 outs to survive here the New Jersey resident now needs any club a deuce or a tray to survive the River card the queen of stage Jacobson f so the danger

Delivering The Knockout blow will talkking comes up just short out in fourth [Applause] place he wins over $2.8 million so toning leaves us and this main event final table is now down to three young talented Europeans Martin Jacobson comes up big as he builds his stacked to over 45

Million will tonin came to this final table with the seventh biggest chip stack but leaves in fourth place so with talking’s elimination we are three-handed for the bracelet and the $10 million first place prize Ben H with about half the chips in play Stevenson and Jacobson separated by just 11

Million and we are going to have the main event first ever Dutch Champion Norwegian Champion or Swedish Champion time now for the king of the night no surprise here it’s y Von H chip leader to start even bigger chip now three-handed yep he got lucky but he

Also played incredibly well he’s tall he’s goodlook he’s got the most chips and he’s got a full head of hair who can stop that go Europe go London go Europe go London in 2013 and 2014 Mark new house and probably made back-to-back final tables then more and probably finish ninth again

Politano cindel larab papis and toning followed new house leaving three Europeans fighting for $10 million in the main event [Applause] Bracelet when I won the World Series I was numb with excitement when I won it validated my career choice when I won I hired a private jet to take my dad and I back home when I won I was instantly tackled by all of my friends and the rest is

History when I won I went looking for the best cash game at the Time when I win I’ll throw a really big party here in Vegas take my bracelet to the Netherlands and throw even a bigger party there when I win I have literally no idea how I’m going to react we’ll see when I win I’m going to do a fist pump

Tiger Woods would be proud [Applause] of Welcome Back To The World Series of Poker main event final table telecast presented by Gentleman Jack we started with nine we are now down to just three here at the Rio a massive first place prize of $10 million awaits the winner hi everyone Lon McCarron with my

Longtime broadcast partner Norman Chad Cara Scott has been with us all season providing reports from the floor from the Netherlands J Bon Hof remains our chip leader he’s Dutch but he lives in London I hope he can find friends there with common interests Felix Stevenson from Norway started in second and

Remains in second he’s Norwegian but he lives in London at least we know he has one poker friend he can hang out with Martin Jacobson has worked a short stack to perfection Swedish and he lives in London I’m sorry is Buckingham Palace or is Caesar’s Palace there and who wants

To play a home game with those three guys oh look at the payouts three players with a chance for that $10 million each guaranteed at least 3.8 million not bad even in London 6352 players last year and Mark new house finished 9th 6683 this year and Mark new

House finished 9th I’m betting against them finishing nth next year Von hope with three Knockouts so far Jacobson with two Stevenson with one Bono folded Jacobson with pocket aces in the small blind Phil helm you take note a lot of idiots from northern Europe made the November nine this year 3.6 a

Raise from Jacobson Stevenson ahead and the chip count behind with a card count actually these are all Northern Europeans with beards living in London the Netherlands is kind of Western Europe I know what I know davidon in the big blind with a couple of picture cards looks like he

Wants the play he does call for 2.4 million more Stevenson knocked out Bruno patano making him a wanted man in Brazil 7105 Jacobson with a hammer lock on this hand four 4 million from Jacobson we’ve seen Felix Stevenson float on a couple of flops earlier at

This Final Table let’s see if he does it again here get a good look at po Ker’s version of the Roman Coliseum without the Lions and the death and the blood and all that stuff Stevenson chips in hand those Reds are worth a half a million each and

There’s a call when I call with King high on this kind of flop in my home game my opponent always has Aces nice to see Felix and I have one thing in common oh a king that’s an awful card for Stevenson the worst in the deck as he

Pairs up against the pocket aces sometimes when you float on the Flop you sink on the turn St hits the card he wants and it’s going to cost him 10 10 million this time from the swed back to you Norway well if Jacobson had checked here there was a chance Stevenson was

Betting any card on the turn he could raise here but I think he’ll opt for pot control as I instructed him during our training sessions and he still made it into the top three and there is a call from Felix Stevenson it’s getting very expensive

For him and the pot now swells to more than 35 million yeah control that pot River card now is a queen and so the aces of Jacobson are best well with those Aces this is where I sto firing because I honestly have no idea what my opponent has on Hope in the background

His chip lead won’t be nearly so big very soon 15 you heard the man Jacobson seems to think his aces are good because at age 27 he’s forgotten more about poker than I’ll ever know so back to Felix Stevenson who was called every step of the way Stevenson top pair big kicker

Looking at a scary board I call he makes the call Jacobson will take that monster pot and is now neck and neck with Von ho for the chip lead Stevenson on the outside looking in oh and we saw the fist from Jacobson that indicates extreme joy and in the crowd Jacobson’s mom on

The right his sister and girlfriend on their feet Martin now over 86 million chips moving into second place after starting this Final Table in eighth he was the most decorated of the final tablist this year with nearly 5 million bucks in live tournament earnings born in Sweden now

Lives in London I hear he prefers London to Stockholm and he and his girlfriend are getting tired of the big city lifestyle so they’re looking to move somewhere with nature and fresh air I don’t think he’s going to be a neighbor of mine in Los Angeles just two chips in

Play they have taken off the 250,000 chips so just the 100K and 500k chips in play Jacobson folds to Stevenson with king queen and Stevenson now with just 20 big blinds after that hit against Jacobson Stevenson the first Norwegian at the main event final table since torid roren in 1997

And the small blind he shoves now Von H our chip leader backto back main event final tables for the Netherlands mckel bmel House made it last year Bon H fos and Stevenson will pick up the blinds and addes up to almost 26 million now all of our

November ners here in 2014 we’re seeking their first World Series bracelet each of our final three trying to become the first main event to champion from their Homeland three-handed the button will act first it is Felix Stevenson Jack dece he does fold Von H with Jack nine off suit at 31

Von H the eldest of these three he’s a businessman and entrepreneur he just limps for 600,000 more Jacobson and the big blind Ace six of Hearts he’s the first site at the main event final table since a fryberg in 2006 he checked his option Jacobson disguises the strength of his hand by

Not raising with the ace I disguise the strength of my bank account by not showing a statement to my first wife V flops two pair 18 1.8 1.8 million yeah that’s better he’s having a birthday in a few days well I got to say Lon I don’t

Know why Von H has put on the shades before he had such a presence with his intense stare not sure why he changed it up three-handed you see Jacobson over there yeah he could have gone laser ey surgery and gotten rid of his glasses three-handed but the glasses work for him they do

Indeed just a call with the suited Ace in London no one gives up on the flop because if you’re fold you’ve got to go out into the traffic and that’s a bad scene out there turn C 10 of diamonds Von still best with the shades on he just seems

Like another hipster looking for an after hours bar in Seattle without the shades he was so distinctive both of straight draws but Jacobson straight would be no good as yort would make a higher straight a check now from Bon H andson wants to take a shot 3.8

Million and there’s the call no without or with the shades Von H still playing good poker he has dominated this final take so far River card now another seven vonhof is best with sevens full over 14 million in the pot 2 million and a tiny bet from bonov

2 million that’s 17th of the pot that bet smells like d ludifisk it smells like fresh ludus too by the way oh I’ll stick the salmon will Jacobson take this bait no he decides to fold not going to waste those ships Bon will take the

Pot his crowd loves it Von H still with good reason to smile he has nearly half the chips in Play Welcome Back to Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker main event final table telecast presented by Gentleman Jack the penell theater jammed to start the night there are still very few empty

SE needs to be had it is the biggest night on the poker calendar Felix Stevenson right there the short stack the big stack on the button Y at Von H Jack five off suit at 31 years of age he’s trying to break a string of six straight years in which 20s somethings

Have won the main event he’s say raised to 2.6 million he looks at Martin Jacobson who fold 64 now to Stevenson in the big blind with 98 offit and he will call Stevenson and Von h both Pot Limit Omaha Specialists closing in on the No Limit Holden World

Championship all right here’s our flop heads up Trey 49 top pair for Stevenson Von H left with some backd door hopes Stevenson checks on Hope checks back turn card five of Hearts Stevenson still good with the nines but Von H did pair up with that five Stevenson had hoped Von H was

Going to fire at that flop it didn’t happen Felix will have to do his own bidding now 24y old who had a birthday during the break bets 4 million million and the good news here for Stevenson is that Von H paired on the turn but it’s still far

Behind he’s probably going to stick around Von H told us in regards to the final table nothing else has been on my mind but he tries not to think of the1 million that can be a distra he makes the call River card now the pot almost 145

Million King of Clubs third Club on board Stevenson’s two NES are best Stevenson probably not worried about the flush getting there because Von H would have C bet with a club draw on the flop I’m Stevenson taking a risk and shoving wow he’s less worried than I think he

Pushes with 14 big blinds left and Von H wondering would Stevenson Bluff shove could a pair of fives really be good here shorthanded you love a piece of the board yort bonhof makes the call and Felix Stevenson gets paid off in full the Allin surpris me Lon the call surprised me even

More Felix Stevenson with chips to work with [Applause] freehanded Von H with the hero call that came up [Applause] empty up 1.1 Felix Stevenson with almost 49 million [Applause] chips Von H should take off the sunglasses it’s not too late before tonight’s final table we talked to Felix about the opportunity to

Become a champion having such a good shot at becoming uh the world champion that’s just amazing and uh so that would be awesome and I’m going to try to capitalize on this moment and try to make the most of it cuz it’s for most of us a once in a lifetime opportunity well

For Mark new house it was a twice in a row once in a lifetime opportunity but Felix is Right capitalized now Jacobson folds 10 deu of diamonds the newly minted doubled up Felix Stevenson with 96 off Stevenson with a bunch of Pros on his rail here and he’s getting coaching from bracelet winner

Scott Siver he calls for 600,000 Von H with Ace eight of spades Von H credits Jared tendler and his book the mental Game of Poker for helping him prep for the November 9 of course I wrote the physical Game of Poker which teaches you how to block and tackle your

Opponents 3 million y Von Hof is going to make it a little more expensive to play a raise to 3 million Von ho has raised more pots than others so it makes sense to raise here with a strong hand from the big blind and Stevenson’s going to come

Along with 96 off suit H Norwegian getting creative all right here’s the Flop it is Trey 57 Stevenson with a double gutter Von Hof is best with ace high right now and Felix wants to put more chips into the pot that is 4.3 million Stevenson with

The semi Bluff plus he figures that baby card flop missed Von H since Von H rais pre flop well it did indeed miss him but Von H is still best with ace high and he does make the call boy I’m staying out of London lawn I would never win a pot

There nobody folds on the flop in London turn card now is the four of Spades Stevenson with a seven High St and Von HF with a draw to a flush and higher straight by the way Von HF is staring at Stevenson right now but behind those Shades it’s just lost 8 and

A half million from Stevenson here with the straight and Von H still doesn’t have a hand he’s got his face pressed up against the window gazing at the nuts on the other side of the window but he can’t get to it yet cool well he’s going to try to get

To it by calling 8 and a half Mila still it’s just ace high but he’s drawn to the nut flush in a higher straight all right over 32 million in the middle the River card another four Von H left with a handful of busted draws and with this straight Stevenson

Going to work once again that’s a two-handed bet of 155 million he bets half the pot earlier I thought Felix was hoping Von H wouldn’t call his pair of nines all in here he’s hoping Von H does call but Von H got no piece of this

Board yeah how can ace high be good here it can’t even beat a lot of Bluffs yort giv this a lot of thought yort should take off the sunglasses and just muck well he’ll muck and Stevens will take that pot as he gets stronger at this three-handed table now the

Norwegian fans with reason to celebrate Felix Stevenson takes another big chunk from yit Von host stack the one-time chip leader is now the short stack the best fker content on the internet your super high roller bow s Champion oh yeah wheels are coming off that’s the craziest hand I’ve ever seen

What was that fight go to get. y24 for $20 off a new annual subscription let’s go to Cara Scott with a report on Martin Jacobson’s Final Table preparation Martin Jacobson came into this Final Table towards the bottom of the leaderboard but six players are gone and although he’s had to grind a

Short stack of times he is still here he told me that part of his Edge comes from his greater experience at no limit hold them tournaments but he didn’t let that get in his way he prepared intensely in the 4 months leading up to the fin table

He said that he worked with poker Pros who all specialized in different variants of the game looking at short stack play heads up six Max even cash gameplay just to give himself an even deeper understanding of the Game of Poker he said that for a pro not to do

That it would be Unthinkable especially given what’s at stake Jacobson did 500 hours of prep work for the final table Mark new house on the other hand did zero prep work Jacobson with Jack nine off suit on the button and a raise to 2.7 million we are threeh handed for the

$10 million first place prize Von HF and the big blind with 98 off and oh look the sunglasses are gone yort van Hof is back hopefully not too late Jacobson the chip leader right now Bon Hof the former chip leader actually maybe he took off his sunglasses for a

Moment and now he’s wondering where he left them that’s a possibility too and he calls for a million and a half more it’s the men in black heads up to the Flop v h dominated here the Flop and top pair for both Jacobson with the better

Kicker check Von H checks see now one Von H stares at you you don’t want to look at him a check back neither willing to commit turn card King of Diamonds well no reason for not to believe his NES are good here yep Jacobson checked after him and

Now he is firing 3.8 million Jacobson maintains the same posture at all times is as if he’s modeling for a Michelangelo sculpture the statue of Martin and Martin makes that call 14 million Jacobson ahead with a better Kicker River Card seven of Hearts so Jacobson’s hand

Is best but you’re it with a piece of that board 7 million you heard the Dutchman well remember because Jacobson checked the Flop Von H is certain he is good here with his nines now Martin Jacobson makes the call Von H shows the second best hand

Early on it was Von H who had the cards falling his way and use that bully pulpit to build a monster stack Jacobson though now benefiting from the shifting of Tides not only did Jacobson start the final table in eighth place he was down to seven big blinds when we were six-handed

Felix Stevenson in second place with 53 million and pocket sixes on the button he and Von H hope nearly even for the runnerup position behind Jacobson now Von H has just been reeling here’s a raise to 3 million with the pocket sixes Von H now in the small

Blind Ace 8 offit 8 million a r ra to 8 million the longtime chip leader at this Final Table needs something good to happen now to the chip leader Martin Jacobson in the big blind King s I don’t think so I don’t don’t think so listen punk I don’t think so means

Muck it now well King seven is a favorite more often than not heads up but three-handed a little different he does fold back to Stevenson now push push push what are you going to do Norway listen Punk push means all in heidy ho go for what you know

I’m there it is oh I didn’t think he would push he had 41 big blinds left wow and that gets Bon Hulk to fold Stevenson giving the former chip leader a taste of his own medicine Felix Stevenson and Martin Jacobson tag teaming yit Bon hope as he continues his free this time Stevenson

Takes another chunk of the Dutchman sta nine players came searching for 10 million shockingly Mark new house was the first to go out Brazilian Bruno patano followed him Dan sindelar took a bad beat with ja and doni larab and Billy papis went out Sixth and Fifth and

Will toning busted in fourth we now have our final three Daniel Neo says these three are playing some of the finest poker at a final table that might be true but let me remind you most of us literally have not seen most of the main event final tables ever played so we

Just wouldn’t know figure out the blinds the blinds are up 800,000 1.6 million the Andy is 200k Martin Jacobson our chip leader right now on the button Queen Trey of Spades when he was in the military for a year Martin was a chef on a Swedish

Warship he had to feed 40 men 5 meals a day and if he ever screwed up there might have been Mutiny on the Bounty but he was a good Chef he was the main event chip leader after Days 1 a and six and he is now three-handed 3.6 there’s a raise

Stevenson with five Trey will sit this one out Von H and the big blind king queen off Von H says he made the November 9 because one a technical understanding of Poker two a strong mental game three winning flips at the right time hey forget one and two I’ll

Just take winning flips at the right time no kidding so with the bigger Queen he just calls here’s the Flop 869 King high is good for Von h but not good enough to bet he checks Jacobson now checks back turn card is a queen both like it

Von H’s kicker makes him a huge favorite finally some sunshine for Von H three-handed Bon H 4.8 4.8 need I say more he enunciates it so well well you know when you’re done with a girl and you’re ready to break up and then she buys you that gift you’ve

Always wanted and stay with her a little longer that’s the queen on the turn for Jacobson and that gift is going to end up costing him [Laughter] women Jacobson with top pair where’s he going you know there is the call he doesn’t get crazy here

Jacobson looks at Von H Von H looks at Jacobson and they agree to see a river and that River the Deuce of Clubs third Club out there but changes nothing really yeah but you know Von H feeling snake bit lately and maybe he’s even wondering if he just got bit by a back

Door flush 12 million okay well 12 million is that a healthy bet on the River from Von H big bet big pot Jacobson’s played great and if he can find a way to fold his Queens here then I guess kid poker is dead on about how good these guys are

Playing I would have insta called Jacobson’s a much better player Von HOV stare doesn’t seem as icy anymore it seems apprehensive well Jacobson now playing with calling chips and there is the call Von H shows the better Queen and reason to smile for the first

Time in quite a while for y vono boy that feels good to him 42 million chip poot and that is going to make him feel a lot better maybe he’s back on his game we have mentioned that Von HOV came into this final table as the chip leader

Here’s a look at how the last six main event final table chip leaders have fared everyone in the top three except for JC Tran last year of course Von H guaranteed the top three finish as well Jonathan Dam the only one in the November 9 era to go from chip leader to

Champion all right Bon h on the button a five of diamonds he told us I don’t entertain any thoughts about the money I’ll entertain some thoughts for you give me and Lon half of it there’s a raise with the suited Ace to 3.6 million now to chip leader Martin

Jacobson he Peaks at a bigger Ace Ace 10 he busted on the third hand of the very first main event he ever played in 2008 but this year he didn’t have a losing level until day five he chipped up 22 straight levels levels to start this Main

Event 9.2 and there is the r raise to 9,200 th000 doeses Stevenson want to play Felix looks down to Jack 10 says you boys go at it please yeah he would love to see these two go at it because the difference between third and second place money is 1.3 million who believe

Whom well we just saw Von H with a better Queen than Jacobson this time Jacobson with a better race than Von H he shoves Jacobson calls with a bigger R and a golden chance to knock off Bon boy Jacobson called that so quickly and

Matter of factly is as if he knew he was ahead a very Chagrin J Von H now sees his main event Championship hopes draining away Von H went from being an Unstoppable machine who intimidated everyone to getting pushed around the story of my teams to my

20s he has stayed in great spirits but you can see the despair both pair their kicker and that leaves Von H with few options to keep his seat that flop all but closes the door on Von H’s main event he looks Shell Shocked [Applause] Norman all right the turn card Queen of

Clubs Jam Jacobson now just one card from eliminating the former chip leader Rivers an eight no eight The Jacobson Camp hoping for heads up Von hes got to have a five the River card another queen Jacobson takes it Von hul is gone play good luck we’ll see each other in he was

In charge of this Final Table in the early going but the tie turned Oh Martin Jacobson with a knockout Von hope the latest November Niner chip leader to come up short Jacobson does the deed Stevenson with a reason to smile a $1.3 million pay jump but it’s Martin

Jacobson with the chip lead and the confidence the cash is on its way someone’s about to get a whole lot Richard time for the Gentleman Jack right move of the night it was not y Von hopes all in with ace5 all in it was Martin Jacobson’s quick call with Ace 10 he R raised free flop and then knew he had to go with it if Von hope committed

His entire stack Jacobson eliminated Bon hope leading Martin and Felix Stevenson heads up for 10 million bucks Jacobson’s play has been masterful he was a short stack much of this final table down to seven big blinds at one point he was all in a lot and now he’s got almost all the

Chips comes down to a Scandinavian heads up battle Sweden Norway 10 million and that stunning Championship bracelet to our winner Norway a nation of 5 million people Sweden a nation of 9 million one of them about to get its first Main Event champion of course Norway produced

Its World Series of Poker Europe Main Event Champion an 18-year-old Annette OB had a few years back Jacobson raises to 4 million with Jack 10 Stevenson with pocket sixes and he makes the call this is going to be the seventh straight 20-some Pro to win the main event Peter Eastgate

Joe Kata Jonathan daml PS Hines Greg meren Ryan Reese and now Stevenson or Jacobson the Flop is 1054 top pair for Jacobson Stevenson sixes are no good and he checks the tournament Sharpshooter that’s all he plays bets 4 million into the cash game specialist Stevenson actually came

To Las Vegas this summer to take a vacation from poker the main event was the only World Series tournament he played it has been an extended vacation for Felix Stevenson and with the sixes he makes the call pretty good flop for sixes unless you’re up against Martin Jacobson

With a bigger pair now but you can’t blame Felix for continuing along another four on the turn Stevenson checks again Jacobson checks the paired board Back River Card King of Clubs well Stevenson actually might think he’s good now but at the Norman Chad School of Poker we always check a

1054 for King board with pocket sixes that is one detailed syllabus from your school Norman and so Stevenson with visions of his pocket sixes being good reaching for chips and he bets out 8 million and a quick call from Jacobson with the better hand and Jacobson calmly sees another

Piece of his master plan fall into place he is in a Zone I mean the way Jacob tables his cards it’s like of course I have that beat Jacobson’s rail on their feet Martin Jacobson with over 160 million extending his lead moving him closer to achieving his ultimate Goal what’s really important to me is is the title I honestly don’t don’t think about the money that much I I’m I’m all for for winning that title and becoming a world champion in something I’ve dedicated so much time then give him the title and give us the money lot and we

Can retire together to the new Leisure World inside Biosphere 2 we can’t let our fans down Norman that’s the only thing I’m thinking about Stevenson with a stray on the button a raised to 3 and a half million Jacobs in with King High he does yoga he does meditation he lifts

Weights he buys organic food that’s just too much clean living for me we should all take a page from his book with the King High he calls for a million N More all right here was the Flop four Jack 8 both miss that flop so ace high

Is still in the lead Jacobson checks King High Stevenson might want to stab at it here as Antonio espandiari has taught us there’s 7.5 million in the middle may as well go try to fetch it puts out 4 million towards those efforts Jacobson says he’d love to open

A health food fast food business or a health club that focuses on body and mind that just sounds like an upscale brothel to me Jacobson with King High makes that call well Martin saying I’m not going to let that pot go unchallenged 15 million in there now turn card nine of clubs

Neither pairs up but Jacobson Now with an open Ender yeah that’s a great bluffing card for Martin there wow 9 million wasting a little time to bet yeah he Bluffs right at it a lot of people might check that turn and then who knows knows what happens on the

River so the heat on Stevenson now well he can’t beat anything well except for Jacobson’s hand I couldn’t call here Ace three in this spot is no better than a cup of warm spit a very tough spot for Stevenson and he does fold the better hand the constant pressure from his

Swedish counterpart is starting to add up well he’s got the crowd he’s got the chips and with a few more pots he might have the catch Martin Jacobson way out in front a look at benion Gambling Hall and hotel in the heart of downtown Las Vegas

Of course World Series of Poker was born there there’s a gallery of Champions honoring each Main Event winner either Martin Jacobson or Felix Stevenson will fill that empty hole very shortly if you’re coming to Las Vegas to play poker binions is a must SE Martin Jacobson with a big lead on Felix Stevenson

Stevenson with a button and King n Felix actually took a picture of the three of us the other day and I regret to report Lon that he already has airbrushed you out of the photo Stevenson looking for lightning and a bottle right now a raise to three5 million

Jacobson appear down at King five Stevenson a Pot Limit Omaha cash game specialist Jacobson never plays cash he loves tournaments this is his fifth World Series of Poker final table and with a lesser King he’s going to get involved he calls for a million N More so Stevenson with a dominating hand

Trying to get some chips off Jacobson here is the Flop 75 Queen Jacobson with a pair of fives to take the lead he checks you just can’t give up on pots here as Antonio es fander says lots of chips in the middle and a bed here will take it

Down often enough to make it the right move Stevenson who missed that flop bets 4 million and now to Jacobson with bottom pair yeah and as Antonio also preaches it’s tough to make a pair and hold them so with that bottom pair Martin Jacobson is not going anywhere bottom pair worth a

Call turn card now eight of spades Stevenson now with a gut shot Jacobson checks again Stevenson short stacked but big-hearted trying to make something happen 8 million Felix started this hand with 21 big blinds and keeps firing away with just King High Felix is not going to let Martin run away with this

Bracelet he’s going to fight for every po Jacobson folds the best hand well Jacobson didn’t like fourth pair and if he calls there he might face a bigger bet on the river well done Felix Stevenson Jacobson decided to shut it down and move on and that’s just fine with Felix [Applause]

Stevenson Stevenson’s crowd trying to rev him up we’ve spoken about Felix all night and what a terrific player he is born in Norway now lives in London he wore a Chargers hat throughout the tournament in July but he abandoned it here in November yeah he told us he

Didn’t want to mislead the good people of San Diego any longer he’s not a Chargers fan actually and regrettably he is a New York Giants fan this Final Table brings out the greatest costumes I got to tell you Stevenson Queen eight of spades they are poker crazy in Norway at

This year’s Norwegian poker Championship Main Event played in Dublin because of nor region gaming law there were 1263 entries that that means one of every 4,000 persons who lives in Norway played in the main event Stevenson with a raised to 35 million 97 of Spades for Jacobson Chris beorn of Sweden made the

Main event final table in 1997 then starting in 2004 a swed made the main event final table three straight years Matias Anderson Daniel bergsdorf and Eric fryberg this swed makes the call do you remember Matias Anderson LW oh what a polarizing figure the screaming swed I like Nine Trey Queen middle pair for Jacobson top pair for Stevenson the tide might be turning and when the tide turns there can be an undertoe and when there’s an undertoe people’s Liv shift and when people’s lives shift that’s how you go from a short stack to a big stack and

That’s how rert Murdoch built his media Empire sounded more like a write up for Days of Our Lives actually Stevenson bets four million this is top pair versus middle pair I know enough to know middle pair is in trouble but middle pair makes the call middle pair has a lot of chips

Though he can afford the call turn card Jack of clubs no help to Martin Felix adds a gut shot to his Holdings Jacobson checks again Stevenson with the best hand and now picking up that straight draw he’s going to bet 6.8 million 6.8 close 8 million not Tad too much for

My liking but everyone bet sizes the way they please Jacobson with a piece of the board trying to figure out Felix Stevenson you cannot give this guy an inch and he knows it and Jacobson will fold a good fold from Jacobson I think he calls a 6.8 million chip back

Stevenson chipping away but he is chipping away at a mount of chips ah turning tied though Stevenson making a run but the Norwegian better be prepared to work Jacobson not giving anything away lightly Daniel kid poker nanu the newest member of poker’s Hall of Fame inducted along with legendary tournament director

Jack mclen kid poker just turned 40 he was elected into the poker Hall of Fame the first year he was eligible back to our heads up action the winner wins all that cash and the bracelet Felix Stevenson with a big uphill climb Jacobson with a lead of 162 million to

38 million pocket nines raised to 4 million Jacobson trying to become Sweden’s first Main Event champ Stevenson trying to become Norway’s first Main Event champ with queen8 in the big blind and Stevenson with a re ra with that hand to 92 million uh-oh that’s a three bet but

Jacobson has pocket nines the tide could be turning back and what it does that creates some angry waves which in turn rewards Stout and sensible propensities and that’s how Larry Ellison turned software into Hard Cash and that’s not Days of Our Lives that’s a fact Jack it’s pocket

Nines oh allall line wow all in with pocket NS of course the bigger stack Stevenson does fold quickly Stevenson givs away 25% of his stack there Jacobson in command now yeah that that undoes a lot of the small ball success that Felix was having recently against Jacobson Martin Jacobson could

Put out another book not only the how to go Allin but how to become a world champion if he finishes this one off a prodigious lead for the Swedish Pro Stevenson with the button Ace nine of Hearts this is Stevenson’s first World Series Cash ever it’s a pretty good

One minimum payout five .1 million here he’s going to raise it up with the suit to a is 3 and2 million now Jacobson Peaks down at two red TS two big hands Heads Up all In he re raises Stevenson all in there is the call but Stevenson is

Not going to like what he sees those hands played themselves nothing Stevenson could do but get lucky now Martin Jacobson set up to claim this Championship right now you can to his credit Scott saver still coaching here in case we continue the combatants can only now wait for the dealer want you can

Just and here is theop a 10 in the window Jacobson with the set Stevenson all but cooked yeah only running nines or Running Aces will keep Martin Jacobson away from the main event title [Applause] now good game man well played come on there the sweat in nine hey say

Anything all right so you’re buying dinner not and now the turn C Jacobson poised to take the cash it’s a king it’s [Applause] over Martin Jacobson completes his Masterpiece to become the 2014 World Champion pocket 10s deliver $10 million for Martin Jacobson he made this night his own making nearly every right decision

On his way to this glorious moment he was so good with a short stack and then he was so good with a big stack you can’t play Perfect poker but Martin Jacobson was near spotless a look at the final results Martin Jacobson becomes the first ever Main Event champ from

Sweden picks up a nice payday to go along with it Felix Stevenson wins over five .1 million per second time for the king of the night no doubt about it it’s Martin Jacobson yeah I’ve been close a lot of times uh so but I felt like all those

Close shots was leading up to this moment so I really good feeling coming in I think I’m in shock I’m not really feeling anything right now I just feel super weird on poker’s biggest stage three Europeans fought for $10 million in the end it was Sweden’s Martin

Jacobson who cemented his legacy he came in as the most decorated player at this final table and he certainly leaves that way for Norman Chad and Caris Scott I’m Lon McCarron this has been a presentation of ESPN the worldwide leader in sports thanks for being with us throughout the season we hope you’ll

Be back next year Martin Jacobson 2014 M of [Applause] Champion


  1. Such a bad call by Tonking. What is he supposed to be beating there ? Newhouse has all the A-4 and A-J there.

  2. If it were me and I had made 9th the WSOP before. I would be playing ultra super tight until someone got out. Especially since he was 3rd in chips (or was it 4th?). I just know that would haunt me for the rest of my life, so yeah, I’m turning into a super nit until someone busts. And it seems it has been haunting Newhouse as well. A recent tweet from just before 2023 Main Event he said “…but last month of practice should help me win Main Event or at least get 8th”. Spoiler, he went out in day 3. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  3. Newhouse should have just checked. PIS play it safe bro & you're still in the game. I guess he thought the other guy only had Ace high.

  4. 0:15: 🃏 Elite poker players compete for $10 million in the World Series of Poker main event final table.
    6:56: ⚡️ Intense poker game with high stakes and strategic gameplay unfolding at the final table of the 2014 World Series of Poker Main Event.
    14:50: 🃏 Unexpected elimination of Mark Newhouse in 9th place shocks the crowd at the final table.
    21:51: 🃏 High-stakes poker final table intensifies with strategic plays and big bets.
    28:27: 🃏 Intense final table action with Martin Jacobson and Jorryt van Hoof showcasing strategic gameplay.
    35:58: 🃏 Jacobson secures a significant lead after defeating Pap with a set of fives, leaving Pap with a minimal stack.
    42:26: 🃏 Intense final table action as players go all in with pocket pairs, resulting in a crushing defeat for one player.
    49:29: 🃏 High-stakes poker game intensifies as Stevenson faces a costly decision against Jacobson.
    56:31: 🃏 Intense poker action as Stevenson faces Von H in a high-stakes showdown.
    1:04:03: 🎲 Intense preparation and contrasting approaches to final table poker tournament.
    1:11:31: 🃏 Intense poker showdown between Jacobson and Von H with a surprising turn of events.
    1:18:29: 🃏 High-stakes poker players compete for the ultimate title and prize money, with Martin Jacobson in the lead.
    1:26:15: 🃏 High-stakes poker game intensifies as Stevenson bets big against Jacobson's middle pair.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

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