Golf Players

Chris DiMarco’s amazing battle with Tiger Woods at the Masters | Subpar

On this week’s episode of GOLF’s Subpar, 3-time PGA Tour winner Chris DiMarco joins Colt Knost and Drew Stoltz for an exclusive interview. The runner-up at the 2005 Masters talks his reaction to Tiger Woods’ legendary chip on 15 that year, bringing ‘The Claw’ to the PGA Tour and the U.S. Team’s strategy to pair Tiger and Phil Mickelson at the 2004 Ryder Cup.

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All right here we go it’s time for another episode of golf subpar Colt no Drew stz another tournament in the books on the PGA tour of the vbar championship and Peter malat obviously it was just clear as day everybody picked Peter M we our picks last week didn’t we I think I

Remember going off a saying look out this is a Peter monat week especially with his track record he’s been a beast made one cut best finished 60th broke par once goes out there wins the golf tournament totally makes sense yeah it’s kind of just the way this entire year is going like you

Know we’ve talked about a lot it’s like other outside of Scotty’s two dominant weeks in a row and then wendam went at pebblebee like there’s another Ridder cup guy and we were set up for a Monster final round there with ludvig and that thing but other than that dude it’s been

Like if you’re looking for your first win or you’ve been on a long winless drought and you’re trying to get back in there like this is the year that’s doing it and I guess that’s kind of to be expected don’t you think with the Signature Events like all right here’s

Your guys more or less it’s the same dudes every time you’re only going to get a little bit of trickle over in the non- Signature Events from those guys like it’s kind of it’s not two tours but it’s like yeah these are the events those guys this is their only crack

Really yeah Peter melatti gets his second PGA Tour win first one in nine years over 3,000 days um just an incredibly emotional interview afterwards with Kira Dixon um that was awesome shows how much it meant to him he’s obviously got a great support system between his his wife his kids his

His caddy Chad antis who’s been cading on the PJ Tour 20 years got his first win really cool for him uh to to get that W but man it was it was an exciting tournament the leaderboard was crazy bunched last couple hours I mean I know

It wasn’t the biggest names in the world but it was still pretty damn fun to watch and Peter making that Birdie on 17 was just huge that was huge and like two things about him one the interview afterwards like with all the [ __ ] talk we’ve been going through for the

Last year like this guy signing for this much money who’s going he wants this money to play here no he just signed for this no he’s going to it’s like all money money it’s all millionaire is talking about more millions and I think it’s exhausted a lot of the golf world

And I don’t blame them I know you and I get sick of [ __ ] talking about it but we have to but it’s like to see Peter Mady get up there and win whether he’s your favorite guy or not like he just made 1.5 he made 1.3 all last year like

He cried like is this is legitimately like lifechanging and there’s another side to the coin in pro golf other than which top 20 player in the world is how many millions of dollars are they going to make every single year it’s like these dudes like that’s his real life

Like he’s been a hang on to your t card um type of guy for a while now and it it’s kind of a breath of fresh air to see like you know the other side I guess yeah I mean it’s a it’s a great story

Like I said I know it’s not the biggest name in the world but him for him I mean $1.5 million I don’t think that’s why he was crying I think it’s because he’s he’s had 12 top 10 in his career he he won down the Sanderson Farms back in

2015 but for him to get two more years and also listen we were one of them we we questioned why he got a sponsor exemption for sure AT&T Pebble Beach like he’s he’s on the board it looked a little weird that he was getting a sponsor exemption hey now he can put all

That to bed because he’s like hey I don’t need one now I’m in the sponsor exemptions the rest are in the special the whatever they’re called elevator event signature name all the time um but he’s in them this year he’s in them next year um it was a huge win for him and

It’s just like you said for a guy that I mean it I know that life it’s It’s a Grind to keep your card every year so winning for him is a massive deal and it’s more than just the money it’s the the biggest thing for him is the 2-year

Exemption yeah and I know he took heat for getting that sponsored exemption anyone that gets offered it is going to take it you’re not going to say no to it I completely stand by the fact I think it was a total political move there and I don’t think they should be used uh

Like that he was the beneficiary of that but like you said he gets to put it to bed now and the thing that’s going around like golf Twitter whatever you want to call it the drop on 16 was an Inc you need lucky things sometimes to happen to you when you’re trying to

Close out and you’re not a guy that wins multiple times a year that was about as good of a break in terms of relief in coming down the stretch of a golf tournament as I can remember in a long time that lie that he had that thing was

Sitting down you could barely see it grain into him that was not that he couldn’t get up and down but it made it a lot easier to T from the fren listen I mean sometimes the rules are there to to help you and he I love the way he went

About it with the rules official Steve R to he’s like are you sure like this is okay cuz this is a really good break for me it and good for him for like confir like dude everyone’s going to be up my ass about this Drop Like make sure this

Is within within the rules you know if he wasn’t I mean he still could have got the shitty lie but that made it much easier and then to go on to birdie 17 and the par on 18 congrats to him man it was a it was a really cool week uh I got

Some good news for you can I give you one quick piece of good news the golf related before we go into some other stuff real quick our guy shout out the rat Barn rat over at the Singapore open loses in a playoff Bud damn it Eagle the

72 to get into a playoff lost in a playoff need him to keep playing well need him back on the PJ to her mainly we can come back here again but 275 thou for the rat that’s a that’s a down payment on a Bugatti or something like

That yeah so congrats to rat on the new whip but uh I saw that good to see him play well he he has been struggling I think I heard point he missed like 18 Cuts in a row or something it’s been a rough stretch good for him but he’s back

All right I’ll throw some good news at you as well okay um this this past weekend I was lucky enough twice to play golf with one of our favorites on the show here John ROM Masters champion went out two days he still got it believe not

He got the money has uh has not hurt his game the guy is just ridiculously talented had so much fun playing with him we had two boys pop off shout out to our one of our guests Ben lamb our buddy Shane sigsby went to dinner on Friday

Night they got a little C liquid courage in them they decided to pop off like how about we just play you two tomorrow it didn’t end well for him s we we we took it to him pretty good hard to believe there was still a lot of fun but the

Good new how many lamb he getting he got 17 shots lamb he wanted 18 come 17 dude you got to pick up some you got to win some holes with 17 he played pretty nice actually it’s a lot of Pop just not good enough I mean you’re

Playing against John ROM you know number two three ranked player in the world whatever he is what’ he shoot he shot 65 Thursday it was ridiculously easy and then yeah probably five under on Sunday and that was after us having a rather fun night not everybody was feeling

Their best as as it tends to happen um that’s the thing about him when you play with him it’s like what you shoot how’ John play like oh pretty good like last time I went out the oh he he was solid we go in and add it up like oh yeah 64

It was actually better than solid but it didn’t look like that it looked like the easiest 64 so good to hear he still got it and he didn’t just retire from the game I and I will give another man a shout out I haven’t even got to my good

News yet but on the day that ROM shot 65 in the group behind us was the lair Scott Harrington little 62 yeah he texted me but he said I’m back2 type it in 62 I would love to see him start playing some good golf there

Was a time and I’ve told you that I think it was before you moved here back in the day where and he wasn’t I don’t even think he had corn Fairy status at time I said I’ll take him at at this golf course over anyone you want it was

It was he was a machine so hopefully he brings that to the corn Fair gets back out on the show you know what I mean it was good to see more gin money which would be great for everyone that is true are you ready for the good news now yeah

Let’s now I’m ready so John and I were talking and he said on our show he’s worn the green jacket in public twice on our show and at the World Series when we threw out the first pitch it’s the only time’s he’s WN in public yeah that makes

Sense and he told me he goes if I win this year the second I get home I’ll become into your studio again to do another episode so we have that that is booked so I know we’re really not supposed to root for people but I wouldn’t mind maybe seeing the Spaniard

Bring mind for people it be rather nice to sit down with him again I don’t mind rooting for people at all and I’ll be yes I think he’s going to be more motivated than ever on that too because he he’s all the talk like oh you know

It’s not as competitive and all that stuff like look you can do a lot of things but not being competitive ain’t one that guy wants to rip your face off and anything you play Tic-Tac toe he wants to kill you yeah he uh he yeah he

Still got that in him it’s still the fire burns it’s uh it’s so much fun man he is so talented though watching him strike the golf ball it’s just something special yeah it just it’s easy and uh I’m I’m more hyped for the majors this year just because you know of all that’s

Going on like it’s going to be it’s going to be juicy and I hope we get uh kind of what we’ve had the last coup going be a lot of fun Master’s just two weeks away and speaking of that our guest this week had himself a chance a

Couple of times at the Masters lost in a playoff to Tiger Woods back in 2005 with one of the most memorable shots in Masters history the tiger chip in on 16 but Chris Marco is up at the Champions Tour event sits down with us and man

This this one was a lot of fun he’s got some good stories got some when you really go back and like dive in like oh yeah I forgot about that oh yeah for he’s been in battles with like some of the best to ever do I mean tiger VJ and

Phil all coming down the stretch on Sundays in major like he’s that’s about as real as it gets and um yeah he was a great sit down three Runner UPS in major championships I mean he he could be a multiple major Champion um if he just

Didn’t run into that tiger fell at two of them there’s a lot of guys that could be multiple major Champions if just if if Earl and ctia had never met imagine what would be for some of these guys all right let’s get to Chris DeMarco on

Subpar it is a pleasure to be joined Now by longtime PGA Tour player three-time winner he’s a US Ridder Cup team member as well as the President’s Cup and he put the the claw putting grip on the map single-handedly Chris Demarco is here how we doing Chris I’m doing great

Thanks thanks for having me guys good to have you bud Chris long time no see great to see you again I know you’re out in Newport right now getting ready for PGA Tour Champions event out there let’s start there real quick because I know you’ve been out there for a couple years

Now how’s life out on the champions tour yeah it’s great I mean obviously all the guys at camaraderie um the fraternity that’s out here is amazing um getting your brains be in every week is is is a little disheartening uh these guys can play some golf out here and they’re

Playing they’re playing their their asses off and you know it’s we don’t really play for much money so I can’t say it’s big business but it is big business I mean we’re still it’s a second life for us and you know we’re we’re out you know trying but you it’s

Funny you go on the range on a at today if you went out there today at six o’clock there’d still be 30 guys on the Range banging ball so um it’s not like what it used to be they’re not sitting around the table drinking beer drinking

Wine having a good time they’re you know they’re working on their game trying to get better do you wish do you wish you would go back to that where s cooler tour back then I liked it when you know I remember 30 years ago there was only

Maybe you know Five Guys that could win out there now there’s 78 guys that could win anybody tees it up can can win so um the competitive nature out here is definitely greater than it was and you know you’re seeing guys have second career Steven AER um you know a guy like

Scott Perell who’ never really played the tour I mean you’re seeing it and these guys are are they’re not afraid and they’re coming out and they’re winning what’s gotten into Stephen AER because he just turned into a behemoth like overnight seems like he never plays bad out there you know the first

Tourament he qualified was a couple years ago at flint and I played the second round with them we both shot 68 the first down first round and I’m like all right who’s this kid what’s he gonna do and he went out and literally then he just went out and finished top 15 the

Next 28 tournaments in a row with like three wins so yeah um you know he hits the ball really good he hits the ball still very far um and he’s a great putter he just doesn’t miss any anything from you know 6 feet and in and and it

Doesn’t matter the the situation there’s really no nerves in them and you know that’s what it takes out here is obviously you know we’re all getting older and nerves play a big part even though we’ve all done it a many times it’s still you know it’s still the the

Competitive greatness inside of you that wants to come out and expectations you put on yourself um you know and stuff to control those nerves nerves are still part of the game yes they are and you know I I know a lot of you guys out there that are just getting going on the

Champions tour from early on in my PGA Tour career and things are changing a lot in the game of golf right now what is the talk out there on the champions tour about everything that’s going on with Liv and all this money being thrown around well we’re kind of hoping that

Liv buys a champion store tell you the truth let’s play for a little real money out here I mean this is kind of a joke when we’re averaging two million there was like seven guys last week from TPC that made more money than our purses

Yeah wow it was uh wild it’s pretty nuts 25 mil I think it went down to like top if you finish top 40 you made six figures at TPC that’s nice I mean that’s am yeah it’s unreal but is it for y’all is it like kind of like this is awesome I mean

That’re they’re playing for this much moneyers like damn where was this when we were out there you know I was fortunate um you know you came in about the same time as tiger did and for me you were a little later than that but um

You know so I got to go from we were play for a million dollars to all of a sudden we’re playing for four and five and I thought that was you know now we’re you know playing for so much money and then you know now that you know

Tiger and brory and all these guys and the tours just gone even way more than it was all of a sudden they found $150 million out of nowhere and added that to the purses so now they got you know 14 elevated events at what $20 million a

Piece and TPC 25 million so obviously the money’s there uh you know I was fortunate to play during the tiger era and and got to play for some good money and um you know but not like the kind of money these guys are playing for I mean

It it seems like every week there’s another person passing me on Career money list just in a couple years being on tour yeah I mean where’s Scott yet right now I mean I know he’s having a pretty damn good run but he’s like where

Is he all 11th all time I mean he’s he’s a kid it’s unbelievable I mean I I was doing some math last year and in 31 tournaments last year he made 30 $30 million official in 31 events it’s unbelievable milon bucks a start yeah and it’s it’s going I mean last year

Number 126 so you lost your card made over a million dollars yeah yeah I mean it was you know it was I think Curtis Strange was the first ever to win over a million back in like 1991 so um golf come a long way and it should you know I

Mean I don’t fault any of those guys for going to live you know if you would ask me the same thing in 2004 and five when I was at the height of my career see you later I’m gone um and it was be a purely a Monet monetari thing for me I mean

You’re talking generational money these guys are making um it’d be nice to have that in the bank and have your kids taken care of and all that I don’t see any problem with it I mean you know when they first came out and they said oh we’re playing it’s less golf all that’s

[ __ ] you know what they just want to they want to they want to play for a lot of money and they deserve it they’ve had some great careers why not go get some money I mean that might be the best take I’ve ever heard on the whole live

Situation right there I loved every word of that yeah you throw nine figures out there it’s like uh how do you really turn that especially for the older guys Chris like you mentioned like dude some of these guys that were in the the seventh eighth ninth inning of their

Careers the bolters the stinsons the Westwoods guys like that I mean that’s got to feel like just a a golden parachute coming down yeah a guy like Pat Perez um I saw gr McDow um at the old memorial Pro member and he was telling me he goes listen I went up to

Jmon and said listen I love the tour but you know what I’m struggling to keep my card and these guys are off me all this money and all these tournaments and less golf he goes I’m sorry I’m going and I don’t blame him one bit I said I would I

Would have too yeah and a guy like Graham he’s handled it so well he hasn’t bashed the tour like Charles how’s another perfect example who’s who was still an ATM machine out there I remember he came up to me at Hilton Head year before last and he’s like man what

Do you what do you think about all this and he’s like what if I got an offer I was like honestly I think ‘d be crazy not to go I mean you’re 44 years old like you don’t have to worry about beating these young kids all the time

You get all this money up front it’s not too bad I just I just hate that it’s divided golf I agree with you I mean at some point I I think and you know not to bash J M him but I think he handle terribly um you know I think the

Beginning just the having the cut and dry thing that he did I think it was a little too much I think he should have maybe let some of this soak in and and see what’s going to happen with this and and he just got to the point where it

Was just black and white that’s it and we’re taking this route if you play there you’re off I mean I think he could have done a little bit better job with that and then the guys had stuck by you know Rory maroy these guys had turned

Down a lot of money you know now what do they have the show for it and if these guys get to come back and play I mean I’d be pretty ticked off if I was them yeah I’m with you it’s uh it’s going to be interesting to see what unfolds over

The next year but let’s talk a little bit more about you I want to go back you mentioned you aren’t playing for a lot of money now I want to go back to Canadian tour okay yes that is RO SLE loves we call him JY Jacks out here

Like Canadian tour take us through your start your professional career out on the Canadian tour yeah um I went I went actually to South Africa that year we got married in 91 my wife and I and so we went to South Africa played pretty good over there finished like 14th on

Their money L you know had to go over and qualify made the first qualifier made every cut so I didn’t have to qualify again which was nice and then we went we drove in a van from Orlando Florida all the way to Victoria Canada and we played 12 weeks across the

Country and I finished 13th the first two weeks and then I never finished outside the top seventh and I won the order merit with my wife cademy the whole time thought we were millionaires made 57,000 Canadian thought we were like you know the [ __ ] we were hopping

And going crazy and um actually made more money US money in bonuses because back then um Titus would pay bonuses it was unbelievable I made like another 25 30,000 Us in in in bonuses so we were living the high life I thought and the Canadian dollar at the time it’s changed

Over time but at the time the Canadian dollar was like less than the US dollar so 50 loonies and tunies you know were different than dollars at the time I think it was like 70% of the US dollar so it wasn’t much you mention you drove the you drove from Orlando to Victoria

What is what is what kind of hours are we talking on that I mean I didn’t think that was feasible 59 hours it was 3,300 miles we um oh my God took us took us six days um and we just and then we once we got there we just drove all the way

Across we started in Victoria and ended up in Prince Edward Island and over 16 weeks yeah it was pretty awesome we Trav with two dogs that that year it was Steve Stricker was on that tour Mike we was on that tour um guy named Mike cheddar um who played really well that

Year too I mean a ton of guys um that played the PJ tour guy boros was on that tour and so we were like a big fraternity out there we all would travel together we’d have this big Convoy going from tournament to tournament we’d all get hammered on Sunday night then we’d

Recover on Monday have a couple more beers on Tuesday and then it was back to real golf so um you know it just was a nice you know we were all striving for the same thing which which is to get to the next level that’s it that’s the

Routine you mentioned the van now I don’t know if this was this year but I heard there it was it was a special van we had we did have a um we did buy a conversion van that was white and blue and then I went on a tournament in corn

Faery my wife for my birthday got it all gatored out had the windows all gatored out and I like oh my God it was it was great when when the Gators were winning in the in the mid90s when we were kicking butt it was great Tove but when

When you have you know a couple losses in a row it’s not real good driving that van um but it it was a lot of fun I mean obviously you know I’m known as a as a Florida Gator I’ve always worn on my sleeve and and I never hide behind it

I’m a Florida Gator for life I’d lead orange and blue and um you know I’ll take listen I like to dish it out so I can take what anybody gives me bigger Gator fan you or Billy horel absolutely me not even close love it so if you and

Billy are in the same room you’re watching a Gator game y’all lose you break something before Billy I’m might take a 5 milligram gummy so I wouldn’t be that upset but you know you got life figured out Chris oh that’s great I’m definitely calmed down watching those now after I take one of

Those it’s it’s definitely a lot easier I would throw my shoe through the through the TV back in the days for sure are you still getting down to games um I try to go to one one a year we U went to South Carolina last year um

And you know Florida State we went to a couple years ago um the last two that I’ve been to we won so I need to go to more games because we’re not winning much actually right now so I need to get down there and watch a couple more what’

You uh how do you feel about the is it swamp Kings is that what it was called on SW SW Kings the 30 for 30 you want to speak on that yeah you know I thought it was absolutely amazing I I as a college football fan I thought I think that they

Did a good job of leaving out a lot of the dirt because there was a lot of dirt that was left out um we we definitely had a lot of criminals in in that era that was there and Tim TBO obviously was a a ring leader to to tame these guys

Down and um you know I think they left a lot of that out which was good I think it was good for college football but obviously there is some behind the scenes things all I gota do is watch the Aaron Hernandez special and you’ll see what exactly what’s going on yeah that’s

Crazy is there a bigger like when when he comes on campus when Tim TBO comes on campus is there anyone that could come on that would be bigger than Tim TBO I think the only one that is is equal to TBO and obviously it’s a different era it’s almost like like

Comparing tiger to Jack would be Steve sper to Tim TBO I think they kind of are you know of their errors are the two guys Danny worl’s obviously a huge guy too but he’s such a softspoken guy um you know he likes to be in his own lane

But you know only three Heisman Trophy winners ever out of University of Florida those three guys but spur probably you know has the personality to kind of combat combat um TBO a little bit yes SP old ball Coach man was a huge huge fan him you’re a Denver guy now

You’re making your way up in Denver are you an adopted Broncos or nuggies fan where are we I like I like to colors of the Broncos they’re orange and blue so they match exactly the same um I’ve becom a Broncos fan I’ve been a Steeler

Fan my whole life so um always will root for the Steelers but Broncos obviously watching the Avalanche the Avalanche are fun to watch our son lives in Tampa so i’ be kind kind of a a Tampa Bay Lightning fan so yeah as long as they’re not playing Tampa I’m usually rooting

For Colorado and then the I mean the Joker and um the the nuggets are amazing I mean what that guy is he’s crazy so they’re fun to watch great Denver is a fantastic Sports down all right before we get back to Chris Marco Colt very excited to announce a new

Partnership that we got here that I think every golfer in the world will appreciate we all know what a headache it is going to the airport lug in your clubs put them in the bag back and forth the problems shipsticks has come on board to make the whole process easier

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Off back to Chris De Marco let’s get to your PJ career a little bit because you know everyone talks about Phil VJ Ernie battling out Tiger but look you you had some battles with this guy and you go back to the 2005 Masters let’s go through that a little bit because that’s

One where you had a really big lead through 36 holes tiger kind of came back but it’s obviously known for the most memorable shot in Masters history probably the chip in on 16 but let’s take us through that week a little bit what what were your thoughts going into

Of the week did you know you were you know possibly destined to put on the Green Jacket you know I played good there last the year before I played in the last group with Phil watched him win his first major um playing with him and

Then at the end of the year in that in 04 I lost in the playoff to VGA to PGA me and me and Justin Leonard so um getting into the the position to win Majors was was was getting more comfortable for me for sure and I was

Playing really good going into that week so um you know obviously with great memories from the year before so I I was ready to go and you know we we we had to come back on Sunday morning and play the last nine holes and I had shot in 33 on

The front and was going to the tene and they blew the siren for us to have to come out the next day and I didn’t hit a bad shot on that next nine holes and shot 41 so I don’t you know it just I don’t think they cut the fairways the

Greens were cut it was a little chilly the ball wasn’t going as far um and you know then I had to wait till 3 o’ to go again and tiger went on a run he obviously I think he had birdied like the last three and then birdi 10 11 12

And 13 so yeah I think I think I was three back going into into that Sunday afternoon but still a lot of confidence of what I was doing I was in such control of my game um in my nerves everything so um you know I knew just to

Go out and and and go do what I could do and I think it was my I think I shot 68 to 71 we obviously went to a playoff and I was working with GI Valente at the time uh really good sports psychologist and the thing we were working on was

Expect the unexpected so certainly wasn’t expecting him to chip in on 16 but certainly had cross my mind before he hit the chip um but I had the best seat in the house I was right there by the bunker watching that thing go in yeah what point when it was rolling down

The hill where you’re like this is it’s [ __ ] in I guarantee this does because you I mean the whole world was like dude this is Tiger this is what happens I was blowing I was like I was trying to hold that [ __ ] out it was um it was crazy man

It you know you just you you you look at Tiger and what he’s done and you look at like Mr Nicholas the same way and in the biggest moments in the biggest times they they just do amazing stuff and you know I don’t think there would have

Been anybody else that could have done that other than tiger and you know it it’s what it was I mean it I knew that I I still had a chance I was only two back with two to go and obviously he made two really bad swings and made two Bogies

And I was able to go into my playoff but um you know the great ones figure out ways to do it and he certainly is one of the greatest of all time you know they they show that shot on 16 all the time Vern lanquist with one of the most

Iconic calls in Masters history does it still sting a little when you see it or is it just like man that was incredible to be right there when it happened you know I I don’t think I’ve ever gotten not more notoriety for finishing second in a tournament because I really didn’t

Back down I just got beat and um you know I think people love that about you know look at Rocko mediate look at Bob May guys that you know that didn’t back down to him uh you know he never scared me he never intimidated me did I I know

He was a better player than me absolutely I mean he had more shots than me uh better focus in me better nerves than me but any given day he never he never ever scared me so I always went in with with the mindset that who knows

What today has to bring let’s just go out and bring our aame if my aame is on and you know Tiger has a a B+ C game I I can get him so I you know you gotta go out and do what you can do you damn near

Did get him I mean a lot of people forget that he goes in bogey 17 and 18 which is completely unlike tiger at that time such a killer how shocked were you that he kind of let you back in that thing and you damn near ended it on the

72nd I did I H a really good chip that went kind of Hit the pin and and rattled out um you know I again I I I was so comfortable there I I just love that place this is before you know they added eight more 800 more yards so you know it

Just I was every t-ball I was comfortable with and you know you don’t find those places too many I was really fortunate that Augusta was one of those places for me um you know I was felt that way at Hartford Hartford was another course that I felt really good

At you know not a long golf course something you could you know hit 265 275 and you you’re in play and you know it that’s what you look for on tour there’s a fortunate thing is you you know there’s 43 or 44 tournaments you only

Have to play 25 or 26 so you find 25 or 26 of your favorite ones yeah I mean I would have to think I I don’t know if you’ve talked to him about it all but tiger had to respect the hell out of you because I mean you gave him everything

You got every time like you said you never back down he didn’t scare you I mean to go out there with tiger with a three shot lead going in the final round and you to shoot 68 to his 71 like probably everyone in the world thought this thing was over going into Sunday

And you went out there and said no sir not yet yeah no and and you know he he was he’s very respectful but he loves that that’s what he wants he he doesn’t want somebody to cower and go away he wants to be challenged I mean that’s his

Drug his drug is to be in that situation and then outperform whever he’s playing and you know he is a very respectful guy he he respects you for what you can do and you know he is you know he definitely you know when you ever you

Hear him comment on whether it was the PGA Championship with Bob May or the US Open with Rocko Med he always throws a lot of respect towards us for for challenging him and putting him up to that you know that big fight that’s funny you look at that the three guys

That really challenged him like took him to extra holes yeah were were not the longest guys not the biggest guys I mean they were big under honestly probably big underdogs going against him I mean he could overpower him and all three of you just went toe-to-toe with him until

The very end well we all were really good drivers of the golf ball really good iron players and really good Putters so he knew he had to be on didn’t matter you know Sunday at Augusta that year I mean he was hitting at 50 60

70 by me all day and I was hitting closer to the pin every hole so you know he knew that the game was on that he had to go out and play his you know play some good golf I mean he was working on his golf swing I think he just started

Working with Hank Haney at the time so you know there were some things going on but um you know he he he watched me hit it and I mean a couple lippin on the a lip outs in the front nine and I mean it could have been a different story but

Again you know you’re playing Tiger Woods at Augusta you know he seems to pull out some great things there and did you chirp him correct me if I’m wrong did you chirp him a little going from nine green to 10 10t or something along those lines am I remembering that

Correctly we we were we were walking down 11 and and I just hit one a little closer to him again and I just said are you tired of putting first J and he just went [ __ ] off you’re hitting four iron prob he hting wedge yeah that [ __ ] gets

Old I mean but he loves that I mean loves that kind of stuff he really does you know it’s a it’s a funny story I mean one of the funny stories was is I was playing that that day we were getting ready to tea off and I was on

The Range and just him and I in range and the gator won a national championship in basketball that week on Monday so I took golf ball it and I wrote g go Gators on it and I chipped it down to him and hit a really nice little

Chip that right kind of right into his bucket there and um he lifted it up took a Sharpie out scratched set it back down to me and he scribbled out go Gators or go and he wrot wrote [ __ ] the Gators so I still have I still have that golf ball

He doesn’t sign balls but I have that one that’s awes keep that yeah keep that that thing I love that that’s a good start I got a I got a question I’m curious on CU I think you’re one of the few people that can answer it You’

Played in the final round excuse me in the final pairing of the final round of a major championship with both Phil and tiger in their Prime basically too what’s the biggest difference between being paired with Phil and being paired with tiger if anything you know both times that you

Know obviously we’re at Augusta and you know both of those guys were were obviously huge personalities you know Phil look was looking for his first major when I when he won an ‘ 04 so I mean he you talk about a monkey on the back I mean for him to that’s why I

Think he only got a half an inch off the ground when he jumped That Monkey was still on there um but you know it’s different I mean when you play with tiger you know it’s pretty much one-sided it’s pretty much for tiger and you know as the day went on that day

Though in ‘ 05 the the tide was turning there was a lot of people pulling for me by the end just because I was putting up a good fight you know Phil you know just the thumbs up and the whole thing you know people love him he’s he’s really

Good to the fans so you know but you kind of people root for both people I think you know obviously it’s it’s tougher with tiger just because I feel like you know tiger just his Focus just he’s not going anywhere no and is it more of a circus with tiger like as soon

As he puts out like you know The Army Goes to the next T yeah and he’s really good about that he’s really good that if he if he lags went up within a foot of the hole he’ll a lot of times he’ll mark it knowing that that’s what’s going to

Happen um knowing that people are going to come by and and you know just leave as soon as he gets done with and the worst thing is playing in front of him or playing behind him when you play in front of him everybody’s running up to the green while you’re playing and if

You’re playing behind him you know he they Putt in you look down to you know get a club next thing you know there’s nobody around the green so I Wasing that gu blue but he’s gone it’s yeah and it’s a lot better playing with him too because you get a bad shot you’re

Hitting somebody and the ball’s only going a couple feet off the green instead of third you know 10 yards off the green because you’re you’re hitting into the crowd yeah that’s a very good point if I had to ask you just first thing that comes to mind other than the

Chip in at 16 Best Shot you ever saw tiger hit you know I think I’d have to go back to that Canadian open that six out of the bunker God Glen Abby that was I mean that was amazing I mean I played that year and I mean there what people don’t

Realize is yeah it’s a six irons but there was no angle there because he was in the right bunker it was all carry over water there the pin from the angle he he hit was only like six or seven on the Green from where he was from 215

Yards with the six iron I that shot was towering you know again another guy Grant weight that was on the green and two had a chance to win a tournament and Tiger goes and does what he did I can tell you that talking to Grant weight a

Few years ago he’s still not over it he’s still he’s still very upset about it absolutely I mean yeah tiger does some crazy stuff man and but you don’t put it past him anymore because he’s just done it consistently throughout his whole career he did it over and over and

You came to expect it let me ask you this because you you talked about how I wasn’t afraid of tiger yeah was Tiger a better player yeah he’s better than everyone in the world at the time but you weren’t afraid of him did any of

That have to do with the fact that you had shared locker rooms with him at Ryder cups prior to that and kind of I guess like I don’t want to call it the Mystique but maybe some of that wears off if you’ve actually been around him a

Little bit well I think you know the first time I ever played with tiger in my life um in a tournament was in 2001 at the at the Masters and I shot 6569 and was leading after the first two days and he was going for the tiger slam and

We got paired on Saturday so you talk about nerves I mean those are the biggest neres those are bigger than the first time I ever team my T off at Augusta that you know playing with tiger having the lead and then I went out and

I played pretty good I shot 72 to 68 he obviously went on to win but I finished top 10 and you know but playing with him and and being able to handle myself really goes a long way and when you can do that because you know that

Your every shot’s watched um every shot on TV is going to be on TV so you know once you can go through that and and you know perform through that it really gives you a boost of confidence yeah and you like SEL said you shared lockers

With him at president cup Ridder cups I heard there was an interesting story and I believe it was your first Ridder Cup going to the tea for alternate shot and things kind of things kind of changed on the way to the te yeah Jay hos was my

Partner and we had practiced the whole week we were playing alternate shot I was going to tee off on the odd holes he was going to tee off on the even holes and you know listen there’s been some nervous moments in my time but the rder cup is by far the most nerve-wracking

Experience I’ve ever had in my life and we did we practiced all week I was going to tee off the first hole and we’re at the at the range where at um I think we’re at Oakland Hills in um in Detroit Detroit is that whereit yeah and and we’re walking to

The tea and I said Jay I don’t think there’s any way I can hit this t ball there’s actually there’s no way I can hit this D ball we have to um you have to switch it up and he’s like all right we can do it so he switched it up I

Didn’t think it through because I was still really nervous so he hit a good he hadit a kind of good good one up the left side I hit it on the green like 30 feet and then he ran by four and a half feet I’d much rather hit that drive than

Have a four and a half footer on the first hole in the Ridder cup um somehow I I I you know shaked her in there and we went on to win the match three and two Jay hit it to like a foot and a half

On the 16th hole and I was praying to God these guys would give me that Putt and they they gave it to me we end up winning that that match which was pretty good for us because we were getting pretty licked that first day and we

Ended up at least we we made a little bit of comeback that morning but we still got stomped at Ryder Cup that’s that was the one where tiger and Phil famously went out together what was the the team I guess um attitude about that when they heard about it was there shock

Surprise or did you guys know this was coming you know at the time you know I think there was a mutual respect for each other with tiger and Phil but I don’t really think they liked each other too much um in fact I’m pretty sure they

Didn’t like each other too much two big alpha males for sure you know and obviously they were one and two and and very much ahead of anybody else in the world so you would think that you put those two together but if if they don’t like playing together and they don’t

Like each other then they’re certainly not going to be a good team together so I think you know Hal kind of put everybody all our eggs in one basket basically and you know they got beat and I mean a uplifting momentum boost for the you know the Europeans when they go

Out and beat our number one of two guys yeah yeah that was a I think once I understand like I’ve said this before like one time all right little experiment the two BS let’s put them out but then after done workout I don’t know about the second time I’m like okay you

Know missed on that one let’s split them up yeah in my mind if you’re if the European team and you’re like okay we just took them down we got them oh dude that’s the biggest lift of all time yeah and they did get us I think they beat us

18 and a half to n nine and a half they they drummed us do the nerves compare it all I mean the president’s Cup’s a great event I know it’s not quite the level of the Ryder Cup but it still means a lot is there can you compare the nerves that either are

Those yeah I think the the difference is you know at the President’s Cup it seems like almost everybody’s playing every day you know it’s five matches in the morning five matches in the afternoon and then there’s like six matches on on the third and you’re playing four days

So it’s like four days of of golf and I I think you know more people are playing where yeah and and I think we know the guys a little bit more on the European side we don’t really know everybody that plays you know they always have three or

Four Europeans that only play the European tour that make the team where the Internationals always seem that they all come from our tour so I think we’re more friendly with those guys um but I nerve wise they’re both very nerve-wracking there’s no doubt about it

And when you when you slap that US flag on your chest and you’re playing for the country man it is it’s an honor but it’s also a a nerve-wracking thing I mean it’s a privilege it’s an honor and you know you feel like you want you want to

Serve America the right way yeah and you you had the honor of making the winning putt at the President’s Cup which was an incredible reaction right in front of Captain Nicholas I believe yeah that was one of the coolest things ever that you know that I remember that night we were

The night before on Saturday we were just having you know our team dinner and we were all kind of you know having a beer here a beer there and then all of a sudden the the lineup came out and he put Phil 11th and put me12 and I said

Honey we got to go to bed I’m going to bed we the nerves hit me right there and you know I was playing Apple be that day and you know it was it was we were just kind of in the back thinking you know our mat probably isn’t going to matter

Much and then with five or six holes left we kind of were looking at the way things were you know fix fig figuring to go and you know Phil birdi 18 Ty Cabrera they went to extra holes and then me and Stewart were tied going to the 18th hole

And I he had on the same line as me and I was fortunate to watch his Putt and then I was fortunate to make that like a 15 16f footer and then you know my idol growing up in golf was Tiger Woods I mean Jack Nicholas I mean and to have

Jack Nicholas kind hobble down that hill and no pun intend and give me a bear hug was one of the coolest things ever that’s awesome that is awesome and that 2003 2005 president cup without question probably the two best uh presidents cups we’ve ever had out there are those some

Of your looking back are those like your favorite favorite memories from you know that era yeah I look at that 2031 where we tied them and then they put the weight of the whole President’s Cup on tiger which we all knew that would happen but then we’re in South Africa

And then you put um Ernie Ells who would you know being a South AFA putting that all on him and the way those two guys went out and performed I mean they both birdied the first hole they made two good par putts and then on the third hole the parut tiger made from

15 16 feet and then the Ernie made like an eight footer up the hill dark I mean it was dark and both of them were just going off the green to the next toll and that’s when Jack and Gary kind of called it in and said let’s just you know share

The cup which I thought was great for the game of golf yeah I agree that was that was a really cool moment one will never forget in the Pres cup all right before we get back to our interview a quick break to tell you if you have

Haven’t done it yet go check out our YouTube page it’s golf subpar we got some new content coming up uh at the ASU facility we’re going to have some more stuff coming out as the year goes on so if you haven’t yet go to YouTube subscribe golf subpar

And now back to our interview I do have to ask about because he said you were the the OG claw which I don’t know if you call it claw which which way you want yours a little different how did you come up with that so I didn’t I was

The first one to bring it on the tour I wasn’t necessarily the first one that ever thought of it um we was playing a pro a a two-day um pro pro event with um a guy a buddy of mine Anthony Ballo in Orlando and there was a rain delay and

Skip Kendall was in there and he’s like what are you gonna do next year I said I don’t like I’m dying and drunk from a foot and a half I don’t know what I’m going to do and he um he showed me the script I’m like yeah right whatever you

Know whatever you whatever so the next day I went out I had one of those putts I knew there was no chance I was going to make it I said let me give this a shot and literally the putter went back like I was 12 years old it went to

Straight back straight through good good speed good um transition in the stroke and I’m like holy crap and immediately I went from shooting 73 I I hit 17 greens around and have 10 putts inside 10 feet and shoot 73 and I went back to shooting 63 64 overnight and what out that that

Was in December of 95 and then um went out and actually qualified for the first three PJ tour vents um two in Florida Honda and Dural and then um Atlanta so I went up and qualif you know Monday qualified for him to get in and then

Went up I had status on on the Canadian tour that year for winning new or Merit in ’92 and I won an event up there and then missed at finals that was the year that they canceled the sixth round of finals I was one out with one round to go and they

Canceled the final round um and then went on and played really good then Nike tour Nike tour that year and finished third and got my tour card didn’t had it ever since yeah you made the CL like you weren’t the first guy to ever do it but

You kind of put it on the map in my opinion golfers will copy anything that they see working for other people look at the Ricky Fowler putty and then wind cart gets it now half the tour I feel likees putting with some sort of you know version of that how many people

Came to you after they saw what the claw did for you and did you ever help other Pros like Phil went to it you know for a while like there’s a bunch of guys that moved to it after that well I remember I was playing I was I qualified for Dural

And I was putting on putton green and calov walked by didn’t say anything to me he just looked at his C and goes there one way I know I’m never going to [ __ ] Putt and sure enough he’s been doing it ever since then yeah so you know Tim Herring the same thing Tim’s

Been using a long time and you know different variations um I know Kevin su’s got one one win on tour and the only only time he ever putted with the claw was that week at the match play and he won the match play putting with the

Claw so um on our tour I would say there’s probably 30 to 40 of the 78 that putt with some version of The Claw every week yeah for sure I I think lumpy went to it because he can hold a cigarette yeah smoke while he yeah he can keep the smoke right

There exactly I gotta f because we’re talking about your putting I want to ask you a philosophical question you’re a guy that is a very very good you’re known as a great clutch putter we could name a bunch of them The Bu The putt you

Made at the Buick the putt you made you know at the Masters or the or the President’s Cup is clutch putting more great technique great mechanics and just being a good putter or is there something like mental that makes a great clutch putter I think it’s a combination of the

Two I think it’s definitely a good routine goes a long way um confidence is probably the biggest thing I think you know and when I say confidence I think it’s wanting the ball there’s been times in my career where I haven’t felt comfortable and it you know I don’t

Really want the ball because I don’t want to have to hit that Putt in front of people um and that was before the claw and then once I went to the claw I felt like the at least I was going to put a good stroke on it when you when

You can at least put a good stroke on it it takes all the kind of the main nerves away because really there’s only two things the ball can do it’s either going to go in or it’s not going to go in that’s all it’s going to happen so um if

You can just give yourself the best chance to make the Putt and you know that you’re going to do that then it really frees you up yeah that’s I I love that I I think you know great Putters have such a great mind they they believe

They are going to make every putt yeah I mean yeah when you feel like when I feel like I’m gonna hit a good stroke um and and even in the situation whatever it is I really feel like I’m I mean I visualize it going in I mean I visualize

The crowd going crazy you try to visualize all that stuff I mean you know it really goes a long way when you can really get into that type of visualization I work with that with go too you watch match coocher when he before he hits a shot as he closes his

Eyes he’s visualizing the shot he wants to hit and sometimes when you visualize that you know you pull it off yeah there’s just something about the putter like great Putters whether they have great technique or not it’s just like like you said wanting the ball and just

Kind of know like Reggie Miller when he was shooting a gamewinner it’s like all right dude his form’s not great but like this is Reggie like this is going yeah yeah and I mean look look at Jack Nicholas I mean Jack Nicholas when it ever mattered he was he was going to

Make the punt I remember the last British Open he ever played in I played it was St Andrews I was over there with my brother Jack had like a 15 for birdie and I said there’s no way he misses his putt this is his last British Open it’s

On the last hole there’s no way he misses my brother’s like oh he’s not going to make it I said I’ll bet you whatever you want to bet I said I’ll give you 10 to one ODS on 10 bucks he go you’re on it and of course he made it

Broke a foot and a half yeah it was like not even close I mean great players great players like that in the in the situation just know how to do it and make it go in they will it in the whole like the putt he made against Rocco at

The US Open nobody else makes that putt but tiger willed that Putt in in the you could put it you could roll it perfect off the stim thing 100 times in a row and not like less than half probably go in those bumpy greens yeah all right

Let’s get to the E9 yeah E9 be a fun okay nine fun questions and we ask this to everyone which way do you want to go you want to go I’ll let you pick okay uh I’m G to ask give me uh Chris childhood Crush I know you’ve been married to your

Wife for a long time you know you guys Crush but celebrity crush whoa celebrity crush wait probably Suzanne Summers oh yeah yeah yeah we could rephrase that like if you had a hall pass let’s just say or and my wife’s right here and she said she looked at me like no Jamie Lee

Curtis it was Jam Lee Curtis she’s right yeah Jam Lee Curtis yeah yeah that that one that one scene in in trading places that was a pretty good one I like it I love that she just told you what your celebrity crush you should say Jamie all right I’ll give you um my

First one here all right give me one guy on the champions tour that you weren’t friends with before you got out there but now that you gotten out there your buddy like wow this guy’s cooler than I thought oh that’s a hard one too because you know everybody out here’s there’s

Really nobody out here I dislike and there’s um you know I mean I always got along with VJ I mean people he gets a bad rap um it’s it’s such a good fraternity out here I mean there’s a lot of guys that I didn’t know like like a guy like Scott

Perell who’s one of the nicest guys in the world but I had no idea who he was before I got out out here um a guy named Mike goodus the same thing um you know a guy like Rob Le britz I mean just a super nice guy that you know never would

Have an opportunity to do this but the champions tour is affording him this and he’s taking advantage of it uh you know it’s guys like that I mean all the other guys I’ve played golf with so much and and um dealt with and did whatever and

You know you have your days you have your your good days your bad days with these guys but ultimately they’re like big brothers and little brothers and you just you go on and and make up and go to the next next week yeah man I don’t I

Don’t want to get older but it seems really fun out yeah I quit a long time ago but like when I turned 49 I might have to start practicing again I’ll C I feel like yeah it’s they get it all right Chris um worst injury you’ve ever

Had in your career and how did it happen so I think the worst injury was um my I had I have shoulder surgery but I cracked a rib in my lower back the week before TPC and I was skiing and I had a backpack on

And I had a bottle of schnaps in there and a couple guys came out of the trees and I kind of went down and I didn’t I first checked my wrists and my my um my knees and my um my ankles and all that was good and then my back was just

Starting to hurt a little bit so we kind of we we skied down and I started having a couple more beers thinking that would go away and actually the pain got a little worse so I went and had x-ray nothing was broken but I had a really bruised rib and it

Caused me to actually have um a shoulder surgery later that year but that’s the one that that you know I had I missed TPC that week and I played austa literally like just I mean I was hitting six iron 155 yards just because I could barely swing damn schnaps got in the way

Did the schnaps survive damn schops well the funny thing is is I had two in there but we finished one so there was only one left so I’m glad there was only one left I probably would have hurt more of my back yeah well done um all right next

One for me here Chris let’s see ask me I want to hear this one tell me about this recurring nightmare you used to have I don’t know if you still have it about going on the prices right oh yeah I mean I think everybody has that where you get on the prices

Right and of course you get there and for a new car and you know you answer all the questions or you get up there what’s the game The Game’s the putting game this is before claw by the way and um you know you get up there and your

Foot from the hole and you know you ask what your profession is and you say professional golfer and then then you miss a putt on national TV that that one was that one was um was crazy and yeah that one it doesn’t happen anymore thank

Ever since I went to the claw but that was before the claw that was there for sure that was like you had that over and over being on the price right getting called up getting it like answering questions getting a foot from the hole

And then not being a to kick it in not be a yeah not to kick it in forget having a foot putt to win The Masters price is right we got a problem look like an [ __ ] in front of Bob all right exactly um all right this one’s a

Thinker have you won more PGA PGA Tour tournaments or ejected more fans oh I’d definitely say ejected more fans without a doubt yeah it’s it’s happened quite a bit yeah I mean and again it’s it takes a lot for that to happen for me I mean they they’ve got to

Really be an [ __ ] for me to eject them um I I was pretty good at not necessarily listening to a lot but since I would say the late 90s to now I think the fans are trying to get more into the players head they’re certainly a lot more obnoxious than they ever were

Before before um you know I don’t mind anybody yelling out but you know when they’re yelling out you know bad things about you and you know nothing’s positive that’s the kind of things that bother me I don’t care if they tell me I suck that’s fine you know I don’t if I

Miss a green at 16 at TPC I deserve to get booed it’s a nine iron I should get booed for that and you know but don’t tell me that my wife’s fat or my you know this is that or whatever it is you know just keep it to golf they get a

Little personal sometimes yeah yeah it it just inebriation is part of it and you know it was funny I was talking with um a guy Jeff Fuji Caro you guys know Jeff don’t you I do and he’s a Thunderbird we were talking about that

And I said the easy way to solve it is you just put a couple hundred undercover cops in the stands at 16 and the first guy that says something he shouldn’t have done you throw them out you throw 10 or 12 guys out people are going to

Get the get the gist that you can only go so far it’s good for golf I don’t mind the hole I think it’s great I think it’s exciting it’s whatever it is but I can tell you right now any player that says he loves it is lying we might have

The National Guard in here next year after what happened this year there’s a few there’s just a few yeah I mean the guy that jumps over and goes into the bunker on 16 like you’re banned for life you’re out of here I’m done with you should be for sure I agree

Yeah can’t up play be loud yell after they hit don’t yell while they hit don’t yell crazy [ __ ] it’s not that hard and you can drink all you want have all the fun you want that’s it and they just push the envelope to the point where until somebody tells them they can’t do

It they just push it to the end until it gets to that point and it’s usually it just just past the line usually half the time um all right next one for me this is this there a real here’s a golf one here cuz that you you get referred to as

A bulldog right certain guys certain type of golf games he’s a bulldog Brian Harman comes to mind right now right give me the Chris DeMarco top three Bulldogs of all time on the PJ tour you know I I think oh like alltime like guys like me that yeah like not not

Like a Georgia Bulldog like a you know their style of play they get called a bulldog um yeah and like now like now right now yeah or anytime just guys you think like this is a this guy’s a tough out like he ain’t going to lay down and die like the

Same way you were probably not like the most powerful guy in the world that’s got grinds and just get up and down I you know who was like that was was Paul ainger was like that for sure I mean Paul ainger he wanted that I mean the

Bigger the moment especially when it was a rider cup or a President’s Cup was huge like that um you know even though he’s not that vocal David THS is like that I mean that guy you give him the ball when it matters he he’s he’s he’s

Stepping on your neck um and he ain’t afraid of the moment either um I’m trying to think of who else um so many guys that that are like that I mean that are just Billy hell’s like that yeah Billy horel he I mean he he I mean he gets

You’re talking about somebody who gets fired up that guy gets fired up I I love Max hom I think is a lot like that too I love watching Max play he gets fired up um you know I like the guys that show their their emotions that that aren’t

Afraid to you know to get crazy out there Justin Thomas I mean he’s awesome to watch I love watching him especially in the rider cup and President’s Cup because he he he brings the emotion you need there even though my favorite guy in the world isn’t in and I only say the

Only time I kind of like him is at the rider cups that guy um is Patrick Reed I mean I think he’s a dick in life but I think he’s a great player you know yeah at on the president’s cups and Rider cups I think he’s fantastic I just think you know he

Worked really hard to be an [ __ ] he embraced that too like being the villain like he loves that I me like that match with he was all of it I mean I don’t I don’t deny his golf game I think his golf game is awesome it really is but

You know he just worked really hard to to to not really be liked well we can stay on the Ridder cup for my next one you played two president cup two Ridder cups MVP of the Afterparty oh MVP the Afterparty oh God that’s a good one I mean probably me for

Sure perfect yep self 20 bucks into our cup here yeah I remember the one in um at the Club every time I’d walk out of the bar with a full beer tiger was doing DJ and he’d say CD and I’d go over just go chug my beer and I have to go back

And get another one um so he was he was having a good time that night too even though we got we got smashed but we got smashed twice we got smashed that afternoon and then we got smashed that night sidebar this doesn’t count as a question Tiger’s the DJ what’s Tiger

Playing oh I know this answer oh [ __ ] what would tiger play it was I need to know this he was I don’t you know I don’t I don’t listen to that kind of music like as far is like I’m not a rap guy but I’m sure it was something to

That extent some type of you know back that would have been 06 so I don’t even know who was big back then in 06 um who is it it’s um Drake um nice good pull he back in 2006 that was the golden there who’s who’s Beyonce married to JayZ JayZ

TI maybe some JayZ Wayne yeah he’s little Wayne Lil Wayne was monstrous every time I’ve been around it’s always like 90s hip hop and he’ll throw some R&B in there too yeah I know it’s your sty that’s that’s beautiful that was the Golden Era all right that didn’t count as a real

Question Chris my last one real question two parter here okay which Tour player do you dread talking to the most after their Alma moer beats Florida in football and who do you look forward to talking to the most after you beat after Florida beats their school um it could it’s almost the same

Person but um I love I love when we win and Jeff sluman or Paul ainger both Florida State guys so when we beat Florida State and then I hate when um and and he’s and he’s great about it but I just I because they’ve beaten us so

Many years but David Toms and he’s doesn’t say a bad word once but it’s just it’s so in annoying that he has just beaten my butt the Gators or the Gators have lost to them so many times yeah it’s tough that’s a tough conference to come up out of golf wise

Because it’s just like man they’re just Killers every year I mean Florida’s been it too but you got Georgia LSU I mean there just somebody’s going to be sleep every year so many there’s so many Georgia bulog um you know kizner and you know all the hair’s English Hudson swaer

And all those guys you know um Tommy tol’s in my era um you know it’s it’s yeah Georgia Bulldog those were Georgia and Tennessee were the two schools my kids were not allowed to go to for college anywhere else they could go but they couldn’t go there I like that all

Right last one we’re going to go back to the 1988 us amiter okay which decision would you like to have over again would you like to book a hotel room or not giv buddy Alexander your Walkman um I think I probably would have liked to booked my um my my hotel room

But he did come back with a great response because I said I said buddy I think I’m GNA need that Walkman back when we you know we were playing each other the next day and he goes you know I think I’m gonna need those irons back

And I said yeah you can keep the Walkman tonight you’re fine they had to play each I using the university irons yeah so buddy Alexander was his coach at Florida they had to play each other in the second round of the US amiter and they were rooming together because Chris

Didn’t book a hotel room nice little bit awkward little bit awkward do you like your scholarship would you like to keep it so so buddy said my his Walkman broke and so Chris let him use his each night to listen to it and then they end up

Playing each other and he’s like hey I’m going to need my Walkman back he goes well I’m going to need those irons back I’m GNA need I’m going need all the [ __ ] in your dorm back I’m going to need it all back exactly what how the match end

Up forgive me that I don’t know he oh he no he he he whacks me he plays some good money might bu games with me for sure um but you know he was really good at that that type of format obviously he was a US Amer Champion so um you know he won

An 86 and that was only three years later that we played Each Other Well I can tell you this I talked to him for a little bit this afternoon he speaks so highly of you he loves you said one of the most fierce competitors he’s ever

Had on his golf team yeah he’s he he taught me a lot about the game um I owe him a lot to that he taught me how to play the game I was natural I had my ability but he taught me about what the game of golf was and how to play the

Game of golf and I for that I owe him a lot because um you know he was really good at it all time great well this has been fantastic Chris we really appreciate you coming coming on with us best of luck this week out there in Newport thanks thanks hopefully we get a

Little hot streak got my wife cading again so hopefully we can read some putts and and and get a w yeah go put stepen aler in check dude let him know you know just free give him a little a little shoulder bump to start around just to let them know I’m here just

Something you know bend a wedge or something yeah all right that was Chris DeMarco joining us on subpar man some great stories I love when he flicked the go Gator ball down there to Tiger Tiger had some nice things to write back on it that’s a nice little Keepsake to have

With you and then talking about the chip which of course we’re going to get into uh in that interview but like dude as soon as it starts going down the hill you got to be like anyone else in the world this ain’t going in but it’s tiger

Sits there like this there’s no way and that I mean dude what if that ball doesn’t go in like and he goes on to win that thing like that clip vanishes and it’s probably the most played clip in golf history oh my God he’s I mean he’s

Every when tiger finish runner up with this chip that almost went in it doesn’t exist one of the greatest calls in master history ver lung Quist and by the way this is his last Masters you don’t think they’re going to show it a few times this year in your life so cool but

Man and I remember Lanny Watkins on that call said he’ll be lucky to get this inside of DeMarcos ball and he freaking holds it with perfect speed and it just sat on the on the lip for Nike just for just a little bit there too2 trillion dollar of marketing probably on that

Thank you people do forget though that’s why I wanted to bring it up like bogey bogy finish for Tiger in that thing which is so un tiger like when normally once he gets a lead like that thing’s done and in that situation like dude he damn near

Stole that thing with the chip on the 72nd and again in the playoff really but um yeah he’s been through some epic battles man with tiger and Phil at the Masters pretty remarkable VJ as well he’s been around he made some monster putts with that claw he he put the claw

On the map in my opinion like I don’t I’m sure people did it before him but I remember only one being like good and holding as many meaningful putts as he did no he’s a stud man I really enjoyed sitting down with him but let’s get on

To the Houston open this week Scotty Sheffer will be teeing it up surprise surprise he’s the favorite sle uh two and a half to one that’s you like it I mean dude I’d rather bet the first half of a NCAA game than that’s to win the

Golf tournament win in a full field we we were doing our serus XM show earlier and we were informed he isus 140 to to top five and minus 275 to top 10 there are odds in some books that are like tournament winner without Scotty Shefler like he’s entered the area where entire

Sports books are making categories that don’t include him because like okay yeah we all know Scotty but what about without him yeah that’s different level Windam Clark would be the favorite you can I saw that this morning Windam Clark is 10 to one to win not counting Scotty

Not counting Scotty yeah just don’t count him soal two and half to one nice little playday if you want to load up on that one I do make some dumb bets but that one might not even be enough uh go ahead and lay that minus 140 for him to top

Five I like that that’s a nice little that’s a nice clip 140 to win 100 let’s get to some picks and God this guy it’s just it was just jumping off the page at me I love this guy M last back to back last time he teed it up the players

Finished T6 M he’s one of like I said one of my favorites he’s hilarious he’s going off at 30 to1 my man SE wo Kim love him love him back on the little putter by the way yeah what happened to the big boy he is he he he mix it up a

Little he probably broke the big one I’m guessing yeah but that was why he liked it so much wasn’t it the first time harder to break he said yes harder to break and I also asked him why his driver has so little Loft on it he said

Sometimes I have to putt with it sometimes I got to putt with it that’s a good way to pick your driver he’s the best if you’re out there in the market all right dude we talked about it non- Signature Events nobody’s picking the people that are winning these things

Right now so we we’ve been using a little too much logic here staying too too tight to the top of the board I’m going to go down a little further I basically have two long shots for this week first one’s a guy we’ve been calling for for a long time uh went to

The University of Texas very familiar with the Houston area playing golf down there been playing very good knocking on the door bow Hustler show yeah 55 to one I’m not even sniffing up top yeah for the record I think Scotty sheffler does win but I just don’t want to bet it well

You can’t bet it yeah exactly all right Bo show I like it I’m gonna go for my Dark Horse 60 to1 coming off a T3 at valpar last week I don’t know why I just feel like this is really good fit for him I know he is he’s been playing some

Really nice golf working hard to make that International president Cup team Canadian McKenzie Hughes been playing very nice he’s going that’d be floored if he doesn’t make that uh president Cup team up there but yeah had a good shot this past week um sticking with my trend

On my long shot he is a long shot also looking for that first win a guy that when he first turned Pro we probably would have bet he’d have five plus wins at this time but been getting close and been getting close in these non-s Signature Events might as well pick one

Off this week Patrick Rogers 90 to1 okay that is I’m just trying to like go against the you know what I mean we’ve been picking up high and these non signatures is just it’s been a free-for-all so I’m I’m going way down where most of these odds have been all

Right well there you have it that’s our picks for the Houston open everyone have a great week and we’ll talk to you on next week’s Subpar


  1. No Doubt at all that Jon Rahm is a talented golfer. But, a few days ago he was reminiscing about playing with the best players in the world and how he missed the competition. If he didn't get greedy and take all the LIV money he would still be playing against the best players, looks like another player who thinks he's entitled to take the money and still have the opportunity to play on the PGA Tour.

  2. DiMarco crying about the purses on the Champions Tour is a joke. The Champions Tour is mostly a fraternity of those who played well on the PGA Tour, and guys like Alker have to jump through a million hoops to just qualify for an event (he did, and look what happened once he got his chance), whereas those with good careers on the PGA tour basically get unlimited starts with no restrictions. People like Bernard Langer and Ernie Els are a disgrace. These guys have wives who took care of children during their primes, yet they trot around everywhere and are in every tournament from the moment they turned 50. The pin positions and lack of trouble on the course makes for a tour that is not worth watching. Never any water hazards, and every hole two out of the three players has a ten footer for bird, at worst.

    The same guys clog the leaderboard every week, and they have the same hierarchy that never changes. First tier is Stricker Harrington and Alker, second tier is Miguel Angel Jimenez and Ernie Els, next tier is David Toms and similar, then you have the bottom tier who can't win yet clog up the field….guys like Corey Pavin and Jeff Maggert. It is brutal. Without the betting on it, nobody would ever watch anymore, then you have fat face Lanny Watkins announcing….ain't that right Billy Ray…whaddya say Cookie? They should play for zero dollars.

  3. Dimarco was running away with that Masters in the third round. The delay until the next day to play the last nine was huge. Of course, Tiger went on his run while Dimarco struggled to score as they finished up the third round (they way it had to be…like, could it have been that Dimarco opened up by more and Tiger struggled when they came back Sunday? Of course not).

  4. The trading places scene with Jamie Lee Curtis was amazing. The best boobs on the planet belong to Lana Wood (Natalie Wood's sister).

  5. Great show, subscribers should be 100k plus. But the remote interviews, nah. I am eternally boycotting anything remote or zoom oriented. But still, every golf junkie should know this channel.

  6. Chris… If the Champions Tour went away no one would really miss it. Be fortunate that you HAVE a tour to play in your mid 50's.

  7. Great interview. I was at the Masters Sunday when Chris and Tiger battled. Twenty years later still one of the greatest golf memories I have.

  8. The Malnati drop is a perfect example of using the rules to your advantage….. I play with these idiots all the time that think they're die hard golfers because they "play it as it lies," even if that ball is OB, in ground under repair, etc. and they end up slowing up the ENTIRE golf course so they can "play it as it lies."

    Learn the rules before you claim to be a stickler about the rules….. otherwise you just look like a complete idiot…

  9. Playing for $300k with a $3M purse isn't enough for no cut, 54 hole senior golf exhibitions! He should be bemoaning LIV because they snatched away the Champs Tour's biggest star! Maybe Dimarco is just hoping for some of that guaranteed dough because he's a non factor on any tour now!

  10. Someone should tell him he can still qualify for and play on the PGA Tour if he wants more money.

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