Golf Players

S3 Ep. 1 – Jake slams LIV Comms + ’24 LIV Golf SZN Preview

Jake starts off the new season ripping LIV Comms. He thinks they dropped the ball big time but waiting until the week of their first event to make their big annoucements. We then finish the show with our 2024 LIV Golf Season Preview. This is LIV’s biggest year and we expect a lot of exiting action & fun especially with the addition of the man, Jon Rahm and his Legion XIII.

Welcome to 54 live I am your host diggies we are back and I am joined by my main man Jake Jake what’s up buddy good afternoon pimps and pimp bets this is live golf 2024 get your get your sandwich let’s get ready to make this amand which

This is a freaking good year he DIY yes it is man we are back it’s been a long winter we haven’t spoke to you guys since November but we’re waiting for every to play out but now we’re back ready to rock and we’ll be with you every week during the Live season and

Yeah man the news is starting to come out everybody’s ready to rock all the plays are in myoba and I’m pumped it’s about goddamn time to get the information out pardon my French guys I shouldn’t be talking like that that’s not good Christian talk but man every single person on that live

Communications team needs to get fired that is one terrible job this offseason what I saw what’s his name Pro Golf critic put something out and he made a good point and he said that the way Liv has everything set up and the way they want it to be moving forward is each

Team is its own entity each team is its own franchise so it’s up to the team to put out information and it’s up for the team to put out their roster and stuff like that that’s how I feel like they’re going that’s what he said he feels like

They’re going forward so I felt the same way you did I even put a tweet out today saying that Liv coms is on the eight ball and that they’re struggling and they never had anything ready but after reading that you know what maybe he does have a point maybe it is up to

The team he says that but remember two of the teams in live golf are still actually controlled by Liv golf itself that’s the iron heads and the cleaks yeah all other teams actually have ownership Stakes available for all the actual players you so that’s where you

Kind of get to that problem of okay you’re a league but you’re but you’re individual teams at the end of the day if all of the news is coming out from secondary and third sources instead of the actual League itself you’re losing all this hype yeah and especially with Liv golf being

So young being all that I think of MLS Major League Soccer anytime Major League Soccer had any decent signing happen over the past 20 years the entire league was wrapped around it and announced it at the same time not the team the league and yes the individual teams have individual owners and individual

Companies that run them but the league itself understands that you have to work as a singular unit to make All Ships fire when Beckham came over every team was talking about it everybody in the media was out at the same time as a press release big steel and then and the

Same thing later on when you had tiar enri when you had Rafa Marquez when you had Zlatan Ibrahimovic when you had Robbie Keane L and Donovan stay all of these big things and then last summer when you had Messi coming over then also Jordy Alba and this past a couple months

Ago you got Hugo lce going over to MLS and then you also have Luis Suarez all these bigname soccer players the league stayed together and the league released the information at the same time live golf needs to think more like that that was a bad this was a horrible off season

For live communications and honestly live communications if you’re out there if anybody on your team is out there look I want to give you a chance to defend yourself and I got to ask you questions because dude you guys in my opinion as an outsider looking in pooped the bed so

Hard yeah and honestly I I I feel like it would have been different if the ROM signing wasn’t like I feel like everything was held up because they were trying Patton just signed on what a few days ago so like I feel like everything

Was being held up by that I feel if they didn’t sign ROM and it was just the 12 teams going into the season I think the news would have came out a little bit earlier so I’m giving them the benefit of doubt in that aspect but I agree they

They could have done a better job but I will say one thing currently watching the Knicks on MSG and I’ve seen about three Liv golf commercials already and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a live golf commercial on a regional Network before and the commercial came

Out pretty good and it shows that they really are stepping it up this year and I I think that every year it’s gotten better the second year was better than the first and I just think this year it’s going to be top notch man I I really think that’re they’re out to make

A statement now I understand what you’re saying Diggs but I I give no credit to this live communications team we are we are on Tuesday night right now tea off is on Friday and we still don’t have officially confirmed by live golf on their website one player for the C for

For Ripper GC we still don’t have two players confirmed officially by live golf on their website for clicks GC even though we know who they are we don’t have janitra OK Kazuma confirmed as on the iron heads even though we know he’s playing for the iron heads this is

okay I’m sorry the players that were in the promotion relegation event you should have had that figured out and pumped out immediately because that event was amazing it was special and you know what you had a month and you had two months of you could have spotlighted those guys really gotten

Into them have good interviews have good backstories developed on these guys but instead you didn’t you pooped the bed yeah we did see this too in the first year before that first event in London and something similar happened last year and once things get rolling everything gets ironed out but hopefully moving

Forward they’ll fix things this next if any of those guys keep their job go going into next season I’m frustrated yeah and I’m I’m serious unless we have a chance to really talk with these guys and understand what the was the thought process were you guys leashed

Were you on a leash to where you couldn’t actually say anything do anything and just leave it in the dark was that literally the game plan yeah obviously someone from from the top is pulling the strings unless maybe I doubt they let just some random

Team just the random com team just do what you want to do obviously someone’s pulling the strings from the top and I don’t know maybe they wanted people to wait with baited breath who knows who knows a big you said maybe they’ll come out and say something I doubt they will

That’s who I honestly want to get on on the microphone at Mya COA I want to get the live Golf Communications Department team like the head people that’s who I want on the microphone at myoba you ow the the way things happened and the way things have been put together it might

Be like one or two guys like sitting in a back room like who knows and that’s okay I don’t care who it is I just need to have those guys on a microphone because you owe us answers yeah I doubt they will but you never know if enough

People are asking questions get on there on your Twitter bro start start we have been we they they they’ve continued to be aberant silent in the most disrespectful of fashion like said we’re three days from the tea off right now and you still don’t have official documented confirmation of players from

The actual live live server the website has always been running behind it’s not even the website it’s Twitter it’s anything a dead raccoon could come out with a picture and just say this is who’s on the team a dead raccoon yeah and you haven’t done it yet I’m sorry

I’m pissed about this because it is so unprofessional this is the most this is the most was upset and angry after heard Jake I’m trying to make sure we have enough energy in this room dude come on this is what’s what’s going on dude this

Is not okay yeah this is not how you build enthusiasm would to live with ROM’s team you could have had literally a create your own logo contest where you have hey like tickets to an event up for grabs and all of us would have gone in

And tried to make your own logo based off the name you could have had a bunch of other things happen you could have released the Lucas Herbert news which even though we know Lucas cuz herbo’s there and on site for Ripper GC you could have released the Adrien Moran

Thing officially you have so many opportunities that you’ve just pooped the bed on yeah honestly they they put all all their marketing behind ROM this year and and and I don’t blame them because Lucas Herbert Adrian the average casual fan doesn’t know who that is the the the die hards do but the

Average casual fan doesn’t but I think they’ve done a great job marketing ROM like that that uh graphic that came out yesterday with him staring down the logos and and the graphics that came out today look pretty damn cool I thought I I posted on Twitter that marketing piece

They put out about ROM I think that was the best piece of marketing that Liv has done you know yeah but we’re talking about one graphic in a month and a half no I know but it’s it’s the it’s the most important graphic Ram’s the guy

That’s going to move the needle you know but but they released that graphic 24 hours before the before the release of the actual information yeah so that graphic had no buildup volume behind it it had had 20 24 hours of of circulation they could have had it out a week and a

Half ago and have the same exact effect yeah I guess they just they they want to get everything out the week of and build anticipation that way that’s not building anticipation that’s that’s that’s literally closing a bag and saying hey nobody gets to talk about the bag they had every opportunity to build

Their following on Twitter this past couple months on everything and they didn’t man they didn’t we it’s just I’m so mad right now because I’m so passionate about live golf right now understand this is not rage hate about live golf this is recognizing an opportunity and realizing how stupidly

This has been handled this off season I’m super pumped for the season the rosters look great every team has improved with the exception of Majestics GC and they did except they they do great on it’s funny that they’re doing nothing on the course but in the social

Media game they’re killing it and like those interviews they do and like these new documentaries like behind the scenes with the team they do a good job with that and and and I think that’s a huge Boon to them with the documentary series because it helps showcase that hey

They’re not cash they’re not sitting on the Laurels they’re trying to actually get better I don’t think it’s going to go well for them this season as a whole they didn’t make any changes to a roster that desperately lacked what are you talking about bro pter just put out the 2006

Fivewood in his bed of course he’s going to kill it DIY if you’re actually relying on 2006 technology for your Woods are do you seriously think you’re actually making progress hey man maybe it’s accurate di di DIY no no he’s reaching that’s be that’s not you think he’s

Reaching he’s looking for something if I go back in my and if I told you tomorrow that I’m putting a tailor made r580xd in my bag are you thinking I’m smart or are you thinking I’m I’ve gone full mental I don’t know I don’t know why he would do

That especially with all the technology today I don’t so that’s literally what I just what he just told you with that he’s he’s going back and grabbing a tayor made r580 put a old putter in the bag a Putter’s different though the technology doesn’t change that much but with the

Draw he’s you know that’s it’s it’s pretty crazy but we’ll see what happens I’m excited to see what happens I’m not expecting much for the Majestics this year I’m I think that Hinrich Stenson could could Podi him at some point this season yeah he’s so in the past you know

He he’s good to get hot one week and I think his best chance is actually this week at myoba because myoba is if you remember last season there’s opportunities for the Deep ball players to really get on on the leaderboard we saw Peter Uline score score well the

First two days we saw Jason kokra get up there two guys who are known for being a bombers but it’s not always a bomber’s place because there’s so much that comes into with tight with tight Fairways tight green you miss that Fairway you paying a penalty because you going to be

In the jungle yeah and yeah you saw that Leia with Ulan Uline had his he killed it the first two days and then the third day he was heading into the jungle left and right yeah same thing with Cam Smith cam Smith I think that dude explored

Half Mexico that week did you see he was fishing today they have a picture of him fishing in in one of the Lakes out there or the rivers or whatever yeah he’s a funny guy man let’s go through the rosters right now and just we’ve already touched on Majestics right there with

The fact that what I want you to start with Legion 13 you know what’s funny I just realized today that I didn’t even put two and two together that rah’s team is the 13th team yep and it’s named Legion 13 yep like that totally went

Over my head once I saw Legion 13 I looked it up and I saw about I was like the Roman force in Spain and stuff like that so I was like oh that’s pretty cool that’s why he’s doing that and then today I’m like holy it’s the 13 team too

Yeah makes sense so start you put out the video today talking about Legion 13 and how you think each live team should be you know made this way you know definitely at least at least at release and this is actually a theory that I believe is is smart if you look at how

Liv is structured itself there’s really three levels of players that are in Liv at any point in time there’s the actually four if you really think about it but the four levels of players are represented fully in in Legion 13 and so I believe any new team coming in to live

Golf should be Specialized or developed in this type of fashion you have the generational Talent type player which is a in this particular situation is John ROM and if you look there’s most of the teams have a situation like that where you have a generational Talent at the

Helm on that roster you got Dustin Johnson over at the Four Aces you have Bryson over at Crushers Brooks on Smash cam Smith on Ripper Phil mikkelson on High Flyers yes he’s an aged generational talent but he’s still a generational Talent range goats yes Bubba at the range goats so most of

These teams even if that player is aged they have a generational Talent at the helm most of them um so then you have the next player on the roster is a top 40 player and some of you are going to get pissed that I say Top 40 for tier o

Haton because obviously owgr has him pretty high up there right now yeah um you got remember though guys owgr is is corrupt AF it’s not it doesn’t make any sense you don’t consider him a top 50 player I consider him a top 40 player yeah of course I I don’t consider him a

Top 20 player yeah no no he’s a top I would say top 40 top 50 yeah he’s a top 40 top 50 player he’s not a top 20 player he’s not a top 15 or 10 player he’s been in the top he could he’s been

In the top 10 yeah but he’s not a top 10 player and that’s because in part due to the fact that the owg R has been diluted so strongly over the past two years like he wouldn’t be able to if he ran his own team like he wouldn’t be that

Generational Talent no he wouldn’t he he would he could be a captain he could be a captain he’s not Batman he’s a robin exactly and that’s okay listen Robins still can get plenty of wins okay and we saw Robins getting lots of wins last season so anyway you got the

Generational talent in rum you have the top 40 player in t haton look next what do you have next you we have a journeyman Pro On The Rise now Kieran vinon is younger on that journeyman Pro side but he’s still a player who is increasing in his form still been a pro

For a while so you can argue that he has the right to be there right so that’s where Kieran Vincent comes into play and the last player this is the crucial Gambit that makes live golf grow as a whole and showcase a long-term Legacy we’ve seen so many players come in uh

From this type of Fe field but the amateur player making their Pro debut look at DIY look at all of the players who have had this opportunity it doesn’t always pan out but look at the players who had the opportunity yep chakara Pig yes yes eugeno chakara David Pue we

Have our boy James pyot Turk Pettit had the same situation Andy Ogle tree had the same situation happening it didn’t work out from the first time but it worked out a letter and so Caleb Sarat is that next ation of the amateur player coming over to live to get that

Professional opportunity to start out strong yeah so for them too man because you know they’re going to be you’re guaranteed what 1.5 million yeah even if you pull a sewan Kim Inc come dead last every time yeah the sewan Kim award still gets you 1.4 Million

Worth it 1.7 1.68 million to be exact which pretty pretty insane exactly so that alone you got to play some good golf on the PGA to to make 1.6 million yeah not only that you got to remember these guys that they’re picking up Caleb Sarat is not Nick Dunlop in a situation

Where he’s ready he’s already secured PGA need to count on sponsor exemptions and stuff like that yeah or pray to God he can get through Q school or or get through corn veryy school no it’s definitely definitely think it’s smart for these am the only thing that sucks

Is they’re not going to be getting official War Golf Ranking points but I’m sure that’s by 2025 that’s going to be all fixed closer get to that in a second closer to fix but nobody cares about that right anymore so real talk so yeah Legion 13’s looking solid I rank them

The way things sit DIY without seeing anyone play this season so far I rank them at a higher midlevel Team all right the way that they’re the way they’re constructed right now this is a team that I think can go out there can get individual wins definitely can get

Podium finishes definitely um I think that they’re going to be a uh that upper echelon team I think there’s six upper echelon teams this season um and there’s a midlevel teams and then there’s the bottom the bottom feeding situation I think Legion 13 is going to have a slow

Start the first couple events because you know it is golf at the end of the day you’re playing golf but with the format the team aspect it does take a little bit of the shotgun start it is a little bit of a learning curve like we’ve seen people get on the slow starts

Like ham Smith he didn’t do the first couple events then he went on a tear and started winning Bryson didn’t do well then he started winning so even Brooks he didn’t do well in the beginning and then he started winning so it takes these guys a little bit to get rolling

You got to give Brooks a pass because remember Brooks was injured com back from injury brys was going through Bryson was going through insane weight situations and his dad’s death um we’re talking different situations Rah is ready to go TI hatton’s ready to go so the real question comes down to is Caleb

Sarat going to have the initial impact that he wants to have or is he going to be a James P situation round one so that’s the big question Mark right there I expect him to be the most Mercurial player in that roster the player who more than likely I think that he may

Take the wrong mentality and end up shooting some bad scores early in the season to then be able to we’ll see how it goes that’s who I that’s who I think is going to be their kind of weaker link to start things off the C1 Kim award he

Won’t be a C1 Kim but he definitely could be kind of a Jed Morgan where he might shoot two under he might shoot three over yeah so that’s where I see Legion 13 going on but Legion 13 I think they are a benchmark team for that upper echelon I

Don’t think they are the upper echelon though diie you know who I like this year my favorite teams I like tqu you think Tor so do you have torque as your top team this year is that what you’re saying I wouldn’t say my top team but I

Would say they’re in my top three they’re still young I think getting Ortiz instead of weig what is it again po DAV po getting Ortiz instead of poog I think that’s going to help and honestly they won four times last year they had six top threes they they know

The format if one guy’s playing bad the other guy picks it up I I do agree with you uh Carlos Ortiz for David puog is a one toone swap for the next three years now in three years time I think that David puj is a much better player than

Carlos Ortiz so it’s a bad trade longterm a good trade for the next few years yeah with that being said that team’s going to be solid you’re right there’s no weak Link in that armor anyone on that team you could tell me hey I think this person is going to win

And I wouldn’t look at you crazy okay T Crushers Aces would be my top three and there’s one team that you’re missing there’s three teams that you’re missing out on that I think are really up there as well so there’s actually seven seven teams that I think are the upper

Rational on teams this year but you’re so yes Crusher smash smash would be good too they so let’s keep it let’s keep it simple so like torque any of those four guys can win any of those four guys really could win none of them have won

Yet on live golf but all of them have come close at one week or another yeah and they won the team event a bunch yes they’ve won they’ve won team events quite a bit but but they haven’t broken through yet on the individual side I do think that we see that happening soon

Wako Neiman if you guys remember he won on the he won on the Australian which was a DP World Tour event co- sanction this winter so he I expect him to come into myoba looking Fierce yeah and we haven’t seen his best golf on live yet

No no we saw some pretty good golf his first year on live last year I think the ownership responsibility of the team got in the way of his play yeah is that fair I can see that yep yeah it’s a lot it’s a lot to handle you’re not just going out there worrying

About yourself are you’re worrying about three other guys exactly and especially being that his team is one of the main of Hotel it’s a lot of even taking care of the caddies traveling Hotel it’s a lot granted they probably got guys helping them out with this but still

It’s like I said you’re not just going to the course and worrying about yourself anymore exactly it’s a team effort situation where you’re actually really in control of it you’re really in control of it and I think that for him at least I saw an offc course a

Distraction that became a little bit more for him probably than what it should have been y I’m happy to see that he won the event on the DP World Tour says hey we got a different Waco nean coming back into this his team I do expect him to do pretty well yeah keep

Going who’s your next team you said that your that’s your favorite team I still haven’t told you my favorite team Seas favorite team the team to beat this season is without a doubt going to be still Crusher GC but it’s going to be shared up there at the very top with

Aces and smash those three teams got the same you got Aces and Crushers like me but you have Smash and I have tqu forgot that smash completely did a Rebrand with gu and GMAC honestly can gu really play the way he played last year again this

Year hell yeah really you think so in the live format yes yeah in the live format yes and most importantly I think we’re going to see a regression from gu you hard bro he tore it up and he won like how many times three times he

Won three times now he won three times going head to get head to head against three big chickens okay he won’t win three times again I’m not saying he will he doesn’t have to win three times this season but I’m saying if if he doesn’t win three times that that does consider

A little bit of a aggression right no it doesn’t because it’s a thicker field this year with a better Talent team and you got to remember last season he held off three Legends of the game on all of his wins actually one of his one of his

His wins the win in adelade wasn’t even a contest it was literally he could go out there and hit the ball with his dick for the last round and still won the course yeah cuz what he had a 10 shot lead going into the last round yep

Remember that’s the week that I was complaining yeah you were whining like a baby back I was whining no it’s okay dude fun that that tournament the the vibe was plenty fun but no dude it’s okay but with but he but in Singapore he held off Sergio Garcia kept

Sergio from getting his inaugural moment with lib that that that I guarantee you the producers won The Producers wanted that so bad he stopped that then you have the the moment in Ana Lucia where he stops Bryon from getting his first Victory now granted Bryson came back

That summer and picked up two wins backto back just dominating out there but gu played good golf when he needed to I think that gu has at least one win in the bag this season even if he doesn’t gu has solidified himself as a pivotal important person in a

Roster I think gmck will have a good year two now that he he’s playing with some studs I don’t know what to think about that one I think that he’ll respond better and be a better player than Chase kka yeah oh definitely that’s all I’m gonna say about that that’s all I can

Really afford to say about that kraak still there kraak has been moved to the number three position uh on that team as Taylor gu is undoubtedly the number two and I think that Brooks and gu are going to push each other enough to win where that team could have four to five

Individual victories this season Y and then we got the new look Aces where you got Harold Vana coming over for GU I think the aces as a team are a goodlook team yeah gu was on Aces last year right no yes Harold Varner got swapped for

Peter Uline oh Uline got it so who was guc with the first year the aces after the first event the first event he was actually his own Captain forz his he’s on his fourth team technically fourth team yes yeah three and a half you can’t really count the

First event that first event was just he was a captain of that first event savna came over for Uline I think yeah I think that’s a good trade for them I think it’s a very positive trade Peter Uline is somebody who I thought was going to make a breakthrough year I thought he

Was going to have the Gucci year he did not Varner got his first victory at DC really happy for him there this Aces team though really I think that they’re going to be one of the I think they’re really good they’re really good on paper

I think they’re going to have a very bad start to the year like we saw last season where DJ enjoys his offseason yeah he came in last season very pudgy for DJ now again I’m not saying he he looked he was looking like 06 Mickelson

No he came in there pudgy he had some dad girth on him and it showed in his first few events he looked a little sluggish and then not not only that we still got Pat Perez out there Pat Perez is going through a tough situation for

Himself keep him his him and your his family and your prayers guys he called The Narcissist yeah that’s never fun to be called by that by your by your spouse or ex spouse or whatever you want to call it but that’s that’s not fun that’s

Pretty yeah it’s a big word to yeah it’s a not a fun word to be thrown around Patrick Reed I think this I think he finally breaks through and gets a win this year I think it’s time yeah if you can stop with the the litigation was you

Know they judge said that the litigation didn’t hold any Merit so he should have just dropped it there which it it came out that he might be trying to refile it again in some different way which I don’t think he should do like there’s no benefit to this exactly you made your

Point you did what you had to do you thought what you did was right judge gave his verdict just let it be and just focus on golf man you got the money like just go out there and win man like enough with the behind the scenes stuff

You you pretty much show these guys that you weren’t standing up for the they talked you sued them the judge made his point just go out and play golf and have fun and then the other big issue so the aces are in a weird spot because

Great on paper I think they’re going to have a bad start to the year because all four players on the aces have problems coming in the fourth player Harold Warner III DUI this offseason in Atlanta yeah I don’t know how much I’ve never experienced something like that

Personally so I don’t know how much what he pulled a tiger he pulled a he didn’t pull a tiger tiger was banging hookers and getting hit with a seven iron I’m saying the LA last time the Tiger in 20 2017 no cuz tiger destroyed his leg or whatever I’m talking about the accident

I’m talking about when he got pulled over Memorial Day weekend Oh okay where he had that he had that awkward mug shot yeah yeah and he said he was going to to the to going to play golf or something and he thought he was in LA were you

Saying hv3 wins the Masters in two years imagine yeah is he been in the field no no he’s not at least not right now there’s always opportunity for them to change things but he’s not yeah uh but guys this is what we’re looking at right here the aces I think when they reach

Midseason will be in a very business focused mindset I do not expect them just to come out of the Gates Strong at all I expect them to come out at mayakoba and look very Rusty very hung over and struggle that event so DJ’s going to win it what so DJ’s going to

End up winning it no I I don’t think I don’t think anybody on that roster finish the top you’re saying they’re gonna do bad and someone gonna come out and do good watch no no GNA reverse mushroom maybe I could I root for that team I think they’re a good team I think

This team looks great on paper I think this team though is going to struggle the first three makes sense makes sense crusher’s next man that that same team running it back same team as last year they want Leia right and they can keep the same team for the next four years I

Think it seriously because Charles Howell I third’s game is going to transcend time and and stay relevant into his early 50s eily and not only that Paul Cas yeah and when your worst player is Paul Casey who is still out able to go out there and Post 6 under

Whenever he feels like it dude come on now the real question is DIY does bon finally get a win does who honbon leiri oh yeah I think he does turn off mson Square Garden you don’t need deserve to watch the Knicks game anymore come on now pay attention to

What we’re talking about Nicks are the best team in basketball right now it doesn’t no they’re not the Thunder are no imagine that imagine we get Nick thunders in the finals no because it be it’ be over in four games no bro are you not paying attention are you not paying

Attention obviously you’re not I’m carrying I I know what the Thunder is doing yeah no I’m paying I just I couldn’t hear what you said Aron no you’re good Aron leiri he’s had so many second place finishes don’t worry he’s had so many second place finishes dude

And so this is really one of those where I am really hopeful that he finally gets that win yeah it would be nice absolutely he’s been in second place and he’s had I think 13 second place finishes uh since his last win as a professional so I’m really excited for

Him and I hope that he finally gets to break through and get that Victory he’s been so deserving of it so many times now do you think the High Flyers get anything done this year I think they do better this year I don’t think they’re still in the upper echelon of teams

They’re still I think they if I’m ranking teams right now there’s 13 teams I’m ranking them like n okay who else we went over the aces we went over the Crushers we went over Legion we went over smash we went over T who else out of the remaining teams would you say is

In that upper echelon or right Stinger GC is a team that you got to pay attention to okay guys because another team that’s running it back yes and they need and they deserve every reason they win yes if you look at it who won four DP World Tour events this offseason

Stinger GC Stinger GC two by Dean burm two by Lou usas Louie usas is healthy ladies and gentlemen not only that and schwartzel has one on live before schwartzel has one on live before BR and Grace one to live before Bon Grace is currently their worst player but Bon

Grace is still somebody who can turn it up and be on that leaderboard and wouldn’t piss you off Charles schwarzel finished second in in the DP World Tour event that Louis usas and won this one of the two that he won this off season guys Stinger GC is going to come out hot

And heavy why they’re playing makoba and none of those guys in that team are bombers nobody on that team is a bomber they’re going to come out ready to play they’re going to play tight heavy golf expect the team average to shoot uh three under every single day do you

Think Lucas Herbert makes that big of a d a difference on Ripper I think so I think that Lucas Herbert is the the out the spice that they need uh Matt Jones Matt Jones is still where he’s at as far as his rankings go he’s not going

To be one of the top 15 guys I think he’s a good team player I think he’s a good player to have on your roster he’s not a a Jed Morgan James pyot where you’re just like just shoot even par please he’s somebody who is you can

Trust and with that Lucas Herbert you now finally have a person a second person for cam to lean on because so far in the history Ripper GC it’s been cam please win the tournament Le do something leean and if Lehman doesn’t do anything does Ripper

Have a a chance I I don’t think so they hadn’t in the past but that’s the thing is that just like cam winning individual events and trying to win the individual Championship yeah and that’s basically how it’s been for rippers so far is that cam are you going to go out there and

Get it done okay if Cam’s not going to get it done we have no chance of being here this week yeah and now Matty wolf Matty wolf being at the range goats now so the range goats his game again I think his game will be better I

Think it’s not about to about the fact that Bubba isn’t going to punch him and put him in the gym the same way Brooks did look let’s be real if if you had to choose between I think that Bubba is a better businessman and a better behind

The scenes manager than Brooks is yeah more mature Brooks is still partying and having fun and granted he has the kid now like Brooks is still young he’s living his life Brook it’s not even that it’s not even that time and nonsense for the where Bubba he’s a mental

Health advocate he understands he’s more like a the figure it’s more about the fact that Brooks is all business on the course yes and Brooks is like to me when you look at the idea the closest thing we have to Tiger I agree he is the closest player

Out there to tiger in the current generation exactly Brooks is a leader by pulling the cart even after everyone else’s Wheels have fallen off he’s the guy who is still pulling the cart even though four of his teammates are behind him Strang being strangled by the ropes

Because they already fell down and can’t be pulled any further Bryson is somebody who makes everybody else around him stronger Bubba on the other hand is somebody who’s screw the cart let’s go have fun yeah and I think it shows look at how good the rage goats played last

Season as a team and I really do think that the La Fair attitude of Bubba gave players like gu and Farner kind of that hey let’s go out there and kill it yeah let’s just go out have fun and whatever happens now the big thing that happens

This year so new look range goats you’ve got three bomber actually Four bombers on that team that’s all that team is they should be called The Crushers yeah because you got Bubba Watson who’s the shortest guy on that roster by the way would you ever think in a of a pairing

In which insane yeah it’s insane to think really the shortest yeah because you got Thomas Peters Peter Uline and Matty wolf crazy isn’t it that is insane now the big thing with this season is that Matty wolf still in the spotlight and he has to be still in the spotlight because

Matty wolf is one of only two players on the live golf tour right now that women literally Swoon over really I’m not joking man when I was at Tulsa there were two players that girls around the birdie Shack were literally swooning over one was Brooks but even the guys

Were sing for him yeah and then you have mty wolf who girls were like oh my God look at his ARS like they were all about it man they were all about that Matty wolf look that’s interesting he’s a handsome kid and I think that this year’s been very pivotal for range goats

If Bubba can prove to be the Whisperer is is Bubba this is the year where you can find out if Bubba Watson is golfs Phil Jackson it’s a good analogy seriously no because last year he got hv3 over that hump that winning hump that he was and

Then he he also got Taylor gu to be the GU the player of the year yeah it’s a huge honor right in of itself his managerial style I think is great for talented players who can’t get out of their own way yeah Matty wolf gets one win you could say that he is

Seriously if Peter Uline wins an event with them yeah now the big question comes about uh we got to see some more from Thomas Peters yeah definitely I think it’s easy for us to agree that out of the six players brought in last season we probably had pre-season hopes

For Thomas Peters being the highest yeah man he was just so good back like I remember at the 2016 rder C man he was just an assassin Belgian Baba man he was killing it and he has so much talent he just been a dud and here’s the B the

Funny thing out of the six players that joined last season who was the only one to get a win Danny Lee oh yeah I know it’s funny because he had that one event and then never did anything else the whole rest of year of year yeah second event of the

Year at tuon won the four-man playoff and he didn’t do anything else the whole rest of the year it was so funny because the team motto is Blood Sweat and iron you’re definitely going to have a lot of blood and sweat are they the worst team again notics is You’ think that You’

Think the iron heads would be better than Majestics just off of age situation alone yes janit osuma I think is going to end up being the last place finisher for the whole season I think that he is the person I expect potentially Caleb Surat if he just can’t adjust to

Pro-life and that’s the only reason why I don’t I’m not saying he’s not talented I haven’t seen enough of his play I just know with amateurs there can be an adjustment period there’s two types of amateurs there’s the Jordan speeds the Nick dunlops these kids who go out and

Just say I’m him already yeah and then there’s the ones that I need two three years and with live golf we’ve seen both of them we’ve seen Eugenio chakara Come Out Swinging and thinking he can win and winning yeah and then we’ve seen Turk Pettit James pyot struggling yeah Andy

Oakry even even had his trouble his first time around but yeah so iron heads are actually the 12th team in my opinion Scott Vincent’s a solid player Kevin Danny Lee not anything that I’m really excited about or improved about with them I think that either of them can

Show up and be on the leaderboard or win an event we you can’t rule it out it happens yeah and then Kaz they don’t move the needle for me at all not at all so I think they’re the 12th team and honestly Majestics or them are somewhat interchangeable I just think the simple

Fact that the age bracket of that team is so much lower that it puts them ahead of Majestics because Majestics are the most at risk team for a replacement player and then lastly will the Fireballs do something Fireballs I think are still in that hunt they are still on

The upper echelon they got po I got it right they got they got poog and the big thing with them is that struggling they they’re going to do just fine they’re still going to be in the upper echelon they’re going to get you think they’re in the upper echelon yeah

The upper echelon is is like seven teams right now I don’t know man I think Fireball is a mid level Sergio can’t really play anymore Sergio lost in a playoff to to to gu in Singapore yeah I guess you’re right push your mouth young lady I guess you’re right I just when I

Look at them I feel like it’s answerer or chakar and really answerer I don’t know and answerer hasn’t played great right answerer did pick up I believe a win somewhere I forget where it was off the top of my head he picked up last year the win at the Saudi International

Which was an Asian Tour event a live event it wasn’t a live event um he has done better in the last few events of the Season though if you remember going into four events left he was down near the relegation Zone he wasn’t in it but

He was down near it and then all of a sudden great finish not Podium being but getting up there yeah this team the fireball I don’t think they compare with the AC’s crushes smash I don’t think they I think they’re closer than we might give them credit if you’re trying

To say they’re mid-level they’re closer than you’re giving them a credit yeah they knock it on the door maybe yeah and again remember the tqu and Fireballs trade for or Ortiz and puj is a one to one for right now it’s an even trade for right now as far as Talent has more

Upside yeah so then CS they’re easy to forget y we got kimer Bland morons joining and who’s the four Cay Samu oh that’s the guy who won yes the Finish guy yes so I’m excited for this team this is an improved version of the cleaks Adrian ker to play well kimer

Needs to either play well this season yes but kimer needs to either play well this year or get gone because honestly what is kimer healthy kimer healthy kimer healthy oh yeah I finished 33rd maybe going maybe going back to Pinehurst this summer for the US Open we’ll give him some memories and maybe

He’ll find his game again because remember when he won that US Open he lapped the field he won by six seven strokes and the crazy thing about it is though is that kimer is not old no he’s he’s just as his body has failed him the

Same way that we smoking craco he was a former number one player in the world world yes he was yeah yeah he was he was number one in the world during that awkward Gap where tiger had the first divorce remember there was that yeah he was number one in the world during that

Gap because there was like three players that became number one in the world around that same time period yeah yeah eight weeks in 2011 yeah that was a little after oh sorry for what reason I’m thinking of 2017 but no sorry s but anyway you get the point though is that

He was in one of those tiger gas pushing 40 he’ll be 40 this year oh he will Okay so December but I thought he was still 37 for whatever reason turned 39 okay but you get the point is that he’s not he shouldn’t be done as far as he is but

We haven’t seen Jack crap out of him and in fact the league trusts him so little he’s one of one of two captains who according to what we know or from from our sources from our friends he’s one of two captains who doesn’t actually have ownership points of his team him and na

Him and Kevin n correct so we we need call up havin and call up Sheffer or Rory or whoever to take these two franchises over maybe and and honestly I wouldn’t mind if like you even just like Beque the team to to Moran because Moran

Is a top 40 player he’s not a top 10 player but he’s definitely on the rise you need a big name you do need a big name or a bigger name now and then the last thing I want to speak about is now they have these two individual spots

Which I think is great for Liv to make it an e guys yeah so that’s what those guys are doing they’re they’re going to be out there uh I think with what it is if I’m correct they compete in the individual MH but they don’t compete for

A team yeah obviously there’s only two of them yeah there’ll be individual spots and that could be fluid throughout the year it could change maybe we see Anthony Cam and what I hope they do is I hope that they do something where if you win the Asian Tour event the week before

You get that spot for the week that would be very cool because they still have to have the players on site for Reserve yeah and that would help them getting official work Golf Ranking points because the whole issue was people weren’t had didn’t have the

Chance to play on to live so if they do something where you know all right you want to play and live go win on the Asian hold up now let’s not talk about oh that was holding them up for World Golf Ranking points nothing is holding

Them up I know other than just the board being a bunch of yes that’s what the board that was the board’s main reason it wasn’t so much that it’s it wasn’t the re it wasn’t the reason it was the excuse exactly yes it wasn’t that it was a non-cut event and it

Wasn’t that it was 54 holes the excuse they gave was people can’t play on to live yes because a reason is a legitimate law situation like you can say like a reason yeah cuz and I’ll explain it for the viewers the you can say the reason that that your shower

Isn’t hot is because your hot water tank is busted but an excuse would be would be you saying I couldn’t get the plumber out here today mhm so that’s the issue so there is no hard actual reason because the owgr is a figmentation adaptation devised by people and it’s fallible yeah whereas

Legitimate factoid points have not been actively used in that point yep all right there you have it guys the 54 live podcast season preview we went over every single team what’s the most thing you looking forward to this year first off the start obviously I am very curious to see just did anybody

Really I just can’t wait for it at all man it’s going to be so much fun I think Vegas is going to be a a knockout event man I think it’s going to be great I think it’ll be a huge event I Super Bowl weekend man I really feel like Liv could

Really make noise and put a stamp on the season and put a stamp on that future this week CU there’s going to be a lot of odd here’s the big question do they find a way to get Taylor Swift in some way on that course no don’t don’t I’m

Not saying they should I’m just saying do they I had enough of Taylor Swift I’m not saying you I’m not dude it’s not about it’s not about you D we’re already watching we already watch live golf if they get a SW Taylor Swift Cameo for 14

Seconds on that course sitting in a box somewhere yeah Travis Kelsey sitting in a box somewhere with Taylor Swift in his lap boom yeah yeah we have a whole new fan base yeah all of a sudden we get we have to like hire a chick to work with

This all of a sudden they have to come out with 12 new girl teams to play as well hey yea bring him over yeah let’s do it let’s have some fun but no so for Mya Coba this week though DIY Charles how II he’s the he’s the returning Champion y we saw cam

Smith have a a nice try he ultimately failed because of errant t- shots I think that the Stinger GC players though man it’s hard to not look at at them and go hey you guys took this off season and you put in the work and you’re playing some dadgum good

Golf see it I’m just saying now I know they were playing back in South Africa for those four events they won but dude come on baby girl we’re going to see some fireworks this looking forward to it but anyway follow us on 54 live pod on Twitter uh Apple podcast Spotify

Review tell your family and friends about it and yeah we’re looking to put in some more this year we’re going to be coming out weekly every single week dur on the Live season check back next Wednesday as well we’ll be dropping every single Wednesday morning and yeah

That does it for digies Jake any last words folks let’s rock and roll later guys talk to you next week


  1. Jake, you are the only one telling it like it is. The marketing this offseason was god awful. I really don't understand grown men sucking up to LIV, your cohost here, Dr.J and his idiots, etc. Its pathetic. They even spelled Rahm's name wrong when finally releasing a graphic.

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