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Why Lethal believes the Peter Wright hit is why the league needs a send-off rule – Footy Furnace

The Footy Furnace panel reacts to Tom Papley’s comments about the Bombers, and Peter Wright’s hit that left Harry Cunningham concussed.

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Jimmy Bartel I loved what Tom papley said after the game and also at halime I love players when they speak their mind I’m not saying I necessarily agree with it but he failed as if he had to stick up for his mate who was concussed and uh

That’s why I spoke the way he did oh yeah we cry out for players to be authentic they’re true self all those catch words that we’re looking for we can’t knock people on the head and it’s a good time to talk to after you’ve had

A good win and had 20 and kick four goals as well hey Lee what are your thoughts from a coaching perspective because I think for a long time coaches would love if players never spoke in the media and you particularly um familiar with this given you coach Jason aamanis

Who was not short of a word a few years ago so what are your thoughts on what John Longmire would be saying to Tom ply behind the scenes oh nothing much really I mean I think it was really just a comment about how he saw the the onfield

Game uh against EST and was probably true I I mean controlled aggression is the only aggression that’s worthwhile uncontrolled is no good and ESS and I think probably maybe just went over the top a little bit a couple of times but really you need that maximum control aggression otherwise you become timid

And passive so the term a few years ago was unsociable Hawks and they went over the top quite a few times so Le you’re saying you liked what how essin went about it not well well you got to go about it with controlled aggression as I say if your aggression gets hot and

Angry it’s going to be unproductive but you’ve got to actually be really aggressive in your way you approach the game so that is always the starting point I mean there’s a lot of pushing and shoving going on we know about the uh the uh the ride incident where he got

Reported but mostly apart from that I think it was just a lot of pushing shoving around the ground and the swans were standing up for themselves and ESS were sort of pushing the pushing the flag as it were um I don’t know whether it went over the top but obviously uh

Papley thought it might what do you think Jim I I really like it from from Brad Scott and we can’t keep criticizing the bombers for being vanilla or boring or not being hard enough and I feel like in all these press conferences in the last 3 months it’s changed the attitude

And it’s almost like Brad Scott is’s going to talk it into belief and bring all these players through with him you touched on the unsociable Hawks the swans caught the Bloods you got Shin boner Spirit at the Kangaroo the cats was like trademarked players that if you

Talk it into existence and it becomes a standard of your club I’m sure some sporters would love it now paple had his his bit on it and said oh you got to channel it and Lee touched on it you’ve got to be there every time the whole

Time and going through at the ball but I don’t mind it from Brad Scott so the truth is with this incident with Peter Wright that uh and think that this was just part of a marking contest and he should get off Sydney thinks it was a

Dirty act where do you sit on it Jimmy cuz he’s been given a minimum of four weeks at the AFL gets its way at the tribunal well he he’s left the ground and he’s collected him in the head I I know now previous instance won’t be taken into consideration it’s almost a

New year the law uh the AFL law has been drawn from January 1 and they’ll treat them all uh pretty seriously any knock to the head that’s why he’s going to be in trouble so do you think that deserves four weeks you can’t you can’t Mark the the

Ball with your arms tucked in you got to put your arms out here if you want to Mark the ball you can’t tuck it in like this now I he should have been set off I’m a great proponent now that because players get sent off with concussion if

The if an incident like that well everyone who’s seen that and surely eston won’t won’t go to the tribunal it was a three or four weeker from the time you saw it and M Cunningham’s off for the game that is where there should be a send off real mechanism so the player

Who did it in this case right he’s off for the game too just to even up the numbers forget about what happens at the tribunal afterwards the swans are down a play for three and 1 half quarters and the player who inflicted that is still

On the field I do think there should be a sendoff system in place yeah I understand I’m not quite there yet because of the speed of the game and I guess different um interpretations because we have some incidence where depends what lens you’re looking at it

Is what you’re looking for I get how you said here you don’t Mark the footy with your arms closed you can choose to spoil but I’m still not quite there yet on a sendoff rule but who makes the decision Le is there a a video referee up in the

Stand I wouldn’t even I would wouldn’t worry me if it was at the next breaking quarters that the umpires went and looked at the vision and once the umpires have convinced themselves that everyone once they saw the vision knew that it was a suspendable offence that’ll get a few weeks that’s the point

In which the trigger is is uh is pulled and the the player who did the uh the concussion damage is removed from the field as well imagine how many send offs there would have been in the 1980s 1990s would have been unbel would been but we

But we did Tom we did remember there was normally we think a sendoff r under my uh criteria would be once a year we’ve now had did Jimmy Webster one was one so we’ve had two in about three weeks well the red card system is one that’s been

Uh raised again because of the I guess the impacts of concussion and I just wonder whether the AFL will consider it at the end of the year one thing that the swans are really enjoying at the moment Lee is their ball movement from from back to front and it was on show

Again on Saturday night well they got some fantastic kickers of the football man golden that Village for that left foot of his to just drill at 50 m like it’s a 50 m pass so they’re a beautiful kicking team they find each other they cover the ground so they are certainly a

Certainly they a piercing team and kick the ball I mean all the teams that play well have to kick the ball well because it’s a glorified game of keepings off let’s face it but again gon in particular and Blakey that let that Piercy low left foot pass just set so

Many things up his done is good is there because the right reasons Don Pike has had a big role to play in the way that the swans mov the ball just as he had a big role to play clearly as Adela coach and their offensive work in 2017 when

They made the Grand Final the swans are pretty lethal aren’t they junior yeah they make you you pay full price on turnover and we touched on that again especially against Collingwood where they had a lot of pressure around the ball but they got the quality to make it

Pay on the other way got a diverse forward line which Lee touched on last week so as a defensive group you’re trying to defend the turnover but who do you go to first and they can pick you apart


  1. They should had send off rule when Leigh Mathews play back in his day, he would have got sent off when he hit Neville Bruns

  2. Matthews the hypocrite…..oh dear clearly has forgotten how dirty he was…behind the play in particular.

  3. man channel nine have dropped the ball with Tom Morris. just a bit too snooty and private school, maybe kicked a few goals in the thirds somewhere. but yeh YUK

  4. Leigh Matthew’s is away with the fairies on this issue. It wasn’t even a free kick. Why not pay a free kick and 2 x 50m; that’d create the result the AFL wants

  5. The term unsociable Hawks was invented by the media, not the club…then lo and behold a few years later the media says they used to be called the unsociable hawks. An example of the media forgetting their own stories.

  6. Lethal was one of the toughest players of all time, in every sense. Just cause you disagree with him don't mean you can come with your wamby pamby comments about how he has no right to speak on this issue.

  7. Says he who king hit Bruns behind the play.what a snake . No respect on what his comments are and his employer should tell him to shut his mouth

  8. It's staggering that this pansy level dialogue is emanating from Leigh Matthews. They all get in the media, get a big cheque, and then LIE through their teeth in order to sell more Happy Meals! Most former AFL player who shift in to the media can be summed up by the term, "corporate shill"!

  9. Ah so it’s a new rule from Jan 1. Is this an admission by the AFL that the Maynard decision was a joke? You betcha. Wish they’d just come out and admit it publicly.

  10. Matthews was obviously a thug in his playing days, but even a broken clock is right twice per day. He's right when he points out that it's unfair that a player who has knocked another player out of the game (and for multiple weeks after) is then allowed to continue on with the game and kick goals and contribute to his teams performance. Meanwhile the other team spends the rest of the game a player down or with a sub who wasn't deemed ready to be part of the game in the first place. I love AFL but this has always been an unfair part of the game that encourages dirty tactics and thug behaviour.

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