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Cleaning Graves For Clout

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Hello and welcome back to Jarvis Johnson! GOLD, – [disembodied voice] Gooooooold! – The premium channel that is free. Um. It is. It is free. But, if you’re watching this, you’re premium. And I have an update. A few weeks ago, or months ago, I talked about this trend of working for free on TikTok.

I talked about this girl on TikTok who would work at target, and uh, other various establishments, Walmart, stock the shelves and organize things and give people money, and also uh, that wasn’t the main focus, the main focus was this woman named The Clean Girl, who would go into fast food restaurants

And clean the bathrooms. She would not be wearing the proper cleaning gear, uh, she would not get permission from the restaurants, I don’t even know if you can get permission from the restaurants because she doesn’t work there. Then they would try to, you know, ask her not to do what she’s doing.

Maybe she means well. She’s making content, but assuming she does mean well, they can’t verify the chemicals that she’s using, and also, th- they’re opening themselves up to liability, it’s just- it’s- it’s wrong for a lot of ways. But the content’s very strange, you can check out that video after this one,

It’s not required watching. But, we’re talking about The Clean Girl again. Because, something that I left out of my Clean Girl coverage, but did notice, uh, (laughs) is that the other… part of The Clean Girl’s content, is about cleaning graves. There’s no if, ands, or buts about it,

There’s no way to spin this. She makes content about grave cleaning and uh, apparently doesn’t get permission to do it, and it’s real strange. I was looking for some way to talk about this, but people kept sending me her TikToks, and so I said, you know what. I’m just gonna try,

And we’ll see what happens. But it’s very strange, and it could be upsetting. It’s definitely upsetting to my sensibilities, so I understand if this is not the video for you. The reason I’m talking about this is because of how absurd and strange it is,

And that’s usually the type of things that I talk about, and also I’ve got, uh, dark.. sense of humor, you know. I like, watch Family Guy and stuff. It’s a look inside my twisted brain, dude. But first, we have a brief word from today’s sponsor, Air Up.

Air Up is more than just a water bottle. It’s two water bottles. (laughs) Just kidding, but uh, these are the water bottles that I have, and I like them. With Air Up, you’re drinking literally just water, while experiencing flavor through scent, it’s something that they call scent-based taste.

When you drink water through the straw, a slip stream is created, which transports air and water through the straw, through the pod, and into your mouth, and nose, and that’s where the scent-based taste kicks in. You heard me talk about Air Up before,

I, personally, am a big fan of like, lightly flavored water, and Air Up like fits the bill for me, um, because I just get to experience just water, um, with a little bit of like, scent and it tricks my brain, you know? We have over 15 scented pods to choose from,

From cherry cola to strawberry lemongrass, but my personal favorite is peach, cause I’m like a simpleton. I’m a simple man. Each pod lasts for at least 5 liters of water, which is about 1.3 gallons of water, for all you imperial-heads out there. And it’s three pods per pack, so.

It’s a lot of gallons per pack. Click the link in my description to get started with Air Up today, thanks to Air Up for sponsoring this video, and now back to the video. – I’m at the graveyard. At night. [spooky ambience] – I’m at at the graveyard! At night.

Even that gives you a sense of like, the packaging of these videos. It doesn’t feel like it matches the tone of what’s happening. I’ve said before that this creator, The Clean Girl, has perfected the Troom Troom voice, where it just feels like I’m watching a life hack video. This is the one-

It has 1.3 million likes, which is to say it’s got a boatload of views. So this one’s called “I cleanee an abandoned graveyard at night” Ghost, tombstone emoji, #scrubdaddy #scrubdaddypartner. So, couple things here. Uh, one, there’s the obligatory misspelling of a word, an important, active word in the description

Is often misspelled for engagement I think, it’s gotta be engagement bait, it happens every time, I can’t think of another reason that it happens. “Cleanee” Also, #scrubdaddypartner. There’s nothing inherently wrong with cleaning graves if you are getting permission, uh, for doing it. And I think it can be, like, a very beautiful thing,

To- to clean- to clean a grave. But there are creators who do this respectfully, get permission, treat things with the appropriate… tone, but this is like the Dhar Mann-ification of… grave-cleaning. Because it   is all of the darkness, with none of the tone. I need to show you one of the

TikToks that we’ve looked at before. Because they have the same structure. She goes, “I’m gonna clean Burger King Bathroom, for free.” – Come with me to clean the Burger King Bathroom, for free. – And then she starts cleaning, and she goes, “I have so many questions.”

– [Clean Girl] I have so many questions. Is it okay for me to clean here? – Like, that type of thing, that’s generally the flow of the format, and I need you to see that, so that you see that it is just completely applied to grave cleaning,

As if a graveyard is the same place as a Burger King bathroom, and as long as I’m not there, it is not. (chuckles) It is not. Unless I had one too many chicken fries, and then you should probably stay away. The saturation, that can only appeal to… children.

It’s like sugar for the eyes, you know what I mean? Some of the things that happen in this creator’s TikToks feel like the dark magic that is used to confound the minds of children, like, the specific editing techniques, the oversaturation, the tone of the voice, all of it feels like a spell.

All of it feels like some sort of ritual that is used to keep a child locked to their screen. It’s as if she was trained in the dark arts of Coco Melon, and then has started using her powers for evil. I just needed to show you a few seconds of this

To jog your memories, for those of you who have seen the previous video about this, and to set the stage for what you’re about to see, which is exactly the same thing. – [Clean Girl] Cleaning this abandoned grave, for free. I have so many questions in my head. What happened?

How did this grave get so dirty? Who’s buried here? – Okay. Some of those questions have answers. How did this grave get so dirty? Uh, it’s been in- it’s- it’s old, is the main- the main contributor to that. The other question that you had is who’s buried here,

There’s a thing called a tombstone, usually it has the name of the person that’s buried there. And uh, sometimes they’re unmarked, in which case that question’s valid, in this case you’re about to read the name, so you’ve answered your question, so shout out to you I guess.

– [Clean Girl] So dirty? Who’s buried here? her name’s Bienvenida. Wow! Her name means welcome in español. Wait a minute. Her grave should be welcoming too! – This is fucking foul, dude. The scrub daddy smiling at the grave. This is the last thing you see before you die. (laughs)

And your grave is then cleaned by this. I have very important people to me who have passed. If I saw this woman cleaning their graves, I would actually lose my mind. I would be very mad. I would be very mad. Wouldn’t think it’s funny, wouldn’t think it’s cute,

Wouldn’t think it’s nice that it’s sponsored, and, yeah. I don’t think the fact that these are very old graves is any excuse for that, you know? And why are we doing the Dora The Explorer Spanish lesson as well? – Her name means welcome in español. – We didn’t need that.

I don’t think that added any color to the- the story that you’re trying to weave. – [Clean Girl] This is the dirtiest grave I’ve ever seen. – Leave Bienvenida alone. I would rather you not clean my grave and stay silent, than clean my grave and talk about how it’s the

Dirtiest grave you’ve ever seen. – [Clean Girl] Everyone deserves a beautiful resting place. Bienvenida died on July 23, 1980. Her star sign is Aries! My best friend is an Aries. – I don’t care! (laughs) Why are you talking to yourself?! Also, 1980 wasn’t that long ago.

This person has living relatives that could see this! – [Clean Girl] Bienvenida’s life was like. Does she like chocolate cupcakes? What killed her? – We don’t want TikTok to get banned, right. Congress is like, they need to sell TikTok, we need to get rid of TikTok, and- and- and re-

Have it be an American owner or something. Or else we’re shutting it down! I am against that, let the record show, but if they had showed these videos? I feel like it would be open and shut. Unfortunately you’re not helping TikTok’s case, okay, there’s- it’s trending right now that people are posting

The reasons to not delete TikTok, and this person is dedicated to posting the reasons to get rid of it forever. I’m really just obsessed with the construction of it, right, cause it doesn’t feel like earnest content, it feels like calculated content, where every second of these 44 seconds has been meticulously chosen.

Why did she eat a chocolate cupcake? Was she just feeling particularly hungry? She had to bring that from home. There’s not a bakery at the grave site. Also, it’s late at night, because she doesn’t want to be caught doing this, she also ate the cupcake after cleaning this with no gloves.

And I assume that there’s not like, running water somewhere that she can wash her hands, I hope that she has the tools, and she like brings appropriate cleaning supplies from home to keep herself clean, but in the Burger King videos she’s like on hand and naked knee, like scrubbing down the Burger King,

Exposing her body to god knows what chemicals. We’ve talked before about how like, when you don’t know what chemicals are around, and you’re using cleaning chemicals, it’s very easy to Breaking Bad yourself into some mustard gas. Or into some- something that’s gonna be like, toxic to the skin.

It- it just isn’t worth it. It just isn’t worth the views. I just- I just- I just- I’m.. without words, other than the ones I’ve said and will continue to say. Wait it’s- it gets deeper. The date is July 23, 1980. The date of this person’s passing. And they say,

– [Clean Girl] Bienvenida died on July 23, 1980. Her star sign is Aries! – Her star sign is Aries? July 23rd. How do we even know her star sign, if that’s when she died? They’re- it doesn’t have her birth date. And if this were the birthday, this would not be an Aries,

Aries is in like, March and April. I don’t know this that well, I’m a Taurus by the way, so I know that Aries is like right before me. When I die, I’m haunting her. (sighs) So- so there’s so many details that are just wrong, and it feels like they’re purposefully wrong,

To like, for engagement. It’s- it’s wild, cause I’m- I am raging, I am taking the bait. I don’t think that means the content served its purpose, I think you’re still allowed to critique the purpose of the content and the existence of the content, even if its existence is to make you upset.

Because it’s not a fictional story, it’s a real person’s, as far as I know, it’s a real person’s grave that they’re cleaning, I think it would be a lot more work to create a fake grave and purposefully mess up all of the details,

Not to mention this person has a ton of these videos. The video is calculated, it’s performative, it knows it’s rage bait, right, and I’m taking the bait. I think that that is like, a very easy thing to say, because it lets off the hook this content existing,

As if it’s valid to exist if it’s rage bait, where I’m like, no, I think it probably shouldn’t happen. This is not sponsored, but this is a Scrub Mommy, and it’s- it’s bristly on one side and soft on the other side, just thought you should know.

I could never do a Scrub Daddy sponsorship now, because I feel like I, in this video, am trying to steal Scrub Daddy as a sponsor away from this woman, which is like, antithetical to like, actually what I’m trying to do, and taking a Scrub Daddy sponsorship would not help that cause.

Uh, however, maybe the 5D chess move all along was to create rage bait sponsored by Scrub Daddy, so that real Scrub Daddy fans, the children of Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy, myself, Scrub Jarvy, come to the defense of Scrub Daddy, and go no, no! You’re better than this Scrub Daddy!

And then they just get even more earned media, and, and further marketing spend. Now that I have to applaud. – [Clean Girl] I might be here all night, but it’s so fun! Ooh, a little bug! – Ooh, a little bug! (laughs) “When the shovel moved my soul left my body.”

“Why are we not talking about the shovel moving?” Oh my god, I even missed something. – [Clean Girl] 1980. Her star sign is Aries! [slowed down] Her star sign is Aries! – That is so funny. Obviously it’s like, a string that somebody is pulling, or it could be a composite shot,

There’s a million ways to do this, but.. this is a wild engagement move that I actually missed. – [Clean Girl] Cleaning this abandoned grave.. for free. – The “for free” gets me every time, because it’s like, do we- are we expected to think that you… would be paid for this?

And then the second though I have is you are being paid for this, you are sponsored. And you can make money off of the TikTok views and stuff, so. Joke’s on us. It’s not for free. Uh, we’re all paying for it. With our eyeballs. You know, it looks nice.

It is interesting that she came back in the morning, um. Because it wouldn’t look so good if she was using her like, harsh horror movie lighting. This brings out the worst, uh, parts of me, because now I’m questioning if she added dirt and branches, you know?

Like oh, those branches that you picked off at the beginning, were those there or did you add them? Why would my brain do that? Because it’s so dis- the content is already so disingenuous that it takes my brain to the darkest places and I’m assuming the darkest motives.

I don’t like thinking this way! In times like these I can’t help but think of Pimp My Ride, a show where it seemed like Exhibit was doing really nice things for people, but in the ensuing decades we found out that they were just putting popcorn makers in people’s trunks,

Aquariums in people’s windshields or whatever, just for the views, and the cars were still barely functional at the end of the day, and a lot of them were never driven again. I can’t say that that is what’s happening here, but it does give me the vibe of content over everything,

And uh, it’s a tale as old as time. But the only way to know, is to watch more. – [Clean Girl] Cleaning an abandoned grave for free. – Petition to stop saying “for free.” We know. – [Clean Girl] It was completely covered in dirt. So I had no idea who this person was.

– (laughs) In doing that, she admits that she doesn’t have any permission or knowledge of the graves that she’s cleaning, which doesn’t make it better, I think. There’s no #scrubdaddy here, but this one is eligible for commission. – [Clean Girl] Cleaning an abandoned grave for free. – Why is it abandoned?

Is it abandoned cause it’s dirty? That’s a dark way to look at a graveyard. (laughs) I feel like you’re gonna see a lot of abandoned headstones. – [Clean Girl] But as I started scrubbing the dirt away, I could finally read the name. – So, a couple things about this one.

Is there’s flowers and there’s an American flag here, and those things are not dirty at all. So either she added them, or someone else added them, and it’s not abandoned. But I’m assuming that she added them, at which point she added them before she cleaned off the thing, so how would she know.

You know what I mean? Like, the timeline doesn’t- the continuity doesn’t line up for me. – [Clean Girl] He was a well-respected firefighter, a family man, and cared deeply for others, and he is missed by many friends and family. – It appears that this is a graveyard where

It is actually taken care of and they’re putting flowers- they’re- they’re keeping the flowers fresh there, and putting an American flag for like, you know, people- public servants. You know what’s funny is, this- in this one, for some reason, she has a more somber tone.

Cause it’s almost like she knows that if she… did the same tone that she did for the previous grave, it wouldn’t fly with people. It’s like slightly more respectable because they were a firefighter, which I don’t think is fair. I think you should be treating all of these people with respect.

For anybody making TikToks on my grave when I die, I want the most extreme product placement you can imagine. I want someone to like, just whip out a big thing of Flex Tape, or whatever, and just, you know, make sure things are nice and fixed up.

Maybe like drink a Prime, (chuckles) or something, with the logo facing out. Do like uh, like kneel, like do a Tebow or whatever on my grave. Disrespect me in any and all ways. I swear, if you clean my grave, without a paid product placement for Raid: Shadow Legends?

I don’t want it. Don’t post it. – [Clean Girl] There’s an abandoned grave in here. – (sighs) The cuts are so funny. These have so many views! Cause it’s the most liked one so far. This has 33 million views. It’s been on so many people’s for you pages,

That explains why so many people have sent it to me, and it goes 0 to 100 immediately. There’s an abandoned grave in a bush! It’s like, what?! – [Clean Girl] There’s an abandoned grave in here. [chainsaw] I’m gonna clean it today, for free. I have no idea who’s buried here. – Half of this work feels like you should have a permit to do it, you know what I mean? Like, can you just take a chainsaw, like,

Aren’t graveyards, like, owned by the state or something? Like, this land is not yours to chainsaw. What if I said, hey, when I die, could you like make sure my grave is covered in brush, I don’t wanna like, sort of be out in public, and that was my dying wish.

And then you’re like, someone covered this grave up, (imitating chainsaw). Like what are we doing here? – [Clean Girl] just keep uncovering more and more. My mind is swirling with questions. How did all this get so buried? Can their family find this headstone when they visit? – (sighs) That question’s insulting, right?

“Can their family find this headstone when they visit?” – [Clean Girl] I could finally read the name. Doris Lugo. – Things I don’t have the answer for: Are you allowed to just.. chainsaw whatever trees you want? I don’t think so, that feels like it’s uh… illegal. Also. These industrial cleaning products

Are not like, safe for the plants and wildlife around here, so it feels like it, you know, would be like, for indoor use only type thing. I don’t know, specifically, but it does seem like it could be dangerous for the trees. I also don’t know the po-

Porosity of the stone that’s used here, and whether or not it’s okay to use these sorts of cleaning supplies on this stone, what that’s gonna do to the stone over time, I don’t know. I just am not convinced that she’s asking these questions either.

– [Clean Girl] cleaning, I could finally read the name. Doris Lugo. But we’re only just starting to uncover her mystery. – Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I find it a little weird that of the three TikToks that we’ve looked at, and this might be selection bias,

Lugo is like a surname, or like a maiden name, in two of them, and the background is similar, which makes me feel like this could be like a family plot of some kind, which, ahhhhh, I just hope she had permission man. I know Doris was born August 14, 19- – Okay!

Please tell me that this is just how she hides a product, not that she has her own cleaning product that she’s promoting here. “Don’t be a dirty girl.” What waitlist? Join the waitlist for- no. No…. “I have been a professional cleaner for over a decade, testing every product on the market. My dream?

A bright, fun, foaming cleaning spray that not only deep cleans but also looks beautiful on the shelf.” What shelf are you having… out.. for show. Oh my god, I love the Febreze selection you have here! “That’s why, for these past 9 months, I’ve dedicated myself to testing and tweaking prototypes

To created the world’s greatest spray.” Dude, this is like the ozone layer is opening up just reading this. “Now, I’m working on getting this innovative product manufactured and out into the world. Stay tuned—it’s coming soon.” I cannot believe they pink-sauced cleaning supplies. (laughs) “Interested in being one of the first

To experience the world’s greatest foaming cleaning spray?” If someone was like, do you want to be the first to try the world’s first chemical? A beautiful chemical compound that’s meant to be pink! I cannot believe this dude! Is it- we- this has somehow jumped the shark again! This has jumped a second shark!

Sir, a- (laughs) The Clean Girl has jumped a second shark. – [Clean Girl] And she passed away February 1, 1995. But who put Doris in the forest? – (deep breath, sigh) “But who put Doris in the forest.” – [Clean Girl] I kept wondering what her life was like. Who does she love?

Was she pretty? Did she have a dog? – I’m mad. Dude, what is this?! “Was she pretty? Did she have a dog?” These are questions that like, a child would ask. You’re an adult entrepreneur, alright. Doing self promo in your grave cleaning video, with Troom Troom voice.

– [Clean Girl] more information online, and I found… nothing. That made me so sad. – Probably because people weren’t hyper-online when they passed away before the Internet was a thing. – [Clean Girl] stand the thought of Doris disappearing into the forest, being forgotten forever. Making her corner of the world beautiful again

Is the least I can do. – You- you can’t do this! Can you do this?? How is it so bright? Is this like, excessive color grading? – [Clean Girl] I’m so grateful to everyone who follows me to do these transformations. – What the hell??

Wha- it is completely- no shot she wrote over it. I’m just gonna say that- what it looks like, which is that, it looks like it was painted over. Man… So for me, you know, you could take from this whatever you want, but for me, seeing every other piece of content

That this person has made, I can’t look at that content and give it any like, good faith, you know? I can’t assume that it’s being made in good faith. Some of the other videos on this person’s channel are clearly staged. I don’t have any more prepared videos,

I’m just gonna watch a few more and see. – [Clean Girl] What is this? I’m gonna clean it and find out. – This feels staged, right? Like, you’re on a beach, but there’s a toilet here? – [Clean Girl} How did you get so dirty? Why were you abandoned in a toilet?

[scrubbing] No no no no no! – Dude, I would not let my dog get any fucking where near that, are you kidding me? The fucking, unknown chemicals? All of this to sell your fucking clean girl spray? [scrubbing, vacuuming] – [Clean Girl] I think it’s a snake! I love snakes!

– (sighs) You see what I mean? – [Clean Girl] Found a grave in the middle of the forest. – It feels like every grave she finds is in the middle of this specific forest. – [Clean Girl] This is my biggest transformation yet. Finally, I was able to reveal the name plate.

– This looks exactly like the other grave. – [Clean Girl] Sixto Padilla. What a unique name. – What a unique name, when like, almost every grave you’ve cleaned is like a non-stereotypically American name. Hm, Jarvis Johnson. What a unique name. That’s when she does my, uh, my graveyard video.

(sigh) When I die on March 29, 2026, um, mark your calendars everybody. “Jarvis Johnson. What a unique name. It sounds like he’s be friends with Peter Parker, because he has an alliterative-ass Marvel name. What did he do in his lifetime? Probably made mid-ass YouTube videos

About girl bosses who just wanna sell their fucking spray!” Honestly, she’d deserve it dude. “I thought you were gonna dig them up I’m crying.” That’s gonna be the next video series. “Exhuming bodies. For free!” – [Clean Girl] This is what happend. [dog barking] Oh my god do you hear that?

Sounds like something is crying inside this house right now. We made our way into the abandoned house and found this tiny puppy all alone. He was surrounded by trash and scared to even approach us. – Call me… a conspiracy theorist, but I feel like if you just put a dog sound,

And then cut to yourself holding a dog, is like the most beautiful, clean puppy you’ve ever seen in your life, it just doesn’t add up to me. It like- doesn’t look like it’s paws have touched the ground, you know why? Because you’re not supposed to have

A puppy’s paws on the ground, in the dirt, before they get their vaccinations. They couldn’t stage it because it would be unhealthy for the puppy. Am I- am I a conspiracy theorist for saying that? If this were real, you would have footage- you would show footage of yourself finding the puppy,

Because why wouldn’t you, because you’d be so content-pilled that you would keep your camera rolling if you were like hearing.. hearing sounds, right? Okay, so I think I have a lot of questions, and not so many answers. But I do think that this is just another page in the book titled:

Clout.. does.. things to people. Like I said before, they’re trying to ban TikTok, and we found public enemy #1 for that cause. You know, there’s a lot of good stuff on TikTok, I’ll just say that, and this is not it. Bye.


  1. I work in a cemetery and you touched on a lot of major points of why she shouldn’t clean the headstones without permission but the only one I would add is that the headstones on old graves can be unsafe and people can get injured

  2. her voice literally sounds like the fake AI lady voice but as a real person, that's terrifying

  3. The tree one hurt me on a spiritual level. My grandfather had a tree planted on his grave that grew into a beautiful maple…that someone then chopped down. This woman is vile. I dont wish ill will, but if her weird neon chemical foam gives her burns I wouldnt be surprised.

  4. 17:30

    first off, I kinda think it looked nice with the growth around it

    secondly, I hate this one in particular because I would love to have my grave surrounded by overgrowth, and it honestly seems like something someone might do on purpose. like that's a particular aestethic decision she's forcing on the gravesite, which feels like an extra layer of screwy

  5. Not only should you ask for permission at places but consent for cleaning GRAVES 10000% needed

  6. this woman is doing her own thing, not hurting anyone, entertaining people and making her money. YOU are the pathetic loser in this scenario making a profit off of hating on her based on your own personal preferences. i've been watching your videos for a few years and i love ur content, but this one is just mean!

  7. For your question, cemeteries (not attached to a church) are public property, but Graveyards (attached to a church) are owned and maintained by the church they are attached to.

  8. I've seen a video that every comment was omg she has such a good heart, people need to stop acting like this is bad… which I'm sorry I truly believe this is all for clout not from the goodness of the heart

  9. There’s this guy I like that cleans and repairs graves. He only does it to one that don’t even look like gravestones anymore/ forgotten. And he always tries to reach out to the family and does research on them and that persons history

  10. Couldn’t someone press charges against her? Graveyards aren’t public places technically and they have a closing time. Plus if she’s not asking for permission, I feel like the families of the people buried there could also press charges for tampering.

  11. the only people who would think this is ok are children. it's very sad kids these days have so easy access to harmful content like that

  12. My grandfather passed recently and was buried next to my grandmother. They share a headstone and that headstone is a monument to not only two people, but it’s a monument to their decades-long love for each other, the life they led together, the family that they created, the lives that they impacted, the good deeds they did, and so much more. Every gravestone is a monument to so much more than the person who was buried there and to see some jackass go around making a twee little smol bean brand out of desecrating people’s legacies is disturbing and saddening, and if they tried to do this to the grave of one of my relatives, I would gladly give them a haymaker, as my relatives would have wanted me to do

  13. I can't believe creators are still sponsoring Air Up after that one video of how horrible it is blew up.

    Also, this girl absolutely disgusting. "How was she killed" "Was she pretty" I'm about to slap that grin off her face.

  14. This has to be rage bait. Of the most offensive kind… 😡 Your point of this might be a marketing move by Scrubdaddy sounds extremely plausible.

  15. if i was a dead person from like the 1800s, she seems to be nice and i would probably be like "oh how sweet of her, thank you kind lady for the service to my gravE." But im not.. and i have the context of the current age. and she is doing this for profit, putting on a fake voice, saying things that are seen as insensitive to todays standards, and its weird to do this. But like at the end of the day shes just cleaning graves, thats nice right? sure she may have content and money intentions but shes still completing the good need by cleaning a grave, thats not fake. Idk im kinda conflicted on how to feel about this.

  16. as someone whos spiritual, i think its a stretch to assume she would make a FAKE shovel moving over a real humans grave. imo its more likely that it either was just unstable and shifted, OR the soul was actually angry and did that! But idk maybe she is genuinely that shitty of a person??? i want to think she isnt that awful but im starting to think watching this more that she is actually a horrible immoral person.

  17. I watch a lot of videos where PROFESSIONALS clean and restore old graves. They use machinery to lift sinking stones and tell the story of the people who rest there. I love them! It's a very caring and respectful act.
    This is disgusting and disturbing.

  18. I think she lives in Puerto Rico and that’s why the names are non white, the name Sixto indeed is a unique name even here as it’s not really common.

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