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How the NY Jets can Make the Playoffs in 2024 | Cool Your Jets Podcast

Ben Blessington and Michael Nania go through their New York Jets’ 2024 offseason checklist.

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And welcome back the clear Jets podcast for Ben blessington and Michael nania well Michael we’re here Wild Card Weekend recording another podcast another season of playoff list Jets football we figured why not open up the 2024 offseason pods going through what the Jets need to do this offseason to

Make sure that they don’t miss the playoffs for a 14th straight season that they can finally snap it’s the longest route I think in any professional uh Sports league for without playoffs the Jets 13 straight Seasons this is a big year it’s a make or break year for this

Entire regime from the GM to the head coach hell maybe even the quarterback doesn’t come back depending on how things go um so this is a big year and there’s a lot of expectations there was a lot of expectations this past year and obviously it all blew up in four snaps

But the Jets still do have a good roster they have a Hall of Fame quarterback and they’re entering a win now mode where they’re going to go all in this off season we know where the holes start obviously up front in the offensive line so we’ll get into it um but let’s go

Through with the checklist of everything we want to see the Jets kind of attack this offseason we’ll get into some specific spefic with with the free agent offensive lineman but outside of that we’re just we’re just making a checklist um but before we do that Michael how are

You doing soaking in Wild Card Weekend obviously I can tell by your background you’re celebrating the Dolphins loss last night Jets and dolphins same amount of playoff wins this season so in the end we I mean we have a higher draft pick so I guess we’re ahead of him now

Yeah for sure I mean I very much enjoy watching the Jets Rivals inevitably lose in the playoffs every single year it you know it’s good to see you know misery loves company as they say so it’s good to after all the dolphins did this year they’re right back in the same spot

They’ve been every year this entire Century um still haven’t been a playoff game in 23 years Jets of six in that span so so we have some ammunition for the arguments that Dolphins fans are always going to throw Jets fans away um so that was cool but I just like

Watching play football in general and kind of like it’s cool from a Jets fan perspective to like see things that work for other teams teams things that don’t work kind of helps you really get a feel for how you’d like to see the Jets build

Up their team and how they can get into the position that these teams are in so that’s my favorite part of watching playoff football especially yesterday you know seeing the Texans a team that you know is in a spot that the Jets were in you know last year a couple years ago

And now is accelerating through this process in a way that the Jets couldn’t so you know seeing some you mean by hiring by hiring San Francisco San Francisco defense coordinator getting second overall pick a ball defensive coordinator so you can even have that parallel pairing him with the young OC

Yeah no it’s young OC who brought over same thing across the board but works for them not for the Jets somehow well this is the year Michael this is the Year this is what I’ve told myself for 13 straight Seasons but now I really believe it I’m not there yet we’ll still

Just a few more weeks and we’ll get optimistic again but I do mean when it’s like when you look at this roster it’s like obviously it’s Doom and Gloom in Jets Nation right now but it’s like this is the best opportunity they’ve had even more so than last year I would say I

Mean they they have a very clear need on the offensive line and they need to add another receiver but you go through this roster it’s like all right the defense is pretty much set they’ll have to do some resigning and whatnot but obviously it all starts with offensive line so

Let’s get into it um I think the first major decision the Jets have to make on the offensive line is what to do with with avt and obviously a lot of this depends on his rehab I know there was the the report he had that this week

Where he was saying the Achilles tear was higher up on his Cal like it was closer to his calf muscle than it was to his heel I’m not going to pretend to know what that means in terms of his his timeline and when he’s going to be able to come

Back but look back-to-back devastating injuries for avt that he’s gonna have to work back from he’s been moved all across the offensive line which is a strength of his and maybe he’ll do it again this this season but solid said they want to lock him into one spot and

I think that is fair to the player because it’s fair to wonder is like how much of these injuries is him having to move around how much of it is is him you know a guy who has a body of a guard playing tackle and yeah he can do it but

Is he overextending him himself with with those short arms and it’s leading to him overcompensating getting hurt I’m not an no line expert I’m not going to make those claims but you look at av’s profile and he’s one of the best players on this team in back-to-back years his

Injury has been devastating for this offensive line so keeping him healthy and deciding where they want to play him um you were before we were talking about this you’re kind of in the camp of keeping him at guard because you think that’s where he’s best because of the

Injury concerns I have a counted to that but let me hear you’re you’re thinking about why the Jets should keep him at guard yeah so I mean I’m on team guard right now I I definitely see the pluses of tackle but for me looking at the player individually I think guard is

Where he’s at his best and you know that’s really where the argument lies is in the fact that the tackle or putting him a tackle is mostly is less so because of him I think and more so because how can you build the best fiveman unit and looking at the options

That are available putting him a tackle might be the best way to do that but looking at him specifically I think he’s better at guard and that’s not to say he hasn’t played well when he’s been at tackle he’s done a really good job but I

Just feel like the few games he’s played it’s too small of a sample and he hasn’t seen strong enough competition in those games for me to comfortably say I want him playing 17 games at tackle because even you look at the games he played last year they played New England and

They’ve jwed on but he was mostly on beckon in that game who he did dominate in that game um Kansas City doesn’t have a great I mean they have Carl Aus but um you know he’s not a top tier guy I would say and then Denver obviously had a

Pretty bad defense this year and that was it this year then last year he had um I think he played Pittsburgh which he did have a pretty rough pass protection game in that one against Pittsburgh left play yeah and that was at left tackle U

Then Miami he had a really good game and they have good Ed rushers so I’ll give him that one Green Bay didn’t have the best pass rush that year uh and then he got hurt against Denver so just not enough games or competition for me to

Say like he is is going to be good I think his run blocking is perfectly fine out there because they do a good job of when he has been there getting him out in space just kicking him right off that edge and leading some run so I’m not

Worried about that but uh I’m just not comfortable yet with him you know to say like I think he can do it but at guard you know where the length doesn’t limit him as much and it it still limits you even if it’s not as much as the edge um

I’m very confident that he is going to be a good guard I’m just not 100% on that at tackle and then I think above all it’s really just the injury thing because you know maybe it’s random he would have gotten hurt at guard I don’t

Know but the fact that two years in a row he moves to tackle and only takes him you know three three games this year I think it was five last year and then he has a season ending injury is you know maybe it’s not a coincidence when

That happens twice in a row especially because you know first year he played a guard and he stayed healthy the whole season uh and I think it’s fair for him too to say Like You Know You’re Right Guard practice that work on that because you know three years in a row now he’s

Played a different position really coming into the season or had to change compared to the previous one so it would I think it would be good for him to say you know for the first time you can go into the off season practicing the same position as the previous one two

Consecutive years I think there was something to be gained from that especially working next to titman I think would be good because if you place tackle you’re probably getting a new guard who you’re throwing in there um I think it would be cool you know titman is another one of the young building

Blocks you have in this off offense they played together last year just to build off of that continuity a little bit so I’m I favor putting him a guard but I do see the tackle thing which I’m sure you’ll get into here yeah because there’s a few things I mean one we’ll

Get into the specifics of the names but you kind of mentioned the point of it’s like it’s a much stronger free agency class at guard it’s going to be a lot easier for the Jets to sign two starting caliber guards than it would be for them to sign a starting caliber tackle and

Then you’re probably relying on a rookie like when you look at their options if they stick avt at guard to build the best possible five to put in front of Rogers in the Super Bowl win now year it’s just the chances you’re going to head on all those guys or that they’re

All going to stay healthy is pretty low I mean we’ll get into the names in a second but some of the other arguments would be one and this one I guess we’re not in a position to make it really does depend on his rehab but like what is he

Losing from this Achilles injury and if it’s his ability if if he loses some in his ability to Anchor and you put him back inside and like again the injury happened with him at tackle and he was trying to anchor down you could just see his his Achilles popped um but if that’s

If he’s not as strong as he used to be in his anchor and you’re going to stick him inside and he’s going to be going up against a 300 pound defensive tackle I don’t know if that’s that’s best for him the flip side of that argument be like

If his if it’s more of his athleticism and his lateral quickness and he’s not able to drive you know because like you said like one of the best parts about having AV a tackle was running behind him getting him out in space it’s like the only time I’ve been watching the

Jets where it kind of seemed like they had like a Trent williamses guy leading that I mean I guess back in his rookie year they had a few few good runs but like having a guy you can just get out in space and use as a real weapon on the

Offensive line I think you got to see him shine a little bit more at tackle than at guard the other the other position would be this it’s like and this is kind of coupled with putting the best offensive line in front of in front of Rogers but do you think it’s more

Important and maybe you can argue the other side because I don’t know but do you think it’s more important for a guy like Rogers who’s 40 years old coming off of an Achilles injury to have stability at tackle obviously you’d want the whole five but stability at tackle

Or the stability in the interior because you’ve seen a lot of you know most bright football Minds will tell you that there’s nothing that’ll wreck an offensive game plan like interior pressure but at the same time I mean you saw that the tackle W that the Jets had

This year and his injury was directly because of a tackle obviously it was the cut blocker whatever we don’t have to get into it but like is Rogers better off with having the stability at both of his tackle spots and being confident there because he’s not going to be able

To presumably be as athletic be able to get as many out of out of as many sacks so it’s like if you can stick avt out at right tackle and have some sort of stability and I know you said he’s better in the run the Run phase than

Pass blocking but still compared to the other tackles that we watched this year avt was easily the best that the Jets had it’s like if you have avt at right tackle and then you have whoever you’re drafting at left tackle one one of these rookies or maybe you sign some whatever

It is I feel slightly better about the Jets chances of of keeping Rogers upright then it’s like all right avt’s inside and maybe your interior pressure is better but it’s like then at right tackle you’re having probably a rookie at one spot and then a mid for agent at

The other spot maybe you’re bringing back beckon like I just the the outlook for the Jets offensive line is is a lot lower like the ceiling is so much lower if avt’s if you’re pigeon ho holding avt inside a guard but like you said when you’re looking at the individual player

He’s probably better off at guard but the Jets offensive line I feels like they kind of need him to be a tackle to make this thing work yeah and that’s why I see the arguments to both sides but I I think it really will come down to information

That they probably have more so than we do like you know how how does he feel at each spot how does the injury affect him at tackle versus guard in terms of getting into his sets getting out in space doing the things they need him to do that’s really what probably matters

The most and we can’t gauge that without hearing from them how that process is going how it’s affecting him so I think that’s what it will come down to the most and uh we’ll just kind of have to wait and see how that goes but for me I

I lean towards him at guard but there there are Pathways to if you put him at tackle and hopefully it plays out the way you want it to you can build a more talented group of five players with two good guards if you can nail free agency

Because tackle just it’s it’s really not there in terms of tackle Talent so there is a lot more risk if you put him at guard in terms of like how are you gon to solve those two spots and like we’ve learned this as Jets fans and then Sol

Has mentioned it’s kind of a League wide problem right now but you pretty much need to be two deep at every single spot because I think the average number of offensive linemen used this season for each team was like 10 it was like 10 point something but um so it’s like

Every team is going deep into their the reserves and it’s like I feel lot more confident in the Jet’s ability to build up a strong reserve unit on the interior than trying to be four or five deep at tackle because it’s like otherwise you’re getting into the max Mitchells of

The world and it’s like I don’t know if I in a win now year you want to stick Rogers behind that but like you mentioned like the injury issues with ABT is gonna give the Jets a lot of clarity in terms of like how limited is

He where is he more comfortable but in terms of building the best five I think it’s a a tackle how did you feel his I know we talked he’s a plus in the Run game and I know you said the sample size wasn’t big enough but as a as a pass

Blocker out of tackle how do you feel he Stacks up compared to as a pass Blocker in the interior I I think he does well out there again like I said I just feel like he didn’t get challenged like for example the first couple games of the Season or second game you’re playing

Dallas and you saw what Micah Parsons could do to these really bad tackles I’m not obviously I’m not saying avt would look like you know Dwayne Brown did in that game but you know that’s that’s the type of player who you really want to see your tackles play against because

Those are the game record who could single-handedly ruin a game and I just don’t think we’ve seen him face that type of guy yet at least a high number of reps um in his time at tackle so I’m just not sure but I think he did a solid

Job you know there were some reps like I remember the Pittsburgh game last year which like you said he was at left tackle in that one but he that was probably his roughest one he had some reps he lost but I mean he he has the foot quickness he gets into his sets

Pretty well he can match speed guys um you know it’s just that length like when you’re playing a guy who could get his hands on you and establish a bull rush like how’s he going to be able to handle that because I do feel like that’s when

He struggles the most is guys can get their hands on him and establish those bull rushes on him uh that’s when he could have some of his losses so I feel like we need to see more of that that’s why I’m skeptical but I mean at guard

Like I do think his pass protection can get better um in terms of runbing I think he’s about as good as it gets in the league but pass protection I think he can be better he he’s at least solid to me for sure like the thing I think he

Does well is he doesn’t take huge losses like compare that to beckon who I think he gives up a lot of sacks strip sacks you saw safety this year like when he gets beat he gets roasted and I don’t think you see that with avt because I

Think he has the fluidity and the athleticism to where even if he gets beat like say he misses his punch he gets bowled a little bit he’s able to recover pretty well so he’ll give a pressure maybe a little bit more than I would like I think he could be more

Consistent but like the sacks like for example I have the number right here in front of me in his career he’s given up 72 pressures but only five of them were sacks which is a pretty low ratio compared to what’s typical so you know you’d like to see him be more consistent

And not giving up pressure but I think he does a good job of limiting the damage yeah he recovers well and you mentioned uh the other big question on this offensive line beckon who you seem pretty adamant that the Jets shouldn’t resign and I think you know his

Performance on the field this year would certainly back that up although there is maybe an argument that hey as I said we they got to get two guys at pretty much every single spot and they’ll be able to resign him for for cheap and we know Rogers likes his friends he’s clearly a

Rogers buddy um what’s what’s your Line in the Sand with with with beckon because I do think as bad as he was at times there is still the ceiling that of the player that you drafted a couple years ago and he’s coming off of two back-to-back Seasons away from the game

Two back-to-back constructive knee surgeries he played every single game outside of one this year and it’s possible that after he has the season under his belt he has a full off season in the same offense that maybe you know we’re not even touching on his tweets

About Keith Carter so if Keith Carter is staying I think this is a moot point but it’s possible that if they’re able to resign up for cheap you know four five million dolls and maybe his name value prices him out of that range that he comes back and you get a better player

Than you saw last year like I don’t think I think last year’s as bad as bexon’s going to be and maybe that’s all he’ll be but there’s also a chance like we have to acknowledge that like a lot of guys who seemingly leave New York that are like bums or can’t say healthy

Or like you know like I just think of like Blake cash on watching the playoff games like how did this guy turn into a stud linebacker all of a sudden it’s like it’s possible that it’s like all right if you’re able to resign him for cheap you might get a better performance

This season he might you might be able to capture some of what you saw his rookie season do you do you buy into any beckum optimism or do you want this guy off your team and you’re not paying him anything more than you know that minimum to be here

I to be honest with you I probably lean towards that just because I feel like a fresh start would be good for for both sides I don’t with back then there’s just I feel like too much drama for not enough production you know I feel like

If you’re going to be that much of a you know if you’re G to be that vocal and attract that much discussion there needs to be something there but we haven’t seen consistent good play from him in at this point four years so uh I don’t know

Think and for him I think it would be better too like New York is I don’t think the best place for him at this stage of his career not that I mean every Market in today’s League you’re gonna see social media criticism so I don’t know but I don’t know I do see

There is you know potential value in the sense that he does still have the tools and the potential and you know is he better than Max Mitchell Carter Warren yeah probably so I mean among backups would he be in maybe average backup I so I mean I don’t want to be you know

Too antick in and say like know there’s no value that I would take him at but like I I really think they should try to move on but I mean if he has a a very poor market and no one’s buying into the potential and you can get them back at

Like minimum two million maybe maybe three I would there no get you get back them back one year four and a half million are you doing it and that’s low I don’t I think he’s gonna get seven or I think just somebody’s gonna buy on the

Name I I just don’t think so I think there are players who are may not be as flashy but there are players who offer better production and durability at that price that you can get so I I wouldn’t be thrilled with that honestly all right

Then the other guy in this s line before we get into the positions they need to add L and thinon now the Jets can cut him eat 10 million free up eight and then in a couple years I mean they’re paying a total of 8 million over the

Course I think two or three years after this for void money that’s you know I guess not a huge deal but it’s this year it’s like you’d have to eat 10 to free up eight clearly the play that they’ve gotten out of Lake and Tomlinson they

Could sign a guy for $8 million that will be better than Lake and I mean you had the joke you said they could sign two guys for that eight million that would be better than Lake played um only half joking I I mean I wasn’t really joking honestly like could I mean Nate

Her was better four million guards get yeah like a Nate herig like that’s the type of guy you can get a couple with maybe eight million and that’s kind of how Tom Thompson’s playing worse than her did last year and it’s like you could buy in for year three that he’s

Gonna finally turn it around and be that player that he was in San Francisco maybe maybe this is the year um but I just don’t I I think I think they cut their ties I mean he’s been such a weak spot on this line for two years now you

Can free up that 8 million you can turn it into somebody else and it’s also just like they have to make changes on this line however I will say it seems like the last couple years we enter this stage in January and it’s like okay they’re going to cut him they’re going

To cut this guy they’ll cut Carl awon because it makes sense you’re like these guys aren’t playing up to their contract but Douglas has held on to these types of guys throughout the offseason and maybe lak’s a guy I should look at what they would cut what they would free if

They cut him post June 1 but sometimes like Douglas will hold on to these guys maybe try to restructure him or just be like we’re already paying him maybe we get some maybe we get the best lak that we’ve had in New York and it’s like they

Can still sign a backup for him but like to me cut him you take that eight million and and put it somewhere else I think lak is is pretty watched I’ll look what what they could do with a post June first cut but what do you make of the

Lak and tomon dmma he’s he’s out of here right or is there any chance that Douglas doesn’t cut cut his losses I agree I think he’s should be pretty obvious that he’s out of here but that is a great point that you made to where it feels like there were multiple

Guys like this last year who came back whether it was Whitehead Carl Lawson uh so it’s hard talking about this right so I guess he did leave anyway but it’s hard to say when you’re talking about this team that is not exactly showing you it’s the best at Pro Personnel evaluation especially

Their own players so that’s that’s the thing like more so than they’re we know they’re bad in free agency looking at other teams players but the way they evaluate their own players sometimes is sketchy so yeah I don’t know it should be obvious to me but they they have

Never benched him or thought about benching him and he is you know always still put out there and you know kind of marketed as like a leader of the team so I I don’t know I’m not 100% sold they’re going to do it yeah if they cut him post

June 1st they could free up 13 million they’d have to eat five million but that’s better so potentially I mean maybe maybe you hold on to him through June 1 and then cut him but I think you take the money free and and sign two

Guards and we can get into the the guard class right now because he wrote that article this week talking about the the veteran free agents who are some of the best options uh in your eyes I guess we could start a tackle because tackle it’s

It’s a lot Slimmer of a group but I guess we kind of said well actually let’s hear the free agents then we can kind of go through like what we kind of think how many free agents they’re gonna have be able to sign and stuff okay so start with the tackles

Kind of go through through that yeah so I mean tackle is it’s not a good year to need a tackle just to put it frankly I mean there are a few guys who are in free agency yeah um there are a few guys who you know might get a de who I

Actually don’t think we’ll get a decent contract but they have the talent to be really good but they have red flags who are going to lower their value and I don’t think the Jets can’t deal with those red flags and we’re talking about guys like Trent Brown is out there and

He had a really good season when he was healthy but he’s missed at least five games and for the past five seasons and I don’t think he’s a scheme fit so that’s probably not on the radar you have Tyron Smith who’s still awesome but he’s 33 at this point he’s played about

10 games a year over the past eight seasons that’s a nogo for the Jets unless you want to take that gamble you can convince him come play with Rogers but I doubt it I think they need durable guys um then you have Mike onu from the Patriots he’s probably the only top tier

Guy who’s like you know he’s really good he’s durable he’s young he has positional versatility too he’s the only guy who doesn’t really have any red flag so he’s probably going to get a bag but him being the only really the only tackle in that tier of like complete Blockbuster free agent

I don’t think the Jets can afford that right because it’s not like they’re swimming in cap space like they usually are can you sign a guy like that and still fill all your other holes the way you want to on the o line and at receiver it would be really hard so I

Don’t think they could be in the market for that type of guy and here’s the other thing and this goes back to the AV Point even if they were to get on weo he’s a right tackle correct yeah Prim and then you look at and then you look at the draft and

Because where the Jets are picking they should be able to get the third best offensive tackle a Joe Al or a l Falls and again like I haven’t really Dove too deep into the draft I set of YouTube highlights and a few mock drafts um but

The two guys that I’ve seen mocked to the Jets that aren’t those two guys that they’re going to take an offensive lineman is the tackle from Oregon state fuaga is that you pronounce his name and the tackle from Alabama leam JT leam both right tackles so all the tackles

That I’m seeing mock to the Jets are all right tackles and we even if they were able to get him is a right tackle so it kind of leads the the big question who’s protecting rers Blind Side unless you’re going to stick avt back over the left

Tackle it’s like they don’t really have anybody that makes much sense unless one of those guys like joal Falls to them a 10 it seems like all their best options are at right tackle so uh when you look at the veterans who’s the best left tackle that they could maybe

Sign yeah that that’s the rough part so I mean like I mean you look at those guys if you want to take your Tyron Smith shot your you know you’re chaning him like that’s probably the best you got because after that there’s a huge drop off and I made this list here you

Could check it out I put the article just xfactor I also posted this list but um I basically made 0o to 100 ratings for every free agent based on the combination where they ranked his pass and run blockers their percentile ranks so 50 is average and there’s only four

Tackles within above 50 and three of them are the guys I just mentioned and two of those like we said Brown and Tyron Smith you Jets probably don’t want a part of so the other one is Germaine alumin from the from the Raiders and he had a really good season but the

Only thing in terms of the numbers but the only thing with him is like he kind of did the same thing last year but then he only got a one year $3 million deal so it’s like are the numbers legit is he only a backup because he has been a

Backup most of his career so he’s interesting though like I think that’s the type of guy they’re GNA Target like he’s a right T right yeah I believe so I’m I’m gonna check that right now just to make sure but that’s the type of guy I think

They’re going to go after in terms of tackles is like and there are a few other in this tier I’d say like andw Pete from the Saints Chris hubard from the Titans um George Fant would be in this I don’t know if he would want to

Come back to the didn’t seem like it was the most cordial exit that he had but maybe Jonah Williams I think like he’s a big name he was a first round pick so maybe he’ll get paid off of the name and the pedigree but if he doesn’t Jonah

Williams is kind of in this tier of guys who are like they’re okay like they’re not going to move the needle for you but they’re not terrible and that’s why you’re signing them it’s just to have a guy who’s like he’s there he’s not going to dominate he might have some bad games

But game to game over the big picture he’s going to be right in the middle of the pack I think they’re going to want to sign one or two guys like that so you could have you know a solid backup and you could have a potential starter who

Could fill that role and you know be significantly better than what the Jets have typically had even if he’s not special so I think those are some of the guys you’re going to look at U and looking at luminer yeah he was he played some left tackle this year mostly right

And throughout his career mostly right but he’s played a little bit of left but uh years primarily right yeah that’s what I’m going back to because it’s also like and it ties back to beckon it’s like if you’re only there it seems like the obviously there’s more interior

Offensive lineman than tackles and the tackles that are available they’re all right tackles from in the draft in for agency the top of the the bunch is all on the right side so it’s like you know I know beckon was really bad this year and you know it doesn’t seem like he has

The best relationship with Keith Carter and so you’re probably right maybe that relationship is over but if his Market’s not as hot and you’re able to get him back for five million on a one-year Prov it deal it’s like I’m not handing him the starting left tackle job but just they

Need bodies like they need to be too deep at all these spots and it’s like otherwise it’s like yeah I mean Fant I guess makes sense he wants to be he wanted to be left tackle and he’s pretty solid in 2021 or whatever that was but it’s all like you said like they’re

Going to be Bargain Bin shopping and it seems like they’re all primarily right tackles um so that’s depressing but the interior Market is a lot more enticing especially if they’re cutting Lake and freeing up that 8 million right there and if they’re playing ABT at at tackle

They need two guards so who are some of the guards that you think they can explore and is there is there a high-end guy that you think that they will splurge if they’re going to go Bargain Bin shopping a tackle um a guard or tackle guard right okay so in terms of guard

Like that’s where the value is with the free agent lineman and this is what we were saying earlier like why you would put avt as tackle a big reason why is because they’re there are a lot of options at guard and you could feel good that you could get two solid

Above average guards in there within their budget because a lot of these guys the thing that’s appealing about this Market is you’re not talking about like 25 26 year old guys who are probably going to get a long-term deal there’s a lot of stop Gap type guys in here who

You’re probably talking about one onee deals at this point in their career maybe two but they still have production that stood out as above average this past season so I mean at the top I think Robert hunt from Miami could get a pretty big deal cuz he had tremendous

Production this year some injury issues but he’s he’s only 27 he’s in his prime he’s really good he’s going to get paid then Kevin doson from the Rams he’s 27 he had great production coming over from the Steelers so those two guys I think like those are your in your Prime

Probably gonna get paid guys in my opinion but then after that you have guys like Kevin Ziller from the Ravens James Hurst from the Saints who I remember talking about preseason the Jets should try to trade for him as a backup tackle he’s played tackle before

Uh but he played guard for the Saints this year and he was very solid in pass protection um Graham Glasgow who’s more of a run blocker Muller type guy um which I think they should lean towards the pass blockers more so than that um he’s another option too though he’s been

A longtime starter pretty pretty consistent um John Simpson from the Ravens John runan from the Packers if they want to go get another Rogers friend um so those are just a few but like if you look at this list I put out there there’s a lot of like mid tier

Guards who were average among starters last year and most of them are like late 20s or 30s so I really think the Jets have a good opportunity to within their budget grab a couple of these guys too yeah you know you know if avt’s at guard

You could star one then you have another good backup but if you do put avt a tackle like I think you could get a good pair of starting guards out of this free agion market and also I should mention this I don’t think it’s a real option

But it’s just interesting how it pops off this list but Greg van Ren was one of the best guards this year at least in terms of his stats which is pretty wild to see and the Raiders offensive line coach uh got hired by the Giants so I

Think that’s a good hire by them because he had a that offensive line is really good this year and they didn’t really have any big name guys for the most part it was pretty surprising so he did a good job but it’s it’s this point seea

Kind of comes back to the Jets coaching like why are guys like why is lak and Thomason a pro bowler the Niners he comes here and he’s a bum and Greg van Rowan is a bum with the Jets and he goes to the Raiders now he’s put up top tier

Numers so kind of frustrating but Heath Carter returns not that he’s been here the whole time but it just feels like coach to coach like doesn’t matter who is it it’s kind of like the what is that you think you would think this is a nerdy reference but like in Harry Potter

The oh my God the what is it the potions or defense of the dark arts I don’t remember it so clearly because I read it and watched it and I was in elementary school so I think he’ll be proud of that but there’s like one uh position that

Every year there’s like a curse on there’s like a new teacher it’s kind of like the Jets offensive line coach okay so it doesn’t matter who it is they’re always bad and always getting fired um well I mean look it we’re recording this Sunday January 14th they haven’t made

Any staff changes you’d think there’s gonna have to be somebody somebody has to get fired this week so maybe by the time you’re listening to it maybe Monday the 15th is when they do it or Tuesday they have to do something I mean it sounds like Keith Carter’s coming back

Like I guess their blocking got a little better at the end of the season although it’s like you have Lan posting that that photo on IG calling out Keith Carter as he said what he liked all his coaches except Keith Carter and then um beckon said that’s the truth and

Then Breece was laughing at it it’s like they’re making fun of and it’s not he’s not just the the offensive line coach he’s the Run game coordinator so Breece would be somebody to listen to their opinion on in terms of Keith Carter and some of his you know I think one of the

Problems with Salah is when you go back and read about him in his time in San Francisco is people wanted him fired after his second season he was back maybe might have been his first season he was really bad and there there were a lot of calls it’s not New York but in

San Francisco to fire Salah after I think it was 2017 might be after 2018 because they did not have a good defense and and Shanahan stuck with him and believed in Salah and Salah turned it around and they you know had a great defense went to the Super Bowl he get

Tired as a head coach and so I think Salah is almost like too loyal to his guys and too trusting that they’re going to turn him around I just need to believe in them and stick with him because Shanahan did that for Salah he doesn’t want to give up on these coaches

But it’s like yeah he has a lot of buddies on the staff that you know his defensive staff’s great no qualms about his defensive staff he clearly knows those guys well but his offensive staff it’s he’s not his second staff this isn’t even the staff that he was

Originally bringing with him and it’s like a lot of anti- Keith Carter buzz and maybe it doesn’t hurt him in free agency but when the Jets are gonna have to sign four or five guys and we’ll get to that in a second it’s like maybe that factors into things where it’s like hey

If I’m an agent I hear all this negative Buzz about Keith Carter the offensive line coach how he he pushes the veterans to too hard everybody’s getting injured who knows what else they’re saying about him that he’s not a good coach whatever hey Jets you know if you want to sign

Our guy you got to pay him two or three million as the Keith Carter attacks you know maybe that’s crazy maybe that won’t happen but the Jets offered more money for Orlando Brown Lost off season and he went elsewhere so it’s just something to think about like is Keith Carter really

Gonna hold him back I don’t know but at the very least at the very least if they’re keeping Carter get rid of Todd Downing there is no good reasoning for Todd Downing to be on the staff and I mean outside of maybe Zack looked a little better outside of that it’s like

Somebody has to get fired for the ineptitude of this offensive perform offensive season and look I know we went into it last year so we don’t have to dive back into it but it’s just like between Downing between Rob calibri where it’s like when you look at his

Resume I don’t know what that guy’s done to to earn his fourth season as as Jets QB coach uh Zach aazan is the receiver coach somebody was telling me though because I had a tweet where I saying they should fire these guys and somebody saying that he was in charge of the two

Minutes DRS and I guess those were so okay this year so maybe he stays but it’s like okay Lazard completely fell off the harman experiment failed it’s not like Gibson or brownley really developed so I don’t know I feel like you could part ways a it’s like the fact

That it seems like they’re gonna enter enter 2024 this make or break year and Sol is not going to make any changes we’ll see but it’s like if it’s me it’s Downing it’s calibri daani probably Keith Carter but I’ll relent if Sal really believes in him um but yeah between between offensive uh

Offensive coaches and then you mentioned how bad the Jets uh own scouting has been in terms of their own players and free agents there should probably be some changes in the Pro Personnel department and JD’s cabinet so that’s probably that’s probably step number one on this checklist I know we’ve kind of

Jumped all over the place here but step one should be take a long look in the mirror JD and solid because this is this is your Mak or break year and they’re tying themselves to the same people that have failed them for three straight Seasons or just last year in you know

The case the offensive coaches so that’s step one um I know little T there but let’s get back to let’s get back to business here so step one on the checklist is take a long look in the mirror fire some of these offensive coaches and make some changes in the in

The Pro Personnel department for JD step two you look at this offensive line the here are the current returning offensive lineman and I I’ll cut Laken but lak is probably in this group but you have avt Carter Warren Max Mitchell Joe titman and Wes schwitzer so you’re good at

Center between titman and schwitzer you’re good at Center both guys have gar versatility too if you need it but you’re solid there if avt’s playing tackle this is a lot easier again I’m saying you’re cutting lak and but when you look at that that’s that’s five

Players and two of them are unproven one of them is flat out bad and Max Mitchell but we’ll just say five players returning so far you need at the very least five more offensive lineman added so we wrote out this is if avt is playing tackle you probably need I think

You go in on a good free agent guard that’s one right there I think you probably sign another guard because it’s the deepest position in free agency on the offensive line they should double dip there so you get a good free agent guard and you get a solid free agent

Guard your guards are set in free agency you’re probably also drafting another guy in day two or day three that has guard versatility can play tackle one of those guys that’s three additions right there and then at tackle you’re probably and again you don’t want to enter the

Draft with a huge checklist because it’s like if the Jets are picking a 10 and a guy like Brock Bowers is there and he’s the best player on their board JD has shown that he’ll do that um and they would like the luxury of being able to

Add a guy like that rather than taking the third or fourth best offensive attack but probably a rookie tackle and then probably a mid fre agent offensive tackle so to recount here’s the offensive line moves we have the Jets making and this is with avt at tackle

It’s even harder if he stays at guard but good free agent guard solid free agent guard uh mid free agent offensive tackle then rookie offensive tackle probably with your first round pick and then another rookie in day two or day three that’s a lot of resources pull

Poured into this offensive line the the positive is outside of receiver there aren’t that many many holes in this roster so all the resources need to go towards offensive line I’ll move down the checklist but is there anything you want to add about about that plan I mean

You could talk about if you if you keep AV at guard you know maybe it’s a little different maybe you try to up instead of mid- free agent offensive tackle maybe you’re trying to get somebody who you feel confident enough to hand a starting position to but I look at that and it’s

Like the best chance for the Jets to build a good starting five in front of Rogers is with AV a tackle so that’s why I think they have to Value this yes so yeah I mean I agree with that if that’s where you’re going to put if you’re

Going to put him at tackle but if he does go a guard yeah I think you kind of up your standards a little bit as tackle as much as you can because there’s again not the greatest options there but if you put avt at guard you got to get I

Say two tackles of similar caliber like around that League average starter kind of level and you know you have those guys compete for that spot so you’re not handing it to anyone you have an extra guy there if the rookie is not ready and you know whoever lose loses the

Competition is a good backup anyway so I would say you want two of those midf free agent tackles and then obviously you’re still getting a guard to start the other spot which you know if avt’s at guard now now you and you have to get two tackles which we’re saying here then

You probably to lower your guard standards a little bit from maybe a good guy to more like an average kind of mid-tier type guy so I guess that’s what you would do you’re looking a three fre agents I think and all in that mid tier two tackles one guard then you’re

Hopefully getting that tackle in the first round which either way regardless of avt or or anything I think you have to take a tackle with that 10th overall pick or wherever they end up um and then yeah I think you want to add to the pipeline at the end of the draft however

You can with a probably on the interior because that’s where they don’t really have that right now they do have Warren and Mitchell there which you know we’ll see how they develop but they are at least there but they don’t have any developmental backup interior guys right

Now so I think you should add to that on the third day um so yeah I mean either way whether AV is to guard or tackle you’re looking at the main goal is that the Jets have to find Value they’re not going to get a home run free agent this

Year like maybe past years there was that opportunity and you know like you said last year they tried to get Orlando Brown didn’t work out but this year that’s not going to happen they have to get a quantity of guys and they have to try to find Value you know find Scheme

Fits find guys who fit the typee of way you know not just the scheme but like the mentality of your team alongside the players you have um and you know find you know Diamonds in the Rough that other people don’t see because you know what’ you say before the average

Offensive line is 10 guys play every year every offensive Line’s going to get injured you’re not always going to have to have five Superstars to be great offensive line the offensive lines that are the best at the end of the year are the ones that I mean health is key but

Everyone’s going to deal with something so you have to be able to hold up through that you have to have the depth and the connectivity and that’s going to be the key can they get a quantity of affordable veterans on their budget who work together and can make the whole of

This unit greater than the sum of the parts yeah and if they if they cut Laken and they cut uzama I think that puts them around 30 million in cap space and you know there’s all sorts of roster gymnastics they can do adding voy years restructuring guys I’m sure they can

Push some of Mosley’s money down or they can they can move money around um to try to add as much cap space as possible but before we look at the rest of the holes in the offense I think the next big topic on the Jets agenda is figuring out

What to do with Bryce Huff who’s clearly a guy you want to resign an undrafted guy friend of the Pod who has developed under Salah has turned into one of the best pass rushers in the NFL and even showed this year that he’s made strides

As a run Defender a guy who wants to be an every down Defender and with him and Germaine Johnson and quinnon on the same defensive line they were able to wreak havoc and yes the Jets did draft Will McDonald this year um and he’s I think the guy they

Projected to overtake for Bryce Huff but with Bryce Huff it’s it’s hard because it’s like all right we have a great defensive line we already drafted this kid in Will McDonald who we think is going to be good and we have all these holes on on offense specifically the

Offensive line we have to find resources somewhere to to throw at the offensive line and you look at Bryce huff and that’s a really hard decision because you know you’re GNA let him walk out that door and he’s going to be a good player like he will go somewhere and get

Sacks and people will be like well why didn’t the Jets sign him it’s like they they weren’t able to afford him if they if they aren’t able to Michael what do you think the Jets should do um with Huff I mean I think the the option that

Makes the most sense to me because I do think it’s kind of like as much as I like him unless they’re trading uh jfm who which which they could do especially if they do post June 1st I think they’d free up like 13 million or something I me let me look at

It if they if they traded him if they traded jfm before um before for the draft they’d free up $7 million and be able to get a draft pick and I don’t know exactly what jfm would fetch what do you think a third rounder you think jfm is worth a third

Round post June 1st you’d free up 13 million 13.9 million with jfm so almost 14 million by trading jfm that’s the only thing that makes sense other than tagging Bryce huff and trading him who I think you could probably get a second round pick for Bryce Huff I don’t think

That’s overestimating the players so for me I’m kind of on the board right now of it’s going to be painful he’s going to be a good player you’re going to see him walk out that door and contribute wherever he goes and you’re not really in the business of letting good players

Walk out the door but because of the dire offensive line situation and we haven’t even touched on receiver it makes sense to tag him and trade him try to recoup that second round pick um the alternative is is you resign him or tag him whatever keep him around and you

Trade jfm with the idea of hey Jermaine Johnson can take a lot of his reps he’s proven that he’s you know bigger defensive end who can take reps on that side and maybe Huff is getting more full-time reps McDonald’s going to come along you also have Clemens maybe jfm is

The guy that moves but I I don’t see the Jets going into 2024 with both jfm and Bryce Huff on this roster somebody’s got to go so I’ll start with this who do you think is more valuable to this Jets Defense John Franklin Myers in his versatility or Bryce Huff in his

Superstar pass rushing ability um it’s tough to say because they it’s they both bring such different things but I would say I would say Franklin Myers and here’s why I think the Jets have uh a plan in place to replace Bryce Huff that if it goes perfectly I think they could you know

They could make out of this like Bandits if everything goes the way they want to if you can tag Bryce huff and trade him and Will McDonald develops into what Bryce Huff was then awesome you have the same defense you had last year plus whatever asset you got for Bryce Huff I

Think that’s what they’re dreaming of doing and honestly I think that’s what they are going to do I don’t agree with that because Huff is just so good to where and we like McDonald we talked about it and I think he showed flashes this year when he got playing time which

Was not enough especially near the end of the year I think they should have played them more like see what you got there was no point at the end of the year to not do that but uh an older rookie yeah exactly like he’s not a

Young guy he’s like 25 isn’t he isn’t he the same age is Huff I think um I should check that but he’s old as the bottom line so we’re not talking about a youngster here 25 when he played this year yeah so he’s old but um when he

Played he was very efficient not quite to the level of Huff but for a rookie he was at a really good level in terms of what he’s doing per play he was ahead of where I think Huff was as a rookie but again you’re talking about different

Ages but um yeah I can see Will McDonald being a Bryce Huff type of player I can’t see that but is that guaranteed no we know Bryce Huff is a Bryce Huff type of player so that’s that’s always the Dilemma when it comes to NFL decisions

Is it’s like is like the known commodity versus versus can we get something for this known commodity and turn someone else into the same thing and from our perspective obviously we value the known Commodities but the coaching the teams themselves especially you’re talking about the coaches like they always have

That kind of mentality like we can do this I don’t think teams are as capable of making those decisions as non-biased people on the outside because they think they can do it especially if you’re the Jets who have done a really good job developing that Talent on defense they they do have the

Resume or the track record to think that they can when you’re talking about Quincy Williams Huff himself Jermaine Johnson breakout he had this year Ashen Davis the way that s broke out Michael Carter II they’ve done a great job developing defensive Talent so the Jets

Are team who that does have the right to think like okay we can do this we can develop another guy to be Bryce Huff but it is always a risk so I would like to see them I would like to see them tag him I think that’s probably the best way

To do it keep him um and you know play out the season or I I I honestly I would have to look more into the cap stuff to see how it all works if that’s even possible but um I think what they are going to do is tag him and trade him but

I however they get it done I would like to see him stay and just value the known commodity I know they drafted McDonald to set up for this but what do you think of the jfm alternative of hey saying hey Germaine Johnson’s proven that he’s a damn good football player and he can

Play in the trenches like jfm does you also have a guy in Clemens who can maybe take some more of those interior reps if you we’ll get to some you know the guys they should resign but they could bring back Quinton Jefferson and jfm 28 it’s

The last year of his contract I believe or is there two more years on his contract look this up but um yeah what do you think about the the the you know I think that that’s the creative solution because I don’t think you bring both of them back you have to find cap

Space somewhere to attack the offensive line and it’s either it’s either jfm it’s either your confident Germaine Johnson and years left J so two years so that that adds value to whatever you could get in the trade because I think Huff if he leaves and you don’t even tag

Him or anything I think you would get a third round compensatory pick in 2025 um but I think right now you could trade Huff for a second and I think jfm you could probably trade for a third like you know he’s 28 he’s still at the top of his game he’s playing great

Football he’s versatile he can fit multiple schemes and I look at him and for the from the jet perspective it’s like all right you have Jermaine to give those reps and then your starting defensive line defensive on the other side would be Huff McDonald can play

Some of those reps too and you have Clemens like I think that kind of makes sense if you’re really keen on keeping Bryce Huff who’s young who’s who’s younger than jfm who you developed as an undrafted free agent I know they developed John Franklin Myers as well uh

I don’t know I I think pass rushing is key in today’s NFL and huff always seems to make big plays and big moments you know the Jets were saying they built their defense this way and obviously it didn’t happen but to be playing with a lot of leads and to be playing against

Teams that are trying to throw against some Laton games it’s like Huff is more valuable than jfm in that aspect so you know maybe their run defense takes a hit but with Jermaine Johnson I’m not sure so I’m kind of on the the board of um if

They could get a third for jfm I’d do that and resign Huff but if they can’t then it’s it’s it’s tag huff and trade him either way I think Bryce Huff gets the franchise tag but if they can’t come to a trade negotiation or a contract extension it could hinder them in free

Agency which is the scary part about about tagging him yeah I mean 22 million is the tag I don’t that’s rough I don’t think you could carry him at that number because I don’t think he gets that in his contract it’s probably like in that 165 type of range that would be very

Limiting for agency I don’t think that’s going to happen so it’s either tag and trade and he signs a different contract anyway with a new team or you sign him to an extension but the Jets had ample opportunity to do that even before he you know got a sack number up which some

Of these teams probably care about despite the fact that he already proved himself before having sacks um so I I I just don’t see him coming back which I don’t agree with I wish they would extend him just especially because like if you value the depth of your pass rush

So much you want to you know players on players to just rotate in there like this can be a part of it you know I think it’s not ideal that they spend two first round picks and you have a backup guy but like just keep guys who are

Really good it should shouldn’t be that difficult but you know it can work out if McDonald develops as hope but but I can see the Jay M solution as well because like you said jerine Johnson can fill that role pretty well I mean he’s not he’s not jfm like a 280 pound guy

Play interor and JJ likes standing up on on a lot of reps too which is a different you know and that as well so he’s a different type of player but he does bring the the two-way ability in terms of he could play The Edge and play

The Run really well on the edge so I could I could see that and then you’ve Clemens there as well who could bring some of it so I could see that it’s a tough situation but if however it plays out if McDonald can build on what he did in his limited

Sample this year and become the player they think he can I think they could in the end feel good about have the situation plays out but man I really wish Huff would stay like we waited so long for this type of player now he’s he’s gonna he’s gonna go you know Will

McDonald can make them forget about him if if he’s if he’s any good but yeah I mean the tag makes it really really tricky so and it’s even like when you think about that 22 million number it’s like if I’m a team am I going to pay a

Second round even though I think Huff is definitely worth a second round pick it’s like am I paying a second round pick and then I’m going to pay this guy the franchise tag and then negotiate a new contract and go through those negotiations which it’s always you know

The player has all the leverage there because you just gave up a draft pick um yeah I don’t know I think I think it’s tough but I would I would probably trade jfm if uh if it comes down to the two of them but it depends their confidence

Level on McDonald so um we’ll see the next uh bullet point on on the checklist is uh better receiver too and I don’t know exactly you know it depends it seems like the draft you don’t want to go in with the shopping list we say this

Every year so again I’m going to try really hard not to they might be in in a position to take you know the second or third best receiver as opposed to the third or fourth best tackle and this is a good receiver class do they consider

One of 10 do they consider um you know there are some options in free agency how do you see the Jets attacking um receiver two and find somebody to par with Gary Wilson there’s a lot of smoke about Devonte Adams but I’ll be honest I know I know he’s a Rogers friend and

He’s one of the best receivers in in football and helps you win a champ a Fantasy Football Championship but between the money and the assets that have to move to get him I just don’t think it’s worth it I think they have too many problems the offensive line to

Be you know sending draft assets and a bunch of money over to Devonte Adams who’s you know towards the end of his Peak you’d imagine so how do you how do you see them uh trying to find Garrett Wilson’s Robin I do think they’re going to try

And get Adams if I had to predict it’s that’s what they’ll do but I agree with you that it’s not as much of a a slam dunk as it may seem you know this production fell off a little bit this year I know his quarterback wasn’t good

But I mean he’s he’s still great but like you said age is there you never know when a guy is going to hit that wall so it’s a lot of assets you know you gotta figure out how that contract is going to work that’s more so from a

Raiders perspective because they have a lot of money that they’d have to work around to make it work so like how do you um if you’re the Jets making that trade how do you get the Raiders to take on that money and uh you know facilitate

The trade it probably means you have to give up more assets so do you want to give up more assets to make this thing work it’s it’s really tough but I I do think that’s what they’re going to do because all indications are Aaron Rogers runs this team and if he wants Adams’s

He’s gonna be here so I think that’s what’s going to happen and we might not like the trade package it’s going to feel risky but I I think that’s what’s goingon going to happen but hopefully it plays out but I mean be unstoppable it it would be nice it would it would be

Nice come around on it very quickly um but uh it’s beyond this year where you know hopefully he doesn’t come back to bite you but I would rather go after like a Mike Evans free agency Calvin rley um Calvin Ridley could be a steal because he didn’t have the best

Year but I still think he’s talented it would be a good compliment to Garrett Wilson so I’d rather go that go the route of someone you don’t have to but you’re going for it in free agency you’re trying to fill that hole in free agency so you don’t have to think about

Receiver in the draft Yeah that’s what I would like to do okay um now the QB position another thing in the checklist and you’re probably adding two because it seems like Zach Wilson’s getting traded this offseason uh we’ll see what exactly probably some sort of conditional day

Three pick um and I would imagine the Jets are obviously going to sign a veteran qb2 there’s some good options out there and then they’ll probably draft somebody as well because I think you want to take advantage of this time where you have Rogers you see what you

Know look you’re not going to be able you shouldn’t take a quarterback in round one but maybe they take a QB round four round five somewhere in there and you let him sit behind Rogers for a year two years maybe even three years if you listen to Rogers and sits and learns

Behind him and then maybe you have a legitimate guy to take over or an option to take over for Rogers when he is when he is eventually done here it sounds like they’re trading Zach you know I don’t know I kind of this is this would

Be an unpopular opinion I would sign a veteran and I would just keep Zach as as the qb3 but it sounds like all parties are ready to move on if I’m Zack’s agent I I want it out of there but I just don’t think they’re going to draft

Anybody day three that’s gonna have the same physical traits that Zach has and so you’re really just drafting somebody to sit under Rogers and learn and study but I guess there isn’t really a long-term future here for Zach because if his contract’s up after this year you’re obviously not picking up the

Fifth year option so Roger is going to start for this year probably next year as well it’s like Zach’s obviously going to leave in free agency so I guess they have to trade him and draft somebody but you know the quality of quarterback you’re going to get in day three

Probably isn’t going to be that that good but you never know I mean you know great quarterbacks come from day three all the time I guess so maybe the Jets can finally find one and not just draft another Bryce Petty um to do nothing so quarterback is on the checklist sign a

Veteran James Morgan yes James Morgan Bryce Petty I mean Hackenberg was day two to Boyd I don’t know maybe they can finally land somebody who’s like oh this guy’s actually kind of solid um but veteran qb2 in for agency tan has some ties to the staff I don’t I don’t know

If I love that jacobe Brett I’d like more mchu out there but I think he probably stays in Indie and then drafting a guy in day three and there you know I was I was looking at those those uh options just you know mock drafts and big boards not really

Watching any of them it’s like all right there’s some names here that are kind of intriguing but I haven’t really done any of the any the work on the QBs yet outside of my opinion that I don’t think Caleb Williams is going to be that good

But you know that’s maybe a topic for another day but not a gated topic uh unless you want to add anything on the QBs any of the options I could keep moving down this checklist um I would say another you want to add anything oh no I mean I

Agree just get a high level backup I think that has to be a whether it’s you know Gardner M Mau I was looking at the list I saw Mayfield so I started saying meu Gardner muu um tan Hill I’m down for Tan Hill as a backup I mean like we got

Remember what the backup standards are so you know as far as backups go I think he’s good um Tyrod was pretty solid for the Giants I don’t know just just get someone who’s a legit backup and then add a developmental guy all right so on the offense obviously five new offensive

Linemen you’re adding two new quarterbacks you’re adding at the very least another receiver maybe maybe two if you draft another one but you need another starting receiver and hope that Alan Lazard can get back on track with Rogers and the last need that I think is

Kind of underrated on on the offense is is a backup to Bree Hall an rv2 and yes you have I banaka and maybe he can develop into that change of pace guy and look the Jets have a lot of needs we’ve said it on the offensive line so maybe

They don’t have the resources to do this but I think that between another late day three uh running back which again A lot of times when you’re in day three and you look at who are the best players available a lot of times they’re running

Backs um either a day three pick or I even said you might be able to get better bank for your buck just signing a cheap veteran because Veteran running backs are so um discounted um you can get a guy who’s you know a good blocker I mean you look

At the Dolphin signed moster to what did they sign him again last year it was like it was like less than three million a year right so you can get a guy like that for dirt sheep to be bre’s backup to to spell Bree maybe I would focus on

Somebody who’s good on third downs and pass protection because I don’t think Izzy’s proven that yet I mean obviously Bree is pretty good third down back I mean you were saying maybe you want more of a power back behind Breece what do you kind of think of the ideal back up for

Bree’s is is it a change of pace guy like Izzy you know or is it more of a a guy who can go get those tough tough yards and and save Breeze from those those hits um I mean really whatever he can get as long as he’s um yeah I think

Regardless of what the skill set is as long as you can get that value it’s always just good to because you know you’re an injury way from the skyp being your starter so I don’t think it necessarily has to be pigeon hole to a certain skill but I was thinking a power

Guy would be good because Bree is and not that he can’t run for power but he is more of like an East West bounce a run to try and get like a big run type of guy more so than he’s four yards seven yards five yards consecutively

Type of guy so I feel like you know if you’re going to rest him for a drive and put someone else in I would be okay with the guy like maybe he is a home run hitter but let’s keep the chains moving let’s get like like I just said can you

Get four then give me another four type of guys but but if it’s another home run hitter if it’s a you know receiving type of back and they could use some more blocking of the back field and pass catching like you said because Izzy hasn’t developed that yet so that would

Be good as well so I don’t think it matters too much but I think they’re the power element goal line consistent chunk downhill type guys something they could use so uh we’ll see what they do all right then rounding out the offense I guess we should touch on it but tight

End I I would imagine and going back to the earlier Point sometimes the Jets haven’t been too quick to cut these guys but they gotta cut uzama right he almost done okay they did bench him so it should happen so that would leave him with Conklin Rucker yo who I

Actually thought played played all right towards the end of the season there and then they have Zack koun who they drafted last year who’s a developmental guy you can’t really rely on him uh I don’t think this is something that they necessarily have to address because I

Think Conlin record’s a great tight end Duo and you know you have two guys and yo and koun who are probably fine depth the only thing I will say is that this was Aaron rogers’s offense and clearly he the offense that they had drawn up between him hacka Dow and Carter Sol

Whatever was a heavy tight end offense I mean 12 Personnel 13 Personnel you saw the early Personnel splits that they used in preseason and then even week one um and even just the roster construction was they were going to rely on conin uzama and Rucker obviously uzama was bad

Rogers gets hurt so you didn’t really see it as much but I would imagine that the Jets want to be strong at tight end and between Conlin and record they are but if they’re able to at least patch up their offensive line issues enough and maybe the top two offensive tackles

Aren’t there if a guy like Brock Bowers who’s this generational tight end is is on the board you know you’d help your offensive line and help your receiver unit I wouldn’t surprise me if the Jets were to do something like that so it wouldn’t surprise me if I sell some sort

Of move at tight end it’s it’s a swing position it’s clearly not the biggest need it’s probably the the only position on offense that you maybe don’t have to do anything at and you could be fine but it’s also position where it’s like I could see them trying to add somebody

Else at a third tight end it’s like maybe you’re giving conch the more rep set wide you’re giving Rucker more reps in the back field or you’re just running a lot more 13 Personnel it’s not a huge need but I just figured I’d throw it in there uh it’s certainly not ahead of

Some of these defensive needs and look defense is is pretty good um we’ll get into some of the guys I need to resign and we’ll get out of here but before we get to the resigning I would say they need another defensive tackle um this is including I guess including resigning

Quinton Jefferson I think they need another defensive tackle to replace what Al Woods was kind of bringing them a run run first who can eat up space you you know somebody’s maybe more of a scheme fit than alwoods was somebody who can eat up those blocks but alwoods you know

The run defense certainly fell off when he was out of there but also like their pass rush was severely hindered when he was out there and you know look you’re not going to be able to for cheap run the draft find somebody who’s goingon to

Be able to do both of those things yeah that well so you should definitely focus on the Run stuffing guy but maybe you can find a guy who’s slightly better little more athletic right slightly more athletic but somebody to backup quinnon to to stop the run and I think you’re

Resigning I guess we’ll just get get into the res signings as well I think you’re resigning Quinton Jefferson and Solomon Thomas who you shouted out last week as a guy who uh who uh you criticized what you felt actually played all right this year yeah he had a pretty

Good season as that third DT so I definitely I would like to run it back with Quinton and Thomas and then you know getting alwoods alwoods type who’s just a little more athletic and not as much of a zero in the passing game linebackers good for the Jets I mean

Between Mosley Quincy Sherwood and Barnes I think they might roll into season with those guys they also have cherat I mean I think linebacker is a position they don’t really have to think about too much safety is a position they’re going to have to do something because Whitehead’s a free agent Chuck

Clark’s a free agent who everybody forgets about but was one of the offseason moves we were most excited about and then of course he TS Achilles which was should have been a sign of things to come uh it was his Achilles right it wasn’t his ACL right it was his

It was his Achilles in the spring right I’m gonna check I think I I’m remembering as an Achilles and it would AC it would it was an ACL yeah oh well that’s better okay never mind my bad um but I think they should definitely bring back Chuck Clark because I was very

Excited about that move and they should also resign Ashton Davis who really has the last two years has kind of turned into a guy who’s like okay he’s been a prior primarily a special teamer a third safety a fourth safety but he’s made a lot of big plays and in that last game

Against New England you saw that the Jets White had left with an injury and Davis got more of a more of a run and I thought thought he played pretty well so I think between Clark and Davis you have your your strong safeties there obviously Tony Adams is going to be back

And then they probably need to add another free safety whether it’s another undrafted free agent like like Tony Adams was or a late pick or maybe they feel like uh uh JBC Jerick Bernard coners the guy they drafted last year I don’t know if they’re really playing him

At corner or safety he hasn’t really played at all um but maybe he’s a guy that that you feel confident can can take some of those safety roles as well but obviously the offense is in much worse shape than the defense but before we get to the last part on this

Checklist which is maybe the most important part what do you think about the defensing the the retooling they need to do on the defensive side of the ball yeah I mean I I would just say at safety I would like to see Chuck Clark come back I really liked what he was

Going to bring to the defense he’s kind of like the anti Jordan white head like he isn’t flashy he’s not a hard hitter or anything but he’s very consistent and sound and doesn’t make a lot of mistakes so I think they need that type of guy

More so than a whitehead so I’d bring him back bring back Davis and use him in that same role but also him compete and have a chance to go against Clark prove he can play you know true safety because he’s more of like a sub linebacker this

Year that’s what he did really well but either way you want him back um but overall I mean besides the stuff we discussed with huff and the defensive line there’s not not a ton of major decisions to make on defense if you do you think they bring back Whitehead he

Seems to be a favorite of of the coaching staff I know you wouldn’t but I’m saying do you think they do yeah any any decision like that with this team you got to lean towards who’s the the buddy in the room who’s the liked guy and it’s probably who’s coming

Back all right last step on this checklist is resigning the special teamers Greg zerline Thomas morstead finally brought some stability to the jet special teams both are free agents both should be brought back um that that pretty much rounds out our checklist but I don’t know if you have any thoughts on

On the special teamers needing to resigned bring him back that’s it bring him back yeah me BR back baby would have been nice to have those guys in a in a season that was a little bit more meaningful and having to r on zline to hit clutch kicks than games we actually

Want to win and not games that we’re chering for them to lose but outside of that the special teams were were great zerine was awesome Mora was awesome so definitely hope both of those guys are back but that RMS at the checklist I mean the five new guys in offensive line

Re retooling the the quarterback room bringing in a better a backup for Bree and and then a few spots at defensive tackle and safety but the offensive line is clearly the biggest priority for this Jets off season and all the resources are goingon to have to go towards it

We’ll see what they have to do about Bryce Huff you know but I just don’t see a way that between him and jfm that they’re both going to be on the team somebody’s gonna have to get traded they could maybe just let Huff walk and get the compensatory pick in 2025 but I

Don’t know it’s that’s a damn good player and you hate to see him walk out the door for for nothing so um yeah I guess I would oh actually I do have one more and this is actually this is the most important one Michael new uniforms

I think we can finally rid ourselves of the stink of the Adam gase era and this few years under solid have been disgusting as well just the worst era of Jets football 2019 to 2023 of in terms of just like you’re gonna look back on

This uniform and be like all right so it was mono year with darnold tank for Trevor year Sol’s first year Zach sucks and worst defense in the league sa second year Zach sucks and they lose six games to to blow it and then Rogers blows out his Achilles so five great

Seasons in these uniforms I think it’s time to throw them in the bin go back to the 80s logo you can add a black alternate if you want but let go let’s just take the Throwbacks you can modernize them a little bit if you if you think the jerseys too bland but take

Those those Throwbacks as the template and release those in April uh until then I’m not buying any jerseys but gett Wilson switched to five so I’d like to get maybe a Garrett Wilson 5 and a different different uni I don’t know um I think that’s Michael I think that’s

That’s a pretty comprehensive checklist of things that need to to happen in 2024 really is fix the o line and you can go to the playoffs um that’ll do it for us F cjp on Twitter Michael Michael Nanny myself Bend V blessington go to Jets best place to go for jets

Content check out the other Jets xfactor pod subscribe to the Jets xfactor YouTube um if you can rate review subscribe on iTunes Michael I think that’s it last thoughts um you have your Sanchez playoff beard you have your get out of here you have your Sanchez playoff beard right now I’ve

Noticed playoff playoff beard kind of going mimicking Salah although his beard is a lot crisper than mine do we think he was dying his beard I don’t know if I want to throw out accusations but it was was very smooth look like he took a Sharpie

In all right well we’ll get out of here thank you everybody for listening enjoy good competent playoff football we’ll be back next week we’ll figure something out we’ll do something but we’ll be back next week on Monday talking more Jets offseason stuff maybe we’ll have an

Interview by then um but thank you for listening have a great week go Jets


  1. I think AVT is going to play Tackle based off who we are able to bring in during FA.
    Knowing the Jets they may even wait to make that choice until after the draft and what the roster looks like at that point, then go with best 5 and that means most likely Tackle since it will be easier to find IOL for some reason this year

  2. Who are you gonna get to replace Becton? Trent Brown is injury prone. Smith has injury and taxes in NJ. NYJ can’t afford the other two. No top free agent OT is coming here. I’m so glad your not our GM. I hope AR8 has a say and gets him to stay. Resign Becton. Ex NYJ Olineman Willie Colon said you can’t teach his size, agility and strength, he didn’t have an injury history before becoming a pro and technically he has only played 2 & 1/2 seasons, so experience wise he is still needs work. Colon also said that he himself didn’t feel like a capable NFL professional player until his 4th year.

    It’s also very difficult to lose all that weight, get conditioning and experience if you lose 2 years to injury. Becton also played very well and dominated in some games before the ankle injury and still he only missed 1 game due to the injury. Becton played in what amounted to a soft cast and couldn’t move to his right.

    Becton couldn’t move to his right after the injury, defensive players took advantage of that. Edges lined up outside speed rushed his outside left shoulder and once the had him on his right ankle they made counter moves back inside to his inside off his right ankle. That made Becton jump offsides to try to prevent the speed rush getting outside him and he held because the countermoves beat him inside.

    NYJ should trade back, pick up a 2nd rd pick and draft Washington OT, Troy Fautanu he is Penei Sewell cousin has the same physical attributes as AVT, was a team Captain.and scouts have said he is a better player than AVT coming out of college and will be an all pro OG in the NFL so move him inside to OG and sign a free agent in Free agency.

  3. Pat Mcafee A Rod have you guys food you’re doing private parking somewhere and have people fooled thinking that when I really having contact with each other not just how they used to be in public in front of people❤❤❤

  4. Pat Mcafee they’re all putting on a show A Rod pat Mcafee is just putting on a show. I don’t know where they’re talking but they’re not doing it over here like used to. when I don’t wanna start rumors or get my fax now.❤️❤️🏈🏈 if I get anything wrong or miss spelt on here, I’m talking into the mic❤️❤️❤️🏈🏈🏈

  5. Becton will be back, he wants to stay, and really don’t think it’s fair to judge a player who is basically playing his 2nd year never mind missing 2 total. Why make a weakness weaker

  6. Jets fans talking about trading down is crazy! If J Alt or Fashunu are on board, Jets need to trade up for one of them! They are the only left tackle opttions avl. No one in FA going to be avl at LT. Trading back for a JC latham etc is a joke hes not ready to start , and for what a 2nd ? A Mimms lol Jets have 5 picks and 3 comp picks . Plenty to add players. Giants are perfect trade partner, They need DE , trade Huff and 10 for 6. Huff stays in NY and gets long term deal.

  7. This has been the major problem with New York Jets ownership, management, and head coaches, ever since Mangini and Tannebaum left the front office and coaching position. They were the only two that generally understood that in order to be an elite team that can win a Super Bowl. You have to have an elite offensive line. If you have paid attention to last year four final playoff teams, and also this year’s for final playoff teams, including the Eagles, then you realize that all those teams had very good, if not great offensive lines. When the Jets were good in 2009-2012 they had an elite offensive line unit that played for almost 3 seasons together without injuries. Those offensive lines were anchored with two first round picks in Mangold and D’brikashaw.

    This is why I say keep backing because anyone else you bring in to play left tackle is not going to be better than him. Becton played one season of professional football. He missed almost 2 1/2 seasons with knee problems and reconstruction surgery. That means that he’s roughly just coming into his junior year which should be a make it or break it year. The New York Jets are going to have a hard time recruiting veteran lineman because of Keith, Carter and the rumors surrounding his ill treatment of veteran offensive lineman, New Jersey, taxes, and the perception of the turf in MetLife Stadium. When you factor in the reputation that GM Joe Douglas has earned from his bad treatment of old offensive lineman and treated away players. It’s going to be very difficult for the Jets to recruit.

    Resign, Becton, Mitchell, McGovern, the latter two should be for depth purposes. Resigning Becton gives the New York Jets more flexibility in the draft. It would allow them to trade back from 10 while still selecting an offensive tackle like J.C. Latham, Troy Fautanu, Amarius Mims, or Tyler Guyton, well, possibly recouping a second round pick that could be used for an offensive weapon or the interior defensive tackle that is desperately needed so we can stop the run. Last season we lost a lot of games because the defense could not stop the run. When it comes to the playoffs, the New York Jets are gonna have to be annoying is what it is able to stop the run in the fourth quarter if you’re behind and the Jets need to stop the clock.

  8. Mania keeps mentioning dudes that are mediocre or past their prime. Yes, we have Aaron Rodgers and he can mitigate a lot of offense of line problems, but we also have Breece Hall and he’s probably good for 1500 yards combined. You cannot just rely on Aaron Rodgers you have to be able to run the ball in order for these teams to respect the fact that we can throw. You need maulers. If you can grind a team down so that by the fourth quarter you can have them at your mercy that’s when you win against the team like Kansas City. We all know Mahomes can score in less than 45 seconds from his own 5 yard line but you can keep Mahomes sitting on the bench because you can run the ball and take 13 minutes off the clock in the fourth quarter if you’re up by 14 Kansas City is done and that’s what the Jets are going to have to do the teams next year in order to make it to the SuperBowl. I’ve been a fan for over 50 years now. I was born when they won their Super Bowl I think it’s time that all of us jet fans get to celebrate a second Super Bowl victory but we will not get that chance with the mediocre offensive line in the playoffs. Our weaknesses will be amplified and exploited. fix the offensive line with young talent grab a really good veteran even if you have to overpay for that veteran but has to be an elite offensive lineman.

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