Golf Players

Ep. 16: John Rathouz On Caddying At The Masters And Olympics, How He Became A Caddie-Journalist

One of golf’s preeminent internet caddies, John Rathouz joins the show to tell his story of how he got into caddying, what it’s like to caddie at Augusta National and how he hopes to continue elevating caddie stories. He also breaks down his T6 finish with John Merrick at their debut Masters, his stint with Seamus Power and Team Ireland at the 2016 Olympics and his favorite Steve Marino story.

0:00: Intro
0:58: John Rathouz Interview
1:03:48: Outro

Coming up this week’s guest is John rat house who’s been a PGA Tour caddy once a caddy always a caddy we’ll see if he he perhaps makes his way back on to the PJ tour the pro level we talked about some of his stories with his former bosses

John Merrick Sheamus power Steve Marino Brett wedick among others we talked about some stories from the big events that he’s caded the Masters the US Open the Olympics he was at the Rio Olympics and we just talked in general about cading what do people not know about

Caddies what is the caddy lifestyle like and why has he kind of moved into uh a world of being on the caddy beat covering a lot of the world of cading as well John’s a really interesting guy who’s doing a lot of a lot of diverse

Work in the sport of golf right now so that is coming on up John rat house on eyes on golf let’s get right into it John rat house is a a longtime professional golf caddy a content creator now of sorts host of The Quiet please podcast thanks to our our my

Friends at herat not because of Any sponsorship but shout out to Blake and Audie and all that they do in the great state of Nebraska uh John I guess the question that I have which I’ve I’ve asked a lot of former players but I’ll ask you uh when people ask you what you

Do right now what do you tell them yeah Jeff thanks for having me on man well you know it’s been interesting I just updated my LinkedIn last week for like the first time in a long time and for a while you know had a lot of cadc lades

On there I just started a job last fall at kraton University so that’s very new for me you know like going into an office and and it’s certainly thankful that it’s a passion of mine uh as well but uh cading still cading I always cling on to the once a caddy always a

Caddy I don’t want to like you know get a call and say oh I can’t go like I’m hoping to Loop one to three times a year is what I keep kind of saying so we’ll see if that happens I’m I’m actively looking to Loop the Valero in a couple

Weeks so you know maybe I’ll show up there um certainly with this podcast now it allows me to kind of stay connected to the golf world and and interview a lot of uh my friends and other caddies that are interesting and interesting people in the golf world and then you

Know I I also put out the weekly uh player caddy teams so I like to kind of uh showcase the caddies however I can and and just like uh you know the gambling Community a little bit interesting to me so yeah I I think the content is probably where you’re seeing

Me the most these days and then hoping to Loop every now and then uh is kind of where I’m at right now with a young family it’s kind of kind of gorilla journalism on on the internet I think that’s where a lot of people have come

Around to get to know you is because they’ve seen you you know you’ve kind of you’ve adapted to technology um I do think it’s funny I want to shout out our our intern here at Ison golf uh Tyler Bednar who I asked to do some research

On you and one of the notes was recently joined University relations atraton University where he’s fundraising for his favorite University according to LinkedIn so shout out to Tyler for doing the work off the top we’ve already addressed you changing your LinkedIn absolutely yeah Tyler’s all over it yeah

And I and I want to I want to share one funny story with you it’s a little bit of embarrassing for myself but I don’t know if you’ll get a kick out of this so I was for kraton I was out at in La this year and I tried to coincide it with

Tigers tournament at Riviera so I go out to Rivier on Wednesday to see my buddies and say hi to everybody and I’m out there for like five minutes and we come across uh Scotty sheffer’s group in the proam so I was watching Scotty play and

And got to meet his dad actually it was kind of funny I was like hey you was chitchatting with him and he’s like yeah I’m here following my son and I was like oh yeah who’s your son like I just thought he was some guy in the proam and

He’s like oh it’s his name’s Scotty and I was like oh and he was a super nice guy and then I kind of turn to my left and I see somebody that I recognized and you know like you and me like we’ve interacted online we’ve never really met

In person you know there’s a lot of those sorts of things these days and so I go up there and start talking to this guy and I thought it was you and I introduced you to my buddy and then after about another 10 seconds I was

Like oh no it’s not him it it was Joseph lman from the Frid so I just felt terrible like I mistake I like I’ve known Joseph for a couple years now and is our first time meeting person I totally whiffed and so I thought I got mistaken you and Joseph

We’re all of us on the golf internet we all merge into one person um shout out to Joseph who’s been doing some great work uh for a while now but as of late really uh the content’s been pumped out and shout out to Joseph for uh probably

Looking like a better version of me out there that’s an amazing story uh but in terms of factual stuff um about what you’ve done in the world of caddying uh I have my list of players that I’ve researched but how who have been the players who you have caded for out there

Not just on the PGA t or in professional golf yeah I mean it’s it’s a pretty long list you know I I started in 2004 and I was pretty fortunate right off the bat to run into John Merrick who’s the same age as me and we met in the parking lot

In Boise Idaho and he had Monday qualified and it was just like you know one of those things that was you can’t script it and and you know we got along well had a decent week and kind of hung around him when he was trying to qualify

For the next year so and and in 2006 he had full at us on the corn fairy tour I don’t remember at the time it probably Nationwide tour ended up working for John for seven years um I had a nice run with Brett wedick for a little while uh

And then Sheamus power was kind of more recently the the longterm relationship uh you know we we worked for about four years together from 2016 to 2019 he won the first week I ever worked for him there at um that great course there Victoria National on the corn veryy tour

Uh which was a great week and and we had some good good moments together I think more recently a lot of like here and there is uh Brendan Todd uh Steph Jagger uh Nate Lashley uh Martin leard uh Scott keski fell Nebraskan I got a weekend with bu Weekley and Billy horel uh

Probably sewo Kim’s worst round of his entire career uh shot saw him shove six Balls Out of Bounds at at um at l oh not L PJ West and shoot 86 and won there too and he won the very next year with Brian branish on the bag um Matt Matt Evy who

You had on a couple I’ve I’ve looped for Matt before uh Cameron tringali Uh Kevin Chapel so there there’s been a lot of guys you know you try to stay with the same player as long as you can and I I managed to do that for a good portion of

My career but you know you kind of get in between bags or you fill in here and there and the list can grow pretty quick well I want to go back to that first story with John Merck um you talked about in the parking lot in Boise um I

Had on the list how does one become a caddy um I don’t think you played college golf how do you transition where where’s that so I believe you finish college in 2004 and you start catting for John Merck in 2006 how does one get from point A to point B there yeah

That’s a good question I I tried to walk on to Marquette two years and and we tried out at Brown Deer Park which is where the greater Milwaukee open used to be be and it’s a really difficult golf course and and I just wasn’t good enough and I’m sure the coach appreciated my

Enthusiasm but it wasn’t meant to be um and you know the year before I graduated I kind of interned in the media department at the tournament here in Omaha that’s on the corn fairy tour and and I met some caddies that that week including Michael Collins uh you know

Who has gone on to have a very successful career in broadcasting and and he was super helpful gave me his number and I went back to school my senior year and I decided to go to some of the local clubs in Milwaukee and just caddy a little bit to see if it was

Something I liked and uh so I was on the the pine at you know 8:00 am in the morning on a Saturday hung over with a bunch of seventh and eighth graders you know like you know ready to go out to caddy and and and and and enjoyed it

Yeah and and then my that summer after I graduated literally kind of packed up and and went out on the corn fairy tour and so that summer I probably did like five or six and then I was like all right I’m into it and I packed up the

Car and drove out to Oregon and and really had the bug and and and that was when I ran into America like my second week on the road so are you just waiting around kind of hoping that a player needs a Looper yeah I mean on that tour

You’re in the parking lot literally or you’re going to the MonDay qualifier and and you’re you’re you’re kind of hounding them a little bit afterwards there’s different ways to do it um certainly anybody that wants to start catting still to this day that’s where I

Send them I go you know if you show up you know you might not you might get shut out a week here there and you you’re going to have to work to make the connections and and and stuff like that but if you show up out there you will

Get a chance to work and you know I think people can be out on tour a year or two later if they know what they’re doing you know to be quite honest it happens every year it’s basically it’s basically Monday qualifying for caddying is basically what it is yes and you’re also pitching

These players how are you developing any form of knowledge you know are there are is there a deep web of caddy textbooks out there that we don’t know about you know how are you learning how to be a professional caddy sure yeah no that’s great great question and there’s more

And more information out there than there used to be for sure um you know I think people that are into it you know after a week or two you’ll kind of know if it’s if you’re kind of made for it a little bit I think there’s a kind of

Obscure skill set that you know anybody can caddy really to be honest but at the same time like to really you know do well at it you have to kind of have have certain skill set um and and you just have to get reps you know throw yourself

Into the fire and and have a curiosity to get better too you know I mean some of my favorite times is is walking the golf course on my own or with another couple caddies on a Tuesday night or a Monday night and and you’re kind of learning the golf course more but then

It’s all just situational sort of stuff and you have to have some reflection and you have to mess up and learn from your mistakes and and and that’s really how you you sharpen your knife a little bit and I was lucky that Merrick took me out

There with him I mean you see that story a lot these days where a guy will put in a whole year two years with a guy on the corn fairy tour he gets his card and then he gets ditched you know which is really unfortunate um it’s a business

And players have to make their decisions but um you you just have to have to grind and try to get good at it so if I’m reading things right with John mercky start in 2006 his first major with you he played in 2005 but his first

Major with you would have been the 2008 US Open at Tory pints yeah I was on the bag with him in ‘ 05 at Pinehurst and that was a tough one that was a really good learning experience and they’re going to be back at Pinehurst this year

And I remember um you talk about being green and making mistakes um that was one of the firmest golf courses I’ve ever seen in my life and you know John had a really good he one of the reasons he played well in the majors is that

Mentally he was tough but he also was really good at managing the golf course and so I remember some situations at Pinehurst I don’t remember exactly what hole but you’ve got those turtleback greens and some of them are 40 40 them yeah I mean they’re unbelievable it’s

Such a cool golf course and I remember you know having a back pin at Pinehurst and uh you know maybe 150 to the front edge you know 185 to the back and we’re in the middle of the Fairway and and JN is is between eight iron and nine iron

And and here I am you know two years catting and I’m going like well you’re thinking about nine iron now this is 2005 the ball was going far but not as far as it is now and I I think he just chip an eight you know and so he chips

An eight and it almost goes off the back edge of the green and it’s like this ball is bouncing into the air five feet this ball is running out you know another 10 yards and so that was really a good learning moment for we ended up

Missing the cut there but that was the first major that I remember well was actually the second Ma ever CAD because the first was in’ 04 at Whistling Straits but it was the it was really a big learning Instinct learning situation for me with him who was at 2004 at

Whistling Straits that’s obviously your home state of Wisconsin how did that come to to right I was going to college there and it was Mark Evenson who was a club pro uh I’m from Nebraska originally but I was I was up there in Wisconsin

For a long time and Mark was a club pro that used to be from Nebraska was in Maryland I I low bald him and offer I stayed at my buddy’s parents house uh and it was a blast I think we finished dead last we maybe beat John Daly the

First round he shot like 80 or 81 like we you know and Mark you know was a good player but you know that was a really long golf course and I mean he he wasn’t carrying his driver more than 260 we were pretty overmatched between my inexperience and and his lack of

Distance but it was an absolute blast of a week I remember going out on Friday after we missed the cut very green with a visor to get autographed for my a Aunt you know she was a big golf fan and I go up to VJ sing who’s putting on the

Putting green with his caddy and I’m like I’m just going to go up to VJ and ask him for his autograph and I go up to him and he looked at me he’s like who the [ __ ] are you and he took it from me

And he signed it and uh and he went on to win that week but that was the first time that I ever you know and it was just an example of me like hounding all these Club Pros that qualified and I said hey I can do it I can do it and

You’re kind of bsing your way into it and then next thing you know you find yourself there that was my first taste of it all right well let’s talk about a couple of the better Majors with John yeah um I mentioned 2008 T6 at Tory Pines at the US Open that’s tiger and

Rocco coming down the stretch what is that Sunday like as you guys are looking maybe up at the leaderboard thinking you might have a chance if you can hold it together yeah that was a fun week I mean John’s a Long Beach guy and you know

Just down the the road there at a place that he had played a lot of times um I had been around Tori but I had never you know seen it in the summertime and it was a it was a firm golf course and it

Was a really fair test and he had a lot of fans rooting for him that week and we had a really he had a played a really solid round of golf especially on Sunday I remember getting a handshake from Ernie L’s on Sunday on the 18th green

And he gave me a little bit of a wink and and that really meant a lot to me because I I mean he had never been out with me before and he knew that I hadn’t been around much and he was saying you know hey good job out there today your

Guy played well and so that meant a lot um and and it was fun to I mean I think he finished maybe three or four shots outside of that Rocco you know you know one shot better every day maybe you’re there but uh it was a fantastic week uh

And then yeah then you kind of find out about tiger after the fact of just like how that was such a legendary win for him so to be there that week was was pretty cool yeah you guys were three over the the playoff was at one under so

You were hovering around uh I knew you CED for Steve Marino eventually did you ever tell him that Ernie L’s story you know what I don’t know if I ever told him that Ernie El story uh but Cy for Steve was a blast I got to caddy US

Open with Steve uh in 2015 at Chambers Bay and man that was such a good bag uh such a talented guy uh I I remember Ste we were in Dallas to do this US Open qualifier and he had played well the week before with a different caddy on

The bag and they finished like second I think and he went out and kind of went out and had some beers that night and he showed up to next morning 36 hold qualifier he’s a little bit you know wrecked and didn’t really probably want

To do it and he went out there in the first round and he and he shot like couple under and and we took a break at lunch and he’s got a towel over his head he’s got his shoes off in the clubhouse we go back out there and he he was

Playing okay but not great and I kind of urged him to finish the round out and he he had a few late birdies and it was enough to where we had to post the score and he had he wanted to go to the airport and leave and I was like you got

To wait around a little bit so he packed up his clubs in the trunk he packed his shoes away everything and we had a few beers with some of the members while we were waiting and I’ll never remember like he went out there we lo and behold

We’re in a playoff and he goes out there in a playoff on the first hole and he’s going to tee up his ball and you know his he couldn’t get the ball in the tea a little bit I mean he wasn’t hammered but we had had a couple and he goes out

There and he he hits it in the front bunker in two and we’re with Rod pampl and some other guys and Marino goes and Hoops the bunker shot for a birdie and Rod pampling was so pissed he still owes me a handshake to this day and Steve

Ended up getting in the in the uh in the US Open that year that was 2015 you said yeah 2015 yeah and then he he didn’t he didn’t carry that on at Chambers Bay unfortunately no he he stuffed it to four feet on the first hole and I’m like

Here we go he’s an amazing Iron player and did not make the Putt and the greens were pretty bad that week and Steve was dealing with a foot injury so he didn’t really it was a hard course for him to walk and and we just kind of fizzled

Away and didn’t make the cut that week uh but he was really fun to work for I one of the things that got me into golf was I mean I played baseball all growing up like that was my Sport and I got cut from the baseball team by sophomore year

High school and I used to struggle with infield pop flies like I could sometimes catch them sometimes not and I used to like catch them like sliding on my knees like really nervous and I remember telling Steve about that and he’s so casual out there he loves to throw his

Golf ball to to his caddies like I mean he’s chucking it to you as you’re walking up to the green 20 yards behind him and so I got to be pretty good at catching the golf ball when I cadd for Stephen I was always joking with him

Like man if I would have you know had that you know way to get better back in high school when I was playing baseball you know maybe I would have never gotten into CAD him but I’m glad that it happened the way it did I mean Steve is

A guy I know I was just listening to Daniel Burger uh on no laying up talking about how uh Steve’s going around telling people like urban legends about he used to take take money off a teenage Daniel Burger yes how how would you say he is a different type of guy than other

Guys on the PTA tour yeah I mean he’s he’s got his his golf swing you know if you if his golf swing is different than other guys you know and he sticks to it so he’s confident guy his brother uh really nice guy too caded for a long

Time Scott also very good impressionist um you know Steve just he likes to play for money and and so doesn’t bother him you know and so I think when you have guys that are confident in their game and like to play for money there’s a lot

Of guys on the on the tour that on practice around they don’t want to play for a money game but they’ll play good when the lights go on but Steve really liked the action and so you know he would seek that out and and I could see

Where he he really taught you know uh Burger some lessons BG as they call him uh you know growing up around there and and it paid off he’s one of the best money Players I’ve ever seen so were you on Steve’s back for the Puerto Rico open

The next year when he was in a playoff with Tony no no this Steve I probably got in maybe like six tournaments for him one summer um he was bouncing around between C for a long time there and I just got caught up in the shuffle all

Right a little bit of a Steve Marino tangent where I was going to go was I do want to go to 2009 you and John Merrick we just mentioned he finished T6 at the US Open in ’08 so he’s he’s in form at this time in his career gets into to the

Masters and you guys go together you’re going to your first Masters what is what does a what does a caddy do in that situation yeah you know to go back to the the the the US Open was a great opportunity I remember the year before I

Went to the Masters in ‘ 08 with my longtime buddy uh Mentor Steve Hail who was a great caddy is a great caddy uh won a major championship with Keegan Bradley and and Steve and I became roommates and and and good buddies and and him and Johnson Wagner won the

Houston open in 2008 and I remember uh going down the next night to the national championship game and watching Kansas play Memphis and then and then Pepsi called me and he said hey I got an extra ticket to the Masters if you’d like to go and I said I’m there so I

Went to Augustin I remember looking at the program when I was there that week reading it and seeing how guys qualified and stuff and one of the ways you could get in was a top eight or better at the time at the previous year’s Uso open and

So I had planted that seed in my head at least and when John qualified for Tory Pines that was in the back of my mind I I didn’t say anything to him to that week and certainly he hit all the shots but I I I certainly planted that seed

Out and you know as my My Buddy Mack would say you know you just throw it out there and and see what hits and and that was one for me so you know for for John to qualify that way was awesome and then you show up at Augusta place that you

Know you you grow up watching on TV and it just it exceeds your expectations um it was one of the greatest weeks in my professional career for sure what happens as a caddy like when you arrive what’s different from a caddy perspective just in terms of the entire

Process for you right yeah I mean the the treatment is different than you know there I’ve tipped to a to a caddy Master a few times in my career you know you you’ll tip the caddy Master at at the colonial for sure you’ll tip the caddy Master at Jack’s Place Memorial and then

You you’ll definitely tip the caddy Master at the Masters I mean I’ve never met the guy in my life and he knows my name right as I’m walking in the door you know the whole registration process you’ve got your own locker room you know uh food’s right there the pin sheets you

Know you’re watching the coverage in the caddy dining and that was the first year with the new caddy area we had the old range still uh that year in ‘ 09 but just it’s just an it’s the best run sporting event in the world and and you

Know to be able to put on the jumpsuit you get your jumpsuit size you know and I remember that first day I went out there I was trying to read some putts and I just it was getting a little tight you know I was like I just can’t I this

Isn’t the right size you know so I went in and and had him resize me and well it turns out instead of like a 46 regular I’m a 46 long you know I just need a little bit more room in the legs and so I found that good fit uh the second day

I was there so it’s just everything’s different about that week uh the treatment is unb believable what is there a tailor on site for you guys there no they just have an they just have a ton of jumpsuits is really what it is you know they have all you know

Because and I think one of the reasons that it’s such a good week for caddies too is that they have an established caddy program there and they’ve got a long history with caddies obviously caddies used to be who players you know the the local caddies is who the players

Had to take so that was all the way up until the early 80s and so they know how to do it right when it comes to caddies they really appreciate their local staff of caddies and so when the tour guys come to town I think they extend the

Same hospitality and you know everybody blows it out for that week for sure I I would love if to know if bones and Joe laava and some of the OG caddies have to fill out their size every year you know they have they have a form or if it’s

Just waiting in their in their locker I I’m sure you talked to them and their experience might be a little bit different than someone that’s just done it one time for sure I mean I think yeah that you you start to form some relationships with people the more and

More more you go back okay but that one time uh you’re going around like you said you’re trying to read putts for the first time what is different from a in terms of what is different when at Augusta trying to judge the course obviously the greens are different the

Elevation different what is so unique about that from your perspective yeah I mean I think you know I didn’t read a ton of putts that week but I will tell you one thing that I did do consistently all around the entire week uh second shots and on the greens is pointing to

My player Amer where Ray Creeks where’s Ray Creek where Ray Creek was and it’s just such an important factor out there and it’s an important factor at other golf courses around the world You’ve Got High Point high points and low points like that’s nothing new there um I

Always tell people that like playing golf at Augusta is like playing on a pinball machine you know you’ve got this pretty steep slope and you’re just kind of going back and forth on it um so really uh rise Creek factors so many different times I was lucky to have a

Player that has die speed to start with right so he’s not a guy that’s an aggressive putter normally he likes to seek out that High Line and that really comes in handy out there if you have a guy that has that die speed you’re G to have way more opportunities for balls to

Fall into the hole and you’re not going to have those you know instead of having five six feet coming back you know you’re going to have three and four-f Footers which you can live with around there so it was just getting tuned tuned in to the environment and where that

Raised Creek area was uh and it and it certainly comes in handy uh as a caddy I thought when G and spe were going there for their first couple times um when they seek out Carl Jackson and had him give them a tutorial and I think probably what they learned from him more

Than anything where I’ve heard gr talk about this or spe where it’s like I’m gonna show you the putts out there that go the opposite of Ray Creek where the green is banked up so much the other way that you think it’s going to go that way that everybody else does and actually

It’s going to go the other way and for him to have that you know book of putts to start where where those local caddies know those and those caddies for that have gone years and years Ted Scott I mean he’s he’s seen every putt out there

And to have that bank of putts in your head is a huge Advantage I think that’s uh for people that don’t know Carl Jackson the legendary cadd that he is and cadd for Ben krenshaw really is I guess his true claim to fame at the Masters and like you said after 1983

Even when uh players did not have to use a local caddy Ben krenshaw continued using Carl Jackson as long as he came back to Augusta actually his last year crenshaw’s last year in 2015 he used Carl’s son while Carl had some health issues going on so that is a that is a

Family a guy who’d been around a long time so that’s where spe and grer um mapped that out John Merrick opened that uh that 2009 masters with a 68 better than tiger better than Phil who will become a story as this week progresses I mean what you you finished that day what

Are you thinking in your head sitting there at 4 under well I tell you what I mean you never know how yeah you never know how it’s going to go and and when you go out there and see your player perform in that atmosphere right off the

Bat you you go man this could be a really good week he’s into it like he’s not shy away from it he’s you know up to the challenge um that day we got beat in our in our group by Larry m who shot 67 which was like the low round of like a

Guy over 50 or a guy that former pass Champion that you like he it was a record at the time I remember uh on the 10th hole with Larry and we were playing with a kid named Drew kson who out of Florida State he was like the usam

Runnerup and there was this back left pin on 10 and and Drew kson had this putt and he played it outside the ride a little ways and he hit it way too hard going down towards Ray Creek it ran like 10 feet by and he missed it on the low

Side and Larry me had the exact same Putt and he got up there and he played probably three times as much break and just dripped it in on the high side and it was an amazing Putt and I remember he came off to the side of the green and I

Went up to him and I was like is this your first Masters you know was like you you knew exactly what you were doing there just shows the difference between you know experience uh guys and guys that are around their their first time and and obviously JN was around there their

First time and I think guys can play well there their first time because there isn’t a ton of mystery at that golf course at the same time um if you’re up to the challenge that was what I took away from that Thursday was like oh man he’s here to play this week not

To go off on a total tangent but I think I keep preaching that I think that um film study is going to be the next wave of golf and I think that we saw uh we’re taping this the day after the players championship and every right uh you know

Yesterday was um a few guys had or on Saturday a few guys had Sam Burns had a putt Doug gim had the chip kind of from the tiger spot a little bit or a variation of the tiger better the most Putt and they’re all everyone knows the break because they’ve watched this a

Million times I think when players figure out that hey I’m playing the valpar championship this week let me see all of the film I can on valpar you know or whether it’s the tour or whether it’s sort of like an open door so herd at getting things together to actually put

Together video clips of everything for the caddies to see sort of um you know in a sport like basketball there are scouting thirdparty scouting companies who are putting together films for film coordinators for coaches same in college basketball so I think that’s the future of golf and I think that with Augusta so

Many guys have watched Clips over over and over and over again yeah I think that’s a great call and I mean you you’re a part of that with PGA Tour live I mean you guys show more shots than you ever have before and I think tiger was

An early adopter that I think tiger was watching video cassettes you know he was having his team put together stuff so he would learn from that I think the one tricky thing about Augusta is they do go do surgery on that place every fall and and they’ve known to change breaks out

There so uh you know you have to be careful sometimes but at the same time with like how much you know you YouTube and like just all these like digit digitization of golf like I think that’s a great call and you hear about guys like particularly like the Open

Championship when you’re over there catting you know and you got that late afternoon time and you’re watching the entire morning of golf on TV like I think going out and walking the golf course there’s really nothing that can replace that but there’s a lot of times now cadd especially these days with how

Much TV coverage it is they’re getting in even more good stuff um by watching the coverage in the morning so I feel like the best combination would be to like if you had some time if you were in afternoon tea time like go out there and watch in person maybe an hour of

Coverage and watch the other two coverage hours on TV and and you could get a really nice uh prep preparation yeah we’re always saying that I mean I’m I’m calling valpar this week we’re GNA see putts in the morning we’ll see the same putts in the afternoon and we’ll

Say we know we know exactly what this putt does but does the player do the caddy have they looked and I think that you’re right it’s definitely more work for the caddies I’m sure there’d be some older caddies that would groan in terms of like ah now I got to do this extra

You know this extra work of watching yeah but it’s sitting right there for you right now yeah for sure yeah I I think if you can do it do it and and you know the tough part about cading sometimes when you see guys going out there like the tour had a great clip

Last week of Dave uh who caddies for Nick Nick Taylor with great team there and Dave does an unbelievable job and they were out watching Dave on 17 rolling balls and that’s certainly a thing that is helpful and you go out there and do what’s funny about it is

You go out there and spend maybe four hours of prep on your own rolling golf balls and out of all that time you might end up seeing two or three putts the whole week that are like the ones that you rolled out there so you have to be

Able to like get some other things out of it and for me all of that stuff is as a caddy it’s just about flipping your senses on and and and and just kind of having that ability to be aware when you’re out there of your surroundings because you’re not gonna learn them all

At once but you certainly can kind of have a basic understanding of what may be going on for that week yeah I think Kevin kizner had a great point at the end of The Players when Windam Clark and Xander shafley had those two Birdie putts on Sunday uh saying first of all

He mentioned this is a putt that you would have practiced during the practice round which I thought in my head you know of course you’re going to practice this for the chance that you have this putt you know it’s only going to one of your shots the entire week is going to

Be you know you’re going to take what 240 something 250 something 260 something shots this is going to be one of them maybe if you hit the right shot off the te and then he mentioned that they had moved that cup up about a foot a yard a little bit farther than players

Were used to so he said the caddies are probably thinking about that putt the way they’ve seen it in the past and it’s just slightly off so all that work for a slight change totally totally right yeah I mean because you know you know the pins from previous years and you go put

Them out there and you get as close as you can but it’s not going to be perfect and they can go ahead and move it and you know I think that’s where those greens books uh that was a thing that was really given an advantage to guys

Where you could plot that dot exactly and you could see where the arrows were changing direction and it was an advantage if you knew how to use the technology so I think doing away with that certainly uh made it separated it a little a little bit more to being a

Skill again and I think for caddies the best caddies in the world they will trust their Instinct trust their eyes trust the situation there instead of just going like oh I’ve seen this putt a million times it has to be that like that guy that can kind of lean

Down and be like man it doesn’t look like it normally does actually I’m seeing this this time and then step up to the plate and tell his player what he thinks I mean that’s some real catting there and I of course I went on a a film

Study tangent here as I tend to do uh to finish up the John Merrick at the 2009 Masters two rounds in the 70s second and third round but you guys pull it together on Sunday to get another T6 which you know we didn’t even like you

Just said that gets you into the Masters the following year but on top of that that ends up uh with that shooting that 66 on Sunday ends up in a tie with Tiger Woods at eight under and just four shots again out of another playoff at a major championship what happened that Sunday

Yeah that Sunday was fun we were out with Jeff ogy and squirrel uh his you know longtime famous caddy the FBI caddy from when he won the US Open great guy and uh him and him and Jeff got hot on the back and they birdied 13 14 15 16

And Jeff actually even birdied 17 uh five in a row and and and just you know for a minute there it felt like uh I think he had an e John had an eagle putt on 15 that he left maybe just short uh that would have been really attention

Getting but he ended up you know birding 16 hit it down there like three feet um it was a really fun you know I think when you’re outside and you probably don’t have a chance and you’re a first timer it’s a little easier because you kind of don’t have that final round

Pressure like you know I remember when Smiley Kaufman went out you know I don’t know how many years ago that was but he was he had like the lead and he’s a rookie andon Al yeah so he was his longtime caddy Aaron Alper like and they went out there and and that didn’t

Surprise me that he put up the number he did because that’s like a whole another thing so you know Jon was good at dealing with that but it was kind of more this back door situation I remember on Friday we were going around and and

He was playing good and we got to 12 and the pin was in the front left and we had some in experience there I think in in retrospect instead of hitting a nineiron over at the pin we would have hit more like an eight at the the center of the

Green he tugged it a little bit and it hit on the bank and went into the water and made double Bogey and and it’s hard to win The Masters as we see when you make double Bogies especially on 12 so that Sunday was super memorable uh you

Know my dad was out there following us uh it was Easter Sunday um you know John was feeling it he had his and it’s just it was a really really cool week yeah when John Merck is birding 13 14 15 and 16 are you peeking at the scoreboard a

Little bit yeah I mean the boards are all over there so they kind of knew where you stand and we were we I think one of the reasons also had a really good week was the weather wasn’t a huge Factor it was pretty nice weather that

Week like there wasn’t a ton of crazy wind the temps were real Pleasant so I mean we had a good draw uh as you could have for a for a first timer but yeah I mean you hear the Roars and you know I remember like he got off to a decent

Start I think on the front it was kind of cool um we were on seven green and uh and I looked back in Bones what Phil and tiger were playing together and I looked back down on 3T and Bones caught my eye and you know somebody that you know was

Nice to me in the years I’ve been out there and and certainly didn’t spend a lot of time with him over the years but he looked up at me and gave me a little head nod like he’s like I see you guys making a little bit of move keep going

You know so that was kind of a pretty cool moment uh on that day as well John was three under through his first eight bogie nine Phil went out in 30 that day he was making a move Phil went out in 30 and and him and Tiger Playing Together

He was making a statement he ended up shooting uh 37 on the back okay but so Phil was was doing something maybe bones was peeking at what you guys were doing getting getting a little preview on everything right right but that’s where I say that you know tiger and Phil were

Playing together you tie tiger that was Tiger obviously coming back first major champion the Tory pin injury and uh you know you guys were hanging right with him were you with the next year uh at 20 the 2010 Masters so so there like this is cading

Here for you like you know at the beginning of 2010 you know he’s he just wasn’t playing well and I ended up getting fired like like a month before the Masters like I mean it was brutal and I ended up kind of not knowing what to do

And I and I kind of pleaded for my job back and he gave it back to me he I remember he he double bogied the last hole on Friday to miss the cut by one where was this this is at the Masters in 2010 yeah and I was like there you go

You there’s some karma for you and he ended up hiring me back and and I went back to work for him for like another two months and it just the same thing was there like just our energy of six seven years together had just run its

Course and so it was time for a change and and he ended up getting Ryan Goble on the bag and they they had that amazing breakthrough win for John at Riviera in 2013 you know where John La kid winning the hometown tournament it was a pretty cool moment for them so I

Was happy that that happened for them but yeah that was kind of the beginning of the end for us uh before that Masters when he got to go back again we mentioned some of those other players Brett wedick uh Steve Marino Sheamus power you end up work with as you said

For an extended period of time 2016 uh Sheamus power is representing Ireland as golf returns to the Olympics in Rio you are not Irish to my understanding but you are going out there um in team Ireland colors to Rio what was that experience like that was

So cool that was so cool to be there for that and and we were fortunate to like Rory and Shane Lowry kind of turn down some invites and Sh and Sheamus you know was certainly qualified in sort of what the rankings needed to be and and uh ended up going there and padrick

Harrington was uh his teammate Paul uh McGinley was our captain you know and so I was there with Ronan and Sheamus and Podrick and Paul and you’re right and John and and they got to calling me uh instead of John rat housee that the gelic version that they came up there

Was sha Oak Franck so so like Ronin and to this day still calls me Chuck Franck what does that mean it well it’s House of the Rat is what it kind of like you know translated to so they took me you know in and and I was there in the in

The in the Olympic Village you know with Sheamus stain in the with Team Ireland we shared a high-rise with New Zealand we were right next to Spain I mean you know as somebody that’s like growing up loving all sorts of sports we went and saw Michael Phelps you know winning

Events we were and and Sheamus got in the mix there as well he on Sunday he he got hot and was like tied for bronze kind of on the back nine and and we kind of faded away and coocher ended up having a really good round but just to

Be competing in the Olympics and and being a part of it and going to all those different events we saw Usain Bolt uh go set a win a you know a 100 meter dash and uh we saw a world record in the 400 like we went to ping pong and

Weightlifting like you know those guys love sports too so it was just a really fun week to be there is it different I remember remember that week 2016 like I I remember Bubba Watson was at every event it felt like um on us TV they kept

Showing him and Ricky was at a lot of events I know coocher ended up with the the bronze medal there but there was a lot of I was thinking in my head you know is this a different week for these guys in terms of preparation in terms of

Focus uh kind of all bets off what do you remember from that aspect of things yeah I remember I think golf was in a little bit of a good space because the the way that they had it structured for prime time TV a lot of the events that

Were indoors were at night so like we had the best of both worlds you could go out in the morning go out and get ready at the golf course like you normally do head back you know get dinner and and go watch some events so like that

Opportunity was there I think for the players it was probably a little tricky and that if they wanted to do that but they wanted to also conserve their energy you know you kind of had to to pick your spots I I think padri went to some stuff early in the week and then

Stopped doing that and Sheamus maybe did the same I remember Ronin and we just kept going to stuff you know anyways uh every night and even McGinley was too I wish we would have been able to stay around the next week uh we ended up flying to freaking Knoxville Tennessee

Because Sheamus was like right in the mix on getting his card on the PGA tour so we left like a week earlier than you know you would have liked but you know he was there for the opening ceremonies and then you know on the golf tournament

And all that those other highlights so I mean we we took it all in for sure but was Sheamus on the corn fairy tour at this point yeah that was like he he was on the corn fairy tour in in 16 the first week I worked for him uh Victoria National and

He won the golf tournament and so that kind of Ved him up the world rankings and onto the radar of even being able to go to the Olympics and then he got his card uh that fall great classic golfers that are still out there playing really

Well to this day um yeah I I was trying to think of uh one of the highlights from that week as well that was really funny oh I I remember going to the gym that was the thing is like there’s a gym on site and I was like you know I was

Working I was really concerned going into it I was like man I’m going to come I’m going to look so out of place and all of us caddies did for the most part it was pretty funny like you see all these people that are like the most fit

Specimens in in in the entire world and then you’ve got some caddies with beer bellies walking around and so I went into the gym one day and Sheamus was doing his thing and I remember him kind of he was telling me he’s kind of felt kind of stupid too because he’s doing

His like band exercises and like maybe doing a few squats with a plate on the side and then you’re looking over and this guy’s doing box jumps onto like six foot tall boxes and people are benching this crazy amount of weight so that was

Fun to get in the gym one day when we were down there was it just the Irish athletes that you were around or was it everyone in the gym no it was everybody like it was the it was the in uh in The Village Gym that was accessible for

Everyone I think they had a bunch of them but that was the thing about it is like you’d walk around that Village and go to dining I mean I think the dining experience more than anything was one of the coolest things because you have to wear your Olympic gear while you’re in

There so you’re seeing you know oh Romania you know I remember playing pingpong with this girl from Poland like I mean it China like everybody was there and you see their jackets and I think you said I think Ricky like might even have met his wife that week that he was

There uh or maybe they knew each other before but I remember seeing them in in dining and stuff so it’s just like it’s an unbelievable mixture of people yeah it’s just like oh Kevin Durant yeah nice to see you EX yeah Serena Williams I saw

Her once yeah I think the U I think the us if I remember the US uh women’s men’s and women’s basketball teams were on a yacht somewhere so I don’t think they were staying in the Olympic Village at the time you’re exactly right yeah I think they had their own program but

We’ve seen it now the Olympics is going to be uh golf will be in the Olympics for the third straight year this year in Paris definitely feels like maybe a little bit more Buzz some guys want to go to Paris maybe more than they wanted

To go to Rio or Tokyo during the the height of the pandemic what’s your what would you tell a golfer and a caddy um people within the golf space who are considering that Olympic run right now oh yeah it’s go and it’s like play your way into it it’s it’s an unbelievable

Experience nothing like it I I there was some extenuating circumstances these first two times around which I get why some guys skipped because of zika virus and I get why you know you had the covid and the guys that in 20 did not get the same experience we did or 21 whenever

They played it like they didn’t get to go to other events like I’m sure it was still cool but but that was not the same so Paris you know knock on wood everything’s normal um yeah that’s a that’s a team want to go and I would

Think that’ll be the best field thus far out of the golf portion and will be highly competitive especially now with this kind of breakoff you know uh and it’s a great opportunity because you know some guys that normally wouldn’t get into these high-profile events find their way into them because of the

Countries that they represent by way Sheamus that week 7167 7467 tied for 15th and like we said was not a PGA Tour player yet at the time so um that was impressive stuff from you guys uh I want to ask a question on your cadd network

Profile you say that the best shot you ever saw was a long Iron by Davis Love the third what is the story behind that I it was a US Open qualifier and we were paired with him I don’t remember exactly when it was this probably the mid 2000s

And it’s you know maybe I’ve seen better I don’t know but there was one that stood out to me where it was just like it just showed you how much better at golf these guys are than anyone else when you see a three iron you know

Launched you know 10 and some feet into the air uh from one of the greatest players of all time uh it was a really cool moment and his caddy cubby was always really nice to me that that that is a shot that is just like you see it

And you’re like oh I haven’t seen that before and and that’s obviously something he’s well known for it makes me think about you know watching Windam Clark these last couple weeks whenever he hits an iron on on par 3’s now and when he’s hitting irons off the te on par fours

He’s not using a te he’s just throwing the golf ball down it feels like he’s it’s not even uh you know I was joking it was like the Johnson Wagner meme now of him throwing the ball down like it looks like he’s just plopping this thing hard down and then hitting these clean

Crisp irons and I’m sitting there thinking if I try to hit an iron uh you know if I try to hit a four iron off a te into a part three like that thing is going to be scolded into the woods on the right but this guy these guys are

Just so good with these long irons um couple couple caddy questions for you obviously you know at this point um you’ve kind of become the you’re on the caddy beat uh you’ve you’ve contributed to the caddy Network we mention your podcast we mention some of the media

Work that you’ve done on your own putting together those lists of uh who’s who’s caddying every week uh I guess the first question here is who are the underrated caddies out there who are the guys that are doing the work that we’re not get we’re not recognizing

Enough yeah so I I got a few that I I mean you you kind of let me know about that one so I did do some thinking and and I’ll say this everybody out there that Cades for an extended period of time is a really good caddy and and then

It really a lot of it depends on how good your player is too uh I think it’s interesting to note these caddies that were with one player maybe for a long period of time did well and then they go to somebody else and that guy does well like that’s something to really pay

Attention to I think you know John Ellis with Windham Clark uh John former player um he’s he’s really grown into the job uh and does a good job uh I think one that’s just I don’t even know the guy but I’ve been really impressed with his

Work and he’s got a relative in the game too Reed Cochran with Eric Cole has been kind of an impressive Duo for me you know his uncle I think uh is Russ um I think Scott TW with Brian har is very underrated um Andy Sanders uh is

Out there with Russell Henley right now and and funny enough I caded for Andy Sanders back in 2004 uh and and and Andy does a good job I think Shay Knight has always been one of the better caddies I’ve been out there with very positive Victor hins guy um I think Henry Diana

With Steph joerger that was a great hire for Stephen this off season and you’ve seen some good play from him Mark Karens has a player with SE wo he has other wins with guys and and JJ spawn um I think Dwayne Bach who’s now there with

Sep straa does a fantastic job uh and and marker Banick with fow and and Justin York who’s now with Ben on uh I think I think Justin’s really helped Ben on uh get back to where he was and maybe push it even further I know he laid an

Egg last week but I would expect Ben to win sometime this year yeah Dwayne Bach only speaks dog I think is the uh bottom line there which it seems like seems like kevinar is only happy for his guy right now the way that he’s playing with with sep uh this was another question

That I that I asked you to possibly prepare for but which CAD should host a podcast right so I think uh I mean Gino is an obvious answer you know I think he he’s great um all four of those underwear sponsor guys you know that group yeah Fleer Fleer does a great job

Um I think uh Kirk kowallik is a name that maybe some people would recognize he he’s had some wins out there and uh he caddies for Joseph bramlet right now but a Canadian and and and you you’ve been around enough people in the game to to know that the Canadians are some of

The sneaky funniest people oh yeah you know and obviously you see that with like all the comedians that are Canadians just in in Hollywood so uh Kurt that would be fun I think Eric Larson who cadd for Harris English would have a ton of good stories about just

Life on the road as a caddy uh you know that guy’s got a great story I think Michael gr would would would host a fantastic podcast I mean I think he will write a fantastic Memoir one day yeah is the bot every time I ask him

Like he won’t come on because he doesn’t want to rock the boat which I get but uh he’s got he’s a really funny guy to listen to there are certain people in life that you wonder when they’ll they’ll have their tell all story or documentary the Michael griller uh tell

All will be uh epic is probably the best put it it’s a great story in terms of you know cading what what are the misconceptions or what are the things that people don’t know about the caddy life that we don’t see behind the closed doors yeah I mean I don’t know I think

The tra the travel and stuff like that was one of the things that attracted me to it honestly um and it was fun I got to see the world and and I still like getting out on the road and stuff but it’s certainly you know the being away

30 weeks a year 25 weeks a year uh you know it’s not always glamorous um you can make a great living cading uh and even more so than today than ever before uh certainly there are a lot of guys that are out there grinding that are basically making the same amount of

Money as you know your buddy that’s you know got a nice banking job and it there’s a lot that goes into it so it’s not you know all Glamour and Glitz and it’s a lot of hard work um I mean physically but at the same time it’s you know

One of the best jobs you could have just because you’re outside you’re inside the ropes one of the best players in the world um there’s really not a lot bad with it but you know it is it is a it is a grind and it’s a lot of hard work I

Think uh you know with Gino a couple things uh Gino’s famous viral clip in mamin New York as a mamin high school former golf captain and as a as a lifelong or not now I live in New York City but I grew up in mic that that was

Tough tough for me to watch um but on also on the goo topic I said to my fiance I was sitting here you know she’s become a big Joel fan uh in the full swing era and I said Joel made 66,000 this week so you know Gino I think

Gino’s gonna do all right I think he’s I think he’s got at least a start uh for where things are going this year so sometimes right you’re just waiting for that one that one tournament that one or two tournament stretch each year to get paid yeah exactly for sure um in terms

Of cading also uh you mentioned some of the guys that you’ve looked up to mentors um some guys who have helped you out out there is there anyone that one guy that you’ve leaned on over the years yeah I mean Pepsi Steve for me you know

You know and he had he had caded in the late 80s early 90s left the game for a decade and came back and and found his way onto Keegan’s bag and a great run of success so he’s certainly like kind of like an older brother figure for me um I

Think Paul Torri and Ted Scott and Bones have you know I haven’t spent a ton of time with them over the years but they’ve always been very helpful um you know cubby Burke I mentioned that Davis loves longtime caddy was was very good to me over the years and um Michael

Colins you know helped me get that start he’s always been solid Kip Henley is has always been good to me over the years and had a lot of nice pieces of advice uh as well so those are some of the guys that come to mind let real quick on paor because

Obviously longtime caddy for so many guys out there VJ web Simpson uh had a brief run with Cameron young last year didn’t work out there were a lot of the body language doctors were watching on TV saying Cameron young laidback quiet guy Paul Tor not that uh talks talks

Talks now Paul Tor is with Tom Kim Joe SC Joe scin moves on uh kind of the caddy Carousel is in the works but how do you think to Sor and Tom Kim could work together because Tom Kim as we’ve recognized is not necessarily a quiet

Guy is a guy who talks a little bit and maybe needs someone who’s in his ear yeah I think that that is going to end up being a good combo it’s not one that you would have thought of initially um you know Paul certainly paid his dues

And has a lot to offer guys so I think a guy like Tom that has a lot of game as it is knows that he can play with these guys like that’s a huge box check but then you throw a guy like Paul in there that is willing to speak up in certain

Situations and has a lot of knowledge and that he can back up like I think that’s a great combination uh going forward so I was unfortunate that they didn’t get to really teed up last week uh because he got sick but I would I would look for some big things out of

Tom and Paul this summer that’s gonna be a fun one going into the Masters I think something uh you know watch out for when they click uh you know I think Paul’s a guy who could could get a couple Strokes off Tom Kim at a couple of these events

That he has so much experience at I mentioned that cadd Network obviously you worked for the caddy network but there’s a great Q&A that you’ve done where you said that your uh quote inspiration is Jim Nance I don’t know how many caddies would say that but we

Talked about all the media that you’ve gotten into and clearly it’s been a passion of yours over the years um you know how have you enjoyed telling the media side of the caddying and golf world uh over the past few years yeah I’ve enjoyed it and and you know I go

Back to like college like I was doing the play byplay for the men’s basketball team up at Marquette and other things and so like I’ve always like that was kind of how I first got into catting just watching golf you know everybody inspired by Tiger when he was coming on

The scene people that are my age and just watching a lot of golf in the weekends mcord and farity and those guys and I just you know Jim N was always right there real solid and me being a big college basketball guy too like you always think about how and now he’s not

Doing the final four but it’s like he would go from the final four to Augusta every year like I mean that’s unbeatable he’s so good at his job so yeah for me to like be able to like do you know podcasting or hop on a show like yours

Or uh you know hopefully one day I really would like to to call an event sitting next to you uh one day maybe we can figure that out but uh it’s just cool to be a part of the space and be able to kind of you know shed some

Knowledge and and give some analysis here and there I’ve enjoyed doing it in the betting world now a little bit too so uh it’s fun to just like stay connected and it’s certainly something that you said I’m passionate about so I’m grateful for the opportunity yeah Nance is still he’s still doing the

Trophy presentation at the final four so he’s still gonna be there Monday night he still won’t get to Augusta until Tuesday or who knows maybe maybe he can get to austa by midnight on Monday night depending on I mean the game starts at usually what N9 Eastern so that’s a

Little tough maybe but uh but n Still Still definitely involved a little bit in things um I bet do you have a gust up on your vision board I mean I would think that that would be something to get to one day huh yeah I mean not to

Make this a podcast about my own career goals but uh yes um I’ve been once as uh media covering Wednesday and Thursday so that was back in 2017 so um yeah I mean for you know I think we all have it’s funny right from a media perspective

From a cading perspective from a playing perspective it’s kind of the same goals I mean I tell people at the start of my year how can I get to the major championships you know obviously PGA Tour life has been an incredible addition to my life um maybe one day

It’ll be us out there but you know it’s it’s a continuing uh conversation of how do you how do you get to the majors how do you get there and John I’m sure there’s a lot of people saying how do I get into caddying if someone is

Listening right now and they want to break into that caddying world what’s your advice for them yeah I mean it just to to go out and do it you know like uh you just got to show up and give it a try and and to see if it’s something you

Like and to see if it’s something you’re good at and so you know that’s a hard that’s the hardest thing to do sometimes right is take that first step but I remember doing it you know 20 years ago I don’t regret it at all I mean it was

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life so uh you know to go out there and and you know some other pieces of advice that I’ve kind of you know latched on to over the years some things that probably I wish I did differently

Um you know I think when you are out there socializing with the players is is a really good idea I think uh you never know when you’re grouped with your next job you know that’s happened a lot for me you’re out there you’re like you know these players they’re paying attention

To what they’re doing obviously but if you’re doing a good job for another player and they notice that and then maybe three years later they’re looking for a caddy and you are too that’s how these jobs happen so uh you know always kind of being very professional that was

One of the things that really uh I noticed the first when I got on the PJ tour and really enjoyed was how professional it is out there um so yeah you just got to throw yourself into the fire and and and see where the wave takes you I think this is

Something that people don’t quite know about the cading world but how Cutthroat is it and how much are are there guys you know whispering in players ears uh you know might eat eat lunch with you and caddy dining and then might kind of be saying to your player like hey if

It’s not working out you know I’m right here yeah it’s a thing it’s a thing for sure and and I think everybody is like we’re all our own per person and so like some people are more comfortable with certain moves than others and and uh you certainly it is Cutthroat in the sense

That like you’re only as good as your player is uh there’s only so many of those jobs out there um you know but at the same time like if you’re if you’re knocking on other people’s bags over and over again you’re not g to have any

Friends out there either so it’s just a really delicate thing where uh that’s where the agents you know people like to work through the agents a lot yeah uh as well to get bags but you know it’s kind of a blend you know where you just kind

Of have to like you know go with what you have and and work hard and then when that opportunity lines up you know to jump on it so uh it’s sometimes a tricky thing some guys are better at than others but it goes on out there a little

Bit I’m sure uh John you’ve gotten into betting a little bit it’s something that I I wonder you know something probably in the two mid 2000s you would have never been thinking about would be such a prevalent part of golf uh being someone who was out there uh who I’m

Sure caded in Vegas at Shriners and elsewhere um you know you know what it’s like a little bit how has it changed the game of golf yeah I mean it’s brought more eyeballs certainly um you know I I love all the different content creators that have come to the golf world now

There’s so many great people that the tour junkies come to mind and Rick gaimon and my buddy Keith Stewart and I mean there’s so many of these people that have a different look at it that are really good at handicapping him I wish I was better at it than I am in

Terms of of placing the bets and I don’t really do it that often I like to throw a DraftKings lineup in every week but I I love you know kind of helping on the analysis side and and and I think betting is obviously here to stay and

And uh I just like the the different people that it’s brought into the game uh because of it well John where can the people find you out there yeah so you mentioned I’ve got my uh podcast through her at anywhere you can get a podcast quiet

Please I’m trying to get one out a month uh right now so that’s my Cadence and then uh you can follow me on Twitter at rat house r a t h z and I get on Instagram every once in a while so that’s kind of the basic place to find

Me I think it’s birkar hathway and herat are the big companies out of Nebraska uh John rad house thanks for doing this I’m glad we could make it happen it was fun yeah thanks Jeff enjoyed being on thanks for listening remember to follow And subscribe here uh whether you’re

Listening to this podcast on Spotify on apple somewhere else if you’re not a subscriber on YouTube we’re putting out as many Clips as we can and we’re also putting out these podcasts on YouTube so eyes on golf on YouTube as well give it a follow and we will see you next time

I’m Jeff eisenband For Eyes on golf

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