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2024 PWBA Eastern Pennsylvania Regional Finals

2024 PWBA Eastern Pennsylvania Regional Finals
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[Applause] to Aliva needs eight for a title bang there’s the emotion there it is boom Jordan Richard the champion again all right folks and here we go again welcome to the pwa eastern Pennsylvania Regional finals here on Bold TV my name is Emil Williams Jr and

And pleased to be joined by one of the co-proprietor here this wonderful event and venue here at Steel City Bowl and Bruise Lee Sant we will welcome in Lee officially in one second as we get you underway Haley Carroll the fourth seed and a trip for to start 41 Haley Caroll

And uh first of all Lee thank you so much for hosting we had to get Lee’s mic taken care of okay I’m good now okay there he is there is Lee s I’m here uh as Carson the Coos starts the match uh with a seven pin Lee again thank you uh wonderful

Venue at Steel City bowling bruise uh I’m someone who likes retro like smaller type centers this is like the perfect Center for me um and I know you just celebrated the two-year anniversary uh between you and Christa having uh this venue so thank you for hosting and um

Yeah just briefly what was the process like for you deciding to kind of go into this portion of the business uh and now seeing it to fruition and hosting two professional events this year uh um seems like a kind of almost a natural progression in a way I guess you would

Uh say because everything started out for me uh as a pro shop owner um long story started drilling balls in my basement moved on to uh start a website uh got on my own Pro Shop uh one thing just seemed to lead to another and

Um the bowling center here uh this is a center where uh we had the the pro shop located uh the Pro Shop’s been in here for I believe we’re going on like 13 years now um and uh about three years ago uh we had some talks about purchasing this

Center from the previous owner um but in all honesty uh I got cold feet and uh ended the ended it and didn’t move forward with it so uh um it just uh just out of after covid uh it came up again and uh things progressed one thing led to another and

Um we we moved forward and never looked back and and here we are uh we took a a center that was um uh I would say dated um and I don’t I don’t mean that in a bad way but I was I felt like uh

Something I wanted to my wife and I we really wanted to change the the look the feel of the of the facility uh and make it our own so uh took the name Steel City uh after the bethle Steel Corporation in the area and uh we made the decor

U kind of molded it after that and uh We’ve made numerous changes facility that we’re very proud of and and um we’re both competitive Bowlers and um having a competitive bowling in the facility is very important to us um open bowling’s uh great and open bowling is do super well here but competitive

Bowling is where our heart is and when we uh have being a center owner it means a lot to us to have an event like this here um so uh we could not be this is our first actual Professional Event here we did have a Collegiate event about I

Think it was only five days after uh we purchased the center we had a Collegiate event here uh which was great but um this is our first professional event and uh we are just so proud to to host this um and and really look forward to doing

More in the future um I hope it’s something think we can continue on I hope that the ladies had a good time here uh and we’re very happy well at least four ladies for sure at least four women had a had a great time so far and

Those are the four who are who are bowling of course for the title yeah uh Carson Leos is off to a great start here we saw this uh really from both players but specifically for Carson uh great start on the fresh and here She is again again this is a fresh condition planes

Are reoiled or redressed for for all of you old school out there who like that term spare double and Haley Carroll has gone strike spare strike to begin number two seed is Stephanie Sheridan from Dalton Pennsylvania top seed Malia mitovich mitovich from uh duy Pennsylvania just 18 years of age our

Top seed we could have two champions as I’ve been talking about throughout the broadcast today the last two specifically February Caitlyn stole hadn’t even made her Collegiate decision yet um went on to win the February Regional in Morrisville North Carolina she’s committed to Jacksonville State Bia mitovich also committed to

Jacksonville State we could have two future Jacksonville State competitors with regional titles to their credit as we see Haley Carol about to step up here in frame four obviously Lee you’ve been uh you mentioned competitive bowling you and Chris both Christa bold the event um today as we watch Haley Caroll shot what

Was significant or kind of what stood out to you wow 478 on the shot that did not look bad by any stretch uh what stood out to you on the pattern it certainly yielded its opportunity to score well today um but there still were those little hiccups if you will where

You you know you couldn’t just throw it to the gutter um you certainly had to execute what did you see out there I would agree like you said uh you definitely couldn’t just throw it to the gutter um and and watching my wife a lot

Um she had some issues early on um oh that’s makeable good how about that nice shot done yeah so you know you you can’t just uh you couldn’t just open up on the shot there were a few ladies playing or even early on uh deeper inside but they

Had a much higher rev rate um so as it progressed though I watching the shot again that’s great um as it progressed uh as the pattern broke down obviously everybody was migrating further left um and I I was watching uh Malia uh she started out the first game uh she had

The front 11 on the fresh and um I caught some of her SE second game and I could already see the the transition that was going on with her um she wound up migrating left a decent amount uh lost some carry I think the second game had a little issue there um

But the same thing with my wife um as the as the pattern broke down more uh depending on the player of course like always um she found a little more area with her game uh you show she found a little bit earlier friction and uh loosened up her arm swing and you know

You know I think all Bowers know as soon as you can loosen that arm swing up uh good things happen um but um I would say that uh the fresh here like it’s gonna be interesting because like I said Malia did really well on the fresh and she’s

Goingon to be coming in after a couple games here yeah she mentioned that uh I’ll tell you about that that note in one second here fifth frame Lous oh oh okay that was uh almost a hash team no8 pin it could have been a bang but then it was just that’s a

Fantastic break all of the above yeah interesting Malia mentioned uh I talked about her um and the opportunities that you know she looked great to agree on the fresh obviously and then all of a sudden she said soon as game two happened she had to jump

Left um once got into like 11 12 and so it might be similar situation it’ll be two matches bold when she hits this pair um so she’ll be familiar with where to play kind of off the bat yeah it’ll be interesting because again it’s that second game where she really had to make

The big adjustment and her she suffered a little bit score-wise not bad she you know she made spares from what I saw I didn’t I was all over the center I was in the Pro Shop drilling bowling balls I was running out watching the activity so

I didn’t catch all of it of course but um this will be interesting because she’s going to she’s going to walk in at a time time when it’s the the lanes are going to be much closer to that second game U so I’ll see how she attacks

That nice six frame shot for Carol after the Lous double trying to remain in the match if not mistaken right Haley she made the biggest move at the end correct 100% she threw the back six yes to uh solidify spot to catch number four or the four

Spot Haley uker and they were bowling on the same pair Crossing left uker left the 2478 missed it in the 10th Frame which allowed then Carol the opportunity to throw the first two and the 10th yep to snag the fourth spot yep here is the 26y old oh

Wow what an interesting break so we’ve seen an 81 or sorry an eight pin fall forward from laus and now we see the 810 kind of fall forward if you will careful there how about that yeah man this is uh this is a good way to start uh a championship scenario here

See if we can quickly get a look at it watch the eight and the 10 folks how about that oh yeah good shot as she wraps 10 it’s coming down to a laosa 27 years old full-time Senior Golf Ranger she works at a she’s a golf course manager

And Jackson runs a lot of tourneys event planning also works at the uh the bones Elite Training Center and Jackson New Jersey she is from Jackson her family is here watching they have been intently watching and focused all day Carson made the show actually the last time a regional was in Pennsylvania

Which was in uh the Greater Pittsburgh Regional last July in 2023 from uh I was specifically in Plum at uh uh Nesbit Lanes great Regional there great Center fairly Dickinson University graduate time All-American made the Intercollegiate singles Championship show in 2019 tough I was asking some of uh local

Players actually I met Brenan and Zach this what they’ve been here all morning yes they got here like when we open the door they’ve been here all day they got here before I did yes which is rare um but I was talking to them just kind of

About you know learning about the center and to do do Bowl League here and they talked about you know Corner pins and you know Corner pins everywhere can be Troublesome for for bowlers but they also said like the light mixer tends to carry her a lot you can never go wrong

With a good light mixer carry H I wouldn’t disagree with that yep I would say that you know traditionally too it’s uh interesting I mean I don’t think there were how many lefties were in the field here that’s a good question uh I can’t didn’t seem like there were that

Many I don’t think there were that many I I don’t either um you know on the in the league conditions it’s a very good left-handed house so Carol bowling with the lead and did not like that one she crosses over and just like that a lead evaporates she strikes there she’s got

It that was a chance and now lus who is going to finish the match first could have a chance to step up setosus out oh excuse me Shut Haley Carroll out Kos is right now working at 237 Max if Carol makes the spare she’ll be

Looking at a 228 Max for Haley Carrol 26 years of age an accountant graduated from St Francis PA she also buil their Collegiate recently just won the Western New York Queens she was the number one seat guess who she had to beat Queens Liz culin close um Carolyn think goats you’re on the

Right oh there Johnson absolutely awesome ninth frame Carol that’s got a hook you saw it right off the hand there she missed that one at the bottom he just kind of kept spinning kind of hydrop planing through the front part of the lane and so for Haley Carroll who did a

Great job today trying to maintain her composure stay poised didn’t even think about the 10th Frame didn’t know what was happening but she didn’t want to put any time in between shots and the 10th Frame she knew she needed to get everything she could okay throws the strike gets right

Back up throws another one gets right back up and throws the second of course her mother is Cindy Coburn Carroll the USBC and pwba Hall of Famer really yes 15 time titlist Queen’s Champion I had no idea well that’s why I’m here yeah you got the facts there that’s great now

Lus and for Carson she was out of the top four heading into game eight and that could have been trouble yeah that was close made it interesting any idea how uh Haley did in the on the in the first game or second game of qualifying I’m just I’m curious

How she sure performed on she uh Haley Carroll shot open with you 206 she went 206 226 202 okay I watched her most day she was just grinding solid she couldn’t get the hits when needed couldn’t double when she needed but she stayed the course I mean the definition of grinding

Today big spare by Lous all right so Lee kind of take me through a 10 frame scenario for you you know you need a shot well let’s see we got two one possible for Haley so right now I don’t know if if if Carson’s very comfortable here then she looks

Pretty good I mean that last one obviously uh when a little bit long didn’t read the lane quite properly but she might have she probably knows what she did May it could have been a release uh or she may have missed a mark but let me see what happens here good count

She’s a winner oh yeah I’d be curious I mean me I mean just like any competitive pller I’d be um maybe thinking about just if there was something else I want to try right now honestly waste the game’s uh she doesn’t need need to make

It so she does need she needs she needs one but you’re right she doesn’t need to make it but she does need one to win see this was I’m answering a question before the actual that happened I’m thinking okay you want to try another ball you’re trying to be Tony Romo out

Here no needs one has one but that’s enough well okay not quite the opportunity she looks over at her family yes that look like I made that interesting yeah I made it exactly well to your point though she does lose out on the opportunity to try something

There yes on the FI uh but we want to give Haley Carol her flowers here she pulled absolutely amazing again back six folks for those of you who are hanging around to watch the final game of qualifying she was absolutely amazing yep I saw was right there she took the

Opportunity when it was handed to her and she did what she had to do loosha did the same thing in fact it could be Jennifer Russo right now and Haley uker bowling uh in this match and uh unfortunately Jen Russo was great to see her today she opened in the 10th um to

Miss out on her opportunity nice beare shot this is a one of two pwba motherdaughter combinations we are going to see today the first Haley Carroll daughter of Cindy Coburn Carol Malia mitovich is the daughter of Jackie mitovich the three time pwba Champion she’s the number one SE 202 to 191 mosus

Defeats KY Carroll haly Carroll also finished uh 10th with Cara mangola who also made a run late in the to try to get the make the top for today uh those two finished 10th at the open championships and regular doubles uh last year so what you going to see here folks you’re un

Familiar with the kind of pwa step ladder um Stephanie Sheridan is going to forgot the the specific amount of shots Stephanie sheron’s going to get some shots uh after Malia believe right after Malia mitovich gets a couple of shots um or simultaneously incoming number two c

Will get six uh shots three on each lane and then the number one C gets two on each lane Championship pair and then uh when we see Malia once more she will have a few more shots of course prior to her match so this is essentially now a semifinal I’m going to

Remove the scores the last time I worked uh with our lane talk integration um there was a you had to wait basically until the first ball and had to do some some different stuff to make sure it kind of refreshed so I’ll take that down for now uh while we have

A moment though so we’ve been talking with Lee s Lee and his wife Christa the Proprietors here and the hosts here at Steel City Bowl and Bru uh eastern Pennsylvania Regional we’re heading into match two you also are hosting the PBA tours uh uh tour finals part of their

PBA playoffs here um I mean you you’re taking on uh some large projects here year number two kid you are not kidding I mean you talk about like again second year into our uh ownership of the center and now we’ve had uh two uh professional events and uh you talk about PBA tour

Finals uh national uh Network TV um super exciting uh kind of surprise but I mean not 100% it’s something that we wanted to have um so I worked hard at at bringing something like that here um and uh just going to be amazing so really looking forward to that event

Um another thing too we actually we do have a uh another Regional coming up this year and that will be uh in September we do have a PBA Regional event scheduled here I haven’t uh made any announcement about it uh so I guess only a few people know about it but

Mention it here um it is definitely happening it’s the first week of September um but we will be also hosting a a p a PBA Regional event but the finals um yeah it’s it’s very special um it’s going to be a weekend that I think I I hope the Lehigh

Valley and surrounding areas here really embrace it uh there’s been so much uh interest in uh everyone’s asking when tickets are going on sale and uh we actually are going to um we’re opening up ticket sales on Monday Monday for our league Bowlers first we are we are going

To take care of our league Bowlers first uh they’re going to have first crack at uh a small batch of tickets available and then uh the PBA will be here this Wednesday they are scheduled to show up they’re going to do a site evaluation they’ll give us an idea of how many

Seats we’re going to have available okay bleachers and then uh we will put uh tickets on sale to the public uh probably in about two to three weeks from now they will go on sale but like I said we are going to sell to our uh League Bowlers they’re going to have a

Little pre-sale first it’s going to start this Monday you know and that’s the benefit you know being a league bowler I think online I saw that League Bowlers get a little bit of a discount on practice they do um you know those are things that at least you know when I

Was bowling league on a regular basis um and I know League Bowlers still appreciate that right because you know you still run a business at the end of the day and so you don’t have to do that but you want to take care of the the people that take care of you absolutely

Absolutely we actually we actually took it one step further this year I talked to my wife about it and we thought it made a lot of sense um rather than just offering that discounted rate just to our leag Bowers um if you are an actual if you have a membership card USBC

Membership you can bow at the same rate we actually that anybody in the area can bowl at that rate as long as you’re a USBC member yeah need a little perk but I said we just we’re big fans of League bowling competitive bowling okay Stephanie Sheridan the number two

Seed and uh I just saw Robin motion to the front counter here looks like Aaron handling uh our scoring system and names we’ll see who’s going to start the match that is Stephanie’s choice because she is the higher seed [Applause] all right so she has elected to have Carson begin the

Match jet Stephanie is going to finish and she’s going to finish on the left lane so big opportunity here match number two semifinal ID Williams Jr Lee s Rider at Steel City Bowl and Bru Lous up a little light use two pin all right so as we now get into our

Next match uh Lee and obviously we’ll wait haven’t seen Stephanie yet figure out where she’s going to be in the mix here but so far I think Haley was a little further right but not much than where Carson uh has been in this match um is still the right Zone you think for

The for the players to be around at this point well I want to see what happens here with Carson again she didn’t really finish up that first game strong so you know what’s her adjustment going to be um I don’t know if she she I think I don’t

Know if it’s just something she’s doing is it again her ball speed I mean I don’t know her game that well she has a great game though it’s phenomenal um Stephanie I know is usually a little bit straighter of a player I know they put a

Lot of surface on her bowling ball to get it to start up and oh that’s a rough start there but uh I know on the fresh um there was concern um her uh her supporters here uh helped her out with some uh surface adjustments to get her

Ball to pick up earlier on the fresh so um she has a higher ball speed a little bit lower rev rate um I would assume she’s definitely going to play the lanes differently and obviously Carson can move further left more comfortably [Applause] I definitely think Carson’s going to

Need to to make some kind of an adjustment whether it be equipment or entry angle she’s going to have to move or change balls okay that inside a Target on that one so Stephanie Sheridan out through the nose on the first couple of shots here and speaking of uh you know where

She was at during the fresh or on the fresh I should say um Stephanie opened with 253 interesting then uh shot 203 190 okay that’s the couple of single pins I believe she was telling me in game six and U really credited uh boyfriend Eric rowski and keeping her uh

Kind of in it right then and there yeah big spare sometimes that spare that first spare that you make in a especially in a situation like this it’s a big exhale how about you yes yep agreed I mean you want to get that off

Get all right I got I got a mark I’m like the move away from these things go so fast though you’re in a match like this it just can go by in a blink of an eye and next thing you know it’s over so you know they always say try to stay in

The moment breathe and um take each each frame one by one we shot one by one but I mean it sometimes it just before you know it you’re see see we’re they’re seeing the same thing there it’s over and over she’s a little light little

Light I I don’t know if she’s going to need to if it’s a ball speed uh if she’s going to need to change uh to a different bowling ball but um it’s consistently a little late here these last five I believe it was about four or five shots well this is uh slightly

Interesting because um you know Carson was rolling during qualifying 232 259 239 and she shot 169 153 and she said she was being stubborn and uh did not make the ball change that she needed to make at the time that she needed to make

It uh and she was going to kind of be weary of that here just in case and I think she’s going to to uh to the bag right now potentially um or maybe not she was thinking about it yeah she she you saw the look like she looked

Like okay maybe this might be the time yep she is in that two pin Zone it’s like telling the ball you’re using you know I’ll give you one more chance but I’m looking over here at this one bit of a different look here no same all right

Well she’s in a she’s in a spot yes and she she can’t wait as you just said you know obviously the match goes so quickly it does it does and you know you mentioned about getting that first spare for Stephanie being uh relaxing or getting

You you know set but I mean also it helps when you you see your opponent is not lined up yet gives you a little bit extra time get yourself settled and wow oh my God wow she didn’t even see it oh my yeah I mean I’m she wouldn’t expect that to go

No one did there have been some some some pin carry situations here is this how it goes is this what y’all got going on here Steel City this is great this is great all right now to Stephanie there you go did she make a ball change too you know uh I think she

Did she did she not wasting any time as well Big Shot frame three y let’s take a look if uh at this one two yeah I got to see I missed it 48 situation here for lacious and yeah it hits it and oh that’s the double tap wow wow

Double well the problem right now for Stephanie is you know she just wants to be able to leave makeable yes spares yes y it’s the worst thing that could happen right now Stephanie recently turned 30 years old she’s crossed that threshold she’s in she’s in the 30s now

Birthday was on Valentine’s Day oh nice I remember the 30s yeah me too I’m exiting this year oh if I should say congratulations or not but yeah no not yet no give it a run oh oh oh beautiful sharidan take that age 30 30 is the new 20 according to Stephanie

Sheridan 30 years old you’re not even in your bowling Prime yet I mean listen I think what the universe or the bowling universe is telling us right now is that we got to come back to Steel City we’ve seen incredible splits makes pickups yes everything in between this

Is incredible and we’re not even in the championship match Lous ball change bang here you go we go from here I can’t really tell what she’s using we might have to give the old tap to Dad physics yep okay the first to double indeed there you go he weren’t going to be stubborn

Anymore yep makes the ball change and listen when you see your opponent too who leaves a couple splits right then she strikes in the Third on a very good shot makes the 4710 M it’s kind of like all right it’s either right now or or not right yes because you expect

Stephanie to step up and strike here yep that looks pretty good does oh great shot there yep 20 2016 female athlete of the year at Delaware State University he’s also the most outstanding player in the 2016 Mak championships she is a special education teacher holds the uh women’s house

Record at ISO hour South Bowling Center 8813 slow and steady has won the race today for Stephanie that still could rain true now she’s still got to exert or ex some level of patience here even though you know laos’s doubling kind of gets your body in like a a go

Mode it does and they were very convincingly good strikes so I think Carson has to really be uh liking what she sees loosen her right back up sh Stephanie has not made a good shot yet on this on this Lane so time be a good time yeah at the

4710 it’s online no wow wow he right it’s funny because the last time two times over there she actually missed uh left of Target I just wonder if uh first three times I should say you know it’s almost like when sometimes you’re up there like I’m not missing left this

Time exactly yeah you you give it a little room yep yeah she might have even moved possibly a board or two hard to tell from where we are situated of course you can’t see on the uh on our screen there she just made the 4710 on this Lane can she make the 12410

No got a lot of family friend support here in this building Dalton is just outside of Scranton Pennsylvania excuse me if you’re just joining us you’re watching match number oh it’s not the title match not yet match number two excuse me Carson can really put the foot down

On this one here this is a big shot here bil take control little [Applause] flat just about every excuse me just about every player that we talked to today uh specifically for the stepladder finals all said about the same regarding patience composure Poise uh because you know an eight game

Block gives you so many Peaks and valleys and we saw that specifically with Carson yep she was I thought she was going to run away and hide and be the number one seed but she shot 6150 which obviously we as we know it’s bowling that can happen in job of a dime

Absolutely yep now she’s showing that that patience and that Poise right now absolutely like you said you do eight games I I I tell my wife all the time and it’s you know be cliche but I mean it’s it’s a marathon it’s not a Sprint don’t don’t sweat the little things that

Happen along the way here just stay focused each shot you can it’s okay to have some bad shots it’s okay to miss a spare here and there it’s all right you know because again it’s not and the scoring Pace wasn’t that high you know so correct just yeah just it was it was

Just right high enough swe a lot of times you know you see it in Bowling just in general it could be league bowling it could be tournament bowling but uh I just feel like um the stress level gets too high you worry too much about things that you got plenty of time

I like that philosophy that was a great shot arguably the best one of the mat was a really good shot again this is here we go on this left lane she she’s got to make a good shot over here this this is the one I don’t know if she’s

Seeing it differently or she’s just not uh executed over here and I should probably be watching the screen a little bit more here because I can see it better I’m trying to watch you from Over the screen we’re professionals here Le we bring monitors yeah right I’m not

Used to that you miss left again get lucky got away with that all right okay can you can build build on that well you know only you know Brooklyn’s been a theme in the bowling world as of late all of this last week so but a good

Break for Stephanie here and again now the worst news for Stephanie is she’s got to finish on the left link yes yes good very observant yes I’m sure she’s aware of that you just made me aware of that 100% And so it kind of goes back to

You know she chose to have cars and start mhm maybe she thought the match or began the match saying that the left lane maybe was going to be good for her maybe theous and just like last time yeah same look there a little flat match two look Malia mitovich the

Number one C 18 years old folks still in high school she is going to be a freshman this fall in August at Jacksonville State she’s got a chance to bring home a Regional Title heck yeah very nice crowd on hand to that has stayed not only from a player

Perspective but just legit fans you can tell and I know that Pennsylvania General as a bowling state is is legit right but it’s nice to see it in person Pittsburgh the Greater Pittsburgh region was the same way well supported I was very happy today you know to see all the people that turned

Out and and the crowd um it just it’s nice to see the local community support it and uh just put a big smile on my face big shot laosi ninth frame wow that is tough three out of the four shots or uh three out of the last

Four excuse me for Carson three 10 pin with a strike in the seventh and there is still hope for Stephanie Sheridan sure is we are now on a potential Collision Course for a tie uh yeah that could happen I think we need it at this point we’ve seen great split conversions cool

Strikes all right okay little little closer than normal exudes a little smile Sheridan is one of the tournament organizers for the Michael Marcus Memorial event fantastic individual who passed away way too soon she along with her boyfriend Eric hoski Jack current JJ Sunday Sunny wiland big shot oh six off the sidewall

Until the 10 and so Stephanie Sheridan now with a lot of friends and family behind her with our guy Mike watching her from above has to go to a lane that she simply does not like yeah but she’s got to Bear down and at least throw two here in the 10th

Frame make a good shot first one need some help same thing I through the not go and now that picture of course for Carson is a much simpler situation however she if she makes the spare and Strikes on the fill she would force Carson to mark an attempt right

Yes it’s the best thing she can do here get there all right exhale afterwards understanding that she didn’t need to have 230 every game was her mindset today being impatient hitting the good Pairs and staying slow sometimes there’s just a lane that is not friendly but strike here she does force laosa to

Mark uhhuh no n nine out and Sheridan would have position to win so lakos has now got a couple of pins to work with here just from here on the the monitor that just looked like a better shot I thought that was going to be fine and

Then it just didn’t pick up on the lane so I just wonder if that lane was it seemed like you know I thought she was missing left ear on it but maybe really they just picking up in the front there for it’s hard to tell he’s got a little

Bit of an angle here but nine out is a winner for Lous yep eight or seven is interesting though all right not going to matter nine is enough [Applause] yep and my apologies too folks I was saying uh uh nine out would have been in my head for some reason you know bowling

Math I was thinking 190 uh but there would have been or the possibility again of a tie had she gone nine out and Stephanie Sheridan did strike on the 10 that would have been 191 a piece now she will take that opportunity on the FI shot she gets one this time

Yep anything uh what would you be looking for Lee in this situation she needs something that’s going to kick out that 10 pin on this Lane I don’t know if she tried to be a little straighter last time on the the first ball in the T but cuz it looked like it was

High but she needs something that’s going to uh have a little better entry angle here on on L actually look like she on the IQ tour which would actually be smoother I couldn’t tell but it looked like an i it was dark it looked like I

Would also say it could be a uh as a storm player a virtual energy blackout could be I could it looked more dull but I can’t tell which would make more sense to me honestly number one the number one seed Malia mitovich we should be good get some

Practice shots in I’m joined by Lee Sant proprietor here co-proprietor along with his wife Christa Sant uh lee if you would mind to just kind of share a little bit about your staff they’ve been great these last couple of days TJ Aaron and I know obviously it takes a lot to

Get you know ready to host an event and this is not a weekl long event but still a one day event uh still takes a lot so you know talk about your staff and kind of what they worked and helped you with to get this thing ready yeah like you

Said I mean yes it is a one- day event but we take a lot of pride and everything that we do here and uh it’s extremely important to us and the staff that everything runs smoothly that the players uh enjoy their time here the that the machines run properly um any

Issues are taken care of in a timely manner um so with that being said I mean we do spend we have Team meetings uh leading up to something like this we’ve had multiple team meetings um the staff I I am just I can’t say enough about our

Staff I’m glad you brought that up because I wanted to mention it um you can’t run a successful business without the people you you can do you know whatever you want and try all different ideas but it really comes down to the people you have working with you

And it makes the environment to work in on top of it better um everyone gets along so well here um we have t like you said TJ uh our general manager does just a phenomenal job he’s a workaholic um almost to a fault he said he was here

Last night barely sleeps about midnight yeah he’s got a uh about a 45-minute drive home yeah his commute is not short no it’s not I’m hoping one day uh he is able to move closer and it’ be better for him worry about him you know his

Health sure yeah he works his butt off um Aaron has been a great asset as our uh assistant manager um everybody here also has a lot of uh bowling background um it’s run owned by Bowlers it’s run by Bowlers um our mechanic Keith Wagner in the back is uh in my

Opinion hands down and I don’t mean any disrespect to anybody whatsoever in my opinion he’s the best guy around and we’re so very uh fortunate and and happy to have him here because um you know I know you hear a lot the lane mechanics don’t the mechanic doesn’t get enough uh

Credit sure because he’s the guy behind the scenes you know he’s not up here front right now he’s down there you know um he’s not seen on league night what people don’t see um um is really what keeps this place running smoothly um and

He uh takes a lot of pride in what he does uh the machines run great um he is proactive not reactive he is working on these machines during the week to make sure that things don’t happen you know occasionally we have an issue very rarely um and we took over the place

There were a lot of issues here sure he’s got it running great so again I I can’t say enough about it uh and you know even you know the the bar staff phenomenal you know great personalities everybody does a great job in there they’re responsible um and the

Kitchen I I I want to almost call them all out but again I can’t say enough uh my wife and I are so so proud of the people that we work with well I tell you I uh I was moving the table to get uh a camera situated

For the title match and I look back and um uh Christ is sitting with Stephanie sherid and Eric and I and I noticed that you’ve got basically like two counters that you can just kind of sit and watch bowling yep right and like a tabletop or

Like basically like a bar but it’s not the actual bar but you’ve made it like that but it’s made out of what looks to be some boards those Lane that wood yes all the wood in the bar including what you’re talking about there the bar top and all

The tables in the bar are made from the uh wood from Hampton Lanes in Northampton which uh I believe it’s now three years ago there was a a large snow storm here and their roof collapsed and they had to completely rebuild they were down for like two

Years um we obtained some of the wood uh the original wood Lanes of course it’s all synthetic they’re now um and we we used it to make all of our uh tables and and bar top in here it’s uh it’s pretty cool how about that yeah yeah I always

Tell her by that where you talked about that area there that where you’re sitting looking out of the bar that’s like my favorite seat in the house I love sitting there watching I literally put the table down turned and I go holy snap like I would sit there every day

Isn’t it great the greatest might be the best seat in the house yeah I think it is at some point you know there some be some people in your way on The Concourse yeah but if you can sit me find a couple of high chairs right there and you’re you’re golden sure

Absolutely all right Malia mitovich taking their final few shots here uh take a look at the Zone she’s playing in Lee and give me your thoughts let me see here mhm okay that’s well not sure if that was intended um yeah and I think she’s been trying a few things this this

Portion course I that’s the first one I watched we were talking I wasn’t watching um that looks to be where she wound up almost uh around at least when I watched the last time I saw her role was around game fiveish okay I don’t I don’t think I saw her after that from

Afar I did but I didn’t see where she was playing exactly but that reminds me of like game fiveish so which you know makes some sense um I think in a perfect world if she if they REO the lanes right now she’d be really hard to be she’d be

Right yes she’d be near the gutter closer to it yes and she was yep she looked so comfortable on that fresh kep her angles real real straight in line um and ball reaction was beautiful that was her final shot she is the number one seat I think

She has elected to have Carson start the match I’m going to go get the scores right over on uh our other computer so if they do happen to begin if Carson bows before I get back Lee take the audience through the first shot all right we’ll do to

First good get us started Round of Applause good job yeah I’m still having trouble telling I believe maybe uh I believe maybe um Emil was right that could be a virtual blackout which would make more sense to me uh because it looked like she needed to increase a little bit of Entry angle

Like the ball was getting a little flat on the back um I’m going to try to confirm that but um that makes sense and that was a really good shot the ball uh faced up to the pocket properly and what you want to see and you’re going to get she’ll get

The 10 pin out much more uh reliably with that ball Good Start I believe Malia is using a summit I could be wrong but it looks like a summit much earlier role two really good shots for both players y I feel like just I I don’t you know I

Haven’t seen Malia Bowl really but I just feel like she has to have the right touch I mean and I’m sure she’s very capable of it but her game is not going to be the high red rate she’s not going to be able to open up the lane she needs

To have the right ball speed especially with this ball here with this kind of a stronger surface speaking of surface one of the questions I meant to ask you earlier was what was the Lan surface here SE City according to uh according to Keith when he

Responded to uh I forget who’s in charge of doing the coming up with the patterns um they asked him what the surface was and he said he believed if I remember right I think he said he believe the pharaoh’s bowled on it I think it’s a maybe Anvil Lane

According to Wikipedia they also started both so it very well could have been first open frame there for mitovich yeah so whoever that was on the other end of that email I forget got a real kick out of I saw the response and said that that

Was one of the funniest things they ever heard but uh I think it’s original elline it’s it’s um the previous uh owner of the center I believe put it in um but I don’t even think it was new then gotcha so uh we actually uh we are getting aot

Quot on getting a new Lane service I’m not sure what we’re going to do with this the scores here are good though I mean it’s not like it’s a issue no doubt Lous well interesting still still fighting that 10 pin pretty good shot there but uh again from just from

Getting the 10 out she does seem to be in the right ball uh she went to that physics which definitely was the right change at that time MH then left three 10 pins and four four shots those another ball of course to the Phil and here we

Go again Laos is a former Collegiate All-American three times in fact looking to be the first two-time Regional Champion here in 2024 next Regional will be in what month is this March will be in April where is that going to be and it will be at uh East Providence Lanes in

Ro RH Island East Providence Rhode Island last time we were there was 2020 before uh the world got tricky GG Mason took home that one in her home City Home State Nice Shot there for Lous kicked it out yeah we thought Gigi was going to come down here but I

Don’t know what happened she said she was going to make the trip or was going to try I’m not really sure she’s actually uh one of our bowler XS yeah she is yeah staffers and uh we’re looking forward to seeing her it’sit from Duo Pennsylvania senior at Duce Central

Catholic High School again recently committed to Jacksonville State University to B for Shannon O’Keefe there’s the head coach Brian O’Keefe very nice that’s going y good touch again I think he need to have a little more touch when I talked to her before and you you mentioned this earlier uh

Lee after game one she shot 296 Folks by the way to start the tournament Malia was not in any other position in the standings today except first she led from shot one to shot I don’t even know the math whatever the final depends how many St you right

Whatever the final shot would be but she led the entire time looking for her first double I tell you I’m thinking the left lane might just be the tricky one of it does seem that way that’s got to be the one and if that’s the case uh Carson hasn’t really shown that

I don’t really see it when you know she she’s been solid there so that would be a big plus for Carson this one starting in a similar fashion at the semi-final match began that featured Stephanie Sheridan couple of splits or an open split in this situation um Stephanie had a couple of

Splits early on the left lane M Leah missed a 28 which was a makeable of course hello to Alicia current Nick hogland Alicia she on there yeah she she’s saying hello hi Al glad you had a great turnout Nick hogland who was on the receiving end of that email by the way

Yes there it is yes it was Nick correct great shot from Larry Kim uh Danielle of course who bold and uh shot 224 to get a check shout out to Danielle n our resident meteorologist here for bold TV I see you rep and everyone who has been involved

Today and watching we’ve had a lot of Carson Lous fans today in the chat and now she is frames away here from becoming a two-time regional Champion people like me selfishly wanted to bowl all the time on the pwba tour because she throws shots like that

Just like the last one over there who wouldn’t want to have Carson leosha on tour all the time yep that was great I don’t know whose children those are but they just gave a gobble gobble gobble for the turkey now there are three young Lads sitting right

Behind Lane’s uh orcus in between six and seven with a nice Concourse Furniture intently focused and watching I love it can mitovich respond you bet [Applause] solid got to keep Carson Within Reach if you’re Malia of course and you know this is a different situation too she’s bowling for a professional title she’s

Not a you know a pro in in the sense of membership Etc but you’d have to think you know maybe a nerve or two to start undoubtedly I mean but she she does seem very calm and collected I noticed that during qualifying too um she got a very calm demeanor from what

I’ve seen of course her mom is Jackie mitovich three-time pwba Champion oh what a shot really nice she made a ball change I think yes you like that I do not just because of the result but just because of what wasn’t happening earlier with the with

The summit um it just uh I think the summit was just just too early too smooth and then it just didn’t give her that uh pop down Lane that was much better went through the pins with authority Alicia current by the way that is a fair trade so you can keep your

Nationals team in check what a shot there by by Malia we’ve had folks if you’re just joined us we’ve had two motherdaughter combos today on on tour I’ll tell you about it in a minute theosis for four in a row messenger [Applause] no so Malia just mentioned the daughter

Of Jackie three-time pwba champion and then uh if you miss our Opening match uh Carson Leos has defeated Haley Carroll who is the daughter of 15 time pwba Champion Cindy Coburn Carol also pwba USBC Hall of Famer that really in a nutshell is what a tour women’s bowling professional women’s bowling is about

When you’ve got generations to represent it in one step lad or two I mean I thought one yeah thought we get one thought we got two it’s in their DNA oh that time six pin to the side wall and just kind of lays on the 10

There all right Le run me run me through the mind of Malia right now well she struck every time over here um obviously right now i’ be just saying just one more just keep you know make a good shot here I got this Lane I can do

This one here get it stay in the match oh just a pinch pinch High yep great shot there too yeah stayed with the summit We Believe be the summit there on the right lane yeah quick look at uh we’ll wait till the shots over see how just how that

Messenger happened for Carson in frame seven if she strikes there then you know we’re we’re kind of in business if you will yeah look at Carson this should be as long as our replay you know works like it should every now and then he gets in little

Tricky but watch just kind of lays there and then Boop yeah I think the two both shots before that on that lane were not like that it didn’t lay on it but it just kicked it out the bottom very lightly so she’s just getting enough to get that

Out over there just enough it’s all you need Aaliyah running out of frames yeah oh that’s going to go yep you never know all right folks I feel like I’ve called a fair share of step ladder finals in my b tv career not even just Bowl TV Cross Bowling the amount of cool

Breaks um trip twos 4710 spare con or split conversions and all of the above um have been incredible all in in a four match span honestly so Steel City knows where to get me I’m here for it yeah when are you going to Bow League here that’s I got to find out oh

Lous strikes in the a big double yep can’t throw any better than that the best Malia can do is 215 after that strike from Carson she’s pacing in the 220s yep definitely in control and she doesn’t have uh she’s not struggling on either Lane so she’s a good really good spot right

Now doesn’t need to strike y keep throwing good shots yep there a little double bounce bang it won’t well it’s just a good count situation yep uh kind of no matter what Malia does obviously if Malia can make it interesting it would be a good count on

The first shot in the 10th for Carson but uh yeah Malia’s got one scenario yep get them all I hope she does ninth frame look a Little something that similar on the left lane again this is kind of that zone she had to jump into yep uh and really was in for seven of the eight games you know after game one she was again near The Gutter and then had to immediately jump a Zone left but she

Maneuvered again as well as you can handle handle that throughout a full eight game block you get somebody who able to take control early theous running the ladder here eastern Pennsylvania Regional leave and from your you know vanish Point your opinion what type of experience um kind of Lessons Learned if

You will can Malia take from this just as an 18-year-old who is really just beginning her bowling career which looks like it’s going to last for a very long time I mean 18 years old I mean what do you take from it I think you say you

Know what I’m I’m really good I’m a really good bowler I mean second place leading leading the event and then finishing second I mean she has nothing to obviously hopefully she doesn’t feel bad about anything even if she’s not going to win the title um I think she

Just takes away Confidence from this um this it’ll go a long way I would think for her um I don’t know of her history you know what she’s done in her uh junior bowling career I I don’t know but uh this I I from watching her all day

She’s got a very solid future well she’s been one she’s one of the top recruits in the country I can see why and headed to Jacksonville State along with uh a kind of a who’s who next to years for Jacksonville State I’m sure the o’keef got to be proud absolutely might even be

Watching they are bowling Collegiate sectional speaking of Jacksonville State good luck to the Gamecocks here this weekend mitovich oh nice way yep that’s of course yep 195 for Malia that is well done solid wearing number four on the back of that Jersey maybe a little base baseball softball player as

Well but this moment belongs to Carson Lous I would say at this point one of the best players who does not compete on a regular basis at the professional level yep I agree and it was the last event right she did win the last she she won uh

January January okay okay so it is now two out of three for a moment there me there was there was a moment she wasn’t even going to make the top four she had to perform in game eight mhm I looked at her this morning that very early practice session at 8:00 I saw

Three shots and I said she could win today she had the look she was in the place in the zone uh the pattern that she likes to play in she battled through adversity in games four and five did not allow you her stubbornness to to get the

Best of her by not making the ball change when she needed to make it she made it right in the finals yep and here she is yep she trusted her equipment made the changes committed to them and yep she made all good shots really it just a couple of them looked like but

Just about ball reaction and then she made the adjustments ironically enough she had a bad game middle of qualifying at the mle beach Regional and she had a repeat literally she bowled terrible middle of the block Myrtle runs the ladder wins the regional BS bad middle of the block

Here in eastern Pennsylvania runs the ladder wins the regional and there it is 259 195 beautiful Carson mosus your Champion Mr Lee S I would like to thank you for joining me today I know you have a trophy to present I do and then we will talk with Carson here in just a

Second on B TV thank you so much for thank you appreciate it folks this was a very fun day you know I I really enjoy obviously getting the chance to have fun while calling bowling I got to tell you you know from the pin carry making some

Things look even cooler than what they were to Haley Carroll throwing the back six to uh sneak into the top four from Carson looses who as I just mentioned you know fell out of the top four she was in it for the first um what three oh

Yeah she dominated like she was dominant through the first three games and then it got tricky for um did what she had to do in game eight to win let’s see where they’re uh where might they have this happen okay perfect it’s G to happen just exactly where we need it to

Happen thank you very much um first off quickly I want to thank everybody that came out today to watch this event I really appreciate support thank you all to the ladies who came out I hope you enjoyed the event I hope you enjoyed the venue uh our staff thank you for

Everything running smoothly for the best most importantly Carson marvelous performance I know you had a couple stumbles qualifying but you gathered yourself composure came back did what you had to do to get into the step ladder and then quality shots trusted your equipment changes congratulations to

You performance 18 years old if you did not know that if you did not know very impressive um have a great future Stephanie as well all sorry haly great stepladder performance congratulations to all of you Carson congratulations 2024 eastern Pennsylvania pwba champion and our first Champion ever here at Steel [Applause] City great

Question we will talk with uh Carson here folks mom and sister were in Myrtle Beach as she just said family here again today will [Applause] Ladies and gentlemen 2024 Champion reg our next Regional is theh Island Regional happening April 20th and the national tour starts May in Minnesota City the first time here she’s coming back that’s all right Robin’s going to get a couple of f photos that Donovan is going to

Need and there is the champion and we will be joined by the champion here in just a minute what a performance from Carson looses there’s Lee S one of our uh bowling’s finest bowling Riders there Joan Taylor has been working in this region not yet tell her not yet not no music

Yet that’s right Donovan that we got you you you indeed need the photos all right just off camera there is uh is more photos being taken of Carson all right I need Carson that’s okay we have Carson we have located Carson that’s yours yes you put that on

Okay okay Carson can you hear us yes okay oh wow this is that was sorry it’s okay you want so you it’s your world we’re we’re just living in it okay here we go all right there’s Carson Show the uh the people that the trophy in person

Here’s our camera right there yeah that is that’s solid that’s a very nice trophy uh it looks heavy you you earned it um you battled through some adversity in the middle of qualifying uh and that same adversity kind of looked like it peaked up during the finals where you

Had to make a ball change yep and you made it this time were you hesitant at all were you or did you learn from what you did this morning and said all right we got to do what we got to do to win yeah I definitely learned from this

Morning that was the uh problem that I had those two games where I shot 160 150 um it’s just you know I’m stubborn sometimes I like to blame myself more than the equipment so um I am getting better with that I know I’m good enough where you know it’s not always me right

And I have nine bowling balls with me like you know what let me try something else one of them should work yeah I’m like you know what and it it did work I made a good ball change and I yeah I bounced back from qualifying and in that

Step latter match I mean that ball was money which which ball was it the final ball oh that was the versal energy blackout okay so I thought it was me and Le were trying to figure it out um so you I think you had Supernova that was

Your Aral then to a physics yep then to the virtual energy blackout what did each ball give to you that you know you were able to kind of maneuver through eight games of qualifying and then three additional matches here to Wi title yeah um well obviously on the fresh I needed

Something big that would pick up a little bit sooner to get through the front part of the lane um the oil the heavy oil um and then you know it started dying in the back I did hit it with a lot of surface so I’m like you

Know what it’s going to burn up sooner or later um my physics is a little bit smoother than that okay so I’m like you know what it’s going to get down the lane a little bit longer and then it’ll give me the finish in the back so that

Lasted a little bit um and then the virtual energy I mean that’s a strong a in Pearl so it’s super clean through the fronts um and and then man it finishes makes a left turn in the back yeah you you had no issues getting 10 out after

After you made that ball change uh you had to go through three quality opponents you know Haley Carroll had just thrown the back six to get the the final spot yeah um then you had the bowl Stephanie Sheridan um and then obviously the number one C who led all day yes

Malia miskovich how difficult was this run for you and I know you’re used to running ladders but how difficult was this one I know right um yeah I mean I I know all three of them um Malia has such a bright future you know she’s going to Jacksonville State

Next year I mean she is a hell of a player um and then I bowled against Stephanie and Haley in college so it’s good to see them again it’s nice to see them competing again but uh yeah they I mean they both whacked it like all day

So you know um I just had to make good shots and you know if they made better shots then fine but I put the ball there and Luckily everything fell my way so you know if you recall asked you this morning based on the three shots that I

Saw you throw in the practice session yeah um you know what what what balls might you use kind of Arsenal or what zone might you play in yeah uh I I I said on the air that I thought you could win based on the look that you had I

Actually expected you to just dominate qualifying then of course games four and five happen and and then you had to perform in game eight to even make it yeah to the top four so a legit roller coaster your family is here they were uh some of them were here at Myrtle Beach

Or they Myrtle Beach they here today what does that mean to you oh my God it means the world yeah I’m so happy I mean we we missed my dad in Myrtle Beach um but the fact that both of my parents are here it’s just it’s freaking amazing I’m

So happy that you know they took the time to fly up so yeah I mean it feels amazing what’s uh what’s next on your your to-do calendar in the Bowling World um let’s see I mean I’ll be at Rhode Island next month another Regional so uh yeah I mean

Queens I don’t think I’m bowling Queens this year I’m bowling uh I know I’m bowling women’s Nationals at the end of April we switched our dates so we’re going a little bit earlier now uh but yeah I’ll be at Women’s Nationals I have a few tournaments back home that I’ll be

Doing um yeah okay well you know I said selfishly on the air I would love to have you obviously balore professional stuff uh but you’ve got a great situation obviously at home yeah um and Alicia current made sure to tell me that you know she doesn’t want you to get a

Card I know so you can still bow together she would kill me she she she basically said that in the chat yeah uh when you final question when you walk out of this building and shout out to to Lee and Christoper uh hosting um what will you remember most about today’s

Performance uh considering everything you had to go through to get to this Championship yeah I mean same thing what happened in Myrtle Beach like my comeback you know I had the one bad game in Myrtle Beach I shot 139 and then today I just you know I bowled myself

Out of the cut for two games and then just you know my mindset I was I was pissed off but I you know I like it took a step back showed some emotion I was I was really mad but um yeah I just tried to you know make good shots and the fact

That I was able to do it again right is just it’s like wow makes me like you know just feel good and believe and yeah it’s awesome the first two-time Regional champion of 201 24 ladies and gentlemen Carson looses well done thanks congratulations all right we’ll let

Carson move out she’s got some more photos to take let’s get you back to the scores for a moment and then we’ll let Carson ease out and then I’ll close it back out here for you here in just a second uh again what a performance by Carson looses ladies and gentlemen again

That was a very very very fun and exciting uh Regional not only championship match every match was great qualifying was fantastic all eight games yes that’s right Alicia current you know we you know we cool but hey I I don’t fault you for that I would want her on

My team uh as well uh got to give obviously a big shout out to Lee s a for joining me during the finals I appreciate his expertise there I want to thank Chris to sent his wife of course they own and run this very building steel city um uh bowl and Bru phenomenal

Venue uh shout out to as well they got a great thing going here at Steel City and it’s going to be even better you’ll see them on network television not just bold TV in June they will host the PBA tour playoff finals uh again right here June 8th and 9th want

To thank Robin Graves she is the tournament director director operations today also the brand manager for the pwba uh all of the staff here at Steel City uh TJ and Aaron think M Karen and a lot of other uh individuals that Lee talked about Robin talked about as well

Uh getting this place ready to go to host today uh phenomenal event want to thank certainly our gold Partners um Brunswick gold Lane talk shout out to Lane talk course our scoring provider here uh storm um and kegle the official Lane maintenance provider of the pwba tour thank you to

The USBC and the USBC board um the bpaa and the bpaa board as well and then finally uh definitely want to thank the athletes uh it was a phenomenal show uh Haley Carrol was great um Stephanie Sheridan was great Malia mitovich Not only was great and she’s going to be uh

Potentially great great she’s just 18 years old and still finishing high school so uh every week we get a chance to see the future here at uh these Regional championships we appreciate that uh as well and then uh finally you the Bowl TV viewer thanks for sharing

Some some space and some time with me this week there is a lot of bowling going on USBC Collegiate sectionals the tnba HBCU uh Invitational uh that Collegiate event in Atlanta um there’s PBA Junior I believe tomorrow uh so I’ll trade spots essentially with PBA Jr um but thank you

So much for hanging out it’s been a fun day but time to tear it all down as you know uh enjoy the rest of uh B TV weekend again all of the events I just mentioned and certainly good luck to all of the teams competing at Collegiate

Sectionals uh for all involved I’d like to say thank you again for watching and sharing some time my name is Emil Williams Jr this has been a presentation of the 2024 pwba eastern Pennsylvania Regional congrats again to Carson looses we’ll give you one final look at the final score 259 to

195 next Regional upcoming April in uh East Providence Rhode Island at each Providence Lanes we will see you then so again until next time yes be safe be well again this presentation the finals of the eastern Pennsylvania Regional you watch it live and only on Bowl TV you know where it lives bowling

Lives here good night


  1. Professional Women's Bowling Association, Thank you for uploading the Stepladder Finals of the Pwba Pennsylvania Eastern Regional. Also, Does the Runner up of a Pwba Regional Event earns a spot in the Pwba Regional Showdown if a Women Regional Bowler wins more than one Pwba Regional Tournament?

  2. Like watching these ladies ball they're really good.. You guys need a brighten up your cameras behind the ladies in front of the ladies. You Can barely see them.. Other than that, love the bowling like watching the women…👍🙏

  3. Guys every time they down loud a match all you want to do is complain about cameras and lighten and names been blocked out give these guys some credit bowl tv work hard if anyone wants to do a better job please sign up thanks guys for the down loud keep up the good work 👏 😊

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