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Rob Parker – Lakers Can NOT Sign LeBron to Another Massive Contract

THE ODD COUPLE – Rob Parker, Alan Lee, and Rob G discuss what to make of Brian Windhorst. LeBron James will be looking to land a 3-year deal with the Lakers worth 9 figures.

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And let’s talk Lakers so Brian wior on ESPN said he didn’t report that it’s a deal or whatever but said that he’s heard that LeBron is not this is not his last Rodeo he’s got one year player right a a player option so he could have opted out

And gone somewhere with bronny or whatever but he supposedly is looking for a three-year contract and be 42 years old making 75 million know whatever it is anyway let’s hear from Brian wior I don’t think this is LeBron’s Last Stand I don’t think this is the Lakers last stand first off I

Think LeBron is angling to sign a multi-year deal in the off season with the Lakers that will be nine figures that will be even bigger than the deal he is on now now whether or not he’s able to finish that deal whether or not the Lakers want to give him a three-year

Contract and pay him $60 million when he’s 42 years old that’s a different discussion Allan I got one message for Genie you sign this deal and it’ll be a bust not a genie bus but a bust you’ll be Genie bust if you sign this deal Allan can we is this microphone

On I get it LeBron James you’re gonna give the guy 60 million you’re going to be 42 years old can we stop already seriously eyeballs to to your organization the Lakers are the Lakers Island they always sell tickets I’m stop it there is no way in the world I would

Ever do that 42 years old I’m going possibly still be paying you6 $60 million no can he doesn’t even affect winning this isn’t hate Allan this is fast if you’d won me like five championships I might say okay okay this is sort of like a payback on the on the

Back end for all the great you’ve done but one championship and you’re going to be 42 possibly by the end of this I I mean the chance of of him being hurt how many times he been hurt in in La yeah you know he’s he’s been better this year

He’s been better this year but I’m just saying since the game here he’s been hurt right and and the older you get older you get the body doesn’t bounce back like it used to it just doesn’t and the other thing to is a he plays no

Defense and they don’t win at a clip you would think with the numbers that he has and AD they should be a better team would you agree with that oh without a doubt and that kind of contract is going to prohibit what I can do in the free agent Market I I

Just Rob G he’s the resident Laker fan I I don’t like who’s clamoring for this you got your taste to LeBron didn’t you you got your bubble championship and I understand you having a relationship with Rich Paul and you all get along and maybe you’ll get some of those clients

To come there too but they’re not going to take a a discount no to come play in LA Rob G are you dying for this is Laker Nation dying to sign LeBron for three more years are they dying for it probably not but what’s the alternative what do you mean what’s the alternative

They cap space they got they’re already planning to use their draft picks to trade this off season so what’s the alternative nothing not not giving him a threee how about putting your where’s he going to go but everybody is getting aund $50 million a season now deont

Sabonis who is a fringe Allstar on a year-to-year basis is going to be making about $50 to $60 million in his contract yes but the difference badley Beal is not an Allstar and he’s making $50 to $60 million a year in his contct okay here’s here’s the problem those guys are

Way younger and I I get it with the LeBron 42 years old paying 60 something million when you know he could pop that hamy that uh something could get could give out at any time but anybody can get hurt at any time no no no but but a lot

Of players end their career with Achilles you know that basketball players at the end and I’m just saying he doesn’t affect winning Rob G how many how much do you have to watch the game do you watch I I understand that but what I’m saying is what what are you

Going to do differently well you got to make some sort of make another plan but how do you replace don’t trade don’t don’t trade your pick how do you TR a top 20ish player making $50 million a year with no cap space I wait for somebody to become a free agent I wait

For cap with what cap space away from my cap space have some lean years but but wait a minute so you’d rather have lean years for years just play with LeBron to be consistent down the road yes what what is what is wrong with taking a step

Back you remember do you remember Kobe and the and the and the group that he had with him do you remember that you went through that you went through that phase right with smos Parker and that that crew that was in between championships but okay but what happened

Then all of a sudden right you had that for a couple years and then you got Pal Gasol and guess what you started winning again so you’d rather wait until ad is 3233 before you get the next player with him I don’t think he’s going to wait

That long but you you know what you could always trade players right at for with cap space there’s things that you can do somebody else wants to get rid of somebody you can make a deal why don’t you try to yeah that’s what they’re going to do this off season no but with

LeBron I would I would I wouldn’t do I would not sign him to a threee $80 million contract for a 42e r at just doesn’t make sense to me he doesn’t sell you any more tickets Rob G and you’re no closer to a championship right he doesn’t sell you any more tickets what

You’re going to trade for Zack LaVine in Chicago next season get that deal Zack lavine’s got bad knees and and a worse contract than that lebrown when you’re talking about but they were thinking about his name was in the discussion this season I don’t know Rob G I I I

Hear people always oh we’re paintting in the corner we gotta it’s it’s the same argument that they have for Shanahan in San Francisco where you going to get another coach where you going to be equivalent you going to be IR relevant I don’t want to

Give up the dude he can’t win you a big game like how many times does he have to do it Allan before you realize he can’t win you the big game so you want you rather be relevant than have a chance to win I I so you don’t think they do you

Think they have a better chance to win without LeBron James if they can make some other moves I’m talking about longterm you’re not going to looking at the way the situation is nobody thinks Lakers going to win not coming out of West with a 42y old LeBron James even

With Anthony they’re not good now and he’s 39 that’s why they’re planning on making a trade this off season for a young guard to PIR with Anthony Davis and he’s that much older he’s older he’s going to be another year older sure but by then I mean you’re going to be in the

Same position either way you either make the trade now and you have ad whatever guard it is Trey young Don Mitchell whoever and LeBron James for two years or you go ad and one of those two guys and you still have no cap space you still have no draft picks so what’s the

Difference okay and then you’re talking about styles of play because you get a good point guard in there or some guy who’s at that position chances are a lot of those guys are ball dominant I got to have the ball in my hand to run the

Offense Trey young is going to want the ball in his hands a lot and then you got LeBron out there doing what I don’t know I I just think you painted yourself into a corner you got your Championship with LeBron cut bait didn’t you get what you wanted did you

Get a championship Rob G you not happy with that Championship no I’m not I’m not happy with this one Championship the the LeBron era we talked about this has been roller coaster exactly it’s been very high with the championship last year’s run to the Western Finals was fun

But other than that it’s been some of the most disappointing uninspiring basketball G why would you want to continue that no because I understand that having LeBron on the team relative to where they are now there’s no Avenue where they can be better without him at

This point okay but but but you know where you are though so then if I’m going to get rid of LeBron then I’m going to trade ad too cuz there’s no reason have him too so didn’t trade ad why there’s nothing wrong with it and this is my point when

The Tampa Bay Bucks couldn’t win with Tony dunie right oh what are you gonna do they get to the NFC Championship you can’t get rid of the coach right but he couldn’t win they get rid of the coach they make a a a drastic move and guess

What they win the next year what the Pistons do they have Rick Carlile there got a chance to go upgrade with Larry I’m just saying but changing the changing but my point is this don’t be afraid of the unknown when you know what the known is that that’s what I’m saying

That that that’s what I’m that’s what I’m equating to it you see here’s my biggest problem Rob G it seems like every season in the second half of the Season every year the Laker discussion is what do we need to get how do we get

Rid of everybody and make how do we get LeBron more help how do we get LeBron more help that’s a discussion that happens every season yeah but that part of of that is the forward- facing media and we’ve talked about this on this show like everybody has this narrative well

LeBron needs help we want to see LeBron succeed blah blah blah no nobody owes LeBron anything like me wanting to keep LeBron in town has nothing to do with LeBron and getting his championship has to do with being a Lakers fan and wanting the team to be good and I know

That so you want that you want the team to be good or have a chance to win the championship I want they have Rob you’re being disingenuous they do not have a better chance to winning a championship if you trade LeBron and Anthony Davis you don’t know they getting yet is my

Point Rob G Rob you know how the NBA works though you need stars to win the Pistons beat the Lakers with K 20 years ago but did it happen the exception not the rule okay but it did happen right one time yes okay one time maybe it could happen with

The Lakers if they make some all right Rob G you ain’t trying to hear that huh he said that’s the fourth time You’ brought up the Pistons 04 in the last two days with me I know I know it’s a sof spot I I I hear you Rob I miss Ricky Henderson too


  1. He don’t play defense Rob G. That is a big, big deal. Half the time he watching on defense. They are not winning now so what’s the deal. He doesn’t affect winning. Get rid of AD he’s the one playing at allstar level, ask why Lakers are a better time when Lebron is on the bench.

  2. I dont get y yall didnt tell Rob G that its not lebron or nothing…if u have $60mil in cap space, its not a situation where u either give it to lebron or u dont use it at all…instead of paying bron $60m at 42, they can pay literally any other free agent that money instead. Use their picks n trade for another, lets not act like its hard for the lakers to attract big names.

  3. Rob Parker is dumb when it comes to basketball ain’t no way the Lakers are going to tear everything down now and start from scratch,just pay Lebron keep AD and bring in that 3rd star like other teams have in todays game

  4. As a bron fan. I can’t wait for him to leave the lakers. Poverty franchise. He’ll be worth more than their precious kobe on his last contract

  5. Rob is just a Lebron hater and he always has been. Even when he compliments Lebron he does it reluctantly…. He’s mad as hell Lebron is making money…

    How can the Lakers not pay him when he’s still producing?!?! If Rob had Lebron’s work ethic, he wouldn’t have been fired off of multiple stations

  6. Rob trying to talk some sense into these fools… 😂 how can he claim to be so Great, but he a burden to the team? The Lakers are a bland team with Lebron and AD on the roster… They can’t even compete! The Lakers better hope Lebron doesn’t sign a 3yr Contract with them… other teams are happy letting the Lakers deal with him 😂

  7. I am an anti-Laker fan. Totally overrated team and organization.
    I am for the Lakers signing LeBron James for three years, 180 million.
    Jeannie – go for it!

  8. Free agency is broken. No team should have 3 super stars unless they they drafted 2 of them. And untill they can stop players from heaving up 3 pointers all game long the games will not be entertaining. LBJ is the best player of his generation. Also you have to understand players now are in the system now from their teen years. AAU ringers from private high schools one and done NBA. There are no playground legends a

  9. Lakers made the big contract mistake once with Kobe and the team sucked because of it until LeBron got to town. Curious if they do with LeBron will it tank the franchise again and they will need to wait for someone else to come in and turn around.

  10. Lebalco needs the ball for his stat padding so how are you gnna bring in a PG of any worth and expect them to be able to work with and play around LeSelfish. It’s not gnna happen it’s done cut the anchor and keep it pushing.

  11. Slowling down the scoring is easy — just enforce the rules: no carries, no double dribbles, no traveling. Probelem solved.

  12. Who's is this fool holla that lbj don't play defense that's B's have you played ball period shut up bro now giving him a huge contract at his age I agree be that dude speaking don't no nothing about basketball

  13. Lebron has clearly shown that he is durable and is still playing at a high level. Until he shows signs of decline, I don't think it is right to roast him due to his age. He is no ordinary player and should be respected as such.

  14. What job is going to pay you 50- 60 million a year at 40-43?Lebron is an outlier just like Tom. Lebron is playing more games than the young players while having better stats he’s a unicorn. 🦄

  15. Why are people saying they would or wouldn’t pay him without weighing the other options. If the billion dollar franchise that is the Lakers decides to pay him they have looked at other option. They have talked to other team. These so called experts in the media just talk for entertainment. Hopefully everyone listening understands that.

  16. Lebron needs to retire or go back to Cleveland, he's weighing the Lakers down. He's a legend of the game, yes but no… His career is almost over.

  17. I truly hate to say, but I think you gotta trade him for first round or second round picks at this point. Go with a younger team.

  18. This fool gonna play until he's 50 and collecting stats. Please let this dude go, come on… All we got was a crackerjack championship and fighting for an In Tournament spot each year with top 2 or 3 players and deep bench each year. Why? Let this fool go and start the rebuild…

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