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FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 3-6-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 3-6-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

The Jeff Cameron Show for March 6th, 2024 includes FSU football 2024, transfer portal signings, conference realignment, FSU football news, transfer portal update, and recruiting news

#FSUFootball #JeffCameronShow #warchanttv
#FloridaStateSeminoles #FloridaStatefootball #Warchant #MikeNorvell #FSUFootball2024 #CollegeFootball #Seminoles #CFB #Recruiting #Noles

Please click the link below to subscribe to Warchant TV on YouTube! Florida State, Florida State football, FSU football, Seminoles, recruiting, Noles, FSU, Mike Norvell

Things are okay man they’re a little bit more gloomy than they were down there where I think it touched up around 85 on Sunday when I was hot it was hot when we were playing golf buddy it was hot so we have a a window at the front of the

House that overlooks Jamaica Bay and then and then the city itself we haven’t seen it in a couple of days I mean visibility is low weather’s a little bit foggy and and uh gloomy so yeah all right well I’ll perk you up buddy let’s go let’s have some fun talking Sports

What we do every day it’ll be a good time you know I was reading before I get into some of this other stuff that uh now we know and a lot of people uh inside the the program know and certainly people who cover it knew this

Uh but you know it was it was touch and go there was a moment there touch and go there that Mike norell looked like he was going to be the next head coach at Alabama and you know your detractors the people that hate Forida State the people

That want to try to see Forida State stay down uh that that doesn’t sink that doesn’t jive they don’t like that they don’t like knowing that fora state has a head coach that was um really one of the top candidates to take the Alabama job that is inarguable by the way he was

That’s a Alabama people will tell you that that’s inarguable so don’t let all the nonsense happen that way it’s nice it’s feather in your cap especially when you keep them uh you feel you feel good about that at the end of the day but

This is what it uh was a report I I don’t know if you saw the on three story I quote from it here in fact in the we hours of the Friday morning the fear amongst fla State officials was that norell was close to trading his FSU

Garnet for Alabama Crimson now Chris row Chris low wrote that and also Irish shell was um credited rightfully so in this story for first reporting that Florida state was really close to in that moment uh taking a plane and uh talking to Lane kein as uh the next head

Coach of Florida State what do you think about that L kein it appears would have been the next head coach at Florida state had Mike norell an agent extraordinaire said uh yep we’re going to take the Alabama Job within within apparently hours we would have hired Lane kein that’s interesting um it would

Have been good for business in the short term it we’re just I mean I’m I’m talking about from our job not from the hat that I wear and the degree that I have I’m just talking about the job would have been good for at least the first year and it could have been

Catastrophic the volatility factor it’s Lane kein extremely volatile now Mike norell Steady Eddy now he has a ton of energy he brings it every day but this is not an up and down operation this has been steady Improvement and it’s been a steady rise to be among the elite of

College football and that’s where we’re arriving at this year as long as this season goes as well as you think it will and I think it will yeah it would have been a weird day for us you can separate the two right the work environment would have been fascinating it would have been

You you know this is a guy who always has something to say he trolls other coaches in the league he does all the things that create headlines and Spark and all of that at the same time he has won a lot of football games but he he’s

Unstable or has been in the past now one thing to note is apparently you know for for Lane kein the biggest change in his life is that he got is that he got sober and wasn’t for a very long time now he’s spoken openly about this so I’m not like

This isn’t some sort of in the business sort of no um and so maybe there’s more stability in his life now than ever before and maybe we would not have inherited a guy or brought in a guy that was as polarizing as he had been in years past because there’s stability in

His life I don’t know but I found that fascinating that Florida state was ready to hit the ground running was aware of the fact that man this is coming down to the wire we may lose our head coach I submit to you and it’s great that this

Is a theoretical you know this never happened it it didn’t matter Forest they did not lose their head coach you know might is here the money is uh being pushed into football and facilities and recruiting budgets and all the things that he wanted to get by extending his

Contract with Florida state that did happen so these are all wha ifs and they’re interesting it’s the offseason sort of conversation that people have but I would maintain that it would have been an unmitigated disaster had Florida State lost M revoke and I don’t say that

Because I’m say to you that m orell is the best coach in college football and that it’s uh he’s miles apart from any body else doing what what he does I’m saying that from a standpoint of stability infrastructure and being having built and bought in and connected

With a community and and a university and its fan base and the recruiting and all of the things that has been flipped on its head in a very short period of time it would have been a disaster yeah if it had happened you know you could say and you could say with confidence

That Mike norell would have left Florida State a better place than he found it however however this would be a circumstance go back in the calendar and feel the feelings and feel the the momentums where it almost would feel like Lane kein was coming into a situation in which the previous head

Coach was fired for performance because you have the snub you have the opt outs and then the recruiting class and the transfer portal at that point who knows where things would go and you would immediately have to do damage control if you were the next coach coming in in a

Way that you shouldn’t have to do when a team is coming off of 13 know let’s say that head coach takes a job at the NFL level or something along those lines it would have been the first 90 days they say that about you know politicians like

The first 90 days of the new head coach Administration if that was Lane kein man they would be so critical about fortifying relationships from everybody from important assistant coaches or support staff through roster through nil supporters through boosters that would have been a hectic hectic 90 days at a

Time where Florida state had less momentum than it deserved thankfully we don’t live in that universe and Mike did say yes but it is also nice you’re right to see that you know in stories of record it does show that Alabama was extremely interested in Florida States head coach

Because now Mike norell can by rights he he was going to do this but if there are recruits that are interested in the Southeastern Conference or Alabama specifically he can say hey I had a chance to go there it’s a great school great program I turned it down and here’s why

And I think that’s a really compelling pitch to be able to make to high school kids and you could look them in the eye and they can and they can go verified on their own go ahead look it up this is exactly what I went through but I chose

Florida State and here’s why you should too I think Dan Lanning was the number one choice for Alabama he made it abundantly clear very very quickly for a variety of reasons that he did not want to be considered for the job from there it became about norell and dbor I think

Norvell was the second candidate that they wanted I believe they settled on their third that is not a knock that is not a knock on Washington’s coach now Alabama’s coach he’s a very very good coach I believe the order is as I just laid it out that I think if Mike wanted

The job he could have had it I think he could have had the job uh now we’ll never know and most sources on aren’t going to go on record with that that that’s fine uh it is my opinion that he was the second uh I’m not telling you

That as a fact I’m telling you that is an opinion and I think it’s rooted in something of uh an informed uh background yes yeah I can say um we were in some interesting circles during that 24 to 36 hour period of time yeah we together in some

Circumstances and it sounded as though if Lanning said it was basically put to us this way if Lanning says no then get ready for your articles and your hot boards and all that kind of stuff for your you know just be prepared for that because this is this could happen and it

Was before those lists were really I me I remember Andy Staples put out a list some other websites put out a list and Mike rll was somewhere in the top five of most lists but it it was interesting before it got whittel down the speculation of the people in the know

Was that yeah man Norvell was inside track got a got an interesting phone call and we had some interesting conversations where that real it went from okay listen I’m busy doing this over here we don’t need another story to get all all worked up about we’re trying

To relax a little bit here all of a sudden hey man I’m not just saying this to say it I need you to be prepared to come on the air and have a conversation about how it is Forest State just lost their head coach that’s how this changed

That’s how radically this changed so now we’re on the heels of all of that I don’t bring this up to stir the pot or anything like that I’m just I’m looking back you’re right it it’s to me a you avoided a disaster B it’s a hell of a

Compliment it’s a hell of a compliment to Mike certainly and it’s a obviously it’s a it’s a good situation to be in because that I think and I’ll reiterate this point I don’t believe that Mike would have ever said no to Alabama if he thought we were GNA be

Stuck in this godforsaken second class conference uh for any real length of time I don’t believe he would have I think he would have been out the damn door because you can’t stay here and win long term and then I think also I think he knew that uh the University was once

Again confirming just how committed to football they really are that was okay so before we got news where we all exhaled I remember we were doing the show live 1 to three and we were hoping that the next day show we wouldn’t be in limbo anymore and thankfully we weren’t

That next day but it was my take on it was very simple it’s it’s what we all believed if you’re if you’re going to be unbiased for a moment and you’re just going to look at this as a business if Mike norvell’s agent did not have Florida State scared and it wasn’t

Searching for more assurances to grab more power to grab more resources to make this football program better then the agent wasn’t doing his job because before it was settled again it it there was an unsettled feeling in Tallahassee which is could we lose this guy and that

Is when if you’re the coach you have to work almost against the university and say this is what I need you told me that I can have this in three years but I need it this year yeah this is what you told me I can have in five years I need

It in three and I need you you got to be able to promise these things because if you don’t then I’m going to go a place where I already have them and it’s it’s one of those weird circumstances where if you look at it like we do you know

Coldblooded business in a way he’s got to fight us to do better for us as a football program and I think that’s what happened yeah and that’s the way a fan has to view it too it’s hard to do that because most people take things personally and and it’s tough not to

Right I mean that’s your school that’s you get mad when it’s being used for leverage and things of that ilk but that’s the business and that’s the cold hard truth of the business and that’s the way all of this works a guy can can be both he can really love the place

He’s at he can really love the people he’s met he can really love the connections he’s made he can really love the success he’s had and what it’s building towards and also say if I don’t get this I have to leave like that could be true both those

Things could be true and nobody likes to hear that and every one of these guys while they’re all mainly repped by the same guy do the same things each and every time they that that’s how it works and they get that and you saw and you

And I haven’t had a chance to really talk about this I expressed some anger about it once we saw the number but that $6 million buas tells you that Florida State completely caved I mean Florida State just completely got bent over and said okay well we don’t have we don’t

Have any leverage we’re going to have to do this I mean we we were hoping that that number would be 15 to 20 million minimum it’s six sweet Jesus that’s nothing it is nothing it is the current ERA that we live in um it’s not as crazy

As the Jimbo A&M contract and that was uh unfortunately for every institution athletic department around the country they’re saying well that press is on the books the sooner we can just label those crazies and cult members that what they are the better we’re off in our negotiations but I mean the leverages

Squarely on the coach’s side this in this era of college football it’s about to be on the player side too here shortly so uh a couple of things to note here as we get started on a balls mcw’s day it’s also wine Wednesday I say that because my friends at Social kitchen can

Help you out uh going off of carye Forest right there guys can’t miss it and you’ll be happy that you did uh it is wine Wednesday you get what 10% off all wines and by the way the key to this where I don’t have to sell it I could

Just say it and you’ll be interested is not only do you get 10% off or wide array of wines it’s also cheeses and you know they’ve got grazing boards if that’s what you want to call them but I will tell you that the cheeses are there to be sampled while

We’re talking about the wine you can’t can’t miss it stop in today 10:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. so we’re right smack in the middle of it social kitchen we appreciate them being on board with us but also I’m telling you awesome food great Meats it’s grilling season you’ll

Learn from the chef while you’re there you can ask all kinds of cool questions I have figured out a lot more things in regards to cooking thanks to my friends at Social kitchen secondly for State plays baseball today at 4:00 against fla Golf Coast you’re lucky to go 11 know

They’ve been very very very good they’ve been the antithesis of say the basketball team who lost again last night more on them in a moment but uh Florida State baseball trying to keep it rolling and boy have they had it rolling cam Smith in particular has had it

Rolling he is uh what is he hitting double check notes 478 he’s had 22 hits uh he has been tough to deal with James tibs leading the way for Florida State at the plate in terms of power he’s got six home runs and 21 RB we talked about Faro when he

Came in and how he would help this lineup um you know Legacy coming in I talk about it a lot I remember his dad he’s seventh in the NCAA right now uh in doubles uh and he is averaging nearly two hits a game so he’s helped this

Roster this lineup quite a bit and Florida state has been very very good at once again striking people out Florida G Coast comes into this game not the team that they’ve been in the past they’re hitting 281 as a team with a 387 on base percentage uh so we’ll see they they

Have not had the same success as we recall what was it dong city as Cory dubbed him uh in the past uh dong City they still hit for power but they are not the dong city that you remember meanwhile the basketball team uh is not

Going to allow for me to ring this Bell at any point it the dream is over there is and it wasn’t even a lofty dream guys it was a really lowkey I’d just like to have uh a bite to eat today kind of dream like I this isn’t I don’t want to

Stay this is you know I gotta eat at Burns and Tampa this is I just would like a sliver a morsel a piece of turkey just something today no that’s all I wanted that’s what the NIT dream is is just a little slice of something can I

Have a piece of that cake can I have some of that that’s all I wanted we didn’t get it you get nothing here’s a dry ass cracker you get a half of a cracker that’s what you get Cameron that’s what you get when you’re rooting for for State basketball which now is uh

Officially pretty bad and I’m mad I’m tired of it and I knew that I couldn’t count on them yesterday and I couldn’t they started ACC play six and2 they’ve gone three and eight since that time in the league uh if they don’t beat Miami this Saturday now they frequently beat

Miami in fact they own Miami’s ass even in years where Miami’s good so we’ll see maybe they will but they need to win that game uh and if they if they don’t then they have a losing season Tom a losing season they’re gonna end up in that 89 game in next week’s ACC

Tournament in all likelihood I guess if NC State upsets pit uh at the Pete uh then then you know I even then what are you 16 and 15 10 to 10 in the ACC it listen they’re 95th in the net right now that’s not going to be even close to

Getting you into the NIT and here’s the sad reality of this situation Florida State if we’re being completely honest and people ask me about this kind of stuff all the time what’s going to happen what’s going to happen well I’ll tell you what’s going to happen when we come back it’s Jeff

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Pinch and Penny Pools and Spas go check them out rear Street Good Times uh Tomy mentioned in a professional tease a moment ago that uh here’s what’s going to happen with the basketball team people want to know what is going to happen they’re not good they lose again

Last night it’s frustrating they may finish sub 500 if they lose to Miami they may not lose to Miami so maybe they you secure a what 16 and 15 record ain’t going to get it done it’s another year of not making the tournament it’s another year of not going to the NIT

It’s another year of um I I think just sort of wasting away feeling like no progress is being made they’re better this year than they were last but they’re not good and it is frustrating so here’s what I say to you normally ordinarily you would think that perhaps the head coach was

Going to be let go especially because your current athletic director has been pretty aggressive and has made a splash with his hires he’s a he’s a guy that um you know has has I think done a very good job if you look at his hiring track record and there’s a reason to be

Excited about the things that Alfred’s done while here at athletic director um his time here as athletic director uh but I I don’t think he’s in a position to really do a damn thing and thus I think nothing is going to happen um if you think about the situation we’re in

Um they they are not in a situation I don’t think to go out and make a splash higher so let’s just say Leonard Hamilton decided to retire that he’s frustrated uh he’s certainly had a great career uh and and I think a Hall of Fame career if you look at the entirety of

What he’s done for basketball and we know what he is as a man and I’ll always respect him and I’ll always salute him and I’ll always be thankful that we got to uh watch and cover uh larden Hamilton in this for State basketball program but it’s not successful right now they are

Struggling and if he decided to walk away way well you’re still in the same situation you’d have to make a change you’d have to go out and get somebody but I don’t think they’re equipped while they’re the midst of a a a huge huge uh shift in in in trying to leave the

Conference they’re admired in a lawsuit they’ve spent a lot of money now on facilities uh we don’t know if they’re going to end up in the Big 10 or the SEC and all these things would inform your opinion about how you go about um hiring your next coach and and and who you’d

Want to bring in Tom I think that they’re almost better off and nobody likes to hear this it’s like having um a quarterback that you know can’t play but you can’t get out from under the deal just yet not everybody can eat $85 million the way the Denver Broncos just

Had to because of the woeful deal they made with Russell Wilson you you might not be in a position to do a damn thing whether he stays and he wants to come back another year or he decides to retire I don’t think you can make a change I think you’re just stuck you’re

Just stuck yeah it could very well be I just I think the next best friend of this program is the power two and yeah the money that we’re going to get when we leave yeah correct and that’s not the situation we’re in now if you’ve got one

Year left on the deal this team was not to the level of the last two in terms of disappointment SL embarrassments with their effort so I think you press forward for one more year see what kind of noise you can make if any and at that point you reassess your options and

Perhaps you do have a new conference home that you can point to to help entice the next coach or maybe there is an announcement of some kind that you get a line of succession next year I just I the thing we can hope for Tom is

There some sort of this is the uh say goodbye to Leonard it’s been an amazing career here’s the guy that’s taken over afterward it’s kind of an announcement that’s the best you can hope for yeah because you’re kind of you kind of need to either extend or do something along

Those lines in order to set to set a tone for recruits SL transfers why would I come here why would I go to Florida State well you got to give them something um um and I I do think that this is a transition well it’s a bad

Period right now for basketball but I think it’s transitional towards a good place once we get that new conference television distribution I don’t think we’re the basketball program successes will be too far behind that development but we’re not there yet and I don’t know

If we’re going to be there in 25 or 26 so you’re looking at about three or four more years at minimum of having some rough goes of it yeah it sucks nobody likes that it’s the worst it’s the worst feeling in the world to be in limbo

Nobody likes to be in that position but when you cannot sync resources into something that you want to make a splash doing then you’re kind of just stuck by definition and and that is not you can’t sell that I mean that’s awfully difficult but at the same time they don’t this they don’t

Have they don’t have an asset that somebody wants to be a part of right now in basketball their money is is is being spent in other places being sunk in other places that are very necessary very necessary and I think the landscape of basketball changed dramatically and

It happened very very quickly and we were able to adapt to it for football because we wanted to and we had you know listen let’s be honest we ended up getting it right at head coach at the right time who figured out how to play the portal we also ended up having the

Battles in come in and really I think probably lead the way amongst collectives I’m not saying that just because we know the folks of the battle in and we’ve watched the successes they they really had a game plan that has proven to work out and thank goodness

They did but all of that was namely geared towards mainly G geared towards transitioning in football because you have to be competitive in that you have to be good at football you you can’t Florida State can’t afford to not be they added up a long time ago as I like to say

And that it worked out but it was disastrous the timing was disastrous for basketball because that support’s not there and that money is not there and it won’t be until you have your feet firmly planted on the ground in a situation in which you can be competitive because of

The extra money coming in once you’re part of the big two once you’re part of the Big 10 and and or the SEC that that’s how that’s going to work and until you have that information until you know where you’re headed and what you have to spend you can’t lure a name

I I think this links back to the the discussion we had in the first segment about Florida State nearly having to go in a different direction with a head coach and when Mike norell has leverage to expedite whatever processes he wishes to expedite I mean the the report out

There was yeah Mike norell makes now $10 million a year and that’s what the salary is going to look like over X number of years but then also there was a commitment to more resources well resources cost money man and those resources get pulled from somewhere else whether it’s from the University’s

Budget itself or whether it’s from making sure that you nudge a booster or or an nil contribution in a certain direction like that’s what that wrangling was about and so if you’re going to be investing still more money in football you’ve got less to play with

To do other things and football has to be the priority right now first of all there’s Roi on it like there hasn’t been since 29 straight victories in the decade you’re getting the return on the investment you’re getting the brand value you’re getting the leverage as much as you can from a perception

Standpoint to make a move to a power two conference like all of these things add up and they’re going to benefit the University at the expense of something else and I think right now we’re looking we’re talking about what it’s at the expense of and that’s unfortunate I hate

It basketball was something I I got very very close to as a student because we weren’t very good at football but it’s something that has to happen right now and it’s the es and flows of running an athletic department and so hopefully this time of year baseball is more consistently successful softball

Continues to do what they do for the better part of a decade and we could focus on those things while basketball is just kind of twisting in the wind for a little bit you know that’s it’s gonna have to overachieve in order to get anywhere close to the tournament if it

If the tournament field doesn’t expand of course yeah a lot of folks in the uh Heist and Lea chat asking questions about what the battles in governs over uh that is transitioning that is changing and I did an interview today that you guys will not hear today uh but

You will hear it uh in the very very near future I did it with Ingram Smith CEO battles in because of changes that are that are coming um and and and a real positive it’s a it’s a very positive situation uh that will allow

The battles in uh to to kind of take the Baton as he said uh from um Rising spear which is is going away uh and and the battle end is is kind of going to be over uh many sports and they’ll have to expand their staff uh all of them

Frankly uh and they’ll have to expand their staff and that will be a good thing in my estimation and I’m excited about that and and I think what I’m excited about you’ll hear this revealed in the interview um is the symbiotic sort of working relationship now that is happening between seminal boosters and

The battle end I think that’s the most critical aspect of what we learned in talking with him today so to me it’s exciting yeah well that’s something that you know in in the wake of the snub you saw all of the parties at the head of all of the major institutions at

Florida State pulling in the same direction and rooting on the other institutions it wasn’t long ago when nil was becoming a thing and before it became the thing that it is that you could sense in some circles that and you could read about it in other institutions and programs and it felt

Like the boosters needed to battle with the collectives for your dollar like it was almost as though they were competing institutions like two churches on a Main Street you know separated by a tenth of a mile our roof needs fixing no our roof needs fixing and and I think what has

Happened since that was created since nil became a thing is everybody understands that we’re all pulling in the same direction and so that was uh something that uh the head of the boosters had alluded to that there might be a restructuring and that’s something that will be coming in the near future

Looking forward for you guys to hear that interview we hope it’s maybe tomorrow or Friday I’m not so sure we’ll find out uh there’s a process by which this happens whenever I have a conversation with folks from the battles in in an interview form uh certain

Things have to be uh to be approved so we’re going to move forward with that as quickly as possible do want you to know that’s on the horizon and it gives clarification as to what the battle in is going to be responsible for and what

You can do as somebody who wants to see uh you know all the sports do well that includes if you’re a big time basketball guy how you can help out that way too so there’s there’s there are answers that are coming uh unfortunately I don’t think in the very near future it’s going

To save basketball in its current situation it’s Jeff K 933 real talk radio warchant TVs now Tallahassee Police are investigating a shooting that happened Sunday night leaving a man with injuries just before 8:50 p.m. Sunday police officers responded to renew Tallahassee located at 1505 West Tharp Street after hearing gunshot once officers arrived

They were approached by a man who advised he was not feeling well officers discovered the man had been shot in the groin area he was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries currently there are no suspects and no rests have been made this is an active and ongoing investigation

Tallahassee is set to become the home of what organizers say will be the first of its kind indoor pickle ball facility and entertainment venue the pickle pad will feature six indoor courts a full service restaurant and bar private areas for other games and a pickle ball training

Simulator the site is being worked on at 1925 North Monroe Street and the company said it will be opening in the spring this is Rachel and with real talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems tellah has goto Mac store check them out online at mamore this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update Sunshine mixed with clouds at times this afternoon daytime high is approaching 79 is out of the West 8 to 15 mph mainly clear skies tonight lowest level off around 55 daytime highs approaching 80 and foggy early tomorrow

Lots of sunshine this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the laon currently 75 powermill Training Academy equips motivated athletes focused on baseball and softball with the specific tools to reach their true potential now

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Comes into play they’ve got coaches and camps that teach for every level of play for your son or your daughter to learn more go to powermill so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean

Everything on the menu MH everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bug chungle as I call it the P Chong Jeff is that a what is the pork the B Chong Jeff okay the bang Chung it’s delicious all these things

All the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is a skill that you possess that you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair Gordo bringing the flavor and flare

Of Cuban food to Tallahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s Riser not everybody is so I always get to needle them on this day when we get to to go out there and and get to see

These guys working but I say it’s a big day because it’s a chance to see a whole lot of new faces and a whole lot of people that we’re expecting an awful lot out of I want to get into that here in just a second first just a reminder to

All of you as the weather heats up as you well know it’s getting nice outside soon some folks just can’t help themselves they have to take off their shirts they want you to see the guns they want you to see just what kind of shape they’re in or they’re dreading the

Idea of you seeing what kind of shape they’re in go to Orange Theory Fitness get locked in now interval training the way the pros do I may point to you guys the tread 50 is where it’s at for me now they have the the strength 50 as well

Where you can just go all in on on the weightlifting for the day and not worried about any of the cardio and then on the other part of that that’s a bad way of saying it because you’re getting cardio when you’re lifting weights but uh the other part of that is if you

Don’t feel like lifting weights there maybe you have weights at the house or whatever and you want to just do the cardio well then you can sign up for tread 50 you just go run your ass off and roll your ass off so a lot of

Options now for folks that want to get involved in Orange Theory and get that expert training two locations in town Orange Theory back to this Tom which is again us talking about uh getting a glimpse I know you’re jealous of tomorrow because unfortunately you’ll be in New York but you’ll have the

Opportunity to hear all of us talk about these guys what they look like I’ll call you on my way back uh from the facility so I can tell you hey wait you get a load of so and so when you’re here to cover Spring football there’s going to

Be a guy like that you know there is I’m sure I will be hearing what you have to say on the phone at the same time that I’m watching the video of the rap from the Tour of Duty you guys did one last year that was well received because we

Were all starred for it yeah but yeah the other part of it this year which is cool is that they’re allowing uh videography we’re allowed to take b-roll and video of these workouts that happened two years ago that we could do that I believe if Co restri restrictions

Were gone by then um oh they were it’s 22 but last year no it was just still photography so this is good you’re going to get to see some of these kids in action and with the turnover on the roster being as large as it is you’ve

Got 20 some odd players I think when you’re including early and rol e there are a lot of important contributors to Florida State football that are just arriving here this year the last season when when a Braden Fisk arrived and he was in a green jersey and only allowed

To do so much and Keon Coleman and some others arrived they were the compliments but I think the substance to this thing is going to be a lot about the newcomers not just the complimentary pieces should be interesting to watch so IRA and I had a discussion when

We just did the two of us uh yesterday for simal headlines when we were talking about these players and you know what I started thinking about after that show uh looking ahead to this Thursday and same conversation we’re having now is how many guys we’re really looking towards that could potentially alter uh

Just how good this team is that will have a major impact on how good this team is I it’s there are golly if you just talking about high school and transfer portal guys Tom I don’t know what that total number is but it’s over like 30 isn’t it it’s it’s well over

Well I think for all of the all working out physically I know we’ve met all of them I know we’ve met all the newcomers they’ve provided them for interviews I’m talking about seeing these guys working out running combined combo uh the the high school kids and the and

And the transfer portal kids it’s crazy yeah no especially when you get some of the summer and roles in but yeah you’re talking about at least at least a quarter of the roster at least a quarter of the roster and it’s going to be it sets the stage you know there’s there’s

Other stuff to it too where the different Jersey colors I’m sure they’re doing that this year the different Jersey colors symbolize how far out the rung you are U remember there’s the cating I think of it used to be the black Jersey I wonder if that’s going to

Be a different color jersey this year was like the PIN of uh you’re you’re consistent every day you’re exceeding expectations every day and it goes down the line so you get to see a little bit of the cast system if you will and then uh you get to see also

Just some of the first blush observations like some of the things that were right and wrong for me the last couple of years was Zar Thomas is running in a group with Sam mall and I was more impressed with Zar Thomas like it wasn’t even close right I thought he

Was much more impressive um and that doesn’t mean he’s going to be a great football player but it’s just athletically I’m like wow that’s that looks like the five star that kid right there and then last year Jeremiah buers I thought there’s no way that this guy

Can’t be your best offensive lineman and probably an interior offensive lineman with his agility agility and his speed well just because he’s a really good athlete didn’t make him a great offensive lineman last year he’s got a chance to improve this season but I wonder what those kinds of observations

Will be tomorrow like again last year high Keem Williams workout was one of a kid who was not in shape and the coaches even made light of it after it happened I can’t wait to see the dichotomy of last year’s High Keem versus this year’s High Keem in in this specific

Workout the guys that I think most of us are gonna be buzzing over well just to to kind of piggy back on what you said there hakee is going to be a guy that I’m walk looking at immediately because I think for all of my talk about how

Good this team is going to be next year I’m reliant on five or six guys that haven’t produced a ton at the college level but have the potential to do so so I’m talking about on both sides of the ball Earl little Jr for example Tom is

Somebody that I think we’re very excited about um who’s not excited to see what Marvin Jones Jr looks like off the edge in addition to the guys that you’re bringing in uh from from Oregon and uh Oregon State excuse me uh and and then also West Virginia and all those guys

All those people we’ve talked about that that there’s a chance can make a huge impact um but I I think that that’s true of the Alabama players just all the way across the board you you’ve got a running back you got a receiver you got a defensive back you got so many guys

And then the returning guys that I’m counting on to take that massively forward number one on that list is AE Williams he’s got to be great for Florida State to be well I think he’s got to be really really good for Florida State uh to to be as good as I think

They’re gonna be on offense next year well that the receiver group in general is going to be fun to watch because you’ve got a lot of good athletes I mean we’ve talked about that a lot this week because it’s in a lot of ways the most interesting battle that’s coming up in

The spring and in the fall but you got a A lot of really really good athletes in that group like Malik Benson is made for a tour of Duty yes so’s Destin Hill so so is HEM Williams I know kentron doesn’t have maybe the top end speed but

He is an athlete man and then you’re G to see some of the younger guys as well come in and how they fold in you mentioned it to Ira I think the other day but I I wish that Elijah Moore was enrolled already because that would be

Fun to see I was excited about him but he’s not yeah he’s not quite enrolled just yet uh he’ll be a summer en rolly but I mean there’s just there’s a lot of that going around where you’re going to see Top Flight athletes Florida State’s reputation is now one of speed let’s see

How fast this team is my guess is there’s a lot of top end speed across the board and then there’s dudes that you’re talking about either the second year in the program or they’re coming off of a year where they were banged up uh like Blake Nicholson second year in

The program can’t wait to see what he looks like with some work with Josh storms in the winter how about Lucas Simmons at tackle can’t wait to see what he looks like I’m glad you went there because I know we get caught up in the skill positions all us do it’s sexy and

They are going to be a lot faster than they were last year uh at wide receiver all a lot of their guys got hurt at wide receiver and and that’s unfortunate that’s an understatement but they brought in a lot of speed it feels like they addressed that specifically they

Were like we are going to be faster come hell high water even if we have injuries we’re going to be faster because we’re bringing in a lot more people but the offensive line last year was pretty damn average and when we brought in Lucas Simmons that was a guy that was a

Prototypical offensive tackle that people projected would be an NFL tackle he just needed to get bigger up top he had the legs for it already he had great footwork already Unfortunately they had to put the brakes on him uh and in a situation where he really had to kind of

Just stop doing what he was doing and without getting into details obviously there was sort of just a medical situation there but he is now good clear to go ready to go we all get excited about that I contend that he has a chance to be an impact player this year

Most people don’t agree most people say n it’ll be another year I’m not so sure he’s kind of a freakish body type that since he’s been given the green lights on him and you talking about storms that’s a guy that could be ready because he’s athletic for the

Size yeah I thought he was got given more responsibility last spring towards the end of camp that was eye opening it would looked a little early at the time but again it just for the experience Factor you don’t put a kid in there to fail or to stunt his growth I wouldn’t

Put it past Lucas Simmons to maybe be in a rotation or the two Deep by the end of the year if if yes if things continue to go there’s no setbacks or anything like that he just if he’s steady able to get in those workouts every single day of of

Spring camp and fall camp and then practice during the week yeah why not he could maybe get in the mix but the guys that are closer to the mix somebody like a Jaylen early let’s see what he looks like because the coaching staff is very excited about him Julian arella it’s

Kind of Now or Never this season to ass certain I’ll be fascinated to see where he’s at Tom that guy there’s no doubt we’re also trying to identify very early in the process it’s just a workout nobody’s hitting each other tomorrow who’s a candidate to not be

Here real soon let’s be honest I mean we’re gonna go through these segment groups where the competition is stiff and we’re gonna ask the question uh especially if somebody comes into this thing tomorrow out of shape but where you know and I don’t know we’ll see maybe nobody’s out of shape that’d be

Great certainly M norell has lted this team’s work ethic so far in the offseason and talked about how he thought the veteran influence of the players that are transferring in and their work ethic was outstanding he talked about this team probably being uh the most in shape and and and best

Suited to go through these drills in a long long time so that’s all positive we’ll see uh but but yeah we’re g to be identifying candidates here as we get set for spring football who are these groups of guys that probably will not choose to be here much longer after

Spring well on the offensive line there’s more guys I mean all these positions you can do this but I I’m rather fascinated by the trenches and the offensive line could stand to be improved this year but for eses this is a humongous Camp you talk about now or

Never for canaya Charlton it’s a year three you they got to show some improvement you don’t have to be a red shirt sophomore to deep guy but you got to show some improvement and then how about an year or two for a kid like Andre AO who we liked but Andre AO

Looked the part of somebody who was just out of high school so can he put on if he puts on some size who knows man that kid’s range of motion his agility maybe he could be in the mix it’s just yeah this is this is where it

Starts to get the conversation going the hard part of all of this is you’re gonna get the taste tomorrow and you gota wait about 12 days you gota wait 12 days before the camp really starts the good news is you do get a spring break in

There and a lot of people will choose to take some down time there which will allow you to kind of get your mind right and avoid some problems and then you come back ready to go come back ready to go be glad by the way we were talking

About I began the show I began the hour talking about mikee norell and how it was that they were this close to seeing him take his coaching acum to Alabama and we were this close to find Old Miss to bring in uh their head coach and you

Know that was interesting with kein uh but I I also thought about this today as it pertains to Mikel be glad that he’s young and hungry and there’s no doubt that he is because reading what Nick Sabin had to say about why it was he retired and citing specifically certain

Things that made him mad uh speaks to his 72 years of age and a lot of coaches in college football not liking this era that we’re in luckily for Florida State while going through some transition in college football that is less than ideal they have a young coach who’s survived

Adapting and still energetic enough to handle all of it you’re gonna like some of the quotes that I give you as we get into the next hour from Sab including calling out his players after the loss to Michigan which I think is odd by the way on your way out the

Door like I’m not sure in that interview that does you much good to say that your players quote showed their ass after the loss to Michigan I don’t know I don’t know why you’d want to do that there Nick but I’m glad that you did because

It’s fun reading and I’ll get into some of those other quotes in just a moment it’s Jeff G show 933 real talk radio and warchant TV Attention Florida are you a victim of an auto accident we introduce our live chat sponsor heis and Lea Law Firm dedicated to representing injured clients Statewide if you’ve been in an accident call heis Lea Law Firm at 81383 0733 for a free consultation remember there’s no cost to you unless

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Football stadium I don’t I don’t I like it it’s strangely soothing to me I’m weird this way it’s like rain I love rain whenever it rains if I can sit out on my back deck watch the rain come I’m an old man but I’ve always been this way

Since a little kid I liked watching rain and strangely every time we go to break and we have the camera shots of the construction being done at do I’m like yeah man I like that I just want to sit and look at it it doesn’t make any sense people were

Devastated by it they look at it they go no what’s happened to do but see I remember when do was the erector said I was coming to games with my father in 1980 and 81 I remember what a dump it was it looked like a glorified high

School and so now I don’t I’m I’m not averse to change I’m like okay fine fine let’s see what it’s going to be but the the process strangely fascinates me I’m glad you’re on board for that because uh it was something that I decided when

When I saw that there was an Earth cam of it a live stream of the renovations I thought you know what for the top of the hour when we do the change over there’s a couple extra minutes might as well show the people what’s going on have

Some fun with it if Florida State’s gonna provide that for everybody to see might as well watch it and you’re right even if it’s just when you see the slides that’s every 30 minutes there’s an auto photo that’s taken right what’s going on so even if it’s you’re watching

Like a a dump truck move from the 20 to the 30 he’s going to the 40 like that’s that’s oddly satisfying I pulled it up so my kids every now and then will say something to me about a topic we had on the air or whatever it might be or

They’ll ask me did you talk about this today what was your take on this dad some guys at school were talking about this and so I can pull it up for them you know the YouTube feed if I’m just on my laptop doing work I’ll be like oh

Here here’s the YouTube feed right here it was from earlier today here this is what I said but every time we do that Tom I’m like oh look here’s the construction of the stadium while we were in break they’re like I don’t care no but just look at it it’s soothing it’s it’s

Outstanding they they don’t see it the same way I do and I’m just confessing to this love I have of what you’ve set up here for us during the break I get nothing done I’m about to look up a stat and I’m like oh I’m not going to look at

The stat let me just look at this they do they do have a time lapse on the right like one that’s pretty aggressive and and uh we can do that once in a while if you want for the visual audience where it’s just it’s in a

Smaller window so you’ll have to zoom in a little bit I think on your own end but it shows you fast like what they’ve done over the last few months and it is substantial it is kind of Bittersweet though you’re like well well that piece

Of metal I sat on for when this play happened or that play happened sure no more yeah it was uncomfortable those seats were never good they weren’t you don’t have to I’m not talking about you Tom but people do this all the time they’re like oh well I always love this

Man those seats suck they’ve always sucked they haven’t been comfortable seats in forever let’s get it together let’s modernize the hell out of this Stadium let’s go I have not gotten to the age where sitting out there although I haven’t very much in a long time

Because of the nature of the gig but um I haven’t gotten to the age where my back would be messed up for a day or two but I know that there are a lot of you out there whose backs were messed up for a day or two you had if you didn’t have

Those chair backs you had a problem you had a sincere problem on a Sunday after sitting at do well in the way that it was structured it’s because you know I mean look I joke about this all the time America’s fat we’re a bunch of fat asses

And uh and now all these fat asses trying to pile into what was the the proper circumference of the seat back of the day it’s not that anymore so you just got that guy’s fat all up on you nobody wants that so let’s get it right let’s get it right fewer seats more

Comfortable seats and less of that dude’s fat all up on you nobody wants the deal it’s G to be okay I get it now listen that doesn’t mean that I’m not empathetic for those that either couldn’t couldn’t reup for whatever reason couldn’t afford to or whatever it

Might be I mean I get that change is hard and some people get left out in the cold and I don’t like that I but there’s just no other way to do it there’s no there’s no other way to do it so I just

I mean I hate it but I do I can still be excited about what it’s going to look like and what going to be I hope they don’t screw it up I love the renderings but you never know till like you get over there right that is correct

Yeah there’s a lot of apartment renderings I’ve seen over the years as either a student or you know a young professional well that apartment complex looks badass and then I get there and I go not what the pictures look like they didn’t uh show that these rundown stains

On the walls and that raggedy carpet the patchwork uh no guess I’m going to go somewhere else those those renderings were lies they’re almost like Bosley commercials well we don’t know if the Bosley stuff is untrue or not I don’t know anybody with the Bosley I’ve not met anybody who’s gone

Bosley I just chose to be bald but there was a brief snippet of time where I almost made a catastrophically bad decision and thought about Bosley thought about like I don’t want to lose my hair anymore I want I want I want that Bosley look look at that it looks

Real and you can comb it and it grows and you brush it and cut it and all that but you you’re saying that’s all a lie Hair Club for Men never looked real when you used to see the Hair Club for Men commercials you’d be like oh come on man

What are we doing here you that doesn’t look right the Bosley people I’m like it’s your real hair Tom oh yeah that’s right real hair it comes from the back here oh sure comes from the comes from your pits no it comes from the back with the

Crown that never goes away you never lose that so puts back up here then you’re good to go then you got your free flow and locks that’s what they say anyhow I don’t know if it works that way or not there you go there’s the stadium

Give you a little time lapse music to go with it how about that I cut the music there we go cut the music the rain yeah yeah I will tell you uh oh see look at that look at that you can’t stop watching it it’s fantastic we

Could do this for an hour we’d make for terrible radio who can’t see this at all sorry guys you’re driving about going I wish I could see it you do you wish you could it’s amazing that said I do work you know I read a story I’m going to get back to

The sa thing that I teased during the break before the break uh I I I asked this question because of what I was reading uh I saw where there was an article that came out I think it’s our friend Andrea adelon was tasked with putting together uh the top 25 teams uh season

Defining games sorry I was trying to think of how to say that in the upcoming year and what will be the season defining game so I scroll I don’t really care what Penn State’s season defining game is I’m going to scroll down to get to where Forest state is or overly

Concerned about Missouri’s season defining game so I went to ours and it reads as follows the answer shifted to LSU the last few seasons but we’ll go back to an old standby this year Clemson is what she writes both teams are expected to be amongst the favorites to

Win the ACC Championship and they play in Tah on October the 5th the obvious juicy storyline with DJ facing his old team and quarterback who took the job and Kade Club Nick uh Florida state will already played Four conference games in a true Quirk of its schedule what happens against Clemson could truly

Determine whether it is a shot at back-to-back ACC championships two other huge games Loom to a road contest against Miami and then two two weeks later big match up against Notre Dame so Clemson I I would say that’s about right although I think Miami a little bit

Closer to being a season defining game this year than it’s been in a long time Bartley because it’s always a big and defining moment and that it’s an arch rival but they’re actually maybe good enough to challenge for something that they rarely challenge for and that’s being anywhere close to an ACC

Championship game so that may turn out to be uh what looms large here but back to the point of her choosing Clemson don’t care to talk about that except for that that game is on October the 5th in Tallahassee and what is the home football experience going to be like for

Fans this season because the advantage that you typically have and there is a distinct advantage in college football unlike pro football in in college football man it it it does have some real Sway and uh I wonder does Florida State have any kind of a HomeField advantage next year I don’t know how

Many seats are going to be available like they have their estimates of you know you’re giving up x amount of seats there might be 10,000 15 on that I I really don’t know know what it’s going to look like Acoustics wise too you you might have a bunch of sound just get

Absorbed by the Gap or or the the the guts of the construction that’s over on the alumni side what I can tell you is and now I’m starting to date myself uh for the Florida State Clemson game in 2010 14 years ago this fall this is the EJ manual spot start

You got two good offensive plays the first deep post to Rodney Smith and then an EJ run late and You’ got the Dustin Hopkins 55 y walk-off kick there were only about 50 to 55,000 fans in the stands that particular night and it got

Loud like I was down on the field I was allowed to shoot video in those days I was shooting video on the field the final five six minutes of the game and I noted that man that’s this is legitimately loud this is not like lost

Decade loud so you can make it happen I just wonder from an acoustic standpoint if you have a giant Gap over there how is that going to affect the thing and and affect the way the sound bounces around the stadium yeah I’m worried about it too I just I that’s a game that

Would ordinarily be very very loud there’d be a pressing matter at hand here like we want to win the ACC it’s all on the line right now against that team uh we know you know you got to survive it this is part of it I mean

You’re gonna be dealing with a lot of weird stuff next year the schedule is is I I it’s a tough schedule but I like the way it’s set up we’ve said that time and again but you probably do lose some element of your HomeField advantage next

Year in some of the bigger games that you play there they suggestion I have I doubt they have the manpower to um to fulfill it um and make it happen because they they don’t have the person power to help with the concessions as it is uh this past season but there really needs

To be an impetus on Lang Memorial Champions club members and sitting in their seats this season like get your ass in the seats you gota you got to be adding to the deal count we need you now you’ll never again I don’t need to say more than ever more than more than we’ll

Ever be we’ll need you this year so maybe if we could have have some folks that like the old school cold beer here and maybe you got a mobile bar you got a guy coming down there he shaking there’s ice makers and all kinds of stuff and he

Could fill you a cocktail ice to lure them out of the air conditioning and into their seats yes we need you now in the memorial Champions Club more than ever to Make Some Noise this is the one this is not the time to be standing up

There having a party you got to be in your seats because every voice counts I missed the cold beer here guy now not that that ever happened at dop but just in general going to baseball games all those years gold be here I always like that I always love that

That’s good even when I was a little kid he was just part of it all right there that guy’s got some cold beer I like that he says that it’s cold one would assume you’re not selling hot beer but I always love that there was a guy this as

I get older this name sounds funnier but a guy named Honey brother uh at at Raymond James Stadium well the old hoolahan stadium I should say because he would call who you’re either honey or your brother based upon your gender you be hey honey all right 22 22 and then

They pass the beers down down yeah how you doing brother 19 19 and then you pass it down he passed the cash over but that was the guy that was always uh on the I think it was the the north sideline at hoolahan that was always making the money everybody uh everybody

Very trusting back in the day lots of money exchanging hands being passed way the hell down the hey that’s my drink and all that yeah had that that’s my beer yeah every but they did rarely did you see a fight you could trust oh Willie at the end of the line there he’s

Been coming to these games for a long time he’s good for it he’ll get here we’re gonna be okay it’s true if you were sitting in somewhere near the aisle of a Buccaneers game you probably 60 bucks went over towards the aisle itself and about 12 Beers got

Passed over the other way yeah that’s about right I’ll tell you something else I I don’t know why and I’ve been back to a million games I I would went to to the old Tampa Stadium back in the day a ton obviously since it’s been Raymond James

Been there a ton something about going to Bucks games in the 80s was the hottest damn experience in the history of humanity I don’t know why but it was I it was insane every Bucks game I was ever at in the early and mid 80s felt

Like death like we are on the surface of the Sun how does anybody play football in this 1996 the first game in the new uniforms the Bucks wore white which we always do we should never wear the red uniforms and um that was against San Francisco and they concussed Steve Young

In that game and one of many in his career so he was out of Bucks win that was akin to the USF Florida State game in 2009 in Tass that game we were close enough to the sideline to feel the Cool Zone fans remember the giant Cool Zone

Fans yeah yeah they keep you from dying fans yes our Saving Grace was the players Cool Zone fans that’s how hot it was ruthless I just remember many times going ah my pant leg rose up and I got burnt it’s the worst okay I’ll get to

These sa quotes I promise I didn’t get to them this segment but I will next Jeff C ch33 real talk radio War TV attention Florida are you a victim of an auto accident we introduce our live chat sponsor heis and Lea Law Firm dedicated to representing injured

Clients Statewide if you’ve been in an accident call heisen Lea Law Firm at 81383 0733 for a free consultation remember there’s no cost to you unless they win your interests come first with heisen Le a law firm the name you can trust for justice call 81383 0733 now or visit heisten Lea heisten Lea Law Firm your advocate in times of need this is Smitty’s Tap House and grill for delivery directly to your doorstep just visit Smitty sta click the order online button and choose pickup or delivery enjoy Smitty’s famous handmade pretzel with beer cheese juicy P burger

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Booster helping out so much about aiding programs getting programs where they need to be well you’ve got the owner of Zak be’s doing the right thing providing delicious food and support for Florida State athletics that’s a great thing we mentioned it yesterday I’ll mention again today I think we’re building up

Steam towards it and I’m talking about Friday you guys driving through don’t worry yourself about the cooking that night it’s Friday we’re starting the weekend for many it’s the start of spring break get you the platters get you the big old platters and let’s celebrate some time some downtime together over delicious

Delicious is another way to say that word chicken fingers there you go gladders are a nice match very nice match for the tailgates too so next week uh there’s a big home series with Notre Dame it’s a little extra link Jared yeah right you got you got some sub there but

Those games are going to be well attended I mean hell Western Carolina a couple weeks ago that that Saturday game had 5,500 strong maybe 6,000 strong you just want to be out there you want to be feeling the vibe don’t worry about the grill don’t worry about the other stuff

Just go get you a platter some days are for grilling but some days for kicking back and and opening that beer one uh one Grill session early gets you an extra 30 45 minutes former Alabama coach Nick Sabin said he knew a while ago that his time

With the program was coming to an end the 72-year-old uh legend of the game sat down recently with ESPN it’s a lengthy interview in which he’s contemplated said began contemplating retirement at the end of 2022 it’s interesting Tom we heard these rumors dating back to around then fortunately

For those of us on this side of the Ledger you know people we all know people who cover either the SEC or college football in general or specifically we know people who cover Alabama and those Whispers were getting louder and louder and every time one

Would come our way I would say it’s the ultimate Testament to who Nick Sabin was and his successful campaign year in and year out please do sweet Jesus what are you waiting on you’ve won a gazillion titles you’ve made more money than you could ever spend you’ve changed your

Great great great great great grandson’s life already with the money you’ve made can we just take it on down the damn road and he finally did we began the show by mentioning how that almost had a adverse effect on Florida State it did not but worked out cost us a little bit

Of money but it worked out so he steps away after the loss to Michigan and he says I want to be clear in this interview that wasn’t the reason but some of the events certainly contributed I was disappointed in the way that the players acted after that game you have

To win with class and you have to lose with class we had opportunities to win that game and we didn’t do it and then showing our ass and being frustrated and throwing helmets and stuff like that that’s not who we are and what we’ve promoted in our program so he was he was

Frustrated by that and then he was frustrated that when they got back to Tuscaloosa remember when I teased this earlier I said be glad that your coach is Young be glad that Mike norell is in a good place in a good frame of mind and a good age

To be dealing with a lot of stuff that Nick is pointing out here but that other coaches have pointed out as well and seem to many anyhow have an agreed upon concern right you want a young guy when things are transitioning and not everything is coming up roses because

They can deal with that they don’t have a choice they’re early in their career they still have a ton of goals out in front of them and a lot of money to make when you’re tired and you’re 72 and you’ve seen it all and done it all and

Won it all you don’t have to put up with it and many of the guys who don’t have to put up with it are riding out or thinking about going to the pros or finding another way to apply their expertise they got back to Tuscaloosa

And Alabama met with a ton of members of the team and he said that the majority of the players whom he talked to after that loss were worried about an increased role on the team they wanted an increased role on the team and they were expressing those concerns or they

Wanted more financial gain through nil initiatives with Talk of the transfer portal looming as a piece for leverage quote I thought we could have had a hell of a team next year and maybe 70 or 80% of the players that I talked to all they wanted to know was two things what

Assurances do I have that I’m going to start and how much more money can I make in nil our program here was always built on how much value we can create for your future and your personal development academic success in graduating and developing an NFL career on the field so

I’m saying to myself maybe this just doesn’t work anymore that the goals and aspirations are different and it’s all about how much money a college kid can make at this time I’m not saying that’s a bad thing necessarily I’m not saying it’s wrong I’m just saying that it’s

Never been what we were about before and it’s not why we had Success Through The Years yeah that’s him saying that priorities have shifted the opportunities are there for these players now and way they never were before I do like that he at least pivoted to the fact that he doesn’t

Think it’s wrong but he is saying I just didn’t have the time nor the inclination to deal with it it was time to walk yes yes I agree it was time to walk and I don’t know that there are too many 72 73 74 year olds that are going to say um

Yeah I’m down for this I love it this is awesome they’re not we’re seeing coaches like Kelly and others decide to take lesser roles so they they can just coach and not have to deal with all of that stuff right it’s gonna continue to happen until there’s a little bit more

In the way of clarity about how this works and and what the rules are and I don’t think there are too many guys in their 60s or beyond that are going to embrace this and and come to work with a fresh attitude ready to get after it every

Day yeah I tend to agree I think for Sabin they still did some of the things that he says they didn’t do it’s just that it never came to this level it never Rose to this level and I will get into the society part of it uh be Jimbo

For a second no I’m I’m not going to do it not going to do it um I just I I think he was correct to qualify it like you said and put himself in a position where I’m not saying it’s wrong because you can’t blame the kids this is the

System put before the kids if they don’t do that to a degree command the dollar value they have now it’s like if you go on a game show and they you could choose 20 grand in front of you or what’s behind curtain number two and you got a

Medical bill I’m going to take the 20 you know you know that that’s I don’t the NFL might not I might not make it so I’m gonna take for me really quick on that point Tom and I’ve I’ve showered them with praise for the right reasons it’s a good thing that battles

In has been organized and has been about more than just money they’ve really had the the the whole person in mind here I sound like I’m I’m creating a commercial but it’s been true and that’s why they’ve been successful that is my opinion but I think it’s also accurate

To say that well listen man Jordan Travis may not make any money in the NFL good thing he made a lot of money here there are a lot of kids like that that in the past would have had nothing to fall back on they weren’t they weren’t

Either a fit in the NFL they weren’t quite good enough but they were really good college players and the University was able to sell jerseys and tickets and all the other stuff off of them and the head coach could make 11 12 million a year but the kid couldn’t and we wanted that

To change and that has changed there are good aspects of all this but it does need some sort of regulatory universally agreed upon uh system as opposed to willy-nilly and just at this point you know we’re watching this transition and it’s difficult old guys are not going to be

Good with that they’re not the part that I like about it though you know Sabin he he is what he is in legendary status I’m not questioning that I’m not qualifying that he found a way to climb the mountain uh at two different places places with a lot of resources but he

Found a way to get the most out of those resources but I do like the idea of him saying wait a minute so we’ve got to live like everybody else we we’ve got to do what everybody else has to do with nil I don’t want to play

Anymore like I I do enjoy that part of it I get age is is a huge factor in this but also I like the idea of he’s thinking this is how everybody else has to do it well that’s not fair it’s actually more fair it’s more fair than

It’s ever been Nick now if you don’t want to be a part of it then get out of here and he’s well I don’t want to be a part of it but I’m gonna keep an office in tuscala because I’m going to keep tabs on it like it’s it’s kind of funny

And it might lead to some serious dysfunction in Alabama for some some time to come yeah I got no problem with name image likeness I got no problem with players making money off their name image and likeness I do want there to be regulations and rules uh governing all

Of it I think it’s coming I think it’s going to happen and I do think there are aspects of it that are very good for the game of football uh but you could graduate from there and he didn’t get into this and this quote’s not in the article but I think there’s

Another part of this Tom it’s not just that player A or B said hey I want to know that I can make more money coming into next year I want assurances that there’s more nil there I think we’re talking about the professionalism of Collegiate Sports taking another step forward with the

Super two I I I think that’s really where this is headed and you’ve heard in the last few days more and more people bring this up you saw where Trent dord brought this up and he was talking about Venture capitalists and others looking to invest in owning college football

Teams good God man because they couldn’t own a pro football team they’re just going to buy a college team they’ll provide all the money necessary for nil that is scarier than hell it’s also um just a reminder of where we are that if you think it’s going nuts and the system’s kind of

Crazy well you’re right you’re right it is but good thing we’ve got a guy who can navigate these choppy Waters is he’s almost like uh one of those uh what’s the sea what’s the you you watch all these shows where the the fishermen are in the the sea that kills so many each

Year the fishing boats crash what what sea is that is it well there there are several of these but off the coast of Alaska is where a lot of people are killed several times over Mike norella is like a boat captain and he’s an Alaska fisherman because these waters

Are raging man these waters are raging and he finds a way to always get out there and get back and he brings quite the hall with him I like that you used Deadliest Catch that’s the name of the show I’ve never seen it but I know it exists and I

Just I’ve seen the videos of the you I mean these are on like IG all the time too right the stunts the guys could do they make themselves look like they’re flying as the boats rocking back and forth that’s my man that’s Mike that’s what he’s doing because those waters are

College football right now oh it’s awful I would hate it I get it when guys decide I just want to be go go be a coordinator I just let me call plays I don’t want to deal with this I love coaching I like making kids better and I

Want to call plays I don’t want to have to deal with all this nonsense but if you’re 42 43 44 whatever early in your career as a as a coach you got a lot of money to make and a lot of energy to spend like you can do this you can do

This because it’s going to come around we’re gonna see a little bit clearer uh methodology for how College footballs run whether it be those teams that break off and aren’t part of the super two or those that join and right now we’re just waiting on that yeah the

The one thing that that happened before the players got taken care of and everybody freaks out when the players get a little bit share of the PT you know it’s amazing how the coaching salaries kind of match the revenue increases in television like nobody had a problem with the coaching coaching

Salaries being modernized and coordinators making a million a million five and now Adam Fuller is making two and he’s one of I remember when will muschamp was the first to make a million dollars as a coordinator it’s like 10 years ago the exponential rise of head coaching salaries like people might be

Perturbed by it but they don’t scream bloody murder but it you know the market was able to shift for the es and I think it’s G to they can’t hide the size of the market now for the players as well well one of the things that I always did

Admire about Nick Sabin and uh it’s the opposite of dbos Sweeny situation Sabin and I’m paraphrasing right now many many years ago said with the amount of money I make if I were allowed to do it I could take a million off the top and

Invest it in my players and I would do that if I were allowed to do it like he understood that that was UN Equitable it wasn’t fair the way the situation worked out where coaches could make 15 16 17 million and have their Nike contracts and everything else and that the players

Couldn’t yeah he understood that was nonsense but so that’s why I don’t get on him as much and he is smart to qualify because he knows that we’re both gonna be what the hell are you talking about Sir you’ve made Untold Millions off this situation so you know like yeah

He he knows enough to know that he knows enough to know that I’m just once again going to reiterate that it’s really fortunate we’ve got a young coach in the midst of all the turbulent Waters that we’re speaking of uh de is catching all because you would not want to have an

Old man at the end of his career because I think it’s Expediting the process of peace I am the hell out of here I’m not dealing with this I do think though again while we don’t have everything buttoned up and the NCAA has been deemed impotent and college football feels a

Little rudderless currently that as this happens you are going going to watch in the you know coming months several relatively decent sized names in college football either as coordinators and head coaches opt to ride out if they have an NFL Landing Strip like I I think

They will and why would you not yeah if you’re not in one of the power programs where you’re going to be making eight to1 million as a head coach or you can make that kind of money then sure but that that’s the thing that keeps you

Here too is I I would I just argued it one way I’ll argue it the other way if the coaching salaries were the same as they were 15 years ago nobody would do this no nobody would be the head coach nobody would you could go become a special teams coordinator for Seattle

And you could make something on the level with a coordinator salary in college you just go do that I’ll just go do that but because there is a whole lot of potential reward to be a a coordinator at a school like this or a head coach at a power five institution

That cares about football it the juice is worth the squeeze is your life hell yeah but you know what they’re not getting paid 2 million anymore more you’re getting paid eight or 10 if you’re at the Pinnacle of the profession don’t know if a story broke that we’re

Unaware of Tom or that your host here decided to ignore but uh we’ve been able to have 1300 people jump in on a random balls MC Wednesday so uh there are tons of people watching here the YouTube audience is as robust as it usually is

Uh I can get into a conspiracy theory on this if you like or I can just leave the mystery out there it’s your call I like the mystery to remain okay attention for Florida are you a victim of an auto accident we introduce our live chat sponsor Heist and Leal Law Firm

Dedicated to representing injured clients Statewide if you’ve been in an accident call Heist and Link a law firm at 81383 0733 for a free consultation remember no cost to you unless they win your interests come first with heis link law firm the name you can trust for justice call

81383 0733 now or visit he leaw that’s heison link law firm your advocate in times of need offices Tampa news now a 14-year-old boy was left with injuries after being shot during the overnight hours Monday just after 1:15 a.m. Monday police say officers dispatched the 2200 block of Keith

Street regarding the shooting upon arrival officers found a 14-year-old boy suffering from gunshot wound he was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries currently there are no suspects and no arrests have been made this is an active and ongoing investigation a familiar voice and face at Florida State is set to get

A special broadcast honor Jean deckerhoff former voice of the seals and current Tampa Bay Buccaneers radio play-by-play announcer has been named to the inaugural class of the Florida broadcasters Hall of Fame for many years Decker Hoff’s calls could be heard at FSU football and men’s basketball games

On the radio he retired from announcing FSU broadcast in 2022 this is Rachel and with your Ro talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems Tass go to macstore check them out online at mamore this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update Sunshine

Mixed with clouds at times this afternoon daytime highs approaching 79 winds out the West 8 to 15 mph mainly clear skies tonight lows level off around 55 daytime highs approaching 80 and foggy early tomorrow lots of sunshine this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your

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I don’t know I think I’m in lock step right now I’m in a good place when it comes to some uh Redemption Thursday style Wagers for tomorrow and for the golf at Bay Hill but your boy hit a little parlay last night and you know I

Don’t even like the BET parlays all that much it’s a sucker bet they want you to bet parlay but uh last night I’m pulling it up here to see what I had again um had a little Illinois first half action Tom Illinois first half action last night along with a North Carolina cover

And Dayton in Ohio wins parlay that uh paid well paid well yeah you like it now what kind of market research did you do to put that together well this is the time of year we’re going into conference tournaments and you also have a lot of senior nights

Tom and so when you get these em senior nights you got to take advantage with these first half plays Illinois is not good enough to beat Purdue when Purdue is playing well but they’re good enough to be fired up on a senior night to have

A lead at the half so that’s the kind of fun and games we have around here when you bet buddy here’s just what I’m thinking maybe you’re going to take it easy on a Tuesday you you prove that no I’m not taking it easy at all I’m

Looking at senior night props and senior night first half lines I like it I spruce up my Tuesday nights Spruce them up two Tuesdays generally suck they’re just Tuesday you’re not a Wednesday you’re certainly not a Friday you’re not even an exciting start to the week like

A Monday you’re certainly not a weekend you’re a sorry ass Tuesday is what you are you got nothing I need to Spruce you up with some gambling insights so if I see on the social channel of uh some of these betting apps a handle named Spruce

Bringin I know who that’s gonna be I know who that is that’s you that would be funny by the way I like it um but I’m a big I’m a big fan uh I love the uh I I don’t know I just I I think

You you can find some angles and then if they happen to be on a Tuesday it’s that time of year and uh you know we got these tournaments I I’ll tell you what if I were a lesser man Tom I would have bet pit all day long to beat Florida

State I couldn’t do it I don’t like to do it but it was the easiest win in the world Florida State sucks it wasn’t going to be good we can’t shoot a lick I I don’t like watching them that’s I’m so I’m frustrated Beyond reason I already

Gave you that this Bell can be thrown into a trash Heap it’s done there’s no I can’t even that’s it that’s all you got right now the beep beep wouldn’t even want us done hate it frustrated to no in magical run in Charlotte Tom that’s all you got

Left buddy uh it’s Washington DC this year oh DC what did I say Charlotte I’m soed everybody yeah yeah it’s a good guess every ACC champion and forever more is going to be played in North Carolina think cam young breaks through to St tomorrow at the uh at Bay Hill you

Think that maybe we got a little little pizza money on cam young to finish in the top 20 I’m gonna go with that I think if you’ve got pizza money on anybody finishing in the top 20 in Florida I’m listening first of all you had uh M last week and he finished

Second I almost really catch the chips buddy almost really I had him top 20 top 10 top five and winner oh man I made all my money back for for not winning I mean I got it back and then some all because all of those hit certainly that’s the

Beauty of golf betting by the way you identify four or five guys at 30 to1 40 to1 60 to1 200 to1 and you bet them in these you know top 20 finishes head-to-head matchups top five finishes and you are good to go uh I watched the final Monday finish

On the flight up between naps and uh we cut it to one stroke were you like oh buddy I was like oh man okay men woo I see I see you working here on man yeah I know um so Camy young has been hunting around the first page of the leaderboard

Often so that wouldn’t surprise me if he had a top 20 at Bay Hill I would imagine that that’s pretty even odds what is it like plus 250 plus 300 I haven’t made the BET yet I’m gonna make it as soon as the show ends uh um so I will I will

Look at that but I like cam young this week I kind of like Burns who’s been playing very very well and likes Florida so Burns and young is not a bad pick there too love that as well um there’s there’s a pun there’s a ton of guys that

Have had good form at this tournament and a lot of times it holds the form uh I like the kid aberer I bet abore as as he’s known now I I a lot of people love him too um you can look at past winners here like Jason day you know by the way

I didn’t know this Jordan speed has back-to-back top four finishes here I don’t know yeah he’s been really good there I had no idea about that no I know well he got he’s at a stage of his career where if he doesn’t win you just don’t even notice but yeah he’s been see

This is where you can you can make some money on guys with forms she’s got a new putter in the bag I don’t that’s a good thing or a desperate thing buddy no okay so here’s my theory you got you got a senior Night Theory new putter in the bag play the

Under on the first round with it and then play the over the rest of the weekend he returns to form after whatever Placebo he believes it to be yeah yeah you might even maybe Friday you lay off and then you see what he does Friday and

Then you bet Saturday Sunday but a lot of times that first round ignorance is bliss and then your demons set back in so yeah I I like the under for the first day I did look it up cam young is a minus 105 proposition at top 20 so even

Money going in okay okay well I got several leagues I’ve got the uh I’ve got the we can bet the obviously in the State of Florida you can you can bet the Hard Rock app but then you’ve also got DraftKings where you can do Fantasy Golf

And uh bet teams and make a lot of money that way and that’s all legal by the way even in the State of Florida and then of course you’ve got the good oldfashioned bookie which we also have and you can just bet illegally all you want and then I’m also in a money

League so no matter what I got a lot riding on Bay Hill let’s have some fun with a little Bay Hill this weekend and you’re right the floorida swing is always my cup of tea so it’s a lot of fun we had a question in the chat The

Heist and Lea chat I wanted to get to and I lost it it was a question regarding n not GNA find it I’ll come back to it it’s a terrible way but I don’t want to end the show on that we’ll come back wrap it up momentarily Jeff cam show 933 real talk

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Multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics at pull up the proba blaze as it’s known and we will be able to uh to get those out there to you I could have done it today I mean I’ve got there are games

Out there but they’re spring training games and I don’t feel like doing hey everybody Guardians got Tristan McKenzie on the hill uh I’m not I’m not doing that but buddy I’ve already projected ahead we’re good to go not just screwing Mitch Keller on the hill today for the Pirates by the way

Nice uh three weeks from tomorrow will be a corner pocket watching opening day together that’ll be fun we will be and I really look forward to it Pirates open four game set down in Miami to face uh the Marlins which I’ll probably make my way down to after we have that fun

Opening day on that Thursday uh I do I do want to say we’ve been asked a lot Tom do we want to say that we’re finally going to make official announcements tomorrow on the Jeff Cameron show regarding the Jeff Cameron show warchant golf tournament yes yes we will we’ll

Have a link to sign up and everything so the date announcement the link to sign up and then we’ll be good to go okay so it’s tomorrow we’ve had and I love this and I mean this with great sincerity uh it’s awesome because it it benefits charity and it’s it’s it’s really really

Important and that we have a lot of fun doing it but people have this thing has grown it’s been incredible we’ve got um people who are you sliding into our DMS Tom and in our emails saying hey any information any early info you want to give me on that golf tournament I got

Some dudes flying in from Portland I got a guy flying in from Chicago couple of dudes flying in from North Carolina that want to be part of it that’s cool this thing continues to to to fill up quick so you’re gonna be one you you’re gonna

Want to join us in the first well you want to join the show just period but first hour tomorrow we’ll get that out there to you yeah first hour is going to be loaded because we’ll have Tour of Duty observations from you uh I’ll have observations from the photos and the

Videos that I can watch watch on warchant TV and and then of course yes we can roll that information now there’s um there’s some good stuff coming too that this year’s event is you’re going to be well taken care of as as long as uh you make sure that you

That you eat enough for your 21 plus golfers out there you’re gonna have a really good day we’re gonna make sure of that eat enough when Tom tells you to eat enough you know the kind of good day we’re talking about here you’ve got to

Be fueled for the kind of fun that you can have in this particular tournament and um Second Harvest is going to benefit again so that’s always really cool too and we just got done playing the course it’s in great shape and I imagine it’s only going to get better

And better Tom so we’re going to be in you know we’ll be able to fill this sucker up really quickly and we’ll have a blast with that so those that have been asking that’s what you got and then from there it is uh it is a lot of

Baseball it is a lot of spring football to get through tomorrow morning uh what’s your prediction on who we most Wild by most wowed by that’s a toughy because there’s usually two classes of that uh there’s the freshman and then there’s the overall players and in this day and

Age transfers I think the running back’s going to be talked about tomorrow I think royell Williams is somebody that we’ll talk about a lot Cam Davis of course is somebody that’s gonna come up excited to see that kid buddy yeah he’s in the free category of a freshman I

Think the defensive ends are going to be talked about a lot because you got three new ones who are going to be opposite Patrick pton and three transfers who are capable Enduro Jay Lila hea and of course barara Jones Jr um I think you’re G to be pleased physically with what you

See with Shawn Murphy the linebacker I I mean I I think you’re gonna like Earl little as well yeah there I mean there’s going to be a lot we’re probably going to need two segments to break it all out and break it all down Florida State baseball and about one hour from right

Now you can watch that game if you’re not going over to Hower but I would suggest as beautiful a day as it is roll on over to Hower weird start time four o’clock I’d prefer this be a night game where I could just leisurely head on

Over there uh but fla G Coast is in town Florida State trying to continue their winning ways and get to 11 and0 they’ve been impressive offensively they’ve been a top 10 team in the country they have been deeper and better as a pitching staff and that’s a good thing and I

Would also point to the fact that tonight is a great opportunity for Conor Whitaker to continue to pitch really well in these Tuesday games it’s his THS start of the Season he’s been very very good so far he’s pitched 11 in the third Innings struck out 14 batters uh he’s

Only walked two he’s giving up four unearned runs in those starts so we shall see hey buddy good work out of you as always appreciate it I’ll talk to you later good work out of you director thanks to all of you who watched and or listened we appreciate it be well Peace


  1. The disappointment we’re feeling is a result of Coach Hams success . Aside from a run with Pat Kennedy we’ve been an average basketball team over the years . The fan interest is only there when we are Uber successful . Look at last night …Pitt is 10-8 in ACC and we were 9-9 and they had a full house with an enthusiastic student section . If that game was in tally it would have been a mostly empty arena with a handful of enthusiastic students . The reality of the conversation is how can we expect to get a significantly better coach when our fan base only shows up when we have a potential sweet 16 team . Having said that when Coach Ham is ready to retire I’d love to see Sam Cassell as the head coach . But at the end of the day if we want big time basketball we need to show up even when we’re not nationally ranked .

  2. Then sold hotdogs, peanuts and worked my way up to selling cokes. I was running to the student side, would sell my whole rack, I had to sell 6 racks to be able to sell them the next day. Dang I would sell 6 in the first half and watch the rest of the game. Before that I was a ball boy bc Coach Petes son was dating my sister. We all went to Florida High

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