Golf Players

LIVE: Recapping Scottie Scheffler’s historic win at the PLAYERS

Smylie Kaufman and Charlie Hulme recap a historic title defense for Scottie Scheffler at the PLAYERS Championship, and discuss how many wins in a row he could rack up. SK and CH also discuss the atmosphere at the PLAYERS this week, and where this ranks amongst the top tournaments in golf. And finally, we couldn’t leave without revisiting another installation of “Fridays with Smylie,” this week’s edition originating from the 17th hole at TPC Sawgrass, co-hosted by Kevin Kisner and featuring appearances from Keith Mitchell and Brian Harman.

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We are here to recap The Players Championship live we are we are hopefully live on our YouTube page let me just apologize to all of our uh loyal viewers listeners out there if there are technical difficulties if there are we we’ll do our best to resolve them but

This is this is fun this is our first I believe this is our first live stream since we were reacting to the Ryder Cup Captain’s picks by Zach Johnson how how do we feel about having the the live juice a little bit here are we sure

We’re live like I I’m I’m looking at this is this is we’re just pulling back curtain for all this I’m looking at a a screen that looks like we’re live so uh here here we’re live I got the chat up people want to send in questions how do

I do that how do I pull that up uh okay so here we go let’s do some live production here I’m gonna go to our YouTube page this is great it allow some people to kind of get in populate this thing I’m gonna go to our YouTube page

Is that what I need to do is go to my YouTube page yeah sure go to go to our YouTube page you should be able to find it there I was just going to try to pull the link from there and then I’ll uh I’ll share that link and then oh here we

Go so here we go I’m going to reply to you uh and then this is great live production meetings to get this thing started uh I’m going to reply to you we are live now and then if you if you be so kindest to retweet that oh I see what you’re

Saying okay you can find it on YouTube yeah it’s you know it’s we’re learning we’re learning we’re we’re hoping to do more of these in the future and this is our first one that we’re testing out uh oh here it is yep I just I just reposted

It oh here we go now we’re rocking rolling uh all right well I say that’s a smashing start to our to the live stream we got the links going we got the chat going uh viewers trickling in you know at a at a at a a steady Pace we’ll call

It um but yeah hold on how do you open the chat up on the YouTube so if are do you have the YouTube link open yeah okay so the chat should be at the bottom right whoa okay now see what I have is I have the YouTube volume going at the same

Time now we got like a feedback loop here this is great this is really good stuff here wait I think top chat oh live chat yeah do you see it I think if you click the link and then you can like mute the clip then you should be able to um yeah I’ve

Already done that I think you can see the chat on the right yeah there you go you got it now I think so has anybody said anything no one said anything yet okay so we’re good but I if I see something I’ll say something let’s uh that’s good that’s

That’s a good we kind of it’s like you know you’re in theater you’re warming up your singing voice we got our some say something oh look oh let’s chat’s up Jin Evan says chat’s up Jin and broen Baker says let’s have a day the chat is up let’s rock and roll hello

EV see that yet though Scotty the goat I love it learn more it’s are you not how about this I’ll if if I read you the chat comments you can oh here it is it’s up you got it okay we are here I love a good chat we are so

Live I think Chad is chat was actually the Superstar of the rder cup lipix reaction I expect nothing less got nothing done we just ended up on the chat thing the whole time which some might say it was a better show uh so we’ll uh we we’ll see how it goes today

But um let’s let’s kind of let’s get into it I mean so obviously we’re going to get to Scotty um you know somebody on this podcast I can’t remember who said last week that uh I don’t know this guy might win four starts in a row so two

Down two to go um did I say that it wasn’t you somebody else who else is on this podcast we’ll to figure that you said that no I I was the one that said something along the lines that this guy could be the first guy win you

Know have a chance at a grand slam since Jordan and tiger that was you did you did say that that was your quote which is a which is a a deeper take than four in a row uh yes some would some would argue that you know they’re they’re

Equal takes if not you know no but you’re oneand done hit as well um yeah you you have two winners in three weeks that’s pretty impressive dude like when you think about it uh you’re only you’re just slightly less than a thousand that X Cup points behind me but you got a lot

Of time holy crap dude that means I have to have back-to-back winners oh my gosh I mean I think I mean this this was to be fair this was a more obvious pick Scotty was Than Jake knap was uh but at the same time I mean it

Well let’s let’s get let’s just get right into it with the players and like we I want to get back to Scotty but I mean I think that the place that you and I have talked like off camera like about starting for this is just the week at

Large this week felt so electric to me every single day had story lines there were story lines leading into the tournament we had story lines on Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday the Finish was Unreal uh brandle shamble said on live from he says the players doesn’t look like Augusta but it mirrors

It in anticipation and intimidation and excitement I would say what we saw today is as close to the excitement that you get on the back nine of a great Masters as you will ever see so let’s just start there like just your reaction to the atmosphere the players this week and I

Don’t know is it too cliche of a question to ask you where this ranks for you among the greatest tournaments in golf including the majors oh SC me what a what a hard-hitting question right from the GetGo that was the most exciting week I’ve ever worked in TV uh

To this point wow uh the one that been the closest but there was nobody there was the century when John ROM came from like four back on Colin morawa that uh that was last or two years ago whatever it was yeah so yeah man I mean just

Being with Scotty the last two days you know being with him on Saturday and Sunday and I mean dude it seriously on Saturday I’m thinking like ah you know he he really could just withdraw at any point you know he’s he’s when he’s talking to me walking down the Fairway he’s doing

This guy you know this it’s like old Charlie neck brace say as as a neck surgery guy I I know that game you know the full the full turn yeah it was dude it was so sick I mean he didn’t like have the juice yesterday on Saturday

When he was playing uh like he didn’t have like those full full shots that he normally has where he can hit something hard and way up in the air and he was just kind of getting it around and got it up and down when he needed to and

He’s he’s one under going into 16 and then he birdies the last three and he’s like oh he’s five back he’s kind of got a chance yeah I mean I thought you you talking about the neck a little bit uh I saw his clip last night Ted Scott said

After the win he told he told his wife on Friday he’d be surprised if Scotty played the weekend uh you of course and and we have people in the chat complimenting uh your your interview yesterday with Scotty your Winner’s interview on which I want to get to that

I want to get to a nerves check on where you were for That interview because you found out very very close to that interview that you were going to be doing it uh but but you know you asked him and he said that was a good question

About the neck and he just talked about being a competitive guy did not wanting to give up um you know how much much for you does it add to both this win but also just the aura that’s starting to really grow around Scotty to see him

That hurt on the verge of pull pulling out of the tournament and still go out there and get the win on a Sunday at at you know the fifth major I mean it’s it’s just so impressive right I think you you’re really starting to see the respect that all the other players have

For him as well you know they’re all kind of speaking out to the media calling him the best player in the world I think for like all last year I mean how many times did we have the debate on who’s the best player in the world Rory

Mroy John ROM or Scotty sheffler you know how many times did we do that last year where this year there’s been no talk to that right we haven’t seen John ROM go head-to-head with Scotty yet so it’s been hard to compare to contrast and you know with Rory he’s just been

You know he got off to a good start over in Europe played well and Dubai finish runner up and and and won the following week but since then he’s he’s either been like the iron gamees been off or the putters been off so dude it’s just

It’s wild I mean 50 years nobody’s won it twice uh I’ve been screaming and hollering from the rooftops to buy stocking this guy for however many years now with how impressive this guy is nobody has more control of their golf ball I’ve never seen I never played with

Tiger but I imagine it’s tiger esque as far as the control he has um he hits the exact shot you want to hit every time he’s a robot um and if you haven’t seen him play Live you need to go see it it’s it’s that good on the tiger piece he was

Asked about this in his post press conference and this is this is what his answer was I mean they’re just asking about just comparison to tiger and he said I think that’s a funny question I’m not going to remember the exact numbers but we’re playing at Riv this year and I

Hit my t-ball and the guy yells out congrats on being number one Scotty 11 more years to go 11 more years to go anytime you can be compared to Tiger I think it’s really special but I mean the guy stands alone I think in our game he

Really does this is my eighth tournament win now out here I’ve tied him in Players Championships outside of that I’ve got 14 more majors and 70 some PGA Tour events to catch up so I think I’m gonna stick to my routine just continue to plot along try to stay as even keeled

As I can um some context right it it it it it it’s so funny this is like almost every tiger stat it’s like a guy starts playing well and you’re like man you know this is kind of feeling like we’re approaching tiger territory and then you

Look at the stat it’s like yeah to his to his point here the guy R 11 more years to go until you catch him uh so we’re we’re not saying we’re we’re there yet but man I mean maybe a better way to phrase it is this is that is that he’s

He’s playing at a tiger like his ball striking last year was Tiger Prime tiger levels and you obviously didn’t have the putter coming and now we’re kind of see that take Tak to some shape this year where do you put Scotty maybe against the other greats in the past 10 years or

So like your your Dustin Johnson’s your Rory maroy your Brooks kept because like what we’ve seen thus far from Scotty he’s still just the one major but starting to rack up a really impressive resume of wins and where do you have him right now in that group you know I think

We we still need to watch him in the major championships um in this form I think you know this is kind of where Brooks started to pop off and and go from one major to all of a sudden he’s got three or four you know that’s what

Can happen for Scotty here in the next two years I I wouldn’t be surprised I mean what do you set the over under at his Majors this year if it’s any I feel one and a half is kind of right where you put it you feel like he has to win

One now whether he wins two or whether he wins three I feel like that’s totally a possibility but to your question just kind of like comparing him to guys in the last decade I mean DUS it’s you know Scotty’s so I don’t I wouldn’t call him different but he’s the he’s the

Smartest golfer I’ve ever seen when it comes to controlling his golf ball like he doesn’t make mistakes that’s the thing that I see that he does better than anybody else like when I watch Rory and I watch uh whether it’s John ROM like those guys will they’ll make

Mistakes on shots I I’m telling you I I don’t even have to watch Scotty and I can I can call shots without even seeing where the golf ball is and all I can need to hear is the contact and be like oh this is going going to be 10t right

Cuz that’s where it’s going to go it’s it’s I’m telling you it ends up exactly where it’s supposed to be just about every hole and when he gets in trouble it’s like I get excited because I’m like oh he’s never in trouble let’s see if he

Knows how to get out and then he hits it right where he’s supposed to well and explain that a little bit more just for people who I mean I think a lot of people really enjoy your Insight on like how to play the game you know stuff you

Can take and obviously not play like Scotty sheffler or even Smiley Coffman but what can I learn from this guy so is it is it you know is it obviously he hits it where he’s supposed to but is it just like a calculation of if I hit it

Here and I miss I’m still in a good position to score like what stands out to you about when you’re talking about him being the smartest player what are what are the attributes there that you see come to life when you’re following following him around in a tournament

Like like you just did the last two days uh for instance let’s go to a shot that he hit at the hero um it’s like the 12th hole the par three there’s a little creek on the left side of the green pin was back left and wind is like in off

The left it’s like a 205 yard shot and the perfect shot is to hit on a non- windy day a five yard draw um and have it land you know 10 feet right of it and the wind being in off the left so you got to kind of hook it into this wind

And trust that you’re not going to overhook it into the water and he hits a 10 yard hook into this wind hits it a little harder and hits it pin High 10 feet right you’re just like and I watch all these other guys come through and and and nobody has the trust

To be able to hit that shot you might see a guy do it you know every now and then but dude he does it every time I’m telling you I just he’s never in he’s never in a a slump when it comes to his ball striking I I haven’t seen it yet

Where he’s just visibly frustrated with how he’s hitting the golf ball um his frustration with his ball striking is on such a smaller scale compared to everybody else when they’re struggling like Rory right now who’s you know really kind of working through some some stuff with his ball striking but he

He’ll get it sorted out but with Scotty it’s like when he’s off it’s like you wouldn’t even be able to tell because he’s still shoot 68 and I think one of the coolest stats that he has is that he leads the the tour in the least amount

Of bogeys you know that’s the stat that any Tour player would want to have you know making a ton of birdies is great um is that sustain able year after year probably not you know you you kind of have to rely a little bit on your short

Game and ball striking as well with that but limiting Bogies is something year after year if you’re able to do and Lead that that statistic with how well he hits it it’s like how are you gonna beat this guy if he doesn’t make mistakes right you’re just you know you’re gon to

Put up a score I mean I think there’s a lot of guys like that that are you know scoring is the thing that it sounds so obvious but I mean that’s the thing that impresses me the most and looking at tour Pros who get it done

Jordan does it in a very different way where you’re like he’s all over the golf course and he comes in he’s like oh you know scrape together a 67 68 how in the heck did he do that I think Scotty is uh you know very different in terms of how

He plays the game but is similar in the fact that like he just finds a way to yeah keep Bogies off the card and put himself in position to to make a lot of birdies and you know it’s the tough part for him has been you know the putting

Being where it’s been in the past you know when he doesn’t make those birdies that’s the thing we all point to in talk about but he’s but he’s you know by definition keeping bogeys or doubles off the card um I want to get to the chat

Here I want to engage with our our live viewers on our YouTube here we got a couple of of questions on that topic so Cameron Carter here says Scotty switches to a mallet Putter and and wins twice I was looking at The Strokes gain stats and I know look you know they’re they’re

Flawed to a certain degree but you know it was it was definitely a more average performance this week than it was last week when when he had really really good numbers um and and obviously you know that has something to do with his approach stats

You know if he hits the ball better in approach then you know the putting numbers are going to maybe suffer from a Strokes game perspective uh what did you but obviously it wasn’t it wasn’t bad it wasn’t like the we’re showing up here on a Monday morning being like it happened

Again we’re watching the same movie again what did you see from him with the putter this week I know he had some opportunities to make some birdies on that back nine coming down the stretch that he missed but he still made some big putts as well what were your kind of

Takeaways from him with that spider putter week too I feel like he owes Rory a little bit of cash for just the suggestion that he made to to Scotty on air of CBS on uh at Riv and listening to Scotty to kind of talk about the putter though um and

We went into depth about this about the Waste Management Phoenix Open when you know he really should have won that week Oris at least been in a playoff with how well he played three putting twice on the back nine and then having a couple e up and downs that he missed some short

Putts on so talking to talking to Phil Kenyan and then listening to Scotty Sheffer talk um in his post post round conference interview whatever you call it uh last night when he was just talking about Phoenix Open how how frustrated he was that he didn’t get it

Done there and that there was a little bit of residue that that kind of spoiled over into la which which is not an easy place to putt and I said and and you were sounding the alarms and said Scotty or Charlie let’s let’s let’s let’s keep our self talk positive with Scotty this

Thing is going to turn around and then M putter come out for Bay Hill and I was like let’s just get him to Bermuda and I mean it it was we had such a great leader repard going into Sunday and and what we didn’t expect was Scotty just to

Run away with it and shoot uh a 65 is that shot I think it was 64 uh yeah it was 64 no not no this is at ill yes yes yes I think it was 65 beay Hill yeah um well that’s stupid if it wasn’t 65 it was 66

Something like that but yeah um yeah and and that was kind of what Phil Kenyon uh talking with him at Bay Hill uh just about how frustrated he was not winning at Phoenix but also what they were working on and that they felt positive that this this putter was going to be

Good for him and just not having to use the line on the ball just rely on the line of the putter open up that creativity and kind of get yourself out of out of what you’re seeing on the ground with your stroke and kind of start visualizing with your eyes and

What you see kind of create that feel and that’s honestly what I saw out there the putts that he did Miss I felt like were putts that were tricky you know I thought the putt on 13 I thought the putt on 13 the little 4 foot downhill

Right to left if I would have got if they would have brought me in early enough I would have said if he starts this on the right Edge and doesn’t hit it hard enough he’s going to miss a left that’s what I was going to say and it

Happened and so I’m kicking the dirt I’m so mad I’m like God I had the call right and then it and then it happened it’s always nice when I I have I have a Hall of Fame resume of shots called in my head that never made it on air and that was gonna

Be one of them I was like he’s he’s going to miss this low and uh and then he missed the putt on 15 uh which I thought was a really tricky read and and gets up and down on 16 17 huge like the wind was all over the place on 17 he got

On the he got on the T boox and I would have played for seven eight yards of of help down and off the right Gap ledge would have been perfect it was one31 cover 135 hole I thought it was a perfect 125 shot and and then like when

He got over it I’m feeling in off the right on the T and he feels it too and then he hits it up and I’m watching this thing float I’m thinking oh my gosh is this going to I thought it was going to be one of those floaters the wind just

Switches and just kills it ends up going in the water luckily gets on the green hits a great putt um and then of course drives it right down the middle of the Fairway on 18 and got a weird bounce on that second shot and I was right behind

Him on that putt on 18 I was trying to get my phone out to video it but I’m like putter raising with him I thought he made it and uh just missed but and then I had to do a damn interview well U we I I still have the

Interview to get to and chat’s starting to pop off a little bit so don’t worry guys we’re you I see questions from in here from Evan from Luke uh you know from Jason stuff we’re all going to get to so keep sending those in we’re

Keeping an eye on that uh we’re this I got one here from Ace maker 12 we’re thinking we’re thinking about the the the this what could stop what could potentially SC stop Scotty sheffler this year you know if it’s not the putter anymore if it’s it’s never been the ball

Striking we’re listen we’re on the record this is a podcast of two hashtag working fathers Scotty has one on the way Meredith has a pregnancy glow the baby’s arriving soon he was asked about his playing schedule this year with the baby on the way in the Olympics um how

Do we think baby’s gonna impact Scotty’s season do we what do we have the due date on that baby by the way uh I think it’s TPC Craig Ranch we oh God Shucks I was really hoping to see him with tpc’s Craig Ranch really hoping

To see how that was going to go for him um yeah I mean listen we’re we’re dads here what’s what’s your two s I don’t think I don’t think Scotty’s too upset either about not having to play Byron Nelson I think he’s really excited [Laughter] actually what two cents on that um all

Right two cents I would say I would say I mean dude it’s you know dang difficult you know just to to manage oh gosh sleep mentally being able to go get the work done he’s a hard worker and once your clock gets all screwed up with with uh especially if

They’re traveling you know it’s just really difficult but I don’t know the well I’m sure he’s got plenty of money to get as much help as he needs to to keep his sleep schedule right but you always have that feeling as a father that you’re not quite um giving all in

When you’re when you’re the number one player in the world I imagine where you’re feel like you’re kind of let letting the team down but it’s it’s major season it’s it’s I mean it’s a fair point it’s like there’s no there’s probably no great time that sounds so

Bad of course of course Scotty’s you know child in the way is the most important thing as an in his entire world but uh yeah in terms of golf season timing it’s going to be an interesting one I I think the quote on this that sums it up in the best way was

Max H talking about traveling with with Lacy and and you know spending a full day at the golf course you know playing working hitting the range and then coming back and thinking okay finally I get to relax and recharge a little bit and get ready for tomorrow and he walks

In the door and Lacy says here you go here’s cam you’re on you’re on Dad Duty now so uh it’ll be interesting but I mean it’ll it’ll be amazing and honestly like that makes like the guy more I mean maybe maybe we’re a little biased here coming from a father perspective but if

He takes a little bit of a dip because he’s being a great dad like love you dude like more power to you um there there is there’s a comment here is Jason’s asked about about Xander um and I think it’s it’s a good transition Point here um just talking about the

Other the sort of the really not the chasing pack because Xander and Windham were in that final group they were leading starting the day and then Brian Harman also in the mix as well but I know you were with Scotty on on Sunday so you were focused on that group but uh

Just any thoughts on you just the how you feel coming out of this out of this weekend if you’re if you’re Xander if you’re wendam if you’re Brian Harmon just and maybe let’s start with Xander because that’s that’s Jason’s comment here listen I guarantee you at the

Beginning of the week if Xander said hey we’re g to give you 19 under are you gonna take that he would be like yeah I I’ll I’ll take that so I think a step in the right direction for Xander um did he not get the job done no but I watched

Him play at Bay Hill and I did not have him on my short list of guys that I thought were going to win this week I didn’t necessarily like the form that he was in he was really in technique mode didn’t feel like he had uh the stuff

That him and Chris KO what they were working on really engraved so I I didn’t think he was going to have that great of a week a Miss cut would not have surprised me then he comes out and shoots 65 in first round I’m like oh

Okay maybe he found something uh and you know it was really cool to kind of see what they’ve been working on because I was watching him make all these rehearsals and at Bay Hill which was not something I’m accustomed to seeing Xander do he’s not a big rehearsal guy

He kind of puts the tea in the ground makes like just that one little back swing feel um and now he’s like rehearsing different spots in his swing and two things uh I I’ll touch on here is one he’s hitting it very hard he’s picked up some serious speed that

Was one thing that Jordan mentioned to me while he was playing with him at Bay Hill was how hard he was hitting it so that’s one thing to keep in mind with xanders he’s a guy that’s now taking a step up in how far he’s hitting the golf

Ball and how he’s doing it with his mechanics so last year I think they were working on trying to get it a little less flat at the top so they’re trying to get it a little bit more steep on the way back to where they can get shallow

And transition he’s a guy that doesn’t have a ton of wrist hinge this way at the top it’s pretty this way M I think it’s owner deviation is the word not the best at this stuff but he’s yeah anyway so he’s always been a guy that that has

A shut face and he’s and he has the flexion in his in his left lead wrist he’s got this now if he’s getting it a little too flat on the way back it’s just re makes it really tricky at times to uh to keep the T be really consistent

Um so now getting it a little bit more across the line on the way back is the field and then from there he can kind of get into a little bit more shallow position out of the top and then get into that side B and you got to turn like

Crap now what about I mean wendam it struck me as he he kind of came out of Saturday and said hey didn’t necessarily have my aame today kind of lost focus in some spots but hoping to kind of get it back together and and play well on

Sunday it’s struck me as you know from more of a Layman’s perspective that he maybe didn’t have his aame again on Sunday kind of had some loose shots I think both he and Xander on the back nine missed right off the T number of times um could have could have been win

Could have been a huge Factor there but I thought I thought winham did a great job of kind of scrapping it around and and get giving himself a chance to to go to a playoff in this tournament maybe win um what do you make of you I think

This was last week you were talking about because it was it was a solo second finish he’s impressive dude he’s really impressive Big Game Hunter Brooks kept G Vibes like are we I mean I feel like it might it could be this is not to rule out Rory or others but like it

Could be a Rory and I mean a Scotty and Windam Duel at a lot of these Majors this year you know last year uh who was the guy that kind of made himself um known that he was going to be a big game hunter it was Victor havin like he was

The guy that that kind of stepped up and said I’m going to be the dude this year and coming into the year I I was trying to figure out who that was going to be and it’s turned out it’s going to be wam Clark he’s the guy that has steep

Stepped up and and has played some incredible golf um it’s it’s really fun to watch him play because he hits it you know he’s a low 190s ball speed guy when he wants it mid 190s too at times it’s insane how far he hits the golf ball

He’s got a great short game and I mentioned this last week he reminds me of Brooks kka in the way way in which he carries himself he’s got that Swagger exactly what you want from a big big dude um that that had he talk he basically backs up his play with with

His words and oh smile you there hello yeah am I my uh look at this no well we kind of lost you at the end here and I’m not sure what came through on YouTube or not maybe the chat will tell us but this is look at this is our

First Live technical difficulties how about that I tell you here this is this is good we’re we’re bookmarking this uh things to work on for next live stream uh your internet connection so this is good for me as a producer I get to I get

To work on that yeah do you think that has anything to do with like being like on a live stream versus just something we normally record I think so I think so I’m not an internet guy you’re not an internet guy I mean like to really to

Really oh look at this we have Cody ride no laying up in the chat what’s up Cody he says ethernet cor and Cody producer to producer I agree I agree if we could get you hardwired I think that could go a long way to stabilizing your connection so thank you Cody we

Appreciate you I need to like go to like this a School of Technology to figure out all my stuff uh thank you this is good we have to we have to figure out we have to figure out what doesn’t work so we can figure out how to make it work

And so this is we’re all figuring this out together I got a few other uh Garett Clemens in the chat says JT post and buy a million Garrett Salute You North Carolina oh Slayton talking about can we get into h i I would love that’s where I was going to go next was

Just you know you touched on hav a little bit coming into this year and I it’s a fair question how do you go from one of the top five players in the world not long ago to this like is it a swing coach thing I mean I I was watching I

Think I was you know we were doing some feature groups coverage for um PJ tour radio on Thursday morning I want to say it was and man he looked frustrated just was not happy with the way he was hitting the golf ball um where you at with with Vic right

Now so in talking with Victor he’s very very frustrated just looking at because he’s a guy that just went from competing at every single event last year and showing up this week he just didn’t look like a guy that was ready to be in contention I think he believes in what

He’s working on um but I don’t think he’s there yet I think he’s been putting in a ton of um the one thing I noticed stats-wise the ball striking is something that he’s been working so hard on change some things and what it’s done Charlie it’s totally screwed up this

Chipping so his chipping I saw he lost like six or seven strokes um around the green last week which is something that we were like oh can’t wait to see Victor havin show up at these big time events and especially early part of last year he didn’t get them done but this year

Like oh he’s going to win these now because he has a short game and now he shows up and His short game is totally lost and it’s just crazy to to to think about finishing the year with him you’re like okay he’s gonna win two majors next

Year he’s gonna win the players and you know what we’ve seen is just a guy that’s that likes to fiddle right he he’s a he’s a guy that likes to change things he wants to continue to get perfection in golf and sometimes if it ain’t broke don’t fix it you know what I

Mean yeah and and I think this came from NBC or Golf Channel podcast I mean broadcast rather this is a podcast uh where they were just discussing the switch to Grant weight and they Grant weights a really perfectionist type of coach or a really kind of technical

Coach and um you know I mean I you know I’m sure fantastic but I wonder if if he’s a fiddler and Grant is the way he is if that match Up’s going to work long term and maybe it could maybe it’s just going to take time but you know just

Something to to I mean we’re talking about swing coaches here and whether they match up and so so we’ll see with Vic uh I want to kind of get back to Scotty a little bit because uh I want I want to get into the the mechanic we

Have some questions Luke has a question about broadcasting and as an entry point to that just walk us through the that that interview on the Range and just where where we were at nerves wise heading into that and and how that came about because I love that so much where

You’re you falling around Scotty all day and then you find out like oh hey yeah you’re going to do the winners interview it was a perfect day of of golf and I’m just sitting there kind of waiting for like if Scotty’s gonna me a playoff or not and I’m near the range

And all of a sudden I hear in my my ear my producer says somebody where are you I’m like by the range and he’s like okay Damon stuff doesn’t stretch all the way to the range his his equipment you’re going to have to do the interview and I was

Like what I’m doing the interview it’s like we just had a perfect day of golf why are we gonna let SK go out there and completely botch the interview so I’m like I’m like calling together everyone to try to figure out all right what do I

Need to ask the guy and I’m now got my notes app out and I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to ask him and uh luckily we we came up with three questions and I I like right before I’m like oh my God

This this we can do this but it was like a you know I’m not a season interviewer like for the for a big big time event I I can interview on on Friday in Jackson yeah that’s great you know but Sunday Players Championship like one of the

Best events we’ve had in a long time we’re g to send SK out there for the Big Time interview it’s like what are we doing um but it luckily we were able to uh write the ship and be able to uh steady our nerves and and get through it

Without any big stumbles so that was I didn’t like I looked back I was like oh I could have asked it this way he like no dude you got through the interview like that’s all you needed to do and most importantly of your of your three questions one got a good question

Response very big very big to note that if you get a good question you’re doing something right uh you you had another I blacked out I have no idea what he said I was dude I was just like I was like what all right how am I saying the next

He could have literally said smiley you are the biggest idiot in the world I hate you you’re the worst you’re the worst you’re you’re such a bad you’re so bad at your job and I would have been and then I would the next question I would have asked been backtack Champion

Scotty how dides that you know like that’s like my brain was in to the next question I was never ever like and that’s one thing you’re supposed to do is is listen when you are giving interviews that’s the most important thing to do and I

Was listening to an extent but I was so trying to make sure I had the wording right for the next question you had your three you were gonna get them off and it worked out well uh you said we were talking a little bit Scotty’s whole out

On four you were falling around there you had a good story about that yeah so two things so one we weren’t there live so I didn’t get to call the shot but as soon as he hit it like when it was in the air I was like

This is going in and of course it goes in so like so that’s the second one of the day where I was like man I would have said this this looks really like special or something like that I would have had a nice call uh but then later

In the day I talked to his dad Scott and on the 10th hole he came up to me he said you know before Scotty hit that shot on four I said he’s gonna make this so there’s there was Good Vibes all around I even talked to Scotty before

The day and got you know the nice St Patty’s kind of olish green pants on to start the day I was like dude way to love the outfit to you know for the St Patty theme he’s like yeah I showed up out here today and I had no idea it was

St Patty’s Day so it was a very lucky lucky day for the Sheffer camp that that’s amazing uh because as you’re saying that now I just realized I I I this happen to me every single year I just forget that it’s St Patrick’s Day I’m not Irish you know I love it great

Holiday I just I don’t I don’t I forget about it and I’m like looking into my camera now like oh I wore a green polo today so you know good good job I’m I’m on the Scotty train like no clue got the color in happy St P happy belated St

Patrick’s Day to everybody out there um and and then of course on the broadcast topic too like yeah yeah yeah U um on the broadcast topic too uh Friday’s a smiley another a plus installation of Fridays with smiley out of the 17th hole K Keith Mitchell Brian Harmon Uh I that Keith Mitchell

Highlight uh the driver slam and the and the the horn blowing like one of my top 10 favorite golf highlights I I can recall in in recent memory um just what were your highlights from that and just I mean this has been quite a run on the

Floorida swing now is it I know we’re you know you have a couple weeks it’s going to change a little bit the broadcast schedule and we have a question from Luke here about you know just working together between NBC and CBS I know you have some upcoming work

At the Masters where you’re going to kind of get to be able to see both sides of that so maybe just you know you want to talk a little bit about your highlights from Friday’s a smiley and the upcoming schedule what we’re going to see coming coming in the future from of of

That uh yeah I mean I thought uh Keith Keith was great you know he the the video you were talking about was great you know for him to kind of talk about him walking from the 50 all the way to the clubhouse while it was raining just

So mad with this the most relatable thing in the world uh but he was great you know I always thought that that Keith could be somebody whenever he finishes his career or whenever he wants to get into TV I’ve always thought that Keith has the personality and the

Insight to be uh fantastic in TV and he gave us some great stuff for us to be able to kind of use on the weekend as well um so kudos to Keith for coming by and then Brian Harmon here’s a guy that um you know Kizer knows Brian very well and

I would say harmonized relationship goes you know I just don’t know him quite as well but I really felt like he opened up on The Telecast he you know he’s just a dude that I felt like you can just hang around and drink drink beer with and

Hang out with and that was kind of the vibe that he gave on the set that day and and really some intelligent stuff when it comes to the golf course and and how the course was playing as far as the firmness and the different win directions and how that affects the uh

The greens so there were some things that he mentioned um that I thought were great he also had played with Windam Clark so he was able to give us some insight on how well Windham was playing um and at the time we’re like oh cool you shut 65 you know you’re you’re kind

Of in it and then he goes and does it um and shoots 64 the next day you’re like okay like we might this could be like the smiley show bumb with with Jake knap Brian Harmon coming on Fridays with smiley and then he wins The Players Championship now we’re gonna have Tiger

Woods coming on the show because he like I need the bump he has to um you know and just kind of to tie a not on the Fridays with smiley thing I do think it’s a bit of a work in progress to try to figure out the

Perfect balance of of how long we want to be on there um how many Pros we want to bring in trying to still work out on where’s like the perfect amount um to where it doesn’t take away from the broadcast because we want people to to come to

This segment and knowing that they’re going to have a good time laugh have some fun and then learn some stuff from the players broadcaster or broadcast television Watchers who probably watch uh are the ones who get on Twitter and say oh I you don’t watch the golf you

Know you don’t watch the golf on mute or you don’t watch your football on mute like those are the type of people I’m like what do you mean like who watches anything on mute that’s such a weird thing to to do or say you know well I

Mean and if that’s how you’re going to do it you know I I think that we’re we’re serving different audiences like if you’re if you’re really just here to watch the golf you’re probably going to watch like a featured group on on PGA Tour live or you’re like you’re just

You’re there just to see golf shots golf shots golf shots golf shots no commercial Interruption and so that’s the kind that’s the issue I take with some of the criticism we saw and and you know there I I I’d say that the the the reception to this has been like 98%

Positive but there are a few people that are saying I don’t I like it and and I also have issue I get that well I I I get that and I understand that you know everyone has different preferences and you’re allowed to have different preferences but you know what have we

Asked from and I’m I’m not on NBC Universal payroll you know I mean yeah I have a vested interest in seeing you do well and I think that’s awesome and it’s great for the show but at the same time it’s like we you know there’s been a big

Ask from golf fans for NBC Sports and Golf Channel to try some new stuff and all I saw out of this out of you know feedback in this broadcast this week was how much people enjoyed it and how much people felt like it it matched the event

You know the live from coverage was hilarious I I mean every single day Johnson Wagner is sending Johnson Wagner out on these like you know investigative journalist sort of missions to throw golf balls off a bank to assess where Rory’s ball landed and hit balls you

Know from the Drop Zone on 7 I thought it was fantastic and so I think it’s you know if we’re going to say Hey try stuff and be different and and then that happens you know it’s kind of hard to also say oh you know it’s it’s not to my

Liking so I I I loved it uh I realized that doesn’t represent everyone but uh it was fun to see and uh yeah now now the combo bump we got we got a little pod bump we got a little Frid with smiley bump um so we we got a few in

Here to get to we got you know Jake uh pervette asking here you know and and obviously take a pass on this one if you want to because I know that you know Rick’s a close friend but did you did you see the incident on the te where you

Had a fan sort of interrupt him take a picture in his back swing you you I’m sure Ricky didn’t think it was hilarious I thought hilarious it sounded like a it sounded like a demon came out of when he said you I was like oh my god I’ve never like heard Ricky get

Confrontational so I’ve never heard like mean Ricky voice but uh I don’t know the backstory behind it to be honest i’ heard a rumor that the guy was doing it for a couple holes and I guess the only thing to monitor with stuff like this is that if if if if gambling

Or or betting continues to grow um that’s something that you may see uh happen in a live sporting event that that fans have you know a not a say but a very loud say if you will um to try to have an effect on the outcome that’s something that you can’t really

Do anything about um but so that’s just something to monitor um if if if gambling and golf be oh did we lose you okay hold on we have a second technical difficulty okay you’re back we’re back we’re all the way back um yeah I I I think that that’s

That’s a a really good point to make on the gambling thing and and I you know I saw the same highlight on social that everyone else saw where it was like you know some people in the comment that’s a whole other tangent I could go on trying

To figure out the backstory on something in today’s day and age through the comments like good luck to you like people were like oh it was a camera shutter it was this and that like I don’t know what it was but if it was indeed like someone you know I think it

Was a while back where someone was talking in during Max H’s putt because he had like a $3 bet or something like that like that’s stuff where we haven’t necessarily seen like a huge flasho incident but as you know shoot I’m in a state where they just legalize gambling

This last week and it’s a whole another you know world of opportunity for people if that’s seeping its way into golf tournaments yeah like that’s that’s not great so um yeah I mean it’s it’s you know tough one to see for Ricky but um uh so let where should we the other one

I kind of want to touch on as we kind of move away from the players I mean do you have any other kind of big picture thoughts on certain players things you want to talk about because I thought Rory’s comments about the meeting that’s happening I guess today right now in the

Bahamas is a big one but wanted to you know live produce this thing and give you the opportunity kind of tiny Loose Ends if you wanted to yeah I think the the one thing I I’ll just say about the players and I just had this I don’t know just walking the

Grounds of that place TBC Saw Grass and just what they’ve done to this event and how much they’ve cleared trees out how perfect the grass is from wall to wall the pine straw I’m telling you this place reminds me of August Augusta National and the M will always be the

Best place to go and watch a golf tournament dude number two is is the players and it’s to me it’s not even close I mean I I I would say that the Ryder Cup’s kind of in a different category like a team type thing because I would

Put Ryder Cup above the Masters honestly because I think it’s that much fun looking to go watch golf it’s it’s such a cool golf course with an exciting finish you’re not you’re every hole that you go to you’re gonna have a a great vantage point and so spec from a

Spectating standpoint it’s fantastic and from a player side and just the how good the golf course is and just the little things that they do around the place to kind of give it a a gusa national feel and how they trim the uh the fairways to how

They trim some tea boxes it reminds me a little bit of Augusta National and I I it’s so weird to say that for a coron Jackson or Pon ofer compared to Augusta but still I think they’ve done a fantastic job of making this this this tournament feel as big as as what they

Have always said they wanted it to be which is a major the fifth maj Maj the most important event for the PGA Tour and and to me it 100% represents that based on the style of course how good it is and then also the fans being able to

Have a great time too I I’ve never been and never have I had greater fomo than this entire week you know just watching you know early coverage on Thursday and Friday and then heading into the weekend I it’s just like man this place looks and and and it benefited from obviously

The storylines of the week and the excitement of the tournament and wanting to be in a place where action was happening but to your point it it it just was the whole presentation and the whole package and that’s where I think it folds back into you know NBC and and

And Golf Channel doing a fantastic job bless you uh that was a little delayed bless you there got some uh live little little live podcast action but yeah I mean I I think um I think you know it it is it is definitely um and and I love

That it has its you know not that it hasn’t previously had its own identity but I love this you know where we’re taking it where it’s like yeah you know it’s you you can talk about it being a fifth major but it’s almost like this distinct entity where it just has this

This juice and this investment from the players playing in it because it’s their tournament that is just different from any other week of the year really Majors included so um yeah awesome stuff and like let me get your take on this so you you just watched the

Players 144 guys in a cut and then you watch Bay Hill which was 70 dudes in a cut from a from just a fan watching on TV what was the difference between the leaderboards did they look different to you at all and let’s say Bay Hill or any

Other signature event that this is a really interesting one because I think it was Dylan woo who tweeted uh after the event where he was saying hey hey you know look at how look at how great this tournament was with a full field and a cut and you know don’t forget

About us small guys because we can make for a good tournament so I I hear that on the one hand and and I you know I think it’s it’s fair and and it’s it definitely added to the atmosphere I mean I think selfishly too I love tournaments where I can like wake up

Roll out of bed put on PGA Tour live and watch until the sun goes down it’s awesome uh now if we’re going to be fair if we’re going to just you know put the information out on both sides the highest finish by a non-s signature event guy was mavick mcney T9 so you

Know if you’re talking about the quality of the field and and and where guys ended up it’s like you know you still have the same names at the top now with that said that doesn’t necessarily mean you know a fuller field could have also contributed to pushing some of those

Signatur guys a little more to have to put up a better score and have to keep chasing you know the leaders and and you know even though they didn’t arrive in the top you know 20 top 10 it it made have you know made that Leaderboard on Sunday a lot more interesting because

Guys were chasing a higher score and trying to get away from the pack and all of a sudden you get four Marquee names you know at the top of the board all going for it on a Sunday so I think it’s um I think it’s an interesting one and I

Think I think really it’s like all these events if I’m the tour I’m looking at everything that happened this weekend and what a smashing success it’s seem to be across the board and and and as we develop the schedule for 2025 and look forward to the future of Signature

Events I’m saying okay that’s information like that’s information to take and say how can we try to trickle this down to our other events in a way that recapt some of that excitement and I’m and I’m sure they’ll do that so that that’d be that’d be uh my two cents on that

Topic I I guess like just the thing is about the player is it’s it’s is the PGA tour’s biggest event for the members it’s you know it’s their grandest stage and they say hey we want to have 144 dudes playing in it our best field but then for the Signature Events they’re

Like you know what we’re just going to cut that in half and it just it’s weird right I I I’m for I’m for some type of smaller compressed uh leaderboard to where it’s not as easy to keep your card and some type of relegation stuff I am for that

Now to how how many guys is that I I don’t know um kind of like like what Rory and and Windam have been talking about you know just 100 dudes I’m not against it um I I I definitely I I definitely see that adding another 44 guys that yeah I could

See 20 of those dudes finishing top finding their way in the top 10 if they have a good week so yes can they compete do I think it needs to be tighter for the membership just because of all the different playing opportunities of how like how wide and spread out the a PGA

Tour card is right now with DP World Tour now you got guys from Q School corn fairy guys I just want guys when they get to the tour like they’re there like they don’t have to worry about a playing schedule you know that’s I think the biggest problem right now there’s too

Many cards because of there’s just not enough events and and and that’s kind of funny to say it’s not enough events but guys keep playing they’re not taking weeks off they’re going to continue to play um because it’s so Cutthroat to get top 50 well and so I I’ll take that and

I’ll I’ll attempt to do a a a very convoluted segue here because I think this segue it it sort of Dov Tales though because you know we’re we heard this week we heard uh Peter malady on Saturday talk about this we heard Roy mroy on Sunday

Talk about this of you know just this meeting that’s happening on Monday and you know Peter specifically spoke to how do we bring Live players back in the ecosystem because I think that was the other thing we talked about heading into this week is like if we’re going to call

The PLAYERS Championship the best field in golf can we do so without some of the Marquee names that are on Liv that are some of the best players in the world and I mean shoot I leave this weekend I’m like I didn’t I didn’t need any Live

Players there this weekend to enjoy it you know like I enjoyed about as much as I possibly could have maybe another live guy on the Le leaderboard could have add some Intrigue but that was fantastic um that having been said you know this is going to be a thing that needs to be

Figured out and I think Peter malady saying that I don’t know if we’re just going to let him right back on the tour and just hand him their cards right back you know whereas Rory maybe has said um you know to be fair to Peter you know he

Acknowledges Rory says hey we we need the best players in the world playing these things and and so you know your thoughts on just what we’ve heard reported around today’s meeting you know Rory had some comments about you know I’ve spent some time with with and I

Think maybe you people on live Greg Norman namely has misrepresented who he is as a human being and what he can do for the game of golf um are you expecting anything big to come out of this meeting uh you know that’s happening I guess maybe even right now in the

Bahamas it’s good that they’re meeting right I think that’s a step in the right direction you know um for the longest time I thought that these two sides have been talking then we find out you know however many months later months later that they haven’t had any communication

Since the June 6th framework agreement was proposed so um I I think that the tour and uh the policy board probably feels pretty solid about showing up with with a little bit of Leverage I think both sides probably feel that they have a little bit of that but coming off the

PLAYERS Championship where it’s the best week that the tours had in a long time they have the SSG agreement they have a general idea of what it takes takes maybe for uh for these players to come back um from everything I’ve heard and talked to to your point the these

Players are not going to just be gifted uh playing opportunities they’re going to have to earn their way back um and some of these players you know the the the five or six guys that you want to have come play yeah they’ll be given opportunities but they also have to play

Well I don’t think it’s going to be a hey you you have X number of starts forever I think it’s they have to go and earn their way back um and the equity uh component that that Peter Mady mentioned Charlie I think is something that that

Is is sticks out kind of like a sore thumb of okay this is their pathway back it’s like all right you’re you don’t have any any any equity in this this new PJ tour um public deal yeah I think it’s interesting to see like you know the the

Chips that are at the table and how they’re being slid around and moved around it’s like okay you know if you want you know opportunities right away like you’re definitely not going to get the equity like we’re take you know that’s not going to be you you chose to

Resign your membership on this tour and go leave for a competitor tour um and I I think that’s fair I mean you know I don’t know how this thing shakes out in the future or or if you get to a point where because just you know we’ve talked

About this on a number of occasions just as complicated um as it is trying to figure out you know if you know let’s say a John ROM comes back it’s like you can’t have this Equity initially because you you sign for $300 million or whatever ever it was um you know but can

Can you get it back over time with with with you know years of service back to the PGA Tour I don’t know just as much as I have questions about that it’s like okay so how are we giving like a Gordon Sergeant Equity you know showing up on

The tour or whoever comes after after sergeant you know and so I think you know I have a lot of questions about just the the whole future business structure of the tour that I don’t know if I can answer them I don’t know if you

Can answer them but I mean I think this whole thing these players have questions too yeah they definitely have questions as well and I mean I just like think about I mean you were watching it yesterday the players I mean it it had to look amazing on TV

Everybody just kind of raved about how how great it looked on TV and how how competitive it was and it just makes me think do you think John Ram was watching yes or you think Brooks keco was watching it’s a great question you gotta

Think I mean I I would say yes to John ROM no for Brooks gepa I don’t think Brooks gepa watches golf he’s not playing it um I mean everything I’ve heard man is that that Brooks has been the guy that’s wanted to be back the most oh and yeah

I’ve heard that from a lot of different a lot of different sources that that Brooks is the one guy that that that wants to come back and play uh you’ve heard other guys kind of mention it as well um to a to a degree some guys have

No no desire to come back and that’s fine um because I think there is a a place in the game for this this team thing but I I don’t know I I I just think that John ROM not not hanging around like everything about yesterday and the competitive atmosphere that that

TBC sress had at the Players is what John ROM lives for I I don’t think money I don’t think money and how much he got paid could ever satisfy him to the level of him being in in the hunt yesterday in a in a big time per Professional Event

Like the players I think if he was watching I think he was as mad and as frustrated to not be there um and and he could be very happy of how much money he made but I’m telling you there’s no way knowing how competitive that guy is that

That he wasn’t a little bit annoyed that he wasn’t playing yeah I I I would think you and and and maybe I should kind of restate my POS like Brooks he’s he’s a major guy we know that and this feels like a major so maybe he was kind of

Tuned in hoping to kind of see what was going to happen at a marquee event who knows but yeah I mean I I think that they all made a decision and and you know I think it’s it’s tough to strike a balance on this because it’s not like um

It’s not like we hate live and it’s not like we we hate people who watch live like you go whatever I’m a c guy you’re a CLE guy I’m I’m a wild card’s guy you know I mean there were a couple couple live guys here uh but you know it’s it’s

It’s just one of those things where I think where we always come back to it’s not like it’s a novel statement we want to see all the best players in the world playing together and that and that is just as much a a a a question or or a

Requisition of the the PGA Tour to make that happen as it is for Li now it’s like I think both sides have to live with a consequences of the decisions they made and for Live players like you you made that decision you got to take the money that means you can’t play in

Tour events and you don’t get owgr points but there are also things that the PGA Tour could do and the guys like Rory are using their megaphone say we need to do to get those guys back playing the same place because you know to to back to where we started with this

Full field like full Fields with the best players in golf at venues like TPC sass are electric please give us more of those it’s amazing so entertaining so um oh you sorry I I was gonna get on to get on a just a little Point here about Rory

You know he’s he has been the guy with the megaphone trying to get these two sides to come together and maybe he’s just seen the future of of him at 60 years old looking back thinking man I spent there was like four years in the late peak of my career where these sides

Were like I I think it just has a little bit of potential perspective of I I just don’t want to waste the late peak of my career where these two sides are just being so stubborn with with each other it’s like let’s just get together somehow find a solution and I think

That’s what he’s figured out and that’s all I wanted to say is that um I think Rory just wants to see the sides come together doesn’t really care how it happens he just wants decides to come together and I think we all do to a degree I think the policy board’s coming

Around to it now so we’ll see yeah well uh I I got you know as we kind of finish up the show here a few more things I got to offer our apologies because we had some swing notes videos queued up but given the technical Arrangement right

Now I feel like it’s not going to come off as clean as maybe it would like too so we are definitely going to get to that that get back to that in future weeks as we kind of clean up our I’m going to get on Amazon after the show

Fire Smiley some ethernet cords and adapters things that nature I will say my bad my bad my bad it hung in there didn’t it it h it hung in there we’re we’re still here it looks like it’s live as far as I can see over here I I will

Say swing notes update big swing notes update shout out to my guy John Marino because I careered it on Friday I shot I shot uh little 34 3771 hit 16 of 18 greens let’s go I think we’re getting somewhere I think we’re getting somewhere let’s go I’ve uh I’ve played

Once since I’ve played with you yeah I feel like I’m in a good spot we’re we’re g to have to get back out there uh soon to get it back on video because now I’m like I’m actually proud of my swing I want to see it on video next year swing

Oh here we go here we go and and also shout out to to uh on on the Xander topic I was able to procure an old Paradigm Triple Diamond Head that was spec for Xander that thing is hot Smiley we dumped the old driver we got the new

Driver we’re hitting it straight we’re hitting the low driven cut it’s going out a better window things are looking up so we’ll H we’ll have to get we’ll get an update uh in that department uh in the near future once we once and and

By the way as as you note us playing um that video our first video for everyone who’s watching and and and we’ll put out a teaser in the next coming days we’re going to Premiere the front nine at spy glass Hill on Wednesday night at 700 p.m Eastern so everyone watching set a

Little reminder we’ll remind you in the meantime but it’s going to be a lot of fun I’ve had the pleasure of of going through that edit with a an awesome team over at 17th in Ocean who’ve been editing it and uh I think it’s gonna be

A lot of fun so stay tuned for that um one and done should we come back to one and done now should we make our V bar picks yes I’m I’m that’s what I’m I’m currently flipping through the field list right now so as mentioned I got my

Second win of the year uh Scotty sheffler 750 FedEx cut points here’s a little fun fact for you smiley if I was a player on the PGA tour I would be and this is just through four events this is not the whole season I would be third on the FedEx cut point

Standings I have so much like if I catch you this is going to be the most heroic run ever uh starts to picking some winners so let me think about this so I went I went first yes somehow you you went first so you took hit the g this last

Week you got 187.5 points so you’re if he had a good Sunday it was it was right there you know well that’s what it was funny because we were watching the top of the leaderboard but I was watching Scotty and sahit at 12 under like this

Is the real match up to watch today Smiley Show one and done uh so I think it’s I think it’s back to me to pick first this week right because it’s our fifth week oh man mhm and I have not I have like just skimmed a vbar field list here

Um you know what all you need to know is that Sam Sam Burns is playing yeah I mean he’s he’s a killer here I I I I should go Sam and and I might go Sam but I’m also kind of like I you know what I’m gonna do something crazy here uh I

Love this guy this guy was coming off of major medical exemption showed a lot of form to top 10 this last week oh I know you’re taking I want to kind of let you back in here a little bit uh Stanford guy I’m gonna go mad McNeely I’m gonna

Go mad McNeely just based on I think I think he’s trending a little bit love to see him win yeah who’ you think I was going with oh okay uh I was thinking Daniel burger oh yeah no no no I I I like what I saw at a MAV at the Players uh

And I think you know look vpar is a demanding test as is TPC Saw Grass so I’m rocking with Maverick mcy this week okay I love it um okay I’m going to take let’s see give me Brian Haron oo another guy’s in form okay there you have so those are our

Picks this week we’ll see how they pan out um can I can I go back to seems like a no-brainer seems like seems like a no-brainer for both of us both guys who showed some form with the players uh can I can I go back really quick to swing

Notes here because in the chat Cody McBride who’s sticking with us all the way through he he gave us the gave us the hot tip on the ethernet cord he gave some praise to the NBC uh Sports golf channel broadcast which is much appreciated and now he wants a smiley

And do sweeper swing update do we have anything on the do sweeper front smiley on the swing update any any any nuggets you can give Cody on uh things I’ve been working on in my swing I believe so it how do you say Tony’s last name he’s the do sweeper

Right Tony riro yeah r riro rro that was close well I got a uh I got a lesson from at cognizant I feel like we you and I went over it though didn’t we go over it that one um that one podcast and I haven’t hit a

Ball since so I I think I’m in a good head space I know what to work on um can you just give Cody like I’ll figure it out this week when I play a bunch of golf give give Cody like just some Topline Cliff Notes if he didn’t catch up on the cognizant

Recap like what are we working on okay so what we figured out was on swing Catalyst I was getting my pressure in my right foot at about 80 to 85% on the way back so you could call a bit of a like transferring too much of my weight into

My right foot so we’re going to try to turn a little bit more centered keep the weight and pressure a little bit more on the inside of my right foot strengthen my right hand grip and work on my take takeaway and then from there if I get

The takeaway right it keeps my arms connected to my turn and then I’m able to kind of clear much better get my left shoulder kind of going down and left versus up and the club kind of club and handle kind of raising and going into

The GOL ball so yeah we’ll see I mean that’s that’s what’s working right here we haven’t really gotten to test it out there but I did get a new shaft I got I got four new shafts built by Srixon I got God I think it’s graphite X is what they are and then

Some weighted strix on heads that I’m going to throw throw on there uh that they just sent in as well I actually sent it to the players locker room at at uh the players because Denny McCarthy sent me a text said hey man you got a package here the locker room attendant

Want me to tell you I feel like such a dang Pro I was like heck yeah brother I was like I got these heads coming in and it just might be the difference Denny could be the difference God I love it well I cannot wait for those updates you’re

You’re of course headed a little vacation so you’re play a little G while you’re on the road so excited to to get some of those updates there um and then I guess the last place to kind of close up is as you may or may not have seen on

Our socials today uh we are this is the reason we’re doing this on YouTube and will be for the next couple weeks is because we are headed to a new distributor and we’re excited to update you on that and we’re and I you know we’re looking at a you know launch date

Before the Masters we we’ll kind of get some more concrete details and share those you know as we kind of develop that timeline but um you know I for me personally I’m sure you as well and I’ll let you say your piece here too is just

You know want to extend uh the the most sincere appreciation and gratitude we possibly can for SiriusXM Sirius X and PGA Tour radio and all the people there that you know launched this podcast got us started I mean you and I would not have met if it were not for SiriusXM uh

And and you know Taylor zzer Justin wear Jeremy Davis those guys that run that channel do a fantastic job so um you know nothing but appreciation and gratitude for all of them and the opportunity that they created you know definitely for me but for the the two of

Us to do this show together so um big thanks to them and and yes we are you stay tuned on the socials go follow at the Smiley Show on on X and Instagram we’ll we’ll have some exciting updates for you in the coming weeks but yeah you

Know in terms of where you can find us we’ll we’ll you know right now stay tuned to this YouTube channel subscribe like And subscribe rate review do all that stuff um and and and you will share Clips on socials as well so I don’t know Smiley any any comments on the impending

Move what we’re looking forward to and just you know thoughts about about uh just wrapping up the year the launch year that was yeah I know huge shout out to Serious XM and that whole crew uh I think you kind of put it into all the words that I would have definitely said

Shouting out the right people tayor Zars are definitely being the guy that helped um help helped me get started in this and then pairing us up together as well um but really excited about the YouTube stuff that’s coming out that uh we shot over in uh spy glass and yeah I think

That’s going to be hilarious to watch looking forward to watching that and uh yeah I mean this is kind of the ramp up to to the master so I’m really pumped and also need to give a shout out as well to our DFS that looked so good

Early that we were cashing all like you were cashing all your tickets I’ve never seen the board look as good for a DFS lineup as it did on us for Thursday morning I like Hey when’s Eric van royy off I bet he’s 200 through two boom it

Was just like we couldn’t miss early well it was also the evolution of that lineup too like if you go back and watch our YouTube clip from last week where I I love how it worked out where we we were pulling guys in and putting guy you

Know taking guys back out and and kind of you could see and every player you mentioned was so hot to start the tournament and then of course you know Friday happened it was a little different uh this is how DFS works but that’s that’s another thing that we’d

Love to oh I need to mention a couple yeah please do I need to mention a couple for DFS I mean you could do your lineup later I just want to mention a couple guys that there because I don’t know if we’ll get another episode out

Yeah um okay cool um I like sh Kim I like Joel Damon here coming off a good week that was really good to see him play well by the way I like Andrew putham uh sep straa and Le Hodes will be a good good course for Lee

And this a it’s a good course for OE um kind of A’s going to break through it some point not sure when he’s already won but I feel like the the Breakthrough that work non opposite field yeah exactly yeah and yeah yeah yeah uh I’m trying to see

If I see anybody else that’s just like sticking out like a sore thumb uh let’s just keep it at that that’s kind of just like a real kind of DFS sounding lineup up I like all the guys at the top there’s yeah JT gonna have a good week

So we’ll see I I’ll I’ll plug them in you know maybe maybe we’ll we’ll see if I can work something up that goes off your recommendations and get it out there for the for the people to see what our our kind of like de facto TSS my my

DFS lineup is going to be this week but um yeah as you mentioned stay tuned for I mean I’m really pumped for the spy glass drops we’re we have front nine this week back nine next week um at probably the goat video game course so fired up for that and then I think

People are going to love the Pacific Grove uh mun video that will drop the the third week nine holes at PG mun on the back nine one of the most picturesque settings on the monter peninsula and we did it on the Sunday that they would not allow players to

Participate in the AT&T P Beach pram because there were 30 mile per hour winds and 60 mile per hour gusts and we said you know what uh let’s go out and play and then hopped in the car after and our wives called us and said hey um

There’s a shelter place on the monter peninsula you probably should get home oh man uh it’s I can’t wait to watch it um it was a fun day gonna be a lot of fun well hey thanks for sticking with us here on uh you know our first

Live show since the router Cup reaction we’re hoping to do more of these we’re going to figure out the text upu and we’re going to get back here soon and and interact with you’all in the chat so thanks for hanging with us today and hey Rosie oh hey Rosie gotta say goodbye

Goodbye to our making a little Cameo to end an appearance a perfect way to a perfect way to end the show uh thank you everyone and Rosie for watching and uh we will be back here soon


  1. most enjoyable golf podcast. time flies listening to both of you work your way through a podcast. Smylie, you're the best. Charlie you are right there too. Hey Smylie, should I bet Kis to make the cut this week? I'm leaning heavy toward a YES. Let me know what you think man. G-bless.

  2. I really hate it when spoilers are used in titles and thumbnails. I always watch recorded final rounds. Was going to watch the players soon. 🤦🏻‍♂
    'Recapping a historic win at the PLAYERS' is a better title.

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