Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: The Players (THU)

Round 1 of the 2024 Players Championship recap show presented by High Noon.

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Be the right Club be the right club today I me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than [Applause] most expect anything different ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no laying up live show presented as always by our friends at High Noon

Thursday players recap s here TC here hello TC hello Su thank you hitting the dab for those that are listening in the car tomorrow morning big ry’s here hello Mr Big I still I’ve seen you guys dabbing ironically for months now I I don’t know where it started but I

Appreciate I brought it back I I’ll be able to take credit for that I brought the dab back kind of ironically are we matching tonight by the way TC we might have the same hoodie on are you running Tempo series I am yeah this is my fault

I I got my fishing outfit on uh DJ Pi is here as well hello Mr Pi hello guys uh jealous of what looked like a a bluebird day down in Jacksonville there it was a good one it was a good one it was a uh

It was a bit of a Fiesta out there a ball striking Fiesta and you can bring the fiesta anywhere you go with the all new High Noon tequila Seltzer Fiesta pack TC if that doesn’t get a dab I don’t know what will this variety eight pack features two new Tequila flavors

Blood orange and prickly pear alongside two longstanding favorites we have grapefruit which you’ll see here and lime all are made with real tequila real juice perfect for any Fiesta Under the Sun find the allnew high noon tequila Seltzer Fiesta pack nearest to you at high nops later on in the PW

Celebrating moments of Joy brought to you by a a partner who knows a little something about Joy that’s of course foot Joy the official shoe glove and rainwear partner of no laying up feel the joy at a lot of joyish moments out there today that’s going to

That that’s going to be an easy segment today but TC I’ll throw to you first uh where where were you feeling feeling the flow today uh feeling the flow or feeling the joy well the moment of Joy section is later like where that’s later give me what what’s your vibing on there

You know I I’m I’m gonna say uh doing the bull dance energy uh harness good block bad right around and around uh you know what guys I’m feeling the Joy on I I was out there with Max this evening it it’s gorgeous here I’m just feeling the Joy on the

Weather it’s like 78 degrees and not a cloud in the sky and just so delightful they’ve it’s a little the greens are a little too soft they’re fast and guys went out and shot numbers and with the golf course is it’s not going to give it

Away you still got to earn it and uh just a delightful day watching Golf out there there no no crazy you know nothing crazy went on we’ll talk about some some drop stuff and there’s some pace of play stuff going on here but overall I just I’m feeling positive and joyous and I

Got a shout out my guy JT Poston as well he’s in at three under I think right now I think he’s the best pound-for-pound golfer in the world he’s playing some of the best golf in the world uh it was it t see it felt

Like a like a big event out there and uh I had to come home uh for some childcare duties in the afternoon watching on television on television felt like a lot bigger event just graphics music uh less commercials just everything felt different about all this and uh you know

It’s been a it’s been a tough couple years and a tough start to the year if I may say it was really good to be out there in person and to feel like some very real Buzz and energy around it um honestly if I can say Scotty’s kind of

Little PumpUp speech that he gave in his press earlier this week kind of like flipped me a little bit too it was like yeah why am I like mad at like the actual G tour guys here like they’re doing the best they can in all this amidst some bad leadership and everyone

Else jumping ship and I don’t know I I’m viewing it all through a different lens now and it helps also to have the leaderboard that we have including Rory uh Xander and Wham Clark at the very top of the leaderboard but guys they watch on TV what what were your

Impressions well I can uh I can report from Denver where it started snowing last night we’re probably we’re nearing a foot of snow here so uh Randy are you gonna get out tomorrow I don’t know TC we simply do not know over over 800 flights cancelled today at Denver

International Airport but I say all that Thursday if we’re being honest if if you’re not going to be out there enjoying the 78 degree weather what better day to be parked on the couch watching golf you know I a very guilt-free day spent in front of the

Television it was uh so like you said it you know certainly the the leader board we we’ll talk about that that helps um but NBC predictably you know they step up their game for the players and yeah just it it felt like a good big golf

Tournament to watch and I feel like you know you got to take them where you can get them uh Roy mroy made 10 birdies I feel like anytime you know anytime that happens it’s it’s tough to have too bad of a day at the office they weren’t in a

Row they weren’t in a row no they weren’t in a row uh TC maybe you get give him some tips on on how to stack more of them in a row but uh you know we spent a lot of time on the Monday pre review podcast or the the podcast that

Came out on Tuesday talking about what this Meek what this week means for Rory and you know he just had a lot of a lot of kind of slop in the first few tournaments of the year and you know we were kind of saying hey we’re getting

Into the Time of the Season now where it’s it’s kind of time to stop effing around a little bit and start to stack some good rounds of golf and uh he he seemed to respond to that same thought he he had a good quote I don’t know if

You guys saw anything he said after the round but he talked talked about you know obviously he shot 76 in the final round at Bay Hill and I think that was kind of a he called it a wakeup call like big wakeup call for you know if I

Would have shot 70 he’s been playing all these tournaments so he’s he by his admission is like not practicing in the same way that he has been and so he said you know I wouldn’t shot 76 and if I had shot 70 I probably would have just come

In Taken Monday off you know kind of kept kept cruising kept trying to you know just just find it that way and instead I shot 76 and I was like man I got a lot of like technical problems in my golf right now that I need to go fix

And I think he just hit balls for like five hours on Monday and really went and figured it out and seemed to to get some good feels and just stacked up a shitload of birdies and so it’s uh you know I I hope that that means good things going forward I’m laughing I’m

Laughing because I’m just thinking you know it sounds like Rory was a little overdue on the uh the rent payments for success for great got a little behind it’s crazy that 15 30 you know he could he come in a little later sometimes s and I were

Looking at the stats he’s he’s shot 65 I think he’s like ath in the field in Strokes gained off the te and he’s first in putting so yeah I mean hitting two balls in the water will do that for you yeah so we’re a little concerned about some of the sustainability models you

Know what TC I don’t know if I am second in Strokes gain approach and two bad Swings with driver that I have really big punishment in that Strokes game category like I followed him for 13 holes today and it was prolific aside from the two ball two left balls off the

Te which ironically he was saying you know I’ve had this great field with driver and it’s irons that I’m flipping left because of this feel and uh it was two drives that went left that cost him at least three shots probably today the left Miss is in play but he he hit the

Ball really really well the putts were just they didn’t feel fluky at all it just was like he was hitting right to that mid-range and he was pouring him in the center man it looked really really really tidy confident and tidy he looks swole out enormous like he’s he was out

Driving speed by wide wide margins it was I’m overusing this one lately but it was like the Derrick Henry Mark uh Ingram meme on repeat just with how far uh far past he was hitting you can see it on shot Tracer 35 yards 40 yards but

When you see it in person uh as you’re seeing right here on the screen like he spe had 210 into 16 they both had driver and Rory had 176 like that’s almost into the crosswalk people were walking by the crosswalk and he almost H in the crosswalk it in danger the Rory that

We’ve been wanting to see for a long long long time um you know a long long time whatever it for a few months we have not seen this out a Rory and we we saw it today um but not without a bit of controversy a little bit of a a little

Bit of interesting uh see probably the most interesting stretch of the day I would think there was an 8ish minute um clip published on the PGA tour social handles uh highlighting the second drop incident of of the day which happened on his on the seventh hole which was his

16th hole uh after an incident on the 18th hole which one do you want to start with I know it make more sense to start with the first one but I think the the more recent one was the one that more people may have seen which one do we

Start with you think let’s let’s start with the first one because I feel like like I think chronologically first of all we’re at Saw Grass how do we not have something going on on 14 16 18 I think we’ll get we we’ll eventually end

Up at that I think it uh first uh we got a question from J Neil 11 will you apologize for the Tweet uh I threatened to do it I I called my shot said I was going to do it after Roy birdied 17 I of course had to hit him with the Rory

Coming uh he proceeded to hit the very next shot directly into the water on 18 like directly into the water I mean it was I can’t tell you man I I was trying to say on slack today like Randy you probably saw it too but just the biggest

Grandest shot like the Big Crane shot of 18 Rory just birdied 17 he’s leading the golf tournament I I literally these two thoughts back toback in my head as I was watching I was like man Sager has [ __ ] rules like this is so cool also Rory’s definitely hitting this in the

Water like there’s nowhere else that this ball is going and just a massive hook I want to give a shout out real quick to uh I think it was Ryan Burr and Matt Evy on the call just just really electric stuff throughout that whole stretch ‘s awesome that that’s not going

To come to any you know as a surprise to anybody uh listening but Ryan bur just dead pan hit him with like a uh you know Matt you’ve you’ve hit it in the water hundreds and hundreds of times on this whole uh what What’s about to happen

Here talk us through this process just just good stuff I I was having a good morning um it so we’re going to talk a lot of uh you know where did it cross Twitter uh ball flight laws uh where were you you know what do you know here

Situation there’s there’s a we lot of uncomfortable uh uncomfortable stuff that Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive don’t care uh a lot of just uncomfortable stuff that like Rory said afterwards seems to only happen at TPC Saw Grass uh and I mean he hit this ball left on 18 and man

I I gotta I gotta say my gut instinct was almost immediately like that covered maybe the T box right in front of you and uh and it did not cover any land up there and they they kind of wait on the te for a while so like he pulls it and

It draws left they wait on the te for a while they’re talking it through I couldn’t hear any that was going on and I’m just sitting there like dude don’t do this don’t don’t do this don’t do this they start walking up keep going farther and I don’t know what they’re

Doing and uh some people in the media center were talking about this afterwards they’re like apparently they were using radar to figure out where it crossed and I was like no no no no no I said that I was like they using ra I was I’ve never seen him do that before how

Did did they get the track Man Down how did they do that and I had to say TC no no no radar Wayne Riley from Sky Sports comes up and says oh yeah it crossed way up here and he was not on the te like he was up in the Fairway

So havlin and spe are saying like you know they’re not you’re know they’re not buying what what Rory’s kind of selling here and I’m in in their camp on this first one I I don’t need to explain that I’m a massive Rory fan this is uh an

Uncomfortable spot in terms of like all these are dudes that i’ like in this whole situation so it actually makes it a little bit easier if it was like Reed that had done it into the water uh you know spe would have held him accountable

It would have been uh you know easier to punch down but anyways he ends up taking this drop on 18 that I thought was too far down there I definitely did but like I’m also now questioning like do we how could anyone know exactly where this stuff crosses and the like

Ball flight laws and how far the ball actually is when it’s Crossing land how it comes down to players to determine all this is is kind of where I walk away from like dude there’s $25 million on the line here there should be a better

Way of figuring this out all that to say when this stuff happens almost always you default to like the most conservative approach and especially if your playing partners are going to say like I don’t really think it crossed up there you got to have some like damn

Strong evidence that it did and so that’s kind of the basis of this you know he hits and he hits his like a a fairway wood onto the green two putts and makes Bogey and gets out of there so the drop really helps some we don’t know where it

Crossed and so we get to we get to uh you know he flips over the other side he’s tearing it up he birdies six and flip no he hits like one of those shots of the day after he takes the drop on 18 from like 300 yards knocks on the green

Just like got a double click just Linger on how good that shot was for a sec that was unbelievable um makes a bunch of birdies on the front and flips over to seven and looks like he’s like kind of trying to hit like a knockdown cut driver that just starts left and doesn’t

Really come all the way back and there’s water all down this left and it’s another awkward Pete die hole that you know creates these awkward situations and it’s into the win and I’m I’m standing right behind the te like I’m watching this and there’s no camera

Angle from back there and like it’s in the air and like I’m again I’m always rooting for Rory I’m rooting for this thing like cover like go oh that’s got to go go go and it hits the bank and goes right in and my immediate like from

What I saw I’m 99% sure that it did not cover the red line on the bounce like it just my in my head it was like ah [ __ ] that that bounced below the line and and spe’s caddy felt the same way Michael gr Victor havin felt the same way Victor

Havins caddy felt the same way uh spe seemed to feel the same way yet he also said I didn’t you know I was looking 15 yards ahead when it happened all that and Rory as soon as it happens Rory says like that covered right and Harry says

Yes and no one really corrects you know says anything there and then like they they get off the team they start walking and they just kind of start jawing back and forth about like what happened here and it was the second time of the day that Rory put I think Rory put his

Playing Partners in a really tough spot of like it takes a lot for these guys we you know we’ve seen this a lot takes a lot for them to speak up on one of these things and for it to happen twice I think there was some genuine like

Frustration it not out of spite towards Rory like they’re both hin and spe were not in contention with Rory like pretty much from the jump today and it just becomes like a you know a really tough spot to have to step up and be like I

Don’t really think it covered and man I I’m sitting here questioning like if I if my own eyes are deceiving me on all this because I watched I watched it bounce below that line and bounce back in and Rory and Harry I don’t think they’re lying I think they are I think

They truly believe it bounced above the line but it also comes down to how we don’t have a camera there how there’s no technology how there’s not a spotter there how do we not have a referee stand on some of these awkward holes to like help dictate this if there’s you know Ro

If Roy got two favorable drops today which from my naked eye watching it it looked like he did and he goes on to win this tournament like that hasn’t had an impact on things right and it’s just it leaves me in a really it’s this is not

The first time it’s having a TBC Saw Grass and it just felt very uncomfortable all around and I was really surprised that Rory was as aggressive about it as he was yeah above the line under arrest my opinion no I I don’t know it’s yeah it leaves a sour taste in my mouth

Too and if your player like if your playing partners aren’t great with it then you know I don’t know like it’s it’s uh It’s Tricky I just yeah I just don’t understand like it’s like tiger on 14 like how do we not have a better

System for this or how is there not a spotter on the holes where it’s yeah it’s not the first time this has happened right this is yeah like we watched that with tiger and Casey Wittenberg in 2013 so would you call it Cavalier

Um I think I kind of have to I mean it I don’t think it was with that with with Mal intent it just was like dude if you can’t if you’re not pick up on kind of the vibe of the rest of the guy it’s a

Very emotional thing when you like hit a ball in the water like there’s a lot flowing through your brain and like when it happens to me I feel like I almost default to like you guys were watching those with clear eyes and I’m like you know begging for this ball to cross I

Don’t know if I if I saw it all the way I I just feel like you default to the group in that situation and again like I said it’s a big hurdle for these guys to speak up in that bold of a manner to slow down play for several minutes to

Like say this and like at a certain point like you got to kind of place a little bit of trust in in into what they feel on that um was really demonstrative too like he was gesturing all over the place props to the tour for for posting

It yeah too for laying out four years ago would never have even dreamt of posting that I’m gonna step on on my future moment of Joy TC because you know this is this the spot for it that that was it for me was just sitting and watching watching that full 8 Minute

Clip I mean you guys know how I feel about this this issue largely I feel like which is listen I wasn’t there either I I like it where it always gets to me is like either call somebody out or don’t right like I don’t know I I

Can’t [ __ ] see what he’s doing I I can’t see anything yeah I’m like I I don’t know but this whole thing with like it’s just such a bad situation and it’s Sol to your point it’s like nobody’s nobody’s doing anything wrong necessarily like I think everybody’s doing what they’re supposed to be doing

But it just puts spe in a weird spot where he’s like I don’t know man like they’re all saying it didn’t but like it depends what you say but like but you’re saying this and I don’t know but again like that now radar that’s what radar said and it’s

And like speed is in a weird spot where he can’t just come out and say like well I don’t you know he doesn’t know definitively that it didn’t cross and it’s just a I don’t know it’s just a a bad spot which is where I I Circle back

To my moment of Joy was just sitting and watching them all trying to figure it out was was was pure joy truly it’s like when mes was bissed off about that spot this year yeah remember that and it’s like all right the NFL’s a you know hundred you know or 500 billion

Dollar entity and they and they can’t figure out like how to put RFID in the ball or figure out spatial you know sensor stuff that’s where it it comes back to like depending on how tight you want to like zoom into this issue to like try to get an answer it’s like well

Having paying volunteers out there is probably not like a great way to to legislate this $25 million event right where like that poor guy like again I would be doing the same thing if I was him but like he’s standing there like just in the middle of these three

Athletes trying to like figure it out he’s just kind of like yeah no I’ll support I’m with you guys whatever you guys whatever you guys think that that’s what I think happened and it’s it’s just the worst I don’t know it’s just the worst possible way to like do it but I

Don’t necessarily know what the other ways around it would be so it’s it’s just kind of a I think you just got to look at it as like more of a funny situation uh than anything because I you know certainly can’t tell you where it crossed or who’s right or who’s wrong or

Whatever protect the field baby I’ll say they’re trying but I don’t know what they can do differently yeah if I’m if I’m if I’m wrong about what I saw on those two I have been wrong about hundreds of these over the years like how I would normally pract like TC if

You try to take those drops if if we’re in a match together you’d be hearing about a Cavalier drop for the next six to seven years I think like so that says it all then s like that like to me that well when we’re playing a match like we

Would almost always default to like not playing for 25 million dollars I know that’s where like if I don’t know that’s where again you I don’t need to explain that I’m a massive Patrick Reed took that drop like I would be I would be standing up right now just shouting from

The rooftops I’m trying to give this to Patrick Reed lens of like you know this is obviously one of my favorite players how do I feel like how truly how I feel about it and it was just like I don’t know but then I’m like questioning my

Own sanity like did I did I see the ball bounce below the red line like when I saw it I I you know now I thought about it for three hours afterwards I’m like dude I mean I assume I did I need my eyes check like it was 275 yards away

Like did I see what I think I saw it just uh it just then ultimately be again like I said like how do you end up how do how do how do these guys have to decide and then Roy says we should split the difference on on I’m glad you said

That I’m like well that’s not it either makes everybody wrong Vic said it’s back by the turtle and so yeah what a stupid Spar and and there’s no there’s no rules official for any of this there’s no one there some came over and it all just comes back to like Rory it’s it’s

Whatever you think man which again is like yeah I don’t know how you do it differently necessarily but unless you just make that whole left side OB or something but it’s just a lot it’s just wild I don’t know I mean could they not put a camera somewhere either up closer

To the green looking back like down the hazard line or you know near the T box looking down the hazard line with how much that bank just cuts out it’s like impossible to see where the hazard line is unless you have a camera like pointing at it yeah like pointing at it

Like you’d have to almost have a camera I don’t even know if that is still like an island like in the middle of the of six and seven there right where you’d almost have to have like a camera facing back that way just in case something like this happens which again like

Sounds silly as you’re as you’re saying it but I guess in a $25 million event you kind of do need to have something like that if I if I was trying to really zuder it and I and I was trying to break it down it took a pretty big bounce on

TV and that’s where it’s like I’ve trust me haveit I have much like Matt ever I have hit it in the water there hundreds of times back when I worked for the PJ tour and that whole bank is so Steep and the Red Line does appear to be at the

Bottom of that bank to where like if it was going to take a bounce that big I know I only took one year of engineering school but if it did take a bounce that big it seemed like it would have had to hit on the top rather than if it hit

Below the line it just seemed like it would have bounced straight left Cody you feeling me I thank you for saying that DJ I agree with you 100,000% and that’s where I was like so you got to stick with your guns here it’s impossible for that ball to land

Below the red line and get that bounce that it got unless that is like what it did like that is what I saw it do like again I was hoping below the red line in my mind from what I saw that ball hit below the red line like I and again I

Didn’t like commit it to memory I can’t like replay it it was just like I wanted to carry I cover cover cover hits and I was like [ __ ] that did not cover and I don’t know like that I I saw the same angle later like I saw the same image

And I was like huh like maybe I am [ __ ] crazy but like I everyone that all the there was standing with three or four other media members we we all talked about it after like five minutes afterwards because again what it happened it was so obvious to me but

Five minutes later I’m like that did not cross right and they’re like no that did not cross that did not and but like yeah I watch the film and I’m kind of like well [ __ ] did I have the line totally wrong am I looking at it I don’t know

That’s where it’s just like all right conspiracy theory is Rory trying to put some some kindling on the fire like some some uh I need a chip on my shoulder I’m wearing all black today I’m going to be villain I’m I’m gearing up for Augusta you think he was just trying to

Alpha them with with the drop just I’m just saying you know maybe maybe he’s like you know what nobody believes me right I’m gonna go win Augusta maybe may maybe yeah maybe I didn’t have that was my first were you close to anybody want to hear what Rory

Has to say is anybody interested in that sure that um scene on the seventh was that necessary in your eyes or was it all a bit needless um I think Jordan was just trying to make sure that I was doing the right thing um I mean I was

Pretty sure that my ball had crossed where where I was sort of dropping it and um and it’s so hard right because it’s there was no TV evidence I was adamant but you know I think again hanky was just trying to make sure that I was

Going to do the the right thing and um yeah if if anything I was I was being conservative with that I think yeah I I think at the end of the day we’re all trying to you know protect ourselves protect the field as well so I I don’t I

I wouldn’t say it was needless I think he was just trying to make sure that what happened was the was the right thing I think what we need is is when there’s a punt or a kick that goes out of bounds and the ref runs up to the spot you need like this

Go that’s what we need and we need like a a zebra what’s the guy’s name on live DJ on the Tony Z poly we need a bunch of Tony’s or polies out there and Z maybe that’s the kind of [ __ ] that we can be using this SSG money

For billion sitting in the bank account get a couple zebras out there it does make you wonder how they’re not positioning volunteers a little bit more strategically on some of these holes right I think it’s got to be a rules official though like it’s a players like there’s several holes where this can

Happen like a lot at TPC right I mean having a rules official on 18t for the 72nd hole especially like feels like it could be really important come Sunday if this if this happens to somebody that has a One-Shot lead uh or a two- shot lead and is taking a Cavalier drop right

Like it just feels like again I I feel bad for all the players involved here because I think Rory truly believes this like you you just don’t do that un you just don’t do that you don’t do that unless you have some serious conviction that it did and like at the same time

The other guys playing that playing with them did not see it that way and it’s just really really freaking hard to do from 275 to 300 yards away you know which player I feel bad for suly Windham Clark who continues to show up and now is getting out overshadowed again by by

Drop gate you know the only guy that keeps showing up when the lights are the brightest he he comes in shoots another 65 today ties the lead and you know just gota got to give him his due I I believe he got his due on the Wednesday show when someone picked him

To win this week um so and and might have even been able a little personal dabble uh going into this I you sprinkle it I did a little just a little just just sprinkled a little bit on there I mean he was 55 to one like it just did

Not make sense he’s played don’t make sense big have you seen how high Bitcoin is of course my of course my guy splashing splashing outright winners thank you R this the first time you’ve uh you’ve acknowledged how high Bitcoin is that means a lot to me yeah guys I’ll

Say somebody else I feel bad for uh Tommy who hit it he was absolutely flashing was 5 under at the time goes to seven hits it in the water there and he makes triple but he dropped it almost all the way back at the T makes you think makes you

Think maybe he’s not ALC yeah maybe maybe the game he respects the field um yeah I know TC wants to move on from wiam Clark but I do think we should pause on that for just for just a second you can set that out then because uh the

Dude is like as we’ve mentioned multiple times uh over the last several weeks continues to flash in all facets of the game uh you know not of course that in theory would you know jump off the page to be a perfect fit for him it kind of

Throttles driver a little bit but uh eighth in approach today and third in putting that’s going to play Anywhere um hit eight Fairways hit 175 into the 16th hole like he is a he’s a birdie Force right now and uh I’m obviously really like him where he’s sitting I have no

Issue with with Windam personally it’s it’s just like the way he plays the game and I feel like he just aims 30 yards left and hits driver as hard as he possibly can with a 30 yard you know spinny cut on it and it goes 340 I I

Feel everything that I don’t like about the modern game rolled into one player I I can’t can’t discount any of that and and what you feel watching him I I feel like I largely feel the same but this would be at least like we talk about venues it’s pretty dram Al different

Venues yeah if he was to if he was to go on and win here it’s like Quail Hollow L Pebble Saw Grass is like oh that’s that’s kind of a golfer and almost Bay Hill yeah um yeah well we got a lot of time between uh then and uh and now and

You know speaking of guys everybody loves to watch Xander as well just like dude has been you know you might not like it but you you must admit guy is playing some absolute golf right now uh clean card too yeah dude he’s just you know I feel like some of the the Chris

KO stuff has been a little under the radar just because he doesn’t you know’s he doesn’t hashtag win very much but uh seems like he’s made some sizable changes in his golf swing and it seems to be quite sustainable because he’s he’s playing really freaking good golf right

Now we have a lot of leaderboard uh stuff to get to but uh before we do that I want to let’s let’s pause and we’ll we’ll do our uh let’s bring some more joy back to the back to the show um I know coming off Xander and and Windam uh

TC it’s a it’s a tough thing for you to uh this this is for you the joy is for you um brought to you by our friends of FootJoy as a reminder these are moments that occurred somewhere in the golf world including our own experiences that

Had us feeling the joy we’re going to go around the horn hear some feel the joy moments from the team Randy I’m going to started with you what what was your uh what was your moment well I think we should I think we should end with me Sly

So why don’t why don’t we go yeah why don’t we go clockwise around our screen okay I’ll go first then uh I my m of Joy today uh this was highly distributed uh on the social channels but uh our guy Adam hadin just just really like a

Almost like it was a drill like a throwing the club drill ham drill hucked his uh his Club into the water on the 18th hole of the iconic 18th hole at TPC sress knowing that was gonna make the rounds on social where did the club cross where did it cross

Tter he took an egregious drop on the next one of course but uh no it was a fantastic Huck and uh I just wanted to celebrate that TC golf clubs sink right that’s a stupid question but they sink correct they do they do do okay they’re

Metal get water in the shaft well I just didn’t know how dense or buoyant you know um yeah mine you know a lot of different ways we could go with this I walked out today and immediately saw ludvig Eagle number two but my moment of Joy was coming back in from watching um

Max and others on the back nine this evening gorgeous weather and everything and uh you know I come back in and two two individuals are playing are are are hucking something else they’re hucking a pig skin back in the flash area near the media center just in a big patch of

Grass Caleb Williams it was well that was my first thought s this guy just an absolute rocket arm and I’m thinking oh my gosh this is Caleb Williams s walked around with Caleb Willams all day was giving him all sorts of Chicago tips uh Wrigleyville Lincoln Park all sorts of

Of local joints up there but no it was it wasley uh just just throwing the pig skin with his with his son and I said chessen what’ you shoot today he said not good but it doesn’t matter look at this man look at us who’s got it better

Than us what kind of quarterback you think chessen would be Brock OS that’s a good chess would be like uh I’m trying to think who was like a super skinny kind of you know kind of loopy long motion uh not the quickest release but that just made me happy he was out

There his son’s proba rabal TC from our Miami Ohio days see some of that yeah indoor Legend now but uh but yeah I don’t know that just made me happy I love like that’s my favorite thing to do with my son is is is uh throw the

Football and and so for for to I think chest shot two or three over today and for him to just be hanging out throwing the football like having a beer is is sweet I love it I kind of I kind of mentioned mine with the uh you know

Watching the eight minute uh full uncut gems uh just you know where did it cross conversation but I’ll also throw out uh micro moment of Joy the the feeling I had watching Scotty finish off his round today was like you know what I got a guy

That I’m I’m I’m rooting to do rooting for to dominate right now and and that was I feel like we haven’t had that in a while and watching him make bogate the first and then just kind of turn that into like the most boring you know 67

You’ve ever seen in your life was like all right I’m I’m that’s cool we haven’t had one of those guys for quite a while and uh it made me very happy that that Scotty’s doing it can we get you to root for Scotty TC can we get you on board

Get me well yeah you close s I’ll root for history right if he’s that’s kind of where it’s at but it’s gota we gota it’s got to be majors and that sort of thing we got to be cognizant and and very sure that we’re witnessing history also a lot

Of people in the comments saying I witnessed Mike Glennon out there passing the ball with his son and somebody else said golf the only sport we can tell where a ball crossed from 280 but we can confuse chess and Hadley with Caleb Williams for 40 yards chip that was a joke my man

Big guy bring us home well I’ll I’ll segue because I told Cody I’m like man you know what my moment of Joy was was just looking at the leaderboard and and seeing a lot of good interesting names in the mix we’ve talked about the guys at seven under uh Rory and Xander and

Wendam uh but but you go deeper into the leaderboard and finally you know we’re starting to like Matt Fitzpatrick welcome back buddy former US Open champion shoot six under Jason day ludvig love seeing ludvig very curious what he’s going to do the next three days Sheffer feels like you know we’re

We’re near the floor of his abilities but he’s five under uh you get deeper there you got Max hom at four under you got Hideki at three under we know he can get hot around here so it’s it’s it’s finally it felt like uh a leaderboard commensurate with a big event and again

That’s that’s a nice place to be in brought me a little bit moment of Joy this evening the one uh name that I want to add there too is uh Michael Kim’s in the chat right now he’s also there at 4 under big I know you just blew past his

Name you don’t care about him at all I didn’t think he’d be in the appreciate him almost had a hole in one on 17 but keep it up buddy apparently Johnson Wagner is also out hucking balls uh off the bank on seven trying to identify uh a pattern

And how they’re bouncing uh which I may have to check out that segment uh a bit later is what you people are asking for this is what you’re doing with where did it cross Twitter just just you know let the professionals do their job and and move

Ond um I I felt like Scotty’s round today like 6 it’s wild how 67 feels like even par for him now like that truly well hold on you’re just gonna totally skip over Nick Taylor I was brought up Scotty he brought up Scotty you can we

Can talk about nickle card too do you hate card committee it’s a tough look Sally take it away you can you can have it TC no actually I reget that I pull that back I pull that back I pull that back I pull that back uh solid round from ludig he’s five

Underpar U your got foxy hole in one on 17 today cool course setup let’s talk a little bit about that it um it’s rained a lot here but I’ve you know all week have been it hasn’t rained a lot it’s been a little bit wet lately it’s spring

It rained on Saturday it hasn’t rained since then then the [ __ ] greens are like soup they’re they’re clar very wet winter and it dumped rain on Saturday night and we talked about that on Monday and it was like okay it’s very soft now I think they’ll dry out I think they’ll

Dry out I think they’ll dry out and they have not dried out and uh they haven’t turned the sub airs on apparently it’s called precision air uh and I don’t know if they’ve been in use can you confirm that they have not turned them on CC many people are saying sources are

Saying I cannot confirm I haven’t confirmed with the tour uh this you know you got to remember this is our first player Championship post pder as well so there’s a new sheriff in town right and all that stuff so we don’t know how they’re doing it there but between the

Greens it was actually kind of interesting on 17 today because there’s they’re so soft that guys are worried about ripping the ball all the way off um a lot of guys getting saved by the strips of rough when there’s bumper bumpers in the lanes uh yeah it takes a

Little bit of the edge off of it though feel like we should reheat just just super quick in case people haven’t heard it the the wkim idea where they should should shave like dashes into the green where like almost like Gates you know you have you have three feet of of heavy

Rough that will stop a ball and then you have three feet of clean mode direct into the water and I just I was thinking about that today I think you know for instance I forget who that was uh looks like Kevin U uh the soldja boy boy uh

That that could have you know it’s a 50-50 ball maybe it gets caught up in the rough and maybe it spins right you know right through one of the the wickets but I sorry continue the only so I think that there’s some bad uses usage of these rough strips obviously I think

The one left of 18 is like you could speed blew away right today tried to punch out and got totally saved by the rough from going in there Adam Scott apparently had an incident this morning blown and one over the green on 12 got saved gets up and down easily for par

That’s a problem 17 I think I’m okay with that to a certain extent because if it’s not uh otherwise you’re just going to end up with the most boring shots at that hole like everyone’s going to bail long up to that top tier and not take on

Trying to stick one into the front if the penalty is that severe like because so many balls would have rolled in the water today and it would have led to uh almost no you know shots at that one it’s I think that whole green should be

Blown up and redone like I I just don’t think it’s a very good green itself uh so in combination like I think there’s a way to do to do it without that rough but the way the current green is constructed I think that could have been not so good today

But to blow it up just with like lost lost revenue and cost of the construction and everything I would love to see like an itemized sheet on how how much that would cost what if they build a quite play the right way or if they connected it to the to the inter Coastal

They could bring in like an aircraft carrier and have you hit to that and then that’d be fun you know that’s concert going up there easy answer is turn take take the tree out build a temporary green there let everybody play that for a while while you redo the the

Truly an island green uh I will say um the other thing that bugged me about the rough and just some of the setup today was just the this nitpicking but it seems like the rough right off of the fairways I was talking to a couple players after they finished about this

The rough right off of the fairways seems to be some of the thickest stuff out there so you miss by six inches and you’re in I I’ve actually called for that before I actually kind of like that the the reverse graded rough where if you’re going for the Fairway you you

Better hit the Fairway and if you if you’re gonna miss you better Miss big time left or right but stupidest thing I’ve ever heard well a key for Saw Grass though is they’re gonna have if they have bad rough on one side they almost certainly have something else on the

Other side pine straw bunkers Moguls there’s like something else that’s like instead of the Bay Hill thick rough down both sides like there’s always you know there’s an angle to the Fairway and there’s always like a a other different place you could hit it that is not thick

Rough like I I don’t know if you go into the thick rough left of five it’s because you know you were bailing away from the bunker that runs along the right side and well I think part of it yeah is some of the Mogul on some of the

Greens like on you know the right side of of five or right side of nine different spots there where it’s like yeah it just feels like all right like your ball can start running down you know bounces and boun B and gets caught in the last three inches of rough and

You’re gouging it out right I’ll say the greens are not firm enough though to like this is a rare case where like I I don’t mind the long rough because if the if uh if the greens are going to be soft having short rough would just it would

Be very easy like the the shots around the green would be extremely easy um forecast looks good I mean we’re we’re in for really like nice uh you know low tonight is 62 high tomorrow it’s going to be exactly the same tomorrow 70 degrees High partly sunny light South

Winds Saturday 79 degrees uh possibly up into the mid 80s West Winds so it’s gonna be hot and dry for this time of year it’s gonna be awesome taking the wife out tomorrow we’re gonna you know to nonworking capacity tomorrow Margaritas only uh tomorrow so uh

Question we got from W Gordon 28 any observation from watching spe in person today seems like now the putter is working the ball striking is all over the place um yeah I I’m wondering if speed’s play contributed to like a or you know if it was kind of a cyclical

Thing of kind of the couple squabbles he had you know he’s a little frustrated to begin with and and it definitely seemed like it was a distraction of some kind and I kind of feel for him in that regard it’s kind of uh it’s kind of an

Incident where it’s just going to get your heart rate up a little bit something you don’t really want to deal with while you’re trying to grind out around a golf but I overheard him talking to ger a little bit about like their t- shot when he he kind of missed

Right on seven and he’s like I wish I he’s like I wish I could tell you that I was bailing over here but like I’m just that off like I felt like uh that was going to be a good swing and I was just that off he does not inspire a lot of

Confidence in the way he’s talking uh in the middle of some of these rounds so no I I I was I’ve been a little discouraged on the on the links master and from what I witnessed up close again just like watching him I’m just like looking around the landscape of like dude he

Couldn’t like hold a candle to Rory today uh you know Scotty like you’re going to go beat that guy right now like Windam Clark like they’re just there’s but guys that are in a different tier and category uh and Jordan it it’s GNA take a lot for him to LEAP to get back

Up into that category and like win like we expect him to so you gota remember this is not a lynx either uh it’s a Florida Lynx yeah and he’s proba you know this means he’s probably going to win The Masters by like six words right out of my

Mouth I’m curious from you guys give me give me one name who who’s going forward tomorrow who’s going backwards tomorrow I think Scotty’s Gonna Keep Coming wow dude look at look at big Randy out there on all on his own on that limb get that in writing uh I bet

Rory goes backwards well don’t give him the system come on you know the spirit of what I’m asking uh I think it’s G to get tougher as the day goes along tomorrow like I think the guys that were early late are probably a little bit of a disadvantage

I’m looking for Max to go out early and kind of post something put it up there set it you know put it on the board shoot 64 65 in the morning and then go kick his feet up in the afternoon go to Fiesta time if I may I’m gonna I’m gonna

Attach onto that bandwagon here at TC with with Max I got dinner with him last night and I’ve never seen him so uh like cocky is not the right word the co truly confident was the right word in terms of like where he was at mentally and like

Feels like he’s on like the 300 level class of of you know advancing mentally and his approach and everything that big key for him is just like getting off the bus getting out and playing well on a Thursday like he get you know gets going in in in contention like he we’ve seen

Him play really really well he just sometimes struggles to get off the bus and when he got off the bus today that’s like okay it might be might be go time for Max this week I’m I’m I’m buying backwards listen I’m just gonna I’m just GNA I’m say it uh I’m I’m gonna

Say h coin goes backwards I mean it’s a it’s a bull market I geter everyone’s getting you know happy fat and happy off all these cryptos that are on the rise but H coin uh it’s a scam it’s a scam I’m not record holder s 62 I’m I’m going down the board I’m

Gonna say uh I’m gonna say Mark hubard goes forward tomorrow guy ball struck the [ __ ] out of it today third in ball striking almost last in putting we might have we might have a homeless problem in County St John’s you I think that’s a fun one to watch you know whenever you have

Somebody with a big big Delta like that that’s a fun you know can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow I I’ll throw another one out there I think keki makes a move you know he bogey two today that’s that’s a bad bogey I I I think his round tomorrow is

Starting off should be two shots better automatically I’m looking for heri to make a little move I was a little you know you gotta worry about his mindset though Randy that that that Japanese rocket blew up that is right that might be weighing heavily I’m about to transition us to a

Positive Hamsterdam segment but I’ll start it with a negative of let’s cool it on on the pon aidra commercials like we we are full here there’s a lot of traffic down here now we don’t need you telling people about how incredible Jack Beach and Pon ofra are it really did

Stunt today the images were incredible they got some really good plane shots of showing the proximity of TPC I’ve never seen that on on the air from them like a proximity shot of showing where TPC sass sits in relation to the ocean showed some images of poner inning club and uh

The other golf in the area it was like a lot of people saying a lot of great things about Jacks right now which I’m I’m joking about a little bit to say like it appreciate the the shout outs here because not it’s not it’s not your typical Florida City this is a great

Great place to live and visit and uh I’m I am truly happy for a lot of people that work so hard at this tournament to that they get a great week uh because they’ve gotten dealt a couple tough hands in the last several years yeah including Co um and just to say the

Hamsterdam uh you know our if you’re new to the show this is where we try to isolate when we usually complain about coverage uh of golf tournaments I have nothing negative to say literally other than the Colmore cow commercial was on quite a bit but it’s limited commercials

It’s more announcers more Tech more tracers more stuff to show off Mike too always elevates an event it they they just did an excellent job of uh on a Thursday making it feel like an important event and um the branding of it is just very very strong and it

Probably added to the fact of just I really enjoyed going to the tournament and always have great memories for of this week but uh just felt like they did it did it justice and it all seemed to to fit and it was like if golf coverage looked like this we would not complain

The way we do here here from from afar it was it was a delightful watch I I was you know we’re kind of kind of saying when the when the fifth major conversation starts to come around it’s like you know both things are true like all that matters is the majors and also

Week feels like it matters so it’s like I’m I’m not saying it is a major but I’m I’m saying it is getting treated like one from a NBC perspective at least and it’s it’s much appreciated I I’ll say just the negative I you know Su I I think pulling that

Thread I weeks like this just what they do is drive home like what a difference there is between the other weeks when NBC is is responsible for coverage and it’s just I I don’t know it’s not a great look for the coverage to be that different

When it’s the same broadcast part like I I’m struggling to think of other examples around Sports where it’s like oh this week ah the the coverage is going to be kind of shitty you know because we’re just not going to show you the second quarter of the game yeah they

They just don’t think it’s that big of a deal and whatever but like this week this will be sweet because they’re actually like trying it’s really weird are there any comps to tennis there’s got to be some similar ities now well it’s just such a fixed you know one ball

And one cord it’s you can’t really change all that much yeah I know like there’s a big tennis event going on this week the the big Indian Wells event which is like honestly one of their biggest non- majors and you know tennis channel has it and it’s great but I don’t really

Notice you know a huge difference uh well I shouldn’t say that because they have people on site so I guess yeah you could draw a little bit of a comparison with with uh with tennis but like if NB like if any of the big networks or ESPN

Were to do tennis it would not look different week to week you know it’s it’s more like a tennis channel thing which I I don’t want to make the comparison to like Golf Channel per se just it it feels like it’s a reasonable request that elevated signature whatever you want to call the

Events like should be on par with this right like that’s that’s like regular like the cognizant do I think it needs to have this level of investment like no it doesn’t really work that way and it flattens you know but if you really want the these big events to stand out it

Needs to look a lot more like this uh brand them different do something different like it just again different leaderboard Graphics makes it feel different I know that sounds so petty but like I really do think it uh you know adds to the importance of the event

But I think say it’s it’s differentiate and then dimensionalize d and d uh I know this is where my internet cut out last time when I was making this point but that this is where like it’s just so hard when you don’t just decide that it’s two tours right

When you’re trying to convince you know the cognizant and the Genesis and the 3M and the Wells Fargos and all these people that like no no no this is all the same thing and then behind closed doors like no no no yours is way bigger don’t worry no no no we

Still totally care about yours we’re gonna have a bunch of great players there no but trust me the old big players only care about your tournament is where it’s like well yeah you just can’t do that that’s where again it’s it’s not unlike the the drop situation

You want to keep scrolling in there’s just I don’t know it’s a big [ __ ] mess of ripped up wires man i’ think we need to just burn the house down and I will say on the positive thing too earlier this week Golf Channel guys were getting a little little chippy with the

Tour they were [ __ ] all over Jay and all the money talk and all that stuff and when you’ve got like kind of your broadcast partner SLS somewhat statun media getting chippy like that I’m I like that I’m for that like keep that up guys well it’s the I mean it’s even as

Simple as I know it’s not necessarily one to one but Randy Su you guys know this like MLB network is not like watching the Golf Channel right there’s actual opinions being expressed there’s actual news being broken and it’s just like I I just keep coming back to like

Why does golf have to feel different than other sports it’s so frustrating uh I I would say DJ the first thing that comes to my mind is in no other sport is the good guy Class Act uh narrative do they try to push that as

Much as they do I I feel like in golf you know which you know praise progress they they did post the big uh you know the the little word did it cross Kur fuffle so I I guess it’s it seems like at least they’re aware of it which I’m

Sure they would have been it’s just now they’re feeling slightly more empowered to you know dip their toe into the Waters of like what if we what if we posted it what if we talked about it what if we had that conversation on the Golf Channel and hopefully they’ll see

That you know no one’s gonna die it’s gonna be okay no one’s gonna get dropped by their sponsors it’s you know might even be more interested worth noting they they have been doing this for a couple years now like when when the Reed incident happened like this like as of

Like 2021 they started doing some of this right like they started posting some of the more controversial stuff this isn’t I don’t think this is like a live creation of now they’re doing that yeah there was a massive full scale conspiracy against Reed so you got to kind of throw that

Out that’s actually I just think I just got that’s it’s gonna be submitted as evidence and there was all those right pins today too the uh more speaking to the fact that like what TC was saying about Golf Channel because I I feel like even in in the past especially players

Week I mean there’s kind of like a guy standing you know off off screen just basically being like hey what we got to talk FedEx Cup points more hey we got to talk about this we got to give some love to the proud Partners you mentioned the Masters yeah maybe they’re chilling a

Bit which is good two things I want to add DJ gave a shout out to ESPN plus I thought their crew was awesome again everyy is a rock star on that Ryan B with one of the craziest lines today shouting out spe 2013 season I was like really yeah did John

De one of the 10 best years in the history of the sport I think he probably meant 15 but that’s you know uh the only other thing is that uh again awesome job you know presenting this and it it I agree with you guys all Signature Events

Should look like this but in a time when there’s like lawsuits being thrown around and everything uh within like NBC Comcast is pretty glaringly obvious that the only female voice that you’ll see is a third chair from the live from SE and that’s when Anna steps in kir is not on

Site she’s back in the studio you would think that they would find something I love our guy Dame but you know where’s Kira at why does Kira like have to do all these mule events and when you get to Signature Events season like she’s nowhere to be found uh I don’t know it’s

It’s just crazy when you look at it what they could be presenting and and when you’re trying to grow things again you know those voices matter yeah yeah if you say that though then then that’s what that’s that’s when they bring Christina Kim in we can’t have that either literally in the back

Of my mind was like proed for TC soon as Cody mentioned I like I know what’s coming I I can see this from a mile away not that predictable we’ve known each other a long time brother you know what a in a very teeny Cody just to extrapolate that a hair I

Think it’s interesting like we were we were all texting today about uh Jeff Shackleford always you know a mustre newsletter all the time but he had a great line in there about how you know kind of the tour likes to credit for like oh the game’s growing must be us oh

The game’s shrinking not our fault you know the pro game’s booming you know and like I think they like to be Front Runners in that regard and it is interesting to see like oh my God the game’s being taken up by so many young women this is amazing this is the

Fastest growing element of the sport we’ve never even acknowledged that they exist but you know we’re we’re rooting for it we think that’s great and that’s where I think to your point on The Telecast Cody like there’s probably a pretty loow hanging dub to be had there

That’s all I’m asking I’m not listen I’m not the woke police out here that’s that’s not what I’m saying but I’m saying that there’s like extremely confident people out there that can [ __ ] do this thing yeah you’re not those you’re not the little strips of rough you’re not woke like

Those rough is woke I want I wanted to jump in earlier because you were dead wrong on 17 I can’t believe they let you get away with that too that rough it should be abolished it’s crazy that it’s there right there make it a little bit

What are we asking we what these guys are Prof are the best in the game come on guys can we shave it for the weekend I I would maybe there’s a compromise to be had like like let’s get out there and shave it for the third and fourth rounds

When we have not entainment product the [ __ ] shot and control your spin guys again I’ve said this in years past easily the most cartoonish manufactured hole in the history of human kind Randy I feel like you should just have like artificial turf that you could either

Take up or put down depending on the Wind right oh if it’s going to be windy yeah we’ll put the put the strips down keep the balls on the green oh it’s not going to be windy it’s Dome golf today yank them up let’s let’s See’s point we’re

Gonna put some fake grass up on the back part of the green to try to take away that long play shrink the green a little bit that we don’t need the whole back portion the pins up front you know just make that uh I don’t know make that sand

Or something back there the only other crazy green thing was I guess there was a a groundhog issue or something like that on 10 green that they’ve been working on it it just messed up the back right and left portion of that green so you’re not going to get a pin back there

At all this week I might have to go uh put some groundhogs around 12 green if I can just deploy from ground see if they’ll blow it up it’s a great risk reward hole TC we learn that every year um I will say Max had a really good one

He was in the left bunker he had a bad t- shot he was in the left left bunker maybe 80 yards out and hit a exceptional shot in there he [ __ ] he hit a he was like 260 out on 11 and he had this three-wood and he hit it to 20 feet from

The pine straw I was like oh awesome like I I was like this is either gonna go really good or really bad hit it there it was he hadit some golf shots down the stretch today and again not asking everyone to agree with golf course takes but like when when we’re

Angling at something it’s something like that to say like this is a this shot is possible at least out of pine straw like if there was thick rough there Max would have been punching out and like watching punch outs on repeat is not entertaining overwater over a bunker to a green with

Like a ton of risk reward you can bail left all you want but it’s really hard up and down like that was a really earned golf shot there was a lot of risk in that and you’re able to pull it off that is the style of golf I like a lot

More than than Hack It Out rough I’m not telling you what to like but that is the a specific example of the conversation over the last several weeks God how good was Scotty’s punch on 18 did you see that one that got all the way to the green the one that the one

That lesser players like to like flip over and punch into the water he’s like no I’ll just take and and I even I think uh God who was over there in the well that that’s the most famous one for sure when cam punched in who who had it or I

Guess Max kind of did it on 16 where he just kind of punched it down the Fairway but usually guys will just like lay it up to you know 80 yards 90 yards whatever and Scotty’s like no I’ll just take on the whole green I’ll just I’ll

Just force it up there and T put for my par in my little 67 cool moment today with um on the ninth hole um a sentence I never thought I would I would say for tonight but uh I’m literally squatting right next to Caleb Williams and Rory’s

In the pine straw and he’s got to hit this you know he’s got this gap between these two trees to punch it over the water and into that second Fairway but he goes right of the of the far right tree and hooks it all around and like as

He’s getting like set up for it Caleb Caleb’s like what’s he doing what’s he doing and he like hits this ball and it takes off and he goes oh [ __ ] like there just this huge banking right to left this dude does doesn’t even know Golf and uh this huge banking right to left

Shot like that that stuck out in his mind of uh you know being a highly entertaining golf shot and that’s brought to you by pin straw um speaking of right of the far right trees Jack was on the broadcast today cool you guys probably missed that

Well actually that was gonna be my my my second moment of Joy seeing Jack I I heard I heard they wouldn’t let him in the Players Club you never think it you know I won this tournament right uh Jason L Schwarz said Gary Co sounds great and adds a lot to the

Broadcast hasn’t lost the step will NBC acknowledge this and bring him back into the rotation even just for big events like the US Open it sounds like not unless he you know wants to work for like uh yeah inter yeah we Gary we’ll tag you on Instagram we can’t We’re not

Gonna pay you any cash always always full full on Co you guys know this always been a Gary Coke guy think you don’t like him of course like always the mar yesterday always has good good things to say good on Tuesday and Maltby was was standing

Out front on the front drive smoking a ripping a heater right I was like God I miss Raj tou rules I know I think for big events if they’re going to go for elevated Crews again that’s another way to make some stuff feel elevated right I mean I

Don’t uh I kind of like the youth movement they got going and some new voices but for the big events I think you know there’s enough they’re on the air enough to bring some of these voices back so I like that I texted everyy I said I said the people are absolutely

Raving about your performance today he said hell yeah love hearing that they hide me get me out there baby he needs to make a play get himself out there insert himself into some of this drama yeah uh guys anybody that was a stinker today you’re just exceptionally disappointed in

Uh I mean Colin continues to just be kind of nothing this should be the perfect golf course for him right we we were curious about for me was I forgot he was in the tournament are you gonna address the Tom Kim WD yeah my guy TK uh had to withdraw

With an illness he was plus five extreme dehydration too thirsty TC hit me with that earlier I was like oh really I didn’t know that he’s like no [ __ ] TC you want to talk about your boy Vic that’s a guy that that another stinker yeah I don’t know and

Valaki yeah vaki the Finnish media there’s a lot of Finnish media in the the media center uh vaki is such a unit walking by him the other day I was like holy [ __ ] can I ask you a question TC Hardy also TC when is he gonna become

The best player in the world I’m I’m told this keep this is imminent dick doubled his last hole today he doubled nine we can’t have that he made a mess up by the green can I ask you a question TC doing much you may you

May we drafted uh six years out we did that a couple weeks ago on the Pod everybody got to pick you know we came up with the point system if you missed it eight points for Majors two for Signature Events blah blah blah you had the first overall pick if you’re

Drafting for production straight up of the next six years you took L you sorry you took Victor havin number one overall any regret on not taking Scotty sheffler as we sit here just just a couple weeks later no no none none whatsoever I I you know I think Scotty’s much older than

He’s like one of those Cuban baseball players we don’t have his certificate he might be much older than we old old legs yeah I’m I’m actually more worried about Nick Dunlap on my squad uh it’s not good there there’s you know it’s very small sample size still it’s only been a

Couple weeks couple months since he he won his event but there’s something to be said for you know you can’t can’t get everything right right and there’s something to be said for like getting these guys to the PJ tour super super fast and like really creating some on-ramps and really getting you know

Getting turnover and making the product exciting and also like these guys going through proper development and you know forging like the necessary skills over the requisite time that it takes so I’m not saying by any stretch that that’s what’s happening in Nicon lap but it’s interesting to watch as that that

Happens a couple times I feel like yeah guys I sense us getting towards the end of the show uh we had a great uh suly gave a shout out to Adam hadwin throwing in you know the ultimate Chuck uh and we got his wife’s comments on that

Obviously I flash him up on the screen Nick Taylor absolutely like flushing it I love watching him hit the golfball I think these Canadians are such crazy ball Strikers but I cannot get it out of my head DJ after you said this that he only wears those black Adidas shoes does

He only wear black pants too because it could be one of the worst fits I can’t I can’t get it out of my head if was here he would say Blow by him yeah that’s that’s speaking of bad bad fits uh I want to give a reverse shout out to

Adidas for the hat that they keep putting ludvig in yeah look he looks real Good’s got a a a a small head like I you know I have a small Dome L’s got a small head and they keep putting him in it’s like a Brandon woo special but Brandon W’s got a really

Big head ludvig like the hat is I think I think he’s back on like the third Notch it is so it’s so big for his head and it’s like can we just get him in a proper hat all the way down his ears out the end of the show like that is totally

The end of the show if we’re on the hat ring that ludvig is on we are out of content for who’s going to be the first golfer to wear one of those giant oversized hats the NFL guys like to wear Tom Kim Tom Kim

Hey s did did you have a comment on big tones outfit today yeah had like 16 different shades of blue on he came I told him I was like shades of blue I was like we can’t wear Nike anymore you know come by clean up my closet take all the

All the Nike stuff I have uh in there and and that’s how he got dressed this morning so can’t wear Nike anymore because you’re not woke uh that’s going to do it for Thursday live show be back Friday Saturday and Sunday uh like I said TC I

Will be out there with the wives tomorrow if you see us say hello looking forward to another sunny day in Pon ofra p man big Randy Cody thank you so much High Noon FootJoy we thank you everyone for tuning in live everyone for listening on the Pod uh we appreciate it

Got a brand new no Lup podcast channel uh we will put the link in the description I don’t think it’s up there just yet live as we’re on there but as soon as we are done here it’s going to be in there subscribe to that smash that subscribe button uh Neil is demanding

That we ask uh ask for that so uh thanks everyone for this thumbs up here too come on throw some thumbs on that I’m also receiving word that this Saw Grass commercial may be working too well the Jags have signed to Eric Armstead for my beloved Niners and he’s coming to uh you

Go ahead and get sou Cody thank you TC thank you good night we will back here tomorrow thank you


  1. Have you guys not been doing the Draft Kings thing this year??? I remember you did that every week last year. I chuckled at & enjoyed those.
    What gives?

  2. The fact they didn’t have a camera on that ball is incredible. Rory at the players championship with no evidence of where the ball crossed??? And it’s NBC’s biggest tournament of the year? Inexcusable.

  3. One could say you contradicted yourself on the score card DQ a few weeks back. Cameras and rule officials you say?

  4. TC doesn’t want to talk about Wyndham leading but has Tommy’s meat down his throat so far that I’m surprised he can breath.

  5. These nerds can debate all they want but everyone knows the sandwich king Tom Hoge is taking this.

  6. Man Soly just can’t admit Rory in the wrong. Like questioning your eyes? Definitely has Rory on a pedestal. Also let TC cook with the leaderboard. Didn’t talk about anyone besides the regular top guys. Give TC his own segment on the leaderboard.

  7. The fact Soly thinks he definitively knows it didn’t cover when nobody else there did is a bit nonsense too. Can you even see the line from 280 yards?

  8. I have to say, completely disagree with Soly and TC’s opinion on how the Rory drop went down. Soly could be no more sure the ball hit below the line than Rory and Harry were sure it hit above. As soon as he hit the shot Rory said “that hit above the line right” so he genuinely believed that. Rory wasn’t putting Viktor and Jordan in a bad spot, he was just giving his honest opinion whereas Viktor said he wasn’t sure, and Jordan said he didn’t even see anything and was just going on what others said (which is also hilarious considering he was annoyed at Radar for doing that very thing on 18).

  9. I was watching on sky and radar said he saw the one on 18 he was on the fairway surely closer than 280 from the tee. Also he said jordan got annoyed at him for it. The other one had a visible bounce up on tv .it could not have bounced that way if it hit below the red line

  10. Poa overseed is the reason for the soft greens, they have to keep them wet so they don’t die, THE WORST! Bay Hill and the stadium course have flipped, I don’t know why? Say no to Poa kids.

  11. Er, I'm not a golfer, but why not just use the water level as the line?. If it bounces or rolls before it splashes, then it has cleared!. Use a red line or posts to indicate a penalty area, but state that it's actually the water level which defines the boundary.

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